HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0003298_application_20230130INTERNATIONAL PAPER 865 JOHN L. RIEGEL RD RIEGELWOOD, NC 28456 January 30, 2023 North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Division of Water Resources Water Quality Permitting Section — NPDES Mr. Sergei Chernikov 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 RE: International Paper — Riegelwood Mill National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Permit No. NCO003298 Renewal Application. Mr. Chernikov: International Paper (IP) owns and operates an integrated Kraft pulp mill in Riegelwood, North Carolina (Mill). The Mill currently operates pursuant to National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit No. NC0003298, which expires on July 31, 2023. The renewal application must be submitted 180 days prior to the expiration date; therefore, IP submits this renewal application no later than February 1, 2023. Based on information and belief formed after reasonable inquiry, the statements and information in this document are true, accurate, and complete. If you have any questions or require additional information, please contact me by phone at (910) 362-4934 or by e-mail at Tim.Gill @ipaper.com. Sincerely, VU Tim Gill Environmental, Health and Safety Manager cc: Lizzie Smith — ALL4 LLC TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Name Page Number 1. INTRODUCTION................................................................................................................1-1 1.1 APPLICATION ORGANIZATION............................................................................. 1-1 2. MILL OVERVIEW AND DISCHARGE POINTS.......................................................... 2-1 2.1 MILL LOCATION....................................................................................................... 2-1 2.2 REGULATORY JURISDICTION........................................................................ ... 2-1 2.3 MILL PROCESS DESCRIPTION.............................................................................. 2-1 2.4 WASTEWATER TREATMENT DESCRIPTION...................................................... 2-2 2.5 OUTFALL DESCRIPTIONS....................................................................................... 2-3 3. REGULATORY AND PERMITTING BACKGROUND ................................................ 3-1 4. MONITORING REQUIREMENTS AND DISCHARGE LIMITATIONS ................... 4-1 4.1 DERIVATION OF PERMIT LIMITS.......................................................................... 4-2 5. SAMPLING AND ANALYTICAL CONSIDERATIONS ............................................... 5-1 6. PROPOSED PERMIT REVISIONS.................................................................................. 6-1 6.1 SUMMER MONTHS................................................................................................... 6-1 6.2 AOX AND TSS MONITORING FREQUENCY........................................................ 6-1 6.2.1 AOX Monitoring Frequency............................................................................. 6-1 6.2.2 TSS Monitoring Frequency.............................................................................. 6-2 6.3 CHRONIC TOXICITY TESTING REQUIREMENT ................................................. 6-3 6.4 OUTFALL 004 AND 005 SAMPLE COLLECTION PERIOD .................................. 6-3 6.5 FISH TISSUE DIOXIN MONITORING..................................................................... 6-4 i IP Riegelwood NPDES Renewal (1-24-23).docx 1/25/2023 LIST OF TABLES Table 4-1 Outfall 001 Monitoring Requirements and Discharge Limitations.............................4-1 Table 4-2 40 CFR §430.22(a) — BIeached Kraft Facilities where Market Pulp is Produced....... 4-3 Table 4-3 40 CFR §430.24(a)(1) ELG Factors —Not Exclusively TCF bleaching Process ........ 4-3 Table 4-4 2018-2022 Production Data......................................................................................... 4-4 Table 4-5 Technology -Based Discharge Limitations.................................................................. 4-4 Table 5-1 Form 2C Pollutant Sampling Requirements................................................................ 5-1 Table 6-1 Outfall 001 AOX Proposed Monitoring Frequency Supporting Data .........................6-2 Table 6-2 Outfall 001 TSS Monitoring Frequency...................................................................... 6-3 ii IP Riegelwood NPIDES Renewal (1-24-23).docx 112512023 LIST OF APPENDICES Appendix A — Application Forms Appendix B — Figures Appendix C — Laboratory Analytical Data IP Riegelwood NPDES Renewal (1-24-23).decx 1/25/2023 INTERNATIONAL PAPER International Paper —Riegelwood Mill National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Renewal Application 1. INTRODUCTION International Paper (IP) owns and operates an integrated Kraft mill in Riegelwood, North Carolina (NC) along the Cape Fear River (Mill). The Mill produces softwood pulp through the use of wood pulping, pulp bleaching, and pulp drying. The Mill currently operates under National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit No. NCO003298 issued by the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ). The Mill's NPDES Permit No. NCO003298 expires on July 31, 2023. This application includes the requisite information as well as the completed NPDES application forms necessary for the Mill to renew its NPDES permit. 1.1 APPLICATION ORGANIZATION The Mill has prepared this application in accordance with NCDEQ requirements, and the application is organized in a report format. The application includes the following sections and appendices: • Section 2 — Mill Overview and Discharge Points: provides an overview of the Mill's current configuration and operations, a site location map, and information for each of the Mill's discharge points. • Section 3 — Regulatory and Permitting Background: summarizes the Federal and state regulations to which the Mill is subject. • Section 4 — Monitoring Requirements and Discharge Limitations: provides an explanation of discharge limit derivations and specific monitoring requirements for each outfall. • Section 5 — Sampling and Analytical Considerations: summarizes the method for evaluating pollutants to sample for process wastewater. • Appendix A — Forms: provides the required U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA) NPDES forms. 1-1 IP Riegelwood NPDES Renewal (1-24-23).dccx 1/2512023 INTERNATI4NQL@ PAPER International PaperRiegelwood Mill National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Renewal Application • Appendix S — Figures:, provides a facility map and line diagram. • Appendix C — Laboratory Analytical Data:, provides process wastewater laboratory analytical data. 1-2 IP Riegelwood NPDES Renewal (1-24-23),docx 1/25 2023 INTERNATIONAL PAPER lnternational Paper —Riegelwood Mill National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Renewal Application 2. MILL OVERVIEW AND DISCHARGE POINTS This section of the application provides a brief overview of the Mill's background information and its current configuration and operations. 2.9 MILL LOCATION The Mill is located in southeastern North Carolina in Riegelwood, located within Columbus County. The Mill is along the Cape Fear River, 20 kilometers (km) northwest of Wilmington, NC. A Mill location map is provided in Figure B-1 in Appendix B on a section of United States Geological Survey (USGS) quadrangle. The approximate geographical coordinates for the Mill are: • Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) Easting: 756,400 meters (m) • Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) Northing: 3,805,000 in • UTM Zone: 17 • North American Datum (NAD): 1983 • Longitude (degrees, minutes, seconds): 780 12' 10" W • Latitude (degrees, minutes, seconds): 34" 21' 10" N 2.2 REGULATORY JURISDICTION The Mill is under the jurisdiction of the following State and Federal agencies: North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Division of Water Resources — NPDES Unit Department of Water Resources 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 2.3 MILL PROCESS DESCRIPTION U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Region 4 Sam Nunn Atlanta Federal Center 61 Forsyth Street, SW Atlanta, Georgia 30303-8960 The primary product of the Mill is softwood pulp. Wood chips are cooked in either the Kamyr continuous digester or one of the 16 batch digesters. The pulp slurry from each digester is blown into a blow tank. From the blow tank, the pulp slurry is deknotted and washed in the brownstock 2-1 IP Riegelwood NPDES Renewal (i-24-23).docx 1/2512023 lNTERNATIONALO PAPER International Paper —Riegelwood Mill National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Renewal Application washers. After washing, pulp from the batch digesters goes through an oxygen delignification stage before being screened and sent to Nos. 1 and 2 Bleach Plants. The pulp from the Kamyr digester (sometimes blended with pulp from batch cooks) is washed, screened, and sent to No. 3 Bleach Plant. Pulp is bleached with chlorine dioxide supplemented with other bleaching agents prior to being sent to the two pulp dryers. Chlorine dioxide is generated with a methanol -based system. Weak black liquor from the pulping process is stored in several process liquor tanks prior to chemical recovery. In the recovery process, spent cooking chemicals are recovered by evaporating water from the weak black Iiquor in multiple effect evaporator systems and concentrators. The liquor is combusted in one of two recovery boilers. The resulting smelt is dissolved in weak wash the smelt dissolving tanks. In the causticizing and lime recovery area, dissolved smelt (tailed green liquor) is clarified and then mixed with lime (Ca0) in the slaker to form white liquor and lime mud in the causticizers. This white liquor/lime mud slurry is then clarified to separate the white liquor from the lime mud. The white liquor is sent to the digesters and the lime mud is conditioned, thickened, and processed in a lime kiln to regenerate CaO. Other operations at the Mill include power boilers, pulp drying, a woodyard, wastewater treatment, and other ancillary operations. 2.4 WASTEWATER TREATMENT DESCRIPTION The Mill operates an aerated stabilization basin system to treat Mill process water, sanitary wastewater, landfill leachate, and a portion of the Mill's stormwater. Additionally, two offsite facilities send a small volume of stormwater to the Mill's wastewater treatement system. Process wastewater, sanitary wastewater, and stormwater is sent to two primary clarifiers, where solids are settled. Clarifier underflow sludge is either sent to one of three primary sludge ponds (Ponds 1, 2, and 3) for dewatering or to screw presses for mechanical dewatering and then to the power boilers for use as fuel. The sludge ponds are periodically excavated, and sludge is sent to the landfill. 2-2 IP Riegelwood NPDES Renewal (1-24-23).docx 1/25/2023 INTERNATIONAL PAPER International Paper _Riegelwood Mil] National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Renewal Application Effluent from the primary clarifiers and landfill leachate are routed to the New Bay via an earthen channel for treatment under aeration. New Bay effluent flows by gravity to Theodorakis Pond, then to the South Bay, then to North Bay prior to discharge to the Cape Fear River via Outfall 001. Secondary sludge from the New Bay, the Theodorakis Settling Pond, and the South Bay is periodically dredged and can be placed in one of the six sludge ponds {Ponds 1, 2, 3, A, B, and Q. Supernatant from Ponds 1, 2, and 3 discharges into the earthen channel leading into the New Bay. Supernatant from Ponds A, B, and C discharges directly to the New Bay. 2.5 OUTFALL DESCRIPTIONS The Mill has one permitted outfall for the discharge of treated wastewater, as well as two internal outfalls. External Outfall: • Outfall 001 — Located on the northern side of the Mill in the North Lagoon. Outfall 001 discharges wastewater associated with all industrial operations, landfill leachate, stormwater, and sanitary sewer wastewater. Outfall 001 consists of a Parshall Flume and discharges wastewater to the Cape Fear River. The location of Outfall 001 is shown in Figure B-1 in Appendix B. Internal Outfalls: • Outfall 004 — consists of combined effluent from Bleach Plant 1 and Bleach Plant 2, and discharges upstream of the bar screen for No. 1 Primary Clarifier. • Outfall 005 — consists of effluent from Bleach Plant 3, and discharges upstream of the bar screen for No. 1 Primary Clarifier. 2-3 IP Riegelwood NPDES Renewal (1-24-23).doex 1/25f2023 INTERNATIONALQ PAPER International Paper —Riegelwood Mil[ National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System. Renewal Application 3. REGULATORY AND PERMITTING BACKGROUND The Mill is currently operating under NPDES permit number NC0003298 issued by NCDEQ with an expiration date of July 31, 2023. In accordance with 15A North Carolina Administrative Code (NCAC) Subchapter 2H .0106, a new permit application must be submitted 180 days before the existing permit expires. Therefore, this permit application is being submitted prior to the February 1, 2023 deadline. Under the current NPDES permit, the Mill discharges process wastewater, sanitary wastewater, and some stormwater through one permitted outfall to the Cape Fear River. Additional stormwater discharges are permitted separately under Stormwater NPDES Permit Number NCS000101. Discharges of stormwater and treated wastewater are regulated by the NPDES program administered by the NCDEQ. The NPDES program regulations applicable to the Mill are referenced in 15A NCAC Subchapters 2B, 2H, 2T, and 8G. The process wastewaters generated at the facility are regulated under the Effluent Guidelines and Standards for the Pulp, Paper, and Paperboard Point Source Category at 40 CFR 430 Subpart B — Bleached Papergrade Kraft and Soda Subcategory. The significant pollutants regulated by the pulp and paper effluent guidelines include biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), total suspended solids (TSS) and adsorbable organic halogens (AOX) for Outfall 001 and chloroform for Outfalls 004 and 005. Effluent limits derived from production pursuant to Subpart B are discussed in Section 4.1. The Mill has certified that no chlorophenolic -containing biocides are being used onsite and is exempt from pretreatment standards for Pentachlorphenol and Trichlorophenol under 40 CFR Part 430 Section 36 and 106. The Mill certifies that per -and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are not intentionally added or used in the Mill's processes. The Mill did purchase and apply paperboard coatings in the past that may have included PFAS. Manufacturing process water is sourced from a river intake located downstream from Chemours. As a result, HAS might be detectable in the Mill's final effluent. 