HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2023-02100_Well Construction - GW1_20230307 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD(GW 11 For internal Use Only: !_'__., 1.Well Contractor Information J a.M iSrn �7Li Occh i4.WATER ZONE Wall CoturactarNamo ROM ' TOC I SEMPTION 146q'3_ C i air ft- 34o ylb (All 1-611e:) N WefContrarterCettideatiaaHumber ' 29t R' .3tea �/� �-� 1S vgTBR Ce!&Mfrormuld weal°RUINER Mohave) (2k_4.-Q ) See tit•C S i I h C . PROM „ TO DL M ER !ffiCHNESS MAMMAL fL rt. in. 1 Comp any Name '16.I NERC1 SING°BRIBING(geothermalclosed•002)_ . 2.Well CClletru (}11i1 Permit I DO S.3 PROM TO DIA M111 I,THICIpitia9 MATERIAL Lill all applicable all conslructioapermits fi.e WC.Canny.Stale.Varian etcl b fi. 1 g6 tt• it,.2.' ill. S•)gZ2I P V C. . 3.well Use(cheek well use): ft. FL in. ' Water Soppy Welk IT.titF gtleultural -FROM To DL1MMER morst� Trilei Ess MATERIAL� II1ctpaNPablio It: It, in. - ' ft. . Gcatltcrmnl(Heatin JCootingSupply) Residcatial�YatcrSttppip(single) . Industriel/Cotnmereint °Residential Water Supply(shared) :l&GSoir ii11 &loll PROM To- NIAT RlAt, E�teI.AC.is�.IL�T11�ixoDdc.umU7r 1Vou•WaterSuppiy well: CD Da �• efein tk r�oL4 K _ Monitoring Oftecovcry ft.Infection Well:: sat 'fur Recharge DGroundwaterRcmcdiaiion Ft. ft - quiferStomge and Recovery 0/SalinityBarrier eno nmP atnttahiel Aquifer Test OSttoln1watcrDtainage It ft. taw >?net act tt>�rrderrnoD perimentat Technology ()Subsidence Control 1't. It. Gcothclmal(Closed Loop) • Grunter ZD.DIiff.I.II�IGLONfathtcl�addittotmlr fttne tney� _. - _. __......_ Ctcothetmal(Hcatiag(CoolingRelum) Oiher(explainunder lRemarIts) `FROM i- TO o aeltrnrloN(caleLattlsns.curtorkniet�insize.ara . a 1 ara f3• ►eu l lye ____d.,eh 4.Date Well(s)Completed: 2-1 22 well wit I dD ft' NZS R'_ G rq n! }'-� 5a.Well Location; Et. ft. • Rot►A101 Far►ioy+t"fi cc. PncllityfoweerName WO* le- FacMtylD@(aapplIcable) ft. 14 4 Cater Creek ROI i Lth,on *ills _28 t(,1 tt: _ Physical Address,City,undZip SC It. 4g—i; �--�� _Alt.1 ^erf.fYCk. lt,5,1-18 in al.aatls County Parcel Identil'icati4aNe.(PJ 5b.Latitudeand longitude is degrees(minnteafseconds or decimal degte (If well field.one Womb suEficteat) n: 3 S° 361 MI."43 6.1,L tN Ti't %' ri.lst airU 'I l Or "`.:, D—Q- 23 &Is(ere)the well(s) manent or CilTempararg Signanito°Mollified Well Contractor Date 9y slgihing thirform.I hereby cen((F thin the weft)was(were)cwwsarted in aerardonee Y.Is this a repair to an existing well: Yea or No kith ISANCACO2C m000r ISANCAC 02C.MZao Well Caaseruaisa Standards and ter a trails iv a roper-fill orn knoe...e.1I r rya m,t.,fmmartoa m rapc.fa rlre rmrmrof he cu O'edi"[wrdMc been Prrn hd fw the..en"Knee- repair underii21 remark sseetlonaronthebark rldrjohln_ 23.Situctinarmnoradditional well&toast (Lifer Caoprobe/D1YP or Closed-Loop Cc' olhaerosot WelsBaviog Thu moo Yoe row use the back or this page to provide additional well abe demons or wen conauuullon,play 1 OY1-IIsneedcd.Indic=TOTALIIIMIRER oi'wells aoacnucsioadenne.You zany also math additional moo ifaeeewery. drilled: t Stnalva rAL�CTRUCI7ONe 9 Total well depth belovrlan$sorFat:et "1'Z Formal:IA wells-Ha all depths{('�fenatt(.•.nmr►„3 l2pp, pp1 t ') con. nt Welts: Submit this foie within 30 days of completion of well construction 10.Smile water level below top of casing: I CAD (ft.) Dlpis treaterlkvrl is abase erasing,use"+ ian of all WaterService Resources,Information Pa�oeessiag Unit, ILBoreholediameten co 0 Z� (to.) 1617 Center.Raleipb,NC276994617 n 24b.�r Tl_eetion Wells: In,addition to sending the form to the address in 24a .wen construction method: G C O�-01 Y`/ about.aloo submit nnc copy of Ms IOIm Within 3D days of completion of well 12 ( augtr.ro[ery,cabl�daoctpush,txt) I - CDDSIIIICli011MUMrelining: FOR WATER SUPPLY WELis ONLY: Division of Water Resources,Underground Ittjeclion Control Program, 16365fall SalibaConter,Rateigh,NC276994.636 13a.Yield(gpm) Method of tesfi et I, C niel in u2 24e. 9 ly&Id et lis; J ��----�---�� In addition to sending the form to 136.nisit:€cction type: C.411 Or i it�Q Amatmq s the address(es) above,also submit one Copy of this form within 3D days of CtIflICiCtiOII oven iJttttlrnetinrt m dui n.a,.,,,,t.d,rti t—_-___..