HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0025071_Correspondence_19910225`> �J it 5 1991 14 ati1: i.)i t TAX MAKAGEMIO � City of Eden 1991 M602 5-071 February 25, 1991 Dr. George T. Everett, Director Division., of Environmental Management N. C. Deprtment of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources P. 0. Box 27687 Raleigh, NC 27611-7687 Dear Dr. Everett: SUBJECT: MEBANE BRIDGE WWTP - SOC WQ 89-54 DRY CREEK WWTP - SOC WQ 89-55 INDUSTRIAL PRETREATMENT PERMITS ADMI COLOR LIMITATIONS The subject SOC's require the city to: "Modify Pretreatment Permits to include color limitations for all significant Industrial Users which have a potential to discharge color at levels exceeding the sewer use ordinance on or before March 1, 1991.11, This letter is to advise you that as of this date the Pretreatment permits for the following industries have been revised to include ADMI color limits: Sara Lee Knit Products (Pannill'Knitting Company, Inc.) Pluma, Inc. Fieldcrest Cannon, Inc. Blanket Finishing Mill Karastan Rug Mill Fieldcrest Cannon, Inc. Draper Dye House No other industrial dischargers have the potential for discharging color at levels which may exceed the city's sewer use ordinance. All of the industrial users listed above now have 300 ADMI color unit limits in their permits with the following notation: 350 West Stadium Drive • Eden. North Carolina 27288-3299 • Fax (919) 623-4041 If the Permittee's discharge exceeds 300 ADMI color limits for the Daily Maximum or Weekly Average Limits the Permittee shall be surcharged for color removal based on a formula determined by the Director of Public Utilities of the City of Eden. This surcharge shall become effective no later than September 30, 1992." If you require further information on this matter, please call me at 919-627-1009. Sincerely, Dennis Asbury Public Utilities Director DA:bwj c: Steve Routh, City Manager Larry Coble, Regional Supervisor; WSRO NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT HEALTH AND NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT February 15, 1991 M E M O R A N D U M TO: Betsy Johnson k Technical Support Branch THROUGH: Steve Mauney 9 1991 FROM: Mike Mickcyv.Ai\ SUBJECT: Eden Mebane Bridge WWTP Permit No. NC0025071 Rockingham County This memo is in response to your 2/1/91 memorandum concerning the new downstream sampling location for the Mebane Bridge WWTP. Our office, along with the City of Eden, has evaluated the proposed location (500 ft. above the Dry Creek outfall) and found it to be unacceptable. As you can see from the attached topographic map, there is no available access point to the Dan River between the Hwy 700 Bridge and the Dry Creek outfall. In addition, collection of these samples from the steep river banks would pose safety problems as explained in the 2/11/91 letter from Mr. Terry Shelton, WWTP Superintendent (See Attached). In your memorandum you indicated that the Hwy 700 site was not recommended since monitoring data is currently being collected there by Fieldcrest. A review of the Fieldcrest permit reveals that they are only required to take weekly downstream samples for D.O., Temp and Cond. and 2/M for BOD and Color. The City of Eden, however, is required to take stream samples three times per week (J, J, & S) for D.O. Temp, Cond. and fecal coliform. Eden is not required to collect downstream color samples at Hwy 14. It is the opinion of the Winston-Salem Regional Office that the Hwy 700 site is the best and only reasonable location for collection of the Mebane Bridge downstream samples (formerly Hwy 14) and the Dry Creek upstream samples. I would assume that the City of Eden and Fieldcrest could coordinate so that stream samples are not collected on the same day. If you have any questions, please give me a call. cc: Central Files WSRO C'itty of Eden February '1 1 , 19921 Mr. Mike Mickey, Environmental Teclnnici,an V Division Of Environmental Managei-ient Winston-Salem Regional Office 6025 North Point Boulevard, Suite 100 Winston-Salem, North Carolina 27106 Dear Mr. Mickey: SUBJECT: MEBANE BRIDGE/DRY CREEK WWTP'S PROPOSED SAMPLING SITE ROCKINGHAM COUNTY I am writing this letter in response to your letter of February 6, 1991 regarding the proposed sampling site selected by DEM in Raleigh. The proposed location 500 feet upstream from the Dry Creek WWTP Outfall would cause us great difficulty. This sample site is extremely difficult to access. The only access to this sampling site is across the R. I. Smith Farm via his farm roads through his fields. Driving distance to the river by these farm roads is about 1.6 miles. This route to the river is subject to be impassable any time there is heavy rainfall and would probably remain so for several days following the rainfall event. Even if the access road to the river was good, the Outfall discharge point at the river is surrounded by steep sided sand covered banks about 12 feet hish. The sample site is heavily covered by brush and undergrowth along the river. Safety is also a consideration with the potential for operators to fall down the river bank, to acquire snake or tick bites and to suffer the discomfort of making their way through briars. A site location 500 feet upstream or 10 feet upstream would both pose significant difficulty and hazard for my operators to obtain the necessary sample. This sample at present is collected five times per week such that difficulty in obtaining the sample would have to be endured on a daily basis. 