3-1 IP Riegeiwood NPDES Renewal (1-24-23).docx 1/2512023 INTERNATI4NAL(& PAPER International Paper —Riegelwood Mi I [ National P0141tant Discharge Elimination System Renewal Application Section 316(b) of the Clean Water Act imposes requirements on cooling water intake structures to minimize environmental impacts due to the impingement of fish and shellfish on intake structures and the entrainment of eggs and larvae through cooling water systems. Pursuant to 40 CFR § 125.91(a), cooling water intake structure requirements are applicable to existing facilities that use one or more cooling water intake structures with a cumulative design intake flow of greater than 2 million gallons per day (MGD) to withdraw water from waters of the U.S. and 25% or more of that water is used exclusively for cooling water purposes. The Mill withdraws more than 2 MGD from the Cape Fear River. Less than 25% of the water withdrawn is used exclusively for cooling purposes, thus the requirements of Section 316(b) of the Clean Water Act regarding design and operation of cooling water intake structures do not apply to the Mill. 3-2 IP Riegelwood NPDES Renewal (1-24-23).docx 1125/2023 INTERNATIONAL PAPER International Pape' _Riegelwood Mill National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Renewal Application 4. MONITORING REQUIREMENTS AND DISCHARGE LIMITATIONS The Mill discharges treated wastewater from the Mill through Outfall 001. The current monitoring requirements and discharge limitations for Outfall 001 are provided in Table 4-1 below. Table 4-1 Outfall 001 Monitoring Requirements and Discharge Limitations Parameter Monthly Daily Monitoring Ave rage Maximum Fre uenc Flow(MGD) 50.0 NIA Continuous H NIAM NIA0) Daily, grab Biochemical Oxygen 5,000 10,000 Demand BODs { ) (summer) (summer) Daily, composite (lbs/day) 10 000 20 000 winter winter Total Suspended Solids (TSS) (lbs/day) 49,618.3 92,356.7 Daily, composite NH3-N (mg/L) NIA NIA Weekly, composite Temperature (°C) NIA NIA Daily, grab Dissolved Oxygen(2,5) (mglL) NIA NIA Daily, grab Monthly (effluent) Total Hardness(') (mg/L) NIA NIA and Quarterly (upstream), rab Total Phosphorus (mg/L) NIA NIA Monthly, composite Total Nitrogen (NO2+NO3+TKN) (mg/L) NIA NIA Monthly, composite Dioxin N/A 0.9 Annually, (pg/L) composite AOX (lbs/day) 2,597.7 3,965.2 Daily, composite Trichlorophenol(4) (lbs/day) N/A 36.6 Weekly, composite 4-1 IP Riegelwood NPDES Renewal (9 24-23).dcc 1/2512023 INTERNATI4NAL�& PAPER International Paper —Riegelwood Mill National PollUtant Discharge Elimination System Renewal Application Table 4-1 Outfall 001 Monitoring Requirements and Discharge Limitations Parameter Monthly Dairy Monitoring Avera e Maximum Frequency Pentachlorophenol(4) (lbs/day) NIA 5.84 Weekly, composite Salinity(,) NIA NIA Grab Chronic Toxicity(6) NIA NIA Quarterly, composite (4) (5) (6) PH snail not be less than 6.0 standard units nor greater than 9.0 standard units. The daily average dissolved oxygen effluent concentration shall not be less than 5.0 mg/L. Sampling for instream hardness is waived as long as the Mill maintains a membership in the Lower Cape Fear River Monitoring Coalition. The Mill submits instream hardness test results with its Discharge Monitoring Reports (DMRs) as results are received from the Coalition. Monitoring is suspended for these compounds as long as chlorophenolic-containing biocides are not used at the Mill. Instream samples for salinity and dissolved oxygen shall be collected three times per week during June, July, August, and September and once per week during the remaining months of the year. Sampling for instream dissolved oxygen and salinity is not required as long as the Mill maintains a membership in the Lower Cape Fear River Monitoring Coalition. . Chronic Toxicity (Ceriodaphnia) Pass/Fail at 8.0%; January, April, July, and October; the effluent discharge shall at no time exhibit observable inhibition of reproduction or significant mortality to Ceriodaphnia dubia at an effluent concentration of 8.0%. See Section A. (4.) Supplement to Effluent Limitations and Monitoring: Chronic Toxicity Pass/Fall Permit Limit (Quarterly) of NPDES Permit NCO003298 (September 23, 2019). WET testing results from the past three years are provided as an attachment to Form 2C. 4.9 DERIVATION OF PERMIT LIMITS The Mill is subject to effluent limitation guidelines (ELGs) under 40 CFR 430, Subpart B — Bleached Papergrade Kraft and Soda (Subpart B). After historically producing both coated paperboard and fluff/market pulp, the Mill underwent a full conversion to solely fluff and market pulp in 2016. The best practicable control technology currently available (BPT) ELGs for bleached kraft facilities where market pulp is produced are applied to annual average paper production in air-dried tons per day (ADT/day), accounting for downtime, to determine the Mill's technology -based effluent Iimits (TBELs) for BOD and TSS on a mass basis (pounds per day, 4-2 IP Riegelwood NPDE5 Renewal(1-24-23).docx 112512023 INTERNATIONAL (& PAPER International Paper — Riegelwood Mill National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Renewal Application lb/day) (Table 4-2). The current TBEL for TSS is based on the BPT ELGs for bleached kraft facilities where pulp and fine papers are produced; this category is no longer representative of the Mill's production. Utilizing the ELGs for bleached kraft facilities where market pulp is produced, which are representative of the Mill's current production, results in an increase in the Mill's TBELs. Table 4-2 40 CFR §430.22(a) -- Bleached Kraft Facilities where Market Pulp is Produced Daily Maximum 30-dayAverage Ib/1,000lb Ib/1,000lb BOD 15.45 8.05 TSS 30.4 16.4 The best available technology economically achievable (BAT) ELGs for fiber lines that do not use an exclusively total chlorine free (TCF) bleaching process, shown in Table 4-3 below, are applied to unbleached pulp fed to the bleach plant in ADT/day to determine the Mill's technology -based AOX and chloroform discharge limitations on a mass basis (pounds per day, lbs/day). Table 4-3 40 CFR §430.24(a)(1) ELG Factors — Not Exclusively TCF bleaching Process Daily Maximum I 30-dayAverse J Unit Chloroform 6.92 4.14 /kk AOX 0.4 51 0.623 lb/1.000 lb The Mill reviewed annual production data for the past five calendar years to determine the production rate to be used for projecting technology -based discharge limitations. The annual average ADT/day for the pulp machines and bleach plants is provided in Table 4-4 below. Pulp machine production is presented in gross reel tons. Bleach plant production is presented as unbleached pulp fed to the bleach plants. The highest annual average production of market pulp in the last five years was 2,211 ADT/day in 2018. The highest rate of unbleached pulp fed to the bleach plants in the last five years was 2,160 ADT/day in 2018 (1,123 ADT/day for Bleach Plants 4-3 IP Riegelwood NPOES Renewal (1-24-23).docx 1W/2023 INTERNATi4NAL(& PAPER International Paper —Riegelwood Mill National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Renewal Application 1&2 and 1,037 ADT/day for Bleach Plant 3). Technology -based discharge limitations for the renewed NPDES permit are provided in Table 4-5 below. Table 4-4 2018-2022 Production Data Year Total Pulp Machine Production ADT/da Bleach Plant ] &2 Production ADT/da Bleach Plant 3 Production ADT/da 2018 2,211 1,123 1,037 2019 2,118 1,056 1,022 2020 2,168 1,073 1,014 2021 2,060 1,076 971 2022 1,943 1,009 936 Table 4-5 Technology -Based Discharge Limitations Outfall Parameter Daily Maximum lbs/da Monthly Average lbs/da 001 BOD 68,314 35,594 001 TSS 134,417 72,514 001 AOX 4,109 2,692 004 Chloroform 15.5 9.3 005 Chloroform 14.4 8.6 The TBEL for BOD is greater than the Mill's current water quality -based effluent limitation (WQBEL) for BOD, so the Mill's current BOD discharge limit will remain in effect. 4-4 IP Riegelwood WDES Renewal (1-24 23)_docx 1/25/2023 INTERNATIONAL PAPER International Paper —Riegelwood Mill National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Renewal Application 5. SAMPLING AND ANALYTICAL CONSIDERATIONS The NCDEQ Renewal process requires use of the U.S. EPA's Form 2C, which provides a thorough Iisting of potential pollutants in wastewater and stormwater to be considered for sampling and analysis. The Mill has reviewed the sampling requirements for process wastewater and stormwater referenced in Form 2C. Table 5-1 outlines how each pollutant was selected to be analyzed in accordance with guidance in Section III: Table 5-1 Form 2C Pollutant Sampling Requirements Table Number Table Description Required for Outfall 001 Form 2C Conventional and Data required for all pollutants Table A Nonconventional Pollutants Form 2C Table B, Toxic Metals, Cyanide, and Total Data required for all pollutants Section 1 Phenols Form 2C Table B, Organic Toxic Pollutants (GC/MS Data required for all pollutants Section 2 Fraction — Volatile Compounds) Form 2C Table B, Organic Toxic Pollutants (GC/MS Data required for all pollutants Section 3 Fraction — Acid Compounds) Form 2C Table B, Organic Toxic Pollutants (GC/MS Section 4 Fraction — Base/Neutral Data required for all pollutants Compounds) Form 2C Table B, Organic Toxic Pollutants (GC/MS Data required for all pollutants Section 5 Fraction — Pesticides) 5-1 iP Riegelwood NPDEs Renewal (1-24-23).docx 1I27M23 INTERNATIONAL PAPER International Paper —Riegelwood Mill National PollLitant Discharge Elimination System. Renewal Application Table Number Table Description Required for Outfall 001 Form 2C Certain Conventional and Non- Data required for all pollutants Table C Conventional Pollutants "believed present" Form 2C 2,3,7,8-Tetracholodibenzo-p- Table E Dioxin Data required for all pollutants Analytical laboratory data is included in Appendix C. Sampling was performed on May 25, 2022 for Outfall 001. The samples were analyzed by Environmental Chemists, lnc. In addition, Discharge Monitoring Report (DMR) data from November 2020 — October 2022 was used to supplement the lab analytical data. In addition to the pollutants listed on Form 2C, as required by Session Law 2018-5, Senate Bill 99, Section 13.1(r), the Mill has reviewed the list of pollutants for which there are certified methods found at 40 CFR Part 136 and considered whether any pollutants listed at 40 CFR Part 136 that are not listed at Form 2C would be anticipated to the present in the Mill's discharge. The Mill reviewed the list of pollutants against Safety Data Sheets (SDSs) for chemicals used at the Mill and consulted with the National Council for Air and Stream Improvement (NCASI). As a result of this review, the Mill conducted additional sampling on December 16, 2022, and samples were analyzed for additional chemicals listed at 40 CFR Part 136 that are not listed at Form 2C. The results for parameters that were detected in the Mill's effluent are provided in the Chemical Addendum Form in Appendix A. The laboratory report is provided in Appendix C. 5-2 IP Riegelwood NPIDES Renewal (1-24-23).d= 112512023 INTERNATIONAL�& PAPER International Paper —Riegelwood Mill National Poll«tant Discharge Elimination System Renewal Application 6. PROPOSED PERMIT REVISIONS As part of the NPDES renewal application process, the Mill has reviewed the existing permit and is requesting the following revisions. 6.1 SUMMER MONTHS In 1992, the Mill requested a variance from the Environmental Management Commission to redefine the summer period. The Environmental Management Commission granted a variance request, and the summer period for the Mill is defined as June I — October 31. IP requests continuation of the variance with this renewal. 6.2 AOX AND TSS MONITORING FREQUENCY The Mill is requesting a reduction in required monitoring frequencies for AOX and TSS at Outfall 001. All parameters have been evaluated according to the U.S. EPA Interim Guidance for Performance -Based Reduction of NPDES Permit Monitoring Frequencies issued in April 1996 (U.S. EPA Interim Guidance), as discussed in the following subsections. 6.2.1 AOX Monitoring Frequency 40 CF'R §430.2(b)(1) allows a reduction in monitoring frequency for effluent limitations representing the degree of effluent reduction attainable by the application of best available technology economically achievable (BAT) after five years. The Mill's AOX limits are BAT, and the Mill has been compliant with the AOX limits for more than five years. Additionally, the U.S. EPA Interim Guidance supports a reduction in monitoring frequency based on the Mill's margin of compliance with the current limit and the consistency of the MilI's monitoring data. Table 6-1 below summarizes the statistical evaluation of the Mill's AOX data over the past two years. Table 3 of the U.S. EPA Interim Guidance, which corresponds to a dataset with a coefficient of variation of 20%, supports that the probability of reporting a monthly average permit limit violation for four samples per month (approximately one per week) is 0% based on the ratio of the Mill's long term average to the monthly average permit limit. 6-1 IP Riegelwood NPDES Renewal (1-2423).docx i12512023 INTERNATIONAL PAPER International Paper —Riegelwood Mill National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Renewal Application Table 6-1 Outfall 001 AOX Proposed Monitoring Frequency Supporting Data Parameter Value Existing Monthly Average Permit Limit lbs/da 2,597.7 Long Term Average lbs/da (a) 589.3 Standard Deviation lbs/da 143.0 Coefficient of Variation 24% Ratio of Long Term Average to Monthly Average Permit Limit 23% Current Samples per Week 5 U.S. EPA Interim Guidance Samples per Week Table 1 1 11 Proposed Samples Per Week 1 c`) Long term average is the average of monthly averages from November 2020 through October 2022. 6.2.2 TSS Monitoring Frequency Table 6-2 below summarizes a statistical evaluation of the Mill's TSS data over the past two years in accordance with the U.S. EPA Interim Guidance, which supports a reduction in monitoring frequency from daily (defined in the permit as five times per week) to once per week. Table 4 of the U.S. EPA Interim Guidance, which corresponds to a dataset with a coefficient of variation of 60%, supports that the probability of reporting a monthly average permit limit violation for four samples per month (approximately one per week) is approximately 0% based on the ratio of the Mill's long term average to the monthly average permit limit. 6-2 IP Riegelwood NPDES Renewal (1-24-23)_docx 1/25/2023 INTERNATIONAL PAPER International Paper — Riegelwood Mill National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Renewal Application Table 6-2 Outfall 001 TSS Monitoring Frequency Parameter Value Existing Monthly Average Permit Limit lbs/da 49,618.3 Long Term Average lbs/da (a) 3,585.3 Standard Deviation lbslda 1,791 Coefficient of Variation 50% Ratio of Long Term Average to Monthly Average Permit Limit 7% Current Samples per Week 7 U.S. EPA Interim Guidance Samples per Week Table 1 1 Proposed Samples Per Week 1 (a) Long term average is the average of monthly averages from November 2020 through October 2022. 6.3 CHRONIC TOXICITY TESTING REQUIREMENT As noted in Section 4, the Mill is currently required to conduct chronic toxicity testing for Ceriodaphnia dubia once per quarter. This Mill has consistently passed the quarterly toxicity tests and requests to reduce the frequency to semiannually. 