HomeMy WebLinkAbout20061617 Ver 1_More Info Received_20070827WITHERS ~ RAVENEL ENGINEERS I PLANNERS I SURVEYORS tune 12, 2007 NC-Division of Water Quality Attn: Ms. Cyndi Karoly and Mr. Ian McMillan 2321 Crabtree Blvd. Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 Re: Request for Additional information -Wendell Falls W&R Project #: 2o5o26i.oi DWQ Project #: 06-1617 Dear Ms. Karoly and Mr. McMillan, ~'~ `~'; f~ i,~.~~~' ,~ `+~ 1 ~ /~ q J~ L ry ;~ o~sT~~ ar~~~- Rq,4,Gy We received your request for additional information on March 29th, regarding the proposed impacts associated with the Wendell Falls subdivision. We received an additional letter from your office regarding the impacts necessary to construct the interchange and Wendell Falls Parkway. I have included a brief response to each of your requests below. I will am also including our response to the USACE's request for additional information foryour review. During our most recent office meeting, it was suggested that we provide details on how the impacts were calculated for the road crossings, since we have not finalized culvert design. For the connector roads within the subdivision, we assumed a 6o-foot right of way, 2:1 fill slopes, and approximately io-15 feet of fill on either side of the road. We understand that if additional impacts are needed beyond what is requested in this application, we will be required to re- applyfor anew permit. Please note that some of the impact totals and locations have changed since the initial application due to engineering constrains and access requirements mandated by the Town of Wendell for safety issues. The revised impacts are included on the impact tables foryour review. The proposed impacts forthe interchange are: 1.2 acres of wetland impact, 1,292 linearfeet of perennial stream, 3.42 acres of riparian buffer impacts and o.2 acres of mechanized clearingwithin wetlands for construction access. The proposed permanent impacts forthe subdivision are: 2.04 acres of wetland impact,1,643 linear feet of perennial channel impact, and 4.16 acres of riparian buffer impact. The utility line impacts areas follows: 2.39 acres of wetland impact, 625 linear feet of stream impact, and 1.57 acres of riparian buffer impact. Your letter asks for the following information: 1) Please re-submit plans on full plan sheets at a scale of no smaller than 1"=50' and include topographic information. iii MacKenan Drive i Cary, NC z75ii i tel: 9i9.469.334o i fax: 919.467.6008 i www.withersraveneLcom 704o Wrightsville Avenue i Suite ioi i Wilmington, NC z84o3 i tel: gio.z56.9z77 i fax: 9io.z56.z584 ioz7 Sabbath Home Rd, SW i Supply, NC z846z i tel: 9io.84z•939z i fax: 9io.84z.8oi9 • Page 2 June 12, 2007 See attached. Please note that the overall impact map is at a scale of i:2oo and the insets are at i:so. /believe these maps should be detailed enough to review the impacts A set of full scale construction drawings for the interchange were included with the previous submittal and are also included in this submittal foryourreview. 2) Please submit your mitigation plan. The applicant proposes a combination ofpreservation and payment to the NC-EEP to satisfy mitigation requirements We have been working with Mr. Monte Matthews to flesh out the details and determine the mitigation ratios In the meantime, EEP has agreed to accept payment for the impacts at a ratio oft: i. A copy of their acceptance letteris included with the attachments. Additionally, we have received confirmation from the NC-DOT that they are willing to transfer the mitigation credits for the impacts associated with the interchange. Mitigation Requirements: With the exception of Site ~ on the interchange, all of the proposed stream impacts are to perennial channels. Buffer mitigation will be required for impacts at the following locations: Site 2, Site j, Site t~, R2, R~, R6, R8, R11, and 52 (zone s only). DOT has agreed to transfer i. 09 acres of wetland mitigation, 2,757 SF of Zs mitigation, and 22,928 SFofZ2mitigation. Please note the Sfofthe buffermitigation reported here is the actual impact amount, not the mitigation credit. The actual mitigation transferred includes the multiplier of 3 and i.s for Zones i and z, respectively (see attached letterfrom DO7). After subtracting the mitigation provided by DOT, Mercury Development will be required to provide the followingmitigation: Z, js~ linearfeet ofperennial stream 2.15 acres of wetland Zone is ii9,267 (lmpactamount) and Zone z: 6~,~96 SF(impactamount) 3) Please provide a table clearly indicating all permanent and temporary impacts. Also, please be sure to differentiate Between Zone i and Zone 2 buffer impacts. We have provided a full scale drawing and tables that dearly identify the proposed bufferimpacts and details for each crossing ofa stream or wetland. Please note that as per your previous request, we removed the word `temporary' from our impact tables (see item i2). Following installation of the utility line, the streams and wetlands will be returned to pre-construction contours and therefore, we believe will be considered temporary impacts by the USACEand the NC DWQ. 4) Please clearly indicate all Zone 1 and Zone 2 buffers, and impacts to the buffers on the site plan. • Page 3 June 12, 2007 The full scale drawing should make it easier to identify these features lncluded in our previous submittal was a copy of the delineation map that will be submitted to the USACEforfinal approval. 5) Please clearly locate all isolated or non-isolated wetland, stream, and other Waters of the State as overlays on the site plan at the larger scale. See attached overall maps 6) Please submit information on proposed project imperviousness. The proposed impervious for SF s is 25. i % SF-2 is z~.3 %, and SF3 is 32.6 %. A detailed accounting of the impervious surface is included with the stormwater management plans 7) Deed notifications must be placed on all lots that abut wetlands or buffers. The executed DWQ Deed Restriction Form was included with the attachments in our previous submittal. 8) Please provide details forthe storm water BMPs as required by GC 34.02. The stormwater management plans for the initial phases (SF-i, SF-2, SF3) are included with the attachments We included the level spreader details for the interchange with in our previous submittal. As stated in our initial application and discussed in the pre-application meetings, the proposed impervious surface for future phases has not been quantiFed. if the impervious surface exceeds 30 %, the applicant will provide a detailed stormwater management plan that meets the NC DWQ requirements for sites located within a Nutrient Sensitive Watershed. Specifcally, the applicant will utilize constructed wetlands in order to protect downstream water quality. The stormwater plans for the future phases have not been finalized, however,• based on the drainage area, adequate space has been reserved for future BMP locations (see attached drainage map and calculations). We are requesting that the NC DWQ issue the poi- approval with a condition that work will not begin on future phases until the stormwater management plans for these phases have been reviewed and approved by the NC DWQ. 9) The applicant is advised that constructed wetlands will be required forthis project as the stormwater BMP. It is our understanding that constructed wetlands and/or bio-retention are only required if the proposed impervious is greater than 30%. if the impervious surface exceeds3o%, the applicant will provide a detailed stormwatermanagementplan that meets the NC-DWQ requirements for sites located within a Nutrient Sensitive Watershed. Specifically, the applicant will utilize constructed wetlands in order to protect downstream water quality. The stormwater plans for the future phases have not been finalized, however,• based on the drainage area, adequate space has been reserved forfuture BMP locations (see attached drainage map and calculationsJ. • Page 4 June 12, 2007 so) Please provide a proposed lot layout with building envelopes. We have provided rypicals depicting the building envelopes for each sry/e ofhome to be constructed based on the corresponding lot size for phase 1. The Town of Wendell must approve the proposed the lot layouts, we will forward approved layouts to your office iftheydifferfrom the original submittal. 11) Please quantify intermittent and perennial stream impacts, and provide documentation from a DWQ representative that the stream id determined to be intermittent or perennial. As stated in our previous submittal, with the exception of Site ~ for the interchange, all of the proposed permanent stream impacts are to perennial streams and are accounted for in our mitigation request. We have provided an e-mail from DOT stating that mitigation was not required at Site ~ because the stream is intermittent. The utility line installation may impact both intermittent and perennial streams, however,• because mitigation is not required for temporary impacts we did not make this distinction in ourapplication. i2) Please specify the linear footage of sewer line and water line impacts in the buffers. Also be aware sewer and water line impacts are not temporary as stated in your impact table. Please revise your table to reflect these changes. As stated in the impact table, and our previous submittal, the proposed sewer line will impact approximately 637 linear feet of riparian buffer and the water line will impact3i linear feet. The tables have been revised to read `Utility Line Impacts; as peryourrequest. 13) Please provide a signed and sealed geotechnical report for the proposed bottomless culverts, as per the NCDOT guidelines. Due to design constraints, we are no longer pursuing an arch culvert in this location. The applicant will utilize a normal culvert in order to cross the creek. i4) Please address the following: a) R-1-This office recommends shifting the proposed crossing to the southwest in order to avoid some stream impact. The current crossing is not at the best perpendicular location. As peryourrequest, we have shifted the stream crossing to the south to minimize the proposed impacts. The revised impact maps are included with the attachments. b) R-3 -Three proposed lots near R-3 appear un-buildable without further impacts. Please address this situation. We have removed these lots from ourlayout. • Page 5 June 12, 2007 c) R-7 - Is this a proposed culvert crossing or fill? A cu/vent wil/be installed in this location in orderto provide properdrainage. d) R-11-This office recommends shifting the proposed road to reduce buffer and stream impacts. The alignment has been shifted to reduce impacts in this location. e) Si/G2 -Please address why this proposed crossing is not perpendicular. A non perpendicular crossing was required due to design constraints of the sanitary sewer outfalL A perpendicular crossing would have required that the seweroutfall have additional manholes instal/ed and could potentially have been excessively deeperthan it is now. f) R8A -your proposed project design includes a stub road after crossing an unnamed tributary of Mark creek. You have not provided details related to the development planned on the other side ofthe stream, or a potential connecting road to be tied to your proposed road. Please revise your site plan to either eliminate this stub road altogether, or re-design it so that it ends as a cul-de-sac with the surrounding properties, including the area adjacent to the stream, incorporated into the lots. If this stub has been required by the local municipality, please note that a full alternatives analysis must be provided to justify the future crossing currently being established at this location. If this crossingwould be required within or between developments for safety purposes, please provide documentation from the local municipality or emergency services to support this claim. This impact is necessary to access the land across the stream. The property is land locked by the Non`olk / Southern Railroad to the north, U.S. Hwy. 6~ Bypass to the west and streams to the south and east of the properly. A preliminary layoutsketch has been included with this submittal to help illustrate the need for the crossing i5) As previously requested, further information is need for the justification of impacts at the areas R4 and R9. In the City of Wendell letter, they reference R8, R3, R4, and R2 as the necessary impacts for interconnectivity. However, R9 and R4 were not mentioned as necessary impacts for interconnectivity. Please revise your plans eliminating impacts Ry. and R9. As stated in yourcomment, R~ was included in the letterfrom the Town ofWendell as being necessary for interconnectivity. As stated in our most recent submittal, Rg has been removed as an impact. The proposed impacts are needed to provide interconnectivity, are a requirement by the Town ofWendell (see attached letter from the Town), and are needed to provide • Page 6 June 12, 2007 additional entrances for emergency vehicles /have included a brief response from ourtra>~c engineerbelow.