350 West Stadium Drive • Eden, North Carolina 27288-3299 9 Fax (919) 623-4041 After carefully reviewing of the Mebane Bridge downstream sample, I realized I had not considered sampling from the river bank prior to receiving this letter, I feel that we can again sample at the NC Highway 14 Bridge on the North side of the river. Access to the river at this location is only about 100 yards from a point where a vehicle can be driven to. This access can be mowed and maintained such that the daily safety of my operators would not be in question. I have cor-isulted the Bridge Maintenance Division of North Carolina Department Of Transportation and it may possible for us to rig a pulley rope system from the bridge railing to retrieve samples as much 30 feet out into the river. The Uostrearn Sample Site for the Dry Creek WWTP would be a problem for us in the new permit. I have carefully studied the access to the river between the Highway 700 Bridge and the Dry Creek WWTP OUtfall and have discovered no suitable site to obtain samples on the norttn or the south sides of the river. I would suggest that the Highway 700 Bridge is still the only suitable site to obtain the information that DEM needs upstream of the Dry Creek WWTP. I would be glad to investigate other alternatives at your request nr to accompany you to these sites if you wish -to visit them. Please inform me if I should return to sarrIpl ing at the Highway 14 Bridge. Please call me at 919-623-9921 if you have any questions about. my suggestions Herein. Sincerely, Q c. !mow Terry heltun Wastewater Superintendent TS:bwj State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Winston-Salem Regional Office James G. Martin, Governor William W. Cobey, Jr., Secretary DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT February 6, 1991 Mr. Dennis Asbury Director of Public Utilities City of Eden 350 West Stadium Drive Eden, North Carolina 27288-3299 SUBJECT: Mebane Bridge/Dry Creek WWTP's Proposed Stream Sampling Site Rockingham County Dear Mr. Asbury: Margaret Plemmons Foster Regional Manager On 12/5/90, you submitted a request to our Division for permission to relocate the Mebane Bridge downstream sampling location from the Hwy 14 bridge to the Hwy 700 bridge. As you are already aware, Raleigh supports the deletion of the Hwy 14 bridge site but does not concur with the Hwy 700 bridge site since data is already being collected there by Fieldcrest Cannon. Attached you will find a copy of a 2/1/91 memo from Raleigh recommending that Mebane Bridge's downstream samples be collected 500 feet upstream of Dry Creek's outfall. This is also the proposed upstream sampling site for Dry Creek once the permit is renewed. I need comments from you concerning the accessibility and suitability of this proposed location. Also, is the Dry Creek outfall easily accessible? If so, I see no reason why the sampling location could not be specified as 10 feet upstream instead of 500 ft. Please give me a call concerning this issue. If necessary, I will be happy to observe the sites with you. Sincerely, Mike Mia Mickey Environmental Technician V MMM/vm cc: Central Files WS)�&.5 North Point Boulevard, Suite 100, Winston-Salem, N.C. 27106-3203 • Telephone 919-761-2351 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer North Carolina Division Of Environmental Management Water Quality Section / Environmental Sciences Branch Intensive Survey Group 14 January 1991 MEMORANDUM To: Steve Mauney Ruth Swanek Through: Jay Sauber� From: Kurt Trumbower Subject Dan River Color Sampling Run 9/27/90 A sampling run was performed on 9/27/90 in response to a complaint received by phone from Lee Roy Hall of the Danville Water Treatment Plant. According to Mr. Hall, they have had problems with high color in the river near their intake for approximately the last 3 months (July, August, September, 1990). We thought this was most likely due to the low flow conditions' present in the river and the subsequent higher proportion of the river's flow being composed of textile dye waste. In a phone conversation with personnel at the water treatment plant on the Smith River in Eden, it was revealed that they had not been having any problems