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Fiscal Note
Rule Citation Number: 15A NCAC 02B, Sections .0201 - .0206, .0208, .0211 - .0212, .0214-
.0216, .0218 - .0228, .0230 -.0231
Rule Topic: Revision of Rules 02B Classifications and Water Quality Standards
Applicable to Surface Waters and Wetlands of North Carolina, and
Triennial Review Amendments for Fresh Surface Water Quality
Standards for Class C Waters, and for Tidal Salt Water Quality
Standards for Class SC Waters
DEQ Division: Division of Water Resources (DWR)
Staff Contact: Connie Brower, Water Quality Standards Coordinator, DWR
(919) 807-6416
Mike Templeton, Engineer, DWR
(919) 807-6402
Jucilene Hoffmann, Economist II, DWR
(919) 707-9016
Impact Summary: State government: No
Local government: Yes
Private entities: Yes
Substantial Impact: Yes
Federal government: No
Necessity: N.C. General Statute(G.S.) §150B-21.3A requires state agencies to review existing
rules every 10 years, determine which rules are still necessary, and either re-adopt or repeal each
rule as appropriate. The proposed rulemaking satisfies these requirements for a portion of the
Department’s rules. For the amendments to the Triennial Review, the proposed rule amendments
are based upon review of the surface water quality standards and classifications in accordance
with the Clean Water Act Section 303(c)(1) and State of North Carolina regulations in 15A
NCAC 02B. Several numerical concentrations and narrative rule changes are proposed to meet
national guidance and establish allowable concentrations of pollutants that protect public health
and aquatic life. The Division of Water Resources (DWR) North Carolina Department of
Environmental Quality (NC DEQ) received the approval of the Water Quality Committee
(WQC) of the Environmental Management Commission (EMC) in January 2018, and approval
from EMC in March 2018, to proceed to notice and public hearing.
1. Summary
Necessity of the 02B Water Quality Standards Applicable to Surface Waters and Wetlands:
Heavy metal pollution in water and aquatic organisms needs monitoring and surveillance
because many heavy metal ions are known to be toxic or carcinogenic. Heavy metals are not
biodegradable and tend to accumulate in living organisms; accumulation in fish, oysters,
mussels, sediments and other components of aquatic ecosystems have been reported from all
over the world (Shafiquzzaman et all, 2015). Because these elements do not biodegrade, they can
be transmitted to humans directly or through the food chain. In view of the toxicological effects
of heavy metals on the environment, animals and human beings, it becomes imperative to treat
these toxic compounds in wastewater effluents before they are discharged into freshwater
Proposed Rule Changes:
The Division of Water Resources reviewed its Classifications and Water Quality Standards
Applicable to Surface Waters and Wetlands of North Carolina Rules, 15A NCAC 02B.0201 -
.0206, .0208, .0211 - .0212, .0214-.0216, .0218 - .0228, .0230 -.0231, in accordance with G.S.
§150B-21.3A and proposes to re-adopt all of the rules. As part of the review process, the
Division identified necessary changes in some of these rules, including:
1. Correction of agency names and addresses;
2. Correction of cross-references and other regulatory citations;
3. Correction of spelling and typographical errors;
4. Necessary clarifications;
5. Change in the state’s surface water quality standards (numerical concentrations and
narrative standards) in order to meet national guidance and establish allowable
concentrations of pollutants that protect public health and aquatic life;
6. Removal or modification of provisions superseded by statutes and session laws;
7. Removal of components deemed not necessary; and
8. Relocation of some program components into other rules.
The proposed changes to the water quality standards are driven by different requirements and go
beyond the readoption of these rules. The standards for several metals will result in lower
numeric standards for the surface waters into which a considerable number of wastewater
treatment facilities discharge. The lower standards will, in turn, result in more stringent discharge
limitations for many of those facilities, and some will have to invest in additional treatment units
or other control measures in order to comply.
The revised aquatic life-based metals standards are designed to prevent further water quality
degradation and improve the quality of waters with high metals concentrations by reducing
metals inputs to surface waters. The proposed rules are expected to accomplish these goals by
establishing a protective instream concentration that is more reflective of the current science on
metals toxicity to aquatic life in ambient waters.
1 See Appendix 2 for additional detail about the toxicological effects of Zinc, Copper, and Silver.
Economic Impact of Proposed Changes:
As measured from the baseline conditions, there are economic costs and economic benefits
associated with these proposed rules changes. For some rules, some language is removed or
added with an intent to reduce burden to the applicants, while some of the other language
revisions have the intent to be consistent with current General Statutes and Rules.
Protection of Water Quality is the main benefit of this rule revision. These regulations serve to
protect waterbodies for recreation, fishing, drinking water supplies, shell fishing, and aquatic life
propagation and survival.
Costs estimates related to the proposed metals rule changes in 15A NCAC 02B .0211 and .0220
included implementation costs related to disposal of wastewater, biosolids handling, dewatering
of sludge, additional staff time associated with analytical sampling, increased costs of chemicals
used in a treatment plant, additional analytical laboratory costs, operation and maintenance
resources and treatment plant upgrades. The same cannot be applied to 15A NCAC 02B .0224
rule because this one would be based on case by case scenarios, and accordingly with NC DWR
past applications, some of the requested reclassifications will have no economic impacts. The
readoption and revision of rules 15A NCAC 02B .0211 and .0220 are expected to have
significant economic impact, while 15A NCAC 02B .0224 doesn’t because it is based on case by
case scenario.
Water systems and the wastewater treatment systems go through periodic process of upgrades
instead of building new facilities. According to Keith Miller 2012, treatment-plant assets have
typical service lives of only 15 years to 50 years. The upgrades of those facilities mean millions
of dollars saved from investing in new plants. Upgrades of activated sludge wastewater
treatment plants and water treatment plants can typically include measures such as
precipitation/flocculation processes, increase of biomass concentration, influent balancing,
increase of oxygenation capacity with pure oxygen, increase of the capacity of final clarifiers,
achieve water-quality based TRC (Total residual chlorine) and nutrient limits, nutrients removal,
pretreatment of industrial effluents, increase the design flow, increase efficiency of water
facilities by reducing the amount of energy used by them, replacement of old equipment,
updating the filter gallery, membrane filtration system, UV/advanced oxidation and granular
activated carbon (GAC) contactors, and upgrades necessary to accommodate anticipated growth.
The proposed rules would affect 90 out of 1100 wastewater treatment plants in total. The
Division estimates the associated costs of the proposed changes at $181.8 million over the first
30 years of implementation. The division also assessed the uncertainties inherent in the analysis
and estimates that the present value of the 30-year costs could range from as low as $103 million
to as high as $256 million.
A reduction in the concentrations of copper, silver, and zinc in the state’s aquatic environment is
expected to provide a direct ecological benefit to aquatic ecosystems and may indirectly benefit
human uses as well; for example, by reducing human exposures to metals via fish consumption
or aiding in the recovery of fishery resources.
Although the Division believes these changes will lead to improved surface water quality, it is
not possible to determine the absolute improvement in water quality that will result from the rule
changes with the available data. Therefore, the expected benefits of the rules cannot be
monetized and compared directly to the estimated costs. The Division relied on economic model
from an existing national study, customized to reflect North Carolina, to estimate residents’
willingness to pay for water quality improvements (a measure of the societal benefits of such
improvements and is further described in Section 3.3). Based on this analysis, the benefits of the
proposed rules can be expected to exceed the costs if the rules improve water quality conditions
in 0.5% or more of the state’s water bodies, or approximately 1,600 acres of lakes and 200 miles
of river.
