HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2023-01748_Well Construction - GW1_20230223 WELL CONSTRUCTION RtCORD or multiple ForInterim Usu ONLY: 'This fonn cen be used for single walls " I 1.Well Contractor Informatiou: Mitchell Dean Gook _ _F _ROM TO `DESCRIPTION Well Contractor Name, t •fG y ft, 2043 A —rr. rt. NC Well Contracror Ccnificetion Number E15oOU7`NRf(ti'`tiYIVCr.,fbYrmulfi5c38ed_{_ S FROM TO DIAMRTF:R TFIICKNESS MATERIAh, ''�-- Dennis Holland Well Drilling, Inc. •rt 'ETE _ — -- Company Name �1'.6•INN�ItY,r�S'iNli,��.f,'BIJCiIIV�:.(ge'of�e•mel'clo�icd�lii� 'i`;"ref FitOM_ TO-� DIAMETER THICKNESS MATF.RfAL_ _ 2.Well Construction Yerufit N: CS.;2�•'� � 0 ___ r If. r ft, �r in. List all applicable well pernn0s(i.e..County,State. Variance,injection.etc) �_.._._ ._ _. __v_ -1 ^— / Loy-' T Use c ): ) I ft. tt11 4 s ft. 3.Well (check well used Water Su tl Wc1P — — ( EifVi- _ �::..•,;;::...:.:: _.:: > PI Y FF7OM _ TO _ D1AN1 ETt:R _SLnT 417.E THICKNKSSMATERIAL•_ I'_lAgnctdtural C]Municipal/Public ❑Geothermal(lieating/Cooling Supply) Uh169fidential Water Supply(single) ft.���—ft. _ in.: ❑Industrial/Cot `1...`" nmcrcial �.sRhU.Ts''• ["IReside:ntiul Water Supply(Shared) •� :�:>' "`Lss•:.:a.':`��r .... ...:::...e:. .:.:::: is>f_;;::;;:.,�.:'-:;:,=< _FROM_ TO_,. MATERIAL F.MPLACEMF,NTMF,THO�t &Afv10UNT F0Aqui'i'fvr er Supply Well: d_ ____ - �2`dr! -,�cr-e.�. �f (:JRecovcryWell:Recharge ❑Groundwater Remediation :1:4z SANIS%GkAVFi,`?PpGlf:if+e"i" ClAquifer Storage and RecoveryFROM — TO ---�� MATERIA I._ � —EMPLACEMENT MET1101) ❑Sultrily Barrier fr. _ �^fr. _ IJAquifer`Vast 08tormwater Dnuinago ClExperimentul'I'ech»ology ❑Subsidence Control mat(Closed r+2Q,3llRt(�,��'IJYtyllsn:(' k 1_ .diillibgelrsli'eof'e'i n:'e:95a ; 'r _ 00cother FROM _ T ( f1 iy t•rs'<::'. :.:%:r:' �._:' ' L,OOP) ❑'1'rnccr 0 UF:,tiCRIP'TION�oloherdara�soWrockinnrain sin cto y., (GGothermal Hearin Cooling Rclunt) C)Other(<:x)Iain.tmdci Remarks ft. ft. 4.Date Well(s)Completed:,d 3 Well lI)H� _.._.__.— _ Sa.Well Location: ft •__— -_ft ^_�Z���d .GL�.._...•._-...._.. Vl+rtrbr'S� _.. __ T ft. —....__._.ft. ....... .. �._,n di Facility/( nrorNarne Facility ID#(ifopplicable) --__rr_.^__.__,_.__ft. j_LrTt _..__ vfr:r�f'A t^ Physical Address,City,anti Zip i'r2i:i1LE�INA'1Z12 �._..._�a-rF,: -�•:-..,--•-• �-r--;-^t-••-•..^r•.,.--_.�.�._.. Cotmty Pnrccl identification No.(PM) 5b,Latitude nod Longitude In degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees: 22.Certification (il'svell Geld,one latlorrg is sufficient) N _K' c G aC ..ASS �1�� -- =1�`�_-I a 3 Sigunttre ofCeniGed Well contractor Date G.is(are)the wcll(s): Qlmauent or• C71'empor'ary 0y signing dds form, I hereby rectify that the well(s)erns(were)constructed in acrurdnncr. with 15A NCAC 02C.0100 or IJA NCAC 02C.07.00 Well Construction Standards and tint a 7.Is this a repair to an existing well: CJYcs or XXT copy oj'this record has been provided to toe.well owner. If flits is a repair,fill out known svrll construction information and explain the nana•e.of the. repair under#21 remarks.reetion or air the back gfrhisform. 