with high color due to textile waste in the river. This suggests that the problem in September 1990 in the Dan River at Danville may be due to high color levels discharged from Eden wastewater treatment plants. In the phone conversation on the morning of 9/27/90 with Mr. Hall, he indicated that the color problem was especially bad that morning with correspondingly high conductivity values of over 200 umhos/cm2. The 9/27/90 sampling run was immediately initiated with travel to Danville. Data from this sampling run is attached to this memorandum along with the original study plan and accompanying schematic diagram. At Danville, a color level of 29 ADMI was found on this date. Visually, the river appeared a dark purple/blackish color at Danville. The value of 29 ADMI found here was surprisingly low considering the appearance of the river and was similar to the value of 26 ADMI found at the Dan River at Hwy 87 which is upstream of both the Smith River and the Eden wastewater treatment plants. The water r at Hwy 87 was greenish in appearance. Specific conductance values differed greatly at the two sites with a conductivity of 63 umhos/cm2 at Hwy 87 and a conductivity of 240 umhos/cm2 at Danville. This suggests the presence of effluent in the river at Danville. At the Smith River at SR 1785, a low color level of 20 ADMI was found. A fairly high color level of 66 ADMI was found at the Miller Brewing effluent. This effluent was greenish in appearance. The highest color level found during this sampling run was found, as has been seen in past sampling, at the Eden Mebane Bridge Wastewater Treatment Plant. This value was 2400 ADMI and the effluent was a darkish purple color. Another high color level was found, as expected, at the Eden Dry Creek Wastewater . Treatment Plant. This value was 900 ADMI. At the Duke Power effluent, the color level found was 25 ADMI. Detectable levels of copper, selenium, and mercury were found in this effluent. The copper value found of 13 ug/I was well below the permit limit of a monthly average and a daily maximum of 1000 ug/l. The selenium and mercury values found were 6.4 ug/l and 0.6 ug/l respectively. No permit limits for selenium or mercury are in effect for this discharge, however monitoring is required. From conversations with personnel at the Eden and Danville Water Treatment Plants and from visual observations and chemical/physical sampling results, it appears that the color problem in the Dan River at Danville during September 1990 may be originating from the two Eden municipal wastewater treatment plants. Additionally, the ADMI method of color analysis may have some problems in this particular sampling since visual observations of color and corresponding high conductivity values seem to be more important in judging the problem due to textile dye at Danville. The color result of 29 ADMI found at Danville on 9/27/90 was not a particularly high value but the river was obviously a dark purple color due to textile waste. Also, muddy water in the river in past sampling runs has yielded high ADMI color levels but these high color levels do not, cause a problem , for water treatment plant operators at Danville like the color due to textile waste. cc: Jim Overton r , STATION LOCATION DATE DAN RIVER HWY 87 900927 SMITH RIVER AT SR1785 900927 EDEN MEBANE BRIDGE WWTP 900927 DUKE POWER EFFLUENT 900927 MILLER BREWING EFFLUENT 900927 FIELDCREST MILLS EFFLUENT 900927 EDEN DRY CREEK WWTP 900927 DAN RIVER AT DANVILLE INTAKE 900927 STATION LOCATION DUKE POWER EFFLUENT TIME FLOW(MGD) TURBIDITY CHLORIDE COLOR(pH7.6) COND(25'C) 1225 9.2 3 26 63 1235 5.8 61 20 390 0001-1300.5.829 5.2 380 2400 2200 1330 2.3 18 34 25 360 1130 2.79 11 150 66 1900 1200 0.62 6.7 26 17 350 0001-134.5 0.5 4.5 43 900 3500 1035 6.3 34 29 240 0 DATE TIME CD CR CU NI PB ZN HG AS SE 900927 1330 <2 <25 13 <10 <10 <10 0.6 <10 6.4 DAN RIVER STUDY In response to concerns by the State of Virginia about color problems in the Dan River near Eden N.C., a study plan has been devised. Eight stations are to be sampled twice a month through October for color, chloride, turbidity, and conductivity. In addition, complete metals series will be collected from the Duke Power discharge due to concerns about elevated levels. Samples from Dan River stations will be collected at mid and quarter points. Stations are listed below: MAP # STATION 1 Dan River at Hwy 87 2 Smith River at SR 1785 3 Eden Mebane Bridge WWTP 4 Duke Power Effluent 5 Miller Brewing Effluent 6 Fieldcrest Mills Effluent 7 Eden Dry Creek WWTP 8 Dan River at Danville water intake Additionally four major tributaries will be sampled once for the same pararneiers. These stations are: MAP # STATION A :Cascade Creek at Hwy 700 B Wolf Island Creek at Hwy 700 C Hogan's Creek at SR 1503 D Country Line Creek at Hwy 57 Flow information at the WWTP's and at four USGS gaging stations in the area will also be obtained. The gaging stations are: Dan River near Wentworth 0 2 0 710 0 0. Smith River at Eden 02074000 Dan River at Danville 02075000 Dan River at Paces 02075500 0 tlrss � V t • s t�� 3 Ix We ci•► X &O to w , • so s♦' Y r L RYp� t •, •v sc OL/1ttD tr i • •� lot Ot - C •v i+ti � t•� � C♦ IA 39 .t • • Z �� ' �� �••• Y iaccciiidc i �s \ 3-02-05 flu �//• t, •f♦ � .