HomeMy WebLinkAbout20150506 Ver 1_USFWS_concurrence_letter_20150520�.������� ������� ����°�������; c���" � �� ���������� ��t��t ��t� �nrt�Jz�t�,�ff�'x; ��;x�vt�:�; I�a�ei�;ti F��elci c>ffic�; Pa�;k C:>1'fice [:3c�x i3'7?� l���l� i��,17, I�r�r�t�l� C;ar4y'lix7� 2`7fr3Er-:�i%.'��i May 20, 2015 Cl�y V+�1I�is l�lar�h Carc�lzz�a I��pai�trricnt aFTransportatxan 11:3 �11r�c>rt TJrive, Suit� ] 00 L;c�cntori,l�f<>rth C�arc�lin�. �7y3? I�e��t° IVI�°, �iliis: Tl�x.�s l�tte.�° is in �°�.spo���w �c� your l�;tt�r oi NCay 19, �015 vv�azch xa�°c�vid�ci t1�ze (J.��, ��ish ��ra� Wi�c�iife �c,t�vic� (��.�°vic�) with t1a� bioi<7�rca1 ca�7clusic�n c�fthc; Nc�rth (;;arolin� I7�:partrrr�ni oi T'ransport���on (NC,UQ I") that the placemeni o�` 500 fe�t of sanc�b�gs alon� NC; 12 in �rtty �-Iawic in I7are Cou��ty may affect, bui is nat lil�e.ly to adversely affect the fec�e�°a11y list�ci log,��rheac� s�a turtle (Cczretta caretta), ieatl�e�°bacic sea turti� (l�er°mochelys corzacea), �;r�en sea turtl� (Chelonia mydas), I�.emp's ridley sea turtle (Lepidochelys kernpii), piping plaver (C'l�a�°adrius meladus), a�7d �•ed knot (Calidris canutus rufa). These comrnents are provided in accordance with Section 7 af the �ndangered Species Act (ESA) of 1973, as amended (16 U.S.C. 1531-1543). Accardin� to informatian provided, NCDOT p�°apases ta place 500 feet af sand bags along NC 12 in order ta stabilize and repair the roa� which was damaged by a storm on May 2-3, 2015. Onc� sand bags arL plac�ci, a sand dune/b�rm �vill be co��structed avei° tlxe ba�� and co�anectecl to thc existiil�; dunes at both ends of the praject area. The project area cansists of a very nar�°ow s9:rip of s�verely eroded beach immecliat�ly adj�ceni ta th� storin-dama�ed NC; 12. 'Tixxs 11igh vv�v�-ene�°�Y enviz°c>nmeni provic�es poor habrtat 1'c7r nesti�� sea tuitl�s, and thc narravv and erc7d��1g beacl� fac� provic�cs poor iat°agii�� habltat far p�p�ng pla��rs a1�� red knats. The �Sroposed wc��°k will o�c�,i�° clurin� the daytzzne� ar�ci NCDC�'T has committed ta canductira� iuY•tle; crawl surveys e�ch mornxl�� p��ia�° 1:o warlc comr��encemcg�t. If a turtle ��°awl ii� de;lectecl� NC�70T will �-urthc�r cans�ilt with thc� Servzc� anc� th� No�•th Ca1•olina Wildllfe Rcsourc�s Cammissian beEc�z°e �ny furth�r �vark r�ccurs. l�ased oi� the poar l�abitat canditions witlazn ihe �raject a�°ea, t1�c sinall scope a1.'�he project, ai�ci 9he, co�mrnztm�nt ta conduct sea turtle cr�wl sui�ve;ys each mar°nin�, the Service concurs with yai�r canclusior� that the propased pra�ect may affect, but 1s ��at likely ta adversely affect thc lo��;erhead sea turtle, leatherback sea turtle, green sea turtle, Kemp's ridley sea turtle, p�ping plaver, and red knat. We believe that the requirements af Section 7(a)(2) of the ESA have been satisfied. We remind you that obligations under Section 7 consultation must be reconsidered if: (1) new infarmation reveals impactis of this identiiied action that may affect listed species or critical habitat in a rnanner not previously considered in this review; (2) this actian is subsequently modiiied in a manner that was nat considered in this review; or (3) a new species is listed or critical habitat determined that may be affected by this identified action. The Service appreciates the opportunity ta review this project. If you have any questions re�;arding our response, please contact Mr. Gary Jardan at (919) 856-4520 (Ext. 32). Sincerely, ��������� � �.. � ,� � ��� ����� ��;������ 1={"i�lci �L���a�vzsor �:�,lcct�°c�r�ic� �c>pye Tr�cey "G�1���ele��, CJ�AC"�,, ���shin�t�nq I�1C:; "I'r�vi:� `t�V���ar1,1`�<���iJ1i.�;, �;�°��clz�X<7a��, �I(: