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C+ 7,5 N . r l ?roiect #: 910806 File Name: DET806 Reviewer:Alexis Finn Proj;:ct .Jame; PENBROKE AT LANDFALL Date: 11/18/91 ##############►###DETENTION POND ANALYSIS######################## POND t o, 1 OF 3 TotV S ite Arsa, TA; TA: 215905 ft"2 It ;acre!] J (43560 ft'`2Jacrel: TA: 4.956496 Acres Total Crainage A,,ea, DA: DA= 215905 ft"2 It tDA (acre)] J (43560 ft"2/aerel: v DA: 4.956496 Acres I1iPEf viwl �I;RFACE AREA CALCULATIONS: Structure Surface Area, A Runoff Coef., C sf Buildings: 46303 1 Adjusted Surface Area : A # C : 46303 ft"2 It ParkugJsidewalks/streets; 352SO 0.95 Adjusted Surface Area : A # C : 33525.5 ft-2 if f tsitG ;aevelop4d;; 100138 0.8 Adjusted Surface Area : A # C : 80150.4 ft"2 It Wren^ Areas: 134312 0,2 Adjusted Surface Area : A # C : 26862.4 ft-2 ## TOTAL; MUM ft"2 ## 2r srt Impery uus, %I: note: SA:(BUILDING+PARKING+OFFSITE):159978.9 sf [SSA/TA]#iOO: [ 159978,9 J 215905 1#100: SI: 14.10%% Note; It %I < 30% check Density Option. If %I 7 30%, require engineered system to minimize non -point stream degradation. Pv1D i:d;;; Ainimum, Required Storage Volume, VOLreq; note; SA has been multiplied by runoff coefficients [SA (f"2) # (1 inch of runoff) # (1 ft/12 inch)]: [ 186841.3 ft-2 # 1 inch # 0.083333 ft/inch]: VOLreq: 15570.10 ft"3 ## POND SKIN,,; Botlom Elevation, ELb: ELb = 16.81 ft If lermanent Pool Elevation, ELpp: ELpp: 22.3 ft It Area of Permanent Pool, App; App : 4i856 ft"2 ## tor,ags Pond Elevation, Esp: ELsp: 23.3 ft ## Area of Storage Pond, Asp: Asp = 43902 ft"2 ## sunof 4, :brag:• Depth, d: (via project engineer's design; d : ELsp - ELpp) d: 1 ft ## .forage 'o:ume Provided, VOLpro: Side Slope: 3:1 #### Volume 1, V1: App # d : 4i856 ft"2 # 1 ft : V1: 41856 ft"3 Ve ame 2; 1,12: (Asp - App) # d # 0.5 = V2: 1023 ft"3 VOLpro : V1 + V2 : 41856 ft"3 + 1023 ft"3 VOLpro: 42M ft"3 ,eVte iULrea V01orf,: 2YCegs StoraGR iS availahla, tharafnra Dnnd Si7a is ACC4.^+��la. 4.1, ., D . L•,..5. , , - -r. -, -. :dG 5J JLor -tje ° 0i.DslC------.- DETENTION POND ANALYSIS CONTINUED: PAGE TWO PERNENANT P40L: Perm, Pool at Normal level= 22.3 ft Botiom of Pond = 16.91 ft Depth Prcyided, D = 5.43 ft <----- Okay, depth > OR = 3 ft. SA;;A CALCULATION: By .-hart #4; b 90% TSS: Depth, D - 5.43 ft % Impervious = 74.10% DA - 4.956496 Acres Where DA is the Oraninage Area SA/DA % = 4.78 U H Area of Permanent Pool Required = (SA/DA %) '► DA Aiea of Permanent Pool Required = 4.79 x 4.289286 Acres Area of Permanent Pool Required = 0.236920 Acres Arca of Permanent Pool Required : 10320.25 ft"2 =:rea of PM AfiERT POOL Required: 10320.25 sf < provided ares of ORIFICE j OUTLET SIZING: VOLpro = 42879 Orifice autflow, 2 Day Drawdown = Voipro/[(2 day) * (86400 sec/day)] Oriti-.e o;ttlow, 2 Day Drawdown = 42879 ft-3 / 172000 sec = Orifice C.S. Area, A: A= Q/[Cd((2gh)"0.5))] 41856 sf <--OKAY: sufficient stor Q2= 0.248142 cfs A= 0.248142 / [0.6A{(2x32.2m1.0)"0.5))]= A2-- A2= Pipe diameter, d: d2= Note: Head, h = maximum pond level - permanent pond level = Coeficient of Discharge, Cd = 0.6 0,051535 ft"2 7.421115 inch"2 3,073099 inch 1 ft <outtiow, 5 Day Drawdown = Volpro/[(5 day) # (86400 sec/day)] it tice outflow, 5 Day Drawdown = 42879 ft-3 / 432000 sec = .?rifice L... Area. A: Q5-- 0.099256 cfs 1,. - -a."r _.-e,i A: 0.099256 / [0.6*((2*32.2$l.0)-0.5))]= A5: 0.020614 ft"2 A5= 2.968446 inch"2 Pipe diameter, d: d5: 1.944104 inch Ca: da dprovided < d2 : 1.9 < 2.0 < 3.1 <------ OKAY ... ; Orifice is sized correctly. Ev ! No. 2 OF 3 --------------- T,:ta Cite Area, TA: TA-- 441142 ft"2 ## IPA (acre)] / [43560 ft°2/acre]= TO 10,12722 Acres Tctal Drainage Area, DA: 00 148329 ft"2 ## IDA (acre)] / [43560 ft"2/acre]= DA-- 3.405165 Acres M EiVIOUS SURFACE AREA CALCULATIONSS StiucTu,a Surface Area, A Runoff Coef., C sf Buildi:gs: 66102 1 Adjusted Surface Area = A * C = 66102 ft-2 ## Pcrt;:ngjs;da1s/streets: 61009 0.95 Adjusted Surface Area : A s C : 63658.55 ft"2 ## G.T"U Areas: 15218 0.2 Adjusted Surface Area : A S C : 3043.6 ft"2 It TOTAL: 132804.1 ft"2 ## fvr gin;. impervious, %I: note: SA:(BUILDING + PARKING..): 133111 sf [SA/TA]4100= I 13311i / 441142 ]$M: %I= 30.13% Note; If xI < 30% check Density option. If %I ) 30%, require engineered system to minimize non -point stream degradation. P:;;,) SIZ7.NC, Minimum Required Storage Volume, VOLreq: note: SA has been multiplied by runoff coefficients SA (ft 2' (i inch of runoff) (1 ft/12 inch)]-- 1 132804.1 ft"2 $ 1 inch 0.083333 