2. Rule History
G.S. §150B-21.3A requires the Department to evaluate each of its existing rules and make an
initial determination as to whether the rules are:
Necessary with substantive public interest – the agency has received public comment on the rule
within the past two years or the rule affects the property interest of the regulated public, and the
agency knows or suspects that any person may object to the rule.
Necessary without substantive public interest – the agency determines that the rule is needed,
and the rule has not had public comment in the last two years. This category includes rules that
identify information that is readily available to the public, such as an address or telephone
Unnecessary – the agency determines that the rule is obsolete, redundant or otherwise not
The Department must then determine which rules are still necessary and propose to re-adopt,
with or without modifications, or to repeal each rule as appropriate.
The Division categorized all the subject rules as ‘Necessary with substantive public interest.’ The
Rules Review Commission reviewed and approved these determinations, as did the General
Assembly’s Joint Legislative Administrative Procedure Oversight Committee (JLAPO), and the
Review Process was completed in December 2014.
The Division prepared draft rules for readoption (Subchapters 02B, 02H, 02T, and 02U) and
solicited input on the proposed actions from stakeholders in four outreaches meetings in April,
2015 and two more in April, 2017. The meetings gave the stakeholders the opportunity to review
the Division’s draft rules and an opportunity to submit comments on the proposed rules. The
draft rules were posted on the Division’s webpage prior to each meeting. Stakeholders voiced
and submitted comments to the Division.
Simultaneously on November 13, 2014, the North Carolina Environmental Management
Commission (EMC) approved the State of North Carolina 2007-2014 Triennial Review of Water
Quality Standards (WQS) rules, and these rules in 2B .0200 became effective for state purposes
on January 1, 2015. Section 303(c)(1) of the Clean Water Act (CWA, or the Act) requires States
to review and, as needed, modify water quality standards, at least once every three years
(amendments to 15A NCAC 02B regulations). In that Triennial Review, NC DWR identified
several changes to numerical and narrative standards that were warranted to satisfy the CWA
goals and provide a more thorough process for assessing surface water quality. Revisions
included updates to standards for some metals, and revision on 2,4-D standards. After the rules
were approved by the EMC, they were submitted to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
for approval.
In April 6, 2016, the EPA sent its formal response to DEQ and disapproved the sections of the
rules that provided approaches for their implementation. From EPA’s letter, “the EPA is
disapproving revisions relating to biological confirmation for toxics in assessment and three
revisions relating to the implementation of the hardness based equations for metals under the
National Pollutant Discharge Elimination Systems (NPDES) permits, including the use of action
levels, the use of a low-end hardness cap, and the use of the median of the 8-digit hydrologic unit
for determining hardness when developing NPDES permits. These revisions are inconsistent
with the requirements of 40 C.F.R. Part 131 and the CWA and therefore, are disapproved.”
Repeal of these provisions in the rules will result in the application of more stringent water
quality standards for metals and more stringent discharge limitations for a considerable number
of wastewater treatment facilities across the state. Those dischargers may have to install
additional treatment units, modify existing units, or implement other metals reduction programs
in order to comply with the new limits.
Certificate of Federal Requirement. In accordance with requirements outlined in N.C.G.S.
§150B-19.1(g), the Division of Water Resources is proposing changes to the Classifications and
Water Quality Standards Rules - 15A NCAC 02B. By incorporating those federal changes, the
proposed amendments to 15A NCAC 02B .0211 and 15A NCAC 02B .0220 will make the State
Water Quality Regulation equivalent to, consistent with, and no less stringent than the federal
CWA program. Because the State Classifications and Water Quality Standards Program is
federally delegated, EPA continues to exercise oversight, including the ability to revoke program
authorization, to ensure consistency with CWA obligations.
3. Economic Impact Analysis
The following tables briefly describe the proposed rule changes and summarize the anticipated
impact of each change.
3.1: Subchapter 02B – Surface Water and Wetland Standards
Section .0200 – Classifications and Water Quality Standards Applicable to Surface Waters
and Wetlands of North Carolina
Rule Proposed Change Source of
15A NCAC 02B .0201
Antidegradation Policy
Updated reference. Staff
None None
15A NCAC 02B .0202
Revised language for clarity;
revised definition; reorganized
texts; provided flexibility for
sampling under various conditions;
moved some definitions to 2B
.0621, 2B .0701 and 2B.0104 and
2B .0623(4).
and Public
None None
15A NCAC 02B .0203
Protection of Waters
Downstream of
Receiving Waters
None Staff
None None
15A NCAC 02B .0204
Location of Sampling
Sites and Mixing Zones
Updated reference. Staff
None None
15A NCAC 02B .0205
Natural Characteristics
Outside Standards Limits
None Staff
None None
15A NCAC 02B .0206
Flow Design Criteria for
Effluent Limitations
Revised language for clarity. Staff
None None
15A NCAC 02B .0208
Standards for Toxic
Substances and
None Staff
None None
15A NCAC 02B .0211
Fresh Surface Water
Quality Standards for
Class C Waters
Action Levels; Biological
Confirmation, use of hardness in
permitting disapproved by EPA,
now changed to comply with its
recommendations; Merging usage
information from .0101 and .0301
into individual classification rule;
and revised language for clarity.
and Public
and EPA
Yes Yes
Rule Proposed Change Source of
15A NCAC 02B .0212
Fresh Surface Water
Quality Standards for
Class WS-I Waters
Merged usage information from
.0101 and .0301 into individual
classification rule; Rearranged
rules; Revised language for clarity;
Moved some rules to Water
Supply Watershed Protection
Rules; Removed duplicative and
unnecessary language; and
corrected reference.
and Public
None None
15A NCAC 02B .0214
Fresh Surface Water
Quality Standards for
Class WS-II Waters
Rearranged rules; Revised
language for clarity; Moved some
rules to Water Supply Watershed
Protection Rules; Removed
duplicative and unnecessary
language; and corrected reference.
and Public
None None
15A NCAC 02B .0215
Fresh Surface Water
Quality Standards for
Class WS-III Waters
Rearranged rules; Revised
language for clarity; Moved some
rules to Water Supply Watershed
Protection Rules; Removed
duplicative and unnecessary
language; and corrected reference.
and Public
None None
15A NCAC 02B .0216
Water Supply Watershed
Protection Program:
Rearranged rules; Revised
language for clarity; Moved some
rules to Water Supply Watershed
Protection Rules; Removed
duplicative and unnecessary
language; and corrected reference.
and Public
None None
15A NCAC 02B .0218
Fresh Surface Water
Quality Standards for
Class WS-V Waters
Rearranged rules; Revised
language for clarity; and Removed
duplicative and unnecessary
and Public
None None
15A NCAC 02B .0219
Fresh Surface Water
Quality Standards for
Class B Waters
Rearranged rules; Revised
language for clarity; Removed
duplicative and unnecessary
language; and provided rule
and Public
None None
15A NCAC 02B .0220
Tidal Salt Water Quality
Standards for Class SC
Action Levels and Biological
Confirmation disapproved by
EPA, now changed to comply with
its recommendations; Revised
language for clarity; Removed
duplicative and unnecessary
language; and updated reference.
and Public
and EPA
Yes Yes
15A NCAC 02B .0221
Tidal Salt Water Quality
Standards for Class SA
Merged information from .0101,
.0108 and .0301; Revised language
for clarity; and Deleted
unnecessary language.
and Public
None None
Rule Proposed Change Source of
15A NCAC 02B .0222
Tidal Salt Water Quality
Standards for Class SB
Merged information from .0101,
.0108 and .0301; Revised language
for clarity; and Deleted
unnecessary language.
and Public
None None
15A NCAC 02B .0223
Nutrient Sensitive Waters
Revised language for clarity and
added reference.
and Public
None None
15A NCAC 02B .0224
High Quality Waters
Revised language for clarity;
added reference. Nursery areas
will require a reclassification
proceeding prior to applying HQW
classification. The effect is that
there will be a requirement for a
public process.
and Public
None None
15A NCAC 02B .0225
Outstanding Resource
Revised language for clarity;
Updated reference; Updated
language for consistency with
CWA and other state
classifications; and deleted
unnecessary language.
and Public
None None
15A NCAC 02B .0226
Exemptions from Surface
Water Quality Standards
None Staff
None None
15A NCAC 02B .0227
Water Quality
Management Plans
None Staff
None None
15A NCAC 02B .0228
Effluent Channels
None Staff
None None
15A NCAC 02B .0230
Activities Deemed to
Comply with Wetland
None Staff
and Public
None None
15A NCAC 02B .0231
Wetland Standards
Merging information from .0101
and .0301 into this rule; Removed
unnecessary language; and added a
reference for clarity.
and Public
None None
3.2 Costs
The Division of Water Resources has carefully considered the EPA recommendations regarding
its 2007-2014 Triennial Review Fiscal Note and proposes to revise the affected rules
accordingly. The Division has prepared this economic impact analysis for the proposed rule
As was noted in the 2007-2014 Triennial Review Fiscal Note, changes to surface water quality
standards for metals impact some (but not all) wastewater facilities that discharge to surface
waters of the state. These wastewater facilities are regulated under the National Pollutant
Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit program administered in North Carolina by the
Division. NPDES permits include effluent limitations that are calculated to ensure that any given
discharge does not cause an exceedance of applicable water quality standards in its receiving
waters. The circumstances are unique for each discharge, and these water quality-based limits are
developed on a case-by-case basis. More stringent surface water standards for metals can result
in new effluent limitations in some dischargers’ permits or can cause existing limits to become
more stringent. Affected facilities can include municipal, industrial, and groundwater
remediation facilities, and (drinking) water treatment plants across the state.
The methods used to prepare this 2018 fiscal analysis are much the same as those used for the
2014 analysis. The methods are described briefly below. Readers should refer to the 2014 fiscal
note document for a more detailed explanation of the Division’s methodology.
Except where noted under the ‘2018 Methodology’ heading below, the current analysis examines
the incremental impacts of the new metals standards beyond the impacts projected in the 2014
fiscal note.
2014 Methodology and Results
In 2014, the Division estimated the impacts of its rules changes resulting from its 2007-2014
Triennial Review of Water Quality Standards. OSBM approved the resulting fiscal note with
some revisions. The 2014 fiscal note concluded that it could cost wastewater dischargers across
the state $182 MM (30-year NPV in 2014 dollars, mid-range estimate) to comply with new more
stringent metals limits that could result from the standards changes proposed at that time.
To arrive at that estimate, the Division undertook an extensive analysis to determine, first, how
many dischargers would likely be impacted by the new metals standards and, second, the
potential economic impacts to those dischargers. In 2011, the Division administered 1,250
individual permits for wastewater discharges.
To determine whether a facility will receive a metals limit, Division staff typically conduct a
statistical analysis of the facility’s discharge monitoring data to determine whether the discharge
has a reasonable potential to contravene applicable metals standards. If the Reasonable Potential
Analysis (RPA) finds that the maximum value predicted from the effluent data exceeds the
maximum allowable value (based on the metals standard and available dilution in the stream),
the discharge is said to exhibit ‘reasonable potential’, and protective limits are included in the
permit. If the metal is present at lower, but still significant, concentrations, the facility would not
receive a limit but may be required to monitor for the metal.
In 2014, the staff selected 141 of the 1,250 active NPDES permits (approximately 20%) for
examination. The permits were first divided into four types: municipal, industrial, groundwater
remediation, and water treatment plants. Within each of these, permits were further divided
according to size (permitted flow rate), receiving waters (freshwater or saltwater), and other
factors, to create subsets of similar permits. Staff performed RPAs for the 141 facilities to
determine which facilities’ metals requirements would be affected by the new standards and how
severely they might be affected. The results varied unpredictably, even within the subsets of
similar facilities, illustrating the site-specific nature of the RPAs. Applying the new standards
could result in new or more stringent limits for one or more metals, less stringent limits, removal
of limits, or changes in monitoring requirements.
The Division considered a discharger to be impacted if it would likely receive one or more new
limits for three indicator metals: cadmium, lead, or nickel. The impacts to any given discharger
were assumed to be the same regardless of how many new limits it received; that is, it was
assumed that actions taken to control one metal would effectively control the other metals as
For the four groups of permits, the staff then developed a series of escalating actions that an
affected discharger might take in response to new metals requirements in its permit. The actions
began with adoption of more rigorous monitoring procedures (lowest impact) and continued to
source identification studies, basic metals treatment, and more advanced treatment options
(highest impact). The notion was that each facility would continue to take action, step-wise, until
it complied with its new requirements. Success rates at each step were assumed, and total
number of each action was estimated. Unit costs were developed for each type of action. The
numbers of actions were combined with the unit costs to produce cost estimates for each subset
of permits, and the results were then extrapolated to the universe of 1,250 permitted dischargers.
Subtotal costs were calculated and reported for the four discharger groups. The process and
results are summarized below:
Municipal or Local Government Impacts
The staff evaluated 61 Publicly Owned Treatment Works (POTWs) that represented various
subcategories of the 292 POTWs in the state; for example, large/ small, with/ without industrial
pretreatment, with/ without metals limits, fresh/ salt receiving stream. The staff conducted RPAs
to determine which dischargers were likely to cause instream exceedances of the standards for
cadmium(Cd), lead (Pb), and nickel(Ni), thus requiring limits for one or more of those metals.
They extrapolated the results from these 61 facilities to the full set of 292. (Staff evaluated
copper (Cu), silver(Ag), and zinc (Zn) at that time but did not include those results in the cost
analyses due to the “Action Level” policy.) The estimated impact of the changes to the Cd, Pb,
and Ni standards to POTWs was $150 million (30-year Net Present Value-NPV, 2014 dollars,
mid-range estimate), or 83% of the total impact to point sources.
Industrial Impacts
Industrial facilities were divided into five subcategories: metal finishing/ forming, steam electric
power generation, chemicals manufacturing, textiles manufacturing, and assorted other facilities.
Another 160 facilities are not considered significant sources of metals and were not considered in
the analysis.
As with the POTW analysis, staff selected representative facilities in each subcategory, a total of
23 of the 65 facilities in the state subject to metals limits. Six of the 23 appeared to be impacted
in 2014, and it was assumed each would install chemical precipitation units to comply with
metals limits. The estimated impact for the group was $20 million (30-year NPV, 2014 dollars,
mid-range estimate), or 11% of the total point source impacts.
Groundwater Remediation Impacts
The 2014 analysis focused on groundwater remediation sites with leaded petroleum product
contamination. The action level metals (Cu, Ag, Zn) were also evaluated at that time but their
impacts were not considered due to the Action Level policy. Currently, 10 of 39 individual
permits have monitoring requirements (and 3 have permit limits).
With input from the Division of Waste Management, the staff determined that sites receiving
new limits for lead would likely install zeolite-based filtration units to comply with those limits.
DWM provided cost information for those units. The estimated impact for this group was $9.6
million (30-year NPV, 2014 dollars, mid-range estimate).
Water Treatment Plant (WTP) Impacts
In 2014 values, it was estimated that 11 of 43 WTPs would be impacted by the revised standards.
The action level metals (Cu, Ag, Zn) were also evaluated at that time but their impacts were not
considered due to the Action Level policy. The plants were of four types, based on the treatment
process utilized: conventional filtration, ion exchange, membrane/ reverse osmosis, and
greensand filtration. It was assumed that most of the plants would install supplemental filtration
of their discharges. The estimated impact for this group was $2.3 million (30-year NPV, 2014
dollars, mid-range estimate).
The methodologies and working assumptions used in the 2014 analyses, and the results of those
analyses, are described in greater detail in the Division’s 2007-2014 Triennial Review fiscal
The estimated impacts (costs + savings) presented in the 2007-2014 Triennial Review Fiscal
Note were as follows (30-year NPV, 2014 dollars, mid-range estimate ) assuming 2% annual
inflation rate and 7% annual interest rate):
Estimated Impacts, 2014 Metals Standards
Category 2014 Costs in
2014 Dollars ($MM)
Municipal (POTWs) $150.3
Industrial $19.6
Groundwater Remediation $9.6
WTPs $2.3
Total $181.9
2018 Methodology and Results
The Division has limited this second analysis to an evaluation of impacts to municipal facilities
(POTWs) discharging to fresh waters. The rationale is that:
• The 2014 analysis indicated that 85% of the estimated impacts would be borne by POTWs.
• Since 2011 (the baseline year for the 2014 analysis), the total number of permits has
decreased from 1,250 to approximately 1,100, meaning that there are fewer active facilities to
be impacted by the proposed standards for copper, silver, and zinc. See table below.
Numbers of Individual NPDES Wastewater Permits
Wastewater Permit Category
Number of Permits
2011 2018
Municipal WWTP 1 (POTWs) 292 280
100% Domestic < 1 MGD WWTP 474 413
Commercial & Industrial WWTP 225 205
Groundwater Remediation 38 33
Water Treatment Plants (WTP) 221 183
Total 1,250 1,114
• The number of POTWs’ permits has decreased by 4%, while the numbers of other groups’
permits have decreased by 12-17%. Thus, the POTWs’ share of the impacts has increased.
• A significant number of industrial facilities are already subject to permit limits for the “action
level” metals under federal guidelines, meaning that only a small number would likely be
affected by the 2018 rules changes.
• At the same time, the Division is assuming that all of the 1,250 original permits are still
active, thus overestimating the impacts of the current rule changes. This should offset any
additional impacts that might be projected for industrial, groundwater remediation, or water
treatment plant facilities, especially given the reduced numbers of those facilities.
• Re-assessing how many permits in each of the multiple subsets would potentially be
impacted would require considerable staff time to complete and would have little effect on
the final results of the analysis.
The Division believes that this approach results in a fiscally conservative estimate of the impacts
to wastewater discharges as a whole.
Municipal or Local Government Impacts
The Division used the same methodologies and assumptions as in 2014 to evaluate the impacts
of the rule changes on POTWs, except that it considered impacts of the new standards for
copper, silver, and zinc as well as those for cadmium, lead, or nickel. The same permits and
subsets of POTW permits were evaluated, and the ‘reasonable potential’ analyses were
conducted using the same effluent data. In general, the characteristics of the facilities’ discharges
and receiving streams are not expected to have changed significantly since the 2014 analysis
(implementation of the 2014 standards is only getting underway, so changes in the data will not
be apparent for several more years).
For the 2018 analysis, the staff considered a POTW to be impacted if it currently had no limits
for any of the six ‘target’ metals and was now projected to receive one or more limits for copper,
silver, or zinc. A discharger that was considered impacted for cadmium, lead, or nickel in 2014
and would now receive new limits for copper, silver, or zinc was not considered to be impacted a
second time: actions taken to comply with the first metals limits were assumed to also be
effective for the added metals.
Additional rule provisions. The EPA disapproved proposed language in the 2014 rules that
would have set a minimum hardness value to be used when applying the new hardness-
dependent metals standards. The Division expects that, in the implementation of the standards, a
hardness floor will be applied in the permitting program. The biological confirmation provision
of the rules is closely related to the action level policy; both were disapproved and are addressed
through the current proposed rule changes and in this fiscal analysis.
The following table shows the numbers of POTWs predicted to be impacted in the 2014 analysis
and in this 2018 analysis.
Numbers of POTWs Impacted – 2014 and 2018
Numbers of Permits Affected
by New Metals Standards
Projected Outcome Cd, Pb, Ni
Cd, Pb, Ni, Cu, Ag, Zn
No impact - continue 'no requirements' or 'Mon. Only' 227 142
Indefinite - need better data - Level I controls 9 8
More stringent, marginal RP - Level II controls 9 33
More stringent - Level III controls 41 107
Less stringent - revert to 'Monitor Only' 6 2
Total 292 292
Levels I, II, and III represent metals control strategies of increasing complexity and cost. The
wastewater chapter of the 2014 report explains each in detail.
When Cu, Ag, and Zn standards are applied, 90 more POTWs are expected to receive new
permit limits for metals (Levels II and II) than in 2014.
Staff calculated the combined impacts of the new standards for all six metals, using the same
methods and working assumptions as in 2014. As before, staff assumed a 7% per annum
discount rate. A 2% per annum inflation rate was assumed except that the Engineering News
Record Construction Cost Index was used to gauge inflation for capital projects. The Index was
updated to the most recent value available (December 2017). The results were expressed as 30-
year NPVs in 2017 dollars, with a starting date of December 2017.
The staff then updated the 2014 calculations, converting the estimated impacts to 2017 dollars.
Results were also expressed as the 30-year NPV and, because implementation of the 2014
standards is just beginning, the same December 2017 start date was used.
The differences between the two sets of results represent the incremental impacts of the new
standards on the wastewater discharges. The estimates from each step of the calculations, for
each discharger group, are summarized in the table below.
As noted under the ‘2018 Methodology and Results’ heading, above, the Division focused its
analysis on impacts to municipal dischargers; and staff included impacts for 12 POTWs that have
ceased discharge since the 2014 analysis and assumed that those added impacts would be
sufficient to offset any impacts in the industrial, groundwater remediation, or water treatment
plant categories.
The final result is that the estimated incremental impacts to the NPDES wastewater dischargers
range from $103 million and $256 million with a mid-range estimate of $182 million (all values
as 30-year NPV, 2017 dollars).
Calculation of Incremental Impacts – Mid-Range Estimates
(A) (B) (C)
2014 Costs in
2014 Dollars
($MM) 1
2014 Costs in
2017 Dollars
2017 Costs in
2017 Dollars
Municipal $150.3 $162.2 $344.0 $181.8
Industrial $19.6 $20.6 $20.6 $0
GW Remediation $9.6 $9.7 $9.7 $0
WTPs $2.3 $2.5 $2.5 $0
Total $181.9 $194.9 $376.7 $181.8
Column B – Column A = Column C, incremental impacts
1 Values from the 2007-2014 Triennial Review fiscal note, expressed as 30-year NPVs.
Previously, 20-year NPVs were used.
Private Sector Impacts
The Division did not specifically evaluate the impact of the proposed rules on private facilities
subject to wastewater discharge permits.
State Government Impact
The proposed rules are not anticipated to have a direct economic impact on state government
facilities. The Division’s NPDES Wastewater Permit program already expects some workload
impacts and operating costs (monitoring, etc.) due to the 2014 rules changes; these 2018 changes
will have little or no incremental impact. Any impact that does result will be absorbed within the
existing budget.
The Division anticipates that these changes will not affect environmental permitting of NC
Department of Transportation (NCDOT), of which four of five are domestic in nature; as such,
there should be no economic impact to NCDOT. The NC DOT also has provided fiscal
comments to DWR that indicated the proposed rule amendments were not anticipated to directly
apply any new requirement or fiscal costs to the department.
Federal Government Impact
The Division did not specifically evaluate the impact of the proposed rules on federal facilities
subject to wastewater discharge permits. Five of the seven are domestic in nature. The two
largest facilities serve military bases and are similar in many respects to large municipal
facilities. It is possible that one or both could be impacted by the new rule changes, but that will
not be determined until the standards are applied at the next permit renewals.
Distribution of Impacts Among Sectors
The Division conservatively estimated the impacts of the proposed rule changes based on
impacts to municipal/ local government facilities only, for reasons described above. It did not
specifically evaluate the impacts on private, state, or federal sector facilities. However, for the
sake of illustration only, and the preceding descriptions of sector impacts notwithstanding, the
following table shows how the 2018 impacts would be distributed among the sectors if they
occurred in the same proportions as in the 2014 analysis:
Hypothetical Distribution of Impacts
Among Sectors (30-Year NPVs)
2014 Costs in
2017 Dollars
2018 Costs in
2017 Dollars
Municipal $162.2 $151.3
Industrial $20.6 $19.2
GW Remediation $9.7 $9.0
WTPs $2.5 $2.3
Total $194.9 $181.8
3.3. Benefits Analysis
The revised aquatic life-based metals standards are designed to prevent further water quality
degradation and improve the quality of waters with high metals concentrations by reducing
metals inputs to surface waters. The proposed rules are expected to accomplish these goals by
establishing a protective instream concentration that is more reflective of the current science on
metals toxicity to aquatic life in ambient waters.
A reduction in the concentrations of copper, silver, and zinc in the state’s aquatic environment is
expected to provide a direct ecological benefit to aquatic ecosystems and may indirectly benefit
human uses as well; for example, by reducing human exposures to metals or aiding in the
recovery of fishery resources. Some of the proposed rule benefits are quantifiable, while other
benefits are discussed qualitatively.
The following sections first describe the expected use and non-use benefits of the proposed rules
and the importance of water quality to North Carolina’s economy. The section concludes by
estimating the value of maintaining and enhancing water quality for aquatic life. The analysis is
based on a national study of society’s willingness to pay for improvements in water quality,
customized to reflect North Carolina.
3.3.1 Use and Non-Use Benefits of Water Quality Improvements
Regulations aimed at environmental protection provide a wide range of benefits to the public.
The economic benefits associated with this regulation revision can be grouped into two main
categories; use and non-use benefits.
Use benefits include the direct and indirect use of environmental goods and services by humans
(such as fish consumption, recreational fishing, and drinking water) and the option to use
environmental goods and services at a future date or in future generations. Non-use values are
associated with the public’s desire to know that an environmental resource exists and is protected
even if they do not expect to use the resource for their direct economic benefit.
Of these types of benefits, direct use values are the easiest to quantify because an economic
market may exist for environmental products directly consumed by humans, meaning a monetary
benefit is easier to estimate. The other benefits (indirect, future and non-use) are more difficult,
and in some cases impossible, to accurately value, such as reduced human health risk from
exposure to pollutants and protection of resources for future generations. However, these benefits
are often just as important to society as the monetized benefits.
The Division anticipates that the proposed revisions to the water quality standards will provide
use benefits to society in the following categories, as well as provide non-use benefits:
1. Maintenance and enhancement of aquatic biodiversity (through protection of aquatic
habitats and organisms).
2. Maintenance or enhancement of the state’s recreational and commercial fishing industries
as well other aquatic recreational activities;
3. Reduced risk to human health, manifesting as avoided illness and death, avoided health
care expenditures, and avoided productivity losses;2 and
4. Economic development benefits.
Additional details about the use and non-use benefits associated with reducing heavy metals in
surface waters is available in the 2007-2014 Triennial Review Fiscal Note.
3.3.2 The Importance of Water Quality to North Carolina’s Economy
As well known, water is a big part of NC economy, and it plays a big role in business
investment, in people’s quality of living, and in various industries (like recreational and
commercial fishery industry). Thus, maintaining its quality is an important instrument for NC’s
sustainable economic growth. The North Carolina’s Ocean Economy report affirms that the
ocean economy contributed $2.1 billion to GDP (Gross Domestic Product) in 2013, and the
creation of an estimated 43,385 jobs (results are based on data from the National Ocean
Economics Program, database derived from the U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor
Statistics’ Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages).3 The mountains and piedmont water
recreational activities also have a big impact in NC’s economy, and total revenues from
recreation and tourism in NC is estimated to be around $28.0 billion in annual consumer
spending and creates around 260,000 jobs (2015 values, NC Outdoor Industry Association and
NC Department of Commerce). The estimated state and local tax revenue from these industries
is around $1.3 billion. For the aquaculture sector, NC Department of Agriculture reports that its
revenue in 2014 was equal to $58,020,638.
Focused directly on water use and its economic impacts, according to NMFS (National Marine
Fisheries Service), in 2015 there were 4.97 million recreational fishing trips to the coast,
resulting in $1.6 billion of spending and the creation of an estimated 16,150 jobs. In the 28
counties that make up North Carolina’s broader coastal region, overnight visitors spent $3.6
billion and 91 percent reported leisure as the primary purpose of their trip (NCDC, 2014).
3.3.3 Estimating the Value of Water Quality Improvement in North Carolina
The following sections will present an estimate of North Carolina households’ willingness to pay
for water quality improvements. Although only some of the expected benefits can be priced in
the traditional marketplace, estimating willingness to pay for water quality improvements
captures the value households place on these ecosystem services and associated activities.
2 See Appendix 2 for a summary of the toxicological effects of Zinc, Copper, and Silver
3 North Carolina’s ocean economy is defined as the economic activities that take place in the ocean, receive inputs from the
ocean, and provide outputs to the ocean (e.g., pollution), including, but not limited to the coastal counties, coastal waters under
the state’s jurisdiction, and adjacent federal waters where relevant for the state’s economy.
NC Ocean Economy: National Ocean Economics Program (NOEP), 2016. Ocean economy data. Available at
DEQ does not have the financial and staff resources to directly measure peoples’ preferences for
improved water quality through willingness to pay surveys. Instead, the department reviewed
several national and regional economic research studies that evaluated households’ willingness
to pay for water quality improvements.4 Research conducted by Huber et al (2006) was best
suited to evaluating North Carolina’s proposed regulatory change. Their research summarized
the results of more than 4,000 national survey responses to estimate how people monetarily value
changes in water quality.
Survey respondents provided valuations through a series of hypothetical choices between regions
with better water quality and higher annual cost of living versus regions with lower water quality
and lower annual cost of living. Survey responses were used to develop a mathematical model
which was used to determine the national willingness to pay for good water quality.
This analysis relies on Huber’s model to illustrate the potential magnitude of the benefits of the
proposed rule changes. The model was customized with North Carolina-specific information on
income, demographics, and existing water quality to adjust household willingness to pay for
changes in water quality for quantifiable differences between the original study case and this
policy case. This approach assumes the beneficiaries of the proposed rules, in this case the
residents of North Carolina, have different characteristics, but similar tastes, as people in the
nation as a whole.
Willingness to pay represents the value of the benefits associated with an incremental
improvement in water quality. After accounting for several variables that affect willingness to
pay, including the baseline water quality in the state, household income, environmental
organization membership, and recreational use, results indicate that North Carolina households
are willing to pay $10.44 per year,5 on average, for each one percent improvement in water
quality that benefits aquatic life.6
To calculate the total benefits of the proposed rules, the analyst must multiply this unit price by
the effect size, or the amount of the expected change in water quality due to the reduction in
heavy metals. In this model, the change is measured as the percentage of North Carolina’s lake
acres and river miles that are rated as good for fishing and swimming (fish consumption and
prolonged contact with the water will not make you sick) and supportive of a healthy, balanced
4 Eisen-Hecht, Jonathan I. and Randal A. Kramer (2002); Huber, Joel, W. Kip Viscusi, and Jason Bell (2006);
Joo, Ruth Jihyung, (2001); Whitehead, John, (2005)
5 Calculated in 2017 dollars.
6 The Huber et al. model considers the value of overall water quality improvements while these rule proposals focus
on control of only certain individual pollutants. The rules primarily affect aquatic life, with secondary impact on
humans through aquatic life consumption and recreation. Huber et al determined that 35% of the overall value of
water quality improvements is associated with aquatic life benefits, with the remainder attributable to value for
fishing and swimming uses. The willingness to pay value specified for North Carolina was adjusted accordingly to
isolate the value of the quality improvements directly attributable to these specific rule changes.
community of aquatic life.7 High metals concentration are known threats to North Carolina’s
water quality.