• The current alignment of the Southern Collector, as we/l as Taylor Road, provides an e>~cient, purposeful parallel alternative to Wendell Falls Parkway. As an arterial roadway, Wendell Falls Parkway is designed to favorthrough movements as vehicles travel from majororigins to destinations overlongerdistances; whereas the objective of a collector route, such as Taylor Road and the Southern Collector, is to provide access and allow forsafe and er~cient turning movements for local trips The current roadway network in Wendell Falls provides an ideal roadway network that allows vehic%s to travel within the site without accessing Wendell Falls Parkway. Whenever vehicles do not have to utilize Wendell Falls Parkway for travel within the site, the tral~c operations on the Parkway improve and extend the lifespan ofthe roadway. Additionally, severing the east west connection of the Southern Collector would isolate several parcels of the project from the remainder of the land uses. Without both stream crossings, vehic%s from the southeast parcels could only access the retail and office parcels of the site from Wendell Falls Parkway rather than using the Southern Collector. The retail parcels are designed to be accommodating to the local residents providing services designed to their convenience, making the retail parcels a common destination from within the site. This would result in elevated traffic turning volumes on Wendell Falls Parkway at the major intersections, resulting in increased delay and queuing: Also, without both stream crossings, the internal connection to the proposed elementary school site will be lost and parents from within the site will be forced to travel down Wendell Falls Parkway and on to Martin Pond Road to access the school. The result is every vehicle needing to use the driveway connection on Martin Pond Road to enter and exit the school, leading to long lines to drop offkids and exit the school in the morning peak hour. It is good design practice to provide parallel alternative routes for major arterials so the heavyburden ofaccommodatingturningmovements can be handled bythe lower speed, lower volume roadways. The cun'ent design shown for Wendell falls allows interconnectivity through the site and the Southern Collector is a major part of the network. Eliminating one of the stream crossings would result in an increased burden beingplaced on Wendell Falls Parkwayand the result would be poorlevels-of service and operation on the Parkway. i5) This office believes that the greenway trail can be bridged to avoid the stream and buffer impacts. Please revise your plans to avoid the impacts. We have eliminated five of the proposed stream impacts (G2-G6) though the use of boardwalk, reducing the impact bY32 linear feet. We are proposing culverts for the remaininggreenwaytrarls. The letter regarding the interchange asks forthe following: • Page 7 June 12, 2007 i) As previously indicated in our March 27, 2007 correspondence, we require a complete set of roadway design plans to adequately review you application. A complete set ofroadway plans was included in our most recent submittal; we have included an additional set ofplans with this response foryourreview. 2) Please provide a set of DOT as-built plans for the section of US 64 where the proposed interchange is located. A set ofas-bui/t plans is included with the attachments 3) In reviewing the plans, it is not clear if the cut-fill slopes presented in your application correspond to the plans presented in the DOT application for the US 64 bypass project. We have included the as-builts for the proposed roadway and the revised impacts showing the cut Fll slopes which correspond to the DOTplans 4) In reviewing your application it is not clear how your impacts were calculated. Please provide drawings that show impacts to all jurisdictional waters and protected riparian buffers. Revised impact maps are included with the attachments. 5) In reviewing your application it is not clear how impacts for the project were calculated. Specifically, since no hatched (or other method) of displaying impacts was shown for the buffers, it is not possible to determine how the impact calculation was done. Revised impact maps are included with the attachments. 6) Please indicate in your application if sufficient right-of way exists for construction of the interchange. Review of the DOT application indicates there might not be sufficient right-of--way, especially in the Northwest corner of the interchange. The parcels in the northwest corner are under contract to be purchased by Mercury Development. We can provide the due diligence paperwork at yourrequest. 7) In reviewing your table of impacts, there appear to be redundant tables. Please explain the apparent discrepancy. The original submittal expressed the impacts in meters and in feet (hence two tables were needed), we have removed one ofthe tables (metric) so there is no confusion. 8) After reviewing the application, it is unclear what the proposed typical roadway section for Wendell Falls Parkway is supposed to be.......While DWQ understands • Page 8 June 12, 2007 the need for a thoroughfare road in this area, and could potentially support a wider roadway typical if its purpose is to provide that function (i.e. a thoroughfare), the supporting traffic modeling is needed to approve the larger impacts that the road will require. In addition, a preliminary of the roadway's ultimate terminus will also be required for us to assess potential secondary and cumulative impacts. Included below is a statement from. our traffic engineer that addresses the need fora ~-lane divided median that will allow forfuture widening `to the middle : We have also included a map that depicts the proposed alignment for the Southern Wendell Bypass as well as the potential wetland/stream impacts (based on GlS data). During the analysis ofthe Wendell Falls site, several transportation models were developed. Of these models, one scenario was created specifically for determining traffic volumes in the yearzojo without the construction ofthe "Southern Wendell Bypass"from Poole Road eastward towards 1VC231. According to the mode% trafFc volumes along Wendell Falls Parkway would exceed 2!{, o0o vpd. This volume can be handled with afour--lane cross-section; however, the ADT ofa road will not entirely dictate the ultimate cross-section. Also, the model does not take into consideration internal site traffic volumes and the impact that congested intersections will have on the need for through volume capacity. The Wendell falls site is expected to generate approximatelyso, o0o trips per day and these trips will be carried throughout the site via collector roads off the Parkway. These collectorroads create intersections with high turning volumes which lead to an increase in delay and queuing This alone could result in the need foradditional through lanes on the Parkway. Additionally, traffic volumes from possible future school sites in the direct vicinity of the Wendell Falls site are not explicitly taken into consideration in the model and AM operations could suffer from increased traffic due to school trips. Even with Wendell Falls Parkway terminating at Martin Pond Road, the Parkway will be designated as a major thoroughfare. By definition, major thoroughfares have the main responsibilityofprovidingadequate through volume capacity. Consideration should be given to the likelihood ofcongestion along the Parkway due to the anticipated high turning volumes at the major collector roads and the necessary mitigation to prevent excessive delays for through traffic. Proper mitigation would include providingadditional through lanes. Typically this is expensive and difficult to design for, since widening will intrude onto existing parcels. By providing adequate median widths now to allow for construction into the median, this improvement is easierand much more affordable; therefore making improvements along the Parkway feasible. Site Specific Comments • Page 9 June 12, 2007 Site 1- In reviewing your application it appears that the bridge located on site 1 may be shorter than the one proposed in the DOT application for the US 64 Bypass. Please provide documentation that either indicates that the bridge is of equal length, or explains the rationale for a shorter bridge. The bridge overMark's Creek is actually longerthan the DOTdesign. Due to unsuitable soils, we are not able to use i.s: i slopes in that area for the end bents. The geotech report stated that the soil material would only allow a z: i slope, whereas, the original design called for a s.s: i slope in that area. Culvert C4 appears to convey stormwater from the interchange gore area to the outside of the fill slope. Please modify your design to correct this problem. We have modified ourdesign to provide diffuse flow into the buffers usinga level spreader. Site 3 -This crossing appears to include an arch culvert, or similar spanning structure. Please provide the geologic data to support use of this structure. In orderto prevent downstream sediment transport, we have revised ourdesign at this location and will utilize a normal culvert for this crossing. Although a bridge would minimize impacts, the NC DOTis not willing to accept the maintenance fora bridge. Site 4 - It is not clear if the entire stormwater collection system is shown on the drawings. Please indicate ifthe entire system is shown. The entire drainage system is shown on the full-scale construction drawings. The proposed stormwater discharges (L1o and L14) into the interchange gore area do not provide for diffuse flow at non-erosive velocities. Please add appropriate flow spreader devices to the discharge locations....... We have revised ourconstruction drawings and will provide diffuse flow into the buffers using level spreaders orpre-formed scourholes. Culvert C2 appears to pick up and discharge untreated stormwater to the stream. We have re-designed the culvert so that the stormwateris discharged though a level spreaderoutside ofthe riparian buffer. On sheet 2 of 2 the drawings do not indicate if the proposed stormwater discharge (a 90o CSP) was previously approved with the DOT project. • Page 10 June 12, 2007 The9oo mm pipe is from the previous DOTprojectand is existingas denoted bythe dashed lines Site 5 -Does the proposed design incorporate changes to the already approved and constructed DOT project? If so, please detail what they are. The proposed design does not include changes to the alreadyapproved and constructed DOTprojecl: This sight was part ofthe original permitsubmittaL We thought it prudent to keep it in the permit application even though we revised our design to remove the impacts There is the possibility ofa small, verysmall, area of mechanized clearing (8.68 Sf) in the wetland area at the bottom ofthe site plan. Site 6 -For sheet i of 2, does the proposed design incorporate changes to the already approved and constructed DOT project. If so, please detail what they are. The changes include extending the slope stake line at the top ofthe permit drawing The appropriate impacts are included in the tabulations. For sheet 2 of 2, this site clearly has additional impacts beyond what was approved for the DOT project. While the design appears to be acceptable, the drawings do not indicate where the new impacts to wetlands, streams, and buffers occur relative to the already constructed DOT project. Please provide updated drawings that show this information. The slope stake forthe DOTjob is delineated on the drawings, which can be seen above and below the left most7z"RCP. There are some bufferimpacts and mechanized clearing in these areas which are accounted forin the permit application. Please feel free to call if you have questions or require additional information. Sincerely, WITHERS & RAVENEL, INC. (~-~- ~-- Todd Preuninger Director of Wetlands and Biological Sciences Attachments: 1) Signed 0 and M agreement 2) DWQ Stormwater worksheets and design details for phases SF1, SF-2 and SF-3 3) Overall Map at i:2oo 4) Revised Impact Maps and Tables 5) Mitigation TransferAgreement from NCDOT 6) EEP Acceptance Letter • Page 11 7) Typicals for Lot Layouts 8) Drainage/BMP maps for future BMP design 9) Interconnectivity Letter from the Town of Wendell June 12, 2007 Cc: Mr. Monte Mathews - USACE ~'~ PRgGRAM April 4, 2007 Greg Ferguson Mercury Development, LLC c% Todd Preuninger- Withers and Ravenel 111 Mackenan Drive Cary, NC 27511 Project: Wendell Falls County: Wake The purpose of this letter is to notify you that the North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program (NCEEP) is willing to accept payment for impacts associated with the above referenced project. Please note that this decision does not assure that the payment will be approved by the permit issuing agencies as mitigation for project impacts. It"is the responsibility of the applicant to contact these agencies to determine if payment to the NCEEP will be approved. This acceptance is valid for six months from the date of this letter and is not transferable. If we have not received a copy of the issued 404 Permitl401 CertiticationiCAMA permit within this time frame, this acceptance will expire. It is the applicant's responsibility to send copies of the permits to NCEEP. Once NCEEP receives a copy of the permit(s) an inve~ce will be issued based on the required mitigation in that permit and payment must be made prior to conducting the authorized work. The amount of the In Lieu Fee to be paid to NCEEP by an applicant is calculated based upon the Fee Schedule and policies listed at www.nceep.net. Based on the information supplied by you the impacts that may require compensatory mitigation are summarized in the followin>; table. Neuse 03020201 Stream (feet) Wetlands (acres) Buffer I (Sq. Ft.) Buffer II (Sq. Ft.) Cold Cool Warm Ri avian Non-Ri avian Coastal Marsh Impacts 0 0 2,750 3.23 0 0 135,361 77,602 Credits 0 0 5,550 6.46 0 0 406,893 116,403 Upon receipt of payment, EEP will take responsibility for providing the compensatory mitigation. If the regulatory agencies require mitigation credits greater than indicated above, and the applicant wants NCEEP to be responsible for the additional mitigation, the applicant will need to submit a mitigation request to NCEEP for approval prior to permit issuance. The mitigation will be performed in accordance with the Memorandum of Understanding between the N. C. Department of Environment and Natural Resources and the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers dated November 4, 1998. If you have any questio»s or need additional information, please contact Kelly Williams at (919} 716-1921. Sincerely, William D. Gilmore, PE Director cc: Cyndi Karoly, Wetlands/401 Unit Monte Matthews, USACE-Raleigh Ian McMillan, DWQ-Raleigh Todd Preuninger, agent File 1~.P~S'tDYlz%t~... 