ft/inch]: VOLreq: 11067.01 ft"3 it ------------ Bottom Elevation, ELb: ELb = fermaneat Pool Elevation, ELpp: ELpp: Area of Permanent Pool, App: App = "Storage Pload Elevation, Esp: ELsp: Area of Storage Pond, Asp: Asp = urrff boragG Depth, d: (via project engineer's design: d = Elsp - ELpp) d: Storage Volume P ovided, VGLpro: Side Slope: 3:1 #### Volume 1, Vi= App s d = 36977 ft"2 * 1 ft : V1: Volume 2, V2= (Asp - App) W d * 0.5 : V2: VGLpro : V1 + V2 = 36977 ft"3 + 6485 ft"3 VOLpro: 1lott: ;;lr y : VGLpro; excess Storage is available, therefore Pond Size is Acceptable. --- % Excess Storage --(VOLreq J VGLpro) $ 100 % Excess Storage = DETENTION POND ANALYSIS CONTINUED: PAGE TWO f'E ;ITtPlAN;l Pr' ;.: Perm. Pool at Normal Level: 22 ft bottom of Pond = 17 ft -'h "rovid'd , D - 5 ft <----- Okay, depth > OR - 3 ft. ,3A/, A CALCULATION: By ciil rt #4; @ 90% TSS: Depth, D - 5 ft S Impervious : 30.17% DA : 3,405165 Acres Where DA is the Draninage Area SA/DA % : 2.55 #### Area of Permanent Pool Required : (SA/DA %) # DA Araa of Permanent Pool Required = 2.55 3.048763 Acres Area of Permanent Pool Required : 0.086031 Acres _ ea of Permanent Pool Required : 3782,389 ft"2 Area of PERMANENT POOL Required: 3782.389 sf < provided area of ft It 22 ft It 36977 ft"2 It 23 ft It 49947 ft"2 ## i ft ## 36977 ft"3 6485 ft"3 43462 ft"3 <-------- 74.54%<-------- 36977 sf <--OKAY: sufficient stor VOLpro = 43462 Orifice outflow, 2 Day Drawdown = Volproj[(2 day) x (86400 sec/day)] v:'iti'ce outtlow, 2 Day Drawdown = 43462 ft-3 j 172800 sec = Q2= 0,251516 cfs Orifice C.S. Area, A: A= Q/[Cd((2gh)"0.5))] A= 0,251516 ( [0.6*((2132.2*1.0)-0.5))]= A2= 0.052236 ft"2 A2= 7.522016 inch"2 Pipe diameter, d: d2= 3.094725 inch Note: Head, h = maximum pond level permanent pond level = 1 ft Coefficient of Discharge, Cd = 0.8 critic,. cuttlow, W Day Drawdown = Volproj[(5 day) * (86400 sec/day)] Or;tice. outflow, 5 Day Drawdown = 43462 ft"3 ( 432000 sec = Q5= 0.100606 cfs Cr tics C.S. Area, A: A= Qj[Cd((2gh)"0.5))] A= 0,100606 j [0.6*((2*32.2t1,0)-0.5))]= A5= 0.020894 ft"2 A5= 3.008806 inch"2 Pipe diameter, d: d5= 1.957276 inch • i. 5 '°;; i:cd ' �^ : 23 < 2,0 3.1 (------ OKAY ... ; Orifice is sized correctly. dotal Site Area, TA: TA: 202300 ft-2 ## (TA (acre)] / 1,43560 ft"2/acre]: TA: 4.644168 Acres Total Drainage Area, DA: 00 90263 ft-2 #$ [bA1 (acre)] ; (43560 tt"2/acre): DA: 2.072612 Acres IA',*11 cVIOUS SURFACE AREA CALCULATIONS: tructury Surface Area, A Runoff Coef., C sf Buildin,s: 42260 1 Adjusted Surface Area : A C : 42260 ft"2 ## Parkingsidewalksjtreets: 24057 0.95 Adjusted Surface Area : A a C : 22854.15 ft"2 ## Sreen Areas: 23966 0.2 Adjusted Surface Area : A # C : 4793.2 ft-2 ## TOTAL: 69907.35 ft"2 ## "ercint impervious, %I, note: SA:(BUILDING + PARKING..): 66317 sf (SA/TA]1100: ( 66317 / 202300 1t100: %I: 32.78%% Mote: It %I < 30% check Density Option. If %I > 30%, require engineered system to minimize non -point stream degradation, POND SLZING: ------------ Ainimum required Storage Volume, VOLreq: note: SA has been multiplied by runoff coefficients I3A (tt`211 # ;1 inch of runoff) t (t ft/12 inch)]: { 69907.35 ft-2 x 1 inch 0,083333 ft/inch]: VOLreq: 5825.612 ft"3 Bc.tsm elevation, ELb: ELb : 13 ft It Pefwaner;t roof Elevation, ELpp: ELpp: 18 ft ## r:;a =' Perma,,ient Pool, App: App : 6745 ft"2 ## �.orage Pon,.' Elevation, ESP: ELsp= 19 ft ## Arc; at Storage Pond, Asp: Asp : 9473 ft"2 ## uncit �,to,'age Lepth, d: (via project engineer's design: d : ELsp - ELpp) d: 1 ft #f 'to rag Volume Provided, VOLpro: Side Slope: 3:1 fill Volume 1, V1: App s d : 6745 ft"2 s 1 ft : V1: 6745 ft"3 Vclume 1', V2: (Asp - App) 4 d x 0.5 : V2: 1364 ft"3 VOLpro = V1 + V2 : 6145 ft"3 + 1364 ft"3 VOLpro: 8109 ft"3 Note: Vi7Lreq t VOLpro; excess storage is available, therefore Pond Size is Acceptable. <-------- - -- I Excess Storage :(VOLreq / VOLpro) t 100 % Excess Storage : 28.16%<-------- DETENTION POND ANALYSIS CONTINUED: PAGE TWO PL01NAN N0 �1UL: Perm, Pool at Normal Level: le ft B„=tom of Pond 13 ft Ecpth Provide: 0 : 5 ft <----- Okay, depth > OR : 3 ft. �A,'DA CALCULATION: Sy Chart t4; @ 90% TSS: Depth, D - 5 ft % Impervious = 32.78% DA = 2.072612 Acres Where DA is the Draninage Area '.A/DA % = 2.38 111# Area of Permanent Pool Required = (SA/DA 4) * DA Area of Permanent Pool Required = 2.38 # MUM Acres Area of Permanent Pool Required = 0,049328 Acres Area of Permanent Pool Required = 2140.735 ft"2 Area of PPRNAMENT POOL Required: 2148,735 sf < provided area of ANTFICE , JTIET SI7ING: VOLpro = 8109 Orifice outflow, 2 Day Drawdown = Volpro/[(2 day) r (86400 sec/day)] cutflow, 2 Day Drawdown = 8109 ft"3 / 172800 sec = Orifice C.S. Area, A: 6745 sf <--OKAY: sufficient stor Q2= 0.046927 cfs A= Q/[Cd((29h)"0.5))] A= 0.046927 / [0.6t((2*32.2*l.0)"0.5))]= A2= 0.009746 ft"2 A2= MOM33 inch"2 Pipe diameter, d: d2= 1.336752 inch Note: Head, h = maximum pond level - permanent pond level = 1 ft Coeficient of Discharge, Cd = 0.6 r: is auttlow, 5 Day Drawdown = Volpro/[(5 day) $ (86400 sec/day)] vrit,.we outflow, 5 Day Drawdown = 8109 ft"3 / 432000 sec = Q5= 0.018170 cfs =rifice G.S. Area, A: A= Q/[Cd((2gh)"0.5))1 A= 0.018770 / [0.6w((2e32.2e1,0)-0.5))]= A5-- 0.003898 ft"2 AS- 0.561373 inch"2 Pipe diameter, d: d5= 0.945436 inch NEU : d5 � dprovided C d2 : 0.8 < 1.0 < 1.3 <------ OKAY...; Orifice is sized correctly. -XF LTRATION PIPE ANALYSIS --------------------- PROiPOSED IMPERVIOUS AREA SUMMATION: uas;A Paved Roof Sidewalk TOTAL st sf sf sf sf --------------- ------------------------------- A 6400 0 0 6400 ;eta'; tit 6400 0 0 6400 10:81; ac 0.'5 0100 0.00 0,15 PROPOSED - EXISTING EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA SUMMATION; Basin Paved Roof Sidewalk TOTAL sf sf sf sf sf --------------------------------------------- A 0 0 0 0 Total; sf 0 0 0 0 Total: ac 0,00 0,00 0.00 0.00 TOTAL IMPERVIOUS AREA : $400 SF TOTAL IMPERVIOUS AREA = 0,148923 ACRES Desgr for 1.0 inch of rainfall - recieving waterway is not classified SA. Determine average runoff coefficient: Area Runoff Type Coeff, Root 1.00 Urein 0,20 Pvmt. 0.90 Average (for P RF) Basin Paved Root Green TOTAL Runoff Volume sf sf sf sf sf Coeff. cf ------------------------------------------------------------------ A 4800 0 16DO 6400.00 0.73 386.67 ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- Total: sf 4800 0 1600 6400 0.725 386,6666 <----- Minimum Required Volume, cf Total: ac 0.1i 0.00 0,04 0.15 n Al a-- L,,, 0 11" Illum KcW l Cu tv i �wv, acr,�� e$ 3, Trench Design: Ecttom width, W= 6 ft Sideslopes, H:V= 1 ft '?eatIt, d= 2 ft Pipe Diameter, D= 12 inches 'storage Capacity of Trench:RECTANGULAR Area of Trench, At: (Wsd)= 12 sf Area at Pipe, Ap: (@Pi $ DA2)/576 0.785398 sf Void Space = Porosity, P = 0.4 ctfective gravel volume, Vg = P$(AtsAp) = 4.485840 Cf/Lf Total Storage Volume: Vg +(Ap $1 ft) = 5,271238 Cf/Lf Linear feet of pipe provided = 80 ft Total Storage Provided = L ► Vt = 421.6991 cf ,ko5,�7 :-----Hi;imum, Required Volume, cf % difference = 8,31li Note: Project Engineer has a excess of 35.03244 cf of volume. This is equivalent to 6.645960 LF of combined trench and pipe. M p.7J .,0 2 2s _, ;1. DI 25.0 0SLAB ,RIM 25.DI ! \26.33' RIM 25: 90 26 N "25 RIM! 26.3 , 0 00 1 27.6 ILAS 25.0' 24.5� 8 - - - Ur ` �►� 25.0 \ RI M Z4. _ ' S r 25.095- TFE '26;5 _ , 56 57 FF E 26.& - FFE 26:i' Of �-cozj to Vi to �80LF12'CPP �7 PERFORATED, IN 6 X 3 STONE BED �09 �v SEE DETAILS 20 LF 12" RCP a 0.6 % 4 DI RIM 22.5' CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE - 28 LF 1P ftP a 0.-[ a ss. h IM 22.5'ry s 'r 'h i r ,3 • COED SHAL IN Ai mj,-A AQ,fAc� A a '-r,c> To z p . (49A C= a •cl cFs lei S (f r?p74,c. 6 SH T .,P 3 % CA lei boor h y L GRADI(1) GRADING CONTRACTOR NG PLAN SHALL ADJUST EX. MH RIM TO 0.2'i. S. Keith Cooper, P.E. 6 Bahama Drive Wrightsville Beach, NC 28480 (919) 256-8033 November 5, 1991 ReCEIVED A10V t t Ms. Alexis I. Finn Environmental Engineer N.C. Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, North Carolina 28405 RE: Pembroke at Landfall Stormwater Project No. 910806 Dear Ms. Finn: This package is in response to your October 21 review comments. POND #1 la. The four elevations on Sheet 3 ranging from 16.39 to 16.87 are actual bottom elevations. These are now labeled as such. lb. Pond contour elevations have been labeled. lc. The three existing pipes emptying into the north end of Pond #1 drain from the adjacent tennis facility. The three pipes, plus surface runoff from a small area west of the pond, generate an estimated 12.9 CFS from 2.3 acres of previously developed property. See Paces 3, 6 and 10 of the calculation package (July, 1991) for discussion and calculations. Inverts have been added. id. The comment is noted. No changes made. lI\1 NOV 13 1991 LJ DEM Oj # 9/0g061 POND #2 2a. The continuous contour at normal pool elevation 22.0 is labeled as such. Elevations at the storage elevation were already labeled. 