HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCC230925_Site Plan or Location Map_20230404 CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE P I. (MSC) allemiit pe rmits and ten vale.Erosion and Sediment Control / m occur. permit and a&SC p permit, t,Coverage d a ha most be the obtained before any land disturbing activities ASELF—INSPECTION REPORT FOR LAND DISTURBING ACTIVITY AS REQUIRED BY .A copy of the E&SC permit,the COC end a hard copy of the plan must be kept on site,preferably N a NCGS 113A-54.1"IS AVAILABLE FOR USE.IT CAN BE COMPLETED BY HAND OR GROUND STABILIZATION permits box,end accessible during inspection. COMPLETED AS AN EXCEL SPREADSHEET JTAULZATON 2. Install gravel construction enrcancesfirst,then silt fences,reinforced silt fence outlets and wattles. AN ALTERNATIVE IS TO MAKE NOTATIONS ON THE COPY OF THE APPROVED 3 Finish clearing and grubbing y necessary areas on the lots as they are started. EROSION AND SITE AREA STABILIZATION 4 Begin lot grading and excavationSEDIMENTATION CONTROL PLAN THAT IS REPT ON THE PROJECT SITE.RULE 15A EXCEPTIONS ,P',•'1. / \ s Begin or continue with houseactivities. on e DESCRIPTION TIME FRAME 4111111V6 Finish all roll ad,n and NCAC 04B.0131 STATES THAT"...DOCUMENTATION SHALL BE ACCOMPLISHED BY CITY OF11 8h, 8•o s INITIALING AND DATING EACH MEASURE OR PRACTICE SHOWN ON A COPY OF THE ^ ��` '/ Install driveways,walks and patios. ctiv tie VASS �. 8 Begin five grading of lot areasAPPROVED EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROL PLAN OR BY COMPLETING, PERIMETER DIKES, 7 DAYS NONE cos,. ito SWALES, DITCHES 9 Fivalg gee mulching andstabilizing floc In most cases this will involve the installation of sod on the lot DATING AND SIGNING AN INSPECTION REPORT THAT LISTS EACH MEASURE, &SLOPES ', P gewcosg,s stabilizedPRACTICE OR DEVICE SHOWN ON THE APPROVED EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION •yx°A' '1 The silt fence will remain I I the lot,s sodded or and takes hold. HIGH QUALITY 7 DAYS NONE ci` 1 CONTROL PLAN." 1p The contractor shall conduct If' s of the erosion and sedimentation control measures and complete WATER the following combined seer-inspection torn roans on the DEMLR website THIS PROJECT IS IN A TEHO ZONES „•', 9 ,$p� '/ hops/,'files.nc.gov/ease Dnergy%2OMineml%2oarid%20Land%2oeesources/8mrmwateeZNPDEs%2o General Erosion Control Notes HIGH-QUALITY WATER ZONE General°/azopermils/DEMLB-ties-5eonioung-Fosse-Rev-wagnst-8-zofg.pdt.Twelve months oteomplem SLOPES STEEPER 7 DAYS IF SLOPES ARE < 5 4 F inspection Corms sban be kept on site aria avaaable ror inspection el au times.uis recommended,'copy be Pursuant to G.S.113A(3),provisions for permonent ground c sufficient to 1. Only the areas shown Shall be disturbed, AND ALL REQUIREMENTS THAN 3:1 10'OR LESS IN ' kept inapeumas box.