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HomeMy WebLinkAbout20030147 Ver 0_Restoration Plan_20071019 (2)RECEIPT OF SUBMITTAL
On behalf of Progress Energy Carolinas, Inc. in reference to the application for 401
Certification for the proposed reissuance of FERC License No. 2206 for the Yadkin-Pee Dee
Hydroelectric Project the following documents were submitted on October 18, 2007:
• Cover letter to Robert Krebs, Hearing Officer, NC Division of Water Quality
• Appendix 1 -Technical Comments Regarding 401 Application
• Appendix 2 -Comprehensive Settlement Agreement, which includes the following:
• Appendix A -List of Parties and Contact Information
• Appendix B -Low Inflow Protocol
• Appendix C -Depictions of Certain Lands to be Donated by Progress Energy to
State of NC in Accordance with Section 2.5.2 of Settlement Agreement
• Appendix D -Depictions of Certain Lands Over Which Progress Energy will
Impose Restrictive Covenants in Accordance with Section 2.5.3 of Settlement
• Appendix E -Depictions of Certain Lands to be Leased to the State of NC in
Accordance with Section 2.5.4 of Settlement Agreement
• Appendix F -Draft License Articles
Appendix 3 -Enhancement Measures, which includes the following:
• Appendix 3(a) -Table 2. Yadkin-Pee Dee River Project (P-2206) settlement
• Appendix 3(b) -Attachment 1 - IFIM Data
• Appendix 3(c) -Recreational Boating Navigation Evaluation
• Appendix 3(d) -Blewett Falls Development Headpond Duration Curves
• Appendix 3(e) -Pee Dee Reach 3, Subreach 3, Transect 7
• Appendix 4 -Photograph of the Rocky River Inflow into the Pee Dee River Reach
Between Tillery Dam and Blewett Falls Lake, Apri12006
Received by:
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~~ Progress Energy
Robert Krebs
Hearing Officer
c/o N.C. Division of Water Quality
401/Wetlands Unit
Parkview Building
2321 Crabtree Boulevard
Raleigh, NC 27604
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Re: Comments by Progress Energy Carolinas, Inc., on proposed 401 Certijtcation for
Reapplication for FERC License No. 2206 for the Yadkin-Pee Dee Hydroelectric
Dear Mr. Krebs:
Carolina Power and Light Company d/b/a Progress Energy Carolinas, Inc. (PEC) owns and
operates the Yadkin-Pee Dee Hydroelectric Project (the "Project"), subject to the terms and
conditions of License No. 2206 issued by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC).
It is located on the Yadkin-Pee Dee River in Anson, Montgomery, Stanly, and Richmond
counties. The 108.6 MW Project consists of two hydroelectric developments-Tillery
Hydroelectric Plant and Blewett Falls Hydroelectric Plant. Lake Tillery and Blewett Falls
Lake, each of which are a part of the Project, serve as the impoundment water source for
hydroelectric energy generated by the developments. Each development releases water to the
Pee Dee River. The Project provides a renewable, emissions-free source of hydropower to
Progress Energy's generation mix for electricity demands in the region.
These comments to the N.C. Division of Water Quality (DWQ) are offered by PEC relating to
its 401 application filed with DWQ on May 11, 2007. The comments also refer to written
comments filed with DWQ on July 18, 2007, on behalf of the City of Rockingham, N.C., and
American Rivers, and comments made by various parties at the public hearing held on
September 18, 2007.' PEC believes that the 401 record provides sufficient and complete
information for DWQ to render a decision on the application. PEC also believes that the
stipulations that it has proposed in the 401 application provide a sound basis for DWQ to issue
the 401 Water Quality Certification for the Project.
' Appendix 1 to these comments contains, among other technical discussions, responses
to issues raised by commenters at the public hearing held on September 18, 2007.
Progress Energy Service Company, LLC
P0. Box 1551
Baleiyh, NC 27002
Robert Krebs
October 18, 2007
Page 2
In addition, we have attached appendices providing documents to be submitted into the record
for the 401 Water Quality Certification and addressing specific technical and legal comments
regarding various issues raised at the public hearing or in written comments submitted into the
record. PEC believes these comments and documents will provide clarification of some issues
or assertions.
The 401 Water Quality Certification process refers to Section 401 of the Clean Water Act.
Whenever a federal license is issued which results in a discharge to waters of the United States,
the affected state must certify that the terms and conditions of the federal license will not result
in the violation of state water quality standards. States may include in the 401 Certification
conditions reasonably related to the protection of water quality, which become enforceable
conditions of the federal license. In this case, the triggering federal license is the renewal of an
operating license for a hydroelectric project issued by FERC.
The regulatory framework that defines the standards to be met in order for the State of North
Carolina to issue a Section 401 Water Quality Certificate is found at 15A NCAC 2B .0200 et
• seq. FERC's licensing regulations and authority (as defined by the Federal Power Act and
FERC's regulations codified in 18 CFR) are clearly separate from the criteria upon which water
quality certifications are determined and issued by the State of North Carolina.
A concept central to 401 Certification in North Carolina that may not be well understood by
some who provided comments at the September 18 public hearing is that of "existing use."
The North Carolina rules governing 401 Certification are promulgated by the Environmental
Management Commission ("EMC") and codified at 15A NCAC 2H .0501, et seq. Aside from
certain numeric criteria, Certification is premised on the protection of existing uses, which are
explicitly defined in EMC rules as those "uses actually attained in the water body, in a
significant and not incidental manner, on or after November 28, 1975...." 15A NCAC 2B
.0202(30). As a threshold matter, the Director of DWQ must issue a certification if she
determines that existing uses are neither removed nor degraded by the activity seeking the
federal license.
Because the dams at Lake Tillery and Blewett Falls Lake significantly pre-date the Clean
Water Act and were in place and operational as of November 28, 1975, and currently have the
same minimum flow regime as that which existed in 1975, there is, by definition, no loss of
existing uses under the future operation of the dams as proposed by PEC. Indeed, as has been
recognized by DWQ, PEC has agreed in the context of the FERC licensing process to revise
the operating conditions of both the Lake Tillery and Blewett Falls dams to increase minimum
flows, and to undertake other measures which will enhance aquatic habitat, aquatic life
• propagation, biological integrity (including fishing and fish), wildlife, and secondary
Robert Krebs
October 18, 2007
Page 3
recreation.2 There is nothing in the record of this proceeding which supports a claim that any
existing use, as that term is defined in the rules of the EMC, has been removed or degraded.
To the contrary, existing uses, without exception, will be maintained or enhanced as a result of
this relicensing and that fact has been expressly acknowledged by opponents.
It is important to note that, under North Carolina law, classifications are assigned to water
bodies based on best usage of those waters, e.g., 15A NCAC 2B .0211(1). The assignment
must take into consideration the water quality standards of downstream waters. 40 CFR
§ 131.10(b). In North Carolina, the quality of all surface waters must be sufficient to support
the best usage assigned for Class C streams. It specifically does not mean that each water body
is required to exhibit every use provided in the classification. For example, unnamed
intermittent streams tributary to a Class C stream, which are themselves classified as Class C
streams, 15A NCAC 2B .0301(1) cannot reasonably be expected to support fishing and fish in
the same way that a perennial stream can.
Similarly, not all WS-classified tributaries to water supply waters are required to provide an
• adequate quantity of water to act as a supply for drinking. However, those tributaries must
maintain the quality required to support a use as drinking water. Thus, the classified uses for
the streams must be supportable by the quality of the water, but not necessarily be present, nor
somehow maximized, in every classified water body.
Another apparently misunderstood feature of the EMC's 401 Certification rules, 15A NCAC
2H .0501, et seq. (the "401 rules"), relates to the fact that those rules were adopted with a focus
on certification of permits proposed to be issued pursuant to Section 404 of the Clean Water
Act. 33 U.S.C. § 1344. Such projects customarily involve the deposition of dredged or fill
material into waters of the United States, such that areas formerly considered to be waters with
existing uses might be reduced in area and reach or removed, with a consequent reduction or
removal of their classified uses. Because of the degradation, reduction, or removal of existing
uses inherent to a project seeking a Section 404 permit, the concept of replacement of
degraded, reduced or removed use is a theme in the 401 rules. This replacement concept is
referred to as compensatory mitigation, or, more simply, mitigation.
2 Appendix 2 to these comments is the Comprehensive Settlement Agreement executed
by stakeholders which contains terms and conditions relating to Project operations that will
provide enhancements to existing uses. Appendix 3 contains several documents, graphs, and
tables, which summarize the package of enhancement measures proposed by PEC for the
continued operation of the Project and demonstrate how the existing uses of the water bodies
within the Project will be enhanced.
Robert Krebs
October 18, 2007
Page 4
In order to diligently examine Section 404 projects, the EMC incorporated into the 401 rules a
process similar to the "public interest review" conducted by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
when considering an application for a permit pursuant to Section 404. The steps of the public
interest review are (1) avoidance (including an analysis of practical alternatives to the project
for which the permit is sought), (2) minimization, and (3) mitigation. Each of these steps is
premised on there being a loss or degradation of the existing use of the water body if the
project goes forward. Most significantly for the Tillery and Blewett Falls developments, there
is no need to consider avoidance, minimization or mitigation for a project which does not
remove or degrade existing uses. Existing uses are not lost or degraded as a result of the
operation of the dams, because the uses, as defined by EMC rules, were those which had been
attained as of November 28, 1975.
Notwithstanding the above, through the FERC relicensing process, PEC has worked
collaboratively with stakeholders participating in the FERC process to develop, a
Comprehensive Settlement Agreement ("CSA"), which identifies measures to be implemented
for the purpose of enhancing the uses of the water body with no impact to existing uses. A full
description of the enhancements to existing uses agreed upon by PEC in the context of the
FERC settlement process are provided in the documents attached as Appendix 2.
Some have made the claim in their comments that DWQ should consider alternatives to the
minimum flows below the Tillery Dam that have been agreed upon in the CSA. EMC rules
pertaining to 401 Certification neither require nor invite an analysis of alternatives where there
is no adverse affect on existing uses. This is an example of the commenters' confusion
between the 401 process and the FERC relicensing process. The two processes are distinct and
draw from separate authorities. The 401 inquiry focuses on whether a specific proposed
activity provides protection and maintenance of water quality and existing uses of the water
body to which the federally-licensed discharge is made. If water quality standards and existing
uses will be protected by the Project, as described by the licensee in its application or the
proposed federal license, the inquiry ends and the 401 Certification must issue. Whether there
should be enhancements of existing uses may be an appropriate inquiry for the FERC
relicensing proceedings, but it is beyond the scope of the 401 Certification. Examples of
misinterpretations and confusion exhibited by submitted comments are provided in Appendix 1
to this letter.
PEC recognizes that Lake Tillery and Blewett Falls Lake are vital to the neighboring counties
and local communities. The recreational uses which the lakes support and the generation of
renewable clean hydropower are uses of those waters which are each legitimate and significant
to the local economies and to the overall economy of North Carolina. PEC worked in good
faith with stakeholders during the relicensing process and believes that it has provided a
complete and comprehensive application. The discussions have resulted in a fair and balanced
Robert Krebs
October 18, 2007
Page 5
plan for the protection and enhancement of the existing uses of state waters while providing for
the continued ability for the generation of cost-effective, reliable and renewable energy. PEC
submits that the fact that no existing uses will be lost or degraded requires DWQ to issue 401
Certification for the renewed FERC license without further conditions requiring enhancements
to those uses.
PEC appreciates the agency's consideration of its comment. We would be happy to discuss
further any comments on the 401 Certification with DWQ staff. If you have any questions,
please do not hesitate to contact me at 919-881-3853.
Larry Mann
Hydro Relicensing Project Manager
cc: Craig A. Bromby (Hunton & Williams LLP)
John Dorney
Comprehensive Settlement Agreement
Many issues involving water quality effects related to the Yadkin-Pee Dee Hydroelectric Project
(the "Project") were addressed in the Comprehensive Settlement Agreement ("CSA"). ~ The CSA
is a document produced by a process of negotiation seeking to balance diverse interests among
stakeholders. The Agreement was voluntarily entered into by a broad group of parties
representing a wide array of public interests. The entire CSA process encompassed a period of
more than four year involving PEC and various stakeholders, including the Division of Water
Quality ("DWQ") and the Department of Environment and Natural Resources ("DENR"). The
CSA contains terms which, among other things, provide for increasing the minimum flow of
water in stream segments below the dams by 800 percent or more, improving DO concentrations
of the water released from the dams, and establishing long-term protection of valuable lake and
river shoreline habitats.
The CSA reflects a plan that balances competing interests. In the process of negotiation and the
balancing of the interests of many stakeholders, terms were negotiated into the CSA which
represent improvements to water quality and the aquatic environment. PEC agreed to these
beneficial activities as part of its balancing of interests, and not as an obligation to replace
existing uses otherwise lost, because, simply put, no existing uses would be lost by the dams
• continuing to operate as they have historically.
The CSA, by its own terms, does not decide the issue of 401 Certification, but it nevertheless
incorporates important findings and conclusions made after lengthy scientific investigation,
careful deliberation, and negotiation between the N.C. Department of Environment and Natural
Resources (including DWQ) and PEC, with the participation of many other stakeholders. The
terms of the CSA protect and enhance natural, recreational and cultural resources, including and
in addition to water quality, and including many matters beyond the scope of 401 certification.
Perhaps as a consequence of the CSA process involving issues common to the FERC license and
the 401 Certification, and the participation in that process of DWQ and other state agencies,
commenters have apparently confused the scope of the FERC's license process with that of the
401 Certification.
CSA Enhancements
One area of confusion is the incorrect characterization by some commenters of some of the
measures and commitments embodied in the terms of the CSA as "mitigation" in the sense of
"compensatory mitigation" under the 401 Certification process. The 401 rules expressly
recognize that existing uses may be lost or degraded as a result of a licensed activity. For that
reason, the process expressly provides an opportunity for compensatory mitigation.
Compensatory mitigation describes a process by which uses of a water body which are lost as a
result of a permitted project can be compensatorily replaced by restoration, enhancement or
~ The Comprehensive Settlement Agreement is included in this package at Appendix 2.
• creation of other features or ecosystems, which will replace the lost or degraded use. In the case
of Lake Tillery and Blewett Falls Lake, there is, by definition, no mitigation required under the
401 rules because no existing use is removed or degraded. In fact, terms to which PEC agreed in
the CSA actually enhance existing uses. The terms of the CSA and other commitments made by
PEC with regard to water quality and preservation of wetlands and riparian lands were not
designed or intended as compensatory mitigation, and those terms are not characterized as such
in the CSA or in PEC's application for 401 Certification.
PEC has also recently signed agreements with the US Fish & Wildlife Service and the National
Marine Fisheries Service to provide for passage of migratory fish at its dams on the Pee Dee
River. These fish passage agreements have been endorsed by of the states of North Carolina and
South Carolina. The fish passage measures will not replace an existing use lost as a result of the
Project, rather the measures simply enhance the uses existing as of November 28, 1975.
In addition, PEC has agreed to preserve ecologically significant riparian lands and wetlands in
the immediate vicinity of the Tillery Dam and the Blewett Falls Dam, including the Grassy
Islands and Black Gum Swamp area of Blewett Falls Lake. These commitments have been
incorrectly characterized by some commenters as "mitigation," and, in that context, criticized
because the uses and values of the riparian lands and wetlands are not the same as the uses also
incorrectly claimed by commenters as having been lost or degraded. The CSA's preservation of
riparian lands and wetlands is not designed or intended as compensatory mitigation to replace
existing uses lost as a result of the permitted project, simply because no existing uses will be lost
• or degraded. Stakeholders and signatories to the CSA recognized that the preservation of
riparian lands and wetlands has significant value to the water body, acting as a buffer, improving
biological integrity in the water body, providing aquatic and wildlife habitat, and protecting
water quality by removing contaminants from the water body. PEC's decision to offer this
preservation was based on the balancing of interests among stakeholders during the CSA
negotiation process. It is environmentally beneficial and helps persuade FERC and stakeholders
that PEC is committed to an equitable balance between its need to generate electricity and the
desires of persons who use the lakes and helps promote environmental protection in the Project
Finally, Appendix 3 contains several documents, including (a) Table 2 to the September 2007
Draft Environmental Impact Statement prepared by FERC, which provides a summary of the
package of enhancement measures proposed by PEC within the FERC relicensing process, (b)
Attachment 1 to a letter dated December 12, 2006, from PEC to FERC, which provides graphs
and tables demonstrating the enhancements to Index C habitat duration and Weighted Usable
Areas for the critical life stages in three reaches of the Pee Dee River associated with increased
minimum releases proposed by PEC,2 (c) a table and explanatory text summarizing the results of
an evaluation of recreational navigability issues identified during the scoping of issues under the
FERC relicensing process, (d) a series of graphs showing modeled headpond duration curves for
the Blewett Falls development comparing levels at existing conditions to levels under the CSA
2 The segment extending from the upstream end of the Grassy Islands in Blewett Falls
. Lake to the Tillery Dam is denoted at Reach 3. Reaches 1 and 2 are downstream of Blewett
Falls Dam.
• flow regime, and (e) graphs depicting wetted perimeter (for mussel evaluations), water surface
elevation, and average depth, at a transect of Pee Dee reach 3 (below the Tillery Dam) under
release conditions at 70 cfs, 330 cfs, and 725 cfs. The documents in this appendix collectively
demonstrate that uses of the water bodies with the Project will be significantly enhanced, and
that no existing use will be degraded or removed, in accordance with the terms of the CSA.
References to Secondary Recreation
Several commenters have identified the issue of secondary recreation as a use which must be
protected under the terms of the 401 Certification. Some of the comments deal with flows in the
Tillery Reach downstream of the Tillery Dam. Commenters claim that, under PEC's application,
secondary recreation is not being supported as a classified use, and request that minimum flows
should be maintained at levels sufficient to support a "sport fishery," measured, ostensibly, by
the ability to easily navigate a john boat.3
These comments ignore, or seriously misinterpret, the concept of existing use under EMC rules.
The overall flow regime in the Tillery Reach has been consistent for nearly 80 years. Minimum
releases proposed in the CSA will increase the existing minimum flow in that stream segment by
nearly 800%. Because the secondary recreation use in the segment will be significantly
enhanced with the increased flows, there is no loss or degradation of the existing uses, which
have been supported by the current minimum flow requirement of 40 cfs to 70 cfs. The
minimum flow in the Tillery Reach flow is proposed to be increased to 330 cfs. The greater
• minimum flow will benefit aquatic communities and promote the propagation of aquatic
species.4 For example, the increased minimum flow requirements will result in a substantial
increase to the wetted perimeter of the river channel below the Tillery Dam, increasing mussel
habitat. This river margin habitat is also important for larval and young-of-year fish and species
such as minnows that prefer such habitat conditions.
In addition, these increased minimum flows will enhance secondary recreation potential.
Secondary recreation as a classified use is measured, as are all uses for the purpose of 401
Certification, relative to those uses that existed as of November 28, 1975. The fact that a
potential future use desired by some parties may not be attained to the degree they wish or hope
for, is not the equivalent of degradation of an existing use. Nowhere in the record is there
evidence showing the consistent and continuing existence since 1975 of a sport fishery utilizing
john boats or larger craft. Nowhere in the record, or the statutes or rules, is "secondary
recreation" defined as a sport fishery utilizing john boats or larger craft. Secondary recreation is
defined to include wading, boating, and other uses not involving human body contact with water,
and activities involving human body contact with water where such activities take place on an
infrequent, unorganized, or incidental basis. 15A NCAC 2B .0202(57). A key element is body
contact, a reflection of the concern with water quality, as opposed to quantity. There is no
benchmark for any particular size craft. For example, secondary recreation can include areas
suitable for wading, or areas suitable for canoeing or kayaking. With a minimum flow of 330
s See comments on behalf of City of Rockingham and American Rivers, July 18, 2007.
• a See Appendix 3.
• cfs, water flows in the Tillery Reach will be sufficient to support wading, canoeing, kayaking,
and waterfowl hunting, in this undisturbed corridor. It would likely support the use of small john
boats as well, although conditions for such recreation might not be optimal -- but there is no
requirement and no standard that would require that the stream segment be easily used by john
boat or any larger type of craft. Commenters propose a minimum flow of 800 to 1200 cfs at
Tillery ostensibly to provide adequate flows for navigation of the Tillery Reach by a 14-ft john
boat. Commenters provide no data or information to the record to support their contention that
this flow would actually allow such navigability. The fact is that flow levels would have to
exceed 5,000 cfs to support unimpeded john boat navigability of the entire Tillery Reach from
Blewett Falls headpond to Tillery Dams Another factor that is overlooked by commenters is
that minimum flows to enhance spawning (725 cfs) in the reach will be over two times the
minimum flow release requirement during the spring spawning period of mid-March through
mid-May, a time when fish activity and, consequently, recreational fishing activity, is the
Based on the discussion above, there is no lawful basis to condition the 401 Certification with
respect to secondary recreation.
Dissolved Oxygen
Commenters have requested that DWQ condition the 401 Certification to require that the
minimum daily average value of 5.0 mg/L and minimum instantaneous value of 4.0 mg/L of
• dissolved oxygen (DO) be achieved in the waters below the Tillery and Blewett Falls dams by
December 31, 2011. As indicated in its application for 401 Certification, PEC is presently
evaluating several of the available operational and technological options for increasing DO m the
water released from the dams. Physical conditions at each dam are significantly different, so the
optimal solution for each dam is likely to be different as well. Seasonally, low DO in the water
released from the dam is, in part, a function of stratification of impounded water, and oxygen
consumption by algae and rooted aquatic vegetation in the tailwaters below the dams. PEC adds
no pollutant which results in consumption of DO.
According to recent rulemaking, 71 Fed. Reg. 32887 (June 7, 2006), the U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency ("EPA") explicitly acknowledged that "the operators of water control
facilities are generally not responsible for the presence of pollutants in the waters they transport.
Rather, those pollutants often enter `the waters of the United States' through point and nonpoint
sources located far from those facilities and beyond control of the project operators.... The
pollutants in transferred waters are more sensibly addressed through water resource planning and
land use regulations, which attack the problem at its source. See, e.g., ... CWA section 401
(state certification of federally licensed projects)." The existing use of the Pee Dee River in the
reach where the Tillery and Blewett Falls dams are located was, in part, water impounded for the
purpose of generating electricity. In that sense, no violation attributable to PEC has occurred.
However, as part of the FERC settlement process and the 401 Certification process, PEC has
agreed to investigate operational and technological modifications which will increase the levels
s Id.
• of DO in the water released from the dams.6 PEC has indicated its willingness to accept
conditions in the 401 Certification which require by February 2008 submittal of a report on a
study of operational and technological measures to enhance DO levels in water released from the
dams, and implementation of enhancement measures, operational or technological, at each dam
by December 2011.
State water quality temperature numeric standards and the biological integrity of aquatic life in
the Project tailwaters will be assured under the temperature regime associated with proposed
project operations during the next hydropower license term. Progress Energy will be modifying
their operations to provide minimum flows up to 800 percent higher than currently required.
These proposed increases to flow rates will reduce the minimal effects the current operations
have on the temperature of the waters within the Project. In addition, the proposed project
operational enhancements will not result in the degradation of the existing uses. The proposed
project minimum flow releases will not substantially alter the temperature regime that aquatic
life have been exposed to in either the Tillery or Blewett Falls tailwaters reaches. Water quality
studies conducted by the applicant showed that flow releases during power plant operations did
not significantly alter the existing tailwaters temperature regimes when comparing periods of
power generation versus periods of no power generation.' Below Tillery, the lake surface water
minimum flow releases will mix with leakage from the power plant and dam tainter gates within
a short distance downstream. The trash sluice gate will be operated in a manner to minimize
• skimming of the top six inches of lake surface waters which are exposed to the greatest amount
of daily solar heating. The proposed minimum flow releases will increase flows in the Tillery
reach and reduce the likelihood of excursions above 32°C; the state water quality temperature
criterion for lower piedmont waters.g Similar effects are expected to occur below Blewett Falls
Lake Levels
The lake level operating regimes during the next license term at Lake Tillery and Blewett Falls
Lake proposed by PEC are intended to enhance the existing uses of these water bodies. The
lakes, as they exist under the current hydroelectric operating regime, support the designated uses
specified by DWQ, and these uses, as well as the water quality classifications, will not be
6 Devine Tarbell & Associates, Inc., Yadkin-Pee Dee River Hydroelectric Project, FERC
Project No. 2206 (April 2007). Phase I: Turbine venting and Phase II: Turbine venting, surface
mixer, and compressed air injection test (investigations into measures to enhance DO
concentrations in tailwaters of Tillery and Blewett Falls hydroelectric developments); Section
401 Water Quality Certification Application for Yadkin-Pee Dee River Project (FERC No. 2206-
030), submitted by Progress Energy Carolinas, Inc., to North Carolina Division of Water Quality
(May 11, 2007).
' Progress Energy FLA 2006, Appendix B, Volumes VI and VII of IX
• s Progress Energy FLA 2006; Water Quality Studies, Volume VI of IX.
• compromised with the proposed operating levels. Both lakes currently have healthy fisheries and
support various recreational uses and the proposed lake level regimes will protect and enhance
these uses. PEC has also proposed to provide beneficial lake stabilization periods during the
spring period of April 15 to May 15 to enhance spawning of largemouth bass and other fish
species. When one compares PEC's proposed lake operating regime to the existing operating
regime, there are virtually no differences in the amount of daily, weekly, or annual fluctuations
in lake levels.9
Provision for Recreation
There is no classified use or water quality standard upon which DWQ could rely to condition the
401 Certification to require the design and construction of physical recreation facilities to
promote secondary recreational use of waters within the Project area. According to the EMC
rules pertaining to water quality standards, the quality of the water, not the access to the water,
must be suitable for the best usages within a classification.10 Particular uses of the water which
may be preferred by certain individuals, or certain groups of persons, do not have to be provided
by riparian owners or applicants for permits or certifications.
Commenters suggest that DWQ condition the 401 Certification to compel PEC to provide
facilities for the purpose of promoting recreational uses in the Project area. In support of this
contention, commenters cite N.C. Gen. Stat. § 160A-351, ostensibly suggesting that this
provision requires DWQ to compel the provision of recreational facilities. Commenters attempt
• to wring out of this provision authority which does not exist in state or local governments. In
fact, this statute is a statement to the effect that providing for public recreation is a legitimate
government function and that it is state policy for the state and local governments to establish,
operate, and maintain public recreational facilities. The statute further empowers local
governments to acquire real property for this purpose, and to appropriate public funds to
establish, operate and maintain recreational facilities. 1 In no way does it authorize the state or
local governments to compel private entities to provide recreational facilities, nor does it
authorize a requirement to maintain stream flows for recreational purposes, nor does it supersede
EMC rules implementing the Clean Water Act. In addition, DWQ has no authority to condition
the 401 Certification to achieve this purpose just because the existing use of the water body may
not have promoted the recreational uses that the commenters seek to require.
Environmental Impact Statement
Commenters have also requested that DWQ assure that the scope, method and schedule for the
Environmental Impact Statement ("EIS") being prepared pursuant to the National Environmental
Policy Act ("NEPA") "will be sufficient for the purpose of certification ...." Nowhere in rules
or in the statute is it stated that an EIS is a prerequisite, or even an element, of the 401
certification process. To the contrary, the 401 process is explicitly time-limited to 60 days after
9 See Appendix 3.
10 See, 15A NCAC 2B .0211(2).
• i i N.C. Gen. Stat. § 160A-353.
• the receipt of a complete application or, if a public hearing is held, within 60 days of the close of
the hearing.12 The scope of the 401 certification inquiry is far narrower than the scope of the
EIS, addressing projects "which require [DWQ] determination concerning effects on surface
waters or wetlands."'3 Moreover, the EIS would not necessarily address issues pertinent to 401
issuance, e.g., existing use.'a
Yadkin-Pee Dee River Basinwide Management Plan
The Yadkin-Pee Dee River Basinwide Management Plan ("Yadkin-Pee Dee BMP") recognizes
Lake Tillery and Blewett Falls Lake as existing uses and features of the Yadkin-Pee Dee Basin,
and, in fact, the discussion of the features and quality of the lakes and the riverine segments
between and below them provide a description of existing uses. The Plan concludes that Lake
Tillery is supporting its designated uses.15 Blewett Falls demonstrates predominantly eutrophic
conditions, as it has since initial monitoring in 1981, but it also currently supports its designated
uses.16 However, Blewett Falls Lake has a short hydraulic residence time which "probably
prevents blooms from occurring even in the presence of elevated nutrient concentrations.""
Stream segments below the dams are listed as impaired as a result of low DO levels. The
Yadkin-Pee Dee BMP notes that DWQ will explore measures to correct the problem of low DO
levels when the facility comes up for relicensing.18 Appropriate measures have been described
above and were incorporated in the CSA to which DWQ and PEC were signatories. No total
maximum daily load ("TMDL") has been prescribed for the impaired stream segments ostensibly
• because DWQ recognized that the solution had less to do with pollutant loadings than with
oxygenation of releases through the dams, which they have agreed with PEC in the CSA to study
and implement over the next three years.
12 15A NCAC 2H .0507.
1315A NCAC 2H .0501(a).
14 PEC notes that the Draft EIS has recently been made available. The Draft EIS is not
intrinsically a part of the record of the 401 Certification proceeding and is not a prerequisite of
401 Certification. There is nothing in the DEIS which would lead the DWQ to a conclusion that
the information submitted by PEC in its application for the 401 Certification should not be relied
upon. While the Draft EIS contains information which may be relevant to the determination of
DWQ with respect to certification, it also contains a large volume of information which does not
pertain to water quality and which does not pertain to either the Tillery or Blewett Falls dams,
and is thus irrelevant to 401 Certification.
's Yadkin-Pee Dee BMP, p. 105.
i6ld. p. 120.
'~ Id.
's Id. at p.103.
• According to the Yadkin-Pee Dee BMP, there are numerous factors affecting the overall water
quality of the Yadkin-Pee Dee River Basin which are outside the Project boundary. The Yadkin-
Pee Dee River BMP addresses these issues, and indicates that future basinwide efforts have been
planned to minimize or possibly eliminate these effects. Nevertheless, most of the current
impacts to the water quality within the vicinity of the Project occur irrespective of the presence
or operation of the hydroelectric facility itself. An example of this situation is depicted in a 2006
aerial photo of the Pee Dee River, included as Appendix 4. This photo shows the confluence of
the Rocky River and the Pee Dee River, within the Tillery Reach, approximately 4.5 miles
downstream of Tillery Dam. The Rocky River is the tributary entering the Pee Dee River from
the west, or left side of the photo, and both rivers are flowing in a southerly direction, towards
the bottom of the photo. There are very apparent visible impacts to water quality (sedimentation
and associated turbidity and nutrient loading effects) of the Tillery Reach due to the Rocky River
inflows. These water quality impacts are in no way influenced by the hydroelectric plants and
degrade not only water quality, but the aquatic community as a whole, in a substantial portion of
this reach. These impacts will likely continue to occur at some level in the future even with flow
and DO improvements upstream of the confluence. Commenters ostensibly suggest that
pollution problems in the Rocky River be solved by releases from Lake Tillery. The proper
solution to degraded water quality in the Rocky River is addressing point and nonpoint sources
of pollutants to the Rocky River.
Completeness of the Record for the 401 Certification Process
The record fora 401 Certification is described at 15A NCAC 2H .0502, which addresses the
elements of a complete application. That commenters want additional studies, additional options
investigated, and additional demonstrations and models, does not mean the record or the
application is incomplete. It is complete within the meaning of the pertinent rule and provides
DWQ with all the information it needs to make an informed and deliberative decision. EMC
rules treat the 401 Certification as a permit, which includes an application with certain required
information submittals. Issuance of 401 Certification is required with 60 days of receipt of the
complete application or 60 days of a public hearing, if one is held. It is not contemplated that
this process can drag on as every piece of information is gathered which may have some
marginal relevance, or none at all, to the project seeking federal relicensing. The role of the 401
Certification is to afford states the opportunity to assess whether the proposed activity
contemplated by the federal license is sufficient to protect water quality in the waters to which
the federally-licensed project will discharge. That information has been in the hands of DWQ
for some time and DWQ has recognized as much.
The record and the application are complete and DWQ action is required by no later than
November 18, 2007 (60 days after the close of the public hearing on the 401 Certification).19
Draft 401 Certification
Finally, commenters have asked that DWQ provide a draft certification for further public review
and comment. A 401 Certification is not a permit, notwithstanding its regulatory similarities. The
19 15A NCAC 2H .0507(b).
401 process is, by rule, time limited. 15A NCAC 2H .0507. Issuance of a draft certification will
almost certainly result in an undue extension of the process which would exceed those time
limits. A draft suggests an additional round of comment, which is not provided for in EMC rules
nor which can be reasonably timely accomplished within the allotted regulatory time frame.
There are no rights sacrificed by opponents if a final certification is issued with no further
opportunity for comment. Ample opportunity for comment has been provided, and DWQ has had
the chance to consider those comments. That is the procedural right afforded commenters by
applicable rule and by rule,20 the EMC expressly puts a limit on the process. That limit cannot
lawfully be disregarded. If a commenter can show that they are aggrieved by the final agency
action of the EMC in the issuance of the 401 Certification, that aggrieved party has rights under
the Administrative Procedure Act of which they can avail themselves.
20 Id.
33674.000265 RALEIGH 322396v5
This Agreement is entered into this the 29th day of June, 2007, by and among the Parties
identified in Appendix A to this Agreement.
Whereas, Carolina Power & Light Company (doing business as Progress Energy
Carolinas, Inc. and referred to hereinafter as either "Progress Energy" or "Licensee") owns and
operates the Yadkin-Pee Dee River Project ("Project") under license issued by the Federal Power
Commission for project number 2206 by order dated May 19, 1958; and
Whereas, the Project consists of the Tillery Dam and Reservoir located in Stanly and
• Montgomery counties North Carolina, and the Blewett Falls Dam and Reservoir located in
Anson and Richmond counties North Carolina; and
Whereas, the current license for the Project is due to expire on April 30, 2008; and
Whereas, Progress Energy engaged various stakeholders, primarily consisting of the
Parties listed in Appendix A to this Agreement, to identify and resolve issues related to the
relicensing of the Project; and
Whereas, on April 26, 2006, Progress Energy filed with the Federal Energy Regulatory
Commission ("FERC") an application for a new license for the Yadkin-Pee Dee River Project
("New Project License"); and
Whereas, following extensive discussions, research, data and information collection, and
site inspections, an Agreement in Principle was developed among the Parties to provide the
framework for the development of a binding agreement that resolves issues associated with the
relicensing of the Project; and
Whereas, using the Agreement in Principle, the Parties have reached resolution on the
issues related to the Project as set forth in this Comprehensive Settlement Agreement.
Now therefore, in consideration of the mutual covenants of the Parties described herein
and other good and valuable consideration, the Parties agree and covenant as follows:
• Part I -General Provisions
1.1 Puruose and Effect of Agreement
The Parties have entered into this Comprehensive Settlement Agreement for the purpose
of resolving issues that have or could have been raised by the Parties in connection with the
FERC relicensing of the Project and to provide the necessary assurances to Progress Energy and
to receive the necessary commitments of Progress Energy regarding future financial obligations,
environmental and resource undertakings, and other licensing-related matters as specifically
addressed herein.
Progress Energy filed an application for a Major New License for its Yadkin-Pee Dee
River Project with the Commission on April 26, 2006. Included in that application is
information on the ongoing impacts of the Project developed through studies scoped and
performed in the relicensing process conducted by Progress Energy. Once executed, the parties
understand and agree that this Agreement will be filed with FERC as an Offer of Settlement that
FERC may choose to implement in a New License for the Project in lieu of the operational
proposals and certain other elements of that application.
This Agreement specifies the Licensee's obligations for the protection, mitigation and
enhancement of ecological, environmental, recreational and cultural resources affected by the
Project under a New License to be issued by FERC, as well as enforceable obligations of other
• Parties to this Agreement. All rights necessary or desirable to operate, manage and maintain the
Project and to engage in power and utility operations that are not inconsistent with this
Settlement Agreement are reserved by Progress Energy. This Agreement also specifies
procedures to be used among the Parties to ensure the implementation of those License Articles
and other agreed upon contractual obligations consistent with this Agreement, and with other
legal and regulatory mandates. For these purposes, the Parties agree that this Agreement is fair
and reasonable and in the public interest. Except as specifically provided below, any Party that is
also a governmental agency agrees that the Licensee's performance of its obligations under this
Agreement will be consistent with and is intended to fulfill the Licensee's existing statutory and
regulatory obligations, as to each Party that is also a governmental agency relating to the
relicensing of the Project, with regard to the Federal Power Act, 16 U.S.C. § 791(a) et. seq.,
Federal Water Pollution Control Act (as amended), 33 U.S.C. § 1251 et. seq., the Endangered
Species Act 16 U.S.C. § 1531 et. seq., the National Historic Preservation Act 16 U.S.C. § 470F,
and the Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act 16 U.S.C. § 661 et. seq.
1.2 Definitions
1.2.1 "Agreement in Principle" shall mean the preliminary agreement dated September,
1.2.2 "Annual License" shall mean the license(s) issued on an annual basis by the
Commission, pursuant to 16 U.S.C. § 808(a), upon expiration of the current License on April 30,
• 2008 until such time as the Commission issues a New License for the Project, or upon expiration
• of the New License until such time as the Commission issues a subsequent new license for the
1.2.3 "Commission" or "FERC" shall mean the Federal Energy Regulatory
1.2.4 "Comprehensive Settlement Agreement" shall mean this document, including
appendices, together with any information herein incorporated by reference. Hereinafter
"Comprehensive Settlement Agreement" may be referred to as either "Settlement Agreement" or
1.2.5 "Effective Date" means the date as stated in Section 1.3.5 of this Agreement
1.2.6 "FERC-Imposed Modification" shall exist if (1) the Commission issues a New
License that contains a license article that is not included in the L-Form (as defined by 18 C.F.R.
§ 2.9) applicable to the Project and that is not proposed by the Parties; omits a Proposed License
Article and the substance of that Proposed License Article is not otherwise enforceable by
contract under this Agreement, provided that there is no other provision in the New License that
prevents the implementation of that omitted Proposed License Article; modifies a Proposed
License Article; or otherwise takes action that is materially inconsistent with the terms of this
Settlement Agreement, and (2) a Party determines, in its sole judgment, that the Commission's
Order issuing the New License materially (i) increases a Party's overall costs and burdens of
and/or (ii) impairs a Party's bargained-for benefits under this Settlement Agreement. FERC's
• inclusion of the following within Progress Energy's New License shall not be construed as a
material increase or impairment: (1) language reserving authority throughout the license term to
require changes to plans or other requirements of the Licensee, (2) any reopener clause, or (3) a
license article concerning diadromous fish passage prescribed by the Department of the Interior
or the Department of Commerce. A Proposed License Article, or part thereof, will be considered
"omitted" if the Commission declares that it will not enforce the Proposed License Article, or
part thereof.
1.2.7 "Final and Non-Appealable" when used in conjunction with the issuance of the
New License, shall be deemed to have occurred on either (1) the thirty-first day after the date
FERC issues an order setting forth the New License for the Yadkin-Pee Dee River Project if no
Party seeks rehearing of such order; or (2) if any Party seeks rehearing of such an order, the
earliest date upon which no further court appeal of a FERC order issuing a New License for the
Yadkin-Pee Dee River Project, including a Petition for Writ of Certiorari to the Supreme Court
of the United States, or action by a court or by FERC with respect to such appeal, is possible.
1.2.8 "License" shall mean the regulatory authorization for construction, maintenance,
and operation of the Project subject to the jurisdiction of FERC pursuant to the Federal Power
Act, 16 U.S.C. § 791 et seq. ("the FPA").
1.2.9 "Licensee" shall mean Progress Energy, the legal entity holding the existing FPA
license for the Project as well as the legal entity to which the Commission is expected to issue
the New License for the Project and any successors in interest.
1.2.10 "New License" shall mean the license the Parties expect to be issued by the
Commission to the Licensee pursuant to Section 15 of the Federal Power Act for the continued
operation of the Project.
1.2.11 "Offer of Settlement" shall mean an offer of settlement to be filed with FERC
pursuant to 18 C.F.R. § 385.602, which offer shall be comprised of this Settlement Agreement.
1.2.12 "Party" or "Parties" shall mean the entities that are signatories to this Agreement.
(The Parties are listed in Appendix A of this Settlement Agreement.)
1.2.13 "Project" shall mean the Yadkin-Pee Dee River Project, licensed to the Licensee
as FERC Project No. 2206 (1958).
1.2.14 "Proposed License Article(s)" shall mean the terms and conditions set forth in
Appendix F of this Settlement Agreement.
1.2.15 "Section 401" shall mean Section 401 of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act
(as amended), codified at 33 U.S.C. § 1341.
1.2.16 "Section 401 Agency" shall mean the agency of the State of North Carolina (i.e.
the Division of Water Quality) that is authorized to issue certifications pursuant to Section 401 to
the extent that such agency is acting in its capacity as a decision maker pursuant to Section 401,
and not in an unrelated capacity e.g., commenting in a proceeding before another agency.
1.2.17 "Section 401 Certification" shall mean the certification issued under Section 401
by the State of North Carolina Section 401 Agency in connection with the issuance of the New
1.3 General Provisions
1.3.1 Scope of Settlement Agreement
The Parties agree that this Settlement Agreement resolves all issues among the Parties
associated with, and constitutes a comprehensive settlement of, all issues that have or could have
been raised by the Parties in connection with the FERC relicensing of the Project.
1.3.2 Procedures Regarding Certain Statutory Authorities and Obligations
The Parties have negotiated this Agreement with the intent that the terms of the
Agreement satisfy all legal obligations of all governmental agencies with statutory rights or
duties regarding the Project and/or mandatory conditioning authority over the Project. The
Parties recognize that any Party that is also a governmental agency with statutory rights or
obligations, including, but not limited to mandatory conditioning authority, must abide by all
applicable procedural and substantive laws and rules in the exercise of such authority in order to
issue lawful, mandatory conditions or recommendations, and such Party has not compromised its
• authority or acted unlawfully by negotiating and entering into this Agreement. Nothing in this
• Agreement shall diminish, modify, or otherwise affect the statutory or regulatory authorities of
the agencies involved, including those with mandatory conditioning authority.
1.3.3 Commitments During Relicensing
The Parties agree to support the issuance of a New License with a 50-year license term.
In the event that FERC issues a New License with a term of less than 50 years, the Parties agree
that Progress Energy may file a request for rehearing with FERC and, if necessary, an appeal
with the United States Court of Appeals. In its request for rehearing and any subsequent appeal,
Progress Energy is authorized to state affirmatively that each Party supports the request of a New
License with a term of 50 years, unless a Party gives notice to Progress Energy within ten days
of FERC's issuance of the New License that it no longer supports a 50-year license term due to a
FERC-Imposed Modification(s). The Parties also agree either to join Progress Energy in filing
such request or to otherwise express support on the record for Progress Energy's request unless a
Party gives notice to Progress Energy within ten days of FERC's issuance of the New License
that it no longer supports a 50-year license term due to aFERC-Imposed Modification(s).
However, in no event shall a Party oppose Progress Energy's request for rehearing concerning
the term of the New License.
If FERC denies the request for rehearing, the Parties that are not governmental agencies
agree to join Progress Energy in filing an appeal with the United States Court of Appeals or to
otherwise express their support for the appeal on the record with that Court. Each Party to this
Agreement that is a governmental agency agrees either to request participation in the appeal by
their respective agency or to otherwise express that agency's support for the appeal on the record
with the Court; provided, however, that in either event, each agency shall follow its respective
protocols, and shall request participation in or express its support for the appeal only to the
extent such agency's protocols allow. In addition, the Parties agree to request, in a manner
consistent with and to the extent allowed by each Party's protocols, if any, the State of North
Carolina and the United States, respectively, to join Progress Energy in filing an appeal. This
paragraph does not apply to a Party who gives notice to Progress Energy within ten days of
FERC's issuance of the New License that it no longer supports a 50-year license term due to a
FERC-Imposed Modification. However, in no event shall a Party oppose Progress Energy's
appeal concerning the term of the New License.
The Parties' commitments herein with regard to said request for rehearing and appeal
shall be limited to the sole issue of the duration of the license term. However, any Party may
choose to and is urged to join Progress Energy in any request for rehearing and appeal that is
brought by Progress Energy to effectuate any element or elements of this Agreement.
In any proceeding relevant to the terms or interpretation of the terms of the New License,
the Parties agree to support and/or defend the conditions of the Certification by the State of
North Carolina Section 401 Agency that are consistent with the terms of this Agreement.
However, nothing in this Agreement shall be construed to limit the State of South Carolina's
(SC) or the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) right to provide comments to North
Carolina during that State's 401 Certification process, whether consistent or inconsistent with
this Agreement provided that the comments are based upon facts of circumstances or data that
were unknown at the time of the signature on this Agreement, or to initiate the procedures under
33 U.S.C. § 1341(a)(2) should it be deemed necessary by SC or EPA.
In any proceeding before any agency with mandatory conditioning authority, the Parties
are encouraged to urge upon such agency that the terms of this Agreement satisfy the agency's
legal mandates and are within the agency's discretion; provided that Parties who are
governmental agencies are not by this commitment compromising or relinquishing any legal
authority or process requirements.
During the relicensing process, the Parties agree not to propose or otherwise
communicate to FERC or to any other federal or state resource agency with jurisdiction directly
related to the relicensing process any comments, recommendations, measures, prescriptions,
terms or conditions, other than ones consistent with the terms of this Agreement. Any Party that
is also a governmental agency with statutory rights or obligations, including, but not limited to
mandatory conditioning authority, agrees that any comments, recommendations, measures,
prescriptions, terms or conditions such party makes to FERC or any other federal or state
resource agency will be made in good faith under each party's respective authority and
regulatory and statutory obligations and that each may, consistent with applicable law, take into
account the process culminating in this Settlement Agreement.
1.3.4 Structure of Settlement Agreement
This Settlement Agreement consists of an Agreement signed by the Parties together with
seven appendices. The Agreement includes a "General Provisions" section and a "Settlement
Terms" section. Appendix A consists of a list of the Parties to this Agreement, which is included
to provide information regarding the giving of notice in accordance with Section of this
Agreement and which otherwise has no significance within this Settlement Agreement.
Appendix B is a copy of the executed Low Inflow Protocol identified in Section 2.1.5. Appendix
C contains depictions of certain lands to be donated by Progress Energy to the State of North
Carolina in accordance with Section 2.5.2 of this Agreement. Appendix D contains depictions of
certain lands over which Progress Energy will impose restrictive covenants in accordance with
Section 2.5.3 of this Agreement. Appendix E contains a depiction of certain lands to be leased to
the State of North Carolina in accordance with Section 2.5.4 of this Agreement. Appendix F
consists of Proposed License Articles with respect to certain provisions of the "Settlement
Terms" section. Appendix G contains the State of North Carolina's standard Section 401
Certification conditions referenced in Section 1.3.12 of this Agreement.
To the extent that there are conflicts between the language of any Proposed License
Article in Appendix F and the language of the remainder of the Settlement Agreement (including
the other Appendices), the language of the Settlement Agreement (including the Appendices)
shall be controlling.
1.3.5 Effective Date and Term of Settlement Agreement
Once negotiations on the terms of this Settlement Agreement have been completed, the
Agreement will be presented to the Parties for signature by June 1, 2007. After the close of the
• signature period, and before the Effective Date, those Parties that choose to sign the Agreement
• may agree to modify the substantive provisions of the Agreement to match the collective
interests and needs of those Parties, which may include the deletion of provisions beneficial to
non-signatories. This Settlement Agreement shall become effective among its signatories on
July 1, 2007, or, if the Parties that choose to sign the Agreement agree to modify the substantive
provisions of the Agreement, on a date on which they mutually agree. The Agreement may be
executed in separate counterparts, with each counterpart deemed to be an original having the full
force and effect thereof. The Settlement Agreement shall remain in effect for the term of the
New License issued by the Commission for the Project and for any Annual License issued
subsequent thereto, unless terminated pursuant to Section Upon the Effective Date of
this Agreement, the Agreement In Principle is terminated, and no provision in the Agreement In
Principle shall be used to interpret any provision of this Agreement.
1.3.6 Effective Date of Settlement Obligations
To the extent that the Licensee's obligations under this Settlement Agreement are
contained in the New License, those obligations shall be binding upon the Licensee upon
issuance of the New License, except to the extent such obligations may be stayed by law. For all
Parties other than the Licensee, and for the Licensee with respect to obligations not set forth in
the New License, the obligations under this Settlement Agreement shall become binding and
effective once the New License becomes Final and Non-Appealable, EXCEPT THAT, from the
Effective Date of the Settlement Agreement until termination, all Parties shall have the
obligations as set forth in this Agreement including (i) supporting approval of the Settlement
• Agreement before FERC and, if there be one, in any court appeal regarding the New License
consistent with Section 1.3.3, and (ii) complying in good faith with respect to the dispute
resolution process specified herein.
1.3.7 Jurisdiction
Execution of this Agreement does not constitute a consent to jurisdiction of any court
unless such jurisdiction otherwise exists. Execution of this Agreement also does not constitute a
waiver of any immunity or privilege except as provided by law.
1.3.8 Dispute Resolution General
Except where otherwise specifically provided in this Settlement Agreement, a dispute
that arises under or is related to any Party's compliance with any obligation arising under this
Settlement Agreement or under the New License, including a Party's failure to act or a Party's
abuse of discretion in performing such duty shall be resolved as follows: Consensus Required
The Parties will make best efforts to reach consensus and resolve any dispute arising
under or related to the Settlement Agreement or the New License. A resolution based on
consensus shall have either the unanimous support of all Parties, or at least no opposition from
any Party. If a Party has no objection to the resolution but does not specifically endorse it, for
• purposes of this Section, the lack of opposition shall be considered to be support of the
resolution. Consultation
In the event any dispute arises under either the New License or this Settlement
Agreement, the disputing Parties agree to engage in good faith negotiations for a period of at
least 45 days commencing once written notice of the dispute is delivered by any disputing Party
to any other disputing Party in an effort to resolve the dispute, provided that nothing in this
Agreement prevents the Licensee from taking any legally available appeal to FERC or the
Courts, which may require action in less than 45 days, where it deems necessary. During the 45-
day period, any disputing Party may request the services of a neutral mediator to assist in
resolving the dispute. If mediation is acceptable to all of the disputing Parties, such mediator
shall be jointly agreed upon by them. Before engagement of a mediator, the disputing Parties
will reach an agreement on each party's obligation for the costs of such services.
If any Party believes that another Party has failed to comply with any obligation under
this Agreement (including compliance by the Licensee with the New License), the Party shall
notify all other Parties in writing and the interested Parties shall consult and may engage a
mediator as described above. The interested Parties shall attempt to determine (i) whether non-
compliance has occurred, and (ii) in the event of non-compliance, establish a reasonable time in
which the Party must cure the non-compliance. In emergency situations, a Party may, in good
faith and for good cause, seek relief as provided by law without regard to any Consultation
• requirements, such as those in this paragraph and Section immediately below.
In the event that FERC institutes an action to enforce a License Article against Progress
Energy before the Consultation process is completed, any Party may participate in that action as
such Party considers appropriate without completing or complying with the Consultation
process. Remedies
If after engaging in Consultation pursuant to Section, the Parties have not reached
consensus or if, in the event of non-compliance for which a schedule to cure the non-compliance
has been established through Consultation, the offending Party has not cured the failure within
the time established, any Party that participated in the Consultation may seek resolution before
any agency or court with jurisdiction over the matter; provided that if the dispute concerns the
Licensee's compliance with the New License and the dispute is not resolved at the conclusion of
Consultation, or if, in the event of non-compliance for which a schedule to cure the non-
compliance has been established through Consultation, the Licensee has not cured the non-
compliance within the established time, any Party that participated in the Consultation may
petition or otherwise request FERC to enforce the License Article with which the Licensee is
alleged to have failed to comply. If FERC affirmatively declines to enforce a License Article or
fails to act within a reasonable time after a petition or request to enforce has been filed which
period of time shall not be less than six months, then such Party may file with FERC a petition
for rehearing regarding the alleged failure and pursue any further remedies, including judicial
• review. Except as otherwise provided in this section, nothing in this Settlement Agreement shall
• be construed as creating a right of any Party to enforce the New License against the Licensee as a
matter of contract.
If FERC's failure to enforce a License Article is unrelated to the merits of whether a
License violation has occurred but is due solely to a Commission policy and/or legal
determination or a combination of policies and determinations (including a jurisdictional
restriction on the Commission), then the State of North Carolina may bring suit to enforce any
coordinate obligation of this Agreement as a matter of contract. In that event, the Licensee shall
not raise as a defense that the suit is in any manner precluded in whole or in part on the ground
that the obligation under this Agreement can not be enforced because it is incorporated into the
FERC license.
The Parties recognize that the Section 401 Certification provides an independent legal
basis for the enforcement by the State of North Carolina of the terms of this Agreement that are
included in the Certification. Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed to limit or enhance
the State of North Carolina's ability to enforce conditions in the Section 401 Certification in
federal or State court or by State administrative means, as may be otherwise permitted by law.
In any action by the State of North Carolina to enforce the Section 401 Certificate: (1) the
Licensee shall not object to venue in Wake County or in any county in which the violation
occurred; (2) the Licensee shall not object to personal jurisdiction; and (3) the parties represent
that their intent is to resolve any alleged violation(s) on the merits, despite any other defenses the
Licensee may raise, recognizing that the Licensee has a continuing obligation to comply with
• North Carolina's Water Quality Standards. No Damages at Law
No Party shall be liable for damages at law for any breach of this Settlement Agreement
or the New License, any performance or failure to perform an obligation imposed by either or
both of them or any other cause of action arising from either or both of them. As such, the Parties
implicitly agree that specific performance shall be an appropriate remedy for any breach. This
section, however, shall not otherwise exempt the Licensee from liability for its actions under
Section 10(c) of the Federal Power Act, 16 U.S.C. § 803(c).
1.3.9 Withdrawal from Settlement Agreement Withdrawal Once New License is Final and Non-Appealable
A Party may withdraw from this Settlement Agreement once the New License is issued
with aFERC-Imposed Modification and has become Final and Non-Appealable, provided that
the withdrawing Party has exhausted its administrative and judicial remedies in contesting such
FERC-Imposed Modification. As used in the preceding sentence, a Party will have exhausted its
administrative and judicial remedies if it undertakes all steps necessary to have aFERC-Imposed
Modification reviewed up to and including a review by the United States Court of Appeals, but
will not be required to seek a Writ of Certiorari from the Supreme Court of the United States. A
Party seeking to withdraw pursuant to this section must give notice in the manner prescribed by
section Upon withdrawal, this Agreement will have no force or effect as to that Party.
• Withdrawal upon Denial of Request for Rehearing
A Party may withdraw from this Settlement Agreement once the New License is issued
with aFERC-Imposed Modification and FERC has denied rehearing of the Party's request for
rehearing. A Party seeking to withdraw pursuant to this section must give notice in the manner
prescribed by section Withdrawal is authorized if (i) it has complied with the
Consultation procedures in Section and (ii) all other Parties consent to the withdrawal In
determining whether to consent to a Party's request to withdraw, the other Parties shall consider
the likelihood of the requesting Party's success on the merits of appealing the denial of rehearing
to the United States Court of Appeals and the requesting Party's projected costs in appealing
FERC's denial of rehearing to the United States Court of Appeals. A License Term Less Than 50 Years is Not a Basis for Withdrawal
Progress Energy agrees that a New License with a term of less than 50 years does not
constitute a basis for withdrawal from the Agreement. However, should FERC issue a New
License with a term of less than 45 years, the Licensee may withdraw. Withdrawal Upon Other Causes
A Party may withdraw from this Agreement if it is deprived of a significant bargained-for
benefit under this Agreement by the withdrawal of another Party.
. Notice of Withdrawal
In order to withdraw, in addition to any other requirements, a Party must provide written
notice to all other Parties pursuant to Section The notice must describe the reasons for
withdrawal in sufficient detail to allow for good faith discussion of the issues. The Party must
comply completely and in good faith with the consultation procedures required by Section The withdrawal is effective upon completion in good faith of the consultation process,
upon completion of the rehearing and appeal requirements, or 60 days after the notice, whichever
is later. Waiver of Right to Withdraw
Any right to withdraw under this Agreement is waived if the Party with such right does
not give notice to all other Parties of its intent to withdraw within 180 days of the New License
becoming Final and Non-Appealable, unless a Party is participating in rehearing or some other
appeal of the New License, in which case that Party's right to withdraw shall expire 180 days
after the rehearing or other appeal is Final and Non-Appealable.