15A NCAC 02B .0508(d) requires toxicity limits and monitoring requirements for dischargers in the "Paper and Allied Products" standard industrial group, which includes the Mill. 15A NCAC 02B .0508(d)(3) states that "Toxicity limits shall be applied to all major discharges and all discharges of complex wastewater... Specific frequency shall be defined by individual permit conditions." IP understands the applicable regulations to allow for NCDEQ's discretion to make a case -by -case determination on the testing frequency. Based on the Mill's consistent history of passing the chronic toxicity tests, a reduction in testing frequency presents little or no risk of a reduction in water quality of the receiving stream. The Mill respectfully requests to reduce the monitoring frequency to semiannual. 6.4 OUTFALL 004 AND 005 SAMPLE COLLECTION PERIOD The Mill is required to collect samples from Outfalls 004 and 005 once per quarter to analyze for chloroform, chlorinated phenolic compounds, and dioxin compounds. Section A.(2.)2 of the current NPDES permit requires that the Mill collect separate grab samples every 4-hours for a 24- 6-3 IP Riegelwood NPI7ES Renewal (1-24-23).docx 112512023 INTERNATIONAL �& PAPER International Paper —Riegelwood Mill National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Renewal Application hour period, in accordance with U.S. EPA's Appendix B sample collection methods. Complying with this condition requires Mill personnel to collect samples during nighttime conditions, outside of their normal job hours and job area. The Mill has concerns about the safety of this practice and requests to collect grab samples every 4-hours for a 12-hour period rather than over a 24-hour period. Other state agencies, including the Georgia Environmental Protection Division (GEPD) and the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (SCDHEC), have approved exceptions to U.S. EPA's Appendix B sample collection methods for similar facilities. Further, the Mill has a consistent history of complying with the discharge limits for Outfalls 004 and 005. The Mill requests that NCDEQ approve a similar exception to the prescribed sample collection methods. 6.5 FISH TISSUE DIOXIN MONITORING Section A.(7.) of the Mill's current NPDES permit requires the Mill to conduct a fish tissue dioxin study once per permit term. The Mill's fish tissue dioxin study results have been consistent over several permit terms, and the Mill requests to remove this requirement from the permit. 6-4 IP Riegelwood NPDES Renewal (1-24-23).docx 1/2512023 APPENDIX A -- APPLICATION FORMS EPA Identification Number NPDES Permit Number Facility Name Form Approved 03/05/19 NCD057457376 NCO03298 International Paper OMB No.2040-0004 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency LForm 1LEV"VoIr�lr1 Application for NPDES Permit to Discharge Wastewater NPDESGENERAL INFORMATION 1.1 Applicants Not Required to Submit Form 1 1.1.1 Is the facility anew or existing publicly owned Is the facility anew or existing treatment works 1.1.2 treatment works? treating domestic sewage? If yes, STOP. Do NOT complete 0 No If yes, STOP. Do NOT 0 No Form 1. Complete Form 2A. complete Form 1. Complete Form 2S. 1.2 Applicants Required to Submit Form 1 ,w 1.2.1 Is the facility a concentrated animal feeding 1.2.2 Is the facility an existing manufacturing, aoperation or a concentrated aquatic animal commercial, mining, or silvicultural facility that is rn production facility? currently discharging process wastewater? w o ❑ Yes 4 Complete Form 1 No ❑ ✓❑ Yes Complete Form ❑ No z and Form 2B. 1 and Farm 2C. 1.2,3 Is the facility a new manufacturing, commercial, 1.2.4 Is the facility a new or existing manufacturing, mining, or silvicultural facility that has not yet commercial, mining, or silvicultural facility that commenced to discharge? discharges only nonprocess wastewater? ❑ Yes 4 Complete Form 1 ✓❑ No ❑ Yes Complete Form 0 No and Form 2D. 1 and Form 2E. 40 1.2.5 Is the facility a new or existing facility whose discharge is composed entirely of stormwater a associated with industrial activity or whose discharge is composed of both stormwater and non-stormwater? ❑ Yes 4 Complete Form 1 0 No and Farm 2F unless exempted by 40 CFR 122,26(b)(14)(x) or b 15, 2.1 Facility Name International Paper 0 2.2 EPA Identification Number a NCDO57457376 m 2.3 Facility Contact M Name (first and last) Title number a Tim Gill TEHS Manager ����Phone 362 4934 Email address •a Tim.Gill@ipaper.com g 2.4 Facility Mailing Address E Street or P.O. box 865 John L. Riegel Road City or town State ZIP code Riegelwood NC 28456 EPA Form 3510-1 (revised 3-19) Pagel EPA Farm 3510-1 (revised 3-19) Page 2 EPA Identification Number NPDES Permit Number Facility Name Form Approved 03/05/19 NCD057457376 NCO03298 International Paper OMB No. 2040-0004 SECTION-• , 6.1 Existing Environmental Permits (check all that apply and print or type the corresponding permit number for each) ❑ NPDES (discharges to surface ❑ RCRA (hazardous wastes) ❑ UIC (underground injection of o w water) fluids) NC0003298 NCDO57457376 0 PSD (air emissions) ❑ Nonattainment program (CAA) ❑ NESHAPs (CAA) C 03138T43 x ❑ Ocean dumping (MPRSA) ❑ Dredge or fill (CWA Section 404) ❑✓ Other (specify) w See attachment. SECTION1 CFR 1122.21(fll(7)) 7.1 Have you attached a topographic map containing all required information to this application? (See instructions for CL specific requirements.) IDYes ❑ No ❑ CAFO—Not Applicable (See requirements in Form 2B.) SECTION 8. NATURE OF i 8.1 Describe the nature of your business. Manufacturing of bleached market pulp. w a� c .y 3 m G L cc R Z SECTION 9. COOLING ' Does your facility use cooling water? 9.1 L L ✓❑ Yes ❑ No 4 SKIP to Item 10.1. 9.2 Identity the source of cooling water. (Note that facilities that use a cooling water intake structure as described at _ 40 CFR 125, Subparts I and J may have additional application requirements at 40 CFR 122.21(r). Consult with your o �, NPDES permitting authority to determine what specific information needs to be submitted and when.) o2 C> Cape Fear River SECTION1 VARIANCE REQUESTS 1 10.1 Do you intend to request or renew one or more of the variances authorized at 40 CFR 122.21(m)? (Check all that apply. Consult with your NPDES permitting authority to determine what information needs to be submitted and when.) ❑ Fundamentally different factors (CWA ❑ Water quality related effluent limitations (CWA Section m Section 301(n)) 302(b)(2)) ❑ Non -conventional pollutants (CWA ❑ Thermal discharges (CWA Section 316(a)) Section 301(c) and (g)) ❑✓ Not applicable EPA Form 3510-1 (revised 3-19) Page 3 EPA Identification Number NPDES Permit Number Facility Name Form Approved 03/05119 NCD05.7457376 NCO03298 international Paper OMB No.2040-0004 SECTION1 CERTIFICATION STATEMENT (40 In Column 1 below, mark the sections of form 1 that you have completed and are submitting with your application. 11.1 For each section, specify in Column 2 any attachments that you are enclosing to alert the permitting authority. Note that not all applicants are required to provide attachments. Column 1 Column 2 ❑✓ Section 1: Activities Requiring an NPDES Permit ❑ wl attachments Section 2: Name, Mailing Address, and Location ❑ w1 attachments ❑� Section 3: SIC Codes ❑ w1 attachments ❑✓ Section 4: Operator Information ❑ wl attachments ❑✓ Section 5: Indian Land ❑ wl attachments .. ❑✓ Section 6: Existing Environmental Permits ❑✓ wl attachments c ❑✓ Section 7: Map wl topographic ✓❑ ❑ wl additional attachments ma o❑✓ Section 8: Nature of Business ❑ wl attachments ❑✓ Section 9: Cooling Water Intake Structures ❑ wl attachments 40 ❑✓ Section 10: Variance Requests ❑ wl attachments N ❑✓ Section 11: Checklist and Certification Statement ❑ w1 attachments w 11.2 Certification Statement I certify underpenalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations. Name (print or type first and last name) Official title Kevin Driscoll Mill Manager Signature Date signed 7 Z7 EPA Form 3510-1 (revised 3-19) Page 4 Form 1, Item 6.1 Existing Environmental Permits International Paper - Riegelwood, NC Mill Environmental Program Permit Number NPDES NC0003298 RCRA NCDO57457376 PSD (Air Emissions) 03138T43 Solid Waste 2402-IN DUS-2005 2402-INDUS-1972 Stormwater NCS000101 EPA Identification Number NPDES Permit Number Facility Name Form Approved 03105119 OMB No. 2040-0004 NCD057457376 NC003298 international Paper U.S. Environmental Protection Agency LPDES Application for NPDES Permit to Discharge Wastewater I EPJA EXISTING MANUFACTURING, COMMERCIAL, MINING, AND SILVICULTURE OPERATIONS SECTIONOUTFALL LOCATIONi 1.1 Provide information on each of the facility's outfalis in the table below. o Outfall Receiving Water Name Latitude Longitude .2 Number 0 0 001 Cape Fear River 34' 21' 10" N 79' 12' 10" W 0 1 6m- • DRAWING 2.1 Have you attached a line drawing to this application that shows the water flow through your facility with a water balance? (See instructions for drawing requirements. See Exhibit 2C-1 at end of instructions for example.) R =Jio` El ❑ No SECTIONAVERAGE FLOWS 3.1 For each outfall identified under Item 1.1, provide average flow and treatment information. Add additional sheets if necessary. "Outfall Number" 001 Operations Operation Average Flow See Attachment mgd mgd E d mgd r n cc mgd U) Treatment Units 0 a Description Final Disposal of Solid or cn V (include size, flow rate through each treatment unit, Code from Liquid Wastes Other Than a retention time, etc.) Table 2C-1 by Discharge See Attachment EPA Form 3510-2C (Revised 3-19) Page 1 EPA Identification Number NPDES Permit Number Facility Name Form Approved 03/05/19 NCDO57457376 NCO03298 International Paper OMB No.2040-0004 3.1 **Outfall Number" Cont. Operations, Operation Average Flow mgd mgd mgd mgd Treatment Description Units Code from Final Disposal of Solid or (include size, flow rate through each treatment unit, Table 2C-1 Liquid Wastes Other Than retention time, etc.) by Dischar e as c 0 C] m E m a► F **Outfall Number** yOperations Contributing1 Flow o Operation Average Flow LL a, mgd a' mgd mgd mgd Treatment Description Units Code from Final Disposal of Solid or (include size, flow rate through each treatment unit, Table 2C-1 Liquid Wastes Other Than retention time, etc,) by Dischar e 3.2 Are you applying for an NPDES permit to operate a privately owned treatment works? r ❑ Yes ❑✓ No 4 SKIP to Section 4. M 3.3 Have you attached a list that identifies each user of the treatment works? ❑ Yes ❑ No EPA Form 3510-2C (Revised 3-19) Page 2 EPA Identification Number NPDES Permit Number Facility Name Form Approved 03/05119 NCDOS7457375 NCO03298 International Paper OMB No. 2040-0004 TION 4. INTERMITTENT FLOWSI 4.1 Except for storm runoff, leaks, or spills, are any discharges described in Sections 1 and 3 intermittent or seasonal? ❑ Yes ❑✓ No 4 SKIP to Section 5. 4.2 Provide information on intermittent or seasonal flows for each annlicahlP niitfnil Atfach arlrlitinnal narrac if narpccary V) 0 J LLJ Gi ee V _g Q- a c 0 E CD Cu Cu c 0 U 7 -ts 0 a 5.1 Outfail Number Operation (list) Fre uency Flow Rate Duration Average Days/Week Average Months/Year Long -Term Average Maximum Dail dayslweek monthslyear mgd mgd days days/week months/year mgd mgd days days/week monthslyear mgd mgd days dayslweek monthslyear mgd mgd days days/week monthslyear mgd mgd days days/week monthslyear mgd mgd days dayslweek monthslyear mgd mgd days dayslweek months/year mgd mgd days DUCTIONI Do any effluent dayslweek limitation guidelines (ELGs) oromulaated monthslyear by EPA under Section mgd mgd 304 of the CWA an❑ly to vairr days facility? 0 Yes ❑ No 4 SKIP to Section 6. 5.2 Provide the following information on applicable ELGs. ELG Category ELG Subcategory Regulatory Citation 40 CFR 430 Subpart B: Bleached Papergrade Kraft and Soda 430.20(a)I- 430.24(a) 5.3 Are any of the applicable ELGs expressed in terms of production (or other measure of operation)? ❑✓ Yes ❑ No 4 SKIP to Section 6. 5.4 Provide an actual measure of daily production expressed in terms and units of applicable ELGs. Outfall Operation, Product, or Material Quantity per Day Number 001 Market Pulp 2,211 004 Unbleached Pulp Fed to Bleach Plants 1&2 1,123 005 Unbleached Pulp Fed to Bleach Plant 3 1,037 Unit of Measure GRT ADT/day ADT/day ADT/day EPA Form 3510-20 (Revised 3-19) Page 3 EPA Identification Number NPDES Permit Number Facility Name Form Approved 03/05/19 NICD057457376 NCO03298 International Paper OMB No.2040-0004 rION 6. IMPROVEMENTSI CFR 122.21 s , 6.1 Are you presently required by any federal, state, or local authority to meet an implementation schedule for constructing, upgrading, or operating wastewater treatment equipment or practices or any other environmental programs that could affect the discharges described in this application? ❑ Yes ❑✓ No 4 SKIP to Item 6.3. y CD w m P CL _E ro c M W 0 ro L CL Q M Briefl identi each a licable roject in the table below. 7Brief Identification and Description of Project Affected Outfalls (list ouffall number Source(s) of Discharge Final Compliance Dates Required Projected 6.3 Have you attached sheets describing anv additional water nollutinn cnntrnl nrnnrams (nr nther environmental nrninrfc that may affect your discharges) that you now have underway or planned? (optional item) ❑ Yes ✓❑ No ❑ Not applicable See the instructions to determine the pollutants and parameters you are required to monitor and, in turn, the tables you must complete. Not all applicants need to complete each table. Table A. Conventional and Nnn.Cnnvpnfinnaf PnIhifnnfe 7.1 Are you requesting a waiver from your NPDES permitting authority for one or more of the Table A pollutants for any of your outfalls? ❑ Yes ❑✓ No -* SKIP to Item 7.3. 7.2 If yes, indicate the applicable outfalls below. Attach waiver request and other required information to the application. Outfall Number Outfall Number Outfall Number _ 7.3 Have you completed monitoring for all Table A pollutants at each of your outfalls for which a waiver has not been requested and attached the results to this application package? ❑ Yes ❑ No; a waiver has been requested from my NPDES ermittin —bodly for all ollutants at all outfalls. U Table B. Toxic Metals, Cyanide, Total Phenols, and Organic Toxic Pollutants 7.4 Do any of the facility's processes that contribute wastewater fall into one or more of the primary industry categories listed in Exhibit 2C-3? (See end of instructions for exhibit.) ❑✓ Yes ❑ No 3 SKIP to Item 7.8. IV T5 Have you checked "Testing Required" for all toxic metals, cyanide, and total phenols in Section 1 of Table B? w ❑✓ Yes ❑ No 7.6 List the applicable primary industry categories and check the boxes indicating the required GUMS fraction(s) identified in Exhibit 2C-3. Primary Industry Category Required GCIMS Fraction(s) Check applicable boxes. Pulp and Paperboard Mills 0 Volatile 0 Acid 0 Base/Neutral El Pesticide ❑ Volatile ❑ Acid ❑ Base/Neutral ❑ Pesticide ❑ Volatile ❑ Acid ❑ Base/Neutral ❑ Pesticide EPA Form 3510-2C (Revised 3-19) Page 4 EPA Identification Number NPDES Permit Number Facility Name Form Approved 03/05119 NCD057457376 NCO03298 International Paper OMB No. 2040-0004 7.7 Have you checked "Testing Required" for all required pollutants in Sections 2 through 5 of Table B for each of the GC/MS fractions checked in Item 7.6? 