HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQCS00376_NOI_NOV2020DV0018_Response_20200117 (2)0 EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Nicole Johnston SECRETARY Anita Darnell TREASURER Wayne Moore January 17, 2020 Mr. Lon T. Snider Assistant Regional Supervisor Water Quality Regional Operations Section Winston-Salem Regional Office North Carolina Division of Water Resources, NCDEQ 450 West Hanes Mill Road Suite #300 Winston Salem, North Carolina 27105 Re: Notice of Violation & Intent to Issue Civil Penalty Tracking No: NOV-2020-DV-0018 Sanitary Sewer Overflows — October 29, 2019 Collection System Permit No. WQCS00376 Yadkin Valley Sewer Authority WWTP Surry County Dear Mr. Snider: CHAIRMAN Wayne Moore VICE-CHAIRMAN Woody Faulk BOARD OF DIRECTORS Anita Darnell Victor Varela Tommy Wheeler -eNartirlent Ur Environmental Quality Received JAN 21 202a Winston-Salem Regional Office I am responding to the Certified Mail Notice dated January 10, 2020, that we received on January 16, 2020, with regards to the "Notice of Violation & Intent to Issue Civil Penalty" for Tracking # NOV-2020- DV-0018. With regards to the ten (10) business days' response that is required upon receipt of this notice, we are submitting this written request to provide explanation of the noncompliance issues noted. As for the incident cited as Incident Number 201901705 (1/2 of a mile from the Regional Pump Station on Hwy 268), a Notice of Intent (NOD was provided as the DWR Action. For this incident, please review the following information to explain what happened during the time of this occurrence as well as corrective action that has been implemented to correct for this sanitary sewer overflow: 1) Staff at the WWTP noticed a drop in flow around 8:30 am on Tuesday, October 29ch, 2019 and immediately notified the YVSA Collections Staff due to a 90% drop in flow to the WWTP. 2) Upon receipt of this notification by the ORC at the W WTP, staff responded immediately by heading out and monitoring the situation. At which time the Staff found the force main rupture for the Regional Pump Station within 15 minutes at the property of Freddy Davis which is Y: of a mile from the Regional Pump Station on Hwy 268. Throughout the day the flow remained at "Low Level Flow." 500 NC Hwy 268 W — Elkin, NC 28621 Phone: 336-835-9819 — www.yvsa.org -- Fax: 336-835-9840 3) Suez Staff contributed approximately 3 hours of their time contacting the following downstream treatment plants: a. King Water Plant; b. Davie County Water Plant; c. Northwest Water Plant. 4) Staff noticed the spill %2 of a mile from the Regional Pump Station on Hwy 268 started to spill at 8:30 am and continued until 11:00 am. The SSO was a direct result of pipe failure. 5) The volume of this SSO reported to NCDEQ was 15,000 gallons that discharged into the Dutchman Creek. Total Volume of the spill was 27,000 gallons. 6) ***Please be advised that the YVSA Board and staff would like to stress that this SSO was definitely inadvertent (or involuntary). It is the intent of the YVSA staff to continue in a multifaceted manner to address all sanitary sewer overflows and work towards preventing such incidents in the future with regards to the Collections System. I have attached a Cost Analysis sheet of including the emergency response time by staff as well as the hauler used, Repair & Excavation, Couplings and Pipe, lime, straw and (2) types of gravel utilized to address this SSO along with cost for publication into the local newspaper. [See 'Cost Analysis for 10/29/19 SSO] The total amount spent for regular pay plus overtime, hauler used, Repair & Excavation, Couplings and Pipe, lime, straw, gravel, and publication affidavit was $19,013.29.] ***I have also attached the flow charts for the WWTP from Saturday, October 26' thru Thursday, October 31 ". Our permitted flow for the W WTP is 1.8 MGD. Our normal flow is around 700,000 gallons per day. Flow for 10/26/19 was 0.801 MGD; by 10/27/19, the flow remained close to that at 0.907 MGD, and by 10/28/19 was 0.714 MGD. As for 10/29/19, our flow was 0.592 MGD; by 10/30/19, the flow had increased to 1.878 MGD. By 10/31/19, the flow was 1.709 MGD. For the flows from 10/26/19 through 10/31/19, there was 6,600,000 gallons (with an average of 1,100,000 gallons) that flowed to the W WTP (please see enclosed receipt tape with flow charts). I also attached a copy of the press release showing publication of the SSO, which was published at a rate of $94.20. For your convenience, we have also supplied you with an updated `YADIQN VALLEY SEWER AUTHORITY PROJECT FUNDING SUMMARY' (from the time of YVSA's inception and updated as of January 14, 2020). Please note that the total cost for all projects total $17,435,710. [Furthermore, through the due diligence of staff and our engineering firm, we have been able to successfully obtain $9,872,430 of this total amount in GRANT monies! The remaining amount total for local matches and/or 0% loans is $7,563,280.1 Anyways, this total funding amount of $17,435,710 has come around since the YVSA started operations on July 1, 2010. These projects included past projects as well as more upcoming and 'in process' projects such as these: a. SW Elkin Collection System Improvements - $1,316,189 (COMPLETE); b. Collection System Rehabilitation Project Phase H (Pump Stations) - $1,408,955 (COMPLETE); c. Historic Jonesville TAG Grant - $50,000 (COMPLETE); d. PGW Sewer Improvements - $2,702,375 (COMPLETE); e. Sewer Extension for Weyerhaeuser - $1,170,637 (COMPLETE); f. 2015 W WTP Upgrades - $2,396,944 (100% complete) — this includes a new clarifier installation along with a new laboratory building; g. 2017 Collection System Rehabilitation (RFQs — Request for Qualifications received by Engineering firm) - $2,688,489 (47% complete); h. 2017 WWTP Improvements (RFQs received by Engineering firm) - $1,321,322 (70% complete); i. North Bridge Street Sewer Repairs - $244,783 (COMPLETE) — this included multiple repairs of service lines and manholes that were sources of I & I; 500 NC Hwy 268 W — Elkin, NC 28621 Phone: 336-835-9819 — www.yvsa.org — Fax: 336-835-9840 j. 2018 Collection System Rehabilitation Project - $1,643,010 —this will include more work on addressing I & I within the Collections System (10% complete); k. 2018 Pump Stations Rehabilitation Project - $1,051,620 — this will continue work on upgrading pump stations within the Collections System. ( 10% complete); 1. High Priority Areas Collection System Project - $165,000 — this will include more smoke testing and identification of problems areas in north Elkin. (50% complete); in. Dutchman Creek Pump Station Elimination - $785,885 (4% complete); n. Please note that this Summary does not include the grant and loan amount obtained to create the YVSA through the Regionalization Project. These amounts total another $6,275,000, for which $4,000,000 was grant and the remaining amount was from two (2) loans - $1,000,000 at 2.55% interest and $1,275,000 at 2.9887% interest. [Refer to the `YVSA ANALYSIS OF FY 2019 - 2020 DEBT SERVICE PAYMENTS' enclosed attachment that provides the current balances for these two (2) loans entitled `Waste Treatment Improvements (1)' and Waste Treatment Improvements (2)'.] Now, the YVSA would like to provide that we are continuously improving our Collections System (as well as upgrading our W WTP). I have also attached our most recent `Capital Improvement Plan — CIP' (revised and updated this past June 11'", 2019). Please note that there are nearly $16 million dollars still needed for future rehabilitation, pump station upgrades, etc. still needed. We will continuously strive to obtain grant and/or low interest loan funding to complete the items needed on this CIP. Additionally, the following should be noted: 1. YVSA reports every SSO in accordance with its collection system permit. 2. YVSA has spent or has committed to spending over $17 million on capital projects to improve the entire wastewater system. 3. YVSA has planned for an additional $11 million for near future capital projects (on the current CIP). 4. Most of the pump stations have been rehabilitated, upgraded, or eliminated such that SSO's due to equipment failures are now rare. 5. SSO's are now mainly attributable to UI. Much of the focus of current projects is on I/I reduction. 6. Efforts are still underway to find the sources of I/1, such as the current High Priority Areas AIA proj ect. 7. Due to the size of the task of identifying and addressing sources of III, YVSA needs as much time as the State can give it to accomplish this goal. 8. Current projects scheduled to be completed by end of 2021. Now, please note that the YVSA Board and staff are very aware that the incidents noted above are a serious infraction of our Collection System NPDES Permit No. WQCS00376. However, please be advised that the YVSA Board and Staff would like to stress that these SSOs were definitely inadvertent (or involuntary). It is the intent of the YVSA Staff to minimize such occurrences from happening; however, there are some severe natural events (conditions) that