(OS 134-sa.f(e),few NCAC 04B.013f,Nccof PartmsectionsAendB) entrain Bros must be accomplished for all disturbed areas within14 REGARDING SENSITIVEAREA LENGTH AND ARE ,:°w^ IL Self-inspections performedworkingdays°r BO calendar days(whichever is shorter followingcompletion 2.Temporary ground stabilization is required within 7 days on all p p every seven ys ys(w ) co p WATERSHEDS SHOULD NOT STEEPER calendar days and within 24 hours of every rain event of greater than I inch.Any needed repairs shall be f construction. areas. BE FOLLOWED THAN 2:1, 14 5N made immediately to maintain measures as designed.All ESC measures shall be maintained as specified in DAYS ARE the construction details on this plan.A rain gauge shall be installed at the project site for monitoring. 12. Inspection and final acceptevea letters.When the proj,:c[is complete,the peumitrees shall contact000 eept m ALLOWED t ctose out the e,ese isO"da filer DEMLR informs the peuminee otee projectctose out,via inspecion report, SLOPES 3:1 OR 14 DAYS 7 DAYS FOR the permiott shell visit"deq.nc.govMC001"tosubmit enelectronic Notice ofterminafion(e-NOT).A$100 ok FLATTER SLOPES GREATER aw I I fee will be charged unfit the e-NNOT has been filled out. \ \ THAN 50'IN VICINITY MAP a general permit it g , ) OPEN SPACE \\ \(NOT TO SCALE) / GTH ",�y'� �� / \\ �— AREA#$ 1 I\ 1 \ $ y+, ALL OTHER AREAS 14 DAYSW NONE(EXCEPT F/ � R PERIMETERS � // \\ I I \\ N\\ ` FLATTER TH STHAN S4:1 ANOD HQW ZONES) I % I m\ \ \ \ r/ /// ` \\ 1I 1 THIS PROJECT IS IN A — �'''ii I IN. (DRAINAGE ACCESS HIGH-QUALITY WA ZONE DATE: PAGE: Y4 ( I N. \� & ( t \ CARDING SAND ALL ENSITIVE UIREM qTS \ ,� \ �\ \ MAINTENANCE CONSTRUCTION ' \ WATERSHEDS SHOULD\ ��e \ \ ( r� ��\ ///"` EASEMENT\ LIMITS \ gE FOLLOWED 11. _ I '\ 1 1 I 1 �p n9 e �® 55 ( t \ 1 \ \ 7D \to SODDING ./ .... 2101.1,/AGAINST EACH 0214E2. .n Lit LJURDVvnx _ ADW z ORAINAG8114CCESS #0\ \ \\ \ \ I euosauomum1,7=2s. tlO rHU Pry �HU 1. Y 6.— ,J ,11U NAV �HU AVkU AY —HU'WAY HU AV // MAINTENANCE \ \ \ \\ I 't NOT OVERLAP.A61.2.20 "rRIIBLarwmNotes: / EASEENT411111P--- \ \ ` �\ // ama coosCU INLET 1.If needed,Tree Protection fencing should be installed along the buffer zone,wetland \ \ \ \ X \ � �'�, o / uTrEn wroHao causcnv.0 SOD CUTFER MUST aboundary and/or around protected trees,providing a radius of et least 1.25feet for each c m1 \ \ \ X ,� / LEGEND inch of trunk diameter. Min 62 1Ql 7772.Install Silt Fence on the low elevation sides of each lot.Install Silt Fence outlets shown on ro q ;gl \ \ \1 1 —� C // FLOW N schematitldiagmm and field adjusted,if necessary,for placement at low points.If lots are i S' \ QZj� contiguous and have different land owners or builders,each lot should have individual Silt '�'' / eel 1 \SILT FENCE I Fences. 2 SILT FENCE OUTLET ® 3.Install required Silt Fence within 10 feet of property line to ensure there is no conflict with I \ \ ! CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE septic system.It is the responsibility of the builder to ensure the installation of sediment �I \ A / CURB INLET = Control measures does not impact the septic system and repair area.. I 4.At least one Construction Entrance/Exit is to be installed per lot. ' I \ 414 ( pp I 5.Waste bins and other areas dedicated for managing building material waste shall be at l / 1 +1 , S I ., d 7 .u9I1:.... ..III least 50 feet away from storm drain Inlets or drainage ditches unless it can be shown that / 47 'j• m\ ` '9tQ'gClc / —— MOW WHEN-M.02 is - no other alternative exists.If this separation cannot be achieved,these areas must be I 1. FQ w,m n,E so,L ^"o as°ou`.