HomeMy WebLinkAbout20230396 Ver 1_More Info Received_20230315Flushing and Dissolved Oxygen Study Amphitheater Road Marina Peletier, North Carolina July 2022 DirtMreams, LLC ATM -Z� \ Geosyntec Compan\ 2201 NW 40 TERRACE. GAINESVILLE, FLORIDA 32605 386-256-1477 Flushing and Dissolved Oxygen Study Amphitheater Road Marina Table of Contents 1.0 Introduction 1-1 1.1 Study Area and Project Description 1-1 1.2 Objectives 1-6 1.3 Report Outline 1-6 2.0 Field Data Measurements 2-1 2.1 Overview 2-1 2.2 Discrete Sampling 2-2 2.2.1 In -Situ YSI Data 2-2 2.2.2 Laboratory Data 2-18 2.3 Continuous Data 2-18 2.3.1 Water Levels 2-19 2.3.2 Salinity and Temperature 2-22 2.3.3 pH 2-22 2.3.4 Dissolved Oxygen 2-24 2.3.5 Rain 2-25 3.0 Hydrodynamic Model Development and Flushing Assessment 3-1 3.1 Model Description 3-1 3.2 Hydrodynamic and Flushing Model 3-2 3.3 Model Boundary Conditions 3-6 3.4 Model Calibration 3-8 3.5 Flushing Simulations 3-8 3.5.1 Initial Marina Basin Design Flushing Results 3-9 3.5.2 Revised Marina Basin Design Flushing Results 3-12 4.0 Water Quality Model Development and Dissolved Oxygen Assessment 4-1 4.1 Model Description 4-1 4.2 Model Boundary Conditions 4-2 4.3 Model Calibration 4-3 4.4 Dissolved Oxygen Simulations 4-7 5.0 Summary and Conclusions 5-1 6.0 Literature Cited 6-1 Appendix A -- Environmental Monitoring and Hydrodynamic and Water Quality Simulation Plan Appendix B -- Analytical Results W T R/213667. D2 D/7/8/2022 ATM Flushing and Dissolved Oxygen Study Amphitheater Road Marina List of Tables Table 2-1. Water Quality Constituents Measured at Discrete Stations: Discrete 01, 02, 03 and 04...... 2-13 Table2-2. Analytical Results...................................................................................................................2-20 Table 2-3. Basic Statistics of Water Quality Constituents and Water Level at Continuous 01 and Continuous02..........................................................................................................................................2-25 W T R/213667. D2 D/7/8/2022 ATM >„l-0, ym,,, ii Flushing and Dissolved Oxygen Study Amphitheater Road Marina List of Figures Figure 1-1. Amphitheater Road Marina on White Oak River near Peletier, Carteret County, North Carolina on U.S. Geological Survey National Map..................................................................................... 1-1 Figure 1-2. Amphitheater Road Marina on White Oak River near Peletier, Carteret County, North Carolina (A) on U.S. Geological Survey National Map with Contours of Equal Elevation (brown polylines) on a 5-foot Contour Interval, and (B) on an April 28, 2020, Aerial Photograph by Maxar with Discrete (blue diamonds) and Continuous (yellow circles) Constituent Measurement Locations. Stations Discrete- 02 and Continuous-02 are Coincident.......................................................................................................1-2 Figure1-3. Initial Marina Layout...............................................................................................................1-4 Figure1-4. Revised Marina Layout............................................................................................................1-5 Figure 2-1. Dissolved Oxygen (mg/L) measurements during a low tide condition A) at the top, B) in the middle and C) at the bottom of water. DLT-01 in blue circles, DLT-02 in red rectangles, DLT-03 in green asterisks and DLT-04 in black squares denotes the measurements at Discrete 01, 02, 03 and 04, respectively during a low tide condition....................................................................................................2-3 Figure 2-2. Salinity (psu) measurements during a low tide condition A) at the top, B) in the middle and C) at the bottom of water. DLT-01 in blue circles, DLT-02 in red rectangles, DLT-03 in green asterisks and DLT-04 in black squares denotes the measurements at Discrete 01, 02, 03 and 04, respectively during a lowtide condition...................................................................................................................................... 2-4 Figure 2-3. Specific Conductivity (µS/cm) measurements during a low tide condition A) at the top, B) in the middle and C) at the bottom of water. DLT-01 in blue circles, DLT-02 in red rectangles, DLT-03 in green asterisks and DLT-04 in black squares denotes the measurements at Discrete 01, 02, 03 and 04, respectively during a low tide condition....................................................................................................2-5 Figure 2-4. PH measurements during a low tide condition A) at the top, B) in the middle and C) at the bottom of water. DLT-01 in blue circles, DLT-02 in red rectangles, DLT-03 in green asterisks and DLT-04 in black squares denotes the measurements at Discrete 01, 02, 03 and 04, respectively during a low tide condition.................................................................................................................................................... 2-6 Figure 2-5. Temperature (°C) measurements during a low tide condition A) at the top, B) in the middle and C) at the bottom of water. DLT-01 in blue circles, DLT-02 in red rectangles, DLT-03 in green asterisks and DLT-04 in black squares denotes the measurements at Discrete 01, 02, 03 and 04, respectively duringa low tide condition........................................................................................................................2-7 Figure 2-6. Dissolved Oxygen (mg/L) measurements during a high tide condition A) at the top, B) in the middle and C) at the bottom of water. DHT-01 in blue circles, DHT-02 in red rectangles, DHT-03 in green asterisks and DHT-04 in black squares denotes the measurements at Discrete 01, 02, 03 and 04, respectively during a high tide condition . ................................................................................................. 2-8 Figure 2-7. Salinity (psu) measurements during a high tide condition A) at the top, B) in the middle and C) at the bottom of water. DHT-01 in blue circles, DHT-02 in red rectangles, DHT-03 in green asterisks and DHT-04 in black squares denotes the measurements at Discrete 01, 02, 03 and 04, respectively duringa high tide condition.......................................................................................................................2-9 Figure 2-8. Specific Conductivity (µS/cm) measurements during a high tide condition A) at the top, B) in the middle and C) at the bottom of water. DHT-01 in blue circles, DHT-02 in red rectangles, DHT-03 in green asterisks and DHT-04 in black squares denotes the measurements at Discrete 01, 02, 03 and 04, respectively during a high tide condition . ............................................................................................... 2-10 W T R/213667. D 2 D/7/8/2022 ATM „-<<��,,,,,��,> iii Flushing and Dissolved Oxygen Study Amphitheater Road Marina Figure 2-9. PH measurements during a high tide condition A) at the top, B) in the middle and C) at the bottom of water. DHT-01 in blue circles, DHT-02 in red rectangles, DHT-03 in green asterisks and DHT-04 in black squares denotes the measurements at Discrete 01, 02, 03 and 04, respectively during a high tide condition.................................................................................................................................................. 2-11 Figure 2-10. Temperature (°C) measurements during a high tide condition A) at the top, B) in the middle and C) at the bottom of water. DHT-01 in blue circles, DHT-02 in red rectangles, DHT-03 in green asterisks and DHT-04 in black squares denotes the measurements at Discrete 01, 02, 03 and 04, respectively during a high tide condition . ............................................................................................... 2-12 Figure 2-11. Water Surface Elevation (m) above NAVD88 at Continuous 01 in green solid line and Continuous02 in red solid line................................................................................................................ 2-19 Figure 2-12. A) Salinity (psu) and B) Temperature (°C) measurements at Continuous 01 in green solid line and Continuous 02 in red solid line......................................................................................................... 2-23 Figure 2-13. pH measurements at Continuous 01 in green solid line and Continuous 02 in red solid line.2- 23 Figure 2-14. Dissolved oxygen (mg/L) at Continuous 01 in green solid line and Continuous 02 in red solid line............................................................................................................................................................ 2-24 Figure 2-15. Rain (inch/day) Data Onsite.................................................................................................2-25 Figure 3-1. Model Grid and the Proposed Marina (in red rectangle)........................................................3-3 Figure 3-2. Model Grid in the Proposed Final Marina Basin Design..........................................................3-4 Figure 3-3. Overall Model Bathymetry......................................................................................................3-5 Figure 3-4. Model Bathymetry within the Proposed Final Marina Basin Design.......................................3-6 Figure 3-5. Tidal Forcing Utilized on Southern Grid Boundary.................................................................. 3-7 Figure 3-6. Measured Winds at Beaufort, Duke Marine Lab, NC (August 1, 2021 to September 15, 2021) ................................................................................................................................................................... 3-7 Figure 3-7. Comparison of Simulated and Measured Water Levels at Continuous 01..............................3-8 Figure 3-8. Initial Dye Concentration and Basin Layout for Initial Marina Basin Design ........................3-10 Figure 3-9. Percent Mass Dye Remaining in Initial Marina Basin Design Over Time (spring scenario) ..3-11 Figure 3-10. Percent Mass Dye Remaining in Initial Marina Basin Design Over Time (neap scenario) ... 3-11 Figure 3-11. Initial Dye Concentration and Basin Layout for Revised Marina Basin Design...................3-12 Figure 3-12. Percent Mass Dye Remaining in Revised Marina Basin Design Over Time (Spring Scenario) 3- 13 Figure 3-13. Percent Mass Dye Remaining in Revised Marina Basin Design Over Time (neap scenario) ... 3- 13 Figure 4-1. Observed and simulated 15-minute dissolved oxygen at Continuous 01 outside the mouth of the tributary in White Oak River for 15 August — 13 September 2021..................................................... 4-4 Figure 4-2. Observed and simulated 15-minute dissolved oxygen at Continuous 02 inside the mouth of the tributary for 15 August —13 September 2021.....................................................................................4-4 Figure 4-3. Observed and simulated average daily dissolved oxygen at Continuous 01 outside the mouth of the tributary in White Oak River for 15 August —13 September 2021.................................................4-5 Figure 4-4. Observed and simulated average daily dissolved oxygen at Continuous 02 inside the mouth of the tributary for 15 August —13 September 2021................................................................................4-6 Figure 4-5. Grid Locations in the Model for Output of Dissolved Oxygen Simulation Results .................4-8 W T R/213667. D 2 D/7/8/2022 ATM iv Flushing and Dissolved Oxygen Study Amphitheater Road Marina Figure 4-6. a) Comparison of Pre- versus Post -Project Simulated Dissolved Oxygen for all Vertical Levels b) Comparison of Pre- versus Post -Project Simulated Vertically Averaged Dissolved Oxygen (outside of Creekmouth).............................................................................................................................................4-9 Figure 4-7. a) Comparison of Pre- versus Post -Project Simulated Dissolved Oxygen for all Vertical Levels. b) Comparison of Pre- versus Post -Project Simulated Vertically Averaged Dissolved Oxygen (in Creek mouth).....................................................................................................................................................4-10 Figure 4-8. a) Comparison of Pre- versus Post -Project Simulated Dissolved Oxygen for all Vertical Levels b) Comparison of Pre- versus Post -Project Simulated Vertically Averaged Dissolved Oxygen (In Creek at SouthEntrance to Basin)..........................................................................................................................4-11 Figure 4-9. a) Comparison of Pre- versus Post -Project Simulated Dissolved Oxygen for all Vertical Levels. b) Comparison of Pre- versus Post -Project Simulated Vertically Averaged Dissolved Oxygen (In Creek at NorthEntrance to Basin)..........................................................................................................................4-12 Figure 4-10. a) Comparison of Pre- versus Post -Project Simulated Dissolved Oxygen for all Vertical Levels. b) Comparison of Pre- versus Post -Project Simulated Vertically Averaged Dissolved Oxygen (In Creek above Marina Entrances)...............................................................................................................4-13 Figure 4-11. a) Comparison of Pre- versus Post -Project Simulated Dissolved Oxygen for all Vertical Levels. b) Comparison of Pre- versus Post -Project Simulated Vertically Averaged Dissolved Oxygen (In Creekin Upstream Fork)..........................................................................................................................4-14 Figure 4-12. a) Post -Project Simulated Dissolved Oxygen for all Vertical Levels. b) Post -Project Simulated Vertically Averaged Dissolved Oxygen (In Marina Basin — Southern End).............................4-15 Figure 4-13. a) Post -Project Simulated Dissolved Oxygen for all Vertical Levels. b) Post -Project Simulated Vertically Averaged Dissolved Oxygen (In Marina Basin — Northern End).............................4-16 Figure 4-14. Comparison of Simulated Pre- versus Post -Project Daily Averaged Dissolved Oxygen Concentrations for Multiple Locations.................................................................................................... 4-17 W T R/213667. D2 D/7/8/2022 ATM v Flushing and Dissolved Oxygen Study Amphitheater Road Marina 1.0 Introduction 1.1 Study Area and Project Description Dirt2Dreams, LLC, hired Applied Technology & Management, Inc. (ATM, a Geosyntec Company) to develop a hydrodynamic and water quality model to evaluate the flushing and dissolved oxygen conditions within the proposed Amphitheater Road Marina on a small tidal creek off the White Oak River near Peletier, in Carteret County, North Carolina (Figure 1-1 and Figure 1-2). Land Management Group, Inc. (LMG) assisted ATM with this work by collecting hydrodynamic and water quality data to support the model development and establish baseline water quality conditions. Dirt2Dreams proposes to construct a marina in an unnamed tributary to the White Oak River, on the western side of the river. Dirt2Dreams may also construct marina infrastructure in the White Oak River, between the unnamed tributary and a point about 300 meters (m) southeast of the unnamed tributary. 77°15'W 77`10'W 77°5'W 0 5 10 Kilometers I 0 2 4 5 Miles Figure 1-1. Amphitheater Road Marina on White Oak River near Peletier, Carteret County, North Carolina on U.S. Geological Survey National Map. W T R/213667. D 2 D/7/8/2022 ATM -_ >„l�� 0,,,,,,a,,, 1-1 Flushing and Dissolved Oxygen Study Amphitheater Road Marina 7°6'50"W 77"6'40"W 77"6'30"W 77°6'20"W 77°6'10"W 7706'W 7705'50"W '43'50"N '43'40"N '43'30"N '43'20"N 7"6'50"W 77"6'40"W 77"6'30"W 77"6'20"W 77'6'10"W 77'6'W 7705'50"W C 500 1.000 Meters I t t t I I 0 1,000 2,000 Feet Figure 1-2. Amphitheater Road Marina on White Oak River near Peletier, Carteret County, North Carolina (A) on U.S. Geological Survey National Map with Contours of Equal Elevation (brown polylines) on a 5-foot Contour Interval, and (B) on an April 28, 2020, Aerial Photograph by Maxar with Discrete (blue diamonds) and Continuous (yellow circles) Constituent Measurement Locations. Stations Discrete-02 and Continuous-02 are Coincident. WTR/213667.D2D/7/8/2022 ATM AGeosyntec Company 1-2 Flushing and Dissolved Oxygen Study Amphitheater Road Marina To evaluate the flushing and dissolved oxygen conditions, ATM used the Environmental Fluid Dynamics Code (EFDC) model, which is supported by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). EFDC simulates water and water quality constituent transport in dynamically complex water bodies such as rivers, estuaries, lakes, and coastal regions. The hydrodynamic model estimates the degree of exchange between the proposed marina basin and the adjacent waters. The water quality model for dissolved oxygen concentration is internally coupled with the hydrodynamic model, which simulates circulation and physical transport processes. Prior to initiation of the hydrodynamic and water quality monitoring and development of the hydrodynamic and water quality models, ATM submitted an Environmental Monitoring and Hydrodynamic & Water Quality Simulation Plan to the State of North Carolina, Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ). The objective of the plan was to describe environmental monitoring and the planned hydrodynamic and water quality simulations to be conducted in support of the marina permit application. The proposed environmental monitoring included water level monitoring, water quality constituent monitoring, and atmospheric monitoring. ATM proposed to use the environmental measurements to establish baseline hydrodynamic and water quality conditions and to support development of a hydrodynamic and water quality model in the unnamed tributary to the White Oak River near Hancock Point and in the White Oak River. The plan identified that the hydrodynamic and water quality simulations will be used to accomplish the following: 1. Refine the marina design, 2. Ensure that constituents in the proposed marina will be flushed to the White Oak River, and 3. Ensure that the proposed marina will not significantly decrease existing (baseline) dissolved oxygen concentrations in the unnamed tributary or in the river. The plan was submitted for review and approval by DEQ staff and is included as Appendix A. For the flushing analysis, two marina layouts were evaluated (Figure 1-3 and Figure 1-4). The initial marina layout had a single middle entrance. The second layout had two entrances. The development of the second layout was based on the flushing determinations made on the initial marina. These layouts are discussed in more detail later in the report. W T R/213667. D 2 D/7/8/2022 ATM >„l-0, ,,,a,,, 1-3 Flushing and Dissolved Oxygen Study Amphitheater Road Marina 0 100 200 300 . Feet ` ♦ ti 1 — Original Basin Layout Figure 1-3. Initial Marina Layout WTR/213667.D2D/7/8/2022 ATM AGeosyntec Company 1-4 Flushing and Dissolved Oxygen Study Amphitheater Road Marina Figure 1-4. Revised Marina Layout WTR/213667.D2D/7/8/2022 ATM AGeosyntec Company 1-5 Flushing and Dissolved Oxygen Study Amphitheater Road Marina 1.2 Objectives To support permitting of the proposed marina, ATM and LMG completed the following tasks. 1. Measure hydrodynamic and water quality data at two continuous stations and four discrete stations (Figure 1-2). The data included continuous water level and water quality constituents (pH, dissolved oxygen, temperature, and salinity), as well as discrete in -situ and grab samples for analysis for nutrients, dissolved oxygen, and other parameters. Data were collected from August 9, 2021, through September 13, 2021, to coincide with the critical period for dissolved oxygen levels. The data established baseline hydrodynamic and dissolved oxygen conditions outside the tidal creek mouth and inside the creek, in the area of the proposed marina basin. 2. Analyze and present baseline data to define baseline conditions. 3. Collect desktop data to support model setup, including published tide data, bathymetric conditions, and available local meteorologic data. 4. Generate the EFDC model grid and its bathymetry with National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Navionics and develop a hydrodynamic and water quality model using the measured data and obtained desktop data. 5. Utilize the model to assess the degree of flushing under post -project conditions within the marina basin and define alternatives to the marina layout where flushing is not sufficient. 6. Simulate the pre -project versus post -project dissolved oxygen conditions in the tidal creek and within the marina basin and evaluate the differences to assess potential for environmentally significant degradation from baseline (pre -project) conditions. 7. Prepare a technical report that summarized the results of the study. 