HomeMy WebLinkAbout20130853 Ver 1_DB00190 precon minutes_20150218�ydp{ STNj�.4�. +�T . . . ro� ,vm. w,� � � S° �.���. ` ,�_ � � � � 4 �" �" ` ' � � * �' � �AT MCC�tQRY Uavrxr�o� F�bt"�aty 1 �, 201 S Ce�ntr-act �1a,: DBQQ19f? �'BS: I i�i�.2.R.� 1 Fed Aid #: N/A T.�.P. �: NJA +�ounty: Greene L?escriptior�: B�idge �8 �.eplac���z�k'�SR 13(Dl (Frie�dsl�ip Chc�reh �td) �avicl I�n�ll S. T. Wc�aten �'� Box 24(i8 Wilson, �I� 27894 SU.�.�ECT: F're-CQ�structia� Co;n:fer�nce �'[inutes f�NT�I�NS' J. T,�iTA SECRE"C'ARY A��e-cc�lastruc�ican ca�►fere�ce was held Wednesday, �'ebruary 5, 2Q 15 I'ar the abov� referenc�d project. `�'he fpll�win�; persaris w�re in aitendance. Nazne: .A�rc�n B�IIa�'d Chr�s Ba��fic�s )i�'eti: S�nith Blake "I aylar [�e �anady Jan�es Edwards Jahnr�y Met�a�i�e Au�dy Blan�ens�ip Car1a Pug➢� Irililtfln Rudd Dw�yne Srnith. Maty Beth Houstc�n I-3arold Lanier Jim Evans Jay Sutton Hilto�� Wade C;arcy VG'"ar� �avid K�ol� MAiLII'�G A13ll12�:SS: 1*IC C?[:F'AIt7"fiv1GNT (iF TRA7�15PCDRTATT(?F<° �� D7VISIC+1d OT° i-9iGI3WA7"S Utvrstar� 2, DisT��c�� 3 I629 k[wY. �5$ Sr3Ur�� Ktr�srcara„ N� 28504 C��st��"��Y NCI7�T — Div 2 NCI�C)T — Div 2 l�CII:yt�T — Div 2 I�CDC}T - Div � NCDOT — Div 2 1�FCI30T — Div � 1'�CD�'T' — CCT;� 1'�CD�`�[" — Ii.ELJ 1'�CD�T — REtJ NCD(J"T' — M&T I�CL7C�T — Div 2 1`�CDC7T" --.. Bridg� T'r1CUC►T — B�id�e T�CT�C)T -� '�'raf�c S�ervices 1'�CI7�C3T — Di�r 2 NCT7�0"I" — T7iv 2 I�iCI]�R S. `�. Wcao��n �r��.���raN�: ���z� s��-�os� r.�x: E�.sz� sz�-���o WEB�ITE: WVdW.�ICU(�T.Ci(3V I,C?��1°I'IC7N: 1629 �{w�. 258 S�DUTIi KINSTO]V, NC Mr. Knt�CI }'re-Cons�ruction 1Vlinutes February 16, 2fD15 Page 2 of 3 �General I�ems: Prngress Schedu�e: Letter Authc�r•azir�g 5�-1's: Su�caratracti �equcsts �t�rrativ� and T'r�gress sched�al� w�re submitteci, C;antr�ct�r has pr�vided a�isf: caf staff; indicating tl�c�se th�i hav� tl-►e au�,hc�rity to �i�� �Su�p�IczncntaI A�reernenis. Need �o be subn�itted far �11 ��abcantractcars. ��'Imnthly �stimat� End: E�►d of tl�e ��,��tl�. The Distruct Engrneer fc�r the pr�jec;t i� r"�aron Bfil�ai°�i. All co�r�spanc��nc� shg�(d be dir�cted to the of�ce �s fal�nws; 1"'�r. A�xon B�➢la�-ci, PE Senior Assis�ant T�is�rict �ngvneer NC Dep�rtrr�ent af Transportatiot� Divisic�i� af Hi�laways 162'� �-lwy 258 S Kans�c�n,1'�TC 2$SQ4 Pr+aje�t ����r�eer wi�l be Chris Bantas. '1'17e I'ro,�ec� Inspectors wi�l be Breit Sinr�th and Blake Taylor. Pro"+ect Sche�ulelContractor S�hedule I�ate c��" r�vai��bilaty: Febr��azy 3, 2Q l S c�r na later t��an Maz°ch 3, 2Q� 15 Completion �at�: Nlay � 1, �.t} 15 Cont��ctar's �'C�� t��'t?