HomeMy WebLinkAbout_Well Construction - GW1_20230320 (33) ly LL C NSTRU '..E., 2......_, R19( WI For Interne:Use Only: I.Wen Ciantratier bformatkin: iiZed2rLy....±1:j/./.,Ae/ 5,5‘. 44 e.„,, 14.,'W.42/1111 X01016 -- FROM I TO DUCIIIP110:1 Well Counter)?Nemo ft. ft. NC Well Commetor Cedificalion Numb Ier . - .--eliTitit CASING(far mitti-msed**On MK, --1 ---...I Sj.z.sjike_2 4- 1),,ez.;1 ii ri 1(9 PROM TO Duatf/Tittt TOICIKNE$B IfiA ....1 ' Company Nate 2.Well Construction Prat It:12.1.:.:t. ) 12-17-R. iftom TO DIA.tenlit. •Tift Imit„TMAX, . ---" Lin oil applleable lean oonetruction permits(ie.IJIC,County,State, Varianee,ego) ft. ft.- la. ft. IL le. 3.Wal Um(dna!wen kage)t :,:.Iii, Li,e. Water Supply Welk, El101ft TO ' DIAMETitt " PLOT iliZE TIOCTOIND3 MATIOIVAL T . 1:3Agricultural 0Municipal/Public Vt. ft. Offal(Heating/Cooling Supply) 4-Residential Water Supply(single) fi. Olnduturie/Commorcial °Residential Water Supply(ilfired) ' cgtown, Oluipation.. Dwells›100,mGpD iiitOid— 'r'rFft--- 1 --r---------,_ WA itadAL ltateLtarantrer MarBOD at X-M-0-tiler Non-Water Supply WA: : __....,__........ OMonitain °Recovery IL ft. _. ti • .• it. ft. ElAqiifer Recharge OGroundwater Rernediation • 1- —......_- 31. °Aquifer Storage and Recovery °Salinity BattierTO MATERIAL IDIPLACT.KENT MATEO:0 °Aquifer Test OStcrenovater DrainageI °Experimental Technolov CISubsidence Control ft. IL °Geothermal(Closed Loop) °Tracer ta.flitILLIZeir• : 4'.,, h.::, •--;.1. ,.T. ‘ ,;-4....,•:i TO fiaCtliPTION 41er,Ilte4i6s;11,setlivoirit. 1°Geothermal aleatinwtooling Return) ClOther(ex.plain under#21 Remarks 7a1214 ft, ft. • 4.Date Weit(a)Completed:34, *3 Well EDI/.6Z2 3.'lrb ft. it. •Al:gd,/ 19,,o4. ,i iv$-c • ft, rt. 1 , ,. . ? FardlitylOirinier gime .- , ,. :,5:.'.:-'• j 'F'isi*165,(if iiiiilile) ', . •-, A' ,,- 4t-f ,. -T------- : ,:„.. .:::.-., :, „..•.--'13t: ", • ''' •"v-;L:fi .,':r•-• •: i 4,--'4'-') ' Mislaid XdriaMi,Cliy,44-i.,ip ., . \ zu/ novel Idmtnifiriation No,goo .'i.""-. ,:.-- :..::, !, , ,::: , , ,,, , rib;i::c,";,..,1 ,,..,__ .. .... • a•201:3 5h.Latitude and longitude hidegreesholouten'seconds or decimal degrees: (if well Solt ens Wins it suffloiers) 22.Certificsaan: ' ' dgliffr N .14/1A- W j) . Sleneure of Certified Wen Coot:soar Da-31111/64te . 6.Its(are)the wen(s):,ipersuanene or °Temporary • ay skean thls form I hereby molly that she well(3)was(were)constructed in accordance*vitt 7.Is ells a reps&b an existabg well: °Yes or 4No 1 SA IVCAC 02C.0100 or 15A IVCAC 02C.0200 Well Constraction.Standarde and that a copy If thia is a repair,fill pla know,well comm.:action information and explain the nature of the 61°Is Y"je'r#?161 gown Provide4?""Or well'' r,: .,., min&under 421 roarks sesame or a a the back of this form. 23.She dleirano or additional Wen detain • &For GeoprobeIDFT or Closed-14:1p Good:10ring Wells having the same You may use the back of this page to provide additional well construction info construction0,1 G7-1 is needed Indicate TOTAL NUMBER of wells (add'See t--*?in Remarks Box).You may also attach additional pages if necessary. drilled: 2 .,-4.SUBMiTTAL INSTRUCT 9,Total wen depth below Isand suriace: For nefaltipla walla lin all cletmAt ifet)ffsre40(eugnple-30200.1:44 24P100) Submit this GW-1 Within 30days of well completion per the following: llk Stade wafter lewd below top arcades: ( - 5.-- ,,„., 24e. For Aft Wells: Original form to Division of Wawa RVJOLIfeCit artVR), ("4 information Processing Unit,1617 MSC,Raleigh.NC 27699-1617 ffvoro•level it alms why,eqe +" i ., - -,• 11.Borehole diameter: L (b). .2.411.F4anitation Wells;copy tri,Wit,Undenpound-Injection Control-(IUC)• .;, -. ::- ' '•-,•,, . '' '•••• . PrOirian,1636 MSC,Raleigh,NC 27699.1636 12.Well coastructlon method: t-A, /4--,-•: - - -: ' ''' ''' ' 24:_lroir:Watei Sup*and 0 .ri-L000GeontermalRetura Wells:COPY to the (Lc' :!E•rotary,b.144.(411?"%tRuilh,etc) com.t,y cay oninental ticalth department of the county Mune installed ' FOXWAltDSDPFL'it WILLS ONLY: - - • • ,.., 13acineicijoity-' IV i 244...yikpmfleuriirftred .Td,t17: ece Gemi Copy to DWR4•CCPCLIA-;,. PeriniT &al, 1 13n.:liblintsetten type t Jor--- Amount:Z iiraz-- I . ' - : ' — ''',- i' . , Perm OW-I Noith Carolina Department of Envisonirstml Quatiry-Division of Water Resoureet 1 Revkied 4:5-2018 ,.,. ,