1.3 Report Outline This report is presented in four sections following this introduction. Section 2.0 presents the field data measurements. Section 3.0 presents the development of the hydrodynamic model and the flushing simulations performed, along with the findings from the analyses. Section 4.0 describes the water quality model development and dissolved oxygen assessment under pre - and post -project conditions. Section 5.0 summarizes the findings from the study. W T R/213667. D2 D/7/8/2022 ATM >„l-0, ,,,a,,, 1-6 Flushing and Dissolved Oxygen Study Amphitheater Road Marina 2.0 Field Data Measurements 2.1 Overview LMG conducted field studies near the project area as described in Section 1 and as outlined in detail within the plan in Appendix A. Data collection consisted of both discrete and continuous data. For the discrete sampling, four stations were identified, as shown in Figure 1-2. These stations were sampled at weekly intervals from August 9 through September 14, 2021. For each sampling event, in -situ profiles were collected at the four locations over depth, per DEQ requirements. Parameters included dissolved oxygen, salinity, temperature, pH, and specific conductance. Profiles were collected at slack high and low tides. Water quality grab samples were collected at low and high slack tides and analyzed for the following parameters. • Total nitrogen concentration • Ammonia concentration • Nitrate -nitrite concentration • Total Kjeldhal nitrogen concentration • Total phosphorus concentration • Orthophosphate concentration • Chlorophyll a concentration • 5-day biochemical oxygen demand • Carbon concentration • Total suspended solids concentration • Color Continuous data were collected at two locations shown in Figure 1-2. The continuous parameters included water level, salinity, temperature, pH, and dissolved oxygen. The continuous instruments were mounted to represent near -bottom conditions. Continuous data were collected from August 9 through September 14, 2021. The following presents the data collected. W T R/213667. D2 D/7/8/2022 ATM 2-1 Flushing and Dissolved Oxygen Study Amphitheater Road Marina 2.2 Discrete Sampling The North Carolina DEQ requires surface and bottom measurements in water depths less than 3 feet, and surface, mid -column and bottom measurements in water depths greater than 3 feet. LMG measured vertical profiles of dissolved oxygen concentration, temperature, pH and conductivity from the bed to the water surface during six 1-day trips. The dates of the trips were August 9, August 16, August 23, August 31, September 9 and September 13, 2021. The water quality data were measured at slack high and low tides. For the graphs the discrete stations are identified as DLT or DHT followed by the station number depending on whether the readings were taken at low tide (LT) or high tide (HT). 2.2.1 In -Situ YSI Data Figure 2-1 through Figure 2-10 present graphs of the discrete profile data. The measurements taken at low tide are presented in Figure 2-1 through Figure 2-5. The measurements taken during high tide are presented in Figure 2-6 through Figure 2-10. Table 2-1 presents the data collected. Dissolved oxygen concentrations (Figure 2-1) during the low tide measurements varied from a low of near 3.0 milligrams per liter (mg/L) to up to 10.0 mg/L for the six sampling events. The lowest measurements were found during the August 23 and 31 events in the near -bottom readings at station Discrete 03. This is most upstream station in the creek. The highest reading (around 10 mg/L) was found at the same station during the August 9 event. Data presented in later sections will show this coincided with a very high Chlorophyll a (Chi a) reading, indicating potential supersaturated dissolved oxygen levels due to algal productivity. The data show that within the creek (and in one reading at 04), some measured concentrations were below the 4.0 mg/L instantaneous criteria. These were more prevalent in the bottom readings, but some were found in the surface. Salinity (Figure 2-2) and specific conductivity (Figure 2-3) during low tide conditions increased from near zero up to around 30 parts per thousand (ppt) through the measurement period. This is due to high White Oak River discharge from August 3 to August 9. No halocline was seen, that is, salinity was not vertically stratified, as the water was well mixed. Low tide pH ranged from 7 to 8, which is close to neutral (Figure 2-4). Through the measurement period, pH increased. Low tide temperature range was from 25 to 35 degree Celsius (°C), with a general decreasing trend through the period of the measurements (Figure 2-5). No thermocline was noticed in the six measurement events. W T R/213667. D 2 D/ 7/8/2022 ATM „-,C(,,,ya,, 2-2 Flushing and Dissolved Oxygen Study Amphitheater Road Marina Dissolved oxygen concentrations during high tide were consistently higher than that measured at low tide, reflecting conditions out in the White Oak River, which were higher than in the creek. The high tide measurements were also more consistent among the different stations other than Discrete 03. Dissolved oxygen at the bottom (Figure 2-6) was about 2 mg/L lower at Discrete 03 than at the other stations, except for August 16. Salinity and specific conductivity (Figure 2-7 and Figure 2-8) during the high tide conditions were a little greater than during the low tide conditions, reflecting the higher saline water from the White Oak River. The other water quality constituents during the high tide were similar with those during the low tide (Figure 2-10). Dissolved Oxygen (mg/L) : Low Tide 10 o 8 a� 6 4 2 10 (D 8 m 6 4 2 10 E 0 8 0 m m 6 4 2 A) 0 8 ja o O 0 n R o DLT-01 DLT-02 DLT-03 DLT-04 B) o 0 o o @ C) 0 0 e 0 0 � 9 o a 08/09 08116 08/23 08/31 09/07 09113 Days of 2021 Figure 2-1. Dissolved Oxygen (mg1L) measurements during a low tide condition A) at the top, B) in the middle and C) at the bottom of water. DLT-01 in blue circles, DLT-02 in red rectangles, DLT-03 in green asterisks and DLT-04 in black squares denotes the measurements at Discrete 01, 02, 03 and 04, respectively during a low tide condition. W T R/213667. D 2 D/7/8/2022 ATM >„l- 2-3 Flushing and Dissolved Oxygen Study Amphitheater Road Marina 30 Salinity (psu) : Low Tide 25 A) 020El (D 15 0 0 o 0 10 0 0 5 8 o DLT-01 DLT-02 DLT-03 DLT-04 Ci 0 30 m 25 B) o -020 a) 15 0 o 10 0 5 0 30 25 C) zS � g 20 0 o m 15 (D o 10 0 � 5 � 0 0 0 08109 08/16 08/23 08131 09/07 09/13 Days of 2021 Figure 2-2. Salinity (psu) measurements during a low tide condition A) at the top, B) in the middle and C) at the bottom of water. DLT-01 in blue circles, DLT-02 in red rectangles, DLT-03 in green asterisks and DLT-04 in black squares denotes the measurements at Discrete 01, 02, 03 and 04, respectively during a low tide condition. W T R/213667. D2 D/7/8/2022 ATM 2-4 �0 3 m 2 �2 3 � 2 "J 3 0 m � 2 Flushing and Dissolved Oxygen Study Amphitheater Road Marina x 104 Specific Conductivity (uS/cm) : Low Tide A) El 0 0 ° ° o 0 a H o DLT-01 DLT-02 DLT-03 ° DLT-04 x 104 B) , Z o 0 0 0 0 x 104 C) n E a 0 0 0 0 ° 4 08109 08116 08/23 08/31 09/07 09/13 Days of 2021 Figure 2-3. Specific Conductivity (pS/cm) measurements during a low tide condition A) at the top, B) in the middle and C) at the bottom of water. DLT-01 in blue circles, DLT-02 in red rectangles, DLT-03 in green asterisks and DLT-04 in black squares denotes the measurements at Discrete 01, 02, 03 and 04, respectively during a low tide condition. W T R/213667. D2 D/7/8/2022 ATM 2-5 Flushing and Dissolved Oxygen Study Amphitheater Road Marina PH: Low Tide 9 A) 08 7 o DLT-01 DLT-02 DLT-03 DLT-04 6 9 B) (D 8 � � o a� � 7 6 9 C) 08 0 m � (D ° 7 c6 6 08109 08116 08/23 08/31 09/07 09/13 Days of 2021 Figure 2-4. PH measurements during a low tide condition A) at the top, B) in the middle and C) at the bottom of water. DLT-01 in blue circles, DLT-02 in red rectangles, DLT-03 in green asterisks and DLT-04 in black squares denotes the measurements at Discrete 01, 02, 03 and 04, respectively during a low tide condition. W T R/213667. D2 D/7/8/2022 ATM „-<2-6 Flushing and Dissolved Oxygen Study Amphitheater Road Marina 0 Temperature( C) : Low Tide 35 A) �0 30 o m 25 o DLT-01 DLT-02 DLT-03 DLT-04 20 35 B) m �2 30 a a� 25 20 35 C) m° 30 0 m 25 o (6 20 08109 08116 08/23 08/31 09/07 09/13 Days of 2021 Figure 2-5. Temperature (°C) measurements during a low tide condition A) at the top, B) in the middle and C) at the bottom of water. DLT-01 in blue circles, DLT-02 in red rectangles, DLT-03 in green asterisks and DLT-04 in black squares denotes the measurements at Discrete 01, 02, 03 and 04, respectively during a low tide condition. W T R/213667. D2 D/7/8/2022 ATM „-<2-7 Flushing and Dissolved Oxygen Study Amphitheater Road Marina Dissolved Oxygen (mg/L) : High Tide 10 A) 0 8 6 o n o 4 ° o DHT-01 ° DHT-02 DHT-03 DHT-04 2 10 B) (D 8 El 6 — 4 2 10 C) 0 8 0 El m 6 � o m o ® ° 0 @ ° El 2 08/09 08116 08/23 08/31 09/07 09/13 Days of 2021 Figure 2-6. Dissolved Oxygen (mg/L) measurements during a high tide condition A) at the top, B) in the middle and C) at the bottom of water. DHT-01 in blue circles, DHT-02 in red rectangles, DHT- 03 in green asterisks and DHT-04 in black squares denotes the measurements at Discrete 01, 02, 03 and 04, respectively during a high tide condition. W T R/213667. D2 D/7/8/2022 ATM >,,,- 2-8 Flushing and Dissolved Oxygen Study Amphitheater Road Marina Salinity (psu) : High Tide 30 25 A)° 020 LI o a) 15 .� o 10 Q 5 o DHT-01 ° DHT-02 DHT-03 DHT-04 0 30 25 B) o g N o O 20 ° m 15 10 4 5 ° 0 30 25 C) 6 0 20 0 o °El CO 15 m o 10 El c� $ 5 0 08/09 08116 08/23 08/31 09/07 09/13 Days of 2021 Figure 2-7. Salinity (psu) measurements during a high tide condition A) at the top, B) in the middle and C) at the bottom of water. DHT-01 in blue circles, DHT-02 in red rectangles, DHT-03 in green asterisks and DHT-04 in black squares denotes the measurements at Discrete 01, 02, 03 and 04, respectively during a high tide condition. W T R/213667. D2 D/7/8/2022 ATM „-<2-9 �0 3 m 2 �2 3 � 2 V 3 0 m � 2 Flushing and Dissolved Oxygen Study Amphitheater Road Marina x 104 Specific Conductivity (uS/cm) : High Tide A) � o n 0 0 Q 0 A o DHT-01 DHT-02 DHT-03 Ei DHT-04 x 104 B) o 0 0 0 0 0 0 x 104 C) o El 0 0 08/09 08116 08/23 08/31 09/07 09/13 Days of 2021 Figure 2-8. Specific Conductivity (pS/cm) measurements during a high tide condition A) at the top, B) in the middle and C) at the bottom of water. DHT-01 in blue circles, DHT-02 in red rectangles, DHT-03 in green asterisks and DHT-04 in black squares denotes the measurements at Discrete 01, 02, 03 and 04, respectively during a high tide condition. W T R/213667. D2 D/7/8/2022 ATM „-<2-10 Flushing and Dissolved Oxygen Study Amphitheater Road Marina PH: High Tide 9 A) 08 m 7 o DHT-01 DHT-02 DHT-03 DHT-04 6 9 B) m o � (D 7 6 9 C) 0 8 R o o m (D 7 c6 6 08/09 08116 08/23 08/31 09/07 09/13 Days of 2021 Figure 2-9. PH measurements during a high tide condition A) at the top, B) in the middle and C) at the bottom of water. DHT-01 in blue circles, DHT-02 in red rectangles, DHT-03 in green asterisks and DHT-04 in black squares denotes the measurements at Discrete 01, 02, 03 and 04, respectively during a high tide condition. W T R/213667. D2 D/7/8/2022 ATM >„l- 2-11 Flushing and Dissolved Oxygen Study Amphitheater Road Marina 0 Temperature ( C) : High Tide 35 A)El o �0 30 ❑ o ® o 25 o DHT-01 DHT-02 DHT-03 ❑ DHT-04 20 35 B) Q (D o ❑ -a o 30 LI N � O 25 20 35 C) � o IR 0 30 m ® o 25 c� 20 08/09 08116 08/23 08/31 09/07 09/13 Days of 2021 Figure 2-10. Temperature (°C) measurements during a high tide condition A) at the top, B) in the middle and C) at the bottom of water. DHT-01 in blue circles, DHT-02 in red rectangles, DHT-03 in green asterisks and DHT-04 in black squares denotes the measurements at Discrete 01, 02, 03 and 04, respectively during a high tide condition. W T R/213667. D2 D/7/8/2022 ATM „-<2-12 Flushing and Dissolved Oxygen Study Amphitheater Road Marina -. . 0- DILT and DHT Denotes the Sampling Event which Was Collected during Low Tide and High .- Condition, Respectively. L Meas. Salinity Spc. Cond DO Temp. Station Depth (in) Time (psu) (PS/Cm) (mg/L) pH (°C) 4 08/09/202114:22 2.02 3850.0 6.70 7.24 1 30.90 DLT-1 16 08/09/202114:21 3.13 5756.0 6.07 7.02 29.30 4 08/09/202115:01 3.79 6858.0 7.42 7.17 31.30 DLT-2 16 08/09/202115:00 6.17 10740.0 5.38 7.02 30.20 4 08/09/202114:45 2.47 4624.0 10.29 7.83 34.10 DLT-3 16 08/09/202114:44 4.34 7769.0 6.54 6.99 31.20 4 08/09/202113:59 4.88 8663.0 6.63 7.18 31.00 DLT-4 12 08/09/202113:58 4.89 8668.0 3.67 7.14 30.90 4 08/09/202109:21 6.35 11020.0 5.61 7.07 27.70 DHT-1 18 08/09/202109:20 6.99 12047.0 5.60 7.10 27.30 4 08/09/202110:21 3.96 7135.0 5.69 6.98 28.60 DHT-2 12 08/09/202110:20 5.27 9295.0 5.54 7.00 28.40 18 08/09/202110:19 5.84 10204.0 5.42 7.00 28.10 4 08/09/202109:56 2.54 4750.0 6.15 7.11 28.50 DHT-3 18 08/09/202109:55 4.45 7946.0 4.62 6.89 27.90 4 08/09/202108:52 4.39 7848.0 5.74 6.98 27.50 DHT-4 18 08/09/202108:51 5.42 9538.0 5.50 6.98 27.40 4 08/16/202108:59 9.88 16954.0 4.76 7.62 31.10 DLT-1 20 08/16/202108:58 10.10 17303.0 4.75 7.61 31.10 36 08/16/202108:57 10.20 17464.0 5.45 7.65 31.10 4 08/16/202109:36 7.44 13045.0 5.27 7.67 30.60 DLT-2 10 08/16/202109:35 14.01 23348.0 4.08 7.51 31.00 20 08/16/202109:34 16.47 27068.0 4.81 7.48 31.00 4 08/16/202109:20 10.13 17350.0 3.93 7.56 31.40 DLT-3 10 08/16/202109:19 14.89 24700.0 3.68 7.47 31.50 20 08/16/202109:18 16.36 26900.0 4.27 7.45 31.30 4 08/16/202108:39 12.70 21340.0 5.64 7.68 30.70 DLT-4 10 08/16/202108:38 12.81 21503.0 5.96 7.69 30.60 4 08/16/202114:45 12.19 20590.0 5.13 7.82 32.20 24 08/16/202114:44 12.15 20525.0 5.26 7.82 32.20 DHT-1 36 08/16/202114:44 12.15 20524.0 5.43 7.82 32.20 48 08/16/202114:43 12.14 20512.0 5.36 7.82 32.20 56 08/16/202114:42 12.17 20559.0 5.67 7.82 32.20 4 08/16/202115:14 8.70 15149.0 6.48 8.00 34.50 DHT-2 15 08/16/202115:14 11.76 19958.0 4.84 7.79 33.80 WTR/213667. D2D/7/8/2022 ATM A Geosyntec Company 2-13 Flushing and Dissolved Oxygen Study Amphitheater Road Marina -. . 0- DILT and DHT Denotes the Sampling Event which Was Collected during Low Tide and High .- Condition, Respectively. L Meas. Salinity Spc. Cond DO Temp. Station Depth (in) Time (psu) (PS/Cm) (mg/L) pH (°C) 28 08/16/202115:13 16.98 27845.0 3.13 7.57 1 31.60 4 08/16/202115:01 8.95 15562.0 6.24 8.11 35.30 DHT-3 15 08/16/202115:01 9.31 16141.0 6.43 8.03 35.10 28 08/16/202115:00 12.91 21736.0 4.97 7.81 33.30 4 08/16/202114:31 10.00 17193.0 6.09 7.94 33.40 DHT-4 12 08/16/202114:31 10.03 17240.0 6.26 7.93 33.40 20 08/16/202114:30 10.02 17222.0 6.23 7.92 33.40 4 08/23/202107:26 12.82 21476.0 5.13 7.69 28.80 12 08/23/202107:25 12.89 21576.0 5.21 7.70 28.80 DLT-1 24 08/23/202107:24 12.96 21684.0 5.38 7.73 28.80 36 08/23/202107:23 13.86 23077.0 5.53 7.78 29.10 44 08/23/202107:22 16.53 27103.0 5.85 7.76 29.60 4 08/23/202108:00 15.90 26138.0 5.09 7.73 28.70 12 08/23/202107:59 16.03 26331.0 5.08 7.70 28.80 DLT-2 24 08/23/202107:59 17.63 28710.0 4.76 7.65 28.70 34 08/23/202107:58 19.13 30933.0 5.26 7.67 29.00 4 08/23/202107:46 17.48 28522.0 3.69 7.49 29.40 12 08/23/202107:45 17.85 29063.0 3.68 7.55 29.30 DLT-3 24 08/23/202107:44 19.12 30941.0 3.62 7.60 29.70 34 08/23/202107:44 23.10 36738.0 3.12 7.54 30.40 4 08/23/202107:07 14.86 24587.0 5.14 7.72 29.00 DLT-4 12 08/23/202107:06 14.84 24553.0 5.37 7.74 28.90 22 08/23/202107:05 16.17 26549.0 5.61 7.71 28.90 4 08/23/202112:16 16.11 26543.0 5.27 7.94 31.60 12 08/23/202112:15 17.19 28098.0 5.38 7.97 30.00 24 08/23/202112:15 19.24 31123.0 5.25 8.06 29.70 DHT-1 36 08/23/202112:14 23.14 36776.0 4.66 8.08 29.70 48 08/23/202112:13 23.69 37560.0 4.76 8.07 29.50 60 08/23/202112:13 24.21 38287.0 4.79 8.07 29.40 64 08/23/202112:12 24.61 38861.0 4.88 8.06 29.40 4 08/23/202112:50 17.58 28716.0 4.69 7.91 31.20 12 08/23/202112:48 18.07 29414.0 4.79 7.97 30.30 DHT-2 24 08/23/202112:48 19.65 31729.0 4.85 8.05 29.90 36 08/23/202112:47 23.16 36798.0 4.98 8.06 29.60 48 08/23/202112:46 23.77 37669.0 5.02 8.02 29.50 WTR/213667. D2D/7/8/2022 ATM A Geosyntec Company 2-14 Flushing and Dissolved Oxygen Study Amphitheater Road Marina -. . 0- DILT and DHT Denotes the Sampling Event which Was Collected during Low Tide and High .- Condition, Respectively. L Meas. Salinity Spc. Cond DO Temp. Station Depth (in) Time (psu) (PS/Cm) (mg/L) pH (°C) 52 08/23/202112:46 23.86 37793.0 4.95 8.00 1 29.50 4 08/23/202112:35 16.87 27694.0 5.05 7.78 32.20 12 08/23/202112:34 17.01 27888.0 4.79 7.74 31.60 DHT-3 24 08/23/202112:33 17.45 28500.0 4.66 7.70 30.40 36 08/23/202112:33 18.79 30474.0 3.97 7.75 30.00 44 08/23/202112:32 22.85 36379.0 3.03 7.71 30.40 4 08/23/202111:58 20.62 33159.0 5.05 7.98 30.20 12 08/23/202111:57 21.81 34856.0 5.08 7.97 29.60 DHT-4 24 08/23/202111:56 22.49 35829.0 5.26 7.97 29.50 36 08/23/202111:56 25.52 40147.0 5.52 7.92 29.40 4 08/31 /2021 08:36 16.34 26827.0 4.84 7.81 29.70 12 08/31 /2021 08:35 19.62 31695.0 4.38 7.81 30.10 DLT-1 24 08/31/202108:34 21.24 34061.0 4.30 7.78 30.30 36 08/31 /2021 08:33 21.39 34271.0 4.34 7.75 30.30 44 08/31 /2021 08:33 21.63 34611.0 4.53 7.73 30.00 4 08/31 /2021 09:16 18.88 30593.0 3.71 7.67 29.70 12 08/31 /2021 09:14 18.94 30677.0 3.60 7.70 29.70 DLT-2 34 08/31/202109:13 21.27 34082.0 3.43 7.80 29.90 36 08/31 /2021 09:11 24.94 39355.0 3.04 7.76 30.10 40 08/31 /2021 09:11 25.41 40027.0 2.84 7.72 30.10 4 08/31 /2021 08:57 17.97 29235.0 3.74 7.58 29.40 12 08/31/202108:57 18.18 29557.0 3.55 7.63 29.40 DLT-3 24 08/31 /2021 08:55 20.99 33693.0 3.75 7.74 30.20 34 08/31 /2021 08:55 24.53 38780.0 3.35 7.68 30.30 4 08/31 /2021 08:16 20.77 33348.0 4.11 7.64 29.40 DLT-4 14 08/31/202108:15 21.47 34368.0 4.09 7.55 29.50 28 08/31 /2021 08:14 22.41 35732.0 4.19 7.36 29.70 4 08/31 /2021 14:33 21.60 34601.0 5.56 8.05 31.00 12 08/31 /2021 14:32 21.59 34594.0 5.61 8.04 31.00 24 08/31/202114:31 21.71 34764.0 5.63 8.04 31.00 DHT-1 36 08/31 /2021 14:30 21.84 34957.0 5.49 8.02 31.00 48 08/31 /2021 14:30 21.91 35049.0 5.62 8.01 31.00 58 1 08/31 /2021 14:29 21.90 35031.0 5.65 8.00 31.00 4 08/31/202115:11 18.18 29673.0 5.82 8.12 33.20 DHT-2 12 08/31 /2021 15:10 18.40 30012.0 5.71 8.11 33.40 WTR/213667. D2D/7/8/2022 ATM A Geosyntec Company 2-15 Flushing and Dissolved Oxygen Study Amphitheater Road Marina -. . 0- DILT and DHT Denotes the Sampling Event which Was Collected during Low Tide and High .- Condition, Respectively. L Meas. Salinity Spc. Cond DO Temp. Station Depth (in) Time (psu) (PS/Cm) (mg/L) pH (°C) 24 08/31 /2021 15:09 18.44 30074.0 5.66 8.11 1 33.40 34 08/31 /2021 15:08 19.80 32054.0 4.94 8.04 33.00 4 08/31 /2021 14:55 18.58 30272.0 5.33 8.01 33.40 12 08/31 /2021 14:53 18.58 30279.0 5.22 8.01 33.50 24 08/31/202114:52 18.63 30353.0 4.86 7.98 33.40 DHT-3 36 08/31 /2021 14:50 18.63 30356.0 5.32 7.94 33.40 48 08/31 /2021 14:50 18.97 30838.0 4.72 7.82 32.90 52 08/31 /2021 14:48 22.66 36154.0 2.71 7.61 31.50 4 08/31 /2021 14:15 17.93 29253.0 5.84 7.93 31.80 DHT-4 12 08/31/202114:14 17.81 29076.0 5.71 7.90 31.80 22 08/31 /2021 14:14 17.64 28833.0 5.69 7.85 31.80 4 09/07/202114:09 26.29 41206.0 5.89 8.17 28.60 12 09/07/202114:08 26.60 41638.0 5.76 8.16 28.50 24 09/07/202114:07 26.76 41857.0 5.68 8.16 28.50 DLT-1 36 09/07/202114:07 26.93 42101.0 5.72 8.15 28.40 48 09/07/202114:06 27.14 42390.0 5.70 8.14 28.40 58 09/07/202114:05 27.50 42898.0 5.84 8.12 28.30 4 09/07/202114:44 24.81 39172.0 5.19 8.04 30.20 12 09/07/202114:43 24.91 39323.0 5.07 8.05 30.20 DLT-2 24 09/07/202114:41 25.71 40408.0 5.27 8.12 29.20 34 09/07/202114:39 27.71 43194.0 5.60 8.16 28.30 4 09/07/202114:28 24.38 38607.0 4.32 7.96 31.10 12 09/07/202114:27 24.46 38706.0 4.29 7.99 30.90 DLT-3 24 09/07/202114:26 25.84 40570.0 4.49 8.07 28.40 36 09/07/202114:25 27.81 43314.0 4.44 8.09 28.10 46 09/07/202114:24 29.05 45054.0 3.63 8.02 28.20 4 09/07/202113:51 27.01 42248.0 6.09 8.16 29.40 12 09/07/202113:50 27.01 42256.0 6.09 8.16 29.40 DLT-4 24 09/07/202113:50 27.05 42302.0 5.87 8.15 29.30 30 09/07/202113:49 27.90 43460.0 6.00 8.14 28.50 4 09/07/202108:50 26.31 41186.0 5.21 8.07 27.40 12 09/07/202108:49 26.30 41178.0 5.26 8.07 27.40 DHT-1 24 09/07/202108:48 26.30 41180.0 5.31 8.06 27.40 36 09/07/202108:47 26.30 41179.0 5.27 8.05 27.40 48 09/07/202108:46 26.30 41170.0 5.31 8.05 27.40 WTR/213667. D2D/7/8/2022 ATM A Geosyntec Company 2-16 Flushing and Dissolved Oxygen Study Amphitheater Road Marina -. . 0- DILT and DHT Denotes the Sampling Event which Was Collected during Low Tide and High .