HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQCS00376_NOI_NOV2020DV0489_Response_20211120EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Nicole Johnston SECRETARY Anita Darnell TREASURER Wayne Moore CHAIRMAN Wayne Moore VICE-CHAIRMAN Woody Faulk BOARD OF DIRECTORS Anita Darnell Victor Varela Tommy Wheeler NC Department of November 20, 2020 Environmental Quality Received Mr. Lon T. Snider Environmental Regional Supervisor NOV 2 3 2020 Water Quality Regional Operations Section a Winston-Salem Winston-Salem Regional Office North Carolina Division of Water Resources, NCDEQ Regional Office 450 West Hanes Mill Road Suite#300 Winston Salem, North Carolina 27105 Re: Notice of Violation & Intent to Issue Civil Penalty Tracking No: NOV-2020-DV-0489 / Sanitary Sewer Overflows — August 2020 / Collection System Permit No. WQCS00376 Yadkin Valley Sewer Authority WWTP Surry County ^ Dear Mr. Snider: I am responding to the Certified Mail Notice dated November 3, 2020, that we received on November 12, 2020, with regards to the "Notice of Violation & Intent to Issue Civil Penalty" for Tracking # NOV-2020- DV-0489. With regards to the ten (10) business days' response that is required upon receipt of this notice, we are submitting this written request to provide explanation of the noncompliance issues noted. As for the incident cited as Incident Number 202002308 (at Industrial PS, 300 Business Park Dr. on August 6, 2020), a Notice of Intent (NOI) was provided as the DWR Action. As for the incidents cited as Incident Numbers 202002355 (at Crater Park, 310 Standard St. on August 15, 2020) and 202002356 (at Regional Pump Station, Hwy 268 E on August 15, 2020), a Notice of Violation (NOV) was issued. This incident was due to inflow and infiltration, and severe natural conditions. As for the incidents cited as Incident Numbers 202002460 (at 131 N. Bridge St. on August 21, 2020), 202002461(at Elkin Creek Line MH990 on August 21, 2020) and 202002462 (at Elkin Creek Line MH993 on August 21, 2020) a Notice of Violation (NOV) was issued. These incidents were due to inflow and infiltration, and severe natural conditions. As for the incident cited as Incident Number 202002459(at Regional PS, Hwy 268 E on August 21, 2020) a Notice of Intent (NOI) was provided as the DWR Action. For this incident, please review the following information to explain what happened during the time of this occurrence as well as corrective action that has been implemented to correct for this sanitary sewer overflow: 1) Around 5:00 AM on August 21, 2020, YVSA Staff received notice of "High -Level" alarm at the Regional Pump Station from the SCADA system within the Collection System. 2) Upon receipt of these alarms, staff responded immediately by heading out to monitor the situation. 3) Later in the morning while making rounds during the rain event, Staff noticed spilling at manhole #980. 4) Please note that during this time there was approximately 2.5 to 3 inches of rain during a small- time frame. The rain was so excessive that the Big Elkin Creek came out of its banks, and it was during this time there was also excessive groundwater contributing to increased inflow and infiltration. 5) As for this entire week and previous week (*** please see the enclosed flow charts from the W WTP from August 19, 2020 through August 23, 2020), we can see the flow was elevated due to the excessive amount of rain the prior weeks. Therefore when the 2.5 to 3 inches of rain came, this inflow caused excessive flow to the Regional PS area, therefore; this lead to the SSO at Manhole # 980 behind the Regional PS. 6) Staff noticed the spill started approximately around 9:00 AM and continued until around 12:00 PM at manhole #980 (behind Regional PS). 7) The volume of this SSO reported to NCDEQ was 15,000 gallons that discharged into the Yadkin River. Total Volume of the spill was 15,000 gallons. 8) ***Please be advised that the YVSA Board and staff would like to stress that this SSO was definitely inadvertent (or involuntary). It is the intent of the YVSA staff to continue in a multifaceted manner to address all sanitary sewer overflows and work towards preventing such incidents in the future with regards to the Collections System. I have attached a Cost Analysis sheet of including the emergency response time by staff as well as the cost for publication into the local newspaper. [See `Cost Analysis for 8/6/2020, 8/15/2020, and 8/21/2020 SSOs.] The total amount spent for regular pay, and publication affidavit was $1,207.09.] ***I have also attached the flow charts for the W WTP from Tuesday, August 4" thru Saturday, August 81, Thursday, August 131^ thru Monday, August 171, and Wednesday, August 191 thru Sunday, August 23rd. Our permitted flow for the W WTP is 1.8 MGD. Our normal flow is around 700,000 gallons per day. Flow for 8/4/2020 was 0.818 MGD; by 8/5/2020, the flow had increased to 1.486 MGD, and by ' 8/6/2020 was 1.796MGD. As for 8/7/2020, the flow had dropped to 1.265 MGD and by 8/8/2020 the flow was down to 1.048 MGD. The flows from 8/4/2020 through 8/8/2020, there was 6,410,000 gallons (with an average of 1,280,000 gallons) that flowed to the W WTP (please see enclosed receipt tape with flow charts). Flow for 8/13/2020 was 1.588 MGD; by 8/14/2020, the flow had increased to 2.332 MGD, and by 8/15/2020 was 2.811 MGD. As for 8/16/2020, the flow had dropped to 1.514 MGD and by 8/17/2020 the flow was down to 1.166 MGD. The flows from 8/14/2020 through 8/17/2020, there was 9,410,000 gallons (with an average of 1,880,000 gallons) that flowed to the WWTP (please see enclosed receipt tape with flowcharts). I also attached a copy of the press release showing publication of the SSO, which was published at a rate of $89.40. Flow for 8/19/2020 was 0.969 MGD; by 8/20/2020, the flow had increased to 1.160 MGD, and by 8/21/2020 was 2.825 MGD. As for 8/22/2020, the flow had dropped to 1.313 MGD and by 8/23/2020 the flow was down to 1.061 MGD. The flows from 8/19/2020 through 8/23/2020, there was 5,580,000 gallons (with an average of 1,470,000 gallons) that flowed to the W WTP (please see enclosed receipt tape with flowcharts). I also attached a copy of the press release showing publication of the SSO, which was published at a rate of $310.20. For your convenience, we have also supplied you with an updated `YADKIN VALLEY SEWER AUTHORITY PROJECT FUNDING SUMMARY' (from the` time of YVSA's inception and updated as. of November 10, 2020). Please note that the total cost for all projects total $19,265,617. [Furthermore, through the due diligence of staff and our engineering firm, we have been able to successfully obtain $10,739,930 of this total amount in GRANT monies! The remaining amount total for local matches and/or 0% loans is $8,525,687.1 Anyway§, this total funding amount of $19,265,617 has come around since the YVSA started operations on July 1, 2010. These projects included past projects as well as more upcoming and `in process' projects such as these: a. SW Elkin Collection System Improvements - $1,316,189 (COMPLETE); b. Collection System Rehabilitation Project Phase II (Pump Stations) - $1,408,955 (COMPLETE); c. Historic Jonesville TAG Grant - $50,000 (COMPLETE); d. PGW Sewer Improvements - $2,702,375 (COMPLETE); e. Sewer Extension for Weyerhaeuser - $1,170,637 (COMPLETE); f. 2015 WWTP Upgrades - $2,392,865 (100% complete) — this includes a new clarifier installation along with a new laboratory building; g. 