HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0024228_Correspondence_20161011nlol-C � i��ir�r�- hl* �N��Zk2Zv r1,"/h i i ✓'e neW Belnick, Tom From: Belnick, Tom Sent: Tuesday, October 11, 2016 11:44 AM To: TERRY HOUK (Terry.Houk@highpointnc.gov) Cc: Grzyb, Julie; Poupart, Jeff; Hennessy, John; Behm, Pamela; Knight, Sherri; Smith, George Subject: NPDES/High Point Westside Mod Request NCO024228 Mr Houk: In a letter dated October 4, 2016 (attached) you requested a permit modification to eliminate the requirement for stream restoration prior to expansion to 10 MGD. Since this permit is currently expired, we cannot consider a modification at this time. Your modification request will be evaluated during permit renewal. This renewal is currently assigned to Julie Grzyb, who is familiar with this project and was the permit writer for your 2013 expansion modification. It appears your current flows are generally less than 40% of your current permitted flow of 8.2 MGD. If you have any questions, feel free to contact either Julie Grzyb or myself. Tom Belnick Supervisor NPDES Complex Permitting Unit, DWR North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality 919-807-6390 office tom.belnick@ncdenr.gov 512 North Salisbury Street 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27669 c Nothing Compares Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. P"d61l Nc-FVZgZZg �oM4- Wei fAie —2Va)\gI( rZ urj If{ October 4, 2016 Mr. Jay Zimmerman, Director Water Resources Division NC Dept. of Environmental Quality 1611 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1611 twig NORTH CAROLINNS INTERNATIONAL CIT)'" Subject: Request for Special Condition Modification to NPDES Permit No. NCO024228 City of High Point Westside Facility Dear Mr. Zimmerman, OCT 10 2f;� t ermifina Section The City of High Point Westside WWTP is permitted to discharge 8.2 MGD of advanced tertiary treated effluent to the Rich Fork Creek receiving water (NPDES No. NC0024228). The City was authorized to construct expansion of the facility to 10 MGD, but special conditions must be met before discharge of 10 MGD will be authorized by your department per our current NPDES permit requirements. Some circumstances have changed since receiving the current NPDES permit and the City is requesting a change to the permit "Special Conditions" requirements to reflect the existing state of affairs. Specifically, the City requests that all references to stream restoration be struck from the Westside facility's NPDES permit. Our suggestions for modification to the existing special conditions are provided in the attached mark-up of that permit language. The original offer for the City to conduct stream restoration for segments of Rich Fork Creek modified by sand mining activity was made in concert with the DWR regional office commitment to have the sand mining activities stopped on the stream by not renewing the general permit application for those operations. The subsequent decision by the DWR Raleigh headquarters' Compliance & Expedited Permitting Unit to not remove those sand mining privileges changes the City's position regarding this offer. Because the stream is not listed as impaired for dissolved oxygen, the restoration is not needed to meet water quality standards. Therefore, the City cannot commit to spending ratepayer money to fix a problem that the facility discharge did not cause, that the Department of Environmental Quality does not recognize as a problem, and for which the repairs would likely be undone quickly by continued sand mining activity. The City remains committed to conducting water quality studies to demonstrate that the DO water quality standard will continue to be maintained following further increase in discharge to 10 MGD. It is the City's position that the requirement for additional monitoring and modeling studies be disconnected from a requirement for stream restoration. We would be glad to meet with you and your staff to discuss the request further if you believe that would help you to make a more informed decision. City of High Point, P.O. Box 230, 211 South Hamilton Street, High Point, NC 27261 USA Fax:336.883.1675 Phone:336.883.3215 TDD:336.883.8517 NORTH CAROLINA'S INTERNATIONAL CITY' We look forward to hearing from you on this request, and working together on next steps needed for NPDES permit modification. Sincerely, t rk Terry L. H Director of Public Services City of High Point Cc: Sherrie Knight, Regional Water Quality Supervisor Jeffrey Poupart, Water Quality Permitting Section Program Manager Tom Belnick, Complex Permitting Unit Supervisor John Hennessy, Compliance & Expedited Permitting Unit Pamela Behm, Modeling & Assessment Branch Supervisor Todd Johnson, Hazen & Sawyer Trevor Clements, Tetra Tech City of High Point, P.O. Box 230, 211 South Hamilton Street, High Point, NC 27261 USA Fox.336.883.1675 Phone:336.883.3215 TDD:336.883.8517 z SPECIAL CONDITIONS IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE SEPA FINDING OF NO SIGNIFICANT IMPACT AND ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FOR THE CITY OF HIGH POINT- WESTSIDE WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT EXPANSION BEYOND 8.2 MGD: peFFAits. Via. Submit a summer in -stream monitoring plan, on the proposed intensive monitoring in Rich Fork Creek, to be performed following stream rertaratiencompletion of construction of the expanded facility. Submit 2 copies of the plan toQDWR' nS Complex Permitting Unit Supervisor and one copy to the ssessment Branch Supervisor for approval at least 3 months prior to planned implementation. e:b.The City of High Point shall implement the DWQ approved in -stream monitoring plan. d:c.Following the intensive monitoring survey, after the stream rester- `ie pr9j .et is the receiving_ water quality model for Rich Fork Creek will be assessed for accuracy. If the need is determined by DWR, the model will be recalibrated for the approximately 12 mile segment between the High Point Westside outfall and the confluence of Abbotts Creek, to reae�d pr,....ieal eendi..ienr e f thp. sure .._ due to the _„ste fatten p ee address noted areas of model deficiency. The recalibrated model will be rerun with existing flow, 8.2 MGD, and 10 MGD to analyze the impact of the discharge. Model results will be compared with previous predictions and observed profiles to determine the level of impact on dissolved oxygen concentrations. The results of the modeling analyses and the recalibrated models at 8.2 MGD and10 MGD shall be submitted to DWQ for review. Submit 2 copies of the modeling report and all associated modeling files to the DWR Complex Permitting Unit Supervisor ^"'^ S-and one copy to the DWQDWR Modeling and Assessment Branch '"'^ITT Supervisor for review. An electronic copy of the model should be included with the copy sent to DWQ/M 41the DWR Modeling and Assessment Branch for a proper review. The City of High Point will be allowed to proceed with an expansion or an Authorization to Operate request at 10 MGD upon DWQ-DWR approval, based upon validation of model predictions that in -stream dissolved oxygen water quality standards will be maintained in the -esterea segment e f the receiving stream. e.d.If the recalibrated models or in -stream DO data in the restered segment of Rich F4Fk-GFeek-do not show sufficient assimilative capacity, the City of High Point shall submit a plan outlining efforts to maximize DO in the WWTP's effluent to ensure in -stream DO water quality standards are not violated due to the discharge from the Westside WWTP. Three copies of the DO optimization plan shall be submitted to DWQ/ NPPRS;the DWR Complex Permitting Unit Supervisor. A compliance schedule to address the DO deficiency may be added to this permit and an Authorization to Operate at a capacity of 10 MGD will not be allowed until the City demonstrates that the receiving stream has sufficient assimulative capacity to support an expansion. All submitals to PWQ A Tn and nm^ inronc QWR should be sent to: 161.7 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617