1.3.10 Miscellaneous Limitations of Applicability
This Settlement Agreement is made on the express understanding that it constitutes a
negotiated settlement of issues specific to the Project. No Party shall be deemed, by virtue of
• execution of this Settlement Agreement, to have established precedent, or admitted or consented
• to any approach, methodology, or principle except as expressly provided herein. In the event this
Settlement Agreement is approved by the Commission, such approval shall not be deemed a
precedent for or controlling regarding any particular issue or contention in any other proceeding. Successors and Assigns
This Settlement Agreement shall apply to, and be binding on, the Parties and their
successors and assigns. No change in ownership of the Project or transfer of the New License by
the Licensee shall in any way modify or otherwise affect any other Party's interests, rights,
responsibilities, or obligations under this Settlement Agreement. Unless prohibited by applicable
law, the Licensee shall provide in any transaction for a change in ownership of the Project or
transfer of the existing or New License, that such new owner shall be bound by, and shall assume
the rights and obligations of this Settlement Agreement upon completion of the change of
ownership. In the event applicable law prohibits the new owner from assuming some or all of the
rights and obligations of this Settlement Agreement, any Party may withdraw from this
Settlement Agreement, after providing written notice as set forth in section The Licensee
shall provide written notice to the other Parties at least 90 days prior to completing such transfer
of license. Severability
This Settlement Agreement is made on the understanding that each term is in
consideration and support of every other term, and each term is a necessary part of the entire
• Settlement Agreement. Should any court hold that any section, provision, or part thereof is
invalid or unenforceable, the validity or enforceability of any other provision of this Agreement
is not affected thereby, provided that if the invalidity or unenforceability of any section,
provision or part thereof materially (1) increases a Party's overall costs and burdens or (2)
impairs a Party's bargained-for benefits under this Settlement Agreement, that Party may
withdraw in the manner prescribed by Section Force Majeure
In those instances where force majeure may apply, no Party shall be liable to any other
Party for breach of this Settlement Agreement as a result of a failure to perform or for delay in
performance of any provision of this Settlement Agreement due to any cause reasonably beyond
its control. This may include, but is not limited to: (a) acts of God, fire, war, insurrection, civil
disturbance, or explosion; (b) adverse weather conditions that could not be reasonably
anticipated causing unusual delay in transportation and/or field work activities; (c) restraint by
court order or order of public authority; or (d) inability to obtain, after exercise of reasonable
diligence and timely submittal of all applicable applications, any necessary authorizations,
approvals, permits, or licenses due to action or inaction of any governmental agency or authority;
and (e) labor disputes or strikes which are reasonably beyond the control of the Party seeking
excuse from performance. The Party whose performance is affected by a force majeure will
make all reasonable efforts to promptly resume performance. The Party affected by a force
majeure event shall provide written notice to the other Parties of the circumstances of the event
that it believes constitutes a force majeure event as soon as it is reasonably possible and practical
• to do so. The settlement of strikes or lockouts or industrial disputes or disturbances is entirely
• within the discretion of the Party declaring force majeure, and that Party will not be required to
settle the strikes, lockouts, or industrial disputes or disturbances by acceding to the demands of
any opposing Party when such course of action is inadvisable in the discretion of the Party
declaring the force majeure. Notices and Communications
All written notices to be given pursuant to this Settlement Agreement shall be mailed by
electronic mail, facsimile, certified first class mail return receipt requested, or overnight express
service, to each Party at the addresses listed in Appendix A or to such subsequent address as a
Party shall by written notice identify. Notices shall be deemed to be given on the same business
day as any electronic mail or facsimile transmitted before 5:00 p.m., Eastern Standard Time,
unless the intended recipient demonstrates that the electronic mail or facsimile was not timely
received, or on date of receipt if overnight express or other receipt-notification service is used.
For purposes of implementing this Settlement Agreement, the Parties agree that the
individuals listed in Appendix A shall be designated to be the primary contact person and all
written notices shall be posted to these individuals at the addresses listed in Appendix A.
Notification of changes in the contact persons or addresses must be made in writing and
delivered to all other contact persons by certified first class mail return receipt requested.
Upon reasonable request by any Party, the Licensee will make available copies of the
Settlement Agreement, together with all amendments including changes to the Parties' contact
information, to the extent that such changes have been provided in writing to the Licensee. Responsibility for Costs
Except as expressly provided for in this Settlement Agreement, all Parties are to bear
their own costs for participating in the Settlement Agreement, provided that any State or federal
government Party's participation in the Settlement Agreement is subject to available funding. Water Rights Unaffected
This Settlement Agreement does not grant or affirm any property right, license or
privilege to any Party or other entity in any waters or any right of use by any Party or other entity
in any waters. This Settlement Agreement does not authorize any person to interfere with the
riparian rights, littoral rights or water use rights of any other person. No person shall interpose
this Settlement Agreement as a defense in any action respecting the determination of riparian or
littoral rights or other water use rights. Cross Referenced Laws and Documents
Unless otherwise noted, any reference to any statute, regulation or other document refers
to the statute, regulation or document as it exists on the Effective Date. No Third-Party Beneficiaries
This Settlement Agreement shall not create any right as a third-party beneficiary in any
individual or entity that is not a Party. This Settlement Agreement shall not be construed to
• authorize any such third party to maintain a suit in law or equity under this Settlement
Agreement. No Commitment of Government Funds
Nothing in this Settlement Agreement shall be construed as obligating any federal, state,
or local agency to expend in any fiscal year any sum in excess of appropriations made by
Congress or state or local legislatures or administratively allocated for the purpose of this
Settlement Agreement for the fiscal year or to involve any federal, state, or local agency in any
contract or obligations for the future expenditure of money in excess of such appropriations or
allocations nor shall it be construed to require the transfer or use of any government lands or
other resources (including personnel) except as authorized by law. No Delegation
Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed as requiring or involving the delegation by
any government agency to any other body of any authority granted to it by Congress or the
legislature of any state. Signatory Authority
Intending to be legally bound by the terms of this Settlement Agreement, each Party has
executed the Settlement Agreement by the signature of its duly authorized representative(s), and
• by his or her signature that duly authorized representative(s) certifies that he or she has in fact
the authority to commit his or her agency or organization to the terms of this Settlement
Agreement to the maximum extent permissible by law. Paragraph Titles for Convenience Only
The titles for the paragraphs of this Agreement are used only for convenience of
reference and organization, and shall not be used to modify, explain, or interpret any of the
provisions of this Agreement or the intentions of the Parties. Waiver
Failure by any Party to insist upon or otherwise call upon others to account for the strict
performance of any term or covenant of this Agreement, or of any right under this Agreement
shall not be a continuing waiver. To be effective a waiver must be in writing. A Party's failure to
secure a written waiver shall not be construed as a waiver by that Party of any statute of
limitations or other limitations period. Waiver of any requirement of law shall not be, or be
evidence of, a continuing waiver or recurring waiver of such requirement of law. No Standing
No Party will seek to use its status as a Party to this Agreement to establish standing, or
aggrieved-party status in order to challenge any action of any Party that is also a governmental
agency when that governmental agency's actions are pursuant to fulfilling its statutory duties.
13 Future Relicensing Proceedings
Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed to restrict in any way any Party's
participation in any proceeding for a New License for the Project with an effective date on or
after the expiration of the New License, nor shall any Party be restricted in any way from
participating in any proceeding associated with the application for such a new license, including
any application for a Section 401 Certification.
1.3.11 Actions upon Execution of Agreement FERC Filings by Progress Energy
Within 30 days after the Effective Date of this Settlement Agreement, the Licensee shall
file with FERC an Offer of Settlement pursuant to Rule 602 (18 C.F.R. § 385.602) consisting of
the Settlement Agreement. The Offer of Settlement shall request FERC to incorporate all
Proposed License Articles, without modification, into the New License for the Project and to
identify all Proposed License Articles, if any, that are unenforceable by FERC.
1.3.112 Other Filings with FERC
The Parties shall: a) submit, individually or collectively, a statement or statements in
support of this Agreement to FERC within 45 days of the Effective Date of this Settlement
Agreement; b) ensure that their complete and final recommendations, measures, terms,
conditions, and/or prescriptions pursuant to Sections 10(a), 10(j), and 18 of the Federal Power
Act, Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act, and Section 7 of the Endangered
Species Act, if the Party has such authority, are consistent with the Agreement; c) ensure that any
supplemental information, comments or responses to comments filed by them with FERC or any
mandatory conditioning agency in the context of the relicensing process are consistent with this
Agreement (with the exception of a Section 401 Agency with regard to its Section 401
Certification); d) use their best reasonable efforts to obtain a FERC order approving this
Agreement and issuing a New License for the Project consistent with this Agreement in a timely
manner, and e) actively support, in all relevant regulatory and judicial proceedings in which they
participate, regulatory and judicial actions consistent with this Agreement. Adoption by FERC Without Modification
The Parties have entered into this Settlement Agreement with the express expectation and
condition that FERC will approve the Settlement Agreement and issue a New License for the
Project that incorporates, without modification, the Proposed License Articles in Appendix F.
The Parties shall request that FERC adopt the Proposed License Articles without modification.
The Parties agree that if FERC approves the Offer of Settlement and incorporates the
Proposed License Articles into the New License without modification or otherwise does not
disapprove or supersede the terms of this Agreement, they will not seek rehearing of the FERC
order granting a New License for any issues covered by this Agreement, or support in any way
any such request for rehearing by any non-Party to this Agreement.
i The Parties recognize that if FERC issues a new license to Progress Energy that is
consistent with the Agreement, the Agreement will have the status of a contract enforceable at
law and in equity (1) with respect to those provisions that FERC or a court of competent
jurisdiction determines are beyond FERC's jurisdiction to enforce and (2) as provided in Section The Parties also acknowledge that the Agreement binds all Parties to perform any
commitments they have made therein. Furthermore, the parties agree that if FERC declines to
include in the New License one of the Proposed License Articles, that Article retains its status as
a contractual commitment under this Agreement and may be enforceable at law in state court to
the extent that it does not conflict with any provision of the New License. The Parties agree that
they have provided consideration for the Agreement by compromising rights and remedies they
could assert before FERC in this relicensing proceeding. Modification and/or Amendment Effect of FERC Adoption with Modification
If FERC adopts the Proposed License Articles with modification, the Settlement
Agreement shall be deemed amended to conform to the New License unless a Party gives notice
of objection to the New License with aFERC-Imposed Modification pursuant to Section, below. Absent such objection, the Parties will be bound by the terms of this
Settlement Agreement as amended.
If FERC incorporates Settlement Agreement obligations into the New License that are
intended to be specific resource commitments by and between certain Parties to the Settlement
Agreement such that the commitments were not proposed as License Articles by the Parties and
become enforceable by FERC against the Licensee (e.g., if FERC requires through a License
Article that the Licensee fund recreation commitments that were to be made by a resource
agency funded by Progress Energy), the Parties agree that any funds obligated by Progress
Energy in the Settlement Agreement to meet those commitments will be applied to the cost to
Progress Energy of meeting the New License requirement. Funds intended to provide
operational and maintenance support for public recreation areas, in whole or part, shall not be
subject to re-appropriation unless FERC obligates the Licensee for operation and maintenance of
the area. The Parties further agree that this Agreement allows this reallocation by Progress
Energy after consultation with the Parties to the original non-License commitment but without
requiring Progress Energy to engage in the Objection To New License With Modification
procedures pursuant to Section below. Objection To New License With Modification
If in the opinion of any Party, the Commission issues an order with a New License that
contains aFERC-Imposed Modification, such Party shall give notice of the existence of the
FERC-Imposed Modification to all the other Parties as soon as possible but no later than ten days
after the date that the Commission's order is issued. Thereafter, all Parties shall immediately
engage in Consultation in accordance with Section in an attempt to reach consensus on (i)
conforming the Settlement Agreement to the New License with FERC-Imposed Modification or
(ii) filing a request for rehearing of the New License. If consensus has not been reached ten days
• prior to the due date for the request for rehearing, such Party may file a request for rehearing of
• the New License to challenge the FERC-Imposed Modification, which no other Party shall
oppose. All Parties shall support such request for rehearing to the greatest extent possible. Any
Party filing a request for rehearing is authorized to state affirmatively that no Party opposes such
request. Request for Rehearing Shall Not Terminate Consultation
The filing of a request for rehearing shall not terminate Consultation, which shall
continue, if necessary, for the full 45-day period, mindful of the demands on Parties involved in
a request for rehearing. If at any time the Parties unanimously consent to modify the Settlement
Agreement to conform to the New License, the filing Party shall withdraw its request for
rehearing. Settlement Agreement Temporarily Amended
After the conclusion of Consultation, and unless and until the New License is Final and
Non-Appealable, the Settlement Agreement shall temporarily be deemed amended by FERC's
modification if supported by (i) the Licensee and (ii) each resource agency with jurisdiction over
a resource that is a subject of the disputed license article or omission. A resource agency shall be
considered to have jurisdiction over a resource if a characteristic of the resource is within the
agency's statutory mandate and, with respect to state agencies, the resource is within the
agency's geographic jurisdiction.
• Development of Biological Opinion by USFWS or NOAH Pursuant to Section
7 of the ESA
In the event that the U.S. Department of the [nterior Fish and Wildlife Service or the U.S.
Department of Commerce National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration issues a Biological
Opinion that contains measures, recommendations, terms or conditions that 1) modifies a
Proposed License Article or are otherwise inconsistent with the terms of this Settlement
Agreement, and 2) the Licensee determines, in its sole judgment, that the Biological Opinion
materially (i) increases its overall costs and burdens of and/or (ii) impairs its bargained-for-
benefits under the Settlement Agreement, then the Licensee may withdraw from this Agreement;
provided, however, that, prior to exercising its right to withdraw, the Licensee shall (i) comply
with the Consultation provisions in Section and (ii) exhaust its administrative and judicial
remedies in contesting the measures, recommendations, terms or conditions up to and including a
review by the United States Court of Appeals. However, if a Party believes that an appeal of the
objectionable recommendations, terms or conditions to the Court of Appeals would be futile and
the other Parties, having considered the costs and the likelihood of the requesting Party's success
on the merits of such an appeal agree, the requesting Party may withdraw absent such an appeal.
Such agreement shall not be unreasonably denied. License Articles Not Related to Settlement Agreement
Any Party may file a request for rehearing of issues arising under the FERC order issuing
the New License that are not deemed to be related to the Settlement Agreement, provided that:
(i) the Party shall notify all other Parties of its intention by electronic mail or facsimile at the
earliest practicable time; and (ii) the Parties will undertake the Consultation process in Section if any other Party disputes the request as inconsistent with the Settlement Agreement. Amendment of Settlement Agreement
The Parties may amend this Settlement Agreement, as executed, before or after issuance
of the New License.
A Party proposing an amendment shall provide notice pursuant to Section The
Notice shall state the substance and basis of the proposed amendment. The Parties shall make
best efforts to informally meet and confer within 30 days of such Notice. The proposing Party
may request to utilize the Consultation process set forth in Section of this Agreement.
Within 60 days of the Notice, or such different period as may be established by mutual consent,
each other Party shall provide a written confirmation of its consent to or rejection of the
proposed amendment. If a Party does not respond within that period, it shall be deemed to have
rejected the proposed amendment.
If an amendment is proposed before issuance of a New License and has the unanimous
consent of the Parties, it shall go into effect upon the Parties' execution of an Amended
Settlement Agreement, which shall be promptly filed as an amended Offer of Settlement.
If an amendment is proposed after issuance of the New License and has the unanimous
consent of the Parties, the Parties shall, if such amendment warrants, seek modification of the
• New License, and any related permits or authorization, to conform to the proposed amendment
of the Settlement Agreement. The proposed amendment shall not go into effect until all
authorizations, including the New License, are conformed to the proposed amendment.
However, if the proposed amendment lacks the unanimous consent of the Parties or FERC denies
modification of the New License, the lack of unanimous consent or denial of the proposed
amendment shall not constitute grounds for withdrawal under Section 1.3.9.
1.3.1 1.4.8. Amendment of the New License
To the extent permitted by law, a Party may petition FERC to amend the New License,
pursuant to any reopener condition contained in the New License, or to take any other action
with regard to the Licensee or the Project or may petition the Section 401 Agency to amend its
Section 401 Certification, pursuant to any reopener condition included in any Certification, or to
take any other action with regard to the Licensee or the Project, so long as the amendment or
other action would not substantially conflict with this Agreement. Before filing any such
petition or initiating any such action, the Party shall notify all other Parties and consult with any
Party that wishes to consult, but under no circumstance shall such consultation requirement be
construed to prevent a Party from pursuing any action within the time required by law or
1.3. l2. Rights, Duties, and Obligations Regarding Section 401 Certification
Except as permitted in this section, the Parties shall not: (1) request or support any
Section 401 Certification conditions for the Project that conflict with the proposed license
conditions or any other terms of this Agreement or that add substantial additional burdens, costs
• or risks to the Licensee beyond those to which all Parties have herein agreed; (2) oppose any
Section 401 Certification conditions that are not inconsistent with the proposed license articles or
any other terms of this Agreement; or (3) oppose any Section 401 Certification conditions that
are standard State of North Carolina Section 401 Agency conditions. For purposes of this
Agreement only, the standard State of North Carolina Section 401 Certification conditions are
provided in Appendix G. The inclusion in the Section 401 Certification, and therefore in the
New License, of any conditions that are not inconsistent with the proposed license articles or any
other terms of this Agreement shall not be deemed aFERC-Imposed Modification.
The Parties reserve the right to be actively involved in any Section 401 Certification
process, and nothing in this Agreement shall prevent the Licensee from opposing any Section
401 Certification condition that it, in its sole judgment, determines is or could be inconsistent
with any provision of this Settlement Agreement.
Nothing in this Settlement Agreement is intended to or shall be construed to affect in any
way the authority of the State of North Carolina pursuant to 33 U.S.C. § 1341, and related state
statutes and rules, such as by limiting the authority of the State of North Carolina to issue,
condition, or in any way alter a Section 401 Certification or by limiting the exercise of the State
of North Carolina's discretion. Execution of this Settlement Agreement by the State of North
Carolina or any agency thereof expresses or implies no representation that the requirements of
this Settlement Agreement ensure compliance with State water quality standards and other
appropriate requirements of State law. Nothing in this Agreement shall limit the right of the
• State of North Carolina from enforcing its Section 401 Certification and from taking any steps,
within the sole discretion of the State, to protect and defend its authority, such as by seeking
rehearing of any FERC action regarding issues related to the exercise of the State's authority
with regard to 33 U.S.C. § 1341. Similarly, nothing in this Agreement shall be construed to limit
SC's or EPA's right to initiate the procedures under 33 U.S.C. § 1341(a)(2) should it be deemed
necessary by SC or EPA.
1.3.13 Potential for Negotiation of Recreation Easements
Notwithstanding Section 1.3.14, in the event that the Project ceases to be a federally
licensed hydropower project prior to the expiration of the term of the New License, the Licensee
shall convey recreational easements to the United States of America and/or the State of North
Carolina for a period of time commencing at the termination of the New License and extending
through the date on which the New License was otherwise due to expire. No later than one year
prior to the date that the Project ceases to be a federally licensed hydropower project, or as soon
as reasonably practical, the Licensee shall negotiate recreation easements with the United States
and/or the State of North Carolina to ensure continued public access to the public recreational
facilities on the Project reservoirs as they exist at the time the Project ceases to be a federally
licensed hydroelectric project. Such easements will only become effective in the event that the
Project ceases to be a federally licensed hydroelectric project. However, nothing in this
Agreement shall prevent the Licensee (under which circumstances would be a former Licensee
and owner of private land encumbered by any recreational easements) from proposing to the
United States or the State of North Carolina the closure of a recreational facility that becomes a
"stranded asset" or has otherwise fallen into disuse for any reason, and agreement to such closure
• shall not be unreasonably withheld by the United States or the State of North Carolina.
• 1.3.14 Termination of Settlement Agreement
This Settlement Agreement shall terminate as to all Parties and have no further force or
effect upon withdrawal of the Licensee, or upon expiration of the New License and any Annual
License issued thereafter.
Part II -Settlement Terms
2.1 Minimum Instream Flows and Other Stream Protection Measures
2.1.1 Introduction
Minimum Instream flows have been evaluated by the Instream Flow Subgroup of the
Aquatic Resources Work Group since June of 2003. This group of stakeholders has actively
participated in Progress Energy's efforts to scope, conduct studies of, and model both the habitat
and navigation aspects of Instream flows (IFIM) and the operational aspects of Instream flows
(CHEOPS model) at both the Tillery and Blewett Falls Developments. Once the modeling tools
were operational and calibrated, a Technical Committee continued meeting to evaluate flow
scenarios as an integral part of this Comprehensive Settlement Agreement. Minimum Instream
flows influence many Project aspects including, but not limited to, fish and other aquatic life,
recreational boating, reservoir levels, management of water resources, drought management,
• water quality, and project economics. Stakeholders evaluated and attempted to balance all of
these minimum flow effects when developing the minimum Instream flows for this
Comprehensive Settlement Agreement, which all signatories believe represents a reasonable
balance of all the interests in the overall water management plan for the Yadkin-Pee Dee River
2.1.2 River Inflows from APGI's Yadkin Hydroelectric Project
Progress Energy's obligation to meet the minimum flow releases described in this
Comprehensive Settlement Agreement is contingent upon Progress Energy's Tillery
Development receiving specified minimum flow releases from APGI's Yadkin Hydroelectric
Project. The following specified minimum level of inflows to Lake Tillery from Falls Dam are
necessary for Progress Energy to meet its minimum flow obligations under the terms of this
Comprehensive Settlement Agreement: February 1 to May 15 - 2,000 cfs as measured on an
average daily basis; May 16 to May 31 - 1,500 cfs as measured on an average daily basis; June 1
to January 31 - 1,000 cfs as measured on an average daily basis.
2.1.3 Blewett Falls Plant Existing Minimum Flows
Article 21 of the existing license requires a "minimum stream flow of 150 cfs at all
times" measured at the USGS gage at Rockingham. In actuality, the minimum flow, as recorded
• by the gage, has seldom dropped below 200 cfs because Progress Energy puts a generating unit
on to increase river flow at Blewett Falls when the Rockingham gage starts to approach 200 cfs.
• New Minimum Flow Regime
From February 1 through May 15 of each year, the continuous minimum flow will be
2,400 cfs, as measured at the existing USGS gage at Rockingham, to enhance spawning habitat
in the Pee Dee River downstream of the Blewett Falls Development. From May 16 through May
31 of each year, a continuous minimum flow will be 1,800 cfs and for the remainder of the year,
June 1 through January 31, the continuous minimum flow will be 1,200 cfs, all subject to
allowable variances described below. This Agreement establishes a higher priority on the
maintenance of minimum flows than the maintenance of reservoir water levels. Therefore,
infrequently, events may require the prioritization of maintaining minimum flows over the
reservoir water levels identified in Section 2.2 of this Agreement. Flow Adjustments to Enhance Fish Spawning
Progress Energy shall operate its Blewett Falls facility during certain times of the year in
a manner intended to enhance fish spawning conditions downstream of the Blewett Falls
Development as described and defined below. These time periods are referred to herein as "flow
adjustment operations" and they shall occur each year as either (a) one 14-day and one 10-day
period or (b) five 5-day periods. In any event, these periods of flow adjustment to enhance
spawning will be characterized by the following:
• Flow adjustment operations shall occur between February 1 and May 15.
• The specific time periods in each year will be decided upon by resource agencies,
Progress Energy, and APGI (collectively, the "Spawning Flow Management Team"). Other
entities able to demonstrate relevant fisheries expertise may participate in these discussions. If
the option of one 14-day period and one 10-day period is chosen, Progress Energy must be
notified of the specific dates at least 14 days prior to the start of each period. If the option of five
5-day periods is chosen, Progress Energy must be notified of the entire schedule at least 10 days
in advance of the start of the first of the 5-day periods.
• Periods of flow adjustment operations shall be chosen by the Spawning Flow
Management Team based on interpretation of relevant factors that might include, but are not
limited to, water temperature and weather data, projected inflow conditions, and observations of
fish spawning behavior. If the option of five 5-day periods is implemented, two of these periods
must occur between April 15 and May 15.
• Because of concerns regarding the predictability of inflows over longer periods of
time, the individual flow adjustment periods must be separated by at least one week, unless
otherwise approved by Progress Energy.
• If a period of unusually low inflow to Blewett Falls Reservoir or a Low Inflow
Protocol ("LIP") period occurs during a previously selected flow adjustment operation period,
the release of the required minimum continuous flow (or in the case of an LIP event, the LIP
flow) will still be considered a flow adjustment period.
• If a period of higher inflow to Blewett Falls Reservoir occurs during a selected
• flow adjustment operation period, wherein there is a continuous operation of all commercially
• available turbines in the Blewett Falls powerhouse, possibly accompanied by additional spillage
over the dam crest, this period will count as a flow adjustment period so long as any interruptions
in the continuous operation of all commercially available turbines are infrequent and
• If a period of intermediate inflow to the Blewett Falls Reservoir occurs (flows in
the range of 3,000 to 6,000 cfs), Progress Energy will manage releases at the Blewett Falls
powerhouse as follows:
(1) If unregulated tributary inflow to the Pee Dee River above Blewett Falls
(particularly from the Rocky River) changes significantly during a designated flow adjustment
operation period, Progress Energy can respond to these changes in flow as needed to manage
reservoir operations by increasing or reducing the number of turbines in operation without
consideration to the limits described below in (2) through (5). This would still be considered a
flow adjustment period.
(2) Except as identified in (1) above, the upramp time of each turbine at Blewett Falls
will be no less than 30 minutes from off-line to full gate.
(3) Except as identified in (1) above, the downramp time of each turbine at Blewett Falls
from full gate to off-line will be in accordance with the following guidelines:
i. After the first operating unit is taken off-line, the second operating unit to be
taken off-line shall not be taken off-line for at least two hours after the first operating unit was
taken off-line.
ii. After the second operating unit is taken off-line, the third operating unit to be
taken off-line shall not be taken off-line for at least four hours after the second operating unit
was taken off-line.
iii. After the third operating unit is taken off-line, the fourth operating unit to be
taken off-line shall not be taken off-line for at least six hours after the third operating unit was
taken off-line.
(4) On the first day of any flow adjustment operation period, Blewett Falls must
commence such related operations no later than 8 a.m. to still be considered as a full day of flow
adjustment operation.
(5) On the last day of any flow adjustment operation period, Blewett Falls units can
begin to be taken off-line no earlier than 4 p.m. By example, the schedule below would be
considered a full day of a designated flow adjustment operation period if it were the last day of
such period:
(i) 4 PM -- go from 5 units to 4 units
(ii) 6 PM -- go from 4 units to 3 units
(iii) 10 PM -- go from 3 units to 2 units
(6) If the five 5-day flow adjustment operation periods are chosen in any given year,
each period shall begin on a Monday morning and end on a Friday evening.
(7) If the one 14-day and one 10-day period is chosen in any given year, the actual dates
shall be such as to minimize the number of weekend days within the 14-day period. For the 10-
day period, there will be no more than 2 weekend days.
All decisions to be made by the Spawning Flow Management Team as outlined in this
section shall require consensus as specifically defined under Section of this
Comprehensive Settlement Agreement.
Progress Energy will prepare an annual report of the operations of the Blewett Falls
Development during the Flow Adjustment Operation periods consisting of meeting notes, flow
records from streamflow gages, and plant operations. The operations of the Tillery Plant during
the Flow Adjustment Period will be coordinated by Progress Energy and subject to dispatch by
Progress Energy in accordance with its system needs. Progress Energy anticipates that APGI
will provide a good faith effort to define its daily release schedule during these periods at least
one week in advance of the scheduled time periods and provide updates to the release schedule
once every other day until the cessation of the specific flow adjustment operation period.
The first year of implementation of the Flow Adjustment Operations shall be the calendar
year following the year of license issuance. After five years of Flow Adjustment Operations, the
Spawning Flow Management Team shall evaluate the Flow Adjustment Operations and develop
• recommended changes for consideration by the resource agencies and Progress Energy. Re-
evaluation at 5-year intervals may occur if determined necessary and if agreed to by the
Spawning Flow Management Team. Minimum Flow Variance
The new minimum flow regime will allow a variance for two 5-hour periods each year to
reduce the minimum flow release to just leakage flow for testing black-start capability of
turbines at the Blewett Falls powerhouse. These black-start tests will be restricted to occur only
in October, November, December, or January, when environmental effects of low flow fora 5-
hour period are expected to be minimal. Further, these tests shall not be conducted in October if
a Stage 1 or greater Low Inflow Protocol event has been triggered.
In an effort to properly manage water during unusually low flow conditions, Progress
Energy shall participate in a Low Inflow Protocol (LIP) (see Section 2.1.5). Minimum instream
flows may be reduced during these LIP periods in order to conserve water resources during
periods of low flow in the watershed. Minimum Flow Compliance and Monitoring
Progress Energy will maintain to the standards established by the USGS a continuous
flow monitoring gage at the site of the current Rockingham USGS gage and will provide flow
data to the public, via the Internet or other appropriate means, to be updated no less than every
two (2) hours. For the first ten (10) years after issuance of the New License, Progress Energy
will contract with the USGS for operation and maintenance of this gage. Annual reporting of
'• flows will be in accordance with normal USGS practices and procedures. Compliance with
minimum flows for the Blewett Falls facility will be measured at the Rockingham gage.
Progress Energy will maintain to the standards established by the USGS a continuous
flow monitoring gage at the site of the current Rocky River gage near the mouth of the Rocky
River. Progress Energy currently pays a portion of the cost of the maintenance of this gage. If
for any reason the funding of this gage by others is lost, then Progress Energy will be responsible
for the additional funding necessary to maintain the gage. Progress Energy reserves the right to
reconsider whether or not to continue to use the USGS as the provider of this service after the
first ten (10) years following the issuance of the new license.
Minimum releases required at the Blewett Falls Development shall be presumed to have
been met if flows recorded at the streamflow gage at Rockingham are within 5% of the required
minimum release, so long as the "true-up" procedure described below is implemented. Progress
Energy will prepare an annual report documenting its compliance with minimum releases
including any "true-up" periods. To the extent practicable, Progress Energy will "true-up"
minimum flows monthly; that is, flows falling below the minimum shall be offset by flows
greater than the minimum (during minimum release periods) in the same month for a reasonably
equivalent amount of time. If any instances of recorded lower-than-required minimum flows are
not properly compensated for in the month they occur, such compensation will occur as soon as
practicable in the next month, but no later than the 15th day of that month. Progress Energy's
annual report shall indicate all periods where a "true-up" was required and show how and when
the actual "true-up" occurred. The annual report shall be filed with the NCDENR, SCDNR,
SCDHEC and FERC by March 31 of the following year. If any of the resource agencies have
significant concerns or comments on the report, a consultation meeting will be convened to
discuss these concerns. Such meeting shall be held within 45 days of the issuance of the report.
There shall be no "gaming" of the minimum flow variance allowed under this compliance
standard; that is, under no circumstance shall Progress Energy intentionally or willfully use the
existence of the variance and true-up mechanism to deliberately manipulate minimum flow
releases to coincide with demand for electricity. For example, a consistent record of lower-than-
required minimum flows during periods of high electrical demand shall be considered "gaming."
Certain LIP events require the release of 925 cfs as the "critical flow." The Licensee shall
endeavor to maintain this target flow; however, compliance will have been achieved if the flow
recorded during this event is between 900 and 950 cfs at the Rockingham gage. Other Stream Protection Measures
Progress Energy has agreed to conserve for purposes of stream protection various plots of
land it owns along the Pee Dee River in the vicinity of the Project. Conservation is achieved
through either donation of lands to the State of North Carolina or through the placement of
restrictive covenants on riparian lands and within shoreline buffer zones. These measures are
described in detail in Section 2.5.
2.1.4 Tillery Plant
• Existing Minimum Flows
Article 21 of the existing license requires the discharge of a "minimum stream flow of 40
cfs at all times." The USGS measures the discharge in the Pee Dee River below Tillery Dam
from time to time during periods of no generation, and the measured minimum flow is reported
to be between 70 cfs and 90 cfs. New Minimum Flow Regime
Progress Energy will provide a continuous year-round minimum flow at the Tillery
Development of 330 cfs except for a period of eight continuous weeks commencing as early as
March 15, but no later than March 22, when a minimum flow of 725 cfs shall be provided to
enhance American shad spawning. This release of 725 cfs will start in 2010, or at the first
passage of American shad above Blewett Falls Dam, whichever is later. Recreational Boating Flows
Progress Energy shall release for the purposes of enhancing recreational boating flows
below the Tillery Development an additional 1,750 acre-feet of water per year above and beyond
the required minimum releases specified in Section This recreational release volume can
be increased to 1,950 acre-feet per year if releases for recreation purposes are made for at least
four days within the period May 16 to May 31 or September 1 to September 15. These four days
can occur in the designated May time period or the designated September time period or any
combination thereof.
Within twelve (12) months of the New License becoming Final and Non-Appealable,
Progress Energy will prepare in coordination with NCDENR and NCWRC a Recreation Release
Plan for submittal to FERC. Following the first three years of Plan implementation, the Plan
shall be evaluated and modified as appropriate; however, any modification shall not consider
increasing the amount of water above 1,950 acre-feet. After the first evaluation, re-evaluation
and modification of the Recreation Release Plan at 5-year intervals may occur if determined
necessary and if agreed upon by NCDENR, NCWRC, and Progress Energy, however, any
modification shall not consider increasing the amount of water above 1,950 acre-feet. Any
decision arrived at by this group shall require consensus as defined under Section of the
General Provisions. Temperature of Minimum Flow Releases
Flows released at the Tillery Development for the purpose of meeting minimum flow
requirements will be done in such a way as to avoid skimming high temperature surface water
from the uppermost surface of Lake Tillery if high temperature gradients are found to occur in
the upper six inches of the lake. Minimum Flow Compliance and Monitoring
Within 12 months of the New License becoming Final and Non-Appealable, Progress
Energy will install and maintain to the standards established by the USGS a continuous flow
monitoring gage below the Tillery Development near the State Highway 731 Bridge and will
provide flow data to the public, via the Internet or other appropriate means, to be updated no less
than every two (2) hours. For the first ten (10) years after issuance of the New License, Progress
Energy will contract with the USGS for operation and maintenance of this gage. Annual
reporting of flows will be in accordance with normal USGS practices and procedures.
Minimum releases required at the Tillery Development are presumed to have been met if
flows recorded at the streamflow gage near the Highway 731 Bridge are within 5% of the
required minimum, as long as the "true-up" procedure described below is implemented.
Progress Energy will prepare an annual report documenting its compliance with minimum
releases including any "true-up" period. To the extent practicable, Progress Energy will "true-
up" minimum flows monthly; that is, flows falling below the minimum shall be offset by flows
greater than the minimum (during minimum release periods) in the same month and for a
reasonably equivalent amount of time. If any instances of recorded lower-than-required
minimum flows are not properly compensated for in the month they occur, such compensation
will occur as soon as practicable in the next month, but no later than the 15th day of that month.
Progress Energy's annual report shall indicate all periods where a "true-up" was required and
show how and when the actual "true-up" occurred. Other Stream Protection Measures
Progress Energy has agreed to conserve for purposes of stream protection various plots of
land it owns along the Pee Dee River in the vicinity of the Project. Conservation is achieved
through either donation of lands to the State of North Carolina or through the placement of
restrictive covenants on riparian lands and within shoreline buffer zones. These measures are
described in detail in Section 2.6.
2.1.5 Low Inflow Protocol
Progress Energy agrees to comply with the requirements of the Low Inflow Protocol
(LIP) dated February 2007, which was developed as part of the relicensing process. The LIP is
attached hereto as Appendix B.
2.1.6 Implementation Schedule
Minimum instream flows will be commenced within 60 days of the receipt of a New
License from FERC that is Final and Non-Appealable, assuming that APGI's new license has
been issued prior to or concurrent with Progress Energy's license and that APGI has
commenced, and continues, the releases specified in Section 2.1.2 of this Agreement.
2.2 Reservoir Water Levels
2.2.1 Introduction
Reservoir water levels and water level changes determine the amount of water storage
capacity that is available to re-regulate and shape reservoir inflow and maintain uninterrupted
minimum continuous flow releases and benefits. A seasonal schedule of differing water level
regimes allows protection of resources at high priority times of the year (e.g., spawning and
nesting seasons) and less restriction at low priority times of year (e.g., winter). Future reservoir
water levels restrictions described in this Comprehensive Settlement Agreement are contingent
upon Progress Energy's Tillery Development receiving specific minimum flow releases from
APGI's Yadkin Hydroelectric Project as defined in Section 2.1.2. These minimum flows to Lake
Tillery from Falls Dam are necessary for Progress Energy to maintain the reservoir levels
described below in sections and Progress Energy will typically maintain
reservoir water levels under normal operating conditions (not including flood flow conditions)
within the ranges described in Sections and below.
2.2.2 Blewett Falls Plant Existing Water Levels
The current water level regime under the existing operating license allows unrestricted
drawdowns of the Blewett Falls Reservoir of up to 17 ft; however, the intake of the Blewett Falls
powerhouse precludes drawdowns in excess of approximately 11 ft. Typical daily changes in
water levels have historically been 1 to 3 ft, year-round. Greater daily fluctuations do occur,
especially as needed for replacing flashboards and other major maintenance. Future Water Levels
When inflows to Blewett Falls Reservoir are greater than approximately 7,400 cfs (about
40 percent of the time), the plant is operated in a near run-of--river fashion, and water levels are
controlled by inflows. When inflows to Blewett Falls Reservoir are less than approximately
7,400 cfs (about 60 percent of the time), Progress Energy shall maintain ayear-round water level
regime at Blewett Falls Lake that allows for fluctuations of up to 6 ft, between elevation 172.1
and 178.1 ft, except for system emergencies and LIP. Under this water level regime, typical daily
water level changes will be in the range of 2 to 4 ft. When flashboards are down, an additional 2
ft of drawdown to elevation 170.1 ft is necessary to safely replace the flashboards.
During the bass spawning season, April 15 to May 15, Progress Energy will limit water
level changes to 2 ft to enhance bass spawning except when additional reservoir storage is
necessary to meet minimum flow release obligations (minimum flow releases will have priority
over lake elevations) or if the flashboards fail. In either of the exceptions noted above, Progress
Energy will endeavor to return to normal operations as soon as reasonably practical.
2.2.3 Tillery Plant Existing Water Levels
The current operating license allows Lake Tillery to be drawn down up to 22 ft below the
normal full pool elevation of 277.3 ft. It has been Progress Energy's most recent practice to limit
fluctuations to 1 to 1.5 ft during normal operations and greater than 1.5 ft in anticipation of
flooding or during maintenance and system emergencies. Future Water Levels
Progress Energy will follow aseasonally-based lake level management schedule at Lake
Tillery during the term of the New License. From December 15 through March 1, lake level
fluctuations will be limited to 3 ft between 274.3 and 277.3, unless use of reservoir storage is
needed to meet demand for electricity. If storage is needed for electrical generation purposes
during this period, Progress Energy may use the storage available between elevations 272.3 ft
and 277.3 ft, resulting in a maximum fluctuation of 5 ft. When used for these power-related
purposes, Progress Energy will normally cycle the reservoir within these elevation limits on a
daily or multi-daily basis. Water fluctuations up to 8 ft may occur during system emergencies,
and potentially be greater during LIP periods.
From April 15 to May 15, Progress Energy will limit lake level changes to 1.5 ft below
the water surface elevation of the reservoir as measured on April 15 for bass spawning (higher
elevations are acceptable).
During all other periods of the year (except flood flow conditions), Progress Energy will
maintain lake level fluctuations to generally within 2.5 ft of full pool (elevation 277.3 ft
measured at Tillery Dam) on weekdays, and generally 1.5 ft of full pool on weekends and
holidays. Maintenance Drawdowns
Once in every 5-year period, Progress Energy will schedule a maintenance drawdown of
up to 15 ft to occur on Lake Tillery within the September 15 to December 15 timeframe. This
drawdown will allow Progress Energy to perform routine periodic maintenance and gate testing
that cannot be accomplished when the lake level is higher. Public Information on Water Levels
Progress Energy will add a projection of the expected daily water levels for the day on
their existing 800-899-4435 public messaging service. For the first five years of the New
License, Progress Energy will also provide an annual notice on November 15 alerting the public
to the drawdown limits that apply between December 15 and March 1. Emergency or LIP Water Level Variance
In the case of an LIP event, Lake Tillery and the other larger reservoirs in the basin will
be called upon to use some of their storage to augment downstream flows in a coordinated
manner. Management of flows and water levels during LIP events are contained in the LIP
attached hereto as Appendix B.
2.2.4 Compliance Monitoring
Annual reports on lake level compliance will be submitted to FERC and will include
hourly readings of lake levels recorded at the both the Tillery and Blewett Falls dams.
2.2.5 Implementation Schedule
The new lake level management regime will be initiated within 120 days of the New
License becoming Final and Non-Appealable.
i 2.3 Water Quality
2.3.1 Introduction
This section presents measures intended to comply with Progress Energy's 401 Water
Quality Certification to be issued by the NCDWQ. This Comprehensive Settlement Agreement
is not intended to replace the required 401 Water Quality Certification process. Water quality
monitoring has shown that tailwater dissolved oxygen (DO) levels can periodically fall below
North Carolina water quality standards. This is a seasonal problem, occurring during some
summer months when reservoirs stratify and deeper waters in the vicinity of the plant turbine
intakes lose some, or nearly all, of their oxygen content. This causes low DO water to be
discharged to the tailrace when generation takes place. The duration and frequency of these low
DO episodes depends largely upon reservoir inflow, weather, reservoir mixing forces, and
reservoir outflow.
Water quality data collection at the Tillery and Blewett Falls developments indicate that
these low DO events occur more frequent at Tillery than at Blewett Falls. Additionally,
preliminary trials of turbine venting suggest that venting with existing equipment alone may
eliminate the problem at Blewett Falls, while additional venting equipment or other DO
enhancing strategies may be required at Tillery.
Because the relicensing time frame is inadequate to systematically investigate and resolve
the tailwater low DO issue, Progress Energy is following a DO implementation plan that will
have both Blewett Falls and Tillery tailrace DO levels in compliance with current state water
quality standards by the end of 2011. Progress Energy will operate the Project in accordance
with its 401 Certification to meet applicable water quality standards. If at any time during the
term of the New License, after all required water quality enhancement modifications have been
completed, state water quality standards are not being met as a result of Progress Energy's
hydroelectric operations, Progress Energy will immediately consult with NCDWQ to develop, if
appropriate, a plan to implement corrective actions. Progress Energy will implement the plan as
approved by NCDWQ and/or FERC.
Prior to license acceptance, if NCDWQ or FERC require additional modifications beyond
those listed in this Agreement to assure compliance with applicable state standards for DO, the
fact that such modifications are not currently specified herein shall not be construed as a material
increase of the overall costs and burdens of this Comprehensive Settlement Agreement.
2.3.2 Blewett Falls Plant Existing Tailwater Water Quality
DO concentrations, as measured by Progress Energy in the tailwater area, have been
recorded on occasion below the state standard. This has occurred during periods of thermal
stratification in Blewett Falls Lake.
28 Tailwater Water Quality under the New License
Progress Energy has developed a detailed implementation plan for meeting water quality
standards at Tillery and Blewett Falls dams related to dissolved oxygen as required by Section
401 of the Clean Water Act. Progress Energy agrees to meet dissolved oxygen standards by
December 201 l.. The schedule includes completion of field testing DO enhancement options by
December 2008, and completing successful implementation of the best suited DO enhancement
technology by December 201 I . Implementation Plan and Schedule
Implementation of the Investigation into Turbine Tenting Measures to Enhance Tailwater
Dissolved Oxygen Concentrations at the Tillery and Blewett Falls Hydroelectric Plants has
already begun with the preliminary turbine venting trials conducted in 2005 and 2006. More
rigorous testing of DO enhancement is on-going. As noted above, full DO enhancement to
current North Carolina water quality standards will be achieved by December 2011. Because
enhancement may be easier to achieve at Blewett Falls, DO compliance may be completed ahead
of schedule at this site. Compliance Monitoring
Progress Energy will provide monitoring of water temperature and dissolved oxygen.
Temperature and DO monitoring will occur immediately below the end of the Blewett Falls
• tailrace with equipment installed by the Licensee in accordance with protocols approved by
NCDWQ. Annual compliance reports will be prepared by Progress Energy and submitted to
NCDWQ and FERC by April 15th of the following year in accordance with the requirements of
the 401 Water Quality Certificate. 2.3.3 Tillery Plant Existing Tailwater Water Quality
NCDWQ has documented DO concentrations on occasion below the state standard in the
Tillery tailwater. Progress Energy's relicensing water quality studies have also confirmed
occasional low DO levels in the tailwater. This likely occurs during times of thermal
stratification in Lake Tillery. Tailwater Water Quality under the New License
Progress Energy has developed a detailed implementation plan for meeting water quality
standards at Tillery and Blewett Falls dams related to dissolved oxygen as required by Section
401 of the Clean Water Act. Progress Energy agrees to meet dissolved oxygen standards by
December 2011.. The schedule includes completion of field testing of various DO enhancement
options by December 2008, and completing successful implementation of the best suited DO
enhancement technology by December 2011. Implementation Plan and Schedule
Implementation of the Investigation into Turbine venting Measures to Enhance Tailwater
Dissolved Oxygen Concentrations at the Tillery and Blewett Falls Hydroelectric Plants has
already begun with preliminary turbine venting trials conducted in 2005 and 2006. More
rigorous testing of DO enhancement is on-going. As noted above, full DO enhancement to
current North Carolina water quality standards will be achieved by December 2011. Compliance Monitoring
Progress Energy will provide continuous monitoring of water temperature and dissolved
oxygen. Temperature and DO monitoring will occur below the Tillery Plant as required by the
401 Certificate issued by NCDWQ with equipment installed by the Licensee. The final location
of DO monitoring near the Highway 731 Bridge will be determined based upon further testing of
DO enhancement technologies and resulting patterns of DO concentrations in the Tillery
tailwater. Annual compliance reports will be prepared by Progress Energy and submitted to
NCDWQ and FERC by April 15th of the following year in accordance with the requirements of
the 401 Water Quality Certificate. Aquatic Life Monitoring
Progress Energy will conduct post-licensing monitoring of aquatic life below Tillery
Dam. The purpose of the monitoring is to document the condition of the aquatic community in
the Pee Dee River from Tillery Dam to its confluence with the Rocky River. The extent of this
testing will be in accordance with the NCDWQ Water Quality Certificate. Total Maximum Daily Load Processes
If, during the term of the new license, any Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL)
processes are required for the Yadkin-Pee Dee River (or its tributaries) within the Project
Boundary of the Yadkin-Pee Dee Project or on the Pee Dee River immediately downstream of
either Tillery Reservoir or Blewett Falls Reservoir, the Licensee will participate in these
processes. Participation would be expected to include, for example, providing any existing water
quality sampling or flow release data and participating in relevant stakeholder technical teams.
2.4 Recreation Enhancements
2.4.1 Introduction
Progress Energy has developed the following plan of recreation enhancements for the
Yadkin-Pee Dee River Project in cooperation with the participants in the Comprehensive
Settlement Agreement meetings.
2.4.2 Blewett Falls Plant Existing Recreation Facilities
There are two public boat access points on Blewett Falls Lake. An ADA-accessible
public fishing platform is located on the downstream side of the Blewett Falls powerhouse
providing access to fishing in the Blewett Falls tailrace.
• New Recreation Facilities
Within four years of the issuance of the New License for the Project that is Final and
Non-Appealable, Progress Energy will make improvements to the Anson County and Mountain
Creek (Grassy Islands) public access areas on Blewett Falls Lake. At the Anson County site,
improvements will include avault-type restroom facility, improvements to boat ramps to allow
for ease of put-in over the range of proposed lake fluctuations, updated signage, a new
information kiosk, and improved parking management (i.e. identification of parking locations for
vehicles and trailers). At the Mountain Creek access site, improvements will include boat ramp
modifications as necessary, updated signage, and improved parking management. Consultation
with resource agencies will occur prior to the construction of any new facilities.
In addition, Progress Energy will upgrade the existing canoe portage at Blewett Falls
Dam to applicable North Carolina state standards.
Progress Energy shall, within 180 days of the issuance of the New License for the Project
that is Final and Non-Appealable, submit a plan and schedule for the installation of the recreation
facilities described in this article. River Flow Information to Public
Progress Energy will provide an electronic link on the Progress Energy website to the
flow gage at Rockingham and to the flow gage to be installed by Progress Energy downstream of
• Tillery Dam. Progress Energy will also provide information on its website related to recreational
boating flows to be released at Tillery Dam (see Section Yadkin-Pee Dee River Trail
Within 24 months of FERC's issuance to Progress Energy of a New License for the
Project that is Final and Non-Appealable, Progress Energy will provide NCDENR a one-time
contribution of matching funds up to a maximum of twenty five thousand dollars ($25,000) for
the enhancement and/or expansion of the Yadkin-Pee Dee River Trail. Such funds are to be
used for developmental, promotional and/or implementation purposes for any portion of the Trail
extending from Tillery Dam in North Carolina to the I-95 Bridge in South Carolina.
2.4.3 Tillery Plant Existing Recreation Facilities
There are currently five public boat launch facilities on Lake Tillery and one at the
Tillery Dam tailwater area. Recreation Facility Enhancements
Within four years of the issuance of the New License for the Project that is Final and
Non-Appealable, Progress Energy will make improvements to the Stony Mountain public access
area to consist of vault-type sanitary facilities, trash receptacles, updated signage, new
• information kiosk, and improved parking management.
• Progress Energy will also make improvements to the Norwood, Swift Island, and Lilly's
Bridge access areas. At Norwood, a shelter and picnic tables, separate men's and women's vault-
type restroom facilities, trash receptacles, updated signage, new information kiosk, and improved
parking management (i.e. identification of parking locations for vehicles and trailers) will be
provided. Also at Norwood, an enhancement to the existing dock and boat launch may be
needed to provide boat access over the range of future lake levels. At Lilly's Bridge, new
recreation facilities will consist of a shelter with picnic tables, separate men's and women's
vault-type restroom facilities, trash receptacles, updated signage, new information kiosk, and
improved parking management (i.e. identification of parking locations for vehicles and trailers).
At Swift Island, vault-type sanitary facilities, trash receptacles, updated signage, anew
information kiosk, and improved parking management (i.e. identification of parking locations for
vehicles and trailers) will be added to the site. Consultation with resource agencies will occur
prior to the construction of any new facilities.
Progress Energy will relocate to Clarks Creek the unimproved boat access site that is
currently located in the area just south of the tailrace. This new access site will include a formal
parking area, signage, information kiosk, and boat access to the Pee Dee River.
Progress Energy shall, within 180 days of the issuance of the New License for the Project
that is Final and Non-Appealable, submit a plan and schedule for the installation of the recreation
facilities described in this article. Access and Funding for New Recreation Facility in Stanly County
• Progress Energy will provide NCWRC access across Project lands and matching funds,
up to $25,000, for a shoreline public fishing area in Stanly County, to consist of an ADA-
accessible fishing pier and a gravel parking area. NCWRC Enforcement Facility
Progress Energy will co-fund with NCWRC ajoint-use boathouse and boat ramp facility
to be used by NCWRC for enforcement purposes on Lake Tillery and by Progress Energy for
lake management purposes. Typically, this co-funding will consist of Progress Energy
purchasing the materials and NCWRC providing the labor for the construction of the facility.
This facility is to be located in the vicinity of the proposed new public fishing access site in
Stanly County described in section
2.4.4 County Level Formal Recreation Review Meetings
Progress Energy will meet with Stanly and Montgomery counties to discuss and review
recreation issues on Lake Tillery every four years. These discussions will include review of
public recreation needs and trends, public use, and lake access.
Future public access sites may be warranted depending on recreation demand and/or use
of existing facilities. Any siting of new facilities will consider items such as the potential for
environmental impacts and the potential impacts to existing uses.
• 2.4.5 Implementation and Schedule
The recreation facilities described above will be completed within four years following
the issuance of a New License for the Project that is Final and Non-Appealable. County review
meetings (See Section 2.4.4) will follow at four-year intervals.
Progress Energy will enter into an agreement with NCWRC whereby NCWRC, for a
period of 10 years commencing from the date on which the New License is issued by FERC, will
be responsible for the operation and maintenance of the public recreation facilities made part of
the New License. Progress Energy will fund NCWRC's operation and maintenance activities
through aone-time payment of two hundred forty thousand dollars ($240,000) to be placed in an
interest bearing account for the benefit of NCWRC operation and maintenance activity related to
the Project. Funds for this purpose will be contributed by Progress Energy within 12 months of
the New License becoming Final and Non-Appealable. Prior to the end of the 10-year period
referenced above, Progress Energy and NCWRC will renegotiate the recreation facilities
operation and maintenance agreement of this section.
2.5 Additional Stream Protection Measures
2.5.1 Introduction
• For the purpose of providing additional protection to stream and riparian habitats within
the river corridor potentially affected by Project operations, Progress Energy will undertake
certain measures as follows:
(1) the donation to the State of North Carolina of certain parcels of undeveloped land
owned by Progress Energy bordering the Pee Dee River;
(2) the placement of restrictive covenants for conservation purposes on certain parcels of
undeveloped land owned by Progress Energy adjacent to Project-affected waters; and
(3) the leasing of certain lands owned by Progress Energy to the State of North Carolina
for the term of the new license.
Each of the measures referenced above are more fully described below.
2.5.2 Lands to Be Donated to the State of North Carolina
Within five years of the issuance of the New License for the Project that is Final and
Non-Appealable, Progress Energy will donate to the State of North Carolina various tracts of
land it owns along the Pee Dee River below Blewett Falls Dam on both the east and west river
banks extending from Blewett Falls Dam to below the Highway 74 bridge and including lands
adjacent to the highly valued river shoals located below Highway 74. These lands also include
the Gabbro Slopes area above Highway 74 and valuable riparian and wetland complexes on the
East and West river banks. These lands to be donated, which have a total acreage of
• approximately 1600 acres, are depicted in the attached Appendix C.
• Within five years of the issuance of the New License for the Project that is Final and
Non-Appealable, Progress Energy will also donate to the State of North Carolina lands it
presently owns along the eastern bank of the Pee Dee River extending downstream from the
Highway 731 bridge for approximately four (4) contiguous miles. These lands to be donated,
which have a total acreage of approximately 300 acres and will provide a protected riparian
corridor along the east shore of the Pee Dee River, are depicted in the attached Appendix C.
Until these lands are donated to the State of North Carolina, the Parties agree that interim
land management by the Licensee will use reasonable efforts to conform to the following
forestry management practices where timbering is scheduled:
(1) Eor loblolly pine plantations that are 30 or more years old, thin to approximately 30
(2) For pine/hardwood mixed stands that are 30 or more years old, after consultation
with NCWRC, thin to approximately 30 trees/acre.
(3) For 15 to 30 year old stands of loblolly pine, thin to approximately 60 trees/acre.
(4) Reserve the ability to clear-cut parcels up to 25 acres in size where best management
practices would dictate (not including any environmentally significant areas) but only after
consultation with NCWRC.
• (5) Leave an undisturbed buffer of not less than 100 feet in width along the Pee Dee
River and along both sides of any blue line streams.
(6) Predominantly hardwood stands will not be timbered.
The Licensee represents that it is responsible for providing reliable electric service to its
customers within North and South Carolina. To that end, from time to time the Licensee
constructs electrical transmission lines within its service area. The Licensee represents that such
lines are located only after consideration of many factors, including potential impacts to homes,
businesses, schools, roads, and other infrastructure; cultural and historic resources; sensitive
environmental features and natural areas; and other factors. Nothing in this Settlement
Agreement (1) is intended specifically to prohibit the Licensee from planning, designing, and
constructing a transmission or distribution line through, over or across lands described above by
this Settlement Agreement or (2) shall obviate any duty to obtain all necessary regulatory,
environmental, or other approvals. The parties recognize that the rights, duties, obligations of
this Settlement Agreement and the actions taken pursuant to this Settlement Agreement (such as
the preservation of lands described by this Settlement Agreement) may be considered in any
proceeding regarding a transmission or distribution line.
Each party assumes responsibility for its own costs associated with deed transfers
described herein.
• 2.5.3 Lands Subject to a Restrictive Covenant
Progress Energy will place a restrictive covenant for conservation purposes on certain
lands it owns known as the "Diggs Tract" along the Pee Dee River below the Highway 74
bridge, which is depicted in the attached Appendix D. Within twelve (12) months of the
issuance of a New License for the Project that is Final and Non-Appealable, Progress Energy
will execute, deliver and cause to be recorded covenants and restrictions establishing a buffer
zone adjacent to the river that would be at least 100-ft-wide along the entire tract. Within the
buffer zone, activities to be allowed would be limited to such activities as selective clearing and
controlled burning in accordance with a forest management plan approved by NCDENR, limited
unimproved foot trails not to exceed 4 ft in width and a single boat access point to the river. Foot
trails generally parallel to the river shall be no closer to the river than 50 feet. There shall be no
more than three trails perpendicular to the river within the buffer zone. Except to accommodate
the above allowable activities, the following shall be prohibited within the buffer zone: filling,
draining, flooding, dredging, impounding, clearing, burning, cutting or destroying vegetation,
cultivating, excavating, erecting, overnight camping, constructing, releasing wastes, or otherwise
doing any work within the buffer zone, introducing exotic species into the buffer zone (except
biological controls pre-approved by NCDENR); and from changing the grade or elevation,
impairing the flow or circulation of waters, reducing the reach of waters, and any other discharge
or activity requiring a permit under clean water or water pollution control laws and regulations,
as amended. The following are expressly excepted from the prohibited activities: (a)
cumulatively very small impacts associated with hunting, fishing, and similar recreational or
educational activity, consistent with the continuing natural condition of the property; (b) removal
or trimming of vegetation hazardous to persons or property; and (c) restoration or mitigation
required under law. No permanent structures would be allowed within the 100-ft buffer zone.