2017 Collection System Rehabilitation (RFQs Request for Qualifications received by Engineering firm) - $2,688,489 (99% complete); h. 2017 WWTP Improvements (RFQs received by Engineering firm) - $1,321,322 (99% complete); i. North Bridge Street Sewer Repairs - $244,783 (COMPLETE) — this included multiple repairs of service lines and manholes that were sources of I & I; j. 2018 Collection System Rehabilitation Project - $1,757,946 —this will include more work on addressing I & I within the Collections System (10% complete); k. 2018 Pump Stations Rehabilitation Project - $1,051,620 — this will continue work on upgrading pump stations within the Collections System. (25% complete); 1. High Priority Areas Collection System Project - $165,000 — this will include more smoke testing and identification of problems areas in north Elkin. (COMPLETE); in. Dutchman Creek Pump Station Elimination - $785,885 (10% complete); n. W WTP Dual Ditch Extended Aeration Blower Replacement - $670,650. (5% complete) o. 2020 Collection System Rehabilitation — Part I (ASADRA, 0% int.) - $683,400. (0% complete) p. Streambank Mitigation — FEMA- $365,000. (0% complete) q. Please note that this Summary does not include the grant and loan amount obtained to create the YVSA through the Regionalization Project. These amounts total another $6,275,000, for which $4,000,000 was grant and the remaining amount was from two (2) loans - $1,000,000 at 2.55% interest and $1,275,000 at 2.95% interest. [Refer to the `YVSA ANALYSIS OF FY 2020 - 2021 DEBT SERVICE PAYMENTS' enclosed attachment that provides the current balances for these two (2) loans entitled `Waste Treatment Improvements (1)' and Waste Treatment Improvements (2)'.] Now, the YVSA would like to provide that we are continuously improving our Collections System (as well as upgrading our W WTP). I have also attached our most recent `Capital Improvement Plan — CIP' (revised and updated this past March 10, 2020). Please note that there is a little over $15 million dollars still needed for future rehabilitation, pump station.upgrades, etc. still needed. We will continuously strive to obtain grant and/or low interest loan funding to complete the items needed on this CIP. Additionally, the following should be noted: 1. YVSA reports every SSO in accordance with its collection system permit. 2. YVSA has spent or has committed to spending over $17 million on capital projects to improve the entire wastewater system. 3. YVSA has planned for an additional $11 million for near future capital projects (on the current CIP). 4. Most of the pump stations have been rehabilitated, upgraded, or eliminated such that SSO's due to equipment failures are now rare. 5. SSO's are now mainly attributable to 1/I. Much of the focus of current projects is on I/I reduction. 6. Efforts are still underway, to find the sources of I/I, such as the current High Priority Areas AIA project. 7. Due to the size of the task of identifying and addressing sources of VI, YVSA needs as much time as the State can give it to accomplish this goal. 8.Current projects scheduled to be completed by end of 2021. Now, please note that the YVSA Board and staff are very aware that the incidents noted above are a serious infraction of our Collection System NPDES Permit No. WQCS00376. However, please be advised that the YVSA Board and Staff would like to stress that these SSOs were definitely inadvertent (or involuntary). It is the intent of the YVSA Staff to minimize such occurrences from happening; however, there are some severe natural events (conditions) that are beyond our control. We would also like to mention that the YVSA staff is working attentively to address any and all corrective actions to prevent future SSOs in the Collections System as noted above. Please feel free to contact Ms. Nicole Johnston (Executive, Director of the YVSA) at 336-835-9819 if you need further information. Thank you for your assistance with this `NOV & Intent to Issue Civil Penalty' for the incidents cited above. We look forward to hearing your response soon. Sincerely, �r-� Nicole B. Johnston YVSA Executive Director RatOYEOQPER l:' l A&CHAEL`S 12EGM Secretory.` S. DAMEGSM]TH - RECEIVED CERTIFIED MAIL: 7018 1130 0000 1612 9677 RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED NOV 12 2020 November 03, 2020 Nicole Johnston, Director Executive Yadkin Valley Sewer Authority PO Box 828 Elkin, NC 28621 SUBJECT: NOTICE OF VIOLATION & INTENT TO ISSUE CIVIL PENALTY Tracking No.: NOV-2020-DV-0489 Sanitary Sewer Overflows - August 2020 Collection System Permit No. WQCS00376 Yadkin Valley Sewer Authority WWTP .Surry County Dear Permittee: A review has been conducted of the self -reported Sanitary Sewer Overflows (SSO's) 5-Day Report/s submitted by Yadkin Valley Sewer Authority. The Division's Winston-Salem Regional Office concludes that the Yadkin Valley Sewer Authority violated Permit Condition I (2) of Permit No. WQCS00376 by failing to effectively manage, maintain, and operate their collection system so that there is no SSO (Sanitary Sewer Overflow) to the land or surface waters and the SSO constituted making an outlet to waters of the State for purposes of G.S. 143-215.1(a)(1), for which a permit is required by G.S. 143-215.1. The Winston-Salem Regional Office is providing the Yadkin Valley Sewer Authority an opportunity to provide evidence and justification as to why the Yadkin Valley Sewer Authority should not be assessed a civil penalty for the violation(s) that are summarized below: Total Vol - Total Surface Incident Start Duration Vol Water Number Date (Mins) Location Cause (Gals) (Gals) DWR Action •-Iioithramiee tlepaitceent d Enti'iGnmmL -_ VTmstcnuetem R6f!Dnil Offioe ,I 46D West I i ieOty I Orson of Whet Reseuioas � es lt4i Roed,Sui$�DJWnstait!'rkm"Noafi C�tofiaZ7105' i Total Vol Total surface Incident start Duration Vol Water Number Date (Mins) Location Cause (Gals) (Gals) DWR Action 202002355 8/15/2020 60 Crater Park - 310 Inflow and 1,200 1,200 Notice of Violation Standard St Infiltration, Severe Natural Condition 202002356 8/15/2020 300 Regional Pump Station - Inflow and 21,000 21,000 Notice of Violation . Hwy 268 E Infiltration, Severe Natural Condition 202002459 8/21/2020 180 Regional Pump Station Inflow and 15,000 15,000 Notice of Intent Infiltration, Severe Natural Condition 202002460 8/21/2020 20 131 N Bridge St Inflow and 600 600 Notice of Violation Infiltration, Severe Natural Condition 202002461 8/21/2020 30 Elkin Creek Line MH990 Inflow and 300 300 Notice of Violation Infiltration, Severe Natural Condition 202002462 8/21/2020 30 Elkin Creek Line MH993 Inflow and 600 600 Notice of Violation Infiltration, Severe Natural Condition This Notice of Violation / Notice of Intent to Enforce (NOV/NOI) is being issued for the noted violation. Pursuant to G.S. 143-215.6A, a civil penalty of not more than twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000.00) may be assessed against any person who violates or fails to act in accordance with the terms, conditions, or requirements of any permit issued pursuant to G.S. 143-215.1. This office requests that you respond to this Notice, in writing, within 10 business days of its receipt. In your response, you should address the causes of non-compliance, remedial actions, and all other actions taken to prevent the recurrence of similar situations. The response to this correspondence will be considered in this process. Enforcement decisions will also be based on volume spilled, volume reaching surface waters, duration and gravity, impacts to public health, fish kills or recreational area closures. Other factors considered in determining the amount of the civil penalty are the violator's history of non-compliance, the cost of rectifying the damage, whether the spill was intentional and whether money was saved by non-compliance. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Ron Boone with the Water Quality Section in the Winston-Salem Regional Office at 336-776-9800 or via email at ron.boone@ncdenr.gov. Sincerely, Cta. T S 7v iasaaeszzsceaen... .,• Lon T. Snider,, Regional Supervisor .. MX"' Water Quality Regio,,,��al Operations Se�tion ' Winston Salem Regi nal Office Division of Water Resources, NCDEQ Cc: Laserfiche ;NoM fiioEui Department of Endrtmmeutei QaatByl Drusion oflYatrReawfoes W�stontwkm Regoinl0fioe 145D West Hanes'j Road;;Sute 3D011Y`MSWjiaSekm IVcnACem5rr 77}095 skw ,836 776 9800 . e ... - . . State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources DWVV R Division of Water Resources = Collection System Sanitary Sewer Overflow Reporting Form Division of Water Resources Form CS-SSO PART I: This form shall be submitted to the appropriate DWQ Regional Office within five business days of the first knowledge of the sanitary sewer overflow (SSO). Permit Number: WQCS00376 (WQCS# if active, otherwise use WQCSD#) Facility: Yadkin Valley Sewer Authority WWTP Incident #: 202002308 Owner: Yadkin-ValleySewerAuthority City: Elkin County: Surry Region: Winston-Salem Source of SSO (check applicable): ❑ Sanitary Sewer Pump Station / Lift Station SPECIFIC location of the SSO (be consistent in desc(ptio.p fr� o_m past reports or docur�erltation - i.e. Pump Station 6, Manhole at Westall & Bragg Street, etc).&Iidustnal-P-ask-RS, 300usiness-Rark.Dr.'� --� Manhole. #_Ea587 Latitude (Decimal Degrees): Longitude (Decimal Degrees): _ _11� Incident Started D 2020 Time: C=7:00 pm Incident End Dt` 08/06/2020 Timer QT30 pm (mm-dd-yyyy) (fih:m`m AM/PM) (mm-dd-yyyy) (hh:mm AM/PM) Estimated Volume oft ee S� SO;°`3Q0' gallons Estimated Duration (Round to nearest hour): 0:30 hours Describe how the volume was determined: 5 Gallon Bucket and Weather conditions during the SSO eve tP Heavyrain`_fall heavy thunderstorms v Did SSO reach surface waters? 0 Yes ❑ No ❑ Unknown Volume reaching surface waters (gals): 300 Surface water name: Elkin Creek (River) Did the SSO result in a fish kill? ❑ Yes W No ❑ Unknown If Yes, what is the estimated number of fish killed? SPECIFIC cause(s) of the SSO: W Inflow and Infiltration 21 Power outage 24 hour verbal notification (name of person contacted ): Paul DiMatteo W DWR ❑ Emergency Mgmt Date (mm-dd-yyy): 08/07/2020 Time (hh:mm AM/PM): 03:50:00 pm If an SSO is ongoing, please notify the appropriate Regional Office on a daily basis until SSO can be stopped. Per G.S. 143-215.1C(b), the responsible party of a discharge of 1,000 or more of untreated wastewater to surface waters shall issue a press release within 24-hours of first knowledge to all print and electronic news media providing general coverage in the county where the discharge occurred. When 15,000 gallons or more of untreated wastewater enters surface waters, a public notice shall be published within 10 days and proof of publication shall be provided to the Division within 30 days. Refer to the reference statute for further detail. The Director Division of Water Resources may take enforcement action for SSOs that are required to be reported to Division unless it is demonstrated that: 1) the discharge was cause by sever natural conditions and there were no feasible alternative to the discharge; or 2) the discharge was exceptional, unintentional, temporary and caused by factors beyond the reasonable control of the Permittee and/or owner, and the discharge could not have been prevented by the exercise of reasonable control. Part II must be completed to provide a justification claim for either of the above situations. This information will be the basis WHETHER OR NOT PART III IS COMPLETED, A SIGNATURE IS REQUIRED AT THE END OF THIS FORM CS-SSO Form Page: 1 Cost Analysis for 8/6/2020 SSO Inflow and Infiltration, Power Outage EXTENDED ITEM LOCATION EMPLOYEE/ # ITEM/COST TOTAL COST (with VENDOR WAGES benefits) Total for Employees Wages (See Attached) $396.10 TOTAL Employee $396.10 SSO: YVSA WAGE EXPENSE SHEET 0.15% RT $/HR IER EXP TOTAL EXP ALVIN HAYES $28.77 20.44 $247.31 DALE CHEEK $17.31 �12.30 $148.80 JIMMY CHEEK W a O MA O, ROBERT SMITH BILLY STONE ALVIN WILMOTH (`BUDDY) NICOLE JOHNSTON DAVEJOHNSON $396.10 i 3)nu 4- Atvfq 4 6t RII��0 COLLECTIONS WORK ORDER DATA ANALYSIS FORM (To be completed upon job completion) / �_3n P'3o 1) Date of service call --- �g i 2) Identification (please circle): Pump Station Sewer Line Private Concern Sewer Clog WWTP Issue Sink Hole Other 3) Description of callout (including address of concern OR name of pump station): i 4) Time spent / Number of employe C, 5) Inventory used to complete job: 6) Do we need to order any inventory to replace utilized parts, supplies, etc.? YES e0 7) Did we need to purchase ANY supplies from Lowe's, 67 Hardware, etc.? YES 8) How much (approximately) were these purchases? ! C � S r 9) Was there a reportable spill for this callout (please circle): Y S {+�vi L j �— f 1� < V° (Note: If yes, please complete 5-day spill report.) Soy �Cl� rrj( J', ' PacRR-- -lJ ,, I `I 10) What corrective action steps (if any) were completed? A LV� k cAj% o (7 r /-7L— C( L '(-�o�� �o �6lont'G( �/il'a0�,• an�n� �al'�K• C, 12) Any other information to report? in? /74 r REPORT COMPLETED FORM: w5A001 IN DATE: (, - V —p y °.c ((' °' 0'. 81 8 .+ 1.796 +�U 1 •265 + J 1 , 0 4-8 + J tL�(t c 005 ao 0 6.41 *. 0 -,8.1. 8 + VVV 1.486.+ . 1-796 1 .2�65 + 1.048 + 005 6.41,`x'' 6 . r4 1 5- 1 •2 8 i • t State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Resources Collection System Sanitary Sewer Overflow Reporting Form Division of Water Resources Form CS-SSO PART I: This form shall be submitted to the appropriate DWQ Regional Office within five business days of the first knowledge of the sanitary sewer overflow (SSO). Permit Number: WQCS00376 (WQCS# if active, otherwise use WQCSD#) Facility: Yadkin Valley Sewer Authority WWTP Incident #: 202002355 Owner: Yadkin Vallev Sewer Authority City: Elkin Source of SSO (check applicable): County: Surry 0 Sanitary Sewer Region: Winston-Salem ❑ Pump Station / Lift Station SPECIFIC location of the SSO (be consistent in description from past reports or documentation - i.e. Pump Station 6, Manhole at Westa+ll & Bragg Street, etc) in rater Park7= 10 Standard St _f SManhole #-�..9889 Latitude (Decimal Degrees): Longitude (Decimal Degrees): _ Incident Started Dt. ;_ _ 08/1512020 Time: 5:45<pm Incident End Dt. -08/15[2020 Time: l)6_45 pm (mm�y) (hh:mmAM/PM) (mm-dd-yyyy) (hh:mmAM/PM) Estimated Volume of Re-SSO:-1,200 gallons Estimated Duration (Round to nearest hour): 1:0 hours Describe how the volume was determined: 5 Gallon Bucket and by sight Weather conditions during the SSO eve t _Heavy rairifall heavy_thunderstorms �' Did SSO reach surface waters? 