2b. The catch basin rim elevation has been revised to 25.0 POND #3 3a. Catch basin invert elevations are labeled on Profile Sheets 5, 6 and 7. GENERAL 1. North arrows added as necessary. 2. Development name added as necessary. 3. Notarized submittal authorization enclosed. 4. The detail of pond inlets is on Sheet 8. 5. Due to the amount of information required to show roof drain locations on these drawings, we can not do so. The original and now the two subsequent answers to review comments have noted the need for some roof drains. That should be satisfactory. 6. The FES between Units 32 and 33 does not pick up off -site runoff. 7. As noted on Sheet 7, the FES in front of Unit 26 has an invert of 23.5. 8. The detail of the exfiltration trench is shown on Sheet 3. 9. As we discussed last week, I ask that the NCDEHNR soils scientist schedule a time to perform the soils investigation. 10. As shown on Sheet 3, the existing ground elevation at the exfiltration trench is approximately 27. 11. The area contributing to the exfiltration trench delineated on an enclosed print of that s f: �0 [ � V t. 3 1991 D t ivl 12. The invert of the exfiltration trench is shown on Sheet 5. 13. The observation well detail is shown on 9. The well is sited on Sheet 3, adjacent to Unit 57. In addition, we have enclosed a copy of the wetlands delineation of the site performed in March 1991 using 1989 delineation methods. The wetlands impact based on this delineation will be 0.98 acres or less. The development will create in excess of 1 acre of deep water wetlands systems as part of the stormwater permitting requirements. The statement ending your letter that the "file is on hold subject to 401" water quality certification disturbs us greatly. The project was initially submitted August 5, 1991. We understand 401 water quality certification is part of your considerations; however, we do not feel the review should be put on hold. The two should continue concurrently. Sincerely, , :�e;ith Coo r, P.E. SKC/vc Enclosure p E V' U NOV 13 1991 DEM ®J io o� q ik V F A L BLAIR PROPERTIES, INC. POST OFFICE BOX 468 WRIGT-ITSVII T E BEACH, NC 28480 TELEPHONE (919) 256-2700 November 5, 1991 NOV 13 1991 U U E IVI Ms. Alexis I. Finn Environmental Engineer N.C. Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, North Carolina 28405 RE: Pembroke at Landfall Stormwater Project No. 910806 Dear Ms. Finn: This letter is to advise the North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources that S. Keith Cooper is authorized to submit plans and specifications on behalf of Blair Properties, Inc. Sincerely, tme F. Smith B PROPERTIES, INC. North Carolina, �`�i�te County I, , a Notary Public for Coun a S a e aforesaid, certify that James F. Smith personally came before me this day and acknowledged the execution of the foregoing instrument. Witness my hand this day of e'7/�¢._� , 1991. My Commission Expires 4-q'0�'&'.Notary Public SEAL the due and seal S. Keith Cooper, P.E. 6 Bahama Drive Wrightsville Beach, North Carolina 28480 (919) 256-8033 Ms. Alexis I. Finn Environmental Engineer North CArolina Department of Environment, Health & Natural Resources 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, North Carolina 28405 Re: Pembroke at Landfall Stormwater Permit No. V10806 Dear Ms. Finn: As previously discussed we are submitting three copies each of Sheets 3 and 5 showing revisions to the exfiltration trench. The trench has been redesigned to be above the apparent seasonal high water table as measured by the NCDEM soils scientist. Please advise if there are nany questions regarding this matter. Sincerely, ' co Z ith C OPKITEn State of North Carolina Department of Environment; Health; and Natural Resources Wilmington Regional Office James G. Martin, Governor Bob Jamieson William W. Cobey, Jr., Secretary Regional Manager October 21, 1991 DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT Mr. S. Keith Cooper, P.E. 6 Bahama Drive Wrightsville Beach, North Carolina 28480 Subject: Additional Information Stormwater Project No. 910806 Pembroke @ Landfall New Hanover County Dear Mr. Cooper: The Wilmington Regional Office received additional information submittal for Pembroke @ Landfall on October 8, 1991. A review of that information has determined that the following is needed to complete the stormwater review: Pond #1 ✓ la. Bottom elevation lb. Identify elevations on pond contours of site plan ✓ lc. What are the 3 pipes which cross the property line contributing tC Lhe detention pond? Provide