HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2023-02450_Well Construction - GW1_20230404 ... WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD(GW-I For Internal Use Only: 1.Well Contractor Information: K111' l(OS V►"1 id.WATER ZONES Well Centractorh`ama FROM TO I DESOUPTTOY ft, ft' 1 1769 3— (�I l q f. tt ry NC WVetl Contractor Certification Number . . \ I II-OUTER CASINGKormnttl•cased wells)O$LINNElk or: . y: -j TI Li ceevt I I ( PROM ft. TO DFA69Et THICSNESs< MATERIAL ftCompany Name I in. 16.INNfiR CASING ORTiIBING(geothermal elaseddooM 2.Well Conan uclion Permit if:(55— a0 0 a-- GYM(0 b .FROM , TO 1 DIAMETER 4 THICKNESS MATERIAL Lin all applicable well consiructian permits(i.e.FDIC.Comfy.Mate,Variance.etc.) 0 R• 021 It. Zr in Sb i2 2 1 PVC 3.Well Use(eiteck well use): ft. iu. t Water Supply Well: 17.tiCREEi1 I I 1 Agricultural FROM TO ft, DIMIS ER SLOTS= 1 TSICkaiESS MATF_RIAi OIvlu "tpmYPuhlir ft. in. ii,Geothermal(Heating/Cooling Supply) esidential Water Supply(single) ft. ft_ in_ *iIndustrial/Commerclet DIftesidential Water Supply(shared) w ilallri glen FROM TO- hfATERIaiL EMFLACEmFAT METHOD&MIMI' Nan•Wa&er&lim ;Well: (3 ft. a 6 ft. (i f t y l W eou12 �i Monitoring ecovcry On _ Indention Welle f}. ft. ati•. ifer Recharge EtGroundwaterRemediation ft. S. 111•quifer Storage and Recovery 0Salinley Barrier I4 SAND)GSAVELPA k: ttfagpl�aBlr} 6Roar TO 3Ih1E8L1E ElIPLACE1IE.krMETHOD it'quifer Test DSturmwaterDrainage it. ft. *Experimental Technology ()Subsidence Control ft. ft. It Geothermal(Closed Loop) OTracer 20 DRILIINGLOGisitechadditionalsteels trnesessary) - • *Geothermal(Heatin./Conlin Return) it Other(e ,lain under#2iReatarks) 4I it Oa • a I ev of_pEsCxttrrto�tt�tm;traiansaurtv:ltie.aretns;u.�ct Ok,cr-j t o rcto 1'1 4.1)ate Wehl(s)Completed: 3-a 3-0 3 Well IMP rQ 1 a' 1005 G•1 ar0.i1,1•-2 Se.Well Location: ft. ft. Jess Sl.evhere7s1 pobirI- SoLt.l2 ft. cc SuctlitylOwueeName FaeluityID (if applicable) ft- fr. 1--- i; n�s.-a �:` fiT ss.3 _ �.. I alto I=orcj Cire..a� nv Mt1IS River a81t S ll. . _ Physical Address,City,and - t4rEp r t it ft. APR` +� 2a�s .t- rtf) arson Gioaco I (o3v-1S— 21.E .., . 7.r::1 Urn: County Parcel identification No.(PIA ry`d a 5b.Latitude and longitude in degreeslminutestseconds or deeimnl degrees: (Jr well field,one tatilong is sufficient) ?Z Certification: ,35° act 42•-50932-6 aN jf2" 31 ' i0. oleli003" W - . 2. 3-23 - 23 6.s(are)the well(s) ermr}nent or �ITemparary Sigirature o€Csnificd Well Contractor Date By signing lair farm,I hereby certijp that the tiell(s)was(were)coilvmeted in accordance 7.Is this a repair to as coasting well: CiYes or o with I5A NCAC a2C Mali or 15ANCA 02C.0200 IVeil Construction Standards and that a Irthis it a repair..fitt out known well cans:ruetian infasmutton andecptaiu the nature.of the COpy aftltfsreenrd has been provided to the treJl owner. repair under 021 remarks section oranthe frackofthisform. W.Site diagram or additional well details: it_Par Co/spraho/OPT or Closed.Laop Geothermal Wells having the ulnae Your may use the cinch of this page to provide additional well alto clowns or wall comsttmctlon.only 1 CY1-1 is needed.Indie=TOTALNuriIm of wens construction deans.You may also attnchadditrotfal pages rFaeecsaary. drilled: SUBMITTAL iff%IBTRUCTIO 9.Total well depth below land surface: I DOS 014 24a.Far All Wells: Submit this farm within 30 days of completion of well multiple welts tin all depths ifdt7jaent(example-3@200'and 2 111,9) construction to the following: IQ.Static router level below top of casing: 1 0 O 9 (ft,) Division of WaterResources If water let-el is abase casing,use"+" ,Information Processing Unit, - 1617 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC 276991617 Ii.Borehole ditnmeter: lD ZS (in.) 2db.For Infection Welts: In addition to sending the form to the address in 24a Li.Well construction method: OZO12— above,also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well (.e.auger,mtuty,cablc,dtia-t push,aG) euu5[inC60u lithe following: FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS c ONLY: Division of Water Resources,Underground Injection Control Program, 1636Mull Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699 I636 13a,Yield fgpm) t) Method of test: (1 1° . 24c.For Water Suppyly&Infection Wells In addition to sending the form to the address(es) above,also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of 13b.Disinfection type: 1,1 I 61 Autouatt VI.I ck completion of well construction to rile county health department of the county where constructed. I