HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2023-01514_Well Construction - GW1_20230209 • -•:_--Priflt�F WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD (G%1) For Intemal Use Only: 1.Well Contractor Information; l Russell Taylor 1 14.WAT&BZONES 1 FROM TO I i DESCRIPTION Well Cam c:orName i� ft• I 93— 8 2187-A , NC Well Contractor Cation Numbs 11S.dtJTEFt CASIlVG for melee-ez+ad Wells 08L1TIER(!4 I Hedden Brothers Well Drilling, InG FRoaI Tar D1,01 rm THICICaM blATtRuu. Company Name 1 A�J n 16.INNER CASING OR TUBING ermai dosed-lao 1.Well Cetlsiaacdon POrtalt r: oq®°`!i CXcal F' FROaf Ta I a11,513tBR 7x1t;TL M DIATSM& Litt all ap#1wble rlrll mau ruc9an permits(,a WC,Cotenty,State Variance,etc.) !a- . 188 3.Well Use(checkwcll use); [Industriol/Commercial CRM Supply WeII: FRo4II o I DWIEM sLOTSIZE TMCFLOMS E]MtmicipaUPublia ft. ft.I in. hermal(deatirT/Cooliag Supply) Residential Water Supply(single) it in.� esideatial Water Supply(shared) M GROUT t(aa11FROM I TO I I E1iPL4CE1M73FETH0DSA)t01T Non-Water Supply Well: IL 20 lZ a�emh evYso I oumvad Monitoring Recovery -- IL IL lGeothermal ection!Yell: It. i ft. I quifcrRcchargc OCimundwatcrRcmediation 19.SANDlt=RAVELPACK ifs livable) quifer Storage and Recovery DISaiinityBarrier FRa�I TO .LtTERLiI. i:.rPLlteta+s�T3IETHoa quifer Test �Stormwater Drainage is. i tic xperimental Technology Subsidence Control l fr. +tt eothermal(Closed Loop) 0-Traeer 20.DRILLLIGLOG attachaddidoaslabeetstfn (Heatin Conlin Retum) Mother(explain under--21Rcraarls) FROM I Ta' DFSCRIPT10%1color.hardne sunlroc@Raavratn Sim eml I ® : I clay b sand 4.Date Well(s)Completed:�� Well ID# i qo iL I C)o �is I gran to Sir.Well Location: t s Cc�Iut, pecan ft. lti j 4 K'ft. `I ,��., FacilitylOwacrNstao Faalffw ID�(ifappliaable) fa ft.� ti �y'6 } B r. ij Physical Address.City,and Zip °I REMARKS i County Porcci Identification'NO.(PLC) e Sb.Latitude and Iongitude in degreeslsainuteslseconds or decimal degrees: 1 (ifwell 64d,one lavlong is sufficient) U.Certificatiar}: ,35° Qr7.5r7t, a 830 )3. D 43 W AAr jq a2oa 6.ls(are)thewell(s) Permanent or OTemparauy Signatum ofCcn(ficd'%Vcil Conuacwr D By s.string this Joan,I herein eertijy-rhal , rreff(s)was hrem)roamucted in accordm 7.Is this a repair to an esfstiag well: [3Yes or Va t+t-tie 11-1 NCFC 02C.0100 or IS.d,VCAC 02C.0200 five!!Consatedon 9andardr and dm If!leis fs a repair jd1 out[sector+ve/1 eoreseruetlon injorprotion eZesplain the aatecr ajthc• copy of this record leas been provided to the mll ouster. repair under 921 remark ser i:=or on the boar ofiftirjarm. 23.Site diagram or additional well details: S.For GeoprobelDPT or Closed-Loop Geothermal Wells having the some You may use the back of this page to provide additional well site details or e conshuction,only I OW-1 is needed. Indicate TOTAL NTLUBER of%veils cotlscrucdon detatis.,You may also attach additional pages if necessary. drilled: I SUBMITTAL INSTRUCI'IOA'S 9.Total well depth below land surface: � (ft-) 24a. For All *eIIst `Submit this form within 30 days of completion of t+ For malelplrwel&tat all depths ifdifferent(esmrplr-3@200-and 2@100.1 Constrretioato the fonowing: 10.Static water level below top of casing: (ft) Division of W-ater Resources,Information Processing Unit, y1mter lave!is above cashes,uw- I617'Man Service Center,Raleigh,NC 17699-I617 11.Borehole diumeter: 0 (1m) 24b.For iniection iWPH17: In addition to sending the form to the addrm in. h f y'�''�� above,also submit lone copy of this form mithin 30 days of completion of e 12.Well construction method: L w"-` construction to.ihe followine_: ox.auger,rotary,able,direct push,etc.) Division ofiWaterResources,Underground Injection Control Program FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS GINLY: 1636IMail Senvice Center,Raleigh.VC 2769 9-1 63 6 13a.Yield(gpm) C ® 13ethod of test_ 24c.For'%Vnt�r Sunoly g Injection wells: In addition to sending tho fors _ the address(cs) above. also submit one copy of this form within 30 day! 13b.Disiafegdon type: Amount. completion of swell construction to the county health department of the cot where eonsntrcted. Form ONV-1 North Carolina Depatrrcnt of E--+iranm.ntat DMS.ior.o-'%"aEcr%csou=cs Reused 2^'=': Q