invert elevations, grade, type, size and flow. 1d. Flared end sections and rip rap at pond inlets or supporting calculations which determine energy dispersion is unnecessary. Pond #2 ✓ 2a. Provide a continuous contour at the storage elevation or higher ✓2b. Catch basin in front of buildings 19 & 20 has rim elevation noted as 21.0 and invert noted at 23.08. Pond #3 I -/3a. Provide invert elevations of all catch basins -continued- 127 Cardinal Drive Extension, Wilmington, N.C. 28405-3845 • Telephone 919-395-3900 • Fax 919-350-2004 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer Mr. S. Keith Cooper October 21, 1991 Stormwater Project #910806 Page Two General 11 1. North Arrow „2. Add development name to site plans -3. Notarized submittal authorization Detail of pond inlets i�6'.,t✓ 5. Provide roof drains and locate connections. 6. Does the inlet between buildings 32 & 33 pick up any offsite water? 7. What is the invert elevation of the flared end section beside building #26? 8. Provide a detail of the exfiltration trench. 9. Provide soils data from the proposed location of exfiltration trench with seasonal high water table elevation and infiltration capacity. 10. What is the existing elevation of the area which is proposed to contain exfiltration piping? 11. Delineate area contributing runoff to the exfiltration pipe. 12. Provide proposed elevation of exfiltration pipe invert and grade. 13. Provide an observation well (and detail) down gradient of the exfiltration pipe. Please note that this file is on hold subject to 401 Wetland review and approval by this Office. This information should be received by this office no later than November 21, 1991. If you have any questions, please call me at telephone number (919) 395-3900. AIF: 910806.00T cc: (2) Alexis Finn Central Files 'Sin ly, Ms. Alexis I. Finn Environmental Engineer c�J O �- ty) T T � T 1 06 LS) �J' T 0 , (I �jLl •L � G (-a Y) [J ►` 11 �. (CA r4 G C �l y rF' 7 €, 4 3. ry. <VI 0 L'J x� l� iJ 1 W S. Keith Cooper, P.E. 6 Bahama Drive Wrightsville Beach, NC 28480 (919) 256-8033 October 3, 1991 Ms. Alexis I. Finn Environmental Engineer North Carolina Department of Environment Health and Natural Resources Wilmington Regional Office 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, North Carolina 28405-3845 RE: Stormwater Permit No. 910806 Pembroke at Landfall Dear Ms. Finn: 01-'T'f 1991 •-n M D ECEIV( OCT 8 1991 'AQJ 9io M This letter and the enclosed package address the comments in your September 6, 1991 letter to Mr. James F. Smith. (1) Two drawings delineating the subdrainage areas of the ponds are enclosed. (2) offsite runoff will be routed through pond 1. Notes on offsite runoff are made on pages 3 and 4 of the calculations. (3) The pipes discharging into ponds 1 and 2 near the outlet structures have been relocated to eliminate short circuiting. (4) The site contains some 404 wetlands regulated by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Most of these wetlands lie in or near the existing cypress pond., Wetland impacts will be less than the 1 acre exemption allowed by Nationwide Permit 26 [33CFR 330.5(a)(26)]. Notification of less than oF-�rlesa►'[�E' _- (5) Energy dissipaters at pond inlets have been added to the grading plans (sheets 3 and 4), and a detail has been added to sheet 8. (6) Details of pond inlets and outlets are shown on sheet 8. (7) Excess runoff is routed to an unnamed tributary of the Baby's Hospital Pond. If there are any questions regarding this package, please call. Sincerel , �S-<th Cooper,P.E. SKC/vc p I5 Q v I I U. Enclosure OCT 8 1991 D E M State of .North Carolina Department of Environment, Hlealth, and Natural Resources Wilmington Regional Office lames G. Martin, Governor Bob Jamieson William W. Cobey, Jr., Secretary Regional Manager September 6, 1991 DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT Mr. James F. Smith Blair Properties, Inc. Post Office Box 468 Wrightsville Beach, North Carolina 28480 Subject: Additional Information Stormwater Project No. 910806 Pembroke at Landfall New Hanover County Dear Mr. Smith: The Wilmington Regional Office received a stormwater submittal for Pembroke at Landfall on August 12, 1991. A preliminary review has determined that the submittal for the subject project is not complete. The following information is needed to continue the stormwater review: 1. Delineate subdrainage areas for each pond. 2. Is offsite runoff proposed to be routed through the basins? 