Within twenty four (24) months of the issuance of the New License that is Final and Non-
Appealable, Progress Energy will also place a restrictive covenant for conservation purposes on
Project lands it owns in the Grassy Islands area located at the upper reaches of Blewett Falls
Lake, which are depicted in the attached Appendix D. This area contains large bottomland
hardwood forests and an oxbow swamp with a large stand of Black Gum. These are highly
valued wetland resources of regional significance. The restrictive covenant would be defined to
permit only certain non-consumptive uses of the lands, including fishing, hunting, hiking, bird-
watching, and other low-density recreation activities. Prohibited activities will be identical to
those described above for the Diggs Tract.
Within twenty four (24) months of the issuance of the New License that is Final and Non-
Appealable, Progress Energy will place a restrictive covenant for conservation purposes on
certain lands it owns near the mouth of the Uwharrie River, which are depicted in the attached
Appendix D. The lands to be protected by a restrictive covenant include (1) those extending
from Dutchman's Creek downstream to the tip of the peninsula on the south side of the mouth of
the Uwharrie River and (2) those at the upper end of the "bay," created by the above peninsula,
that are classified as of December 2006 as Environmental/Natural Areas in the Shoreline
Management Plan, stopping at the first tract of land classified as Impact Minimization Zone.
The restrictive covenant will allow only certain non-consumptive uses of these lands, such as
fishing, hunting, hiking, bird-watching, and other low-density recreation activities. Prohibited
activities will be identical to those described above related to the restrictive covenants to be
applied to the buffer zone of the Diggs Tract.
Until these lands are protected by covenant, the Parties agree that interim land
management by the Licensee will use reasonable efforts to conform to the following forestry
management practices where timbering is scheduled:
(1) For loblolly pine plantations that are 30 or more years old, thin to approximately 30
(2) For pine/hardwood mixed stands that are 30 or more years old, after consultation
with NCWRC, thin to approximately 30 trees/acre.
(3) For 15 to 30 year old stands of loblolly pine, thin to approximately 60 trees/acre.
(4) Reserve the ability to clear-cut parcels up to 25 acres in size where best management
practices would dictate (not including any environmentally significant areas) but only after
consultation with NCWRC.
(5) Leave an undisturbed buffer of not less than 100 feet in width along the Pee Dee
River and along both sides of any blue line streams.
(6) Predominantly hardwood stands will not be timbered.
The Licensee represents that it is responsible for providing reliable electric service to its
customers within North and South Carolina. To that end, from time to time the Licensee
constructs electrical transmission lines within its service area. The Licensee represents that such
lines are located only after consideration of many factors, including potential impacts to homes,
businesses, schools, roads, and other infrastructure; cultural and historic resources; sensitive
environmental features and natural areas; and other factors. Nothing in this Settlement
Agreement (1) is intended specifically to prohibit the Licensee from planning, designing, and
constructing a transmission or distribution line through, over or across lands described above by
this Settlement Agreement or (2) shall obviate any duty to obtain all necessary regulatory,
environmental, or other approvals. The parties recognize that the rights, duties, obligations of
this Settlement Agreement and the actions taken pursuant to this Settlement Agreement (such as
the preservation of lands described by this Settlement Agreement) may be considered in any
proceeding regarding a transmission or distribution line.
Each party assumes responsibility for its own costs associated with the deed transfers and
restrictive covenants described herein.
2.5.4 Lands to be Leased
Progress Energy will lease to the State of North Carolina for the term of the new license,
and at the present lease rate, lands it currently owns between Morrow Mountain State Park and
the Pee Dee River, which lands are depicted in the attached Appendix E. These lands are in the
vicinity of and include the existing boat launch area at Morrow Mountain State Park. The lease
shall be negotiated and executed within twelve (12) months of the issuance of the New License
that is Final and Non-Appealable.
2.6 Other Miscellaneous Protection, Mitigation and Enhancement Measures
2.6.1 Blewett Falls Plant Shoreline Management
The shoreline management practice for Blewett Falls Lake will prohibit private access,
except normal foot access, to the lake across Project lands except at the designated public access
areas. By this measure, shoreline management shall focus on natural resource protection to
preserve the largely undisturbed nature of the Blewett Falls impoundment. Blewett Falls Lake Sediment Survey
Five years following the issuance of the New License that is Final and Non-Appealable,
Progress Energy will conduct a sediment survey in Blewett Falls Lake and a gravel recruitment
survey in the Blewett Falls tailwater. The gravel recruitment survey will repeat the study
conducted by Progress Energy during the relicensing process. If results indicate that there is still
no significant problem related to gravel recruitment, then Progress Energy will conduct another
survey after an additional 10 years. Protection of Canoe Portage Lands
Progress Energy will provide a restrictive covenant for conservation purposes on the
Progress Energy lands along the current canoe portage route (approximately 0.3 miles)
prohibiting development on the lands needed for canoe portage, except as required for operation,
maintenance, repair, or improvement of the Project or Progress Energy's transmission or
distribution system. Implementation of HPMP
Progress Energy will implement and enforce the new cultural resource Historic Properties
Management Plan (HPMP) at Blewett Falls. This Plan will be prepared by Progress Energy and
submitted to FERC for approval within 12 months of the issuance of the New License that is
Final and Non-Appealable.
2.6.2 Tillery Plant Implementation of SMP and HPMP
Progress Energy will implement and enforce the existing Tillery Shoreline Management
Plan (SMP) and the new HPMP at Tillery. The new HPMP for Tillery will be prepared by
Progress Energy and submitted to FERC within 12 months of the issuance of the New License
that is Final and Non-Appealable.
2.7 Execution of Multiple Counterparts
This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts and by the different
Parties hereto in separate counterparts, each of which when so executed shall be deemed to be an
original and all of which when taken together shall constitute one and the same Agreement. Any
signature page of this Agreement may be detached from any counterpart of the Agreement
without impairing the legal effect of any signature thereon, and may be attached to another
counterpart of the Agreement identical in form hereto except that it has attached to it one or more
signature pages. An executed facsimile copy of this Agreement may be accepted as an original.
2.8 Authority of Signatories
Each signatory to this Agreement certifies that he or she is authorized to execute this
Agreement and to legally bind the Party on whose behalf he or she executes the Agreement, and
that such Party shall be fully bound by the terms hereof upon such signature without any further
act, approval or authorization.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have caused this Agreement to be executed as of
the date first written above.
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Fairway Shores Homeowners Association
Prin#: Ceci! T Weaver
Tztle: }3oard Member
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Montgomery County,~North Carojina
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Signature Page
North Caroli~u.~. Wildlife Res~a.}nrces Commission
signature; ~rl~tond ~.~~•~~
Print: Richard B Harniltan
Title: Executive Director
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Sout# CaroUoa Departm~e-nit off ~i~eslth & Environmental Control
Print: M Rhcta Geldings
Tit7~: _ _ . ___ A~ssistar[ Bureau Ctaicf; Bntesu ©f' Vi~ater
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Signature Page
South Carolina Department a Natural Resourc+Gs
Print: Joh~i ~ Fram~t~n
Title:- l7ircczor ..
Date: ,~," ,,,,,, ~~ - ~` ~?
List of Parties & Contact Information
Signatory Parties &
Contact Information
Firm Si nator Contact / Email
Carolina Forest John Olmstead, John Olmstead
Association President 334 Tamarind Drive
Troy NC 27371
Coastal Conservation Dana E Beach, Patrick Moore
League, SC Executive Director CCL -Suite 100
2231 Devine Street
Columbia SC 29205
atrickm scccl.or
Fairway Shores John J Carroll, Jack Carroll
Homeowners Vice President & 125 Boney Point Road
Association Cecil T Weaver, Mt Gilead NC 27306
Board Member Tom Weaver
600 Springwood Road
Mt Gilead NC 27306
Jordan Timberlands Inc. Chip Miller, Chip Miller
Timberlands Manager Jordan Timberlands Inc
1939 Highway 109 South
Mt Gilead NC 27306
cmiller '
Montgomery County, William D Maness, Judy Stevens
North Carolina Chairman - Montgomery County
Montgomery County 444 N Main Street
Commissioners Troy NC 27371
'ud mont ome -count .com
The Nature Conservancy Eric Krueger, Eric Krueger
So Carolina Chapter Director Science & The Nature Conservancy
Stewardship 960 Morrison Dr Suite 100
Charleston SC 29413
ekrue er tnc.or
NC Department of William G Ross Jr., Jim Mead
Environment & Natural Secretary NC Dept of Environment &
Resources Natural Resources
11 `h Floor Archdale Building
512 N Salisbury Street
Raleigh NC 27604
Signatory Parties & Contact Information
Page 2
Firm Si nator Contact / Email
NC Wildlife Resources Richard B Hamilton, Todd Ewing
Commission Executive Director NC Wildlife Resources
2551 Winding Woods Lane
Ashboro NC 27205
todd.ewin ncwildlife.or
Pee Dee River Frank Willis, Marty Barfield
Coalition Chair Weyerhaeuser
585 Willaimette Road
Bennettsville SC 29512
Ma .Barfield we
Progress Energy Charles M Gates, Larry Mann
VP Fossil Generation Progress Energy
179 Tillery Dam Road
Mt Gilead NC 27306
La .mann
SC Department of M Rheta Geddings, Larry Turner
Health & Assistant Bureau Chief, SC Department of Health &
Environmental Control Bureau of Water Environmental Control
2600 Bull Street
Columbia SC 29201
turnerle ov
SC Department of John F Frampton, Danny Johnson
Natural Resources Director SC Department of Natural
1000 Assembly Street
Columbia SC 29201
'ohnsond ov
The LandTrust for Jason A Walser, Kevin Redding
Central North Carolina Executive Director The LandTrust for Central North
215 Depot Street
Salisbury NC 28145-4284
kevin landtrustcnc.or
Low Inflow Protocol
• (Yadkin & Yadkin-Pee Dee River Projects)
• Low Inflow Protocol
for the
Yadkin & Yadkin-Pee Dee River Hydroelectric Projects
The fundamental goal of this Low Inflow Protocol (LIP) is to take staged actions in the
Yadkin-Pee Dee River Basin needed to delay the point at which available water storage
in the Yadkin Hydroelectric Project (Federal Energy Regulatory Commission -FERC
No. 2197) and the Yadkin-Pee Dee Hydroelectric Project (FERC No. 2206) (collectively,
projects) reservoirs is fully depleted while maintaining downstream flows. This LIP is
intended to provide additional time to increase the probability that precipitation will
restore streamflow and reservoir water elevations to normal ranges. The amount of
additional time that is gained during implementation of this LIP depends on the
diagnostic accuracy of the trigger points, the amount of regulatory flexibility available to
operate the projects, and the effectiveness of the projects' operators and the water users
in working together to implement required actions and achieve significant water use
reductions. It is assumed that water users in the Yadkin-Pee Dee River Basin not
subject to this LIP must comply with all applicable State and local drought response
More specifically, this LIP establishes procedures for adjusting operations during periods
• of low inflow to the Yadkin Hydroelectric Project owned and operated by Alcoa Power
Generating Inc. (APGI) and the Yadkin-Pee Dee River Hydroelectric Project owned by
Carolina Power & Light Company and operated by Progress Energy Carolinas, Inc. (PE)
(collectively, Licensees) during the term of the new FERC licenses issued for these
projects. The provisions of this LIP should be interpreted in a manner consistent with all
other provisions of the new FERC licenses.
This LIP will be implemented during periods when there is not enough water flowing into
the projects' reservoirs to meet the projects' Required Minimum Instream Flows while
maintaining reservoir water elevations within Normal Operating Ranges. This LIP
provides trigger points and operating procedures that the Licensees will follow for the
projects. This LIP also specifies water withdrawal reduction measures for other water
users in portions of the Yadkin-Pee Dee River Basin.
The Licensees will provide flow from storage in the projects' reservoirs to support
hydroelectric generation and to provide Required Minimum Instream Flows in
accordance with their respective new FERC licenses. During periods of normal inflow,
reservoir water elevations will be maintained within their Normal Reservoir Operating
Ranges. During times that inflow is not adequate to provide Required Minimum
Instream Flows and maintain reservoir water elevations within their Normal Reservoir
Operating Ranges, the Licensees will reduce releases for hydroelectric generation. If
reservoir storage continues to drop and climatologic or hydrologic conditions worsen
until trigger points defined in this LIP are reached, the Licensees will implement
additional provisions of this LIP, including meeting with the designated agencies and
• water users to discuss the need for actions pursuant to this LIP. If conditions worsen,
• progressive stages of this LIP will allow additional use of the available water storage
inventory, while conserving water storage volumes through required reductions in LIP
Flows and required reductions in water withdrawals.
Implementation of this LIP and movement between the various stages are based on
measurements of Stream Gage Three-Month Rolling Average Flow, U. S. Drought
Monitor Three-Month Numeric Average, and the High Rock Reservoir water elevation.
The calculation of these triggers and specific thresholds associated with each stage are
detailed in this LIP.
Recognizing that improvements to this LIP may be identified during the new FERC
license period, this LIP will be re-evaluated as defined in Key Definitions, Facts and
Assumptions No. 18.
1. Low Inflow Watch or Low Inflow Condition - A period of time when there is not
enough water flowing into the projects' reservoirs to meet the projects' Required
Minimum Instream Flows while maintaining reservoir water elevations within Normal
Reservoir Operating Ranges.
2. LIP Flows -For the purposes of this LIP, this term refers to the flows defined in
Table 6.
• 3. Required Minimum Instream Flows -For the purposes of this LIP, this term includes
the minimum flow requirements included in the new FERC licenses for the projects.
4. Public Information Obli ate- The Licensees will develop and provide information
on their respective websites to inform the public on reservoir water elevations,
project releases, usability of public access areas, reservoir inflows, meteorological
forecasts, Historic and Actual Stream Gage Three-Month Rolling Average Flow
calculations, U.S. Drought Monitor Three-Month Numeric Average calculations, LIP
status, YPD-DMAG meeting summaries, and implementation of maintenance or
emergency operation plans.
5. Stream Gage Three-Month Rolling Average Flow -The three-month rolling average
of streamflow will be calculated at the following USGS stream gages:
• Yadkin River at Yadkin College (02116500)
• South Yadkin River near Mocksville (02118000)
• Abbotts Creek at Lexington (02121500)
• Rocky River near Norwood (02126000)
This flow will be calculated on the last day of each month by averaging the monthly
average of the current month and the two preceding months. The sum of the three-
month rolling average for these four gage stations will be compared to the Historic
Stream Gage Three-Month Rolling Average Flow for the corresponding period.
6. Historic Stream Gage Three-Month Rolling Average Flow -The daily flow for each of
• the four designated USGS stream gages has been used to calculate a monthly
average flow for the period of record 1974 through 2003. Because the USGS only
began gaging flows for Abbotts Creek in 1988, the historical average for this gage
will be based on the period 1988 through 2003. The historic three-month rolling
average flow for each month of the year, presented in Table 1, was calculated on the
last day of each month of the year by averaging the monthly average flow for each
month and the preceding two months. The use of the period of record 1974 through
2003 to calculate the historic three-month rolling average flow will be evaluated every
five years during the review of this LIP (see Key Definitions, Facts, and Assumptions
No. 18).
Table 1. Historic Stream Gage Three-Month Rolling Average Flow
For Evaluation of
Flow Trigger on: Average of daily flows
during: Historic Three-Month
Average Flow, cfs
January 1 Oct-Nov-Dec 4,000
February 1 Nov-Dec-Jan 5,200
March 1 Dec-Jan-Feb 6,250
April 1 Jan-Feb-Mar 7,700
Ma 1 Feb-Mar-A r 7,550
June 1 Mar-Apr-May 6,850
Jul 1 A r-Ma -Jun 5,350
August 1 May-Jun-Jul 4,200
Se tember 1 Jun-Jul-Au 3,600
October 1 Jul-Aug-Sep 3,200
November 1 Au -Se -Oct 3,300
December 1 Sep-Oct-Nov 3,550
Full Pond Elevation -Also referred to as "Full Pond", this is the elevation of a
reservoir (measured in feet, USGS datum [NGVD 1929]) that corresponds to the
point at which water would first begin to spill from each reservoir's dam if the
respective Licensee took no action. This elevation corresponds to the lowest point
along the top of the spillway (including flashboards) for reservoirs without flood
gates; and to the lowest point along the top of the flood gates for reservoirs that have
flood gates. The Full Pond Elevation for each projects' reservoirs is listed in Table 2.
Table 2. Full Pond Elevations
Reservoir Full Pond Elevation
(feet, USGS datum -NGVD 1929)
Hi h Rock 623.9
Tuckertown 564.7
Narrows 509.8
Falls 332.8
Tille 278.2
Blewett Falls 178.1
8. Normal Reservoir Operating Range -The band of reservoir water elevations within
which the Licensees normally attempt to maintain a given reservoir on a given day.
• Each reservoir has its own specific Normal Reservoir Operating Range, bounded by
Full Pond Elevation and Normal Minimum Elevation. If net inflows to the reservoir are
within a reasonable tolerance of the average or expected amounts, project
equipment is operating properly, and if maintenance or emergency operation plans
have not been implemented, reservoir water elevation excursions outside of the
Normal Reservoir Operating Range should not occur. The new FERC license for the
Yadkin Project includes operating curves that establish the Normal Reservoir
Operating Range for each Yadkin Project reservoir.
9. Normal Minimum Elevation (NME) -The elevation of a reservoir (measured in feet,
USGS datum [NGVD 1929]) that defines the bottom of the reservoir's Normal
Operating Range for a given day of the year. NME for each of the projects' reservoirs
is listed in Table 3.
Table 3. Normal Minimum Elevations (feet. USGS datum -NGVD 19291
Month High
Rock Tucker-
town Narrows Falls Tillery Blewett
Full Pond 623.9 564.7 509.8 332.8 278.2 178.1
Janua 1 613.9 561.7 504.8 328.8 273.2 172.1
Februa 1 613.9 561.7 504.8 328.8 273.2 172.1
March 1 transition 561.7 504.8 328.8 275.7 172.1
A ril 1 619.9 561.7 504.8 328.8 275.7 172.1
Ma 1 619.9 561.7 504.8 328.8 275.7 172.1
June 1 619.9 561.7 504.8 328.8 275.7 172.1
Jul 1 619.9 561.7 504.8 328.8 275.7 172.1
Au ust 1 619.9 561.7 504.8 328.8 275.7 172.1
Se tember 1 619.9 561.7 504.8 328.8 275.7 172.1
October 1 619.9 561.7 504.8 328.8 275.7 172.1
November 1 transition 561.7 504.8 328.8 275.7 172.1
December 1-15 613.9 561.7 504.8 328.8 275.7 172.1
December16-31 613.9 561.7 504.8 328.8 273.2 172.1
10. Public Water Svstem -For the purposes of this LIP, a Public Water System is any
publicly or privately owned water system that supplies potable water to the public
having an instantaneous withdrawal capacity of one million gallons per day or more,
and withdraws from storage in the projects' reservoirs.
11.Non-Public Water User -For the purposes of this LIP, aNon-Public Water User is
any publicly or privately owned water withdrawer that withdraws water for uses other
than supplying potable water to the public, having an instantaneous withdrawal
capacity of one million gallons per day or more that withdraws from storage in the
projects' reservoirs.
12. U.S. Drouaht Monitor - A synthesis of multiple indices, outlooks, and news accounts
(published by the U. S. Department of Agriculture) that represent a consensus of
federal and academic scientists concerning the drought status of all parts of the
United States. Typically, the U.S. Drought Monitor indicates intensity of drought as
DO-Abnormally Dry, D1-Moderate, D2-Severe, D3-Extreme and D4-Exceptional. The
current U.S. Drought Monitor and explanatory material can be found at html.
13. U.S. Drought Monitor Three-Month Numeric Average - If the U.S. Drought Monitor
has a designation ranging from DO to D4 as of the last day of a month for any part of
the Yadkin-Pee Dee River Basin that drains to the Blewett Falls development, the
basin will be assigned a numeric value for that month. The numeric value will equal
the highest U.S. Drought Monitor designation (e.g. D0=0, D1=1, D2=2, D3=3 and
D4=4) for any part of the Yadkin-Pee Dee River Basin draining to Blewett Falls
development as of the last day of the month. A normal condition in the basin, defined
as the absence of a drought designation, will be assigned a numeric value of
negative one (-1). A rolling average of the numeric values of the current month and
previous two months will be calculated by APGI at the end of the month and
designated as the U.S. Drought Monitor Three-Month Numeric Average for purposes
of this LIP.
14. Critical Reservoir Water Elevation -The reservoir water elevation (measured in feet,
USGS datum [NGVD 1929]) below which a Public Water System intake, Non-Public
Water User's intake, or hydropower plant located on the reservoir cannot operate
under normal conditions. Critical Reservoir Water Elevations are defined in Table 4.
Table 4. Critical Reservoir Water Elevation
Critical Reservoir
Water Elevation
Reservoir measured at the dam Type
(feet USGS Datum -
Hi h Rock 599.9 24 ft below full ool H dro ower Production
Tuckertown 560.7 4 ft below full ool Public Water Su I
Narrows 486.8 23 ft below full ool Public Water Su I
Falls 322.8 10 ft below full ool H dro ower Production
Tille 268.2 10 ft below full ool Public Water Su I
Blewett Falls 168 (10.1 ft below full pool) Public Water Supply/
H dro ower Production
15. Critical Flow -The flows from the projects that are necessary to prevent long-term or
irreversible damage to aquatic communities consistent with the resource
management goals and objectives for the affected stream reaches and necessary to
provide some basic level of water quality maintenance in affected river reaches. For
the purposes of this LIP, the Critical Flows are defined as follows:
• Falls Development -the Critical Flow from the Falls Development is equal to
770 cfs measured on a daily average basis.
• Tillery Development -the Critical Flow from the Tillery Development is the
same as required minimum instream flow as defined in the new FERC license
for Yadkin Pee-Dee River Hydroelectric Project.
• Blewett Falls Development -the Critical Flow from the Blewett Falls
Development is 925 cfs measured on a continuous basis.
16. Organizational Abbreviations -Organizational abbreviations include Alcoa Power
Generating Inc. (APGI), Progress Energy (PE), NC Department of Environment and
Natural Resources (NCDENR), North Carolina Division of Water Resources
(NCDWR), North Carolina Division of Water Quality (NCDWQ), North Carolina
• Wildlife Resources Commission (NCWRC), South Carolina Department of Natural
• Resources (SCDNR), South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental
Control (SCDHEC), the United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), High Rock
Lake Association (HRLA), Badin Lake Association (BLA), and South Carolina Pee
Dee River Coalition (SCPDRC).
17. Yadkin-Pee Dee River Basin Drought Management Advisory Group (YPD-DMAG) -
The YPD-DMAG is established to facilitate implementation and review of this LIP.
Members of the YPD-DMAG agree to comply with this LIP. Membership on the
YPD-DMAG is open to one representative from each of the following organizations:
• PE
• Duke Power
• Lake Tillery homeowners representation
• All owners of a Public Water System intake or aNon-Public Water User's
intake th
f th
rom s
n one o
e projec
The Licensees will share the responsibility to notify NCDWR of a Low Inflow
Condition. NCDWR and SCDNR will share responsibility to coordinate with the YPD-
DMAG including notifying, setting agendas, leading discussions, and providing
call/meeting summaries. Regardless of the Low Inflow Condition, coordination will
include a meeting convened annually by NCDWR during April to discuss issues
relevant to this LIP. Membership in the YPD-DMAG may be expanded based on a
consensus of the members or at the direction of FERC. The NCDWR will maintain an
active roster of the YPD-DMAG, will prepare meeting summaries of all YPD-DMAG
18. Revising this LIP -During the new FERC license period, the YPD-DMAG will be
convened by NCDWR and SCDNR at least once every five (5) years to review and, if
necessary, update this LIP. Decisions on modifications to the Licensees'
responsibilities under this LIP, if any, will be determined by consensus of the
Licensees and the States of North Carolina and South Carolina (specifically
NCDWR, NCDWQ, SCDNR, SCDHEC) after consultation with other members of the
YPD-DMAG. Proposed modification to the Licensees' responsibilities will be
submitted to FERC for review and approval as necessary. Modifications to the
responsibilities of other members (not the FERC licensees) of the YPD-DMAG under
this LIP, if any, will be determined by consensus of those members after consultation
with the Licensees. Approved modifications will be incorporated through revision of
this LIP. The YPD-DMAG may appoint an ad hoc committee to consider issues
relevant to this LIP. An issue such as the substitution of a regional drought monitor
• for the U.S. Drought Monitor, if developed in the future, or proportional drawdown of
storage reservoirs during LIP stages are examples of items that may be considered.
19. Consensus - The unanimous support of all Parties, or at least no opposition from
any Party.
20. Water Withdrawal Data Collection and Reporting -The owners of all water intakes
impacted by this LIP are to comply with water use reporting requirements of the
appropriate State Agencies. The YPD-DMAG can request and should receive
relevant water use information from the appropriate state agency or directly from the
owners of individual intakes.
21. Drought Response Plan Updates -All Public Water Supply System owners and Non-
public Water Users subject to this LIP will review and update their drought response
plans, or develop a plan if they do not have one, to ensure compliance and
coordination with this LIP, including the authority to enforce the provisions outlined
herein. Nothing in this LIP is intended to prevent Public Water System owners or
Non-Public Water Users from taking more restrictive actions or from complying with
any applicable law or regulation.
22, Relationship Between this LIP and Maintenance and Emeraency Plans -
Maintenance and emergency plans outline the general approach the Licensees will
take under certain maintenance, emergency, equipment failure and other situations
to continue practical and safe operation of the projects; to maintain operations
• consistent with the new FERC license conditions to the maximum extent possible;
and to communicate with resource agencies and the affected parties. Under these
plans, temporary modifications to Required Minimum Instream Flow releases, and
the Normal Reservoir Operating Ranges are allowed. Lowering projects' reservoir
water elevations caused by situations addressed under maintenance and emergency
plans will not invoke implementation of this LIP. Also, if this LIP has already been
implemented at the time that a situation covered by these plans is initiated, the
Licensee may suspend implementation of this LIP until the maintenance or
emergency situation has been eliminated. Notification will be provided by the
Licensees to the State Agencies as soon as practicable.
A Low Inflow Watch or Low Inflow Condition, as specifically defined below, will be
triggered by the combination of conditions defined in Table 5. This LIP will be
implemented at Stage 0 and, if the combination of conditions becomes more severe, the
stage will increase in one stage increments. The Licensees and other water users will
follow the procedure set forth in this section regarding communications and adjustments
to flows and other water demands.
Table 5. Summary of LIP Triggers
US Drought Monitor Stream Gage Three-Month
Stage High Rock Reservoir Three-Month Numeric Rolling Average
Elevation Average as a percent of the
Historical Avera e
< NME minus 0.5 ft and any or any
~ OR
< NME and either ? 0 or < 48
1 < NME minus 1 ft and either >_ 1 or < 41
2 < NME minus 2 ft and either >_ 2 or <35
3 < NME minus 3 ft and either >_ 3 or <30
4 <'/z of (NME minus Critical and either >
4 or <30
Reservoir Water Elevation) _
The LIP Flows set forth in Table 6 will be initiated on a monthly basis and are designed
to equitably allocate the impacts of reduced water availability in accordance with the goal
of this LIP. Initiation of this LIP will be based on analysis of the trigger conditions on the
first day of each month. The High Rock Reservoir water elevation as of midnight
between the last day of the previous month and the first day of the current month will be
used in combination with the U.S. Drought Monitor Three-Month Numeric Average and
the Stream Gage Three-Month Rolling Average Flow to determine the need to declare a
Low Inflow Watch or change the stage of Low Inflow Conditions.
Table 6. LIP Flows~'~, cfs
High Rock
(daily average ~Z~
Falls „~
Blewett Falls
Stage maximum flow tar et (daily average flow target) (continuous flow target~
Feb 1- May 16- Jun 1- Feb 1- May 16- Jun 1- Feb 1- May 16- Jun 1-
May 15 31 Jan 31 May 15 31 Jan 31 May 15 31 Jan 31
~ 2000 1500 1000 2000 1500 1000 2400 1800 1200
~ 1450 1170 900 1450 1170 900 1750 1400 1080
2 1080 950 830 1080 950 830 1300 1150 1000
3 770 770 770 770 770 770 925 925 925
4 Additional measures may be determined by consensus of the Licensees and State Agencies. FERC approval of
an additional measures ma be re wired.
1 Consistent with the goal of this LIP to conserve water while maintaining downstream flows, projects will be operated to
achieve the target flows to the extent practicable as a first priority and to supplement inflows equitably from the storage
reservoirs as a second priority.
2 The LIP flow values shown in the table above reflect flow targets. These values cannot be met exactly as shown and will
likely vary slightly on a real time basis from the values shown here. It is expected that the variances from the target Flows
will be minimal. In Stages 0-2 the releases from Blewett Falls will be within 5% of the target as measured at the USGS
Rockingham gage. In stages 3-4 the releases from Blewett Falls will be between 900-950 cfs as measured at the USGS
Rockingham gage.
3 Local inflows to Blewett Falls Reservoir may be large even during extended low inflow conditions. If at any time during
the implementation of the LIP local inflows to Blewett Falls Reservoir are large enough to fill Blewett Falls Reservoir to full
ond, the Downstream Licensee ma tem oraril increase Blewett Falls eneration to avoids ill.
• Stage 0 -Low Inflow Watch:
The Licensees will monitor High Rock Reservoir water elevations, the U.S. Drought
Monitor and the designated stream gages and will declare a Stage 0 Low Inflow Watch
for the month if the following conditions are present on the first day of the month:
• If the High Rock Reservoir water elevation is below the NME minus 0.5 ft under
any inflow or drought condition.
• The High Rock Reservoir water elevation is below its NME.
• The U.S. Drought Monitor Three-Month Numeric Average for the
Yadkin-Pee Dee River Basin draining to Blewett Falls Development is
greater than or equal to zero.
• The Stream Gage Three-Month Rolling Average Flow for the
monitored stream gages is less than 48% of the Historic Stream Gage
Three-Month Rolling Average Flow.
When a Stage 0 Low Inflow Watch is declared:
1. The Licensees will notify via email the NCDWR of a Stage 0 Low Inflow Watch as
soon as practicable but no later than three business days after the declaration.
2. The NCDWR will activate the YPD-DMAG and initiate monthly meetings or
conference calls to be held on the Monday before the second Tuesday. Monthly
discussions will:
a. Review provisions of this LIP.
b. Clarify communication channels between the YPD-DMAG members.
c. Review hydrological status of the basin.
d. Review the roles of each YPD-DMAG member and discuss their plans for
responding if an elevated Low Inflow Condition is declared.
e. Review information reporting by YPD-DMAG members, including a storage
history and forecast from the Licensees, a water use history and forecast from
each water user on the YPD-DMAG, and state-wide drought response status
(including, but not limited to, impact to water quality, fisheries, wildlife, etc.) from
the member agencies.
f. Public communications.
• Staae 1 -Low Inflow Condition:
The Licensees will monitor High Rock Reservoir water elevations, the U.S. Drought
Monitor and the designated stream gages and will declare a Stage 1 Low Inflow
Condition for the month if the following conditions are present on the first of the month:
• The prior month LIP condition was Stage 0;
• The High Rock Reservoir water elevation is more than 1 ft below the NME;
• The U.S. Drought Monitor Three-Month Numeric Average for the
Yadkin-Pee Dee River Basin draining to Blewett Falls Development is
greater than or equal to 1.
• The Stream Gage Three-Month Rolling Average Flow for the
monitored stream gages is less than 41 % of the Historic Stream Gage
Three-Month Rolling Average Flow.
• When a Stage 1 Low Inflow Condition is declared:
1. The Licensees will:
a. Notify NCDWR of declaration of a Stage 1 Low Inflow Condition via email as
soon as practicable but no later than two business days after the declaration.
b. Implement LIP Flows as detailed in Table 6 for each project by the seventh day
of the month in which a Stage 1 Low Inflow Condition is declared. To meet the
LIP Flows for Stage 1
APGI will supplement Project inflows by drawing first from Narrows Reservoir
until the Narrows Reservoir drawdown below its NME matches the High Rock
Reservoir drawdown below its NME at the time that the Stage 1 Low Inflow
Condition is declared.
APGI will supplement Project inflows by drawing from High Rock and
Narrows reservoirs approximately equally on afoot-per-foot basis below the
Normal Minimum Elevation (NME).
PE will supplement Project inflows by drawing from either Tillery or Blewett
Falls as required.
c. Update their respective websites as noted in Key Definitions, Facts and
Assumptions No. 4.
d. Provide Public Water System intake owners and Non-Public Water Users with
weekly updates on reservoir water elevations and inflow of water into the
projects' reservoirs.
• 2. If they have not already done so, NCDWR will coordinate with SCDNR to conduct
monthly meetings or conference calls to be held on the Monday before the second
Tuesday. Monthly discussions will:
a. Review provisions of this LIP.
b. Clarify communication channels between the YPD-DMAG members.
c. Review hydrological status of the basin.
d. Review the roles of each YPD-DMAG member and discuss their plans for
responding if an elevated Low Inflow Condition is declared.
e. Review information reporting by YPD-DMAG members, including a storage
history and forecast from the Licensees, a water use history and forecast from
each water user on the YPD-DMAG, and state-wide drought response status
(including, but not limited to, impact to water quality, fisheries, wildlife, etc.) from
the member agencies.
f. Public communications.
3. Owners of Public Water System intakes will complete the following activities within
14 days after a Stage 1 Low Inflow Condition is declared:
a. Notify their water customers of the low inflow condition through public outreach
and communication efforts.
b. Request that their water customers implement voluntary water use restrictions, in
accordance with their drought response plans. At this stage, the goal is to
reduce water withdrawals by approximately 5% from the amount that would
• otherwise be expected. These restrictions may include:
• Reduction of lawn and landscape irrigation to no more than two days per
week (i.e. residential, multi-family, parks, streetscapes, schools, etc).
• Reduction of residential vehicle washing.
c. Provide a status update to the YPD-DMAG on actual water withdrawal trends
and discuss plans for moving to mandatory restrictions, if they are required.
4. Non-Public Water Users on the YPD-DMAG will complete the following activities
within 14 days after a Stage 1 Low Inflow Condition is declared:
a. Notify their employees and/or customers of the low inflow condition,
b. Request that their employees and customers conserve water through reduction
of water use, electric power consumption, and other means, and
c. Institute in-house conservation consistent with their drought management plan
and minimize consumptive uses to the extent feasible.
• Stage 2 -Low Inflow Condition:
The Licensees will monitor High Rock Reservoir water elevations, the U.S. Drought
Monitor and the designated stream gages and will declare a Stage 2 Low Inflow
Condition for the month if the following conditions are present on the first of the month:
• The prior month LIP condition was Stage 1;
• The High Rock Reservoir water elevation is more than 2 ft below the NME.
• The U.S. Drought Monitor Three-Month Numeric Average for the
Yadkin-Pee Dee River Basin draining to Blewett Falls Development is
greater than or equal to 2.
• The Stream Gage Three-Month Rolling Average Flow for the
monitored stream gages is less than 35% of the Historic Stream Gage
Three-Month Rolling Average Flow.
• When a Stage 2 Low Inflow Condition is declared:
1. The Licensees will:
a. Notify NCDWR of a declaration of Stage 2 Low Inflow Condition via email as
soon as practicable but no later than two business days after the declaration.
Implement LIP Flows as detailed in Table 6 for each project by the seventh day
of the month in which a Stage 2 Low Inflow Condition is declared. To meet the
LIP Flows for Stage:
• APGI will supplement Project inflows by drawing from High Rock and
Narrows reservoirs approximately equally on afoot-per-foot basis.
• PE will supplement Project inflows by drawing from either Tillery or Blewett
Falls as required.
c. Update their respective websites as noted in Key Definitions, Facts and
Assumptions No. 4.
d. Provide Public Water System intake owners and Non-Public Water Users with
updates twice per week on reservoir water elevations and inflow of water into the
e. Continue participation in monthly or more frequent meeting or conference calls of
• 2. NCDWR will coordinate with SCDNR to conduct monthly YPD-DMAG meetings or
conference calls to be held on the Monday before the second Tuesday. Monthly
discussions will:
a. Review provisions of this LIP.
b. Clarify communication channels between the YPD-DMAG members.
c. Review hydrological status of the basin.
d. Review the roles of each YPD-DMAG member and discuss their plans for
responding if an elevated Low Inflow Condition is declared.
e. Review information reporting by YPD-DMAG members, including a storage
history and forecast from the Licensees, a water use history and forecast from
each water user on the YPD-DMAG, and state-wide drought response status
(including, but not limited to, impact to water quality, fisheries, wildlife, etc.) from
the member agencies.
f. Public communications.
3. Owners of Public Water System intakes will complete the following activities within
14 days after the Stage 2 Low Inflow Condition is declared:
a. Notify their water customers of the continued low inflow condition and movement
to more stringent mandatory water use restrictions through public outreach and
communication efforts.
b. Require that their water customers implement mandatory water use restrictions,
in accordance with their drought response plans. At this stage, the goal is to
• reduce water withdrawals by approximately 10% from the amount that would
otherwise be expected. These restrictions may include:
• Limiting lawn and landscape irrigation to no more than one day per week (i.e.
residential, multi-family, parks, streetscapes, schools, etc).
• Eliminating residential vehicle washing.
• Limiting public building, sidewalk, and street washing activities except as
required for safety and/or to maintain regulatory compliance.
• Limiting construction uses of water such as dust control.
• Limiting flushing and hydrant testing programs, except to maintain water
quality or other special circumstances.
• Eliminating the filling of new swimming pools.
• Enforce mandatory water use restrictions through the assessment of
• Encourage industrial/manufacturing process changes that reduce water
• Provide a status update to the YPD-DMAG on actual water withdrawal trends.
4. Non-Public Water Users on the YPD-DMAG will complete the following activities
within 14 days after the Stage 2 Low Inflow Condition is declared:
a. Notify their employees and/or customers of the low inflow condition through
. public outreach and communication efforts.
b. Request that their employees and customers conserve water through reduction
of water use, electric power consumption, and other means.
c. Institute in-house conservation consistent with their required drought
management plans and minimize consumptive uses to the extent feasible.
• Stage 3 -Low Inflow Condition:
The Licensees will monitor High Rock Reservoir water elevations, the U.S. Drought
Monitor and the designated stream gages and will declare a Stage 3 Low Inflow
Condition for the month if the following conditions are present on the first of the month:
• The prior month LIP condition was Stage 2;
• The High Rock Reservoir water elevation is more than 3 ft below the NME.
• The U.S. Drought Monitor Three-Month Numeric Average for the
Yadkin-Pee Dee River Basin draining to Blewett Falls Development is
greater than or equal to 3.
• The Stream Gage Three-Month Rolling Average Flow for the
monitored stream gages is less than 30% of the Historic Stream Gage
Three-Month Rolling Average Flow.
When a Stage 3 Low Inflow Condition is declared:
1. The Licensees will:
a. Notify NCDWR of a declaration of Stage 3 Low Inflow condition via email as soon
as practicable but no later than 48 hours after the declaration.
Implement LIP Flows to designated Critical Flows as detailed in Table 6 for each
project by the seventh day of the month in which a Stage 3 Low Inflow Condition
is declared. To meet the Critical Flows:
• APGI will supplement Project inflows by drawing from High Rock and
Narrows reservoirs approximately equally on afoot-per-foot basis.
• PE will supplement Project inflows by drawing from either Tillery or Blewett
Falls as required.
c. Update their respective websites as noted in Key Definitions, Facts, and
Assumptions No. 4.
d. Provide Public Water System intake owners and Non-Public Water Users with bi-
weekly (twice each week) updates on reservoir water elevations and inflow of
water into the system.
e. Continue participation in monthly or more frequent meeting or conference calls of
• 2. NCDWR will coordinate with SCDNR to conduct monthly YPD-DMAG meetings or
conference calls to be held on the Monday before the second Tuesday. Monthly
discussions will:
a. Review provisions of this LIP.
b. Clarify communication channels between the YPD-DMAG members.
c. Review hydrological status of the basin.
d. Review the roles of each YPD-DMAG member and discuss their plans for
responding if an elevated Low Inflow Condition is declared.
e. Review information reporting by YPD-DMAG members, including a storage
history and forecast from the Licensees, a water use history and forecast from
each water user on the YPD-DMAG, and state-wide drought response status
(including, but not limited to, impact to water quality, fisheries, wildlife, etc.) from
the member agencies.
f. Public communications.
3. Owners of Public Water System intakes will complete the following activities within
14 days after the Stage 3 Low Inflow Condition is declared:
a. Notify their water customers of the continued low inflow condition and movement
to emergency water use restrictions through public outreach and communication
efforts. At this stage, the goal is to reduce water usage by approximately 20%
from the amount that would otherwise be expected.
b. Restrict all outdoor water use.
c. Implement emergency water use restrictions in accordance with their drought
response plans, including enforcement of these restrictions and assessment of
d. Prioritize and meet with their commercial and industrial large water customers
and meet to discuss strategies for water reduction measures including
development of an activity schedule and contingency plans.
e. Prepare to implement emergency plans to respond to water outages.
4. Non-Public Water Users on the YPD-DMAG will complete the following activities
within 14 days after a Stage 3 Low Inflow Condition is declared:
a. Continue informing their customers of the low inflow condition through public
outreach and communication efforts.
b. Request that their customers conserve water through reduction of water use,
electric power consumption, and other means.
Stage 4 -Low Inflow Condition:
The Licensees will monitor reservoir elevations, the U.S. Drought Monitor and the
designated stream gages and will declare a Stage 4 Low Inflow Condition for the month
if the following conditions are present on the first of the month:
• The prior month LIP condition was Stage 3;
• The High Rock Reservoir water elevation is less than 606.9 ft USGS (November
1 through March 1) or less than 609.9 ft USGS (April 1 through October 1).'
• The U.S. Drought Monitor Three-Month Numeric Average for the
Yadkin-Pee Dee River Basin draining to Blewett Falls Development is
greater than or equal to 4.
• The Stream Gage Three-Month Rolling Average Flow for the
monitored stream gages is less than 30% of the Historic Stream Gage
Three-Month Rolling Average Flow.
When a Stage 4 Low Inflow Condition is declared:
1. The Licensees will notify NCDWR via email as soon as practicable but no later than
48 hours after the declaration.
2. NCDWR will request a meeting of the YAD-DMAG within 5 days after the declaration
of the Stage 4 Low Inflow Condition for discussion to determine if there are any
additional measures that can be implemented to:
a. Reduce water withdrawals, reduce water releases from the projects or use
additional reservoir storage without creating more severe regional problems.
b. Work together to develop plans and implement any additional measures
identified above.
c. Communicate conditions to the public.
Additional measures may be determined by consensus of the Licensees and State
Agenciesvvith FERC approval as necessary.
' Less than one half the distance between the NME and the Critical Reservoir Water Elevation.
Recovery from LIP Stapes
Recovery from this LIP will be triggered by any of the three following conditions:
• Condition 1: All three triggers associated with a lower numbered LIP Stage are
• Condition 2: High Rock Reservoir water elevations return to at or above the NME
PLUS 2.5 ft.
• Condition 3: High Rock Reservoir water elevations return to at or above the NME
for 2 consecutive weeks.
When any of these three conditions occurs:
1. The Licensees will take the following action:
a. Condition 1: The LIP recovery will be a general reversal of the staged approach
described above.
• b. Condition 2: The LIP will be discontinued.
c. Condition 3: The LIP will be discontinued.
2. The Licensees will notify the NCDWR via email within 3 business days following
attainment of any of the conditions necessary to return to a lower stage of this LIP.
Changes to less restrictive Stages will be made:
a. Condition 1: on the first of each month if a slow recovery is indicated; or
b. Condition 2: immediately if High Rock Reservoir elevations are at or above the
NME PLUS 2.5 ft.
c. Condition 3: immediately if High Rock Reservoir elevations are at or above the
NME for 2 consecutive weeks.
3. The Licensees will update their respective websites as noted in Key Definitions,
Facts and Assumptions No. 4.
Depictions of Certain Lands to be
Donated by Progress Energy to State of
North Carolina in Accordance with
~ Section 2.5.2 of this A reement
Progress Energy
Buchanan Mitigation Lands
1532.9 Acres Donated
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E 419448 ii7
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Le end N 17°'~"
9 E 411799 Rd~~ .
Pee Dee River
Buchanan Mitigation Lands 'k, r~ :1 ~ N ~7nas2aoz
- DOT Roads ` ~' -------1 Mies
0 04 08
Depictions of Certain Lands Over Which
• Progress Energy will Impose Restrictive
Covenants in Accordance with Section
2.5.3 of this Agreement
• •
Progress Energy
DiggsTract 100-ft Minimum Buffer
36.42 acres in Buffer Area
15867 Linear Feet of Shoreline
»4~~.~'~ 4 miles south of Hwy 74
.,2,66.86 ! _. _.._
--- - ~ _,_
i__;:._: Pee-Dee River '
100-ft Buffer (minimum]
- Raods
,,.~ °"~
_ . _,
Progress Energy
Tillery Mitigation Lands
100 h Buffer Where Available
~i Restnctwe Covenants Lands
w . PEC Property
Lake Tillery
_ _,
__~ Feet
0 340 680 '.360
Depiction of Certain Lands to be Leased
~ to the State of North Carolina in
Accordance with Section 2.5.4 of this
Draft License Articles
Article 101 Minimum Flow Regime
From February 1 through May 15 of each year, the continuous minimum flow will be
2,400 cfs from the Blewett Falls Development as measured at the current USGS gage at
Rockingham. From May l6 through May 31 of each year, the continuous minimum flow will be
1,800 cfs, and for the remainder of the year, June 1 through January 31, the continuous minimum
flow will be 1,200 cfs, all subject to allowable variances described below. Licensee's obligation
to meet the minimum flow releases described in this Article is contingent upon the Tillery
Development receiving the following minimum flow releases from the upstream Yadkin
Hydroelectric Project (FERC No. 2197): February 1 to May 15 - 2,000 cfs as measured on an
average daily basis; May 16 to May 3l - 1,500 cfs as measured on an average daily basis; June 1
to January 31 - 1,000 cfs as measured on an average daily basis. This Article establishes a
higher priority on the maintenance of minimum flows than the maintenance of reservoir water
levels. Events may require the prioritization of maintaining minimum flows over the reservoir
. water levels identified in Article 110.
Article 102 Flow Adjustments to Enhance Fish Spawning
Licensee shall operate the Blewett Falls facility during certain times of the year in a
manner intended to enhance fish spawning conditions downstream of the Blewett Falls
Development as described and defined below. These flow adjustment operations shall occur
each year as either (a) one 14-day and one 10-day period or (b) five 5-day periods. In any event,
these periods of flow adjustment to enhance spawning will be characterized by the following:
• Flow adjustment operations shall occur between February 1 and May 15.
• The specific time periods in each year will be decided upon by a Spawning Flow
Management Team comprised of resource agencies, the Licensee, and the licensee of the
upstream Yadkin Project. Other entities able to demonstrate relevant fisheries expertise may
participate in these discussions. If the option of one 14-day period and one 10-day period is
chosen, Licensee must be notified of the specific dates at least 14 days prior to the start of each
period. If the option of five 5-day periods is chosen, Licensee must be notified of the entire
schedule at least 10 days in advance of the start of the first of the 5-day periods.
• Periods of flow adjustment operations shall be chosen by the Spawning Flow
Management Team based on interpretation of relevant factors that might include, but are not
limited to, water temperature and weather data, projected inflow conditions, and observations of
• fish spawning behavior. If the option of five 5-day periods is implemented, two of these periods
must occur between April 15 and May 15.
• Because of concerns regarding the predictability of inflows over longer periods of
time, the individual flow adjustment periods must be separated by at least one week, unless
otherwise approved by Licensee.
• If a period of unusually low inflow to Blewett Falls Reservoir or a Low Inflow
Protocol ("LIP") period occurs during a previously selected flow adjustment operation period,
the release of the required minimum continuous flow (or in the case of an LIP event, the LIP
flow) will still be considered a flow adjustment period.
• If a period of higher inflow to Blewett Falls Reservoir occurs during a selected
flow adjustment operation period, wherein there is a continuous operation of all commercially
available turbines in the Blewett Falls powerhouse, possibly accompanied by additional spillage
over the dam crest, this period will count as a flow adjustment period so long as any interruptions
in the continuous operation of all commercially available turbines are infrequent and
• If a period of intermediate inflow to the Blewett Falls Reservoir occurs (flows in
the range of 3,000 to 6,000 cfs), the Licensee shall manage releases at the Blewett Falls
powerhouse as follows:
(1) If unregulated tributary inflow to the Pee Dee River above Blewett Falls
(particularly from the Rocky River) changes significantly during a designated flow adjustment
operation period, Progress Energy can respond to these changes in flow as needed to manage
reservoir operations by increasing or reducing the number of turbines in operation without
consideration to the limits described below in (2) through (5). This would still be considered a
flow adjustment period.
(2) Except as identified in (1) above, the upramp time of each turbine at Blewett Falls
will be no less than 30 minutes from off-line to full gate.
(3) Except as identified in (1) above, the downramp time of each turbine at Blewett Falls
from full gate to off-line will be in accordance with the following guidelines:
i. After the first operating unit is taken off-line, the second operating unit to be
taken off-line shall not be taken off-line for at least two hours after the first operating unit was
taken off-line.
ii. After the second operating unit is taken off-line, the third operating unit to be
taken off-line shall not be taken off-line for at least four hours after the second operating unit
was taken off-line.
iii. After the third operating unit is taken off-line, the fourth operating unit to be
taken off-line shall not be taken off-line for at least six hours after the third operating unit was
taken off-line.
(4) On the first day of any flow adjustment operation period, Blewett Falls must
commence such related operations no later than 8 a.m. to still be considered as a full day of flow
adjustment operation.
(5) On the last day of any flow adjustment operation period, Blewett Falls units can
begin to be taken off-line no earlier than 4 p.m. By example, the schedule below would be
considered a full day of a designated flow adjustment operation period if it were the last day of
such period:
(i) 4 PM -- go from 5 units to 4 units
(ii) 6 PM -- go from 4 units to 3 units
(iii) 10 PM -- go from 3 units to 2 units
(6) If the five 5-day flow adjustment operation periods are chosen in any given year,
each period shall begin on a Monday morning and end on a Friday evening.
(7) If the one 14-day and one 10-day period is chosen in any given year, the actual dates
shall be such as to minimize the number of weekend days within the 14-day period. For the 10-
day period, there will be no more than 2 weekend days.
All decisions to be made by the Spawning Flow Management Team as outlined in this
• article shall either have the unanimous support of all team members or no opposition from any
team member.
Licensee will prepare an annual report of the operations of the Blewett Falls
Development during the Flow Adjustment Operation periods consisting of meeting notes, flow
records from streamflow gages, and plant operations. The operations of the Tillery Plant during
the Flow Adjustment Period will be coordinated by Licensee and subject to dispatch by Licensee
in accordance with its system needs.
The first year of implementation of the Flow Adjustment Operations shall be the
calendar year following the year of license issuance. After five years of Flow Adjustment
Operations, the Spawning Flow Management Team shall evaluate the Flow Adjustment
Operations and develop recommended changes for consideration by the resource agencies and
Licensee. Re-evaluation at 5-year intervals may occur if determined necessary and if agreed to
by the Spawning Flow Management Team.
Article 103 Minimum Flow Variance
The minimum flow regime will allow a variance for two 5-hour periods each year to
reduce the minimum flow release to just leakage flow for testing black-start capability of
turbines at the Blewett Falls powerhouse. These black-start tests will be restricted to occur only
in October, November, December, or January. These tests shall not be conducted in October if a
• Stage 1 or greater Low Inflow Protocol event has been triggered. Further, minimum instream
flows may be reduced during Low Inflow Protocol periods in order to conserve water resources
during periods of low flow in the watershed.
Article 104 Minimum Flow Compliance and Monitoring
Licensee will maintain to the standards established by the USGS a continuous flow
monitoring gage at the site of the current Rockingham USGS gage and will provide flow data to
the public, via the Internet or other appropriate means, to be updated no less than every two (2)
hours. For the first ten (10) years after issuance of this license, Licensee will contract with the
USGS for operation and maintenance of this gage. Annual reporting of flows will be in
accordance with normal USGS practices and procedures. Compliance with minimum flows for
the Blewett Falls facility will be measured at the Rockingham gage.
Licensee will maintain to the standards established by the USGS a continuous flow
monitoring gage at the site of the current Rocky River gage near the mouth of the Rocky River.
Licensee currently pays a portion of the cost of the maintenance of this gage. If for any reason
the funding of this gage by others is lost, then Licensee will be responsible for the additional
funding necessary to maintain the gage. However, Licensee may elect to discontinue the use of
USGS as the provider of this service after the first ten (10) years following the issuance of this
• Minimum releases required at the Blewett Falls Development shall be presumed to have
been met if flows recorded at the streamflow gage at Rockingham are within 5% of the required
minimum release, so long as the "true-up" procedure described below is implemented. Licensee
will prepare an annual report documenting its compliance with minimum releases including any
"true-up" periods. To the extent practicable, Licensee will "true-up" minimum flows monthly;
that is, flows falling below the minimum shall be offset by flows greater than the minimum
(during minimum release periods) in the same month for a reasonably equivalent amount of time.
If any instances of recorded lower-than-required minimum flows are not properly compensated
for in the month they occur, such compensation will occur as soon as practicable in the next
month, but no later than the 15th day of that month. Licensee's annual report shall indicate all
periods where a "true-up" was required and show how and when the actual "true-up" occurred.
The annual report shall be filed with the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural
Resources (NCDENR), the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources (SCDNR), the
South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (SCDHEC) and FERC by
March 31 of the following year. If any of the resource agencies have significant concerns or
comments on the report, a consultation meeting will be convened to discuss these concerns.
Such meeting shall be held within 30 days of the issuance of the report.
There shall be no "gaming" of the minimum flow variance allowed under this compliance
standard; that is, under no circumstance shall Licensee intentionally or willfully use the existence
of the variance and true-up mechanism to deliberately manipulate minimum flow releases to
coincide with demand for electricity. For example, a consistent record of lower-than-required
minimum flows during periods of high electrical demand shall be considered "gaming."
Certain Low Inflow Protocol events require the release of 925 cfs as the "critical flow."
Licensee shall endeavor to maintain this target flow; however, compliance will have been
achieved if the flow recorded during this event is between 900 and 950 cfs at the Rockingham
Article 105 Minimum Flow Regime
Licensee will provide a continuous year-round minimum flow at the Tillery Development
of 330 cfs except for a period of eight continuous weeks commencing as early as March 15, but
no later than March 22, when a minimum flow of 725 cfs shall be provided to enhance American
shad spawning. This release of 725 cfs will start in 2010, or at the first passage of American
shad above Blewett Falls Dam, whichever is later.
Article 106 Recreational Boating Flows
Licensee shall release for the purposes of enhancing recreational boating flows below the
Tillery Development an additional 1,750 acre-feet of water per year above and beyond the
required minimum releases specified in Article 105. This recreational release volume can be
increased to 1,950 acre-feet per year if releases for recreation purposes are made for at least four
• days within the period May 16 to May 31 or September 1 to September 15. These four days can
occur in the designated May time period or the designated September time period or any
combination thereof.
Within twelve (12) months of the effective date of this license, Licensee will prepare in
coordination with NCDENR and the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission (NCWRC)
a Recreation Release Plan for submittal to FERC. Following the first three years of Plan
implementation, the Plan shall be evaluated and modified if appropriate; however, any
modification shall not consider increasing the amount of water above 1,950 acre-feet. After the
first evaluation, re-evaluation and modification of the Recreation Release Plan at 5-year intervals
may occur if determined necessary and if agreed upon by NCDENR, NCWRC, and Licensee,
however, any modification shall not consider increasing the amount of water above 1,950 acre-
feet. Any decision arrived at by this group shall either have the unanimous support of all or no
opposition from any member.
Article 107 Minimum Flow Compliance and Monitoring
Within 12 months of the effective date of the New License, Licensee will install and
maintain to the standards established by the USGS a continuous flow monitoring gage below the
Tillery Development near the State Highway 731 Bridge and will provide flow data to the public,
via the Internet or other appropriate means, to be updated no less than every two (2) hours. For
the first ten (10) years after issuance of the New License, Licensee will contract with the USGS
• for operation and maintenance of this gage. Annual reporting of flows will be in accordance
with normal USGS practices and procedures.
Minimum releases required at the Tillery Development are presumed to have been met if
flows recorded at the streamflow gage near the Highway 731 Bridge are within 5% of the
required minimum, as long as the "true-up" procedure described below is implemented.
Licensee will prepare an annual report documenting its compliance with minimum releases
including any "true-up" period. To the extent practicable, Licensee will "true-up" minimum
flows monthly; that is, flows falling below the minimum shall be offset by flows greater than the
minimum (during minimum release periods) in the same month and for a reasonably equivalent
amount of time. If any instances of recorded lower-than-required minimum flows are not
properly compensated for in the month they occur, such compensation will occur as soon as
practicable in the next month, but no later than the 15th day of that month. Licensee's annual
report shall indicate all periods where a "true-up" was required and show how and when the
actual "true-up" occurred.
Article 108 Low Inflow Protocol
Progress Energy will comply with the requirements of the Low Inflow Protocol dated
February 2007.