- Condition, Respectively. L Meas. Salinity Spc. Cond DO Temp. Station Depth (in) Time (psu) (PS/Cm) (mg/L) pH (°C) 52 09/07/202108:45 26.24 41093.0 5.48 8.02 1 27.30 4 09/07/202109:25 24.28 38315.0 4.37 7.96 27.40 12 09/07/202109:23 24.38 38457.0 4.37 8.01 27.40 DHT-2 24 09/07/202109:22 25.27 39732.0 5.03 8.06 27.50 34 09/07/202109:21 25.87 40580.0 5.23 8.05 27.50 4 09/07/202109:10 24.04 37974.0 3.62 7.87 27.30 12 09/07/202109:09 24.20 38195.0 4.22 7.97 27.20 DHT-3 24 09/07/202109:08 26.12 40925.0 3.83 8.02 27.60 36 09/07/202109:07 29.50 45666.0 3.65 8.01 28.10 46 09/07/202109:07 29.67 45896.0 3.46 7.99 28.10 4 09/07/202108:32 25.00 39328.0 5.34 7.97 27.10 12 09/07/202108:31 26.81 41891.0 5.13 7.92 27.30 DHT-4 24 09/07/202108:30 26.94 42068.0 5.11 7.88 27.30 28 09/07/202108:30 26.94 42076.0 5.15 7.82 27.30 4 09/13/202108:36 24.90 39140.0 5.45 7.96 25.60 12 09/13/202108:35 24.91 39160.0 5.54 7.96 25.60 DLT-1 24 09/13/202108:35 24.93 39190.0 5.56 7.95 25.60 36 09/13/202108:34 24.93 39190.0 5.93 7.93 25.60 4 09/13/202109:06 26.47 41345.0 4.48 7.88 25.40 12 09/13/202109:05 26.47 41345.0 4.92 7.88 25.40 DLT-2 24 09/13/202109:05 26.57 41487.0 5.08 7.88 25.40 32 09/13/202109:04 27.81 43240.0 4.74 7.88 25.80 4 09/13/202108:53 26.46 41345.0 4.36 7.80 25.70 DLT-3 12 09/13/202108:53 26.53 41445.0 4.68 7.80 25.70 26 09/13/202108:52 26.59 41525.0 5.04 7.80 25.70 4 09/13/202108:19 25.63 40148.0 5.55 7.82 24.90 DLT-4 10 09/13/202108:18 25.66 40203.0 6.06 7.79 24.90 4 09/13/202114:42 28.88 44768.0 6.15 8.21 26.90 12 09/13/202114:42 28.89 44775.0 6.29 8.21 26.90 24 09/13/202114:41 28.87 44747.0 6.21 8.20 26.90 DHT-1 36 09/13/202114:41 28.86 44737.0 6.16 8.20 26.90 48 09/13/202114:40 28.81 44665.0 6.25 8.19 26.90 54 1 09/13/202114:38 28.64 44426.0 6.41 8.14 26.90 12 09/13/202115:10 25.29 39822.0 6.30 8.17 29.30 DHT-2 24 09/13/202115:09 25.49 40098.0 6.15 8.15 29.00 WTR/213667. D2D/7/8/2022 ATM A Geosyntec Company 2-1 7 Flushing and Dissolved Oxygen Study Amphitheater Road Marina Table-. . 04 DLT and DHT Denotes the Sampling Event which Was Collected during Low Tide and High Tide Condition, Respectively. mi Meas. Salinity Spc. Cond DO Temp. Station Depth (in) Time (psu) (PS/cm) (mg/L) pH (°C) 36 1 09/13/202115:08 25.70 40381.0 5.69 1 8.12 28.90 48 09/13/202115:07 26.53 41528.0 5.75 8.06 28.00 4 09/13/202114:57 25.58 40257.0 6.19 8.15 30.00 12 09/13/202114:57 25.60 40282.0 6.38 8.13 29.90 DHT-3 24 09/13/202114:56 25.95 40759.0 5.33 8.02 29.30 36 09/13/202114:56 26.79 41884.0 4.76 7.96 28.00 48 09/13/202114:55 26.96 42117.0 4.49 7.96 27.60 4 09/13/202114:28 26.47 41422.0 6.41 8.12 27.70 DHT-4 12 09/13/202114:27 26.48 41447.0 6.70 8.10 27.70 26 09/13/202114:27 26.49 41458.0 6.94 8.06 27.70 2.2.2 Laboratory Data Table 2-2 presents the laboratory analyses for the discrete high tide and low tide grab samples. Pace Analytical Services, LLC performed the laboratory analyses for pH, total suspended solids, biochemical oxygen demand, total nitrogen, ammonia, total Kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN), total phosphorus, ortho-phosphate, and total organic carbon. The detailed laboratory data and their quality controls are provided in Appendix B. In general, nutrient levels both outside in White Oak River and in the creek are low with somewhat higher levels in the creek. Chl a levels in the first two measurements (August 10 and 17) were higher within the creek with levels in the 70 to 80 ug/L range while the samples in the White Oak River remained around and below 20 ug/L. Chl a levels through the remaining period dropped down to at or below 20 ug/L for the remaining samples. BOD levels were generally low in the non -detect (ND) for most of the samples with some higher levels at the beginning of the measurements as was seen for Chl a. The laboratory data were used in the development of the water quality model to show that the simulations have reasonable constituent concentrations. 2.3 Continuous Data Two YSI Sondes (EX02) were deployed at Continuous 01 and Continuous 02 (Figure 1-2) to collect water levels, salinity, temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen, etc. from August 9 to September 13, 2021. Statistics of the measured data at the continuous stations are provided in Table 2-3. Section 2.3.1 describes the variation in water surface elevation. Salinity and W T R, 213667. D2 D/7/8/2022 ATM AGeosymec Company 2-18 Flushing and Dissolved Oxygen Study Amphitheater Road Marina temperature are presented in Section 2.3.2. pH measurements are described in Section 2.3.3, followed by dissolved oxygen in Section 2.3.4. 2.3.1 Water Levels ATM collected water surface elevations above North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD88) at the stations Continuous 01 and Continuous 02 from August 9 to September 13 in 2021. Water surface elevation varied from -0.7 m to 0.14 m at both stations. As the distance between Continuous 01 and 02 is about 350 yards, no difference in phase and amplitude was observed. Thus, water surface elevations were mostly overlapped as they look like one time - series (Figure 2-11). The water surface elevations are predominantly semi -diurnal, with presenting wind -driven effects. The average water surface elevation was about -0.26 m during the measurement period. 0.2 00 Go 0 a z -0.2 0 -0.4 E W U) -0.6 -0.8 08/09 Continuous 01 Continous 02 08/14 08/19 08/24 08/29 09/03 09/08 09/13 Days of 2021 Figure 2-11. Water Surface Elevation (m) above NAVD88 at Continuous 01 in green solid line and Continuous 02 in red solid line. WTR/213667.D2D/7/8/2022 ATM AGeosymec Company 2-19 Flushing and Dissolved Oxygen Study Amphitheater Road Marina Table True Ortho- Tide pH Color TSS BOD5 TN Ammonia TKN NO2/NO3 TP phosphate as P TOC Chi a Station Condition Date Time (std units) (units) (mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L) (pg/L) Discrete 01 Low Tide 8/10/2021 9:25 6.7 300 6.6 5.3 1.3 ND 1.1 1 0.12 0.070 ND 21.6 16.2 9:25 6.9 250 6.6 3.4 1.4 ND 1.3 0.083 0.36 ND 18.8 6.7 Discrete 01 High Tide 8/10/2021 Discrete 01 Low Tide 8/17/2021 9:45 7.3 250 6.4 ND 1.1 ND 1.1 0.055 0.065 0.21 18.6 9.1 Discrete 01 High Tide 8/17/2021 9:45 6.8 200 32.8 ND 1.3 ND 1.3 0.050 0.092 ND 17.1 12.9 Discrete 01 Low Tide 8/24/2022 10:25 7.6 200 7.2 ND 0.73 ND 0.69 ND ND ND 17.9 8.3 Discrete 01 High Tide 8/25/2022 10:25 7.6 150 12.6 ND 1.9 ND 1.8 ND 0.051 ND 16.5 10.0 Discrete 01 Low Tide 9/1/2021 9:45 7.5 150 13.4 ND 1.8 ND 1.8 ND ND ND 17.4 9.4 Discrete 01 High Tide 9/1/2021 9:45 7.6 125 29.5 ND 2.2 ND 2.2 ND ND ND 13.1 9.6 Discrete 01 Low Tide 9/8/2021 11:45 7.9 100 27.6 ND 1.2 ND 1.2 ND ND ND 8.9 9.5 Discrete 01 High Tide 9/8/2021 11:45 7.8 75.0 29.1 ND 1.3 ND 1.3 ND 0.052 ND 8.7 7.0 Discrete 01 Low Tide 9/14/2021 12:50 7.6 80.0 10.6 ND 1.2 ND 1.2 ND ND ND 10.0 4.9 Discrete 01 High Tide 9/14/2021 12:50 8.0 70.0 31.7 ND 0.91 ND 0.91 ND 0.060 ND 6.9 8.0 Discrete 02 Low Tide 8/10/2021 9:25 7.0 250 10.2 3.5 1.4 ND 1.3 ND 0.078 ND 20.2 33.8 Discrete 02 High Tide 8/10/2021 9:25 6.9 250 10.8 10.5 1.5 ND 1.4 ND 0.096 ND 21.0 43.8 Discrete 02 Low Tide 8/17/2021 9:45 7.3 300 6.8 2.6 1.7 ND 1.7 ND 0.086 0.058 19.6 75.9 Discrete 02 High Tide 8/17/2021 9:45 7.3 250 14.6 ND 1.3 ND 1.2 ND 0.076 0.051 18.2 20.7 Discrete 02 Low Tide 8/24/2021 10:05 7.4 175 15.1 ND 0.75 ND 0.72 ND 0.050 0.063 15.6 11.1 Discrete 02 High Tide 8/25/2021 10:25 7.7 150 9.9 2.1 0.94 ND 0.93 ND ND ND 14.7 14.6 Discrete 02 Low Tide 9/1/2021 9:45 7.5 125 36.0 ND 1.7 ND 1.7 ND 0.081 ND 14.8 15.3 Discrete 02 High Tide 9/1/2021 9:45 7.6 150 47.7 ND 1.9 ND 1.9 ND 0.090 ND 15.6 18.1 Discrete 02 Low Tide 9/8/2021 11:45 7.6 125 33.2 ND 1.4 ND 1.4 ND 0.059 ND 10.0 10.9 Discrete 02 High Tide 9/8/2021 11:45 7.7 100 30.1 ND 0.81 ND 0.81 ND 0.056 ND 10.6 8.8 Discrete 02 Low Tide 9/14/2021 12:50 7.6 80.0 20.5 ND 0.72 0.11 0.72 ND 0.077 ND 9.2 10.5 Discrete 02 High Tide 9/14/2021 12:50 8.0 100 17.1 ND 1.1 ND 1.1 ND 0.054 ND 10.2 7.7 Discrete 03 Low Tide 8/10/2021 9:25 7.1 250 12.7 9.1 1.6 ND 1.6 ND 0.086 ND 20.8 70.2 Discrete 03 High Tide 8/10/2021 9:25 7.0 300 9.5 5.5 1.3 ND 1.3 0.052 0.069 ND 21.1 25.6 Discrete 03 Low Tide 8/17/2022 9:45 7.2 250 12.3 2.7 1.3 ND 1.2 ND 0.079 ND 19.5 34.7 Discrete 03 High Tide 8/17/2021 9:45 7.0 300 14.0 2.3 1.7 ND 1.6 ND 0.092 0.054 19.8 36.3 Discrete 03 Low Tide 8/24/2021 10:05 7.4 150 11.6 ND 0.99 ND 0.99 ND 0.054 ND 13.8 17.1 Discrete 03 High Tide 8/24/2021 10:05 7.8 150 15.2 ND 0.75 ND 0.73 ND ND ND 14.8 16.7 Discrete 03 Low Tide 9/1/2021 9:45 7.5 125 13.0 ND 1.3 ND 1.3 ND 0.060 ND 15.2 15.9 Discrete 03 High Tide 9/1/2021 1 9:45 1 7.6 150 34.0 2.0 1.1 ND 1.1 ND 0.080 ND 15.0 16.5 Discrete 03 Low Tide 9/8/2021 11:45 7.7 75.0 14.5 ND 1.8 ND 1.8 ND 0.057 ND 10.7 13.2 Discrete 03 High Tide 9/8/2021 11:45 7.7 100 28.7 ND 0.98 ND 0.98 ND 0.064 ND 10.6 10.6 WTR/213667. D2D/7/8/2022 ATM A Geosyntec Company 2-20 Flushing and Dissolved Oxygen Study Amphitheater Road Marina Table True Ortho- Tide pH Color TSS BOD5 TN Ammonia TKN NO2/NO3 TP phosphate as P TOC C 1 a Station Condition Date Time (std units) (units) (mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L) (pg/L) Discrete 03 Low Tide 9/14/2021 12:50 7.6 100 14.1 ND 1.2 ND 1.2 ND ND ND 9.5 9.0 12:50 7.9 100 29.7 ND 1.2 ND 1.2 ND 0.064 ND 10.1 8.9 Discrete 03 High Tide 9/14/2021 Discrete 04 Low Tide 8/10/2021 9:25 6.9 250 11.3 2.1 1.2 ND 1.1 0.092 0.071 0.057 20.4 14.5 Discrete 04 High Tide 8/10/2021 9:25 6.7 250 7.5 4.2 1.7 ND 1.6 0.10 0.070 ND 21.3 16.1 Discrete 04 Low Tide 8/17/2021 9:45 7.2 200 7.1 ND 1.2 ND 1.2 ND 0.050 0.063 16.6 9.3 Discrete 04 High Tide 8/17/2021 9:45 6.8 200 11.6 ND 2.1 ND 2.1 ND 0.056 ND 19.2 25.0 Discrete 04 Low Tide 8/24/2021 10:05 7.5 150 11.9 ND 0.67 ND 0.64 ND ND 0.065 15.9 8.9 Discrete 04 High Tide 8/24/2021 10:05 7.7 125 12.5 ND 1.0 ND 0.97 ND ND ND 12.2 9.7 Discrete 04 Low Tide 9/1/2021 9:45 7.5 125 14.1 ND 0.85 ND 0.83 ND 0.051 ND 13.6 6.2 Discrete 04 High Tide 9/1/2021 9:45 7.4 150 34.7 ND 1.6 ND 1.6 ND 0.060 ND 15.2 12.0 Discrete 04 Low Tide 9/8/2021 11:45 7.9 125 19.8 ND 1.3 ND 1.2 ND ND ND 8.2 8.0 Discrete 04 High Tide 9/8/2021 1 11:45 7.8 75.0 21.8 ND 1.2 ND 1.2 ND ND ND 9.5 5.1 Discrete 04 Low Tide 9/14/2021 12:50 8.0 100 9.8 ND 0.71 ND 0.71 ND ND ND 9.2 4.8 Discrete 04 High Tide 9/14/2021 12:50 7.4 100 21.8 ND 1.0 ND 1.0 ND 0.060 ND 9.9 5.5 ND - Not Detected at or above adjusted reporting limit. WTR/213667.D2D/7/8/2022 ATM A Geosyntec Company 2-21 Flushing and Dissolved Oxygen Study Amphitheater Road Marina 2.3.2 Salinity and Temperature Salinity and temperature were collected at the stations Continuous 01 and Continuous 02 (Figure 2-12A and Figure 2-12B). Salinities were higher during flood at Continuous 01 than at Continuous 02 but were lower during ebb at Continuous 01 than Continuous 02. The Continuous 01 is located out of the Unnamed tributary (Figure 1-2), where water can be readily exchanged. The Continuous 02 is in the semi -enclosed basin (Figure 1-2). This led the difference of salinities between Continuous 01 and Continuous 02. Salinity at Continuous 01 and Continuous 02 mainly present with a semi -diurnal cycle, and the amplitude of salinity variation at Continuous 01 was larger than at Continuous 02. The semi -diurnal variation is relatively clear at Continuous 01 since the station is located in the mainstream of the White Oak River. Temperatures at both stations dominantly present as a diurnal cycle. Unlike salinity, temperatures in the daytime were higher at Continuous 02 than at Continuous 01, which indicates the semi -enclosed basin restricts the exchange of water from White Oak River. There is a stagnation period of water in the Unnamed tributary. This led the water in the Unnamed tributary to be warmer than in the White Oak River. 2.3.3 pH pH was collected at Continuous 01 and Continuous 02 from August 09 to September 13 in 2021 using YSI Sonde (EXO2) (Figure 2-13). pH has a negative correlation to temperature and salinity, that is, pH decreases with increase in temperature and salinity, and vice versa. pH at Continuous 02 is relatively lower than pH at Continuous 01. However, pH is still lower at Continuous 02 than Continuous 01, even though salinity (Figure 2-12A) is lower, especially during flood, at Continuous 02 than at Continuous 01. The periodicity of pH oscillations presents more semi -diurnal at Continuous 01 than at Continuous 02. This indicates pH tends to be more negatively correlated with temperatures than with salinity. pH is relatively lower at Continuous 02, especially during daytime, than at Continuous 01, because the temperature is higher at Continuous 02 than at Continuous 01 (Figure 2-1213). W T R/213667. D2 D/7/8/2022 ATM >„l-0, ,,,a,,, 2-22 35 30 25 1 to ,2; 20 S 15 co 10 5 0 40 U 35 2 is 30 a) Q E a) �--- 25 Flushing and Dissolved Oxygen Study Amphitheater Road Marina Continuous 01 Continous 02 1 20 i i i i i i 08/09 08/14 08/19 08/24 08/29 09/03 09/08 09/13 Days of 2021 Figure 2-12. A) Salinity (psu) and B) Temperature (°C) measurements at Continuous 01 in green solid line and Continuous 02 in red solid line. 8.5 1 1 I Continuous 01 Continous 021 8 n 7.5 7 6.5 L 08/09 08/14 08/19 08/24 08/29 09/03 09/08 09/13 Days of 2021 Figure 2-13. pH measurements at Continuous 01 in green solid line and Continuous 02 in red solid line. WTR/213667.D2D/7/8/2022 ATM A Geosyntec Company 2-2 3 Flushing and Dissolved Oxygen Study Amphitheater Road Marina 2.3.4 Dissolved Oxygen Dissolved oxygen concentrations were collected at Continuous 01 and Continuous 02 (Figure 2-14), from August 9 to September 13 in 2021 using the YSI Sonde (EX02). The dissolved oxygen was mostly lower at Continuous 02 than Continuous 01, especially in the daytime, as the water temperatures were higher at Continuous 02 than at Continuous 01. Dissolved oxygen was negatively correlated with water temperature. The periodicity of dissolved oxygen dominantly presents as a diurnal cycle. This is evidence that dissolved oxygen is more affected by water temperature than salinity and also likely represents the algal growth and respiration cycle. The standard deviation of dissolved oxygen was 1.24 mg/L at Continuous 02, about twice as high as 0.59 mg/L at Continuous 01, even though the standard deviation of temperatures was 2.27°C at Continuous 02, not as different as 1.96 °C at Continuous 01. Examination of the continuous dissolved oxygen measurements shows that the creek at times does go below the 5.0 mg/L daily average criteria, while the White Oak River does not. As such, it is important that the introduction of the marina basin will not degrade the dissolved oxygen conditions in the creek below the present baseline condition. This will be a key goal of the water quality modeling analyses presented in Section 4.0. Iff J 8 E C 6 X x O a 4 a� 0 Ln 2 0 0 08/09 08/14 08/19 08/24 08/29 09/03 09/08 09/13 Days of 2021 Figure 2-14. Dissolved oxygen (mg/L) at Continuous 01 in green solid line and Continuous 02 in red solid line. W T R/213667. D2 D/7/8/2022 ATM „-,0,,,,a,, 2-24 Flushing and Dissolved Oxygen Study Amphitheater Road Marina Table 2-3. Basic Statistics of Water Quality and Continuous 02 Station Parameter Constituents Max and Water Level Statistics Mean at Continuous Min 01 STD WSE (m) 0.14 -0.26 -0.70 0.16 Salinity (psu) 33.00 19.38 1.60 7.56 Continuous 01 Temperature (°C) 33.70 29.47 24.62 1.96 pH 7.94 7.63 6.86 0.18 DO (mg/L) 7.96 5.93 4.08 0.59 WSE (m) 0.15 -0.25 -0.70 0.16 Salinity (psu) 33.05 19.06 3.09 7.47 Continuous 02 Temperature (°C) 36.04 29.76 23.58 2.27 pH 8.13 7.47 6.79 0.22 DO (mg/L) 8.36 5.07 0.62 1.24 2.3.5 Rain LMG measured rain depth (inch/day) at the unnamed tributary from August 8 through September 13, 2021. The measured rainfall is presented in Figure 2-15. ATM utilized the rain- fall data in the development of the hydrodynamic model as part of the meteorological forcing. 0.20 0.18 0.16 0.14 -60.12 0.10 0.08 0.06 0.04 0.02 0.00 08/08 08/13 08/18 08/23 08/28 09/02 09/07 Days of 2021 Figure 2-15. Rain (inch/day) Data Onsite. 09/12 WTR/213667. D2D/7/8/2022 ATM A Geosyntec Company 2-25 Flushing and Dissolved Oxygen Study Amphitheater Road Marina 3.0 Hydrodynamic Model Development and Flushing Assessment ATM developed a hydrodynamic and flushing model to simulate circulation and the time to flush a conservative tracer out of the final design of the post -project marina basin as described in Section 1. The EFDC model is described in Sections 3.1 and 3.2. The model boundary conditions are described in Section 3.3, along with inputs. The model calibration is presented in Section 3.4, following with the results of flushing simulations in Section 3.5. 3.1 Model Description The EFDC is a general-purpose hydrodynamic model, typically used to simulate two- dimensional and three-dimensional flow, circulation, transport, and biogeochemical processes in surface water systems, including rivers, lakes, estuaries, reservoirs, wetlands, and nearshore- scale to continental -shelf -scale coastal systems. EFDC is software currently supported by the EPA Office of Research and Development (ORD). EFDC solves the three-dimensional, hydrostatic, free -surface, turbulent -averaged equations of motions for a variable -density fluid. Dynamically coupled transport equations for turbulent kinetic energy, turbulent length scale, salinity, and temperature are also solved. Two turbulent transport equations implement the Mellor -Yamada level 2.5 turbulence closure scheme. EFDC uses a grid with a stretched or sigma vertical geometry and curvilinear, orthogonal, horizontal geometry. EFDC solves the equations of motion with a second -order accurate spatial finite differencing scheme on a staggered or C grid. The model's time integration employs a second -order accurate three -time -level, finite difference scheme with an internal -external mode splitting procedure to separate the internal shear or baroclinic mode from the external free -surface gravity wave or barotropic mode. The external mode solution is semi -implicit and simultaneously computes the two-dimensional surface elevation field by a preconditioned conjugate gradient procedure. The external solution is completed with the calculation of depth -average barotropic velocities using the new surface elevation field. The model's semi -implicit external solution allows large time steps constrained by stability criteria of either the explicit central difference scheme or by a higher -order upwind advection scheme used for nonlinear accelerations. Horizontal boundary conditions for the external mode solution include options for simultaneously W T R/213667. D 2 D/ 7/8/2022 ATM >„l-0, ,,,a,,, 3-1 Flushing and Dissolved Oxygen Study Amphitheater Road Marina specifying the surface elevation only, the characteristic of an incoming wave, free radiation of an outgoing wave, or the normal volumetric flux on arbitrary parts of the boundary. 3.2 Hydrodynamic and Flushing Model ATM developed an EFDC model of White Oak River to evaluate the degree of flushing in the proposed marina basin. The model extends from the bridge on State Road 24 near Swansboro up through the bridge on County Road 1442 near Stella (Figure 3-1). The overall grid along with the project location is presented in Figure 3-1. The model is forced with tides predicted at Bogue Inlet (NOAA TEC 2837) on the boundary (Figure 3-1) near Swansboro. Other key inputs to the model include the following: • Freshwater inflows at the upstream of White Oak River and at the mouth of Hadnot Creek. No discharge stations exist at the upstream of White Oak River and Hadnot Creak, so the discharge data were obtained based on the nearest USGS station, New River near Gum Branch, NC (USGS 02093000). ATM calculated the drainage area in White Oak River and Headnot watershed. The area ratio of the New River watershed to the White Oak River and Hadnot Creek watershed was applied to the discharge time - series at the station, USGS 02093000. • Wind data were obtained from Beaufort, Duke Marine Lab, NC (NOAA 8656483). For the purposes of this flushing analysis, the flushing model was run in barotropic mode, which simulates tide and wind -driven currents and water levels. The barotropic component of the baseline model was calibrated to varying water level conditions moving upstream through the system. The model has 1,438 horizontal grid cells and 4 vertical layers running in 3-D mode. ATM developed an overall model grid (Figure 3-1) that covers White Oak River from Swansboro up through Stella, NC. The base grid is fit to the shoreline based upon aerial photography. The base grid includes the proposed marina basin. Figure 3-2 presents a zoomed -in view of the grid with the proposed marina design. Bathymetry for the base modeling was taken from NOAA navigation charts. Figure 3-3 shows the overall model bathymetry, and Figure 3-4 shows a zoomed -in view of the bathymetry in the vicinity of the proposed marina basin. The datum for the bathymetry and the water levels was NAVD88. W T R/ 213667. D2 D/7/8/2022 ATM A Geosyntec Company 3-2 Flushing and Dissolved Oxygen Study Amphitheater Road Marina Figure 3-1. Model Grid and the Proposed Marina (in red rectangle) W T R/213667. D2 D/7/8/2022 ATM G,,,.,,,l-0, ym,, 3-3 Flushing and Dissolved Oxygen Study Amphitheater Road Marina Figure 3-2. Model Grid in the Proposed Final Marina Basin Design WTR/213667.D2D/7/8/2022 ATM A Geosymec Company 3-4 Flushing and Dissolved Oxygen Study Amphitheater Road Marina Figure 3-3. Overall Model Bathymetry W T R/213667. D2 D/7/8/2022 ATM >„l-0, ym,,, 3-5 t 'W Flushing and Dissolved Oxygen Study Amphitheater Road Marina Figure 3-4. Model Bathymetry within the Proposed Final Marina Basin Design 3.3 Model Boundary Conditions ATM forced the simulation with tides on the southern boundary of the overall model grid domain. The tides were obtained from a tidal prediction station at Bogue Inlet, NC (NOAA TEC2837), which is about 3 miles away from the southern boundary cells (Figure 3-1) near Swansboro. Figure 3-5 presents a plot of the tidal forcing used on the offshore boundary. The tides from August 22 through September 1 and from August 31 through September 10 were utilized for simulation of the spring and neap tide conditions for the flushing evaluation. W TR/213667. D2 D/ 7/8/2022 ATM -�--- A Geosyntec Company 3-6 0.4 0.2 00 00 0 0 Q Z > -0.2 0 n3 -0.4 w U) -0.6 -0.8 Flushing and Dissolved Oxygen Study Amphitheater Road Marina SPRING NEAP III il�� 08/17 08/19 08/21 08/23 08/25 08/27 08/29 08/31 09/02 09/04 09/06 09/08 09/10 09/12 09/14 Days of 2021 Figure 3-5. Tidal Forcing Utilized on Southern Grid Boundary. In addition to the tidal forcing, wind conditions were utilized to simulate hydrodynamics and transport of a conservative dye tracer. Wind data for this project came from measured winds at Beaufort, Duke Marine Lab, NC. The data were downloaded from a NOAA website that maintains meteorologic information. The data were for the period when the instruments were in place. Figure 3-6 presents a vector plot showing the wind directions and magnitude from August 17, 2021, to September 15, 2021. As the data show, winds are primarily from the south. These data were used to force the model for the validation and the flushing simulations. 