3. Please maximize the distance between the pond inlets and outlets. Short circuiting the pond is of concern. 4. Are wetlands located on -site? If, so please indicate type and location on the site plan. 5. Show energy dissipation at pond inlets on plans. 6. Provide details of pond inlets and outlets with energy dissipation and relevant elevations noted. 7. Where is runoff (in excess of design volume) routed? What is the receiving waterway? -continued- 127 Cardinal Drive Extension, Wilmington, N.C. 28405-3845 9 Telephone 919-395-3900 • Fax 919-350-2004 Mr. Smith September 6, 1991 Page Two Stormwate.r. Project #910806 ---------------------------- Please note that this is a preliminary review. This information should be received by this office no later than October 7, 1991. If you have any questions, please call me at telephone number (919) 395-3900. Sincere , r Ms. Alexis I. Finn Environmental Engineer AIF: 910806.SEP cc: (2) Alexis Finn Bill Mills Central Files r t-rr P + ti.� • n rfr � �/. l�elU t t;t,,.) '' ' �-�� � ! (>t�\ '-t �tJ � A 'E t,l errs u 4-(� im�✓r\ -Pp r �•� t �S �� Sri) C.�'-C n GL�R. ET •}7�V► �_� u.�f � �` •' �� ��' � � ,( ''� �"_ I,t:Inv.,rP �� K llnC7�1-t I✓ ); r, r f ` t A).c `�- ( ro n ri n, A T L AND F A L BLAIR PROPERTIES, INC. POST OFFICE BOX 468 WR11GHTS v TT E BEA - NC 2S4S0 _ TELEPHONE (919) 256-2700 Al If August 5, 1991 Ms. Alexis I. Finn N.C. Division of Environmental Management 125 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, North Carolina 28405 RE: Pembroke at Landfall Storm Detention Review Dear Ms. Finn: In accordance with Division of Environmental Management rules, we are submitting herewith for your review the following: Three sets of construction plans -- Three sets of construction specifications One set of stormwater calculations - Executed Operation and Maintenance Manual If there are any questions regarding these items, do not hesitate to call me at (919) 256-2700. Sincerely, Jr m F. Smith B Properties, Inc. JFS/vC Enclosure E C E u V � D AUG 1.2 1991 U E M PEXBRORE AT LANDFALL NEW HANOVER COUNTYj, NORTH CAROLINA OWNER: BLAIR PROPERTIES, INC. POST OFFICE BOX 468 1322 AIRLI.E ROAD WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH, NC 28480 (919) 256-2700 ENGINEER: S. KEITH COOPER, P.E. 6 BAHAMA DRIVE WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH, NC 28480 (919) 256-8033 +, `rrrrrrn rrr�r, C ARge 4•.• ��44 E ssto,��,29'',. S EAL _ 12564 a kEI r ULY, 1991(�� U� 6 AUG I D E M .1,O j # 9 SECTION 700 EROSION CONTROL GENERAL The Contractor shall take all precautions necessary to minimize soil erosion, siltation, water pollution, and air pollution caused by his operations. The Contractor shall comply with the applicable regulations of all legally constituted authorities relating to pollution prevention and control. The Contractor shall keep himself fully informed of all such regulations which in any way affect the conduct of the work and shall at all times observe and comply with all such regulations. In the event of conflict between such regulations and the requirements of the specifications, the more restrictive requirements shall apply. The Contractor shall exercise every reasonable precaution throughout the life of the project to prevent the eroding of soil and the silting of rivers, streams, lakes, reservoirs, other water impoundments, ground surfaces, or other property. Prior to suspension of operations on the project or any portion thereof, the Contractor shall take all necessary precautions to protect the construction area from erosion during the period of suspension. Unless otherwise approved in writing by the Engineer, construction operations in rivers, streams, and water impoundments shall be restricted to those areas where channel changes are shown on the plans and to those areas which must be entered for the construction or removal of temporary or permanent structures. Excavated materials shall not be deposited, nor shall earth dikes or other temporary earth structures be constructed, in rivers, streams, impoundments, or areas classified as waters of the United States or of this State, or so near to such waters that they will be carried into any river, stream, impoundment, or areas classified as waters of the United States or of this State by stream flow or surface runoff. As an exception to the above, confined earth materials will be permitted when approved in writing by the Engineer. Frequent fording of live streams with