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HomeMy WebLinkAboutAWC-model_resolution_2021Local governments intending to request financial assistance from the North Carolina Aquatic Weed Control
Program should use this as a model to guide the drafting of a resolution. This model should be customized to fit
the specific circumstances of the project. Italicized words are typical variables to choose from.
City/Town/County Resolution #________ : Aquatic Weed Control
WHEREAS, the City/Town/County Council/Board of Commissioners desires assistance
from the North Carolina Division of Water Resources… (describe the specific problem and
describe the benefits to be gained by this course of action; example #1 “to remove noxious
aquatic weeds as part of a habitat restoration project at City Lake”, example #2 “for the
purpose of conducting an Alligatorweed abatement project to improve recreation opportunities
within the Scuppernong River”).
1) The Council/Board requests that the North Carolina Aquatic Weed Control
Program conduct the… (name of project; e.g., City Lake Hydrilla Management
Project) in the City/Town/County of…
2) The Council/Board assumes full obligation for payment of fifty percent (can be no
less than 50%) of costs associated with the… (name of project, as above).
3) The Council/Board will assist the North Carolina Department of Environmental
Quality (NCDEQ) in quantifying this aquatic weed control project.
4) The Council/Board will assure that the public will have access to the waters that are
included in this aquatic weed control project.
5) The Council/Board will hold the State harmless from any damages that may result
from the implementation of said project.
6) The Council/Board will be responsible for notifying all landowners whose property
is adjacent to the body of water in which the project is located and for sponsoring
any public information meetings that may be needed.
7) The Council/Board will notify the public of any temporary access restrictions or
activity restrictions that may be needed in association with the implementation of
said project.
Adopted by the… City/Town/County Council/Board of Commissioners
the ______ day of month, year.
_________________________ _______________________________
Clerk to the Council/Board Mayor/Chairman, City/Town/County,
Council/Board of Commissioners
Modified: 1/8/21