HomeMy WebLinkAboutGranville_Well Abandonment_20230127 71ti5 funs can be used fbr shtgle or mnitlpl'e weUr wwI UW any: r.\Yell Con velar Inrorwallunt XLA uMr Well• onlraeior Name or well owett enotsally abmdoaluQirjUDnhirll,trproprrty) For Nmul plsnf j?Vaellontlnorabn�allo, r�PIY +rrllr ONL) „rrh (he as evnrrrvcrfon/abondonmr n4 you tort submrr onr form. NC el1C nl'"Or tttIlcxUueNumber 7b.ApproxlmateTuIumeofaalerremaininglnneU(s): al. N.W. Poole Well Pump Co. (g ) Cotopnny Nsute FUIt WATER SUPPLY SPELLS ONLY: 2.WeU ConrtrucUon Permit N: 7c.TyTn of dlalnfrttanf tired, Lr,r all nppllcoblr>•rll prrndu Couno,Srorr,r'arforrcr,ll/rctloq rlcJ(!lnvxn 3.11'01 list(ch eck n•eli use): 7d•Ameenl of dlaln4cltnt vied: Watt,-Supply Well: I7Agrlcullttrnl 7e-Sealing malerialt sued(check rill that apply): t7Munfolpal/Publlo 11 Neal Cement Oro - CIOcoU,cnnal(1 iealing/Coollrrg Supply) esldenUal Weler Supply(single) Send Ctmrenl Orou t` �'�`-0 -i 1�� "Ile Chips or 1 ellcts Cludustrinl/Comnrcrcltd ❑Resldm9al WtlrrSupply Supply( Ph)Cley Olni alloll ❑ Concrete Oroul 2 brill Cul&gs Non-Water SupplySvcll: wSpecl►ItyOrout JAN 7 20 O t3tavel fJMoniluring ❑Ilrnlmdle Slus-ilr tf iri;iOrl Vim' ��r�(eii(explaln under 7g) 1u)ct(lon Svell: ❑Rmov DV/0V30G ClAqufrer Recharge 7L F r each fatal telttlyd abv..,nr,"4de amount bf w-1— ❑UrvundwalerRemedlelotl 9 ' tits used: ClAdulfcr 5lorage end Recovery I75allnl( Barter ❑Aquifer'fest ❑StarrltwatcrT?rahugo � �f) ..9 1[3lszperirnc1lW Tcolutology . USubsldcucc Control C]00o'llennal(Clos&d Loop) C3Tracer 7g•Pro tide a brief dtacriplion of the abandonment procedure: 174calhcrn181 catln Cuolln RDIU ll []Other Idn undcr..7 Unlc Irell(s)abaudoued; "' '�v✓�'� `� �/^ a 6n.WcU laealiuu; t scihlylO,rner Namo FsolUty IDS(Ifrppperblr) 8, Zdid Pby'rlcel Addrerr,Clty,and Zlp 816nrnolm or 4/e11 htrner �P�.6 / � Dale" Couuty QY rlgnin8 lhlt.jorm,I htrrD ctr(((y Mat the R l(s)war (were)abandoned In Patcel ldendQcadon No.(PIN) accorlidnct itith 1J,�NC�lC 01C,0/00 or 1C.0100 Will Corufnldlon Standmds tb.Ladtudt:and:IonQltuile Id degrcei/mlontts/seeondt or decimal dtgreer; and litaia ropy°jlhlJ rtcartfhcu bear provided to Ule r:'ell onnrr. (+rnelfffeld,�onelsVlbltg1i,.i lfeleot) , ?".D 55 3 211 9,Site diagram or a d)uaoai,rell dtt,ru,: N =� (pp G--1-2 You may tltd,tUt . T of US page to prnvido addiliollal well silo details or nvell f SY abandonment det;illa: you may also attach additional pages Urlecessmy. .'4rfedhY4i l ,c, till vN #rid )r lh�' M' cbnf `rrl tir►lo'baf1;lerihirnl,atr eft avbmitb nr fotm-iratir nq,ply Ka"Muks Wen IDN: 10t,Pvr` ii:W•lli: •5ubmil this form violin 3U days of colnplcUon Uf well abandotiineril to 01,6 following: b,Tufal ri•ell depth; r D1vLloti oflysferRuourcei,Inforinatfun Pructrrfug Unit, (fL) 16i71?irtll Sen•Ice Center,Raleigh,NC 27699.1617 10b,$➢ Ilorcholc diameter; I(gr In addition to srnding Use form Iv Ulo addrus In I03 (In•) above,sleo`'�ul1ii11t oho copy of 1.1113 fom) whllbl 30 days of complcllon of well abandontuent to tlfc following; :ri.Water laud bclrin•gradnil iilrface.. . ' • (ft.) blvlrlon ol:SYtilirlieiourcta,Underground Injection Control Program, 1 Mill gtrvlee Center,Raleigh,NC 27G99-1G3G r.. Cuter cntlug leggtlt(IC 1tnUisn): IO c, lho ad EI .1�1d4 to tf, aibo submit one copyboC Udaluformn to swiUdrg 30 days Ulc of Inner easing/itibing length(If kndrvn)I " completloti of 1vc11�abandonlnnit to Ule county health department of Ule cmudy �yt,) wilcm Abandoned, _«Serccu I�n�lb(Ifiuiiiivh)i i. --� orm aw•so ' NOri}i Carotins DeplttmeM bf Eotlrbumeni snd tl.i..l n.._:.. _• , . f uLw:ttll7UUl� 'RECORD LW":A1'3 f 71i1e fume Carl be used Ikrr aingle ar mdltiple zvellr u0'ONLY, 1.Well ua Yaclur lurormallont / - .