1~ ~ ... PYDt~ ~Gt,Y .ftGt,;~ I~GDE~IwR North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program, 1652 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1652 / 919-715-0476 / www.nceep.net 05/22/2007 14:36 9193656603 T04JM OF I~JEMDELL PAGE 02 TIMOTHY A. HINNAMI; MAYOF- TIMOTHY C. BUgG~&8, TOWN MANAQEF JAMES P. CAULEV, WI, TOWN ATTORNEY May 22, 2007 TOWN ~F ~WENDELL WEMDELL, NORTH CAROLINA i~ Smap Tomn Charm - C+~p#al Clty Con»ectton Mr. ]vlonte Mattbews U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Raleigh Regulatory Field Office X548 Falls of the Neuse Road Suite 120 Raleigh, North Carotins 27615 Re: Wendell Falls .Action 1D SAW-2005-20100-292 Dear Mr. Matthews: wIL1.IAM L OONN4LLY CAkk01. R, H~MiANT TERRY WODOEB C.B. SCARBOR4, JA. RONALD W, TIIOMPSf7N The Town of Wendel} appxoved the Wendell k'alls PUD on October 9, 2406, in accordance with the Town of Wendell, Wake County, Mate and Federal regulations. The Town of Wendell issued a letter in January 2007 stating that the position of the Town is that impacts R-8, R-3, R-4, Isnd R- 2 are necessary due to traffic flow and interconnectivity. Itrtercoru~ectivity is addressed in the Town of Wendel} Subdivision Ordinance, Chapter 155,Section 155.2} ~) , Connection to Adioining Pro a ,which states "Proposed streets shall be extended to the boundary of the subdivision for connection to existing streets an the boundary of adjoining property or for future connection. Unless the Board of Commlissioners deternt.ine otherwise on a case by case basis, it is the intern of these regulations chat subdivisions adjoining an existing "gxidixon" street pattern steal} provide for the extension of that pattern, Cul-de-sacs shell not be used to avoid connection with an existing street, to avoid the extension of a thoroughfare or collector street, or to avoid conneetioxt: to adjoining property. In general, cul-de- sacs shall not be used to provide access to d.eveloprrlent on the bouztdary of the development." l»urthermore, tale interconnectivity is of a paramouztt safety concern. The purpose of these street crossings is to provide the shortest response times for life and fire safety. Reducing the response time not only allows for reduced insurance rates ;For the residents, these conttections will allow the t"ure department, rescue squads, and police to respond to the incidents in a shorter tixae period, thus providing emergency care quicker and the reduction loss of property and especially the loss of life. 'Therefore, the Town of Wendell xespectively requested that these street crossings be allowed to remain in tb.e proposed subdivision. Thank you for your time and consideration in this matter. 4448 in you have ' rther questions or comments. erely, a m , , Pla ing Dixectox, Town of Wendell Please feel free to contact me at 3b5- 16 E, FGURTH STREET • P,O, BOX 828 • WENDELL, NC 27591 TELEPHtaNE: (919) 365-4444 • FACSIMILE: (919) 365-9367 • WEBPAGE: wWW.TQWNOFW~NI)EL~L.GOM NORTH CAROLINA ~e r _ Cs - o ~f ~ ~ _ _ Q ( o .. a d w ~ . ,' I r " o ~ _ ale ock~ ~~ "' ~ ~, ~ r- _ ~ f ~ ~ ~ J ~ ~ ~_ e ~ r / ~ f 7 ~ o 1 ~ H~U~ II ~~ a ~ '°" US ' ' ~ e ~ Q ~ ~S"' / ( r ~, . , ~ ~• ~ (( i l L_ n ', ' , WENDELL FALLS DEVELOPMENT, LLC ~( y ~ ~ ~ A ~ ~ ~ ~y WAKE COUNTY ~/ l~ y PROJECT: LBG OR1012 WENDELL FALLS PARKWAY FROM SR Y501 TO SR 1007 SHEET 1 OF 22 06/01/07 -i r - -W~B- - WETLAND BOUNDARY PROPOSED BRIDGE lWLB ~ ~ - - ~ WETLAND PROPOSED BOX CULVERT DENOTES FILL IN PROPOSED PIPE CULVERT WETLAND DENOTES FILL IN SURFACE WATER DENOTES FILL IN SURFACE WATER (POND) DENOTES TEMPORARY FILL IN WETLAND DENOTES EXCAVATION IN WETLAND DENOTES TEMPORARY FILL IN SURFACE WATER • * * DENOTES MECHANIZED . . * * * CLEARING -~ FLOW DIRECTION TB -~._- TOP OF BANK -- WE EDGE OF WATER - - ~ -PROP. LIMIT OF CUT - - F -PROP. LIMIT OF FILL -~- PROP. RIGHT OF WAY - - NG- -NATURAL GROUND PROPERTY LINE -TDE- TEMP. DRAINAGE EASEMENT - PDE - PERMANENT DRAINAGE EASEMENT - EAB- EXIST. ENDANGERED ANIMAL BOUNDARY - EPB- EXIST. ENDANGERED PLANT BOUNDARY - -~ WATER SURFACE x x x x x LIVE STAKES x x x BOULDER - - - CO[R FIBER ROLLS IZ'-48' (DASHED LINES DENOTE PIPES EXISTNG STRUCTURES) 54' PIPES & ABOVE SINGLE TREE WOODS LINE DRAINAGE INLET ROOTWAD RIP RAP 5 ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNER OR PARCEL NUMBER IF AVAILABLE PREFORMED SCOUR HOLE LEVEL SPREADER tLS> DITCH / GRASS SWALE WENIDELL FALLS IDEVELOPMENT, LLC WAKE COUNTY PROJECT: LEG OR1012 WEN®ELL FALLS PARKWAY FROM SR 2501 TO SR 1007 SHEET 2 OF 22 ~~~~ ~~~ N N J ~ W ~ p t ~ ~ Z ~ . I j ~ I SITE 4 J (NCDOT SITE 9) t 1 BEGIN PROJECT V z o ,' - ~- - klV/GHQ 0 1 ~ 5 SITE 1 i I I ~ (NCDOT SITE 11) t i t '- T~.~z '~ SITE 2 1 i ~ `~ ~ SITE 8 <N ~ 1 'a d~ '~~ SITE3 -L <v ~ .i / TAYLOR R-°'' ; `~ ~ _~ ~o~ SITE 6 / ~--~~ SR 502 ~ QO ~ (NCDOT SITE 8) f ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ , ~/ y END PROJECT l SITE 5 . ~ ) / i7t ` (NCDOT SITE 7) '~ _ ~ ,/ \ / ~ O ~-G ,~ e' o Q~ ~' . , ~ D ~"') `~ SITE 7 ~ /~ / - ~-~ SITE 9 ® THE LOUIS BERGER GROUP, Inc. 1513 Walnut Street, Suite 250 Cary, North Carolina 27511 WENDELL FALLS DEVELOPMENT, LLC WAKE COUNTY PROJECT: LBG OR7012 SHEET 3 OF 22 ti unie: eivauu~ ~ILt: Qv~UH rroJects\UHIOIL - US64 Interchange\~esipn\PERMIT\OR1012_PERMIT_04_Sitel_Plan.dgn ~ ~ / ~ N.C. DEPARTMENT / ~ OF TRANSPORTATION ~~ ~~ /' ~~8~ ~ •- ' WENDELL FALLS ~ OF MARK'S CRE K m rr DEVELOPMENT, L.L.C. ~ -Yl0/- POT 36+52.80 ~ m 6 y_ R ~ ~ N BRIDG ~ ~ h N N f -Y/0/- POT 37+60.00 +0 s~ao,-ii -F_ F N m -~- PC ~ F ~ EG/N R/ E ~ ,jj ~` . ,...> ~. „u -Y/OI- ~A n ~ u N WEN®Elvl.. ALLS PARKWAY u« a„- : uy, M : xA 34 ~ : .~ ti CYO GI 15' our_"''f0,,, 15' J ~s~m 15. \ ex ~ H r a._ - R"'"s~~s ~ 1 ~'~ WENDELL FALLS ~~ ~ DEVELOPMENT, L.I.C. / v(4 OU _' / ~ ~/ ~`+ ~ ~p3 CydR^ ~ ~ ~ ~ csr "__'~ N.C. DEPARTMENT O~V ~ 15' OF TRANSPORTATION ~ ~O~ ry u ~S. r ti ~q~~- ~ ~ \ S Q~ ~ DENOTES FILL IN WETLAND C' ~ ~ mg (0.84 ac) OFF. ~,~ at ~ ~e ®_ 0 03ER~cZONE I IMPACT ~~T\ ~' ~y7 BUFFER ZONE 2 IMPACT ~ ~~~lr \~y~ c0.07 oc) ~ ----~ ~ SINE ~ --~ DENOTES MECHANIZED CLEARING IN A WETLAND AREA (0.16 ac) ~'~"~I THE LOUIS BERGER GROUP, Ina I RIP RAP 1513WaInutStraet.Suite25o F 1 -JJJ Cary, North Cantina 27511 Ra,, w 0 50 I00 1 - gZ 1- BUFFER ZONE -BZ 2- BUFFER ZONE WENDELL FALLS DEVELOPMENT, LLC WAKE COUNTY -wLB- WETLAND BOUNDARY PROJECT:LBGOR1012 SHEET 4 OF 22 UAICS b/1/LUVf AIL t: Q:\Or p(O)eCT$\UKIUIL 280 2 70 -Y101- 33+15.82 EL 250.29 = _ -LPCY101- 21+84.68 (38.00 RT) O -- EL 249.39 O z W J 260 C7 -Y701- 33+41 .93 EL 249.35 = w Iq r i o°o W C7 -RPCY101- 34+29.85 (38.00 RT) m ~ ~ EL 248.45 ~ a = M O m 250 W m ~ W O ' ' 210 BRIDGE LENGTH a (.~3 70' 70' 70' .8 ~ 292 SPAN SPAN SPAT 240 230 _- _ ~ N 220 ~ ~~ 210 ~ ~ 1 200 33 34 35 36 37 DENOTES FILL IN WETLAND ® (0.84 oc) ® BUFFER ZONE IIMPACT (0.03 ac) BUFFER ZONE 2 IMPACT (o.o~ ac) 0 50 100 DENOTES MECHANIZED CLEARING HORIZONTAL SCALE IN A WETLAND AREA t0.16 oc> RIP RAP 0 10 20 VERTICAL SCALE - Bz ~ - BUFFER ZONE -gZ y- BUFFER ZONE - wL6 - WETLAND BOUNDARY r r- O 7 m .~ -N -J W PI = 37+50.00 EL = 234.54' VC = 400' K = 120 -,~. - - - ~~ieo ~-----------------~ ----- o - _ o °. 0 0°~ o° us ~~ WN ~ N II 11 II II ly J ~ w 8' 39 40 BM •4 POINT BM04 I/6.33' LT OF -Y101- STA 37+3758 EL = 2/7.65 Sg~]E g UFIG~:g b/1/ZUU! hll. t: g:\or pro acts\ORI012 - L1S64 Interchonge\Oesfgn\PERMIT\OR1012_PERMIT_06_SIte2_Plan.tl n G f/~V ~"~ yff M EST. 114 TON CU RIP RAP EST. 234 SY FILTE FABRIC D+' MACK HALL HEIRS OF UNAM D CREEK -Y/0/- POT 52+78b0 _ fi - - - ~~ ~ WENDELL FALLS PARKWA n,.~ 3 / 'I / 1 H ~~, '/ , J ti / ti WENDELL FALLS ~ '~ /BIM ~ .y DEVELOPMENT, L.L.C. / eti / ~ - \ ~ /B ~ ~ ~ ^ \/ s ^ nH ~ - - _ J MH89 ..'= w,. ~ ~ /2 }~ . - / w: /3 ~ ,Q H88 RoD a~ ut ~ ~ + ~a wv HD r ~ ~.w,u w/SLEEVES ~ BDO , II t ~ ~ PSH our -psPpe RO• 01~ n__i s a I. PDE'' PDE PDE --PD' ~ ~ END CULVERT PDE ,- W ~~ ~ / ~ I -YIOI - POT 52+92J9 Z _ RY / ~/V / ~ N R / " r WENDELL FALLS l~C POWER & ~ m DEVELOPMENT, L.L.C. LIGHT EASEMENT ~ ~ WENDELL FALLS \ / DEVELOPMENT, L.L.C. ~ ® DENOTES FILL IN SURFACE WATER IMPACTED STREAM CHANNEL / ~ / (0.06 ac) RELOCATED: 83 LFT ~ / ~ DENOTES FILL IN WETLANDS AREA IMPACTED:249 LFT ~ I ® (0.04) ENCLOSE0:166 LFT ~~~lr ~~~,~ / I DENOTES MECHANIZED CLEARING ~~~~ / D IN A WETLAND AREA (0.01 oC) ~ ~ ,~ I ~- RIP RAP THE LOUIS BERGER GROUP, Inc. J ebti m 1513 Walnut Street, Suite 250 ti I -gZ ~- BUFFER ZONE ® BUFFER ZONE (IMPACT Cary, NorthCerolina27511 ~~ I ~ -BZ 2- BUFFER ZONE 10.48 ac) 0 50 100 ~ ~ ~ ~ -yyLg- WETLAND BOUNDARY BUFFER ZONE 2 IMPACT WENDELL FALLS DEVELOPMENT, LLC ~ (0.27 OC) / avert rKr Cwn no n~o u~oy 280 2 70 260 250 0 ~ PI = 52+50.00 s p a C ~ o t•1 ~~91 O O ~ N VC SOO V NN N W N N M1 U1 11 240 K = 222 M ~ ~ D N II rq II II W Z 11W II W d CL. CULVERT -Y 1- 52+79.84 EL 225.32 r -1 m ~ ~ +~ $~4~ _ _ - - 1 - - -( -) - * - 4.~4Q0 230 ~±~ ] ~5940~- - _ ~ - - - _ ., _ -- .-- ~- - - -- ~ _ _- ~ (-)1.0797$ (+)1.5207 -. _ - 220 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ j ~ c ~')~.~~r~ ~ i 210 ~ ~ °o o (~) j . 4000'•k -' - _ _ 0 _ _ ~ N O ~ N II II G r O 200 W H J '~ N F O m 6W II II X 00 49 50 ~ W 51 52 ~ c 54 55 56 57 F H O 1(7 N o ° ° BM •5 POINT BMOS W 6 W /37.29' LT OF -YlOI- STA 54+77.48 EL = 2/628 ® TOS FILL IN SURFACE WATER E IMPACTED STREAM CHANNEL ~~®~1 ~~~4 cI O 06 RELOCATEDs 83 LFT DENOTES FILL IN WETLANDS AREA t0.04 aG IMPACTEOs249 LFT ENC 166 OSED T ~~~~ }~ 0 5o ioo HORIZONTAL SCALE L r LF ` ' DENOTES MECHANIZED CLEARING IN A WETLAND AREA t0 01 Oar . P ®THE LOUIS BERGER GROUP, Ir 1513 Walnut Street, Suite 250 RI RAP Cary North Carolina 27511 O 10 2O BUFFER ZONE (IMPACT t0 48 ~ , VERTICAL SCALE - gz i BUFFER ZONE . oc - BZ 2 BUFFER ZONE BUFFER ZONE 2 IMPACT WENDELL FALLS DEVELOPMENT, LLC -WUg. wETLANO BOUNDARY t0.2T ac) WAKE COUNTY [.: y:~or prpJeCTS ~UttiUl[ - U~b9 IfiTB~Cf10f1Q0\UBSI fl\YtHMII\UItIU1L_YtttMII _UfS_SItB}_~'~pn,d9n ~ WENDELL FALLS Z I8 DEVELOPMENT, L.L.C. `~9 28 P Nwar PATH ~t Ie~~ 8 NAI uED II t GRADE T AY o°Miv. viw ~ GRAIN ' V'IN~ ~" FROM ~~~ p5H 48 5 ~~ PDE E ~~DF~ WENDELL FALLS i _ / \ DEVELOPMENT, L.L.~'1.~//~/ 1 _0~' ~ , eti,~~ ~~ i C ~. i / ,/// 0~' . 'L ~\ ~~. 4 r 6~ ~ ~~~~, ~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~ -YIOI- 47 WENDELL FALLS "F''FYf~lc'~~ I ` Ce 50 C - - ~ F ~ MH,7~ ,~ .n.a;,,, ~ F ~.w.~ WENDELL FALLS DEVELOPMENT, L.L.C. i ® BUFFER ZONE (IMPACT h ~ (0.73 oc) m ~ BUFFER ZONE 2 IMPACT ~' (0.38 oc) IMPACTED STREAM CHANNEL RELOCATED:188LFT 0 50 I00 IMPACTE0:392 LFT ENCLOSED: 204 LFT - \ ' ~- C~ `C \ WENDELL FALLS 1 DEVELOPMENT, L.I.C. m N C m J~]LAN ~V~IE~ ® DENOTES FILL IN SURFACE WATER ~~~~ 3 c0.05 ac) THE LOUIS BERGER GROUP, Inc. DENOTES MECHANIZED CLEARING 1513WaInutS4eet,suite25o IN A WETLAND AREA (0.00 AC) Cary. North Carolina 27511 - gZ 7 - BUFFER ZONE WENDELL FALLS DEVELOPMENT, LLC -BZ 2- BUFFER ZONE yyA~COU~y -wLB- WETLAND BOUNDARY PROJECT:U3GOR1012 SHEET 8 OF 22 n~c: g:wrc rro~acrs~uniui[ - P I = 95+00.00 o ao f- o ro EL = 273.73' o ~ -~ o 0 VC = 350' K = 105 ~ N F nN 290 rn u o o„ II W ~ „W s M o- W d L =~o=~ 280 m ~~ -~ ~ \ _ ~ ~'~- 1, 430 ~ i ~ 1 1 ose~ 270 260 250 240 230 220 IEL~289.30T~~~~~ \ / ~ i ~ ~ ~ \ ~ 0 98" BCP ~ ~ INV IN 24b.92 INV OUT = 244.28 210 96 97 98 QQ 5^ °Q"~I o HORIZONTAL SCALE -BZ 1- o io 20 VERTICAL SCALE -BZ z - WL8 - -Y101- 103+65.00 EL 264.16 = -Y9- 10+00.00 ~ ~ ~ ~-_-~~ BM '6 POINT BM06 !34.98' LT OF -Y/0/- STA /01+12.03 EL = 253J6 i i -~,. 