construction equipment will not be permitted. SECTION 700 Failure on the part of the Contractor to perform the required erosion control measures will be just cause for the Engineer to direct the suspension of operations. The suspension will be effective until such time as the Contractor has satisfactorily performed the required erosion control work. CONSTRUCTION METHODS EROSION AND SILTATION CONTROL Temporary and permanent erosion control measures shall be provided as shown on the plans or as directed by the Engineer. Erosion control measures shall be coordinated to assure economical, effective, and continuous erosion control throughout the construction and post construction period and to minimize siltation of rivers, streams, lakes, reservoirs, other water impoundments, ground surfaces, other property, or areas classified as waters of the United States or of this State. Materials for temporary erosion control measures shall have been approved by the Engineer before being used or shall be as directed by the Engineer. Erosion control measures installed by the Contractor shall be acceptably maintained by the Contractor. If grading operations are suspended for any reason whatsoever, partially completed cut and fill slopes shall be brought to the required slope, and the work of seeding and mulching or other required erosion control operations shall be performed. During construction and until final acceptance, the Contractor shall maintain the work by shaping to provide for the drainage of surface runoff along and throughout the length of the project by constructing temporary ditches, and by using any other methods necessary to maintain the work covered by this article so that the work will not contribute to excessive soil erosion. AIR POLLUTION The Contractor shall comply with all state and/or local air pollution regulations throughout the life of the project. SECTION 700 DUST CONTROL The Contractor shall control dust throughout the life of the project within the project area and at all other areas affected by the construction of the project, including, but not specifically limited to, unpaved secondary roads, haul roads, access roads, disposal sites, borrow pits, and staging sites. Dust control shall not be considered effective where the amount of dust creates a potential or unsafe condition, public nuisance, or condition endangering the value, utility, or appearance of any property. SEEDING AND MULCHING Seeding and mulching are to be performed according to North Carolina State Highway requirements, Section 880, with the following special provisions: . Seeding and mulching shall be done on earth areas disturbed by construction or as designated by the Engineer. No seeding and mulching work shall be done between June 15 and August 15 unless otherwise approved by the Engineer. In order to prevent excessive soil erosion and siltation, the Contractor shall complete grading to the proper cross section and perform seeding and mulching work within 30 working days of final grading unless the Engineer approved a specific permissible length of delay due to circumstances beyond the control of the Contractor. Special attention is called to the portion of Section 880-4 of the North Carolina State Highway Specifications dealing with seedbed preparation on steep slopes. Superficial scratching of the slope surface will not be sufficient seedbed preparation. on 2:1 or 1 1/2:1 slopes, a seedbed preparation will be required approaching the degree of preparation required on flatter areas as far as depth is concerned although the same degree of smoothness of seedbed will not be required. Permanent slopes of 2:1 or steeper SECTION 700 The kind of seed, the rate of application of seed, fertilizer and limestone, and the seasonal limitations shall be as follows (all rates are in pounds/1000 square feet): Aug. 15 - Oct. 30 Feb. 15 - June 15 Nov. 1 - Feb. 15 1.75 lbs. - Fescue Kentucky 31 2.75 lbs. - Fescue 1.2 lbs. - Pensacola Behia 0.6 lbs. - Rye Grain 0.8 lbs. - Korean Lespedeza 0.6 lbs. - Unhulled 0.6 lbs. - Hulled Bermuda Bermuda 0.3 lbs. - Weeping Love Grass 23 lbs. - Fertilizer (Slopes Only) 90 lbs. - Limestone 23 lbs. - Fertilizer 45 lbs. - 70 lbs. Straw 90 lbs. - Limestone Sufficient Emulsified 45 lbs. - 70 lbs. Straw Asphalt to Hold Straw Sufficient Emulsified Asphalt to Hold Straw * Under no circumstances shall common Bermuda Grass be planted within 100 feet of existing golf course fairways. Areas within 100 feet of existing