Article 109 Implementation Schedule
Minimum instream flows will be commenced within 60 days of the effective date of the
New License, provided that the new license for the upstream Yadkin Project (Project No. 2197)
has been issued prior to or concurrent with this license and that the Yadkin Project has
commenced, and continues, the releases specified in Article 101.
Article 1 10 Water Levels at Blewett Falls
When inflows to Blewett Falls Reservoir are less than approximately 7,400 cfs, Licensee
shall maintain ayear-round water level regime at Blewett Falls Lake that allows for fluctuations
of up to 6 feet, between elevation 172.1 and 178.1 feet, except for system emergencies and Low
Inflow Protocol events. When flashboards are down, an additional 2 feet of drawdown to
elevation 170.1 feet is necessary to safely replace the flashboards.
During the bass spawning season, April 15 to May 15, Licensee will limit water level
changes to 2 feet except when additional reservoir storage is necessary to meet minimum flow
release obligations (minimum flow releases will have priority over lake elevations) or if the
flashboards fail. In either of the exceptions noted above, Licensee will endeavor to return to
normal operations as soon as reasonably practical.
Article 111 Water Levels at Lake Tillery
Licensee will follow aseasonally-based lake level management schedule at Lake Tillery
during the term of the New License. From December 15 through March 1, lake level
fluctuations will be limited to 3 feet between 274.3 and 277.3, unless use of reservoir storage is
needed to meet demand for electricity. If storage is needed for electrical generation purposes
during this period, Licensee may use the storage available between elevations 272.3 feet and
277.3 feet. When used for these power-related purposes, Licensee will normally cycle the
reservoir within these elevation limits on a daily or multi-daily basis. Water fluctuations up to 8
feet may occur during system emergencies, and potentially be greater during Low Inflow
Protocol periods.
To enhance bass spawning, from April 15 to May 15, Licensee will limit lake level
changes to 1.5 ft below the water surface elevation of the reservoir as measured on April 15.
During all other periods of the year (except flood flow conditions), Licensee will
maintain lake level fluctuations to generally within 2.5 ft of full pool (elevation 277.3 ft
measured at Tillery Dam) on weekdays, and generally 1.5 ft of full pool on weekends and
Article 112 Maintenance Drawdowns
Once in every 5-year period, Licensee will schedule and perform a maintenance
drawdown of up to 15 ft to occur on Lake Tillery within the September 15 to December 15
timeframe. This drawdown will allow Licensee to perform routine periodic maintenance and
gate testing that cannot be accomplished when the lake level is higher.
Article 113 Public Information on Water Levels
Licensee will add a projection of the expected daily water levels for the day on its
existing 800-899-4435 public messaging service. For the first five years of the New License,
Licensee will also provide an annual notice on November 15 alerting the public to the drawdown
limits that apply between December 15 and March 1.
Article 114 Emergency or L[P Water Level Variance
In the case of a Low Inflow Protocol (LIP) event, Lake Tillery and the other larger
reservoirs in the basin will be called upon to use some of their storage to augment downstream
flows in a coordinated manner. Management of flows and water levels during LIP events are
contained in the Low Inflow Protocol identified in Article 108.
Article 115 Compliance Monitoring
Annual reports on lake level compliance will be submitted to FERC and will include
hourly readings of lake levels recorded at the both the Tillery and Blewett Falls dams.
Article 116 Implementation Schedule
The new lake level management regime will be initiated within 120 days of the effective
date of the New License.
Article 117 Tailwater Water Quality under the New License
Licensee will meet State of North Carolina dissolved oxygen standards by December
Article 1 18 Compliance Monitoring
Licensee will monitor water temperature and dissolved oxygen immediately below the
end of the Blewett Falls tailrace and below the Tillery Plant with equipment installed in
accordance with protocols approved by the North Carolina Department of Water Quality
(NCDWQ). The final location of DO monitoring below the Tillery Plant will be determined
based upon further testing of DO enhancement technologies and resulting patterns of DO
concentrations in the Tillery tailwater. Licensee will prepare annual compliance reports and will
submit these reports to NCDWQ and FERC by April 15th of the following year.
Article 119 Aquatic Life Monitoring
Licensee will conduct post-licensing monitoring of aquatic life below Tillery Dam. The
purpose of the monitoring is to document condition of the aquatic community in the Pee Dee
River from Tillery Dam to its confluence with the Rocky River. The extent of this testing will be
in accordance with the NCDWQ Water Quality Certificate.
Article 120 Recreation Facilities
Within four years of the effective date of the New License, Licensee will make
improvements to the Anson County and Mountain Creek (Grassy Islands) public access areas on
Blewett Falls Lake. At the Anson County site, improvements will include avault-type restroom
facility, improvements to boat ramps to allow for ease of put-in over the range of proposed lake
fluctuations, updated signage, a new information kiosk, and improved parking management (i.e.
identification of parking locations for vehicles and trailers). At the Mountain Creek access site,
improvements will include boat ramp modifications as necessary, updated signage, and improved
parking management. Licensee will consult with resource agencies prior to the construction of
any new facilities.
Licensee will upgrade the existing canoe portage at Blewett Falls Dam to applicable
North Carolina state standards.
Licensee shall, within 180 days of the effective date of the New License, submit a plan
and schedule for the installation of the recreation facilities described in this article.
Article 121 Yadkin-Pee Dee River Trail
Within 24 months of the effective date of the New License, Licensee will provide
NCDENR a one-time contribution of matching funds up to a maximum of twenty five thousand
dollars ($25,000) for the enhancement and/or expansion of the Yadkin-Pee Dee River Trail.
Such funds are to be used for developmental, promotional and/or implementation purposes for
any portion of the Trail extending from Tillery Dam in North Carolina to the I-95 Bridge in
South Carolina.
Article 122 River Flow Information to Public
Licensee will provide an electronic link on its website to the flow gage at Rockingham
and to the flow gage to be installed downstream of Tillery Dam. Licensee also will provide
information on its website related to recreational boating flows to be released at Tillery Dam.
Article 123 Recreation Facility Enhancements
Within four years of the effective date of the New License, Licensee will make
improvements to the Stony Mountain public access area to consist of vault-type sanitary
facilities, trash receptacles, updated signage, new information kiosk, and improved parking
Licensee will also make improvements to the Norwood, Swift Island, and Lilly's Bridge
access areas. At Norwood, a shelter and picnic tables, separate men's and women's vault-type
restroom facilities, trash receptacles, updated signage, new information kiosk, and improved
parking management (i.e. identification of parking locations for vehicles and trailers) will be
provided. Also at Norwood, an enhancement to the existing dock and boat launch may be
needed to provide boat access over the range of future lake levels. At Lilly's Bridge, new
recreation facilities will consist of a shelter with picnic tables, separate men's and women's
vault-type restroom facilities, trash receptacles, updated signage, new information kiosk, and
improved parking management (i.e. identification of parking locations for vehicles and trailers).
At Swift Island, vault-type sanitary facilities, trash receptacles, updated signage, anew
information kiosk, and improved parking management (i.e. identification of parking locations for
vehicles and trailers) will be added to the site. Licensee shall consult with resource agencies
prior to the construction of any new facilities.
Licensee will relocate to Clarks Creek the unimproved boat access site that is currently
located in the area just south of the tailrace. This new access site will include a formal parking
area, signage, information kiosk, and boat access to the Pee Dee River.
Licensee shall, within 180 days of the effective date of the New License, submit a plan
and schedule for the installation of the recreation facilities described in this article.
Article 124 Access and Funding for New Recreation Facility in Stanly County
Licensee will provide NCWRC access across Project lands and matching funds, up to
twenty five thousand dollars ($25,000), for a shoreline public fishing area in Stanly County, to
consist of an ADA-accessible fishing pier and a gravel parking area. This facility will be
completed within four years following the effective date of the New Licensee.
Article 125 NCWRC Enforcement Facility
Licensee will co-fund with NCWRC ajoint-use boathouse and boat ramp facility to be
used by NCWRC for enforcement purposes on Lake Tillery and by Progress Energy for lake
management purposes. This facility is to be located in the vicinity of the proposed new public
fishing access site in Stanly County described in Article 128. This facility will be completed
within four years following the effective date of the New Licensee.
Article 126 Lands Subject to a Restrictive Covenant
Within twenty four (24) months of the effective date of the New License, Licensee shall
execute, deliver and cause to be recorded covenants and restrictions for conservation purposes
establishing a buffer zone on Project lands it owns in the Grassy Islands area located at the upper
reaches of Blewett Falls Lake.
Within twenty four (24) months of the effective date of the New License, the Licensee
shall also execute, deliver and cause to be recorded covenants and restrictions for conservation
purposes establishing a buffer zone on Project lands it owns near the mouth of the Uwharrie
River. The Project lands to be protected by a restrictive covenant include (1) those extending
from Dutchman's Creek downstream to the tip of the peninsula on the south side of the mouth of
the Uwharrie River and (2) those at the upper end of the "bay," created by the above peninsula,
that are classified as of December 2006 as Environmental/Natural Areas in the Shoreline
Management Plan, stopping at the first tract of land classified as Impact Minimization Zone.
• The restrictive covenant placed on these tracts of Project lands will limit activity to only
certain non-consumptive uses of the lands, including fishing, hunting, hiking, bird-watching, and
other low-density recreation activities. Within the buffer zone, activities to be allowed would be
limited to such activities as selective clearing and controlled burning in accordance with a forest
management plan approved by NCDENR, limited unimproved foot trails not to exceed 4 ft in
width and a single boat access point to the river. Foot trails generally parallel to the river shall
be no closer to the river than 50 feet. There shall be no more than three trails perpendicular to
the river within the buffer zone. Except to accommodate the above allowable activities, the
following shall be prohibited within the buffer zone: filling, draining, flooding, dredging,
impounding, clearing, burning, cutting or destroying vegetation, cultivating, excavating, erecting,
overnight camping, constructing, releasing wastes, or otherwise doing any work within the buffer
zone, introducing exotic species into the buffer zone (except biological controls pre-approved by
NCDENR); and from changing the grade or elevation, impairing the flow or circulation of
waters, reducing the reach of waters, and any other discharge or activity requiring a permit under
clean water or water pollution control laws and regulations, as amended. The following are
expressly excepted from the prohibited activities: (a) cumulatively very small impacts associated
with hunting, fishing, and similar recreational or educational activity, consistent with the
continuing natural condition of the property; (b) removal or trimming of vegetation hazardous to
persons or property; and (c) restoration or mitigation required under law. No permanent
structures would be allowed within the 100-ft buffer zone.
• Article 127 Shoreline Management
The shoreline management practice for Blewett Falls Lake will prohibit private access,
except normal foot access, to the lake across Project lands except at the designated public access
areas. By this measure, shoreline management shall focus on natural resource protection to
preserve the largely undisturbed nature of the Blewett Falls impoundment.
Article 128 Blewett Falls Lake Sediment Survey
Five years following the effective date of the New License, Licensee will conduct a
sediment survey in Blewett Falls Lake and a gravel recruitment survey in the Blewett Falls
tailwater. The gravel recruitment survey will repeat the study conducted by Progress Energy
during the relicensing process. If results indicate that there is still no significant problem related
to gravel recruitment, then Licensee will conduct another survey after an additional 10 years.
Article 129 Protection of Canoe Portage Lands
Licensee will execute, deliver and cause to be recorded a restrictive covenant for
conservation purposes on the lands it owns along the current canoe portage route (approximately
• 0.3 miles) prohibiting development on the lands needed for canoe portage, except as required for
• operation, maintenance, repair, or improvement of the Project or Licensee's transmission or
distribution system.
Article 130 Implementation of Historic Properties Management Plan
Within twelve months of the effective date of the New License, Licensee shall submit to
FERC for approval separate Historic Properties Management Plans (HPMP) for the Blewett Falls
Development and the Tillery Development.
Article 131 Implementation of Shoreline Management Plan
Licensee will implement and enforce the Tillery Shoreline Management Plan approved
by the Commission by order dated November 24, 2004.
State of North Carolina
~ Standard 401 Certification Conditions
State of North Carolina
Standard 401 Certification Conditions
Pursuant to Section 1.3.12, the following are the standard State of North Carolina Section
401 Certification conditions, which the State may include in the Section 401 Certification and
which no party shall oppose.
a. The Applicant shall identify and report in writing existing and proposed consumptive
uses to DWQ and the N.C. Division of Water Resources (DWR). The Applicant shall
report the existing or projected (as appropriate) average consumptive withdrawal and
maximum capacity for each withdrawal. The applicant shall report existing
consumptive uses to DWQ and DWR within 60 days of the acceptance of the License
and shall report proposed new or expanded consumptive uses to DWQ and DWR
within 30 days of receiving a request for the proposed new or expanded withdrawal
and before submitting any requests to FERC.
b. The Applicant shall conduct its activities in a manner consistent with State water
quality standards (including any requirements resulting from compliance with section
303(d) of the Clean Water Act, 33 U.S.C. § 1313(d)) and any other appropriate
requirements of State law and federal law. If DWQ determines that such standards or
laws are not being met (including the failure to sustain a designated or achieved use
• or to comply with any new or amended water quality standards or other appropriate
requirements of State or federal law) or that State or federal law is being violated, or
that further conditions are necessary to assure compliance, DWQ may reevaluate and
modify this Certification to include conditions appropriate to assure compliance with
such standards and requirements in accordance with 15A NCAC 2H.0507(d). Before
modifying the Certification, DWQ will notify the Applicant and FERC, provide
public notice in accordance with 15A NCAC 2H.0503 and provide opportunity for
public hearing in accordance with 15A NCAC 2H.0504. Any new or revised
conditions will be provided to the Applicant in writing, will be provided to the U.S.
Army Corps of Engineers for reference in any permit issued pursuant to Section 404
of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, 33 U.S.C. § 1344, for the project, and
shall also become conditions of the License. The conditions of this Certification are
not modified or superseded by any condition or article of the License.
c. This Certification does not grant or affirm any property right, license or privilege in
any waters or any right of use in any waters. This Certification does not authorize any
person to interfere with the riparian rights, littoral rights or water use rights of any
other person, and this Certification does not create any prescriptive right or any right
of priority regarding any usage of water. No person shall interpose this Certification
as a defense in any action respecting the determination of riparian or littoral rights or
other water use rights. No consumptive user is deemed by virtue of this Certification
to possess any prescriptive or other right of priority with respect to any other
consumptive user regardless of the quantity of the withdrawal or the date on which
the withdrawal was initiated or expanded. This Certification issues on the express
understanding of DENR that, pursuant to Federal Power Act section 27, 16 U.S.C.
821, the License does not establish or determine a proprietary right to any use of
water. It establishes the nature of the use to which a proprietary right may be put
under the Federal Power Act.
9116? 14. I ~„
• Table 2. Yadkin-Pee Dee River Project (P-2206) settlement measures. (Source:
Progress Energy, 2007a)
Article Measure Elements
1-1 Minimum Provide a continuous, year-round minimum flow at the Tillery
Flow Regime development of 330 cfs, except for an 8-week period beginning
as early as March 15, but not later than March 22, when a
minimum flow of 725 cfs shall be provided.
Avoid skimming high temperature surface water from the
uppermost surface of Lake Tillery for the purpose of meeting
minimum flow requirements if high temperature gradients are
found to occur in the upper six inches of the reservoir.
Release an additional 1,750 acre-feet of waters per year below
the Tillery development above and beyond the required
minimum releases to enhance recreational boating flows.
Additional flow up to 1,950 acre-feet of waterbper year would
be allowed if releases are made for at least four days within the
period May 16 to May 31 or September 1 to September 15.
• Prepare and submit a recreation release plan within 12 months
of the license issuance.
Provide a continuous, year-round minimum flow at the Blewett
Falls development of 2,400 cfs from February 1 through May
15, of 1,800 cfs from May 16 through May 31, and 1,200 cfs
from June 1 through January 31, subject to allowable variances.
1-2 Flow
to Enhance
Operate the Blewett Falls development to enhance fish
spawning conditions downstream during (1) one 14-day and one
10-day period or (2) five 5-day periods between February 1 and
May 15 and provide annual report on operations of the Blewett
Falls development during the flow adjustment period.
Provide specific measures regarding upramp and downramping
operations as detailed in section 3.3.3, Aquatic Resources.
1-3 Minimum Allow a variance for two ~-hour periods between October and
Flow January each year to reduce the minimum flow release to just
Variance leakage flow for testing black-start capability of turbines at the
Blewett Falls powerhouse. Do not allow test in October if a
Stage 1 or greater Low Inflow Protocol event has been
Article Measure Elements
1-4 Low Inflow Comply with the requirements of the Low Inflow Protocol dated
Protocol February 2007 and developed as part of the relicensing process.
1-5 Minimum Maintain a continuous flow monitoring gage below the Tillery
Flow development near the Highway 731 Bridge and at the site of the
Compliance current Rockingham USGS gage, and provide flow data to the
Monitoring public, via the Internet or other appropriate means, updated no
less than every two hours.
2-1 Reservoir Limit reservoir water level fluctuations at the Tillery
Elevations development to 3 feet from December 15 through March 1
unless use of reservoir storage is needed to meet demand for
electricity. If storage is needed for electrical generation
purposes during this period, limit maximum fluctuation to 5 feet
on a daily or multi-daily basis. Allow water fluctuations up to 8
feet during system emergencies, except when operating under
the Low Inflow Protocol.
Limit reservoir water level changes at the Tillery development
• from April 15 to May 15 to 1.5 feet below the water surface
elevation of the reservoir as measured on April 15. During all
other times (except flood flow conditions), maintain water level
fluctuations to within 2.5 feet of full pool (278.2 feet) on
weekdays, and 1.5 feet of full pool on weekends and holidays.
Schedule maintenance drawdown of 15 feet in Lake Tillery
between September 15 and December 15 once every 5 years.
Add a projection of the expected daily water levels for the day
on existing 800-899-4435 public messaging service. Provide an
annual notice on November 15 for the first 5 years of the
License alerting the public to the drawdown limits that apply
between December 15 and March 1.
From April 15 to May 15, limit water level changes in the
Blewett Falls reservoir to 2 feet to enhance bass spawning,
except when additional reservoir storage is necessary to meet
minimum flow release obligations or if flashboards fail.
Article Measure Elements
Operate the Blewett Falls reservoir as run-of--river when flows
greater than 7,400 cfs. Below 7,400 cfs, maintain year-round
water level fluctuations up to 6 feet except for system
emergencies and Low Inflow Protocol. Allow additional 2 feet
of drawdown to safely replace flashboards.
2-2 Water Level Submit annual reports on reservoir level compliance including
Compliance hourly readings of water levels recorded at both reservoirs to
Monitoring the Commission.
3-1 Water Quality Meet DO water quality standards as stipulated by section 401 of
the Clean Water Act.
3-2 Water Quality Provide continuous monitoring of water temperature and DO
Compliance below the Tillery development. Determine final monitoring
Monitoring location near the Highway 731 Bridge based upon further
testing of DO enhancement technologies and resulting patterns
of DO concentrations in the Tillery tailwater.
Conduct post-licensing monitoring of aquatic life below Tillery
dam to document the condition of the aquatic community in the
Pee Dee River from Tillery dam to its confluence with the
Rocky River.
Monitor water temperature and DO immediately below the end
of the Blewett Falls tailrace.
Participate in any TMDL processes that are required for the
Yadkin-Pee Dee River or its tributaries within the project
4-1 Recreation Make improvements to the Stony Mountain, Norwood, Swift
Facilities Island, and Lilly's Bridge public access areas in the Tillery
development. Relocate to Clarks Creek the unimproved boat
access site currently located in the area just south of the Tillery
Provide North Carolina WRC access across project lands and
matching funds, up to $25,000, for a shoreline public fishing
area in Stanly County, including an ADA-accessible fishing pier
and gravel parking area. Co-fund, with North Carolina WRC, a
joint-use boathouse and boat ramp facility for Lake Tillery in
• vicinity of proposed public fishing access site in Stanly County.
Article Measure
Make improvements to the Anson County and Mountain Creek
(Grassy Islands) public access areas on the Blewett Falls
reservoir. Upgrade the existing canoe portage at the Blewett
Falls dam to applicable North Carolina state standards.
Provide an electronic link to the flow gage at Rockingham and
to the flow gage to be installed downstream of Tillery dam onto
a website. Provide information related to recreational boating
flows to be released at the Tillery dam on website.
Specific recreational sites and elements at each site are
described in detail in section 3.3.7, Recreational Resources.
4-2 Yadkin-Pee Provide North Carolina DENR a one-time contribution of
Dee River matching funds up to a maximum of $25,000 for enhancement
Trail and/or expansion of the Yadkin-Pee Dee River Trail.
5-2 Lease of Lease to the state of North Carolina for the term of the new
Lands license, and at the present lease rate, lands between Morrow
Mountain State Park and the Pee Dee River, including the
• existing boat launch area at Morrow Mountain State Park.
5-3 Restrictive Place a restrictive covenant for conservation purposes on lands
Covenants near the mouth of the Uwharrie River, including those
extending from Dutchman's Creek downstream to the tip of the
peninsula on the south side of the mouth of the Uwharrie River
and those at the upper end of the bay, created by the above
peninsula, classified as Environmental/Natural Areas in the
SMP; on the Grassy Islands area located at the upper reaches of
Blewett Falls reservoir; and on the canoe portage route at
Blewett Falls.
Specific protection measures under restrictive covenants are
described in detail in section 3.3.8, Land Use and Aesthetics.
6 Shoreline Implement and enforce the Tillery SMP.
Management Implement shoreline management practices for Blewett Falls
prohibiting private access across Project lands, except at the
designated public access areas.
Article Measure Elements
7 Blewett Falls Conduct a sediment survey and gravel recruitment survey in the
Sediment Blewett Falls tailwater 5 years after license issuance. If results
Survey indicate no significant problem related to gravel recruitment,
conduct another survey after an additional 10 years.
8 Historic Implement and enforce an HPMP at Tillery and Blewett Falls
Properties developments within 12 months of license issuance.
e 884 cfs over a 24-hour period.
n 985 cfs over a 24-hour period.
2.2.4 Proposed Project Boundaries
Under the new license, Alcoa Generating proposes to include all of the existing
and proposed project-related recreation areas in the project boundary for the Yadkin
Project. The proposed boundary would include all of facilities located within the project-
related recreation areas as shown on the recreation area maps filed on April 27, 2007, in
• response to an additional informational request pertaining to the proposed project
boundary. Figure 16 in section shows the locations of these recreational facilities.
Progress Energy does not propose changes to the Yadkin-Pee Dee River Project
boundary under the new license.
2.3.1 Mandatory Conditions Water Quality Certification
Under section 401 of the Clean Water Act (33 U.S.C. §1341), the Commission
may not issue a license for a hydroelectric project unless the state certifying agency has
either issued a water quality certification (WQC) for the project or has waived
certification by failing to act on a request for certification within a reasonable period of
time, not to exceed 1 year.
^ Reach 1 is the reach of the Pee Dee River from Florence at U.S. Highway 76/SC Highway
301 to just above U.S. Highway 1 at Cheraw.
^ Reach 2 extends from Cheraw/U.S. Highway 1 to Blewett Falls Dam.
^ Reach 3 extends from the upstream end of Grassy Islands in Blewett Falls Lake to the
Tillery Dam.
~ • •
.-. 20,000
c 15,000
= 10,000
~~oo ~~oo ~~oo ~~°o ~~oo goo boo ~°o
°\P\Q, °\P\Q °\P\Q °\P\Q °\P\Q °\P\Q.~. °\P\Q.~. °\P\Q'.
.off doh ~o~ ~o`' ~o`' .o`' .o`' .o`' .~
~a~ ~~~° ~.~ PQ~ ~~~ ~J~ ~J\ PJ~ ~~Q
^ FLA Min (950/2050 cfs) ®Existing Min (150 cfs)
o° o° o° o°
J\P\Q . °\P\Q . °\PQ . o\P\Q .
~~Q,. ~\,P' ~~Q,.
Off''` ~OJ QQ'G
^AIP Min (1200/2400 cfs)
Pee Dee River -Reach 1
Golden Redhorse Juvenile
• • •
V 50,000
c 40,000
= 30,000
.~.2°0 ~o° ~o
o\P~Q • °~P\Q `L °~P\Q•`l•
~~'P ~~P~ F~P~ ~~P
`~ ~ ~° ~ P
^ FLA Min (950/2050 cfs)
Pee Dee River -Reach 1
Robust Redhorse Spawning
0 00
\Q\Q ti
~yo`'o .~o
\P\Q .
o ~~P,
\P\Q .
~o ~
o ~~P
®Existing Min (150 cfs)
o° o° o° o°
J\P\Q . ~°\P\Q . ~°\P\Q . ~°\P\Q .
~~,P ~~,P ~~P
OG't ~~J OeCi
^AIP Min (1200/2400 cfs)
~~oo ~°o
~°\P\e h°~P\e
~~P. ~\P.
JJ~ ~J\
• • •
.-. 200,000
= 100,000
o° o° o° o° o° o° o° o° o° o° o° o°
~ti ~~ tip` tip` .tip` .~~ .~~ .~ti .~2 .~ti .~~ .~~
Pie Pie Pie Pie Pie Pie Pie Pie Pie Pie Pie Pie
~o~ ~o~ ~o~ ~O~ ~o~ ~o~ ~O~ ~o~ ~o~ ~O~ ~o~ ~o~
F~'P ~Pti ~Pti ~Pti ~Pti ~~P ~~P ~~P ~~P ~~,P FOP FOP
~a~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~~F ~~~ ~~~ ~J\ Pao, 5e~ O~~ ~~, O~G
F ~` P ~`
^ FLA Min (950/2050 cfs) ®Existing Min (150 cfs) ^AIP Min (1200/2400 cfs)
Pee Dee River -Reach 1
Sturgeon Spawning & Incubation
• • •
x 300,000
c 250,000
~~oo ~°oo
.~,4'O\P\Q . OHO\P\Q .
~~P ~~P'1. F~P~
,ate ~~~ ~~,
~°p ~Op ~°o boo boo ~,oo boo boo LOO Loo
\Q.~ \Q.~ \Q.ti \Q.~ \Q.~ \Q.~ \Q'. \Q ~ \Q•~ \Q ~
o`°O\Q, o`°O\Q` Oho\Q` o`°O\Q` o`°o\Q, O`°o\P oho\P Oho\P Oho\P oho\P
P~~, ~~~ ,~~ ,J\ P~~ ~eQ OG'L ~~J' O~CG
^ FLA Min (950/2050 cfs) ®Existing Min (150 cfs)
^AIP Min (1200/2400 cfs)
Pee Dee River -Reach 1
Striped Bass Spawning
• • •
U 500,000
= 300,000
o° o° o° o° o° o° o° o° o° o° o° o°
P\Q. P\Q. Pe . P\Q . P\Q . P\Q . P\Q , P\Q . P\Q . P\Q . P\Q . P\Q .
~O~ ~o~ ~O~ ~O~ ~o~ ~O~ ~o~ ~o~ ~o~ ~O~ ~o~ hod
F~'P ~Pti ~Pti ~Pti ~Pti ~~,P ~~P ~~,P ~~,P ~~,P ~~P ~~,P
~ ~ F ~
,ate ~e~ ~~ PQ~ ~a~ ,J.~ ~J~ PJp, ~~~ ~~~ ~o~ Oro
^ FLA Min (950/2050 cfs) ®Existing Min (150 cfs) ^ AIP Min (1200/2400 cfs)
Pee Dee River -Reach 1
American Shad Spawning 2
Pee Dee River -Reach 1
Golden Redhorse Adult
~ 50,000
:° 40,000
= 30,000
o° o° o° o° o° o° o° o° o° o° o° o°
Pie Pie Pie Pie Pie Pie Pie Pie Pie Pe Pie Pie
.0 0 0 0 0 ~ .o .o .o .o o .o
~,Q' P~ P~ P~ P~ ~,P' ~P' ~P' ~P' ~P. \P' \P'
~ ~` P ~`
^ FLA Min (950/2050 cfs) ®Existing Min (150 cfs) ^ AIP Min (1200/2400 cfs)
• • •
.-. 20,000
= 10,000
o° o°
ti ~
°\P~Q ~ °\P\Q~'L °\PQ
~~,P F~P~ ~~P~ ~•
a~ ,o a, ~,
~ ~~ ~. QQ
^ FLA Min (950/2050 cfs)
Pee Dee River -Reach 1
Golden Redhorse Juvenile
~ ~~oo ~~oo boo goo goo
.~ .~ .~
\Q . \Q . \Q . \Q . \Q .
~~P~ FOP. ~~Q.• ~~Q,. ~~Q,.
~~~ ~~~ ~J~ PJ~ ~~~
®Existing Min (150 cfs)
o° o° o° o°
J\P\Q . ~°\P\Q . ~°\P\Q . ~°\P\Q .
F~P~ ~\,P ~\P~
OG~ ~~J OTC;
^AIP Min (1200/2400 cfs)
• • •
Pee Dee River -Reach 1
\Q~e \Q~e \Q\e \Q\e \Q\e \Q~e \Q~e \Q\e
~o ~o ~o ~o ~o ~o ~o ~O
~a~ e~ ,~~ ~~, ~a1 ~J~ ~J~ PJ~ ~~Q
~ ~` P
~\P\Q• . o\P\Q . o\P\Q . o\P\Q .
~~ .~~ .~~
^ FLA Min (950/2050 cfs) ®Existing Min (150 cfs) ^ AIP Min (1200/2400 cfs)
Shallow Fast -Low Velocity
.-. 12,000
~ 10,000
:° 8,000
= 6,000
o° o° o° o° o° o° o° o° o° o° o° o°
~~ tip` tip` tip` tip` ~2 .~ti .~ti .~~ .~~ .~~ .~~
Pie Pie Pie Pie Pie Pie Pie Pie Pie Pie Pie Pie
~o~ ~o~ ~o~ ~o~ ~o~ ~O~ ~o~ ~O~ ~o~ ~O~ ~o~ ~o~
\.P P~ Pti P~ P~ \,P' ~Q,. \,P' \P' ~Q,. ~Q,. ~Q,.
F ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ F ~ ~ ~ F F F
~a~ Leo ~~ PQ~ ~a~ ~J~ ~J~ PJ0 ~eQ ~~'~ ~o~ Oro
~ FLA Min (950/2050 cfs) ®Existing Min (150 cfs) ^ AIP Min (1200/2400 cfs)
Pee Dee River -Reach 1
Shallow Fast -Generic -Medium Velocity
o° o° o° o° o° o° o° o° o° o° o° o°
Pie Pie Pie Pie Pie Pie Pie Pie Pie Pie Pie Pie
~o~ ~o~ ~o~ ~o~ ~o~ ~o~ ~o~ ~O~ ~o~ ~o~ ~O~ ~O~
__ _ __
^ FLA Min (950/2050 cfs) ®Existing Min (150 cfs) ^ AIP Min (1200/2400 cfs)
Pee Dee River -Reach 1
Deep Slow Generic Cover
• • •
Pee Dee River -Reach 1 - Subreach SR1a -Weighted Useable Area (sq ft per 1000 ft of linear stream)
150 1,0672 20152 426.9 30420.8 36.8150 36419.] 116.650.:5 00 26.125] 4.921.5 2595 28666.0 54.9888 DO 63fi 4.2301 19.049.0 58352] 44.945.6 44.945.6 0.0 00 695 12 51.fi797 105.]239 10.959] ]5,1943 ]0.6064
185 2.112.2 4,015.3 845.5 26,4V89 36,8631 36482.9 120.5]5.1 UO 27,199.2 5,195.3 2]6.3 290910 5].7647 00 72.4 3,7248 19.642.3 64.949.1 4]491.1 4].4911 00 DO 1580 11 55,590] 110,0880 13.0588 00.2014 75.352]
220 3,349.5 6,368.9 1.34]5 19990.2 3],0444 36.644.3 122.74]5 Op 28,219.0 5,4526 279.5 29,5]1.] 60.3044 00 ]9.] 7,1]02 20.258.6 ]00686 49,3084 49,3084 O.D 0.0 25].5 00 59.0125 114,0596 15042.3 84.7444 ]96442
255 4,]989 904].4 1.937.2 138349 3].2]]4 36.860.2 1245331 U.0 29.1396 5.690.8 269.] 30.0812 52.8932 UO 859 ],3070 20,872.] 74232.3 50,316.8 50.316.8 O.D 00 512] p0 61,8]96 11],3522 i6 fi996 88,709.8 83.3]84
290 6,347.1 11.924.4 2,5679 948]4 3]4]94 3]0574 1255]97 0.0 29,913.4 5,911.1 2622 30.561.8 64.8980 U.0 90.5 3,3849 21483.5 78.V29.7 504224 504224 0.0 0.0 93]1 UV 644410 119,873.6 18,2132 52.3363 86.]865
325 8,0410 150915 32659 652fi4 3],]2]0 37299.0 12]200.7 Up 30,600] fi.117.2 2564 30,995.5 65,814.6 0.0 942 2,874.3 220]4.3 81,]64.2 49,7308 49,730.8 0.0 0.0 1,3656 00 fi6152.i 121680.6 19]196 95,8388 900]5.6
360 1V 0889 18831.9 4,111.3 5,103.6 37.933.3 375012 129.344.H UO 31.2834 6.315.] 24]0 31.39]9 65.579.5 D.0 976 3,0]5.3 22,708.0 85,4]1.3 48463.7 48463.] 5.7 23 19448 p0 68,7434 122.849.] 211393 95,0]40 5],119]
395 12,4061 230606 5.073.3 4160.6 38,0604 3]628.3 131.559.2 DO 31932.2 6,5026 232.8 31,790.9 64,338.8 00 99.6 3,128.9 23,347.2 89.069.8 46,733.3 4fi133.J 129.5 529 2.8469 00 ]V2007 123.5824 222565 101.523.5 954481
a7U 14888.8 2]61]2 8,1178 46]0.9 38,2444 37808.9 133,663.5 00 32,489.5 fi613.5 223.2 32,116.2 624216 0.0 102.2 1,874.2 239]1.9 92.544.5 44,]35.] 44,]35.] 396.1 1653 3988.5 DO ]1.3108 124.102.3 2].1262 103.5244 97.3555
465 174581 32,3453 7225.] 4,7330 38.2444 376089 134.6114 00 32,967] 6,833ti 2228 323]0.8 59.969.2 00 1043 2.9]9.6 24.5]7.1 95,953.1 42,5]3.4 42,5734 ]56.6 329.] 5,164.9 00 72,1576 124.501.3 238593 1052790 99.0392
500 20090.5 3]208.4 8,3]2.0 4.]]4.6 38,3294 3]8938 136.184.0 Op 33.404.1 6,983.0 222.6 32531.1 5],245.8 0.0 2,]10.9 25,180.0 99.305.0 40,301.2 40,301.2 1.1926 522.3 6.3231 00 ]2,7]3.8 124,830.5 244935 106,910.2 100.6146
535 22,]76] 42.1691 9,5]7.3 4601] 38,]521 38.711.1 137,5566 00 33.]98.9 ].116.5 2219 32,648.1 54,4321 0.0 2,540.9 25.]02.3 102654.3 38021.8 38021.8 1.689.] ]396 ]430.3 00 73,2813 125.123.2 250]90 108500.0 101,159.0
57U 25,481.] 47.175.6 10801.3 4675.7 39.2372 38]53.0130.243.2 Op 34.1390 ],247.2 220.8 32.71 U.2 51.6880 1586.4 1132 2,660.0 2fi 3814 106.114.8 35.804.1 ]5.804.1 2.2514 9834 845]1 0.0 ]3.688.1 125.383.] 256428 110585103,6]85
605 28,1517 52.1014 120258 4,]22.4 39445.5 38994.9 138,1]0.1 0.0 34,460.3 ].363.8 221.0 32,7129 49.0341 2.3930 1173 2415.] 26564.8 109,611.8 33.]06.9 33.]06.9 28348 1236.4 9,368.2 166 ]3,9832 125.622.2 26,1614 111,504.3 105,0885
640 30,]63.9 56877] 13.2]20 4,]51.2 39.5]]5 39.0]6.8 1395375 00 34.75].5 ]469.1 2234 32,642.5 4641]3 2955.6 1215 2,415] 27.531.2 11 J,1B].9 31.]05.] 31.705.7 3454.8 1.5112 10,20]0 538 ]4.1fi73 125.823.0 26.5416 112.80891063604
e]5 33,2834 61466.0 14,5052 4.]44.6 39.818.] 39.31].7 138.1896 O.D 35016.4 7.566.0 131.1 32,5167 43.916.4 4,1968 1266 2,550.8 28063.4 11680].5 29.855.4 29.855.4 4.105.8 1.8100 11,030.7 96.5 ]4,234.0 125.989.8 26,]]1.8 114001.0 107,
]10 356875 658432 15689.8 4658.2 40,104.2 39.5904 137,1228 00 35240.3 ]6510 2446 32,338.9 415282 4,808.] 1]1.6 2.]V64 28.5]7.6 120,5014 28.128.2 28.128.2 4.808.6 2,151.] 11,82].1 1431 ]4,2288 126.143.1 28.905 0 1150095 108499 0
]45 38010.1 700685 168408 4.]78.9 40418.8 39885.6137.435.3 VO 354511 7.]287 262.] 32,114.] ]9.2217 48673 1369 1,730.3 29.061.9 124,270.1 26.457.8 26.49].8 5.5]]1 2,53]8 12,511.5 1948 ]4.1520 1262fiB6 26.954 8 1158411 109.3012
]80 40224.8 740940 17,950.5 4,670.5 40.3244 39.]91.1 139.054.0 U.0 356401 ].198.3 2830 31.852.7 3].0318 7.151.0 1437 1,513.3 29,511.3 128,124.6 25046.5 25046.5 6414.1 2,956.1 13,0894 1484 74.019.5 126.380.5 16.5104 116.5378 109.9652
815 42,3258 ]]9089 15.0133 4626.0 40,303.9 39.7392 141,8866 0.0 358261 ],856.5 302.2 31,568.0 34,869.1 8982.8 1505 2,]511 29.913.8 132,001.4 23699.2 23,699.2 7320.3 34004 13,548.6 304.5 ]3.7941 126489.1 26,79]] 11]0809 1104660
850 44,329.9 81.5365 20.0387 4.633.7 40406.5 39.841.8 142.1054 0.0 35,9]3.9 ].915.2 321.9 31.2559 32,7915 9.6094 157.6 2,898.1 30.29fi.5 135,]98.2 22505.] 22.505.7 8.308.5 3,885.6 13,8574 3651 7350].9 126600.5 2fi.622.6 1174580 110,838.1
885 46266.9 850434 210354 4.]841 40,126] 39.5644 144.0280 UO 36,106.3 ],9590 3449 30,908.1 30.914.8 10931.8 1662 2.]50.3 30,656.7 139476.8 21405.9 21405.9 9.395.4 443]4 14050.5 4225 ]322]2 126,]09.6 264551 117,]63.5 111,120.7
520 48.1388 88433] 22005.5 5029.5 39,820] 39.2840145,]54.0 00 36.2313 80050 3696 30,538.9 29,1459 14,556.] 1763 2,8744 30,989.6 143,038.8 20453.8 20.4538 106434 50926 14.154.7 47]1 72,9676 126,810.5 26,2]63 1180]]7111.4129
955 49,948.0 91.]12.6 22,948.6 5116.] 40,03]6 394806 14fi 5316 0.0 36352.5 8,0338 392.] 30,1614 1]4896 17,1201 18].0 3,182.7 312954 146469.7 19569.4 19569.4 12.1218 5.8]29 14,218.0 5311 72,678.2 126,8885 2fi,072.6 118,398) 111.712.0
990 516791 94854.0 238596 5676.8 39,5875 39.041.2 148,724.2 0.0 36.4633 tl0554 413.1 29.]659 259581 20879.6 1966 3,333.2 31581.3 149,6445 18.]66.9 18.]66.9 138115 6.]82.] 14.2629 585.1 722931 126,9]5.5 15.8044 118688 2 111.9810
t 025 53,343.5 9].082.] 24.]441 54894 39,42fi4 388]0.8 150516.0 00 36.552.1 B,OB61 431.6 29,356.8 24,502.1 24875.1 208.4 3479.8 31830.0 152,517.1 18.045.5 18045.5 15684.] 7,]98.1 14,306.3 638.8 71869.2 127,052.9 25,5314 118,979.8 112251.5
1060 54,94]2 100,80]0 25,6061 55854 39.3]1] 38.8126151.1551 01 36619.8 80907 449.2 28.936.3 23.1582 29,3958 2201 3,342.2 32,054.2 155,054.3 1]409.2 174092 17.7284 89114 14,352.3 692.3 71425] 12],131.9 25,2]48 119.2585 112510.7
1095 5648]6 103.622.5 264410 S6p44 39,234.6 38.6]21 149,923.7 O1 36.7090 8,108.7 468.1 28,513.8 22.00]4 30.546] 2324 3,6710 32256.4 157426.1 16,854.5 15.854.5 198]5.1 100832 14,399.0 74fi.1 70.95].] 127,204.8 25,V32.9 119.5578 112.]905
1130 57,960.1 106.]09.3 27,2494 5.314.6 35.208.1 386514 14].614.8 O1 36.]791 8,1145 488.1 28088.3 21.0704 31,916.5 2455 4425.8 32451.3 159,5]5.6 16.31]9 1631]9 22,1236 11,305.6 14447.1 ]994 70.4689 12].2]8.5 24.7]27 119.8664 1170804
1165 59.3634108.861] 28029] 575].0 39,268] 38.7109145V904 O1 36,831.6 8,1106 5086 2].658.8 20.3261 344321 2569 4,9934 32.821.9161,5534 15,8423 15,8423 244868 12,582.2 14495.1 852] 69,948812],3566 14465.6120,1]40113.3]1.2
1200 60,6929 117,271.2 28,]815 6,1522 39,2254 38,66].5 141,0]9.3 01 3fi 890.1 8.106.7 528.2 2],219.3 19.6956 35,1423 2]56 5,215.8 32,784.5 ifi3854.4 15.432.9 15.432.9 26,938.2 13,8986 14.544.] 905.1 694019 12]453.5 24.105.0 120.4832 113.6676
1235 61935.3 113.515.2 294969 6.1139 39,0078 38430.9 135813.2 O1 36925.0 80880 558.5 2fi.810.3 192058 35,831 ] 3025 5,793.0 32.916.8 164,956.9 150]0.4 150]4 29468.5 1524]8 14,595.5 956.3 68835.2 12],5310 23.695.4 120,]85.5 113.5592
12]0 630880 115591.8 30,1]72 6.152.6 3]6113 3]029.8 1318911 01 3694]9 8,076.5 631.] 26400.] 18,]43] 3]2302 332.3 6,2762 33043.5 166,3958 14.]291 16]291 32055.2 16,6246 14,650.1 1006.1 682791 12].6112 232226 121,0]99 1142461
1305 64.145.51174923 30,818.9 6,2964 34,9944 ]64079125.598.8 O1 3697]1 80594 7]89 25,99].0 18.4031 37,29]9 3680 8,510.9 33.158.5 167.669.] 14431.9 144319 34693.3 10,026.6 14.]03.6 1043.1 67.743.612].701.4 22.690.5 121.34]6 114.509.8
1340 650932 119185.6 31418.5 5946.3 32.239.5 31652.9119596.8 01 3]0047 8.033.2 9]7.8 25.59].3 18.1088 36.3868 4140 ].]43.8 33.26fi0 168,8123 14.1601 14,160.1 3]383.3 19453.1 14,]630 10]44 67.261fi 12],804.] 22.121] 121,615.] 114.]]65
13]5 65,945.2 120.7089 31,979.0 6,008.5 30,6216 30.041.2 112]93.5 U1 3]0182 8,004.5 1.208.8 25.209.8 1],8528 36,0315 6594 9,534.] 33,363.9 169,80]5 13,9418 139418 40,1476 20,911.8 14.823.0 1.0904 66909.6 12].956.9 21.558.0 121,9]2.1 115.133.5
1410 66,]224 122,0961 32,512.] ]0846 29.BSfi9 29.2]6.7 1074901 01 3]050.6 ],911.] 14390 24,830.9 1].6453 35,3369 5053 10,961.4 3J 450.2 1]0,628.3 13.]24.1 13124.1 42965.1 22,399.0 14687fi 1099.0 666356 128.149.0 10.996.1 122319.3 115,4846
1445 674213 123.3324 33,0227 B,Bp9U 28,5406 2]965.5 99.866.3 01 3]083.8 ].935.7 1.634.1 24.466.8 1].4499 34,3690 5634 11.7]04 33.517.5 1]1.2571 13558.6 45,834.6 2],914.0 14,9449 1,103.2 66,393.3 128,364.] 20429.2 122,6640 1158344
1480 680474 124424.6 33,5108 9,196.8 2].652.5 27088.2 94.0511 01 37.103.5 7,897.9 1,850.8 24.120.4 1]3055 32,5132 6349 12.476.8 33,585] 171,738.5 13,382.7 13,382.] 48,]48.5 25451.0 15010.0 1.103.4 66.1]8.6 128.628.6 199002 123,016.3 116,1926
1515 68,622.0 1254149 33.9841 ].42]7 27610.3 26.4554 89,849.2 01 3].116.6 ].8542 2.0]0.9 231]]2 1].1408 702094 7098 129991 33 ti37.3 1]2,0]10 132549 13,254.9 51,687.8 27,000.] 15,0779 10954 86016.3 128.962.5 194165 123410.1 116.5935
1550 69,140.9 126,296.5 34,4432 9.30].] 25.]692 25.25]0 86427] O1 37.12].5 ],8090 2.26].1 23451.1 169]34 29.369.9 ]828 13,]73.6 33,678.4 172.215.8 13.135.2 13,135.2 546582 28.566.5 15.146.9 1069.4 6587]0 129,36].2 18.986.] 123162.9 116,954.1
1585 696131 1270822 348862 9594.8 15,3]2.5 248]20 82.144.3 U1 3713fi.0 ].7571 2,4]0.4 23.1421 16.83].5 29,5318 8530 13.5]6] 33.]15.8 1]2.195.5 130142 130142 5]6528 ]0,141.5 15.215.] 1038.3 65,]262 129,802.5 186171 1239819 11].1822
1620 700411127]80] 35,3126 86]8.5 24,301.8 23.816.0 78,6690 O1 37.165.8 7.]091 2fi49.3 22,849.3 166694 19.3078 9225 13.976] 33,]56.9 1]2.010.0 12.91]2 129172 606580 31123.0 15.285.] 1.002] 6559]2 130,2]8.1 18.320.0 124,118.7 11].3254
1655 70429.9 128.39]8 35.]226 7846.0 2315].9 27283.] ]3159.5 01 37.191.8 7859.9 2.8234 22.5]]5 165251 28.1256 9938 13.703.5 33.]989 1]1.5]16 12800] 12800.] fi3,679.5 33,310.4 15.354.8 962.5 65492.9 130.]3]6 18089.4 124 2190 11]440]
1]05 70,932] 129.172.6 ]6,281.6 6511.1 23.105.1 22643.9 ]0.5]3.3 01 37228.6 7,584.3 3.029.8 22,219.4 163505 24,364.8 10799 13.7035 33.8475 1]0,942.9 12,662.8 126628 60002.] 75,5]].3 15.455.1 895.9 65,3838 131,4063 178]12 124,329.0 117,5682
1]55 ]1375.3 129.82].8 36802.5 5214.3 21.764.5 21285.1 66,253.1 01 37253.0 ],5058 3,1]5.3 21,8]0.5 16212.0 19,658.1 1.1549 13431.5 33,9209 169,9081 12.5032 12.5032 ]2,3079 37.832.8 15.545.5 820.2 65.2819 132,003.3 1],6316 124299.8 11].5560
1805 ]11704 1]0.384] 37,2979 4.12].9 21,1958 20.720.9 fi3.8419 O1 37.281.5 ]4296 3,3089 21.551.8 16.1036 ifi.]699 1221] 13.4315 33.9923168.640.3 12,341.2 12,3412 ]6,597.1 40,0]8.1 15633.5 ]35.1 65236.1 132,4748 17.5082124.259.3117,5336
1855 ]2.119.] 130.845.4 37.]661 35294 20.758.3 20.296.2 60.919] U1 3]300.7 ].3518 342]3 21,293.2 15936] 12,8894 1,2854 13,14].5 34,0]75 16],191.5 12,1824 12.182.4 80874.5 42.314.7 15.7204 641.1 852561 132,]]46 17.445.8 124.186.5 11]4]94
1905 ]2,3]6.1 131.15].6 38.168.5 3053.5 20464.8 20.0070 55.6434 U1 3]312.2 ]2670 3,535.5 21,0]]9 15.7849 9133.3 1.346] 13,14].5 34.ifi13 165568.3 120160 120160 85.1248 44,535.7 15803.8 5284 85,3172 132,915.5 174342 1240830 11].3949
1955 ]2,598.8131.389] 38,5610 2815.0 20.288fi 19.8118 51.3438 D1 37.339.0 ],184.3 36292 20,883.5 15.643fi 6,3098 13990 13.147.5 34,2]56 163,793.) 1185].4 118594 89.34]8 46,741.8 15885.5 4106 65.3]18 132.9454 174440 123.929.1 11],2602
2005 ]2,]956 131.558.8 38.954.6 2194.9 2V.0141 19.5414 48.5889 01 3].348.3 ],103.5 3110.3 20.719.5 15.4952 2,]97.2 1445.5 12,832.9 :54.387.2 161.91V4 116900 11,fi90.0 93,531.3 48,926.2 15.966.2 309.0 85,381 3 132 849.9 1]4]16 123.]69.0 11],1218
2055 72984.0 1]1683.2 39,3671 2410.9 19,]fi52 19294.1 45.0168 0.0 ]7372.8 ],0241 3,]658 20.559.9 15.3598 1.559.5 14830 12,832.9 34,5256 159,921.3 11,5288 11,5288 9]6]].2 51.089.8 16.046.3 226.6 65,3254 132,6815 17.489] 123.5921 116,968.3
2105 ]3.1499 131.]541 39.]6]5 2.9601 19469.0 189991 426]80 0.0 3],3]].0 69434 3169.2 20,]991 152055 1,558.1 15085 12.528.9 34863.0 157.8168 11.3988 11,398.6 1011]4.5 53,227.2 16.1244 1]64 65251.5 132,453.] 17.5358 1234387 116.8378
2155 ]3,309.3 131.799.5 40,1]0.9 2902.2 19.353.5 18 B8I5 40.646] UO 37,391.3 6.866.3 3,]220 20.23].9 150544 1,8289 1,5293 12.5289 34,8201 155.693.3 11.312.9 11.3124 105.831.3 55.340.1 16.2010 132.4 65,186.2 1]2,2039 17,6431 123331.5 118152.9
2205 ]34502 131.801.0 40,566] 2.993.9 19,1490 18.895.8 38,]410 00 3]4111 6.7954 3,690.3 20.0]].2 14519] 19013 1,540.6 12.2237 34989.8 153,400.3 112543 11,2543 109,8421 5]42]8 16.2756 91.6 65,113.1 131.9416 17.]835 123.2734 1161158
24W 73822.8 131414.3 42,0283 3,5414 18,8573 18.417.9 33486.9 O.U 3],4]37 6,5478 3,3328 19.389.1 14,5635 2,178.4 1497.9 11,303.8 356]0.4 144.335.] 11,3084 11,308.4 124,8]3.1 55212.2 16.551.9 513 64,647.8 130,9396 18.567.8 123.]2].0 11],250.1
2650 ]3899.1 130.154.2 43.6871 3.5]1.1 19.015] 18589.2 31]6]1 04 3]604.0 5.3289 24454 18.386.6 14]404 2.3855 12165 9,0854 36,478.4132.81]3 11.799.[ 11.]99.2141.901.9 73.885.1 16.8698 1019 63495.7 129.6091 188373123.960.3117,616.8
2900 ]33868 128.155] 44.5922 3536.8 19,3601 188]24 34,048.2 0] 3]818.] 62448 1.9]3.4 17.5]]9 151950 2,7804 9891 3,212.9 37001.8 121.9]]9 12.317.5 12,3175 i5fi,538.1 81.2714 1].163.2 711[ 61183.5127,943.5 18.2432 121.]229 115,5418
3150 ]2570.9 125.7921 45.0733 3.2]8.6 19696] 19.1]00 33.9353 11 38.0257 82838 1.9148 tfi.9411 152844 3.3470 8935 O.V 37,1401 111.9>].6 12497.6 124976 168,932.5 8],569.9 1]438.1 11912 59,4837 12fi.188.6 1].5945 119.0859 113,0501
:1400 ]1411.3 122.5668 45.1861 3.5065 201070 20.154.5 30.21]4 17 38.232.6 6421.0 1113.3 16.422.5 15:3508 3278.0 8551 p.0 3]0631 102979.8 12.3818 12,3816 1]9.0910 92623.1 1].648.2 30421 56420.8 1239668 16.340] 1162014 1103189
3650 69890.6 119.697.6 44.806.1 5228.0 21.312.5 20.716.3 24.200.1 1.5 38.595.2 6,628.9 1,449.2 ifi,008.4 15046.3 3,806.2 8659 0.0 38,]]8) 95,241.1 12,553.9 12,5539 18],544.3 96.883.4 17.]86.6 ]9666 53,658.3 121456.5 14,6460 113.5499 10]116.7
3900 68.1999116.2240 44,1186 39441 21,5134 208510 212851 21 39.1580 6,904.9 1,0584 15.]]]9 158502 39033 8408 p.0 36,326] 88,5120 121204 12.7204 194,1]5.1 100.4108 1]9]12 4,29]3 St,tfi4] 119.2904 13,]00] 1104327 104,]393
4150 662484112400.9 43,1]10 22380 22,421fi 21.666.9 19,833.2 1.5 39.]72.0 ]2905 7251 16.Otfi.3 16.3110 4,157.4 ]498 D.U 35,]591 82.5]8.1 1[,1926 12,1926199.029.3103.1993 10,247.4 4.386.1 49.3]0.611ti 6177 13.29001072]05101]183
4600 61.8404 104068.2 40987.9 2.222.5 23.368.3 224636 188404 09 40.823.V 82690 3006 16.688.] 15,1fi11 4.102] 5]84 0.0 34,5289 74.1837 10453.9 1045].9 206,060.5 10].5890 18,9551 4,2133 46164.4 111.120.] 12608.0 101,5843 561230
5200 55,]02.] 924]43 3]911.] 1.]041 26.1858 25097.8 17425.1 U.5 42,055.8 993]2 159.4 17.100.9 138]08 29458 394.0 p.U 32.6244 66.644.9 8.130.9 8,1309 213.662.5 1128313 20,222.2 2,7854 42,80]5 107673.V 11,9221 94,3209 89.1222
5800 49,842.8 814]3.2 34.889.2 3053.5 28.3148 2]062.3 16.051.5 0.3 43.008.2 11253.] 741 16.862.2 112626 1,9070 231.2 O.U 30,522.8 61904.1 ].330.6 ],330.6 219,910.2 11 fi.fi39.3 21.369.5 1.305.1 39.100.] 96.]01.6 11,0430 861362 81.806.6
6400 442]42 ]1055.6 319390 32564 29.6621 282]8.6 15.132.5 UO 44.009.2 11,6851 32.9 16.Bpfi.4 10.]178 6133 89.5 0.0 28,466.8 587fi21 7,8]8.8 7,869.1 225240.5 119856.5 22244.6 880.3 35916.] 909]7] 9,8980 ]9,5460 748234
7000 39039.3 61.569.5 28.9656 2.]54.5 304308 29.040.3 14.125.2 U.0 4496].0 11.3299 13.1 15949.8 11,1471 358.5 431 D.U 2fi,605.5 56,4498 8,1]01 8,10].8 229,100.0 121.7881 22,82].0 303.0 332792 85272.1 9,1998 ]2,938] 68.3911
8000 30.3562 46992] 12.965.4 4.196.9 33.6144 319]1.4 131549 00 46.3]5.3 10,1284 2.5 17.1934 12.832.5 2668 113 O.U 240180 539]5.5 9.824.9 9124.3 234,189.8 124.125.6 22.378.5 00 30.198.2 ]6.938.1 8.345.9 64608.2 61),0958
9000 22,050.3 34810.4 17490.3 2.166.2 34.399.3 32.732.7 13.4536 OU 4]9246 9.134.9 ^.0 18,416.5 142998 00 00 p0 22,1221 52.665.0 9042.1 8,9000 238,3776 125.9830 21,53].0 0.0 27,71]6 69,960.2 ],5816 58.065.6 53,5046
10000 16336.2 24.364.2 12,8054 1.]50.8 34.9942 33.734.2 12.3017 00 489325 84859 0.0 18.677.1 12,1211 0.0 0.0 D.U 20615.8 52.1]0.9 6,824.1 66894 241,]]5.3 12]444.2 20455.9 0.0 248212 63,562.9 fi,943.1 52,9]84 48.354fi
11000 11,139.0 16216.5 88745 1436.1 35.080.4 3].5141 115]5.3 00 49,468.0 ].]11.5 0.0 18.088.5 10,355.5 00 00 00 192840 5113].8 5.92].2 5.821.3 244.521.2 128602.8 19.394.] 00 226565 581279 fi.246.8 49.169fi 44.5651
12000 7.9518 118126 6.0617 1.8691 36.3822 34171.8 10.5594 00 49174.8 6,605.5 D.0 1]8250 84122 UO U.0 U.0 18,3421 51359.0 5,349.8 5.281.0 246,859.8 129546.5 18403.6 0.0 213995 54,9056 5180.3 46,333.] 41,]69.2
1]000 5,]78.5 9049.1 4,0158 2054.5 39,733.1 38,105.9 8.455.] 00 49.994.8 5,662.8 0.0 1655]4 8,5040 00 0.0 00 17,550.6 51.0124 51362 5.694.0 248.839.6 130289.6 1]46[5 UO 20.5449 52.633.1 5,3798 44.4413 39,8]9.5
14000 4.1351 686fi.0 2,536.6 1455.5 41.231] 39.5440 ]02]5 00 50,279.5 5.1451 0.0 15,]95.1 9275.1 00 O.D Up 16,9406 50,766.8 6.248.7 6.221.9250.5]9.8130891.5 16,570.3 0.0 20.0150 50.952.4 5.133.5 42,968.8 384345
15000 2981.'5 5.184.1 1.fi43.0 11344 43,1009 41338.6 7309.1 00 50468.8 5.001.3 0.0 14.844.] 9,1444 0.0 0.0 U.0 16641.5 50.]72.] 5,]32.2 5,]15.2 2519]4.3 131,307.8 15130.5 U.0 19,]84.2 49468.9 4.9814 42248.8 3],675.3
16000 2.216.8 7911.1 1219.3 28]8.0 46880] 45018.2 7.309.1 00 50,602.6 4.9850 0.0 1402].] 8,6]]2 0.0 0.0 00 16,3]8.1 50,9667 6220.3 6.205.9253.036.3131.536.9 14,942.6 0.0 19.]4]0 48.50]3 4.8845 41.]098 37,1391
17250 14]4.2 26]fit ]994 6342.6 50.1]61 482411 ].186.5 00 50.694.4 4.8]28 p.0 15,625.1 16,6181 UO O.p p.0 16,3142 51.38]3 14.697.6 14.54].5 253891.8 131.5500 14,028.] Op 220438 55.121.1 4.865] 42.655.8 3].9942
18500 1,0576 1960.8 56]1 13.0821 5],3fi10 5543].4 ].186.5 00 SO fi30.0 4.730.5 D.0 219558 34.122.5 00 00 00 1].334.] 52478.6 28.986.0 28,744.3254.304.8131282.4 13.1922 O.D 2].]624 70,951.6 52021 46.002.3 41,283]
19700 880.5 1,6332 4715 9.312.8 678324 65895.1 7.0914 00 50.511.0 4.545.3 0.0 35229.0 39.1764 UO 0.0 0.0 19.19].8 548295 2].6]51 26.299.5254.334.3130.]90.1 12.4473 00 309025 ]3.263.4 5.71]1 45.]804 44.6371
• • •
Pee Dee River -Reach 1 - Subreach SR1b -Weighted Useable Area (sq ft per 1000 ft of linear stream)
15G 490 5 926 1 196 2 19.539.7 40.043 ] 39 421.3 128 463 5 D U 28 6128 6 9]] 8 1,914 8 33,98] 2 4] ]43.6 O.D 240 ] 4 496 5 22.060.3 53 401 ] 35 495.9 36.920.2 0 U O U 32 D U.6 51,399 9 105.38] ] 13.722.2 ]9,011.5 ]3,635 3
185 9714 18460 3894 1],5552 4U 2218 39581.6131,64]8 00 29,8554 7.3498 2.1796 346035 489182 UO 2786 4.2131 22.564] 59,2898 36,5853 38,024.3 00 O.D ]2.6 0.5 5486].110],981.3 166048 84,251.] ]8.56]5
220 1.637.8 3025.5 6658 144049 40.5680 39.916.9133.3213 00 31,0069 ]6545 2,3642 34.]99.] 49990.1 00 3111 3,960.7 23093.] 63.623.5 3]2]3.0 38.]18.0 DO 00 145.9 U.0 58,065.1 110,3536 19.348.6 89,21]2 83,240.3
L55 2.]188 4689.[ 1.1124 11293.0 40.9670 40284.7134.7099 UO 32.081.7 N.Ui91 24]82 ]5.1731 51,025.3 0.0 338.3 3.90fi] 23.619.2 87.0]3.5 37,542.3 38,999.9 00 O.U 6351 1.1 6U 88361124288 21826.9 93,690.5 0],4559
290 46577 ].1347 1,823.5 9,128.0 41,2697 405]8] 135,6259 00 32,962.] 831]0 2,5481 35468.0 518016 UD 3fi12 4,048.1 24,14]1 70.18].3 37.3685 38,834] OU 00 1,869.9 46.8 63.3621 114.132.6 23.9962 9].668.7 91,198.8
325 6,664.3 10.1]64 2,]25.3 ].39].2 41.8491 41,14081]6,022.6 0.0 33,]8].3 8.595.8 2,596.8 35.705.9 52.021.9 0.0 3804 3,765.4 24.654.9 ]3.163.1 36,]91.6 38.254.0 00 O.U 3,914.2 19].2 65456.5115483.] 25.834.8101,13].1 94438.8
360 9,235.2 13.]52ti 3,]79.5 6,698.1 42.2613 41.5450138.3669 0.0 34.552.1 8.848.6 2625.[ 35909.9 51]0]5 UO 395.9 3,72]] 251557 76.1254 35,9374 3]402.0 28 it 6,]567 4528 6].1925116.5481 2],3632104.134.6 9],224.2
395 12 093.3 1 ].]82.8 4.952 8 6 255.3 42.495 3 41.]]9 1 139,696 6 0 0 35 2]3.1 9.086 3 2,637 3 ]6,091.6 50,894 8 0 0 408.5 3.833 0 25.844 8 ]9,065 8 34,84] 4 36.311.7 59 5 24.3 9,01 ] 2 ]66.3 68 529 4 117 393 ] 28.566 1 106.552.8 99.4]0.8
430 15.0969 220]24 8,1926 5818.0 425394 422161 161.1650 00 35,9250 93046 2,6352 36.2281 49,]31.2 U.0 41]0 36293 26.1190 61.959.3 33,6081 35.065.] 182.0 77.8 11,8347 1083.2 69.5575 1181383 294915108,53]4101,3108
465 18.196 3 26.542 2 ].483.8 5.]]5.2 42.939 4 42 216.1 142 034.5 D.0 36 493.4 9.501 0 2 624 0 36 324 1 48 2]0.5 0 0 423.8 3,683 1 26.583.5 84.838 6 32,308 7 33,]63.1 34].7 151.5 14.73].6 1 381 9 ]0.371 6 118.801.5 30,228.3 110.249 ] 102.914.8
500 21,3494 31.148.2 8,8042 5.399.9 43,2100 42.486.7 163,6]2.0 00 3]0238 9.6802 2,606) 36.352.9 46,693.] 0.0 4304 3.38].8 27.039.0 8].]2]0 30,950.5 32390.0 548.0 240.0 1].5659 1661.9 ]0.997 5 119 419.8 30,830.] 111,]91.5104.35]0
535 24,541.5 354469 10.156.7 5,146.1 43]]55 430506144.9052 DO 37,SOV.6 9,845.6 2,5]1] 36359.0 45,0276 0.0 436.] 3.4413 2]4920 90.6440 29.704.9 31132.] 776.6 339.9 20.263.4 1.9241 ]i.53821200053 31.323.9113,201.4105.605]
5]V 27.]444 40.589.5 11.5188 5.504.4 64.0688 43.32UV 146.332.0 U.0 3).920.4 10.0079 2,5215 36323.0 43.358.5 ]29.1 6416 3,5390 2],1358 936408 285]5.6 29.986.4 1064.5 4]42 228310 2.1674 ]2.048.8120,580.5 31,]54.6114.562.5106.9]47
605 30,918 9 45,298 4 12 8761 6 932.8 44.352 1 43 555.6 147.082.8 D O 38,32] 8 10,141 ] 2.51 ] 6 36.238 1 61,655 0 1 099 8 451 1 3 31 ] ] 28.362 3 98,6658 2] 650 5 29 042.8 1 415.6 659 8 25098.1 2 406 2 ]2,Sfi5.0 121,15].6 32,135.0 115.851.] 108 235 0
640 340394 49.916(1 14,233.8 8,228.8 44.8090 43852.51482544 00 38,6]8.9 10.2743 2,6422 36,0894 399615 1,358.4 4]5.6 52164 28.]]61 99.]431 26,81]6 2N.164.3 1839.0 9048 270211 26353 ]3055.0121.]4]1 32434711].145.]1094269
675 3],085.9 54420.3 155]2.2 8,565.1 44863] 44,107.2 148.151.2 00 39.019.1 10.393.3 2,9002 35.908.5 38.316.1 1,928.8 5252 3.3584 29,1]1.] 102,859.5 26.158.0 27.502.1 2,326.3 1,205.9 28.6031 2,859.6 ]3,485412241].5 32,621.6118.318.3110,542.3
]10 40,0488 58800.2 168761 8,228.5 45.183.2 00 39,323.3 10,4984 3223.1 35675.9 36,6978 2,2100 578.] 3.530.1 29.5463108,0092 25,8818 26994.] 2.5348 1,620] 29.9536 3.0901 ]3,895.3123,188.3 32,]65.311940].9111.5]4]
745 42,945.5 630851 18.152.8 8419.4 456507 44879.3148,813.2 00 39,605.7 10.585.8 ]6690 3s.388.5 35204.8 2,2370 620.0 34324 29.8916109.1708 25,30].6 26,5900 3,]082 2.185.8 31063.5 3.3204 ]4.2293124.089.1 3285]1120,387 2 112 480 8
780 45,]496 67,229.7 19,3934 ]9060 45.34]9 445]6.6149.900.5 00 39.854.8 10,6]3.0 3.604.4 35 V72.3 34,012.1 3.2865 65]2 34326 30,219.9112,3291 25099.5 26,3486 4,6]79 19118 319686 3,546.5 ]4,4850125,0526 32,880.6121.181.6113,2475
815 464441 ]1.2132 20.5882 ],5]70 450194 44233.6151015.6 00 40.104.2 10,]400 3,]43.1 34.]20.5 33.062.0 6,1284 691.8 3,361.6 30,5160115,4237 24943] 28.1554 58422 3.]91] 32,]585 3,758.5 ]4.6860126,081] 32.862.6121,892.6113.9116
850 57,049.0 75,063.4 21,]4].0 6,948.5 44.]59.1 44011.5151,310.5 00 40,308.9 108060 3,8902 34,339.7 32,325.] 94163 ]28.0 3,372.0 30,]99.8118.40].9 24982] 26,1525 7.1464 4,]]52 33.480.3 3,966.5 74.902612].1]49 32.]86.2122,535.4114,510.]