0 Yes ❑ No ❑ Unknown Volume reaching surface waters (gals): 1200 Surface water name: YADKIN RIVER Did the SSO result in a fish kill? ❑ Yes W No ❑ Unknown If Yes, what is the estimated number of fish killed? SPECIFIC cause(s) of the SSO: Z Severe Natural Conc M Inflow and Infiltration 24 hour verbal notification (name of person contacted ): Chris Creighton ❑ DWR Q Emergency Mgmt Date (mm-dd-yyy): 08/16/2020 Time (hh:mm AM/PM): 04:00:00 pm If an SSO is ongoing, please notify the appropriate Regional Office on a daily basis until SSO can be stopped. Per G.S. 143-215.1 C(b), the responsible party of a discharge of 1,000 or more of untreated wastewater to surface waters shall issue a press release within 24-hours of first knowledge to all print and electronic news media providing general coverage in the county where the discharge occurred. When 15,000 gallons or more of untreated wastewater enters surface waters, a public notice shall be published within 10 days and proof of publication shall be provided to the Division within 30 days. Refer to the reference statute for further detail. The Director Division of Water Resources may take enforcement action for SSOs that are required to be reported to Division unless it is demonstrated that: 1) the discharge was cause by sever natural conditions and there were no feasible alternative to the discharge; or 2) the discharge was exceptional, unintentional, temporary and caused by factors beyond the reasonable control of the Permittee and/or owner, and the discharge could not have been prevented by the exercise of reasonable control. Part II must be completed to provide a justification claim for either of the above situations. This information will be the basis WHETHER OR NOT PART III IS COMPLETED, A SIGNATURE IS REQUIRED AT THE END OF THIS FORM CS-SSO Form Page: 1 State of North Carolina DWR Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Resources _ Collection System Sanitary Sewer Overflow Reporting Form Division of Water Resources Form CS-SSO PART 1: This form shall be submitted to the appropriate DWQ Regional Office within five business days of the first knowledge of the sanitary sewer overflow (SSO). Permit Number: WQCS00376 (WQCS# if active, otherwise use WQCSD#) Facility: Yadkin Valley Sewer Authority WWTP Incident#: 202002356 Owner: Yadkin Valley Sewer Authority City: Elkin County: Surry Region: Winston-Salem Source of SSO (check applicable): ❑ Sanitary Sewer Pump Station / Lift Station SPECIFIC location of the SSO (be consistent in description from past repRrts or documentation - i.e. Pump Station 6, a; Manhole at Westa I &Bragg Street, etc) egwnal Pum�yStaborr._Hwy,26$>E� Marihole'-i�--980 Latitude (Decimal Degrees): Longitude (Decimal Degrees): Incident Started Dt ;;!08/ L5/2020� Time: 45`pm Incident End Dt: Q8l15/202o Time: 10�45 pm_ . (mm-dd-yyyy) (hh mm AM/PM) (mm-dd-yyyy) (hh:mm AM/PM) Estimated Volume of fhe `SSO, ;21;000. gallons Estimated Duration (Round to nearest hour): 5:0 hours Describe how the volume was determined: 5 Gallon Bucket and by sight Weather conditions during the SSO even "..Heavy rairifall,lieavythun�c erstorms Did SSO reach surface waters? 0 Yes ❑ No ❑ Unknown Volume reaching surface waters (gals): 21000 Surface water name: YADKIN RIVER Did the SSO result in a fish kill? ❑ Yes 0 No ❑ Unknown If Yes, what is the estimated number of fish killed? 0 SPECIFIC cause(s) of the SSO: 0 Severe Natural Con( Q Inflow and Infiltration 24 hour verbal notification (name of person contacted ): Chris Creighton ❑ DWR M Emergency Mgmt Date (mm-dd-yyy): 08/16/2020 Time (hh:mm AM/PM): 04:00:00 pm If an SSO is ongoing, please notify the appropriate Regional Office on a daily basis until SSO can be stopped. Per G.S. 143-215.1 C(b), the responsible party of a discharge of 1,000 or more of untreated wastewater to surface waters shall issue a press release within 24-hours of first knowledge to all print and electronic news media providing general coverage in the county where the discharge occurred. When 15,000 gallons or more of untreated wastewater enters surface waters, a public notice shall be published within 10 days and proof of publication shall be provided to the Division within 30 days. Refer to the reference statute for further detail. Division unless it is demonstrated that: 1) the discharge was cause by sever natural conditions and there were no feasible alternative to the discharge; or 2) the discharge was exceptional, unintentional, temporary and caused by factors beyond the reasonable control of the Permittee and/or owner, and the discharge could not have been prevented by the exercise of reasonable control. Part II must be completed to provide a justification claim for either of the above situations. This information will be the basis WHETHER OR NOT PART III IS COMPLETED, A SIGNATURE IS REQUIRED AT THE END OF THIS FORM CS-SSO Form Page: • 1 ITEM Total for Emolovees Wages Affidavit for Publication for Regional PS and Crater Park Cost Analysis for 8/16/2020 SSOs Inflow and Infiltration, Severe Natural Condition LOCATION EMPLOYEE/ # ITEM/COST TOTAL VENDOR WAGES (See Attached) The Tribune 1 publication @ $89.40 EXTENDED COST (with benefits) $206.50 $89.40 TOTAL Employee $295.90 SSO: YVSA WAGE EXPENSE SHEET ALVIN HAYES DALE CHEEK JIMMY CHEEK DAVID MARTIN ROBERT SMITH BILLY STONE ALVIN WILMOTH (`BUDDY) NICOLE JOHNSTON DAVEJOHNSON RT $/HR $21.02 0.15% ER EXP TOTAL EXP 7.07 $206.50 $206.50 YADKIN VALLEY SEWER AUTHORITY TIME SHEETS EMPLOYEE: Buddy Wilmoth WEEK ENDING: 08/14/2020 reg. sick vacation U� holiday lJ O/C Hrs comp Overtime total hrs TIME IN TIME OU REG HOURS SICK, �' HOURS VACAT�IOry HOURS &IDAY HOUffS; On Call Hrs or' Worked;, COMP HOURSS,_ WVER7iMEI ,HOURS TOTAL HOURS SATURDAY 8/8/2020 SUNDAY 8/9/2020 MONDAY 8/10/2020 TUESDAY 8/11/2020 WEDNESDAY 8/12/2020 r THURSDAY 8/13/2020 FRIDAY 8/14/2020 TOTAL HOURS FOR WEEK 3$ 5F WEEK ENDING: 08/21/2020 SATURDAY SUNDAY TUESDAY FRIDAY TOTAL HOURS FOR WEEK TIfYIEIN_ZIME_OU7_HOURS�,HOR' REG SIls K ; VACATION' t0ux5HO,URS`Worked';,�HOURS, iHOLIDAYs Hrs COMPS OVER IMEt �HOURs TOTAL HOURS - - i D 3 10 C:\Users\portia.hayes\Desktop\2019 Time sheet.xlsx O ysa� V��s COLLECTIONS WORK ORDER DATA ANALYSIS FORM (To be completed upon job completion) 1) Date of service call: Z(/ 2) Identification (please circle): Pump Station Sewer Line WWTP Issue Sink Hole Private Concern Sewer Clog Other 3) Description of callout (including address of concern OR name of pump station): _ • v L 4) Time spent / Number of employees used: l /� 5) Inventory used to complete job: 6) Do we need to order any inventory to replace utilized parts, supplies, etc.? YES 7) Did we need to purchase ANY supplies from Lowe's, 67 Hardware, etc.? YES NO 8) How much (approximately) were these purchases? 9) Was there a reportable spill for this callout (please circle): YE NO (Note: If yes, please complete 5-day spill report.) 10) What corrective action steps (if any) were completed? 11) How can we prevent this callout from occurring again? 0 12) Any other information to report? REPORT COMPLETED BY: DATE: FORM: WSA001 N t sr 1lulis° COLLECTIONS WORK ORDER DATA ANALYSIS FORM (To be completed upon job completion) 1) Date of service call: 2) Identification (please circle)'. Pump Station Sewer Line Private oncern Sewer Clog WWTP Issue Sink Hole Other 3) Description of callout (including address of concern OR name of pump station): V V 4) Time spent / Number of employees used: (� C! 5) Inventory used to complete job: '! 6) Do we need to order any inventory to replace utilized parts, supplies, etc.? YES �f o 7) Did we need to purchase ANY supplies from Lowe's, 67 Hardware, etc.? YES NO 8) How much (approximately) were these purchases? 