99 100 101 102 103 104 DENOTES FILL IN SURFACE WATER ® BOU73ERccZONE IIMPACT ~~~~ (0.05 ac) DENOTES MECHANIZED CLEARING BUFFER ZONE 2 IMPACT IN A WETLAND AREA (0.00 ac) (0.38 ac) THE LOUIS SERGE BUFFER ZONE IMPACTED STREAM CHANNEL ~ 1513 Walnut3tra RELOCATED: 188 LFT Cary, North Can BUFFER ZONE IMPACTED: 392 LFT WETLAND BOUNDARY ENCLOSED:204 LFT WENDELL FALLS DEVELC OF IC: O/]/LVVI c: y:\Un r/UJGG r~\URIUi[ U~OY In T9rGnOnpB\U951pn \YCI(MII \VI(IUIL_rCftMll _IU_JIT /,~.• , NORFOLK-SOUTHERN RAILROAD ~~~~~ •~"~ ~. / tl I h / ~ °~ ~ ~ - - - _ ~ J Y/0 ~x ~ WENDELL FALLS PARKWAY ~ 30 F -- _ ~ F m x \k _ ._ -~ \k\ ~ ~ k\k\~ ~ ~ x SHESER CREEK \COMPANY LLC "\k\ x \ I l 1 x / CUMULATIVE IMPACTS SITE 4 IMPACTED STREAM CHANNEL RELOCATE0:0 LFT IMPACTED: 581 LFT ENCLOSE0:533 LFT ® BUFFER ZONE (IMPACT ~ (0.82 oc) BUFFER ZONE 2 IMPACT (0.49 ac) ® DENOTES FILL IN WETLANDS AREA c0.27 ac) F ® DENOTES EXCAVATION IN WETLANDS AREA t0.01 ac) ® DENOTES FILL IN SURFACE WATERS t0.01 ac) DENOTES MECHANIZED CLEARING IN A WETLANDS AREA (0.01 ac) - gZ ~ - BUFFER ZONE -gZ y- BUFFER ZONE 0 50 100 -WLB- WETLAND BOUNDARY /0 ivn_vi.apn 0 ~ ~.~ r U SHESER CREEK COMPAN ~ C 0 - ~ „~ \\ ~ rn our . awro ~ ` N J ~~, ~,r _ w ~ i O C~ > ~~ F r F ~-- - _ (^ ~; t ROD a LuG W ~J" visl~ev~s h i 2G1 ~ Hv ~- 'is:o ~ ~our.~;,~ ~..~ ~ y~ a -rroi- ~ W / J ~? ~,w :_v~~ ~ ~, a y ,na ~ ~ 15, ~,'a.. ~m a ~ 'ti ~ ls^ ~ wv art -'in".u / 3 o° F / ~ ~ . - ~ ~ / ~ _ ~ ._ m - F s I ~g 15' CSP ~ oo ~ G BZ 2 ~ ~ / }f~ i ~ti, ~~ / a ~ ~ ~.// Q ~ ~ `~ 0ti ~ F ~ l J~ ~ ~1 ~~ t r / ///~~~~ / V ~ ~ ~~ ~ ]MILAN ~~]E~ ~~ F~~ ;~ =~b~i S][~]E ~ \ ~~~ i/ F ~ ~ (; ~ .~ ~ ~J ~ ®THE LOUIS BERGER GROUP, Inc. 1513 Walnut Street, Suite 250 VJ ~~` Cary. North Carolina 27511 WENDELL FALLS DEVELOPMENT, LLC ~./O (; / WAKE COUNTY • PROJECT: LBG OR1012 SHEET 10 OF 20 UA ~C: b/1/LUU1 riot: g:~or i~ i SHESER CREEK COMP N U~b9 / ~ / k// ~ / ~ / P // ~// a / / ~ ~ jl~~l jl ~ /l ~iklil ~i // 1 1 1 1 ~l l l~ ~z`P ~ l~, l l/ k~l l l~ l / ~M ~ j lx~lj ~~ i ! i 11 l,Z~i/ ,y 0 50 100 ~~ N Q w W ~_ W Z J S V /ji i l ~ x~l ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~ //~/ / / / ~, ~ / /~k4 / ~/ / ~~~// / ~// / / / . ~~/ / ~/~ / ` ~/ / 36, MCP / / M /~ ~ ~ ~j ~ B4 ® BUFFER ZONE IIMPACT (0.82 oc) BUFFER ZONE 2 IMPACT (0.49 ac) IMPACTED STREAM CHANNEL RELOCATEDsO LFT IMPACTED: 581 lFT ENCLOSED: 533 LFT l~IL~N V~~~ ~~~~ ~ 6 ~ 10].10 bOR , ]11.00 WENDELL FALLS ti ::a / / / N.C. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION / CUMULATIVE IMPACTS SITE 4 DENOTES EXCAVATION IN WETLANDS AREA (O.OI ac) ® DENOTES FILL IN WETLANDS AREA (0.27 ac> ® DENOTES FILL IN SURFACE WATERS (O.OI oc) gZ 1 DENOTES MECHANIZED CLEARING IN A WETLAND AREA (O.OI4C) ti~- - gZ ~ - BUFFER ZONE /0 -BZ 2- BUFFER ZONE - WLg - WETLAND 80UNDARY VFltt b/I/CUUI YILtt 210 23 0 50 100 0 10 20 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 HORIZONTAL SCALE VERTICAL SCALE BUFFER ZONE (IMPACT IMPACTED STREAM CHANNEL (0.82 ac> RELOCATED:O LFT IMPACTED: 581 LFT BUFFER ZONE 2 IMPACT ENCLOSED:533 LFT (0.49 ac) DENOTES MECHANIZED CLEARING DENOTES FILL IN WETLANDS AREA ~~ (0.01 ac) (0.27 ac) DENOTES EXCAVATION IN WETLANDS AREA - gZ ~ - BUFFER ZONE (0.01 ac) -gZ y- BUFFER ZONE DENOTES FILL IN SURFACE WATERS - WLg - WETLAND BOUNDARY (0.01 ac) 31 ~~®~~~~ ~~~~ 220 ~ , -~ - ~ _ ~.._ ..._. t: b/I/LUUI YILG: 9:\Or prOJ6CT5\VI'fIU1L UJb9 If1TBrCf10f19B\U951(Jfl\YCI(MII\UI'(IUIC_YGf(MII _Id_JITB]_YIOflA9fl ~ ~9'P ~% c, \ SHESER CREEK COMPANY LLC yT2,p +05 _ ,~ \ F .o p +18 50 (164.04') v qJ~,~ v 60 (196.85') ~C\ 60 (196.85') .952 ~~~ 50 4.04') ~ `-' ,_'~` _ \ ~~ 'C~_ \\ ~ \ ~ -----~'C'~--- ----- ---- ---- ---- -- ------- ----- _ _~\ __ _ / - F ---------------- \\sy-~ US 64 ----- ~------------------- f _X=x. -x-x-x-x x-= -- ---- -- ~ \ ~s~p i\ ail ------ ~\ M~~ __ ---- US 64 ------------ ~ \~- ~ ~~ ~ \ 6- - ~ ~ \F' F 1- ~\ '~ APPLICATION SLOPE ST,gK - ~~~ .\ .~. ~ / \ ._. `\ ® BUFFER ZONE (IMPACT +\ 10.00 Cc) \ BUFFER ZONE 2 IMPACT co.oo ac) \\ DENOTES MECHANIZED CLEARING O ~- (8.68 SF) ~~ - - APPLICATION SLOPE STAKE - - - - R243TC SLOPE STAKE -gZ ~- BUFFER ZONE -BZ 2- BUFFER ZONE -WLg - WETLAND BOUNDARY 0 50 100 ~~~ , Q~~ \ ~Q . ~\~\GP~ ~~ Q~~~\o~S '\ ~G,~~o S~~ Gp~ \~'' ~ X99 ~a~ ; `~cy~%G ~q A gfF~Fy 2~, ~ ~~~ ~' ~ ~wLg- - - ~/ -- F - ]]LAN Vg]E~ ~~~~ / ~ r~_--- ,~~~ R2437C SLOPE STAKE ~.~ ~ \ ~ ~ \ ~ f ~g~M\ N.C. DEPARTMENT ~' ~ OF TRANSPORTATION VAIt: b/]/CUUI ~ILt: CJ:\UR SHESER CREEK DEVELOPMENT LLC {~ S ~~ / ~~SHESER CREEK a' ~,- DEVELOPMENT LLC N ~~ \ \62 ~` \ B2 - ~~ _ its! - - - - .i T i T T T T T T\ T T TY„~ ~ N N / °TC '~~~ / sue- _, _ _ __ - f - - - - _-'~-F'~ '~ - ------------- ~ ~c----- ~------- ~ =R v US 64 / \\ p~ --------- ---- X--x-x-X-x--x'__ --- -~-----jr--------- _"- x_~ ~~ ----- --- -- ---- --------- ~- --------- ~p o~ _ ---- US 64 ---------------~-~~ L --~-R~ =_____ -L.J_ ----~,~-- ----- ~`Q-~ l l~ b~ i ~ r _ ~ -' - F -- -- 1 - \\ // R2437C SLOPE STAKE ~ ` -' - - ""-~ -_ - F ~ N ~/\ F ~ _ D `~ ~ ~ ~4P~LI~ATION SLOPE TAKE \BjM ~ ~ `Y<e ~ ~ ~ ~ J ~ ® DENOTES FILL IN WETLANp AREA \ co.DO oc) ~ ~ \ ~ - ~ DENOTES MECHANIZED (0 03 a ) CLEARING . ~ ~ . ~ / . c - - APPLICATION SLOPE STAKE o ~ \ / RIP RAP - " - ' R2437C SLOPE STAKE _- - \ / ® BUFFER ZONE IIMPACT \ - gZ ~ - BUFFER ZONE (O.OI oc> ~ -gZ y- BUFFER ZONE BUFFER ZONE 2 IMPACT 0 50 100 -WLB- WETLAND BOUNDARY (0.00 ac) N 0 N W w m W Z ~_ '_ F~ OR' ~ _~_ \ \~ I \ \ ,N~ ~~ ]L~ILAN ~~~~ VIEW uain: vice cwi N w 0 w w x w z J S F 0 50 100 SHESER CREEK ~/ DEVELOPMENT LL~../ D~ 0 ~ LlC / 9~i ~i ~ 98 ~0 2q 4/~ ~ 46 (150.92') _~..,~_~~; / 5.919 (117.84') ,/~ / ~/i~~~y / ~ i ~ _~ e ~ N 0~ / W ~ W iC= / _. ~ ~ ~ v ~~CHORD ~. t ./ ~- .,,. i / _ -' - - BZ ~I /•\ ~ /w`B~ ~ R2437C SLOPE STAKE ~ ,~ - ~ ~ -~ _ BZ2 ~~~-~ -- ----- /"' ------~-/ ---~ F --'~_c~-s--e ~ RAMP B '- 7/ ~ F APPLICATION SLOPE STAKE ~ ri T T T T T T T T '~~ • ~~ '~ . '---- ~~ ----- ___ -- ~--- C ~- _ _ _ _ ~~_ ~_ ~ ~_- ` _R- _! ~\ ~\ ___-__---_~~__ ppyy '~ \ X~ \ ~ g ~~ ~~~ C ~ ~~ ~\ ~\ ~ _ ~~` ~` ~ ~~` ~~ ~~ ~~ N.C. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ® DENOTES FILL IN WETLAND AREA 1f~II ,A 1~T ~T~~y (0.00 °G !C"JLitill~l 1 1'!' DENOTES MECHANIZED CLEARING 1G~ ,[ • ..: ' :• (0.03 aG ~~~lli 't - - APPLICATION SLOPE STAKE ° RIP RAP - - - ' R2437C SLOPE STAKE ®THE LOUIS BERGER GF ® BUFFER ZONE IIMPACT 1513 walnutStraet,sui (0.01 OC) Cary. NoAh Carolina ~ -gZ ~- BUFFER ZONE -gZ y- BUFFER ZONE BUFFER ZONE 2 IMPACT WENDELL FALLS DEVELOPME -WLg- WETLAND ~OUNDARY (0.00 aC) WAKE COUNTY C PROJECT: LBl3 OR1012 b/J/LUVI SILLS \ ~\iy.\ ~i \ \\ll ~~ o~nc rs ~urtiulc - wo+ I ullyn ~1 ` ~~ .. ~ ~ ~ ,, N _ ~ ~ ~,~ BZ ,~ _ ~~ ~ ~ ~ w- ~~~ .~ ` " ~~ \ 0 `~ \~ \` ~~ .~ .~ .. ~ __.= ~~ ~- \~ 0 50 100 \~ m~ \~I Wh°c ~1 I w ~ c I ~ 1 I ( I ~r ~. i I I I I I ~ I I ,: I: ,~ I. £ `. 1 (. ~~ \ I. ,. 1 I .. \, X ~ ~ pn 1 ( ~ ~. ~ I\ 1 ~~ 1 I ~ BUFFER ZONE IMMPACT ® (0.09 oc) BUFFER ZONE 2 IMPACT (0.04 oc> DENOTES FILL IN SURFACE ATERS ® c0.02 oc> DENOTES MECHANIZED CLEA ING -gZ 7- BUFFER ZONE -gZ y- BUFFER ZONE -WLg- WETLAND BOUNDARY IMPACTED STREAM CHANNEL REIOCATEDrO LFT IMPACTEOrST lfT ENCLOSEOr 5T LFT ---'----- ~n __-_ i -- ~~~~ - - -TY - I IEVEL SPREAD LEVELAPREApE _ -_-~.. ~ a ~ -_ - ~~ PDE 95.00' LT 6l~Zlx/ ~ ,-\\ ~2 \ ~~ ~~ - - II~L.~N VIER' 3I'Il'E 7 - UFIt: b/]/LUVI YIL t: 300 5` FEATHER HATCH ~D f~T . ~~~ 280 270 260 12 PI = 14+25.00 EL = 279.78' PI = 20+00.00 EL = 295.18' VC = 650' K93 + 2.6782 4.30p! VC = 500 PI = 76+40.00 i K = 97 EL = 270.64 ~ '' i 09s ~ 500 ~")2.4544$ -(f) 7._8782~ _ _ ~ "~ 6. ~+1~ ' "~ END DITCH LT ' - -L) ?•600 0 - - - - 0 ~09'~ PI = 18+50.00 ~ EL = 281.65 _ . _$ - ~+) 2,100 ~ 6, - - _ _ ~ 1.5000$_ _ J _ O _ ~ 72" BCP N INV IN ~ 269.00 w I O INV OUT 287.50 } Ip F C ' N O W ~ _ S N w II II + N V +O C7 O P. F fDn W MJ T N M AN m d W ~ II II II 11 H d J W = W M J d W 13 14 15 16 17 18 BUFFER ZONE ( IMPACT ® 10.09 ac) BUFFER ZONE 2 IMPACT 10.04 oc) DENOTES FILL IN SURFACE WATERS ® (0.02 oc) DENOTES MECHANIZED CLEARING -gZ ~- BUFFER ZONE -gZ 2- BUFFER ZONE . WLg - WETLAND BOUNDARY 19 0 5o ioo HORIZONTAL SCALE o to ~° VERTICAL SCALE IMPACTED STREAM CHANNEL REIOCATED~O LFT IMPACTED: 57 LFT ENCLOSED~ST LFT I -TL- LVTOy -Y101- 115 -Y2- 20+23.45 EL -Y701- 115+51.38 2- 19+77.03 EL 289.67 = 101- 115+57.58 (48.00 20 21 ~~~~ 7 DATE: 6/1/2007 I i / I I I N N m N /_ ~~ ~ 6 r R WENDEL t ns.oo'tT MY.M.fppn D VELOPM NT L.LC. ---PDE +to.oo _not_ , _PDE-- _~~ PDE -~ ~ ~ t ~'~.~ - __ .~ •~ < W __ ~ ~_ -~ _ ^` 100.00 - ~ ` _ _ ~ - - - ~ - _ _ ec 3/ . "' '° 35 "" n " 2~t 37 a .t 33 y:a';:'' ca tea,; .",,; 34 a _ .,,.~ 15. . n~. p 15" ~~ 15' 2 - - ""' WENDELL FALLS DEVELOPMENT, L.LC. _ . t ,\ ~- + ~ ~ ~_ ~ 1 ~ \+, +~\ 0 50 100 ,,.. M : ;;~^ m.y 38 ~~')'° te• ta' ta• ta• 39 "' ~ ; ~ / L ` V ay .~. oW ~wste~s~ ~` 4/ My our. '"M ~ PSH ~' ~ ~ PDE ~ +ts.oo -not- ~ 1 70.00' RT, i 725.00'RT i as.oo _nm_ 70.00' R , \ I ~' 125.00' RT 1 MH48 "'" w,ra,~ ' MY.M.MOW My our.ri,a> . ^~••. \ \. ..\ \ ,.\ ~"'"~ + WENDELL FALLS '•.\ DEVELOPMENT. L.L.C. ~ ~ ~-~ •\ ® OOE 60T~E~S FILL IN SURFACE WATERS ~...\ I~ILA~N ~~~~ + ~~~C]E 8 .~~~ \+ THE LOUIS BERGER GROUP 1513 Walnut Street, Suite 25C N.C. DEPARTMENT +~ ® Cary. North Caroline 27511 OF TRANSPORTATION Q ~ /~ •~i d WENDELL F W LAS DCO ~PMENT, L unit: oioi cuur YILC: Q:\UM Y<-OJBCTS\VI'tlVl[ - U~09 280 2 70 ;0 260 ao co •N !W 250 PI = 37+50.00 PI = 45+00.00 EL = 234.54' EL = 232.29' VC = 400' K = 120 VC = 400' 240 K = 513 -Y10' -YS- -)0.3000~a - 0.3000 - 1.0797Ac 230 r -- - - _ _ i - - - 220 _ - - - ,. _260~~ _ _- _ _------------~-------- - --- ~ END INTERCHANGE PROJECT ~ i BEGIN PARKWAY PROJECT o ~ - -~ -Y101- 47+50.00 EL 229.59 210 F o0 J • {7 O N SO V+CO ~ II II 200 Q~N ~ ° IW 39 40 41 42 ~ W 44 45 46 4 •4 POINT BM04 116.33' LT OF -Yl0/- STA 3713758 EL = 2/7.65 ~~®~~~~ ~~~~ DENOTES FILL IN SURFACE WATERS 0 5o ioo HORIZONTAL SCALE co.l6 oc) o io 20 VERTICAL SCALE OF I t: b/I/GUV I ® BUFFER ZONE (IMPACT 10.01 ac) BUFFER ZONE 2 IMPACT 10.01 ac) DENOTES FILL IN SURFACE WATERS f0.00 ac) ® DENOTES MECHANIZED CLEARING / / - gZ ~ BUFFER ZONE - BZ 2 BUFFER ZONE \ - WLg. WETLAND BOUNDARY IMPACT TR C D EAM HANNEL E S RELOCATEDr 0 LFT THE LOUIS BERGER GROI IMPACTEDa 13 LFT ® 1513 Walnut Street, Suite: ENCLOSEDr 13 LFT Cary, North Carolina 275 0 50 100 1~1L.~N VIEW SITE 9 i e: 300 290 280 270 260 250 240 230 26 27 - U569 28 0 5o ioo HORIZONTAL SCALE o io 20 VERTICAL SCALE ~~ O 48" RCP INV IN 242.00 INV OUT = 240.50 29 30 31 ® BUFFER ZONE IIMPACT (0.01 oc) BUFFER ZONE 2 IMPACT (O.OI ac) ® DENOTES FILL IN SURFACE WATERS (0.00 ac) DENOTES MECHANIZED CLEARING - BZ ~ BUFFER ZONE - BZ 2 BUFFER ZONE _ WLg- WETLAND BOUNDARY IMPACTED STREAM CHANNEL RELOCATED:O LFT IMPACTED: 13 LFT ENCLOSED: 13 LFT 32 33 34 35 ~~®~~~~ S~~CIE ~ WE TLAND IMPACTS SURFACE WATER IMPACTS BUFFER I MPACTS Slte No. Station (From) (To) Structure Size Fill In Wetlands (ac) Fill in Wetlands (cu yd) Temp. Fill In Wetlands (ac) Excavation In Wetlands (ac) Mechanized Clearing (Method III) (ac) Fill in SW (Natural) (ac) Fill in SW (Pond) (ac) Temp. Fill in SW (ac) Existing Channel Impacted (ft) Relocated Channel (ft) EnGosed Channel (ft) Zone 1 (ac) Zone 2 (ac) NCDOTSITEI~ 1 35+50.00 37+60.00 -Y101- 3 @ 70 ft BRIDGE 0.84 1355.78 0.16 0.00 0 0 0.03 0.07 2 52+68.00 52+91.76 2 10'x10' RC Box Culvert 0.04 67.76 0.01 0.06 249 83 166 0.48 0.27 3 100+00.00 96" RCP 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 392 188 204 0.73 0.38 NCDOT SITE 9 4 26+36.05 -Y101-36"RCP 0.27 435.60 O.D1 0.01 0.01 581 0 581 0.82 0.49 NCDOT SITE 7 0.00 0.00 5 443+00.83 8.68 SF 0.00 0 0 0 0.01 0.00 6 NCDOT SITE 8A 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.00 0 0 0 0.00 0.01 NCDOT SITE 88 16+55(Y2) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 57 0 57 0.09 0.04 7 72" RCP 8 41 +45.00 42+65.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.16 9 30+50 Y2 48" RCP Exist. & 0.00 t3 0 13 0.01 0.01 Su limental 48" RCP TOTALS: 1.2 1859.1 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.14 0.16 0.0 1292 271 1008 2.16 1.26 -= II II I I I I I 45' ~ - - ~ ----- I II it I I I I I I I I I I AUGUSIINE N I I I I I I ~,~ - 70' ~ ---~ II ~I I I KNdBAII I I~ I 50' ~ ----I i II II I I I I Kn~eau I II II I I L ~ ~ 5 5' 75' i ~ ---- I~ ~I I I AUGUSIINE N i i I .,.., --dam- - 60' I I I I I I I I Ij II I 1-~~.ESror~ I I I i I I I i ~- - - ;~.