are beyond our control. We would also like to mention that the YVSA staff is working attentively to address any and all corrective actions to prevent future SSOs in the Collections System as noted above. Please feel free to contact Ms. Nicole Johnston (Executive Director of the YVSA) at 336-835-9819 if you need further information. Thank you for your assistance with this `NOV & Intent to Issue Civil Penalty' for the incidents cited above. We look forward to hearing your response soon. 500 NC Hwy 268 W — Elkin, NC 28621 Phone: 336-835-9819 — www.wsa.ore — Fax: 336-835-9840 Sincerely, Nicole B. Johnston YVSA Executive Director Wayne Moore C airman YVSA Board 500 NC Hwy 268 W — Elkin, NC 28621 Phone: 336-835-9819 — www.vvsa.org — Fax: 336-835-9840 Cost Analysis for 10/29/2019 Pipe Failure ( Break) EXTENDED ITEM LOCATION EMPLOYEE/ #ITEM/COST COST(with VENDOR benefits) Haulers 1/2 mile from LJC 25 Loads Regional PS Environmental @ $300.00 / load $7,500.00 Repair & Greenhill Excavation Environmental $5,000.00 $5,000.00 Total for Employee Wages (See attached) $2,548.02 18" HYMAX Couplings 1/2 mile from Fortiline 2 @ $1,331,00 $2,848.35 18"/dr 18 Regional PS 8 ft. @ $41.40 / ft. $353.56 Green pipe 1/2 mile from Straw Regional PS 67 Hardware 6 bales @ 6.99 each $44.77 1/2 mile from Lime Regional PS Swan Creek Mill 2 bags at $3.95Ibag $8.43 Standard 15480 1/2 mile from 14.38 @ 17.95 $258.12 25290 Regional PS Vulcan 14.91 @ 24.00 $357.84 Affidavit of Publication for The Tribune 1 publication @ $94.20 $94.20 The Tribune TOTAL Employee $19,013.29 Y�, N VAL!_EY SEWER AUTHORITY • ELKIN, NC 28621C ENVIRONMENTAL, LLC REFERENCE DATE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT DISCOUNT NET PAID ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2117 11/04/19 7,500.00 0.00 7,500.00 10/30/19 25 LOADS 60-000-0048 7,500.00 FM RUP @ $300 CHECK # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DATE GROSS DISCOUNT CHECK AMOUNT 14088 11/06/19 7,500.00 0.00 7,500.00 ORIGINAL CHECK IS PRINTED ON CHEMICAL REACTIVE PAPER AND HAS MICRO PRINTING INTHE'SIGNATURE LINE YADKIN VALLEY SEWER AUTHORITY BB&T '6014088 500 NO HWY 268 W. 5312 1 ELKIN, NO 28621 PAY 11/06/2019 14088 $7,500.00 PAY ****7 THOUSAND 500 DOLLARS AND 00 CENTS **** LJC ENVIRONMENTAL LLC THIS DISBURSEMENT HAS BEEN APPROVED AS REQUIRED BY TOTHE 615 MATHIS FARM RD THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT. BUDGET AND FISCAL CONTROL ACT. ORDER RING RIVER, NC 28669 OF ROARING ' 1110 1I4086111 1:05310 L 1 2 L1: L340006794490,10 528 - LJC ENVIRONMENTAL, LLC p p YADKIN VALLEY SEWER AUTHORITY • ELKIN, NO 28621 014088 REFERENCE DATE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT DISCOUNT NET PAID ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2117 11/04/19 7,500.00 0.00 7,500.00 10/30/19 25 LOADS 60-000-0048 7,500.00 FM RUP @ $300 CHECK # DATE GROSS DISCOUNT CHECK AMOUNT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 14088 11/06/19 7,500.00 0.00 7,500.00 Greenhill Environmental. LLC 186 Masonic Drive Elkin, NC 28621 Bill To Yadkin Valley Scner Authority PO Box 828 Elkin. NC 28621 Invoice Date Invoice # 10/30/2019 7709 P-ECEIVF,D OCT 3U 2w P.O. No. I Terms I Project Item Quantity Description Rate Serviced Amount Contractual Rork I Force main excavation and backlill ? 000 00 10/30/2019 5.000.00 �I • 445 - GREENHILL ENVIRONMENTAL, LLC I t I YADKIN VALLEY SEWER AUTHORITY • ELKIN, NC 28621 014081 REFERENCE DATE -- ---DESCRIPTION ________ AMOUNT DISCOUNT NET PAID ------------------------------- 7709 10/30/19 '--------------- FM EXCAVATION/BKFILL 5,000.00 0.00 5,000.00 10/30/19 60-000-0048 5,000.00 CHECK # ---------------------------=- DATE -GROSS DISCOUNT CHECK AMOUNT ----- 14081 10/31/19 ----------------------- 5,000.00 0.00 5,000.00 i SSO: YVSA WAGE EXPENSE SHEET 10/29/2019 NOTE: RT $/HR OT $/HR FIRS RT WAGES OT VN i ALVIN HAYES $27.93 $41.90 13 $223.44 $2C DALE CHEEK $16.32 $24.48 12 $130.56 $91 DAVID MARTIN $14.00 12 $168.00 I ROBERT SMITH $19.61 $29.42 12 $156.88 $11 BILLY STONE $17.34 $26.01 12 $138.72 $10 ALVIN WILMOTH (-BUDDY) $20.81 $31.22 12 $166.48 $12 NICOLE JOHNSTON $42.25 6.5 $274.63 DAVE JOHNSON $28.85 7 $201.95 PLOYEES ARE PAID A MINIMUM OF 2 HRS FOR EACH "ON CALL" TRIP 7.65% 5.00% 8.95% =S TOT. WAGES FICA EXP 401K EXP LGER EXP TOTAL EXP $432.94 $33.12 $21.65 $38.75 526.46 $228.48 $17.48 $11.42 $20.45 277.83 $168.00 $12.85 180.85 $274.56 $21.00 $13.73 $24.57 333.86 $242.76 $18.57 $12.14 $21.73 295.20 $291.36 $22.29 $14.57 $26.08 354.30 $274.63 $21.01 $13.73 $24.68 333.95 $201.95 $15.45 $10.10 $18.07 245.57 TOTAL $ 2548.02 YADKIN VALLEY SEWER AUTHORITY TIME SHEETS EMPLOYEE: Alvin Hayes WFFK FNFIING- 1n/75/2nt9 reg. 0 sick 0 vacation 0 holiday 0 O/C Hrs. 0 comp Overtime total hrs TIME IN TIME OUT REG HOURS S,IC ,,-;, VACATION HOURS HOLIDAY HOURS On Call Hrs. Worked COMP °� HOURS HOURS'? TOTAL HOURS SATURDAY 10/19/2019 16.C%i (16f n SUN DAY 10/20/2019 MONDAY 10/21/2019 i' 5,3c ! TUESDAY 10/22/2019 7; 30 6 ' 3 ✓ ; WEDNESDAY 10/23/2019 ^' 70 THURSDAY 10/24/2019 T50 JC( FRIDAY 10/25/2019 ., � J L) I+� 3i) TOTAL HOURS FOR WEEK 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 WEEK ENDING: 11/01/2019 SATURDAY SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY TOTAL HOURS FOR WEEK total 4 ✓ '' TIME IN TIME OUT REG HOURS SICK HOURS VACATION HOURS HOLIDAY HOURS On Call Hrs. Worked COMP HOURS OVERTIME HOURS TOTAL HOURS r7! 30 3': OL > S 5 . 7.30 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 YADKIN VALLEY SEWER AUTHORITY TIME SHEETS reg. EMPLOYEE: Dale Cheek sick 0 vacation 0 holiday O/C Hrs. . _ l comp Overtime CO—/ total hrs vvttn ttvuuvo: iurci(cvi� On Call REG y s VACATION HOLIDAY Hrs. COMP OVERTIME TOTAL TIME IN TIME OUT HOURS w-. © HOURS HOURS Worked HOURS HOURS HOURS SATURDAY 10/19/2019 SUN DAY 10/20/2019 MO N DAY 10/21/2019 TUESDAY 10/22/2019 WEDNESDAY 10/23/2019 THURSDAY 10/24/2019 FRIDAY 10/25/2019 TOTAL HOURS FOR WEEK 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 WEEK ENDING: 11/01/2019 SATURDAY SUN DAY lU/Lb/GU19 10/27/2019 MONDAY 10/28/2019 TUESDAY 10/29/2019 WEDNESDAY 10/30/2019 THURSDAY 10/31/2019 FRIDAY 13 012019 TOTAL HOURS FOR WEEK TIME IN TIME OUT REG HOURS SICK' HOURS VACATION HOURS HOLIDAY HOURS On Call Hrs. Worked COMP HOURS OVERTIME HOURS TOTAL HOURS 1 IT IF _ 114", 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 total YADKIN VALLEY SEWER AUTHORITY TIME SHEETS EMPLOYEE: David Martin WFFK FNDING- 10/25/2019 reg. sick vacation holiday O/C Hrs. comp Overtime total hrs TIME IN TIME OUT REG HOURS SICK HOURS VACATION HOURS HOLIDAY HOURS On Call Hrs. Worked COMP `' HOURS ` sr•'' TOTAL HOURS SATURDAY 10/19/2019 SUNDAY 10/20/2019 MO N DAY 10/21/2019 TUESDAY 10/22/2019 WEDNESDAY 10/23/2019 , THURSDAY 10/24/2019 FRIDAY 10/25/2019 TOTAL HOURS FOR WEEK 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 WFFK FNDING- 11/01/2019 On Call REG VACATION HOLIDAY Hrs. COMP OVERTIME TOTAL TIME IN TIME OUT HOURS y� HOURS HOURS Worked HOURS HOURS HOURS SATURDAY 10/26/2019 SUN DAY 10/27/2019 MONDAY 10/28/2019 TUESDAY 10/29/2019 i i - WEDNESDAY 10/30/2019 : 3 J d J THURSDAY 10/31/2019 7: ,3 3 FRIDAY 11/1/2019 7 TOTAL HOURS FOR WEEK 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 total ;.a x OIM" 0 0 0 1 0 YADKIN VALLEY SEWER AUTHORITY TIME SHEETS EMPLOYEE: Robert Smith nnc nnn reg. 0 sick 0 vacation 0 holiday 'O/C Hrs. _comp Overtime total hrs TIME IN TIME OUT REG HOURS SICK .HOURS' VACATION HOURS HOLIDAY HOURS On Call Hrs. Worked CON HOURS ` i' Hb iY�°"� pr Si TOTAL HOURS SATURDAY 1O/19/2019 SUNDAY 10/20/2019 MONDAY 10/21/2019 '%'.3� `� 30 TUESDAY 10/22/2019 C WEDNESDAY 10/23/2019 G `4 3 0 THURSDAY 10/24/2019 °) '.3 0 13 FRIDAY 10/2S/2019 'J ; ' Q TOTAL HOURS FOR WEEK 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 WEEK ENDING: 11/01/2019 SATURDAY SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY TOTAL HOURS FOR WEEK total .0/27/2019 .0/28/2019 .0/29/2019 .0/30/2019 0/31/2019 11/1/2019 TIME IN TIME OUT REG HOURS fi.' VACATION HOURS HOLIDAY HOURS On Call Hrs. Worked COMP HOURS OVERTIME HOURS TOTAL HOURS N o d 144 ; 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 YADKIN VALLEY SEWER AUTHORITY TIME SHEETS EMPLOYEE: Billy Stone wrry rninmir- tnncnnto reg. 0 sick 0 vacation 0 holiday 0 O/C Hrs. 0 comp Overtime) total hrs ✓✓✓ ..-----------•--•--- TIME IN TIME OUT REG HOURS VACATION HOURS HOLIDAY HOURS On Call Hrs. Worked COMP HOURS OVERTIME HOURS TOTAL HOURS SATURDAY 10/19/2019 SUNDAY 10/20/2019 MONDAY 10/21/2019 %;' j 130 "b TUESDAY 10/22/2019 '- ; WEDNESDAY 10/23/2019 :3 0 THURSDAY 10/24/2019 " FRIDAY 10/25/2019 : 3 30 TOTAL HOURS FOR WEEK 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 WEEK ENDING: 11/01/2019 SATURDAY SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY TOTAL HOURS FOR WEEK total 1 TIME IN TIME OUT REG HOURS SICK HOURS VACATION HOURS HOLIDAY HOURS On Call Hrs. Worked COMP HOURS OVERTIME HOURS TOTAL HOURS Z"3 3.0 lip 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 YADKIN VALLEY SEWER AUTHORITY TIME SHEETS EMPLOYEE: Buddy Wilmoth J � L� w.r. nI,�1,I1n reg. _ 0 sick A 0 vacation 0 holiday 0 0/C Hrs. 