fairway will be seeded with a mixture approved in writing by the golf course maintenance superintendent. Schedules for seeding with special mixtures shall be the same as those stated herein. Limestone shall contain not less'than 85% of calcium and magnesium carbonates and shall conform to the following minimum screening standards. Ninety percent must pass through U.S. standard 20 mesh screen, and twenty-five percent must pass through U.S. standard 100 mesh screen. Mulching - Mulch shall be spread uniformly over the area by hand or by means of appropriate mechanical spreaders or blowers to obtain an application satisfactory to the Engineer. No seeded areas shall be allowed to remain for more than 24 hours without mulching having been completed. The Contractor will be required -to take sufficient precautions to prevent mulch entering catch basins or pipe lines through displacement by wind, water, or other causes. The Contractor shall apply a sufficient amount of asphalt tack to insure that the mulch is properly held in place. SECTION 700 . For slopes of 2:1 or greater, the Contractor shall use an erosion control method approved by the Engineer. Acceptable methods include use of hydromulch with resins used for tack and erosion control blankets. Other methods will be considered on an individual basis. Erosion Control Blankets shall be equal to North American Green - SC150 - distributed by Construction Fabrics Plus, Pineville, North Carolina, 1-800-533-0046 (NC). During the application of fertilizer in seeding operations, or the application of asphalt materials during mulching operations, adequate precautions. shall be taken to prevent damage to traffic, traffic signs, curb and gutter, or any other concrete or metal structures. Once an area has been seeded and mulched, the Contractor is required to take adequate precautions to insure that all future construction operations do not damage these areas. No payment will be made for repairs of any kind that are due to negligence of the Contractor. APPLICATION OF SPECIFICATIONS The provisions of this article shall apply to all construction operations. Further references and detailed requirements concerning erosion, siltation, and pollution prevention and control are given in the plans and/or special provisions as supplements to the general requirements of this article. METHOD OF..PAYMENT Payment for erosion control measures shall be made as provided for by the various contract items in the Proposal. Items of erosion control work shown on the plans but for which there is no specific pay item in the Proposal shall be paid for only through the payment for other items of work listed. The Contractor shall supply receipts showing weights of seed, fertilizer, and mulch as proof that appropriate quantities of materials were used. Failure to supply documentation will result in payment being denied. A0;1 I" �ID )' I# i eQ O 4 d? -t , TI , .Vest..........Y.Yh�..w...,�..cQ-�.�.._...�5�, (�' I -��► Oti a v j a St�A _.. _ .._._... 0.....-. 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M �ly �Yr6 WY IR�p} 5 ,ti• 0006 N W :y,�:;, .0010 0 /° 4 W . .0020 — '3 -Z." .00305 0040 iL ti1 0060 w 6 .o080 a.' ' -0100 • rn O - W y ., „l .0200 y .0300 .0400 f " 10 .0600 gi, ' ,0800 11 .1000 fr �� W f A>j Iy4 • A R. 14 15 NOMOGRAPH FOR COMPUTING REQUIRE® SIZE OF CIRCULAR CONC. PIPE, FLOWING FULL n= 0.012 1019 Adopted from Engineering Manuol, Woe Department, Corps of Engineers, Nrt XIII,Chopl. 1, June 1955, 16. STOi�r�, 1rvl�"T�IZ (J�7Cr+7ro►� pd�.cr� D�SIG qA.. ..... lit ;: isT►�-cr Pro PoSr.O r'��oPasz�'_._""_"CXiS'TJ�cr Pa r. 3 _ C�11o�Ze 4 �1Uo ti t/.4 c 3. 3zoo ZS7A _ re f {' SIAc 3tlp� 161A C. tJLA ...... _.... _.__ZA..y..Y....... 47 Zii tt ' / PC- 0 rze It .. ...... ... .... . . ...... - Ci . ......... 41 ... .......... . ... ..... ... LAC, O. 6v - 'Y, Y T -frA c- 0 FF - S i Ter lryl IP a LA lit N 7C) 7/ ,-Z2. o - Vo ri.- . . - q# It ...... 41-19Q— .Q /,.c(7 7 YS- 961 L/ 9, 7 (4 3s6 0F. 12 00C T.4 a7 70 e 0,7 93,..60 -71970 -7 1, ........... 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YEAR STORM)' SA/DA '/, For Basin Depths :?�5 Ft3, 5 Ft 4 Ft .5 Ft 6 Ft 30 3.5 3 2.7 2.2 1.6 40 4.5 4 - 3.5, 2.1 50 5.6 5 4.3 3.5 2.7 60 7.0 6 5.3 4.3 3.4 70 6.1 7 6.0 5.0 3.9 00 9.4 8 7.0. 5.7 4.6 90 10.7 9 7.9 6.5 5.2 Interpolate in6.?rmediate values SA/DA % = Sur-'f.-)ce area basin/drainage area to:b.asin'•.x,,10( 36A AA eo' op IL 4v 0. -7 ............ 7 4� jo 4_33-33 c-F- 7, 6-7 cF-