For the purposes of this rule change, the total potential benefits cannot be monetized and
compared directly to the expected costs of the proposed rules because the effect size - the amount
of the improvement in water quality - is unknown. Although the Division believes these changes
will lead to improved water quality, it is not possible to determine the absolute improvement in
water quality that will result from the rule changes with the available data. The change in water
quality will depend upon site-specific criteria such as the volume and makeup of the effluent, the
unique chemistry of the receiving water body, and the type of intervention adopted by each
4. Total Economic Impact
Given that the extent of the water quality improvements from reduced copper, zinc and silver
pollutants in North Carolina surface waters is unknown, the analysis below is intended to present
the potential magnitude of the benefits and allow readers to judge whether the benefits are likely
to exceed the estimated costs.
The proposed rules would affect 90 out of 1100 wastewater treatment plants in total. The
estimated incremental impacts to the NPDES wastewater dischargers range from $103 million
and $256 million with a mid-range estimate of $182 million for the first 30 years (calculated in
2017 dollars using a 7% discount rate).
Assuming that North Carolina households are willing to pay $10.44 per year, on average, for
incremental aquatic life water quality improvements, the benefits of the proposed rules can be
expected to exceed the costs if the rules improve water quality conditions in 0.5% or more of
NC's water bodies. This change equates to approximately 1,600 acres of lakes and 200 miles of
river (see chart below). The net impact of the rules is calculated over 30 years, assuming the
benefits phase in gradually over the first 10 years of implementation as the regulated community
renews their discharge permits.
7 Huber et al, 2006.
Net impact calculated in 2017 dollars, using a 7% discount rate and a 2% annual inflation rate.
The likelihood of the benefits exceeding the costs (and by how much) is sensitive to several
factors, including the range of the expected costs, the estimate of current baseline water quality,
the percentage of households affected by the rules, and the discount rate. The effect of each of
these variables is discussed in the following sections and the results are re-assessed under a range
of reasonable assumptions.
Recommendations: The Division expects the social benefits of the proposed rules to exceed
their costs, and believes the population of NC and its water ecology will be better off with the
adoption of this regulation than without it. Recommending updating the copper, zinc and silver
standards would keep the State ability to adopt Water Quality Regulations, while maintaining the
EPA funds that are required to establish and implement NC ongoing water pollution control
programs. It also keeps the State’s ability to reduce economic burden on regulated parties.
5. Sensitivity Analysis
Performing a sensitivity analysis is important for testing the robustness of the results, identifying
parameters to which the results are most sensitive, and communicating sources of uncertainty.
The economic benefits were re-assessed using a range of assumptions for several key estimates
and assumptions, including the range of the expected costs, the current baseline water quality,
the percentage of households affected by the rules, and the discount rate.
Expected costs
The estimated incremental impacts to the NPDES wastewater dischargers range from $103
million and $256 million with a mid-range estimate of $182 million (see section 3.2). If the costs
of the proposed rule are higher or lower than expected, the effect size (quality improvement)
needed to justify the rule costs increases or decreases in turn. At the highest end of the cost
range, a 0.7% or greater improvement in water quality would be required to justify the rule costs,
compared to 0.5% if costs are $182M for the first 30 years.
Estimated Rule
Cost ($MM)
Percent Change in Water
Quality that Justifies Rule Cost
$103 0.3%
$182 0.5%
$256 0.7%
Baseline water quality
As of 2016, targeted monitoring assessments estimated that 78% of rivers miles and 61% of lake
acres were rated as good for fishing, swimming, and aquatic life. These biennial assessments,
available from the US Environmental Protection Agency’s ATTAINS database (2016 survey
results).8 The assessments provide snap shots in time of the conditions of the state’s waters based
on the current water quality regulations in place at that point in time.
There is some uncertainty around these estimates because not every water body is assessed each
year (36% of rivers and 75% of lake acres were assessed in 2016), and the methodology for
calculating impairment is also changing. However, individuals place a greater value on
improving the highly degraded waters compared to continuing to improve cleaner waters.
The table below presents the results of the analysis under a range of baseline water quality
estimates. The sensitivity analysis shows that the incremental willingness to pay estimates and
the associated effect size (quality improvement) needed to justify the cost does not vary
substantially with changes in the baseline water quality.
Baseline water quality
(% meeting all assessed uses)
Annual HH Willingness
to Pay for Incremental
Percent Change in
Water Quality that
Justifies Rule Cost
Lakes Rivers
51% 68% $11.18 0.47%
56% 73% $10.79 0.49%
61% 78% $10.44 0.50%
66% 83% $10.13 0.52%
71% 88% $9.85 0.53%
8 Accessed at
Percentage of households affected
NPDES point source facilities are scattered throughout the entire state so the Division assumed
that 100 percent of the population may receive benefits from the rule proposals. At a minimum,
these rule proposals will maintain the existing water quality in all waters and prevent future
degradation due to metals. The table below tests the sensitivity of the result under different
assumptions about the affected population. As the proportion of households affected declines, the
the change in water quality that is needed to justify the rule costs increases.
Percent of Population
Percent Change in
Water Quality that
Justifies Rule Cost
20% 2.51%
40% 1.26%
60% 0.84%
80% 0.63%
100% 0.50%
Discount rate
The choice of the discount rate9 also has a considerable influence on the net impact of the rules.
In the model scenario, a discount rate of 7% is applied, as required by G.S. 150B. The sensitivity
analysis below presents the effect of using discount rates ranging between 3.5% and 10%. In
general, higher discount rates diminish the present value of benefits occurring in the future.
Therefore, the likelihood of the benefits exceeding the costs is greater if one assumes a lower
discount rate, while the reverse is true if one assumes a higher discount rate.
Discount Rate
Percent Change in
Water Quality that
Justifies Rule Cost
3.5% 0.27%
5.0% 0.36%
7.0% 0.50%
8.5% 0.64%
9.5% 0.74%
10.0% 0.80%
9 [Define discount rate]
6. References
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3. City of Raleigh 2014-2015 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report, 2015.
4. Congressional Budget Office, “Public Spending on Transportation and Water
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5. Corso, Phaedra S., Kramer, Michael H., Blair, Kathleen A., Addiss, David G., Davis,
Jeffrey P., & Haddix, Anne C. 2003. Cost of Illness in the 1993 Waterborne
Cryptosporidium Outbreak, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
6. Dumas, Christopher, Peter W. Schuhmann, John C. Whitehead, Measuring the Economic
Benefits of Water Quality Improvement with Benefit Transfer: An Introduction for
Noneconomists, the American Fisheries Society, 2005.
7. Eisen-Hecht, Jonathan I. and Randal A. Kramer Estimating the economic value of water
quality protection in the Catawba River basin. Water Resources Research 38:1182–1191;
8. Eisler, Ronald, Zinc Hazards to Fish, Wildlife, and Invertebrates: A Synoptic Review,
Biological Report 10, 1993.