15 DATA�� AA, "Beaufort, Duke Marine Lab, N� n ID: 8656483" ILLP 5 m/s 10 N 5 E a 0 c M -10 —15' I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 08/17 08/19 08/21 08/23 08/25 08/27 08/29 08/31 09/02 09/04 09/06 09/08 09/10 09/12 09/14 Figure 3-6. Measured Winds at Beaufort, Duke Marine Lab, NC (August 1, 2021 to September 15, 2021) WTR/213667.D2D/7/8/2022 ATM A Geosyntec Company 3-7 Flushing and Dissolved Oxygen Study Amphitheater Road Marina 3.4 Model Calibration The hydrodynamic model was run with the model grid and inputs as outlined in Sections 3.1 through 3.3. The model -simulated water levels based on the southern boundary forcing (Figure 3-5) were compared with the measurements at Continuous 01 to assure that the simulated water levels at Continuous 01 were accurately simulated. Figure 3-7 presents a plot showing comparisons of the simulated and measured water levels at Continuous 01. Spring and neap simulation is presented in a blue solid line and in a red solid line, respectively. ATM extracted the tidal harmonics from water level measurements described in Section 2 to compare the simulated and measured water levels at Continuous 01 using least -square analysis. Examination of the plots shows that the model is accurately simulating the tides at Continuous 01. This provides confidence in the model's ability to represent the overall circulation and the driving forces that will impact flushing in the basin and channel. 0.1 00 w j -0.1 Q Z > -0.2 0 E W -0.4 -0.5 -0.6 -0.7 08/23 08/25 08/27 08/29 08/31 09/02 09/04 09/06 09/08 Days of 2021 Figure 3-7. Comparison of Simulated and Measured Water Levels at Continuous 01. Sim. Harmonics, Spring Sim. Harmonics, Neap Continuous 01, Harmonics I 09/10 3.5 Flushing Simulations Using the model described above, ATM performed flushing evaluations through two periods under spring and neap tide conditions with coincident winds. The time periods for each of the two simulations (spring and neap scenarios) are shown in Figure 3-5 and Figure 3-6. The spring and neap scenarios were from August 17 through September 1, 2021, and from August 26 through September 10, respectively. Each scenario consisted of a 5-day spin -up period to get the model simulation running stable. The dye was then released, and the simulation was run for WTR/213667. D2D/7/8/2022 ATM -�-__ A Geosymec Company 3-8 Flushing and Dissolved Oxygen Study Amphitheater Road Marina an additional 10 days. As such, the period when the flushing was assessed was from August 22 to September 1, 2021 (spring scenario) and from August 31 to September 10 (neap scenario). Examination of the tides plotted in Figure 3-5 shows that for the spring scenario, the system starts at a spring tide condition and moves into a neap tide condition. For the neap scenario, the system starts at a neap tide condition and moves into a spring tide condition. ATM simulated the concentration of a synthetic, hypothetical tracer initialized in the planned marina basin with a dye concentration of 100. As stated previously, the goal is for the planned marina basin will flush within a reasonable period of time for the -1.7 m NAVD88 depth. As part of the flushing simulations, ATM evaluated an initial single entrance basin design. Flushing results from those simulations did not meet DEQ standards for 85 to 90 percent reduction in dye mass in 24-hours. The basin layout and percent mass of dye for the single entrance marina design are discussed in Section 3.5.1. Based on the poor flushing of the initial marina design, the layout of the marina basin was revised in order to more closely match DEQ recommendations for design of marina basins to maximize flushing. The revised layout consisted of two connections to the creek, with a main entrance at the southern end of the basin and a flushing channel at the northern end. The basin layout and flushing results for the revised marina basin are presented in Section 3.5.2. 3.5.1 Initial Marina Basin Design Flushing Results Figure 3-8 presents the basin layout for the initial single entrance marina design. Additionally, the initial mass of dye for the flushing simulation is shown. The flushing time is defined as the time it takes to reduce the overall mass in the system to 10 to 15 percent of its original mass per DEQ. Per DEQ guidance on flushing, it is desirable that the dye concentration be dropped below 10 to 15 percent within a 24-hour period. Figure 3-9 and Figure 3-10 present time series plots of the percent mass of dye remaining over time for the spring and neap simulations, respectively. Examination of the plots shows that the single entrance marina basin reaches the 10 percent dye remaining criteria between around 4 to 5 days, depending upon the spring or neap tide simulation. This is not acceptable under present DEQ guidelines. Additionally, DEQ recommendations on design layouts for marina basins look to avoid this type of one entrance condition. W T R/213667. D 2 D/ 7/8/2022 ATM >„l-0, ,,,a,,, 3-9 Flushing and Dissolved Oxygen Study Amphitheater Road Marina Figure 3-8. Initial Dye Concentration and Basin Layout for Initial Marina Basin Design W T R/213667. D2 D/7/8/2022 ATM >„l-0, ym,,, 3-10 100 90 80 70 E 60 a) ry U 50 M 40 a) U a 30 20 10 0 0 Flushing and Dissolved Oxygen Study Amphitheater Road Marina Simulation Start: 08/22/2021 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Days Figure 3-9. Percent Mass Dye Remaining in Initial Marina Basin Design Over Time (spring scenario) Simulation Start: 08/31/2021 100 90 80 70 .E E 60 a) U 50 M 40 U d 30 20 10 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Days Figure 3-10. Percent Mass Dye Remaining in Initial Marina Basin Design Over Time (neap scenario) WTR/213667.D2D/7/8/2022 ATM AGeosyntec Company 3-11 Flushing and Dissolved Oxygen Study Amphitheater Road Marina 3.5.2 Revised Marina Basin Design Flushing Results Figure 3-11 presents the basin layout for the revised dual, flow through, marina design. Additionally, the initial mass of dye for the flushing simulation is shown. Figure 3-12 and Figure 3-13 present time series plots of the percent mass of dye remaining over time for the spring and neap simulations, respectively. Examination of the plots shows that the dual opening, flow through design, flushes within the prescribed 24-hour period. These results demonstrate that the two openings drive significant flow through, leading to very good flushing. Based on this level of exchange it would not be envisioned that the interior areas should have poor water quality. Figure 3-11. Initial Dye Concentration and Basin Layout for Revised Marina Basin Design W T R/213667. D2 D/7/8/2022 ATM >„l-0, ,,,a,,, 3-12 100 90 80 70 E 60 m 50 40 aD U L � 30 20 10 0 Flushing and Dissolved Oxygen Study Amphitheater Road Marina Simulation Start: 08/22/2021 T15 = 0.78 Days 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Days Figure 3-12. Percent Mass Dye Remaining in Revised Marina Basin Design Over Time (Spring Scenario) Simulation Start: 08/31/2021 100 90 80 70 E 60 am (,on 50 M 40 a� U L da) 30 20 10 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Days Figure 3-13. Percent Mass Dye Remaining in Revised Marina Basin Design Over Time (neap scenario) WTR/213667.D2D/7/8/2022 ATM AGeosymec Company 3-13 Flushing and Dissolved Oxygen Study Amphitheater Road Marina 4.0 Water Quality Model Development and Dissolved Oxygen Assessment ATM developed a water quality model driven by the hydrodynamic model (presented in Section 3) to simulate water quality within the model domain as a function of circulation and biological and chemical processes, for application to both the pre- and post -project scenarios. The primary goal is to develop a water quality model that reasonably simulates the water quality constituents that impact dissolved oxygen to provide a reasonable simulation of the pre- versus post -project differences in dissolved oxygen. Limited data on overall model boundary conditions for the full model restricts the ability to full model calibration so that the goal is to provide a baseline model that would reasonably simulate the difference in the pre- versus post -project conditions. The EFDC water quality model is described in Section 4.1. The water quality model boundary conditions are described in Section 4.2, along with inputs. The model reasonableness for the existing condition scenario is presented in Section 4.3, followed by the results of the pre- versus post -project scenario in Section 4.4. 4.1 Model Description The water quality biological and chemical transformation processes in the EFDC water quality model are based on those in CE-QUAL-ICM, a water quality model developed by Cerco and Cole (1995) and described in Park et al. (1995). The model computes and reports concentrations, mass transport, kinetics transformations, and mass balances. The model computes 21 state variables, including four classes of algae, organic carbon species, phosphorus and nitrogen species, and dissolved oxygen. Unlike the WASP water quality model, which uses biochemical oxygen demand to represent oxygen -demanding organic matter, the EFDC water quality model uses carbon. The three organic carbon state variables in EFDC play an equivalent role to biochemical oxygen demand. The four algae groups (cyanobacteria, diatoms, green algae, and stationary algae) are represented in carbon units (Tetra Tech, 2007). The three main organic nutrients (carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus) can be represented in three reactive forms (refractory particulate, labile particulate, and labile dissolved), which allows for a more realistic distribution of organic material by reactive classes when data are available to WTR,%213667. DMI/71/81/2022 ATM 4-1 Flushing and Dissolved Oxygen Study Amphitheater Road Marina estimate distribution factors. A detailed description of the role of the individual variables and their respective kinetic interaction processes is present in Tetra Tech (2007). Input data requirements for driving the EFDC water quality model, in addition to the hydrodynamic model state variables (salinity, temperature, water surface elevation, transport) which is fed directly to the water quality model during runtime, include the following: • Downstream water quality boundary conditions; • Upstream water quality boundary conditions/water quality constituent loads; • Meteorological data (solar radiation, cloud cover, air temperature); and • Bottom nutrient and dissolved oxygen fluxes. 4.2 Model Boundary Conditions Upstream and downstream water quality boundary conditions were input as concentrations for each constituent. Given the limited data available for establishing the boundary conditions at the two extremes of the model domain, measured data in the White Oak River at Discrete 01 for August 2021 were used to develop reasonable temporally constant, vertically averaged boundary conditions for both upstream and downstream boundaries. Upstream boundary concentrations for carbon species, nitrogen species, and phosphorus species were set at reasonable values higher than the downstream concentrations derived from the observed data in the White Oak River, as representative of the runoff characteristics of the upstream watershed. Both upstream and downstream boundary conditions for dissolved oxygen were set to 6.8 mg/L, a reasonable value given the available data collected during this project from the discrete and continuous recorder data collection. Meteorological data used to drive the water quality model are the same as those used as input to the hydrodynamic model, including hourly records of incoming solar radiation. For the purposes of this effort, all bottom nutrient fluxes were set to 0, with sediment oxygen demand parameterized as 0.2 g/m2/d within the White Oak Creek portions of the model domain (based on simulations of the exterior DO), and (per DEQ requirements) 1.5 g/m2/d inside the creek and proposed marina basin. WTR,%213667. DM/71/81/2022 ATM 4-2 Flushing and Dissolved Oxygen Study Amphitheater Road Marina 4.3 Model Calibration As described previously, no water quality data were collected at the downstream model domain boundary or at the upstream input locations, so that assumptions were made to develop reasonable conditions for upstream and downstream water quality boundary conditions used for the water quality model. The water quality modeling effort was directed toward simulating reasonable water quality responses, with a focus on dissolved oxygen, to allow comparison of pre- and post -development conditions. A check of the reasonableness of the simulation results was performed by comparing the model output for the existing condition (pre -development) to data collected near the planned project location in August and September 2021. Comparisons of simulated and observed 15-minute dissolved oxygen at the two continuous recorders (Continuous 01 and Continuous 02 in Figure 1-213) are provided in Figure 4-1 and Figure 4-12, respectively, below. As shown in Figure 4-1, the simulated dissolved oxygen values in White Oak River outside the mouth of the tributary are very similar to those observed for the most part. As shown in Figure 4-2, the simulated dissolved oxygen values within the tributary do not have the same range of values for a given day as do the observed data, but appear to provide reasonable simulation of conditions averaged over a period longer than the 15-minute frequency of the observations and model output. WTR,%213667. DMI/71/81/2022 ATM �� 4-3 Flushing and Dissolved Oxygen Study Amphitheater Road Marina CR01 (28,41): DO (mglL) Observed 00 Predicted WG Avg ❑O — PredidedSurfflO 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 3& 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 Day: 16Aug21-13$ep21 Figure 4-1. Observed and simulated 15-minute dissolved oxygen at Continuous 01 outside the mouth of the tributary in White Oak River for 15 August - 13 September 2021. Observed data are represented by the blue line, while the simulated water column average values are indicated by the green line and simulated surface values are indicated by the black line. � •: , CR02 (34.41 ): DO (mgU •n 05erved 00 Predicted WC Avg 00 Predicted Surf DO Predicted Mz 00 _I 4 13 16 1, 18 119 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 77 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 43 Day- 15Aug21 - 13Sep21 Figure 4-2. Observed and simulated 15-minute dissolved oxygen at Continuous 02 inside the mouth of the tributary for 15 August - 13 September 2021 Observed data are represented by the blue line, while the simulated water column average values are indicated by the green line, simulated surface values are indicated by the black line, and simulated bottom values are indicated by the orange line. ATM -�___ A Geosyntec Company Flushing and Dissolved Oxygen Study Amphitheater Road Marina To further evaluate the reasonableness of the dissolved oxygen simulation of observed conditions, the daily average observed and simulated dissolved oxygen values at each of the continuous recorder locations were evaluated, with time series plots of these daily average values provided in Figures 4-3 and 4-4 at Continuous 01 and Continuous 02, respectively. It is notable that at both locations, the simulated surface and water column daily average dissolved oxygen values are very similar to the observed daily average values and likely presents a more conservative simulation as the simulations are generally lower. It is important to note that the prescription of the interior SOD (1.5 g/m2/d) in the model was a factor in the simulations as this value was not available for modification to create a closer fit. Based on the lower simulated DO overall, this value may higher than actually exists in the system. Based on these results, it is concluded that the water quality model is sufficient for simulation of reasonable dissolved oxygen conditions in the river and in the tributary, so that the model may be utilized to evaluate expected changes in dissolved oxygen within the area of interest due to the introduction of the marina basin. DD(rngfi) CR01 (28.41): Daily Avg DO (mg/L) 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 — Qt) ewved PO — Pw5ned WC Avg 04 — Predeuted Surf VQ 0 15 1B 17 t8 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 n 30 31 32 33 34 35 35 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 Day 15Aug21 135ep21 Figure 4-3. Observed and simulated average daily dissolved oxygen at Continuous 01 outside the mouth of the tributary in White Oak River for 15 August - 13 September 2021 Observed data are represented by the blue line, while the simulated water column average values are indicated by the green line and simulated surface values are indicated by the black line. A Ceosyncec Company 4-5 Flushing and Dissolved Oxygen Study Amphitheater Road Marina DO(mgl) CR02 (34.41). Daily Avg DO (mg/L) it .-... oesarved oa predloted WC Aw9 OO 9. —Pie dicted Surf DO predeoted Bot QO s 6 0 15 16 17 18 13 20 21 22 23 24 25 28 27 26 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 Dwy: 15A1rg21 - 13S2p21 Figure 4-4. Observed and simulated average daily dissolved oxygen at Continuous 02 inside the mouth of the tributary for 15 August - 13 September 2021 Observed data are represented by the blue line, while the simulated water column average values are indicated by the green line, simulated surface values are indicated by the black line, and simulated bottom values are indicated by the orange line. Additional water quality data were collected at the four discrete stations shown in Figure 1-213. Comparisons of total nitrogen and total phosphorus concentrations from these events were made to those simulated at the four locations. Measured total nitrogen concentrations were 1.1 mg/L to 2.1 mg/L, with a mean of 1.4 mg/L, compared to the simulated mean total nitrogen concentration of 1.0 mg/L during the same days when the data were collected. Measured total phosphorus concentrations were 0.050 mg/L to 1.070 mg/L, with a mean of 0.156 mg/L, compared to the simulated mean total phosphorus concentration of 0.090 mg/L during the same days when the data were collected. Although the simulated mean values for both total nitrogen and total phosphorus are somewhat less than the observed mean values, the simulated mean values are within the range of the observed data for total phosphorus and nearly so for total nitrogen, and are reasonable for an estuarine river. It is also certain that the differences in observed and simulated nutrient levels are at least partially the result of uncertain upstream inputs and downstream boundary conditions. A Ceosyncec Company 4-6 Flushing and Dissolved Oxygen Study Amphitheater Road Marina Given the findings described here with respect to dissolved oxygen, total nitrogen, and total phosphorus, the water quality model is considered appropriate for utilization in comparison of pre- and post -development conditions for this system. 