23.Site diagram or additional well details: You may use the back of this page to provide additional well site details or well 8,Number of wells constructed: consliurtion details. You may also attach additional pages if necessary. For multiple injection or non-u'amr supply wells ONi.P with fire sanre constriction,you can subunit one form. SUBMITTAI,fNSTUC:TIONS ------------ 9.Total well depth helow land surfare: 'G� ___(ft.) 24a. I+or All !Veils: Submit this)iota within 30 days 01'completion of well Fo•multiple wells list all depths tf(iifferent(example-3@200'arrd 2@100') construction to the following: 10.Static water level below top of easillg:T, 1 „____ _•(ft.) Division of Water Resources,luformation Processing Unit, lfsvaterlevel is above rasing,use 1617 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1617 I I 11.BoreholeBoreholediameter: 6„ 24b. for Lljecljgn Wells ONLY: Ini addition to sanding the Form t0 the address in Rotary 24a above., also submit a copy of'thi's fonn within 30 (lays of completion of well 12.Well construetiou method: __T _— construction to life following: i (i.e.auger,rotary,cable,direct push,etc.) Division of Water Resources,junderground Injection Control Program, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELT S ONLY: —�-- 1636 Mail Service(.enter,Raleigh,NC 27699-1636 13a.Yield(gpm). Me r. Air lift 24c.For Water Sit )ly Rc Injection Wells: /...=�.._.___._._—. thod of test:-__•__•,_•__�._._.___ Also submit one copy of this fonn within 30 days of completion of 13b.Disinfection type: H & H Amouut:.. 2 OZ. well construction to the: county hei lth department of the county where constructed. Forst CiW-I Noilh Carolina Deparlment ofl?nviromnent anti Natural Resources-•Division of Water R'osourcos Revised August 2013 Macon County Public Health NEVVVVELL CONSTRUCTION PRIVATE DRINKING WATER WELL Potmil Conditions MallItaill M111111111,1111 setbacks as applicable. ` . Oia0rmn (Not hoScale) -- — —_ Pk This permit Is valid for a period of five years 111"It It In.,)y bil fovokixj at:nly"11111a If It 1�,de"armilwo(Nitthoro haf,,:een a materlo,cnanov,in any ract or orcunittance upon wmcii wo permit I!,,ltz;ued, weii lo<ation,im,.talkidon,Lind prot,.,cuor,fntj!.t rnect"Ahtf.rej)(011tiowi.71111 yk!ll thlill IY,-InspMed and approved by macen cotinty Put)!Ic Health bef*e It is plit Into t1se. 111,2 location of the wall in(PaIN'd by N011 I,.,to pivvldo p.,oto-von from pozibio sources oecontamination. t-*icAv yownw.(well yield)Is NOT A WELLHEAD COMPLETION INSPECTION MUST OE APPROVED BEFORE FINAL POWER {SGRANTEDp_OTHE WELL lS PLACED lNlD SERVICE. PLEASE SCHEDULE A WELLHEAD INSPECTION AFTER PUMP lNSm ION. QUESTIONS?(828)349-2490 Issue Date: 2��_ -- ` ' 5nta/go�/