*„E s"s" eMOWen contained behind Silt Fence. \\ \ I X 0�, / X '�9 / sill. HIGH a a1. S.Inlets downstream of disturbances should be protected:streets should be swept when / • APPEARANCE OF GOOD SOD sediment from the construction achy,Is present ` l \ 59 \ ..\NC—Environmental.peg 7.Details for Silt Fence,Silt Fence Outlets,Construction Entrances and other measures are ` 1161 ` I // \ • I III provided on additional sheets.Erosion and sediment control details are not drawn to scale. 1 ----------------- TYPICAL LOT LAYOUT WITH CURB AND GUTTER \ \ `� 160 \ \ um,wxdaxr. ra e _ ill�II���OI�I����li \ THIS PROJECT IS IN HIGH-Qt�4LITY / E coin,° \ WATER ZONE AND ALL REQUIREMENTS I _ -/ \ "E9"'•",aiXp".I REGARDING SENSITIVE AREAA n I 10 �� \ POO `-941mOPOO1991�•O0E\ �\ , \ WATERSHEDS SHOULD BE FOLLO�^JED1 ) I„ �\ / \ \ � - "s°`°°"""p oo�aoora.T — \ \ "- 1 I I I / — \ \ DATE: Filler Fabric PAGE: — ` \ \ OPEN 42 \ \ \ AREk#1 / Steel Pet Backfill trench ��, \ ) ) / tk I \ / ��/ \ IV Max Standard s Max. ga,renbfe without wire re.wire m Wire Fence wfe , ' d Compact A Steel Post thoroughly X , > / , ApLC/ 1 s / MATNTErvnNCgO RLOT CONSTRUCTION 1 _ I otil \r 1 / .0/// 1 te-zp• UPdwa \ `' / /// CONSTRUCTION tt I O I / / Innnentately remove all obnecrionable materials spille,washed.or tracked on. P. 17 �-— I /I)RAINAGB ACCESS \ LIh(MMFIITS I,45C \ �� \ °�' II / / public .X SU Fence-Sedimenl fences sh.12 be inmd et least once a week end efla each ra.ell event.Any regain should he made immediauly. core ties T'/ / / > I ��.} \ \ ,(THIS PROTECT IS INA HIGH-QUALITY �' dh 1 MAIN ENANCE of Plan Y�4 MM P1 I / I / / EASEMENT �,C�� TER ZO EAND ALL REQUIRE E sown as rouse.soap neon / I / / 11111:0 t� ti,G REGAF�?ING SENSITIVE AR' ( / QOpp e // I \\ , �s,,p:� 'TERSHEiDS SHOULD BE F• •WED i I / _Sodding-The sod should be properly maintained to Insure Mat.e grass take holds in Me areas being secured.T.sod should.watered as necessary ,ts F to Fabric ( / \ I \w)T1 I t' r FaD CROSS SECTION VIEW \ / 4Ik <0,\ 1 eel I I // a°mp in erly.Any hare �xw preparation. .,amp¢... m.a•.H ®.m.rlmpa awam.eaw, ( alli 21 f o I ' e ittee„abn°hme.s nealed to insure perl areas manent grass,,hensaffig temporary grassing •ldhe•seawntth`e m.w.a,e•,-- en•n,°moss \ m p permits the� p grass. ate support post tvl.reat mum ovecep to the nem,. /a.support standard ami,Rtertahne hyrnre me.hastened nenmo tne taupe sWe oft.Ms.Ente.te wire meal,aupperHothe \ 22 �' rainfall.insure Mat Mey are operating as designed and Mat Mem placed bi locations.will.interfere with home conshucton act... Ina.of the irennh.Fe.tNg Wee m,moa,oeoo ont nw ae ate rem d ins ends moss rew. '«'•tlBO}"°°B°aibet""B \ General on Control Notes1 Y onions sr,s shown sues be disturbed. /l/ I I '�• \ \ I / 1.ye been no breaches in Me hem Berms shall not exceed weekly marker earn runoff producing _oe°n.os od_d•eaeroo,.noas•n ono rmamood•co piontlOnce Me house construction is completed and the lot is ready to receive sod,them Me berm shall he mnoved and the material incorporated into Me graded lot area .an.w°m°oaa d. / \ emporary-"ae ewa¢anon suet N,i,fT says sail I I '#tS \ \ / ap seemis,u msnem,o,m"a •�,,,..