885 53,5]].] ]8,8131 22,6]4.0 6,901.5 44.163.6 43,423.1 152.181.9 00 40.510.6 10,862.3 4,0495 3392].0 31.0074 5.024.1 ]68.0 3433.1 31,0]4.7 121.274.9 24994.3 26,122.5 8620.8 5.8974 34079.6 9.1]0.0 ]5.1250 1282871 32688.2 123,100.3115,039.9
920 56.044.0 821742 23.9]4.7 ],289.2 43.]224 43 U19.215299fi.1 UO 40,705.1 10,913.5 4,[44.8 33.50]4 31,354.8 6,690.1 814.6 3,589.1 31.]23.8126,034.0 25,0516 26.1374 10.2815 7.1625 34630.3 4363.1 753378129.3518 32.5804123,645] 115,551.2
955 584488 86,05].3 25.0494 58413 438225 93,126.3153,1354 00 40.8]8.5 10.950.6 464]9 33,0819 30,921.0 8.0641 8]27 3.823.3 31,554.5126.65]0 25,069.2 26,1060 12,1200 8.540.2 35.128.0 4.54].5 7551]5130.3404 324494124,1526116.026.5
990 fi0.]]O7 89.535] 26.090.2 6,5141 42.9398 422]3.5153.]99.] 00 41.049.1 10,985.] 46]54 326600 30,468.5 9.8404 929.5 3,839.1 31.7]34 129.118.5 25.064.3 26.054.] 14.0873 9,992.5 35,583.2 4]22.3 75.610.8131309.5 312168124,8081 itfi 4510
1025 62,980.5 92,881.5 2708fi.1 6.181.5 42.593.1 41,922.8152863.4 00 41.1837 11016.5 4,865.3 322410 29,9]fi.9 12.0614 904] 4,023.9 31.988.4131.395.6 25,0437 25,987.7 16,1]65 11.5118 36,0167 4.891.5 ]5645.1 132226.0 32,0695125012.2116,82]5
10fi0 fi5,0882 96.1055 28,0421 6,0662 42.1286 414661150,6147 DO 41,306.9 11,0334 5,0328 31,824.9 29419.8 14.085.6 10356 40]3.5 32.191 2 133 48]9 24,98].4 25.8850 18,]]28 13092.9 364284 5052.5 75.602.2133114.5 31,0606125.356.3117.143.2
t 095 6],0]81 95.1915 28.9494 fi,Ofi]5 42,02]5 41,3911146,8519 00 41429.2 11,041.3 5.189.3 31408.2 29.004.3 14682.3 1086] 4,0]1.6 32.391.] 135.420.4 24,892.8 25.]411 20.652.] 14.]254 36,824.0 5.195.6 ]5.5214 133.895.8 31,6569125572.4117.4316
1130 68.9381 102,1159 29,804.] 5.69]3 41.5]91 40,974.] 142.933.6 O1 41.538.0 11.049.2 5354.5 31,0001 28622.3 15.4784 1,1316 4418.5 32508.0137130.0 24,]9].8 25598.7 23,003.2 16,393.9 3].1967 5315.5 75423.1 1346310 3141fi9125,966 1 117 701 4
1165 706980104,9011 30,6192 6.239.1 416385 4103].0138.7305 0.1 41,636.9 11,0506 54941 30,5989 28.213.3 1]1]8.3 1,18].8 46]9.5 32.]71]138.9044 24,673.6 25428.3 254487 18,113.3 37.561.3 5423.8 ]5.314.1135283.3 J1,160 7 126 162.U 11]9]5.1
1200 ]2,3435 10].5298 31,388.5 fi.B45.3 41.6410 41,03].] 133,1]].6 0.1 41.]311 11,050.3 5.5968 30204.1 27118.8 1].962.0 1.238.2 4,]81.8 32958] 140,438.5 24,563.7 25.2]4.6 2]96].8 19.8651 3]9226 5,514.6 75,198.] 135,902.0 30.8693126,5476118.243.3
1235 ]38485109,968] 32,100.2 5.9808 41,680.] 41080.81258535 0.1 41.8122 11.040.3 5.6749 29,8231 27229.6 1885].1 12892 4,855.7 ]3,128.1 141,815.0 244]2.] 25.139.1 30.5524 21,6406 38,2]95 S,S65.U ]5095.7136439.2 30.545.3 126 821 2 118.5023
7270 75220.] 112,225.9 32,]58.8 6.]80.2 40,9914 40,3943121,183.5 01 41889.4 11,018.6 5.]50.3 2946]6 26.619.5 19.953.1 1,3319 5,0]].0 33.3034 143,0515 24.408.2 25,032.3 33,181.5 23433] ]8.633.2 5,598.5 ]5,05].0 136.951.] 30.2037 12],1140118.]82.9
1305 7647]3114,3226 33,3708 ]0616 39.4168 38,830] 115,]95.1 U1 419463 10,998.6 5022.5 29,1238 25.98].9 20043.5 13672 5231.6 334754144,140.5 24.354.5 24.936.8 35860.1 25.2448 389806 56102 ]5.045.413]459.2 29,835.] 12]420 2 119 080.2
1340 7763]7116.2]34 33,944.9 6.93].8 37,89]9 3].356.51114044 01 42002] 10.974.3 5888.8 28.7]41 25345.4 19,738.2 14066 55811 33643.1145,1012 24358.] 24899.5 38588.1 2],072] 39.305.7 5601.3 ]5,0]54138,009.8 2949]5127.]]6.8119429.2
13]5 78,]281118.1180 346902 6,]432 36,5978 36,481.5106,9]4.] 0.1 420548 10.940.3 5,961.0 28416.] 24,832.6 20.3500 1450.5 6,404.2 33816.1145,911] 24,354.5 24,860.6 413]1.3 28919.] 39.61].3 5,583.6 ]5,182.3138.5969 29.220.9128,2194119,865.6
1410 791782 119.8961 35,020.2 7.200.5 36,3960 358]9.] 104,123.1 01 42,1083 10,699.] 6,060.1 28,051.0 24.429.7 19.946.6 14948 ]059.9 33,983.1 t4fi.5780 243662 2483].0 44.194.4 30.7829 399220 5.5512 ]5,3216 139,255.] 28,984.3 128,881.1 120,323.3
1445 80.]829 121,592.] 35,534.2 ]564.3 35.6276 35,126.] 99,]]]9 01 42.1575 10855.4 6.124.] 2].6912 24.066.9 20,]22.3 1.548.2 7262.] 34.149.1 147,128.8 24.3737 24812.] 4]062.1 32664.4 4021]0 55104 ]5465.] 139.9488 28.7258 129,143212V.782.0
1480 811213123.1832 36,024.6 7.296.9 34,6580 34,1]00 952610 U1 42,203.1 180]4 6.179[ 2],333.5 23,]]42 19803.6 16030 ]58].3 34,306.514].592.4 24,3]7] 24,]853 499688 345600 40,5094 5,4525 ]5,6038140.681.5 28534.3125,59]4121.233.5
1515 N2597U 1246]24 36,4923 ]0]8.2 34,0]69 33.6002 922304 O1 42,254] 10]62.5 6,2520 259734 23,fi18.] 19,1429 1653.9 ]664.6 34463.] 14],9660 24,3909 24.]68.9 52898.2 364610 408008 5.386.9 ]5.]641 141.4]12 28,3846130,0]6.3121,]11.5
1550 83.4050126.0634 36.936.5 6,855.3 32.]]48 32]41.5 89.813.7 01 42,28]8 10104.1 6.313.1 268244 23,5258 20.1489 1106.5 8,020.6 34,6139148222.2 24,394.6 24144] 55844.8 38,363.3 4108]5 5,3071 759011 1422548 28.239.3130,48]5122,1230
1585 84.1511 12].3638 3].3570 6,814.2 31,8]] 1 :11.4846 86895.2 02 42,3130 10648.] 64017 26.2930 234527 2195].3 1156.5 8.113.9 34,]]4.] 148.359.3 [4,3404 24.6fi59 58,804] 40.266.3 41,3]1.8 5218.5 ]59909 t4J 015.9 280833 130,]]8.1 122414.2
1620 d4,B601 128.6003 ]]]628 6293.9 31.0319 30.6550 84939.5 02 42.3600 10.5841 6,5166 25969.3 23407.3 23,523.1 1,806.9 8,113.9 34.932.1 148393.8 24,296.9 14.5975 61,]652 42.164.9 41.fi53.3 5,1321 76018.1 143]354 279402131.008.9122.6434
1655 85,5348129.]796 38.1536 5,]65.4 30,2915 29.914.2 8143fi.6 03 42,3956 10.52].0 6610.3 25656.8 23.340.9 24.385.1 1861.8 7,8228 35,093.2148.34]9 24,1983 244]61 64126.5 44.055.1 41,926.5 `v 032.5 7fi.170.8144.3928 27,8400131,210.5122,843.5
1]DS 86428.1 1]1.3451 38.6800 5.166.] [88520 28492.9 78.306.0 U4 424606 10433.5 6,1224 25240.8 23244.8 23453.6 1,929.8 7,822.8 35,324.0 148.152.6 24,042.2 24,29V.2 68,9508 46.]40.1 42.3104 4882.3 76.3152 145203.3 271]04 131.521.512],153.]
1755 8],2544132.]94.0 39.1]20 4446.9 27499.2 2].131.] ]5]45.5 06 42,5294 10,3355 6,]641 24,842.8 23,085.2 22,6541 1985.2 7,697.8 355]2.914].009.3 23,8]4.3 24.096.8 73,150.] 49,399.3 42,666.4 469].3 76.485.31458601 27.]61.1 131181 2 123409.9
1805 88008.3134,1136 39.6334 4.6861 26935.4 2fi.55].1 ]3.40]1 10 42.594.5 102358 6,8111 244]5.6 22.891.] 21.924.8 2,027.0 ],523.2 35.80].3141321.2 231262 23924.5 ]],334.8 52034.8 43.0044 4511.6 76',]15.0146.3]5.0 2]19]113202]3123652.5
1855 886]44135.268.1 40.054.5 4.364.3 26.532.2 26.159.6 ]0836.8 11 41.664.] 10,130.9 6.9226 24.1579 22,Stl8.V 2U 2300 2094.] ].3927 36,V54.6146,]68.0 23,5554 231317 81.503.6 54,64]] 63,3303 4.391.6 ]6.994.3146146.5 2],8339132.22181238500
1905 89,219.2136,211] 40.4126 4,992.3 255954 25.228.6 65,512.5 12 42141.0 10016.3 ],1]13 238693 22,282.5 10,0101 2,182.2 ],3927 36,298.91460757 23459.8 236184 85653.2 57,239.8 63.6463 4.309.8 ]].316.514]02]6 2],8]5.0132312.8124028.5
1955 896618136.9619 40131.3 5,281.8 25091.1 24698.8 61286.5 12 42828] 9.9091 ]466.2 23,5964 21.9]].1 175519 22]63 ],223.6 38.559.5145252.5 23.3]3.0 23513.5 89.772.8 59.000.9 43.9465 4.2374 ]7,610.5147,289.5 2].862.91324]31124.1191
2005 90,040.213].6236 41029.2 5,280.3 24.3898 240024 58.248.] 1.3 42.91].4 9,807.8 ].78]8 23.3458 21654.8 16.085.1 2,3480 ],0]9.0 35813.0144.310.5 23,301.3 234264 93842.8 62,31 fi.9 44233.9 4,169.1 ]],814.5 14].545.6 2],823.81]2.504.] 114.164.5
2055 90.383.3138.2223 41.322.5 5,035.1 23.805.1 13420.8 55665.0 16 42.98].5 9.]04.8 8.0121 23.1033 21.514.2 16.101.0 24079 fi,905.P 3],0827163,2444 23255.2 23.36].? 97080.0 84,802.5 44.513] 4,1347 ]7,90fi.514],810.3 2],]94.5132.5245124.157.2
2105 501026138165E 41,605.3 5,082.1 23.66]9 13,285.2 52,8711 15 43068.9 9.5998 8,1651 22,8]16 21.453.9 16.082.3 2440.5 8,5824 3]344.8142040.3 232293 23,328.0101863.8 6].2398 44.]80.9 4.1188 ]7,9130148.080.3 2]189.3132.582 8 124 145.3
2155 90,9984139,2]0.1 418806 4,66].4 23298.6 22915.8 49.97fi.3 16 43.1554 94996 8.2411 226507 21528.8 16.521.5 24560 5582.4 3]620.8140,]68.9 23.206.0 23294.1 105]984 69,6333 45.0351 4,1221 ]],87].5148.3412 2],804 3 132 614.2124.3U4.P
2205 511]5.11391366 42.147.9 4.5]04 229485 22573.5 48,193.7 18 4324]1 9,413.] 8.2903 224286 21.]28.] 1636]1 24]]6 64421 3].8910139.3901 23.1596 23138.81V9,656.5 ]1,960.3 452832 4.1489 ]],801.514N565] 2).852 4 132109 2 124.405.7
2400 51,9955140,830.3 43,039.9 48fi6.3 21982.0 21,646.8 43 Ei44.9 19 43,649.8 9,1209 8,1415 21.]248 22.008.8 198]3.1 2,5]65 5482.9 38.938.1 133,]43.0 22.824.9 22,8]3.6 123.]5].9 60.2843 46.1]9.0 6,396.8 ]],09].0 148.6520 2]063.5133,3561 125044.2
2650 924524141.2324 43.9]0.] 3420.] 11490.0 21.181.9 41,692.2 2.3 44.2]1] 8.930.3 ]140.5 20947V 2136].5 23.131.5 2,4]2.0 4,1]5.6 40.198.412625]] 21,6268 21,654113],472.4 89,1620 4]1036 49]16 75,329.514],2442 2]6905133,2043124.903.8
2900 92,3666140,]461 4445].5 3.546.0 217895 21454.8 41.]42.0 33 44.911.3 8,9888 5,9439 20410V 20.541.9 15363.3 2,2835 14]6.6 41233.3 118,]56.3 20 06].9 20082.5 1532791 96133.9 48.1380 56630 ]3,2]9.6 145,0291 27.193.6 131,9698 123699.2
3150 91.5668 135,2838 44.529.5 3.395.8 221353 21862.2 37,9]8.9 31 45.5231 91]04 4,6668 199488 19.561.6 21982] 1.999V U.U 41930.6 111,5424 18,6146 18,622 0 165 290.0 103.2]25 49.0086 61115 ]0184.8 142.0850 130.fi90 2 122 419.6
3400 900441 136,061)_0 441096 3.2382 22.882.3 224921 3],3219 3] 48.133.8 9.]371 33805 194]05 19.210.1 18.]]24 1.691.4 00 42.2866104928.5 170433 1704721]56]2010tl 8610 49.7888 8,0480 6],5550140356.5 25071] 128 448 6 120.1]50
3650 88.1507 134.0115 43,583.6 3,]914 23.]69.0 23.335.0 35,34]8 31 46.]66.4 1V2]7.5 24610 19,114] 17,8]1.5 19,495.1 1494.6 U.0 4231]7 99,1454 15,5314 15,533.5184.]558113.]403 50.549.8 9,138.2 64.3154136.98]0 23211.8126,075011],778.0
3900 86,0268130,048.5 42149.0 3,0459 25085.2 24.5]4.5 33,053.6 34 4]434.8 10.848.9 1.8116 188128 16966.5 16943.4 1,3363 U.0 42.090.8 93.8449 14.1602 14,1610192,523.1 11]998.1 51258.3 9.702.0 61.18581336634 2193]8123,184.2114.979.1
4150 83 E1V3127,3319 41,730.5 1.355.6 26.3601 258328 31,826.2 29 48.0433 11400.3 1.3001 18.564] 16,205.1 1305]5 1.1]].8 0.0 416040 89.1290 121335 12,]33919894721216404 51,9844 9,6]2.8 58.4424130056.9 20,5638120,52]4112,3]01
4600 70.6]91119,9510 39,59fi7 2]412 26,]94.2 26166.4 31.8201 1.0 490602 12166.6 635.2 18.1386 141815 11,5884 BB].0 O.U 401930 82.'2271 106813 1V,6813108,]24] 12]4459 534603 9,0208 54,02]6123494.] 18,3499115.059210].03]]
5200 7216]3110,1044 36,814.5 26109 28492.] 2]81]2 29.544.9 0.8 50,3348 1298fi.] 3624 17,s608 13,162.3 5.3116 589.2 0.0 38,019.2 ]5458.3 9.3038 9,3038219,628 0 134 085.1 55,90].8 eB665 49.1921115.512.3 16.]55.610].6304 99.007.5
5800 66.1141100.4601 34,080.8 3.2858 29,169.0 28,340.5 2],846] 04 51.3]]5 13,1081 1917 1].2164 12,152.2 36110 3]3.0 00 35,516.4 ]0,658.8 8184.6 8,7846228,4050139.3173 58,456.3 3.114.5 45,222.3108,1814 15430.1100.2]fi5 92.695.]
6400 59.836.] 90.6538 31.2709 3.5014 29.95]1 28993.5 26.6873 UO 524356 12154.9 941 1].0881 12.1110 856.1 18].2 DO 33,1036 6]2024 9,0171 9,003.5235,53461434554 60,2]95 1.226] 42,1]511019114 14,36fi0 134]56 860675
]000 531028 81
12]4 28.433.6 32321 316625 306148 25.019.2 00 534368 12.141.5 36.9 1].0378 12,]998 SU04 744 00 30,920.] 64,668.9 9,2]4.0 9,1863240.Bfi2.2146,381.8 61,512.6 4230 39,51].5 95,8]2.0 13.5800 8]2454 ]1.981.8
6000 434600 656016 23,177.] 4.265.8 34404] 33.135] 248044 OU 54,857.2 11092.5 3.5 1]3604 14,554.9 3]24 151 00 2].890.9 62,0542 10,8921 10,752.324].329.]1496216 61,6493 UO 36,233.0 8],1]3.5 12,509.5 ]90241 ]18490
9000 34.0501 51.5060 18.252] 2,]79] 36,6306 35.2654 240355 00 56.1821 10270.6 00 18.814.5 15.36]0 U.D D.0 0.0 25.655.0 60.895.0 101241 100257251990.9151,882.5 60,3162 U.0 33400.0 79,9831 11.S4fi.2 724458 65.309.3
10000 25.%85.1 39.0205 13.9539 2034.1 39,060] 317096 23340.9 00 5].084.2 9.590.0 00 19,5693 13.634.5 DD 0.0 0.0 23,9069 60,846.0 8,10].9 ]919.9255.484.9153,522.4 58.5530 00 30,899.6 ]3.5824 10.648.6 6].3269 fi0.1]91
11000 19.1712 29088.8 10.4212 1181.1 41,590.2 40.2]6.0 22208.5 VU 5],6640 B.]Bt4 UO 19.2916 11.]292 D.0 O.V U.0 22.414.1 61.124.5 6,8606 6112.9258.322.6154,8:15.8 58.]824 00 28,8904 68.6442 9]38.9 63.3304 56.2461
120pV 14 203 6 22 014.3 ].676.8 2 202.9 93.501 4 42.187 ] 11 3484 0 0 SB,D90 4 ] 831.3 0 0 18 826.0 9,995.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 21100.E 61,476.8 6,6045 6,508.4 260 803.5 155.944 8 55.105.6 0 0 27.345 3 65.142. ] 9 080.5 6D 422 B 53,384.5
13000 10292A 16.582.5 55200 2,3380 45709fi 44.3893 19,5764 00 58,5320 ],1117 D.0 18.2253 10.0]8.0 0.0 00 O0 20.2204 61.8355 ].19fi4 7.1]]4262,91941558576 535049 0.0 26685] 6].098.] 86251 588551 51,3]81
14000 74928 126260 3.96]8 4465.6 4],6242 48.2155 190251 OD 59,029.8 6,8045 OU 1182]6 12.3]2.0 0.0 00 00 19,6184 62.3]0.2 10,646.8 10623.3264850.415].6629 51996] 00 2]109.6 fi3.9030 84421 5].65]] 50.]219
15000 5,9014 10520.9 3076.1 2,934.9 50.424] 48.8591 18,602.2 00 59.4942 5829.8 OU 19.741.8 17,521.9 0.0 0.0 U.0 19.6301 633010 13,614.9 13,8121 266,490.6158.319.] 50,604.9 0.0 29,928.] 66.931.5 89582 57,8943 50,9021
16000 5159.5 1p638.1 19116 5499.3 56.8]90 551]3.6 18.SOfi.O 00 5991].] 6,931.5 00 21.1091 16]545 0.0 OU 0.0 20,220.1 65.9551 12.6598 13,OB2926]84541588178 49.3235 U.0 ]16000 6]032.1 9,9010 59,0802 51.9]98
17250 6,103.9 11.589 9 2,956.3 11,507.2 66.232 8 64 419 8 18,193.3 O.D 80 559 6 6,9820 0 0 25 330.1 28.956 1 0.0 0.0 0.0 11031 1 ]1.138.3 24.888 8 25.3319 269.1580 159 225 3 4].855 6 U 0 34 622 3 ]9.101.8 9 615 B 61098.6 54.525 5
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19700 ]205.5 13.5504 3.3120 13,396.3 95.2160 93324.3 1].66]1 00 62.]19.2 8,1]5.] V.0 48,6673 46346.3 00 00 U.0 24,906.6 812082 33.7434 31.38382]1.8444159.846.1 45,325.5 00 4280]8 96,fi83.8 10,2041 12,5685 6329]]
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(weaL~s Leauil i~ li OOOI Lad y} bs) eaLy a~geas~ p a~y6iaM - ZaS 4aeaLgng - ~ yoeaa -L ama aa4 aad
• • •
~ • •
x 30,000
o° o° o° o° o° o° o° o° o° o° o° o°
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\Q~e \Q~e \P~e \P\e \P\e \P\e \P\e \P\e \P\e \P\e \P\e \Q\e
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F ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ F ~F ~ ~ ~~ , F GF
lac ~~~ ~~~ QQt~ ~a~ ~J~ ~J PJ~ ~~Q p~ ~o ~~
^ FLA Min (950/2050 cfs) ®Existing Min (150 cfs) ^ AIP Min (1200/2400 cfs)
Pee Dee River -Reach 2
Robust Redhorse Spawning
• • •
so,ooo „-
.-. 40,000
30, 000
= 20,000
Pee Dee River -Reach 2
Sturgeon Spawning & Incubation
o° o° o° o° o° o° o° o° o° o° o° o°
Pie Pie Pe Pie Pie Pie Pie Pie Pie Pe Pe Pie
~o~ ~o~ ~O~ ~o~ ~o~ ~O~ ~o~ ~O~ ~o~ ~O~ ~O~ ~O~
F~'P ~Pti ~Pti ~Pti ~Pti F~'P F~'P ~~P F~'P FOP ~~,P FOP
F F F ~
~a~ ~e~ ~.~ QQ~ ~a~ ~~~ ~J\ PJO, ~~Q ~~'` ~o~ Oro
^ FLA Min (950/2050 cfs) ®Existing Min (150 cfs) ^AIP Min (1200/2400 cfs)
• • •
Q 30,000
o° o° o° o° o° o° o° o° o° o° o° o°
Pie.. P\Q . P\Q . P\Q . Pie.. P\Q• . Pie.. P\Q . P\Q . P\Q . P\Q . Pie..
~o~ ~o~ ~o~ ~o~ ~o~ ~o~ ~o~ ~,o~ ~o~ ~o~ ~o~ ~o~
.o, 0 0 0 0 .o .o .° .~, .~, .~, .~,
e~P ~Pti ~Pti ~P2 ~Pti e~,P e~P e~P e~P e~P F~'P e~P
~ ~` P ~`
^ FLA Min (950/2050 cfs) ®Existing Min (150 cfs) ^ AIP Min (1200/2400 cfs)
Pee Dee River -Reach 2
Striped Bass Spawning
• • •
h~\P\e , h~\P\e . ~o\P\Q . ~O\P\Q . ~o\P\Q . ~o\P\Q . ~o\P\Q . ~O\P\Q . ~O\P\Q .
F~'P ~P~o ~P~o ~P~o ~P~o ~~,P ~~P ~~P ~~P ~~P
F F F ~
~a~ ~~ ~a QQ~ ~a~ ~J~ ~J\ PJ~ ~~Q o~~
'o\P~Q ~o\PQ h~\P\Q
~ .~
FOP. ~~P.
~~J' OTC;
^ FLA Min (950/2050 cfs) ®Existing Min (150 cfs) ^ AIP Min (1200/2400 cfs)
Pee Dee River -Reach 2
American Shad Spawning 2
• • •
.-. 60,000
~ 50,000
:° 40,000
= 30,000
~~oo goo
o\P\Q• , O\P\Q ~l.
F~'P ~ ~P~oh ~Pti
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ti°oo ~.°oo
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Phi' ~a~
\P\Q .
~.`~°o .~.ti°o .~.ti°o
~~o\P~Q •~~o\P~Q •~~O\P~Q
FOP. ~~P.
~~J' OTC;
^ FLA Min (950/2050 cfs) ®Existing Min (150 cfs) ^ AIP Min (1200/2400 cfs)
~~oo goo
~o\P\Q. ~o\P\Q.~
~~,P ~~P
~~~ ~~\
~~°o ~~°o
h~\P\e ~~\P\e
~\P ~\,P'
~eQ O~~
Pee Dee River -Reach 2
Golden Redhorse Adult
• • •
60, 000
.-. 40,000
= 20,000
o° o° o° o° o° o° o° o° o° o° o° o°
P\Q . P\Q . P\Q•. P\Q•. P\Q•. P\Q•. P\Q . P\Q . P\Q . P\Q . P\Q . P\Q•.
~o~ ~o~ ~o~ ~o~ ~o~ ~o~ ~o~ ~,o~ ~o~ ~o~ ~o~ ~o~
.o, 0 0 0 0 ~ .o .o, o .o .o .o
\.P P~ P~ P~, Pti \,P. \,P' \,P' \P' \P' \,P' \,P.
~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~ F ~ F ~ F ~
~a~ ~~,o ~~ Phi ~a~ ~J~ ~J~ PJO, ~eQ ~~'~ ~o~ O~c,
^ FLA Min (950/2050 cfs) ®Existing Min (150 cfs) ^ AIP Min (1200/2400 cfs)
Pee Dee River -Reach 2
Golden Redhorse Juvenile
• • •
.. 80,000
= 40,000
o° o° o° o° o° o° o° o° o° o° o° o°
Pie Pie Pie Pie Pie Pie Pie Pie Pie Pie Pie Pie
~o~ ~o~ ~o~ ~o~ ~o~ ~O~ ~o~ ~o~ ~o~ ~O~ ~o~ ~O~
~.P P~ P~ P2 P~ ~.P ~P ~.P ~.P ~P ~,P ~,P
F ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ F F ~ F F ~ F
~a~ ~~,o ~~ PQ~ ~a~ ~~~ ~J~ P~0 ~eQ ~~'~ ~o~ Oro
__ _ __
^ FLA Min (950/2050 cfs) ®Existing Min (150 cfs) ^ AIP Min (1200/2400 cfs)
Pee Dee River -Reach 2
Shallow Fast -Low Velocity
• ~ •
Pee Dee River -Reach 2
Shallow Fast -Generic -Medium Velocity
_ - _ _ ---_
., 80,000
= 40,000
o° o° o° o° o° o° o° o° o° o° o° o°
~ti ~~` ti~ tip` tip` ~~ .~~ .~~ .~~ .~ti .~~ .~~
\Q•. \Q . \Q•. \Q•. \Q•. \Q•. \Q . \Q . \Q . \Q . \Q . \Q .
o~P o~P OAP o~P OAP o~P o~P OAP OAP o~P o~P OAP
F~'P ~P~L ~P2 ~Pti ~Pti F~'P ~~,P F~'P FOP F~'P ~~P ~~,P
~ F F F
~a~ ~~,~ ~~ Phi ~~~ ~~~ ~J~ P~0 ~~Q ~~'~ ~o~ O~~
__ -
^ FLA Min (950/2050 cfs) ®Existing Min (150 cfs) ^AIP Min (1200/2400 cfs)
• •
Pee Dee River -Reach 2
Deep Slow Generic Cover
so,ooo _. __ __ ____
v 50,000
= 30,000
o° o° o° o° o° o° o° o° o° o° o° o°
Pie Pe Pie Pie Pie Pie Pie Pie Pie Pie Pie Pie
~o~ ~o~ ~O~ ~O~ ~o~ ~O~ ~o~ ~O~ ~O~ ~O~ ~O~ ~o~
~P P~ P2 P~ P~ ~P ~P ~P ~P ~P ~Q,. ~Q,.
F ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~ F ~ F F F ~
^ FLA Min (950/2050 cfs) ®Existing Min (150 cfs) ^ AIP Min (1200/2400 cfs)
i • ~
Pee Dee River -Reach 2 - Subreach SR1 -Weighted Useable Area (sq ft per 1000 ft of linear stream)
150 11.95] 2 13,352.6 ].816 3 22.]25.4 2.588 6 2.585 6 162.9]6.0 565 1 4.364.9 2,595.0 3].028 0 ]4 810 6 21.146.5 2.012 4 12.6]4 0 ]9.044 3 43,912.3 24 433.3 36 965 1 35.289 5 131 0 127 4 0.0 314 ] 56.439 ] 131.163 4 7].522 8 97 836.1 97,115.0
175 14.59]5 16245.3 5.]292 21,09]1 2,80]1 2801.6165.0]05 705.] 4.6335 2.852.9 4026].2 35.551.0 20.93].6 2,2]7.] 14.0633 ]8,817] 462964 2]281.0 36.830.2 35.1890 1]41 16].0 UO 42]5100.3985133.350.0 41 ]36.1102.611.8101.Bfi45
ZO0 17.2820 19,131.5 11,]70.8 19,52]4 3,1118 3.1011 166,]84.2 8511 4,862.1 3,0]8.0 42.331.2 36.103.3 206425 3,0]09 15.5422 ]8,4]2.3 46.618.0 299990 J6.fi121 350328 2363 223.1 OS 5552103.9843135,3966 95.5831 10]015.1 tOfi.3060
225 20,1309 22.1604 14.0366 18.8076 3,343.1 3.331.116845]2 1.011.6 5,0]54 3,291.5 44.1859 36.5385 20.3]6.] 44]1.1 1],02]] ]],39]6 4].9845 32.640.5 36.36]6 34841] 32]8 304.] 48 72]010]416.413],3553 45.1591111.3916110,603.0
250 23.3426 25.535.1 16,579.3 1]9143 3,6201 7602.0 169.]395 1.1]98 5,281.8 34944 45814.3 368598 20,169.9 5582.1 188030 ]5,692.6 49.3910 35.162.] 36.159.1 :14.6932 43].5 4004 16.3 10]5.] 110.5982139,280.9 52355.1 115323.5114,6201
2]5 26,944.3 29.29fi.1 19.3946 18.352.6 3.425] 3406.] 1]1046.5 1,3600 5,461.4 3,6]8.1 4]2]3.1 3]0868 19981.1 6,]34.5 20,]03.0 ]5,0914 50,6]8.0 3].512.6 35,9149 34.5015 5049 40.9 186]0113,4280141,148.1 54.975.2119.148.0118,3304
300 30.]588 33260.2 22.3194 18,370.] 2,6048 286811130658 1.568.] 5628.6 3,854.] 40626.2 3]254.3 19813.1 14415 2265]5 ]3,]36.1 51,9854 39852.2 35.68].4 3432]9 695] 61].5 834 241]2 115 839 6 143,01].3 56.]58 4 122 441 6 121.6125
350 38,6]5.2 41460.2 28.241] 1]699.2 19581 1.94151]5066.9 2,014] 5,94]6 4,1802 50.]86.5 7]501.5 19,5600 9,594.4 26,6380 69,598.3 544868 43301.5 35.3]2.0 34.10]6 1009.4 8]41 19].4 4,3]40119,8410146,]012 585399128.324.]127.4]4.8
400 46.]221 49,]85.6 34.2085 1],]92.0 1,598.3 1.586.51]88265 2,4]29 62301 44818 524]5.9 3]6]29 19500.9 10,]622 30,6094 66,144.3 5fi,90B4 46,288.2 75.1498 33968] 1,358] 1,1fi01 335.9 68514123.049]150,350] 60,10]1133.334.9132,465.2
450 56905] 58.231.] 40.2645 1].550.0 16069 1.5615181,6558 2,9001 649].6 4,]53.9 54,252.0 3].]98.5 19488.1 11800.5 34,]355 62,690.9 59,34]0 48.]29.2 35.0503 33,5418 1,]2].6 14604 505.0 96]54125,929.6154,006.3 610]5fi 13]8]5.0136,986.0
500 63.0536 66 fi66.9 40.245.3 16.]93.5 1.536.] 1.46011820599 3,31]1 6.]688 5011.5 55.5]8.1 3]9362 19.509.1 12,0228 39.2922 62,105.2 fi1141.0 SU 915.0 35.049.4 33.92]0 2,108.2 1,]693 ]51.5 12,]28.5 128 484 4 15]4]0.] 61 9798 141 950 0 141.0409
550 ]10230 ]4913.5 52084.0 16,8950 14]54 1.3938183.108.3 3,]08.4 7.0205 5,2412 56,810.5 380159 194]4.7 12,150.2 43,3815 60,6789 64,1060 52.810.6 35.158.8 34.013.3 2,5483 2,135.] 1061.9 15,8915130.88]1160,992.6 628541145.6]6.]144,]45.5
600 ]89659 83.123.] 5]8658 15955.3 15442 1.462] 183649.0 4033.1 ]2]81 54620 5]909.5 3]9848 19495.8 12,]9].] 46.]328 58,8189 fi6459.8 54.533.5 35.1481 7398]9 3.088] 2,576.6 1438.3 19,1425133.1248164,559.1 63.]824 149.153.3148,200.7
650 86.601.8 91.3094 83,585.3 14.155.1 1429.6 1,3480184.165] 4,28]5 ].5220 5,6]62 58.852.3 37.8525 19439.3 12814.] 49,5635 5].332.1 68,]892 56.16].5 35.04)] 33.8]3] 3.]]11 3.1190 1853.1 224]5] 134.59]416].96]9 64,832.5152300.] 151.336.]
]00 946]62 99.42].5 69.1891 12.]99.0 1684] 1.600.]185.145.2 449]9 1.]614 58]14 59.494] 3]6421 19405.2 1321]1 51.9999 54.52].9 ]1,116.5 5]6666 748413 33.6448 6,6381 3,805.3 2,299.4 25,801 3 136 488 8 1]1,216.6 65.]555155056.5154,0]6.9
]50102.292610].369.1 74567.8 12.170.2 14238 1,339.] 18],0535 4,693.5 ].981.2 6,062.] 59.]298 3],4003 19.330.8 13,1604 54,22]5 514320 ]34392 59.1054 34.6102 33411.1 5.]03.6 4656.2 2,]9].3 29,306.] 13].56421]4,249.0 66.465.2 15].314.5156.3199
800109.fi9]4115.1064 75.]]6] 11203.1 1283.] 1,199.618833].] 48]15 82144 6,241.] 594]09 3].1]]3 19266.2 13940.9 56,1633 98.5994 ]5.]400 60443.8 34.3118 33.1023 7026.8 5,]26.9 3,332.5 32,]25.3138.25521]6,9491 6698341550]0.9158.0624
850 11fi.8883 122.626.8 84.]539 10403.1 1693.6 1,5686188,241.5 5,0357 8.4311 6,4242 58.6]39 36,9534 19,19].2 14.292.4 57,616.8 45,289.2 ]8,0494 61694.6 33.9661 32.]50.3 8.523.8 6,9452 3,89].2 36,112 4 138 606.91]9,2681 87.391.:5 160424 3 159,401.2
900123.]20.] 129.8094 89.4900 9500.] 2.0610 1.896.91860024 5,181.8 8633.9 6.588.2 5]6830 36.]381 19096.4 58.6534 93.916] 80,3069 6285]9 33.5652 32.3686 10.1317 8,257.8 4484.] 39,3588138.]216181,265.3 6]6442 161423.6160.388.3
950130.2821 136.]10.6 94.0021 9.122.1 "16]6.3 2,45061825329 52980 88395 61438 5648]9 36.5063 18.9]5.8 14,1545 59425.1 42,1]41 62609.8 63,9648 33.060] 318]68 118]68 9,6894 5093.6 42,505] 138.5]08182,]58.0 87,]356162,1414161,084.3
1000136.4096143,159.] 98.282.8 8.48]2 3.191.5 2,919.01]93284 5.3956 90148 6890.] 55.0]3.5 36.2915 188232 14556.2 fi00fi89 41,]99.'. 84.8]].5 65014.2 32.532] 31.356.] 13.7072 11,191.3 5,]14.] 45,3]49138.26]6183,8005 6].564 2 162 661[161.5]84
1050142,1439149,1931102,32]9 ]]336 3.1658 2,89331]4,8]6.3 545x6 92022 ]042] 53.625.9 36.0845 18.656.8 14935.9 60,52]2 39,504.2 8],1]01 66015.0 31952.9 30804.9 158413 12.]921 6,350.] 48.008213]8686184.444.0 6],273.5 163 066 1 161,958.3
110014],4465154.]695108.0956 ]2668 3.1658 2,853.316]3]5.6 5,5009 9,3648 ],190.1 520580 35,661] 18.454.9 15,25]9 60.6814 3],335.6 89420.2 66989.1 31.3301 30209.] 1]65].5 14454.5 6995.3 50.383.313]2]91184.]14.1 66,]98.3 163 290 1 162.1551
1150152,36]0159.543.) 109,64].0 6.8624 3.1658 2.893.31658195 5.533.5 9.519.3 ].3280 504624 15.6449 18255.5 15295.3 61.0806 35.]1]9 91.6]].8 6]883.5 70698.] 295949 19,7281 16,166.2 ],638.9 524554136.559.1184.65].] 662]2 6 163 333 6 162.2]4.4
1200 156,959] 164,]65.3113,043.3 6.514.5 3.1]59 2902.4181,649.] 5,534.8 9.683.5 ]469.] 48.8565 35,4307 18.040.5 1],151.3 61,184.3 34,188.] 93919.8 68.]4]0 30.0125 289636 218822 1],930.5 8,252.] 54,2411 135.]4]] 184.304.0 85,745.9 163,5139162,330.6
1250163.424] 1]1,525011],9]8.3 5.582.3 3,2502 2,9]0.] 159.119.5 5,422.5 9,858fi ].5982 4]3483 34.9825 1]340.] 18.96]2 63,266.6 29,6215 96,282.6 89458.0 28.9310 28.025.5 23,9540 19,56].] 8,96].5 55.]]60135448.] 184.B84Y 65.191.5 163 869 0 162 662.6
1300 169,821.6 1]8,199.] 122,929.5 4.8530 3,4004 3,108.615]300.1 5346.2 100252 ].]192 45813.9 34.518.6 16.621.1 21.]19.6 65.326.] 25.]455 98,6300 ]0.1620 2]8154 2].0561 260]38 21.249.9 9,65].3 5],221.2 135.1320 186346.] 64,]16.6 104225.] 162.998.6
13501]fi.2443184.891.512].951] 4,310.0 3.546] 322fi.3156,808.4 5308.8 10.188.4 ].8430 43.]164 34.008.4 15893.0 24,011.3 6],7]3.3 21,326.9100,99]6 ]0,8]09 26.]016 26.1052 28292.5 23,016.2 10,319] 58,5950134.]63.3185.6]33 64,258.9164.5928163.348.9
1000182,68]] 151,59]4133036.3 3.8908 3,608.3 3.2]].0154]206 53105 10.350.] ]969.1 41691.3 334456 15.145.6 26.124.1 69.3834 1].534.8103,422.5 ]16125 15.5910 25.1600 30,6022 24,849.] 10,9]0.2 59,9249134.3]591859085 63,9699164.54]6163688.2
1450 189,154.0 198,3210 138,186.8 3,532.1 3.6054 3.26].0154441.1 5353.9 10.505.8 8095.3 39526.1 32,822.5 14394.1 2].543.6 ]1.305.4 13441.2105,862.3 ]2.392.3 14438.] 24.1869 330202 26.]]18 11.6009 61.201 5 133 922 9 188,024.2 63,]11.3 1862840 164 016.7
1500195,5]3.0204,989.5143.36].6 3.2048 3]338 33]4.61489]16 543]1 10,655] 82318 3]282.2 32,1243 13.648.9 29]83.4 ]],0985 10653.4108,3169 73.2166 23.294.6 23.2066 35,535.8 28,]]5.] 12,2134 62,301.1133,404518fi 022.1 6348651fi5,606]164.33]0
1550199,086.5208,623.2146,301.5 3,142.7 3,7319 3,373.0146,038.7 5.516.8 10,]809 83532 354322 31.]6]2 13.425.6 30.123.2 ]2.5053 10.3]1.8110,5281 ]4060] 22,5999 22,585.6 38,19].8 30,918.5 12,]95.0 83,046.1132263.3184,]02.3 63,189.2165,500 6 164 2350
1600202.3243212,0128149.0896 3,124.1 3,]46] 33862143.579.5 SSBt.] 10,908.9 84]].0 33.6816 314044 13,213.9 31.111.9 71,]]2.5 8,958.1112,]]6.] ]4.903.9 218099 219582 409191 33,0]5.2 13.]]5.9 83.644913105291832953 62,062.2 1653554 164 098.5
1650205.400.6215,212.3151.]54.3 3.0]8.1 3,]46] 3.386.2142299.] 5852.9 11.032.1 8599.5 31.9929 31.0492 13.021.3 31080.0 ]0.540.4 8248.0114,9]3.8 ]5,]56.8 11.192.3 21.33].] 43,6932 36248.6 13,955.3 64,113 9 129 810]1818265 62,500.0165,193 6 163 94fi.5
1]00108,3049218231.5154.3069 3.008.3 3,9035 3,5431140.4378 67040 11,149.1 8,]15.6 3U,3fi41 30,6945 12802.5 32061.3 ]002].0 ]629.611],1322 ]6.56].3 20.548.4 20]6]] 46.5634 3]4]0.8 14,5511 64,5212128.5056180.3110 82,039.1184981.71637441
1]50211,04].2221,080.8156,]43.6 2,9952 3,]6]1 3420.3138.361.5 5]308 11255.1 8824.0 28,]98.6 30.340.5 12.606.6 32.512.2 68,955.8 ],309.5119,2330 ]]308.8 19,88]5 20.183.2 494464 39.]09.3 15,1452 64.8]].3127.1390178.]048 61,5406164.]219163.4949
1800213,653.0223,]840159.0]2.9 3.003.0 3,9401 3600213]3210 5.]50] 11.35].4 89298 2]2882 25.998.6 12438.6 33033.[ 6].]40.8 69]33121.3104 78.0101 19269.8 196314 52,3040 41.9281 15,]36.4 65,1]40125,]4151]],132.8 61.023.1 164 445 4 163 22fi.5
1850216.1041226.3216161.268] 2.92]1 3.940] 3,600.2134.5131 5753.] 114]1.6 904]] 26835.4 29,662.6 12.272.9 33035.3 66,303.3 6,853.0123,382.9 ]860]] 18.649.6 19.0]68 55.1341 44.129.1 16.32]1 65,412 8 124308 3 1]5,4]45 80,49]41b4,1L1.51629119
190021 8,435.3 228123 2 163.389.0 2,]38.3 3,9]15 3,630.91350841 5.]53.3 11.56]1 9.1641 20.5524 29.326.0 12,1244 33.6956 64,886.1 6,850.0125,390.0 ]9.353.8 18.065.2 18.5536 579602 46,299.4 16,91].5 65,60].8 122 888 3 1]3.8028 59.9581163.]453162.54]5
1950220,614.9230.9fi2.4165.3489 2,664.6 4,0]14 3,]20.8132.1450 5]3].0 11,669.4 9.2694 23.285.8 28,995.8 11984.] 3356].9 63414.0 6.924412]4131 ]9983.6 1]496.9 18,0441 60.]803 46,44fi7 1]499.] 65,913.912144201720959 59432.9163,3134162.11].5
2000222,655.5233,052.416],219.6 2,5]00 4,3366 3,964.51313908 5.]051 11,76].9 93]3.3 22,080.6 18,66].6 11.038.9 34,125.] 61,9371 6,794.9129,322.0 80,589.2 16.965.5 1]5]2.1 63.589.8 SU 5]0.5 iB,O6fi3 66,201.]11999211]0,403.2 58886.91fi2,B359161.645.1
2050224.5853235,029.3168.9]]0 24]8.6 445]0 4069.21297094 68691 11,853.1 9,464.0 20.964.] 28,33].0 1168].0 34464.1 60430.2 6,]892131,200.] 81.159.] 16.4]06 1],11]1 6643]6 52,]08.2 18,6325 66,5311118,5115168.]10.2 58,305.6162,306.1161.1199
2100 226.3]5.9136,860.] 1]0.6120 2414.] 4.3586 4.0001128.1304 5.6248 11.9401 95535 19.919.0 28,009] 11.583.0 33914.4 58,904.0 8.366.7133,007.2 8169]2 15.9505 16.6494 692840 54.838.3 19.196.1 fi688]] 116983.6 166,9988 5],6850 161.6962160.515.4
2150228022.9238,545]1]2.1242 2,332] 4,2351 3,889.51281861 5.5]14 12018.1 563]8 18922.] 2],693.0 11.509.] 33.52]9 5].3]0.8 5.328.0134.8138 82.20]4 15.4064 162304 ]2,13]0 56,955.7 19,]633 8],255.6 115 412 8 16529].1 5],0454 161025 2 159.8494
2200229,544.9240.09891]3.5449 2,2]99 9,5905 4.216.8125088.5 5.5130 12,102.] 9.]2]9 1].9692 2],3821 11.421.8 329711 55843.2 41396116.530.8 82.]02.2 15.04]4 158311 ]4,994fi 59,061.2 203266 fi],626.2113,82]1163,6041 56,7812180,2778159.106.)