� tntsrlu ' c A•fl � 03--02-04 Ila , I / 03-02-03 03-02-02 DEPkRTMENT OF �� ROAN DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT December 19, 1990 TO: Dale Overcash Permits and Engineering Unit FROM: Betsy Johnson 1K3 Technical Support Branch THROUGH: Mike Scoville MD5 Ruth Swanek rRC5 SUBJECT: City of Eden - Mebane Bridge WWTP NPDES No. NC0025071 Rockingham County I have reviewed the downstream monitoring sites for the City of Eden - Mebane Bridge W WTP. The downstream site at Highway 14 Bridge may be deleted. Eden - Mebane Bridge's downstream samples for DO, Temperature, Conductivity, and Fecal Coliform should be taken 500 feet upstream of the outfall of Eden's Dry Creek WWTP. This is Dry Creek's upstream monitoring site also. Please modify Eden's permit(s) accordingly. cc: Central Files Winston-Salem Regional Office C State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management 512 North Salisbury Street • Raleigh, North Carolina 27611 James G. Martin, Governor George T. Everett, Ph.D. William W. Cobey, Jr.. Secretary December, 14, 1990 Director Mr. John C. Huber Director of Water Treatment City of Danville Riverview Industrial Park 229 Sinson Drive Danville, Virginia 24540 Subject: City of Eden Mebane -Bridge and Dry Creek Wastewater Treatment Facilities Rockingham County Dear Mr.Huber: The North Carolina Division of Environmental Management (NCDEM) is in receipt of a copy of your letter dated October 1, 1990 and addressed to Mr. Barry Dunkley, Regional Director of the Office of Water Resources of the Commonwealth of Virginia. NCDEM greatly appreciates you keeping us apprised of the color problem in the Dan River. The input provided is very important since it helps NCDEM staff determine the impact of the Division's water quality management strategies and the public perception associated with those strategies. NCDEM has implemented a management strategy aimed to solve the color problems in the Dan River. I have enclosed a copy of a report entitled "An Update of Color Control Activities in the Smith and Dan River Basins" prepared by this office. The report contains the analysis performed by the Technical Support Branch of NCDEMrs Water Quality Section to determine the color limitations necessary to protect an instream color value of 24 ADMI. This value was developed by the Virginia Health Department based on treatment capabilities of water treatment plants. Our calcula- tions indicated that the Eden -Mebane Bridge WWTP color limit should be 540 ADMI at r 7.0 MGD, and 300 ADMI at 13.5 MGD. Furthermore, the analysis concluded that the Eden -Dry Creek WWTP color limit should be 540 ADMI at 0.5 MGD. In May 1990, the Eden -Mebane Bridge WWTP NPDES permit was modified with a color limitation of 540 ADMI for a design capacity of 7.0 MGD. This permit was re -issued in November, 1990 with a color limitation of 300 ADMI for a design capacity of 13.5 MGD. Eden -Dry Creek WWTP NPDES permit will expire in 1991. A 540 ADMI color limitation will be contained in the re -issued NPDES permit. Polludon Pwwnflon Pays P.O. Box 27687, Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 Telephone 919-733-7015 ` Mr. John C. Huber Page Two On March 8, 1990 NCDEM issued a Special Order by Consent (SOC) to the Eden - Mebane Bridge WWTP. The SOC allows this facility to discharge color, BOD5. TSS and flow above NPDES permit limitations until September 1, 1992. The SOC period was granted to allow the City of Eden to modify the WWTP in -order to comply with the new NPDES permit limitations, including a color limitation of 300 ADMI. The Eden -Dry Creek WWTP is also currently under a SOC. The SOC allows this facility to discharge flow above the NPDES permit limitations until September 30, 1991. The SOC period will allow the City of Eden to upgrade the existing Eden -Dry Creek WWTP to comply with the NPDES permit limitations, including a future color limit of 540 ADMI. Our files indicate that the City of Eden has complied with the required deadlines contained in the SOC's for both facilities to date. NCDEM will assure that the facility will be in compliance with the NPDES Permit limits by the deadline of September 1, 1992 for the Eden -Mebane Bridge, and September 30, 1991 for the Eden -Dry Creek WWTP. A preliminary analysis of color data collected in the Smith River and the Dan River from May to October, 1990 confirmed your concern regarding the recent high color in the Dan