9. Environmental Protection Agency, 2006 Community Water System Survey.
10. Feenberg, D., and E. S. Mills. 1980. Measuring the benefits of water pollution abatement.
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13. Huber, Joel, W. Kip Viscusi, and Jason Bell. 2006. “Economics of Environmental
Improvement” EPA Cooperative Agreement CR823604 and Grant R827423 to Harvard
University with the National Center for Environmental Economics.
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“Indices of Biotic Integrity in Stated Preference Valuation of Aquatic Ecosystem
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Economics for Watershed Restauration, CRC Press 2009.
17. Joo, Ruth Jihyung, Public Willingness to Pay for Ecosystem Services: Water Quality in
the Triangle region, Master thesis, Nicholas School, Duke University, NC, Sept 2011.
18. Logar, Ivana, Roy Brouwer, Max Maurer, and Christoph Ort, Cost-Benefit Analysis of
the Swiss National Policy on Reducing Micropollutants in Treated Wastewater.
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20. National Academy of Science, Zinc. National search Council, Subcommittee on Zinc.
University Park Press, Baltimore, d. 71 pp, 1979.
21. National Ocean Economics Program (NOEP). 2016. Ocean economy data. Available at
22. North Carolina Division of Marine Fisheries, 2017 Annual Report, November 2017,
23. North Carolina’s Ocean Economy, January 2017, North Carolina Sea Grant, et al.
24. North Carolina Department of Commerce, 2015,
25. North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality, 2014 Local Water Supply Plan
26. North Carolina Outdoor Industry, 2017,
27. Nordberg, GF, BA Fowler, M Nordberg, and LT Friberg. 2007.Handbook in the
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31. Tierney, KB, DH Baldwin, TJ Hara, PS Ross, NL Scholz, and CJ Kennedy. 2010.
Olfactory toxicity in fishes. Aquatic Toxicology 96(1): 2-26
32. U.S. EPA. “The Metals Translator: Guidance for Calculating a Total Recoverable Permit
Limit from a Dissolved Criterion.” EPA 823-B-96-00, June 1996.
33. Whitehead, John, Improving Willingness to Pay Estimates for Quality Improvements
Through Joint Estimation with Quality Perceptions, US EPA National Center for
Environmental Economics, working paper #05-08, August 2005
34. Weitzman, Martin L. On the 'Environmental' Discount Rate. Journal of Environmental
Economics and Management. 1994; 26 :200-209.
7. Appendices
1. Policy Alternatives
The following alternatives were considered during the development of the 2014 Triennial
Review Fiscal Note package.
Alternative 1 – Recommending no changes to current surface water quality standards
One alternative considered was not to make any changes; however, there were several factors
that made this alternative unattractive. A major consideration is that taking no action to update
the state’s standards for metals may result in the US EPA promulgating revised standards per the
Clean Water Act Section 303(c)(4)(B) to bring North Carolina’s regulations into accordance with
304 (a) National Recommended Water Quality Criteria (NRWQC).
The US EPA and a variety of stakeholders have requested that DWR review and update the
state’s water quality standards protective of aquatic life. This update is needed in order to address
differences between North Carolina’s standards regulations and the NRWQC and other
applicable federal regulations.
Costs to regulated parties associated with choosing a “no action” alternative would hinge on
whether US EPA promulgated revised standards for the state to meet CWA requirements. Exact
costs to the state that could result from federal water quality standards promulgation cannot be
quantified but could likely be significant. Should the State fail to modify standards in a
scientifically defensible and timely manner, the US EPA could make an Agency determination
that NC was out of compliance with the Clean Water Act obligations. It is possible that the DWR
will lose millions in funds required to establish and implement its ongoing water pollution
control programs.
The US EPA has published additional NRWQC not considered or incorporated into this
proposal, so, other impacts may occur if the federal promulgation takes place. Under a federal
promulgation scenario, the state could lose the ability to adopt balanced regulations that attempt
to reduce the economic burden on regulated parties while maintaining protection for the
Also, under G.S. §150B-21.3A, the Department is required to evaluate each of its existing rules
and make an initial determination as to whether the rules are:
Necessary with substantive public interest – the agency has received public comment on the rule
within the past two years or the rule affects the property interest of the regulated public, and the
agency knows or suspects that any person may object to the rule.
Necessary without substantive public interest – the agency determines that the rule is needed,
and the rule has not had public comment in the last two years. This category includes rules that
identify information that is readily available to the public, such as an address or telephone
Unnecessary – the agency determines that the rule is obsolete, redundant or otherwise not
The Department must then determine which rules are still necessary and propose to re-adopt,
with or without modifications, or to repeal each rule as appropriate.
After considering these factors, the Division decided to move forward with developing
modifications to the water quality standards regulations.
Alternative 2 – Recommend Site-Specific Standard Derivation for Copper, Zinc, and Silver
In accordance with the US EPA Water Quality Standards Handbook, the state may adopt site-
specific water quality standards/criteria where the National Recommended Water Quality
Criterion (NRWQC) is believed to be unrepresentative of the State’s aquatic ecosystem
conditions, the national criteria may be modified to account for specific conditions found at a
“site” using US EPA guidelines. The US EPA defines a “site” as being the entire state or region,
watershed, waterbody, or a certain segment of a waterbody (EPA WQS Handbook, 1994, with
subsequent amendments).
Per North Carolina regulations, 15A NCAC 02B .0226, “Exemptions from Surface Water
Quality Standards”, site-specific water quality standards may be granted by the Environmental
Management Commission (EMC). Pursuant to federal regulations at 40 CFR 131.10 (g), site
specific standards are subject to public review under the federal Clean Water Act Triennial
Review. Adoption of a site-specific standard, therefore, is subject to the NC Administrative
Procedures Act and to review and approval by the US EPA. The option to establish site-specific
criterion for each of these metals was examined to determine if it was a feasible alternative to
statewide standards employing the formula based approach.
The US EPA describes three allowable methods for deriving a site-specific water quality
standard for the protection of aquatic life (EPA WQS Handbook, 1994).
1. Recalculation Procedure
2. Water Effects Ratio Procedure
3. Resident Species Procedure
A 4th method for Copper is to allow the use of a Biotic Ligand Model (BLM) to derive Copper
site-specific criterion. This BLM uses information on 10 co-parameters to derive very
individualized criterion. As the state does not currently have information with respect to all 10
co-parameters in all water bodies, this mechanism was deemed extremely cost and labor
intensive and was ruled out almost immediately
As the state provided for the use of the Water Effects Ratio and the use of the BLM in the
previous adoptions, as requested by an individual, the use of the other two options were
examined more closely for processes that would need to occur before widespread SSC derivation
occurred across the state. The first step in any decision to alter a standard is to determine that the
alteration is necessary:
1) The state examined the need to examine sampling data at each location to determine if the
use of “clean technique” in a laboratory sampling and/or analysis may reduce the level of the
metal reported to be in the sample such that the problem of needing a revised standard is
resolved. To accomplish this first task, for every defined “site” in the state, was daunting.