9) Was there a reportable spill for this callout (please circle): YES INO (Note: If yes, please complete 5-day spill report.) 10) What corrective action steps (if any) were completed? /�� V T D 11) How can we prevent this callout from occurring again? C' 12) Any other information to report? REPORT COMPLETED BY: DATE: FORM: w5A001 EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Nicole Johnston %7 SECRETARY * 1 Anita Darnell 1 TREASURER Wayne V. Moore August 18, 2020 Press Release For Immediate Release: CHAnUv AN Woody Faulk VICE-CHAIRMAN Anita Darnell BOARD OF DIRECTORS Wayne, V. Moore Victor Varela Tommy Wheeler On August 15, 2020, the Yadkin Valley Sewer Authority experienced three (3) sanitary sewer overflows (SSOs) due to severe natural conditions and inflow and infiltration, all reaching the Yadkin River. A Summarization of the SSOs follows: 1) Regional Pump Station, manhole # 980 approximately 21,000 gallons 2) Crater Park, manhole # 988 approximately 1,200 gallons 3) 131 B S. Bridge Street, Elkin, manhole # 157 approximately 300 gallons The SSOs were reported to Division of Water resources. Any questions should be directed to the Yadkin Valley Sewer Authority at 336-835-9819 or the Winston-Salem Regional NCDEQ office at 336-776-9800. Publish: The Elkin Tribune Publication date: Wednesday, August 19, 2020 500 NC Hwy 268 W — Elkin, NC 28621 Phone: 336-835-9819 — www.vvsa.org — Fax: 336-835-9840 Order Receipt Portia Hayes 420-Yadkin Valley Sewer Authority 500 NC HWY 268 W ELKIN, NC 28621 The Tribune P.O Box 1630MT Greeneville, TN 37744 Phone: 336-835-1513 Fax: 336-835-8742 Acct M 20120610 Phone: (336)835-9819 Date: 08/18/2020 Ad M 70039701 Salesperson: e110 Ad Taker: shurley Class: 0100 Ad Notes: Sort Line: Aug. 15 Overflow notice Description Start Stop Ins. CosUDay Amount OOOAPF2 Affidavit Fee $15 15.00 42002 Elkin Tribune 08/19/2020 08/19/2020 1 74.40 74.40 Ad Text: PUBLIC NOTICE On August 15, 2020, the Yadkin Valley Sewer Authority experienced three (3) sanitary sewer overflows (SSOs) due to severe natural conditions and inflow and infiltration, all reaching the Yadkin River. A Summarization of the SSOs follows: 1) Regional Pump Station, manhole # 980 approximately 21,000 gallons 2) Crater Park, manhole # 988 approximately 1,200 gallons 3) 131 B S. Bridge Street, Elkin, manhole # 157 approximately 300 gallons Payment Reference: Total: 89.40 Tax: 0.00 Net: 89.40 Prepaid: 0.00 Total Due 89.40 PUBLIC NOTICE On August 15, 2020, the Yadkin Valley Sewer Authority experienced three (3) sanitary sewer overflows (SSOs) due to severe natural conditions and inflow and infiltration, all reaching the Yadkin River. A Summarization of the SSOs follows: 1) Regional Pump Station, manhole # 980 approximately 21,000 gallons 2) Crater Park, manhole # 988 approximately 1,200 gallons 3) 131 B S. Bridge Street, Elkin, manhole # 157 approx- imately 300 gallons The SSOs were reported to Di- vision of Water resources. Any questions should be directed to the Yadkin Valley Sewer Au- thority at 336-835-9819 or the Winston-Salem Regional NCD- EQ office at 336-776-9800. Publish: 8-19-20 70039701 i 0. 1 .58'8 + i3 332 + 2.81,,.+ �5 �u5ubA . 13 aoaP 1 •,51 4 + 0'0-5 "•�� o 9:..4 :1 * RUj 1.58 8 + 2.332 + - r 1-"514 + 1 • 1.66 + 0 0'5 9.41 * Q +l 5• = c. DWR State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Resources Collection System Sanitary Sewer Overflow Reporting Form Division of Water Resources Form CS-SSO PART I: This form shall be submitted to the appropriate DWQ Regional Office within five business days of the first knowledge of the sanitary sewer overflow (SSO). Permit Number: WQCS00376 (WQCS# if active, otherwise use WQCSD#) Facility: Yadkin Valley Sewer Authority WWTP Incident#: 202002459 Owner: Yadkin Valley Sewer Authority City: Elkin Source of SSO (check applicable): County: Surry Region: Winston-Salem ❑ Sanitary Sewer Q Pump Station / Lift Station SPECIFIC location of the SSO (be consistent in description from past reports or documentation - i.e. Pump Station 6, Manhole at Westall & Bragg Street, et :. Regional;P:ump;Statidh Manhole #:`980"'� Latitude (Decimal Degrees): Longitude (Decimal Degrees): Incident Started Dt: V0812172C29 Time: C-9-00—a—m-7 Incident End Dt: k`08/21 0 Time: f--1'2 00 p- m.J mm-dd-yyyy) (hh:mm AM/PM) (mm-dd-yyyy) (hh:mm AM/PM) Estimated Volume of the SS_0T5_,0_00__W gallons Estimated Duration (Round to nearest hour): 3:0 hours Describe how the volume was determined: 5 Gallon Bucket and by sight Weather conditions during the SSO even H vy rainfall heavy`thdnderstorms' Did SSO reach surface waters? 0 Yes ❑ No ❑ Unknown Volume reaching surface waters (gals): 15000 Surface water name: YADKIN RIVER Did the SSO result in a fish kill? ❑ Yes Z No ❑ Unknown If Yes, what is the estimated number of fish killed? 0 SPECIFIC cause(s) of the SSO: 0 Severe Natural Conc 2 Inflow and Infiltration 24 hour verbal notification (name of person contacted ): Paul DiMatteo 0 DWR ❑ Emergency Mgmt Date (mm-dd-yyy): 08/21/2020 Time (hh:mm AM/PM): 03:20:00 pm If an SSO is ongoing, please notify the appropriate Regional Office on a daily basis until SSO can be stopped. Per G.S. 143-215.1 C(b), the responsible party of a discharge of 1,000 or more of untreated wastewater to surface waters shall issue a press release within 24-hours of first knowledge to all print and electronic news media providing general coverage in the county where the discharge occurred. When 15,000 gallons or more of untreated wastewater enters surface waters, a public notice shall be published within 10 days and proof of publication shall be provided to the Division within 30 days. Refer to the reference statute for further detail. The Director Division of Water Resources, may take enforcement action for SSOs that are required to be reported to Division unless it is demonstrated that: 1) the discharge was cause by sever natural conditions and there were no feasible alternative to the discharge; or 2) the discharge was exceptional, unintentional, temporary and caused by factors beyond the reasonable control of the Permittee and/or owner, and the discharge could not have been prevented by the exercise of reasonable control. Part II must be completed to provide a justification claim for either of the above situations. This information will be the basis WHETHER OR NOT PART III IS COMPLETED, A SIGNATURE IS REQUIRED AT THE END OF THIS FORM CS-SSO Form Page: 1 DWR State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Resources Collection System Sanitary Sewer Overflow Reporting Form Division of Water Resources Form CS-SSO PART I: This form shall be submitted to the appropriate DWQ Regional Office within five business days of the first knowledge of the sanitary sewer overflow (SSO). Permit Number: WQCS00376 (WQCS# if active, otherwise use WQCSD#) Facility: Yadkin Valley Sewer Authority WWTP Incident #: 202002460 Owner: Yadkin Valley Sewer Authority City: Elkin County: Surry Region: Winston-Salem Source of SSO (check applicable): [J Sanitary Sewer ❑ Pump Station / Lift Station SPECIFIC location of the SSO (be consistent in description from past reports or documentation - i.e. Pump Station 6, Manhole at Westall & Bragg Street, etc)" 931 N_Bndge:St a'Manhole#;._157 Latitude (Decimal Degrees): Longitude (Decimal Degrees): Incident Started Dt: (708121/2020-7 Time: ( 8;20 a_M7 Incident End Dt 08121_12020 % Time: t_08:40 amp (mm-dd-yyyy) (hh:mm AM/PM) (mm-dd-yyyy) (hh:mrri AM/PM) Estimated Volume of the SSO: 60 