River. A preliminary review of the data indicated that the Smith River (i.e. above the City of Eden water intake) contained an average color value of 34.84 ADMI, with a maximum observed value of 114.20 ADMI. The standard devia- tion for the data set is 19.19 ADMI. Color data collected during the same period at NCSR 1761 (i.e. downstream from the City of Eden's discharges in the Dan River) indicated an average value of 33.31 ADMI, with a maximum observed value of 57.35 ADMI. The standard deviation for the data set is 10.17 ADMI. Finally, color data collected during the same period at NC 87 in the Dan River (i.e. upstream from the Smith River confluence and upstream.from the City of.Eden's discharges) indicated an average value of 26.02 ADMI, with a maximum observed value of 37.64 ADMI. The standard deviation of the data set is 6.5 ADMI. It is assumed that the color measured in this last station is a mirror of turbidity since no discharges containing color exist upstream from this station. All three data sets were adjusted in order to reduce variability due to turbidity caused by storm events. The above results indicate that color concentrations from Martinsville enter the Dan River, via the Smith River, exacerbating the color problem already occur- ring in the Dan River as a result of the City of Eden's WWTP's. The high standard deviation (i.e. 19.19 ADMI) and the maximum observed color value (i.e. 114.20 ADMI) of the Smith River data set reflects a combination of high color.concentrations being discharged by Martinsville facilities and the mode of operation (i.e. peaking) of the Philpott Dam. Also, Eden -Mebane Bridge and Eden -Dry Creek effluent self -monitoring data collected from May to August, 1990 indicate that high color values were discharged during this period in the Dan River (i.e. maximum observed value of 3,827 ADMI at Eden -Mebane Bridge and 4,062 ADMI at Eden Dry Creek facility). The data collected in the Dan River at NCSR 1761 reflect the color input to the system via the Smith River and the direct contribution by the City of Eden. The standard deviation Mr. John C. Huber Page Three (i.e. 10.17 ADMI) observed at NCSR 1761 on the Dan River versus the standard deviation observed in the Smith River (i.e. 19.19 ADMI) above Eden's water intake indicates less variation in color in the Dan River, upstream from the City of Danville water intake. I would like to assure you that NCDEM will continue to work with the City of Eden to achieve the necessary color concentrations in the Dan River. However, the current management strategy for color in the Dan River largely depends on the success of NCDEM as well as the Commonwealth of Virginia to manage color levels in the Smith River. Please do not hesitate to continue to inform this office of color problems in the Dan River. Your concern is most appreciated. If you have any question concerning this matter, please contact Mr. Trevor Clements of my staff at (919) 733-5083. Sincerely, OQ Steve W. Tedder, Chief Water Quality Section JCM/SWT Enclosure cc: Dennis Asbury Barry Dunkley Steve Mauney Jay Sauber Eden -Mebane Bridge WLA File Eden -Dry Creek WLA File Central Files Notes for response letter to City of Danville 11-29-90 - This response has been delayed because the City of Eden did not send the color instream data to DEM until Nov 15, 1990. - I analyzed the data submitted by the City of Eden. It was noticed from the submitted data that high color values occurred in the Dan River at NC 87. Since this station is upstream from the confluence of the Smith River (Martinsville discharges into the Smith River in Virginia) and the City of Eden's effluents I can only conclude that these high values are due to storm events (i.e. turbidity). I ran descriptive statistics to the data for all three stations. The Dan River station at NC 87 showed a max. observed value of 252 ADMI, an average of 42 ADMI and a STD of 42. This high standard variation confirms the variability due to rainfall since no color contributing discharges exist upstream from this station. - In order to reduce this variability I adjusted descriptive statistics by deletion of color values greater than 40 ADMI in the NC 87 station data set. I chose 40 ADMI because a target concentration of color for the river is 24 ADMI, and 40 ADMI represents 67 % above the target (i.e. I will allow 24 ADMI to increase by 16 units or by 2/3 due to natural turbidity of the stream). The adjusted mean is 27 ADMI and the STD is 6.6. This STD reflects a more steady state of the system. Therefore, I can use this station more as control. - In order to eliminate the variability due to rainfall in the other two stations, color values on were also deleted on the same dates color values were deleted from NC 87 station. - This last data set was further adjusted by eliminating color values across