2250 230,9262 241,496.2 1]4.861 U 2.2819 4,837.5 4436] 121.9336 54538 12,182.8 9812.1 1].0616 2].0]2.0 11.33].0 32680.4 54,349.5 4,449.8 138,223.0 83.1741 16,6124 15.4319 7].862.0 61.1594 20,891.1 6].9]2.4 112.2180 161 906.8 55.648.6 159466.0 1582991
2300232.183.2 242154 1 1]6.0890 2,2929 4.8]56 44]4.81182545 5.303.5 12252.8 9.889.5 16,1]99 26.]62.0 11258.9 32255.6 52.869.3 4.149.2139,834.6 836316 14.1932 15,0495 801]43 63.281.9 214569 686315110,545.0160.1]66 54,]901158,595.515]4302
2350233,331.9293,892.21]],230.8 2,2828 5,03]9 4.63].611621]2 5.3154 12.323.3 9.960.0 15.3588 264]12 11.186.6 319]49 514104 3,92].8141,364.6 840]1.0 13.]940 146865 83696.2 65.389.1 22,0180 fi8.819.2108895]158.4796 53.913115].6966156.530.1
2400234,358.5244.9011178.2]5.8 22468 4,9988 9.602.3114.1941 5258.5 124031 10.024.1 14.5]]6 26.1]85 11.102.8 31329.2 49,966.6 3.518:1142,858.8 86461.4 13.423.1 14.3432 86639.3 6]493.5 22,5]9.1 69.01 ].i 107 249 8 156.]902 53.031.6156159.5155588.8
2500236.05]8246.585.3180,1282 2223] 5.5455 5,131]1109464 5.128.7 12,536.5 10,143.1 13,1518 25,6139 10.931.3 31231.3 4]086.7 3,08fi1145,6628 85.166.6 12.]20.1 13,6882 524590 ]1.6088 23,704.5 69,1fi2 8 1040591 153.516.8 51,332.5154,761.9153.585.5
260023],8501248,162.51824044 2,202] 60541 5,594.]1049420 5.114.1 12,549.6 10,116.6 12,1]33 24,]82] 10.56].4 30.665.3 45,11]9 2,5]51148,2661 85,890.9 12.1166 13.10].1 98,038.1 ]5.4]].5 241214 69.182.6101.10541501894 49.612 1 152403 8 151.208.]
2]00239,4809249.59]4184,569.5 2,0911 6,5]93 6,064.8100,534.] 5.093.3 12,552.2 10.088.8 11,283.5 23,96].1 10253.0 30.435.9 43.1341 2.3101150,]331 86.5463 11.5503 12.558310)600] ]9.2]25 25137.9 89,169.6 98,:1]19106.1968 4],958.5149.98]9148.]494
2800241.02].6250,914]186.6]35 2024.6 68]41 6.3313 969458 5.0491 12.545.9 10.055.9 104618 23,1609 9.948.3 30129.8 41,2334 2,138.1153,042.9 87.111.9 110390 12,05].1109,1563 83.000.9 26.]636 69,125.2 95619fi 1451259 46.410.9147.441]146.19].0
290024248]1252.1162188.6938 2,059.6 6,8035 6.2617 92.1619 4.9921 12,535.5 10,025.2 9,6953 22,3]0.] 9648.] 30]325 394]16 20104155.2302 8]626.2 10.55]9 115808114,6922 866584 2],]841 690421 92913.9143.383.2 94,998.8144,865.0143,5916
3100244,309.8253441.6191.391.5 2032.0 ],2]]9 6699] 821]28 4,]315 12,592.3 10,059.1 8224.0 21,1711 9,184.3 30.487.0 364531 1662.8159,1059 88,118.9 9.6]]3 10.]196125.]]5.9 93.864.1 29,9224 68.9908 8].3]901383150 42.200.2139.6940138.]]]2
3300 245.588.5 254.1]4.9 193.53].8 1,941.9 ].242.5 6,666.5 ]2,6416 44555 12628.5 10.0]9.] ].034.5 19,93fi.2 8,649.1 29.646.8 320]2.5 146]0 162,400.] 88.2819 8.8]1 ] 9.928] 136.]615 100.824.5 32,068.5 66,918.9 02083.2 133490.2 39446.8 134.38].5 1330359
3500245,523.9253652.119403].5 20228 ]6183 ].022.2 64884.] 4.0264 12.]56.5 10.1]2.0 6,0258 19,p843 8,28].2 2]6461 28220.9 1,116.] 160,89]6 8]454.4 62041 9.2]]014]69]810],5588 34,3806 68.8]9fi ]6.851fi 128.3342 36,60121293]9] 12],9508
3]00244,540.] 252,6181193.983.1 1992.4 ]1323 ].129.0 61,]860 3,6211 12.85].6 10,241] 5,2506 18.320.2 ],943.9 25354.8 24.8431 ]8]6166.8219 86133.8 ]6511 8.]38 0 1584081 113.990.2 36,6574 68,854.5 71,9410123.451.2 33,948.] 124,639.] 123,18[8
3500243.894.8251.133.2193.4111 1945.6 ]509.4 ].293.5 551106 32336 12950.5 10,286.8 4,6141 1].635.2 ].625.5 22029.2 220142 540.61682338 844]]4 ]1649 8.261 4 160936 2 120.2194 36.9239 688951 6]40]3118,844.8 31,5328120.232.8118608.5
4100242.3112249.122.9192265.8 1]96.] 6,162.5 7.525.3 51,0535 2,862.5 13.021.8 10,29]] 00941 1].p05.9 ].390] 193584 19,648.0 3045169,1605 82460.) 6.]604 ].86611]9.1586126.215.9 41,1]03 68,64]9 83,285 4 114 522.1 29,302.2116,188.811 Y.559.9
0300 240 265 8 246,691.5190,5959 1892.1 89]39 8.2556 45,881.1 2,510.6 13.0960 10,285.8 36608 16413.6 ],156.2 14.9]6.2 1]634.1 2204169,6662 80.1]9.3 6.425.2 ],5440188,9533131,9441 43,390.6 68,039.3 59520.1110502.6 2]218.2112401.1110,6]3.8
450013]851]243912.6188,566] 1.593.1 894]7 0,2309 61449.4 22101 13.158.2 10,2564 32834 16882.0 6,9]].1 13.190.6 15.9163 2204169.8244 ]]15].9 6.125.8 ].256.1198.316.913].461.4 45.5990 6].18]3 56.1133106.]674 15,2]2.8108,]]6]106.9634
5000 230.854.5238OB20182,6120 14]1.9 9,09]7 6.359.0 31,9fi1.3 1,5]04 132]1.6 10,086.1 1,5360 14,]61.] 6435.5 9.2692 124980 t93.81fi85682 ]1251.3 5.5387 66412219,5288150,159.3 51.0119 643059 45086.8 98395] 21,2fi].0100,138.6 98.208.6
55002232x0]22]]1811]6.2]2.3 1,5528 8.9359 6113.5 230543 10963 13341.9 5,833ti 1.96]0 13,8]6.9 5.981.5 6435.9 9.9034 1938166,344.0 64,636] 50]34 6.054 2 238049 3 161.520.0 5609]0 59.522.6 4710]0 91.1358 10431.5 92.062.1 90,054.5
6000 215.1368 218990.8 169.636.2 1830.0 ]9944 ].346.6 19.2295 ]613 13383.7 9,52]9 1.53]2 13203.4 5.55].8 363].2 ]8200 150.0 162.]210 568104 4.]40.8 56860 254110.] 1]1.5251 60.806.3 5361].5 39.550.8 846244 16.3]2.2 B415fi.5 82.]56.8
65002064]63209.8332162,81].5 1.969.1 13523 8.]551 14489.2 5341 13.3fi36 9,196.2 1,200.] 12,593.0 5426.7 2.3]44 6.223.9 1260158,369.3 53,114.3 4.558.2 54]20268,19].0180,348.4 650658 46.700.2 76,196.3 ]8.]]99 14,899.5 ]8295.8 76,268.1
700019].3384200.308.]155.895.1 2,058.2 ],140.8 6.558.8 12,614] 3553 13345.8 8,8374 9439 12056.5 5.328.8 1820.1 5.0064 ]50153.1813 480865 44438 5359.2280193]180.259] 68.]85.3 39.68]9 33,3840 ]344]0 13661.] ]2.5119 ]04]01
]500 186 030 9 190112 1 149,088.3 2.34].3 112].2 6,5393 114655 2401 133150 8486.4 ]404 11,631.2 5,136.2 1,596.8 x,043.8 O.U 14],5378 43589.3 44192 5.328.0291,803.9194.9930 ]1.]38.] 32955.3 31000.0 68,50]] 12,59].4 6].3290 852384
BOOU 1]90810181.528.3142.88].2 25]1.3 ]2]04 6.]19.1 10.3fi9.0 162] 13.2860 8,1154 5]9.4 11.320.8 4965.6 +..5]5.8 32808 00141.]]81 39685.6 4.5695 54552301.01].8200.8328 ]4066.1 26.63fi.9 28,886.1 640509 11,632.5 62.5083 60,404.]
85001]0.50651]2194213],11].0 2.60].fi ].1611 6,8040 10.5010 109.0 132]].2 ]1]0.8 4562 11,0292 S,U]1.2 15219 2665.5 0.0135,835.5 76.168.5 4818.1 50644309,2584205.92]9 ]5.9561 20.8264 26,9235 60038] 10.7]6.8 58.11]0 56.002.5
9000 162 3430 164 549.8131.]15.1 2,440.1 69]30 6.4000 10253.6 ]9.5 13.280.1 ]4411 364.5 10,8013 5,54].6 1463.5 2.1]20 0.0129,605.5 32,9631 50548 58]20316,2]]4210.2162 ]733]4 16,0]9.4 25.1103 56.3534 10,033.8 54.136.] 51985.5
10000 14]2344149.462.6122,050.5 1583.1 1305.6 669]] 94571 42.1 13328.5 6.8121 2513 10494] 6.2044 1331.1 1425.1 001116491 2]6]21 52844 6.06]]32].18252161]0] 78690.1 9,579.5 21,946.6 096006 66199 4].2392 4498].3
11000 133.211 ] 135.523.2 113,218.6 1.3824 6.1 U2 ] ] 4646 9.182 ] 24 ] 13.394.9 6.2]3.3 2256 10462.4 6.313.6 1.3]9.9 530.8 88 0 107068 B 23.531 ] 5061 ] 5.]438 334442.8 2209161 ]84994 6.5]5.1 19466.] 03,]0] 5 ],504.2 41,631 3 39316.6
120001205]25122.8909104,9911 1335.3 ],93]7 7318.8 84109 14.3 13,4424 5,844] 1]9.8 10,2391 6,148.0 1.153.] 609.1 88.0 9].50]5 20.3238 9.]212 62815338,815.3122929.8 ]]0664 529]9 1],545.3 38,9]0] 6]198 3]2834 34,868.8
13000 109.3701 111.596 6 97,29fi.5 1422.8 ] 950.9 ].354.9 ],953.3 6 ] 13.513 1 54851 13] 4 9.914.5 6.1414 1,0]9.9 408.] 0 0 69023 1 18 053.8 4,50] 3 4.998 ] 340.805.3 223.1304 ]4.6131 4,512 0 15,944 3 35223 4 6' 049 G 33.826 ] 31326 5
14000 99.228 8 101334 l 89.925.2 1.531.] 9,603 9 6928 9 ].38]4 6 4 13.580.3 5.160.1 109 6 9,6165 6 31fi.9 532 ] 298 9 0.0 81,610.9 16.35] 0 4 400 6 4885 3 340 601.6 221 868 0 71 491.2 3.950.] 14,6641 32.265.0 5.43].2 30 846.0 20 2]0.8
15000 899]12 919381 82,]]3.0 12406 94854 0829.1 ],2934 46 13,655.] 4.882.8 925 936].2 6269.0 5341 238.1 00 ]4.5114 150215 4.368.5 48584338.235821929]] 6]99].2 3.560.5 13,6110 29,]]1] 5.0113 28.4161 25153.8
16000 81.34]] 83.204.5 ]5130.0 951.8 9.1094 84565 ].2125 19 13.]6].2 4,6325 ]90 9.2696 6.1534 399.2 2001 00 67,9]5.0 13.986.8 6320.2 469953344641215811] 64.224.8 3.320.0 12.6540 2].5304 4.6461 26.2823 235493
1)000 ]3.3068 ]5,0656 68,]]1.1 10311 9.]00.9 8965.5 ].2454 OS 13.851.3 4.4254 695 9.241.3 5.8401 1]61 182.8 00 62341.3 13.2064 4.1201 42839329,861.52118248 60446.8 3.129.1 11,845.] 25,5085 4.2529 245453 21.]213
18000 85.3958 6].0941 61185.9 13]3.3 9186] 90567 ],2901 0.0 13.996.3 4.228.8 SB.B 9,0]9.8 5366.5 2]52 158.8 0.0 5]0]51 12.5204 39464 39036323,9063206.]665 56,602.8 2,]]4.4 11,165.8 2318].9 40900 23.3621 262234
• • •
Pee Dee River -Reach 2 - Subreach SR2 -Weighted Useable Area (sq ft per 1000 ft of linear stream)
150 18.148.3 1]4466 11,0180 34,452.2 26.386.2 25,712]263.196.4 A11J 21.]80.2 96150 ]0.]49.6 62.540.] 35.030.3 1.366.2 26,730.4133.1125 61,8]2.9 13.523.3 5160fi9 49.1259 1984 1984 OD 0.1135,359.9194
5]5.4 3]
941 6 155 269 3 154
1]5 21952.2 20.6188 13,11]6 32,832.2 26.644.] 25,555.6263.830.5 .
1023.5 22.]68.1 102088 ]60101 63.820.8 35,5]4.1 1,368.2 30,105.0135,202.9 621fi26 155034 52891.2 50.296] 2519 251.9 0.0 42141.949.5199,969.3 42
596 4 161163 6 161
200 15.013.9 23.5885 15.4]3.0 31,564.3 2].7208 26,531 4 264 142.9 .
123]] 24041.] 11.103.9 80834.8 65,0131 359161 1616.5 33218.1139,83]3 638183 1]486.3 56.15]3 51,2841 3106 3106 01 36.]148,9103205
335.] 4]
225 28,8372 2].5832 iB.Ofi]] 29.988.1 28,6524 27392126565]) .
1485.2 25261.1 11,9]43 848790 6fi.344.5 38.3081 1.]012 36215.6143024.5 64.9195 19,409.0 55.26]2 52,1]5.0 36]6 36].6 O6 110.0155
395.8210361.0 52
250 321626 31,2510 20.]85.9 28.54]3 29680] 28,34652fi6, .
1,]35.9 26,4510 12846.9 89,0622 6],629.8 36.646.1 2,0040 39416.4146.170.3 fifi.03].6 21,2982 56.3261 53,049.3 923.5 423.5 2.2 237.1161
1 5]
275 36,]606 34,981.5 23,605.9 2],312.1 30.489.2 29.091.226].1977 .
2.0101 2].583.8 1311]] 92,905.5 68.8464 36,910.9 2,2]8.2 42.9]6.214],815.2 6],138.6 23,148.6 5],208.5 53.]43.3 41].8 4]7.8 4.9 42191616110219
70]5 61
300 40,885.8 38822.2 26,565.8 26,551.9 30.845.5 29433.0 261,9064 ,
2.336.] 28,]01.2 14,548.3 96,695.4 ]0.053.5 3].154.] 3143.0 461653 149,9]0.2 fiB250.1 24.9]0.6 58,004.1 54.4110 532.8 532.8 8.2 6494 1]3378.9 224
1602 654901 153
8196 193
325 6506].7 42.]142 29.580.9 26412.5 31.563.6 30,0]9.3268.57]4 ,
26941 29,]80.2 15,31]31004094 ]1,2232 3].3fi34 3,800.8 50428.6150,5]38 69.3656 26]43] 58.]]3.3 55.0841 591.] 5903 13.2 912]11819]4228489.1 69
215]199 429 9 1981128
350 49.30]1 46.6609 32.633.5 25,513.] 32.1132 30,6031269.009.3 ,
3.085.9 30.876.3 16.2081103.855.3 12.4024 3],500.1 4.]904 5397]8152426.4 70,534.9 28464.8 59.595.0 55.825.1 653.0 6494 201 1.199.9184
ifi6.0232806.0 ]2
9]4 8 204216 5
375 53,5339 50.591.9 35,6930 23.505.1 33,0363 314]6.52]0,0601 .
3480.3 31.905.1 17,0183106,5383 73.529.0 31.654.1 5.126.3 5]389 4 152 835.6 ]1.6619 30.1112 60,2]12 58412.4 71]6 I10V 291 75011189
0 ]6
400 51,855.1 54,60].8 38,833.9 22222.9 33.661.0 32,054.52]1,4455 ,
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939.5 ]9
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4,661.4 34,903.0 190495113,163.0 ]6,598.5 38066.5 ]114.4 86,180 9 152 66].6 ]4,9624 34,53]3 62,061.4 58,3502 9219 90].6 152 2476.]2026]1.]248
6058 85
500 14,5519 70,208.3 51,042.8 20126.1 35.8315 33.886.9214,6330 .
5340.5 36,9805 20.590.211]1]56 ]8.651.0 38.298.] ],861.0 12,04]0158,5404 ]],30]8 3],1930 63.1911 59.581.3 10924 1,0524 1165 3,2]5.92113]0.5258,1]98 91488.9234
084 2 233 036
550 83352.9 18.459.8 57.510.4 19.9250 36.1938 34425.52]51716 ,
5.9246 389816 22,12]3121991.9 Bn.633.6 38.556.5 82547 ]],75241584599 79.]]3.5 39.659.1 84,1044 606639 1284.1 1,2153 1]2] 4.143.6219.15]3263,6822 9]046.9242,8fi0.8241153.8
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650 101,919.] 95,8601 ]1,121.2 11080.7 384191 364824 219165] .
6,]91.6 43.0356 25,455 0 126 842.1 84.218.8 38.5566 10.5299 8]6269 168121.1 85.0925 66,314.8 64.9618 61.950.3 1.863.1 1,66].4 423.3 6,422.8 232
12]] 2]8
568.] 101
431 1 258 628
8 25]3984
]00110.3063103.763.8 17.254.5 16.522.5 38,935.6 36,9904281.745.1 ,
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750 118469.4 1114521 83,215.8 15,89] 1 39.881.0 3].8966 283.150.9 .
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192 0 250 ]04.5 116
0168 270
0 269041 3
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]9914 513564 32,124]120.471.5 91.494.9 38,089.1 15.531.9100,352.6129,83].3 98,1961 53.819.2 62,8896 615935 4.020.1 3390.6 2,5]5.5 122885250
950149,0461140.283.6105fi792 12,8350 43,344.4 412]76285,826.6 .
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1050 163.183.1 153.6826 116,069.9 10.8316 4589].1 43,6503 28].]264 .
8489.8 55,486.1 35.852.9 111,899.8 950011 368961 1],8600 103.3411 111 9911 106,508.2 58,4916 59.]02.0 59294.5 5,789.4 46031 54094 15.815.8 255048.6 310
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5 292
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],825.9 58,7860 40.524] 108.5346 92,]51.3 21559.8 34.3489115.925.3 88002.1 119.3344 670264 51.345.1 50.148.5 9,5903 8,1259 I,6fi1.6 22
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1400 221.365.1 209.424.6 159.2044 4,141.] 4],0]36 44140.0 289.27]1 ,
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1500 233,6180 220.7]6.6 3.]55.8 46451.9 44.1]39 2816642 .
11280 61544.6 63,9020 9844] 9 69.6264 22,6006 46281.8 123,0244 6].115.1 129.9322 ]2.559.2 451011 44.3171 13.]85.8 11.Sfi6.2 9,8566 29
1114 263264.3 315
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1550239485.2226.23961]3.469.1 3.4962 45.]98.0 43.562.5281.3948 .
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1600 245.064.4 231 449 0 1]1,8135 3.485.2 45091.6 42,9033 286121.] .
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090.4 322
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1]50 260,946.5 246.365.2 1904164 2135.5 44,608.5 42.501 9 284.4584
1800265.809.3250.952.8194,2395 2640.5 44462] 42
2 .
8,7]35 65.5606 48.3508 82410.8 88.3]0.8 21.0)41 51.59].8 11923].1 52325.9 143,942.5 1].893.0 39.899.3 39,288.6 20,253.6 16.523.0 18126.5 36.905.9 261,201.0 310,821.] 19].3820 329.5214 32]1930
9 8622]6 49
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9]5.5 44
9 152
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1 36
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6 25
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2 258
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311 30] 001 2 147.5941 333923.5 332,1455
863].0 68,1580 51452.4 71.310.1 8611] 3 20.1004 55.115.3 113424.5 423391 154 6892 81199.3 35674.5 35
464 8 26
3 21
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2]4 5 333
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2000 283.8302 261,9]99 208463.5 2,311.9 47.1516 44896.9 282,6031 .
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1 334
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4 84
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143a 32
3521 50
40]6 58
2500 318322.5 300.7406 236.1]1.8 2,546.0 48.123.5 45,919.9 271.1285 .
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41223.] 341,650.2 339,5914
8019] 13,96].3 58685.5 63,036.8 ]9,2006 11656.0 54,880.4 BB1J3.C 210419 185050fi 93.125.1 24141 B 25261.4 48,182.2 3].596.5 60.130.1 65,8962 236.4552 285.625.3 139
3]]6 341
1 339
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8 94
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6 44380
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999 8 230120 1 283
] 134
2900 340184 2 321 6431 255,406.3 1,715.8 430105 41.0031269,1901 .
311 342,8380 3406]91
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1 21
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]161 62
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3.049fi 340.900.3
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2824 342859
) 340
3100 351,2019 331261.1 264.531 F 14]14 39.9110 31993.5 2fi4,5857 .
5.69]] 1103].6 619544 31,845.2 66,9204 15,193.1 558021 ]5,1272 13.051 1 203 983.3 96.111 ] 191380 19.643.9 ]2.1221 55219.0 850855 86.854.9 221,012.] 219.49].0 127 8553 342
3221 340
3250 358,1684 33].160.2 2]0.5411 1343.4 38.8941 31029.4 2614224 .
5.421.1 ]],]98.9 623306 29,1541 63.]8].0 14,555.9 55,5564 ]227] ] 11.]01 3 208.510.1 96.fi983 184905 18.294.] 78.8161 60.23].1 92.421 6 92.921.3 215181 3 276
913.] 124
8 340
3 338
3500 36],31]2 346.5]2.] 218,15]2 1331.3 39,3070 3],391.8 259390.1 ,
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0315 118589
3 335424
0 333
4000 382,655.4 3614411 290.8883 1.588.5 3],345.3 35624.0 256,545.9 .
5,465.9 ]9,]43.1 61,9912 1].]198 53.5504 12416.9 422]5.4 55236.6 5.510.9 225.553.0 102224.9 13.05].5 13.155.5 111,001 9 84.1]].] 119,285.3 115
3049 184
839.4 254
1609 101
0 323
3 321854
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5000 403.996.3 382269.4 308426.1 2,04] 1 35.5131 33,9494 232,109 ] .
6,608.2 80.35] 1 58.293.0 9.910.3 42,5109 104174 22,598.2 39355.8 2,941.5 23],]656 1064351 9,3648 9,555.5 162,131.] 121.160 ] 139,183.3 130628.4 151.356.1 228
3191 87
1288 29]
53] fi 295
5500 409.386.3 38].656.4 312566.5 1,833.5 350]1.5 33,5941 200,fi206 .
3,9815 80,102.1 55.5005 ],628.2 38,3]06 9841.2 1].973.8 330361 1.634.2 240.6]1.8 106,9693 8,3261 8,5189 190251.3 141.14].6 166,438.9 130.]96.3 138,618.2 21] 692.7 ]8
8681 284
158 ] 282
6000410,932 0 389 470.8313.4060 1.8554 33.3]8.5 31,928.41]1.591.5 ,
33453 19,629.0 52460.9 6,0205 34900.1 93918 12,87]4 2)1861 582.0241980.1105695.8 ].622.0 ].801.42189161161.410.1153.118512]090.6128
189.9208426.2 ]1413
6500609,069.0388,0241311.6564 19836 31,621.4 30209.1142661.9 .
2128.3 18950.6 49,2493 69354 31.994[ 9.015.8 10,365.1 23369.0 5304241.971.]105289.3 ].1524 ]304.824]4600181,5113159.A405120.096.81156054200
2 64
]000 404.5091 384,021.3 30].985.5 23821 2]49] B 26.138.) 119.584 ] .
2.201 6 ]8,151 ] 45,9981 a.154 9 29.5694 8 619.] 6.982 6 19.]23.3 517.1 240.913.1 103.3911 6,83]1 6956.1 215.503.2 201.262 3 16559] 9 112.1191 192
]11.5 59
362 6 24]42]
5 245
108 ]
7500 398053.3 3]8.139.6 302,9455 2.956.9 239541 22.66]3 101.0174 .
1,7311 ]],2161 42.]983 35438 2].525.2 8.269.9 5,289.3 16.830.5 519.0 238.955.] 100,903.2 6.]266 8.806.8 302 8268 220464.3 1]3.280.] 101,1691 105
]093 185
882] 54
8 236
9 234
8000 390.115.8 370809.0 296.815.9 3,142.5 21,641.8 20,3809 85,069.2 .
13816 ]6.1956 39.]544 3.054.0 251855 8.0052 6,145.0 14,527.1 443.] 236,289.2 9],931.5 6.]584 6,794.9 329,202.6 238.]61.9 1]9,939.9 902]0.4 100.0031 1]9,600.8 50.346.5 226
1 224
8500 381 2890 362 628.0 290042.] 2,991 fi 20.0550 18,8914 ]6.5860 ,
1098.9 15,1]0.3 36.855.1 2, 24248.8 7,914.3 30614 126961 443.] 233.0193 94454.8 6,9460 6.924.5 356409.9 155.980.9 186.3]53 ]9244.8 94,8)21 1]3
780.0 66
6 21]
5 215425
9000 311,838.6 353.8]2.6 282,8]86 30839 18.346.3 112801 fi585].1 .
884.5 ]4.0161 34.1601 2,299.8 22,9224 8.3302 2.5681 11,130.5 368.5 229.1]].8 90,626.1 ].186.] ]0949 3]8.363.6 212,1]56 192.555.3 69,0310 90291.8 1682]05 43355.3 2089]1
6 206
95003fi2.0811344,83612]5.4736 3.0273 1],6689 16.39].8 56.110.9 .
]011 ]28439 31.5]8.3 2011.3 21.]92.3 8684.2 1280.3 9,]93.4 32552249483 86 fi8]4 14252 ]2636400350.2286.9957198,3115 59.5618 86.08].81629874 40
10000 352 061 9 335.521.9 267.8]] ] 3,1898 1].540.2 16.500.5 52.4098 ,
5614 11,634.2 29,258.] 1,]69.8 20892.1 8.8548 2.1272 8.6208 325.5 2200080 82.65]6 I,fiS].9 ]423.6 428311 ] 300496.6 203848 ] 51080.5 82,226.8 15]
846.6 382030 192164
2 1904942
10500342.022.]326,1]8.22602]28 3,0061 17231.3 16.206.0 44.93]6 .
430.4 ]0,406.3 21,102.8 15601 20.152.6 8.98]6 2,010.6 15961 112.0214.744.2 18.11]9 780].2 ]514.9438,234.8312,633.6208.56].5 43,5456 ]8,655.51528631 36.1021185
11000731912.3316.]206252.625.5 2,613.3 11206.8 16.168.1 39,822.3 .
338.6 69.1]12 25.1582 1378.5 19,554.1 9,019.5 1.762.2 67114 172.0208.6014 7d 9130 ]951.1 ],601.9454,296]323,3863213.031.8 3].1]40 15.3316148.0005 3423941]1932.21]5615]
11500321.930430].33952450905 22825 11453.6 16363.0 34,]375 2746 6],9359 23,3]5.8 1,2242 1901].3 9.190.5 1.]55.2 5.9419 118.3202,8]].2 ]1,2208 8.065.6 ].6664468150.6332.94].1211.0884 31,90fifi 72.2241143,3025 32.59]8111
010 1 168 64]3
12000311.999 8 298 010.523].600.5 2.1465 1].443.5 16.340.1 30,3021 .
2213 66.]23.1 21166.8 1,0]5.6 18,508.8 9,488.4 1432.4 5,244.3 118.31915931 6].622.1 8,1180 1,666]4814]083a1.223B 220.6584 2],381.8 69.2338138,6208 31
12500 302041.5 288,659.6 230.0968 2.1321 1].499.1 163Bfi.6 28683.9 .
19fi0 655618 20.291.2 963.9 18,083.0 9,]099 818.2 4,649.3 96.8 192050.1 64.2121 8,136.4 16356 492510.2 3683444 2231001 23436.8 6fi 503.9 134.114.3 29162.6 15]
]fi56 155
13000292,12492]9.331.3222,621.9 2.046.2 17475.5 16394.6 26.624.4 .
15]0 64.3]6.2 19,014.0 Bfi5.2 17186.] 9,]158 636.] 4,123.8 968186,515.] 61044.6 8,123.5 7.582.8502.246135439]7226,239.3 19,9971 63,911.5129,6]).] 28
13500 282200.6 210.012 ] 215.131.0 2,339.2 11468.5 16 4184 25 662 5 .
123.3 63,273 8 1 ].820.2 ]]54 1 ] 535.2 9.780 3 408 5 3,662.2 43 0 180.93] ] 58079 a B,O]7.5 ].500 5 510.689 ] 359,565 8 228,2010 17 044.3 61454.0 125.316 2 21450 8 145 5616 143
140002]24]0.0260.896.2207.1490 2,5684 17.562.2 18,5003 24.866.3 .
101.9 62,0]29 16.7]].2 ]029 1]2645 9.]630 6085 72503 43.01]54919 55.2935 8,004.5 ].396.451).9234 Jfi3.90932296691 14547.5 59,1235121029.5 264035139]50
14500262.9241251.930 8 200 418.3 2,5308 17.269.1 16.248.0 24,0900 .
BBB 60,966.5 15847.5 6368 1].015.3 9.513.8 408.5 2.884.5 430169,]2]3 52,699.1 1,93].9 ].3021523,97893fi1461.5230.6936 12.335.9 56679.5116,8409 2541]4134
16500221.143.2218.160.71]3.200.5 24319 16.985.] 160032 21026.6 .
579 56.]469 12,9]1.0 620.9 16.0913 9455.2 258.0 1.808] 430150,8822 44,255.5 ]951.] ].1006539.916.13]6,005.3230383a 6.536.0 48.5404101.2632 21.9208113.193.1110,6131
• • •
Pee Dee River -Reach 2 - Subreach SR3 -Weighted Useable Area (sq ft per 1000 ft of linear stream)
150 4,]684 4.]26] 3,2931 75.606.5186146418444501563208 00 91341.9 22.9014 ]505]] 140.032.6 30,333.6 00 12889.12324812 86.]]8.8 23.765.6 SU.Ofi39 52,11]2 0.0 0.0 03 23/.1180.093.3231,891.3 50896.2223,9216223.4907
180 ]5618 ].4692 5,27]1 68,716.1188,283.1 185883 5 15].9]5.6 O.U 94.263.0 26,527x 83.113.1142.14]8 30,312) UO 16906]23?.140.7 888908 2],9252 50,690.8 52,8037 02 02 3.2 552.2189,681 1 236 955.1 59.146.8234.542.]234.0845
210 10,9260 10,]504 ].?551 63.2275191,065 6 188 462 4 160,184.3 09 9].171.5 2fi,1918 903558144,338.2 30.368.8 0.0 16951.9236,932.5 90,9]]5 31,816.5 51,1]08 53.341.9 2.P 2.8 Bl 10201198,3567241.508.3 66657.2246.3024263.8193
240 14,605 6 14.314 5 10.509.0 60092.0 193,35] 3 190537 6 163.384.] 5.9 99.936 0 2],758 9 56 693 3 146 633.) 30 406.4 U 0 19.003 1 236,756.9 93.003 4 35 499 6 51 456.9 53 660 5 111 111 16 4 1,546 0 206,086 3 245.509.2 73 468.8 253.104 4 252.598 4
2J0 165]2.9 18,1372 13.4761 5].362.0195.]943192,]90.9165.996.9 112102,657.] 19,350.41V2,0059148.555.2 30444.2 0.0 20.990.5234969.2 95000.8 390438 5167fi0 53920.3 26.8 24.8 257 2.116.3213.108.8249,141.5 79.9011161.1551260.6273
300 22639.2 22,0448 16.5247 54.132.919]695.5194.568.1168,]144 1]6105233.1 30860.4106,3]](1150.524.9 30.4]6.5 U.0 22,841.4231,8274 9]078.6 42,368.0 51,]]8.1 54,0535 50.8 50.8 382 2.]46.5219.283.1252.482.0 05.]90.326832].126],]]90
330 26.9548 26,169.3 19.]]6.5 51,002.8199534.2196251.01]0,639.8 27.0107,]18.5 32384.3 110050 7 152.417.8 30.55].] fi70 24654322963]0 99086.5 45.389.9 51800.7 54089.4 101.] 101] 59.2 3.4664225.068.8255641.6 91,353.0275,12]62]4,5600
360 31,383.6 30.392.2 23,155.E 4],0680 201.588.6 198.2224 1]4,3949 35.2 110060.8 33842.2 112.9521 154.1241 30554.1 6]0 264118 224,935.9 101.045.] 48.190.1 51.]55.8 54.0]3.8 169.9 1695 991 4,2284 230261.9 2584]28 96,3526 281,33]8 280,]528
390 35,904.] 34,]6]6 2fi.665.2 45,195.9203.851 8 200 360 0 1]6,330.1 495112,341.0 35.289.2 115 453 4 155.]194 30,645.8 670 28.178 3 221 4112 103,052.0 50822.5 51.]16.0 54.04]3 251.8 250.] 1]12 5.025.8235.12].]261.194.8101,035428],3655286.7652
420 405573 35.101.9 30,209.2 42,3861205.3]1.8201,]68.81]?,753.1 ]3]114.50].1 36692.111]492.315],11]2 30.6]02 670 29,814.92195589104,9921 53.216.6 51.595.0 53,938.4 3631 341.] 288.9 5,820 3 239528 7 263.]055105,3849293,052 6 292 439 3
450 45.291.4 43.5]64 33,939.0 39.864.3 205.8(14.] 202,160.1 1800460 86.8 11fi 582.0 38.085.5 119.115.8 158.422.3 30668.1 670 314232 216,]28.3 106.94fi.5 554364 516159 53,7701 451.5 448.1 444.0 6,6196 243,645.8 26fi 0]23 109,555.9 298,6045 297.97].0
480 49.911] 47.926.5 3]63].5 38,38152U],94312U4,121.3181.308.9 109.3118.5546 39,43]1 120251 9 159,529.6 30,713] 670 3291].9 211 206 0 108830.9 5],512.? 51.2539 53608.8 5]6.8 5]1.9 6396 ],380.0 24J.4044268.213.8113410.5303,933.8303290.[
510 52.3531 414644 36.153 2 209442 9 205,519.3182,08]8 13291204960 40,7662121.11981605691 30.]988 13411 34,348.9209.346.3110.]28.2 59.5021 51,020.9 53,3804 727.1 ]20.3 8644 8.1040250,84].6270.22651170fi31309.0]]03084244
540 59.2]99 56,]126 45.2909 33.636.3 211421 4 207.343.8 183234.1 161 ] 122,3]46 42,0]9.] 121 6]83 161464.3 3086].2 201 0 356]0.5 205.228.9 112.61].9 61601.1 50,]]80 53,1388 903.0 894.3 1,1219 8,908 ] 254,0034 2]2.015.1 120,585.8 314.0]00 313401.5
5J0 64,0121 61,139.4 49.211.9 32.005.6 212 075 3 20]963 1 185 504.3 188.6 124,1]].3 43.3684 121.93].3 162,3124 309624 2010 36,974.5 202,771.5 114481.9 63.1956 50,4992 52.8582 1,1104 1.0994 1,4039 9.)05.4 250.9816 273.658.1 1'14.0134 319,088.2 3184018
600 68683.9 65490.4 53.163.5 29.965.5 2126]4.] 208.525.0 188.208.1 220.0 125898.3 44,6218 121,933.4 163.041.3 31.018.8 ]52.5 38,1977 198.017.1 116,2969 64889.3 50,210.1 52,560.6 1,393.1 1,328.6 1.]15.1 104944 259,658.2 2]5,152.9 12] 212.3 323.992.8 323,28].]
630 73409] 69,8881 5],136.0 2].925.8216,421 6 210 210 4 189.9793 256.4127.565.0 4586]2121.]58.9163.]10.6 31032.8 ]52.5 394009193.461.9118,144.4 66,SE2.8 49,8951 522398 18024 1,5829 2,050.8 11,3220262.126.52]6484.6130404.9328,8332328.109.2
6fi0 ]8.062.4 74,2091 61,109.0 26,080]215535.3211265.7190,9609 302.11[9.184.3 47.0]20121,384.5164278.5 31.1230 819.5 40,5089189,702.6119,920.4 68.1]8.9 49.554.] 518918 1.8809 1856.3 2409.9 12.139.6264,399.0 2J]649.5133.501833].5]30332.828.6
]00 84.336.0 80032.6 66485.2 23.]344 21].2524 212,851.8 191,0425 3575 131.255.5 68.6414 120.562.3 164.9221 31,26].3 819.5 41.915 5 186 69]9 122.306.] ]0245.4 49.1059 514233 2.2850 22512 2.9129 13.2565 267.107.0 279.0511 13],420 7 3396902 338.9183
740 905fi9.1 85813.3 ]1,888.1 21,6694219.6439215.09].9192,0891 4124133.304.1 50.1]0.0119462.3165.4390 31.4258 1.152.9 43,145]182,'[182124,694.7 ]2240.6 48.6230 509218 2.]226 2.67]7 34941 14.3681269475.52802]1.6141.0924345.5694344,7686
780 96]]54 91566.7 77,331.6 19.988.3 220,300.3 215,]19.0 192,462.6 469.5 135,189.3 51,649.5 118,036.] 1658136 31,586.5 1,516.2 44,2045 1]8.8959 12].034.2 ]4.191.3 48.078.1 50.3592 3.193.7 3.1354 4.1]4.8 154816 271,503.2 281 291 6 144,410.2 351.1111 350.278.1
8201028583 91204.4 82,]10.8 18.146.1220,9281216,283.5192.396.3 538.113?015.2 53.11]6 116 368 8 166,087.3 31.7368 1.5162 45.118.81]26059129,362.2 76.0843 4],5882 498414 3688.9 3.613.2 4,895.5 165811273.22fi.5282.135.914],482.]356 402 5 355536 6
400108,]89.3102.69].5 8]98]6 166211221.502.6216,8134193 fi3].3 6010138.80]8 54,SU81114.584.5166,2852 31,8664 1.8189 45,9010168,145.3131646.9 ]]92]6 6],028.9 49,2573 4,19].3 4101.6 5,642.0 1],64632]4.688.6 282829 4 150.233]361.347.1360450.9
900 114.619.8 108,093.8 93,2201 16549.7 222,8302 218.129.6 193,183.1 fi64.U 1404008 55,903.0 112,65]8 166,399.7 32006.1 18189 46.565.0 168.196.8 133.943.1 79.]26.9 4044].5 48,654.3 4.7315 46136 64303 18,6]52 2]5.932.0 283406.9 152,757 0 365984 6 365063.8
940 120289.] 113,338.0 96341.5 14842.3 224,233.6 219,45fi.8 1929]14 723.7 142,058.5 5],2400 110.622 3 166 441.1 32,092.2 1,8860 411486 161.]32.5 136.163.6 81,510.8 45,818.3 4].9987 5.304.2 S.tfi14 1274.2 19,6]98 27fi 939.2 283.]46.8 154.8806 370 192 2 369,24].5
980127,22?.8119.]4].]104.76].2 13.128.3225441.9220625.3193.698.9 712.]144.046.1 59,194.8111.7194167,54fi.2 32.2025 2,044.] 47 815 4 158.144.5138.346.1 83.9064 45.194.] 4],355.9 5,512.2 5.3495 ?.]84.5 20,6049280,326.8285029.]159,11]8375,368]3]4,4105
1020 134.388.] 126,353.2 111.4785 11.668.0 226,908.8 222.061 ] 1946342 691.5 145.990.1 61,1916 112,618.6 ifi8649.5 32.214.] 2.113.1 48,6fi2.5 156465.3 140.5596 86,2]79 44,519.0 46,6533 5.711.0 5.528.1 8.233.] 21,616.5 283,657.3 286210.1 163,2273 380.404 ] 379435.5
1060101,810.3133.199.7118.4804 10,05]6229.160.8224.1851194.4598 653414790]1 63.2212113,231.81696]3.5 32.1421 2,0]5.5 49,092.0153.226.1142.7834 88,592.0 43.]856 45,0914 5,901.0 5,696.5 8,6828 22,]28]286.860.6 287 261 3 167 2499 385.1074384.210]
1100145492.51402]9.6125.7601 9.323.12315]9.3226.049]195.4096 606.0145.]56.] 65,290.2113,56].61706084 32.0264 2,79]9 69,691.9150.562.81450319 90,8572 436161 46081.3 6.0]3.7 5.8495 9.131.1 23,90]5289,953.3288.2258171.2419389.85853888]30
114015]413.214].566.5133.316.9 8,306.1233.4]34228.3655195,629] 550.0151626.8 67.379.0113648.11]1423.5 31838.3 2.689.] 50,283.0148.165.9147287.7 930]61 422354 442548 6236.3 5,995.3 9,566.3 25,188.9292,9571289,14021]5252.8 390498 6 393,5031
12001664]4.3 15].]20.1 143,939.3 6,9154 235,591.3 230.3186 196,7353 5010 153,964.1 70.139.5 111945.6 171863.0 31.553.1 2605.0 50,9]1.9 160,7624 1506622 96019.8 40,99]0 42,9457 6,]42.6 6,46]8 1042] 3 27219.] 295.8]5.2 289,803.5 179.]12.5 400,SOfi7 399526.]
12601J].1451165.fi62.6152.348.6 6,3749237.6530 232.2670198.1322 554.0155.695.6 72.0066107.39681]10724 31,238.9 3.2366 512152133,304.2153,804.0 98,3139 398273 41.]12.] ]8828 ],5000 11,]706 29,306.8295,?02.3 289 429 3 180.984.2400.6032403550.8
13201865%5.81]3,3]61160.6024 6,0913240,0938234,502.2201,6423 608215]362.0 73.7984102,9062170.10]9 30.94]0 3,4203 51,308.8 115,0?24156.8655100.5589 38609.0 60491.5 9,163.8 8,6229 13.08]8 31429.3295,3488208,8814181.866.6 408412 5 401333.3
1380193,686.2180.]86 5 168 618.9 5656]242,312.82365216202.1713 65911569116 ]64846 965329169.046.5 30,633.9 3,fi923 51.1948116,9864159,8154102.]514 3]5433 393053 10.5]23 98322 14.3804 33,5898294.771.1288.2374182.439.3411.96fi.541 U,862d
1400201.466818].8]621]6403.3 5.32U1243.67fi5237182.12029368 )161160.36fi.5 7],121] 9422].316].8864 30,2984 585]4 50,9159108401.2162,]36.]104.90].0 36.435.5 38,145.1 12.095.2 11,11]7 15,704] 35.]69.5293,9510287,50]5182.608.7415,157 6 414 032.4
1500 208,899.0 194,634 3 183.914.2 5.142.1 244,332.9 238,299.8 202,Btfi 5 ]71.9 161 ]966 78,6428 89.9964 166.6]2.0 29,9119 6.968.1 505000 102,347 fi 165,5]8.6 10].022.2 35.313.6 36.971.8 13.]65.] 12,483.9 1],044.3 31.966.9 292,9449 286.716 6 iB2 470.3 418079.]
1560216,052.5201.136.5191.1920 5,372 1 246 091 3 240,005.82041880 878.1163,1184 80.0932 85.966.8165.3642 29,5153 6984.6 49.9511 952669168,371.E 109.090.6 34220.1 35.833.0 15639.9 13.9230 18.4146 40201.5291.]446285,810.8182045.5420,7515419.5954
1620 222.900.2 20] 35].8 198 206 B 5.155 7 247 301.1 241.132.9 203.fi5].4 863.3 164,346 9 81421 U 82.102 3 163.984 ] 29085.] 7 356.3 69,395.9 89 950 5 171,055.2 111,080.9 33,2284 34191.9 17 670 ] 16419.2 19.]95.6 42 492.9 290,3]1 5 284,842 7 181 414 4 423,162 6 421995 U
1680 229468.0 213.326.8 204990.] 4.819.0 249,952 ] 2436952 203.1610 910.2 165,536.0 82,6672 78.405.0 1fi2,5416 28,680.1 ]4120 48.]56] 81809.9 1]3698.2 113,005.5 32,2204 33.738.6 19.]669 16964.9 21,161.2 44.821.9 288811 ] 2838184 180,5498 4252]37 424.090.3
1740 236693.6218.9]8.8211,488.6 4.5532249.288]243,116.1201,01].3 948.4 ifi61213 8384]8 74,829.31610780 282604 ].5313 48,0]04 76983.8176,243.8114,915.1 31,2626 32.742.3 21.92].6 16558.6 22.531.4 4]210.3287081.6282126.]1]9,433.5427.1416425941.6
1800 241 62].5 224,363.2 217.737 2 4.3100 208,]29.3 242.6318 200.7008 907.0 16]802.2 86,9550 ]1,432.3 159,552.8 2],899.4 8,017.0 47.321 8 ]2,442.3 1]8.6]70 116,800.5 30,299.3 31136.3 24.1]].1 20212.1 23924.0 49,605.9 285.1962 281,620.4 1]8.1159 428184 ] 42].566.1
1880 249060.0 231.10].3 225.610.0 4,0464 249,450.5 243 304 8 19],6643 1039.1 169.1553 86.331.9 fi]028.6 15]446.8 2]416.8 ].9]49 46,239.] 66.590.1 181812.8 119242.6 29.0]]4 30466.8 2],332.3 224844 25.825.5 521668 282449.4 280072.5 1]6,082.1 430.5734 429.330]
1980 "25]122.9 236969.0 234856.0 3.843 4 251 231.0 245,0004 193,8592 19914 1]0679.6 818124 61,828.9 156102.4 26.830] 8,0244 44.820.9 59.]15.9 186593.1 122.155.2 2],6579 28.990.5 31.4]43 25.40]0 282337 56.]144 2]81]2.2 2760]9.0 1]3.225 3 632 248 8 4309)3.0
2080 265.694.9 246.214.9 243.4413 3,]109 250.4]34 244,2619 1894610 1.1331 17208H.6 89.1642 57049.2 151893.2 16225.6 61002 43,3657 53.179.8 189.1010 124,919.5 26,299.9 27.581.0 36001.6 2859].2 30628.0 60,559] 274834.1 1]0,180.% 4334569 431,149.1
2180272.9069252.]950251,1265 34432250.109.9243.8]8.3160,2995 1.1]11173.350.9 90.26].9 526524169.0112 25.6182 8.144.3 41.904.2 4]295.0192403.512],5140 250219 26,251.5 40,]124 31.9273 32.9523 64,34652]0,642.6273936.]16E,912 2 436 254 3 632.9163
2280 2]9,522.1 258,835.6 258.392.9 3.3666 249,332.6 243,1073 1]8,]22.3 1,196.1 174450.2 91,194.9 48,E09.8 145111.5 25.0226 8,144.3 40448.5 60,03].1 156538.1 130022.8 23,809.0 24,980.0 465464 35.360.% 35.1]5.9 68,0423 266.183.2 2]1802.1 1fi3,283U 4344919 433,13].2
2380285.6232264.406.1265068.] 3234524]440]241,301.31]76516 1.22661]65360 92008.0 449104143190.2 24.0329 8.533.2 39,008.1 35,430 6 198 490.8132x058 226]8.9 23,801.8 50,522.9 389015 3].2089 ]1,6925261,605.2269.664 0 1595084 434 410 2 633 030.2
2480 291,2351 269,5209 2]1.3039 32392 244,366.1 238,3951 173945.9 1,2366 1]6457.6 92.661.3 41.5261 140.296.9 23.8013 8.522.3 37,559.5 31,813.3 201.25]8 134.]069 21,(1414 22.]11.9 55,6384 42.542.3 39,1]1 D 75,2104 25],110.8 26]481 ] 155.6149 434.0459 432,6523
25802964]012]0,292]2]],134] 32941244.9166238.91791689603 1,24861]73119 93,1488 36480.213].4478 23.2420 8.5223 36,171] 28268.6203.81441359161 20,683.2 21,]01.6 60.989.6 06.3]76 41.0624 78,642.2252,568 4 265301 5 151135.0433.502]432095.8
108030138fi02]8,7]38282643.2 ].2490243222.82313354164,812.9 126941] 934fi72 35.]2].2134,6861 22,6372 8.1288 348418 26.6]01205230.01389443 198235 20,]944 fi66548 5047]1 02,9359 81968.8248.00]6263.1476167.0]56432,83]043141].1
2]80 309.205.5 285163.2 290.6]68 3224.1 235257.9 230152.5 162.1361 1,15]4 1]9,252.8 93,9]14 33.650.0 132,1308 21,9203 8.2435 36.001.0 22,?024 208,9240 141.189.0 18.928.2 19.830.0 ]1,2054 54.1338 45,0805 866911 245,400.8 262.3938 165.100.6 434,3]53 432,962.0
2880 316.]421 2924]2.9 298,492] 30590 23142].6 226330.2 160236.8 1.073.9 180397a 94.3513 31.5]90 1294883 21.348.2 8.6262 33.1900 19.]600 211.5801 14344]3 18.103.0 189444 ]5.]3]1 57,]65.] 47,3130 892924 242,686.2 261,]19] 141.934] 4351601 434.313.2
2980 326048.2 298.9454 306.1833 3,1]98 228879.6 224.0058 15812].1 988.3 1814574 96,6581 25.568.8 126,]673 20839.0 8,941.0 32.403.8 16.5734 214,103.0 145.728.3 17]30.1 18.1100 80.3289 fi14J2.5 496233 92.825.9 239915.5 261,101 ] 138.5059 43]041.3 435.5826
3080331071.3305.132.8313116.0 349452242330219.691.9155,0178 9109182.5236 94,888.9 27.629.8123,9947 20.3526 9.3804 31.]]5.5 15.1001216.5200146002] 166484 1].3695 85.0601 65.3205 52.006.9 96238.6237,1684260,5241134.975743822]24361592
3180 33]8614 311.0810 321,1 tU.3 3,2818 221.8312 217.459.4 152418.5 8371 183.5040 95.0544 25,]6].2 12115]4 19.8801 95867 31.166.8 1217]5 218,840.] 150.225.5 15,954.2 16.6221 89.9029 fi9318.5 544295 99541.3 234 4238 259.988.8 131.3457 439286.8 431811 ]
3380 347.066.2 319,5290 332054.6 3,35] 1 21].]0].] 213,5855 144.120.0 ]]36 184.]79.3 94,800.1 22,2]6.0 115,529.1 19.105.1 5,820.6 29613.9 0.842.5 222.567 3 153.634.3 14.900.2 15,484.4 1015]93 ]6390.3 56884.2 104,971 0 22],195.2 257619.8 123.2]].2 438,5015 43] 0]34
3580352.8614320.4308338.]821 3.1794215,621 0 211 60]3135,388.5 ]]2.61864531 93971x 19.312.2110.230.6 18.4297 9,6952 2?1314 ]289122520991551428 14.1209 14,63]]115,3320 48.521.2 62,]57710601?9218.483.9253,9]9.0115,330 6 436036 3 433.5318
3%8035],5130328,6%5134460]9 3.344.5211.513 9 207 6665 127 839.3 757.1185.9798 92,8011 16,935.9105252] 1?.90]4 9.5]6.1 25.95]0 5,615222].380.515]4385 134631 13,922.0129.3401 98,8315 66459.3111189.8210065.02504]81 108339 7 431 261 0 429.]44.8
3980361.50?7332.368.0349.5490 3.5382202894.0 199210 5 119 052.0 73761862500 91.3928 150235100,5440 tJ 6]9.2 9,523.0 24.3466 5.178.4229.135.3158.]47] 12,909.4 13.31].8143451.4109.3017 7002]9113.919.]202043.324]0813102,166342],212.8425,6811
4180304109.9 335382 8 353.3361 33984186.1616182.593.2110.391.2 ]12.0186.51]7 89.779.5 13500.:1 96,1295 1?.236] 94960 22992.9 415]6 230554 0 159.]03] 12442.] 12,804.2157,5826115827] 73.546.3115,348.019439662438004 964511422.]46 8 421 200 2
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49803]2218 4 342151 8 361,1902 2904.4155,843.51526458 889068 599.8186,6381 82.0]33 9541.8 81,182.4 15,8415 7.3658 19,0363 1.]811232.92]2159.]826 10893.6 11114.8 213401 7 161,6546 88,1287115.804.0169.091.2231.3054 ]],1518402,6283001,0405
53RD 3]4.158.9 344.8345 362,8116 2,828 7 148 029.0 144894.5 805051 522.9 1804055 ]]161.0 8.166.6 741655 154495 ]030.3 1].5905 14313 232.638.6 156026.5 10,297.9 10.459.0 240.5629 182,3141 95,0]92 112,949.6 159.161 p 225.4204 69.5]51 39208]4 3904794
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148502]4.382.525].2869255.3673 1.9210 55.33fi4 53,6065 121222 U11fi04126 18,9360 44]1 23.5815 10,5305 00 1.1465 259]1609038 ]9,08]9 7,]9].6 7.18565]1,116.8432.5840224389.5 1.2350 66514.91118297 24.858.2 184 622 9 182 435.1
15595 260.1833 204.2503 241.869.5 2484.4 55,3570 53.6151 12.045.E D2 157.9aB2 1]401.2 360.1 22.6885 100329 O.U ]946 2597 1546874 75205.5 1639.2 6.8878 5]9339.3 43],988.9 226200.6 ]588 64.830.0 1116191 23.5716 1?3455.6 1]11111
16035244.662223U.008.922fi.2]OB 2,8]9.0 54.3019 52,6010 11,1045 0.1154.9814 15,8441 259.] 21.8865 9.1655 0.0 4528 25911479132 ]0622.9 15891 6.579.]5880]6.4403.29312265132 5310 60.62601D46fi18 22.046]100171.31582154
• •
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^ FLA Min (200/750 cfs) ®Existing Min (70 cfs) ^ AIP Min (330/725 cfs)
Pee Dee River -Reach 3
American Shad Spawning 2
• • •
00° 00° ~`~~' ~~h ~0h 00° .00° .00° 00° .00° 000 000
\P~Q• • \P~Q' • \P~Q • \P~Q • \P~Q • \P~Q • \P~Q • \P~Q • \P\Q• . \P\Q . \P\Q• . \P\Q• .
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__ __
^ FLA Min (200/750 cfs) ®Existing Min (70 cfs) ^AIP Min (330/725 cfs)
Pee Dee River -Reach 3
Golden Redhorse Adult
• •
00 0o ti~ ti~ ti~ o0 00 00 00 00 00 00
0 3 ~ 1 ~ .3 .o .3 .3 .3 .3 3
Pie Pie Pie Pie Pie Pie Pie Pie Pie Pie Pie Pie
FOP. ~~P. FOP. ~~P, ~~P. F~P• ~~P' FOP. FOP. ~~Q,. ~\,P' ~\P'
^ FLA Min (200/750 cfs) ®Existing Min (70 cfs) ^ AIP Min (330/725 cfs)
Pee Dee River -Reach 3
Golden Redhorse Juvenile
• • •
s 60,000
00° 00° ~ti~ X00 ~`~~' 00° 00° 00°
o\P\Q•. o\P\Q•. o\P\Q . O\P\Q•. O\P\Q•. o\P\Q•. o\P\Q•. o\P\Q•.
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OG'`. ~OJ O~G
^ AIP Min (330/725 cfs)
Pee Dee River -Reach 3
Shallow Fast -Low Velocity
• • •
.-. 40,000
Pee Dee River -Reach 3
Shallow Fast -Generic -Medium Velocity
ti ~~
^ FLA Min (200/750 cfs) ®Existing Min (70 cfs) ^ AIP Min (330/725 cfs)
000 000
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^AIP Min (330/725 cfs)
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Pee Dee River -Reach 3
Deep Slow Generic Cover
• ~ •
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.ti .ti .ti 1 ~ .ti .ti ti .ti ti ti ti
^ FLA Min (200/750 cfs) ~ Existing Min (70 cfs) ^AIP Min (330/725 cfs)
Pee Dee River -Reach 3
Deep Fast Course Substrate
• • •
Pee Dee River -Reach 3 - Subreach SR7 -Weighted Useable Area (sq ft per 1000 ft of linear stream)
70 5296.2 5.2]6.0 3.5298 64.130.3 3,5)39 3.216.5164.0280 0.0 9.1154 3.19].3 583]9.1 4].959.5 69.8149 O.D 11.02].9205.0684 53483.0 10.8]2.1 698439 ]2.92].2 00 00 0.0 0.0165.861.6199919.3 46.9]5.0158200]158200.]