0 Yes ❑ No 7.8 Have you checked "Believed Present" or "Believed Absent" for all pollutants listed in Sections 1 through 5 of Table B where testing is not required? 0 Yes ❑ No 7A Have you provided (1) quantitative data for those Section 1, Table B, pollutants for which you have indicated testing is required or (2) quantitative data or other required information for those Section 1, Table B, pollutants that you have indicated are "Believed Present" in your discharge? 0 Yes ❑ No 7.10 Does the applicant qualify for a small business exemption under the criteria specified in the instructions? ❑ Yes 4 Note that you qualify at the top of Table B, 0 No then SKIP to Item 7.12. 7.11 Have you provided (1) quantitative data for those Sections 2 through 5, Table B, pollutants for which you have o determined testing is required or (2) quantitative data or an explanation for those Sections 2 through 5, Table B, Q pollutants you have indicated are "Believed Present" in your discharge? Yes ❑ No N a) Table C. Certain Conventional and Non -Conventional Pollutants T 7.12 Have you indicated whether pollutants are "Believed Present" or "Believed Absent" for all pollutants listed on Table C for all outfalls? Y ❑✓ Yes ❑ No c 7.13 Have you completed Table C by providing (1) quantitative data for those pollutants that are limited either directly or indirectly in an ELG and/or (2) quantitative data or an explanation for those pollutants for which you have indicated "Believed Present"? •' ❑ Yes ❑ No w Table D. Certain Hazardous Substances and Asbestos 7.14 Have you indicated whether pollutants are "Believed Present" or "Believed Absent" for all pollutants listed in Table D for all outfalls? ✓❑ Yes ❑ No 7.15 Have you completed Table D by (1) describing the reasons the applicable pollutants are expected to be discharged and (2) by providing quantitative data, if available? 0 Yes ❑ No Table E. 2,3,7,8-Tetrachiorodibenzo- -Dioxin 2,3,7,8-TCDD 7.16 Does the facility use or manufacture one or more of the 2,3,7,8-TCDD congeners listed in the instructions, or do you know or have reason to believe that TCDD is or may be present in the effluent? ❑ Yes 4 Complete Table E. ❑ No 4 SKIP to Section 8. 7.17 Have you completed Table E by reporting qualitative data for TCDD? ❑✓ Yes ❑ No SECTION. OR MANUFACTURED TOXICSi 8.1 Is any pollutant listed in Table B a substance or a component of a substance used or manufactured at your facility as an intermediate or final product or byproduct? ❑ Yes ❑✓ No 4 SKIP to Section 9. 3 8.2 List the pollutants below. 1. 4. 7. a 2. 5. 8. F3. 6. 9. EPA Form 3510-2C (Revised 3-19) Page 5 EPA Identification Number NPDES Permit Number Facility Name Form Approved 03/05/19 NCDO57457376 NCO03298 International Paper OMB No.2040-0004 SECTIONBIOLOGICAL T• 1 9.1 Do you have any knowledge or reason to believe that any biological test for acute or chronic toxicity has been made within the last three years on (1) any of your discharges or (2) on a receiving water in relation to your discharge? Yes ❑ No -+ SKIP to Section 10. U) 9.2 Identify the tests and their Durposes below. Test(s) Purpose of Test(s) Submitted to NPDES Date Submitted X Permitting Authority? O See Attached. ❑ Yes ❑ No cs _o a ElYes ElNo ❑ Yes ❑ No SECTIONi i Were any of the analyses reported in Section 7 performed by a contract laboratory or consulting firm? 10.1 ❑� Yes ❑ No 4 SKIP to Section 11. 10.2 Provide information for each contract laboratory or consulting firm below. Laboratory Number 1 Laboratory Number 2 Laboratory Number 3 Name of laboratory/firm Environmental Chemists, Inc. Florida Radiochemistry ALS Environmental Services, Inc. m y, Laboratory address 6602 Windmill Way 5456 Hoff ner Ave., Suite 201 10450 Stancliff Rd. Ste. 210 Q Wilmington, NC 28405 Orlando, FL 32812 Houston, TX 77099 R c 0 Phone number (910) 392-0223 (407) 382-7733 (713) 266-1599 Pollutant(s) analyzed Metals, HAPs, Sulfate, Color Radioactive compounds Dioxin/Furan (routine DMR PtCo, Fluoride, Ammonia, monitoring) Phosphorus, COD, MBAS, Nitrogen, Chlorine, Oil and Grease, Bromide, Cyanide, Phenols SECTIONII • •' • 1 11.1 Has the NPDES permitting authority requested additional information? ❑ Yes ❑✓ No + SKIP to Section 12. 0 11.2 List the information requested and attach it to this application. E 0 1. 4. 0 2. 5. 3. 6. EPA Form 3510-2C (Revised 3-19) Page 6 NPOES Permit Number Facility Name Form Approved 0 0-00 4 EPA Identification Number OMB No. 2040-0004 NCDO57457376 NC0003298 International Paper 12.1 In Column 1 below, mark the sections of Form 2C that you have completed and are submitting with your application. For each section, specify in Column 2 any attachments that you are enclosing to alert the permitting authority. Note that not all applicants are required to co m fete all sections or provide attachments. Column 1 Column 2 0 Section 1: Outfall Location ❑ wl attachments wl line drawing ❑✓ Section 2: Line Drawing ❑ g ❑ wf additional attachments wl list of each user of ❑ Section 3: Average Flows and ❑ wI attachments ❑ privately owned treatment Treatment works 0 Section 4: Intermittent Flows ❑ wl attachments ❑✓ Section 5: Production ❑ wt attachments wI optional additional sheets describing any 0 Section 6: Improvements ❑✓ wl attachments ❑ additional pollution control lans wl request for a waiver and ❑ w/ explanation for identical ❑ supporting information outfalls ❑ wl small business exemption ❑ wl other attachments E request N ❑ Section 7: Effluent and Intake 0 wl Table A ❑✓ wl Table B Characteristics ° ✓❑ wl Table C ❑✓ wl Table D wi analytical results as an m0 wl Table E 0 attachment f t� ❑ Section 8: Used or Manufactured ❑ wi attachments �. Toxics x Section 9: Biological Toxicity ❑ wi attachments d ❑✓ Tests 0 Section 10: Contract Analyses wl attachments ❑✓ Section 11: Additional Information ❑ wl attachments ❑ Section 12: Checklist and ❑ wl attachments Certification Statement 12.2 Certification Statement ! certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. l am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations. Name (print or type first and last name) Official title Kevin Driscoll Mill Manager Signature Date signed Page 7 EPA Form 3510-2C (Revised 3-19) This page intentionally left blank. E }tification Number NPDES Permit Number Outfall Number Form Apf, J3105/19 NCDO57457376 NC0003298 �Interna�tim)nalaper 001 OMB Nu.2040-0004 Effluent Intake 17required Waiver o tional Pollutant Requested Units Maximum Maximum Long -Term (if applicable} (specify) Daily Monthly Average Daily Number of Long -Term Number of Discharge Discharge Discharge Analyses Average Value Analyses ❑ Check if available f available here if you have applied to your NPDES permitting authority for a waiver for all of the pollutants listed on this table for the noted outfall. 1' Biochemical oxygen demand Concentration El ppm 36 25.39 15.79 0 (BOD5) IE730 Mass lb/day 9,605 5,602 3,782 2. Chemical oxygen demand ❑ Concentration mg/L 354 1 (COD) Mass lb/day 91,582 1 Concentration mg/L 80.7 1 3. Total organic carbon (TOC) ❑ Mass lb/day 20,878 1 4. Total suspended solids (TSS) Concentration ❑ ppm 51 28 14.89 730 Mass lb/day 14,802 6,410 3,585 730 Concentration mg/L 6.24 3.74 2.08 105 5. Ammonia (as N) El Mass lb/day 1,317 843.33 483.27 105 6. Flow ❑ Rate MGD 50.4 32,52 29.71 730 Temperature (winter) a ❑ °C °C 17.4 23.32 17.66 730 7. Temperature (summer) a ❑ °C °C 26.8 29.77 26.77 730 pH (minimum) ElStandard units s.u. TO 7.28 7.47 730 8. pH (maximum) ❑ Standard units S.U. 8.1 7.77 7.47 730 Sampling shall be conducted according to sufficiently sensitive test procedures (i.e., methods) approved under 40 CFR 136 for the analysis of pollutants or pollutant parameters or required under 40 CFR chapter I, subchapter N or 0. See instructions and 40 CFR 122.21(e)(3). a Winter season is November - May; Summer season is June - October. EPA Form 3510-2C (Revised 3-19) Page 9 This page intentionally left blank. EPA identffication Number NPDES Permit Number Facility Name Outfall Number Form Approved 03/05119 NCD0574S7376 NCO003298 International Paper 001 OMB No.2040-0004 Presence or Absence check one Effluent Intake (optional) Pollutant/Parameter Testing Units Long -Term (and CAS Number, if available) Required Believed Believed (specify) Maximum Maximum Average dumber Long - Number Present Absent Dail Y Monthly Daily of Term of Discharge (required) Discharge (if available) Discharge Analyses Average Value Analyses if available Check here if you qualify as a small business per the instructions to Form 2C and, therefore, do not need to submit quantitative data for any of the organic toxic pollutants in Sections 2 through 5 of this table. Note, however, that you must still indicate in the appropriate column of this table if you believe any of the pollutants listed are present in your discharge. Section 1. Toxic Metals, Cyanide, and Total Phenols 1 1 Antimony, total IZIEl Concentration mg/L <0.01 1 (7440 36-0) Mass lb/day <2.59 1 12 Arsenic, total Concentration mg/L <0.01 (7440-38 2) Mass lb/clay <2.59 1 1.3 Beryllium, total Concentration mg/L <0.01 1 (7440-41-7) Mass lb/clay <2.59 1 1.4 Cadmium, total Concentration mg/L <0.01 1 (7440-43-9) Mass lb/day <2.59 1 1.5 Chromium, total Concentration mg/L 0.014 1 (7440-47-3)El Mass lb/clay 3.62 i 1.6 Copper, total �:E]MASS Concentration mg/L <0.01 1 (7440-50-8) lb/day <2.59 1 1.7 Lead total El ❑ Concentration mg/L <0.01 1 (7439 92-1) Mass lb/day <2.59 1 1.8 Mercury, total El ElMass Concentration mg/L <0.0002 1 (7439-97-6) lb/day <0.052 1 1.9 Nickel, total 11 11Mass Concentration mg/L 0.024 1 (7440 02-0) lb/day 6.21 1 1.10 Selenium, total Concentration mg/L <0.01 1 (7782 49-2) Mass lb/clay <2.59 1 1.11 Silver, total ❑ Concentration mg/L <0,01 1 (7440-22-4) Mass Ib/day <2.59 1 EPA Form 3510-2C (Revised 3-19) Page 11 EPA ,aenlification Number NPDES Permit Number Facility Name Outfall Number Form Approved 03105/19 NCDO57457376 NC0003298 International Paper 001 ONlBNo. 2040-0004 Presence or Absence check one Effluent Intake (optional) Pollutant[Parameter Testing Units Long -Term (and CAS Number, if available) Required Believed Believed (specify)Maximum Maximum Average Number Long Number Present Absent Daily Y Monthly Y Daily of Term of Discharge (required) Discharge (if available) Discharge Analyses Average Value Analyses (if available 1.12 Thallium, total El Concentration mg/L <0.01 1 (7440 28-0) Mass lb/day <2.59 1 1.13 Zinc total ✓❑ El Concentration mg/L 0.218 1 (7440-66-6) Mass lb/day 56.40 1 1.14 Cyanide, total Concentration mg/L <0.005 1 (57-12-5) Mass lb/day <1.29 1 1.15 Phenols, total 0 ❑ Concentration mg/L 0.011 1 Mass lb/day 2.85 1 Section 2.Organic Toxic Pollutants (GCIMS Fraction --Volatile Compounds) 21 Acrolein Concentration µg/L <5.0 1 (107-02-8) Mass lb/day <1.29 1 2.2 Acrylonitrile Concentration µg/L <5.0 1 (107-13-1) Mass lb/day <1.29 1 2.3 Benzene ❑ El Concentration µg/L <0.5 1 (71-43-2) Mass lb/day <0.13 1 2.4 Bromoform El ❑ Concentration µg/L <0.5 1 (75-25-2) Mass lb/day <0.13 1 2.5 Carbon tetrachloride Concentration µg/L <0.5 1 (56-23-5) Mass lb/day <0.13 1 2.6 Chlorobenzene ❑ Concentration µg/L <0.5 1 Mass lb/day <0.13 1 (108-90-7) 2.7 Chlorodibromomethane ❑ Concentration µg/L <0.5 1 (124-48-1) Mass lb/day <0.13 1 2.8 Chloroethane El ❑ Concentration µg/L <0,5 1 (75-00-3) Mass lb/day <0.13 1 EPA Form 3510-2C (Revised 3-19) Page 12 EPA identification Number NPDES Permit Number Facility Name Outfall Number NCD057457376 NC0003298 International Paper 001 Form Approved 03/05/19 OMB No. 2040-0004 TABLE B. TOXIC METALS, CYANIDE, Pollutant/Parameter (and CAS Number, if available } TOTAL PHENOLS, Testing Required q AND ORGANIC TOXIC Presence or Absence check one POLLUTANTS (40 CFR Units (specify) 122.21(g)(7)(v))' Effluent Intake (optional) Believed Present Believed Absent Maximum Daily Discharge (required) Maximum Monthly Discharge (if available) Long -Term Average Daily Discharge if available Number °f Analyses Lon Term Average Value Number °f Analyses 2.9 2-ch loroethyl vinyl ether (110-75-8) Concentration µg/L <5.0 1 Mass lb/day <1.29 1 2.10 Chloroform (67-66-3) 0 El � Concentration µg/L <0.5 1 Mass lb/day <0.13 1 211 Dichlorobromomethane (75-27-4) ❑✓ ❑ El Concentration µg/L <0.5 1 Mass lb/day <0.13 1 212 11-dichloroethane (75-34-3) ❑✓ ❑ ❑ Concentration µg/L <0.5 Mass lb/day <0.13 1 2.13 1,2-dichloroethane (107-06-2) El Concentration µg/L <0.5 1 Mass lb/day <0.13 1 214 1,1-dichloroethylene (75-35-4) Concentration µg/L <0.5 1 Mass lb/clay <0.13 1 215 12-dichloropropane (78-87-5) 1:1 El Concentration µg/L <0.5 1 Mass lb/day <0.13 1 216 1,3-dichloropropylene (542-75-6) Concentration µg/L <0.5 1 Mass lb/day <0.13 1 217 Ethylbenzene (100-41-4) El Concentration }ig/L <0.5 1 Mass lb/day <0.13 1 218 Methyl bromide (74-83-9) 0 ❑ ❑ Concentration µg/L <0.5 1 Mass lb/day <0.13 1 219 Methyl chloride (74-87-3) Concentration µg/L <0.5 1 Mass lb/day <0.13 1 2.20 Methylene chloride (75-09-2) ❑ Concentration µg/L <0.5 Mass lb/day <0.13 1 2.21 1 1,2,2- tetrachloroethane (79-34-5) Concentration µg/L <0.5 1 Mass lb/day <0.13 1 EPA Form 3510-2C (Revised 3-19) Page 13 EPA identification Number NCO057457376 Permit Number NC0003298 Facility Name International Paper Outfall Number 001 Form Approved 03105/19 OMB No. 2040-0004 • + PollutantlParameter (and (and CAS Number, if available) • + Testing Required • 1 •` Presence or Absence check one • -• 1 units ( �} Effluent Intake (optional) Believed Present Believed(Siaximum Absent Daily Discharge (required) Maximum Monthly Discharge (if available) Long -Term Average Daily Discharge if available Number of Analyses Long Term Average Value Number of Analyses 2.22 Tetrachloroethylene (127-18-4) ❑✓ ❑ ❑ Concentration µg/L <0,5 1 Mass Ib/day <0.13 1 2.23 Toluene (108-88-3) U1 El 11 Concentration µg/L 1 <0.5 1 Mass lb/day <0.13 1 2.24 1,2-trans-dichloroethylene (156-60-5) Concentration µg/L <0.5 1 Mass Ib/day <0.13 1 2.25 1,1,1-trichloroethane (71-55-6) Concentration µg/L <0.5 1 Mass Ib/day <0.13 1 2 26 1 1,2-trichloroethane (79-00-5) IZI El El Concentration µg/L <0.5 1 Mass Ib/day <0.13 1 2.27 Trichloroethylene (79-01-6) ❑ El El Concentration µg/L <0.5 1 Mass Ib/day <0.13 1 2.28 Vinyl chloride (75-01-4) ❑ El El Concentration µg/L <0.5 1 Mass Ib/day <0.13 1 Section 3.Organic Toxic Pollutants (GCIMS Fraction -Acid Compounds) 31 2-chlorophenol (95-57-8) ❑ ❑ Concentration µg/L <5.56 1 Mass lb/day <1.44 1 3.2 2 4-dichlorophenol (120-83-2) ✓ Concentration µg/L <5.56 1 Mass Ib/day <1.44 1 3.3 2 4-dimethylphenol (105-67-9) ✓ El ❑ Concentration µg/L <5.56 1 Mass Ib/day <1.44 1 3.4 4,6-dinitro-o-cresol (534-52 1) ❑ El ❑ Concentration µg/L <27.8 1 Mass Ib/day <7.19 1 3,5 2 4-dinitrophenol (51-28-5) ✓ � El � Concentration µg/L <27.8 1 Mass lb/day <7,19 1 EPA Form 3510-2C (Revised 3-19) Page 14 �A Identification Number NPDES Permit Number Facility Name Outfall Number NCDO57457376 NC0003298 International Paper 001 Form Approved 03/05/19 OMB No. 2040-0004 Pollutant/Parameter and CAS Number, if available { ) Testing q ' Required Presence or Absence check one Units (specify} Effluent Intake (optional) Believed Present Believed Absent Maximum Daily Discharge (required) Maximum Monthly Discharge (if availabte) Long -Term Average Daily discharge if available Number °f Analyses Long- Term