the data set which were smaller than the control color values in both the Smith River and the Dan River downstream stations (i.e. August 23 & 29, and Sep 5 & 12). - The data indicates that the City of Eden discharges contribute to the color concentrations found in the Dan River above the City of Danville water intake. However, the data also suggests that Martinsville is impacting the Smith River. The impact of Martinsville on the Smith River also contributes to the color problems experienced in the Dan River. The Smith River station shows an adjusted mean of 35 ADMI, and STD of 19. '', ` �� �5 �2`� ��� nv:�i+<✓ 'i. /�'''�ti`uZC CrnuMr.4L� ��i DEC 7 1990 W,g1U111w IRMS City of Eden December 5, 1,990 Dr. George Everett, Director Division of Environmental ManAgement N. C. Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources „',P1p P. 0. Box 27687 tl IV F- Raleigh, NC 27611-7687 utL; 1 81990 Dear Dr. Everett: BRANCH SUBJECT: MEBANE BRIDGE WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT NPDES PERMIT NO. NCO025071 CITY OF EDEN ! G ROCKINGHAM COUNTY The subject permit issued on November 15, 1990 requires that we collect upstream and downstream samples on a daily basis for conductivity, dissolved oxygen, fecal coliform, and temperature. The downstream sample location point is on the NC Highway 14 Bridge south of Eden. This bridge has a raised walkway 18 inches wide. The traveled portion of the road is 33 inches from the edge of the walkway. The guard rail on the side of the bridge is 21 inches high. The speed limit on this bridge is 55 miles per hour. We have been sampling from the Highway 14 Bridge since May of this year. Our operators feel that sample collection from this location is extremely dangerous. I agree with their assessment. The narrow walkway, the proximity of heavy high speed traffic, and the short guardrail combine to make this a dangerous sample point. Highway 14, in this area, is serving a rapidly growing part of the city, and the traffic flow on this bridge has noticeably increased in recent months. Tractor trailers and mobile homes frequently cross the bridge while our operators are collecting samples. Our operators have expressed growing concerns for their safety that they did not have when they began sampling at this location. I request that the Division Of Environment Management remove the NC Highway 14 Bridge sampling point from our permit for the safety of our personnel. I propose that the downstream sample location be moved to NC Highway 700 Bridge east of Eden. 350 West Stadium Drive • Eden, North Carolina 27288-3299 • Fax (919) 623-4041 0-10 Please consider this request as soon as possible. The potential for personal injury or death on the Highway 14 Bridge is substantial. For the sake of safety, I am, directing our operators to collect downstream samples from the Highway 700 Bridge east of. Eden until I hear from you. If you have any questions pertaining to this matter, please contact me at'919-627-1009. Sincerely, Dennis Asbury Public Utilities Director DA:bwj c: Steve Routh, City manager Terry Shelton, Wastewater Superintendent Larry Coble, Regional Supervisor; WSRO J� ,�e ,MAP ' T4wXity of Danville, Virginia WATER AND WASTEWATER TREATMENT DEPARTMENT WATER TREATMENT WASTEWATER TREATMENT 279 PARK AVENUE RIVERVIEW INDUSTRIAL PARK DANVILLE, VIRGINIA 24541 229 STINSON DRIVE (X04) 799-6473 DANVILLE, VIRGINIA 24540 (804) 799-5137 October 1, 1990 Mr. Barry Dunkley, P.E. Regional Director VA Dept. of Health Office of Water Programs Danville Regional Officeslow 1347 Piney Forest Rd. Danville, VA 24540 WATER QUALTV SECTION Dear Mr. Dunkley: On September 28, 1990 the Water Plant at, Danville issued a complaint to your office concerning the color(dye) in the Dan River. The color problem is not a new issue. The color from the dye has caused us tremendous treatment problems and added expense to treat the raw water. it has caused us to have very short filter runs (normal 80hrs. - dye 40hrs.) due to overfeeding of Aluminum Sulfate to coagulate out the color. To compound the problem the ph has been very high when the color (dye) is in the river (normal 7.2 - 7.4ph color 7.4 - 7.9ph). We have to feed higher dosages of chlorine in the rapid mix to oxidize the color (dye) since it has a high chlorine demand. The Water Treatment Plant is keeping records on the color problem and would be glad to offer information to you. It was our understanding that both VA and NC were going to adopt similar limits for colored discharges. We feel that the 200 color limit is acceptable during high flow times in the Dan River but during low flow times the color limit should be reduced according to the flow in the Dan River. RECFIVF-r)__ OCT no ENVIRp"'FlVTk 'SCI EtiCE5 BR INCFf L hope the color problem can be resolved since it is dramatically Lmpacting the raw water quality