BO ].038.9 ]037.0 4.]63.] 64.2278 35]3.9 3.216.5 161549.] 00 98869 3,5518 63408.9 49.222.2 69.]974 00 12.535.2 210915.1 55,010.2 12.541.6 69.998.2 ]3.009.4 0.0 00 0.0 00 1]2.3384 204,305.3 515050 1655840 1fi5,5840
90 8,791.8 88194 6034.3 60,869.1 4023.5 3.621.21]2.146.8 00 106554 38869 6],]81.3 50,503.2 69,]285 0.0 13,940.1215.19]6 56491.0 14.211.1 ]0046.2 ]2.978.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 15.11]8498.3208,849.1 SS Bfi95112.]O161]2,]0]6
100 10.590.9 10,fi526 ],384.3 5].314.1 4,502.5 40522 1]1]530 0.0 11,380.6 4.248.4 71,]5].3 51,]]92 69.566.2 00 153000 218,145.3 57.864.4 15,832.] ]0.113.7 72,9fi9.B 00 00 0.0 50.2 184,251.0 213,1500 60,113.5 1]9414.6 1]9,
110 12412.6 12,5149 8,788.] 54.8904 4.502.5 4,052.2182,8]6.1 0.0 12.136.6 4.610.6 75,]286 53,014.3 69.425.5 00 166144220,580.3 59.1932 1]334.] ]0.246.0 73.036.0 0.0 00 0.0 1035189,]00.121]3816 64.161.6185.766.0185,]64.7
120 14,233.3 14,3]3.3 10.2306 50,245.2 4.502.5 4,052.2 18].199.3 0.0 12.850.2 4,9565 ]9,628.1 54,191.1 69,2]16 0.0 1],990.2 223,4192 60,488.8 18.788.] ]0.3952 ]3,11]5 00 D.0 0.0 1]6.5 194,9590 221452.1 fi8.062.1 191906.3 1919010
130 16.092.9 162639 11]42.2 46.1]36 4]6].1 4.290a 190.52]2 00 13.588.] 5.316.9 83.4211 553493 6912fi.5 00 1945].2225.104.1 61,]329 20.1814 ]0.394.0 ]3,046.1 p.0 00 0.0 2633200.041 2 225 321.1 ]1.]88.519].84].519].835.9
140 1].988.5 18.1858 13,325.5 43.200.6 50689 4,562.0 193,8568 00 14,256.5 5,6]6.5 87,3149 56.4]30 69505.3 0.0 20083.1 22].116.8 62.951.2 21.514.3 ]0,2]9.0 ]2,864.3 0.0 00 00 3]36 204.880.8 2290840 ]5.30]8 203496.1 203.476.3
150 19,905.8 20.120.8 149699 40.8564 5.0689 4562.019],602.0 0.0 14.963.4 fi0]54 913534 57.613.0 69.]0].] 0.0 22.3511230.79].8 64.150.8 22,]80.1 ]0,194.3 ]2122.1 0.1 0.1 0.0 496.920948]8232,649.0 78130.1208.8153208]863
ifi0 21,849.] 22.0]7.1 16.662.5 41048.8 5.254.8 4]293 200,141.2 0.0 15.638.1 6,465.3 95,358.3 58144.1 69,850.9 0.0 23.880.3 232.1]5.4 65,330.3 23,985.5 ]0.149.4 ]2,610.0 01 0] 0.0 629.6 213.9059 236.096.2 82,012.1 213.892.9 213,8539
1]0 23,818.3 24,056.] 18.402.1 39.10].] 55518 4,996.6 202,Otfi.9 12 16,2650 6,8449 99.065.3 59,8]66 69,917.6 0.0 25.536.4 231,2068 66.483.] 25,128.2 ]0,066.1 ]2463.] 21 2.7 0.0 7]41 21],985.0 239.3558 85,1]5.9 218,51]5 218.467.9
180 25,]]64 26026.0 20,138.5 36,365.6 5,551.8 4.9966 203953.1 1l5 16,930.3 ],2495 1023fi6.3 610206 69,9051 0.0 2]2604 232023.2 6],5]9.3 261178 fi9,8690 ]220].2 6.0 6.D 00 92].1 221,838.3 242415.1 88.264.2 222850.1 222.]89.3
200 29.]38.3 29.999.1 23682.1 30.58].6 5,]831 5205.3 208,233.2 309 18.2052 ]998.8 10].9644 63.422.3 6989]8 3.619.2 30.832.5 232.9651 698186 28.322.3 69.3844 71,619.2 16.5 16.5 0.0 1.2504 228891 8 248 030.6 94.323.1 230]81 2 230 696 4
220 33.]810 34.053.8 2],3215 2].169.5 6,019.6 5431.] 213.]]59 524 1948].3 88349 112.623.3 65804.3 fi99030 3,619.2 34.009.5 230.2663 ]2080.6 30,3458 68,]11.D 70.834.5 32.3 32.3 0.0 1.599.6 2352]03 253.3441 10006].1 238.090.4 2319]9.2
240 3].]14.] 3]994.8 30,9034 25582.5 6396.8 5.808.9218.9303 ]4.0 20,82].1 9,608.8115510.1 68.1460 691]8.3 3,619.2 3]00].12264120 ]4,268.3 32.2672 6]8948 69928.5 49.3 49.3 00 195]2241,211.0258.127 3 1051061 245.111.6244.9]2.6
260 41.706.2 42,00]4 34,540.1 22,886.2 6.396.8 5,808.9 224.263.8 996 22,1]].1 10.415.5 11],103.] ]0,440.8 69.128.6 3,619.2 39,9]3.6 220,252.5 ]6.523.2 34.048.9 6],1594 69,100.] 70.] 70.7 0.0 2,356.5 246.342.9 262.450.5 110,97].1 251 31] 8 251,1594
280 45.]]3.] 46,133.3 38,2941 206234 ],210.3 6.541.0 2312334 1]6.1 23.523.5 11,226.] 118,251.1 72,671.2 68,3]14 3619.2 42.]98.9 213.320.] 78.]468 35.]]05 66,222.3 68.073.5 97.4 9]4 0.0 2,825.5 250,829.3 266422 5 115983.2 256.961.0 256189.1
300 500132 50,465.3 42,168.1 1],8410 9,239.1 8.366.9 235943.3 218.1 24.]65.8 120]].1 118952.3 74,834.6 619229 3619.2 45,536.8 207.963.6 81034.3 3].4490 65,151.5 66,923.8 124.3 124.3 0.1 3,389.6 255.080.1 2699915 12090]4 262.359.0 262.1]2]
320 5449].6 55.072.9 46.1]9.9 16,036.5 9,8554 8.95]9 243.580.9 262.1 259508 12.902.0 119.066.0 ]6899.1 61468.3 3.619.2 48,133.5 1968428 83.2]3.1 39.056.5 64.110.5 65.]996 1539 153.9 19 40562 258.861.1 2]3.1]5.2 125,6691 26]428.6 26].226.8
340 59.069.0 59180.6 50.235.8 14.660.5 10421.1 9.5236 248.]504 34].5 2108].1 13.]429 11814a4 ]88404 66.891.0 3,619.2 50,803] 183.0893 855554 40.594.5 62,9930 fib.fi11.5 18].1 18].1 72 4.]914 262.1]13 2]5,914.0 1]0.283.6 2]24414 272.222.8
3fi0 63.638.0 64,509.2 54.255.9 13,421 6 10,421.1 9,523.6 251.68]5 420.0 28.1]9.6 14,5]1.4 11].]31 3 80.661.1 66,206.9 36192 53529.2 1]0,880.3 87,806.8 42.0958 61.]39.] 63.296.6 233.1 233.1 184 5.55].5 264,918.3 2]8.381.1 134.459.4 2]6939.3 2]6,702.8
300 68,220.2 69.2609 58,28].5 12.3499 11,9090 10,862.] 2561]10 5214 29.230.9 15450.5 1164089 82.334.6 65,300.6 36192 56,1]95 164,315.1 90,120.8 43,603.9 60,564.5 62.056.6 283.1 283.1 415 6.354.] 26],254.2 280.419.6 138.246.5 28124].1 280,992.]
400 ]28333 ]4,068.5 62.311.8 118399 12.230.] 11,152.3 25]913.3 63)4 30.2552 16,3165 114.5]].8 83.880.9 64,3486 5,202.6 58,621.1 154,523.3 92,3866 45,050.] 59,343.9 601]3.] 3310 3310 I4.0 7.215.3 269,1514 2820465 1416644 285,096.9 284,834.5
420 ]]4824 ]8.918.1 66,348.5 11690] 12.230.] 11,1523 258902.1 ]49.2 31.195.0 1].206.1 112520.6 85.406.9 63,3522 52026 60,88].6 149,651.0 94,6422 46453.2 50.086.9 59.459.4 3950 394.9 1194 8.136.5 2]0.845.4 283290.5 144,8941 288,804.3 288532.1
440 82,1]9.2 83.8223 ]0.390.3 11,212.9 12,]532 11.6]4.8 261,9901 050.2 32.1023 18,1234 110.286.8 86940.6 62449.3 5.202.6 62183.8 145068.2 96.9]9.2 4],8294 568256 58.149.1 460.9 460.2 1]51 9.1050 2]2.239.6 284.113.1 147.855.8 292288.9 292005.1
460 84,8566 86.985.3 ]2,6139 104308 13,]02.5 12,52]0 264.849.1 054.1 33]632 19929.9 109,945.6 90.622.8 60,9184 6.600.5 59.2581 153.309.3 100.1001 49,809.7 55190.3 5].253] 580.1 568.8 226.4 10.842.4 2]6,96].9 284.681.0 154.338.6 298.359.4 29806].0
480 87,]0].0 90.3080 ]5.050.4 9158.6 144649 13.192.5 265.8455 ]934 35,390.3 21,8491 110060.9 94.332fi 59,283.] 6618.6 55.149.6 161481.0 103,308.2 51849.] 541634 56,394.] ]30.8 7031 291.5 12.83].1 281,908.1 2850]].5 161262.] 3049036 304,5982
500 90,669.1 93,]2] 2 ]],660.4 9.t6fi1 15.196.3 13.826.9 268.8312 656.2 3],0449 23.]81.1 110.514.3 98,012.9 5],617.9 6.955.] 50.5]4.] 168,4914 106,575.9 53,92fi.5 53.]818 55,595.2 914.9 Bfi58 3]60 15,0]8.3 287,0901 285,340.3 168,6308 3118428 311,522.5
520 93,841.5 9]348.2 80,523.2 8,]186 16,19].6 14.]31.3 2]0,3660 494.1 38,618.0 25.]98.1 11123].1 101.6690 55.939.8 6,936.8 45.651.8 1)8.459.] 109.919.9 56,010.3 52.776.1 54152.6 1,13].1 1059.1 481.1 1].555.2 292452.0 285,580.] 1]6300.2 ]19.114.3 318,]]9.]
540 9],295 2 101 246.3 83.688.3 8.229.5 16,991.2 15427.8 2]3,8268 280.] 40,231.2 27.924 0 112 219.2 105.2]2.6 54.257.2 6.918.0 40.483.8 186.280.6 113.289.1 58,1214 51181.0 53.948.5 1399.3 12844 613.8 20.264.9 2980]3.5 285.]92.] 184.418.8 326,94].9 3266001
560 101.125.] 105,518.] 8]2515 ]1304 17.]95.4 16.135.1 2]6.0022 60 41,81].] 30,095.9 1134901 108.8619 52,5]63 9.3]6.0 35.101.8 195.1948 116611.3 60,262.6 50.8158 53.183] 1.]01.6 1.540.8 ]]0.9 23.1938 303,9]91 286,037.5 192.861.9 335214.9 33485).1
580 106.834.4 111413.8 92410.3 ].6284 17.868.0 1620]6 2]6,09]1 6.5 42,5]58 31.1824 111191.3 514]68 10.]]6.2 35.290.3 193]60.1 118980.5 61,689.5 49.6633 52.00].5 1918.3 1132.1 966.5 250098 305.192.9 285,9121 195.9245 339459.5 3390884
600 112.631.9 11]393.1 9]846.5 ),528.0 1651fi.1 16.855.8 2]5.691.5 79 43,3255 32.29]4 109,982.1 110922.5 50.415.8 12,128.9 35444.3 192.4686 121.3901 63.142.5 48.5419 50,866.6 2,14].2 19340 1.190.2 26.834.3 306,18].0 285,]146 198]163 343.5384 343.1554
650 12].282.1 132,535.8 110.]93.3 ].364.3 19.063.5 1]403.1 2]].]5]4 12.5 45.036.1 35.012.3 105,124.] 112,951.9 419892 14.9948 35,]16.8 187.158.1 12].1619 66.]264 45856.4 48,119.1 2.]82.6 249fi6 1,855.] 31392.5 30],6302 28493].6 204.1]].0 353.085.6 352.6]50
700 141,580.4 14]3404 123,594.6 ]631.3 20,814.1 19,000.1 2848358 1].3 46.625.0 3].6529 100,1298 114,303.2 45.5806 16,028.5 35,882.8 1]5.938.5 132,842.1 ]0,2624 43.381.2 45578.1 3.5296 3,164.1 2,704.3 35,]99.2 30163]4 2839498 20].008.9 360.881.6 3604389
]50 155391.7 161.624.0 136,021.5 ],]52.9 24.Bfi0.3 22,800.] 290.239.6 25.3 48,0512 40,118.0 84.804.4 115,138.8 43,323.1 1931).5 35.9491 159,089.3 138,2366 73147.1 41.1148 43,2094 4,389.8 3,938.2 3.]094 400508 306,820.2 282,8081 208,304.2 36]5]]4 36],099.0
800 168,659.5 1]5.3524 1419038 ],354.6 27,212.3 248429 290431.1 38.2 49352] 42.5]24 89.2801 115,6460 41260.3 214]].] 35 8485 149290 9 143454.1 ]7,316.9 38,9499 41,021.5 5,3540 4,810.3 48866 440516 305406.0 281,557.5 208.5951 3]34]5.1 3]2.953.0
850 181300.0 188425.6 159.205.] 6,9119 2]41].1 25,0]2.3 289.3181 542 50.545.8 44,9483 03.]0].1 115188.5 39.2380 21,4]].] 35.5M.0 13].153.9 148.36].1 80.9310 36,908.3 38.914.1 6446.6 5800.1 6,21]1 4],671.1 303 fi259 2802362 2084164 3]9.046.8 3]84]53
900 193,143.0 200.666.0 169.668.2 63452 2].0294 24.646.9 292.8860 686 51.661.9 4],160.3 ]8253.1 115,6100 37,283.3 21,9392 34964.0 1248]14 153.120.5 845659 35064.3 3].0059 7.676.1 6929.3 7,]1].5 51,091.0 301 0964 2]89142 20].5490 384.014.3 3833964
950 204.3664 212.2fi6.2 1]9.46]4 5949.1 28,526.1 250990 303.800.1 82.3 52659.1 49,246.1 ]2943.1 115.202.0 35,5396 22366.] 34,2]0.1 103.524.5 15]110.5 88.153.6 ]3.318.1 35.196.3 90382 8.1814 9.3]8.6 54,639.1 298,95].1 2]],6001 206.2691 3883058 381645.1
1050 224,693.1 233.394.2 196.9910 5,103] 30,991.8 28.250.] 314,233.9 90.5 54.5325 53,0465 62,2]8.1 113.884.9 32.6100 23,1494 3204a.1 69.437.6 166,134.5 95.1100 30,110.9 31.871.0 12,09].2 11,001] 13.173.9 61,635.4 292,622.] 2]6,959.9 202.238.3 394.5]9.4 393,846.3
1150 242,291.9 251,6528 211,962.1 4.494.1 303032 2].6309 3151411 112.1 56.1689 56434.0 52109.9 1110514 30.122.0 23,1494 30,287.8 454]49 1]3,]]3.5 101113.6 2]361.1 28,9959 15,623.8 14.2614 113410 68,]69.] 285340.2 2]2,267.1 195,8634 398,629.6 39],836.0
1250 25]301.6 26],364.8 224546.] 4.148.6 30,5]5.1 218089 316.9]9.8 126.6 51559] 59,253.1 49131.0 1094166 2].]14.5 22,011.6 28,000.6 25696.0 1804566 101]82] 25.030.5 26.5594 19]4]6 18.055.6 21153.] ]6219.] 2]6.939.0 269.533.8 18].5890 4004]58 399,6193
1350 270.624.8 281.395.1 2356]64 398]4 29,295.2 26,802.0 315,5214 134.3 58808.2 61,595.4 384125 106.5813 254]4.3 189556 256194 1]650.1 186.274.1 113.221.0 23009.9 24431.9 24433] 22.3210 26.226.0 831]3.2 261966 2 266.800.8 1]]689.3 401,165.5 400,236.6
1450 282.554.0 294 0466 245582.6 4065.3 252850 23.269.6 31234]6 140.] 599104 fi3,500.0 33.332.1 103288.8 234]6.6 14,5]19 23,4035 8,6]22 191,298.5 118,160.2 21.3290 226425 29.8031 2].1]81 30]445 91.144.8 258.435.9 264.146.4 16].538] 400,]56.3 399.740.3
1550 293,993.6 305,731.] 254,529.9 4.149.8 23,019.8 21.184.8 30].146.2 14].2 60.856.1 64,861.5 29362.5 99.755.1 21,]9].] 11.190.2 21498.3 5,202.3 195506.8 122,528.3 19,890.5 21,101.9 35.899.] 32.629] 35,343.9 98.3]8.9 248,]426 261,565.5 15],626.8 399.932.1 3988229
1650 303.]104 316,690.9 262,]569 4,186.1 21,241.2 19.fi42.4 299,6803 1464 61,]47.8 65,8730 263330 96.102.5 20426.6 12190.2 199519 3.003.1 199,069.1 126,160.8 18,]04.2 19,8131 42.872.2 388]1.1 40,0987 105.063.0 239.02].1 259,1283 168,3614 398.920.9 391]11]
1]50 313.3285 321,0156 2]0404.6 3.955.9 19.6434 18,16].1 293,162.8 151.0 62,566.5 66,543.6 23.926.9 92.435.8 194028 18484.8 18,573.9 2.3924 201 882 6 129,036.7 17,609.1 18.626.9 50,6365 45.]]0.0 45023] 1104989 229.664.4 256.825.8 139,4880 39] 6]1 ] 396.395.9
2000 334193.3 350.088.8 28],3846 3,28].9 16.]61.0 154619 2]6,0401 150.6 643082 66,]8].5 19,81].1 83.635.4 18088.] 195654 16,3414 23924 20]0100 133,139.5 15495.3 16.2998 ]2.906.] 65.189.8 57.3fi]5 1214]1.] 206.606.1 251,562.2 120,188.1 393,8118 392.4090
2250 352]]34 369.568.8 301.563.6 2.5339 18662.6 11487.6 244,613.1 143.9 65,5]2.0 65,446.1 16981.5 ]5.8894 1],]14.9 16.618.3 150]8.0 14626 209183.8 134,936.5 13.]816 144120 914904 863220 69955.6 128,284.0 181530 6 246 031.8 105462.3 389.3918 3018628
2500 3656922 383,653.3 312,038.4 1.8464 1954].5 18404.0 195.6]66 132.0 66,588.3 63,063.8 14.425.8 69.3086 1],031.3 14.810.9 14.3fi6.8 89].1 210,926.1 135025.1 12.929.] 12,922.9 122,984.6 108.042.3 82.480.8 130.36].0 172.048.5 242]311 93,0946 383465.6 381840.3
2]50 3]3.994] 392.7]20 319042.8 2098.1 20.1409 18999.1 155.548.5 122.2 673650 60.0]36 12.15].1 63,525.6 16.5462 11.]501 13,]59.1 732.0 210.8]13 133453.] 11.2]9.8 11.6615 148,979.5 129.954.6 95.286.2 127.0483 160.563.6 239042.6 834554 316.3662 3]46]]4
3000 3]9,330.6 398768.8 323.6394 1.]541 21.478.0 20301.1 125446.0 99.2 67.947.6 56.7]5.] 10,140.1 58334.1 15120.3 8.189.9 13,050.9 1851 209.fi681 130,3559 10,353.0 10.655.2 174,930.3 1515432 1083252 120.508.1 152 0389 235496.8 76,262.4 368.]09.8 366.935.]
3250 383,104.3 903,1462 326,852.8 2,059.9 22,3586 21,168.6 109.680.8 80.3 68,4085 53,344.] 8.396.6 53,53].2 14,8]3] 1,094.8 12.27].4 185] 20],953.5 126384.1 9,612.3 9,8413 200,600.6 172.7956 121,434.8 111862.3 145.595.1 232.0]1.2 70651.2 360.597.1 3581]9.5
3500 385159.3 406,3]32 328,980.8 2320.1 22,598.] 21428.3 93.194.3 684 686800 49.9601 6.915.3 49,12]8 14204.1 0.0 11476.1 0.0 205]56.1 122,130.0 89506 9.1325 225829.9 193.618.3 134809.2 102.164.2 140.2681 2285598 66.183.8 352.338.1 350.5060
3]50 38],5136 408,668.2 330,316.6 2693.0 22,831.9 211034 ]9.359.2 41.3 68.857.9 46631 3 5.696.3 45152.] 13.404.1 00 10,665.0 0.0 203.242.6 11].]198 8.504.1 8.6404 250.519.8 213953.9 148.278.2 91 044.8 135,581.2 224194.2 62,638.5 343,9986 342.156.3
4000 388.534.6 410.16].3 331083.5 2.]636 23.560.5 224126 ]1 0]].5 1].2 68.9317 434205 4.68]6 41.]46.6 12.Bfii.1 0.0 98186 pp 200413.1 113,2256 8.204.9 8.312.6 274,520.4 233.614.5 161.392.3 ]8.25]8 131,263.0 220.844.8 59,8255 33513].2 333.886.3
4500 388.361.3 910514 9 330.926.6 3.330.5 24.2946 23.0]3.3 49.694.3 00 68.8556 3].589.9 3,158.1 35906.8 118324 0.0 8,0751 00 199,395.1 104,782.2 8.0480 8,11].8 319,5954 2]0,206.6 185.5666 51,861.8 123115.0 2121]].8 55.5691 319,056.7 31],1869
5000 386,169.1 9085141 329,120.] 2,]52.0 24,936.9 236514 3],123.9 0.0 68.559.3 32,5]5.9 2,08].2 31,1]64 11.43].1 D.0 64080 0.0 188.221.8 96,8459 8.125.2 B.1fi6.0 35838].6 301,625.1 206,889.2 29.992.] 115,5]1.3 204441.1 51.989.3 301949.8 300,048.0
5500 383,331.3 405156.0 326,8449 2.28].) 25,119.3 23,8032 30362.3 0.0 68.0]3.0 28.1]53 1,3]0.9 2],383.3 11,049.9 0.0 48885 0.0 181,915.4 89,5894 8.040.8 8.066.1 390,350.8 32]45].1 225,987.1 142685 108430.1 195583.5 48.fi1].0 284586.9 282.6]3.3
6000379.]2]64021]2.1323.915.1 1.5899 22,]52.2 21.5835 24.3]5.6 00 6].489] 24.414.6 878.9 24,4268 10,621.1 0.0 3.542.6 001]5.595.1 82.952.8 ],]905 ],]556416,123.1348300.1242,4494 5.397.4101,441.3186,2]]4 45,258]267.007.6265,0]5]
6500 374.]99.3 39],242.9 319.8246 1328.3 22.3]].9 21.1204 199]0.0 00 66.8284 21,1]40 55].3 220]].] 10,365.1 0.0 2380.8 00 169,660.1 ]10280 ]3012 ].309.5 437,538.6 365.SOfi.S 2560584 1,896.4 94.]90.8 1]6.929.3 42.05].3 249128 5 24]
]000 368.573.8 390.8542 314.86].5 1.5986 20.5856 19405.2 18,]63.0 .
0.0 fi6.1396 18484.6 342.3 20.185.0 10084.3 00 1448.9 00 163.50].1 ]1.936.9 6.861.4 6868.1 455233.1 3]9.558.7 2fi12118 5]66 88.5]5.8 16],690.3 39203.3 233.242.3 231144.0
]500 361.1911 3832]09 308.996.6 2.190.2 1990].2 18]941 16.1476 0.0 65.333.8 16202.1 205.0 16606.8 95286 5014 ]58.2 00 15].]436 6].396.6 6.6]0.0 66]2.9 4694544 390120.9 2]629]4 324.0 82,903.5 158,6596 36.]69.5 21],829.5 2151619
8000 352.]08.3 3]4,558.9 3020839 2,098.9 19.7]15 186]25 15,5263 00 64619.3 14,233.0 124.1 1].3254 9163.0 0.0 330.1 0.0 152,072.2 63,3914 6,]35.5 6.]37.2 480.132.8 398.]84.1 283.3094 19].1 ]]653.1 150,153.5 34.555.5 203169.8 201,168.1
8500 342943.0 364.564.3 293.896.] 1,805.7 19101.8 18.6550 14,8590 00 63,868.8 12.573.0 19.8 16,2580 9,099.1 0.0 120.2 0.0 146,685.1 59,8403 6,965.1 6.966.5 487.943.3 404.2]3.9 28],968.7 115.1 ]2,]96.5 142,229.8 32.6444 189,532.8 18]401.6
9000 331.859.8 353.242.] 284,325.2 13484 18402.6 1]472.0 12,893.2 0.0 63,165.3 11,243.3 564 15.312.4 9,551.0 00 38.8 0.0 141,4]80 56.625.6 ].21].0 ].2116 493,8019 90],993.2 290.261.1 52.2 68.091.6 134,809.1 30,8614 1]6658.8 1]4,485.1
9500 319.5471 340.6]58 2]3.39].6 14533 162694 15482.1 13,058.1 0.0 62442.1 10.1]5.0 416 14,689.1 9,8661 00 153 0.0 136,4]3.5 53.585.0 ].2084 ].208.5 498.226.5 410.530.6 290.344] 166 63,5]8.8 12].392] 29.1634 164.562.6 16233]3
10000 306.129.] 3269]64 261488.1 16514 13.6]54 13,024.3 13.801.1 0.0 61.]410 9.3624 294 14122.4 9,6]86 928.6 94 00 131618.9 501]06 ].042.8 ]0428 5011]86 412439.1 288.6]15 0.0 59451.] 1201083 21495.] 1533298 151,069.2
10500 291,9]48 312 5254 248.]80.2 2.1288 13250.3 12,6344 13346.8 0.0 61016.] 8.]49.9 181 13038.0 9258.1 928.6 6.1 00 126952.] 48.283.1 6863.3 6.863.3 504.]526 413.995.2 285810.] 0.0 55648.8 113464.1 2588].6 142,965.1 140.65].9
11000 2]]49].2 29]168.9 235.831.6 2,008.6 12.9821 123fi6.9 12989.3 00 60.2]1.5 8171.8 96 13483.6 8,960.1 928.6 4.1 0.0 122,458.2 46.0010 6,8116 68116 50],2]0.9 415.298.5 282.164.6 0.0 52089.6 10].2]11 24405.6 133,284.0 130,9368
11500 263,0664 2830685 223.012.9 1,6116 12,]86.1 12,189.9 11.912.8 0.0 59,596.] ],893.2 5.2 13,056.9 9,2024 1,555.4 2.0 00 118,106.1 43.979.0 6,825.] 6,825.] 509,456.8 416.403.8 2]8.1500 0.0 48,801.9 101,fi5fi.5 22,964.8 124,1668 1211851
12000 248,913.2 268.5]5.3 210.492.8 9695 111451 11,166.9 12.4286 00 58,821.1 7,634.1 19 12.708.9 9430.2 15554 1.1 0.0 113,883.2 42.2]50 6,]9].8 6,]9]8 511,291.1 417.3198 2]3.911.8 0.0 45.]8].3 96,4314 21,522.0 115,551.3 113.1618
12500 239.8234 25409].3 198.089.6 ]186 12.4]2.9 11910.1 11.622.9 0.0 58.163.] ]492.8 Ofi 12509.0 9,553.0 626.8 01 00 109.80].0 40.]9].0 66614 6.661.4 512854.1 418,09].3 2fi9389] 0.0 43,055.3 91,406.3 20.180.2 10].5931 105.2029
13000 220.87].8 23913].9 185901.1 538.0 14.2]9.2 13,596.9 11.505.3 00 5],371.5 ]4016 0.3 12471.3 91425 6260 00 0.0 105,902.0 39422.8 6.394.5 6.394.5 514.160.9 418.692.1 264694.3 0.0 40446.4 86.391.2 18.9248 100.261.1 9].8437
13500 207.24].8 225.653.9 1]4.059.6 9530 14.1300 13.64].6 11.36fi.2 00 56,580.9 7,3]]1 0.0 12393.3 8.558.5 1.822.4 00 0.0 102.1]24 38,160.8 5,999.8 5.998.8 515.1]6.9 419.06].9 259.896.2 0.0 38.010.0 81,594.0 1],706.9 93460.0 90.98].2
14000194058.52119]3.9162,6029 13214 13322.3 12698.1 11,1694 0.0 55803.] ].385.9 0.0 12311.5 ]815.1 1,195.6 0.0 0.0 98,5230 3]000.5 5,5858 5585.8515.9]6.14192]50255,018.4 0.0 35.]35.5 ]],144.1 16.5424 810651 84.6042
14500 181 329 6 198,]]2.8 1515192 164].5 12,645.1 12,020.9 11,1694 0.0 55.0]15 ],4094 p.0 12119.6 1294.0 1,195.6 0.0 0.0 95,0355 35,929.0 5293.8 5,2938 516,534.0 419300.8 250,080.9 0.0 33,624.5 ]3,131.5 15,449.5 81333.2 ]8,8]].3
15000 169,013.5 185986.8 140.]]5.2 2.214.5 13.583.8 129596 10.240.8 0.0 54.3085 7,429.6 00 119]6.2 6,9393 1,195.6 0.0 0.0 916036 3999].6 5.194.8 5,194.8 516.924.9 419.1902 245.0658 0.0 311524 69,59].9 14486.1 ]63]68 ]3,9168
15500 15109].3 1]3,5]8.3 1304016 1.96].6 13,133.5 12.5368 10,139.6 D.0 53499.2 ]462.0 0.0 116354 69264 1.195.6 0.0 0.0 883546 34289.2 5,2096 51096 51].1348 418.9184 240.043.0 0.0 30,081.9 66464.5 13,581.0 ]19439 694878
16000 14551].5 161.428.6 120.3784 1406.6 12.212.] 11108.0 9.8741 0.0 52.810.6 ]4]41 0.0 11,353.2 ].1191 1,195.6 0.0 00 85102.0 33,6964 5.241.1 5.241.1 51].2114 418,540.0 235.018.] 0.0 28.482.9 63,56]8 12.634.6 61]23.3 651698
16500 134424 1497554 110816.4 91265 11892.09 1138143 98]4]4 0 52020.36 7489.63 0 11219.88 ]283.09 1195.57 0 0 821332] 33152.54 52695 526818 51]202 4180]9.8 229985.3 0 27057.69 60918.95 11823.5] 639232] 614]249
1]000 1238]0.3 138644.3 101]694 ]94.28 14886.12 14190.30 98]4]4 0 512950] ]48343 0 11180.21 7243.56 11955] 0 0 ]910141 32679.9 5151.03 51464] 51]0611 41]4951 2249]6.2 0 25]86.99 5831 J.05 1111].64 60479.3] 58029.5
172]3 1182915 132]66.3 9699599 ]83.1 14886.12 14190.34 9]68.95 0 508683 ]4]5.34 0 11166.66 7043.82 119557 0 0 ])48647 3242845 5108.]2 5099.85 516939.1 917134] 22220].1 0 251]4.69 56940.22 10]66.36 58]38 5628]69
• •
Pee Dee River -Reach 3 - Subreach SR2 -Weighted Useable Area (sq ft per 7000 ft of linear stream)
70 2.915.3 3.054.8 1.7064 60?845 5,625.1 5.381.] 84.144.5 2]] 10.081.2 4989.1 57]232 49,092.3 56,560.3 00 9.366.52024358 38,1582 5,820.1 81,033.9 819836 00 0.0 0.0
2613 5],955.0 68388 5.7890 88,]55.0
BO 3
8668 48195 2 35.2 10,52]4 5.3518 63.193.3 50,565.5 5],053.0 00 10,501.3 199.23].] 39,554.9 64866 80,8]8.0 81,732.6 0.0 00 00
886.2 55,632.5 6546.] 6.260.] 92,195.3
90 4924.1 5
0960 2 464 109]6? 5.7046 6],600.1 5191]8 5],445.6 00 11,536.6199.0004 40,837.8 ].122.8 80,612.3 81,384.] D.0 0.0 0.0
159.5 6.840.3 6541.1 94,3584
05].] 6
2528 3
550.3 53
100 6 56.6 114118 6,056.4 ]1843.5 53.206.7 5]?319 0.0 12545.8198.200.0 42,105.2 17255 80,31]9 81,009.) 0.0 00 00
993.4 7.253 6 6 942 4 96,854 4
260.1 ]
486 0 4
258 0 50
110 7 68 4 11829 5 6,404 4 ]5 490.2 54 404.6 5] 960 ] 0.0 13,52] 4 196.631.1 43,314.6 6.313 5 ]9,9353 80,560.] 0.0 00 0.3
544.6 8,817.2 5.023.9 488018 ].508.1 ],1914100,534.5
120 8 819 12,243.3 6,]55.1 76,314? 55,48]? 58,169.5 0.0 144749194,605.9 44456.1 0.879.2 ]9.511.1 80,084.0 07 0.6 0.9
168.0 5]9].4 46.584.3 ]906.0 7,558.81050]10
83]9 10
130 9 98.2 12,650.1 7.106.0 81,079? 56.5318 58,369.8 2638 15,4544190.6029 45560.1 9,443.6 ]9.034.1 79.5]4.8 4.3 3.0 1.]
14]6 1153]9 6.584.6 44.595.3 9002.2 8,6188110,081.2
140 11 116.6 13032.3 7.456.9 83,554.2 515216 58,484? 5484 16,423.8186,2]56 46.675.2 9986.9 ]8.553.7 ]9,069.3 10.1 7.0 2.9
689.4 9,]29.1 9,324.8113.5652
932.5 ]
3884 42
150 12
1 12 136.6 13403.1 1806.6 85.]523 50.458.9 58.539] 72].6 1736].3182?29.8 4].]62.8 10,5348 ]8069.8 ]8.5446 18.4 13.1 4.6
208.3 40.8126 10,1546 9,]16.0 116.2886
3538 8
160 13
0 14 156.8 13,]63.] 8,152.1 8],6609 59.372.9 58.5218 1.0004 18,290.0180,380.9 48829.] 110]9.1 ]].542.1 ]19929 304 21.6 67
21]4 15]98.] 9,050.9 386849 10.480.5 1002].] 119.722.]
170 15 1]92 14,109.5 8,4914 89.315.2 60,252.9 58.474.6 1342.1 19.202.21]5,680.0 49882.2 11,619.2 ]6,964.] ]].398.8 45.3 32.2 9.2
180 166318 1]2]36 9,928.3 3],0]10 10.8885 10,435.6 122.700.0 200.] 14,4512 88306 90.5966 61066.6 58.406.6 156].9 200]3.2 1]2650.1 50884.1 12,151.7 76,3669 ]6?94.8 632 456 12.2
095.6 18,7914 10,835.] 35,831.0 11,535.1 11.082.2 123,603.4
190 18 221.9 148146 9,1]3? 91938.9 61.856.8 58,329.3 1?53.8 20,9]6.6 169,9766 51,907.1 12.682.1 75?604 76,185.3 83.0 60.6 159
6]4.9 20438.5 11815.9 34,482.1 12242.4 11.789.5124]49.3
200 19 249.3 15.1560 9,517.8 93,353.1 62.622.1 58,203.9 1.822.8 21906.5 16].9264 52,952.8 13.2116 75,131.8 ]5,560.3 104.8 7].5 199
]654 17482.2 249]99 13,676.3 13223.5128.8690
7594 29
250 26 403.3 16,]15.6 11,148.5 98,638.0 658498 5],0384 2,4]85 26,2864 162989.0 51]014 15,8214 ]1,]835 72,267.0 261.8 2052 42.1
9]6.1 24,411.1 18912.] 14,7106 1425]? 133,662.9
799.] 40
300 39 6146 18.219.3 12,]48.] 102.2994 68,5303 55,500.3 4,1318 30421.1 154?19.9 62.1449 18.334.6 68.236.0 68,851.0 559.3 4396 88.2
003.8 53,3214 32.155.3 15,2894 16,201.] 15748.8144,]62.6
350 52 9095 19.6033 14,250.0 103,3362 ]0.869.8 54088? 5,140.5 33,]958 145.4114 66,283.4 20.6513 64.664.5 65,458.5 1.024.1 811.8 200.1
925.9 66.298.7 40413.5 13.039.0 1]413.] 16.938.31564413
400 64 1,285.0 20,842.6 15.663.3103,029.] ]2,699.6 524292 6,184.1 36388.5139.281.2 ]0246.4 22,8298 61,136.3 62.119.5 1,5830 1243.1 431.1
1253 48?01.6 1150]0 18.959.0 18,368.1 161.]26.]
2 ]9
450 ]]
768 1?134 21.936.3 16.9833 101,913.3 ]4,1660 50.504.7 ],143.6 38.530.0133,506.4 ]3,9512 24,833.2 51]240 58,888.3 2,226.8 1.7194 ]96.9
942.1 51024.7 10.534] 20.126.1 19,5119168.70].3
8 91
500 90595 2,1314 22,946.0 18.2284100,400.8 ]5,3030 48.490.9 9.820.9 40,487.6125432.8 77,560.3 26,]50.8 54,3942 55.721.9 293].1 2,2286 1,261.3
336.2 65.098.5 9496.0 21.0464 20.339.7 172.4406
013.1 104
550 103 2,518.8 23,865] 19.366.] 98.052.0 ]6,1344 464596 11,522.1 42.233? 121469.8 80966.3 28.5519 51,289.3 52,]54.8 3,739.2 2806.0 1?86.7
559.6 ]3,078.9 9262.8 22,8369 22019.0 175.2180
2594 116
600 115 2860.5 24,6826 20,412.4 95.199.1 ]6,678.9 44,4468 11?86.6 43,614? 115,470.5 84,323.4 30.26].6 48,339.0 49918.] 4.638.9 345].3 2.364.4
604.2 6,634.0 23,]23.9 22.8]691]8558.3
0400 80
650 126?86
5 128 3.1494 25436.3 21,352.2 92.114.1 ]]028.8 42.4374 12,9818 44.493.2 109.682.9 87.5263 31860? 45,5583 4],223.2 5,6443 4,192.7 2,9]9.2
]92.4 8412.8 24,227.0 2342].1 181,980.5
952.6 8]
]00 137?53
9 138 3,3]58 26,105.1 22,2546 88.932.1 ]],199.5 40,441.5 13,0989 45,091.1 102.2]8.1 90.6044 33386.2 42985] 44?16.2 6,]]50 5,038.9 3,638.5
941.] 149084.1 94,4648 8420.5 24,643.1 23816.2184,5325
750 14] 35]3.] 26.7108 230460 85,8282 ]].127.7 384933 13.098.9 45,500.3 96.426.5 93,5]].2 34,8814 40,616.9 42.383.6 8.029.3 59922 4,342.1
141? 101.838.2 ]625.9 24,636.1 23,]81.9185.9958
800 158 3.186.9 27.5209 24,180.5 854420 ]8,048.4 3]011.1 12.638.5 45399.4 94.540.8 96.405.3 36,9425 38.838.3 40.5480 8.645.1 6,564.1 4,9924
555.5 7.038.3 26,]66.8 25,]]2918],094.1
]210 109
1 169 2?416 28.312.0 25.4036 84,911.3 ]89196 35434.1 124618 45.439.0 9183].8 99,1092 39,240.6 3],135.1 38.789.0 9,1498 ],0]84 5,]54.4
896511].619.2 6.1568 27?68.6 26,]16.1186,639.1
3894 180
900180 2,2563 29.115.5 26,]3]4 84,192.9 ]9]49.8 33.763.8 11?62.0 45,546.0 88,130.2101?]4.2 41,850.8 35,49].2 37.078.3 9,53].4 7,5289 6648.2
333.8 192?81.3 126,141.1 5.394.3 29.828] 28?11.6186.]]4.1
950192 1?61.3 2992].1 28.1]1.5 83,193.5 804182 32.025.1 11.58].] 45,8094 85.826.1 104,429? 44?72.1 33,9584 35,463.1 9,825.0 ]897.9 ]?056
236.1 135010.1 4.4844 31?61.9 30,591 ] 181]55.8
1000 204
9 205 1,2769 30,]35.9 29.68].1 81,995.5 80,9248 30.205.6 10.852.2 46.219.1 ]9431.] 107,038.1 48,034.3 324480 33,8]2.3 10.0544 8.196.0 8,9]13
297.7 144,19].5 3,195.1 34,308] 33.011.4 184,9195
1050 21]
]612 218 899] 31684.5 31,424.6 81362.2 81,3]1.5 28,309.8 11.5944 4]522.0 72430.] 109,646.0 51,6144 31,055.1 32,315.1 10.1970 8.390.9 10.4518
0999 3.025.5 34,]149 33.378.2 183,66]5
3 150
1100 226?534 227
473 1,016.6 32.1696 32,274.] ]19]1.1 80,35].9 26,5]5.6 11.3993 48,119.3 63,5313 112.111.9 53,]616 29.450.0 30665.2 11.7974 9620.4 11?]8.]
116.0236012.8155,569] 2,9]80 35869.3 3452].]180,2843
1150235 1.132.8 32.6324 33,066.8 74,614] ]9.198.6 24990.1 11.999] 48833.5 56.560.111452].4 55,857.1 2],925.4 29.094.1 13,641.4 11,0550 13.150.2
606.5 3,0614 35,439.5 34.0]95 1]8,262.4
948.1 160
1200 242
4 243 1.2298 33,057.0 33,]51.9 ]1,222.6 ]],9362 23,526.1 13,432.5 48.9384 51 334.9 116.616.6 5]861.1 26.526.3 21653.5 15,694.4 12.666.5 14,523.0
252.5 3,0688 3].474.8 36,0513176540.0
0251 13155 33.422.6 34401.0 67,8716 ]66143 22.1946 16204.2 49.091.1 43342.9118,9]33 59,]84.4 25,2039 26296.0 1]940.9 14.429] 15904.5
301.3 169,6229 3,174.8 38,029.1 36,601.5 1]5056.0
1300 256
839.8 258 1403.9 33,]90.3 34.932.1 64,5455 75,2155 20,944.4 18,18].1 49,128.3 37,]03.0 121,0]4.3 61844.] 23.9692 25,019.] 203924 16,364.] 1],2946
804.3 3.297.] 38,25].1 36,8209 1]4519.1
993.8 1]3
1350 263
2 264 14929 34,098.3 35.4536 61,232.7 73,]34.] 19?88.6 20.188.3 49,083.6 330812 123,161.0 63,414.7 22,820.6 23,834.2 23.0338 18451.0 18685]
4]85 2]1285.] 1]7.73].5 3,402.3 38.4983 3],052.4 173.2136
1400 269 15]2.7 343960 35.897.6 58,144.2 72,2084 18]30.3 22.197.3 48,914.2 29.327.2 125,111.5 65.0803 21,]50.6 22,]360 25,813.9 208458 20.0]6.9
3]2.6 3],295.1 35.]914 166,0259
6 184
9329 3
]555 282912
1500 280 1?205 349248 36.550.9 52490.6 69,1224 16,82].4 25.9233 48,288.2 26.3996 128,879.8 68.102] 19,801.2 20,]228 31.833.0 25,38].] 22.6658
309.8 191,297.0 3,]935 35,296.2 33,8]].5 153.817.2
1600 290?714 293 1866.8 35,392.9 36,986.0 47,3425 66,035.8 15,2055 288]0.9 4],5428 22?87.6 132,448.2 ]0.658.1 18,1420 18.995.5 38,452.2 30,5]0] 25.666.5
158.2 30204].9 196,674.0 3,894.8 31,0630 29,]]8.0 136,798.9
1]00 299 1990.] 35.]823 3],232.6 42,8328 62,999.5 138550 32.055.0 46,598.2 21.0664 135,]00.8 72,700.2 16.685.3 114916 45,566.5 36.0802 28.4784
370.0 201222.1 3,8294 2],382.6 26.2]34 122,160.5
1800 306
3 309 2.1080 36,139.7 3],3134 38,98J.6 60.0604 12.708.3 33,]36.3 45,5974 20,236.2 136.]491 ]4.151? 15.421.1 16.1]9.3 530038 41?85.0 31 363.0
952.3 3?884 21,]68.2 20,993] 108,558.6
4 315404.8 204
1900 311
908 2.210.5 36.4184 3].2384 35,77]8 5],214.6 11.68].5 32,5]5.1 44,536.8 18,8]4.4 141609.] ]5,146.1 14,321.] 15.034.6 60]284 4].6614 34,285.8
402.1 208.0238 3,638.4 184936 1],794.2 9]?654
2000 316
6329 320 2.304.5 36,695.6 36.992.1 33,090.2 54.548.3 10,]98.3 29,136.3 43350.8 1]416.8 144,201.3 ]5,]61.3 13385.8 14,061.9 68.5668 53,565.3 3],2114
588.9 16.0834 15456.8 89,033.3
6209 3
2100 320
6054 324619
6 210 2.382.6 36,885.4 36.622.1 30,875.8 52,014.] 10.086.5 2]431.] 41.963.9 16452.5 146,571? ]6,006.8 12,549] 13,186.2 ]64823 59,483.8 40.138.2
248.0 212.854.5 3.3]96 14?17.6 14,1]4.3 ]8.83]9
2200 324
013.7 328 2,44].0 37.0]]8 36.162.0 29.0615 49,619.8 9,486.9 25.189.0 40,486.3 15.914.1 148.]9].8 75.968.1 11,833.9 124399 84,420.6 65380.] 43.070.0
642.0 3312]86 214.686.1 3.1454 13.284.8 12,]50.2 67.6212
2300 326 2,498.2 37,235] 35.605.5 214848 47352.5 8,939.1 23.912.3 39,011.] 15.3044 150,763.1 75,6563 11,202.4 it?80.1 92393.0 ]1,2632 45,9864
1206 333,729.9 216,144.3 2.874.2 12,0490 11.5344 56,620.6
2400 329 2,531.1 3],339.2 35,0056 26.120.8 45,1]1.8 8430.8 19.11].2 37,5809 14.884.3 152.5859 75,062.5 10,6506 11.208.2 100.402.2 7].155.1 98,906.8
3464 2.907.1 113]8.0 10.8624 49.137.5
739.2 21]
2500 33103]
4 335 25519 3].460.0 34299.9 24,8563 43,091.2 ],995.1 17,665.3 36,2544 14.3894 154,28].2 74,1954 10,1]5.0 10.7114 108,427.6 83.03]8 51,851.5
6816 33]454.1 2183816 2,]88.4 11,]014 11,152.9 92,]410
2600 332 2.549.0 315410 33,5]9.6 23,565.] 41.094.] ],5804 14,]64.] 35,064.1 13,80].5 155.605.9 ]30]6.6 9,772.5 102930 1164510 80911? 54832.5
565.1 11,2]4.3 10?36.5 38.3353
2958 2
2]00 334
1 338
8 219 2.5394 3],615.1 32,822.2 22,3154 39.1688 ].242.9 116]4.9 33,988? 12,816.6 157,211.2 ]1,77].4 9,424.6 9,935.6 124,4934 94.]7].2 5]848.3
099.2 24913 11,304.5 10,]64.2 35,207.5
9 340
3119 220
2800 335
439 2,51].] 37.6634 32,016? 21,1399 37.335.0 6,9]0.1 10,]43.9 32994.4 12,06].8 158,448.5 70.3399 9,1203 9,625.3 132466.8 100,5]52 60.8984
8134 2,5159 10,348.6 9,80].6 32.990.]
5119 220
2900 336
6 341 2483.9 37?18.1 31.188? 199]14 355994 6,]3]4 9.680.8 32.089.2 11,043.0 159,50].3 68.8108 8,8]7.9 9.3710 140,38].2 106,32]2 63.946.6
659.3 342.596.6 2214600 2,546.6 10.432.1 9,891.2 319]09
3000 33] 24413 3]?39.0 30.3]18 18.853.9 33,9]19 6.59].] 9,1093 31,256.9 9,462.1 160.5164 6].143? 8.6]13 9,166.4 148.219.3 111,991.1 6],008.9
038.1 2.403.1 9,965.9 9426.3 30261.4
3100 338
6054 343
577.0 222 23958 3],]69.6 29.519.1 17?68.6 32,42].3 6,511.3 82]94 30,993.2 8,]950 161.391 6 65.368.2 8.5088 8,994.8 155.9128 11].550.5 ]0,068.8
2933 9.622.1 9,101.1 27.2159
521.2 2
6 344419
5 222
3200 339410 2330.5 37?799 28.695.5 16]85.0 30,989? 6,445.0 7.3448 29?81.6 8.3809 162,134.3 63,5116 8,383.4 8,8665 163.482.5 123023.2 73,1392
114.7 25,4530
634.0 9
3 2
2644 9
3300 340
1260 345
5 222 2,2]0.7 3]?804 27,869.7 15,822.] 29.6490 6,3]64 6,301.5 29,088.8 18192 162.855.4 6184]9 8.262.0 8,]41] 1]08]1.6 128.362.9 ]6.2000
7649 223300.3 2.361] 9.368.8 8,8]39 23,9]6.5
3400 340?24
0 345 22093 3],808.1 21018.5 14,9134 28,419.8 6.3029 6.158.4 284060 1329.3 163,442.1 59,]954 8,1530 8.635.0 1]19826 133.479.6 ]9,228?
253? 223,592? 2.254.3 9,2605 B?69.9 219]06
3500 341
2206 346 2,135.9 31]66.0 20228.9 14028.8 27.2822 6,254.6 6,0126 2]]28.0 ],1620 163,973.8 5]943.3 8,073.5 85536 184.820.9 138,3]69 82.1]5]
183.5 224,0392 2.587.1 ],]458 7,349.6 19,452.5
1214 34]
4000 342 1,023.2 3],6336 22459.0 10,391.0 22.5115 6.142.0 5,13]6 24,4144 6,]122 165,263.1 49,013.9 7,893.2 8359.3 214,522.0 159,308.] 95.9]25
83].2 2,384.8 ],410.6 ],0334 15,924.0
0 346
032.1 222
4500 340
763 1508.4 37.419.6 19,185.0 ],]626 18.932.6 6,6393 3,669.3 20.982.3 5,6384 1650314 41,362.1 ],913] 8,332.] 238,]]1.3 1]6,1408 10]?56.9
5423 220.014.1 2,55]8 6,984.9 6,6288 14,]39.6
5000 33]002
2 342 1202.0 37.105.9 16,492.6 5,]]35 16.259.9 ],1015 2366.7 1]525.8 5,036.8 163630] 35.066.3 ],822.1 8,184.0 258456.6 189,8946 118,636.1
350.1 215.3]0] 2280.9 ],045.2 6,6942 1449]8
5132 336
5500 330 9]9.2 36,]3].1 14.2585 4.286.3 14,336.8 7,531.0 2.104? 14.302.2 3,]01.1 161.356.6 30,3123 ].6614 ]9868 274,941.3 201681.3 129.144.5
6000 321062? 32] 291.6 208.6]4.6 2,142.5 6.833.3 6,4794 14,521.6 ]09.9 36368.6 12.4]58 3.1]9.6 129424 7,630.9 1996.0 11.4]4.8 24403 158.335.9 26,]325 7.437.2 1]524 288.960.2 211984.3 138,841.3
2504 6.840.] 64858 13.952.2
196.6 200
534.8 2
6500 309
5 316 54].1 35,9534 11092.6 2.4365 11,890.8 ]68]4 1.408.3 9,0]9.0 1.565.9 1548212 24,050.6 1219.] 7.531.3 300,6019 220494.] 147,633.4
323.3 6 ]40.3 6,36]3 14,369.8
2 191 4]0 2 2
]000 296
1 303
822 4315 35.543 0 9,9]8.8 1,951.9 11.127.5 ] 8]3.2 593.8 ] 156.9 1.333.6 150,894.8 22.115.2 1024.5 7.339.7 310,5103 227.8114 155,098.8
531.5 181.812? 2.]84.1 7,492.5 ]0]36 13,72]?
8528 290
7500 282 3364 350]98 9,0958 1.653.6 10.6222 7.826.0 4058 5616.3 921.2 146.613.6 20653.8 6.9414 ],239] 319,033.3 234.2754 1604335
2]94 1599.1 ].182.2 14,2524
8000 268393 9 2]65046 1]1
9 3 259.5 34656.0 8.4118 1.43].] 10,232.1 ],71].5 4336 4.429.9 960.] 142.104.2 19,50].7 6,917.2 ],1664 326248.3 239953.3 163.]64.0
92].9 1616205 3.035.3 1668.5 7.253.3 13,489.6
8500 253
1 261 201.3 34.2014 ],86]? 12604 9.9404 8049.5 4354 3,541.9 ]083 13]3]65 18.660.1 6,9622 ],131? 332,504.0 244 9294 165.144.]
2534 1514093 2.503.0 ]897? ],4588 13,504.9
9000 238
5 247 155.3 33.741.2 ],4204 1,123.0 9,741.2 8,4163 4354 2,859.1 7083 132,401.8 18,08]8 6,9110 6953.3 33]922.4 249,268.0 165.3]1.3
518.9141313.0 2,2102 8,06]6 ],632.3 13,2336
9500223 1222 33,3014 7.0526 1.020.6 9635.3 8,421] 5]14 2.341.1 708.312]418.4 1],603.2 6.]]9.9 6651.1342.5584253,0119164.695.3
308.4 7,6226 ],222.3 132409
393.9 2
] 21]?65
1 131
10000 208
379 96.3 32,849.5 6.7391 930.1 95]2.] 8,244.5 644.4 1.957.1 645.3 122203.2 1],221.3 6.7324 64113 3464]10 256.1466 163.038.3
190.9121?622 2,8558 ],49].6 ]0913 134534
1203 ]4.4 32360.3 64]0.9 8968 9.495.0 8081.1 7704 1658.6 645.3116.792.2 168882 6.]86.6 6.2]883497458258]10.7160628.]
626.0 25649 14]0] ].079.3 13.1015
1258 112
11000 1]9
1 189 61.3 31.884.3 6.261.0 ]]18 9.576.3 ]?90? 634.4 1,419? 645.3 111.3]35 16589.4 6,8220 6,1398 352.433.7 260]88.2 15],]36.6
389.3 ].]804 ]3225 13?21.9
004.] 2
11500166 499 31409.2 6,0630 ]01.] 9,]05.2 7490.6 634.4 1.2286 5823105.697.0 16.334.1 6,835.1 6.047.635461]6262,4366154,538.3
958.4 2.3816 ].825.3 ]36].4 13,549.0
]818 95
6505 162
12000 153 36.] 30,953.8 59002 633.3 9,820.5 1420] 634.4 1068.] 5823 99.733.8 16.1016 6842.1 5,99].9 356,1]2.3 263,5554 151869.2
9 150453.3 88.269.0 2,283.3 8030.6 7.561.3 13396.1
12500 141
608 27.2 30.4328 5.]59.8 5]12 9,8618 ].646.4 8]18 931.6 2624 93,]84.5 15.908.9 68463 5,952? 357.0956 264,1095 14].3984
063.713851].5 80,92].5 1.9657 ].]39.6 ],28]6 12,]44.9
13000130 19.7 29.9482 5.620.3 523.0 9,9]4.3 7.841.0 ]35.8 8182 216] 8],923.6 15.7312 6?806 5,875.835]486.2264,184.4143.594.5
3126?882 ]3,856.8 1.]]8.3 8,506.1 8,034.0 128364
13500118806 16.9 29.492.8 5.520.3 4]86 10,2754 ],834.1 8195 ]12.6 216? 81,135.2 15.666.3 6.5539 56]2.3356.863.3263309.5139,224.0
1503 6]362] 1.6]4.3 8,9]0.6 8,498.6 12.8034
14000 108
3 116 14.3 28,9939 53]1.5 4528 10.4688 ],649.8 8195 6455 2161 ]]552.3 15,4568 64]8.5 5,5714 356.75].5 262.9904 135,882.2
]49.1 61 045.4 1 68].5 9.036.3 8,564.2 12.146.1
641 8 105
14500 98 11 ] 28,511.3 5,251 0 4220 10,650.6 ]408.3 645.1 581.5 216? ]2.806.1 15308.9 6,318.6 5,420.6 355.512.6 261 61].2 132.042.6
15000 892109 95903.51 5504054 1]]0.066 90959]2 8614.886 12119.63 9652203 28054.] 5136.331 394.]45 10791.83 ]152.806 708.1542 531.3299 0 6814143 151341] 6209082 5322.663 353950.6 259981.6 128220.2
16000 ]2198.94 ]8086.08 441]5.9 1985.553 9191 ]tt 8]11656 11976.51 5.805036 2]08193 490]805 34].9564 11092.9 6965.162 730.1085 4515055 0 61028.3 1483].55 6010.925 5231539 349681.2 255832 120683
1]508 52508.02 5]460.08 31335.5] 2232.158 100496] 9593.35] 11852.84 4.502119 25]38.18 4569933 292.8299 1140547 6918]]6 510.683] 3823815 0 52124]4 14345?6 5929.2]5 5146.982 341270.2 2480243 109949.3
10.1 148.186.8 197,707.1 42 849.2 122.646 0 121,764.5
250 153 060.3 199,108.1 48.305.9 121498.5 126,369.3
666 15],3924 200,398.5 53.365.9 131?99.8 130,629.6
169.0 161,]1].8 201,661.3 58,49].5 136,1440 134.9355
300.4165824]202,8627 63,494.6140,359.8139.112.9
4384 169,502.4 203,981.2 68.198.7 144,3160 143.0318
582] 1]3,2]2.1 205.060.1 73.0]63 148,376.6 141052.8
]26] 1]6,9032 206,082.0 ]7.8824 152,382.2 151020.2
873.1 180.412.0 20],0358 82.632.9 156 320 0 154,9232
1.021.8 183 792 9 20],95].1 87.287.1 160.151.1 158,]20.6
1,1]6.6 187,022.5 208.8520 91834.] 163,888.5 162,42].1
1,343.5 189.879.9 209.635.8 95,9524 167,3846 165,893.3
1,5224 192,]880 210414.1 100,166.9 1]0,948.3 169,430.2
1,719.8 195,]00 3 211 202.9 104418 9 174499.2 1]2.9550
3,0810 206?41.9 2145]05 120.944.6 18921].] 187.5698
5.1086 213,]86.8 2115298 132.1944 200,2]5.2 198,533.2
7.831.3 21],]098 219,992.2 1394]4.3 208.713.8 206865.6
11.060.2 219.624.8 221,889.5 144,0194 215.170.6 213,208.5
14,5032 220.356.0 223082.3 146,522.3 220263.0 218,1690
18,065.3 220,459.4 223,]669 147?249 224,644.4 222400.2
21?70.3 219,]88.1 223.9414 148,150? 226,578.2 226.124.3
25,563.8 218,531 ] 223700.0 148,265.1 232,123.1 229410.4
29412] 216,]604 223,0]63 141934.5 235,200.3 232,2410
33.333.] 214.681.1 222,185] 147.339.9 23]926.5 234?608
312]6.5 212.34]4 221,119.0 146,3]2.3 240.3498 23],023.7
40,099.8 212.86]? 221,164.3 148,010.9 244.916.2 241411.9
42841.1 213.590.3 2214364 149,768.3 249,341.3 245,]04.1
45,584.1 214496.1 22195] 8 151?519 253,96].1 250,198.3
48.293.0 215,5]5.] 222.689.2 153,843.9 258,628.9 254.7393
50.9998 216,814.5 223.5850 155,929.3 263,221.1 259,2184
53,684.3 218.818.3 224.939.5 158498.0 268.405.2 264,284.6
57.2694 216.6162 224,0619 156,142.9 269,4]8.1 265336?