4 gallons Estimated Duration (Round to nearest hour): 0:20 hours Describe how the volume was determined: 5 Gallon Bucket and by sight Weather conditions during the SSO event: Heavy rainfall heavythunderstorm"i7- Did SSO reach surface waters? [1 Yes ❑ No ❑ Unknown Volume reaching surface waters (gals): 600 Surface water name: YADKIN RIVER Did the SSO result in a fish kill? ❑ Yes Q No ❑ Unknown If Yes, what is the estimated number offish killed? SPECIFIC cause(s) of the SSO: Severe Natural Conc Inflow and infiltration 24 hour verbal notification (name of person contacted ): Paul DiMatteo 2 DWR ❑ Emergency Mgmt Date (mm-dd-yyy): 08/21/2020 Time (hh:mm AM/PM): 03:20:00 pm If an SSO is ongoing, please notify the appropriate Regional Office on a daily basis until SSO can be stopped. Per G.S. 143-215.1 C(b), the responsible party of a discharge of 1,000 or more of untreated wastewater to surface waters shall issue a press release within 24-hours of first knowledge to all print and electronic news media providing general coverage in the county where the discharge occurred. When 15,000 gallons or more of untreated wastewater enters surface waters, a public notice shall be published within 10 days and proof of publication shall be provided to the Division within 30 days. Refer to the reference statute for further detail. The Director Division of Water Resources, may take enforcement action for SSOs that are required to be reported to Division unless it is demonstrated that: 1) the discharge was cause by sever natural conditions and there were no feasible alternative to the discharge: or 2) the discharge was exceptional, unintentional, temporary and caused by factors beyond the reasonable control of the Permittee and/or owner, and the discharge could not have been prevented by the exercise of reasonable control. Part II must be completed to provide a justification claim for either of the above situations. This information will be the basis WHETHER OR NOT PART III IS COMPLETED, A SIGNATURE IS REQUIRED AT THE END OF THIS FORM CS-SSO Form Page: 1 State of North Carolina MR-1 Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Resources Collection System Sanitary Sewer Overflow Reporting Form Division of Water Resources Form CS-SSO PART I: This form shall be submitted to the appropriate DWQ Regional Office within five business days of the first knowledge of the sanitary sewer overflow (SSO). Permit Number: WQCS00376 (WQCS# if active, otherwise use WQCSD#) Facility: Yadkin Valley Sewer Authority WWTP Incident #: 202002461 Owner: Yadkin Valley Sewer Authority City: Elkin County: Surry Region: Winston-Salem Source of SSO (check applicable): R1 Sanitary Sewer ❑ Pump Station / Lift Station SPECIFIC location of the SSO (be consistent in description from past reports or documentation - i.e. Pump Station 6, Manhole at Westall & Bragg Street, etc) Elkin C�el6—eek-LMH990 (Manhole #: 990-7 Latitude (Decimal Degrees): Longitude (Decimal Degrees): - Incident Started Dt: " 021/204 Time: 9mi25aIncident End Dt( 08/21/2020 Time: r~`09:55, am (mm-dd-yyyy) (hh:mm AM/PM) (mm-dd-yyyy) `(fih:mm AM/PM) Estimated Volume of the SSO:(:i_00i1 gallons Estimated Duration (Round to nearest hour): 0:30 hours Describe how the volume was determined: 5 Gallon Bucket and by sight Weather conditions during the SSO event:f, Heavy rainfall heavy thunderstorms `� Did SSO reach surface waters? 0 Yes ❑ No ❑ Unknown Volume reaching surface waters (gals): 300 Surface water name: Elkin Creek (River) Did the SSO result in a fish kill? ❑ Yes 0 No ❑ Unknown If Yes, what is the estimated number offish killed? 0 SPECIFIC cause(s) of the SSO: Z Severe Natural Con( [1 Inflow and Infiltration 24 hour verbal notification (name of person contacted ): Paul DiMatteo 0 DWR ❑ Emergency Mgmt Date (mm-dd-yyy): 08/21/2020 Time (hh:mm AM/PM): 03:20:00 pm If an SSO is ongoing, please notify the appropriate Regional Office on a daily basis until SSO can be stopped. Per G.S. 143-215.1C(b), the responsible party of a discharge of 1,000 or more of untreated wastewater to surface waters shall issue a press release within 24-hours of first knowledge to all print and electronic news media providing general coverage in the county where the discharge occurred. When 15,000 gallons or more of untreated wastewater enters surface waters, a public notice shall be published within 10 days and proof of publication shall be provided to the Division within 30 days. Refer to the reference statute for further detail. The Director Division of Water Resources, may take enforcement action for SSOs that are required to be reported to Division unless it is demonstrated that: 1) the discharge was cause by sever natural conditions and there were no feasible alternative to the discharge; or 2) the discharge was exceptional, unintentional, temporary and caused by factors beyond the reasonable control of the Permittee and/or owner, and the discharge could not have been prevented by the exercise of reasonable control. Part II must be completed to provide a justification claim for either of the above situations. This information will be the basis WHETHER OR NOT PART III IS COMPLETED, A SIGNATURE IS REQUIRED AT THE END OF THIS FORM CS-SSO Form Page: 1 State of North Carolina DWR Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Resources Collection System Sanitary Sewer Overflow Reporting Form Division of Water Resources Form CS-SSO PART I: This form shall be submitted to the appropriate DWQ Regional Office within five business days of the first knowledge of the sanitary sewer overflow (SSO). Permit Number: WQCS00376 (WQCS# if active, otherwise use WQCSD#) Facility: Yadkin Valley Sewer Authority WWTP Incident #: 202002462 Owner: Yadkin Vallev Sewer Authority City: Elkin County: Surry Region: Winston-Salem Source of SSO (check applicable): Z Sanitary Sewer ❑ Pump Station / Lift Station SPECIFIC location of the SSO (be consistent in description from past reports or documentation - i.e. Pump Station 6, Manhole at Westall & Bragg Street, etc)F,E i1 Manhole'#:-_ 9937_1 Latitude (Decimal Degrees): Longitude (Decimal Degrees): Incident Started Dt:, A8/21/2020 Time:Oam -T Incident End Dt: 08/21/2020 (mm-dd-yyyy) (hh:mm AM/PM) (mm-dd-yyyy) Time: ( 10:00. am (hh:mm AM/PM) Estimated Volume of the SSO:,- 600_:; gallons Estimated Duration (Round to nearest hour): 0:30 hours Describe how the volume was determined: 5 Gallon Bucket and by sight Weather conditions during the SSO evenC,_Heavy rainfall heavy thun`de-rsto�rms Did SSO reach surface waters? 