- - ~ 100' LEVEL SPREADER OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT The level spreader is defined as an elongated, level threshold, designed to diffuse stormwater runoff. Maintenance activities shall be performed as follows: 1. After construction and until vegetation has been established, level spreader(s) shall be inspected after every rainfall. Thereafter, level spreader(s) shall be inspected at least every month and more frequently during the fall season and after heavy rainfall events: a. Accumulated sediment, leaves, and trash shall be removed, and repairs made if required. b. Inspect level spreader(s) for evidence of scour, undercutting, settlement of the structure, and concentrated flows downhill from the level spreader(s). c. A level elevation shall be maintained across the entire flow-spreading structure at all times. Repair or replace the level spreader if it is damaged. d. Mow vegetative cover to a height of six (6) inches and prune plants if they cover over half of the level spreader surtace. e. Repair eroded areas and replace/replant dead or damaged vegetation. 2. The contractor should avoid the placement of any material on and prevent construction traffic across the structure. If the measure is damaged by construction traffic, it shall be repaired immediately. 3. Inspect and repair the collection system (e.g., catch basins, pipes, swales, riprap) four (4) times a year to maintain proper functioning. I acknowledge and agree by my signature below that I am responsible for the performance of the maintenance procedures listed above. I agree to notify DWQ of any problems with the system or prior to any changes to the system or responsible party. Print name: ~i;~ ~~G es o N Title: ~rrfn/A~r,='+2 Address: S~6 a S~ }~ ~2.rC Phone: y `~= Signature:~-r- Date: / ~~~ Note: The legally responsible party should not be a homeowners association unless more than 50% of the lots have been sold and a resident of the subdivision has been named the president. I' M~~ ~^ a L- 3~~P5 , a Notary Public for the State of ~1ohti, ('.rn,~v~ . , County of __ ~a~P , do hereby certify that _ (T rPn F~,~rausor~ personally appeared before me this ~ day of ~ ,. v V a~O7 ,and acknowledge the due execution of the forgoing wet [wetland] detention basin maintenance requirements. Witness my hand and official seal, //~ 4,~'~~' aS?.~L. ~ J~~ ~~~! ~~~G.~~D°I'A ICY .F~~ *; - ~~ ~ JCHL My commission expires 7-ao-aooq Page 1 of 1 Date: ~ _ ~6 - 0 '' COMPLIANCE WITH WETLAND & BUFFER REGULATIONS In accordance with Title 15 A NCAC 2H .0500, the following DEED NOTIFICATION shall be recorded in the County Registry prior to the conveyance of lots. Said Deed Notification shall apply to name of subdivision, lot numbers in County, North Carolina as shown on plans titled (insert subdivision name) prepared by _ (insert name of designer) dated date: "A portion of this lot has been determined to meet the requirements for designation as a wetland, stream or protected stream buffer. Any subsequent fill or alteration of this area shall conform to the requirements of the state rules adopted by the State of North Carolina in force at the time of the proposed alteration. The intent of this provision is to prevent additional wetland, stream or buffer filling or draining, so the property owner should not assume that a future application for filling or draining would be approved. The property owner shall report the name of the subdivision in any application pertaining to said rules. This covenant is intended to ensure continued compliance with all rules adopted by the State of North Carolina and therefore the State of North Carolina may enforce benefits. This covenant is to run with the land and shall be binding on all Parties and afl persons claiming under them". Signature: Owner's name: /„/ ~9~ r ~,~ L< t-t/~dP,,v~~~~~ LL C_ Address: ~<~~~; .Si>c~~,icr~-S j?,,~ ~ ~,2 City, State, Zip Code: j~d.} cal, K ,~L 2 7 ~ g Phone Number: ~(5 $(~/ ~S 25~r =7` STATE OF North Carolina __ Wa~II COUNTY 1, ~~c,~o~Q A L ~c,r~~s a Notary Public of the State of North Carolina, Wad County, hereby certify that owner personally appeared before me this day and executed by above certification. 1 ~~ Witness my hand and notorial seal, this 1 Notary Public day of _r\' _, ~~Q~_ My commission expires: _ ~ " ~Q - ~,(~09 \\\\\\11t111tlAffif//I/II/Ij~ 1 1 c~; ~ ~ :~^ •/l/ll(Iftl{I;tlii~~ :• DATE: 4/18/07 LEVEL SPREADER DESIGN COMPUTATIONS [ SEE ALSO STORM DRAIN DESIGN COMPUTATIONS ] I.D. NO. OR1012 COUNTY: WAKE DESIGNED BY: WT CHECKED BY: DH DESCRIPTION: WENDELL FALLS PARKWAY ~~; , Sheet 1 of 7 LOCATION RUNOFF PIPE DESIGN IMPERVIOUS DRAINAGE AREA RUNOFF COEFF. GRASSED DRAINAGE AREA RUNOFF COEFF. INVERT ELEVATION FROM POINT TO POINT SF AC C SF AC C D.A. ACRES CA L PIPE ft INLET OUTLET SLOPE ft/ft DIA. in I INT. in/hr O DISCH. ft'/s I INT. in/hr O DISCH. ft'/s 35,664 0.82 0.95 53 536 3 0.25 2.05 1.09 4.0 4.34 1.0 1.09 Level Spreader ID Level Spreader Location Required Level Spreader Length Actual Level Spreader Length Drainage Area Impervious Area Required Forebay Surface Area Forebay Dimensions B W Actual Forbay Surface Area Maximum Filter Strip/Buffer Slope Max. Discharge from 1 "/Hr Storm Max. Discharge to Level Spreader Filter Strip2one 2 Buffer Vegetation 100 -RPB- 26+65.00 LT 14.1 ft 15.0 ft 2.05 ac 0.82 ac 71 ft2 5ft 15ft 75 ftZ 8.0 1.09 ft3/s 4.34 ft3/s Zone 2 Buffer Vegetation Pre-treatment or Bypass Method Used Pre-treatment DATE: 4/18/07 LEVEL SPREADER DESIGN COMPUTATIONS SEE ALSO STORM DRAIN DESIGN COMPUTATIONS ] I.D. NO. OR1012 COUNTY: WAKE DESIGNED BY: WT CHECKED BY: DH DESCRIPTION: WENDELL FALLS PARKWAY Sheet 2 of 7 LOCATION RUNOFF PIPE DESIGN IMPERVIOUS DRAINAGE AREA RUNOFF COEFF. GRASSED DRAINAGE AREA RUNOFF COEFF. INVERT ELEVATION FROM POINT TO POINT SF AC C SF AC C D.A. ACRES CA L PIPE ft INLET OUTLET SLOPE ftlft DIA. in I INT. in/hr Q DISCH. ft'/s I INT, in/hr O DISCH. ft'/s 48,500 1.11 0.95 93,134 14 0.25 3.25 1.59 4.0 6.37 1.0 1.59 Level Spreader ID Level Spreader Location Required Level Spreader Length Actual Level Spreader Length Drainage Area Impervious Area Required Forebay Surface Area Forebay Dimensions B W Actual Forbay Surface Area Maximum Filter Strip/Buffer Slope Max. Discharge from 1 "/Hr Storm Max. Discharge to Level Spreader Filter Strip2one 2 Buffer Vegetation 101 -LPB- 14+60.00 RT 20.7 ft 21.0 ft 3.25 ac 1.11 ac 97 ftz Eft 18ft 108 ftz 8.0 1.59 ft3/s 6.37 ft3/s Zone 2 Buffer Vegetation Pre-treatment or Bypass Method Used Pre-treatment DATE: 4/18/07 LEVEL SPREADER DESIGN COMPUTATIONS [ SEE ALSO STORM DRAIN DESIGN COMPUTATIONS I.D. NO. OR1012 COUNTY: WAKE DESIGNED BY: WT CHECKED BY: DH DESCRIPTION: WENDELL FALLS PARKWAY Sheet 3 of 7 LOCATION RUNOFF PIPE DESIGN IMPERVIOUS DRAINAGE AREA RUNOFF COEFF. GRASSED DRAINAGE AREA RUNOFF COEFF. INVERT ELEVATION FROM POINT TO POINT SF 10,61 AC 0.2 C 0.95 SF 109 819 AC 52 C 0.25 D.A. ACRES 2,77 CA 0.87 L PIPE ft INLET OUTLET SLOPE ft/ft DIA. in I INT. in/hr 4.0 O DISCH. ft'/s 3.46 I INT. in/hr 1.0 ~ DISCH. ft3/s 0.87 Level Spreader ID Level Spreader Location Required Level Spreader Length Actual Level Spreader Length Drainage Area Impervious Area Required Forebay Surface Area Forebay Dimensions B W Actual Forbay Surface Area Maximum Filter Strip/Buffer Slope Max. Discharge from 1"/Hr Storm Max. Discharge to Levei Spreader Filter Strip2one 2 Buffer Vegetation Pre-treatment or Bypass Method Used 102 -LPB- 14+60.00 RT 11.3 ft 13.0 ft 2.77 ac 0.25 ac 22 ft aft 8ft 24 ftz 8.0 0.87 ft3/s 3.46 ft'/s Zone 2 Buffer Vegetation Pre-treatment DATE: 4/18/07 LEVEL SPREADER DESIGN COMPUTATIONS [ SEE ALSO STORM DRAIN DESIGN COMPUTATIONS I.D. NO. OR1012 COUNTY: WAKE DESIGNED BY: WT CHECKED BY: DH DESCRIPTION: WENDELL FALLS PARKWAY Sheet 4 of 7 LOCATION RUNOFF PIPE DESIGN IMPERVIOUS DRAINAGE AREA RUNOFF COEFF. GRASSED DRAINAGE AREA RUNOFF COEFF. INVERT ELEVATION FROM POINT TO POINT F C C F C C D.A. ACRES A L PIPE ft NLET UTLET SLOPE ft/ft DIA. in I INT. inlhr Q DISCH. ft'/s I INT. in/hr Q DISCH. ft'/s 21,218 0.49 0.95 81891 0.25 2.37 0.93 4.0 3.73 1.0 0.93 Level Spreader ID Level Spreader Location Required Level Spreader Length Actual Level Spreader Length Drainage Area Impervious Area Required Forebay Surface Area Forebay Dimensions B W Actual Forbay Surface Area Maximum Filter Strip/Buffer Slope Max. Discharge from 1 "/Hr Storm Max. Discharge to Level Spreader Filter Strip2one 2 Buffer Vegetation 103 -RPC- 26+85.00 RT 12.1 ft 13.0 ft 2.37 ac 0.49 ac 42 ft2 Oft 12ft 48 ft2 8.0 0.93 ft3/s 3.73 ft3/s Zone 2 Buffer Vegetation Pre-treatment or Bypass Method Used Pre-treatment DATE: 4/18/07 LEVEL SPREADER DESIGN COMPUTATIONS [ SEE ALSO STORM DRAIN DESIGN COMPUTATIONS ] I.D. NO. OR1012 COUNTY: WAKE DESIGNED BY: WT CHECKED BY: DH DESCRIPTION: WENDELL FALLS PARKWAY Sheet 5 of 7 LOCATION RUNOFF PIPE DESIGN IMPERVIOUS DRAINAGE AREA RUNOFF COEFF. GRASSED DRAINAGE AREA RUNOFF COEFF. INVERT ELEVATION FROM POINT TO POINT SF 102,124 AC 2.34 C 0.95 SF 474,310 AC p,gg C 0.25 D.A. ACRES 13.23 CA 4.95 L PIPE ft INLET OUTLET SLOPE ft/ft DIA. in I INT. in/hr 4.0 O DISCH. ft'/s 19.80 I INT. in/hr 1.0 O DISCH. ft'/s 4.95 Level Spreader ID Level Spreader Location Required Level Spreader Length Actual Level Spreader Length Drainage Area Impervious Area Required Forebay Surface Area Forebay Dimensions B W Actual Forbay Surface Area Maximum Filter Strip/Buffer Slope Max. Discharge from 1 "/Hr Storm Max. Discharge to Level Spreader Filter Strip2one 2 Buffer Vegetation 104 -RPC- 28+65.00 RT 64.3 ft 65.0 ft 13.23 ac 2.34 ac 204 ft 10ft 20 ft 200 ft2 8.0 4.95 ft'/s 19.80 ft3/s Zone 2 Buffer Vegetation Pre-treatment or Bypass Method Used Pre-treatment DATE: 4!18/07 LEVEL SPREADER DESIGN COMPUTATIONS [SEE ALSO STORM DRAIN DESIGN COMPUTATIONS I.D. NO. OR1012 COUNTY: WAKE DESIGNED BY: WT Sheet E of 7 CHECKED BY: DH DESCRIPTION: WENDELL FALLS PARKWAY Level Spreader Location -Y101- 27+85.00 LT Required Level Spreader Length 29,7 {{ Actual Level Spreader Length 30.0 ft Drainage Area 3.49 ac Impervious Area 2.02 ac Required Forebay Surface Area 176 ft2 Forebay Dimensions B 8ft W 24 ft Actual Forbay Surface Area 192 ftz Maximum Filter Strip/Buffer Slope g,p Max. Discharge from 1"/Hr Storm 2.28 ft3/s Max. Discharge to Level Spreader 9.14 ft3/s Filter Strip2one 2 Buffer Vegetation Zone 2 Buffer Vegetation Pre-treatment or Bypass Method Used Pre-treatment Level Spreader ID 105 DATE: 4/18/07 LEVEL SPREADER DESIGN COMPUTATIONS [SEE ALSO STORM DRAIN DESIGN COM PUTATIO NS ] I.D. NO. OR1012 COUNTY: WAKE DESIGNED BY: WT Sheet 7 of 7 CHECKED BY: DH DESCRIPTION: WENDELL FALLS PARKWAY LOCATION RUNOFF PIPE DESIGN IMPERVIOUS RUNOFF GRASSED DRAINAGE RUNOFF INVERT DRAINAGE AREA COEFF. AREA COEFF. ELEVATION FROM POINT TO POINT SF AC C SF O.A. L PIPE SLOPE DIA. I INT. Q DISCH. I INT, Q DISCH. 23 24 9 618 0 22 0 95 0 AC C ACRES CA ft INLET OUTLET ft/ft in in/hr ft'/s in/hr ft'/s 24 26 , 13,227 . 0.30 . 0.95 0 0.00 0 00 0.25 0 25 0.22 0 0.21 74 231.65 231.25 0.0054 15 4.0 0.84 1.0 0.21 25 26 3 574 0 08 0 95 1 104 . . .30 0.50 109 231.25 228.00 0.0298 15 4.0 1.99 1.0 0.50 26 27 , 4,898 . 0.11 . 0.95 , 1,096 0.03 0.03 0.25 0.25 0.11 0.14 0.08 0.70 74 212 230.75 228 00 228.00 221 00 0.0372 0 0330 15 15 4.0 4 0 0.34 2 78 1.0 1 0 0.08 27 29 28 28 17,554 31 383 0.40 0 72 0.95 0 95 3,443 0.08 0.25 0.48 1.10 195 . 221.00 . 216.25 . 0.0244 15 . 4.0 . 4.39 . 1.0 0.70 1.10 28 OUT , 18,494 . 0.42 . 0.95 4,620 3 198 0.11 0.25 0 25 0.83 0.71 285 225.00 216.25 0.0307 15 4.0 2.84 1.0 0.71 , . 0.50 2.23 42 216.00 214.00 0.0476 18 4.0 8.92 1.0 2.23 Level Spreader ID 28 Preformed Scour Hole Details Level Spreader Location -Y101- 43+25.00 RT B 5.0 ft D 2.0 ft Level Spreader Length 120.0 ft W 25.0 ft Drainage Area 2.6 ac d 0.5 ft Impervious Area 2.3 ac Forebay Area 200 ft3 V 250.0 ft3 Maximum Filter Strip/Buffer Slope g.0 a/a Max. Discharge from 1 "/Hr Storm 2,2 ft3/s Max. Discharge to Level Spreader g.g ft3/s Filter Strip/Zone 2 Buffer Vegetation Zone 2 Buffer Vegetation Pre-treatment or Bypass Method Used Pre-treatment DATE: 4/23/07 LEVEL SPREADER DESIGN COMPUTATIONS [SEE ALSO STORM DRAIN DESIGN COMPUTATIONS ] I.D. NO. OR1012 COUNTY: WAKE DESIGNED BY: WT CHECKED BY: DH DESCRIPTION: WENDELL FALLS PARKWAY Sheet 1 of 3 LOCATION RUNOFF PIPE DESIGN IMPERVIOUS RUNOFF GRASSED DRAINAGE RUNOFF INVERT DRAINAGE AREA COEFF. AREA COEFF. ELEVATION FROM TO L I O I tZ POINT POINT SF AC C SF AC D.A. PIPE SLOPE DIA. INT. DISCH. INT. DISCH. 71 70 1, 66 0 04 0 95 4 336 C 0 2 ACRES CA ft INLET OUTLET ft/ft in in/hr ft'/s in/hr ft'/s 70 69 17 423 . 0.40 . 0 95 , 4 711 10 . 0 25 0.06 0.06 72 296.50 296.10 0.0056 15 4.0 0.24 1.0 0.06 69 67 10,313 0 24 . 0 95 4 263 11 . 0 0.41 0.47 198 296.00 295.00 0.0051 15 4.0 1.86 1.0 0.47 68 67 10 426 . 0 24 . 0 95 2 789 0, .25 0.25 0.72 247 294.90 292.10 0.0113 15 4.0 2.86 1.0 0.72 67 65 , 8 856 . 0 20 . 0 95 10 908 0 06 0.25 0.24 0.24 66 294.50 292.10 0.0364 15 4.0 0.97 1.0 0.24 66 65 , 6 709 . 0 15 . 