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_Well Construction - GW1_20230315 (39)
WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD Fat rnvcrunl Use ONLY: nis form can be ttwd far single or Maltip)c twils 1.Well Contractor Information: Id 3VATERZONIM Scott Hunt, Jr FROM TO OKIVItlmox 1vdlCorsrdclorNam 4561-A R. fL NC%Yell ComractorCcnifrcation Niinh6r t&OUTER CASING Ifor'Qufti-eased ocflsl OR"LMM(if a' Hc2 k) FRONT i0 DLArr,T@R MH7K'NESS' MATERIAL SAEDACCO Inc fL IL 1a Collvmq.Nante 16 INNER CASING OR TUBING willwir A elawd4oa FRONT V TO DLLStET@R I THICKNESSS I �fATErdL�L 2,Welt Constrluetion pCITUit#: WI0501112 ft. rt, da list oilrppliralrfr%V11 permits(Le.Cmamt Sta.'s,:Varfaace,JJErdat rlr..) R, fit. tn. 3,Well Use(chccl:well use): t7:SCREEN Water Supply Well - - FRONT TO DrAaIETE6t I Sr.OT517S TIaCICNM I MAMMAL DAgricultu al ft. R, in. ®Geothermal(Hcatitotooling Supply} ❑Residential Water Supply(single) R, fL ©hidustriallConwtereial ❑Residential 1Viter Supply(shared) tut.GROUT .. FRONT Tt) AtATL7R7AL @MPLICENDENT AIMOD&AMOUNT ❑irrc atian ft. rt Non-Water Supply'Well: MlonitorinG C111ccovcry tt. fit. Iujeeilon Welt; (t, A. 17Ag11ifCf RCCl1aIr;C i7Groundwitcf 11cmcdi;nion M SANDMMAVEL FACK Gr r ilkabtel. FRONT TO 11,iTF;RCII. Rt'1PI.,LCr:\Ir;NT Ht:Tf1On ❑Aquifer 8,wruse acid Rccov'cty ❑Salinity Harrier R. ft." ❑ArJntfcr Test 17Stormrv'ntcrDrtin,•Ipc ❑Experimental T6chnology ❑Subsidcr►cc Control IO::DRD,LIti G LOG fonach sdditionat shcetfli'mcessan•1 ❑Geolllennal(Closed Loop) ❑Tracer FROST TO nFseRtrrlO\afbr,t+artlnca,wtt'nlck Iv ^N e del ❑ eveliennal(lleadngtCaobug Retum) 001fler(explain mtder#2l Rema") I rL ft. ft. -- - --; �•�• 4.Date Well(s)Compleled: 2-17-23 g eRID#B1-B34 (even numberi ft. R. Sa.Well Locathln: -• r r ft. (r. MAR f .. 3 Former Grocery Boy Jr #5 ft. fl FacilryihtvnorNnnx Faci]itylDN fapplknble) 77) R. 602 W. Chatham St., Cary, NC,; 27511 fit. fit Flay si;ii AddressL City.and zip 21.11EMARKS. Wake DPT injection through bentonite packed 6" Ccuntly Panel ldealirk Ilion No;(FIN) boring Sh,i;atitude and I,ingitnde in 41cgr cestminutes/sceonds or decimal dcgrees: 22.Certification: (Ifs,ell fields one I:unong is%ldfic1 nil) �f N W ���w 3/1/2023 SlgfuWea of CcitlliCd Nell Ca C[ar Dalc 6.IS(are)we vven(s): ❑Pennatlenl or SJTentporary.. Il3•signing thLr form.i fremb.y eerfifc rhaf fhg irellfs)ntir(twee)coavfnrcted Lit avearrionce frith 15A NCAC 02C,0100 m•15A JVCAC 02C.,O200 MV11 COMMICt(a(I 5r0rulm15 Mid dxir a 7.CS this a repair to an existing well: i7Yc` or ®No a e�tr op rhls rreaMhrrsfn n prnrirhai to iha to Il mt�u c rfti'(s is o rep ale,fill rmr A olm well e&wn(ciloa ltrforrnarion and etplahi the narare of the repair farrlertt»1 remarkr ircama or an the haxl-of this famr. 23.Site diagram or additional well details: You may use die back of this page to provide additional well site details or welt 8.Numberof wells constructed: 17 consimcdoo details. You m4 also anach additional pages if necessary. For nnl4ipfe lrfec'rinn'or a(NI-Ivarer si pplr wells OA'LV 1r1rh die s rmecungtrnirinn,wif can sadrnitone form. S[iBAf[TTAL(NS'C T .TiONS 9.Total well delith below•I:and stirface: 21 24a. (•dr All Welt% Submit this form vviOu 30 days of coniplefion of►cell ForIM111lpleiceilsl�stall(ieprhrlfdlfirenr(rxarnPlc'-3@200'urr(12@1wJ cominletionto(fie follaving: 10.Static water level below top of casing: 12 ((y,) Division of Water Resource4 Information Processing Unit, If uuler level Is above cvrs0sd a .+" 1617 Afai1 Service Center,Raleigh,YC 27699-1617 11.Borehole diameter.2.25^ (in.) 24h,Fur Let W. `Ve[Ia.ONLV: in addition to sending ille fomt to the address in. 24aabove,also submit a copy of this fonu within 30 days of completion of well 12.Well constntetioa method:DPT consimction to clue fcillawing: (i.e.au.-cr..rolafy,cable,diner push etc.) Division of Water Resources,Underground Injection Control Program, FOR WATER SbPPLY WELLS ONLY, 1636 Afall Service Center,Raleigh,XC 27699-I636 13,x Yicld(gpnl) hl IMI!of test: 74c-For.Water SugV1X&Ji jcctLo.n Welts: Also submit one copy of this foinl Kithitt 30 days of completion of 13b.Disinfmtion type, Amount: well consintetion to the county health:department of the cou",when construtcd. Fana MI-1 Notch CarolLm rA-panntcni of Environnriu and Normal Resources-Division of xlralcr R�soutm Revised August_t013