0 comp Overtime total hrs On Call'�n� REG SICK VACATION HOLIDAY Hrs. COMP OVERTIME TOTAL TIME IN TIME OUT HOURS HOURS HOURS HOURS Worked HOURS HOURS 4 HOURS SATURDAY 10/19/2019 SUN DAY 10/20/2019 MONDAY 10/21/2019 TUESDAY 10/22/2019 WEDNESDAY 10/23/2019 THURSDAY 10/24/2019 X FRIDAY 10/25/2019 TOTAL HOURS FOR WEEK 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 WEEK ENDING: 11/O1/2019 SATURDAY SUNDAY MONDAY TU ES DAY THURSDAY FRIDAY TOTAL HOURS FOR WEEK total 1 19 19 FAMOF iMr,,soao���� 0 00-0 c, I I I I I __ I ') -' FORTUNE INVOICE WATERWORKS a MORSCO company 7025 Northwinds Dr. NW R-FCFJVFD Concord, NC 28027 Payment Inquiries 704-788-9800 PI011 1 2019 SOLD TO 24531 MB 0.428 E0431X 10760 B5509714595 S2 P6901195 0001:0001 IlrrdilP�II��hlliihl114rIr�i1114hIi�Prrllrl�diullhll ,�r✓Z YADKIN VALLEY SEWER AUTHORITY 500 NC HIGHWAY 268 W ELKIN NC 28621-2812 002 1 1 4785707 1 Direct 18" HYMAX CPLG 19.20-21.30 I Fes, 2000-2130-232 TPS Ssu 433 - YADKIN VALLEY SEWER AUTHORITY • ELKIN, NC 28621 SHIP TO INVOICE NUMBER: 4785707 BILL OF LADING: S1911625/M1911641 INVOICE DATE: 10/31/19 DUE DATE: 12/11/19 Please Remit Payment To: Fortiline, Inc. PO Box 744053 Atlanta, GA 30384.4053 Federal Tax ID# 57-0819190 Warehouse: FORTILINE GREENSBORO 307 S REGIONAL RD GREENSBORO, NC 27409 Telephone:336-605-1919 YADKIN VALLEY SEWER AUTHORITY 500 NC HWY 268 W ELKIN, NC 28621 , INC.. 222454 1 NET 30 DAYS JWF 1 12/11/19 1 10/31/19 1331 014121 REFERENCE DATE ---- 4785707 10/31/19 2-18" HYMAX CPLGS 2 @ $1331.00 -DESCRIPTION -AMOUNT -----------------------0. 2,848.35 60-000-1570 DISCOUNT-- - -NET PAID ------1- 0.00 2,848.3i5 2,662.00 4.75- 2.251 STATE SALES COUNTY SALES TAX 60-000-3700 TAX 60-000-300 126.45 1 59.90 CHECK 4 DATE -------------------- GROSS DISCOUNT CHECK AMOUNT 14121 17/22/19-------------------------- 2,848.35 0.00 2,848.35 FORTILINE WATERWORKS a MORSCO company 7025 Northwinds Dr. NW Concord, NC 28027 Payment Inquiries 704-788-9800 INVOICE SOLD TO 368 1 All 0.412 E0137X 10230 05078411912 S2 P6595068 0001:0001 'I�I�I'II'II'111'1111111rIII�IlI�1111�1'�I�IIII���I�I�IIIr�I�IIII YADKIN VALLEY SEWER AUTHORITY 500 NC HIGHWAY 268 W ELKIN NC 28621-2812 nog REPAIR )-2130-232 TPS LINE # 00010 A a73n 17 1818G 18" C900 DR18 PIPE GREEN BID LINE # 00020 Onli ' ued £3 �4 • , , SHIP TO INVOICE NUMBER: 4673412 BILL OF LADING: INVOICE DATE: 7/23/19 DUE DATE: 8/23119 Please Remit Payment To: Fortiline, Inc. PO Box 744053 Atlanta, GA 30384-4053 Federal Tax ID# 57-0819190 Warehouse: FORTILINE GREENSBORO 307 S REGIONAL RD GREENSBORO, NC 27409 Telephone: 336-605-1919 YADKIN VALLEY SEWER AUTHORITY 500 NC HWY 268 W ELKIN, NC 28621 Our Truck 222434 JWF I FT ! s46- Mr ;1 0 4 S,3 - FORTILINE YADKIN VALLEY SEWER AUTHORITY • ELKIN, INC 28621 REFERENCE DATE DESC MIL. INC. 151 b 8/23/19 NET 30 DAYS 7/23/19 414000i 1,656-00' 33► •20 Tax + 2z.� 3S3.5 0 013893 ----------------- IPIION RIPTION AMOUNT DISCOUNT NET PAID 07/23/19 ------------------------- -----_--- 2-18" HYMAX CPLGS 4,620.27 60-000-1570 0.00 4,620.27 $1331.00 2,662.00 18" C900/DR18 40FT 60-000-1570 GREEN FM PIPE p $41.40 1,656.00 4-75% STATE SALES TAX 2.25% 60-000-3700 COUNTY SALES TAX 60-000-3900 205.11 97.16 CHECK # DATE -----_-__-_ - - GROSS DISCOUNT CHECK AMOUNT -------------- ----------------- 13893 08/02/19------------ 4,620.27 0.00-----4,620.27 MCL SICaUS'NE SVSMMS, INC WINSTOMS M NC9101 -"M P9. o_r-,k used WELCOME TO 67 HARDWARE 00013519032 CITGO 67 HARDWARE 1824 Hwy 67 JONESVILLE NC 28642 Oty Amount Description 1p ------ 69.90 T HARDWARE $6.99 --_ Subtotal 69.90 Tax 4.72 H TOTAL 74-62 AC IN-HOUSE $ 74.62 NAI Sul ba I HOUSE ACCT Uw ACCOUNT 065 1^v`��'c",\ NAME YVSA OEA SUB ACCIO 1 Q p I AGR i0 PAY OVE TOTAL AMOUNT �k•(} —I4 STM X p,3 CSH: BUYER'S SIGNATUR- E /. i OEALEW 00013519032 Term ID: 10 ,\ THANK YOU COME AGAIN STN 63 TILL XXXX OR�,B/19A9418 lfi AM CSH: 1 V i THANK YOU COME AGAIN STN 63 TILL XXXX ORz2I TRAM 10501AM CSH: I C kkA U52IA 2 Ira `e c 3 Service Charge of t'/% per % per annum) due on accounts after 30 days. SWAN CREEK FARM SUPPLY, INC. PHONE (336)835-54D8 2904 SWAN CREEK ROAD JONESVILLE, N.C. 28642 ANIMAL HEALTH PRODUCTS FERTILIZERS • cs ED • HARDWARE Customer's Order No. Name Address Date 20 - SOO BY CASH COD. OIAROE ON ACCr MDSE RE1D PND OUr QUAN. DESCRIPTION PRICE 11AMOUNT �S - -I .qo a-w `53 S,q3 _ c�— IL510 tli - Z)W.,UN k-rEEK rAm-i aurril, YADKIN VALLEY SEWER AUTHORITY • ELKIN, NC 28621 013830 REFERENCE DATE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT DISCOUNT NET PAID ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- YVSA 