HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2023-02574_Well Construction - GW1_20230410 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD Far ltdarml use ONLY: This Conn can U:rtsad fits single or multiple{cells 1.Well Contractor Information: M WATER-ZONES Zach Thompson VROM TO DFSCRtIPTION We)t t ormrsctorlvame R. ft. 4478A ft. ft NC Well ConuaciorCcnification Number iS:OUTER CASING(roe eituhi4aiwA wills)OR LINER flf a••[lcabk FROM! I TO I DIAMETER I MICKOWS5 I MATERIAL SAEDACCO Inc 0 IL. 65 rL 2" im. SCH-40 . I PVC CauV;uty Name; ICINNER CASING OR 7 UBING •eathermA clasedaoa FROM TO DEOIETER I THICKNESS I M.111ElUAL 2.Well Construction riarruit#: R. ft, 1.l0 all omilcvibir.m-hpon aUE ff.r.Cowley,Sride,Variawe,11)tBrOCn Orr•.) - R. ft. ttn. 3,Welt use(check well use): 17:srt1E1 N --= — -.: Water Supply Well: - FROM TO DIAMETER sr•OTSin, THICKNESS I NrATRRTAI, Mgticult u it OhfunicipaMblic 65 ft. 75 R. 2" Im .010 SCH-40 PVC ®Gcothermal(Flcating,'Cooling Supply) ®Residential Water Supply(single) iT. I ft, ®industriallConuncrcial ®Residential Water Supply(sled) Tee GROUT = FROM TO NIATERMI. EHPtACEMEVTMEf110MAHOUNT ❑lrigation 0 ft. 55 fG Portland Injection Non-Water Supply Well: fG tL PaMonit6ring ❑Recovery Injecllon Weft: fG rL 0 Aguifcr Recharge QGFoundw:Rcr Reiltediation 19:SANDIGRAVEL PACK tit a dkAtite). FRONT •r(r MaTRittAL HMPIACr MENT MM11011 ❑Aquifer Storage acid Rccovciy ❑Salinity Baiiicr 60 ft, 78.5 ft. Filter Sand #2 ❑Aquifer Test ❑Slormwitcr.Uraitnafl ft. ft: ❑>:xpeiimental Technoto�' ❑Srthsidcncc Canirol for DRILL111 G1OG(attach additional shcels iritcccssari t OGeothetntal(Closed Loop) OTrdcer FROM TO DESCRIMON h'obr.hurduca w+il'nrektype,oWn*e.ttr) OGeothemial(HeatingrCoolineReturn) OOtller(explain under 921 Retuaft) 0 ft. 100 ft, Tan Silty Sand and Saprolite ft. fL 4.Date NWLI(s)Completed: 3/14/2023 WdtiD#PZ23-06 Sa.Nell I.ocatitrn: fL ft. li 'r _ Duke Energy ft. ft. 1 2h FacL1ity,0tvncr Numc Facility=-(ifapplixiblc) 253 Plant Allen Rd., Belmont, NC, 28012 . �'a•,.,L� Nlical Addt?ss.City.and Zip a3t:REM1fARKS' Gaston Bentonite Seal from 55+-601 and from 78'-100+ Ccumtl' Parcel 1dr.,dirk ition No,(PIN) Sb,lAtitude and I ongitndc in dcgrcexlminutcs/xconds or decimal degrees: 22.Certr£tc rtipw (If yell fntd,pile tablong is cidticicml) 35.1980 N -81.0110 IV /��V 3/18/2023 ` lgmture<ar cdtlrkd We Contractor Dale 6.Is(are)the{Sell(S}: EPermanent at L7Temporary Bysfgnbig rhir form,i hereby ceriifr rhau slip mellfsl tsva fxrrc)convinrcred tit mcor&nne• nirh 1501 A W 02C.01M or 1501 rYCAC 02C..02M)Well Constreacriwr Srarxia nts and r1ma a 7.Lv this•a repair to an a Ming hell: 7Vcc or MNte raps oJdiir rrrnni has fn cn�mvirteal ro thr rn*!1 rnrira r. !f thbs is a nlvtlr,fill air knfiim Iveff coru7riratan luformadon emd a plaht the moire of rite rejwir aralcr#21 remarks srcrian or mi die bark of this forirc 23.Site diagram or additional well details: you may use the back of this page to pro%i additional-well site details or welt 8.Nutnberof wells construeted: 1 coustmc[ioii details. You inay also altaeft additional pages if necessary. For mailrlrrlelrtfecrlai or Dori-barer suppJr nrlls Or�'LY.ndrh the s+riite tnrrstrucrlar,}'ou cna submit nn"jann. SUBMITTAL iNSTLiCTiONS 9.Total well depth beto{i land surface. 100 ((t,} 24a. For All NV014: Suhndl this form within 30 days of completion of will For rnrilriple wells list at depths bf difiveru fcr+mipre-3@200'aiu!2@ lfldl l constmction to the following: 10.Static water level below top of casing: (M) Division of Water R6uurces,Information Prueessing Unit, if nvirer level Is above casing,rise"+" I617 Mail Sen•ice Ceater,Raleigh,NC 27699-I617 11.Borehole diameter:8" (in) tab.Tnr iiileetion Mth.ONLY: 'In addition to sending the form to ilia address in 24a above.also submit a copy of this faro within 30 days of completion of wall 12.Well construction method:HSA eonstmctiou to the following: (i.c,auger.story,cable direct push.etc:) Division of Water Resources,Underground hijeeaion Control Program, FOR WATER SUPPLY\YELLS ONLY: 1636 Mitt Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1636 13a,Yield(gym) Method of test: 24c.For Water Su6,l &-injeetuan1wcils: Also submit one cop), of this form within 30 days of completion of 13h.Disinfection type. Amount:. wcli constriction to the coimty lie:ilth dcpanment of the county when: conMictcd. j Form MY-t North CarmlinaDep:nmemofEnviron ciaandNaturalResources-Division ofWateritmottces Revised August 2913