in the Dan River. We would ;ladly participate in any meetings concerning this problem. thank you for your time and I am looking forward to hearing from you. Sincerely, C. John C. Huber Dir. Water Treatment haf c: Mr. Herbert M. Dawson Mr. Melvin Collins Mr. John Rolland, SWCB Mr. Steve Tedder, NC Dept. of Environmental Management Mr. Jay Sauber, NC Dept. of Environmental Management *ur Y October 26, 1990 Mr. Juan Mangles NC-DEHNR-DEM Water Quality Section P. 0. Box 27687 Raleigh, NC 27611 City of Eden 350 WEST STADIUM DRIVE EDEN, NORTH 6AROLINA 27288-3299 1990 Subject: River Color Monitoring Data Dear Mr. Mangles r i G Unclosed you will find a 3.5 disk with the file containing our river monitoring data since May 16, 1990. The data and sampling points conform to the requirements of our current discharge permit. The file name on the disk is Rivcolor.wrl and is readable on Lotus or Symphony Program Spreadsheets. I think you will find the spreadsheet self -explanatory - If you have any questions or need further assistance call me at 919-623-9921 Sincerely, Terry Shelton Wastewater Superintendent EDEN COLOR DATA FOR EDEN MEBANE UPSTREAM AT SMITH R DATE 05-Jun-90 06-Jun-90 08-Jun-90 13-Jun-90 15-Jun-90 18-Jun-90 20-Jun-90 22-Jun-90 25-Jun-90 27-Jun-90 29-Jun-90 02-Jul-90 03-Jul-90 05-Jul-90 10-Jul-90 11-Jul-90 13-Jul-90 23-Jul-90 24-Jul-90 02-Aug-90 07-Aug-90 08-Aug-90 14-Aug-90 15-Aug-90 16-Aug-90 21-Aug-90 22-Aug-90 23-Aug-90 28-Aug-90 29-Aug-90 04-Sep-90 05-Sep-90 07-Sep-90 12-Sep-90 13-Sep-90 14-Sep-90 20-Sep-90 21-Sep-90 25-Sep-90 26-Sep-90 27-Sep-90 03-Oct-90 30-Oct-90 Number of observations: Mean: Max. observed value: STD: pH 7.63 7.60 7.58 7.60 7.60 7.61 7.60 7.60 7.60 7.60 7.60 7.59 7.60 7.59 7.60 7.60 7.61 7.60 7.62 7.59 7.60 7.60 7.60 7.61 7.60 7.61 7.61 7.61 7.60 7.60 7.60 7.60 7.61 7.59 7.60 7.60 7.60 7.61 7.61 7.60 7.61 7.60 7.61 43 34.18 114.2 18.41 BRIDGE ADMI COLOR 36 34 20 39 35 32 22 27 23 31 27 22 22 19 19 21 27 114 97 27 37 FACILITY 24 41 33 43 73 39 32� 42 26�ww�o 32 2 6 20 27 a^^ 33 44 2 8 23 31 34 2631 a 32 Color UPSTREAM DATE pH ADMI AT NC 87 16-May-90 7.58 28 DAN R 16-May-90 7.60 13 O5-Jun-90 7.59 26 06-Jun-90 7.61 34 08-Jun-90 7.62 38 13-Jun-90 7.60 28 15-Jun-90 7.61 18 18-Jun-90 7.61 18 20-Jun-90 7.59 16 22-Jun-90 7.62 21 25-Jun-90 7.60 23 27-Jun-90 7.61 17 29-Jun-90 7.61 24 02-Jul-90 7.60 17 03-Jul-90 7.61 18 05-Jul-90 7.60 16 10-Jul-90 7.60 19 11-Jul-90 7.60 23 13-Jul-90 7.60 27 23-Jul-90 7.60 35 24-Jul-90 7.60 38 02-Aug-90 7.60 31 07-Aug-90 7.60 21 08-Aug-90 7.60 20 14-Aug-90 7.60 28 15-Aug-90 7.60 23 16-Aug-90 7.59 24 21-Aug-90 7.59 30 22-Aug-90 7.60 37 23-Aug-90 7.61 38 28-Aug-90 7.60 30 29-Aug-90 7.60 35 04-Sep-90 7.60 28 05-Sep-90 7.59 31 07-Sep-90 7.61 21 12-Sep-90 7.61 29 13-Sep-90 7.59 31 14-Sep-90 7.61 28 20-Sep-90 7.60 32 21-Sep-90 7.60 27 25-Sep-90 7.60 31 26-Sep-90 7.60 32 27-Sep-90 7.60 25 03-Oct-90 7.60 24 30-Oct-90 7.60 37 Number of observations: 42 Mean: 26.70� Max. observed value: 37.92 STD: 6.576 :S' DOWNSTREAM DATE pH ADMI AT NCSR 1761 16-May-90 7.63 23 DAN R 05-Jun-90 7.62 49 - 06-Jun-90 7.62 21 08-Jun-90 7.58 28- 13-Jun-90 7.60 38- 15-Jun-90 7.61 23 18-Jun-90 7.61 18 20-Jun-90 7.59 17 22-Jun-90 7.61 47- 25-Jun-90 7.59 20 27-Jun-90 7.61 40 - 29-Jun-90 7.61 40 = 02-Jul-90 7.60 17 03-Jul-90 7.61 23 05-Jul-90 7.59 19 10-Jul-90 7.61 17 11-Jul-90 7.60 20 13-Jul-90 7.60 27 23-Jul-90 7.60 42 24-Jul-90 7.59 57 02-Aug-90 7.61 32 07-Aug-90 7.60 41 08-Aug-90 7.60 44 14-Aug-90 7.60 28 15-Aug-90 7.61 42 16-Aug-90 7.60 40 21-Aug-90 7.61 32 22-Aug-90 7.60 38 23-Aug-90 7.60 29 28-Aug-90 7.60 34 29-Aug-90 7.60 ^ 32 Qowan wY 04-Sep-90 7.61 34 05-Sep-90 7.60 27 07-Sep-90 7.61 29 12-Sep-90 7.61 27 �A 13-Sep-90 7.61 34 Q 14-Sep-90 7.61 35 c 20-Sep-90 7.60 47 21-Sep-90 7.60 27 25-Sep-90 7.60 33 26-Sep-90 7.60 42 27-Sep-90 7.60 49 03-Oct-90 7.60 35 30-Oct-90 7.61 43 Number of observations: Mean: Max. observed value: STD: 41 32.88/ 57.35 9.780 EDEN COLOR DATA FOR EDEN MEBANE BRIDGE FACILITY ADMI DATE pH COLOR UPSTREAM 05-Jun-90 7.63 36 AT SMITH R 06-Jun-90 7.60 34 08-Jun-90 7.58 20 13-Jun-90 7.60 39 15-Jun-90 7.60 35 18-Jun-90 7.61 32 20-Jun-90 7.60 22 22-Jun-90 7.60 27 25-Jun-90 7.60 23 27-Jun-90 7.60 31 29-Jun-90 7.60 27 02-Jul-90 7.59 22 03-Jul-90 7.60 22 05-Jul-90 7.59 19 10-Jul-90 7.60 19 11-Jul-90 7.60 21 13-Jul-90 7.61 27 23-Jul-90 7.60 114 24-Jul-90 7.62 97 02-Aug-90 7.59 27 07-Aug-90 7.60 37 08-Aug-90 7.60 24 14-Aug-90 7.60 41 15-Aug-90 7.61 33 16-Aug-90 7.60 43 21-Aug-90 7.61 73 22-Aug-90 7.61 39 28-Aug-90 7.60 42 04-Sep-90 7.60 32 07-Sep-90 7.61 20 13-Sep-90 7.60 33 14-Sep-90 7.60 44 20-Sep-90 7.60 28 21-Sep-90 7.61 23 �o`" 25-Sep-90 7.61 31 26-Sep-90 7.60 34 27-Sep-90 7.61 26 03-Oct-90 7.60 31 30-Oct-90 7.61 32'^ Number of observations: 39 Mean: 34.84 Max. observed value: 114.2• STD: 19.19 Color UPSTREAM DATE pH ADMI AT NC 87 16-May-90 7.58 28 DAN R 16-May-90 7.60 13 05-Jun-90 7.59 26 06-Jun-90 7.61 34 08-Jun-90 7.62 38 13-Jun-90 7.60 28 15-Jun-90 7.61 18 22-Jun-90 7.62 21 . 