Average Value Number of Analyses 3.6 2-nitrophenol (88-75-5) El Concentration pg/L <27.8 1 Mass Iblday <7.19 1 3.7 4-nitrophenol (100-02-7) Concentration pg/L <27.8 1 Mass lb/day <7.19 1 3.8 p-chloro-m-cresol (59-50-7) 1:1 El Concentration pg/L <5.56 1 Mass lb/day <1.44 1 3.9 Pentachlorophenol (87-86-5) El Concentration pg/L <27.8 1 Mass lb/day <7.19 1 3.10 Phenol (108-95-2) El Concentration pg/L <5.56 1 Mass lb/day <1.44 1 3.11 2 4,6-trichlorophenol (88-05-2) El El Concentration pg/L <5.56 1 Mass lb/day <1.44 1 Section 4, Organic Toxic Pollutants (GC1MS Fraction --Base !Neutral Compounds) 4.1 Acenaphthene (83-32-9) '� El ❑ Concentration pg/L <5.56 1 Mass lb/day <1.44 1 4.2 Acenaphthylene (208-96-8) 0 El El Concentration pg/L <5.56 1 Mass lb/day <1.44 1 4,3 Anthracene (120-12-7) 0 Concentration pg/L <5.56 1 Mass lb/day <1.44 1 4.4 Benzidine (92-87-5) Concentration pg/L <11.1 1 Mass lb/day <2.87 1 4.5 Benzo (a) anthracene (56-55-3) ❑ ❑ Concentration pg/L <5.56 1 Mass lb/day <1.44 1 4.6 Benzo (a) pyrene (50-32-8) ❑ 11 Concentration pg/L <5.56 1 Mass lb/day <1.44 1 EPA Form 3510-2C (Revised 3-19) page 15 EPA Identification Number NCD057457376 NPDES Permit NC0003298 Number -T Facility Name International Paper Form Approved OMB No. 03105119 2040-0004 Outfall Number 001 Presence or Absence check one)_Effluent Intake (optional) Pollutant/Parameter (and GAS Number, if available) Testing Required Believed Present Believed Absent units ) (specify) Maximum Dail y Discharge (required) Maximum Monthly Discharge (if available) Long -Term Average y Dail Discharge if available Number of Analyses Long - Term Average Value Number of Analyses 4 7 3 4-benzofluoranthene (205-99-2) Concentration µg/L Mass lb/day <5.56 <1,44 1 1 4.8 Benzo (ghi) perylene (191-24 2) El ElMass Concentration µg/L lb/day <S.56 c1.44 1 1 4 9 Benzo (k) fluoranthene (207-08-9) El Concentration µg/L Mass lb/day <5.56 <1.44 1 1 4.10 Bis (2-chloroethoxy) methane (111-91-1) ❑ Concentration µg/L Mass lb/day <5.56 <1.44 1 1 4.11 Bis (2-chloroethyl) ether (111-44-4) ❑ Concentration µg/L <5.56 1 Mass lb/day <1.44 1 4.12 Bis (2-chloroisopropyl) ether (102-80-1) ❑ Concentration Mass µg/L lb/day <5.56 <1.44 1 1 4.13 Bis (2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (117-81-7) ❑ Concentration µg/L <5.56 1 Mass lb/day <1.44 1 414 4-bromophenyl phenyl ether (101-55-3) ❑ Concentration Mass µg/L lb/day <5.56 <1..44 1 1 415 Butyl benzyl phthalate (85-68 7) El I Concentration µg/L <5.56 1 Mass lb/day <1.44 1 4.16 2-chloronaphthalene (91-58-7) El Concentration Mass µg/L lb/day <5,56 <1.44 1 1 417 4-chlorophenyl phenyl ether (7005-72-3) Concentration µg/L <5.56 1 Mass lb/day c1.44 1 418 Chrysene (21$-01-9) El El Concentration µg/L <5.56 1 Mass lb/day <1.44 1 419 F(53-70-3) Dibenzo (a,h) anthracene ❑ Concentration µg/L Mass lb/day <5,56 <1.44 g 1 EPA Form 3510-2C (Revised 3-19) Page 16 � identification Number NCDO57457376 Pollutant/Parameter (and CAS Number, if available) 4.20 1 2-dichlorobenzene (95-50-1) 4.21 1 3-dichlorobenzene (541-73-1) 4.22 1 4-dichlorobenzene (106-46-7) 4.23 3,3-dichlorobenzidine (91-94-1) 4.24 Diethyl phthalate (84-66-2) 4.25 Dimethyl phthalate (131-11-3) 4.26 Di-n-butyl phthalate (84-74-2) 4.27 2,4-dinitrotoluene (121-14-2) 4.28 2,6-dinitrotoluene (606-20-2) 4.29 Di-n-octyl phthalate (117-84-0) 4.30 1,2-Dipheny1hydrazine (as azobenzen e) (122-66-7) 4.31 Fluoranthene (206-44-0) 4.32 Fluorene (86-73-7) EPA Form 3510-2C (Revised 3-19) NPOES Permit Number NC0003298 Presence or Absence Testing Required Believed Believed Present Absent ✓❑ ❑ ❑ 0 ❑ ❑ IZI ❑ ❑ IZI ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 0 ❑ ❑ © ❑ ❑ ✓❑ ❑ ❑ 0 ❑ ❑ 0 ❑ ❑ 0 ❑ ❑ 0 ❑ ❑ ED ❑ ❑ Facility Name Outfall Number International Paper 001 Form Approved 03/05119 OMB No. 2040-0004 Effluent intake (optional) Units (specify) (specify) Maximum Maximum Long -Term Average Number Lon Number Monthly Daily °f Term of Discharge Discharge Discharge Analyses Average Analyses (required) (if available) Value if available Concentration µg/L <5.56 1 Mass lb/day <1.44 1 Concentration µg/L <5.56 1 Mass lb/day <1.44 1 Concentration µg/L <5.56 1 Mass lb/day <1.44 1 Concentration µg/L I <11.1 1 Mass lb/day <2.87 1 Concentration µg/L <5.56 1 Mass lb/day <1.44 1 Concentration µg/L <5.56 1 Mass lb/day <1.44 1 Concentration µg/L <5.56 1 Mass lb/day <1.44 1 Concentration µg/L <5.56 1 Mass Ib/day <1.44 1 Concentration µg/L <5.56 1 Mass lb/day <1.44 1 Concentration µg/L <5.56 1 Mass lb/day <1.44 1 Concentration µla/L <5.56 1 Mass lb/day <1.44 1 Concentration µg/L <5.56 1 Mass Ib/day <1.44 1 Concentration µg/L <5.56 1 Mass lb/day <1.44 1 Page 17 EPA identification Number NPDES Permit Nu NCDO57457376 NC0003298 Presence or Absence P°Ilutant]Parameter Testing (and CAS Number, if available) Required Believed Believed Present Absent 4.33 Hexachlorobenzene ❑ (118-74-1) 4.34 Hexachlorobutadiene ❑ (87-68-3) 4.35 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene El (77-47-4) 4.36 Hexachloroethane El El (67-72-1) 437 Indeno (1,2,3-cd) pyrene ❑ (193-39-5) 4.38 Isophorone El ❑ (78-59-1) 4.39 Naphthalene El (91-20-3) 4.40 Nitrobenzene ✓ ❑ (98-95-3) 4.41 N-nitrosodimethylamine ❑ (62-75-9) 4.42 N-n itrosod i-n-propylami n e El El (621-64-7) 4.43 N-nitrosodiphenylamine El 1:1 (86-30-6) 4.44 Phenanthrene El El (85-01-8) 4.45 Pyrene (129-00-0) ❑ EPA Form 3510-2C (Revised 3-19) Facility Name Outfall Number Form Approved 03/05/19 International Paper 001 OMS No. 2040-0004 -OXIC '• , Effluent Intake (optional) Units (specify) Maximum Maximum Long -Term Average Number Long - Number Daily Monthly Daily °f Term of Discharge (required) Discharge (if available) Discharge Analyses Average Value Analyses if available Concentration µg/L <5.56 Mass lb/day <1.44 1 Concentration µg/L <5.56 1 Mass lb/day <1.44 1 Concentration µg/L <27,8 1 Mass lb/day <7.19 1 Concentration µg/L <5.56 1 Mass lb/day <1.44 1 Concentration µg/L <5.56 1 Mass lb/day <1.44 1 Concentration µg/L <5.56 1 Mass lb/day <1.44 1 Concentration µg/L <5.56 Mass lb/day <1.44 1 Concentration ug/L <5.56 1 Mass lb/day <1.44 1 Concentration µg/L <5.56 1 Mass lb/day <1.44 1 Concentration µg/L <5.56 1 Mass lb/day <1.44 1 Concentration µg/L <5.56 1 Mass lb/day <1.44 1 Concentration µg/L <5.56 1 Mass lb/day <1.44 1 Concentration µg/L <5.56 1 Mass lb/clay <1.44 1 Page 18 EPA Identification Number NPOES Permit Number Facility Name Outfall Number Form Approved 03/05/19 NCDO57457376 NC0003298 International Paper 001 OMB No. 2040-0004 • r • • r •- • •• 1 Presence or Absence check one Effluent Intake (optional) Pollutant/Parameter Testing Emits Long -Term (and CAS Number, if available) Required Believed Believed (specify) Maximum Maximum Average Number Long- Number Present Absent Daif Y Monthly Daily of Term °t Discharge (required) Discharge (if available) Discharge Analyses Average Value Analyses if available 4.46 1,2,4-trichlorobenzene El Concentration µg/L <5.56 1 (120-821) Mass Ib/day <1.44 1 Section 5.Organic Toxic Pollutants (GCIMS Fraction —Pesticides) 51 Aldrin ❑ ❑ Concentration µg/L <0.050 1 (309-00-2) Mass lb/day <0.013 1 5 2 a-BHC El 1:3 Concentration µg/L <0.050 (319-84-6) Mass lb/day <0.013 1 5 3 R-SHC ❑ ❑ Concentration µg/L <0.050 1 (319-85 7) Mass lb/day <0.013 1 5.4 Y-BHC Concentration µg/L <0.050 1 (58-89-9) Mass lb/day <0.013 1 5.5 6-13HC Concentration µg/L <0.050 1 (319-86-8) Mass lb/day <0.013 1 5.6 Chlordane Concentration µg/L <3.0 1 (57-74-9) Mass lb/day <0.78 1 5.7 4,4'-DDT El Concentration µg/L <0.050 1 Mass lb/day <0.013 1 (50-29-3) 5.8 4 4'-DDE Concentration µg/L <0.050 1 (72-55-9) Mass lb/day <0.013 1 5 9 4 4'-DDD El 1:1 Concentration µg/L <0.050 1 (72-54-8) Mass lb/day <0.013 1 5.10 Dieldrin Concentration µg/L <0.050 1 (60-57-1) Mass lb/day <0.013 1 5.11 a-endosulfan El Concentration µg/L <0.050 1 (115 29-7) Mass lb/day <0.013 1 EPA Form 3510-2C (Revised 3-19) Page 19 EPA Identification Number NPDES Permit Number Facility Name Form Approved 03105/19 Outfall Number NCDO57457376 NCO003298 International Paper 001 OMB No. 2040-0004 Presence or Absence check one Effluent Intake (optional) Poll utantlParameter Testing Units Long -Term (and CAS Number, if available) Required Believed Believed (specify) Maximum Maximum Average Number Long- Number Present Absent Dail Y Monthly Daily of Term of Discharge (required) Discharge (if available) Discharge Analyses Average value Analyses if available 5.12 R-endosulfan ❑ ❑ ❑ Concentration µg/L <0.050 1 (115-29-7) Mass lb/clay <0.0135.13 1 Endosulfan sulfate ❑ ❑ ❑ Concentration µg/L <0.050 1 (1031-07-8) Mass lb/clay <0.013 1 514 Endrin ❑ El ❑ Concentration µg/L <0.050 1 (72-20-8) Mass Ib/day <0.013 1 5.15 Endrin aldehyde ❑ ❑ El µg/L <0.050 1 (742193-4) Mass Mass Ib/day <0.013 1 516 Heptachlor ❑ El ❑ Concentration µg/L <0.050 1 (76 44 8) -F-Concentration Mass lb/clay <0.013 1 Heptachlor epoxide 5.17 (1024-57-3) ❑✓ ❑ ❑ µg/L <a.o5o 1 Mass Ib/day <0.013 g PCB 5.18 (53469-21-9) -21 ✓❑ ❑ ❑ Concentration µg/L <3.0 1 Mass Ib/day <0.78 1 PCB-1254 5.19 (11097-69-1) ❑ ❑ ❑ Concentration µg/L <3.0 1 Mass lb/day <o.7s 1 PCB 5.20 (11104-2128-2) 4- 0 El ❑ Concentration µg/L <3.0 1 Mass lb/day <0.78 1 PCB-1232 5.21 (11141-16-5} 0 ❑ El Concentration µg/L <3.0 g Mass lb/day <0.78 1 PCB 5.22 (12672-292-29-6) 0 ❑ ❑ Concentration µg/L <3.0 1 Mass lb/day <0.78 1 PCB-1260 5.23 (11096-82-5) 0 ❑ ❑ Concentration µg/L <3.0 1 Mass lb/day <0.78 PC 5.24 (i2674-1611-2) 74- ❑✓ El ❑ Concentration µg/> <3.0 � Mass Ib/day <0.78 1 EPA Form 3510-2C (Revised 3-19) Page 20 4 Identification Number NPDES Permit Number Facility Name Outfall Number Form Approved 03/05/19 NCD057457376 NC0003298 International Paper 001 OMB No.2040-0004 Presence or Absence check one Effluent Intake (optional) PollutantlParameter (and CAS Number, if available) Testing Required Believed Believed Units (specify)Maximum Maximum Long -Term Average Number Long - Number Present Absent Dail y Monthly y Daily of Term ° Discharge (required) Discharge (if available) Discharge Analyses Average Value Analyses if available Toxaphene 5.25 (8001-35-2) ✓[] ❑ ❑ Concentration µ�/� Klass lb/day <0.78 1 Sampling shall be conducted according to sufficiently sensitive test procedures (i.e., methods) approved under 40 CFR 136 for the analysis of pollutants or pollutant parameters or required under 40 CFR chapter I, subchapter N or 0. See instructions and 40 CFR 122.21(e)(3). EPA Form 3510.2C (Revised 3-19) Page 21 This page intentionally left blank. EPA icentification Number NPI)ES Permit Number Facility Name OTutfall Number Form Approved 03/05/19 NCDO57457376 NCO003298 International Paper 001 OMB No.2040-0004 Presence or Absence check one Effluent Intake (Optional) Pollutant Believed Believed Units (specify) Maximum Daily Maximum Long -Term Long -Term Present Absent Discharge Monthly Average Daily Number of Number of Average (required) Discharge Discharge Analyses Value Analyses if available if available ❑ Check here if you believe all pollutants on Table C to be present in your discharge from the noted outfall. You need not complete the "Presence or Absence" column of Table C for each pollutant. ❑ Check here if you believe all pollutants on Table C to be absent in your discharge from the noted outfall. You need not complete the "Presence or Absence" column of Table C for each pollutant. 1. Bromide ❑ Concentration mg/L 0.07 1 (24959-67-9)IZI Mass lb/day 19.11 1 2 Chlorine, total ❑ ❑ Concentration µg/L 21 residual Mass lb/clay 5.43 1 3. Color 0 ❑ Concentration Ptco >100 1 Mass N/A N/A 4. Fecal coliform ✓❑ ❑ Concentration MPN <2/100 mL 1 Mass N/A N/A 5 Fluoride ❑ ❑ Concentration mg/L 0.4 1 (16984 48 8) Mass Ib/day 103.48 1 6 Nitrate -nitrite 0 ❑ Concentration mg/L 6.22 1.60 0.18 100 Mass lb/clay 1,561 401.15 45.41 100 7. Nitrogen, total ❑ Concentration mg/L 18.40 11.54 5.53 100 organic (as N) Mass lb/day 4,619 2,897 1,389 100 8. Oil and grease 0 ❑ Concentration mg/L <5.0 1 Mass lb/day <1,294 1 9 Phosphorus (as ❑ ❑ Concentration mg/L 2.19 1.73 1.38 100 P), total (7723-14-0) Mass Ib/day 593.440 431.02 328.78 100 10 Sulfate (as $04) 0 ❑ Concentration mg/L 508 1 (14808-79-8) Mass lb/day 131,423 1 11. Sulfide (as S) 0 ❑ Concentration mg/L 0.77 1 Mass lb/day 199.20 1 EPA Form 3510-2C (Revised 3-19) age 23 �PA wentification Number NPDES Permit Number Facility Name Outfall Number Form Approved 03105/19 NCD057457376 NC0003298 International Paper 001 OMB No. 2040-0004 RaGmegin • • • • • •• 1 Presence or Absence check one Effluent Intake (Optional) Pollutant Believed Present Believed Absent Units (specify) Maximum Daily Discharge (required) Maximum Monthly Discharge if available LongTerm " Average Daily Discharge if available)Value Number of Analyses Long -Term Average Number of Analyses 12 Sulfite (as S03) (14265-45-3) ❑ ❑ Concentration mg/L <2.0 1 Mass lb/day <517.41 1 13. Surfactants ❑✓ ❑ Concentration mg/L <0.036 1 Mass lb/day <931 1 1�' Aluminum, total (7429-905) Concentration mg/L 2.50 1 Mass lb/day 646.77 1 15. Barium, total (7440-39.3) ✓ Concentration mg/L 0.080 1 Mass lb/day 20.70 1 16 Boron total (7440-42-8) Concentration mg/L 0.089 1 Mass lb/day 23.02 1 17. Cobalt, total (7440-48-4) ❑ ❑ Concentration mg/L <0.01 1 Mass lb/day <2.59 1 18 Iron total (7439-89-6) 0 ❑ Concentration mg/L 0.915 1 Mass lb/day 235.72 1 19 Magnesium, total (7439-95-4) 0 ❑ Concentration mg/L 8.53 1 Mass lb/day 2,207 1 20. Molybdenum, total 7439-98-7 ✓❑ ❑ Concentration mg/L <0.01 1 Mass lb/day <2.59 1 21. Manganese, total (7439-965) ✓ ❑ Concentration mg/L 0.543 1 Mass lb/day 140.48 1 ' Tin, total (7440-31-5) ElConcentration mg/L <0.01 1 Mass lb/day <2.59 1 23 Titanium, total (7440-32-6) ❑ Concentration mg/L 0,018 1 Mass lb/day 4.66 1 EPA Form 3510-2C (Revised 3-19) Page 24 EPA ruentification Number NPDES Permit Number Facility Name Outfall Number Form Approved 03/05/19 NCD057457376 NCO003298 International Paper 001 OMB No.2040-0004 Presence or Absence check one Effluent Intake (Optional) Pollutant Believed Believed Units (specify) Maximum Daily Maximum Long -Term Long -Term Present Absent Discharge Monthly Average Daily Number of Number of Average (required) Discharge Discharge Analyses Analyses Value if available if availaNe 24. Radioactivity Alpha, total 0 Concentration pCIA <3 Mass Beta, total 0 ❑ Concentration pCi/L 29.4 1 Mass N/A N/A Radium, total 0 Concentration pCi/I- <1.0 Mass N/A N/A Radium 226, total ✓� ❑ Concentration pCi/L <1 1 Mass camping snaii De conaucteo accoraing to sunlclenvy sensitive test procedures (i.e., methods) approved under 40 CFR 136 for the analysis of pollutants or pollutant parameters or required under 40 CFR chapter I, subchapter N or 0. See instructions and 40 CFR 122.21(e)(3). EPA Form 3510-2C (Revised 3-19) Page 25 This page intentionally left blank. EPA identification Number NPDES Permit Number Facility Name Ouffall Number Form Approved 03105M9 nirnnc7nc727c I knnnn��nn OMR Nn 904n-nnn4 Presence or Absence Pollutant check one Believed Believed 7 Present Absent Reason Pollutant Believed Present in Discharge Available Quantitative Data (specify units) 1. Asbestos ❑ 0 2. Acetaldehyde ❑✓ ❑ Published industry data (NCASI) 3. Allyl alcohol ❑ 0 4. Allyi chloride ❑ 5. Amyl acetate ❑ [] 6. Aniline ❑ 0 7. Benzonitrile ❑ ✓❑ 8. Benzyl chloride ❑ ✓❑ 9, Butyl acetate ❑❑ 10. Butylamine ❑ ❑✓ 11. Captan ❑ ✓[` 12. Carbaryl ❑ ✓❑ 13. Carbofuran ❑ ❑ 14. Carbon disulfide ❑✓ ❑ Published industry data (NCASI) 15. Chlorpyrifos ❑ ❑✓ 16. Coumaphos ❑ ❑✓ 17. Cresol ✓❑ ❑ Published industry data (NCASI) 18. Crotonaldehyde ❑❑ 19. Cyclohexane ❑ ✓❑ EPA Form 3510-2C (Revised 3-19) Page 27 EPA Identification Number NPDES NCDO57457376 Pollutant Permit Number NCO003298 It Presence or check International • 1911M. Absence one Facility Name Outfall Number Paper 001 We Reason Pollutant Believed Present in Discharge Form Approved 03/05/19 OMB No.2040-0004 Available Quantitative Data (specify units) Believed Believed Present Absent 20. 