•� Well&ntradui None for well owott penooal(y r�d . 7a,Number of Well,being AbAndonedi �sU�ahl►berptopttty) For multlpir !rtl¢llon or non•iraler rvppiy irrllr DNL1 ulrh the ramr ~ ronrr vcrrodobondonmrn{yvtl can submit oar form. rlC Well Conu-aolar CetlIa"Uon Numb, 7b.Approximate yolome of water remalning In nell(s): el. N.W. Poole Well & Pump Co. lg ) Coropnn}'TJame FORSYATBR aUFFLYIYELI,g pNL�'; 2.Well Construction Permit ff: 7t Type of dlslafec(aot weds U41 all oppllcoblr N•rll prrmlrs O.E.Cormq"Srorr,l'crfamr,lrlRcNon,era)((,y,m„ 3.11'cil use(0cck well use); 7d•Amount of Unfeclant used; Water Supply}yell; OAgrlculliunl 7L Scaling malerlals Used(check all that apPly): 0(icoulcrinal0tcat1nglCoolin Supply) �1MuniolpeUl'ttbl(o ❑Neat Cement G _ �', --• -� �Brnlonhc Chips or Pellets g PP Y) �esldentlal Willer Supply(tingle) )�sqand Cement urtu ' ' ---��,�❑tudustrial/Cornrnn err lnl ❑Resldeauti Willer supply 0 onaele grout .. o Lz+ l�ryit-,)Clay PP Y(shared) �'• � s Cl[ni anon CI DHU Cuttings Non-Walcr Supply 1yeli! O SPeclalty Grout JA N 2 7 202,b utnvcl dMon(luring ❑9entmdie Slutty ❑ Other(explain under 7g) lnJccuun Well! ❑Recov It1�ir�3;F � , r:.: 7f.For aeh maternal uleef�°d'eti'q l.ln.l C1Aqulfcr Recharge ❑Groundwater Xemodldtlon f de amoun(bf ma(crlels used; ClAyulfcr Storage and Recovery ❑5allnti Barrie DAquifcr'Cest Y ❑Slormwalcr Dralnag0WMA& j 1Ji?xperbncillal Tcclmulogy ❑Subsldcnco Control 000 Ulcnnal(Closal 1 vop) ❑Tracer 7 roride a brief desviptloo of the abandonment procedure I,OtJcathcrntal 3calln Coolln Rclunl ❑Oihor lain tmder.q /? ''•JM0 well(s)ALAndoned: r/ z ZAl� 11'clllocalivn; /�'�T�/' iAffl IaciUlylDnner Neme FsollltyIDii(((,tr,ppcsbls) 8.Cerilifauonn pbyslc l Address,Chy;and Zip f / 81sos o[CtttiDed WeU onlna C or WeU�mner / &A /t/, j5 De1e �ouuny By tigrrfng fhU forin,1 herr�cerfVY Olaf flit 11e1IN wan(were)abandoned lit Parcel IdeaillliadvdNa(pW) dccorddnct llh 1J,('NC,lG�lea ( L!rT 01C.0100 or1C.0100!Yell Corurnlcilon Standards anlhrdeandaonQlludeIndegreei/ml6nhec Mods arulrhar'acvpy ofrlittrecuriihasbeers lrndf OeIJ,one IaVlo,ij;li}iiFltelei,t) � prartded to the well owner. 9,Silt dlagntm;or a dfllonAl aep delaUr: N J d �� 13C�0 You mky t[tdafie bac of Mils pago to provido addilimnal tivcll site details or wdl abandonment deialls: Xou trlay also attach addlllond pages if rlecessaly, t .4riech'1ll+l r �uf aN .'; S G�i rl)i rlli@ Oh Or rran-rralrr ngply' Cfttlrila6al{�drihirnl,ji3li cdrr rubriill one fora,. 'i�:Well IDtI: 101,Fer':&LF I -Submit Uds furor wi0un 30 days of completion of hell abendm munl to Ulo following: b '.Cv(Al Well depth; DlvDlon 00YAierIlerourcu,Information prvcculug Uull, (ff) 1617'Al ill Serlicc Center,rialclgh,NC 27699.1617 r•Jorehole dlarnctcr: 10b' �IecU- o�'�Vel=;t It(eddlllvn Iv wilding the fvnn to Ulo addrus In IUa (In,) above,tdso�UUii(ll'bho t:opy of tills form widlbl 30 days of completion of well ebandolmlent ltl 016 following: fti-Water levelbelun•grounilli,rface:. (rt.) Dlvls(on of;'Ylilfrlietourcea,Underground Ljecdun 1 Control Progrnul, 7iS J�errlee Cenicr,ILuelgb,NC 27699-1636 �.Outer eAtln�lehgib Or ktluirb); (p,) IOr, tbo ad : bi addition to sending ilia Come to . . alto aubmlt Inner casing ono WPy of Mils form willdn 30 days of /fubing length(Itkndwn)n `��' eompletloti of IQl�abandoninrnt Nrilmo abandoned, to Une county health depat{rrtcnl of u,e cow,ly -t,Screen idi�lh(IlitriuivrU)t :": ,•—^ nval 01Y 3tl ' NDtlbGaiollnnbeptrlmeMbtEorlrUament►adr1.,...,a_._:.