HomeMy WebLinkAbout20141169 Ver 1_DCM Permit_20150406X -,c-s-x o-ss-n m�uw.rrosa� r � � !li.(Y1�1:t �1%�3 x i'�d� `>� � f--- ---- � L � �1 �ti: ��'�. �� i�"�`� j �1 �;_`����:�i4��-'�. '��J�'.7�i';i��vii; CJi �ii�I:tG�=:�'?:°.±i: � ;_ia7`'laii.liyli �it,at�:�:!";;�5 . ��� t �.�J�:i':.�?: ��.�S��i.'•.r�•°�'�.�!_���ii1��5i+�f1 Y _ � � �a_r � i�lajor De�elopment in an �r�� of Eni-iro_�,rnPr_tal Co�c��•r� — �1r,,,� � pu�-su�n� i� i�:�-�� 1 ��A-118 Ex�ca��atio� a?�?�/or �iiling pursuant to N�G� 113-229 �er;���± i'�1amb�r ������ Iss�z�� to �.�> �����°����� ��°�'r���������3��, ���� I���� ����v��� ����=.�, ?��l�a��9 �?� �`�fs9��1��-�� Authorizin� d�velopment in Onsla�v a,1d Cra�-•en �'o�anty at ne�v drossin6 of `�Ihit� Oak F'ci��er ancl i�n�-ro�����Y_ts tc U� 1"7 (i -2�1�) as rec�u°sti��� in th� perr�i�t��'s applicati�_r� �ai�d ? 1/3/l�', Iv��-1q 1��1�'-2, an� MP-5 and r�,�ei�-ec? as complet� on 2/20/15. This permit, issu€d on �/��?/flS , is subject to cor,:piianc� �l�it:; tne ap; licaiion (�vhere consistent �,�ith �h� permit), all a�pii<r�l�i� regiiiations, special co�sdiiior.s and r_otes set foi-ti1 be;o�=�. �,.y vicia��ion o�� i�i�sm terms i77ay b� subjeci to fines, imprisonmen� or civil action; or may cause the permit to be null and voi�. ?�d�`� C�-�����a� ��' ��Ih��� ��� �3���r a�� �J� 17 Ir,����v��a���� 1) In accflrd�r�cP �v�th commitments mac'e b�� ti�i permi*_te� and irl order t� pY�t�ct an�dromous fish during sp�wnir�g �etiods a.nd throu�l: embr� �nic, lar��al or juvenile lif� stages in the �,Vhite �ak_ River, no in-��ater �vorlc shail be condu�t�d from Febru�ry 1� through Se�tember 30, �✓ithout prio-r approj��al of the NC Division of Coastal M�nag�inent (DCM), in consult�tion �vith the appropriate resource agencies. � 2) The installation of bridge piles shall be accomplished by pile drivi��� and/or the use of a vibratoiy hammer. Sh�uld the permittee and;'o� its�contractor desire to utilize another type of pile installation, such as drilled shaft construction ar jetting, additional authorization from DC�1 shall be requi�ed. (�ee ����che� s�e��� f�r Ac�c�iti��a� ��nc�itio�s) This pzimit action may be appealed by the permittee or other qualified persons within twenty (20) days of the issuing date. This pern�it must be accessible on-site to Deparnnent personnel �vhen the project is inspected for compliance. Any maintenance �vork or project modification not covered hereun�3er requires further Didision appro��al. �! 11 ��ork must cease when the peimit e.cpires o;i ��� �.�=�ii�°���fl� ����, ��a�°s�a��� �a �� �3��4�07� In issuing this permit, the State oi �Iorth Carolina a�i-e�s t'r:ar vour project is consistent with the North Carolina Coastal N�ana�ement Program. Si�ned by the authority of the Secretary oi DEi�IR and ihe Chairman of the Coastal Resources Commission. -� -- .- :�r', ,. . _y. � BraYton C. Davis, Director Division of Coastal �anagement This permit and its conditians a�e hereby accept�d. Signature of Permitte� . . �r�v,��t���aa�:��;�;�r,-��,sn:-c�r�_�za ;-��fiasa�r-=rr�>�„��.r, z :., z :ur,ao-;rn �a-� rr�n� -,-� z rN-,7�a�z }.s<rr��;.r���.�; .-�v-rr.a-;a-r-���a ; �v_ ; X � j�-,,�• e' ^�' � ;�l��o �i�Q�'� r°��Yn`�5���:� �i�3 �1 71'tJl L i i:i �'�::3 ; i����-� ��°•��s��3� ��''�'���w ��1� �;�v��° ��� �� � % � ���I 11��i�Y�`��, ����� �'��i'`�� x ��.� ��� � ����� � ���� � 1i� �3 3 j Turbic�:ty c���tai�s sral_i b� u��a te isol�im �l� i�-�,v��:�r y��orl� ar°�.s ti�,ithin th�, ��I'_nit� fla�� �.ive�, in�tu�'is�g ��t not lirriiiecl_ t� t.�� prrmu_r,_�ni a�,�l t��npor�ry ��;�i•?