HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2023-02063_Well Construction - GW1_20230303 I } VTLL t(o sn cTjoN R-E 70 internal Use Only_ - - li r 1.Well Contractor information: :IiI!!! �t7i� 1'j��eJ1Q9 14.wERZ(JNF� ill Well Contractor Name EtOM TO: DESCRIPTION IL� tw NCNVeHContractorCertifiicationNumber I is.©UTM-CA ING for mut&-ctsed Wells)OR1;INER tin licabie L' J 1�1 TRODT TO 1 DIAMETER TFfCCICiLrSS MATERIAL CompaayName ft ia. tic, b C, pp 1fi,IR'NSRC GORTUDING{eothermalclosed-loo ) 2.Well Construction Permit - L �.,�3 FROM xo n rAMMTR TSICIaMs MATERUL Lira all applicable trell construction permUs(j,e.UIC Counts;State Var mice,etc.) ft, I ft. in. I I 3.W11 Use(cheaMeli use): ft Water Supply Well: 17.SCREEN I FROM TO DIAMETER SiATSJ� TJU(�SS MATPR AgdculTM,*atnm blfc ft I ft. is II Geothermal(Heating/Cooling Supply) ' " csldentfal•3Milater supply(single) Industrial/CommercialQlResidential Wat terSupply(Shared) I8.GROAT j:` ft in. Tm Lean Non-Water Supply Well: FROM ft MAT�L EMPLACEWNT n�OD&AM v I MonituJiDg QiRecovery t4 I ft ft. li ection Well: fA ft. LAquifer erRecharge �GrotmdwaterRemediation er Storage and Recovery �'^—�Salmi Bauier 3ANDIGRAVEL1'ACii(if a &cable lei ty JrRODr TO MATERIAL EWLAMTMT MET1rOL Test �ISto>mwaterDrafnage ft,mentalTechnology 0subsideucecontrol fL ftermal(Closed Loop) 0Tzacer 20.DRILL-INGILOG(attach additional sheets iinecessa ermal(Heating/CoolingRetum) - Other(explainunder#21Remarks) I FROM TO DESCRIPTION[color,hardness,s-19rech tyn a grain size; 4.Date Well(s)Completed: ��rl WeUM# ft. Q ft. 5a.WellLocation: ft 19-C N-Y ll y rt: � �,•ff �K-rl�, Facility///O��wncrNamc FacilltyED#(ifapplicable) ft.• I — q—'L,29 L--ZVNL LOI//GS- A 7 f di ,d Physical Address,City,and Zip ft EIS G►e- x1.REICTA1iKsNUAR J Ceunty . Parcel Identification.No.(PIN) I ------ 5b.Latitude and Iongitude in degreesimmultes/seconds or decimal degrees: O O% a 7 ifivell field, lat/laa(- CIS CIiJJ]CICAr) - i i •� Z2.Cer0CatiOl'• r, ""c N W 6.ls(are)the well(s) ermanent or 0Temp0rary Sigaatme offer- e4well -d cmr paw I By signing this form;I hereby certify that the ittll(r)ivor(were)constmeted in nce j 7.3s this a repair toaneristingwell, 13yes or No witGISINCRCOW.OL00orISANCRCDIC•020D Well CortstrtictionStandardror, if this.isareoaerfdlrrur known ivellcorutntelioainjormntion and expkrinrlre native oftlie CopyOfIhIs car hosbeenpravidedtorhervellmmer. repay[•under 121 remarks section or on the back ofthisfarm. 23.Site diagra or additional well details.- S.For Geoprobe/DPT or Closed-Loop Geothermal Wells having the same You may use the back of this page to provide additional well site details consuuction,only i GAT%-1 is needed- Indicate TOTAL NUMBER ofweUs construction details. You may also attach additional pages ffnecessary, drilled: p�'l SOBMITTAL INSTRUCTIONS 9-Total well depth below land surface: A/ I ' p depths rf iffy (example- �LOD3 (ft.) 24a.For All Wells: Submit this fo>?n within 30 days of completion Forrnu/ti le welts list all d the'di rent3 00-and 2 COnStrUCtiOntoIn ejfollowing: b 10.SfaSewater level below top of casing : (ft) DivisofWaterResources Information Processing[hJi 'Iftrater level is above casing,rue"�•" i g t, 1&7IVMa17 Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1617 11.Borehole diameter: (in.) 24b.For Iniection Wells: In addition to sendfug the form-to the address li d ril QC above,also submit-one copy of this form within 30 days of completion i .I2.Well construction method: i i y tnp {I' Cie-auger,mtary,cabl,d metpush,etc_} constractionto d}e folioWing I I FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY Division of water Resources,ITndergrouadlnjectiou Control Progr 1636 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC 276994.636 13a,Yield S I i igP m) / Method of test: At 24c.For Water ISuDDIy&Tniectfon Wells- In addition to sending the: 13b.d)fsinfeeti°n e. the addresses) above, also submit one copy of this form vvithit<30 t type: Amount: completion of well construction to the county health department of the t j where coostruc