4.4 Dissolved Oxygen Simulations Utilizing the model described in the previous sections, simulations were made under the pre - versus post -project conditions within the creek and within the marina basin area under the revised design scenario. As outlined in Section 4.3, the model calibration was done on the pre - project condition, i.e., without the marina basin in place and the calibrated model then represents the pre -project model for the dissolved oxygen analyses. As such, the only change that was made to the water quality model for the post -project simulations is the inclusion of the revised marina basin design into the model grid as outlined in Section 3.0 for the post -project flushing analyses. Sediment oxygen demand levels for all post -project additional grid cells were set to 1.5 g/m2/d, per DEQ requirements. The simulated pre- and post -project dissolved oxygen concentrations were then compared at various locations within the creek to identify any changes. Additionally, the simulated dissolved oxygen conditions within the proposed marina basin were evaluated to see if the values were outside of the range of values simulated in the creek. The simulation results are presented for the critical period (following model spin up) from August 15, 2021, through September 15, 2021. Pre- and post -project simulated dissolved oxygen concentrations were output from the model at locations just outside of the creek, within the creek and within the proposed marina basin. Figure 4-5 presents a map showing the various locations where model output was extracted and the grid cell ids for each. Figure 4-6 (a,b) through Figure 4-11 (a,b) present comparison plots of the simulated pre- versus post -project simulated dissolved oxygen concentrations just outside and within the creek. The results are plotted for all of the layers (a) and for the vertically integrated concentrations (b). Comparison plots are provided all along the creek. Examination of the plots shows that there is very little discernable difference between the pre -versus post -project dissolved oxygen concentrations. The differences that are seen would be deemed ecologically insignificant in terms of impacts related to changes in dissolved oxygen. The differences that do exist are found more at the stations just inside the creek where the entrances to the basin are located. WTR,%213667. DMI/71/81/2022 ATM �� 4-7 Flushing and Dissolved Oxygen Study Amphitheater Road Marina Figure 4-12 (a,b) and Figure 4-13 (a,b) present the simulated post -project dissolved oxygen concentrations within the marina basin. Examination of the time series shows that the dissolved oxygen conditions within the proposed marina basin are not significantly different than those simulated within the creek. This shows that the introduction of the marina basin, with the flow through situation and the good flushing, will not have reduced dissolved oxygen levels compared to those already found within the creek following construction of the project. This aspect is further supported by the plots of daily averaged dissolved oxygen presented in Figure 4-14, where the pre -project condition simulations are presented as solid lines and the post - project and marina simulations are presented as dashed or dashed -dotted lines. Examination of the plot show that the marina simulations generally fall within the band of the existing simulations especially during the lower dissolved oxygen periods. Figure 4-5. Grid Locations in the Model for Output of Dissolved Oxygen Simulation Results W T R/213667. D2 D/7/8/2022 ATM Geosyncec Company 4-8 a) b) 8.0 6.0 rn 4.0 O C 2.0 nn a.0 26.0 rn 4.0 0 Q 2.0 0.0 8.0 6.0 rn 4.0 O 02.0 A a.0 6.0 rn 4.0 O 02.0 Flushing and Dissolved Oxygen Study Amphitheater Road Marina Dissolved Oxygen (mglL) at 1= 27 & J= 42 A) Existing Proposed 00111-vl� 0.0 08115 08117 08119 08121 08123 08125 08127 08129 08131 09102 09104 09106 09108 09110 09112 09114 Days of 2021 8.0 � 6.0 a� 4.0 O 2.0 00 Depth -Averaged Dissolved Oxygen (mglL) at 1= 27 & J= 42 A) Existing Proposed 08115 08117 08119 08121 08123 08/25 08127 08129 08131 09102 09104 09106 09108 09110 09112 09114 Days of 2021 Figure 4-6. a) Comparison of Pre- versus Post -Project Simulated Dissolved Oxygen for all Vertical Levels b) Comparison of Pre- versus Post -Project Simulated Vertically Averaged Dissolved Oxygen (outside of Creek mouth) ATM -�___ A Geosyntec Company a) F-111 J 6.0 4.0 O 02.0 0.0 8.0 J 6.0 4.0 O 02.0 nn O.0 —6.0 a> 4.0 0 2.0 nn b.0 J 6.0 CD 4.0 O 02.0 00 Flushing and Dissolved Oxygen Study Amphitheater Road Marina Dissolved Oxygen (mg/L) at 1= 31 & J= 42 A) —Existing Proposed B) 08/15 08/17 08/19 08/21 08/23 08/25 08127 08/29 08/31 09/02 09/04 09106 09/08 09110 09/12 09/14 Days of 2021 b) Depth -Averaged Dissolved Oxygen (mglL) at 1= 31 & J= 42 8.0 A) Existing Proposed 6.0 CM E 4.0 O 2.0 0.0 08/15 08/17 08/19 08/21 08/23 08/25 08/27 08/29 08/31 09/02 09/04 09106 09108 09110 09/12 09/14 Days of 2021 Figure 4-7. a) Comparison of Pre- versus Post -Project Simulated Dissolved Oxygen for all Vertical Levels. b) Comparison of Pre- versus Post -Project Simulated Vertically Averaged Dissolved Oxygen (in Creek mouth) ATM -�___. A Geosyntec Company Mus Flushing and Dissolved Oxygen Study Amphitheater Road Marina a) 8.0 Dissolved Oxygen (mg/L) at 1= 35 & J= 42 A) Existing Proposed 6.0 CM E 4.0 O 2.0 0.0 8.0 B) 6.0 E 4.0 O 2.0 0.0 8.0 6.0 E 4.0 O 0 2.0 0.0 8.0 6.0 E 4.0 O 02.0 0.0 08/15 08117 08/19 08/21 08/23 08/25 08127 08129 08/31 09102 09104 09/06 09/08 09/10 09112 09114 Days of 2021 b) 8.o J 6.0 4-0 O 02.0 Depth -Averaged Dissolved Oxygen (mg/L) at 1= 35 & J= 42 A) Existing Proposed o.o 08/15 08/17 08/19 08/21 08/23 08/25 08/27 08/29 08/31 09/02 09104 09/06 09/08 09/10 09112 09114 Days of 2021 Figure 4-8. a) Comparison of Pre- versus Post -Project Simulated Dissolved Oxygen for all Vertical Levels b) Comparison of Pre- versus Post -Project Simulated Vertically Averaged Dissolved Oxygen (In Creek at South Entrance to Basin) ATM -�___. A Geosyntec Company 4-11 Flushing and Dissolved Oxygen Study Amphitheater Road Marina a) 8.0 b) �y 6.0 4.0 O 02.0 nn O.0 6.0 a, 4.0 O 02.0 nn 6.0 � 4.0 O 02.0 nn O.V �y 6.0 4.0 O 02.0 00 08/15 08/17 08119 08121 08/23 08125 08127 08/29 08/31 09102 09/04 09/06 09/08 09/10 09/12 09/14 Days of 2021 8.0 6.0 4.0 O 02.0 Depth -Averaged Dissolved Oxygen (mg/L) at 1= 46 & J= 42 A) Existing Proposed 0.0 08/15 08117 08/19 08121 08/23 08125 08/27 08/29 08/31 09/02 09/04 09/06 09/08 09110 09/12 09/14 Days of 2021 Figure 4-9. a) Comparison of Pre- versus Post -Project Simulated Dissolved Oxygen for all Vertical Levels. b) Comparison of Pre- versus Post -Project Simulated Vertically Averaged Dissolved Oxygen (In Creek at North Entrance to Basin) ATM -�___ A Geosyntec Company 4-12 Flushing and Dissolved Oxygen Study Amphitheater Road Marina a) 8.0 J 6.0 a� E 4.0 O CI 2.0 b) nn O.0 J 6.0 a� 4.0 O 02.0 nn O.0 J 6.0 4.0 O O 2.0 nn 0.0 00 08115 08117 08119 08121 08123 08/25 08127 08129 08131 09102 09104 09106 09108 09110 09112 09114 Days of 2021 - A) 77Exisfiing Proposed J 6.0; a� 4.0 O 0 2.6 1 1 1 1 1 - 0.0 08115 08117 08119 08121 08123 08/25 08/27 08129 08131 09102 09104 09/06 09108 09110 09112 09114 Days of 2021 Figure 4-10. a) Comparison of Pre- versus Post -Project Simulated Dissolved Oxygen for all Vertical Levels. b) Comparison of Pre- versus Post -Project Simulated Vertically Averaged Dissolved Oxygen (in Creek above Marina Entrances) ATM -�___. A Geosyntec Company 4-13 a) b) 8.0 6.0 rn E 4.0 O 02.0 0.0 8.0 26.0 rn 4.0 O 2.0 0.0 8.0 J 6.0 rn 4.0 O d 2.0 0.0 8.0 6.0 rn 4.0 O 02.0 Flushing and Dissolved Oxygen Study Amphitheater Road Marina Dissolved Oxygen (mglL) at 1= 52 & J= 46 A) Existing —Proposed B) C) 0.0 08115 08117 08119 08121 08123 08125 08127 08129 08131 09102 09104 09106 09108 09110 09112 09114 Days of 2021 8.0 6.0 rn 4.0 O 02.0 00 Depth -Averaged Dissolved Oxygen (mglL) at 1= 52 & J= 46 A) Existing Proposed 08115 08/17 08119 08121 08/23 08125 08/27 08129 08I31 09102 09104 09106 09108 09110 09112 09114 Days of 2021 Figure 4-11. a) Comparison of Pre- versus Post -Project Simulated Dissolved Oxygen for all Vertical Levels. b) Comparison of Pre- versus Post -Project Simulated Vertically Averaged Dissolved Oxygen (in Creek in Upstream Fork) ATM -�___ A Geosyntec Company 4-14 Flushing and Dissolved Oxygen Study Amphitheater Road Marina a) 8.0 6.0 a� 4.0 O C 2.0 n n b.0 nn a.0 6.0 rn � 4.0 d 2.0 0.0 8.0 D) J 6.0 rn E 4.0 O O 2.0 0.0 08115 08117 08119 08121 08l23 08125 08127 08129 08131 09102 09104 09106 09108 09110 09112 09114 Days of 2021 b) 8.0 J 6.0 rn f 4.0 O 02.0 00 Depth -Averaged Dissolved Oxygen (mglL) at 1= 37 & J= 37 A) I Proposed 08115 08117 08119 08121 08123 08/25 08127 08/29 08131 09102 09104 09106 09108 09110 09/12 09114 Days of 2021 Figure 4-12. a) Post -Project Simulated Dissolved Oxygen for all Vertical Levels. b) Post -Project Simulated Vertically Averaged Dissolved Oxygen (In Marina Basin - Southern End) ATM -�___ A Geosyntec Company 4-15 Flushing and Dissolved Oxygen Study Amphitheater Road Marina a) 8.0 6.0 4.0 O 2.0 nn a.0 J 6.0 V) 4.0 O d 2.0 0.0 ' 8.0 a 6.0 4.0 O 02.0 0.0 8.0 D) 6.0 4.0 O 02.0 - 0.01 08/15 08117 08119 08/21 08/23 08125 08/27 08/29 08131 09/02 09/04 09106 09108 09/10 09112 09/14 Days of 2021 b) Depth -Averaged Dissolved Oxygen (mg1L) at 1= 45 & J= 37 8.0 J 6.0 a� 4.0 O 02.0 0.0 08115 08/17 08119 08/21 08123 08125 08127 08129 08/31 09102 09104 09106 09108 09110 09112 09114 Days of 2021 Figure 4-13. a) Post -Project Simulated Dissolved Oxygen for all Vertical Levels. b) Post -Project Simulated Vertically Averaged Dissolved Oxygen (in Marina Basin - Northern End) ATM -�___ A Geosyntec Company 7.0 6.0 J 5.0 6) E 04.0 3.0 2.0 Flushing and Dissolved Oxygen Study Amphitheater Road Marina EXST, i=35 j=42 - EXST, i=46 j=42 EXST, i=50 j=42 EXST, i=52 j=35 PLND, i=35 j=42 PLND, i=46 j=42 --- PLND, i=50j=42 PLND, i=52 j=35 --- PLND, i=37 037 - - PLND, i=45 j=37 08/15 08/20 08/25 08/30 09/04 09/09 09/14 Days of 2021 Figure 4-14. Comparison of Simulated Pre- versus Post -Project Daily Averaged Dissolved Oxygen Concentrations for Multiple Locations. ATM -�___ A Geosyntec Company 4-17 Flushing and Dissolved Oxygen Study Amphitheater Road Marina 5.0 Summary and Conclusions In support of a permit application, ATM developed a hydrodynamic and water quality model to evaluate the flushing and dissolved oxygen conditions within the proposed Amphitheater Road Marina on a small tidal creek off the White Oak River near Peletier, in Carteret County, North Carolina. LMG assisted ATM with this work by collecting hydrodynamic and water quality data to support the model development and establish baseline water quality conditions. Based on the field data collection and modeling presented previously in this report, the following summarizes the findings from this work. An initial single entrance marina was evaluated using the hydrodynamic model and the determination was made that this layout would not flush adequately. • Based on the flushing evaluation of the initial design and recommendations by DEQ on maximizing circulation and flushing in marina basins, the marina basin was redesigned to provide for two openings with flow through. • The revised layout was evaluated and determined to have adequate flushing to maintain good water quality per DEQ requirements (less than 24 hours). • Dissolved oxygen measurements in the creek show low dissolved oxygen levels and times where the system goes below standards (daily average 5.0, instant low 4.0) • Dissolved oxygen simulation modeling (with and without project comparisons) showed that the introduction of the marina basin does not create ecologically significant reductions in dissolved oxygen levels in the creek. This result is consistent with the determination that a basin that has adequate flushing should not degrade local water quality conditions. • Dissolved oxygen simulation modeling showed that in comparison, the dissolved oxygen levels in the basin are not lower than those already seen in the creek and, therefore, does not create an area of lower dissolved oxygen than presently exists in the system. WTR,%213667. DM/71/81/2022 ATM 5-1 Flushing and Dissolved Oxygen Study Amphitheater Road Marina 6.0 Literature Cited Cerco, C.F., and T. Cole. 1995. User's Guide to the CE-QUAL-ICM Three -Dimensional Eutrophication Model. Release Version 1.0. US Army Corps of Engineers, Waterways Experiment Station, Technical Report EL-95-15. Park, K., A.Y. Kuo, J. Shen, and J.M. Hamrick. 1995. A three-dimensional hydrodynamic- eutrophication model (HEM3D): description of water quality and sediment processes submodels. The College of William and Mary, Virginia Institute of Marine Science. Special Report 327, 113 pp. Tetra Tech. 2007. The Environmental Fluid Dynamics Code, Theory and Computation Volume 3: Water Quality Module. June 2007. WTR,%213667. DM/71/81/2022 ATM 6-1 Flushing and Dissolved Oxygen Study Amphitheater Road Marina Appendix A Environmental Monitoring and Hydrodynamic and Water Quality Simulation Plan W T R/213667. D2 D/7/8/2022 ATM ,\ (;cosyiilec (:umpuiiy 44[Enva a o + UMUM,G(gn Hum ti i PREPARED FOR DIRT2DREAMS, LLC d. J u LY 23, 2021 T R PREPARED BY Task 1: Environmental Monitoring and Hydrodynamic Simulation Plan Amphitheater Road Marina July 23, 2021 Copyright and non -disclosure notice The layout and contents of this plan, associated simulations, and associated materials are subject to copyright owned by Applied Technology & Management, Inc., to the extent that copyright is legally assigned by us to another party or is used by us under license. To the extent that Applied Technology & Management, Inc. own the copyright in this plan, the plan may not be copied or used without our written agreement. Third -party disclaimer Any disclosure of this plan to a third party is subject to this disclaimer. The plan was prepared by Applied Technology & Management, Inc. The plan does not in any way constitute advice to any third party who is able to access the plan by any means. Applied Technology & Management, Inc. excludes, to the fullest extent lawfully permitted, all liability whatsoever for any loss or damage howsoever arising from reliance on the contents of this plan. DLSIGN ENGINEERING CONSULTING Task 1: Environmental Monitoring and Hydrodynamic Simulation Plan Amphitheater Road Marina July 23, 2021 Table of Contents COPYRIGHT AND NON -DISCLOSURE NOTICE.....................................................................................................................................................................I THIRD -PARTY DISCLAIMER....................................................................................................................................................................................................I TABLEOF CONTENTS............................................................................................................................................................................................................. II LISTOF TABLES...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... II LISTOF FIGURES..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... II LISTOF PHOTOGRAPHS....................................................................................................................................................................................................... III ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS................................................................................................................................................................................... IV NOTES...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... IV 1.0 INTRODUCTION.......................................................................................................................................................................................................1 2.0 ENVIRONMENTAL MEASUREMENTS..................................................................................................................................................................3 2.1 WATER -LEVEL AND WATER -QUALITY MEASUREMENTS.............................................................................................................................................3 2.2 METEOROLOGICAL AND OCEANOGRAPHIC MEASUREMENTS.......................................................................................................................................5 2.3 BATHYMETRIC MEASUREMENTS...............................................................................................................................................................................9 3.0 HYDRODYNAMIC SIMULATIONS........................................................................................................................................................................10 3.1 NUMERICAL MODELS.............................................................................................................................................................................................10 3.1.1 Environmental Fluid Dynamics Code(EFDC) ...........................................................................................................................................11 3.1.2 Water Quality Analysis Simulation Program (WASP)............................................................................................................................11 3.2 AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHS..........................................................................................................................................................................................11 3.3 GRID AND BATHYMETRY.........................................................................................................................................................................................13 3.4 BOUNDARY CONDITIONS........................................................................................................................................................................................14 3.5 CALIBRATION AND VERIFICATION............................................................................................................................................................................15 3.6 FLUSHING ASSESSMENT........................................................................................................................................................................................15 3.7 DISSOLVED OXYGEN ASSESSMENT.........................................................................................................................................................................16 3.8 ASSUMPTIONS AND LIMITATIONS...........................................................................................................................................................................16 4.0 REFERENCES..........................................................................................................................................................................................................17 APPENDIX: PHOTOGRAPHS.................................................................................................................................................................................................19 List of Tables Table 1. Measured depth at water -level and water -quality measurement stations on July 20, 2021 around 14:00 coordinated universal time (UTC) near low tide..................................................................................................................................................................................................................4 Table 2. Amplitude, phase, and speed of tidal constituents at Wrightsville Beach [United States National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) station 8658163], about 80 kilometers southwest of Bogue Inlet; and at Atlantic Beach (NOAA station 8656590), about 40 kilometers east of Bogue Inlet..........................................................................................................................................................................................6 Table 3. Datum conversions in meters at Wrightsville Beach [United States National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) station 8658163], about 80 kilometers southwest of Bogue Inlet; and at Atlantic Beach (NOAA station 8656590), about 40 kilometers east of BogueInlet................................................................................................................................................................................................................................8 Table 4. Dissolved oxygen, salinity, and temperature statistics at North Carolina ambient water -quality gage on the White Oak River at State Road 1442 near Stella (station P6400000)............................................................................................................................................................................14 List of Figures Figure 1. Amphitheater Road Marina on White Oak River near Peletier, Carteret County, North Carolina on United States Geological Survey NationalMap............................................................................................................................................................................................................................1 Figure 2. Amphitheater Road Marina on White Oak River near Peletier, Carteret County, North Carolina (A) on United States Geological Survey National Map with contours of equal elevation (brown polylines) on a five-foot contour interval, and (B) on an April 28, 2020 aerial ATMNGI E NGI NE EERING CONSULTING Task 1: Environmental Monitoring and Hydrodynamic Simulation Plan Amphitheater Road Marina July 23, 2021 photograph by Maxar with discrete (blue diamonds) and continuous (yellow circles) constituent measurement locations. Stations discrete- 02 and continuous-02 are coincident...................................................................................................................................................................................2 Figure 3. Proposed Amphitheater Road Marina (red circle), subbasins (green polygons) that constitute the White Oak River watershed (dark green polygons: United States Geological Survey hydrologic unit code 10; light green polygons: United States Geological Survey hydrologic unit code 12), Intracoastal Waterway, and Bogue Inlet; Onslow, Jones, Craven, and Carteret Counties North Carolina on the United States GeologicalSurvey National Map...........................................................................................................................................................................................5 Figure 4. Predicted water -surface elevation time series from the United States National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, in meters above mean lower low water at Bogue Inlet, North Carolina...........................................................................................................................................7 Figure 5. United States National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) measured wind speed time series and measured wind direction time series at (A) Wrightsville Beach (NOAA station 8658163), and (B) Beaufort (NOAA station 8656483) ................................................9 Figure 6. Digital elevation models of topographic and bathymetric elevations in meters above the North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD88) over the United States Geological Survey National Map...............................................................................................................................10 Figure 7. White Oak River at (A) the North Carolina Highway 1442 (Stella Road) bridge between Silverdale and Stella, and North Carolina Ambient water -quality gage on the White Oak River at North Carolina Highway 1442 near Stella (station P6400000); and (B) the North Carolina Highway 24 (Corbett Avenue) bridge between Swansboro and Cedar Point, over April 28, 2020 aerial photographs by Maxar.......... 