2,4-D (2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid) ❑ i0 21. Diazinon ❑ ✓0 22. Dicamba ❑ ❑✓ 23. Dichlobenil ❑ ✓❑ 24. Dichlone ❑ 25. 2,2-dichloropropionic acid ❑ ✓❑ 26. Dichlorvos ❑ ❑✓ 27. Diethyl amine ❑ 0 28. Dimethyl amine ❑ 29. Dintrobenzene [] 30. Diquat ❑ 0 31. Disulfoton ❑ ❑✓ 32. Diuron ❑ 0 33. Epichlorohydrin ❑ 0 34. Ethion ❑ 0 35. Ethylene diamine ❑ ❑✓ 36. Ethylene dibromide ❑ ✓0 37. Formaldehyde ❑✓ ❑ Published industry data (NCASI) 38. Furfural ❑ 0 EPA Form 3510-2C (Revised 3-19) Page 28 EPA identification Number NPOES Permit Number Facility Name Oulall Number NCD057457376 NCO003298 International Paper 001 Form Approved 03/05119 OMB No. 2040-0004 Pollutant Presence or Absence check one Reason Pollutant Believed Present in Discharge Available Quantitative Data (specify units) Believed Believed Present Absent 39. Guthion ❑ ✓❑ 40. Isoprene ❑ 41. Isopropanolamine ❑ ✓❑ 42. Kelthane ❑ 0 43. Kepone ❑ ✓❑ 14. Malathion ❑ 0 45. Mercaptodimethur ❑ 0 16. Methoxychlor ❑ ✓0 17, Methyl mercaptan ❑ ✓❑ 18. Methyl methacrylate ❑ ❑✓ 19. Methyl parathion ❑ 0 50. Mevinphos ❑ ✓❑ 51. Mexacarbate ❑ ✓❑ 52. Monoethyl amine ❑ 0 53. Monomethyl amine ❑ 54. Naled ❑ ❑ 55. Naphthenic acid ❑ ✓❑ 5& Nitrotoluene ❑ 0 P. Parathion ❑ o EPA Form 3510-2C (Revised 3-19) Page 29 EPA identification Number NPDES NCDO57457376 '�• Pollutant Permit Number NCO003298 Presence or check International • 1 Absence one)Reason Fadfity Name Outfall Number Paper 001 Pollutant Believed Present in Discharge 9 Form Approved 03105119 OMI3 No. 2040-0004 Available Quantitative Data (specify units) Believed Believed Present Absent 58. Phenolsulfonate ❑ 0 59. Phosgene ❑ 60. Propargite ❑ 0 61. Propylene oxide ❑ 62. Pyrethrins ❑ 0 63. Quinoline ❑ 64. Resorcinol ❑ 0 65. Strontium ❑ 0 66. Strychnine ❑ 0 67. Styrene 0 ❑ Published industry data (NCASI) 68 2,4 5-T (2,4,5-trichlorophenoxyacetic ❑ 0 acid 69. TDE (tetrachlorodiphenyl ethane) ❑ IZI 70 2,4,5-TP [2-(2,4,5-trichlorophenoxy) ❑ ❑ ro anoic acid 71, Trichlorofon ❑ 0 72. Triethanolamine ❑ 0 73. Triethylamine ❑ 0 74. Trimethylamine ❑ 0 75. Uranium ❑ 0 76. Vanadium Q ❑ Published industry data (NCASI) EPA Form 3510-2C (Revised 3-19) Page 30 EPA Identification Number NPDES Permit Number Facility Name Outfall Number Form Approved 03/05/19 NCD057457376 NC0003298 International Paper 1 001 OMB No.2040-0004 Presence or Absence Pollutant check one Available Quantitative Data ed Believed Reason Pollutant Believed Present in Discharge (specify units) nt Absent 77. Vin�acetate����jlzl ❑ Published industry data (NCASI) 78. Xylene ✓❑ ❑ Published industry data (NCASI) 79. Xylenol ❑ 0 80. zirconium ❑ i0 Sampling shall be conducted according to sufficiently sensitive test procedures (i.e., methods) approved under 40 CFR 136 for the analysis of pollutants or pollutant parameters or required under 40 CFR chapter I, subchapter N or 0. See instructions and 40 CFR 122.21(e)(3). EPA Form 3510-2C (Revised 3-19) Page 31 This page intentionally left blank. EPA Identification Number NCD057457376 Pollutant 2,3,7,8-TCDD NPDES Permit Number NC0003298 • I i am- L"11!1IC1114 TCDD Presence or Congeners Absence Used or check one Manufactured Believed Believed Present Absent Facility Name Outiall Number Form Approved 03105/19 International Paper 001 OMB No.2040-0004 Results of Screening Procedure The Mill is required to monitor 2,3,7,8-TCDD at Outfall 001 annually and at Outfalls 004 and 005 quarterly Results of this monitoring for the past three years have been below laboratory detection levels. EPA Form 3510-2C (Revised 3-19) Page 33 Form 2C, Item 3.1 Operations Contributing to Flow International Paper - Riegelwood, NC Mill Outfall No. Operations Contributing to Flow Operation Average Flow (MGD) 001 Pulp Mill Liquor Cycle 3.8 #4 Recovery 0.6 (E) #5 Recovery 0.4 (E) Kamyr Digester 1.0 Oxygen Delignification 1.3 Screen Room 0.8 #4 Washer 0.3 (E) No. 20 Pulp Dryer (Carolina King) 2.6 No. 18 Pulp Dryer 5.1 Site Stormwater 0.5 (E) Lime Kiln 0.8 (E) Nos. 2 & 5 Power Boilers 1.0 (E) Sluiced Wood Ash Discharge 1.0 Caustisizing 0.8 (E) Holtrachem 0.1 L-area, Chiller Bldg, No. 2 & 3 SVP 1.5 (E) Landfill Cell 1 Leachate < 0.1 (E) Landfill Cell 2 Leachate < 0.1 (E) Bleach Plants 10.5 (E) Form 2C, Item 3.1 Treatment Units International Paper - Riegelwood, NC Mill OutFall Description # 1 Bar Screen Code From Table 2C-1 1-T s Other than by Discharge Lnsat'ODisposal of Solid or LiquidNo. Solids disposed of in onsite landfill. Underflow sent to screw presses or #1 Clarifier 1-U primary sludge ponds for dewatering. 1-T Solids disposed of in onsite landfill. 42 Bar Screen Underflow sent to screw presses or #2 Clarifier 1-U primary sludge ponds for dewatering. Secondary sludge is dredged as needed and typically routed to secondary sludge ASB -New Bay 3-B ponds. Secondary sludge is dredged as needed and typically routed to secondary sludge 001 Settling Pond - Theo Pond 1-U ponds. ASB - South Say 3-B ASB - North Basin 3-B Settling Pond - North Basin 1-U Sludge is combusted in the power Screw Presses 5-R. 5-0 boilers. Sludge is sent to sludge ponds for Sludge Ponds 5-P. 5-T dewatering. Solids are excavated on regular frequency and disposed of in onsite Wood Ash Pond l-U landfill. Form 2C, Item 9.2 Biological Toxicity Tests International Paper - Riegelwood, NC Mill Test(s) Purpose of Test(s) Submitted to NPDES pate Submitted Ceriodaphnia Results PasslFailt�l Permitting Authority? (% Mortality in Effluent} Chronic WET Condition A(4) of NPDES Yes 2/26/2020 Method 1002.0: 0% Pass Testing Permit Chronic WET Condition A(4) of NPDES Yes 5/27/2020 Method 1002.0. 0% Pass Testing Permit Chronic WET Condition A(4) of NPDES Yes 8/27/2020 Method 1002.0: 0% Pass Testing Permit Chronic WET Condition A(4) of NPDES Yes 10/29/2020 Method 1002.0: 0% Pass Testing Permit Chronic WET Condition A(4) of NPDES Yes 1/27/2021 Method 1002.0: 0% Pass Testing Permit Chronic WET Condition A(4) of NPDES Yes 4/28/2021 Method 1002.0: 0% Pass Testing Permit Chronic WET Condition A(4) of NPDES Yes 8/25/2021 Method 1002.0: 0% Pass Testing Permit Chronic WET Condition A(4) of NPDES Yes 10/27/2021 Method 1002.0: 0% Pass Testing Permit Chronic WET Condition A(4) of NPDES Yes 1/26/2022 Method 1002.0: 0% Pass Testin,- Permit Chronic WET Condition A(4) of NPDES Yes 4/27/2022 Method 1002.0: 0% Pass Testing Permit Chronic WET Condition A(4) of NPDES Yes 7/2512022 Method 1002.0: 0% Pass Testing Permit Chronic WET Condition A(4) of NPDES Yes 10/21/2022 Method 1002.0: 0% Pass Testing Permit (') The permit limit for Method 1002.0 is 8% mortality in effluent. EPA Identification Number NPDES Number Facility Name Outfall Number NCDO57457376 NC0003298 International Paper - Riegelwood 001 Mill Pollutant (Required) CAS number Method Number (if Applicable) Reason Pollutant Believed Present in Discharge Estimated Concentration (If known) 2-Propanone (Acetone) 67-64-1 8260D Present in chemical additive used at Mill 4.49 µg/L Calcium 744Q-70-2 200.7 Published industry data (NCASI) and present in chemical additive used at Mill 39.5 mg/L OCDDIai 3268-87-9 8290A Published industry data (NCASI) 14.5 pg/L Silica 7631-86-9 200.7 Present in chemical additive used at Mill 13 mg/L Sodium 7440-23-5 200.7 Published industry data (NCASI) 586 mg/L Strontium 7440-24-6 200.7 Published industry data (NCASI) 0.12 mg/L Vanadium 7440-62-2 2003 Published industry data (NCASI) 0.084 mg/L -' Note comment on lab report for OCDD. The target analyte was detected in the associated blank. The reported value is estimated. APPENDIX B - FIGURES CAPE FEAR RIVER OUTFALL 009 Rd StS97R Legend Q Property Boundary • Outfall • Intake Cape Fear River Flow Direction 0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 mi 1111011110 Figure 2-1 Facility Location Map International Paper Riegelwood Mill Riegelwood, NC PREPARED BY: Y: CHECKED B A.B. L.S. DATE: PROJECT NO.: November 2022 1 00948-0019.01 ALL Topographic Map Courtesy of the United States Geological Survey 2-2 INTAKE il 32.0 MGD E MGD I BACKWASH RECIRC. TREATMENT PLANT SITE 0.5 E MGD STORM WATER RUNOFF #5 RECOVERY 0.4 E) MGD #5 EVAPORATOR 0.8 (E) MGD LIME KILNS 1.0 E) MGD NOS.2&5 1.3(E) MGD POWER BOILER 1.0 SCRUBBERS ASH PONb TREATED WASTEWATER CAUSTICIZING 0.8 E MGD EFFLUENT LIQUOR CYCLE PULP MILL 3.8 MGD TOTAL NOS. 1.2,3 BSw BATCH DIGESTERS #4 RECOVERY 0.6 (E) MGD 4.4 MGD NO. 4 RECOVERY 1.0 MGD KAMYR DIGESTER 0.3 E) MGD N0.4 BSW 1.5 (E) MGD LC AR CHILLER BLOG NOS. 2 & 3 SVP HOLTRACHEM 0.06 MGD 1.3 MGD £ KNOT LINE 02 DELIG SCREEN 0.8 E MGD ROOM 5.1 (E) MGD NO.18 PULP DRYER 2.6 (E) MGD NO.20 PULP DRYER 1D.5 E MG[ NOS. 1,2,3 BLEACH PLANTS LANDFILL CELL 1 <0.1 MGD LEACH ATE LANDFILL CELL 2 <0.1 MGD 19.0 (E) MGD NO.1 PRIMARY CLARIFIER NO 1. INTAKE AND CLARIFIER FLOWS WERE AVERAGED FROM JAN 2017 TO SEP 2022 2. TOTAL MILL EFFLUENT FLOW CAN BE DIRECTED TO EITHER CLARIFIER, 3. THE BLEACH PLANT FLOW CAN BYPASS THE CLARIFIERS. 13.1 (E) MGD INTERNATIONAL ®PAPER RIEGELWOOD MILL DRAWN EA WASTEWATER NO.2 CHECKED cc PRIMARY JAPPROVED CC STREAM CLARIFIER R 01/19/23 R�07/18/95 FLOW SCHEMATIC \ Rp, OS/23/16 REV 42/02/00 REV 03/25/94 . Iq. A 11 n n n77 SITE STORMWATER RUNOFF .5 MGD INFLUENT 12.5 MGD HOLTRACHEM INFLUENT BLEACH PLANTS 10.5 (E) MGD INFLUENT (FIBER MILL B.5 MGD BAR SCREEN H2SO4 (IF NEEDED) BAR SCREEN NOTE: 1 TOTAL MILL EFFLUENT FLOW CAN BE DIRECTED TO EITHER CLARIFIER AND THE BLEACH PLANT MAY INDIVIDUALLY BYPASS THE CLARIFIER(S). 2 . VOLUMES ESTIMATED BASED ON SURFACE AREAS. 1.5 MGD (EST) 313 TPO SLUDGE PONDS 1-5% SOLIDS (EARTHEN) 3 W 0 Z � NO PRIMARY CLARIFIER (CONCRETE) SURFACE AREA: 0.58 ACRES RESIDENCE TIME: 5.9 HRS. VOLUME 3.2 MG/ / NO.1 PRIMARY CLARIFIER (EARTHEN) SURFACE AREA: 1.8 ACRES RESIDENCE TIME: 12.6 HRS. \VOLUME 10 MG 1.0E MGD SLUDGE FILTRATE SCREW PRESSES 30-40% SOLIDS 1.2 TPD N0.2&5 POWER BOILERS 0 c� o w _ N LU J O W w p a a C3 U Q U Z Q J Q Z W a J J Q w J GROUP: Pulp and Paper DIVISION/SUBSIDIARY: Manufactoring MILL/PLANT: Riegelwood Mill SU NITRATE 49 t (IF NEEDED) NO.1 ASB (NEW NO.2 ASB BAY) & (SOUTH BAY) SETTLING POND (EARTHEN) (THEO POND) 34.8 MGD SURFACE AREA: 32.1 MGD (EARTHEN) -45 ACRES SURFACE AREA: VOLUME: 115.4 -50 ACRES Mgal RESIDENCE 1.670 U9S/DAY VOLUME: 71.6 TIME: 3.8 DAYS MG RESIDENCE TIME: 2.6 DAYS r NH 40 a a (IF NEEDED) m m Lo RECIRCULATION 4x60 MGD (IF NEEDED) POLISHING POND (NORTH BAY) (EARTHEN) BACTERIA B j SURFACE AREA: (IF NEEDED) -32.5 ACRES VOLUME: 69.1 Mgol RESIDENCE TIME: 2.3 DAYS DEFOAMER 384 LBS/OAY 7.0 MGD RIVER W OXYGEN PARSHALL 10,000 LBS/DAY FLUME (IF NEEDED) OUTFALL 28.7 MGD 1 CAPE FEAR RIVER TITLE WASTEWATER FLOW DRAWN BY: EA SCALE INTERNATIONAL (I)i PAPER UNAVVIIVh I14l1. DATE 1-19-23 N/A RIEGELWOOD MILL V1 10012 APPENDIX C -- LABORATORY ANALYTICAL DATA [envirochemml ANALYTICAL & CONSULTING CHEMISTS Environmental Chemists, Inc. 6602 Windmill Way, Wilmington, NC 28405 • 910.392,0223 Lab • 910,392.4424 Fax 710 Bowsertown Road, Manteo, NC 27954 • 252.473,5702 Lab/Fax 255-A Wilmington Highway, Jacksonville, NC 28540 * 910.347.5843 Lab/Fax infolnenviroiimentaichemists.com International Paper - Riegelwood Date of Report: Sep 01, 2022 865 John L. Riegel Road Customer P© #: Riegelwood NC 28456 Customer ID: 09010017 Attention: Report #: 2022-09568 Project ID: NPDES Permit Renewal Lab ID Sample ID: Collect DatefTime Matrix Sampled by 22-22989 Site: Effluent - Composite 5/25/2022 6.00 AM Water soles/baker Test Method Results Date Analyzed Antimony EPA 200 7 <0.01 mg/L 06/02/2022 Cobalt EPA 200 7, Rev 4 4, 1994 <0.01 mg/L 06/0212022 Copper EPA 200.7, Rev 4 4, 1994 <0.01 mg/L 06/02/2022 Iron EPA 200.7, Rev 4 4, 1994 0.915 mg/L 06/02/2022 Lead EPA 200 7_ Rev 4 4, 1994 <0.01 mg/L 06/02/2022 lagnesium EPA 200 7, Rev 4 4, 1994 8.53 mg/L O6/02/2022 Manganese EPA 200.7, Rev 4 4, 1994 0.543 mg/L 06/02/2022 Molybdenum EPA 200 7, Rev 4 4, 1994 <0.01 mg/L 06/0212022 Nickel EPA 200 7, Rev 4 4, 1994 0.024 mg/L 06/02/2022 Selenium EPA 200.7, Rev 4 4, 1994 <0.01 mg/L 06/02/2022 Silver EPA 200.7, Rev 44, 1994 <0.01 mg1L 06/15/2022 Thallium EPA 200.7, Rev 4 4, 1994 <0,01mg/L 06/02/2022 Tin EPA 200.7, Rev 4 4, 1994 <0.01 mg/L 06/13/2022 Titanium EPA 200.7, Rev 4 4 1994 0.018mg/L 06/02/2022 Zinc EPA 200.7, Rev 4.4,1994 0.218 mg/L 05/02/2022 Aluminum EPA 200.7, Rev 4 a, 1994 2.50 mg/L 06/02/2022 Arsenic EPA 200.7, Rev. 4 4, 1994 <0.01 mg/L 06/02/2022 Barium EPA 200.7, Rev 4 4, 1994 0.080 mg/L 06/02/2022 Beryllium EPA 200.7, Rev 4 4, 1994 <0,01 mg1L 06/02/2022 Boron EPA 200 7, Rev 4 4, 1994 0.089 mg/L 06/02/2022 Cadmium EPA 200 7, Rev 4 4.1994 <0.01 mg/L 06/02/2022 Chromium EPA 200 7, Rev. 4 4, 1994 0.014 mg/L 06/02/2022 ,ercury EPA 2451, Rev 3 0. 1994 <0.0002 mg1L 06/09/2022 Sulfate EPA 300 0, Rev 2.1. 1993 508 mg/L 05/25/2022 Color PtCo son 2120 a-2011 (Pteo) >100 units 05/27/2022 Fluoride SM 4500 F c-2011 0.4 mg/L 05131 /2022 Report # 2022-0956B Page 1 of 6 envirochem ANALYTICAL & CONSULTING CHEMISTS International Paper - Riegelwood 865 John L. Riegel Road Riegelwood NC 28456 Attention: Environmental Chemists, Inc. 6602 Windmill Way, Wilmington, NC 28405 • 910.392.0223 Lab ' 910.392.4424 Fax 710 Bowsertown Road, Manteo, NC 27954 • 252.473.5702 Lab/Fax 2.55-A Wilmington Highway, Jacksonville, NC 28540 1 910.347.5843 Lab/Fax Ammonia Nitrogen SM 4500 NH3 C-2011 Total Phosphorus SM 4500 P (F-H)-2011 COD SM 5220 D-2011 MBAS SM 5540 C-2011 Reported as tAS molecular weight 342 glmol, Nitrate Nitrogen (Calc) Nitrite Nitrogen Nitrate+Nitrite-Nitrogen Nitrate Nitrogen otal Nitrogen (Cale) Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen (TKN) Total Nitrogen EPA 353 2, Rev 2 0, 1993 EPA 353 2, Rev 2.0, 1993 Subtraction Method EPA 351 2, Rev 2.0. 1993 'fatal Nitrogen info(aenvironmentalchemists.com Date of Report: Sep 01, 2022 Customer PO #: Customer ID: 09010017 Report #: 2022-09568 Project ID: NPDES Permit Renewal 1.14 mg/L 05/26/2022 1.40 mg1L 06/02/2022 354 mg/L 05/31 /2022 <0.036 MBAS mg/L 05/25/2022 0.05 mg/L 05/26/2022 0.57 mg/L 05/26/2022 0.52mg/L 06/11/2022 5.5 mg/L 06/02/2022 6.1 mg/L 06/11/2022 Report # 2022-09568 Page 2 of 6 r7Environmental Chemists, Inc. envirochem 6602 Windmill Way, Wilmington, NC 28405 • 910.392.0223 Lab a 910.392.4424 Fax 710 Bowsertown (toad, Manteo, NC 27954 • 252.473.5702 Lab/Pax 255-A Wilmington Highway, Jacksonville, NC 28540 • 910.347,5843 Lab/Fax ANALYTICAL & CONSULTING CHEMISTS infarn;environmentalchemists.com International Paper - Riegelwood Date of Report: Sep 01, 2022 865 John L. Riegel Road Customer PO #: Riegelwood NC 28456 Customer ID: 09010017 Attention: Report #: 2022-09568 Project ID: NPDES Permit Renewal Lab ID Sample ID: Collect DateiTime Matrix Sampled by 22-22990 Site: Effluent - Grab 5/25/2022 10:30 AM Water soleslbaker Test Method Results Date Analyzed Residual Chlorine 4500-Cl G 21 pg/L 05/25/2022 Oil & Grease (O&G) EPA 1664 Rev B <5.0 mg/L 06/0212022 Bromide EPA 3001 0.07 mg1L 05/26/2022 Cyanide EPA 335 4, Rev 1 0,1993 < 0.005 mg/L 05/31 /2022 Inorganic Phenols EPA 4204, Rev 1 0, 1993 0.011 mg/L 05131/2022 ?