0 95 2 682 0 5 0.25 0.26 1.21 224 292.00 287.10 0.0219 15 4.0 4.86 1.0 1.21 65 T , 1 ,89 . . .9 62 0 06 0.25 0.16 0.16 95 287.60 287.10 0.0053 15 4.0 0.65 1.0 0.16 , 0,3 1.7 1 286.85 281.65 0 0464 18 4.0 6.80 1.0 1.70 Level Spreader ID 65 Level Spreader Location -Y2- 17+15.00 LT Required Level Spreader Length 22,1 ft Actual Level Spreader Length 23.0 ft Drainage Area 2.42 ac Impervious Area 1.57 ac Required Forebay Surface Area 136 ftz Forebay Dimensions B 7ft W 21 ft Actual Forbay Surface Area 147 f~ Maximum Filter Strip/Buffer Slope g.0 Max. Discharge from 1 "/Hr Storm Max. Discharge to Level Spreader Filter StriplZone 2 Buffer Vegetation Pre-treatment or Bypass Method Used 1.70 ft3/s 6.80 ft3/s Zone 2 Buffer Vegetation Pre-treatment DATE: 4/23/07 LEVEL SPREADER DESIGN COMPUTATIONS [SEE ALSO STORM DRAIN DESIGN COMPUTATIONS I.D. NO. OR1012 COUNTY: WAKE DESIGNED BY: WT CHECKED BY: DH DESCRIPTION: WENDELL FALLS PARKWAY Sheet 2 of 3 LOCATION RUNOFF PIPE DESIGN IMPERVIOUS DRAINAGE AREA RUNOFF COEFF. GRASSED DRAINAGE AREA RUNOFF COEFF, INVERT ELEVATION FROM POINT TO POINT SF AC C SF AC C D.A. ACRES CA L PIPE ft INLET OUTLET SLOPE fUft DIA. in I INT. in/hr O DISCH. ft;/s I INT, in/hr Q DISCH. ft31s 75 76 ,340 0.1 0.9 149,148 3.4 0.25 1,02 1.02 225 282.75 279.85 0.0129 15 4.0 4.06 1.0 1.02 76 OUT 4,381 0.10 0.95 40,619 0.93 0.25 0.33 1.34 47 279.75 276.75 0.0638 15 4.0 5.38 1.0 1.34 Level Spreader ID Level Spreader Location Required Level Spreader Length Actual Level Spreader Length Drainage Area Impervious Area Required Forebay Surface Area Forebay Dimensions B W Actual Forbay Surface Area Maximum Filter Strip/Buffer Slope Max. Discharge from 1 "/Hr Storm Max. Discharge to Level Spreader Filter Strip/Zone 2 Buffer Vegetation Pre-treatment or Bypass Method Used 76 -Y2- 15+50.00 LT 17.5 ft 18.0 ft 4.63 ac 0.27 ac 23 ftz aft 9ft 27 ftz 8.0 1.34 ft3/s 5.38 ft3/s Zone 2 Buffer Vegetation Pre-treatment DATE: 4/23/07 LEVEL SPREADER DESIGN COMPUTATIONS [SEE ALSO STORM DRAIN DESIGN COMPUTATIONS I.D. NO. OR1012 COUNTY: WAKE DESIGNED BY: WT CHECKED BY: DH DESCRIPTION: WENDELL FALLS PARKWAY Sheet 3 of 3 LOCATION RUNOFF PIPE DESIGN IMPERVIOUS DRAINAGE AREA RUNOFF COEFF. GRASSED DRAINAGE AREA RUNOFF COEFF. INVERT ELEVATION FROM POINT TO POINT SF AC C SF AC C D.A. ACRES CA L PIPE ft INLET OUTLET SLOPE ft/ft DIA. in I INT. in/hr O DISCH. ft'/s I INT, in/hr Q DISCW. ft3/s 258,746 .94 0.9 486,565 11,17 0.2 17.11 8.44 4.0 33.74 1.0 8.44 Level Spreader ID 87 Level Spreader Location -Y101- 102+25.00 LT Required Level Spreader Length 109.7 ft Actual Level Spreader Length 110.0 ft Drainage Area 17.11 ac Impervious Area 5.94 ac Required Forebay Surface Area 517 ft2 Forebay Dimensions B Oft W 12ft Actual Forbay Surface Area 48 ft2 Maximum Filter Strip/Buffer Slope 8.0 Max. Discharge from 1 "/Hr Storm Max. Discharge to Level Spreader Filter Strip/Zone 2 Buffer Vegetation Pre-treatment or Bypass Method Used 8.44 ft3/s 33.74 ft3/s Zone 2 Buffer Vegetation Pre-treatment ~, ~_ ' ._ _ ~ / -1' 1 ~ f `~ .., `~ ( ,_ I rye,, ''~. ~ '.f sr. •' ? _,,.~ ;_n4' .. !+ i ~ ~~ ~„ - - i i y ' ^ Ff~~ff rrt ,~ i ~`it f' =~ PSfaA} _ ~ l i f~' ~ f!I ~ i~ i r ._ ~ ~ ; ~ ' V ~ d ..1' .1'~'r• ; Fw .~ r ` i a"F,'~ j ~~, //~ -;M ~ I s~i:..-..-~ { ~'~ ,~,: 1 f J ~// '' kj r,~ ~- ~ ~0 f y . i .--. ,.- - - ( f ~/ '"~ l r` ~ ~ : Y G~5 ( f ~ ~•,';~.. _ ail, ~ f . -+fr-' /~•/// ~,.. ~ ,, p~ ~ S~,VIt(~F'r~ 1.i .~, '!.xt:°u ~:~, r J ~: ~ ~ ~y ~ t ~, / :I' `!~l £rsi.-' r ..: 1 „' // ii ,' .. r ; ,~4 _ t ~ '!~' 7 , , `r :,~..~~ r ~ r. , „jH, ~ >~ ~ ~~ a.~,~ ~ ~" f { 1!1°l 4y, ~ ~ e. '~. *j • f ,t, ' , _ - I, ~ .8".~ art, j e ~ t .,.ti, ~,i '•~ _ ~ ~' ' ~ Tr• ! " ... `~ "r ' ' ~ r ~" r T j t• +t ^ - 1 ,~ Plryart r n~'p~ _ 9 ', ///t t.. i. tr' 1,._-~. ' 1 r .i -~. 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' - ."~ _, , _ ~' „~ _ . , f ' n ~ ~ - ~ . -; ~~` j/ r~- ~yyr 1 .~ , ,~ •,. ~ _ _ ~ ~, ~'~ ~ ,.; (k~~',~ _. • s /r (, ,; I 7. ~ _ ~I ~ ~',../rte ~~~,..~ ~~; ~i ,... r ~~ __-__, ___>.'i(-~ ' - ~. - _. - __' r ~ _ ..,_ .___.... ,r%....r,.~ ., ~._. .- ..poi, -~J_. , ~ ! bf e.r t +,.r e r ~ I .~;u rl' ,. p Y 1 1 f :` ~ ~/ i - "° ~ ,r~" ~' ~• ~ ' ~ ;~ ' ~~'~` ~~~ WITHERS ~~~ RAVENEL USGS QUADRANGLE MAP `i ~`"~' , ~•_ ~~ ~~ r • ~~' , ~: rb-; ~,.t~-~ , r(Fa~r~s ~ ~: ~,:.-„., WENDELLFALLS ';; ~ /` ,~ - ,,,MacKenaoDrive Cary,NolMCarolina i'l~ ~~7' J ~ ~ 1~ . - ~' ~ ~ ~.~ telephone. 919.4693390 mw.v.withersraveneLcom US-64/264 & KNIGHTDALE EAGLE ROCK RD /r ~ ~~ ? ~ r '" ~~ I ` ~~~ . ~~ ~ ~ ~ '~ ~ ' ~ r~ 1 ,, _ ~ - .'.~ _ . ( ~~ , - , ~~ ~ ~ - 1000 2 000 4 000 0 RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA `, f, __: / ~~_~~ ''''~ +, ~ \ ~ 1\' ~ ~' ' ~ Feet Southern Wendell B ass ~' '~ ~`'-a~~ J, ~ t l' ~ I ' ~ ~ ' ~ ~ 1 inch equals 2,000 feet YP / ~.. E ,f~-~ ~ K'10 50 6 2 6 010 526 7.O1GISIUSGS_11x17.mxtl Page 1 of 1 Todd Preuninger Subject: FW: FW: Wendell Falls: NCDOT Letter for Mitigation Credits Transfer From: Phil Harris [mailto:pharris@dot.state.nc.us] Sent: Tuesday, June 12, 2007 8:22 AM To: Sandy M. Nance Cc: Hatfield, Dean; Greg Thorpe; Elizabeth Lee Lusk; Rachelle Beauregard Subject: Re: FW: Wendell Falls: NCDOT Letter for Mitigation Credits Transfer Dean: In response to your inquiry about stream mitigation, I got with NEU staff this morning and reviewed our files. As part of this section of the project, NCDOT did impact 160 meters of stream that was intermittent. However, because this impact was to an intermittent stream, no mitigation was required per the permit. Thanks 6/12/2007 ~' Nl.1JU l -- ax ~ ~1 ~- ~~S-y41~ Jun ~ 1vU ( Y ~ 54 ' ertSW2a~ ' r' ~.~~~. S~~AT>v ol~ NoxTx CAkOI,~IA 17EPAR.~'~MENT OF TRANSPC?~27',A.~4N NI[CHAEL 1;. 1/tiSLEY GovcRNOtz June 5, 2007 Mr. Greg l"ezgerso.n Mercury I?evelopment 5660 Six Forks Road, Suito 202 Raleigh, North Carolina 27609 I>eaz Mr. ~'CrgErson: r. U;~ T,YNDO Tiv~~~t~r S£CRE'fARV As you are awaxe, tlae NC Department of Transportation (the Department) and Mercury nevelopn~ent (the Developer) entered into an Agreement on the 19th day of Januar}~, 2006; and a subsequerxt Supplemental Agreement on July 19, 2006, for the construction o#'a bridge and interchange and certain roadway improvements at rYlile zrtarlcer 427,on US G4/2~4 in Wake County, North Carolina, Under the terms of the Agreement, the bepartmetat agreed to certain mitigation conditions. Said xnitigatiota Conditions are as follov~~s: "The Department agrees to allow the Developer to utilize rho mitigation originally set aside #'or the impacts at the Eagle Rock Road interchange (R-25470), The specific mitigation erc:dits at this interchange (permit drawing sites 8, 9, and l l) are as follows: 1.09 acres riverine ~vetlaxtd mitigation (mitigation frorta Marks Creek site), 74,271 square l'ect of zone I bu#J'er mitigation (24,757 square feet zone 1 buffer impacts), and 22,928 square feet of zone 2 buffer mitigation (15,285 square feet zone 2 buffer i,npaets) 11.11 buffer mitigation was provided by NCJ7lrNR-1rJRP. The Developer is responsible for any mitigation above and beyo>«d what is provided by the lepartment, as listed above, at the pxoposcd interchange..f1..11 credits originally purchased by the Tepartment and not used by the Developer for the interchange shall revert baCl: t0 the Department." If you t~eEd fiuther informatiozt, please contact Phil kJams at 715-138x. Thank you. P project DeVeloptnent & Envirortm,etttal Analysis k3xatzch Q7T/sn MA141NG ADDR88S: TGIEPHOwff: 918-)33.3141 LOCATION; NC aF pARTfA~NT OF TRANSPORTATION FAX: 919-733-9794 TRAN$AORT~TION BUIL LING PROJECT tjEVECO9NiENT ANO ENVIRONfdENTlu. ANA~YgtS 1 $OUFH Wq,AiINGTON STREET 154$ MAIL SERVICE ~iFNTEfi In/cQCrrs~ 1IAAAA/ AnIJ h/1T OMAYC aln i In n„~,,,,,,,,,, Nt;llt) I I' ax ~ ~:l ~- r~.5-~JU:L~S Jun r ;LUU r t5 ~ 55 r. U~ ~ ~' Mr. Greg Fer~;erson 7unc 5, zaa~ Page ? cc: Deborah Barbour, ~'E , Preconstructioz~ Director Waily Bovvrztan, !'E, Division Eugiz~cer ~'hiI Harris, PE, PDE.A Chris ,Haire, P$, k2oadway Design Sandy Na».ce, S~IA Df~cc CF ilOnlN Cr'aJ. %~ :~;~, ~} ~, ~ .~M.'~f iF~N6.• STATN. o>: NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 1591 itiLAIL SERVICE CENTIiR, RALEIGH, NC 27699-t>9t TO: Dean Hatfield Louis Berger Group Phone: (919} 461-3885 Fax: RETUC~NING SUBMITTAL NO.: NA FOR: R-2547C_As Builf plans Design d ubmittat Response DATE: 4!19/07 TIP NO,: R-2547C COUNTY: Wake FROM: Virginia Mabry ~~ Alternative Delivery Unit {919)250-4128 cc: File DATED: NA RECEIVED ON: NA FiESPQNSE: ^REVIEWE=D, NO COMMENTS x(~COMMENTS AS NOTED BELOW LJREVISE AND RESUBMIT OTHER COMMENTS: Dean, Per your email request, attached are the as built plait sheets from -L- sta 130+00 to -L- eta 144+00. i have also attached additonal sheets where the future Interchange was shown. Regards Virginia DISCLAIMER; By reviewing plans ahd submittals, the North Carotins Department of Transportation in no way retteves the Design-Build Team of passible claims resulting from errors or omissions. The reviews and comments by the Department are cursory in nature and do not involve in-depth design review. N a ~~ r 0 a g Q 0 0 a ..,..,~ ,,,,,,.,T" ninRTH CARni iNO - SHFFT NIIMRFR h7 ' n w L Y'• •1 ~' ~ ~ `N \ iA .t ~ , ~_ Y O "'YY~~ ~ N'•ARUTH &WHITLEY HE i '~ ~ .. ~. ~ } C) j ~O I ~ M~ I 1 LL z J r ~~ ~9 \\ ~~ +\ ~2 9 t Oh ~9 43 t\ \ 9~ O C,~ t y~ SF 4i \ FIT oOM~ C TOE OF SLOPE DAeIN ISEE DE:n. St'cE' 2) M ~T -L- S~ T S1o.130+!0.094 f- 2GI FS 3.6 PS a oI N 1 '^ 3b PS ~} Pn SD^'-~' t 3b PS 4 IR~ w N 4 ~~ ~~ 83 ~p,0 O.TEMPLE SlOAN and wif0, CAROL C. SLOAN ~ FILL E3;ISTING CNANHEI `~l }` EST. 10 Ch! NAT~1 ,CHANNEL DESIGN !SEE DETAIL SHEET 2C> ` 1 ,~ e Z 3b PS 1 r n,+_ 4~ 7^; FS G1 FS Loa -BL- 100 StEt.l33+54.427 II! (-L- S1oJ30+58.320 6b47 RTl TOE Of SLOPE DAMN ~ ISEE DETAIL SHEET 21 __ __ ---~---C ------C -_--__C C ------C _.-_----~ ~ ~~ C _ .--_- ! ~ C /i'~ _ ~ C /i'1 3s RUTH B, IVHITLEY HEMS ET AL -L- THE iNE lPA CROUP of North Carolina D•a LPh P /90f koteedo,w'Court, SWln [d ~AOIA° RoblOh xarn CoroRno y1B0Y iMnSIDRfATl0t1 faYVliANiS _ I RALPH M9A'7fHEA0 ASSOCIA7C5, NC, _. ^ CGYfU1TWC ENGMCCRS Narlh Carafina Con a o ur Pg715 _ Yyd '" J /J 'IJN Ls - 120.000 LT = 80.020 ST = 90.018 AEV1S10NS ,N^^"yw RYYB G{~Jy' EAD LL13r 14R II-Ot-01 GUIDfflAll REYI3IDN e `o t_q >l~- JAr -09- REYIGCD CHANNEL DESIGN 1 ~ CiH 12•I7~0 REYISCD i0E Pfl01[CYI00 SYUBalOOY PLRL~O C [[/OG d+ J CiN D12A•01 - AOD NrORAUtICi SLAL Sl NJyw JLS la7-O3 AEV15(9 10C 1% SLOPE ORAIIIS gLti'{Si0N9 CONI7NUED DSP 1-01.03 ACLIJSf TOR COtIS1AUti]Otl ~ piE 3•ISiA AS WILT PLANS ~~-~-""•'• ^' ^"^"^" un AY, DATFi DFStR[/1108 OP AEL'IS]ON -- C--- L^ •~ 1~-yA ~ i ~ ~ ~ `\ ,`., \ . ,.._.__.. ' BUFFER 20NE i ~~ i ~ ~ ~ ~~ -i - \~ ` ~ Bt1FFER TONE i~'~\ ~ ai 5. 0 >d FOR -L- PROFILE SEE SHEET ; O N LOGGED AREA CR055 VANE SEC DETAIL SNEEi 2G C__--. "E' 7~V 70.0 ~..._._.._.* ~r 7 \~~ 115 ~~ `~'~ ~ ; ~ `~ Fk- S f~ U3 ~~ BECIN SNiO & i~ -L- Sta132+2 r \ l _ -~-3.6-PS-_._ 9~ \ ,~~ ~ T \ ~I I ~~0.. \. NF \ rir w { 3b PS '' ~i 1 i ~~ ( 3b PS it r~` " ~ A \ \~ / +I Y i1 \ ~I 3b PS 9 6RPU-350 ZGi TYPE A FS S6Ag1O y UE 3TN' ~ ~r 4 S . ~ ~ --- --'-C~ `~~ C ~ ~ ~ / CLASS 'I' FIPAAP C EST. 13.5 61TN C E51.25.1 SAI FR. FAH. SPECIAL D1TCH ISEE OEl A0. 12, S I{EET 2FI ~~ r ~2 \ DRRWN BY: THIS EHlf7 IS SEILfO OIAf fOR TMC RS•Rllil] , CIiECRCO BY: CONOISIONS WCUUENI[0 iAROWiH TNL R.r.l. AW P.LD l1At PRO'Stf BY INE CONTRACTOR. 1X15 VCDIA SXAII Iqi BL CONSIDCREO A Daollmont Control Number L Cfpi[LItO DOfUMl:1. TXIS RECORD DOLUV[Nl DRlOENALLY ]SSUCO ARO SCALfO BY' J07LN kJ01WSDN, pOADKAY DESIGN LNGTNECR, If[ENYC NJV>!LF ]At15 ON II-D5.01 AND SLGCO FdDnunC Br s. X£NRY RCLLS, Jk LnGAASAICS LHGINE[R, LICENSE X'UUOER E33f q. IS-0O~Of SHIEt '~ ~ I ''1 1 ~~ ~ Il i I \`~ i vF 1 1F 1 .'~ ~* CLASS 'I'\MPPRAP EST.19.9 AA1.N OE P. TECTION '~~~ ~ EST.5~8 SM `~IL.FAB. 11~EE 0~4 B.SHEE1 2 ~` \ \ ~ 4, 69,0 1~E0. \ ~ ~ ~ \ 39 i\ ~ LA1,~~1 ~ ~~! \~ \ \ ~ O,TEMPLE SlOAN, JR, and ~'1 '''~ wlfe, CAROL C, SLOAN '~, ~ F ~ ,',',l . f , ~ / 'v ~K ... .~ ~ K ~' o~ ~ ~ ~ /i I S .k ..Y - " . ~___- f1AfE Di MOAIh [ARC:INt DATE: DEPkftTMEN7 Of TRAN~F~~~A`T~ DATE: RALUCH FINAL PLANS STA. 129140 TO_ STA. 133 •H 00 .t ~ -~' ~ 1 ~~ " -RPCY101- -L- ~'~ V; tt,, ~~~ R/W SHEET N0. -f5 %'` P!s Sta !35+38.600 Pf S1a 137+(1,580 '~•.. ~~ Bs a 3' 49'!IA' ~ = 16' 48' 43.9' (R7/ ~ ~ '~ 1~ T~lp~~ T=13~2,.9~98 ' v; F ' t~P ~ . ' i iCe ~ ,~ i ~, O ~1 ;''~ ~ ' , / ~*/ 39 FOR -L- PROFILE 5EE SHEET 31 i +p0 r , ' O.TEkPLE $iOAN cnd wife, BUFFER 20NE 1, x O `i `. CAROL C. SLO~N ~ 1 ' ~ ', ~'x/ O.TEI6PLE SLOAN,~R, and 48 !157.48'1 ,, .,1 1 I ! ~ ~ DUFFER ZONE x w'Ire. CAROL C. -LOAN j792lF124.41'1 ~~ , \ ••_.%i ! 1i ( ; ! a6~~;Spe * 46 (150.92'1 C / ~l~ ,.. i ( II N I M1 ~, ~ ` N i / sob ` 3599 unaa7 class 'r RIPRAP •• ~. ~ w x O EST.S,O EtTN '+..._,r O e~ (z h~ i o I L ~ EST. 12,0 SN FA.,FhB. // i i O o 0 o I PREFORMED SCOUR NOTE 1G ~ TI + ( \ )tB"'•-.._.._.._.. 1 111., •.. "~,~ BUFFEtif ZONpp/ ~, -L- TS 510.134+!i8581 _. _._._.. f1. 1 ~ Iii m~1 SEE SHEEt 2•I ,°~ ,.,k..._.._..•~-•~/ ~~~ i.,~ ~~ ', ', \ ~ r:;irORA;:o SCUUIt MOLL _ ' ~+4.94') ~ ( 4 i I~~ ! 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GUTTER !AV 68.7 \ t'' ~\ f // r~l .rk': •, ~-~ ~ C~ ~ f j ~--7~ ~ ___ - _- _. -L- StDJ33+GO \ 1 _~ \ ~ ~ ; .. ~. .w.._.._.._.._..L - - x \ .., ' "" ___ ='-'_` / ti n Cam` f , \\ r ~. `~~t'\' 1~9 ~5o CsP --- - F1/;K' ~ '•, ~ 120 ~'~.~ `k ~. - - -~ _r--^""_~ /~ ~ ~, ~ r .~-r _-___ w/ ELBOYiS ~. 1rz -~- }- -•=~' '``~.~1--.:..-:~ r x - -----rr i -GRAU-35D-(' ' ;16 ~ ~ ^ ~`~~ f i~J/ `~---'~._.. ...