Each site would need to:
• Identify potential sources of contamination (sampling location access, laboratory use of fans,
high dust areas)
• Examine basic sample handling processes (field sampling, laboratory handling and analysis)
• Examine sampling equipment cleaning procedures (jugs/bottles/samplers/strainers/reagent
• Examine laboratory equipment for potential sources of contamination (digestions, containers,
talc free gloves)
• Examine solvents/rinsates for potential contamination (reagent quality, special metallic
removing soaps)
• Collect field reagent blanks for monitoring purposes
• Purchase “clean room gloves”; eliminate “paper towels” – replace with clean room wipes
• Assure that sampling personnel are non-smokers
2) “Site” boundaries for any potential revised standard must be defined in detail. As each
request would be “site-specific”, no valuable estimates could be easily made to determine the
extent and number of SSC that would be needed. (A basin, a watershed, a waterbody)
Costs associated with the Recalculation Procedure (EPA-823-B-94-001, Appendix B):
The Recalculation procedure is used to derive a site-specific standard/criterion (SSC) when the
resident aquatic species specific to a site are believed to exhibit a different range of toxicity
values than those used in the national or state criteria calculation. The US EPA allows for
additions and/or deletions (or corrections if needed) of the aquatic toxicity data used in deriving
the national criterion. This is permissible when it can be documented that doing so better reflects
the aquatic organism assemblages specific to a site. The Recalculation Procedure specifies that to
delete a species from a metal’s national data set, documentation must be made that the aquatic
species does not exist at the defined and delineated site continually or intermittently. This
procedure is most often performed by an environmental consultant with expertise in the field of
aquatic toxicity/biology as this is a critical step in obtaining the state adoption and the US EPA
approval for the use of the revised site-specific standard.
Again, to perform this examination for each defined site would be time-consuming and staff
resource intensive.
• The US EPA defines organisms that “occur at a site” as the species, genera, families, orders,
classes, and phyla that are usually present at the site or present seasonally or intermittently.
Organisms are also considered to occur at a site if they were present at the site in the past but
are not currently at the site due to degraded conditions or if they are found to be present in
nearby bodies of water. Under certain circumstances, the species proposed for deletion also
must not be representative of another species in the same family that does exist at the site.
• Recalculation of a state or national criterion may result in a more or less stringent site-
specific standard depending on the sensitivity of the species present at the site. For example,
NC’s proposed freshwater aquatic life standards for cadmium were based on a recalculation
of the NRWQC conducted by Chadwick Ecological Consultants (for the Association of
Metropolitan Sewerage Agencies). This recalculation added newer toxicity data and deleted
data, where allowable, resulting in standards which are slightly less stringent than the
national criteria. Understanding how specific this assessment would be, the costs incurred to
perform would , again, be challenging.
• Site specific standards developed using the recalculation procedure must be adopted into
state regulations and be approved by the US EPA.
3) The Resident Species Procedure
The Resident Species Procedure can be used when both site water chemistry and resident species
sensitivity to a toxic are in question. This procedure requires aquatic toxicity tests to be
conducted with the site’s resident species in actual site ambient water. After the toxicity test data
are gathered by performing the necessary tests with a sufficient selection of resident species in
site water, calculation of a site-specific standard can be done. The site-specific standard is
derived by following the aquatic life criteria derivation procedures as described in the US EPA
1985 guidelines (Stephan et al 1985).
• As with the other options for developing site specific aquatic life standards, state
rulemaking and US EPA approval are required
• The resulting site-specific standard can be more or less stringent based on-site
characteristics, meaning that costs are calculated on a site-specific basis and can be
extremely variable
In summary, site-specific criteria across the state would be much more challenging to accomplish
that allowing the use of SSC derivation on a case-by-case basis. The staff of the CSS/RRB did
not have sufficient information to derive a cost estimate and benefit estimate in accordance with
protocol. It was determined that costs, staff time, and resources to accomplish this alternative
would be sufficiently higher that establishment of one standard for each of the metals to be used
with site-specific hardness as currently proposed.
2. Summary of the Toxicological Effects of Zinc, Copper, and Silver
Heavy metals are not biodegradable and tend to accumulate in living organisms and many heavy
metal ions are known to be toxic or carcinogenic. Heavy metals cannot be destroyed through
biological degradation, as is the case with most organic pollutants. Incidence of heavy metal
accumulation in fish, oysters, mussels, sediments and other components of aquatic ecosystems
have been reported from all over the World (Shafiquzzaman et all, 2015). Excessive amounts of
some heavy metals can be toxic through direct action of the metal or through their inorganic salts
or via organic compounds from which the metal can become easily detached or introduced into
the cell. The problem of heavy metal pollution in water and aquatic organisms including fish,
needs continuous monitoring and surveillance as these elements do not degrade and tend to
biomagnified in man through food chain. In view of the above toxicological effects of heavy
metals on environment, animals and human beings, it becomes imperative to treat these toxic
compounds in wastewater effluents before they are discharged into freshwater bodies.
Below is a summary of toxic effects from zinc, copper and silver, that are concerning for the
treatment of industrial wastewaters.
1. Zinc (Zn)
- Human being: Zinc is a trace element that is essential for human health. However, too
much zinc can cause eminent health problems, such as stomach cramps, skin irritations,
vomiting, nausea and anemia (Ahalya N at all, Dec. 2003). The pancreas and bone seem
to be primary targets of zinc intoxication in birds and mammals (Ronald Eisler, 1993).
- Fish community: Gill epithelium is the primary target site in fish. Aquatic populations
are frequently decimated in zinc-polluted waters (Solbe, 1975). At acutely toxic
concentrations it kills fish by destroying gill tissues. At chronically toxic levels it may
induce stress resulting in death.
2. Copper (Cu)
- Human being: Copper does essential work in animal metabolism. But the excessive
ingestion of copper brings about serious toxicological concerns, such as vomiting,
cramps, convulsions, or even death (overdoses of Cu are documented and symptoms in
humans at 44 mg Cu/L or less include gastrointestinal distress, nausea, vomiting,
headache, dizziness, and metallic taste in mouth; higher doses can cause coma and death
(Ajmal, 2003). Copper is highly toxic because it is non-biodegradable and carcinogenic.
Copper has been reported to cause neurotoxicity commonly known as " Wilson's disease
" due to deposition of copper in the lenticular nucleus of the brain and kidney failure.
Humans afflicted with Wilson’s disease, children under one year, people with liver
damage, chronic disease, and diabetes are more susceptible to Cu poisoning (Nordberg et
al. 2007).
- Fish community: Copper is acutely toxic (lethal) to freshwater fish in soft water via the
gills at low concentrations ranging from 10 –20 part per billion (National Academy of
Science 1979). Cu can impair behaviors important to survival and reproduction by
reducing a fish’s sense of smell and/or orientation ability. According to Tierney et al.
2010, copper is known to reduce fish resistance to diseases; it disrupts migration; alters
swimming; causes oxidative damage; impairs respiration; disrupts osmoregulation
structure and pathology of kidneys, liver, gills, and other stem cells; impacts
mechanoreceptors of lateral line canals; impairs functions of olfactory organs and brain;
is associated with changes in behavior, blood chemistry, enzyme activities, corticosteroid
metabolism and gene transcription and expression.
3. Silver (Ag)
- Human being: The only known clinical picture of chronic silver intoxication is that of
argyria. Animal studies suggests that long-term exposure (125 days) to moderately high
levels of silver nitrate in drinking water may have a slight effect on the brain because
exposed animals were less active than animals drinking water without silver. Another
study found that some of the animals that drank water containing moderately high levels
of silver for most of their lives (9 months or longer) had hearts that were larger than
normal. It is not yet known whether these effects would occur in humans. Silver is
regulated by US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) National Secondary Drinking
Water Regulations. The secondary maximum contaminant level in public water supplies
(finished drinking water) is 0.1 mg/liter, which is a non-enforceable guideline based on
possible cosmetic effects, such as skin discoloration. Silver oxide is harmful upon
swallowing, because it irritates the eyes, respiratory tract and skin. Silver nitrate is much
more harmful, because it is a strong oxidant. It causes corrosion and at oral uptake it
leads to vomiting, dizziness and diarrhea.
- Fish community: Studies on fish and zooplankton exposed to high doses of silver nitrate
confirmed that silver in this form is highly toxic to aquatic creatures. This ionic form of
silver interferes with an enzyme that regulates the level of potassium and sodium in fish.
Disturbing the sodium/potassium equilibrium has fatal effects on the fish community, and
similar effects were found in zooplankton.