-Chlor©ethyl Vinyl Ether EPA 6241 <5.0 pg/L 05/26/2022 1,1,1-Trichloroethane EPA 624 1 <0.5 lag/L 05/26/2022 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane EPA 6241 <0.5pg/L 05/26/2022 1,1,2-Trichloroethane EPA 624 1 <0.5 pg/L 05/26/2022 1,1-Dichloroethane EPA 624 1 <0.5 pg/L 05/2612022 1,1-Dichloroethane EPA 6241 <0.5 pg/L 05/2612022 1,2-Dichlorobenzene EPA 624 1 <0.5 pg/L 05/26/2022 1,2-Dichloroethane EPA 6241 <0.5 pg/L 05/26/2022 1,2-Dichloropropane EPA 6241 <0.5 pg/L 05/26/2022 1, 3-Dick lorobenzene EPA 624 1 <0.5 pg/L 05/26/2022 1,4-Dichlorobenzene EPA 624 1 <0,5 pg1L 05/26/2022 Acrolein EPA 624 1 <5 pg/L 05/26/2022 Acrylonitrile EPA 624 1 <5 pg/L 05/26/2022 Benzene EPA 6241 <0.5 pg/L 05/26/2022 Bromodichloromethane EPA 6241 <0.5 pg/L 05/26/2022 Bromoform EPA 6241 <0.5 pg/L 05/26/2022 Bromomethane EPA 624 1 <0.5 pg/L 05126/2022 arbon tetrachloride EPA 624 1 <0.5 pg/L 05/26/2022 Chlorobenzene EPA 6241 <0.5 pg/L 05/26/2022 Chloroethane EPA 6241 <0.5 pg/L 05/26/2022 Chloroform EPA 6241 <0.5 pg/L 05/26/2022 Report # 2022-419568 Page 3 of 6 [envirochem ANALYTICAL & CONSULTING CHEMISTS Environmental Chemists, Inc. 6602 Windmill Way, Wilmington, NC 28405 • 910,392.0223 Lab + 914.392.4424 Fax 710 Bowsertown Load, Manteo, INC 27954 • 252.473.5702 Lab/Fax 255-A Wilmington Highway, Jacksonville, NC 28540 • 910.347.5843 Lab/Fax inro[!snvironmentalchemists.com International Paper - Riegelwood Date of Report: Sep 01, 2022 865 John L. Riegel Road Customer PO M Riegelwood NC 28456 Customer ID: 09010017 Attention: Report M 2022-09568 Project ID: NPDES Permit Renewal Chloromethane EPA 624 1 <0.5 pg/L 05/26/2022 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene EPA 624.1 <0.5 pg/L 05/26/2022 Dibrom ochloro methane EPA 624 1 <0.5 pg/L 05/26/2022 Ethylbenzene EPA 624.1 <0.5 pg/L 05/26/2022 1 PE EPA 6241 <0.5 pg/L 05/26/2022 M+P Xylene EPA 624 1 <1.0 pg/L 05/26/2022 Methylene chloride EPA 624 1 <0.5 pg/L 05/26/2022 MTBE EPA 6241 <0.5 pg/L 05/26/2022 Naphthalene EPA 624 1 <0.5 pg/L 05/26/2022 irtho-Xylene EPA 6241 <0.5 pg/L 05/26/2022 Tetrachloroethene EPA 624 1 <0.5 pg/L 05/26/2022 Toluene EPA 6241 <0.5 pglL 05/2612022 Trans-1,2-Dichloroethene EPA 6241 <0.5 pg/L 05/26/2022 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene EPA 6241 <0.5pg/L 05/26/2022 Trichloroethene EPA 624 1 <0.5 pg/L 05/26/2022 Trichlorofluoromethane EPA 6241 <0.5 pg/L 05/26/2022 Vinyl chloride EPA 624 1 <0.5 pg/L 05/26/2022 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol EPA 625 1 <5.56 pg/L 05/24/2022 2,4-Dichlorophenol EPA 6251 <5.56 pg/L 05/24/2022 2,4-Dimethylphenol EPA 625 1 <5.56 pg/L 05/24/2022 2,4-Dinitrophenol EPA 625 1 <27.8 pg/L 05/2412022 2-Chlorophenol EPA 625 1 <5.56 pg/L 05/24/2022 2-Methyl-4,6-dinitrophenol EPA 625 1 <27.8 pg/L 05/2412022 2-Nitrophenol EPA 625 1 <27.8 pg/L 05/24/2022 4-Chloro-3-methylphenol EPA 625 1 <5.56 pg/L 05/24/2022 '1-Nitrophenol EPA 625 1 <27.8 pg/L 05/24/2022 . `entach lorophenol EPA 625 1 <27.8 pg/L 05/2412022 Phenol EPA 625 1 <5.56 pg/L 05/24/2022 1,2 Diphenylhydrazine EPA 625 1 <5.56 pg/L 05/24/2022 Report # 2022-09568 Page 4 of 6 renyvirocheml Ih- ANALYTICAL & CONSULTING CHEMISTS Environmental Chemists, Inc. 6602 Windmill Way, Wilmington, NC 28405 v 910.392.0223 Lab • 910.392.4424 Fax 710 Bowsertown Road, Manteo, NC 27954 • 252,473,5702 Lab/Fax 255-A Wilmington Highway, Jacksonville, NC 28540 • 910.3475843 Lab/Fax i n fo[-environ mentalchemists.com International Paper - Riegelwood Date of Report: Sep 01, 2022 865 John L. Riegel Road Customer PO #: Riegelwood NC 28456 Customer ID: 09010017 Attention: Report #: 2022-09568 Project ID: NPDBS Permit Renewal 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene EPA 625 1 <5.56 pg/L 05/24/2022 1,2-Dichlorobenzene EPA 525 1 <5.56 pgfL 05124/2022 1, 3-Dich lorobenzene EPA 625 1 <5.56 pg/L 05/24/2022 1,4-Dich lorobenzene EPA 6251 <5.56 pg/L 05/24/2022 1-Methylnaphthalene EPA 625 1 <5.56 pg/L 05/2412022 2,4-Dinitrotoluene EPA 625 1 <5.56 pg/L 05/24/2022 2,6-Dinitrotoluene EPA 625 1 <5.56 pg/L 05124/2022 2-Chloronaphthalene EPA 625 1 <5.56 pg/L 05/24/2022 ?-Methylnaphthalene EPA 625 1 <5.56 pg/L 05/24/2022 ,s,T-Dichlorobenzidine EPA 6251 <11.1 pg/L 05/2412022 4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether EPA 625 1 <5.56 pg/L 05/24/2022 4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether EPA 6251 <5.56pg/L 05/24/2022 Acenaphthene EPA 625 1 <5.56 pg/L 05/24/2022 Acenaphthyiene EPA 625 1 <5.56 pg/L 05/2412022 Anthracene EPA 6251 <5.56 pg/L 05/24/2022 Benzidine EPA 6251 <11.1 pg/L 05/24/2022 Benzo [a]pyrene EPA 6251 <5.56 pg/L 05/24/2022 Benzo(a)anthrecene EPA 625 1 <5.56 pg/L 05/24/2022 Benzo(b)fluoranthene EPA 625 1 <5.56 pg/L 05/24/2022 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene EPA 626 1 <5.56 pg/L 05/24/2022 Benzo(k)fluoranthene EPA 625 1 <5.56 pg/L 05/24/2022 Bis ( chloromethyl ) ether EPA 625 1 <5.56 pgfL 05Y24/2022 Bis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane EPA 6251 <5.56 pg/L 05/24/2022 Bis(2-Chloroethyl)ether EPA 625.1 <5.56 pgfL 05/2412022 Bis(2-Chloroisopropyl)ether EPA 625 1 <5,56 pg/L 05/2412022 "is(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate EPA 625 1 <5.56 pg/L 05/24/2022 outylbenzylphthalate EPA 625 1 <5.56 pg/L 05/2412022 Chrysene EPA 525 1 <5.56 pg/L 05/24/2022 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene EPA 525 1 <5.56 pg/L 05/24/2022 Report #,. 2022.09568 Page 5 of [envirochem ANALYTICAL & CONSULTING CHEMISTS Environmental Chemists, Inc. 6602 Windmill Way, Wilmington, NC 28405 • 910.392.0223 Lab • 910,392.4424 Fax 710 f3owsertown Road, Manteo, NC 27954 • 252.473.5702 Lab/Fax 255-A Wilmington Highway, Jacksonville, NC 28540 • 910.347.5843 Lab/Fax info,eetivironmentakchemists.com International Paper - Riegelwood Date of Report: Sep 01, 2022 865 John L. Riegel Road Customer PO #: Riegelwood NC 28456 Customer ID: 09010017 Attention: Report #: 2022-09568 Project ID: NPDDS Permit Renewal Diethylphthalate EPA 6251 <5.56 pg/L 05/24/2022 Dim ethyl phtha late EPA 625 1 <5,56 pg/L 05/2412022 Di-n-Butylphthalate EPA 625 1 <5.56 pg/L 05/2412022 Di-n-Octylphthalate EPA625 1 <5.56 pg/L 05/24/2022 Fluoranthene EPA 6251 <5.56 pg/L 05/24/2022 Fluorene EPA 625 1 <5.56 pg/L 05/24/2022 Hexachlorobenzene EPA 6251 <5.56 pg/L 05/24/2022 Hexachlorobutadiene EPA 625 1 <5,56 pg/L 05/24/2022 4exachlorocyclopentadiene EPA 625 1 <27.8 pg/L 05/24/2022 rlexachlorcethane EPA 6251 <5.56 pg/L 05/24/2022 lndeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene EPA 625 1 <5.56 pg/L 05/24/2022 Isophorone EPA 625 1 <5.56 pg/L 05/2412022 Naphthalene EPA 6251 <5.56 pg/L 05/24/2022 Nitrobenzene EPA 625 1 <5.56 pg/L 05/24/2022 N-nitroso-dimethyiamine(NDMA) EPA 6251 <5.56 pg/L 05124/2022 N-Nitroso-di-n-propylamine EPA 6251 <5.56pg/L 05/24/2022 N-Nitroso-diphenylamine EPA 625 1 <5.56 pg/L 05/24/2022 Phenanthrene EPA 625 1 <5.56 pg/L 05/24/2022 Pyrene EPA 625 1 <5.56 pg/L 05/2412022 Fecal Coliform Idexx Coblert 1a <2 MPN/100mi 05/25/2022 Sulfide SM 4500 s D-2011 0.77 mg/L 06/01 /2022 Sulfite SM 45DO 503 t3 <2 mg/L 05/27/2022 Analyzed outside of 15-minute hold time limit. Total Organic Carbon (TOC) SM 5310 13-2014 80.7 mg/L 06/01/2022 Comment: Reviewed by: —z" Report # 2022-09568 Page 8 of 6 Florida Radiochemistry Services, Inc, 5456 Hoffnor Ave„ Suite 201 Orlando, FL 32912 Phone: (407) 382-7733 pax: (407. 392-7744 RADIOLOGICAL ANALYSIS rtria: /A �rfd:nadus rrx:ce bo u,gptl�C fcr �� �. WATER SYSTEM ID * � 1A County: Name of Water System: T . Sample Type: i 1 ptatrlbutson t X ] Entry Point ( ] CSMpoelte eelm144on-comp#tart Mall Results to (oystsm rapraaarrtatt ay T-ww 0-4e Mecti-on Data l3afo T m�3 IUTY ISAMPLE ssmpkD Collected Ported tSlti�iP r rw�arx rt t or Coda location By Singla$ or f st Qtr Z� I� t N _ r`�� u.4V�� 41h Ott LABORATORY ID #: 12709 I i SAMPLE UNSATISFACTORY i I R5SAMPLE REQUIRED CONTAM COOF ;CtWTAAdt lAiaT METHOO CODE REQUIRED REPORTING L(MIT (RRL) NOT DETECTED (I-e < RRL) QUAPMFIEC SULTS' (pC OF M RRO ALLOWABLE UMIT 4C,50 Gross Alpha 435 3 pCUL 15 pCi1L 4C04 Radom --.- IXPCVL WA 1 4(ra Uwlum 456 2 pCUL 20.1 pCVL 4010 Combined Radium NIA WA WA .0 , E 5 pCUL 4C20 Radlum 226 446 1 pCUL 2 j PCVL 4030 Radlum 228 452 1 pCVL , � 2 pCVL 4100 Gross Beta 433 4 pCVL �, t� 8o pCVL -11J. „ alnawaote umn, the raaorawry must tar anaylfcal ra3uttz to the Stalls wtthfn 48 hours. DATE: TIME: ANALYSES BEGUN: E. 0 i.- O 7-- L Z. ct AV , ANALYSES COMPLETED Laboratory Log #: cao,5 1-27 -01 Certified By, COMMENTS: ZZ -- O'q S(¢ 3 98 q MA Analytical Eii-vironmental Services. Inc Dacc: 3-3un-22 ciielrt: EnVirDnklne!liaiCIICrniSIS. INC- Clierl# Sumpe ID: 22-2299r ProjerfNamo' 203'-OD568 CollydionDare; a125/2U'210-31,1:00AM Lab ID: M5LI15.001 Matrix: Aquenus Aaaly-%u Resoll xepnrting Qu2l Limit 13nits Batchllf �iftrtlunI}ate:lna4}'aed AuA-sl Factor C'EILORI:NATE.D PESTIC;IDESIPCBs BY 1~ RS.3 (E608.3) 4,.,'-Dr)D IiRL 0.050 NIL 337425 I 06:0112022 t: 13 ST 4.4'-DDE BRI -Q50 g:i_ 337125 0610!!?Q2? !J 13 sl- -4,4'-DDT 8RL n.Oio ug L 33 ",125 l #M), 311107 ,2 13 13 S l' AWrin BRL Q_Ci0 uB'7- 3371'5 I 46 Oii ol-2 14 13 ST aipl a-fiHC 13 L q OaU uy . +, 125 € Cra:O112022 14.11 S i aloha-Cilorlanc RRI- (l.0?0 uG L 337!25 I 0610113t32 !J 13 ST Ar,v:lcr 101 f 8W. 3.0 ugl!_ 3371?S 6 COW)C22 14:58 ST Arccler 1221 BPIL 3.11) i,V,L 337}2, 6 061GI/3022 11 5A S1' 11rodor 1232 BRI. 3 O wall- 33712i 6 DWO1*022 iJ:SR ST .1r"lor 42.42 13RL i{i i,,d- 3374S 6 06!3 l2C12 !4 q ST A -odor 12=48 13RL 3.0 1=y,1- 33711.5 6 106;01/20:2 I'l 58 51 P:rorlt7r 1254 BRL 3 r_; a 'L 337i25 6 06?01/2022 (4 SA S L roclor120 BRL 30 uFn 337i25 6 (6`0If20_2143& ST Arodor 11-68 WRL 30 5 - 337125 6 06;01M21, 1-! it ST bmi-MiC i3R1. 1-UiC} S'1- 337123 1 C&O1/202214 13 ST Chlordane UPI- 30 qfL 337125 5 06'Oi12022I.159 51' dtlw-1311C BRI, 0050 ug'i 337!25 ! 06,,-012022 1» !: ST Di,iclriu BRL 0050 Iz^ L 337125 1 06%O!i,022 1.1 f3 Sl' Erdo�01lln I 131iL 0.f11i0 qq, 337125 1 0(,r0112t)22 14 13 ST 4indosuiffin 41 RRL 0_050 Ucl1, 337i2i 1 0610PAR 14 13 ST Eildosl!!fa,-i uWlle BPI. 0030 L 337125 1 05101l20221 13 ST En irin nRI. 0.040 _-1 337125 1 Q16:1-?I/2022 # � , 1 Si I:{1Jr.Inallb_h-,[ie 13RL 0050 uuL 337!25 i 06"O N12211 f3 ST Elydrltlkclon. BR7_ 0050 nnL 3371Zi I fir :pi7?U321. 13 5T garmmo,:-13IIt: FiR1, 00)50 ;1 337`35 1 06/C11120" 1'; 13 s_1• gMtttm6s C Ii1ixJ nc BRL O050 a 'L 317123 i 06fol/2022 H i3 5T licptaui!#Or ORL .050 L5'; 3371?5 OFvOII?Oi214 13 51' Ht!pI:icMorepaxidc BM 0_050 u_'1- 317125 46.14112022 I-i 13 51 I,[eil3oxvc]dar BRI, 0.30 337#25 I C'630112!372 I-1 f3 sr T ,,ophene RRL 3 0 ae'1 337125 6 06741i'_072 14 59 5T Jury: Dccachivrehiphcnyl 56 i N-120 °atEc 337125 1 06!01121122 !-I I i ST Surr; iW1ra hll rc;•!;l-S;'!cre 453 20-123 °ACC ?31125 i 06?U11202' l.: i3 Sl' t!—enemy—II;cm .t ar]I: IC EMIN. i. A is"4f LJ G A^a ,�c .'.cxe;e� la Ire a:cc,rei .,CI4.d b13; 4 I Glide,'-a—Ralf(��i5te E Ev,lxc�E-. a!— a4cre q-r,au!::oaa :a•s'e+ S Sytie5 .`+SIf See .'.3:l n3'tSlttt 1 Es+lm�ee.i •. 31ue aec_.ed re'c-v ic-cn:r� Lm:I Page 4 of 11 7 7Z CV�56 S Environmental Chemist, Inc., Wilmington, NC Lab t�94 6502 Windmill 3,titaY V ,AminE,ton, NC 28405 Sample Recelpt Checklist 910.392 0223 _ l Uat` `-){Z--D 2 - Gep:�rt r'Li1mber: 2022- _r _ Receipt of sample. © YES © ECFiEIr; Pic up Client Delhsery ❑ UPS ❑__ Fedi x ❑ tither ❑ iO %iJA Were custody seals present on the coalerr �'— ❑ YES ❑ NO N/A 2, if cestady seals were present, were they intact/unbrot,en?----� original temperature upon receipt . � °C Corrected temperature Hmw temperature taken: ❑ Temperature Black Against Bottles C iR Gun ID: Thomas Traceable S/N 1925116S iR Gun Correction Factor ° 0,()C — Y-S1 NU YES ❑ 3. f f temperature of cco!mr exceeded 6°C, ;ias Protect f lgr./QA r,oti`ied? — NO YE5 I❑ NO 4. Were proper custody procedures (relin uished/received) fol'o.aaed 5• VJere sample ID's i;stecd On the COC? YES ❑ N'C3 6. Were sarllplcs 0 s lived on sample containers? ---� YES ❑ f'1Q 7. LA/ere Col'ertion date and time listed on the COC? YES „ f'��a _ , Were tests to by P�?rforrnwd `�sted on the COC? FS Li _.—E5 ori J _.0. Did samples arrive in good citirlrlTfc�r LNO t� eaij test — ❑ 4 ! lFi is la7' --- YE5 ❑ t40 YES �I EJ r``o t2. tinfere: sam ies roc r i _ p.° _ e!4`c cl '.' thitl propel! olel!n� CJrI7e for regoested tests? 23. ':"r'�Iz YES r 3CI r rES�-rt'Ed SIMPU es reC-ei:%ed at a j)H Gf 4 ? ? �� No 114. Were cyanide sarnplLs re Ceil C3 3t a pH >7 — fES Lj N0 j 15. V/ere sulfide samples received at a pH >9? YES ❑ ND 1 E, 0/ere NH3°TKN/i Phanol r= i L.eived at a chiPrin. residual <0.5 7 YES ❑ NO �Jf n,,�} 1-7..'Jere SuiF'ie3a;lC: and is received -- _ I ed at a Chlorine residLa; of <0.5 m/L? NOf ,10 1��. cvCi_ Ort't17i3t';p;ilit�tp 53r'i�i;Cs ii;tErC't�lrl ehc fi°i� 4`,'itrlin 1S nlirf�ltc•S? GC/V 4 N. "'7W a� t�'.' be i r-hf, _r *. i. 'J° '!ii •.''.:lie uu7 L�Shce�. Sample Preservatian: (Must be C-CmPleted For any sarnple(s) incorrect) � er � Y pr_s red cr ti°,ith i earspace, 5a Jple(s) ,vrefe received inccrreal Preserved and v' 'by adding (C!rcle Or1ej: Y re re ?d)u5t u accordingly H,50' t- N0, HCl NaCH TIr11e ol, pr25e varlpn• if more than one presenjjtive is needed, ndt2te in Comr—nents `eliv 10: �V t1? 4.a.M ia� (�'� y �'13'('-W J Jalatiies Sample(S) were received with headspace DOC. QA.002 fez, 1 Analytical & Consulting Chemsts Client: IP-Rie elwood, NC ADDRESS: Sampled By:� Sample Identification iEffluent chlorine ,field) C�r�G ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMISTS, INC 6602 Windmill Way , NC OFFICE. 90-39 ti 23FAXgton910392-44245 NCOENR: DWQ CERTIFICATION # 94 NCDHHS, OLS CERTIFICATION # 37729 info@environmentalchamists.com COLLECTION AND CHAIN OF CUSTODY PROJECT NAME: NPDES Permit Renewal REPORT NO: &0 Collection Lute Time Ter» p3 0 SITE: PO NO: REPORT TO: Kevin Burk, Environmental En ineer PHONEIFAX; COPY TO: email: SAMPLE TYPE: I v Influent, E = Effluent, W = Well, ST = Stream, SO = Sail, SL = Sludge, Other: -- PRESERVATION Ul Q.o{ u° _° z z o o ANALYSIS REQUESTED in C i , G G v` X X x X X X X X See attached for C P i i i G G C P 1 G G c P G G I I T- C P G G i C P G G C P . GI T: G G G f Transfer relinquished BY: Da Received BY: Date me 2. - - s Temperature when Rec ived *C. t_ Accepted:_ � _ R�;ected: Resampi R uested: Delivered BY: Y Received B ` `- _ Time: . r �. __` c..' ----Date: l.�L.