HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2023-02128_Well Construction - GW1_20230303 '�I I -WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD(O� 1� � I - Forlrtttem i Use only: I.Well Contractor Information: I -Plow L 0, :de t Well ContractorName MOM r DESCRn'1ION NC Well Contractor Certification Number `ZV IL ft J 1S OEITEItCASSNG farmat&�sedwetis OR7NER m licabIa �� I j r f j BSI bT TQ DLl11fETER T$iC[{NPSS MATERIAL Company Name fE: i in. 16. stC G ORTE7SING. thermaldosed-Ioo ) !_ 2.Well Construction permit#:-.)CI G2Z �xoxt Tp nrs,Mt i�E TmexNEss 9IATERL4L Ust all applicable will constractionpetmfts(l a Eft,Count};Strag Yntiance etc.) I ft. in, 3.W811 Use(Che&wefl Rse): ft. Wafer-Suupiy Well: 17.SCREEN I i Agricultural FROM TO SpTSJZ s MATER tetpal/Public ft. I ft. in Geothermal(Heating/Cooling Supply) Rcsidential-W2ter Supply(single) fE. I it in. Industrial/Commercial OResidential Water Supply(shared)fi itl.GROIIT I IlL-Wat n FROM TQ rtreTt uric IENPLACFN�NT fYI HOD&AM l�ton-�WaterSugply Well: iG -MonitoeMg Recov ft kiection Well: ' LAquifer er Recflaz e I ft S E3CaoundwaterRemediation er Storage and Recovery (Salmi BarierF! TO MATEMAL EMPLACL•it mrmETROE Test E3&DmtvaterDrainage ftitmental Tecbnology Oftbsideuce Control it I ftermal(Closed Loop) OTzacer 20.MU19NGLOG fattish additional sheets r-tneceermal(Pleating/CoolmgRetum} 0ther(explainunderk2lRemarks FROM � nESCatt�T[oN[cotor.bacaoess snarrocht �rtn5 it: i Z. it. d � �i-� Sad 4.Date WeIl s Co leted:q'-Z2_2� 1115 1c� firm} () mP Welllgl# 7� ft ( it Sa.WeRLocation: ft. S'05CAn 13 Mlcr Facility/OwnerNamc /n� -- f - r 7F^acilitgIIJ#(ifappGca6fe} I ft 1 "lr l i�S Lf' �1`C3T tJ 50.2fiq�P ft I ft Physical Addtcss,City,and Zip ii: I it e- — 13 jqq 13G-01a r.xl;,r�ttxs it County . Parcel IdentificalomNo.(PIN} 5b.Latitude andlongitude in degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees: I [ifwc116c[d,��fRangissullicie>rt) - Z2.Certifieaff 3c.3 7-1 813353 _ 9--22-2Z 6.Is(are)thewetl(s)ePermauent or OTemporary SiEnaoneofCerefied.Wel[Gd t- ctor Date By slgnPng this fo�,!hereby certfy!fiat tie iirII(r ivar 6vare)constricted in ace 7.Is this arepair to an mistingivell; E2-1--es or ON with ISANCAC82C-0100 or ISANC,(C 01C-0100 WPJI Corzrtniction Standards w. IJ'this tsa reaatr,j3ft out larawn well consttuelionlnformtufonand explain the nanhre ofMe copy oftlhisrerar$hasbePtrprovidedto t(renelf mvner repairvnderf21 remarks section or on the back ofthisform. 23.Site diagra I or additional well details: S.For Ge oprob e/D11--i or Closets-Loop Geothermal Wells having the same YOU may use the back of this page to provide additional well site details construction.only I CWr--1 is needed. Indicate TOTAL NUMSP.R ofwells construction detains.You may also attach additional pages ifnecessary. - drilled: -o SiFSMITTAL INSTP.UCTFOPIS j 9-Total well depth below land surface. ( ) I 24a.For All Wells: Submit this foam within 30 days of completion. For m altipleivellshstalldepthsifdfferew(ecarnple-3@200'and2Q1 00) COnStiuctiontot(3efO110WIng y p i 10.Staticwater level below tog of casing; '!tarter level is above casing use-_^ (0 ( Divisaan ofl Pifer Resources,Information Processing Unit, ,I 7 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1617 i 11.Borehole diameter. (� ! /n� R 2fib.For Inlet Pion Wells: In addition to sending the fotm.to the address 12.WeIlconsfraeflon method:l7 1 !{GG�ti �0v� oue copy of this form within 30 days of completion s.e.av construction to tltd foIIowinp ' f Re,rotary,cab!,daectpash,etc.} - I Division ofl'ater Resources,Underground ection Control Pro r FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS OPILY: 1636IV3ail Service Center,Raleigh,NC 276991,636 g 13a.Meld(gpm)5r Method of test:Af r {-►Fr 24a For Wate I SIMIDIV&In'ection Wells: In addition to sending the: i the address(es) afiovc, also submit one copy of Plus form Zvitltin ail c ! 13b.Ilisinfeetian type: Amonnt: Oz completion of veil construction to the county health department of the Where conshacte