0 Yes ❑ No ❑ Unknown Volume reaching surface waters (gals): 600 Surface water name: Elkin Creek (River) Did the SSO result in a fish kill? ❑ Yes W No ❑ Unknown If Yes, what is the estimated number offish killed? SPECIFIC cause(s) of the SSO: 2 Severe Natural Con( M Inflow and Infiltration 24 hour verbal notification (name of person contacted ): Paul DiMatteo s/ DWR ❑ Emergency Mgmt Date (mm-dd-yyy): 08/21/2020 Time (hh:mm AM/PM): 03:20:00 pm If an SSO is ongoing, please notify the appropriate Regional Office on a daily basis until SSO can be stopped. Per G.S. 143-215.1 C(b), the responsible party of a discharge of 1,000 or more of untreated wastewater to surface waters shall issue a press release within 24-hours of first knowledge to all print and electronic news media providing general coverage in the county where the discharge occurred. When 15,000 gallons or more of untreated wastewater enters surface waters, a public notice shall be published within 10 days and proof of publication shall be provided to the Division within 30 days. Refer to the reference statute for further detail. The Director Division of Water Resources may take enforcement action for SSOs that are required to be reported to Division unless it is demonstrated that: 1) the discharge was cause by sever natural conditions and there were no feasible alternative to the discharge; or 2) the discharge was exceptional, unintentional, temporary and caused by factors beyond the reasonable control of the Permittee and/or owner, and the discharge could not have been prevented by the exercise of reasonable control. Part II must be completed to provide a justification claim for either of the above situations. This information will be the basis WHETHER OR NOT PART III IS COMPLETED, A SIGNATURE IS REQUIRED AT THE END OF THIS FORM CS-SSO Form Page: 1 ITEM Total for Employees Wages Affidavit for Publication for Regional PS, 131 N Bridge St, Elkin Creek Lines Cost Analysis for 8/21/2020 SSOs Inflow and Infiltration, Severe Natural Condition LOCATION EMPLOYEE/ #ITEM/COST TOTAL VENDOR WAGES (See Attached) The Tribune 1 publication @ $125.40 EXTENDED COST (with benefits) $389.69 $125.40 TOTAL Employee $515.09 SSO: YVSA WAGE EXPENSE SHEET ; CALL" 0.15% RT $/HR ER EXP TOTAL EXP ALVIN HAYES { DALE CHEEK I JIMMY CHEEK DAVID MARTIN I ROBERT SMITH $19.81 14.08 $170.29 BILLY STONE ALVIN WILMOTH $21.02 118.14 $219.41 (*BUDDY) NICOLE JOHNSTON DAVEJOHNSON i $389.69 / l �� YAD0NVALLEY SEWER AUTHORITY TIME SHEETS LOB reg. EMPLOYEE: BuddyVVi|nmoth sickvacationholiday comp Overtime total hrs ` m'cCVcmmm�. nn/,x/inon ---�—�-'-�-_-,---- TIMEIN TIMEOUT REG HOURS jM,9-UVS uks TOTAL 1719 TOTAL HOURS FOR WEEK I WEEK ENDING: OO/ SATURDAY 3UNDAy K8ONDAY TUE5DAY THURSDAY FRIDAY TOTAL HOURS FOR WEEK C:\Users\portia.hayes\Deyktnp\IO19Timesheet:xlsx 0 COLLECTIONS WORK ORDER DATA ANALYSIS FORM y/�J (To be completed upon job completion) 1) Date of service call: U � // / / Z 0 2) Identification (please circle): mp Station Sewer Line W WTP Issue Priv oncern Sewer Clog Other 3) Description of callout (including address of concern OR name Sink Hole of pump station): 4) Time spent / Number of employees used: O5) Inventory used to complete job: 6) Do we need to order any inventory to replace utilized parts, supplies, etc.? YES QNO 7) Did we need to purchase ANY supplies from Lowe's, 67 Hardware, etc.? YES NO 8) How much (approximately) were these purchases? 9) Was there a reportable spill for this callout (please circle): YES NO (Note: If yes, please complete 5-day spill report.) 10) What corrective action steps (if any) were completed? 11) How can we prevent this callout from occurring again? O12) Any other information to report? REPORT COMPLETED BY: DATE: FORM: WSAMI DAILY WORK SHEET DATE:_ NAME:J✓ Detail q Location 7 - 7:30 7:30-8 / 2 7 8 - 8:30 8:30 - 9 9:30 - 10 10 - 10:30 10:30 - 11 11 - 11:30 11:30 - 12 12 - 12:30 12:30 - 1 1- 1:30 1:30 - 2 2 - 2:30 2:30 - 3 3 - 3:30 3:30 - 4 4 - 4:30 Detail examples: 1) Camera Work 2) Emergencies - clogs / leaks 3) Equipment Maint. 4) Grease Trap Insp. - 5) Line / Hook-up Checks 6) Map Updates/ GIS Work 7) Mowing ROW 8) Mowing Stations 9) Ordering/Inventory 10) PS- Daily Read / Inspect 11) PS- Weekly Read 12) Pump Station Repair 13) Routine Sewer Cleaning 14) Sewer Repairs Maint. 15) Smoke Testing 16) Tap Installation 17) Training 18) Vehicle Maint. 19) 811 Locates 20) Lunch 21) Clean out replacement 22) Other i S:\Nikki, Portia& Dave\Forms\Daily Work Sheet.04242013.x1sx YADKIN VALLEY SEWER AUTHORITY TIME SHEETS EMPLOYEE: Robert Smith WEEK ENDING: 08/14/2020 a reg. sick vacation holiday O/C Hrs. comp Overtime 1 60 total hrs � TIME IN TIME OUT REG HOURS I@ VACATION HQURs', tHOLIDAN FOURS On Call rx H`s .y Wooed'` COMP HOUR$ .pVE E HOUR TOTAL HOURS SATURDAY 8/8/2020 SUN DAY 8/9/2020 MONDAY 8/10/2020 TUESDAY 8/11/2020 WEDNESDAY 8/12/2020 '7: 3 O THURSDAY 8/13/2020 7')3 o H:30 it FRIDAY 8/14/2020 7 : 3 O ::30 TOTAL HOURS FOR WEEK q0 I 1 #10 WEEK ENDING: 08/21/2020 THURSDAY FOR WEEK 0 C:\Users\portia.hayes\Desktop\2019 Time sheet.xisx DAILY WORK SHEET DATE: NAME:�pJ�1�� �m I Detail 9 Location 7 - 7:30 7:30-8 a� C6 (, 1 LS% 8-8:30 If !� V`, 1 8:30 - 9 9 - 9:30 9:30 - 10 10 - 10.30 10.30 - 11 11 - 11:30 1130 -12 12 - 12:30 �a 12:30 - 1 I U ` 1 - 1:30c la 130-2 a 2 - 2:30 a 2:30 - 3 a 3 3:30 - 4 4 - 4:30 Detail -examples: 1) Camera Work 2) Emergencies - clogs / leaks 3) Equipment Maint. 4) Grease Trapinsp. 5) Line / Hook-up Checks 6) Map Updates/GIS Work 7.) Mowing ROW 8) Mowing Stations 9) Ordenoo/Inventory 10) PS Daily Read/Inspect 11) PS Weekly Read 12) Pump Station Repair 13) Routine Sewer Cleaning 14) Sewer Repairs Maint. 15) Smoke Testing 16) Tapinstaiiatton 17) Training 18) 'Veh OR Main" 19) 11 Locates 20) Lu,-)ch 21) Clean out replacement 22) Other S:\Nikki, Portia & Dave\Forms\Daily Work Sheet-04242013 xlsx EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Nicole Johnston SECRETARY Anita Darnell TREASURER Wayne V. Moore August 24, 2020 Press Release For Immediate Release: CHAIRMAN Woody Faulk VICE-CHAIRMAN Anita Darnell BOARD OF DIRECTORS Wayne V. Moore Victor Varela Tommy Wheeler On August 21, 2020, the Yadkin Valley Sewer Authority experienced five (5) sanitary sewer overflows (SSOs) due to severe natural conditions and inflow and infiltration, all reaching the Yadkin River. A Summarization of the SSOs follows: 1) Regional Pump Station at manhole # 980 approximately 15,000 gallons, reaching the Yadkin River 2) 131 B South Bridge St., Elkin at manhole # 157 approximately 600 gallons, reaching the Yadkin River 3) Railroad tracks in Elkin at manhole # 993 approximately 600 gallons, reaching the Elkin Creek 4) Elkin Library at manhole # 990 approximately 300 gallons, reaching the Elkin Creek 5) Ronda Park at manhole #1008 approximately 225 gallons, reaching the Yadkin River The SSOs were reported to Division of Water resources. Any questions should be directed to the Yadkin Valley Sewer Authority at 336-835-9819 or the Winston-Salem "Regional NCDEQ office at 336-776-9800. Publish: The Elkin Tribune Publication date: Wednesday, August 26, 2020 500 NC Hwy 268 W = Elkin, NC 28621 Phone: 336-835-9819 - www.wsa.org - Fax: 336-835-9840 Order Receipt Portia Hayes 420-Yadkin Valley Sewer Authority 500 NC HWY 268 W ELKIN, NC 28621 The Tribune P.O Box 1630MT Greeneville, TN 37744 Phone: 336-786-4141 Acct M 20120610 Phone: (336)835-9819 Date: 11 /19/2020 Ad M 70042813 Salesperson: e110 Ad Taker: shurley Class: 0100 Ad Notes: Sort Line: SSO Aug 21 Description Start Stop Ins. Cost/Day Amount OOOAPF2 Affidavit Fee $15 15.00 42002 Elkin Tribune 8/26/2020 8/26/2020 1 110.40 110.40 Ad Text: PUBLIC NOTICE On August 21, 2020, the Yadkin Valley Sewer Authority experienced five (5) sanitary sewer overflows (SSOs) due to severe natural conditions and inflow and infiltration, all reaching the Yadkin River. A Summarization of the SSOs follows: 1) Regional Pump Station at manhole # 980 approximately 15,000 gallons, reaching the Yadkin River 2) 131 B South Bridge St., Elkin at manhole # 157 approximately 600 Payment Reference: Total: 125.40 Tax: 0.00 Net: 125.40 Prepaid: 0.00 Total Due 125A0 1 PUBLIC NOTICE On August 21, 2020, the Yadkin Valley Sewer Authority experienced five (5) sanitary sewer overflows (SSOs) due to severe natural conditions and inflow and infiltration, all reaching the Yadkin River. A Summarization of the SSOs follows: 1) Regional Pump Station at manhole # 980 approximately 15,000 gallons, reaching the Yadkin River 2) 131 B South Bridge St., Elkin at manhole # 157 approxim- ately 600 gallons, reaching the Yadkin River 3) Railroad tracks in Elkin at manhole # 993 approximately 600 gallons, reaching the Elkin Creek 4) Elkin Library at manhole # 990 approximately 300 gallons, reaching the Elkin Creek 5) Ronda Park at manhole #1008 approximately 225 gal- lons, reaching the Yadkin River The SSOs were reported to Dk vision of Water resources. Any questions should be directed to the Yadkin Valley Sewer Au- thority at 336-835-9819 or the Winston-Salem Regional NCD- EQ office at 336-776-9800. Publish: 8-26-20 70039894 6-969.