12 Figure 8. Aerial photographs of the confluence of the unnamed tributary to White Oak River and the White Oak River, which show a dredged channel on (A) February 28, 2006; (B) December 31, 2011; and (C) February 19, 2017. The 2006 photograph is by the United States Department of Agriculture Farm Service Agency and the United States Geological Survey...........................................................................................................13 List of Photographs Photograph 1. July 2021 Dirt2Dreams photograph of station continuous-02 in the unnamed tributary to the White Oak River near Hancock Point, looking southwest toward the confluence of the unnamed tributary with the White Oak River.....................................................................2C Photograph 2. July 2021 Dirt2Dreams photograph of station continuous-01 in the White Oak River near Hancock Point, looking southwest fromthe eastern riverbank...................................................................................................................................................................................................2C Photograph 3. July 20, 2021 Land Management Group photograph of station continuous-02 in the unnamed tributary to the White Oak River near Hancock Point, looking southwest toward the confluence of the unnamed tributary with the White Oak River...........................................21 Photograph 4. July 20, 2021 Land Management Group photograph of station discrete-04 in the White Oak River near Hancock Point, looking southfrom the eastern riverbank........................................................................................................................................................................................21 Photograph 5. July 20, 2021 Land Management Group photograph of station continuous-01 in the White Oak River near Hancock Point, lookingeast toward the eastern riverbank.........................................................................................................................................................................22 Photograph 6. July 20, 2021 Land Management Group photograph of station continuous-02 in the unnamed tributary to the White Oak River near Hancock Point, looking northeast from the confluence of the unnamed tributary to the White Oak River with the White Oak River, towardthe unnamed tributary..............................................................................................................................................................................................22 Photograph 7. July 20, 2021 Land Management Group photograph near station continuous-02 in the unnamed tributary to the White Oak River near Hancock Point, looking southeast....................................................................................................................................................................23 Photograph 8. July 20, 2021 Land Management Group photograph near station discrete-02 in the unnamed tributary to the White Oak River near Hancock Point, looking southeast..............................................................................................................................................................................23 Photograph 9. July 20, 2021 Land Management Group photograph of station continuous-02 in the unnamed tributary to the White Oak River near Hancock Point, looking southwest toward the confluence of the unnamed tributary with the White Oak River...........................................24 Photograph 10. July 20, 2021 Land Management Group photograph of station discrete-03 in the unnamed tributary to the White Oak River nearHancock Point, looking northeast...............................................................................................................................................................................24 Ar I l I Y I CONSULTI GG DESIGN III Task 1: Environmental Monitoring and Hydrodynamic Simulation Plan Amphitheater Road Marina Acronyms and Abbreviations ATM Applied Technology & Management, Inc. DEQ North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality EDT eastern daylight time (UTC = EDT + 4 hours) EST eastern standard time (UTC = EST + 5 hours) EFDC Environmental Fluid Dynamics Code Esri Environmental Systems Research Institute km kilometer km' square kilometer LMG Land Management Group, Inc. MSL mean sea level NAVD88 North American Vertical Datum of 1988 NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources NOAA United States National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration USEPA United States Environmental Protection Agency USGS United States Geological Survey UTC coordinated universal time UTM Universal Transverse Mercator WASP Water Quality Analysis Simulation Program Notes Plan measurement units are metric. Convert from metric units to English units with the following conversion factors: Cover art is an aerial photograph of White Oak River, North Carolina. July 23, 2021 Applied Technology & Management, Inc. (ATM) performed the work described in this plan under ATM project number 21-3667; and a work consent document executed by Brian K. Byrd, Manager, Dirt2Dreams, LLC, on June 16, 2021. In this plan, ATM may have used standardized text from other ATM publications to describe general concepts, without explicit attribution to these other ATM publications. A" I M I CONSULT, ENGINEERING iv Task 1: Environmental Monitoring and Hydrodynamic Simulation Plan Amphitheater Road Marina 1.0 Introduction Dirt2Dreams, LLC hired Applied Technology & Management, Inc. (ATM) to monitor the environment and simulate flushing and dissolved oxygen concentration near the proposed Amphitheater Road Marina on the White Oak River near Peletier, in Carteret County, North Carolina (figure 1 and figure 2). Land Management Group, Inc. (LMG) is assisting ATM with this work. Dirt2Dreams propose to construct a marina in an unnamed tributary to the White Oak River, on the eastern side of the river south of Hancock Point. Dirt2Dreams may also construct marina infrastructure in the White Oak River, between the unnamed tributary and a point about 300 meters (m) southeast of the unnamed tributary. The State of North Carolina, Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) permit marina construction to address ecosystem concerns related to environmental quality [North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources, (NCDENR) 2011]. The State of North Carolina created DEQ from NCDENR in 2015. DEQ suggest that the permit process begin with an environmental monitoring and hydrodynamic simulation plan. The objective of the plan is to obtain concurrence from the DEQ on monitoring and simulation approaches. 77° 15'W 77°10'W 0 5 10 Kilometers I I I 0 2 4 6 Miles 77`5'W July 23, 2021 The objective of this planning document is to describe planned environmental monitoring (section 2) and describe planned hydrodynamic and water - quality simulations (section 3). Environmental monitoring includes water -level monitoring, water - quality constituent monitoring, and atmospheric monitoring. ATM proposes to use environmental measurements to refine and calibrate a hydrodynamic simulations of circulation, and constituent transport simulations of dissolved oxygen concentration and salinity in the unnamed tributary to the White Oak River near Hancock Point and in the White Oak River. Dirt2Dreams will use the hydrodynamic simulation (!) to refine the marina design, (2) to ensure that constituents in the proposed marina will be flushed to the White Oak River, and (3) to ensure that the proposed marina will not decrease contemporary dissolved oxygen concentrations in the unnamed tributary or in the river. Dirt2Dreams submit this plan —and will submit environmental monitoring, associated flushing simulations, and associated water -quality simulations —in support of a permit request from the State of North Carolina to construct the proposed Amphitheater Road Marina. Figure 1. Amphitheater Road Marina on White Oak River near Pe%tier, Carteret Count}, North Carolina on United States Geological Survey National Map. DESIGN ENGINEERING CONSULTING Task 1: Environmental Monitoring and Hydrodynamic Simulation Plan Amphitheater Road Marina (A) (B) 77'6'4C"W 77'6'30"W 77°6'20"W 77°6'10"W 7706'W 77°5'50"W 77°6'40"W 77°6'30"W 77°6'20"W 77"6'10"W 77°6'W 7705'50"W 0 500 1,000 Meters 0 1,000 2,000 Feet Figure 2. Amphitheater Road Marina on White Oak River near Pe%tier, Carteret County, North Carolina (A) on United States Geological Survey National Map with contours of equal elevation (brown polylines) on a five-foot contour interval, and (B) on an April28, 2020 aerial photograph by Maxar with discrete (blue diamonds) and continuous (yellow circles) constituent measurementlocations. Stations discrete-02 and continuous-02 are not coincident. Station continuous-02 is on a pile and station discrete-02 is in the channel a few meters southeast of the pile. DESIGN ENGINEERING CONSULTING July 23, 2021 Task 1: Environmental Monitoring and Hydrodynamic Simulation Plan Amphitheater Road Marina 2.0 Environmental Measurements LMG and a surveyor will measure environmental parameters. ATM proposes to populate a database with environmental measurements. The database will include LMG's measurement of water level in the unnamed tributary to the White Oak River near Hancock Point and in the White Oak River (section 2.1); LMG measurement of selected water -quality constituents in the unnamed tributary and in the river (section 2.1); measurements of selected meteorological and oceanographic constituents by others (section 2.2); and bathymetric measurements by a surveyor (section 2.3). 2.1 Water -Level and Water -quality Measurements DEC. (NCDENR, 2011) require that existing water quality be assessed, prior to and in support of numerical simulation of existing and proposed water quality. DEQ (NCDENR, 2011) do not reference specific protocols or standard operating procedures related to water -level or water -quality measurements. Consequently, ATM and LMG reasonably assume that DEQ (NCDENR, 2011) is a full and inclusive description of specific protocols or standard operating procedures related to water -level and water -quality measurements associated with State of North Carolina requirements related to proposed marina construction. ATM and LMG will revise this plan in response to additional guidance from the State of North Carolina related to proposed marina construction. One objective of the present plan is to detail LMG protocols and operating procedures to measure water level and water quality. DEC. require the following six measurements: • Water level • Dissolved oxygen concentration • Temperature • pH • Conductivity • Salinity LMG proposes to measure water level, dissolved oxygen concentration, temperature, pH, and conductivity at six locations (figure 213). ATM proposes to calculate salinity from temperature and conductivity measurements. LMG proposes to measure these constituents continuously at station continuous-01 in the White Oak River and at station continuous-02 in the unnamed tributary to the White ENGINEERING July 23, 2021 Oak River near Hancock Point (figure 213). Station locations in figure 2B are preliminary and may change subsequent to additional field investigations to determine deployment feasibility. Stations discrete-02 and continuous-02 are not coincident: station continuous-02 is on a pile and station discrete-02 is in the channel several meters southeast of the pile. LMG proposes to measure constituents with YSI EXO2 sondes (YSI, 2020) strapped to piles at stations continuous-01 and continuous-02. LMG measured depth at continuous and discrete stations at about 14:00 coordinated universal time (UTC) on July 20, 2021 (about 10 AM Eastern Daylight Time on July 20) (table 1). [Time in this report is uniformly published in 24-hour format, such that 1:00 PM in 12- hour format is equivalent to 13:00 in 24-hour format, and AM and PM are not published. Time in this report is uniformly referenced to UTC. UTC is four hours ahead of eastern daylight time (EDT) and five hours ahead of eastern standard time (EST). UTC is also known as Greenwich mean time.] NOAA (2021 b) predicted the lowest low tide on July 20 at 14:27 UTC 0.07 m below mean lower -low water (MLLW) at Bogue Inlet —about nine kilometers south of Hancock Point. NOAA (2021 b) also predicted a low tide on July 20 at 02:43 UTC 0.06 m above MLLW at Bogue Inlet. LMG proposes to fix sondes to piles at continuous stations. LMG proposes to mount the sonde at station continuous-01, such that the pressure transducer and other measurement instruments connected to the sonde are 0.3 m (about 1 foot) below MLLW and always wet. LMG proposes to measure these constituents 0.5 m above the bed at low tide, at station continuous-01. LMG proposes to mount the sonde at station continuous-02, such that the pressure transducer and other measurement instruments connected to the sonde are 0.15 m (about 6 inches) below MLLW and always wet. LMG proposes to measure these constituents 0.15 m above the bed at low tide, at station continuous-02. Task 1: Environmental Monitoring and Hydrodynamic Simulation Plan Amphitheater Road Marina Table 1. Measured depth at water - level and water -quality measurement stations on July20, 2021 around 14:00 coordinated universal time IUTP near low tide. Station i•r Continuous-01 0.853 Continuous-02 0.366 Discrete-01 1.219 Discrete-02 0.366 Discrete-03 1.067 Discrete-04 0.427 Note: m is meter In water depths greater than three feet, DEQ require surface, mid -column, and bottom measurements of dissolved oxygen concentration, temperature, pH, and conductivity. LMG proposes to measure vertical profiles of these constituents with the sonde from station continuous-01 in the White Oak River at station continuous-01, or with the sonde from station continuous-02 in the unnamed tributary to the White Oak River near Hancock Point at station continuous-02. While LMG measures these vertical profiles, the sondes will be used to measure the profile and will not be used to measure constituents at the station. After LMG measures these vertical profiles, LMG will return the sonde to the station, to measure constituents at a time interval of five to fifteen minutes. In water depths greater than three feet, LMG proposes to measure vertical profiles of these constituents every 0.3 m (about 1 foot), such that LMG will measure constituents 0.3 m, 0.6 m, and 0.9 m above the bed in water that is 1 m deep and 0.3 m, 0.6 m, 0.9 m, 1.2 m, 1.5 m, and 1.8 m above the bed in water that is 2 m deep. In water depths less than three feet, DEQ require surface and bottom measurements of dissolved oxygen concentration, temperature, pH, and conductivity. If water depth is less than 0.3 m, LMG propose to measure constituents in the shallow water column. If water depth is between 0.3 m and 0.7 m, LMG propose to measure constituents 0.3 m above the bed and 0.1 m below the water surface. If water depth is between 0.7 m and 1.0 m, LMG propose to measure constituents 0.3 m and 0.6 m above the bed, and 0.1 m below the water surface. ATM proposes to calculate a vertical salinity profiles from vertical conductivity and temperature profiles. DEQ require measurements during the critical, worst -case season of marina operation —which is summer between June and September. LMG proposes to measure constituents for 30 days July 23, 2021 beginning in August 2021 and concluding before September 30, 2021. In tidal systems, DEQ require measurements at slack tide. Slack tide occurs when velocity in the water column is zero, at high and low tide. LMG proposes to measure or calculate constituents at discrete stations over half a tidal cycle at low tide and at high tide, from low tide to high tide or from high tide to low tide. LMG proposes to measure or calculate constituents at continuous stations, once every five to fifteen minutes for 30 days, such that LMG will measure constituents at slack tides, but also during other parts of the tidal cycle at continuous stations. LMG proposes to also measure the following 11 constituents discretely at stations discrete-01 and discrete-04 in the White Oak River, and at stations discrete-02 and discrete-03 in the unnamed tributary (figure 213): • Total nitrogen concentration • Ammonia concentration • Nitrate -nitrite concentration • Total Kjeldhal nitrogen concentration • Total phosphorus concentration • Orthophosphate concentration • Chlorophyll a concentration • 5-day biochemical oxygen demand • Carbon concentration • Total suspended solids concentration • Color LMG proposes to measure these constituents from a depth of 0.1 m below the water surface, in conformance with DEQ (2017). LMG propose to draw water from a depth of 0.1 m below the water surface into sample bottles. LMG proposes to transport water samples using defined storage protocols to Pace Analytical Services, LLC in Wilmington, North Carolina, 120 km southeast of the proposed Amphitheater Road Marina. LMG proposes to report Pace Analytical Services constituent measurements. DEQ require measurements once every two weeks. LMG proposes to measure constituents at stations continuous-01 and continuous-02 every five to fifteen minutes for 30 days. LMG proposes to measure constituents at stations discrete-01, discrete-02, discrete-03, and discrete-04 every 15 days, for a total of two measurements (low -tide and high -tide) at each discrete station, on each measurement day. LMG proposes to measure or calculate 11 constituents, twice, on three measurement days at four discrete stations for a total of 264 measurements (11 measurements x 2 ATM I ENGINEERING 4 Task 1: Environmental Monitoring and Hydrodynamic Simulation Plan Amphitheater Road Marina measurements per day x 3 measurement days x 4 discrete stations), over the 30-day environmental measurement period in August 2021. LMG visited the proposed Amphitheater Road Marina site on the unnamed tributary to White Oak River in early July (see photograph 1 and photograph 2 in the appendix), and on July 20 ( see photograph 3 through photograph 10). Field work may involve revision to protocols or strategies during field measurement activities. LMG may revise the proposed measurement activities described in this section, based on additional information determined in the field, during measurement activities. Minor or trivial revisions to proposed measurement activities that do not influence DEQ regulatory determinations will be detailed in the subsequent report. For example, if LMG move a proposed discrete measurement station tens of meters, this revision will be detailed in the subsequent report. LMG will discuss major or non -trivial revisions with DEQ prior to acting on the revision. For example, if LMG removes a proposed measurement station from the set of stations, LMG will first discuss this with DEQ. July 23, 2021 2.2 Meteorological and Oceanographic Measurements DEQ (NCDENR, 2011) require wind speed measurement, wind direction measurement, and rain depth measurement. ATM proposes to force flushing simulations with tide, wind, Coriolis force, and freshwater and saline water inflows. During ebb tide, White Oak River drains to the Intracoastal Waterway near Bogue Inlet (figure 3). During ebb tide, the Intracoastal Waterway discharges to the Atlantic Ocean through Bogue Inlet. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) measure water -surface elevation at Wrightsville Beach (NOAA station 8658163) (NOAA, 2021d), about 80 kilometers (km) southwest of Bogue Inlet; and at Atlantic Beach (NOAA station 8656590) (NOAA, 2021 a), about 40 km east of Bogue Inlet. NOAA calculate tidal harmonics from measurements at Wrightsville Beach and Atlantic Beach (table 2). NOAA predict tidal elevation at Bogue Inlet (NOAA, 2021b) from calculated harmonics at Wrightsville Beach and Atlantic Beach (figure 4). The principal lunar semidiurnal M2 constituent dominated the tidal signal with a 0.548-m amplitude at Wrightsville Beach and a 0.593-m amplitude at Atlantic Beach. Amplitudes of 36 additional constituents at each station were less than 0.15 m each. 17'35"N 77'30'W 77'25'W 77'20W 77`15'W-/7'10'W 77'5W 77'0'W 76155'W 76150W 0 20 40 Kil—t— I I 0 10 20 Miles Figure J Proposed Amphitheater Road Marina (red circle), subbasins (green polygons) that constitute the White Oak River watershed (dark green polygons: United States Geological Survey hydrologic unit code 10,• light green polygons: United States Geological Survey hydrologic unit code 12), Intracoastal Waterway, and Bogue Inlet,• Onslow, Jones, Craven, and Carteret Counties North Carolina on the United States Geological Survey National Map. DESIGN ENGINEERING CONSULTING Task 1: Environmental Monitoring and Hydrodynamic Simulation Plan Amphitheater Road Marina July 23, 2021 Table 2. Amplitude, phase, and speed of tidal constituents at Wrightsville Beach [United States National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) station 86581631 about 80 kilometers southwest ofBogue Inlet,- and atAdantic Beach (NOAA station 8656590), about 40 kilometers east of Bogue Inlet. Principal solar semidiurnal S2 0.095 10.9 0.103 14.1 30.0000000 Larger lunar elliptic semidiurnal N2 0.130 329.5 0.142 333.7 28.4397300 Lunar diurnal Kt 0.093 185.4 0.096 186.4 15.0410690 Shallow water overtides of principal lunar Lunar diurnal Shallow water overtides of principal lunar M4 0.005 236.2 0.011 267.7 57.9682100 01 0.073 190.8 0.069 192.6 13.9430350 M6 0.006 254.3 0.006 25.4 86.9523200 Shallow water terdiurnal MK3 0.000 0.0 0.000 0.0 44.0251730 Shallow water overtides of principal solar S4 0.010 265.9 0.011 307.4 60.0000000 Shallow water quarter diurnal MN4 0.000 0.0 0.009 242.1 57.4238320 Larger lunar evectional NU2 0.025 330.8 0.027 331.2 28.5125830 Shallow water overtides of principal solar S6 0.000 0.0 0.000 0.0 90.0000000 Variational MU2 0.020 336.6 0.021 338.6 27.9682080 Lunar elliptical semidiurnal second -order 2N2 0.016 310.2 0.000 0.0 27.8953550 Lunar diurnal 001 0.005 201.0 0.000 0.0 16.1391010 Smaller lunar evectional LAM2 0.005 15.1 0.005 4.5 29.4556260 Solar diurnal Si 0.012 162.0 0.010 136.5 15.0000000 Smaller lunar elliptic diurnal M1 0.000 0.0 0.000 0.0 14.4966940 Smaller lunar elliptic diurnal J1 0.006 192.1 0.006 177.7 15.5854435 Lunar monthly MIA 0.000 0.0 0.000 1 0.0 0.5443747 Solar semiannual SSA 0.036 57.1 0.059 50.3 0.0821373 Solar annual SA 0.066 166.0 0.108 165.0 0.0410686 Lunisolar synodic fortnightly MSF 0.000 0.0 0.000 0.0 1.0158958 Lunisolar fortnightly MF 0.000 0.0 0.000 0.0 1.0980331 Larger lunar evectional diurnal RHO 0.003 170.1 0.005 175.3 13.4715150 Larger lunar elliptic diurnal Q1 0.015 184.2 0.015 186.1 13.3986610 Larger solar elliptic T2 0.009 359.5 0.010 355.7 29.9589330 Smaller solar elliptic R2 0.004 237.3 0.000 0.0 30.0410670 Larger elliptic diurnal 2Q1 0.000 0.0 0.000 0.0 12.8542860 Solar diurnal ' P1 0.032 187.9 0.033 187.5 14.9589310 Shallow water semidiurnal 2SM2 0.003 6.7 0.000 0.0 31.0158960 Lunar terdiurnal M3 0.008 14.0 0.011 25.1 43.4761600 Smaller lunar elliptic semidiurnal L2 0.014 20.1 0.019 358.3 29.5284790 Shallow water terdiurnal 2MK3 0.004 50.0 0.000 0.0 42.9271400 Lunisolar semidiurnal K2 0.024 16.1 0.027 13.2 30.0821380 Shallow water eighth diurnal AL M6 0.001 169.3 0.000 0.0 115.9364200 Shallow water quarter diurnal MS4 0.011 113.2 0.009 154.3 58.9841040 Notes: Phase in degrees is referenced to the prime meridian at longitude 0° through Greenwich, England. Speed in degrees per hour is the rate of change of the constituent phase. A" I M I CONSULT �U Task 1: Environmental Monitoring and Hydrodynamic Simulation Plan Amphitheater Road Marina a Z � - w Z Q 0 70 w J w w w U LLo Z) Z Ln¢ w w 2E Q w 00 LU ❑ a U_ w a 1.0 0.8 ;1N . 0.4 0.2 0.0 0.2 1 — 07/05 07/13 07/20 07/27 MONTH/DAY 08/03 July 23, 2021 Figure 4. Predicted water -surface elevation time series from the United States National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, in meters above mean lower low water atBogue Inlet, North Carolina. NOAA (2013) published datum conversion and tidal harmonics for the tidal epoch from 1983 to 2001. The mean tide range at Wrightsville Beach during the epoch was 1.214 m (table 3); the mean tide range at Atlantic Beach was 1.113 m. The highest astronomical tide elevation at Wrightsville Beach during the epoch was 1.187 m above mean sea level (MSL) in October 1993; the lowest astronomical tide DESIGN ENGINEERING CONSULTING elevation at Wrightsville Beach was 1.059 m below MSL in February 1997. If necessary, ATM proposes to convert between MSL, mean lower -low water, and the North American Vertical Datum of 1988 by developing a spatially -average datum conversion from datum conversions at Wrightsville Beach and Atlantic Beach to convert elevation information. Task 1: Environmental Monitoring and Hydrodynamic Simulation Plan Amphitheater Road Marina July 23, 2021 Table 3. Datum conversions in meters at Wrightsville Beach [United States National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) station 8658163] about 80 kilometers southwest of Bogue Inlet,- and atAtlantic Beach (NOAA station 8656590), about 40 kilometers east of Bogue Inlet. �1 11 Mean Higher -High Water MHHW 0.709 0.654 Mean High Water MHW 0.604 0.550 Mean Tide Level MTL -0.003 -0.006 Mean Sea Level MSL 0.000 0.000 Mean Diurnal Tide Level DTL 0.025 0.022 Mean Low Water MLW -0.610 -0.563 Mean Lower -Low Water MLLW -0.658 -0.610 North American Vertical Datum of 1988 NAVD88 0.183 0.147 Station Datum STND -6.396 -2.215 Great Diurnal Range GT 1.367 1.263 Mean Range of Tide MN 1.214 1.113 Mean Diurnal High Water Inequality DHQ 0.105 0.103 Mean Diurnal Low Water Inequality DLQ 0.048 0.047 Greenwich High Water Interval (in hours) HWI 12.32 12.13 Greenwich Low Water Interval (in hours) LWI 6.160 5.980 Highest Observed Tide Max Tide 1.943 Highest Observed Tide Date & Time Max Tide Date & Time 9/14/201814:54 Lowest Observed Tide Min Tide -1.464 Lowest Observed Tide Date & Time Min Tide Date & Time 1/8/2009 3:00 Highest Astronomical Tide HAT 1.187 HAT Date and Time HAT Date & Time 10/16/199312:24 Lowest Astronomical Tide LAT -1.059 LAT Date and Time LAT Date & Time 2/8/1997 6:24 Notes: The absolute value of negative depths above MSL are depths below MSL -- is elevation or time not available NOAA measure wind speed and wind direction at Wrightsville Beach (figure 5A) and Beaufort (NOAA station 8656483) (NOAA, 2021d) (figure 5A)-about 40 km east of Bogue Inlet. ATM proposes to force the simulation with wind speed and direction at Wrightsville Beach (similar to figure 5, but for August 2021 environmental measurement period). Less reliable wind velocity stations and wind velocity predictions also exist for Bogue Inlet and the White Oak River. DLSIGN ENGINEERING CONSULTING ATM proposes to initially force the simulation with synthesized wind speed and wind direction from Wrightsville Beach and Beaufort. If comparison of measured water -surface elevation and simulated water -surface elevation suggest that wind speed or wind direction on the White Oak River differ from the synthesized speed or direction, ATM proposes to adjust the synthesis accordingly. If ATM determine that additional wind speed or wind direction measurements are necessary, ATM proposes to use other wind velocity stations. Task 1: Environmental Monitoring and Hydrodynamic Simulation Plan Amphitheater Road Marina July 23, 2021 (A) 1, a, 2 J­ I � J­ e S J­ 21 j 22 21 2S j" E, J­ z, (B) 2, Figure 5. United States National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (IVOAA) measured wind speed time series and measured wind direction time series at (A) Wrightsville Beach #VOAA station 8658163), and (B) Beaufort (IVOAA station 8656483). The United States Geological Survey (USGS) to generate synthetic freshwater inflow hydrographs measure rain depth on the Cape Fear River at Lock 1 at selected locations on the simulation domain near Kelly (USGS station 02105769), about 110 km boundary. southwest of the proposed Amphitheater Road 2.3 Bathymetric Measurements Marina. ATM did not locate a rain gage with a published rain depth record closer to the White Oak USGS (2020) published elevations in Onslow and River. ATM proposes to continue to attempt to locate Carteret Counties (figure 6). a published rain depth record closer to the White Oak River than the Cape Fear gage. If ATM is not Dirt2Dreams proposes to hire a subcontractor to The able to find a closer rain gage, LMG may measure Cullipher Group, PA to measure bathymetric rain depth during the August environmental elevations in the unnamed tributary to White Oak measurement period, for use in creating freshwater River. inflow hydrographs at simulation domain ATM proposes to inspect transitions between boundaries. bathymetry to determine if elevation discontinuities USGS do not measure flow rate at any location in exist. If elevation discontinuities exist in bathymetry, the White Oak River watershed. ATM was not able to ATM proposes to smooth these discontinuities with locate a flow rate records published by other spatial smoothing and spatial interpolation organizations in the White Oak River watershed. algorithms. ATM proposes to use simple rainfall -runoff models ATM CoNSNUEERI GG Task 1: Environmental Monitoring and Hydrodynamic Simulation Plan Amphitheater Road Marina 77°15'W 77'10'W SLOW COUNTY 77'5' W Amphitheater Road Marina l� 77'0'W {OCpn5t0'- L l i eraW*14 0 5 10Kilometers Elevation, in meters above NAVD88 I I 113.4m 0 3 6 Miles -7.9 m Figure 6. Digital elevation model of topographic and bathymetric elevations in meters above the North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAV088) aver the United States Geological Survey (2020) National Map. 3.0 Hydrodynamic Simulations A semi -enclosed water body connected to a larger water body flushes pollutants or other constituents to the larger water body when water that flows out of or through the enclosed body causes the mass of the pollutant or constituent in the enclosed body to decrease. For example, a harbour connected to the ocean flushes a mass of constituent to the ocean when tide forces the constituent to flow from the harbour to the ocean. Flushing reduces the potential for stagnant water in the harbour, decreases the residence time of constituents in the harbour, enhances biological productivity in the harbour, and reduces the accumulation in toxic pollutants in bottom sediments in the harbour. In constructed waterbodies—such as a marina— the DEQ (NCDENR, 2011) cite an EPA (1985) recommendation that more than 85% of the mass of a constituent in the water body must flush to the larger, connected water body within 24 hours. ATM proposes to simulate flushing, constituent transport, and dissolved oxygen concentration, temperature, and salinity. In the present plan section, ATM describes proposed use of the following items: numerical models (section 3.1), July 23, 2021 aerial photographs on which ATM will base simulations (section 3.2), the simulation grid and bathymetry (section 3.3), simulation boundary conditions (section 3.4), calibration and verification of the simulation (section 3.5), flushing assessment (section 3.6), dissolved oxygen assessment (section 3.7), and assumptions and limitations (section 3.8). 3.1 Numerical Models DEQ (NCDENR, 2011) require assessment of the "flushing characteristics of the proposed marina" and calculation of "24-hour average dissolved oxygen concentrations both inside the marina and in adjacent ambient waters." ATM proposes to use numerical models to simulate circulation and the time to flush a conservative constituent from the proposed Amphitheater Road Marina to the White Oak River; and to calculate dissolved oxygen concentration time series inside the proposed marina and in adjacent, ambient waters, in the river. ATM will characterize water circulation in the marina, and flushing of the marina to the river, forced by tide, wind, and density gradients. ATIVf I CONSULT, GU 10 Task 1: Environmental Monitoring and Hydrodynamic Simulation Plan Amphitheater Road Marina ATM proposes to use the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) Environmental Fluid Dynamics Code (EFDC) to simulate hydrodynamics and flushing of a conservative constituent (USEPA, 2019). ATM also propose to use USEPA Water Quality Analysis Simulation Program (WASP) to simulate dissolved oxygen concentrations (USEPA, 2017). DEQ require that hydrodynamic, flushing, and water - quality simulation be done with open source models. EFDC and WASP are open source models, published and documented by the USEPA. EFDC and WASP are industry -standard tools for simulation of hydrodynamics in estuarine systems, and for simulation of water -quality transport, respectively. ATM further describes EFDC in section 3.1.1 and WASP in section 3.1.2. 3.1.1 Environmental Fluid Dynamics Code (EFDC) EFDC is a general-purpose hydrodynamic model, typically used to simulate two-dimensional and three-dimensional flow, circulation, transport, and biogeochemical processes in surface water systems, including rivers, lakes, estuaries, reservoirs, wetlands, and nearshore-scale to continental -shelf - scale coastal systems. EFDC is open -source software in the public domain, currently supported by the USEPA Office of Research and Development. EFDC solves three-dimensional, hydrostatic, free - surface, turbulent -averaged equations of motion for a variable -density fluid. Dynamically coupled transport equations for turbulent kinetic energy, turbulent length scale, salinity, and temperature are also solved. Two, turbulent transport equations implement the Mellor -Yamada level 2.5 turbulence closure scheme. EFDC uses a grid with a stretched or sigma vertical geometry; and curvilinear, orthogonal, horizontal geometry. EFDC solves the equations of motion with a second - order accurate spatial finite -difference scheme on a staggered or C grid. Time integration employs a second -order accurate three -time -level, finite - difference scheme with an internal -external mode splitting procedure to separate the internal shear or baroclinic mode from the external free -surface gravity wave or barotropic mode. The external mode solution is semi -implicit and simultaneously computes the two-dimensional surface elevation field by a preconditioned conjugate gradient procedure. The external solution is completed with July 23, 2021 the calculation of depth -average barotropic velocities using the most -recently calculated surface elevation gradient. The model's semi -implicit external solution allows large time steps constrained by stability criteria of either the explicit central - difference scheme, or by a higher -order upwind advection scheme used for nonlinear accelerations. Horizontal boundary conditions for the external mode solution include options for simultaneously specifying the surface elevation only, the characteristic of an incoming wave, free radiation of an outgoing wave, or the normal volumetric flux on arbitrary parts of the boundary. 3.1.2 Water Quality Analysis Simulation Program (WASP) WASP is a general purpose water -quality model, typically used to simulate concentrations of constituents in waterbodies. WASP can simulate water -quality in one-dimensional, two-dimensional, and three-dimensional frameworks. WASP is open - source software in the public domain, currently supported by the USEPA Office of Research and Development. 3.2 Aerial Photographs ATM obtained an April 28, 2020 aerial photograph by Maxar of White Oak River from the Environmental Systems Research Institute (Esri) World Imagery archive (for example, see base maps on figure 2B, figure 7, and figure 8). ATM will use shoreline geometry from the April 2020 aerial photograph to conform the curvilinear simulation grid to the shoreline. Aerial photographs show key physical features, relevant to simulation. Specifically, the North Carolina Highway 1442 (Stella Road) bridge over the White Oak River between Silverdale and Stella (figure 7A) constrains flow from the riverine part of the White Oak River into the estuarine part of the river. The North Carolina Highway 24 (Corbett Avenue) bridge over the White Oak River between Swansboro and Cedar Point (figure 713) constrains flow from the estuarine part of the White Oak River to the Intracoastal Waterway, near Bogue Inlet. Dirt2Dreams proposes to construct Amphitheater Road Marina in an unnamed tributary to the White Oak River near Hancock Point. A channel existed in this tributary in 2006 and 2011 (figure 8A and figure 813). The channel was less evident in 2017 (figure 8C). ATM I ENGINEERING 11 Task 1: Environmental Monitoring and Hydrodynamic Simulation Plan Amphitheater Road Marina (A) (8) 77"9'30"W 77° 9'0" 1N 77"8'30' W 77°8'0"W 0 500 1000Meters I I I 0 1,000 2,000 Feet 77"8'0' W 7717'3011W 77°7'0"W 77'6'30"W 771610, W 7715'3011W 0 500 1,000Meters I I I I I I I rrrrTT----1 0 1 000 2,000 Feet July 23, 2021 Figure 7. White Oak River at (A) the North Carolina Highway 1442 (Stella Road) bridge between Silverdale and Stella, and North Carolina Ambient water -quality gage on the White Oak River at North Carolina Highway 1442 near Stella (station P6400000),- and (B) the North Carolina Highway24 (CorbettAVenue) bridge between Swansbom and Cedar Point, overApril28, 2020 aeria/photographs by Maxar. Ar I' M I DESIGN CONSUTi G0 1 2 Task 1: Environmental Monitoring and Hydrodynamic Simulation Plan Amphitheater Road Marina (A) (C) (B) July 23, 2021 Figure 8. Aerial photographs of the confluence of the unnamed tributary to White Oak River and the White Oak River, which show a dredged channel on (A) February 28, 2006, (B) December 31, 2011; and Q February 19, 2017 The 2006photograph is by the United States Department of Agriculture Farm Service Agency and the United States Geological Survey. 3.3 Grid and Bathymetry ATM proposes to conform a curvilinear grid to the shoreline on the April 2020 aerial photograph, in zone 18-North of the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) projection . The grid will be more resolved near the proposed Amphitheater Road Marina, and less resolved away from the proposed marina. WASP is more challenged by three dimensional simulation domains with relatively greater resolution than with relatively lesser resolution. To manage this challenge, ATM proposes to use a relatively coarse grid away from the proposed marina ATM's approach will not affect qualitative findings. ATM I ENGINF.FRING 13 Task 1: Environmental Monitoring and Hydrodynamic Simulation Plan Amphitheater Road Marina ATM proposes to interpolate bathymetric elevations on the grid using elevations on NOAA digital elevation models (NOAA, 2016; NOAA, 2019) (figure 6). A subcontractor to The Cullipher Group, PA proposes to measure bathymetry in the unnamed tributary to White Oak River. ATM proposes to use this measured bathymetry in parts of the simulation domain. 