HomeMy WebLinkAboutU5824_MitigationDocumentationEmails.pdfScout
The Scout mitigation site is part of the RES Yadkin 01 Umbrella Mitigation Bank sponsored by EBX,
located approximately eight miles west of Clemmons and five miles northwest of Bermuda Run, in Davie
County NC. The 13.22-acre project presents 3,144 linear feet of stream restoration and enhancement
generating 2,918 warm stream mitigation units after nonstandard with buffer adjustments along Hauser
creek and two unnamed tributaries in the Upper Yadkin watershed of the Upper Pee Dee River Basin
NCDOT has acquired stream mitigation credits to offset the impacts associated with projects located
with HUC 03040101. EBX with be debiting the Scout mitigation site for 674 LF of stream mitigation to
offset the stream impacts associated with U-5824. The debit to the Scout mitigation site is shown below.
F TIPDebits
1PONumberl TIP I Debit Amount I Permit Datel Notes Links
7700002059 U-5824 674 2023 90LF@1:1 LF and 2921f at 2:1 (impacts)
Euliss, Amv
David Cooper
Faith Jahnke, PE; Brandon Johnson, PE; Neil Dean, PE; Alec Yang, PE
RE: [External] Your draft PCN for NCDOT TIP U-5824 has been saved.
Wednesday, March 29, 2023 10:04:12 AM
For the mitigation, since we have a low NCSAM rating for the intermittent portion of stream B (site
1, upstream) and stream D (site 2), we'll need to request a 1:1 ratio for the impacts and reference
the NCSAM forms in the cover letter and the ePCN to justify the reduced ratio. This will be 22' at
site 1 and 68' at site 2 for a total of 90' at a 1:1 and the remaining 292' at 2:1.
From: Euliss, Amy
Sent: Wednesday, March 29, 2023 9:38 AM
To: David Cooper <dcooper@vhb.com>
Cc: Faith Jahnke, PE <Faith.Jahnke@summitde.com>; Brandon Johnson, PE
<brandon.johnson@summitde.com>; Neil Dean, PE <neil.dean@summitde.com>; Alec Yang, PE
Subject: RE: [External] Your draft PCN for NCDOT TIP U-5824 has been saved.
Hi David. I've attached an example cover letter from a similar project. In the past, the USACE has
requested that we incorporate information that is available in the ePCN and supporting documents
into the cover letter. Use what I have attached as guide for this one.
I'll submit the DIMS request and copy you. Once approved, please reference the approved DMS
letter in the cover letter.
For tricolored bats, we will reference it as proposed endangered in the T&E section, but say that an
effects determination is not required. We also will need to run an IPAC report and include it as an
Please update the USACE contact to Steve Brumagin in the Charlotte office.
In the meantime, I'll take a look at the ePCN and advise if there are any changes.
From: David Cooper <dcooper(c)vhb.com>
Sent: Tuesday, March 28, 2023 12:50 PM
To: Euliss, Amy <aeuliss(cDncdot.gov>
Cc: Faith Jahnke, PE <Faith.Jahnke(aDsummitde.com>; Brandon Johnson, PE
<brandon.johnson(@summitde.com>; Neil Dean, PE <neil.dean(@summitde.com>; Alec Yang, PE
Subject: FW: [External] Your draft PCN for NCDOT TIP U-5824 has been saved.
CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an
attachment to Report Spam.
Good afternoon, Amy.
I have completed a draft of the PCN for U-5824 and its supporting information upload. I have not yet
attached the supporting information PDF, since I have found that sometimes the online submittal
form glitches if that is uploaded and it is saved and re -opened before submittal. The supporting
information upload can be accessed at the link here: M U-5824_ PCN_ SuaoortingDocs.
The link in the e-mail below from laserfiche/ncdenr can be used to access the draft PCN for review.
Email address: dcooaer(@vhb.com
Password: U58242023
Please let me know if you would like any revisions made to the PCN or supporting information, or if
you need anything else from us at this time.
Thank you so much,
David Cooper
Senior Environmental Scientist
P 919.741.5784
From: laserfiche.ncdenr.gov(@mccicloud.io <laserfiche.ncdenr.gov(@mccicloud.io>
Sent: Tuesday, March 28, 2023 12:41 PM
To: David Cooper <dcooper(@vhb.com>
Subject: [External] Your draft PCN for NCDOTTIP U-5824 has been saved.
Your form for NCDOT TIP U-5824 has been saved.
This email was automatically generated by Loserfiche workflow. Please do not respond to this email address, as responses aren't monitored.
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Email correspondence to and from this sender is subject to the N.C. Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties.
Euliss, Amy
David Cooper
James, Connie K
[External] FW: U-5824 mitigation needs
Wednesday, March 29, 2023 10:22:25 AM
Scout U5824.docx
We are using a private bank instead of DMS. Please use the write up provide by Brad in the cover
letter and in the ePCN. We won't be getting anything from DMS>
From: Chilton, William B <wbchilton@ncdot.gov>
Sent: Wednesday, March 29, 2023 10:16 AM
To: Euliss, Amy <aeuliss@ncdot.gov>
Cc: David Cooper <dcooper@vhb.com>
Subject: RE: U-5824 mitigation needs
Attached is the write-up for the permit application covering the impacts associated with U-5824.
From: Euliss, Amy <aeulissPncdot.gov>
Sent: Wednesday, March 29, 2023 10:04 AM
To: Chilton, William B <wbchilton(@ncdot.gov>
Cc: David Cooper <dcooper(@vhb.com>
Subject: U-5824 mitigation needs
Hi Brad. We need mitigation for 382' of stream impacts U-5824 in Forsyth County. 90' will be at a
1:1 ratio due to low NCSAM score and the remaining 292' will be at a 2:1 ratio. The project is in the
Yadkin and the 8 digit HUC is 03040101. The WBS no. for reference is 44395.1.1. If we need to go to
DMS, please advise.
Amy Euliss
Division 9 PDEA Engineer
North Carolina Department of Transportation
336 747 7802 office
aeuliss e ncdot.gov
375 Silas Creek Parkway
Winston Salem, NC 27127-7167