HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2023-02139_Well Construction - GW1_20230303 r I I ALL CONSTRUCTION RFCORD(OW-1) For Internal Use Only_ - 1.Well Contractor Information: Pat!71'�� � /t b �(a:r��j 3.4.WATER$O1�S WelI ConuactorName kROpbi O II DESCREMON ft_ 4L C( nCG / (�7 4�}�� t rc ;tt i'.j NC1VellConbmctorCefificationNumber �,( l 15.017TLRdAS1IdG fnrmul&ctsed;vells MINIS ]IcahIe I ' I IY f.�( i�j TRORr O DIAMETER TffiMI'IPSS MTERUL ! j I P Y �p {•I in. (AO Com an Name rmal rj 16.IL��RC&,SInTt;OItTQEIp1G. eoureclosed-Ioo i 2.Well Construction Permit#: (8 FROM ir0 DrAbEE M THICKNESS VIATERL4L List all appEcable nvil constructionpe airs(i e,(IIG CaUnW,Stare,Variance,etc) I 3.Well Use(chedt-well•use): ft, I ft in I Water Supply WeIL- i7.S9&EN - A GtIItLTal FROM TA! DIAMETER SLOT SIZE TSICrCt[ESS MATER al/l'ublic it ' fL is f V Geothermal(Reating(Cooling Supply} esidentlai-Water Supply(single) I ft in. Iudustrial(Commercial OResidential Water Supply(shared) Irri flan N.lY1LOFIT FROM tro, I 1vraTrrrrnr EMPLACENEIt'TIYIETHOA&A4f LVoD-r ater Supply Well: rt 0 IL P C J la O� e Monitoring Reecovery iL I ft. trajection Well: I 3 AguiferRechazge �Groundwaterl2emediation sr. 11SAND/GRikVEL PACK'Ctfa ncable Aquifer Storage and Recovery El&alinityBarrier FROM TO MATERIAL EMYLACII1tEfyTMETH01; Aquifer Test .; StomwaterDrainage ff. Experimental Technology OSubsideuce Control ft I it ;`Geothermal Closed Loo p)Op) fQlTiaeer 20.331ilLLINGLOG(atfaehaddifioaarshcetsifnecessa ) —)Geothermal(Heating(CoolingRebam) - Other(expiainunder#21 Remarks) I WDN To nESCRiPTiori(cosac.>,arauess soar[n�c ty G"tarn 5rza a ft Reid ft. e l , 4,Date Well(s)Completed: 22 WeUEM S eU Lccation: 2 ft. au-v Mr ram• 1 ' ft. I ft FacilitylOwnerName f FacilityID#(ifappllcable) ft I ! ft Physical Address,City,and tip fl: I it. ,. CountY�— ParcelIdentriieationTlo.(PIN) MAR r LJ 5b.Latitude and longitude in degrees/mimtes/seconds or decimal degrees: j (ifwell field,got:lattlong is"f5cient) 22.Certificat;a ljr;i 6.Is(are)the well(s) — Permanent or E3Temporary SigntmeofiCeriffed.WeUGATractor Date By signing this Jl orm,I hereby certify that the tvetl(s)war(were)constructed in ace 7.Is this a repair to an wdstingwell: Oyes or o ivitlr 15ANCACI01C.0100 or 1SAIVU-C 02C•0200 Well Construrflon Standards ar, IJlhis Is a repair fdt out let?wn hell co-ir=iion iitformotiott and explain the Ila[—ofthe wjV ed[lr reco has beenprovided to the well owner. j repair vnder A21 remarks section or on[fie back afthisform 23.Site diagn in or addifional well details: 3.For Geoprobe/DPT or Closed-Loop Geothermal Wells having the same You may use h6 back of this page to provide additional well site details construction,only 1 OW-1 is needed. Indicate TOTALNMaER ofwells construction d tails.You may also attach additional pages ifnecessary, drilled: SUBNIMAI INSTRUCTIONS P 322� ft. 9-Total well depth below land surface: ( ) 24a. For All ells: Submit this fomt within 30 da s of completion FormultiplewelLslistall depths ifdperent(example-3Q200'artd2Q100) constmctioutc hefoltowing: y p 0.Static water level below top of casing: �a (ft) Di I ion of Water Resources,Information Processing ITDii; f uvrer level is above casing,use 1617 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1617 11.Borehole diameter: 24b.For Iui ltfon Wells: In addition to sending the form.to the address t �� above;also submit-one copy of this form within 30 days of completion .12.Well construction method: r (` I consttnclioato the following: i I ! (.e.nuger,rotam cable,direetpusk ere-) ! Divisiono RTaterResources,YTndergroundNectionControlProgr FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 636 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1636 13a.Yield(gpm) LS )Method of test: t 24c.For Water Sunniy&Iniection Wells: In addition to sending the: d the address(es) ibovc,'also submit one copy of this form withifl 30 c 13h.Disinfection type: Amount: J lY completion of well construction to the coup heah I ! where construe h`health deparnnent o£the i I i'