5/30/19 05/30/19 33.73 0.00 33.73 8 BAGS POWDERED LIME 60-000-1570 31.60 @ $3.95 4.75% STATE SALES TAX 60-000-3700 1.50 2% COUNTY SALES TAX 60-000-3900 0.63 CHECK # DATE GROSS DISCOUNT CHECK AMOUNT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13830 07/03/19 33.73 0.00 33.73 Vulcan Materials Company Aiid SUUaldAld- VULCAN CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS. LLC SHIP TO: Yadkin Valley Sewer Customer Various UNION GROVE, NC 28689 SOLDTO:�= , YADKIN VALLEY SEWER AUTHORITY INVOICE 500 NC HIGHWAY268 W ELKIN NC 28621-2812 / To ensure proper credit, please Include remittance C� list invoice numbers on your check remittance and send to: Vulcan Construction Materials,LLC PO Box 75219 Charlotte, NC 28275-5219, US Phone:1-800-777-8752 or help@vmcmail.com CUSTOMER NO: 45103-87527 INVOICE NO: 41269177 INVOICE DATE: 10/31/2019 INVOICE AMT: 258.12 ORDER: 20503437 DUE DATE: 11/15/2019 Invoices not paid according to our credit terms will be assessed a TAXES: PERCENT: AMOUNT: SALES TAX: TOTAL PRODUCT: Pay this AMOUNT: Finance Charge. Customer shall pay all cost of collection 258.12 Including but not limiled to a reasonable attorney's fee for services 0.00 TOTAL FREIGHT: rendered by suit or otherwise in collecting past due invoices. FEES: 0.00 $258.12 TOTAL QUANTITY: TOTAL LOADS: TOTAL OTHER: 14.38 1.00 0.00 SALES REP PO NUMBER REF CONTRACT NO. TAX EXEMPT ID. TERMS NETI5THPROX - Payable in 11365 Darrell Groves 10272 full by the 15th of each month following month of INVOICE W INVOICE DATE I CUSTOMER NUMBER LOCATION LOCATION ORDER BILL OF LADING FOB shipment 41269177 10/31/2019 45103-87527 2851-112 ELKIN 20503437 PICKUP TICKET DETAIL PRODUCT FREIGHT ADDED CHARG ES AMOUNT SHIP DATE TICKET VEHICLE CLASS PROD CODE DESCRIPTION UOM OTY PRICE UOM OTY PRICE LION! cry PRICE 10/30/2019 12718205 GE8 STANDARD 15480 ABC T 14.38 17.95 258.12 6 v SAVE TIME AND SAVE A TREE WITH EMAIL INVOICE DELIVERY] Receive your invoice faster and help save the environment by enrolling in our email invoicing service. With email, Invoices are sent in one easy to open file directly to your Inbox. To sign up, contact us al help@vmcmail.com or call us at 1-800-777-8752. VULCAN MATERIALS COMPANY AND SUBSIDIARIES VULCAN CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS,LLC Pane 1 of 1 9952 1 AB 0.412 E0026 10049 054611159743 S2 P6974RBB nnn7:nn IJb!,VA4LEY SEWER AUTHORITY • ELKIN, NC 28621CAN CONST MATERIALS LP YA�D 014095 REFERENCE DATE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT DISCOUNT NET PAID ----------------------- ------------------------------------------------------- 41267510 10/31/19 357.84 0.00 357.84 FM BRK 10/29/19 NC#57 60-000-0048 357.84 QTY-14.91 @ $24.00 CHECK # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DATE GROSS DISCOUNT CHECK AMOUNT 14095 11/06/19 357.84 0.00 357.84 ORIGINAL CHECK IS PRINTED ON CHEMICAL REACTIVE PAPER AND HAS MICRO PRINTING IN THE SIGNATURE LINE YADKIN VALLEY SEWER AUTHORITY BB&T 65312 014095 500 NC HWY 268 W. ELKIN, NC 28621 PAY PAY ****357 DOLLARS AND 84 CENTS **** 11/06/2019 14095 $357.84' VULCAN CONST MATERIALS LP THIS DISBURSEMENT HAS BEEN APPROVED AS REQUIRED BY TO THE THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT BUDGET AND FISCAL CONTROL ACT. ORDER PO BOX 75219 OF CHARLOTTE, NC 28275-5219 D•0 L40951I' 1:05310 L L 2 111: 1340006794490n0 222 - VULCAN CONST MATERIALS LP YADKIN VALLEY SEWER AUTHORITY • ELKIN, NC 28621 014095 REFERENCE DATE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT DISCOUNT NET PAID' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 41267510 10/31/19 357.84 0.00 357.84 FM BRK 10/29/19 NC#57 60-000-0048 357.84 QTY-14.91 @ $24.00 1 CHECK # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DATE GROSS DISCOUNT CHECK AMOUNT 14095 11/06/19 357.84 0.00 357.84 R_F_, 1y y' �iVE D r n NORTH CAROLINA SURRY COUNTY AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION Before the undersigned, a Notary Public of said County and State, duly commissioned, qualified and authorized by law to administer oaths, personally appeared Sandra Hurlev who being first duly sworn, deposes and says: that he (she) is Regional Publisher (Publisher or other officer or employee authorized to make affidavit) of ADAMS PUBLISHING GROUP, LLC, engaged in the publication of a newspaper known as THE TRIBUNE, published, issued, and entered as periodicals class mail in the city of Elkin in said County and State; that he (she) is authorized to make this affidavit and sworn statement; that tlfe notice or other legal advertisement, a true