~11 - (FLAT T _ - - "~ - --`-- '- _~i - - - - - -- ~ -CAT-1+5925 _ -----~ % y ~_- - •- / ~ 42 PS B;/ +'45 ~ \ _ 42 PS ~ \ ~ ~ ~/ PROP.CABLE 3L PS r ~ _ --` 3b PS 8:! 1 y\ ~ m, - D SHLD.BERdi CUr1E ~ ~ J .,_ / ~/~I` \o - ..~• o ~~~ >,\• ~ 0~' GUIDERJJL ~ z ,R '•r.. ~ 9' \ - ul --" 35 PS _- _ r I !34 2 - .: `. 1 `,~ ! 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N.f. 2A2.55 ~-..: ; ;1 ',.''~.; i i REVISIONS RSL 5•IS•04 AS BOIIi PIWS SIR 11.01.01 WI~BAIL REVISION $i JAf }:Uy-0 IWED OISSIIA70R 9 DSA 1$12.0 WOII]EO PFSN ® OS/ 1.090] AElLlSfwiOA CONSfNKfION r/rAA9ann'pff/ IA9 ,~H ~A'~()( iAA' "~l~EES!!0 4 ( • `] 8 2 1 ~ J 'y'o '~INE';i`a LP4fine ]AS~IZ~DG Pls Sta 0+43.394 Pl S1a (+93,279 ~s = 659.0" L - 2 8682.3"1871 LT = 43.348 R = 4~a000 ST = 21.680 I _~-a-- ftA1E 0E NORIN CRRtr,INA I __-.oRARN BY'--------'--DATE` DEPARTMENT Of TRANSPORTATI( 1HT5 fHEEI If SUUO ONLY fOR iNC FS•Wlli DATEI c6HDlrlom oocuuNlEO nROUCH IHE A.f,1. CIIECxEO BYI-____ ___- auncx AND ACO LILAC PApDF1f BT INf Cd11RACI00. iHl1 NFD]F SX.EII NO7 8E COrIS10EAro A Document Canwl NumbBf i FINAL PLANS [CAflf][0 OOGUNC2R. TIIIf PLCONO 00[UOINT OAIGINAILY ISSLQO Ala] SEALED AY,IpNK10NNTON,pOADNAY O[f16N STA,133.1'00 fQ.,STA.136+60 ENCINEEA,CIttNS[ 9AAI0[A 22115 011 IIdA-0A AK1 S[AILD Fleacme i ~ - BY a•MEIRT RFlIt,,Iq,'IIT~ItAU_IC$ ENGlNICA, L:[E16I NJNB[A 9531 ON 11.16.04 S,glF9 - ! ,~ ~ „_,, ' ~ ~ Q ny O,TEMPLE !LOAN, JR. and wlfe, CAROL C. !LOAN ~ x i ~ ~ 4 ~y 0o i~ 'i ~ ;% (~ i! M 40 ~~ _ ~` ~ ;' CHOPO r32b68 ~1 ~~ ~~ 40!131.27'! -! ,T- 1 ~~ ~ a ~ y M KF ~~ i +t2t>ss ~~'' ~ ~t dx ti~ ' ~' " ~%' ~' I ~ J / ~ (~ / i'' i i' O r f ~ k / ~~'V / .., \' /~'~i /iii ,j~ / k Y4, 1t ,`~L\\_ _-~~.~`' C +\ b FE ~~' ~ ' C, ~'i'~ iii' ~ // `~ ;l ~ + ~~ 0 ~ APl~ i i j ~ 1 + .:'~ ~.'~ ~' if j/a° ~~ ~~ ti o .. / ~~i~~N 2 ~~~~ +/-,i+ zci -L- CS Sto.138+92.667'~,~•, "~ iii/i ~~~ //•` •WC `. ~~' .i' %, ~i' f GROP.CABlf ~ .-`' 'F f[] ii' ) OJlDt"RNL /'j ~%~ ~' ~ Q R P r' ~ +~•i , `~ Q t; D - ii',;' r.7 128 P ~' ~ .9 ~ ~ ~ cv 1~3 ii °~ y&a 1;; P 2Gi y p 10 g SHED 23 MpTCNW>~~ 6- 1 alt it 11 111 11 11 1`` Gll ~\~\ ~~s p~ W ~ ` {7~ ~ \~~ ~0\ `\ J~o ~} ~ ~ ~ ~~\ ~\ ~ - ~ w~~~ i29 ~~~~\ ~~7GI \ e' FS I ---_c- - ____ - POR -L- PROFILE 5EE SHEEP 32 ~~F 11 a ~\ ,~~ Ikd~ \~~ ~ \ ~ \\ ~ -L- ST Sta.(39f62.6~ .~\ ~--_- \ \\~~~ •~~ ~~. ro °o k_ fii 13{ N 453E O N ' I%~ .'%m~ ,? ~ ~, ~ ~' _ ;,- ~ ," ~+~1 ; `a\~~ ~ a7 ES --~` `_'. ---;. -~ -~. - ~- _> 130 / ----_ 777 ~ ~^ ~ --Y ~_~ "y^ ~ n 1ii'~• ~ ~y ;µ7,. SPECIAL DITCH ~ } ---~ "~' Z ~ ~,~ , ~ I, ~ii"}~! ~/~fl'~ i? ISEE DETAR 2, 5(ffET 2F} ," )(7! B FS x' V ij 2G1 /~~,:• ~y J~ ~ +~r~TJ _~_ ~ 16 +\~1°r 124 ~,%',%~ ~`; ~ Js r -'~ l ~ ~~'~ L ~ ~,~^~ _ ;'~~ _rA~ ~,~,t -~ ______~ __----~ '---- ~ ___-C3a ~,'~~ C -_ ` W 2 rn O Q 0 Q I W z r ~1^y. -~; , c~ ~ ~ qii ~k `~, , ~ i~ ~ti r ! o,, ~x J~ r 1 1 ~I 1 ,1~ () x~ ,x I~ ; ' IA ~~ L ~, %~~ ~, } '1 tip, i, ', t ~~ `~~~ ,~ ~\ t Y` ~~ 1 +. ~ ^' s\~, f~ 0`;. ` ;i ~\\ r °„ ` C ~ C G1-6 (i -~ ------C ___- ~"C ~ -BL- 143 Sfa,140+79727 -8L~ I04 Sta.142f24.0A 7 f-L- Sta,l37f92.~1H3'~t5'3&-~~J-_._ (-L- Sta.1.39+90,764 24.563 RT1 +~° \~A'~°' j~ j% + "max--, ~' \ FUfUAE RAATP + / lll•:f'• x`~T , bh + Bf OTHERS ~'~.. ~0 ,~ Y /+ ~ ~ t f `-~~~ rAARES~eREex NIATCHLIN>; LPCYIDI -L I~ MlncnnoN sITF STA,1+40 SHEET 24 o 5~~598 4~3g~RT) B's St3'~~3 ~~- L = 269.085 Ls = I?.0.000 T = 132.998 LT = 80.01 R = s~.ooo sr = ~o.ot7 5E=07 y 4 ,S ; ,~ i+~ ~~ i /,% +~, ~ , 1~,% ,' l +~ / /+ „/~. :; IPA TIIC CPA CABUP of North CaraMno,D.O, GADUP ~_^ 190N Pruf+sebro'Cw~i, SWb YOB AW5101IA1W tM61L11N1S AdaI0h Nor+h [a oAno 71EC9 RALPH WMIfNEAD ASSOrATFS, A4G CONSUL 7MlG ENDNCfRS S P.2 aox JSEt/ CNA(hOTlf, kC. 78775 earth GaraN~a Ca ~ ItEV1510NS ~ asE d=is-BC _ As Bunr nAxs Q IL& Ik0/-01 4UIDCAATI REVISION ® OSP 1.0!-07 RELEASE (OP CONSIAUCIION .. -.-. w..me..n~ m orunl0x vsfµq+rrurpt ~~`ws~~~ ~'~ w01 /~~'~ "~ 118892 sF J .. `,o~~~ i(Nio~ S~yW p 6 THIS SNEEI 15 SLAtfO ONLY FOA INE AS-BUILT CPYOETIO'IS D4rUSRNIEO LNROI~x ilY A.I.1. N'J RCP IfNE PROCESS BY 7KK CONIPACIOA. DAfikN DYI CNECAEO BY: - iNI3 AFDIA 51u1L NOl KK COHSIOFAEa A tEAlifl[000C10AEHi. -------n~----- DotumOntWatfflTNumbel illlf PECORO 000UYENI OAI01NALlY 1SW(O txO fEA'C0 Br JOIM NJDNHSaN, POAOWAY OffION L]CINS[ NWB(A 72415 ON 71-0f-01 AN0 SCALED ER~LI'CP , Ai k.l$AYIY FELLS,JArNAAAIXIl3 EN01MC[A,LICEHSf ~llmaroc r AJNBER NU/ ON I7.16A/ SPLF{ S1Aif P( tla+iN CIAOCIHI DATE: DEPAAI'MEN7 OF TRANSPORTAT? GATE: auElal FINAI pIANS 5tA,13b+64_TO 140+04 .~µ Y ~~ I -8Y101- 6 StaJlf34.803 1-Y101- S1at6t34.602 11 ~ m 11+1 11 ~ Sl 1111N 11} l1 11 11 11 +6!.059 -L- 11 Il SD (Ib4.047 Itl 111 11 11 1t 11 Il 1,11 lyll ~/S~A,~Q k .TI 11 ,c :~~~ J9 O,TEMPLE SLOAN, JR, and wlfe, CAROL C. SLOAN iATERAL DITCH ISEE DETpIt IS, SHEET 2FI M li.! w :~ In c> O .M r- ti 17 I w Z I H FOR -i- PROFILE SEE SHEET 32 ~ Tfffll~~ -._ __ _- _._.. - .. REVISIONS ~pallmpar~ DRAWN DY: ObTE: sort or NoarN [wa,na ~A~,~1HE lPA DNOUP B+ NoriN Cxo11n0,p.o. `p~`It CAf~~b1~ rxts sx;[r Is sEltto aver Foa mt Ps-auto - DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATIO' ~~~~ . 1901 AroieuknOitoDrl, fun. iot ~ _ o~'~F"ESt ta10ITI0xi OoCUAENfCO TINIOUCII rIN Af,l. CNECNED BY:,_ GATE: autfNN E P 1N0 AED LiNt AROUff BY iX CON1AAOi0A. iQ~ 1AINS/OA141DN f0At0.1AI15 RMJ9h, NoHn [araAno !1609 Fj ``~ IIt11 A+COIA 7X41 NOT b( CONSIDERED A iW -~. __ ASE S-IS-06 A7 AUIU lIWS (/,1~~ CtA7(FI[D OofUNCN6 DooumllK T."0AR01 Num4rr 1 ~s (~ ~ TNES RCCOAO OOCWFNI OAIDIIIAItr 155UFD ~ TDR 11'10-01 -- MV75[b WIOtAAlI 9 9 FINAL. P1AN$ R4LPR N7atENFAD ASSDLMIFS, AYC. f ~ AIrD SCAtFD Nr ,NIX N. UOIW5014 PO1011AY DESIGN - CDRSIk iM0 ENGME'RS 4 QSP ]t li-0 Atvtsto Dna n !a~1e Etu90tam ArsA ,JO NCS~t~• C P` ENG]REA, LICENSE NUDGER !2115 OH 11-18.01 AND f[AIED ::~ . North CerMl(oa ~~ ~i b .• er N,!NNrer Nnts.mmBAxIxICS txftlrcFA,uGENSt FdmAme 1 .w3 .~ P,0.80X 756P1 cRARtottF,uc.zez7s ® osP i-o9•os RntASt FOA GousTAUtuoN '4yN E' j,+,,t~~`"/ NUUBEA 9771 ON tl•16-01 STA.140+DO 70 STk.143+00 '"" xo Bn out. OEI[RIPi70N O! ACYISION 1j11UIlU1 `~I IDG - SRtES 1~ k ~o sN~~ q3 r~~~"`~Nk ~ ~;~ _ ,r r. ~. PREFDR7IED SCOUR HOL • D = I,Sm ~ SEE SI~Ei 2-1 `~-8Y101- Sfa,lOft0114 i` ~ t-77C1t'= Sta,t ~I~JT3--~A2fI' ~y~ ~ Q 10 Np. `: ~:-~. ~+ .,RF ~~~ °rHF `~~ ~~~Rs ~;~ ~~~~, ~ , II ' II ~ C ~I:ET ib II p 4 ~' k I l ~ ~ Y`p~. S~ P' 1b t11I f -J,l„ ~ t,1Nti ' 11 111 li\ '..".; ~ ~ 11 ~ 1 N ° It 11 \\ tike - ~!.~,,s„'-,.~ 1 11 \1 ~ 111 A 111 1\\ ~ \\ ~ 11 ~' 11 ~o\~ ~ M 11 \\\ ~%~~ ~ ,~ Ijy 111 11 C,~-~ ~ " ~7 11 ii 11 G3 J ~~ ~~~ ,-RS=~ 33'fC'f3 _ - ~I 11 ~\ ~~ _ -~` Wig{ OiHE ''= '--~~ 11 ~~ ~ ~~ - -- -- - --- _ -- = F~uR R ~r 6 _ _ - j1 ~1 = - ------ _ - -- 11 Il - _ - ^^-J` __ _._~ -BYIOI- r ~.''.12+34.°99 Il --=`-___`__=___-___--_--- _ (-Y10l- Sfa,Rt34,Uy~ ^`Yl2 RTJ 11 41 __- --- -- --_-___ _ _ _ W __---- - - - -_---RPCY101-- - N 70'03`22,4"~ ___- -_----_ -_--__- _ .._ ____ _"-------------------------------___--____ ---~--_-_________ vJ -,~ _ ~ ~~ TIIE lPA GAWP Df Mor }h CaroNna, p,0. efD• Prc!esflarw~tov~t, 3xife ADi r< P.Ably; A'arth Cadlna 7760: R.11PA! NHIIE,fcAO A550„G lES. AYY.'. CDNSVI ilYG fMCNEE115 '1 P,O, Box 3567( CNAJtiOJIF, f1C 2BIS5 w x V I1E475IOT<S 1faTUrtnyrr `- ~ ,~d4ti0,~AA0l~., iKJS sxi[r Js sEU[D DNIr rGA lNE As-eu:ll t~% `ksj~~ CDxDI TONS DONUINiiO TNAN(d1 THE Af.i. li Q ~ J~Q S Aµ1 Ai0 IJNi PABCESS BY iNE CO%IAACiDA. -- v , INJS INDIA SHALI NDI BE Cq,SIDEAEO A S '~ + [ ~Q~~~~ CEATIrlEO OOCUNENI, qj WV91 1 ; 1N1f AECOPD OOCUNCNT DNIGJNAIIY ISSUCO G J AND SEA:ED Br JDNN NJdu130R, AOaeAAY DF<.Iu ~91'l{1 Caroilaa eas llG a ASE s•IS-al As eu;lr rutn ~p~' ~'~.' 1N1.EpA'Q ~ Ex~IxEEA,IJEIxsE Nlwgg„tAns qN 1-o~•os Ar snuD ~, 4i // Q ~\ BY r.. HENAr NCII i, JA, HTDAAU ICS [NGINECA, I:CENif OSP 1.Of-D3 ALlFA3E rpA C017SiP,UCTION IrrrNtlllllll\1 IISY ~/ N.il®CA 9711 ON T-11.OS „n e.. n.rr. ~ r.e.ar.M, ..r nr,...,~„ Sfu~OG "^ ROAOkckY DESIGN ENGINEER ONl.B'N BY':- DATE, CHECY,ED 311 OATEt, Apmafnent Cooo-ol Nlwbm f rJ~~ t JHEES H1'OnA9QCi EA~SiNER 51Ai[ Gi rtoATe [xAO:IxA DEPARTMENT OF TAkNSPORTdTInf~ AAl[10N FINAL PLANS ., wnuryt u'CY101 60 Sµ~~ 1bP ~ ~~~(~' STS, 1+4 ~~ q I 0 1,1 ~~ I'yi 'it ~ '~~~~ yll A, A ~ .. ~P y l 111 111 ~ 111 C P n r J a 0 O I N d } 0 m m N H m Y O C T n 0 O h J Q C P N O e m c 1 u a v c ^o 0 oa N `a NQ \~. JI U ®THE LOUIS BERGER GROUP, Inc: 1513 Walnut SVest, Suite 250 Cary, North Carolina 27511 o so wa } Y jr I + :.~ ~ I~ r o''-~'; 1~ } .t : . . i l ~ ~ ~ 'ii J O~,p lit .T I l t ' N F pN t ..` o m u !, 11 , INCOMPLE E PLANS OD NM Ufl NM /~ AOOVMRWN PRELIMIN RY PLANS 001101' Ws O0NlT0VCTpN ' i (A i it 1 t~: i I J l l i A~ i4 -; i . -- ~ , ~ I - ~ Y101 ~ , , ~ , ~ ; I ,,{ 1 1 r , -~ , 1 ~ *.i7 1 ~~ ~~~;. i , 1 f ! ~ _ I ;t t 1 t s r~(101 103+8 00 EL 284 16 =1 I j %"rl I ~~~ 0 I 1 I ~I a .• I { __Ll_U .. ~ 7 _ '} , ,r'~. ~;. F"''~-- {l. .: r. nt, <;,... y,.t , "7 :; b.. j. _.i.: .: :..- s . ... rill .~,.. - _i ~. ~ f{ t-~;1-. ~ .-t Li,_ _ ... _260 _~.'-; .. ': '; . :' _: ma.. '' `~;!~ I 1{10 ..260_.. f _ Y W. _ .: : . i. ~ - I ~~ 250 ~ ~, i ~ . ~ j _. ,.I. _ l j '~ .~; ~ i ~{ ,~ ~~ ~ ~ _ ~ ~. ~ ~ _ 250 . ~ , ~~ _ _ ~ ~ - 1 i ~ _- } ( f _ - I ~ ~ - _,_.._ ~_.;_ ! _ - ~~ { ~ - WLYEAI~pVA SUVYAW ~I ~~ 72~ ACA' - ~' i _.--.~-. ~~ ~ ~' ~~~ ~ ~ aesc+~ osarvr~ - yes cfs tx~ iN 21e 2 _~. ~ ~ ( I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - _249 ~'~ . ~', ~ -: .. ~ _ -ECSr,.fxcau,~r • wYRS ;. I i 240 . ~ p 44~4rr**28 +- t i - ' :.. ~ `, .:, I OESG4 f0i+/ MATER EM15 Fl t~ ~ ~ _.. -_. , t ,_ ~ , .. I :~ ~' ~ - L AV YR G'SCxARGE +65 EES ' ~ I ~, - '. . - ~ ~ ' i _ Yft xGx WATER 2M.M F7 ~ _ I I ~/ f {I Bdr ~ 6 ^POi ~ 6~s >. ___.. ;r r ,. r ..- 1.: I .: •- '.. ... , .. i : ~ ..: ... `' aERiCPPpG f1000 EfLV M/A fT ~ i_ 1 .. i ..: .__~ ._ .. .. ~~. I I Y .~ r~QF Y~~":STq 10~f12.~ ' t ~ I 1 ~ ~ aERTA°fx:G fREOVEAVY M/A YRS s ~ t r`~q'~ ~' j ,. I 1 _ ~ t ! ~i~7~ aERra;rrr»G ascxARSE x/A tf E4 ~5J j 5 SEE SHEET 8 FOR PLAN VIEW _ j, ~t ~ _ I r I ~ 111 ~ t ~, Y E 1 I : i - _ ~.; ,' 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 145 _.; ~ , ..1 _. - - - - . ~ } ' & Y4 _ ` ~.. ~ - Y10 - I ~ t t~ .~ .. JJ _ ° ~ : r ~: t~--~ - ..-r T ~ - ;--.-,_'"" '*,-.-,.-.., . t.~,,. -. Y,,,t - T -J., t'L. t •,r -{:rte- o is T t - - I _ *t i 1j - r ;. , .. ~ -, _ ,'` . .. .. t` .~ ~ t t I I I 1 f ,-r F~ 1 II 1 1 {{ Y.:` 7.'. . 1 ,' ., ~ -~. r-.- . ' , t ' t 1 ' I i , , : > I~..I, I, ..1 I - t ~ t~ ii ~I ~{~ .t F~ '~. I ~~~t ~ 1f4 I_. !.~ ... _._ n, t ' ~ {{ , , .. ., _ - - 4I I 3l0 t ,.,.,:._ . ,_:-,...t... :: ;~~._ . _.: .. ;.. .:- t j_ 01"~ R~'123g7ps9 _.31.0_... K _. rt: 11 :.'i'.. ~: 1 t :: I:.'. -::~' ~. ._I,... ..li ~~ _«I ~.. 1,. :F +1 ~1 !~'_ _ z i f _ C + l m Iy ~ t- ',~ 1 ~ f K ,10Q1 ;. _ ,t. = .. ., 1 ~ ~ , 1; ~ 1 f ~'{ tY10{ ~ 115+5 38+EL 89.29 a~.~ ' { _ i I II ~ 2 ~Oo-33 A ~ ~.. ~ } ~ ~ 7i' ...300. : ', . ~ , . .' _ `Y ~ _ _ m_304._ : : ..' n ~ ~ --~, .1 - - - - .. P ,~ ~ ~ ~ '~ ~ }, ' i~ ~ .~. ~ ~~ ~ I. _ .. +~ ~ I I ~~ ' _290 ~ ~~ ~ I ~. L. - i ~~ ;I ~' _- ~ iso~ ~ ~ ~ .290_..- C ~ _ ~~_ .~ _ 1 1 .I. 1~.. I. '., 1. ~~ ~ :~. ~.~'_ i. 4 2'i I I ~.l I.... ~ j _,_ ~." ~ t o _280 ~ ~ i ' ~ ~ ,~, i i ~ ~ _ ~ .280_: ;' i - t I . 1 ` I ~ l ' ~ _ . _ ; . a i._ ~ 1 I _ ~ ~ 270. ~~ VC 40~r50 00 ! ~ ~ 1 ~ ~ __. P~ '~~3 A?IRT ~blOj ' f ~_- -~ ~ z ~ i, i o ~ i ~ ~ ~. ~ j 12Tf5't7 OF -YIOl- $TA l14+29F9i ~ i _2b0 ~-}y,1as~ ~,.~+1.2~7~so I ~~ ~ I ~ ~I I I 1 I ~ i I. ~ ~ ~~ -1285.52 ; ~ ~ ~ ~~ I ~ i ~ ~. ~ J ~ i .26,0_ a -- ~ ~ I I { I 1 '~ f ~ ~ 1 1 ' ~ 1 °~ ~ I ~ ._ 'I ~, ~ i I ... : _ ~ . _250 ~;,. ~ ,:: ,- ~~;_.. , .. ;_ .I .,;. ;~; i _ ~; _ - 1 - -1 1 '1 :I~ ~ --250__. $n.~ SEE SHEETS FOR~PLAN VIEW :~ ~ i ~+ ~ ' ~~' - ~ l~I. _ it , ,i.~~.' Lit _t ~ ;,~ r 1 ..il }~ 1 _ '~ li' ° I- t ', t ~ I I'~ ~o~ ~ . , :-. ~.. , ~ T ~, . : ~ , .: ,r :::, . , ... ,:, ~ ~,~ 105 lOb 107 10B 109 110 111 11Z 113 114 115 10 11 12 13 ~" ~~; . -Y16- Pls Slo lI+I©,94,3 P! S1L, 13+14.7'/2 P!s Sla 15+OS 423 E1s = 2 05'00.5" ~ = 24' 0~' 462' ILTI 9s = 2' 05' ~5' Ls = 60000 L = 346, BO Ls =60,000 LT = 90003 T =175932 Lr =40,003 ST = 20003 R = 825000 ST = 2D.003 ~J -- ~ , ~ ~4 ' ~ I I ~ j ~ ' \ . ~ ' ' JI 32 4 ~ I 1 I ~ ROBERT E. FOWLER,JR, ) / L t U ' ' { r eFCrH con7srRUCrrou ; -YI6- POr Sia.10+00.00D i T ' ' ' 1 ~y 1 ~ ~ =j 375 CN? ------r" ------- ,. ~.----~r' s~ zW's suran77p as $e es ! ~---~ « ~y1~~~~HE lPA CROUP of North Co^dltw, p.a { ~1P~c uol Pro+n.tonarto,,rl.Sultc tm w tAAhi/DAlA1DA W°llluNi Acblpn, KOrtn Ca: olMa 21609 «p ~ Nix ~w' ~gp RA(PH MiCi(NFAO ASSA'YA7C5, INC. ~~ ~\/i~A C0.V5(k71NG FN02hYR3 wa 7!'~~ -.Q DOX 15624 CH.IRC077C, N.C, 202J5 , wu. }ll;'~'iS10RS 6 _ ~7 ~3 _ _ AS[ 5-IS•Ai ~arlh Caroll~a a r ~~9pp <lN IsA.°l- yp 0SP 7.09.01 ~~ B ~N~esg6.1pS~FkI D. nElff°~ 1 J/ ~ ., ~ ~ 34 ^ ,o NhN a °0 6UCNELIE ~ ~ ELLIOTT SPENCE ~ ~1! S r l f • f 33 i I ( ~ T I ( ~C ~~~ f ROBERT OVEABY 1 I I N~ ` I I ;, ~r r m i ' N rr 7 1 g { +09 -Y16- LT dOQ ( ~ I g I I ~ai i ~ I I =1 1 ~ f Ex kA ~ ( . L JOO f. 2or D's EX,R/14 i ,v £X.R/1Y i a 20 !65.62'1 CLASS 'p' AIPAAP 30 (98.43'1 r I _ 15.710 I I +OB.i 20 T6! ECIAL DITfH E DElA0. l1,SNEET 2FI EST. 4.5 NTN EST,IE7 Sfl FR..fAB, I 5p'Riq ~ 1 ~ , f ( It ~ ~ , EIlD T DTECT~ ~ Yl6- Sr Sta. f0+78.990 j ~(( I~ „_ I IS El All B, SMEE~ 2F1 I ( I I fi)8940 II. 0 I ¢ t I \fi30 + ~DUFVCn\zDn ~ ,, \ 20 rsssr, f ~, j ci ~G I al ' ~ \ - ~ r EX. R~IV 1 15 Hx \ ~ . .. .. ~ i , ., %a R~ AAA~9N ~, ~ ~ 1 A N HS TSY_ ~ / 600 I L ~ '~ 9T1 . S~ . ,= _ _ CONC IW ~ ' - - {,p5 1171' - A ~ 17611 2 179 I 9'13'2 - wRT'~_-- a ~ --7=YTb'°-- -~ ~ -'--__ - a _._ _. 