®. fabric a,„n.n.aaaaemree,.,,.o.ass n.n.a \ "Tea°. / CO TRUCTION I \ I� I I I .n=,o does am.e•,..ss.,a.en. posts. ease"o„L sped,'soo°pea norm am.em. a.R .oe.... soadeaaepav°and unre me seeams,epe,nepauacwwapae•ea.au.pam sae w+awuaa,uedms. a a earn time • L ITS/ L' aae.ceau nsoeon. p ` I .. wo,s:ooe ene.menaa"a po,,ep mo,a•sn swoon / / THIS PROJECTS IN ♦?+I I \ part icular - s or at least once,w« ro"a ns .mod -ode®m®nreaoonomod.aw. J HIGH-QUALITY DIR ER ZONE alit e / I ) I \ I,o ,mmnnomapms.n,N n.�. - / AND ALL RE UIREMENTS / \ \ one ow,oa w"o-o cots soda, sees m am ae po•e, entrances maintained as suggested \ / REGARDING SENSITIVE AREA I / 1 I msw s / WATERSHEDS SHOULD / ) / ) \ I I W'' I N / BE FOLLOWED 0/ / / I \ I >eapeno..w nemp \NC—En�ronmenlcl/peq ", \\ / 1 / sil A / I I so--/ / / R,"r"ees,nF." ma",.pe.a,•�rwnp ,,,,"red SILT FENCE / pressure.,nere replace°wae necessary net"LrLlpega 441011 / �/ I mn,tuaane, ses .rP v / I 1 I l \ \ / CONSTRUCTION / 30 / \ \ / LIMITS CONSTRUCTION LIMITS' / 1 DATE: PAGE: / I 29 I // / / eMIN _I SILT` rENeE , J/ // PAGE 1 of 2 + • III11I I1 11111111 1111111I Tl /� �� �/ �� LOT EROSION CONTROL PLAN / /' // /� S�t�e TOTAL DISTURBED ACREAGE: 0.12 ACRES THEW SHED ( OPEN SPACE �E,,,/ j // S�� / OF a EEL FENCE �e�\\ AREA#z Ao Qya SO LOT 0 T 170 WIRE FEN HARDWARE 0L FRONT VIEW N /� /O / / / FILTER OF ,°�' FILTER FABRIC, WINDER STATION / / / THIS PROJECT IS IN A WASHED STo o al CLOTH IN TRENCH / HIGH-QUALITY WATER ZONE GAND HARDWAREe�lfe / / /// / / AND ALL REQUIREMENTS t. / / REGARDING SENSITIVE AREA 3'FILTER FABRIC ON n/ `ti/ / WATERSHEDS SHOULD FOR �a84» i.Hardware cloth and gravel should GROUND a°°e""n"Ie conditions °a""mD elevation areas,'rem fence amrlay Me sin fence at least 12 inches. I / / // BE FOLLOWED aaRYWIREFENaEANnHARnW CLOTH '� E p.out OA? 2.Slane outlets.should be letatlNaaeeaweekandaftereach,In� General Erosion Control Notes DREAM FINDERS HOMES, LLC ERFABRIaINTRErvE°9 F.IS,Mesh free Of ;e „„e y required repairs .immediately. / / rsaa. IN THE CIT' OF VASS 6.Remove s.lment when half of'Repacestone as needed tofa"I"5°de-W8'er' / // McNEILL TOWNSHIP MOORE COUNTY, N.C. ..\C—Enviranmental.peg SEaRaNaIEW ( // N / SCALE: 1"= 100' MARCH 2023 rrrr- -11. SILT FENCE OUTLET GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET ENGINEERS 0 D —100 0 100 200 300 aoa N PLANNERS SURVEYORS MOORMAN, KIZER & REITZEL, INC. 115 BROADFOOT AVE. FAYETTEVILLE, N.C. MOORM AN,KIZER & REITZEL,IN C. PHONE (910) 484-5191 FAX(910) 484-0388 License #: F-0106 .I SAVLLY3iei2a23 3:a,PM as PLO Ln 3TeT2023 128 __ _ _. _ENT., a H CON, 3Ta 136,05 WINDER STATION HAPaNSLWINDER STA E3 LOT 1_DWG