HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQCS00376_NOI_NOV2020DV0018_Response_20200117EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Nicole Johnston SECRETARY Anita Darnell TREASURER Wayne Moore January 17, 2020 Mr. Lou T. Snider Assistant Regional Supervisor Water Quality Regional Operations Section Winston-Salem Regional Office North Carolina Division of Water Resources, NCDEQ 450 West Hanes Mill Road Suite #300 Winston Salem, North Carolina 27105 Re: Notice of Violation & Intent to Issue Civil Penalty Tracking No: NOV-2020-DV-0018 Sanitary Sewer Overflows — October 29, 2019 Collection System Permit No. WQCS00376 Yadkin Valley Sewer Authority WWTP Surry County Dear Mr. Snider: CHAIRMAN Wayne Moore VICE-CHAIRMAN Woody Faulk BOARD OF DIRECTORS Anita Darnell Victor Varela Tommy Wheeler IJC Department of Environmental Quality Received JAN 21 2020 Winston-Salem Regional Office I am responding to the Certified Mail Notice dated January 10, 2020, that we received on January 16, 2020, with regards to the "Notice of Violation & Intent to Issue Civil Penalty" for Tracking # NOV-2020- DV-0018. With regards to the ten (10) business days' response that is required upon receipt of this notice, we are submitting this written request to provide explanation of the noncompliance issues noted. As for the incident cited as Incident Number 201901705 (1/2 of a mile from the Regional Pump Station on Hwy 268), a Notice of Intent (NOD was provided as the DWR Action. For this incident, please review the following information to explain what happened during the time of this occurrence as well as corrective action that has been implemented to correct for this sanitary sewer overflow: 1) Staff at the WWTP noticed a drop in flow around 8:30 am on Tuesday, October 291, 2019 and immediately notified the YV SA Collections Staff due to a 90% drop in flow to the W WTP. 2) Upon receipt of this notification by the ORC at the W WTP, staff responded immediately by heading out and monitoring the situation. At which time the Staff found the force main rupture for the Regional Pump Station within 15 minutes at the property of Freddy Davis which is'/ of a mile from the Regional Pump Station on Hwy 268. Throughout the day the flow remained at "Low Level Flow." 500 NC Hwy 268 W — Elkin, NC 28621 Phone: 336-835-9819 — www.wsa.org — Fax: 336-835-9840 3) Suez Staff contributed approximately 3 hours of their time contacting the following downstream treatment plants: a. King Water Plant; b. Davie County Water Plant; c. Northwest Water Plant. 4) Staff noticed the spill'/z of a mile from the Regional Pump Station on Hwy 268 started to spill at 8:30 am and continued until 11:00 am. The SSO was a direct result of pipe failure. 5) The volume of this SSO reported to NCDEQ was 15,000 gallons that discharged into the Dutchman Creek. Total Volume of the spill was 27,000 gallons. 6) ***Please be advised that the YVSA Board and staff would like to stress that this SSO was definitely inadvertent (or involuntary). It -is the intent of the YVSA staff to continue in a multifaceted manner to address all sanitary sewer overflows and work towards preventing such incidents in the future with regards to the Collections System. I have attached a Cost Analysis sheet of including the emergency response time by staff as well as the hauler used, Repair & Excavation, Couplings and Pipe, lime, straw and (2) types of gravel utilized to address this SSO along with cost for publication into the local newspaper. [See `Cost Analysis for 10/29/19 SSO.] The total amount spent for regular pay plus overtime, hauler used, Repair & Excavation, Couplings and Pipe, lime, straw, gravel, and publication affidavit was $19,013.29.] ***I have also attached the flow charts for the WWTP from Saturday, October 26's thru Thursday, October 311. Our permitted flow for the W WTP is 1.8 MGD. Our normal flow is around 700,000 gallons per day. Flow for 10/26/19 was 0.801 MGD; by 10/27/19, the flow remained close to that at 0.907 MGD, and by 10/28/19 was 0.714 MGD. As for 10/29/19, our flow was 0.592 MGD; by 10/30/19, the flow had increased to 1.878 MGD. By 10/31/19, the flow was 1.709 MGD. For the flows from flowed to the WWTP (please see enclosed receipt tape with flow charts). I also attached a copy of the press release showing publication of the SSO, which was published at a rate of $94.20. For your convenience, we have also supplied you with an updated `YADICIN VALLEY SEWER AUTHORITY PROJECT FUNDING SUMMARY' (from the time of YVSA's inception and updated as of January 14, 2020). Please note that the total cost for all projects total $17,435,710. (Furthermore, through the due diligence of staff and our engineering firm, we have been able to successfully obtain $9,872,430 of this total amount in GRANT monies! The remaining amount total for local matches and/or 0% loans is $7,563,280.] Anyways, this total funding amount of $17,435,710 has come around since the YVSA started operations on July 1, 2010. These projects included past projects as well as more upcoming and `in process' projects such as these: a. SW Elkin Collection System Improvements - $1,316,189 (COMPLETE); b. Collection System Rehabilitation Project Phase II (Pump Stations) - $1,408,955 (COMPLETE); c. Historic Jonesville TAG Grant - $50,000 (COMPLETE); d. PGW Sewer Improvements - $2,702,375 (COMPLETE); e. Sewer Extension for Weyerhaeuser - $1,170,637 (COMPLETE); f. 2015 WWTP Upgrades - $2,396,944 (100% complete) — this includes a new clarifier installation along with a new laboratory building; g. 2017 Collection System Rehabilitation (RFQs — Request for Qualifications received by Engineering firm) - $2,688,489 (47% complete); h. 2017 WWTP Improvements (RFQs received by Engineering firm) - $1,321,322 (70% complete); i. North Bridge Street Sewer Repairs - $244,783 (COMPLETE) — this included multiple repairs of service lines and manholes that were sources of I & I; 500 NC Hwy 268 W — Elkin, NC 28621 Phone: 336-835-9819 — www.yysa.org —Fax: 336-835-9840 j. 2018 Collection System Rehabilitation Project - $1,643,010 —this will include more work on addressing I & I within the Collections System (10% complete); k. 2018 Pump Stations Rehabilitation Project - $1,051,620 — this will continue work on upgrading pump stations within the Collections System. ( 10% complete); 1. High Priority Areas Collection System Project - $165,000 — this will include more smoke testing and identification of problems areas in north Elkin. (50% complete); in. Dutchman Creek Pump Station Elimination - $785,885 (4% complete); n. Please note that this Summary does not include the grant and loan amount obtained to create the YVSA through the Regionalization Project. These amounts total another $6,275,000, for which $4,000,000 was grant and the remaining amount was from two (2) loans- $1;000,000 at 2.55% interest and $1,275,000 at 2.9887% interest. [Refer to the `YVSA ANALYSIS OF FY 2019 - 2020 DEBT SERVICE PAYMENTS' enclosed attachment that provides the current balances for these two (2) loans entitled `Waste Treatment Improvements (1)' and Waste Treatment Improvements (2)'.] Now, the YVSA would like to provide that we are continuously improving our Collections System (as well as upgrading our W WTP). I have also attached our most recent `Capital Improvement Plan — CIP' (revised and updated this past June 11', 2019). Please note that there are nearly $16 million dollars still needed for future rehabilitation, pump station upgrades, etc. still needed. We will continuously strive to obtain grant and/or low interest loan funding to complete the items needed on this CIP. Additionally, the following should be noted: 1. YVSA reports every SSO in accordance with its collection system permit. 2. YVSA has spent or has committed to spending over $17 million on capital projects to improve the entire wastewater system. 3. YVSA has planned for an additional $11 million for near future capital projects (on the current CIP). 4. Most of the pump stations have been rehabilitated, upgraded, or eliminated such that SSO's due to equipment failures are now rare. 5. SSO's are now mainly attributable to I/. Much of the focus of current projects is on III reduction. 6. Efforts are still underway to find the sources of I/I, such as the current High Priority Areas AIA project. 7. Due to the size of the task of identifying and addressing sources of 1/I, YVSA needs as much time as the State can give it to accomplish this goal. 8. Current projects scheduled to be completed by end of 2021. Now, please note that the YVSA Board and staff are very aware that the incidents noted above are a serious infraction of our Collection System NPDES Permit No. WQCS00376. However, please be advised that the YVSA Board and Staff would like to stress that these SSOs were definitely inadvertent (or involuntary). It is the intent of the YVSA Staff to minimize such occurrences from happening; however, there are some severe natural events (conditions) that are beyond our control. We would also like to mention that the YVSA staff is working attentively to address any and all corrective actions to prevent future SSOs in the Collections System as noted above. Please feel free to contact Ms. Nicole Johnston (Executive Director of the YVSA) at 336-835-9819 if you need further information. Thank you for your assistance with this `NOV & Intent to Issue Civil Penalty' for the incidents cited above. We look forward to hearing your response soon. 500 NC Hwy 268 W — Elkin, NC 28621 Phone: 336-835-9819 — www.wsa.ore — Fax: 336-835-9840 Sincerely, Nicole B. Johnston YVSA Executive Director A Wayne Moore Chairman YVSA Board 500 NC Hwy 268 W — Elkin, NC 28621 Phone: 336-835-9819 — www.yvsa.org — Fax: 336-835-9840