� �ricige insiall�i:on and �•�rnc��al. �'he tur'r�idity curt�i_n_s shai_1_ e:?cir�i� ti�� i;rim�diate z,��a_r'_.c ar�z; �^otivP=,-��=, thPy shall not imp�c�P n��riga�ior!. Th� rurbidity cur:.ains shall be prflloerly sna�r:�aineu a��d retained in the w�ter urstil c��sstruction is ccrr��le��. Th� tur'ni�ity curtains shall be removed ���hen tur'oidity d�Titl?in the curtains reaches ambient levels. 4) Placement of riprap shal l'oe limited to the areas as depicted on tne attached �voi-�plan d�•awir�gs. The riprap material shall be free frorr� loose dirt or any pollutant. The riprap material shall consist of clean _rock o_r rnasonry materials, such as but not limited to, granite, ma��l, or brolcen coneret�. j) Any debris resulting fr�m the c��emelition of the existir�g bridge or construction of the ne�v 'orid�e shall not enter �vetlands or �vaters of the �tate, even temporarily. 6) A��y �vaste materials and dPbris associat�d «ith construction, demolition, or other activities shall be disposed cf at an appro��ed upland site or sha11_ be recycled in an er.vironmentally apprapriafe m�nner provided appropriate authorizafions are obtained fr��n any relevant state, federal, ar local authoriti�s. 7) Q� �� 1 O; Ti�e permittee �nd/or his contractor shall ex�rcise all available precautions ir1 day-to-day operations to prevent w-ast� frorri entering the adj acent w�ters. The permittee and/or his contractor shall pro=✓ide for prop�r storage and handling of all oils, chemicals, etc., necessary to carry oui the project. Uncured concrete shall not be allowed to contact waters of the State or water that w-i1� enter waters of the �tate. � �onstruciion staging areas shall be located only in upland areas, ancl noi in wetlarids or tivaters of the State. Tl j There shali be no clearing o-r grubbing ot wetlands outside ot the areas inciieateci on the attaeneci wor:cplan dra��-�ings �vithcut prior approval from DCM. 12) 1 �) The permittee shall minimize the need to cross wetlands to the ma�imum eYtent practicable. Construction mats sha11 be utilized to suppoi-t equipment ti�-ithin �vetla_��d areas to minim�ze temporary wetland impacts: .These mats shall be removed immediatelv following project cempletion. 1�) The temporary w-ork bridges shall be removed in their enti_rety within 90 days after they are no lonae-r needed. However, if this timeframe occurs �vhile the moratorium referenced in Condition No. 1 of this permit is in �ffPet, then ihe temporar5� work bridg�s shall be removed in th�ir entirety within 9C day s of ihe maratorium end date. "� A_. P �` �T.•Le �.;�uc � .-11�t�t �: t � �' �d=iu�.�1 ��li.',��:f, ��.r�.= �3]3"� �f G�f�''°�' � i���y� �������� o# ��'���� ��� �?s��� ��s�1 �� ? � ���� j �� � =���3��'-��im'_���s ���-i�1������`��; ���������� ���� �a1� ��� 1�T0 �X�aVaI�Ji1 Oi i1111I1a S�l�.�� �a�° ��ci�e �t �Y1V �1�11� t_i? c'�T':� V�,.c���c1Ci� `�zi�t�2I1dS G� SU3`f�LlY?C�li1b L�iG�s,TS outsid� of the ali;nrr��nt o� t�?e arLas in�i�atec: �n th� a�ta�:hed wor���la� cirativi��!:`s, ��ith�tit pri�r I��� authori_ati�r. i 6) Mat�rial excavat�°d �ay be us�J �r iill ���e�_s ass��.iat��� tit�it'r_ th� p.�jeet on�e �rc�erly de=,��a�e�e� o� sn�11 be removed from the site and ta'ce.� t� an approved r.igh ground location. 17) The tempo��x� pl���m°?�� ar�d �o�a�le han�?irb �f a �y e<��a��ated or f 11 material wi�hi�� waiLrs os vegetat�d wetlan�s is not authorized. 1�) �11 f 11 materia� shall be clean and fre° cf any pellutants e�ce�t in trace �ua�titi�s. i���������s�/������ Z'a°��� �1���� i;�) �u� in.