�eratinnlSt�rt �l�t�t Per D4�vid K�aa�l, w�rk �il� b�gin c�n &�!�arc�� 3, 2Q1 S. Canfract/Pl�n Fteview: Mr. F�ncail stat�d tll�y will be �asing Jayn�r Ke�ny %m ther�- surv�yin�. Liquidatec� T3amages �ou° this cantract are �500.04 pe� calen�Tar day Ma�or �on�rac� Ite��s will be Lii1e Itea�a 49 -- 3' x�' Frestressed �onc +Cor�d Sl�bs Sp�ecialty Tterr�� woll b� Line Items l 4-� 7— Guardrai� Lin� Tt�m� 19-34 — Erosian Contrc�l �33ase �'ric� fQr I�u�Q ,�.dj��tm�n�s — �2,99"71 ME�E/'�BF Cic�a.ls — 3,C1°r'a / 3.t1°,/a. 5u�m�tted alnc�uaat� were 3.(}2°fa / 21.I 1%. B1anCcet Dazra�stic St��l c���t�fi�a�i�n w°�11 be su�r�aiitied. Cantractor tc� provide list �f Lcve➢ �, F�rt�s�on Can�rol Persa�anel. Mz�. l�nrsll Pre-Construct�ora �vlitiutes Fe�rr�aiy 1 b, 2f} 15 Pa�e 3 af 3 �,rasian Cantrol �ravisi�ns a:�d plaras were r�vllewed. Ms. �'u�h stated il�at sl�e is available t+a t�teet on-site wi:�11 coniraetar, ifnecessa�. �AT�ES farrns are req�i�•�d t�n this prr��ec# ev�ry �4 days oe %" ofra➢n. Cleariu�� �nd �rubbEn� is 1'v�ethad II. C�rntractar is ta f4llow 2015 QIVt� specificatior�s. The base �ric� ir��er� �ar as�l�alt bimde�° fpr planf kn�x is $58fi.+a7 }�er tc�r�. Contract i��ci�wdes prcavisian fc�r �'er�anen� �ai� Rez��'arcement Mai. k��r�eve� pa-oject dc�es zic�t i�l�lud� ti�ts alem. l�covision is nc�t appli�al�le. �'ile Drivin� - 1 l'I7A will ia� required �er t�e coniract provis�oz3. Mr. I°�Ietcal�"e co��►•��ed thai lateral g�rxde� w��e required far tl��s project due ta tiigh wate� elevatic�ra. M��. Ward �•eviewved appldca�le partions afthe 40� �ec-��it. +General �omr�en�ts. r,!Ir. Knol� stated tl�at S. T. Vv'oeste�a w�a��d start the praj��c� an Marck� 3, 2� I 5. Carla Pugh stat�d that siie woutd rneet oi� site on �'I�rc� 3, 2�}I S tc� discuss init'ra1 e�-osic>n control �or the proje�.t. Mr. Ftr�dd talked about the testin� �of asphalt, �Ye also discw.assed the neec� fcar �ual�ty Cnntrnl perscannel to be ��-esent for concrefie pours. Test 1�ars n�ed to be s�brr�atted, �s we�l as ce�ti�caticans, t�n �t� st��l �se;d for fhe pa��aj�ct. Mr. Dwayne S�it17 ta ch�c➢c stat�s af u�ilities. There be�n� nc� fixrt6�er bu�i�ess, �he n-�e�tin� was adjcaurned. Th�se minutes ai�e pre�aared as tflroey ��re dc�curr�ei�ted. Any �iiscr�p�nci�s �?ith the ccantenf: of these mknutes should l�e subz�aitted �z� wrati��g tc, ihis a��ce. F�i�ure to do sa wxll b� aa� indxcatian ofagr�erne�t. �zzxcerely, A�ron 13a��lard, PE �en�or Assistar�t l�istrict Er�gi�eer cc. 1�,�1r. Jak�n IZ.aus�, �'� Meet�iig Att�ndees �ile