copy of which is attached hereto, was published in THE TRIBUNE on the following dates: and that the said newspaper in which such notice, paper, document or legal advertisement was published was, at the time of each and every such publication, a newspaper meeting all of the requirements and qualifications of Section 1-597 of the General Statutes of North Carolina and was a qualified newspaper within the meaning of Section 1-597 of the General Statutes of North Carolina. This C' day of f 'r;;; w ". ���� .2019 Signature of person Sworn to and subscribed before me, this' day of I/if --,/,j-1A,Pl 2019 Notary Public My Commission expires: January 18, 2023 FERRIS 4t1. SIMPSON NOTARY PUBLIC SURRY COUNTY, N.C. CLIPPING OF LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT ATTACHED HERE On October 29, 2019 the Yadkin Valley Sewer Authority experienced a sanitary sewer overflow (SSO) due to a pipe failure of an 18".force main, reaching the Dutchman Creek that runs to the Yadkin River. The SSO occurred leaving the Dutchman Creek Pump Sta- tion, approximately Y2 of a mile from the Regional Pump Sta- tion on Hwy 268 East, on the Freddy Davis Property, begin- ning around 8:30 AM and end- ing around 11:00 AM and was of which 15.000 gallons reached the Dutchman Creek. The SSO was reported to the Division of Water Resources. Any questions should be direc- ted to the Yadkin Valley Sew- er Authority at (336) 835-9819 or the Winston-Salem Region- al NCDEO office at (336) 776- 9800. Publish: 11-6-19 70029731 RF1CF11VF-D Mount Airy News The Tribune P.O Box 1630MT Greeneville, TN 37744 Portia Hayes Yadkin Valley Sewer Authority 500 NC HWY268 W ELKIN, NC 28621 ADVERTISING INVOICE / STATEMENT 1/1 AXv... `•4 'T- Fy BILLINO PERIOD' j '- TERM�S:OF PAYMENTh { 20120610 Yadkin Valley Sewer Authority sr-p •-s�i 3a :.. 1 t' m 6K # x tic � 11/06/2019 302425971 Balance Forward Sewer Overflow Dutchman Creek - 70029731 Sewer Overflow 1 1 x 3.68 33.00 2.40 0.00 94.20 v(�5', JELY �s„�gf.)J Current 1-30 31-60 61-90 91+ $ 94.20 $ 0.00 1 $ 0.00 I $ 0.00 $ 0.00 PLEASE RETURN THIS PORTION WITH YOUR REMITTANCE TOTAL NET AMOUNT DUE If you desire to charge this amount to your credit card, please complete the following information and return to the address below: I I Visa [ I Mastercard [ I Discover i Acct# Exp Date: I i Signature �1LLED A(i10UNT ACCOUNT NAME REMITTED-'r r�.Yadkin Valley Sewer Author The Tribune P.O Box 1630MT Greeneville, TN 37744 Payment in full is due upon receipt of the statement. A service charge on all balances over 30 days will be computed by a'Pedodic Rate' of 1-1/2% per month, which is an ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE OF 18 % , this applies to the previous balance after deducting current payments and credits appearing on your statement. ADVERTISING INCLUDES DIGITIZATION SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION (SEO) Phone:336-835-1513 Fax:336-835-8742 02000020120610000094200000000000000 Oct lu IC) l ci A k+u �c} 31, Z019 �()o,()()o 901601 ( e0, 00 0 mG D j (,000uoOq&J I MGP DATE LC �7 NO. 00 n O' GDTW OSOa sya, g L,d e££ 90' 6 l 9Z 100 Oct 29 19.06 A 1 a AW a Oct 30 19.0638a 7 a \ZN 9/ Wd g s w mwN W)d 9 L d e8Z'90'6L LOAON YADKIN 1 PROJI PROJECT- BB&T .. CWMTF: SRL(0%) CWSRF-. PF CWSRF-0% Southwest Elkin Collection System Stud AG Caustic System for pH Control at W WTP Central and North Elkin Collection System Stud Memorial Park Pump Station Replacement $300.000 Southwest Elkin Collection System Improvements $600,000 $687.544 Collection System Rehabilitation Proect Phase II(Pump Stations $525.000 $562,955 Historic Jonesville Technical Assistance Grant AG PGW Sewer Improvements Sewer Extension for Weyerhaeuser 2015 Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrades $500.000 $1.849,945 2017 Collection System Rehabilitation 2017 Wastewater Treatment Plant Improvements $483.000 $812,414 North Bridge Street Sewer Repairs j 2018 Collection System Rehabilitation j 2018 Pump Stations Rehabilitation $500,000 $53f,000 High Priority Areas Collection System Assessment Dutchman Creek Pump Station Elimination $770,475 TOTALS, $300,000 $600000 $687,544 $2,008000 $4,526,789 CWMTF (Clean Water Managemen'. SRL (Stale Revolving Loan) - DENF N CWSRF-PF (State Revolving Fund) CWSRF-O% (State Revolving Fund) D ARC (Appalachian Regional Commi DOC4DF (Department of Commera a RC-EIP (Rural Center - Economic Ir z EDA (US Dept. of Commerce Econo a TAG (Technical Assistance Grant) LL GLF (Golden Leaf Foundation) W WSR (Wastewater State Reserve W WSR (Wastewater State Reserve