� bridge constrt�c�?oi1, �h� rerr_Zi_ttee s�a11 make eveYy attempt to maintain traditianal navigation in the �tir;ite Oak River. �f this is n�� possible, then adequatP notice shall'oe provid�d t� th� public ihat navigation will be lirnited during cc�nstruction. The notice shall include an esiimat� of the arnfluni of iime that the limited navigation �v?li occur. ����a����ati�� ��� E������ C�a���°�� 2�) This project shall conform to all requirements of ih� N� 5edimentation Poliution Control Act and 1�1�' DOT's i��Iemoi•andum cf �greement with the Division of Energy, �l"ineral and Land Resources. C'omp�nsaiorv i�'Iit��at�on �O"I'E: The Ecosystem Enhancement Pro6ram (EEP) agreed to provide compensatory mitigation for impacts in accordance �vith the EEP acceptance letter dated 2/2�/15. IJiil�ii�s IZ�lacati�� 21) Any relocation of utility lin�s that has not been previouslv permitted by DCM or is not already depicted on the aitached �vork plan dravvings, or described within the attached permit application, shall requir� approval by �CI�I, eith�r und�r th� autilorit�� of this permit, or �y the utility com�any obiain?ng separat� authorizati�il. �}S b ny 4 � ; a ; u 5 $ Y, � � � :r x -,•T ,t „ a- � o ��'� ;'�:��'.f���:�a ��:t �� � %i _ � �:, r`? r3�:P i"a:v�� ���s�3�� �� �,i��:�s ��� ��v�z �.��1 �1� �7 �' ��m 1 i�i'a �'�i. �. � 31-� _�?� x 3'�1 i:� �a�±.��°���� ar�� �'����a.�r�� �����.r�� �'��3�������� � 1'i(3'?"� f� �,�.�� � ��v� � �� �� i� j T��p p�rm�tt�e sh211 ati��r� to stipu?ations cflntain�� -fviihin t�� 1�.P�nor�r�r1�.��� of �gr��n?ert bet���e�n tne �JS tirrny Corp of Engineers and the i�Torth Caroiina �iistoric Pres�r�,��tion Gff�ce dated 5/2/11 e which l,TCDJT con�ui�r�d �vith b� signatt.r� on 5/25/11, �er�e��� 2�� �11� 1+1L 1�1V1SIGi1 L7� i%1j2�e,F ��C:SG:1ia;d., �i��T�'� j ui:L:1i)_°i��C� i�"i° �.i�:y�=��v'� ��:i�j:C'< <p1'0�.�,Ci �T;�. �.�l��r] l�>J1� on 3/2/1�. Any violation of the Certification approv�d b;� the DWR shall be considered a violation of this CA�A permit. 2�) 1 h� permiitee and/or contractor shall contact the �CiVI Transportation F?eld Repres�ntative in the P�IoYehead City Distri�t Office at (252) 808-2�0� to schedul� a pr�-construction conference prior to projeet i�i�3�t�cn. 1��'�'�: Tnis p�rmit c�nvey�s I3C��'s deter_mination tnat t'_n° �ortion of the proje�t not located withiri a C��� ArPa of Fnvironm�ntal Conc�rn (AEC), in�luding the exte��t of the linear project lo�at�d outside of the co�stal zone, ��vill be unc_lertaken in a manr�er that to the maximum e�tent practicabl� is not e�pected to have an effe�t on a caastal use or resources within the coastal zone and therefore is consist�nt with the enfor�eable p�l?cies c,f the N� Coastal iVlanagemPnt Pro�r�m in ac�ardance �vith the provisions of Fede_ral Consistency (15�FR930). �1��'�'�: If ii is det�rmined ihat additional per�rlanent and/or �emporary irripacts are necessary that a�e not � shown on the attached perinit drawings or described in the authorized permit application, permit modification or additional autharization from DCi�/I may be required. I� ��'�o Pl:�ns and specifications for thP reloc:ation an�'or replacement of ��-ater mains mi�st be s�ab��itted to the i�'C rJivision of Water iZesources, 1�ublic �va[er Supp�y rian iZevietiv �ection tor appr�vai prior to censtruct�on. Final approval must be issued before water mains are placed itlto service. i � �'�'�: i�d�'I'�: This permit does not eliminate the need to obtair. any additional state, federal, or local permits, approvals, or authorizations that m.ay be required. An application processinQ fee of �475 was received by D�Y� for this pr�ject. This fee also satisfied tne Section 401 application processin� fee requirements of the Division of Water Resources.