3.4 Boundary Conditions ATM proposes to decompose NOAA's transient, predicted water -surface elevation time series at Bogue Inlet (similar to figure 4, but for August 2021 environmental measurement period) into harmonic constituents. ATM then proposes to translate the phase and amplitude of the Bogue Inlet signal to the simulation domain boundary at North Carolina Highway 24 by adjusting phase and amplitude of constituents at Highway 24 until measured water - surface elevations at the unnamed tributary to White Oak River (figure 213) match simulated water -surface elevations. Highway 24 is four kilometers north of Bogue Inlet (figure 3). ATM proposes to use a facsimile of decomposed harmonics at Bogue Inlet as an initial guess at Highway 24. ATM proposes to use measured dissolved oxygen concentration, salinity, and temperature at North Carolina Ambient water -quality gage on the White Oak River at North Carolina Highway 1442 near Stella (station P6400000) (table 4 and figure 7A) to generalize an initial water -quality boundary conditions at Highway 1442. ATM has not found dissolved oxygen concentration, salinity, or temperature measurements at North Carolina Highway 24, on the southern simulation domain boundary. ATM will continue to search for dissolved oxygen concentration, salinity, or temperature measurements at or near Highway 24, in Bogue Sound, or in the Intracoastal Waterway near Bogue Inlet. If ATM are not able to find dissolved oxygen concentration, salinity, or temperature measurements, ATM proposes to use typical values for coastal systems in North Carolina as an initial boundary condition. ATM proposes to adjust initial boundary conditions until simulated dissolved oxygen concentration, salinity, and temperature match measured dissolved oxygen concentration, salinity, and temperature at environmental measurement stations in and near the unnamed tributary to White Oak Creek (figure 2B). July 23, 2021 Table 4. Dissolved oxygen, salinity, and temperature statistics at North Carolina ambient water -quality gage on the White Oak River at State Road 1442 near Stella (station P6400000).Oxygen Salinity Temperature Dissolved I rp ExceedanceLimit Number of 52 54 54 measurements less than 5 Exceedances 5 4.4 0.05 5.5 Minimum 10" Percentile 5.0 0.09 9.2 25th Percentile 5.7 1.26 13.2 50th Percentile 6.8 3.87 20.3 751h Percentile 7.9 10.12 27.1 851h Percentile 9.1 14.58 28.6 901th Percentile 10.1 1 15.42 30.2 Maximum 11.5 21.66 31.9 Note: mg/L is milligram per liter -- is unit not applicable At the upstream end of the proposed simulation domain, about 520 square kilometers (km2) drain to the White Oak River (figure 3) at the North Carolina Highway 1442 (Stella Road) bridge over the river, between Silverdale and Stella (figure 7A). At the downstream end of the proposed simulation domain, 708.15 km2 drain to the White Oak River (figure 3) at North Carolina Highway 24 (Corbett Avenue) bridge over the river, between Swainsboro and Cedar Point (figure 713). About three quarters of the freshwater inflow to the proposed simulation domain is at the North Carolina Highway 1442 bridge. ATM proposes to force the simulation with freshwater inflow at the upstream end of the simulation domain, at North Carolina Highway 1442 bridge. About one quarter of the freshwater inflow to the proposed simulation domain is downstream of the highway 1442 bridge, at the following tributaries to the White Oak River (roughly arranged from upstream to downstream): • Cales Creek • Webb Creek • Hadnot Creek • Caleb Branch • Hargetts Creek • Godfry Branch • Unnamed tributary near Rolling Hill Drive • Holland Mill Creek • Unnamed tributary at the proposed Amphitheater Road Marina • Stevens Creek • Starkey Creek ATM I ENGINEERING 14 Task 1: Environmental Monitoring and Hydrodynamic Simulation Plan Amphitheater Road Marina • Petttiford Creek • Dubling Creek • Boathouse Creek Webb Creek (about 15 km'), Cales Creek (about 5 km'), Hadnot Creek (46.24 km2), Holland Mill Creek (about 17 km2), and Pettiford Creek (48.9 km2) drain the largest areas of this remaining quarter of the White Oak River watershed. ATM proposes to estimate freshwater inflow with the United States Department of Agriculture Natural Resource Conservation Service (1986) runoff curve number, in which a streamflow hydrograph is generated as a function of land use, soil type, rainfall depth, drainage area, and a time of concentration that describes the duration between the peak of rainfall and the peak of runoff. DEQ require an assumed 1.5 grams sediment oxygen demand per square meter per day unless evidence supports a greater or lesser demand. ATM proposes to assume 1.5 grams sediment oxygen demand per square meter per day, or provide evidence to support a different demand. 3.5 Calibration and Verification ATM proposes to calibrate simulations by adjusting simulation parameters and boundary conditions to minimize the difference between simulated water - surface elevation, velocity, salinity, temperature, and dissolved oxygen concentration; and measured water -surface elevation, velocity, salinity, and dissolved oxygen concentration, respectively. Calibrated simulations are generally preferred to uncalibrated simulations because simulated water - surface elevation, velocity, salinity, temperature, and dissolved oxygen concentration that matches measured water -surface elevation, velocity, salinity, temperature, and dissolved oxygen concentration are more reliable than simulated water -surface elevation, velocity, salinity, temperature, and dissolved oxygen concentration that have not been compared with measured water -surface elevation, velocity, salinity, temperature, and dissolved oxygen concentration. ATM proposes to verify simulations by comparing water -surface elevation, velocity, salinity, temperature, and dissolved oxygen concentration with measured water -surface elevation, velocity, salinity, temperature, and dissolved oxygen concentration that were not used in calibration. Water -surface elevation, velocity, salinity, temperature, and dissolved oxygen concentration July 23, 2021 simulated with calibrated simulations may not compare well with measured water -surface elevation, velocity, salinity, temperature, and dissolved oxygen concentration that were not used in calibration. Comparison of simulated water - surface elevation, velocity, salinity, temperature, and dissolved oxygen concentration with measured water -surface elevation, velocity, salinity, temperature, and dissolved oxygen concentration that were not used in calibration verifies the reliability of the simulation. 3.6 Flushing Assessment ATM proposes to assess flushing of the proposed Amphitheater Road Marina by simulating hydrodynamics and constituent transport ATM proposes to assess flushing by simulating the concentration of a conservative tracer, in the proposed marina, as a function of time. The concentration of the hypothetical, synthetic constituent in the marina will nominally be one milligram per cubic meter at the beginning of the simulation. This constituent concentration will be uniformly distributed throughout marina. The concentration will decrease as constituent in the marina is transported to the White Oak River, and as water is the river is transported into the marina and mixes with water in the marina. To quantify flushing efficiency, ATM proposes to sum the mass of constituent in the marina as a function of time, and will express this sum as a fraction of mass of constituent in the marina at the beginning of the transport simulation. The DEQ (NCDENR, 2011) cite an EPA (1985) recommendation that more than 85 percent of the mass of a constituent in the water body must flush to the larger, connected water body within 24 hours. ATM proposes to assess the proposed Amphitheater Road Marina design by calculating the mass of constituent in the proposed marina that is flushed to the White Oak River within 24 hours. ATM proposes to begin the transport simulation after several days of hydrodynamics are simulated. This spin -up period reduces or eliminates the influence of the initial, hydrostatic condition in the simulation, on the dynamic simulation of constituent transport; and damps or removes sudden changes in hydrodynamics that may exist at the beginning of a hydrodynamic simulation. ATM proposes to simulate the transport of a hypothetical, synthetic, conservative constituent in the proposed Amphitheater Road Marina. At the ATM I ENGINEERING 15 Task 1: Environmental Monitoring and Hydrodynamic Simulation Plan Amphitheater Road Marina beginning of the transport simulation, ATM proposes to uniformly distribute one kilogram of hypothetical constituent throughout the proposed marina per cubic meter of water in the marina. ATM proposes to simulate the change in mass in the marina during the transport simulation, as constituent in the marina is transported to the White Oak River. To quantify flushing efficiency, ATM proposes to sum the mass of constituent in the marina as a function of time, and express this sum as a fraction of mass of constituent in the marina at the beginning of the transport simulation. ATM will show that the mass of constituent in the marina at the beginning of the transport simulation will decrease by 85 percent over 24 hours, to 15 percent of the initial mass in the marina, at the beginning of the simulation. The initial concentration of hypothetical constituent in the marina of one kilogram per cubic meter is arbitrary and irrelevant because the regulatory criteria of 85 percent reduction over 24 hours is a normalized criteria, expressed as a percentage of initial mass in the marina. 3.7 Dissolved Oxygen Assessment DEQ (NCDENR, 2011) stated that "maintaining water quality within a marina basin depends primarily on flushing as determined by the water circulation within the basin. If a marina is not properly flushed, pollutants will concentrate to unacceptable levels in the water and/or bottom sediments, resulting in impacts to biological resources. Dissolved oxygen is important because aquatic organisms need it to exist and because oxygen conditions affect water chemistry. Anaerobic conditions are undesirable because they increase the toxicity of some compounds and can enhance the release of nutrients and some heavy metals from sediments." DEC. (NCDENR, 2011) require that "North Carolina water quality standards state that dissolved oxygen shall not be less than 5.0 milligrams per liter, except that swamp waters, poorly flushed tidally influenced stream or embayment, or estuarine bottom waters may have lower values if caused by natural conditions." DEQ (NCDENR, 2011) also require that "the dissolved oxygen standard of 5.0 milligrams per liter is based on a daily average." ATM proposes to assess water quality associated with the proposed Amphitheater Road Marina by simulating dissolved oxygen concentration forced by tide, wind, freshwater inflow, and generation and consumption of dissolved oxygen. ATM proposes to July 23, 2021 simulate dissolved oxygen concentration in the White Oak River, and in the unnamed tributary to White Oak River prior to construction of the proposed marina. ATM then proposes to simulate dissolved oxygen concentration in the river, unnamed tributary, and marina, after construction of the proposed marina. ATM proposes to use the pre -project simulation to determine the following: 1. Are the White Oak River or the unnamed tributary near Hancock Point tidally influenced? 2. Are the river or tributary poorly flushed? 3. Is the tributary estuarine? Is the river estuarine at the confluence with the tributary? 4. Are dissolved oxygen concentrations in the bottom waters of the tributary or river less than 5 milligrams per liter due to natural conditions unrelated to the proposed marina? 5. What is the depth -average, daily -average dissolved oxygen concentration in the river and tributary? ATM proposes to use the post -project simulation to determine the following: 6. What is the depth -average, daily -average dissolved oxygen concentration in the river, tributary, and proposed marina? If depth -average, daily -average dissolved oxygen concentration in the proposed marina is greater than or equal to 5.0 milligrams per liter, ATM proposes to present this information to DEQ in support of a permit request. If depth -average, daily -average dissolved oxygen concentration in the proposed marina is less than 5.0 milligrams per liter, ATM proposes to discuss information generated in responses to items 1 through 5 with the DEQ, prior to formally requesting a permit to construct the proposed marina. 3.8 Assumptions and Limitations Models are abstract representations of more complex systems and processes. Almost all models involve abstraction, in which systems and processes are simplified to allow for tractable solution. Abstraction requires assumptions and causes limitations. ATM I ENGINEERING 16 Task 1: Environmental Monitoring and Hydrodynamic Simulation Plan Amphitheater Road Marina ATM proposes to simulate density gradients associated with freshwater inflows mixing with denser sea water. ATM does not propose to simulate density gradients generated by evaporation of surface water, or density gradients generated by temperature differences. If density gradients exist in the White Oak River, forced by evaporation or temperature gradients, simulated water -surface elevations, simulated velocities, and simulated constituent concentrations may change. However, qualitative findings will not likely change. 4.0 References Environmental Systems Research Institute (Esri), 2021. World imagery: geographic information system base map, accessed July 9, 2021 at https://www.arcqis.com/home/item.html?id=10df2279f9684e4a 9f6a7f08febac2a9. Maxar, undated. April 20, 2020 aerial photograph of White Oak River, accessed July 9, 2021 at https://www.arcqis.com/home/item.html?id=10df2279f9684e4a 9f6a7f08febac2a9. North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources (NCDENR), 2011 (February). Draft guidelines for planning an upland marina development: State of North Carolina, North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Division of Water Quality, guideline, 18 p. North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (DEG), 2017 (February). Ambient monitoring system program quality assurance project plan: North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality, Division of Water Resources, Water Sciences Section, Ecosystems Branch document, version 2.0, 475 p., accessed July 13, 2021 at https://datatools.tamscenter.com/hosted files/Water/Water NC waterQAPP.pdf. Natural Resource Conservation Service, 1986 (June). Urban hydrology for small watersheds: United State Department of Agriculture Natural Resource Conservation Service, Conservation Engineering Division, technical release 55, 164 p., accessed July 9, 2021 at https://www.nres.usda.gov/lnternet/FSE DOCUMENTS/stelprr dbl044171.pdf. July 23, 2021 United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA),1993 (January). Management measures for marinas and recreational boating, chapter 5 in "Guidance Specifying Management Measures for Sources of Nonpoint Pollution in Coastal Waters": United States Environmental Protection Agency EPA-840—B-92-002, 838 pages, accessed October 25, 2019 at https://www.epa.ciov/nps/guidance-specifying- management-measures-sources-nonpoint-pollution-coastal- wate rs. United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA), 2019. Environmental modeling community of practice: EFDC manuals: United States Environmental Protection Agency website last updated on September 13, 2018, accessed September 5, 2019 at https://www.epa.gov/ceam/efdc- manuals. United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA), 2017 (June 8). WASP8 Stream Transport —Model Theory and User's Guide: United States Environmental Protection Agency unnumbered report, 76 p., accessed July 8, 2021 at https://www.e p a.g ov/sites/production/fi I es/2018- 05/documents/stream-transport-user-guide.pdf. U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), 2020. The National Map: National Boundaries Dataset, 3DEP Elevation Program, Geographic Names Information System, National Hydrography Dataset, National Land Cover Database, National Structures Dataset, and National Transportation Dataset; USGS Global Ecosystems; U.S. Census Bureau TIGER/Line data; USFS Road Data; Natural Earth Data; U.S. Department of State Humanitarian Information Unit; and NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information, U.S. Coastal Relief Model. Data refreshed May, 2020, accessed August 29, 2020 at https://www.usgs.gov/core-science-systems/national- geospatial-program/national-map. United States National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), 2021 a. Atlantic Beach, North Carolina tides and currents station: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration station identification 8656566, accessed July 9, 2021 at httos://tidesandcurrents.noaa.gov/stationhome.html?id=8656566. United States National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), 2021 b. Bogue Inlet, North Carolina tides and currents station: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration station identification TEC2837, accessed July 9, 2021 at httt s://tidesandcurrents.noaa.gov/stationhome.html?id=TEC2837. United States National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), 2021 c. Beaufort, North Carolina tides and currents station: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration station identification 8656483, accessed July 9, 2021 at httos://tidesandcurrents.noaa.gov/stationhome.html?id=8656483. ATM I CONSULTINGNG 17 Task 1: Environmental Monitoring and Hydrodynamic Simulation Plan Amphitheater Road Marina United States National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), 2021d. Wrightsville Beach, North Carolina tides and currents station: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration station identification 8658163, accessed July 9, 2021 at https://tidesandcurrents.noaa.gov/stationhome.html?id=8658163. United States National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), 2016 (July 4). North Carolina Statewide Lidar DEM 2014 Phase 1: accessed July 8, 2021 at https:Hchs.coast.noaa.gov/htdata/raster2/elevation/NorthCaro lina DEM 2014P1 5005/. United States National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), 2019 (September 3). Continuously updated digital elevation model (CUDEM), 1/9 arc -second resolution bathymetric-topographic tiles: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration DEM the nceil9_n34x75_w077x25_2019vl.tif, described at https://chs.coast.noaa.gov/htdata/raster2/elevation/NCEI nint h Topobathy 2014 8483/, accessed July 8, 2021 at https:Hchs.coast.noaa.Qov/htdata/raster2/elevation/NCEI nint h Topobathy 2014 8483/southeast/nceil9 n34x75 w077x25 2019v1.tif. YSI (2020). EXO user manual: Xylem item 603789REF, revision K, 244 p., accessed July 23, 2021 at https://www.ysi.com/file%201ibrary/documents/manuals/exo- user-manual-web.pd . July 23, 2021 Ar I' M I DESIGN ER GG 18 Task 1: Environmental Monitoring and Hydrodynamic Simulation Plan Amphitheater Road Marina Appendix: Photographs July 23, 2021 A" I M I CONSULT, GU 19 Task 1: Environmental Monitoring and Hydrodynamic Simulation Plan Amphitheater Road Marina July 23, 2021 Photograph 1. Ju1y2021 Dirt2Dreams photograph of station continuous-02in the unnamed tributaryto the White Oak River near Hancock Point, looking southwest toward the confluence of the unnamed tributary with the White Oak River. Photograph 2. July 2021 Dirt2Dreams photograph of station continuous-01 in the White Oak River near Hancock Point, looking southwest from the eastern riverbank. Ar I ' M I DESIGN CONSUTi GG 20 Task 1: Environmental Monitoring and Hydrodynamic Simulation Plan Amphitheater Road Marina _',, Photograph 3. ✓uly20, 2021 Land Management Group photograph of station continuous-02 in the unnamed tributary to the White Oak River near Hancock Point, looking southwest toward the confluence of the unnamed tributary with the White Oak River. July 23, 2021 Photograph 4. ✓u1y20, 2021 Land Management Group photograph of station discrete-04 in the White Oak River near Hancock Point, looking south from the eastern riverbank. Ar I ' M I DESIGN CONSUTi GG 21 Task 1: Environmental Monitoring and Hydrodynamic Simulation Plan Amphitheater Road Marina zts -41117- July 23, 2021 Photograph 5. July 20, 2021 Land Management Group photograph of station continuous-01 in the White Oak River near Hancock Point, looking east toward the eastern riverbank. 9r d Photograph 6. July20, 2021 Land Management Group photograph of station continuous-02 in the unnamed tributary to the White Oak River near Hancock Point, looking northeast from the confluence of the unnamed tributary to the White Oak River with the White Oak River, toward the unnamed tributary. AYM IDESIGN ENCi _ONSULTI RG 22NG Task 1: Environmental Monitoring and Hydrodynamic Simulation Plan Amphitheater Road Marina L T' A - -- Aw. z Photograph 7. July 20, 2021 Land Management Group photograph near station continuous-02 in the unnamed tributary to the White Oak River near Hancock Point, looking southeast. July 23, 2021 Photograph 8. July20, 2021 Land Management Group photograph near station d1screte-02 in the unnamed tributary to the White Oak River near Hancock Point, looking southeast. ATMCOSIGN ENGINEERING 23 CONSULTING Task 1: Environmental Monitoring and Hydrodynamic Simulation Plan Amphitheater Road Marina 46 Photograph 9. July20, 2021 Land Management Group photograph of station continuous-02 in the unnamed tributary to the White Oak River near Hancock Point, looking southwest toward the confluence of the unnamed tributary with the White Oak River. 4 Photograph 10. July20, 2021 Land Management Group photograph of station discrete-03 in the unnamed tributary to the White Oak River near Hancock Point, looking northeast. July 23, 2021 AYM IDESIGN CONSUETi GG 24