AIA (Asset Inventory and Assessme =Y SEWER AUTHORITY =UNDING SUMMARY anuary 14,2019 FUNDING SOURCES ZC DOC-IDF RC-EIP EDA DEQ-TAG or AIA GLF SURRY CO WWSR- GRANT WWSR- LOAN (0%) YVSADEG DWI FEE YVSA CASH TOTAL COST % COMPLETE $50,0D0 $50 000 100 $121,000 $121000 100 $19,500 $18 500 100 $300,000 100 $28 645 $1 318199 100 D,000 $21,000 $1 408 955 100 $50 000 $50 000 100 D 000 $648 259 $830 000 $767,300 $156 816 $2 702 375 100 0,000 $524,690 ####0## $144,191 $1,767 $1,170 637 100 $46,999 $2 396,944 100 $1,984,125 $661,375 $42,989 $2,688,489 47 $25,908 $1.321,322 70 $244,783 $244 793 100 $1,015875 $W9,8991 $27.236 $1643010 10 $20,620 $1051620 10 $150000 $2,250 $12760 $165000 50 $15410 $785885 4 0,000 57,172,939 $830 000 $767300 $250 000 #fit $144 191 S3 000 000 S7 264 274 $202 412 $585 281 S77 95,710 Fund) - grant interest for 20 yrs fR - principal forgiveness _ 4R - 0% interest for 20 yrs - grant uslrial Development Fund) - grant icture Program) - grant evelopment Adninistration) - grant it - grant i - 0% interest for 20 yrs ant - grant Total for Loans: $6,775,607 YVSA Capital $787.673 Total for Grants (Ind. Surry Co.): $9,872,430 Total $17,435,710 PROJECT FUNDING SOURCES a LOANS • LOCAL MATCH Y GRANTS b YADKIN VALLEY SEWER AUTHORITY ANALYSIS OF FY 2019-2020 DEBT SERVICE PAYMENTS DUE BY DUE BY DUE BY DEBT ORIGINAL ORIGINAL PRIN. BAL SEPTEMBER SEPTEMBER OCTOBEI DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ISSUE DATE 7H/2019 1ST 2019 26TH 2O19 7TH 2O19 MEMORIAL PARK $ 97,802.80 6/11/2019 $ 97,802.17 PRINCIPAL (Payable to BB&T INT @ 2,690% PUMP STATION 3 YEAR LOAN TERM 60-655.8005 LAST PAYMENT 6/11/2022 YVSA $ 425,000.00 9/26/2012 $ 255,000.02 PRINCIPAL $ 29,158.00 OPERATIONS (Payable to BB&T Governmental Finance INT @ 2.910% $ 7,421.00 CENTER 15 YEAR LOAN TERM 60-655-8010 LAST PAYMENT 9/26/2027 SEWER PS $ 263,197.20 1 6/11/2019 $ 263,197.20 PRINCIPAL $ NOTE NO. 00006 (Payable to BB&T Governmental Finance INT @ 3.710% $ 6 YEAR LOAN TERM 60-655.8000 LAST PAYMENT 6/11/2024 SOUTHWEST $ 687,544.00 1 5/1/2015 1 $ 550,035.20 PRINCIPAL ELKIN (Payable to DENR as Matching Grant INT @ 0,00% OUTFALL REHAB 20 YEAR LOAN TERM 60-655.8011 LAST PAYMENT 5/1/2035 PUMP STATION $ 562,955.00 8/8/2014 $ 450,364.00 PRINCIPAL REHAB PROJECT (Payable to CWSRF as Matchinq Grant INT @ 0,00% 20 YEAR LOAN TERM 60-655-8012 LAST PAYMENT 5/1/2036 WASTE $ 1,000,000.00 1 8/2/2006 $ 159,454.00 PRINCIPAL TREATMENT (Payable to Capital Bank & Trust INT @ 2.55% IMPROVEMENTS LAST PAYMENT 4/1212021 1 60.655-8003 WA TE $ 1,275,000.00 1 8/7/2009 $ 802,274.00 PRINCIPAL $ 60,860.( TREATMENT (Payable to Capital Bank & TrustI INT @ 2.95% $ 25,816.( IMPROVEMENTS LAST PAYMENT 10/15/2029 2 60-655-8008 F $ 1,070,000.00 12/3/2001 $ 574,790.10 PRINCIPAL J NESVTOWN Sewer Refinanced by BB&T 6/7/2013 INT @ 3.19% (Assumed Debt) LAST PAYMENT 6/7/2030 60-655-8004 2015 WWTP $ 1,784,104.00 5/1/2019 $ 1,799,399.00 PRINCIPAL IMPROVEMENTS (Payable to CWSRF as Matching Grant INT @ 0.00% PROJECT 20 YEAR LOAN TERM 60-655.8013 LAST PAYMENT 5/1/2039 TOWN F ELKIN $ 58,000.00 7/1/2019 1 $ 58,000.00 PRINCIPAL $ 14,500.00 (4 % INTEREST Pa ble to CWSRF as MatchingGrant INT 4.00% PAYMENTS PER IA) 1 YEAR LOAN TERM 60-655-8023 LAST PAYMENT 6/1/2019 $ 7,223,603 $ 5,010,316 TOTAL $ 14,500.00 $ 36,579.00 $ 86,676.( 1I1fi4020153PM C yd FIWL WU-h20 BW"-M.11.2019� DUE BY DUE BY DUE BY DUE BY DUE BY DUE BY TOTAL FY RINC P )ECEMBER MARCH APRIL MAY JUNE JUNE 2019-2020 BALANCE 11TH 2O19 1ST 2020 12TH 2O20 1ST, 2020 1ST, 2020 11 TH, 2020 PAYMENTS 7/01/2020 15,760.91 $ 15,972.89 $ 31,733.80 $ 66,068.37 1.315.44 $ 1,103.46 $ 2,418.90 $ 29,158.00 $ 225.842.02 $ 7,421.00 24,196.67 $ 24,645.52 $ 48,842.19 $ 214,355.01 4,882.31 $ 4,433.46 $ 9,315.77 $ 34,378.00 $ 34,378.00 $ 515,657.20 $ 28,147.75 $ 28,147.75 $ 422,216.25 $ $ $ 80,775.33 $ 80,775.33 $ 78,678.67 $ 2,113.67 $ 2,113.67 $ 60,860.00 $ 741,414.00 $ 25,816.00 $ 62,220.00 $ 62,220.00 $ 512,570.10 $ 20,320.59 $ 20.320.59 $ 94,705.20 $ 94,705.20 $ 1,704,693.80 $ $ 14,500.00 $ 14,500.00 $ 14,500.00 $ 58,000.00 $ 60,655.33 $ 82,889,00 $ 157,230.95 $ 97,040.59 $ 46,155.33 $ 596,226.20 $4,481.495.42 SEWER IRINCIPAL $ 528,820.27 INTEREST $ 67,405.93 3VC CHGS $ $ 596,226.20 vilh YgoK/N._ CAPI rAt SEW , MpRov ERAtiT AppredoFunped ;,,dEMENTs RORIry Fund, 0�esigh phase P( SePterhb gti.,F','i mi,.Reltab lo0o�.. of 28207j 8'fr'Zsl L f � rorAL CAPITAL eaw v O`NG OFFtcE0.cFL wi 4cO0.�� N ON bY" EY aY 6 o6��e o` ciaaKS YNyJ\ N Lyo�oaoy 94,72p. ,oy haoO re., °je' ao°°y o�rbe g''O . + or Aar ar / 7 PLP/I L P a `dlyd/ L'dd'.