60,821.2 214.234.2 223,135.9 153,321.] 2]0.265.9 266,104.3
64,2056 211 65].5 222.150.6 149,972.2 2]0668.9 266490.6
6]421.] 208.92].9 221,1529 146.2926 2]0,856.1 266.660.1
70,5510 2060]94 220.135.3 142,5064 270.958.4 266?44.3
73.5639 203,1553 219.0957 138,]114 2718119 266?79.5
]6,4393 200.240.] 218,0224 135,0483 271.011.1 266,]62.8
81,858.2 194,4498 215,8214 128,4830 2]0.610.5 266,534.1
8],1562 188?48.2 213,553.9 123,066.5 2]0,295.5 265993.3
91,425.9 183.139.0 211,221.3 118,2428 269308.9 264.9914
94,6410 1]7,800.6 208.8618 113,960.7 267949.8 263.622]
96,778.1 172,517.4 206.4323 109,885.5 266,160.9 261.8283
9],855.8 16]440.3 204.017.2 105,6]28 263.9718 259647.4
98.313.9 162,4322 201,570.5 101,304.2 261.382.5 25],056.2
98,482.9 157.459.7 199,116.0 96,702.5 258,368.7 254048.5
984]0.8 152.608.8 196,650.0 92,022.] 255,127.0 250,8122
984084 14187].5 194.164? 8],530.0 251 658.5 241352.0
98,2440 143,262.1 191 6]62 83.322.4 248,050.9 243,750.8
9],955.3 138,]465 189.127.5 ]9,4529 244.330.3 240,036.0
9],689 7 134351 3 186.529] ]5,989.1 240.5]].8 236,288.5
912618 130.191.6 183,934.2 ]2.926 0 236 866.6 232.5844
96,802.1 126.171.0 181,280.2 70,131 6 233.160.8 228.8830
96.3338 122280.1 1]8.578? 6],578.5 229458.1 225,18].2
95.864.] 118,515.2 1]5.848.9 65,190.6 225,]61.9 221.498.1
95,335.3 119,9137 1730]6.5 62.9100 222,063.4 211809.5
94,929.4 111451.1 1]0,286.5 60.]50.1 218,38].5 214,143.]
94,5200 108,126.4 1674]9.3 58,7059 214?216 210494.3
94,170.2 104,926 3 164 638.2 56.7859 211,052.3 206831.2
93.7]55 90.892.] 150.619.6 48,5932 192.5]9.3 188,44].9
91.623.1 ]9.581.313],5069 41,697.21]4,389.5170.3665
88.153.3 ]0,62].8125,2849 36,269.3157659.1 153.7516
83,168.5 63425.3114,1125 323244 142,939.6 139.145.3
75.93].2 5],515.0104.129.3 294618 130,271.6 126590.5
6]094.3 52,418.3 95.2119 2],162.9 118.959.6 115,3]40
5],252.2 4],836.9 87.1816 25,189.9108664.1 105,1]38
4],201.2 43.6]86 ]98]4.3 23.3386 99.266.9 95,864.3
38.550.9 39.8468 ]3,314.2 21,391.1 90,62].] 8]292?
314492 36.294.4 6]424.] 19,423.9 8261].4 ]9.33].1
25,9]2.0 33,101.0 62,0299 17,5111 753980 ]2.151?
21,770.2 30,39].0 5],156.1 15,8203 69,132.2 65,9268
18,591? 280922 52,931.5 14.3662 63,6]7.6 60,523.5
16424.5 26.182.1 49,3]6.] 13.1]0.4 59.0815 55,968.3
14?13.8 24861] 46,2182 12.182.8 55,1808 52,07].1
13,2000 23.1]0.0 43,4984 113190 51,8394 48.7549
11905.1 22.014.5 41,249.7 10,589.1 48,9826 45.9146
10.844.2 21,074.3 39,3844 10,038.0 4669]? 43.583.1
9,9363 202]0.3 3]?88.6 9.6138 44?61.1 41.598.9
8,921.9 19.560 8 36,2615 9245.4 42.973.2 39 815 6
8.182.6 189]92 35064.1 8.931.8 414538 38,2034
] 442.0 10.447.7 33.994.9 8,694 0 40.181.0 36.941.1
6]83]93 17971.26 33094.61 8521.134 39107.91 35]8449
5764.93] 1]0]491 31603.13 7996.]72 3]023]5 3365245
450098] 16054.48 29842?2 7473466 346]8.38 31145.2]
• • •
Pee Dee River -Reach 3 - Subreach SR3 -Weighted Useable Area (sq ft per 1000 ft of linear stream)
70 7,027.2 6,434.3 6,853.4 91,428.2 8,739.1 8,722.4 19,343.2 0.3 29,324.4 12,567.1 111,864.8 46,527.9 2,989.4 0.0 22,213.0 308,571.5 22,515.4 2,505.8 38,499.5 43,035.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 147,155.8 143,249.1 35,922.3 131,569.8 131,449.4
80 9,077.6 8,269.1 8,780.5 88,215.0 8,839.9 8,823.2 19,343.2 0.3 31,847.6 14,055.1 121,633.7 49,847.4 3,386.3 0.0 24,642.3 317,590.7 24,321.9 2,792.9 40,603.1 45,198.1 0.6 0.6 0.0 46.8 157,297.4 152,360.9 41,210.9 140,348.9 140,227.8
90 11,342.2 10,289.9 10,908.8 85,525.3 9,867.9 9,838.2 20,136.1 0.5 34,240.9 15,540.6 130,433.6 52,972.5 3,757.6 0.0 26,915.2 324,068.7 26,110.2 3,096.2 42,701.1 47,332.6 1.7 1.7 9.9 165.4 166,799.1 167,049.5 46,537.9 148,629.6 148,507.8
100 13,840.0 12,526.3 13,224.9 83,445.6 10,896.1 10,866.5 20,431 4 0.6 36,542.5 17,006.8 138,211.5 55,917.5 4,122.9 0.0 29,064.6 331,445.2 27,890.5 3,402.2 44,557.7 49,223.3 3.3 3.3 28.6 411.5 175,706.0 169,214.6 51,886.4 156,485.9 156,363.3
110 16,510.2 14,917.9 15,706.7 81,410.1 13,299.8 13,270.1 20,431.4 0.9 38,764.2 18,463.0 145,415.6 58,750.0 4,468.5 0.0 31,063.4 336,883.7 29,618.9 3,706.9 46,381.5 51,083.1 5.8 5.8 63.8 689.1 184,127.7 176,880.3 57,234.5 163,925.5 163.801.1
120 19,347.2 17,461.0 78,346.9 81,352.3 13,771.1 13,747.5 20,846.9 1.3 40,666.1 19,934.1 152,264.7 61,518.0 4,820.9 0.0 33,001.2 344,232.1 31,348.0 4,007.9 40,011.6 52,731.5 8.9 8.9 108.6 958.7 192,766.6 183,997.3 62,551.0 171,030.3 170.903.6
130 22,300.3 20,110.3 21,080.8 77,771.7 14,771.7 14,742.0 22,037.1 1.3 42,654.7 21,407.4 158,646.3 64,291.1 5,113.6 0.0 34,929.5 349,053.9 33,085.9 4,314.8 49,477.2 54,197.2 12.4 12.4 158.3 1,222.8 199,752.2 190,535.9 67,771.7 177,680.6 177,551.3
740 25,385.1 22,867.1 23,933.9 76,623.4 15,370.0 15,340.4 22,045.6 1.5 44,782.0 22,871.0 164,843.4 67,079.1 5,368.7 0.0 36,845.5 353,882.5 34,791.5 4,631.5 50,862.1 55,583.8 16.3 16.3 212.9 1,477.8 207,010.8 196,648.8 72,806.1 184,007.2 183,875.0
150 26,617.8 25,750.0 26,910.4 73,663.4 15,732.6 15,703.0 22,613.8 1.7 46,621.7 24,343.8 170,838.4 69,837.4 5,622.3 0.0 38,755.1 361,885.3 36,486.5 4,951.2 52,174.6 56,896.3 20.9 20.9 271.4 1,723.0 214,130.9 202,378.2 77,795.2 190,315.8 190,180.4
160 31,927.7 28,702.6 29,950.2 69,452.5 16,611.3 16,542.3 23,142.5 2.0 48,401.2 25,778.6 176,715.5 72,555.6 5,892.2 0.0 40,648.7 368,426.1 38.154.6 5,276.0 53,352.3 58,077.1 26.0 26.0 333.1 1,957.2 221,032.8 207.777.7 82,643.1 796,497.9 196,359.3
170 35,338.4 31,736.8 33,096.0 66,539.7 17,673.4 17,598.3 23,934.4 2.4 50,090.4 27,227.8 182,385.2 75,223.2 6,182.7 0.0 42,482.0 373,295.8 39,840.2 5,604.0 54,427.3 59,157.8 31.6 31.6 397.9 2,185.4 227,648.8 212,932.3 87,287.3 202,452.0 202,310.1
180 38,813.2 34,826.0 36,297.9 62,649.0 19,491.3 19,416.2 24,532.4 3.4 51,718.6 28,666.8 187,763.6 77,821.2 6,496.1 0.0 44,291.3 377,417.6 41,529.8 5,934.6 55,478.6 60,204.0 37.5 37.5 466.3 2,409.1 234,011.0 217,807.1 91,754.4 208,157.5 208,012.3
190 42,350.4 37,971.4 39,547.6 63,032.3 20,549.6 20,450.4 25,281.4 4.4 53,257.1 30,095.6 192,752.6 80,359.4 6,835.5 0.0 46,074.1 381,884.6 43,205.0 6,264.9 56,498.2 61,218.8 44.2 44.1 538.8 2,625.7 240,176.8 222,504.2 96,078.7 213,658.4 213,509.9
200 45,953.4 41,171.3 42,857.7 59,275.8 22,065.3 21,906.8 25,460.0 5.1 54,731.7 31,497.6 197,561.4 82,845.2 7,174.4 0.0 47,818.3 384,547.8 44,880.8 6,593.6 57,455.3 62,165.8 52.9 52.1 674.9 2,836.2 246,029.1 226,997.8 100,256.0 218,891.7 218,739.8
210 49,615.8 44,421.2 46,223.7 57,120.5 22,599.9 22,413.9 25,917.8 6.4 56,184.4 32,914.2 202,061.7 85,279.0 7,533.7 0.0 49,589.4 387,370.3 46,554.6 6,922.3 58,331.4 63,033.1 63.2 61.2 692.4 3,039.7 251,667.3 231,294.7 104,348.7 223,916.3 223,762.6
220 53,340,6 47,729.5 49,633.9 53,792.9 24,050.7 23,781.9 26,098.7 7.0 57,571.1 34,311.7 206,375.1 87,668.7 7,9444 0.0 51,348.6 389,501.5 48.229.6 7,255.8 59,091.3 63,783.4 76.1 72.7 762.8 3,234.0 257,059.7 235,391.9 108,344.3 228,677.3 226,521.1
230 57,109.4 51,079.6 53,079.0 51,173.6 25,544.0 25,229.2 27,224.0 8.2 58,893.2 35,691.6 210,569.4 89,991.8 8,418.8 0.0 53,075.0 390,876.5 49,885.5 7,591.7 59,835.4 64,523.7 91.0 84.6 828.8 3,418.5 262,308.1 239,380.0 112,245.6 233,304.2 233,145.6
240 60,913.4 54,460.7 56,557.1 49,211.7 27,416.8 27,055.2 26,415.9 12.7 60,163.1 37,067.2 214,619.0 92,254.4 8,914.1 0.0 54,826.4 391,409.5 51,549.0 7,929.7 60,514.9 65,206.6 108.3 98.3 895.2 3,602.1 267,400.9 243,196.2 116,070.1 237,805.3 237,645.7
250 64,747.9 57,869.2 60,062.5 46,490.7 29,147.9 28,722.1 30,080.2 19.0 61,380.9 38,418.0 218,410.6 94,438.7 9,424.2 0.0 56,552.4 390,410.9 53,198.0 8,274.4 61,163.9 65,864.1 127.7 113.4 961.9 3,788.9 272,326.4 246,927.7 719,843.4 242,787.8 242,027.6
260 68,607.1 61,304.6 63,577.4 43,578.9 30,859.7 30,291.8 31,171.5 25.9 62,583.7 39,774.0 221,963.1 96,549.1 9,980.4 0.0 58,255.3 392,316.2 54,839.7 8,617.9 61,750.6 66,454.8 152.0 131.3 1,028.5 3,983.6 277,077.5 250,587.5 123,535.5 246,370.7 246,210.0
270 72,504.4 64,775.4 67,128.8 41,232.2 33,532.1 32,868.6 31,768.0 32.8 63,756.2 41,094.3 225,441.1 98,578.7 10,552.7 0.0 59,937.9 390,621.1 56,469.9 8,960.1 62,260.5 66,955.0 186.6 157.7 1,090.3 4,190.2 281,651.0 254,128.2 127,120.7 250,368.5 250,207.3
280 76,448.4 68,291.7 70,717.5 38,798.1 34,034.0 33,320.3 32,537.6 39.0 64,869.0 42,414.4 228,731.9 700,519.9 11,109.3 0.0 61,605.4 391,228.0 58,080.7 9,302.2 62,738.9 67,419.2 233.5 194.5 1,144.6 4,399.7 286,072.4 257,587.8 130,613.0 254,197.6 254,035.9
290 80,451.0 71,863.1 74,349.3 35,437.0 34,774.8 33,990.5 33,434.3 44.6 65,934.6 43,712.8 231,707.1 102,393.4 11,631.3 158.6 63,265.7 391,526.6 59,695.1 9,647.4 63,155.3 67,827.9 290.4 236.9 1,192.6 4,613.2 290,321.2 260,965.0 134,030.1 257,856.7 257,694.4
300 84,489.7 75,467.6 78,008.8 32,428.0 36,579.4 35,678.8 34,139.1 51.2 66,970.7 45,000.6 234,512.6 104,190.5 12,117.4 158.6 64,913.9 392,086.2 61,317.4 9,992.9 63,533.0 68,204.9 352.5 283.2 1,237.9 4,833.4 294,375.7 264,225.7 137,394.0 261,342.4 261,179.7
310 66,546.8 79,088.2 81,688.4 29,898.3 38,462.6 37,431.1 34,831.6 61.0 67,968.3 46,275.8 237,143.3 105,917.2 12,577.1 158.6 66,517.9 388,392.3 62,929.1 10,336.6 63,950.4 68,621.2 418.9 332.1 1,280.6 5,071.2 298,312.4 267,437.4 140,709.9 264,734.8 264,571.6
320 93,659.9 83,623.8 86,528.4 26,692.0 38,763.9 37,779.1 34,449.4 82.3 68,385.4 46,883.2 237,599.7 105,970.1 12,322.9 158.6 68,243.9 386,060.9 63,929.5 70,493.7 63,222.1 67,917.2 634.2 494.8 1,244.0 5,629.6 299,296.6 267,669.1 142,670.8 265,492.5 265,329.0
330 98,754.4 88,738.1 91,359.4 24,410.2 40,453.1 39,382.8 34,070.5 100.3 68,809.8 47,473.9 237,903.7 105,964.4 12,004.4 158.6 69,978.7 361,696.8 64,945.7 10,650.5 62,474.4 67,182.0 883.3 681.7 1,206.7 6,188.3 300,241.9 267,797.6 144,556.9 266,340.8 266,176.9
340 103,808.3 92,612.2 96,156.0 22,964.5 40,075.6 39,010.9 33,048.1 119.9 69,227.4 48,058.8 238,037.8 105,925.8 11,644.8 158.6 71,672.8 380,643.9 65,966.8 10,804.0 61,773.5 66,486.6 1,162.7 891.8 1,169.1 6,740.3 301,214.3 267,863.7 146,391.6 267,327.7 267,163.6
350 108,825.4 97,053.2 100,912.3 22,976.4 38,996.7 37,996.8 32,073.2 143.9 69,631.4 48,640.6 237,995.5 105,877.2 17,277.2 370.0 73,347.3 379,043.1 66,988.4 10,954.0 61,059.8 65,777.1 1,470.2 1,123.6 1,132.1 7,278.3 302,170.1 267,853.9 148,168.2 268,427.7 268,263.2
360 113,824.6 101,476.4 105,648.9 22,837.0 38,876.2 37,861.1 31,295.1 171.9 70,039.5 49,224.1 237,883.0 105,803.6 10,919.6 541.3 75,006.1 376,381.6 68,005.6 11,102.5 60,349.9 65,070.3 1,799.6 1,371.1 1,096.2 7,800.2 303,059.8 267,794.0 149,829.5 269,518.6 269,353.9
360 122,725.0 109,392.2 113,897.9 21,336.5 40,195.9 39,084.8 29,481.0 216.7 71,335.1 51,029.3 239,715.6 107,153.6 10,970.1 586.1 78,136.8 374,054.7 70,706.7 11,588.1 60,084.9 64,774.1 2,313.0 1,749.5 1,104.4 8,554.4 307,373.1 270,637.1 154,323.6 274,002.7 273,836.8
400 130,673.5 116,518.2 121,026.5 19,797.5 45,657.5 44,264.1 30,002.1 257.5 73,049.8 53,366.5 243,687.0 109,740.7 11,765.9 586.1 81,179.3 364,944.1 73,921.5 12,250.7 60,837.7 65,487.5 2,661.1 1,997.7 1,189.0 9,018.0 313,928.5 276,113.8 159,931.3 280,499.6 280,333.2
420 138,576.4 123,624.5 128,064.7 77,665.4 49,754.5 48,098.7 31,052.8 298.6 74,683.5 55,626.8 247,314.5 112,107.8 12,409.6 744.6 84,374.3 359,438.2 77,141.7 12,916.6 61,487.5 66,100.1 3,023.1 2,255.4 1,274.5 9,501.8 320,138.7 287,468.9 165,461.5 286,938.9 286,771.8
440 146,450.6 130,728.5 135,009.0 15,383.0 52,618.3 50,813.7 32,451.3 341.3 76,230.4 57,872.8 250,571.6 114,163.3 12,999.6 744.6 87,432.0 353,024.3 80,338.9 13,582.0 62,010.5 66,581.5 3,407.5 2,527.2 1,360.8 9,986.8 325,810.3 286,665.5 170,690.3 292,973.4 292,805.9
460 154,266.2 137,798.9 141,855.7 13,769.3 54,340.9 52,461.4 33,415.4 373.7 77,705.2 60,056.8 253,516.2 176,044.6 13,413.2 744.6 90,532.0 346,479.1 83,493.2 14,255.3 62,509.2 67,034.0 3,874.2 2,815.5 1,447.6 10,472.8 331,008.1 291,688.5 175,692.7 298,713.6 298,545.6
480 162,009.7 144,836.1 148,585.5 12,700.1 55,970.0 53,996.2 34,697.5 419.5 79,091.2 62,185.4 255,763.2 117,728.3 13,750.3 7,061.8 93,451.6 338,607.1 86,616.3 14,922.7 62,845.2 67,342.3 4,238.8 3,178.1 1,535.0 70,978.3 335,710.9 296,514.7 180,570.4 304,168.5 304,000.4
500 769,690.9 151,832.9 155,218.6 12,068.1 56,982.1 54,873.9 34,608.6 472.7 80,442.1 64,271.9 257,159.2 119,197.0 13,978.1 1,061.8 96,169.8 332,823.7 89,668.6 15,584.8 63,139.7 67,632.3 4,681.5 3,432.2 1,623.1 11,504.5 339,774.8 301,135.8 185,191.0 309,101.5 308,933.2
520 177,262.7 158,739.9 161,705.0 11,976.3 58,761.4 56,588.1 36,668.7 522.1 81,649.3 66,295.5 257.731.1 120,519.7 14,162.1 1,268.6 98,819.0 324,353.8 92,740.7 16,259.6 63,332.6 67,806.8 5,147.7 3,761.8 1,711.8 72,067.9 343,328.3 305,498.1 189,575.2 313,630.3 313,462.1
540 184,715.9 165,541.1 168,062.6 11,348.1 59,546.5 57,329.1 36,722.4 585.5 82,876.0 68,273.1 257,720.4 121,771.1 14,347.3 1,268.6 107,367.5 317,706.9 95,800.0 16,955.6 63,411.7 67,863.6 5,633.8 4,102.5 1,799.5 12,665.1 346,477.9 309,597.0 193,810.0 317,960.3 317,792.0
560 192,091.2 172,274.4 174,319.6 11,511.0 61,772.9 58,819.0 37,547.3 652.0 84,021.5 70,200.6 257,025.2 122,814.2 14,637.1 1,316.9 103,773.9 311,291.2 98,825.7 17,658.8 63,395.0 67,831.6 6,138.3 4,454.8 1,887.3 13,305.6 349,374.9 313,391.7 197,925.7 322,172.5 322,004.1
580 199,372.7 178,936.9 180,457.2 11,331.4 62,953.9 60,501.8 38,740.2 711.6 85,170.5 72,068.4 256,017.4 123,782.5 15,007.9 1,620.4 106,062.6 304,805.8 101,846.8 18,360.3 63,303.1 67,721.3 6,665.3 4,822.4 1,974.8 13,981.3 351,835.0 316,968.4 201,815.2 326,220.7 326,052.1
600 206,5134 185,483.8 186,432.9 11,433.0 64,857.3 62,263.8 38,826.7 770.8 86,210.7 73,863.5 254,570.2 124,617.0 75,375.3 2,717.0 108,243.4 299,933.7 104,821.8 19,064.2 63,122.8 67,520.4 7,212.1 5,201.3 2,061.6 14,687.6 354,081.7 320,310.7 205,441.3 330.052.6 329,883.9
620 213,493.5 191,885.7 192,258.0 11,034.4 66,018.9 63,369.0 39,904.7 841.0 87,246.3 75,604.6 252,430.8 125,366.0 15,703.1 3,190.2 110,253.4 292,825.6 107,795.9 19,773.5 62,854.8 67,238.0 7,778.9 5,594.4 2,147.6 15,416.4 355,992.1 323,406.7 206,719.3 333,551.0 333,382.2
640 220,339.4 198,175.1 197,943.0 10,704.5 66,150.7 63,546.5 41,626.7 913.3 88,213.9 77,293.2 249,956.4 126,009.8 15,957.9 3,190.2 112,162.0 283,589.6 110,680.9 20,476.9 62,490.2 66,863.3 8,370.1 6,000.7 2,233.7 16,173.3 357,521.8 326,766.7 211,633.2 336,619.5 336,450.4
660 227,026.5 204,322.3 203,465.1 70,470.9 67,316.8 64,665.9 43,908.5 969.7 89,140.0 78,939.6 247,305.2 126,574.3 16,135.3 3,286.8 113,940.7 274,260.2 113,619.7 21,178.0 62,069.4 66,421.2 6,980.8 6,420.1 2,320.6 16,978.7 358,872.8 328,716.5 214,364.1 339,574.8 339,405.5
680 233,593.3 270,368.6 208,854.0 10,095.8 68,707.3 65,905.0 44,516.6 1,042.7 90,066.5 80,524.6 244,400.3 127,052.0 16,266.6 3,286.8 115,650.7 268,755.1 116,506.1 21,871.1 61,581.0 65,916.7 9,620.8 6,860.9 2,407.8 17,838.3 360,004.3 331,040.1 216,823.1 342,310.4 342,140.8
700 240,021.6 216,295.2 214,096.0 9,747.6 68,918.1 66,049.0 45,474.9 1,114.7 90,944.0 82,049.0 241,184.2 127,443.3 16,399.5 3,286.8 117,337.1 260,410.3 119,368.7 22,561.4 61,015.5 65,332.7 10,281.8 7,314.3 2,494.8 18,744.7 360,897.4 333,007.1 218,966.5 344,840.7 344,669.7
720 246,343.8 222,133.3 219,234.5 9,673.3 68,947.5 66,025.1 46,292.2 1,194.5 91,776.6 83,538.2 237.899.4 127,787.1 16,471.0 3,335.1 118,960.6 253,264.4 122,202.8 23,243.7 60,396.8 64,695.2 70,967.6 7,761.3 2,582.5 19,677.3 361,634.8 334,677.5 220.900.7 347,171.3 346,999.7
740 252,477.9 227,803.1 224,216.7 9,412.8 69,134.8 66,208.6 48,061.0 1.285.2 92,586.3 84,986.3 234,475.1 128,088.6 16,521.1 4,573.2 120,556.5 243,421.3 125,018.8 23,919.6 59,760.1 64,040.1 11,675.0 8,262.6 2,670.7 20,633.4 362,145.0 335,971.2 222,636.0 349,321.1 349,148.3
760 258,472.3 233,354.3 229,063.2 9,266.2 68,207.2 65,327.0 49,128.0 1,375.6 93,365.8 86,398.2 230,955.3 128,376.2 16,514.9 5,768.1 122,075.4 235,074.5 127,841.6 24,589.0 59,078.6 63,340.3 12,411.5 8,764.3 2,758.7 21,623.5 362,541.9 337,077.5 224,227.8 351.339.0 351,164.8
780 268,782.7 243,039.7 237,670.8 8,514.9 70,861.4 67,906.6 50,776.9 1,260.8 94,876.1 88,686.9 232,431.4 131,123.7 17,612.1 6,191.2 120,233.9 238,960.1 131,191.6 25,499.4 59,549.4 64,014.0 72,513.4 8,894.8 2,887.2 22,897.1 367,272.3 340,632.7 230,812.9 355,521.7 355,344.5
800 279,465.9 253,048.1 246,648.3 7,811.9 73,433.3 70,394.8 51,002.5 1,129.6 96,354.3 91,017.8 233,827.6 133,813.2 18,633.5 7,700.2 118,130.5 242,025.8 734,601.5 26,472.9 59,946.8 64,620.2 12,619.1 9,040.9 3,020.1 24,256.9 372,023.8 343,815.4 237,430.7 359.724.0 359,543.3
830 293,659.5 266,284.0 258,546.1 7,149.2 77,084.3 73,865.2 51,915.5 1,016.0 98,171.6 94,054.8 233,288.8 136,462.7 19,506.2 8,494.5 116,285.2 239,960.6 139,494.3 27,876.9 59,815.5 64,689.7 13,127.0 9,486.2 3,204.3 26,307.5 376,872.4 346,725.8 244,646.8 364,827.6 364,647.5
660 308,336.5 279,931.7 270,893.3 6,241.9 80,823.0 77,437.8 51,753.0 674.5 99,957.7 97,103.4 232,559.1 138,917.3 20,208.2 9,632.2 114,077.3 238,674.4 144,442.4 29,376.0 59,549.0 64,619.6 13,665.9 9,975.8 3,397.7 28,521.5 381,755.1 349,081.9 251,889.3 370,023.3 369,831.9
890 323,508.3 293,994.7 283,666.0 5,331.6 85,679.3 82,017.6 51,807.2 696.2 101,720.6 100,758.9 231,566.7 141,205.0 20,742.7 10,226.3 117,511.1 236,077.4 149,501.3 30,961.1 59,153.9 64,431.5 14,248.3 10,521.7 3,606.5 30,918.3 386,747.4 350,966.9 259,276.8 375,418.5 375,222.0
920 339,187.8 308,499.5 296,870.0 4,532.0 91,653.0 87,610.3 50,062.3 483.2 103,442.6 103,254.8 230,326.3 143,301.8 21,058.2 10,803.3 108,665.4 233,159.4 154,675.1 32,643.4 58,647.2 64,125.9 14,895.2 11,138.7 3,826.4 33,502.4 397,804.4 352,495.7 266,666.1 381,035.8 380,834.1
950 348,612.8 317,193.6 304,533.2 4,381.4 95,082.6 90,714.8 50,455.8 523.7 104,316.3 105,059.0 224,054.5 142,728.2 20,377.4 11,636.2 109,535.3 219,310.6 158,858.6 33,838.3 57,073.9 62,523.6 16,333.6 12,198.8 3,998.3 35,751.7 391,550.2 351,391.4 267,547.8 383,489.4 383,284.0
7025 370,650.9 337,618.5 322,269.1 4,012.8 98,093.8 93,297.0 50,018.4 636.2 106,352.9 109,098.5 208,187.4 140,817.0 18,743.0 14,775.6 111,386.9 186,964.7 169,237.2 36,746.3 53,124.1 58,480.1 20,254.4 15,097.8 4,426.1 41,775.5 389,934.0 348,043.9 268,447.8 389,673.9 389,399.0
1100 390,406.8 356,048.6 337,955.8 3,731.4 96,429.0 93,412.9 46,624.0 767.0 108,079.1 112,542.4 192,592.6 138,224.0 17,290.6 19,328.6 172,799.4 155,952.4 179,183.6 39,536.4 49,250.5 54,474.1 24,646.7 18,353.2 4,861.6 46,121.3 386,911.3 344,105.3 267,859.0 395,531.8 395,306.6
1175 407,877.9 372,462.8 357,682.1 3,399.4 95,134.3 90,245.6 46,442.3 888.9 109,655.1 115,422.1 177,557.0 135,148.4 15,999.7 24,660.0 113,589.8 128,167.8 188,726.9 42,246.7 45,602.6 50,680.8 29,498.6 21,958.0 5,303.7 54,655.6 382,664.0 339,762.2 265,883.0 400,802.8 400,568.0
1250 422,942.0 386,664.6 363,513.5 3,292.2 92,057.4 87,194.4 45,337.3 1,012.2 110,977.2 117,799.0 762,971.1 131,696.5 14,959.3 28,869.2 113,646.5 101,812.4 197,823.0 44,769.8 42,195.7 47,122.2 34,780.5 25,895.0 5,775.3 61,229.1 377,311.4 335,217.3 262,491.0 405,244.7 404,999.5
1325 435,579.8 398,578.5 373,384.5 3,344.4 84,577.5 80,018.1 42,166.4 1,137.2 712,164.6 119,691.4 148,659.3 128,016.1 13,971.8 32,183.4 112,954.8 78,839.6 206,444.1 47,072.1 39,075.9 43,828.8 40,442.1 30,139.5 6,276.0 67,757.0 370,711.4 330,502.0 257,621.5 408,857.9 408,603.3
1400 446,116.8 408,507.5 381,547.4 3,427.5 75,136.8 71,060.8 39,535.4 1,266.9 113,209.9 121,212.7 135,075.5 124,171.5 13,215.9 34,991.2 111,514.1 60,934.6 214,615.4 49,069.7 36,187.4 40,766.1 46,479.8 34,691.0 6,820.8 73,987.6 363,138.4 325,691.3 251,416.6 411,603.9 411,339.3
1475 455,020.3 416,889.9 388,358.5 3,595.5 67,838.7 64,391.6 36,516.1 1,391.3 174,104.6 122,272.9 122,074.2 120,217.8 12,674.6 35,245.8 109,400.3 47,377.5 222,380.4 50,784.3 33,581.8 37,979.0 52,856.1 39,518.5 7,421.2 80,129.8 354,859.5 320,790.6 244,120.1 413,563.3 413,289.5
1575 464,745.3 426,022.3 395,665.4 3,335.6 56,893.5 54,120.0 31,510.0 1,559.3 115,142.7 123,179.8 106,327.7 114,824.4 12,181.4 36,020.5 106,006.0 34,209.6 232,007.2 52,670.3 30,477.8 34,636.4 61,873.5 46,372.4 8,287.9 88,157.1 343,118.0 314,274.7 233,348.9 415,280.7 414,996.3
1675 472,103.3 432,907.8 401,141.9 3,765.8 47,864.6 45,469.1 24,707.2 1,722.5 116,012.5 123,537.0 92,385.6 109,473.0 11,875.8 36,529.6 102,192.9 27,798.1 240,958.0 54,202.5 27,743.9 31,668.8 77,353.3 53,598.6 9,242.7 96,536.7 330,702.8 307,733.6 221,078.2 415,413.9 415,120.4
1775 477,493.9 437,930.8 405,235.8 3,074.7 40,394.8 38,415.3 18,877.0 1,885.4 116,712.3 123,339.4 80,030.6 104,259.2 11,560.8 36,737.8 98,313.9 22,684.8 249,170.3 55,355.5 25,402.9 29,100.9 81,194.1 61,119.5 10,286.6 105,331.8 318,038.7 301,170.2 207,894.3 413,879.9 413,561.4
1875 481,528.5 441,684.3 408,369.9 2,989.2 35,497.7 33,663.9 13,406.5 2,041.7 117,321.9 122,780.8 69,267.8 99,182.5 11,374.8 38,165.4 94,251.2 18,008.7 256,631.7 56.120.7 23,320.8 26,808.3 91,334.3 68,885.5 11,381.8 113,822.0 305,426.9 294,642.8 194,674.0 411,326.0 411,020.2
1975 484,469.2 444,406.0 410,726.0 2,926.1 30,519.9 28,941.4 9,131.4 2,183.8 117,813.1 121,816.3 60,158.9 94,269.7 11,242.6 38,373.6 90,065.9 16,037.5 263,497.3 56,468.4 21,489.9 24,775.4 101,678.0 76,819.0 12,526.9 121,788.4 292,980.1 288,153.8 182,284.0 408,028.6 407,710.6
2075 486,938.4 446,688.3 412,714.9 2,841.5 30,174.3 28,625.6 8,023.0 2,319.9 118,162.8 120,534.2 52,478.3 89,544.7 11,058.3 38,373.6 85,795.5 12,648.8 269,738.7 56,422.6 19,852.4 22,948.7 112,164.9 84,871.7 13,723.3 129,465.5 280,584.2 281,743.3 170,984.3 404,246.4 403,914.0
• ~ •
Pee Dee River -Reach 3 - Subreach SR3 -Weighted Useable Area (sq ft per 1000 ft of linear stream)
2175 489,045.5 448,642.6 414,414.3 2,695.6 28,163.7 26,793.2 7,915.2 2,437.9 718,474.7 119,011.7 45,989.5 85,014.9 10,827.9 38,373.6 81,554.6 9,646.4 275,442.3 55,998.1 18,412.0 21,337.3 122,759.4 93,023.0 15,002.5 137,154.1 268.326.5 275,481.3 161,030.3 400,248.2 399,901.6
2275 490,799.3 450,273.0 415,832.3 2,508.7 25,723.8 24,454.7 8,153.7 2,547.3 118,708.2 117,214.6 40,442.0 80,719.9 10,613.8 38,357.8 77,515.9 8,569.2 280,567.5 55,266.5 17,115.4 19,883.0 133,351.3 101,183.8 16,437.9 144,621.0 256,380.6 269,330.7 152,336.4 395,902.5 395,542.9
2375 492,285.2 451,658.4 417,023.3 2,453.0 24,416.1 23,126.8 7,909.9 2,650.2 118,847.3 115,259.9 35,747.4 76,687.1 10,360.0 38,012.1 73,743.7 6,916.4 285,249.7 54,291.6 15,970.5 18,595.6 143,867.9 109,275.5 18
032.7 151
805.6 244
885.7 263
316.2 144
1 391
5 390
2475 493,540.1 452,833.2 418,008.1 2,329.2 23,391.0 22,051.9 7,181.8 2,736.7 118,919.2 113,125.8 31,898.6 72,863.9 10,075.1 37,534.7 70,400.3 6,264.9 289,427.1 53.095.2 ,
14,969.2 17,458.3 154,248.2 117,269.6 19,748.6 158,557.6 233,867.7 257,426.5 137,959.9 386,207.5 385,830.3
2575 494,576.4 453,815.0 418,795.3 2,265.1 20,191.4 18,919.7 6,459.0 2,806.0 119,015.0 110,862.7 28,704.4 69,296.2 9,822.5 37,416.8 67,279.3 6,053.0 293,255.6 51,737.0 14,067.0 16,435.4 164,382.8 125,102.8 21,618.4 165,022.4 223,258.6 251,704.4 131,480.1 380.906.5 380,521.8
2675 495,444.0 454,648.0 419,445.5 2,253.2 19,689.0 18,407.0 6,131.7 2,856.0 118,999.2 108,551.8 26,011.0 65,959.6 9,629.8 37,350.6 64,292.7 5,186.4 296,692.0 50,254.8 13,235.6 15,492.0 174,278.4 132,779.5 23,653.0 170,763.8 213,066.4 246,110.8 125,138.8 375,283.3 374,896.3
2775 496,213.9 455,389.7 420,018.9 2,282.3 19,597.3 18,293.7 5,813.6 2,899.8 118,963.6 106,099.2 23,718.8 62,874.0 9,419.2 37,162.3 61,419.1 4,843.4 299,737.3 48,692.2 12,507.5 14,666.0 183,918.4 140,275.2 25,856.9 175,946.5 203,331.0 240,611.0 118,988.7 369,438.1 369,050.0
2875 496,918.9 456,072.1 420,533.6 2,304.2 19,764.7 18,409.5 5,512.9 2,934.4 178,884.2 103,634.7 21,776.3 59,946.9 9,238.7 36,677.7 58,726.6 4,092.4 302,448.2 47,049.6 11,832.4 13,901.3 193,318.3 147,584.1 28,174.7 180,577.7 194,093.1 235,197.4 113,061.8 363,388.9 362,999.6
2975 497,570.3 456,704.6 421,000.0 2,304.6 20,192.3 18,781.0 5,333.3 2,943.9 118,734.8 701,130.2 20,053.5 57,218.8 9,076.4 36,677.7 56,204.4 3,821.4 304,928.6 45,352.2 11,228.7 13,216.1 202,379.8 154,645.9 30,574.8 184,915.6 185,421.8 229,920.3 107,464.1 357,254.4 356,863.7
3075 498,128.3 457,245.8 421,398.1 2,251.2 19,819.8 18,395.0 5,115.0 2,953.9 118,573.0 98,624.1 18,506.3 54,678.5 8,944.5 36,683.1 53,918.8 3,304.3 307,112.9 43,621.7 10,682.4 12,596.5 211,070.1 161,420.6 33,026.4 188,849.9 177,167.7 224,730.2 702,017.0 350,917.2 350,525.6
3175 498,623.7 457,725.8 421,748.8 2,200.7 79,903.5 18,429.7 5,115.0 2,948.7 178,398.9 96,057.3 17,103.9 52,302.9 8,801.9 36,537.7 57,767.5 2,727.0 308,999.8 41,878.2 10,199.4 12,056.7 219,488.2 167,987.5 35,570.0 792,224.5 169,489.5 219,669.0 96,729.6 344,508.8 344,115.9
3275 499041.6 458131.1 422036 2135.52 19164.34 17727.2 4887.13 2928.9 118185.2 93506.49 15841.59 50051.39 8677.6 36349.37 49797.98 2388.82 310638.7 40142.22 9756.25 11565.26 227558.8 174301.5 38194.68 194889.6 162243.4 214710.5 91676.3') 337994.6 337598.6
3375 499384.2 458464.2 422264.2 2074.55 18474.07 17041.75 4610.04 2895.53 117937 91025.92 14694.67 47931.14 8587.37 35954.37 47993.7 2297.62 312075.2 38462.65 9345.27 11100.51 235249.5 180293.3 40907.69 196985.3 755400 209860.6 86859.02 331412.8 331014.9
3475 499668.4 458741.6 422447.4 1903.81 17688.8 16297.5 4296.17 2848.80 177677.4 88534.59 13655.76 45919.33 8487.86 3538948 46295.32 2299.12 313305.4 36864.11 8987.84 10693.51 242588.6 185982.5 43695.29 198512.2 148889.8 205111.6 82228.31 324757.8 324357.6
3775 500214.2 459274.4 422767.6 1504.85 16930.07 15567.36 4298.77 2704.41 116800.3 81263.61 11049.75 40564.91 8240.52 32556.03 41648.25 1739.92 315838.6 32537.99 8031.91 9593.14 262847.3 201628.9 52597.14 200470 731426.4 191366.5 70248.93 304572.6 304167.2
4075 500,161.8 459,238.9 422,553.4 1,326.0 75,144.0 13,868.6 4,158.1 2,529.0 115,749.6 74,393.1 9,080.2 36,016.2 8,008.9 23,622.4 37,603.5 1,576.7 317,007.1 28,821.2 7,252.8 8,672.6 281,011.7 215,709.9 62,655.8 197,910.0 117,232.8 178,384.5 61,575.1 284,587.0 284,167.8
4375 499502.1 458625.8 421822.2 1293.41 13330.63 12266.55 4378.12 2325.17 114597.7 67932.14 7546.26 32194.08 7688.39 12771.06 33963.38 1263.15 317021.3 25739.66 6590.03 7871.8 297799.2 228758 73437.67 191942.6 105336.8 166155.6 54756.07 265044.6 264604.5
4675 498259.2 457449.8 420612.3 1249.13 12483.86 71479.12 4306.61 2070.82 113359.9 61920.17 6325.12 28978.44 7278.52 9112.08 30612.87 1170.26 316097.5 23251.65 6061.07 7202.98 313563.5 241012.6 84800.05 185184.7 95466.77 154653.2 49393.19 246233.7 245768.9
4975 496464.9 455745.5 418936.1 1395.02 12853.68 11850.02 3870.72 1852.93 112045.2 56427.52 5320.55 26242.88 6901.64 7713.68 27540.86 761.07 314480.8 21199.98 5664.8 6672.82 328378.8 252484.2 96328.3 178036.8 86993.23 143726.6 45148.42 228070.6 227576.1
5475 492084.6 451587.4 414912.3 1701.17 12296.26 11367.06 3499.28 1489.06 109740.1 48340.66 4005.43 22490.36 6628.88 809.84 23017.44 572.7 310365.1 18619.57 5299.79 6101.11 351537.3 270328.9 115728.4 162077.9 74899.77 126834.6 39569.57 199789 199199.5
5975 486,058.6 445,896.3 409,425.0 1,709.3 12,023.7 11,140.9 3,254.0 1,176.6 107,281.0 41,466.8 3,023.3 19,639.7 6,550.9 605.0 19,124.4 462.3 304,862.1 16,848.7 5,136.9 5,757.7 372,922.4 286,842.9 134,614.1 143,129.3 64,554.8 111,435.0 34,766.9 173,802.0 173,154.1
6475 478310.4 438580 402668.5 1738.97 12402.2 11509.23 2710.08 950.72 104742.3 35669.73 2289.56 17476.9 6488.49 287.04 15748.56 241.5 298356.9 15591.25 5043.9 5491.43 392728.9 302223.9 152604.4 121886.5 55547.64 97544.6 30387.22 150022.7 749353.6
6975 468883.2 429688.3 394782 1620.63 12820.83 11943.48 2168.52 766.58 102166 30768.28 1725.68 15826.71 6497.7 287.04 12805.94 144.9 290875.6 14648.39 5061.16 5364.13 410810.3 316395.9 168943.5 99314.31 47708.64 85198.96 26378.01 128610.7 127925
7475 457378.6 418874.1 385438 1927.98 12421.15 11590.06 1629.7 610.95 99500.66 26652.69 1328.76 14587.41 6409.32 287.04 10280.87 172.46 282718.6 13945.46 .
5142.55 5326.73 427005.1 329177.7 183290 77200.7 41053.81 74396.27 22779.13 109943.1 109239.2
7975 443445.5 405809.1 374366.3 1987.34 72338.6 11515.76 1050.22 465.3 96865.17 23238.95 1044.07 13642.15 6353.57 287.04 8098 176.51 273922.8 13417.9 5273.81 5364.23 441604.7 340862.9 795474.6 57887.71 35458.03 64997.34 19620.75 93979
59 93256
8475 427,499.9 390,883.4 361,692.6 2,124.2 12,234.5 11,428.7 1,040.9 356.5 94,225.6 20,375.5 836.3 12,933.0 6,348.6 287.0 6,263.7 180.4 264,667.2 12,995.0 .
5,485.7 5,504.0 454,639.5 351,382.7 205,409.5 43,340.3 30,791.0 57,139.3 76,932.7 80,449.1 79,706.4
8975 409409.6 373985.8 347359.1 2200.29 12072.06 11278.69 1040.87 284.23 91616.54 18004.6 681.8 12452.26 6549.63 220.8 4729.12 184.11 254914 12609.41 5620.4 5610.58 466155.4 360802.8 212881.7 32389.85 26941.26 50521.41 14665.16 69116.53 68356.46
9475 389657.9 355618.6 331683.1 2054.43 11570.97 10792.53 1040.87 229.45 89022.82 16065.54 568.07 12083.81 6710.2 220.8 3503.9 187.69 244997.2 12271.81 5747.64 5726.43 475887.4 368858.8 218297.6 24938.54 23799.13 45065.7 12706.97 59742.7 58962.14
9975 368548.6 336068.3 314948.5 2062.58 11785.14 10978.06 1009.94 184.67 86415.88 14429.47 481.53 11786.48 6879.12 110.4 2593.4 191.13 235054 11975.55 5841.53 5802.79 483453.7 375326.3 221683.5 79895.37 27209.95 40520.52 11052.73 51999.16 51176.48
10475 346618.1 315850.9 297400.6 2019.7 11668.21 10867.51 810.93 144.58 83817.17 13109.65 413.72 11546.33 7013.16 110.4 1895.33 194.46 224878 11734.56 5886.71 5811.73 489666.9 380862.2 223386.9 16078.27 19071.5 36691.62 9685.03 45565.38 44688.7
11225 313,323.2 285,310.6 270,403.4 1,996.1 11,267.3 10,490.4 792.8 94.9 80,016.0 11,512.1 334.8 11,197.8 7,223.4 207.0 1,203.2 702.7 209,772.9 11,418.6 5,941.5 5,812.0 496,331.7 386,857.4 222,910.3 11,896.8 16,500.2 32,127.9 8,036.7 37,834.4 36,903.8
11975 279546.2 254481.2 242534.3 1998.29 11875.69 11033.28 1040,55 61.31 76261.77 10271.66 269.31 10957.51 7503.98 207 810.59 58.92 194705.4 11142.78 5950.73 5761.5 499778.9 389864 218616.1 8996.21 14622.5 28547.75 6855.38 32204.3 31204.58
12725 246728.7 224620.9 215110.3 1831.54 11450.72 10633.44 1040.55 42.09 72629.13 9317.74 220.63 10853.37 7482.79 303.6 588.38 63.29 180413.8 10923.94 5889.18 5645.62 501019.5 390867.6 211939.8 7029.42 13239.11 25786.48 5930.41 28034.99 26971.68
13475 215598.3 196332.3 188846 1804.89 11453.14 10652.27 1040.55 31.56 69050.62 8552.92 19143 10786.51 7549.86 303.6 459.51 67.49 166378.7 10729.13 5808.27 5512.22 499912.3 389719.4 203430.7 5548.29 12142.02 23698.86 5216.81 24796.25 23701.91
14225 186895.8 170262.7 164478.8 1957.8 11564.47 10752.47 1322.98 22.85 65635.09 7916.63 171.46 10730.97 7652.85 303.6 381.51 71.52 152953.5 10550.17 5745.91 5391.51 497131.6 387084.8 193394 4397.12 11275.32 22053.21 4666.02 22267.12 21137.15
14975 161,307.5 147,057.1 142,583.8 2,033.2 12,456.5 11,560.5 926.6 15.5 62,273.9 7,373.0 159.8 10,676.5 7,634.6 303.6 326.7 75.4 139,958.5 10,412.7 5,708.7 5,278.4 492,961.7 383,262.0 182,620.3 3,540.7 10,596.4 20,728.9 4.233.2 20,315.0 19,127.9
15725 139063.2 126930.3 123279.2 1986.85 12060.11 11164.08 926.58 10.26 59052.36 6904.22 150.14 10616.1 7619.38 193.2 285.32 76.37 128041.9 10305.44 5765.61 5233.12 487730.6 378547.4 171490.1 2909.56 10068.09 19810.25 3899.9 18805.13 17557.79
16475 120031.6 109756.6 106564.2 2246.26 12506.07 11570.2 1392.35 7.7 55982.91 6483.58 141.48 10603.54 7795.68 193.2 253.72 76.31 117363.9 10214.28 5888.47 5218.78 481535.8 373008.3 160386.9 2417.39 9631.83 79161.85 3653.71 17637.15 16352.59
17310 102034 93604.96 90409.91 2036.91 13229.73 12307.75 1392.35 5.32 52718.43 6052.3 131.07 10656.78 7924.95 193.2 225.11 76.31 105902.6 10175.41 6006.12 5194.18 473767.8 366172.9 148431.3 1971.9 9287.41 18562.6 3445.35 76652.73 15309.58
Pee Dee River
Description of Species/Lifestages on WUA Tables
Code Description
AMSS1 American Shad Spawning S&C84
AMSS2 American Shad Spawning S&C85
AMSS3 American Shad Spawning Hightower 2004
BLUCY Shallow Slow Early Lifestage
DSLOC Deep Slow Generic -Cover
DSLCP Deep Slow Generic -Proximal
DSLON Deep Slow Generic - No Cover
FANDA Shallow Fast Adult High Velocity
GORHA Golden Redhorse Adlt-Carolina surrogate
GORHJ Golden Redhorse Juv (Carolina surrogate)
MMADA Shallow Fast Adult Lower Velocity
RBSFA Deep Slow Adult Cover
RBSFS Shallow Slow Spawn Fine Substrate No Cover
RORHS Robust Redhorse Spawning
SHFST Shallow Fast Generic Mid Velocity
SHSLO Shallow Slow Generic Coarse Substrate
SHRHA Deep Fast Adult Coarse Mix Substrate
SRHAD Deep Fast Adult Fine Substrate
SRHYV Shallow Slow YOY Veg Cover
SRHYW Shallow Slow YOY Wood Cover
STBAI Striped Bass Incubation and Larval
STBAS Striped Bass Spawning
STUSI Sturgeon Spawning and Incubation
WBASS Deep Fast Spawn Gravel, small Cobble
EPHEM Ephemeroptera
MACLR Macroinvertebrate Community Large Rivers
PLECO Plecoptera
TRIC1 Trichoptera 1
TRIC2 Trichoptera 2 & 3
Progress Energy, as documented in the Water Resources Work Group -Instream Flow
Subgroup Pee Dee River Instream Flow Final Study Plan (August 2004) report, (which is
included as an attachment to the License Application submitted to NCDWQ in Progress
Energy's 401 WQC Application) completed an evaluation of recreational navigability
issues that were identified during the scoping of issues required by the FERC relicensing
Navigation transect data for each of the identified transects were entered into a Microsoft
Excel® spreadsheet for criteria evaluation. An iterative process of entering flow values
was conducted until the minimum depth and width criteria were met for navigation. Note
that the spreadsheet analysis of each of these flow/channel response functions was
completed in conjunction with their professional judgment, local knowledge, and
experience to arrive at recommended base flows that assures recreational boating
navigation and fish passage within the Project affected areas.
The evaluation described above identified the Grassy Islands area above the Blewett Falls
reservoir at RM 196.2 are the limiting factor for upstream motorized navigation in the
Tillery reach. The agreed upon criteria for two-way navigation was passage of a 14-foot
motorized john boat would require a depth of 2 feet for 20 percent of the total stream
width with a minimum point of passage width of 10 feet. It was determined for successful
passage more than 5,000 cfs is required to allow upstream motorized boat traffic through
the Grassy Islands shoals area.
The study also evaluated two locations that within the Tillery reach that would limit boat
passage: the Leak Island area at RM 211 and the Old Mill Weir at RM 216.5. One way
navigation, not two-way motorized navigation, was evaluated consistent with the study
plan. The criteria for one-way navigation is passage of a nonmotorized 14 foot john boat
in the downstream direction only, requiring a depth of 1 foot for 10 percent of the total
stream width with a minimum point of passage of 10 feet. Based on the transect at RM
211 for the Leak Island area, an estimated flow of 671 cfs would be required for one-way
navigation. Because this location is below the confluence of the Rocky River, a portion of
the flow for boat navigation could be from the natural inflow of this tributary, which has
been identified as having a median flow between 337 to 151 cfs from May
through September.
The table below (which is included as Table 9.2 of the Pee Dee River Instream Flow
Study Final Report, Apri12006) was presented in the License Application and identifies
minimum flow requirements for each of the navagibility study sites analyzed for the
FERC relicensing process.
Summary of preliminary flow requirements at navigation study sites for the Pee Dee
Navigation Site River Mile Assessment Level Minimum Flow
1 1 16.1 Two-Way Navigation 1,801
2 161.9 Two-Way Navigation 1,530
3 165.1 One-Way Navigation 1,762
5 183.4 One-Way Navigation 2,550
6 184.8 Two-Way Navigation 3,560
196.2 One-Way Navigation 205
7 Two-Way Navigation 5,395
8 21 1.0 One-Way Navigation 671
9 216.5 One-Way Navigation 367
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Attached is the output of the analysis of wetted perimeter area for Transect 7 in Pee Dee
Reach 3, Subreach 3 (located in the Tillery reach, below the outfall of the Tillery dam)
for flows of 70 cfs, 330 cfs and 725 cfs, which represent the existing minimum flows in
the Tillery Reach and the agreed upon flows for the CSA, which will be implemented for
the future operating regime under the new FERC license.
The comparison reveals the large difference in conditions between existing minimum
flow conditions and proposed minimum flow conditions*, and the relatively small
differences in the wetted perimeter and water depths of the two flows proposed for the
CSA. For example, the Wetted Perimeter increases 61% between the 70 and 330 cfs
flows, and only 1% between the 330 cfs and 725 cfs flows. The significant increase in
wetted perimeter flows between the 70 cfs flows and the 330 and 725 flows provides
evidence that the increase in flows as agreed upon for the CSA are providing the
maximum potential increase (61% increase for the first 260 cfs, and a 1% increase for the
next 395 cfs increase in flows) for the amount of wetted perimeter and habitat
improvements to fish and other and aquatic species such as mussels below the Tillery
*Existing minimum flows are limited to 40 cfs, while the analysis tool developed to
• model flows is limited to 70cfs.
• •
Pee Dee Reach 3 Subreach 3 - Transect 7
~ 93.0
O 92.0
~:. 91.0
~ 90.0
~ 89.0
W 87.0 ,.
86.0 =
: ,
'• ' ~'•
85.0 :.yx..;.
;:..~~..~ ~
83.0 ~
o v iri ~n ~ ~ Sri ~
N ~t t0 00 O N eF
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®Lg Bldr OSm Bldr
Med Grav Lg Grav
t~0 O~0 O N ~ t~0 00
^ Org
®Sm Cob
N ~t <O 00 O N ~ ~
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ N N ~
®Silt ^ Sand ^ Sm Grav
® Lg Cob ®Bedrk
Discharge: cfs Water Surface Elevation 87.78 ft
j Wetted Perimeter: 415.69 ft
Average Depth: 0.33 ft
• • •
Pee Dee Reach 3 Subreach 3 - Transect 7
100.0 100.0
99.0 99.0
98.0 98.0
97.0 97.0
96.0 96.0
95.0 95.0
94.0 94.0
~ 93.0 93.0
p 92.0 92.0
~. 91.0 91.0
~ 90.0 90.0
~ 89.0 89.0
~ 88.0 88.0
W 87.0 87.0
86.0 86.0
85.0 85.0
84.0 84.0
83.0 83.0
82.0 82.0
81.0 81.0
80.0 80.0
O ~ N N N IlY N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 1C9 LL9 In In In In In In In In In h O M
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®Lg Bldr ^Sm Bldr
Med Grav ~ Lg Grav
^ Org ®Silt
Sm Cob D Lg Cob
JJ -~
^ Sand ^ Sm Grav
Water Surface Elevation
Wetted Perimeter:
Average Depth:
88.28 ft
671.70 ft
0.71 ft
• •
Pee Dee Reach 3 Subreach 3 - Transect 7
o v in ~ ~ ~ o ~ u~ u~ ~n v~ u~ ~n u~ u~ ~n an ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ u~ u~ v> N ~ ~ ~ ~ u~ u~ ~n v~ u~ r o M
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® Lg Bldr ^ Sm Bldr ~ Org ®Silt ^ Sand ^ Sm Grav
^ Med Grav ^ Lg Grav ^ Sm Cob ~ Lg Cob ^ Bedrk
Water Surface Elevation
Wetted Perimeter:
Average Depth:
88.58 ft
684.45 ft
0.98 ft