HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2023-02437_Well Construction - GW1_20230404 • '' �� 'RESIDENTIAL WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD j . -- -• North Corollas Department o€ vaat�RandrlanaralR -Divisi�ofWatsrQu�ty 1.- ' WELL CONTRACTOR CERTIFICATION# a• � la- J4 1.WLa.L CONTI ACTOlb d.Top of Gam is 1 1/ Fr Above Lend&dace k n. Ph :il; S/ ;it% 1Top of d attar bare land surface may rye a variance in accordance teeM)15A NCAta2C.0118. . Wen Ozed arthr(Ia eeklhral)I�as,itt e.YIELD(Spin): 3 C METHOD OF TEST A 474,7 t9 r lA://v Ste+:f� ideal ed. .2-C•Lc. L _-iype # `Tf/ Arnow* 2 eEApS Wentorstractur Mnswy Name STREET ADDRESS ak. .+1.a.t.zJ lege g. INKIER ZONES(depth): From /}H To /`./5 From • To c-/t.,ell n h /'1 G. .7-7Ggt-7 From 1'D To IV .From To OW Toam State Zsp Code Fmm o To al • From To Areaaxle- Phone numbernumber��-3� V yZ/ 7. CASING: Depth Diameter Ttu� Material �� 2.W INFORMATION: F O To 9) Ft, 6'i'' -Si)1 gZ.1 ,�`!e- i� SITE TE WELLWELL ID Sriapp6catte) From To Ft WELL CONSLRtICi'EDN Paulti 3apprzahlel d Sr P From * To FL OTHER ASSOCIATED PERMIT trtifappRooW ,, "'RCM Material Method 3.WELL USE(Check A Ole Box) gU fkrictpaliPulfal IndusbialiCommerciati D From 0 To a-0 ' FL PP kbAaped Irrigation] OtherG (ON ttse) pr aee'S 7�'C. F�___TO FL 'K f i)p rtS ' DATE DRILLED 3.-1(s�- -7-3 From To FL c/ TIME COMPLETED `V: `-/ MOshe kes 9- SCREEN: nit, Diameter Slot see Material 4.WELL LOCATtCNI: To uh. CI1YJ 14 vv toa, i SO let COUNTY `r From To in. In. //0 O &A b r.YP� l�d. � �5 7 " From To FL in. In. (Stud Nta os.Numbers.Coramimily.Sulrfutzion.LotNa.Meet.Tr9Code) ELL SAMlGRA1lEL PACK: TOPOGRAPHIC I LAND SETTING DepthSize Material D Shope 13 WWI D FdaVB'itlrlge U Other Ema4 To 1 £ FL (chock ? Maybe in filirces. From To '� Ft LATITUDE• /1-1�v a'6' ' 6.La' mints,seconds or __ TO FL LONGITUDE L✓Lae o3. Sot`f inadecimalformat From • Latitudellongit Latitude/longitude soimce ciPS ® Topographic maap I1.DRILLtiiG LOG n Damon Meehan oft must shown on a USGStap e imp and From To � �� •attacherltoiMisruarffantusng.GPS) 0 - ,s-- O 0 r0 col,. Sc-is, Sa- k4 /3r-P.✓, c5e,A,et' 6ra-,/c. 5.FACILITY-bum rarnrr taeraa rt erraisb S( fa". ;G -Z z G f� 1C j . FACILITY ID Ofapp .%) . - NAME OFFACILITY 'A' • , , • ` F ,• xa 11 _ i,. STREET ADDRESS . APR J 4. 2023 City orTown A State • , " �P .-,,, . ,--, .),----•..,.. 2I In*; E�:- CONTACT PERSON 0 o , 1.11 c ��`� c;���.�ti: • MAIUNEADD /6, S D /� o/�e-5 ke e- . IA a if: � �R f'1 C. .2 7z)2 12. : 70 QV orTown State Zp Code . - (iiiiP 1- 22.8 /s- zz . Area code-Phone number s.WELL DETAILS: 5A HEREBY CERTIFY IPMS con ANCE vmi ; CONSTRUCTION THIS aa.TOTAL DEPTH: ,2 s RECORD HAS -ao a. D E WW.L.RACES W L YESU NO% _ -/4-z C.WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: Fr- SIGNATURE OF WELL CONTRACTOR DATE (Use-4.-IfAbove Top of Casing) • (}��.//./9 �vrl. c4 1, - PRINTED F PERSON CONSTRUCTINGTHEW2.L • Submit the original to the Dbrialon of Viktor Quality vAlliln 30 days. Awn infoInisaliOD FWD FotmGW-1b lea Moil Service lamer-Raleigh,ITC 271;99-1617 Phi No.(919)733-701S ext Seti. Rew.12107