25-Jun-90 7.60 23 27-Jun-90 7.61 17 29-Jun-90 7.61 24 02-Jul-90 7.60 17 03-Jul-90 7.61 18 05-Jul-90 7.60 16 10-Jul-90 7.60 19 11-Jul-90 7.60 23 13-Jul-90 7.60 27 23-Jul-90 7.6 35 24-Jul-90 7.60 38 02-Aug-90 7.60 31 07-Aug-90 7.60 21 08-Aug-90 7.60 20 14-Aug-90 7.60 28 15-Aug-90 7.60 23 16-Aug-90 7.59 24 21-Aug-90 7.59 30 22-Aug-90 7.60 37 28-Aug-90 7.60 30 04-Sep-90 7.60 28 07-Sep-90 7.61 21 13-Sep-90 7.59 31 14-Sep-90 7.61 28 20-Sep-90 7.60 32 21-Sep-90 7.60 27 25-Sep-90 7.60 31 26-Sep-90 7.60 32 27-Sep-90 7.60 25 03-Oct-90 7.60 24 30-Oct-90 7.60 37 Number of observations: 38 Mean: 26.02 Max. observed value: 37.64 STD: 6.454 Color DOWNSTREAM DATE pH ADMI AT NCSR 1761 16-May-90 7.63 23 DAN R 05-Jun-90 7.62 49 06-Jun-90 7.62 21 08-Jun-90 7.58 28 13-Jun-90 7.60 38 15-Jun-90 7.61 23 18-Jun-90 7.61 18 20-Jun-90 7.59 17 22-Jun-90 7.61 47 25-Jun-90 7.59 20 27-Jun-90 7.61 40 29-Jun-90 7.61 40 02-Jul-90 7.60 17 03-Jul-90 7.61 23 05-Jul-90 7.59 19 10-Jul-90 7.61 17 11-Jul-90 7.60 20 13-Jul-90 7.60 27 02-Aug-90 7.61 32 . 07-Aug-90 7.60 41 ' 08-Aug-90 7.60 44 14-Aug-90 7.60 28 ' 15-Aug-90 7.61 42 16-Aug-90 7.60 40 21-Aug-90 7.61 32 22-Aug-90 7.60 38 28-Aug-90 7.60 34 04-Sep-90 7.61 34 07-Sep-90 7.61 29 13-Sep-90 7.61 34 14-Sep-90 7.61 35 20-Sep-90 7.60 47 21-Sep-90 7.60 27 25-Sep-90 7.60 33 26-Sep-90 7.60 42 27-Sep-90 7.60 49 03-Oct-90 7.60 35 30-Oct-90 7.61 43 Number of observations: 37 Mean: 33.31 Max. observed value: 57.35 STD: 10.17 U esS-T t4t--j Color SeiqN-&� DATE pH ADMI AT NC 87 16-May-90 7.58 28 16-May-90 7.60 13 05-Jun-90 7.59 26 06-Jun-90 7.61 34 08-Jun-9]0 7/.62 38 13-Jun-90 7.60 28 15-Jun-90 7.61 18 18-Jun-90 7.61 18 20-Jun-90 7.59 16 22-Jun-90 7.62 21 25-Jun-90 7.60 23 27-Jun-90 7.61 17 29-Jun-90 7.61 24 02-Jul-90 7.60 17 03-Jul-90 7.61 18 05-Jul-90 7.60 16 10-Jul-90 7.60 19 11-Jul-90 7.60 23 13-Jul-90 7.60 27 - - 60 S554- tt2� / 19-Jul-90 7.60 59 23-Jul-90 7.60 35 24-Jul-90 7.60 38 26-Jul-90 7.59 46✓ 30-Jul-90 7.61 517 01-Aug-90 761 56� 02-Aug-90 7..60 31 07-Aug-90 7.60 21 08-Aug-90 7.60 20 09-Aug-90 7.60 58'/ 14-Aug-90 7.60 28 15-Aug-90 7.60 23 16-Aug-90 7.59 24 21-Aug-90 7.59 30 22-Aug-90 7.60 37 23-Aug-90 7.61 38 28-Aug-90 7.60 30 29-Aug-90 7.60 35 30-Aug-90 7.60 45 ✓ 04-Sep-90 7.60 28 05-Sep-90 7.59 31 07-Sep-90 7.61 21 12-Sep-90 7.61 29 13-Sep-90 7.59 31 14-Sep-90 7.61 28 17-Sep-90 7.60 52'4 20-Sep-90 7.60 32 21-Sep-90 7.60 27 25-Sep-90 7.60 31 26-Sep-90 7.60 32 27-Sep-90 7.60 25 03-Oct-90 7.60 24 17-Oct-90 7.60 26-Oct-90 7.60 30-Oct-90 7.60 37 Number of observations: 55 Mean: 42.28 Max. observed value: 252.0 STD: 42.00 •' Ili 4 lei 1 O 21'� 22 0 1 \ g 2 20 8 12 3 J 3� ` i8q Iz2 30 1 z 3�t 6ti3 RoG 6 66 q � Ss3 13� 3 1J, 21c�q to tj f y /tip 62G i00 123� 13�J t D - yla11a 6 It3� Zs33 c 631 LAux ) 9 6 2J b tS -7 rA `� 23z 13'L s 3s8 622 q � 6 ti 1230 2 Sy�l �8J O y (io 2o-�I s I��y 2732 a., Fwi( .we_.w+' State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management 512 North Salisbury Street • Raleigh, North Carolina 27611 James G. Martin, Governor William W. Cobey, Jr., Secretary September 19, 1990 Mr. Dennis Asbury Director of Public Utilities City of Eden 350 West Stadium Drive Eden, NC 27288 Dear Mr. Asbury: George T. Everett, Ph.D. Director The Division is in receipt of your letter of August 10, 1990 concerning the Special Order by Consent (SOC) for the Mebane Bridge Wastewater Treatment Plant. Your letter states that the City has fulfilled the requirements of conditions three (3) and four (4) of the Order by demonstrating that the treatment plant is able to comply with interim limits and is not adversely affected by the infiltration/inflow, and that the plant is able to comply with the toxicity requirements contained in the SOC. The Division recognizes the City's "good faith" effort to comply with the requirements of the SOC. Effective immediately, the Division grants an additional 300.000 gallons of wastewater per day to the Mebane Bridge plant. As outlined under Section 2(a) of the SOC, you are required to provide the Winston-Salem Regional Office located at 8025 North Point Boulevard, Suite 100, Winston-Salem, NC 27106, with a list of flow added to the system, and update this list each time flow is added to the system. You are also reminded that the next scheduled date to be complied with in the SOC is October 15, 1990, (open bids for construction). If you have any questions concerning this matter, please contact Mr. Steve Mauney, Regional Water Quality Supervisor, at 919-761-2351. Sin ly, George veeett rar'Fai�""1'e cc: Steve Tedder j10T t} 1 1990 Steve Mauney Trevor Clements Ted Cashion Pollution Pnsvendon Pays .ydy„ri P.O. Box 27687. Raleigh. North Carolina 27611-7687 Telephone 919-733-7015 An,- — A� rm,Jn r