+ �19 1- 16 + tO 2-825 + 11 1 -313 + I,'/- 1 -0,61 + 1,3 0015 7-33 * 0.969 + 1-16 + 2.825 + 1 -313 + 1.061 + 005 7.33 * 7-33 5- 1-47 to � ............ . ......... FY DESCRIPTION SEWER PS NOTE NO. 00006 60-655-8000 $ 261 Payable 5 YEA LAST PA I MEMORIAL PARK PUMP STATION 60-655-8005 $ 9 Payable_ 3 YEA LAST P I WWTP IMPROVEMENTS(l) 60-655-8003 $ 774 payable, 11 YEAI LAST PA WWTP IMPROVEMENTS (2) 60.655.8008 S 1,275 payable; 20 YEAI LAST PA TOWN OF JONESVILLE Assumed Debt 60-655-8009 $ 93Q payable; 14 YEAI LAST PA YVSA OPERATIONS CENTER 60-655-8010 $ 423 Payable) 15 YEA) LAST PA OUTFALL REHAB P'Y"`' 20 YEAI 60-655-8011 LAST PA, PUMP STATION $ 56 REHAB PROJECT payable, 2015 WWTP IMPROVEMENTS F2O 60-655-8013 2017 COLLECTION SYSTEM REHAB 2017 WWTP REHAB PROJECT 60-655-8015 H $ BALANCE 9,620.70 11 $ 771,793.30 I .64 I ,625.10 INC FROM'20 BUDGET YADKIN .VALLEY SEWER AUTHORITY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PLAN - (FY'21 - NO. Infl Line PLAN ADOPTION DATE: The undersigned duly qualified and acting Secretary ofthe Yadkin Von, Sewer Amt attached capital improvement plan is a has and coned copy fthe capital improvema convened meeting of the Board of Directors of the Yadkin Valley Smvvr Authority du and. further. that such capital tmpr t plan has been fully recorded in the journal once. IN WANE EOF-ha to set my hand this 22nd day of ( "gnatare efRecordmo m) Secretary Qitle of Recording Officer) �Y- uIVIVtO �3.YaY CWv�ImmYnnM-Wmfm�Jan�4a\mµWYSatae�n/yy.NaaCV irA 16NYepgnnID Elkin Collection System Study stem for DH Control at WWTP Southwest Elkin Collection System Improvements Collection System Rehabilitation Project Phase it(Pump Stations Historic Jonesville Technical Assistance Grant TAG PGW Sewer Improvements Rehabilitation nent Plant Imo Street Sewer Dutchman Creek Pump Station Elimination WWTP Dual Ditch Extended Aeration Blow 2020 Collection Svstem Rehabilitation — Po ,R- r. YVSA DEQ YVSA TOTAL • ,., ; "/° "I' ' FEM-k ;- DWI FEE ` CASH, COST COMPLETE $121,000 $50,000 $121,000 100 100 $191500,_ $19,500 100 $300,000 100 $28,645� $1,316,189, 100 $21,000 _ $1,403,955, _ 100 � $50,000 100 $156,8161 $2,702,375 100 _$1,767� $1,170,637 100 $46,999_ _ �_ $2,392,8651 100 1 1,375 �$42,989; 4 _ $2,688,489, 99 $25,90_8y 99. -. __�_$1,321,322 $244,7831 $244,783! 100 d,842.—--� $28,435' $53,7941 - ' - ---- - $1,757,946,,10 - _ _$29620� $1,051,620I 25 $21250 $12,750" _ $165,0001 _ _ 100__� $' _ $785,885 10 J T $13,150 -- --�---$13,4001 $6�— i _ _ 5 $683,400' _ 0 $365,000; - -- - - $365,000 — 0 --- 1,217_ $365,0001 $230,__ 161L $639,055� --- $19,265,617i___ 1 Total for Loans: $7,656,471 YVSA Capital $869,216 Total for Grants (incl. Surry Co.): $10,739,930 Total $19,265,617 ECT FUNDING SOURCES OYCOOPERf lG1ICHli�1$:Il�GAN-' Sec i SDANfE! SNff[Ti. Dbecitrt; CERTIFIED MAIL: 8' ]rl 1�6im. RETURN RECEIPT D000 STE November 03, 2020 Nicole Johnston, Director Executive Yadkin Valley Sewer Authority PO Box 828 Elkin, NC 28621 SUBJECT: NOTICE OF VIOL ONTEN-�TO SSUE CIVIL PENALTY � Tracking No.: U nzo- ,.RaG4 Sanitary Sewer Overflows - August 2020 Collection System Permit No. WQCS00376 Yadkin Valley Sewer Authority WWTP Surry County Dear Permittee: A review has been conducted of the self -reported Sanitary Sewer Overflows (SSO's) 5-Day Report/s submitted by Yadkin Valley Sewer Authority. The Division's Winston-Salem Regional Office concludes that the Yadkin Valley Sewer Authority violated Permit Condition I (2) of Permit No. WQCS00376 by failing to effectively manage, maintain, and operate their collection system so that there is no SSO (Sanitary Sewer Overflow) to the land or , surface waters and the SSO constituted making an outlet to waters of the State for purposes of G.S. j 143-215.1(a)(1), for which a permit is required by G.S. 143-215.1. The Winston-Salem Regional Office is providing the Yadkin Valley Sewer Authority an opportunity to provide evidence and justification as to why the Yadkin Valley Sewer Authority should not be assessed a civil penalty for the violation(s) that are summarized below: Total Vol Total Surface Incident Start Duration Vol Water Number Date (Mina) Location Cause (Gals) (Gals) DWR Action 202002308 8/6/2020 30 Industrial Park PS, 300 Inflow and 300 300 Notice of Violation Business Park or Infiltration, Power Outage Total Vol Total Surface Incident Start Duration Vol Water Number -Date (Mina) Location Cause (Gals) (Gals) DWR Action 202002355 8/15/2020 60 Crater Park - 310 Inflow and 1,200 1,200 Notice of Violation , Standard St Infiltration, Severe Natural Condition 202002356 8/15/2020 300 Regional Pump Station - Inflow and 21,000 21,000 Notice of Violation Hwy 268 E Infiltration, Severe Natural Condition 202002459 8/21/2020 180 Regional Pump Station 'Inflow and 15,000 15000 Notice of Intent Infiltration, Severe " Natural Condition 202002460 8/21/2020 20 131 N Bridge St Inflow and 600 600 Notice of Violation Infiltration, Severe Natural Condition .202002461 8/21/2020 30 Elkin Creek Line MH990 Inflow and 300 300 Notice of Violation Infiltration, Severe. Natural Condition 202002462 8/21/2020 30 Elkin Creek Line MH993 Inflow and 600 600 Notice of Violation In Severe Natural Condition This Notice of Violation / Notice of Intent to Enforce (NOV/NOI) is being issued for the noted violation. Pursuant to G.S. 143-215.6A, a civil penalty of not more than twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000.00) may be assessed against any person who violates or fails to act in accordance with the terms, conditions, or requirements of any permit issued pursuant to G.S. 143-215.1. This office requests that you respond to this Notice, in writing, within 10 business days of its receipt. In your response, you should address the causes of non-compliance, remedial actions, and all other actions taken to prevent the recurrence of similar situations. The response to this correspondence will be considered in this process. Enforcement decisions will also be based on volume spilled, volume reaching surface waters, duration and gravity, impacts to public health, fish kills or recreational area closures. Other factors considered in determining the amount of the civil penalty are the violator's history of non-compliance, the cost of rectifying the damage, whether the spill was intentional and whether money was saved by non-compliance. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Ron Boone with the Water Quality Section in the Winston-Salem Regional Office at 336-776-9800 or via email at ron.boone@ncdenr.gov. Sincerely, Coeasia� W. v.rbr* u.49,M caen" Lon T. Snider, Regional Supervisor Water Quality Regional Operations Section Winston-Salem Regional Office Division of Water Resources, NCDEQ Cc: Laserfiche