1 7. t°xc XN x791 ' -~-~._~ - - _ A _g25 N 7~eil n a. ~ REId RR . --C-- _ J-__---~ APES ~ti ~ '' E ` x78940 E I _ .. ` a I ~ `.~ 15 (4921'1 { Vl ~ ~ fi20 t '-I ~^v^_ i ;44 i ' fi09P30 lBJ49 !5953'1 ~ 20 (64Id1 15 (492YiG ' ~ T8 1591J6 1 ; ~ 1 18 (5905 CLASS 'I' RIPAAP ~ i i ENO 1200 pit kA4 FENCE EST. 51.7 u1N ~ 0 Sh1 Fk. FAp. ESi ft7 ' , fiO~F 12 . . ~~ ~ i 30 i HARPER H. d DOLLIE HOUSE ~~ t As earn P!uls X[Y.53 A7 $7A.10~50 •TI9• R(lU$C LpA COt151AUCT]ml ~~.Ip~l'd ICARp~~A~ ,` ~~ofiSf/ • ~ +`! ~az~ .'OyF'~INI~f~~~:, I14~A~fixi ~~A,„/ni. _OdfE: ORAVlN BY! IRIS SI[Cl I$ $EAL[X OMY fqt iHF AS-Wfil _ CONJ1110HS DOCWENCED TNAOU.;N IXC AId. CHECKED 8Y; OATE: Alf A(D IINE PADL[55 BY 7NE COHIAACIOA, 7NIS YEOSA SHACI NDT BE CpIS10EAf0 A norolNumbor 1 ot C Ik CEATIpfO DOC~NL eR7me O iN]5 REtORO DOCWFHI DR191NALLY ISSU(0 AND SCALED BY JOAN N, Jm9A5aN, AOADNAT DCSICN LNCIN2CA.(RCIRf tfJNBCP 2211; BC 11-29-01 AND SULEP 1 B11, NEKRR BLll S. JA, h~Ii AAV ICS CNCINCEA, LICCII$! r'llrfipNt i hUNO(N 9311 071 12'10.01 - SRUS ~~~ # q ''a FOR -Ylb- PROF1Lf SEE SWEET Slti( 01' NOA1M LAA6.lNA OEPARTNEIJI OF TRANSPURTATZG' AAI LI(N FINAL PIANS 5TA.10+00 -Yt~-_i{t 11 -t 20 -Ylb- ~; / 1200 X x11 CLASS 'R' RI?RAP + EST, R,5 MiN S EST, L'.9 SM FIL.'AFk / Op~ (J ;I ~I 8 S (V ~ Il ``, i I ' ~ , ,__ I . 0 L' _ ~ Y PUMP xDUSE S l _, ' I _____ I (~ ~ O T4 (4593'1 - i - I +20 lsfo ~ / Q + Q +a5 ; +~ ~ asi ~ w ra5,93'1 s~ .AU ~j M t5 (4921'1,- I' o texNlsiBSSNEtDAU 0 0 ; ~ q,%+60158 +OB35 •12 (3.JT1. j cauRis ~ (~ 4 p 0 w~ T2 139J79 7273937' @~ sn+irrsrc -~{. O ROBERT H. & DENISE S. REECE / / x~+ ~`~+~~, B/ ~~ ~x----x--x~ s'~ x \+~+/ +/ w ~+ ~I I 1R,1f3437'! x ~ R ---___ _-- . ~~:~TE_ - - _ ~ ~ E l~ w6 w -_ ~~ -tT ~~ - -- ~-'.___~___-- ~ 1 _ ._ __-' _ ~'1__ - ~~---'---.__ -' - --- - - ------- _ - _ - - Sa! _-------°--r-~- -- N -ham h __ w9- ~F `_~,~ - ,~ E _ _~-_ M a x O hH T1. FERRELL PROJECT RI R «~ kSCI~ FAR -Y75A- PROFILE SEE SFfEET 35 I f3 JOHN R. ~ CYNTNIA M. HAL LMAN : aSE DITCH ISEE DE1AR, 4 HEET 1fl - 22 CIA +83 +31 _ •. p I CLASS 'B' flIPAAP Q EST. 1.3 MTN ~ ~ -YJSA- RT SfoJ4+37,669 EST. 11,6 SM fIL.FAfl. N +83 j~ n rssn•1 w -Y15A- PC Sta,J3+83J51 +;?.~9 +83 ; ~ 12 l393T1 J2 r393T! P r N E`-~E~ ihv ~ G2 f39r38,~, ' -- - + vnJ~'l CLASS'D'RiPRAP I - ..~~~"'ti~•,.~.. ., f yT EST. 3.0 MTH ~. c ,-~~ F1 ?50 ._..~.•..•- r EST, 10.0 SN fIL FAB, - ~- , ~~ v 7' ,.~ 1, .._ 1 1 - 1 ,...:_ in: _- --.___ _ -- ' F - _ -- ~ - 7 -y _` R - ~ ~ 9r.1 --'~- ._ ...,!-' sH,rS•rg't_~y., aP se9•rrer -,REA1>~-_---- --- k,---- ----~ -- --- -------------------- - .-- - __ ~"-"- 9JN0 xiD[ ~[C[9f EASEIF1f1 ° J '~- _ _.._.. _._..___.._.._.. T +83!57 `~ r.-_.._.•fJ1b69 +03207 U 12 rJ93TI 72 ~ X9.37,1 kn 12 !39377 l2 !39.371 r i i i I I ; ~I i I l ~ I T'DA'O ° . ~ II ;~ I / ~ I f I m ~ 's a II l I .. ~' ;;~ } 'i ~ li .I En `s ;'$ '. i ~ 1 + '} l - L~ s~ .a ,.-~-~, - - -_- .. F ` F J _ Y RI _~ F +& 72 ! O CLARIS FAISON NICNOLS -Y15A- ~ ,,°i Sta 12+69.125 PI Sfa t9+10,52! ' ~ Q= 13'l3'07.3'(1T1 ~_ !2'29'35S'(RT) L = 57,b77 L = 54.512 T = 28967 l" = 27.364 R = 250.005 R = 250.000 5E=07 RO = 42 >: G x ~ ~®HE LPA ORODP o} Nor1N CIrGIM, p.a w~ CiflD+~P~~ 1904 ho1[tslo!w;Ceurt, Sult9 ;Dl N IAINSPp1TAld1 CgbLLllNli Rptp;pA, No'Ih CmoSna r1E09 F - ^„z Ly.,~ RAEPN WHlTENEAD ASSOCU TLS, IYC. Nnu '1 f0 / M4tlN iIAC CNI;NG(RC uvaw n~.nn~~ r.9, ..o RSVISIOitS I DI RS[ Is•IS~oEi AS BUtIT nA16 I ~AO`~N1eA~pha~ ~~tp~ESS%ti7 ~8~9; '+ 4 E , ~ao,D,'~IHE '~'o~,' .,~ DRAWN Dl'; 7N71 SH[[i IS SEALED ONLY FOR THE AS-BUttl CONDS110115 DOCUIIExiEO iNROUDx iNC 0.E.7. LNECRCD BY. INO RED LINE PROCESS DY THE CONiRAC10A. iXIS MEDCA SxAll NOi D[ CONSIDERED A DoDSImWt CA4nt[ol Numbe[ [ CCNitf1CD DOCUNCUi. iHls R[[axo mluuExi onICINAU_r issuio AND sulto DY aDILC'1f.`aowlsoN,aokovAr Dlsicr EXCIPECR.Ii[CNSf NJNDER 71115 ON 7-09-OJ AND SCALED Td AY Y,NFNAY 90.C5,JAp0'DRAUTti ENC711CCR,UCENSE wme I ~/ 1a ~'` - ~- S1A1[ Of I19RIH [M'D:INA DaTEI pEPAP,TlJENT OF TRANSPORTATI~~ DATES AAEOC~ FINAL PLANS STA. 11 •L40 -15A- TO 15+00 -Y15A- OR~~IIE EPq CROUP of North COrOtln4 p,a IA1R Pf0/Ra6lpnptOUH~ 6y11x Ed YAAA490A17Y0y tORSNIUIIS aysID~NRrtll CreRna 71609 xatwr RfrrtrrFAR AssocrATFS, Rfc, CORSUC IRlG EflCPFFRS P.0. 80X J562/ CRgRLOTT6 KC, 2A275 `~ a ~~~ jf .C, - __ ~, 1 ~ i Vic{ --.~~ -1 ~~ ~~ ~ ~. ~ O (`;. f~ ~ p :t L'.} 1 'F ~ s I 1 ,~ E> \~ 19 GERALD G. & ANN H. AKLAND N,40 a rJ 8~ \ W ~ ~ p ~ ~ d ~ Q a~ .. 'DI,I.Y S. AYERETTE I " ~ boa 6'sa~ ~ FRED G, 5 1 ~. _ 1 1:1 i y i \ I "1 ~ . UAYLON & AGNES BAKER ~ I j ' F^ E - ~'~o ° '' 4- -20,000 ~ , ~ ~~ ° I m In ' `" ~,~.. - ~ ~ ~; ~+ N fX1S Rik ~' n 1, ~~; 4 ~ ~„/ c '' f2D 11 1\ ; G + E ~a'rn t;J EX ~V ~ ruo•//~t'A `I sort ,/ .~ ~` fi .o12i 1q~~6.co ls+ r r D -~ A: ' 'R ~'If`~,. ~ ~- _,-~_-. 0=/'0.5iU9• io RED 11 ~, ~ ~ B'OO', 6une _ -ry-- D•IS/~lr asR 5t An5`'I ~~u . r' ' '`', _~-_____~.-.___ ______ k Sq 20<S R.-7rr,Flry RO 56 R5E I ~ mac:-.---_^- 'R~n TIC-----,aSTiRG D'TCH _I--_~~~F' '_ °-h~~ ~'°'~ r T 43 , nm.an.aw x'179 AsD 7''---_____-'-------- 1 5 I ~ 30'E~' '~j~`~"f.~ - ~, S ( ' -~,.`-~ 0.012 EDI - -- r 11 +'~l .1,~TAPER A~19.501`~~IO R/A, `M1 W A' ~ I fA _ - ~`-SI Y r ( 1 o,arosDS• 3rrrq. Z ~ ~ "`- ; IC `~~ \ I 1 su•EZ•sE•E T: ; ^Tx~ A„ ~ ~ 1 SPECIAL OITCR \ ' E 1 it u . ~ 1 ISEE DETAIL 2, SHEET 21 \ ( 1( QR / f 1 1 I I ' ( 1 I ( / r~ I R/7Y PUACRASED UNDER 6254198 ~; t ( r ~I ~ ( 1 1 r ' / I :d f_ ~ ` ` 1 . ( ~~ I ~ ( 1 1 0 r L -l m , + ; JAMES E. POPE JR. LI I1~, I , , V ~.~ ' 1 '~~, w '. al 11 1 ' ~ L~ 1 1 !f 1 ~i e 1 11 MAR19N J. & PAMELA r j r~^ n ' f ,'" m P, JDHNSDN, JR, po& i 1,.~ 1 , I 1 ~b b ~p 1 1 ~ ~ I~ ~ 1 1 1 II' • _ I 0 Iff(r/ C?' i 1 It ~' o h `~ ti//, ,J ~, ~~ _ , ~artii Carogoa coos s a T~ RSC 5'15.061 AS &lril PlAxi I Ah OSP 1-09.07'"- AflfASt YOA COHS1AUEi1~ xsxxlaunlA/U 'A~o~K11 D1,RpY~l/l oa~.oFts'si~ ~,'. r `!~ s •S ~o`'.'~ENt~~• o 3 +,~~4~rrfr„~ii~!Ao r. . .~o ti ~ .,. ,w r ~ d ~{~ CZ ~3 tf ~`~% Q ~ ~ ~ ~~ C~} ~ r- • -Y19- PI Sta 15+99.715 ~ = f5 59' 27.3" lRTI t = 20B.62b T = !05.089 R = 703.518 1X15 SN[CT ]5 SEALED DA1Y FOR IIk AS-9UllI DRawN eY: [ONpI1i0aS DOCUNENI[D IHROUGN IHE A.F.1. CHECKED 8Y: xkD AEO LiN[ PROCESS DY ERE CdliR6T0A. tNIS NEOIA SAAR Ipi BE CONSIDERED A CCa11EIf8 ppp,V[A1, ilocumonA Coe4ol RlAmbere 1X15 PELOaO DOCUNElEI OaIOl7lxllY ISSUED AND SCALCU DY JONN N„pNNSOR, ROADMAY D£Sldl fM]IkCP.,IICCNiE 10111 22115 ON 7.09-07 AND SE4I0 DY p',IkNRY NftlS,JR.HYOAAltILS fHtllk[R,EEttaSE FTIonelnc A NUTABER 9A4 DN 1-U-O7 -' {}IlE3 / POR -Y14- PRafILE 5EE SMEET ~!° a•. -BY14- 3 Sfa.10+28.865 DATE: sort of 1NgiR rxao~-lAx DAIS: DEPARTMENT OF TRAIJSPORTATI01 AALCION FINAI PIANS .- STA. i5+4Q -Y14- 7Q 16+2tt -Yl~-- SRASp AaFM0.l'f EK[E MXA AD BA _ _ .^ ~,-~ ..- " ` / 39 O,IEIAPLE SLOAN, JR, and wlfe,CAROL C.SLOAN w; _ _ `` + O T1E TO R-25~'^C 1200 APIA MH O \'\ ~ `~ ~+ /1{20.000 -L- ~ ~~. ` '' v C _-__ ____..TT -- ------ "-~~ STAl44+20.000 -L- END STATE PROJECT R-2547C c , 4 135 ~o 2C7 fS l1J I ' ~ 3b rs ` o -'' \ ` ~ / i + PROpCABZE \ / \ / rGU1D.RAC h' C fh ~ r 36 PS 1 ,~ LASS RIPRAP j E51.6.4 IJtN -..-~•-~ £5T. 125 SM FIL fAB. i`~°~~•_~~~~--~~ d -L- ! N 4538'07.9',E\ Fs 6oR ~ -~ _ I N I 3b PS \ _._ ~ ~\ N ~dr e rOC~CS ,` g R ~ I ~ LTIE TO SYSTfU 4 ON R-2547CC .~ ~ ~ o, l to -Lhts drE3~ \ 1 :,~~ ~ a \ ~ __ ____________zclwiL 13 ,! ~ i .i ~'/~i U - ~ ~ ~ _~ ~ + ~ ~ ~ ~- ~ '- ~ J~~ ` f ~ ~ T!E TO k-2547CC " r ' ,~ 4 „~-.~ G f -'l ^} ~ . SHLD SERA! 6.~ i Z ~ ----- ~ ~ t ~ ~ ~ ~ 7fE i0 R-2547CC 1200 tflf NM1Y FEA'CE ~i~ BDFFEA 217+E 2~~ ~ I f 12octaa -E- ~ ~ ~ ~' -'.> +~ \ / - \ ~ ~~~ /~ ~' °k"6" ZONE I ,~ ~. ~ _ ~ - - _.,...._ - ~ ~ / i~.t~ ~ s'i0'T+t• ! .. .. FEA~Z -RI - `~ `~ NCDOT ,E MARKS CREEK I 39 MI i IGATION SIlE -G:~fiJPtE-SttiAti~R-arrtt- ~ --mn-~~~SEOkM- 1~ -~ REVISIONS N ~~,TNE LPA CROUP o1 NOrth CwaNw, Duo ~ ~~ =_~ 1!01 Prol~s~b~mCMt. $UNO ]Oi ,, I ,,, R116P0.1t1tDN CONSU.iAntS Adolph NOr lh LveAno It{p9 •~ _- ._. RACPX RMfENEAO ASSOCpTfS, N7G Q pSE 5-01-06 AS BUR7 PLAITS COXSIJITMC' CXCWfERS Nar411 ~ataNfra 6a t OSt 7-09-0] AClCAS4 fDk CONS(AULIION l P.O. BOX 55614 CXAREOTrf: XC. 2a7S5 ~ ~ ~ i' ~` /' / / i ,~ " ~ + + _~ %+ i i t W j , p~~ j ~ - .U. RI N0, + - '•.r ,'~ ,~ ~ .,` ~' ,L \ • i~ t ~, ,Y/, ', •~ , . ~~ ~1 ~ ~ .` %Y /~ + .L ,~ ~'-7.../ ~' `. i ~ / ~///~~ // x/. i~ i~ /' ~ ~•' '`'* i /~ ~ ` i • i~ ,t ~i /~~. .~ ~ ~ i ~ ~~ i ~ / // ONE I ' . j' I `~. 20N 2~/ -----" ~ rae+os~o5 ,N.._....._..-,LC ~ ' i /~ i >~ tpN10q ORAYlN OY: OATE+ sPt`N C1,SON4r 1XIS sNf[T Is sfALfA oNLY Eon tHE As~BYIu `' P.+^~'«,~ ry caxoinous oocLU[N1LD IORDJOH il4 R.f.I. CHECKED BY: DATE: ,`~@°,,~oSESS1 '• AA9 Af011xE PROCESS BY fHE Cp11AAC10i, ,o INIS YCOIF SNAII X01 E0: WIISIOCAED t DoBUmen1 Comrol NAImbOf I S ` [EATIfIED DOCOIQxI. mlt AfCOAD DOCWENi Op161NAClY ]SSUCO ,~jj At1D SfAl[D BY JpHN IL JOHNSON, ROAONAT O(57GA ` ~ t'~.~'INLE ' 0 ~~' F+IGINtEP, li<tNSE N,NAEF,tA15 ON 1.09.0! MO S[ALED FJoaame t Y ,,,~~, S Or Y. NEMIY XSLIS. JA, NSOAAUICS [NOIMEA,LICCNSE ,rrO~~xEB,iiio~, r. , uuueEA,3iYS a+ t-]r°1 }FRfl FOR -L- PROFILE SEE SHEET 3 ANTIONEiiE H.POOLEI o /+ Fa + ~F / f1 ~ /* /+ , ~ /,l i, )y~+ ~ + 1 1 / 1 + ' :t •. `Y, ~.r`. I _.. MARION COODSON, Jr. and wife, MILDRED HOBBS GOODSON dEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATICId RAIEIW F(NAl PLANS 5TA.143+00 fi0 STA: 144i•20 r, 1 1 TRAFfLC DIAGRA4f ADT (1K HUNOREOSI A / /Y\ 2002 ~° '~ 2025 ~ ~~ 0 9 ROBERT H. 6 DENISE S. REECE SHARA W. JoOtala ~ FERRELL rr Y 2° 6 22 a 27 ! 1 ~ <~ RODNEY D.G SANORA 44 BETHLEHEM RD 33 ! ;'pry L.VANSCOY BETN(£REM RD & I I ~ h.; OLD FERRELL RD !f i '~ y •tlI S a. ~. ,~ ~!. ,' ~'Y 4. ~ G ! !!~ 0 /~~~'~~ !! ! ~.~ ~ ! fl .J t r !~ 1~1., r J I 4 ,~, S 'l„1,j I , 779 Fr k ~~ e ~C. T~~\, yJ~~ !l ~~.. EX.RNI 10 Ai~~ ` 'gl b \;~ ~1~~ ''' I~AOiIn /~.~i I% ,1 .. ~ ~QQ~ ~ I0q) ~` ~ 4 DONALD W. & JUDY S. KAY t"~„~ "r tvo. atl/ i r~ t "i~ 1 r ~ M1~ rl ,WV i0~'-' N r ~ r k.. 8 ~;1! I I/3( 0 fy~ II ~l~l f1 t rrri !'' > ! ~!J . / ., r~~'~ " rrbT; , ~ (l/l PAOJECf rR~ R~ S Q B N0. FOR -Yib- PROFILE SEE SHEET 3: FOR -Y15A- PROFILE SEE SHEET ; LATEflAI DITCH ISEE OETAA J, SHEET 2F1 SPECIAL DITCH 'ISEE OETAk 2, SHEET 2f1 T; ~ ~ J rl ~0pss A ref; 6 a Jjo i r 1 -,, ", ~, tlEDIA DAVIS l~`t/ 4: YtSA- , 'aJ0+49.989 ~;Irl ~ IJIr; ~ \ 0 ~ ~ / / / c '~ Q ` ~ / r r, r' J . <. r ~ e :~Ji_- PC J+14,910. IJ~rI e .~-/' ;rte _ ~ ~; r.",; ~ ~~ ~; A~~ /. I 1 r r4 1. +20 Yls- ~ r ! P /' ~ 15 f4°2r1 J ~l,' ' ~ f B r49 5 i 0 ~~ r ,. ' ,~ f<°zt:.:.s1, `` a + ~ ! i/f 450 ~~ 1NY 92.6 _",•-s-_ ` "--~, - ! _ .:16,138 '1j ~y: _ _ ~ ~ 1 \~ cAAto2R26'SD'~ .. 1.374 •~`Q;m1z e• ~; ~_: ~_ ' ,' w ~ BEGIN CONSTRUCTION a " ~~ ~` ~^ ~~? ~it~ ~rgs2rr W r ~; ,~ -rra- Pc sto.10+x5/43 ~ P ~ co ~ ~ I ,J r ~ o ~ ~~^'a ~" Ej~'r,, i .1 i rb P ~ I i :N pl 2 ~ I W ~' d I Q ~n `;~..;, ~ QONALD W, & JUDY 5, KAY/ ~ V ! ~ -y r o . > rr> ~ '"~w ~ j / c? y ) ~ ~` ~ DDNALD W. & JUDY S. KhY L ~ {,. j `1 Ca « i ~ ( Q ;e;i ~ aR3jD Na ~ ~~ ,` o_~° i Q 60rD I ti~~ y1c ~ `: ?rl/i, ~~ HDcGD ` ~r4san 7 CLARIS FAISON NICHOLS 0 MARY N, LEE '~,,, ~ ~\ l\ ,r ~`T ~d <L ~:.i'...,""-S'^~..~'~' .rte. '•1 ~~ '~ ' r .. - .. ,- .._ .. ryP _ .. ~i << A l75 ''~_-.--- -"-1-7; I!' =a.6r (tAD,:a.57 ~ NI WV 9&0 1 y C •Yd6'1/' 510'36'51 , 39 , `SPECIAL DITCH ISEE DETAIL 2, SHEET 2P13 G1 ", -Y! N~ /\ YQ, ~ ~© ( ~ r ~'~ I POC Stall+52.(X10 ~ f' ~ ~ ~ -POT Sta. t0+00,000 I ~ Cr r' , r~, ~ 1'~_~ ~, ~~ ~ C, ' if J i ~ CLARENCE I. & MART N. fERRELI ~; ~` THE THE LPA GROUP of NortA Corollno, D,a LPA 1901 Proh111ondf CUN. SNis 101 GftOUPr tAA1WpRIA3gA CekSIAlINi3 AddeA Nar+n [armino 11tH RdcPJr eYarnuaD AssocAl rts, Arc, CONSLt 7YAG EPtLA~CRS 7 C 8 P.O.ODX )56Y~ puRlorrf, H.c. te2Js I berth Careliaa Cans qua 1 a 1~~, 3= / ~ ( c?'y >. f ~~P r• `~ ! __ RGYISIONS ,,alu~A I„!a. , 4SE 0 ~•F~t r !~ w £} _ 9 I : Is ouul PUNS 4~0 f`~IN4~4' o~.~~ Anutt ran tavsiaalW: wPPyH F ALS~~'~, t OESCA[P1ION OF REPISION ~j~ /a~ a111lNUl ~x kqo 83 ~rCh<<N~ , ~.~~;, c~ yrr, _~'~ {j l:' r Cl ti DRAWN BY; DATE D(IS SVEII IS SiALEe ONLY fOR iH[ AS~EUIIT CONOI11OA3 DOWMEH3C0 INAt'JON 1NE A,F.1. CHECAED BY: OATG /NO 11E0 LIRE GAtt[SS 81 INE COHiAACiOA. ' fN1$ ItED[A SIUIL NOS BC t01151(HAEO J l N h t (: D CEAIIfIfO DOCLNENi. ual or aowoen onlro Inks AECOno Docu.rEr,f aR[clNlur tssDEo IMl sC1!FD BT JOI/L k JONNSOtl, g01DII1T 9ES1W1 [NGINE[R, l1tEN5t KJNBTQ.11115 OS 1-09.05 INO StlltD Br v.l$AAY tCtli, d4 NYDAIIA[CS LY6INCCA,IICINSf PLlwme 1 ItlA1BEA end a+ I-u-o3 1'RUs ~~ ~_/ - ! Sta.5+00,000 -Yi4- P! Sto 11+37,402 ~ = 32' l4' 32.6' LLT! t = 190.689 T = 72259 R = 250.000 SE = 06 k -Y15A- Pl Sta 10+32390 ~ = 20' 23' 07.7" (RT; t = 35,57 T =17.980 R = h1G,0i10 Si A7C 0% NDAie CAAq TNA DEPARTMENT Of TRANSPORTATION AALE3rM FINAL PLANS STA,10+00 -Ylb- iq .STA.13 t 00 -Yib- STA.10+00 -Yi5A- TO STA. 1i+40 Y15"