-i•z, Comments: T RNAROLIND: 6:n:v7irochem ANALYTICAL & CONSULTING CHEMISTS Environmental Chemists, Inc. 6602 Windmill Way, Wilmington, NC 28405 • 910.392.0223 Lab • 910.392.4424 Fax 710 Bowsertown Road, Manteo, NC 27954 * 252.473.5702 Lab/Fax 255-A Wilmington Highway, Jacksonville, NC 28540 • 910.347.5843 Lab/Fax in foCenvironmentalchemists.com International Paper - Riegelwood Date of Report: Jan 19, 2023 865 John L. Riegel Road Customer P© #: Riegelwood NC 28456 Customer ID: 09010017 Attention. Report #: 2022-25120 Project ID: Wastewater Lab ID Sample ID: Collect Date/Time Matrix Sampled by 22-61797 Site: Effluent 12/16/2022 10.45 AM Water jcb/envirochem Test Method Results Date Analyzed Sodium EPA 200.7. Rev 4 4, 1994 586 mg/L 01 /09/2023 Strontium EPA 200,T Rev 4 4, 1994 0.120 mg/L 01 /05/2023 Vanadium EPA 200 7, Rev 4 4, 1994 0.084 mg/L 01 /0512023 Calcium EPA 200.7, Rev 4.4, 1994 39.5 mg/L 01 /05/2023 Silica EPA 2007, Rev_ 4 4, 1994 13.0 mg/L 01/05/2023 ?,2,4,4-Tetrachlorobiphenyl EPA 625 <4.95 pg/L 12/20/2022 2,3-Dichlorobiphenyl EPA 625 <4.95 pg/L 12/20/2022 Acetophenone EPA 625 <4.95 pg/L 12/20/2022 Benzyl alcohol EPA 625 <4.95 pg/L 12/20/2022 Dazomet EPA 625 <4.95 pglL 12/20/2022 TCMTB EPA 625 <4.95 pg/L 12/20/2022 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol EPA 625 1 <4.95 pg/L 12/20/2022 2,4-Dichlorophenol EPA 6251 <4.95 pg/L 12/20/2022 2,4-Dimethylphenol EPA 625 1 <4.95 pg1L 12/20/2022 2,4-Dinitrophenol EPA 6251 <24.8 pg1L 12/20/2022 2-Chlorophenol EPA 6251 <4.95 pg1L 12/20/2022 2-Methyl-4,6-dinitrophenol EPA 625 1 <24.8 pg/L 12/20/2022 2-Nitrophenol EPA 625 1 <24.8 pg/L 12/2012022 4-Chloro-3-methylphenol EPA 625 1 <4.95 pg/L 12120/2022 4-Nitrophenol EPA 625 1 <24.8 pg/L 12/20/2022 Pentachlorophenol EPA 625 1 <24.8 pg/L 12/20/2022 Phenol EPA 625 1 <4.95 pg1L 12/20/2022 1,2 Diphenylhydrazine EPA 6261 <4.95 pg1L 12/20/2022 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene EPA 825 1 <4.95 pg/L 12/20/2022 1,2-Dichlorobenzene EPA 6251 <4.95 pg/L 12/20/2022 1,3-Dichlorobenzene EPA 625.1 <4.95 pg/L 12/20/2022 Report #. 2022-25120 Page 1 of 4 [envirochhem ANALYTICAL & CONSULTING CHEMISTS Environmental Chemists, Inc. 6602 Windmill Way, Wilmington, NC 28405 0 910.392.0223 Lab * 910.392.4424 Fax 710 Bowsertown Road, Manteo, NC 27954 • 252.473.5702 Lab/Fax 255-A Wilmington Highway, Jacksonville, NC 28540 ■ 910.3475843 Lab/Fax infoCa;envi ronmentalchemists.com International Paper - Riegelwood Date of Report: Jan 19, 2023 865 John L. Riegel Road Customer PO #: Riegelwood NC 28456 Customer ID: 09010017 Attention: Report #: 2022-25120 Project ID: Wastewater 1,4-Dichlorobenzene EPA 6251 <4.95 pg/L 12/20/2022 1-Methylnaphthalene EPA 625 1 <4.95 pg/L 12/20/2022 2,4-Dinitrotoluene EPA 6251 <4.95 pg/L 12/20/2022 2,6-Dinitrotoluene EPA 625 1 <4.95 pg/L 12/20/2022 2-Chloronaphthalene EPA 625 1 <4.95 pg/L 12/20/2022 2-Methylnaphthalene EPA 625.1 <4.95 pg/L 12/20/2022 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine EPA 625.1 <9.90 pg/L 12/20/2022 4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether EPA 625 1 <4.95 pg/L 12/20/2022 4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether EPA 6251 <4.95 pg/L 12/20/2022 acenaphthene EPA 625 1 <4.95 pg/L 12/20/2022 Acenaphthylene EPA 6251 <4.95 pg/L 12/20/2022 Anthracene EPA 625.1 <4.95 pg/L 12/20/2022 Benzidine EPA 625.1 <9.90 pg/L 12/20/2022 Benzo [a]pyrene EPA 625 1 <4.95 pg/L 12120/2022 Benzo(a)anthracene EPA 625 1 <4.95 pg/L 12/20/2022 Benzo(b)fluoranthene EPA 625 1 <4.95 pg/L 12/20/2022 Benzo(g,h, i) perylene EPA 625 1 <4.95 pg/L 12120/2022 Benzo(k)fluoranthene EPA 625.1 <4.95 pg/L 12/20/2022 Bis ( chlorornethyl ) ether EPA 625 1 <4.95 pg/L 12/20/2022 B is(2-Chloroethoxy) methane EPA 625.1 <4.95 pg1L 12/20/2022 Bis(2-Chloroethyi)ether EPA 6251 <4.95 pg/L 12/20/2022 Bis(2-Chloroisopropyl)ether EPA6251 <4.95pg/L 12120/2022 Bis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate EPA 625 1 <4.95 pg/L 12/20/2022 Butylbenzylphthalate EPA 625 1 <4.95 pg/L 12/20/2022 Chrysene EPA 625 1 <4.95 pg/L 12/20/2022 Dibenzo(a, h)anth racene EPA 625 1 <4.95 pg/L 12/20/2022 Jiethylphthalate EPA 625 1 <4.95 pg/L 12/20/2022 Dimethylphthalate EPA 625 1 <4.95 pg/L 12/20/2022 Di-n-Butylphthalate EPA 6251 <4.95 pg/L 12120/2022 Report #. 2022-26120 Page 2 of 4 r virochem ANALYTICAL R CONSULTING CHEMISTS Environmental Chemists, Inc. 6602 Windmill Way, Wilmington, NC 28405 * 910.392.0223 Lab ' 910.392.4424 Fax 710 Bowsertown Road, Manteo, NC 27954 • 252,473.5702 Lab/Fax 255-A Wilmington Highway, Jacksonville, NC 28540 • 910.347.5843 Lab/Fax in foCenvironmentalchemists.com International Paper - Riegelwood Date of Report: Jan 19, 2023 865 John L. Riegel Road Customer PO #: Riegelwood NC 28456 Customer ID: 09010017 Attention: Report #: 2022-25120 Project ID: Wastewater Di-n-Octylphthalate EPA 625 1 <4.95 pg/L 12/20/2022 Fluoranthene EPA 625 1 <4.95 pg/L 12/20/2022 Fluorene EPA 625 1 <4.95 pg/L 12/20/2022 Hexach lorobenzene EPA 625.1 <4.95 pg/L 12/20/2022 Hexachlorobutadiene EPA 625.1 <4.95 pg/L 12/2012022 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene EPA 625.1 <24.8 pg1L 12/20/2022 Hexachloroethane EPA 625.1 <4.95 pg/L 12/20/2022 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene EPA 625.1 <4.95 pg/L 12/20/2022 Isophorone EPA 625.1 <4.95 pg/L 12/20/2022 laphthalene EPA 625.1 <4.95 pg/L 12/20/2022 Nitrobenzene EPA 625.1 <4.95 pg/L 12/20/2022 N-nitroso-dimethylamine(NDMA) EPA 625 1 <4.95 pg/L 12120/2022 N-Nitroso-di-n-propylamine EPA 625.1 <4.95pg/L 12/20/2022 N-Nitroso-diphenylamine EPA 625.1 <4.95 pg/L 1212012022 Phenanthrene EPA 625.1 <4.95 pg/L 12/20/2022 Pyrene EPA 625.1 <4.95 pg/L 12/2012022 1,4-Dioxane SW 846 method 8260D150303 <2 pg/L 12/2712022 Vinyl acetate SW 646 Method 82600150308 <5.0 pglL 12/20/2022 Xylenes(total) SW 846 Method 826OD150306 <1.5 pg/L 12/2012022 Methanol SW-846 8015 C <5 mg/L 12/19/2022 1, 1 -Dichloropropene sw-a46 Method 8260D <0.5 pg/L 12/20/2022 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene SW-846 Method 6260o <0.5 pg/L 12/20/2022 1, 3-B utadiene SW-846 Method 52600 <0, 5 pg/L 12/27/2022 2-Butanone SW-846 Method 8260D <2,5 pg/L 12/20/2022 2-Propanol SW-a46 Method 8260D <50 pgiL 12/27/2022 2-Propanone SW-846 Method 82601) 4.49 pg/L 12/20/2022 ;-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK) SW-846 Method 8260D <2.5 pg/L 12/20/2022 Chloroprene SW-646 Method 82600 <1.0 pg/L 12/27/2022 Diethyl ether SW-846 Method 8260D <1.0 pg/L 12127/2022 Report # 2a22-25120 Page 3 of 4 6:n:v7irochem ANALYTICAL & CONSULTING CHEMISTS Environmental Chemists, Inc. 6602 Windmill Way, Wilmington, NC 28405 • 910.392.0223 Lab • 910.392.4424 Fax 710 Bowsertown Road, Manteo, NC 27954 ' 252.473.5702 Lab/Fax 255-A Wilmington Highway, Jacksonville, NC 28540 ' 910.347.5843 Lab/Fax i nifoCenvironmentalchemists.com International Paper - Riegelwood Date of Report: Jan 19, 2023 865 John L Riegel Road Customer PO #: Riegelwood NC 28456 Customer ID: 09010017 Attention: Report #: 2022-25120 Project ID: Wastewater Ethanol SW-846 Method 8260D <200 pg/L 1212012022 Isobutyl Alcohol $W-846 Method 8260D <100 pg/L 12127/2022 lsopropylbenzene SW-846 Method 8260D <0.5 pg/L 12/20/2022 Methyl acetate SW-846 Method 8260D <5.0 pg1L 12/27/2022 Methyl cyclohexane SW-846 Method 8260D <1.0 pg/L 12/27/2022 Methylene chloride SW-846 Method 8260D <0.5lig/L 12120/2022 MTBE SW-846 Method 8260D <0.5 pg/L 12/20/2022 n-Butanol SW-846 Method 8260D <50 pg/L 12/27/2022 n-Butyl acetate SW-846 Method 8260D <5 pg/L 12/27/2022 n-Heptane SW-846 Method 8250D <1.0 pg1L 12/27/2022 n-Hexane SW-846 Method 8260D <0.001 mg/L 12/27/2022 SW-84s Method 8260D <0.5 pg/L 12/20/2022 Styrene Comment Reviewed by:� ti Page 4 of 4 Report #. 2022-25120 Cape Fear Analytical LLC SDG Number: 2022-25120 Lab Sample I➢: 20885001 Client Sample: 9290 Water Client 113: 22-61797 Batch 11): 51635 Run Date: 01107/2023 H 33 Data File: c06jan23a_4-6 Prep Batch: 51628 Prep Date: 27-➢EC-22 CAS No, Parmname 1746-01-6 2,3,7,8-TCDD 40321-76.4 1 2,3, 7,8-PcC D D 39227-29-6 l ,2,3,4,7,8-1 IxC DD 57653-85-7 i,2,3,6,7,8-HxCDD t 9409-74-3 1,2,3,7,8,9-HxCDD 35822-46.9 1,2,3,4,6,7,8-HxCDD 3268-87-9 1,2,3,4,6,7,8,9-0CD0 51207-31-9 2,3,7,8-TCDF 571 17.41-6 1,2,3,7,8-PcCDF 57117-31.4 2,3,4,7,E-PcCDF 70648-26-9 %2,3,4,7,8-lixCDF 5 7117-44-9 1,2,3,6,7,8-HxCDF 60851-34-5 2,3 4,6,7,8-HxCDF 72918-21-9 %2,3,7,8,9-HxCDF 67562.39.4 i,2,3,4,6,7,8-HpCDF 55673-89.7 l ,2,3,4,7,8,9-HpCDF 39001•0M 1,2,3,4,6,7,8,9.00DF 41903-57-5 Total i'etrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin 36088-22-9 Total Pcntachlarodibcnzo-p-dioxin 3446546-8 Total Hcxacblorodibcazo-p-dioxin 37871-004 Total Hcptachlorodibcnza-p dlaxin 30402-14.3 Total Tcu-chlarudibcazofuran 30402.15-4 Total €'cntachlorodibcnzofuran 55694-94-1 Total Hcxechlorodibcnzvfuran 39998-75-3 Total Heplachlorodibenzofuran 3333.30-0 TFQ WHON05 ND-0 3333-30-1 TEQ WH02005 ND-O.S Report Date; January 9, 2023 Hi -Res Dioxins/Furans Page I of I Certificate of Analysis Sample Summary Client; ECHM001 Project. ECHM00112 Date Collected: 12/16/2022 WAS }Matrix: )VATER Date Received: 12/16/2022 15:23 Prep Basis: As Received Metbod: Anatvst: Prep Method: Prep Aliquot: Qua] SW846 829DA 14YW1 SW846 3520C 1003.6 mL Result ENIPC Units Instrument: Dilution: EEL HRP791 I PQL U 1.39 pg/L 1.39 9.96 U 1.52 pg/L 1.52 49.E U 1.73 pg/L 1.73 49.8 U 1.56 pglL 1.56 49.8 U 1.64 p9fL 1.64 49.8 U 2.17 ppJL 2,17 49.8 H3 14.5 peL 3.97 99.6 U L87 pg/1. 1.87 9.96 U 1.33 pelt. 1.33 49.8 U 1,26 pg/L 1.26 49.8 U 1.32 pk/1- 1.32 49.8 U 1,13 pgL L13 49.8 U 1.20 pg/L I.20 49,8 U 1,46 pg/L 1.46 491 U 1.11 pg/L 1.11 49.8 U 1.34 pgil. 1,34 49.8 U 3.23 pg/L 3.23 99.6 U 1.39 pg/L 1.39 9.96 U 1.52 pg/L 1.52 49.8 U 1.56 pg[L 1,56 49.8 U 2.17 pglL. 2.17 49.8 U L87 pp,/l- 1.87 9,96 U 1.26 py'L 1.26 49.9 U 1.13 pglL 1.13 49.8 U 1. l i pg/L 1.11 49.9 0.00434 0.00434 pglL 2.29 2.29 pg/L Surrogate/Tracer recoveryQua] Result Nominal Units Recovery°/ Acceptable Limits 13C-2,3,7,8-TCDD 115D 1990 pWL 57.8 (Q%-135%) 13C-1.2,3,7,8-PcCDD 1530 1990 pg/L 76.9 (4051,135%) 13C-1,2,3A7,8-HxCDD 1080 1990 1191L 34.3 (40°J 133%) 13C-i,2,3,4.6,7,8-HpCDF) 1050 1990 pg/L 52.5 (40%-135%) 13C-OCDD 1670 3990 pg/L 42.0 (409/-135%) 1342-2,3,7,8-TCDF 1030 1990 pg/L 51,5 (40;6-13501.) 13C-1.2,3,7,8-€'cCDF 1380 1990 pg/L. 695 (404a-135%) 13C-1,2,3,6,7,8-HxCDF 997 1990 pg/L 50.0 (40%-135%) 13C-1,2,3,4,6,7,8-HpCDF 970 1990 pg/L 48.7 (401'0-135.6) Comments: 8 The target analyte was detected in the associated blank. J 'Value is estimated U Analyte was analyzed far, but not detected above the specified detection limit. Page I I of 19 Work Order: 20885 Environmental Chemist J�6 66002 Windmill Way, Wilmington, NC 28405 � Y � } Phone: 910-392-0223 Fax: 910-392-4424 ti �4 IL, info@environnientalchemists.com REQUEST FOR SUBCONTRACTED SERVICES Report 4 Sample 4 Date Time Matrix Analysis Requested Preservation Comments 7 ` A d Cod, 4" C 2U22-2SI2U 22 61797 l�l16/2U2_ lU 45 Waier �meit— vt qM'J'L t U11" 1�7hQ Prepared by: Relinquished By: Received By: Friday, Dec; 16, 2U22 For Shipment By: Date/Time: 12-11t' l u- Date/Time: Page 1 of I 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 624 1,4-Dioxane 8260 2-Butanone (MF,K) 624 2-Propanol 624 2-Propanone (Acetone) 624 4-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK) 624 Acetophenone NO I,1-Dichloropropene NO 1,2,3,4,6,7,8-HpCDD 8290 1,2,3,4,6,7,8-HpCDF 8290 1,2,3,4,7,8,9-HpCDF 8290 1,2,3,4,7,8-HxCDD 8290 1,2,3,4,7,8-HxCDF 8290 1,2,3,6,7,8-HxCDD 8290 1,2,3,6,7,8-HxCDF 8290 1,2,3,7,8,9-HxCDD 8290 1,2,3,7,8,9-HxCDF 8290 1,2,3,7,8-PeCDD 8290 1,2,3,7,8-PeCDF 8290 1,3-Butadiene NO 2,2',4,4'-Tetrachlorobiphenyl NO 2,3,4,6,7,8-HxCDI; 8290 2,3,4,7,8-PeCDF 8290 2,3,7,8-TCDD 8290 2,3,7,8-TCDF 8290 2,3-Dichlorobiphenyl NO Benzyl alcohol NO Calcium (Ca) 200.7 €-` �- --1--511.0 Chloroprene (2-chloro-1,3- butadiene) NO Dazomet NO Diethyl ether NO Ethanol 624 Hydroquinone NO lsobutyl alcohol 624 Isopropyl benzene 624 m + p-Cresol 625 m+o-Xylene 624 m+p-Xylene 624 Methanol 80I 5 Methyl acetate 624 Methyl cyclohexane NO Methylene chloride 624 Methyl-t-butyl ether (MTBE) 624 m-Xylene 624 n-Butanol 624 n-Butyl-acetate 624 n-Heptane 614 n-Hexane 624 N-Nitrosomorpholine NO o+p-Xylene 624 OCDD 8290 OCDF 8290 o-Cresol 625 o-Xvlene 624 Perylene 625 Phenothiazene NO p-Xylene 624 Silica (Si02) 200.7 Sodium (Na) 200.7 Strontium (Sr) 200.7 Styrene 624 TCMTB [2-(Thiocyanomethylthio) benzo-thiazole] NO Total TCDD 8290 Total-HPCDD 8290 Total-HpCDF 8290 Total-HYCDD 8290 Total-HxCDF 8290 Total-PeCDD 8290 Total-PeCDF 8290 Total-TCDF 8290 Triethlyamine Na Vanadium (V) 200, Vinyl acetate 624 Xylenes 524 Environmental Chemist, Inc., Wilmington, NC Lab #94 Sample Receipt Checklist 6602 Windmill Way Wilmington, NC 28405 910.392.0223 DkI Client�1, Date: Report Number: _ 2022-� Q Receipt of sample: ECHEM Pickup Client Delivery ❑ UPS ❑ FedEx ❑ Other ❑ ❑ YES ❑ NO N/A 1. Were custody seals present on the cooler? ❑ YES ❑ NO N/A 2. If custody seals were present, were they intact/unbroken? Original temperature upon receipt °C C rrected temperature upon receipt °C Hove temperature taken: ❑ Temperature Blank or Against Bottles I Gun ID: Thomas Traceable S/N 210886869 IR Gun Correction Factor °C: 0.0 YES. ❑ NO 3. If temperature of cooler exceeded 6°C, was Project Mgr,/QA notified? YES ❑ NO 4, Were proper custody procedures (relinquished/received) followed? YES ❑ NO S. Were sample ID's listed on the COC? YES ❑ NO 6. Were samples ID's listed on sample containers? YES ❑ NO 7. Were collection date and time listed on the COU YES ❑ NO 8. Were tests to be performed listed on the COC? YES ❑ NO 9. Did samples arrive in proper containers for each test? ❑ NO 10. Did samples arrive in good condition for each test? LES ❑ NO 11. Was adequate sample volume availableT ❑ NO 12. Were samples received within proper holding time for requested tests? ❑ NO 13. Were acid preserved samples received at a pH of <2? -Were ❑ YES ❑ NO 14 cyanide samples received at a pH >12? ❑ YES ❑ NO 15. Were sulfide samples received at a pH >9? ❑ YES ❑ NO 16, Were NH3/TKN/Phenol received at a chlorine residual of <0.5 rn/L? ** ❑ YES ❑ NO 17. Were Sulfide/Cyanide received at a chlorine residual of <0.5 rn/L? ❑ YES 113 NO 18. Were orthophosphate samples filtered in the field within 15 minutes? * TOC/Volatiles are pH checked at time of analysis and recorded on the benchsheet. ** Bacteria samples are checked for Chlorine at time of analysis and recorded on the benchsheet. Sample Preservation: (Must be completed for any sample(s) incorrectly preserved or with headspace) Sample(s) were received incorrectly preserved and were adjusted accordingly by adding (circle one): HZSO4 HNO3 HCI NaOH Time of preservation: If more than one preservative is needed, notate in comments below Note: Notify customer service immediately for incorrectly preserved samples. Obtain a new sample or notify the state lab if directed to analyzed by the customer. Who was notified, date and time: yolatiles Sample(s) were received with headspace COMMENTS: DOC. QA.002 Rev 1 6602 Way lmington, NC ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMISTS, INC OFFICE:9 4392- 223�FAX910392-44245 Analytical & Consulting Chemists NCDENR: DWQ CERTIFICATION # 94 NCDHHS: DLS CERTIFICATION # 37729 info@environmentaichemists.com COLLECTION AND CHAIN OF CUSTODY Client: 1 - /2i ,' j.,ea � i PROJECT NAME: REPORT NO: ADDRESS: SITE: PO NO: REPORT TO: PHONE/FAX, COPY TO: ernail: Sampled By: fw a f SAMPLE TYPE: I = Influent, E = Effluent, W = Well, ST = Stream, SO = Soil, 5L = Sludge, Other: Sample Identification Collection ��Q��� c� Q �i zz_== PRESERVATION ANALYSIS REQUESTED Date Time Temp ' ° ° 0 Ul w Po LL LU G G i��•, l C P X Cc. G G C P G G C P G ir* Vol (M 46 a ir" A,,", ,&o" G C P G G C P G �` Z-,; cr) G C P G G C P G G Transfer Relinquished By: Date/Time Received By: Date/Time 1. 2. temperature when Received -C: d< �( � Accepted: y Rejected: Resample Re ested: Delivered By: Received By: _ Date:I -) Time: Comments: TURNA OUND: