HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0021733_Permit Issuance_20020423OF VIA ' O� QG o CO Mayor John A. Dodson Town of Marshall P.O. Box 548 Marshall, North Carolina Dear Mayor Dodson: In response to your received May 1, 2001, the transmits your final permit. Michael F. Easley, Governor State of North Carolina William G. Ross, Jr., Secretary Department of Environment and Natural Resources Gregory J. Thorpe, Ph D, Acting Director Division of Water Quality April 23, 2002 - 28153 Subject: Issuance of Final NPDES Permit NCO021733 Town of Marshall WWTP Madison County permit renewal request for the subject wastewater treatment plant (WV70), Division of Water Quality (the Division) has concluded its review and hereby As part of renewal, the Division 'conducted a Reasonable Potential Analysis (RPA) on potential toxicants and metals considering Significant Industrial Users (SIUs), previous monitoring, and this facility's Pretreatment Program. This RPA evaluated "reasonable potential" for effluent parameters to exceed North Carolina's instream Water Quality Standards. Having concluded its review, the Division offers the following comments and changes to your previous permit: • Concerning WWTP Grade and Monitoring Frequencies. Based on the current permitted flow and Marshall's as -built treatment facilities, the Division has reclassified (downgraded) this facility from Grade III to Grade II. Therefore, monitoring frequencies for BOD5i. Total Suspended Solids, and Total Nitrogen have been revised from 3/week to Weekly. Similarly, ammonia monitoring (NH3 as N) has -been reduced from weekly to 2/Month. 1 However, the monitoring frequencies for various metals have been increased, based on "reasonable potential" to exceed instream Water Quality Standards. • Concerning Effluent Discharge of Metals. The Division reviewed monitoring data for effluent parameters of concern including cadmium, silver, copper and zinc. The RPA data indicated that all of these parameters show "reasonable potential" to exceed instream Water Quality Standards. Therefore, the monitoring frequencies for copper, silver and zinc have been increased to monthly (no limits — state "action levels" only). In addition, monthly monitoring for cadmium shall remain in the permit, but discharge of this metal shall be further restricted by a permit limit (2.0 µg/L) based on the Standard. • Concerning Disinfection and Fecal Coliform Monitoring. In response to recently completed stream use -attainability studies, the Division has reclassified this portion of the French Broad River to Class B (direct human contact, swimming, etc.). The Division has therefore added effluent monitoring and limits for fecal coliform bacteria to the permit, effective June 1, 2003. Should your. WWTP require new or modified facilities to meet, this requirement, a request for an NCDENR North Carolina Division of Water Quality 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 (919) 733-7015 Customer Service 1800 623-7748 Permit NIC0021 T 33' Page 2 , Permit NC0021733' SUPPLEMENT TO PERMIT COVER SHEET The Town of Marshall is hereby authorized to: 1. Continue discharging 0.400 MGD of treated domestic and industrial wastewater from an activated -sludge wastewater treatment facility consisting of the following components: • Influent bar screen, • Oxidation ditch with rotary aerators, - Clarifier with sludge return • Totalizing flow meter, • Aerated sludge -digestion tank, • Sludge belt press (polymer added), • Sludge holding tank, • Sludge drying equipment (wedgewire screen). This facility is located in Marshall at the Town of Marshall WWTP in Madison County. 2. Discharge from said wastewater treatment works through Outfall 001 to the French Broad River (see attached map), a stream classified as Class B waters within the French Broad River Basin. rr Gap col 0 Q00° i% �- r I ,MA CEM 37 Subs 75� •_ Mashburn GaR,—r 61 MS 650% ! a?! 95. ( IQ -BERrs CEtiY Roberts Gap } _',°°°+ •y = r 1 \ L. \`� tj '� ov to ..- r:-_ - �•� , - �� G -qM1°°i��__ _ - ._1gp011368 w373�� 'x o _ Blennerhsssgcc aMR aF: �.,a• +. ,� I = o AM OA 4IN STA D Quad: Marshall, N.C. NC0021733 Facility Stream Class: B Town of Marshall Location Subbasin: 40304 g:s Receiving Stream: French Broad River WWTP Latitude: 35°47'51" Longitude: 82'31'24" LNorth SCALE 1m214000 Permit NC0021733 A. (1.) EFFLUENT LIMITATIONS AND MONITORING REQUIREMENTS (2002-2003) Beginning on the effective date of the permit and lasting until midnight on May 31, 2003, the Permittee is authorized to discharge through Outfall 001. Such discharges shall be limited and monitored by the Permittee as specified below: PARAMETERS 4 = .. EFFLUENT LIMITS : ` ' MONITORING REQUIREMENTS .. Monthly Average'";. ; = Weekly ,Average,- : Daily - Maximum: Measurement Fr uenc Sample . T e= Sample Location =` Flow (MGD) 0.400 Continuous Recording Influent or Effluent BOD, 5 day, 20°C 1 30.0 mg/L 45.0 mg/L Weekly Composite Influent and Effluent Total Suspended Solids (TSS)1 30.0 mg/L 45.0 mg/L Weekly Composite Influent and Effluent NH3 as N 2/Monthly Composite Effluent Temperature (°C) Weekly Grab Effluent pH2 Weekly Grab Effluent Total Nitrogen (NO2 + NO3 + TKN) Quarterly Composite Effluent Total Phosphorus Quarterly Composite Effluent Acute Toxicity3 Quarterly Composite Effluent Total Copper Monthly Composite Effluent Total Zinc Monthly Composite Effluent Total Cadmium 2.0 pg/L4 Monthly Composite Effluent Total Silver Monthly Composite Effluent Footnotes 1. Monthly average effluent concentrations for Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BODS) and TSS shall not exceed 15% of the respective influent values (i.e. 85% removal). 2. Effluent pH shall not fall below 6.0 nor exceed 9.0 standard units. 3. Acute Toxicity (Fathead Minnow) P/F at 90 %; quarterly during February, May, August and November [See A. (3.)] 4. The Division shall consider the permittee in compliance with this limit if this parameter is not detected by the appropriate North Carolina -certified analytical method conducted at the lowest technically -executable practical quantitation level (PQL) available. Units: mg/L = milligrams per liter ml = milliliter NH3 as N = ammonia as nitrogen µg/L = micrograms per liter BOD = biochemical oxygen demand Effluent shall contain no floating solids or foam visible in other than trace amounts. Permit NCO021733 A. (2.) EFFLUENT LIMITATIONS ANDAIMIONITORING REQUIREMENTS (2003-2005) Beginning on June 1,.2003 and lasting until expiration, the Permittee is authorized to discharge through Outfall 001. Such discharges shall, be, limited and monitored by the Permittee as specified below: PARAMETERS ` x EFFLUENT LIMITS ~~ MONITORING REGIUIREMEN_ TS' Monthly , . Average . `.n Average- )ally Maximurn° Measurement Fre uenc ,; Sample, "TYPO Sam le Location ., Flow 0.400 MGD Continuous Recording Influent or Effluent BOD, 5 day, 20°C 1 30.0 mg/L 45.0 mg/L Weekly Composite Influent and Effluent Total Suspended Solids (TSS)l 30.0 mg/L 45.0 mg/L Weekly Composite Influent and Effluent NH3 as N WMonthly i Composite Effluent Temperature (°C) Weekly Grab Effluent pH2 Weekly Grab Effluent Fecal Coliform (geometric mean 200/100 ml 400/100 ml. Weekly Grab Effluent Total Residual Chlorine3 Weekly Grab Effluent Total Nitrogen (NO2 + NO3 + TKN) Quarterly Composite Effluent Total Phosphorus Quarterly Composite Effluent Acute Toxicity4 Quarterly Composite Effluent Total Copper Monthly Composite Effluent Total Zinc Monthly Composite Effluent Total Cadmium 2•0 µ 1_5 Monthly Composite Effluent Total Silver . Monthly Composite Effluent Footnotes 1. Monthly average effluent concentrations for Biochemical Oxygen Demand (GODS) and TSR shall not exceed 15% of the respective influent values (.e. 85% removal). 2. Effluent pH shall not fall below 6.0 nor exceed 9.0 standard units. 3, Total Residual Chlorine (IRC) -- the permittee shall monitor for TRC only if chlorine is used to disinfect. 4. Acute Toxicity (Fathead Minnow) P/F at 90 %; quarterly during February, May, August, and November [See A. (3.)] 5. The Division shall consider the permittee in compliance with this limit if this parameter is not detected by the appropriate North Carolina -certified analytical method conducted at the lowest technically -executable practical quantitation level (PQL) available. Units: mg/L = milligrams per liter ml milliliter NH3 as N = ammonia as nitrogen µg/L = micrograms per liter BOD = biochemical oxygen demand Effluent shall contain no floating solids or foam visible in other than trace amounts. Permit NC0021733 A. (3.) ACUTE TOXICITY PASS/FAIL PERMIT LIMIT (Quarterly) The permittee shall conduct acute toxicity tests on a quarterly basis using protocols defined in the North Carolina Procedure Document entitled "Pass/Fail Methodology For Determining Acute Toxicity In A Single Effluent Concentration" (Revised - July, 1992 or subsequent versions). The monitoring shall be performed as a Fathead Minnow (Pimephales promelas) 24 hour static test. The effluent concentration at which there may be at no time significant acute mortality is 90% (defined as treatment two in the procedure document). Effluent samples for self -monitoring purposes must be obtained during representative effluent discharge below all waste treatment. The tests will be performed during the months of February, May, August, and November. All toxicity testing results required as part of this permit condition will be entered on the Effluent Discharge Monitoring Form (MR-1) for the month in which it was performed, using the parameter code TGE6C. Additionally, DWQ Form AT-2 (original) is to be sent to the following address: Attention: North Carolina Division of Water Quality Environmental Sciences Branch 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1621 Completed Aquatic Toxicity Test Forms shall be filed with the Environmental Sciences Branch no later than 30 days after the end of the reporting period for which the report is made. Test data shall be complete and -accurate and include all supporting chemical/physical measurements performed in association with the toxicity tests, as well as all dose/response data. Total residual chlorine of the effluent toxicity sample must be measured and reported if chlorine is employed for disinfection of the waste stream. Should there be no discharge from the facility during a month that toxicity monitoring is required, the permittee will complete the information located at the top of the aquatic toxicity (AT) test form indicating the facility name, permit number, pipe number, county, and the month/year of the report. The permittee shall also insert the notation "No Flow" in the comment area of the form. The report shall be submitted to the Environmental Sciences Branch at the address cited above. Should any single quarterly monitoring indicate a failure to meet specified limits, then monthly monitoring will begin immediately until such,time that a single test is passed. Upon passing, this monthly test requirement will revert to quarterly in the months specified above. Should the permittee fail to monitor during a month in which toxicitymonitoring is required, then monthly monitoring will begin immediately until such time that a single test is passed. Upon passing, this monthly test requirement will revert to quarterly in the months specified above. Should any. test data from either these monitoring requirements or tests performed by the North Carolina Division of Water. Quality indicate potential impacts to the receiving stream, this permit may be re -opened and modified to include alternate monitoring requirements or limits. NOTE: Failure to achieve test conditions as specified in the cited document, such as minimum control organism survival and appropriate environmental controls, -shall constitute an invalid test and will require imrnediate follow- up testing to be completed no later than the last day of the month following the month of the initial monitoring. NPDES PERMIT DRAFT / FINAL FILE CONTENTS: Left side: ❑ New Tracking Slip. ❑ Old Tracking Slip. Right side: CHECK LIST Facility --VYAW 6 P- t" 7A cc u,�W-V' Permit No. ►vC-6b & f "4-J 3 NPDES Permit Writer: ❑ Streamline Package Sheet (to region, only if stre lined) ❑ Draft Permit Cover Letter. (add new volicv tex, : summarize maior 42es to vermit) ❑ Draft Permit (order: cover, supplement, map, efflue4t sheets, special conditions) ❑ Facility Map (E-Map: Include facility; Outfalls; U and D sample locations) ❑ Fact Sheet. (document permit writer's issues and re -issue logic) ❑ Permit Writers Notes (if not in Facts Sheet -- chronology, strategy, DMR Review, RPA, etc.) ❑ Staff Report from Region (as appropriate -- not needed if streamlined) ❑ Old Permit (Text, Effluent Sheets and Special Conditions) ❑ Permit Application. (New Permit or Renewal; any additional permittee correspondence) ❑ Acknowledgement Letter (for Renewal Application, from NPDES Unit) ❑ Permittee Responses (to acknowledgement letter, if any) ❑ Waste Load Allocation (reference date; recalculated for current action?) Note: Italics indicate special conditions not always required or applicable. }� ❑ Submitted to $7 1 V--f- ifMPf�' � for Peer Review: Date Admin cutoff ❑ Peer Review completed by Date Q-`� Permit Mailed / E-Mailed to 1,,� 0 A Ag7 -IQ (Re(onal SA by Date 0"' Regional Office Review completed by 19' Additional Review by ac--s o 6 l'tarf- A T6 Ak ❑ Additional Review completed by 4- s R, Date initiated by on: Date L/ Submitted to e-AC S f" 6 ZWg for Public Notice on : Notice Date B Updated Public Notice System (Date) A2Aff- 6-2 / anydBIMS. Date t:;r7 F=( -6-L g /. q �n l El FINAL submitted to Dave Goodrich for signature on i l ai�c � 0%4,- tT F 61 ` 0 Additional Review Affidavit of Publication PUBLIC NOTICE Madison County, North Carolina STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL Before the undersigned, witnesses, MANAGEMENT COMMISSON/NPDES UNIT qualified and authorized to witness, Glenda 1617 MAIL SERVICE CENTER Hughes who deposes says: RALEIGH, NC 27699-1617 That she is the OFFICE MANAGER NOTIFICATION OF INTENT TO engaged in the publication of a newspaper ISSUE A NPDES WASTEWATER known as: PERMIT Q, � the basis of thorough staff review The NEWS RECORD AND SENTINEL.. and application of NC General Published and issued in the Town of Marshall Statute 143.21, Public law 92-500 and entered as periodical class mail in the Town and other lawful standards and of Marshall, in Madison County, North regulations, the North Carolina Carolina; that she is authorized to make this Environmental Management Commission proposes to issue a affidavit and sworn statement; that the notice National Pollutant Discharge or other legal advertisement, a true copy of Elimination System (NPDES) which is attached hereto, was published -.in the wastewater discharge permit to the NEWS RECORD AND SENTINEL on the person(s) listed below effective 45 daysfrom the publish date of this following dates: Written comments regarding the proposed permit will be accepted until 30 days after the publish date And that the said newspaper in which such of this notice. All comments received prior to that date are considered in notice, paper, document or legal advertisement the final determinations regarding was published, a newspaper meeting all the the proposed permit. The Director of requirements and qualifications of Section the NC Division of Water Quality 1-597 of the General Statutes of North may decide to hold a public meeting Carolina. for the proposed permit should the This is the f Sr dayof Division receive a significant degree ,;? _ �cli of public interest. Copies of the draft permit and other supporting information on file used to determine conditions present in the draft permit are available upon Nature: Glenda Hughes, Offs Manager of the NEWS RECORD AND SENTINEL. request and payments of the costs of reproduction. Mail comments y State of NCounty of� % and/or requests for information to the NC Division of Water Quality at Si ed before me this day of the above address or call Ms. Christie Jackson at (919) 733-5083, extension 538. Please include the n j a NPDES permit number (attached) in �u any communication. Interested persons may also visit the Division Notary Public CIAL O:Notary North Caa of Water Quality at 512 N. Salisbury IVY Commission Ex TAR. GARD s.-- Public E Street, Raleigh, NC 27604-1148 between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. to review information on file. NPDES Permit Number NC0021733. Marshall, Town of -- WWTP, P.O. BOX 548, Marshall, NC 28753 has applied for a permit renewal for a facility located in Madison County discharging treated wastewater into the French Broad River in the French Broad River Basin. Currently fecal coliform, cadmium, and silver are water quality limited. This discharge may affect future allocations in this portion of the receiving stream. Published: Feb. 13. 2002 Draft Permit -Town of Marshall WWTP NCO021733 Subject: Draft Permit -Town of Marshall WWTP NCO021733 Date: Tue, 26 Feb 2002 13:00:21 -0500 From: "Matt Matthews" <matt.matthews@ncmail.net> To: "Joe Corporon" <joe.corporon@ncmail.net> Joe, I've reviewed the subject draft permit for proper implementation of WET. I found an inconsistency i e stye classification. The map page specifies Class C while the supplement page and fact sheet speci Class BJ11ave a call into Elizabeth Kountis to get a final ruling on this and will email you when I get t rm. The rest of the permit as it relates to WET looks good. Thanks for the opportunity to review the draft, Matt r Matt Matthews NC DENR/Division of Water Quality Aquatic Toxicology Unit 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1621 v-(919) 733-2136 f-(919) 733-9959 MailTo:Matt.Matthews@ncmail.net ------------------------------------------ 1 of 1 2/26/02 1:32 PM DENR / DWQ / NPDES Unit FACT SHEET FOR NPDES PERMIT DEVELOPMENT NPDES Permit NCO021733 INTRODUCTION Town of Marshall Wastewater Treatment Plant (herein referred to as Marshall or the permittee) requires a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit for its Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) to dispose treated wastewater to the surface waters of the state. The permittee's 5-year NPDES permit has expired and they have requested renewal from the Division of Water Quality (the Division). This Fact Sheet summarizes background information and rationale used by the Division's NPDES Unit to determine permit limits and conditions. This document also contains references to information sources relevant to this permit renewal (superscripted numbers in order of appearance, See References). FACILITY RECORDS REVIEW Facility Description. Marshall WWTP (Table 1) is a 0.400 MGD Publicly Owned Treatment Works (POTW) utilizing an influent bar screen, an oxidation ditch with rotary aerators, clarifier with sludge return, totalizing flow meter, aerated sludge -digestion tank, sludge belt press (polymer added), sludge holding tank, sludge drying equipment (wedgewire screen). 1 Table 1. Town of Marshall WWTP Facility Information Applicant/Facility Name l'2 Town of Marshall WWTP Applicant Address P.O. Box, 548, Marshall, North Carolina 28753 Facility Address ' Bennerhassett Island, Marshall, NC 28753 Permitted Flow (MGD)1'3 0.400 MGD (75 % domestic; —25% industrial) Type of Waste Domestic and industrial wastewater. Primary SIC Code 4952; WW Code Prim. 01; 2nd 57; Treatment Unit Code 10001 "Facility Grade/Permit Status 2,4 Grade H, Minor / Renewal Drainage Basin / County, ' . French Broad / Madison County Miscellaneous Receiving Stream i,2,4 French Broad River Regional Office Asheville Stream Classification 1's B State Grid./ . USGS To o Quad4 D 8 SW / Marshall 303(d) Listed?6 Not listed Permit Writer Joe R. Corporon Subbasin s 04-03-04 Date: 21Jan02 Drainage Area (sq. mi.)7 1338 k } " Lat. 35' 47' 51" Long. 82' 41' 24" Summer 7 10 cfs '' Q (3 535 ,, Winter 7Q10 (cfs) 682 30Q2 (cfs) 3,7 1030 Average Flow (cfs) 3'7 2488 Fact Sheet Renewal -- NPDES Permit NCO021733 Page 1 Current Division records for the Marshall WWTP date from 1977. The most recent permit became effective on December 1, 1996 and expired at midnight on October 31, 2001. The Division received prompt documentation to renew (Short Form A) on May 1, 2000."2 Waste Load Allocation (WLA). The Division prepared the last WLA in August 1996 and developed effluent limits and monitoring considering an in -stream waste concentration (IWC) of 0.12%. The Division judges these limits and monitoring requirements to be appropriate for thisrenewal with the exception of the additions and deletions listed below (see PERMITTING APPROACH SUMMARY). Verifying Existing Stream Conditions. This facility discharges to the French Broad River, newly re-classified B 2,5 within the French Broad River Basin. This portion of the French Broad River is not listed as an "impaired" waterbody [not 303(d) listed].6 CORRESPONDENCE Staff Report. The Basinwide Water Quality Plan (April 2000) recommended re-classifying the French Broad River from Class C to Class B. The Division has subsequently listed permittees affected by this re-classification including the Town of Marshall (Memo to Dave Goodrich, August 2000). Wanda Frazier of the Asheville Regional Office (ARO) inspected the facility and prepared a Staff Report and letter (05Mar01) to John Dodson, the Mayor of Marshall. ARO found this facility "...in good operational condition...." In keeping with the re-classification to Class B, Wanda recommended. that the permit renewal .include fecal coliform monitoring with limits requiring the addition of effluent disinfecting. COMPLIANCE REVIEW Pretreatment Compliance. The pretreatment program or Long Term Monitoring Plan for Marshall WWTP has been approved and the effluent monitoring data was considered during the Division's Reasonable Potential Analysis.$ Notices of Violation (NOVs). During the last three years (permit period January 1999 through December 2001), this facility received one NOV. This was for total suspended solids (exceeded daily maximum February 22, 1999). Acute Toxicity Testing. Toxicity testing records indicate one failure. Quarterly monitoring results for Acute Toxicity (flathead minnow) pass/fail at 90% effluent concentration indicates "pass" for quarters beginning January 1997 through July 1999. Marshall failed its TOX test in November 1999; submitted a bad test in December; did not test in January; then passed finally in February 2000. Records indicate pass for the subsequent seven (7) quarters through September 2001. 9110 Fact Sheet Renewal -- NPDES NCO021733 Page 2 DMR Instream and Effluent Data Review. The Division reviewed 46 months (January 1998 through October 2001) of effluent monitoring reported in monthly Discharge Monitoring Reports (DMRs). DMRs appeared regular, thorough, and complete. Total flow for ;this time period averaged about 0.120 MGD or about 30 % of permitted capacity.10 Current monitoring frequencies reflect WWTP classification as Grade III, .however, Marshall's as -built facilities and flow reflect Grade II. Therefore, the Division has corrected discharge monitoring frequencies from 3/week to weekly for many parameters according to DWQ guidelines. However for some metals, monitoring frequencies have increased based on reasonable potential. The following sections discuss specific effluent parameters. Fecal Coliform Limits and Effluent Disinfectiniz. Considering the recent re-classification of the French Broad River to Class B, the Division has added fecal coliform monitoring and effluent limits to the permit (effective one year from the permit effective date).4 Marshall does not currently disinfect its effluent. Chlorine monitoring will be required only if chlorine is used to disinfect. Instream Monitoring. In keeping with dilution at 864:1 (at 100% permitted flow), this facility does not currently conduct instream monitoring. The Regional Office has requested in -stream monitoring for this facility in response to stream reclassification as Class B, but this is not in keeping with Division renewal guidance for this level of dilution. Therefore, in -steam monitoring was not added to the .permit (see Effluent Limits and Monitoring Requirements). Reasonable Potential Analysis (RPA). The Division conducted EPA -mandated RPA .analyses on 46 months of DMR data10 to determine the "reasonable potential" for identified toxicants and metals to exceed instream Water Quality Standards. Pretreatment parameters were also considered. The Division compiled four (4) parameters of concern listed in the previous permit.$ Table 2 summarizes changes from the previous permit based on Reasonable Potential. Table 2. Permit Renewal Action -- Reasonable Potential (RP) Analysis Parameter Previously Maximum Maximum RP? Renewal Action Monitored? Predicted Allowable Cadmium Yes 335.6 µg/L 2.0 µg/L Yes Increased monitoring from Quarterly to Monthly. Added permit limit of 2.0 µg/L Silver Yes 87.35 µg/L 0.06 µg/L Yes. Action Level only, therefore no limit. Increased monitoring from Quarterly to Monthly. Copper Yes 253.8 µg/L 7.0 µg/L Yes Action Level only, therefore no limit. Increased monitoring from Quarterly to Monthly. Zinc Yes 233.4 µg/L 50.0 µg/L Yes Action Level only, therefore no limit. Increased monitoring from Quarterly to Monthly. Fact Sheet Renewal -- NPDES NCO021733 Page 3 Results indicate "reasonable potential" for all four parameters of concern. Because Cu and Zn have North Carolina State Action Levels only, they are to be monitored only and not limited. However, cadmium and silver will be added to the permit with limits, based on reasonable potential. i PERMITTING APPROACH SUMMARY Instream Monitoring Changes Previous Requirements: Recommended Changes: Toxicity Testing Previous Requirement: Recommended Changes: Effluent Monitoring BOD5 TSR Temperature Ammonia (NH3 as N) None.4 No change recommended. Quarterly Acute Toxicity (Fathead minnow) P/F @ effluent. cone. of 90 %. 4 No change recommended. Recommended Changes/Additions: from 3/week to weekly from 3/week to weekly from 3/week to weekly from weekly to 2/month Fecal Coliform Monitor Weekly with limits (Daily Max. 200/ Monthly. Ave. 400) Cadmium Monitor Monthly with limits (2.0 µg/L Daily Maximum) Silver Increase Quarterly to Monthly, no limits Copper Increase Quarterly to Monthly, no limits Zinc - Increase Quarterly to Monthly, no limits PROPOSED SCHEDULE OF ISSUANCE Draft Permit to Public Notice: February 6, 2002. Permit Scheduled to Issue: April 2, 2002 NPDES UNIT CONTACT If you have questions regarding any of the above information or on the attached permit, please contact Joe Corporon at (919) 733-5083 ext. 597. Pact Sheet Renewal -- NPDES NCO021733 Page 4 Results indicate "reasonable potential' for all four parameters of concern. Because Cu and Zn have North Carolina State Action Levels only, they are to be monitored only and not limited. However, cadmium and silver will be added to the permit with limits, based on reasonable potential. PERMITTING APPROACH SUMMARY Instream Monitoring Changes Previous Requirements: Recommended Changes: Toxicity Testing Previous Requirement: Recommended Changes: Effluent Monitoring BOD5 TSR Temperature Ammonia (NH3 as N) None.4 No change recommended. Quarterly Acute Toxicity (Fathead minnow) P/F @ effluent cone. of 90 %. 4 No change recommended. Recommended Changes/Additions: from 3/week to weekly from 3/week to weekly from 3/week to weekly from weekly to 2/month Fecal Coliform Monitor Weekly with limits (Daily Max. 200/ Monthly. Ave. 400) Cadmium Monitor Monthly with limits (2.0 µg/L Daily Maximum) Silver Increase Quarterly to Monthly, no limits Copper Increase Quarterly to Monthly, no limits Zinc Increase Quarterly to Monthly, no limits PROPOSED SCHEDULE OF ISSUANCE Draft Permit to Public Notice: Permit Scheduled to Issue: NPDES UNIT CONTA If you have questions r ard' g contact Joe Corporon 91 733, NAME: February 6, 2002. April 2, 2002 of the above information or on the attached permit, please 1 ext. 597. Fact Sheet Renewal -- NPDES NCO021733 Page 4 TE: -C&-FEG62 REFERENCES 1. 2001. NPDES Permit Application Short Form A. for the Town of Marshall WWTP, April 27. 2. 2001. NPDES Regional Staff Report and Recommendations for the Renewal, for the Town of Marshall WWTP, NPDES Permit No. NC0021733, Asheville Regional Office, Wanda Frazier, May 2. 3. 2000. Active NPDES Permits List, North Carolina Division of Water Quality, NPDES Unit, on the web at http:/h2o.enr.state.ne.us/NPDES/NPDESweb.html. 4. 1996. NPDES Permit No.NC0021733. Issued to Town of Marshall WWTP expires October 31, 2001. Copies obtained through The Division of Water Quality, Central Files, Archdale Building, 512 N. Salisbury St., Raleigh, North Carolina. 5. 2000. French Broad Basinwide Water Quality Plan. North Carolina Division of Water Quality, Water Quality Section, May. 6. 2000. 303(d) List of North Carolina Impaired Waters - Draft. North Carolina Division of Water Quality, Water Quality Section. Copies obtained through Planning Branch, Archdale Building, 512 N. Salisbury St., Raleigh, North Carolina. 7. 1996. NPDES Waste Load Allocation Work Sheet, NPDES Permit No. NC0021733, for Town of Marshall WWTP (modeled by Susan Wilson), June 14. 8. 2001. NPDES Request for LTMP Data, Joe Corporon (NPDES Unit) to Dana Folley (Pretreatment Unit), May 4. 9. 2001. NPDES Whole Effluent Toxicity Test Results, January 1997 through February 2001, DENR, Environmental Services Branch, Aquatic Toxicology Unit, March. 10. 1999-2001. Discharj4e Monitoring Reports (DMR) for Effluent (DEM Form MR-1) Town of Marshall WWTP, January 1999 through March 2001. Fact Sheet Renewal -- NPDES NC0021733 Page 5 Instream Waste Concentration (IWC) Towm of Marshall WWTP N C0021733 Prepared By: Joe Corporon, NPDES UnitZ-�� Enter Design Flow (MGD): 0.4 Enter s7010(cfs): 535 Enter w7010 (cfs): 682 Residual Chlorine Ammonia (NH3 as N) (summer) 7Q10 (CFS) 535 7Q10 (CFS) 535 DESIGN FLOW (MGD) 0.4 DESIGN FLOW (MGD) 0.4 DESIGN FLOW (CFS) 0.62 DESIGN FLOW (CFS) 0.62 STREAM STD (UG/L) 17.0 STREAM STD (MG/L) 1.0 UPS BACKGROUND LEVEL (UG/L) 0 UPS BACKGROUND LEVEL (MG/L; 0.22 IWC (%) 0.12 IWC (%) 0.12 Allowable Conc. (ug/1) 14686 Allowable Conc. (mg/1) 674.1 Fecal Limit (If DF >331; Monitor) (If DF <331, Limit) Dilution Factor (DF) NPDES Servor/Current Versions/IWC Ammonia (NH3 as N) (winter) 7Q10 (CFS) 682 Not Required DESIGN FLOW (MGD) 0.4 DESIGN FLOW (CFS) 0.62 STREAM STD (MG/L) 1.8 863.90 UPS BACKGROUND LEVEL (MG/L; 0.22 IWC (%) 0.09 Allowable Conc. (mg/1) 1739.8 1/22/02 Whole Effluent Toxicity Testing Self -Monitoring Summary December 19, 2001 FACILITY REQUIREMENT YEAR JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC Lumberton WWTP Penn chr lim: Y 1997 — Pass — — Pass — -- Pass --- --- Pass NCO024571/001 Begin:l/1/2001 Frequency:Q Feb May Aug Nov + NonComp:Single 1998 -- Pass — -- Pass -- -- Pass --- -- Pass -- County: Robeson Region: FRO Subbasin: LUM51 1999 — Pass — -- Pass -- -- Pass -- --- Pass -- PF: 20 Special 20 •— Pass — -- Pass -- -- Pass -- --- Pass --- 7QIO:I20 IWC(%):21 Order: 2001 -- Pass — — Pass — -- Pass -- --- Maggie Valley WWTP Penn chr lim: 6% 1997 Late Pass — Pass --- -- Pass -- -- NR/Pass -- --- NCO056561/001 Begin:1/1/1997 Frequency: Q P/F + Jan Apr Jul Oct NonComp:Single 1998 Pass -- — Pass -- -- Pass -- •— Pass -- --- County: Haywood Region: ARO Subbasin: FRB05 1999 Pass -- — Pass -- — Pass -- -- Pass -- -- PF: 1.0 Special 2000 Pass -- •— Pass -- — Pass -- -- Pass -- -- 7Q10:23.0 IWC(%):6.3 Order: 2001 Pass -- -- Pass -- -- Pass -- -- -- Maiden WWTP Penn chr lim: 11% 1997 Pass -- — Pass -- -- Pass -- -- Pass -- -- NCO039594/001 Begin:l/l/2001 Frequency: Q Jan Apr Jul Oct + NonComp:Single 1998 Pass -- — Pass -- -- Pass -- -- Fail Pass -- County: Catawba Region: MRO Subbasin: CTB35 1999 Pass -- — Pass -- -- >21 -- -- Pass -- -- PF: 1.0 Special 2000 Pass -- — Pass -- — Pass -- — Pass -- -- 7Q10: 12.0 IWC(%):lI Order: 2001 Pass,Pass -- — Pass -- — Pass — — Pass Masten WWTP Penn 24hr p/f ac lim: 90% 1997 •— Pass,Fail — -- Pass -- -- NR/Pass •— -- Pass --- NCO079057/001 Begin:2/l/1999 Frequency: Q P/F + Feb May Aug Nov + NonComp: Single 1998 -- Pass — -- Late Fail Pass NR -- --- Pass -- County: Dare Region: WARD Subbasin: PAS51 1999 -- Pass — -- Pass -- -- Pass -- --- NR Pass PF: 0.6 Special 2000 -- Pass — •— Pass -- -- Pass -- --- Pass -- 7Q10: TIDAL IWC(%):100 Order: 2001 •— Pass -- -- Pass -- — Pass --- --- Marathon Petroleum Penn 24hr LC50 ac monh epis fthd (grab) (Newperm 9/1/2001) 1997 — -- — >100 -- -- -- -- -- --- -- -- NCO046213/001 Begin:9/1/1996 Frequency: A NonComp: 1998 >100 -- — — -- -- — -- --- --- -_ _- County: Mecklenburg Region: MRO Subbasin: CTB34 1999 >100 -- — — — Pass — -- -- -- -- --- PF: VAR Special 2000 — .'- -- Bt'-- 7Q10:0.0 IWC(%):100 Order: 2001 Pass --- — -- -- -- -- -- -- --- Mariou-Corpening Cr. WWTP Penn chr lim: 67% 1997 •— Fail Pass -- Fail Pass --- Fail Fail Fail Bt >100 NCO031879/001 Begin:1/1/2001 Frequency: Q Feb May Aug Nov + NonComp:Single 1998 — Late Pass --- Pass -- --- Pass -- -- Pass --- County: McDowell Region: ARO Subbasin: CTB30 1999 — Pass — — Pass -- --- Pass --- -- Pass -- PF: 3.0 Special 2000 — Pass — -- Pass -- -- Pass --- -- Pass --- 7Q10:2.3 IWC(%):66.9 Order: 2001 -- Pass — -- Fail >90 >90 Pass --- -- Marshall WWTP Penn 24hr p/f ac lim: 90% 1997 — Pass — -- Pass -- -- Pass --- -- Pass --- NCO021733/001 Begin:l2/1/1996 Frequency: Q + Feb May Aug Nov NonComp: Single 1998 — Pass — -- Pass --- --- Pass -- -- Pass --- County: Madison Region: ARO Subbasin: FRB04 1999 — Pass — --- Pass --- -- Pass -- -- Fail Bt PF: 0.40 Special 2000 — Pass — -- Pass --- --- Pass --- -- Pass -- 7Q10:535 IWC(%):0.12 Order: 2001 — Pass — — Pass --- --- Pass --- -- Mayodan WWTP Perm chr lim: 61/6 ifpf>1.25 1997 Pass — Pass — — Pass --- --- Pass -- -- Pass NCO021873/001 Begin:3/1/1997 Frequency: Q P/F + Mar Jun Sep Dec + NonComp:Single 1998 — -- Pass -- -- Late Pass -- Pass -- -- Pass County: Rockingham Region: WSRO Subbasin: ROA02 1999 — -- Pass -- -- Bt -- -- Pass -- -- Late PF: 3.0 Special 2000 Pass -- Late Fail 8.5 17 -- — Pass -- -- Pass 7QI0:75 IWC(%):6 Order: 2001 — — Pass — -- Pass -- -- Pass -- MB Industries Perm 24hr p/f ac lim: 90% fthd Y 1997 — -- Pass -- -- Pass -- — Pass -- -- Pass NC0000311/001 Begin:5/l/2001 Frequency: Q + Mar Jun Sep Dec + NonComp:Single 1998 — -- Pass -- -- Pass --- -- Pass -- -- Pass County: Transylvania Region: ARO Subbasin: FRBO1 1999 — -- Pass -- --- Pass --- -- Pass -- -- NR/Pass PF: 0.030 Special 2000 — _- Pass -- -- Pass --- -- NR/Pass -- -- Pass 7Q10:27.9 IWC(%):0.17 Order: 2001 -- -- Pass -- -- Pass --- -- NR/Pass -- MB Industries Penn chr lim: 0.55% 1997 — -- — -- -- -- --- -- -- --- -- -- NC0000311/003 Begin:5/1/2001 Frequency:Q Mar Jun Sep De + NonComp:Single 1998 — -- -- --- -- --- --- -- -- -- -- -- County: Transylvania Region: APO Subbasin: FBROI 1999 -- -- — -- --- --- --- -- -- --- -- _ PF: 0.10 Special 2000 — -- — -- -- -- --- -- -- -- — —. 7Q10:27.9 IWC(%):0.55 Order: 2001 — -- — -- -- H --- -- -- -- Mebane )V TP Perm chr lim: 90% NCO021474/001 Begin:4/I/1996 Frequency: Q P/F + Jan Apr Jul Oct County: Alamance Region: WSRO Subbmin: CPF02 PF: 2.5 special 7Q10:0.0 IWC(%):100 Order: Y 1997 Pass -- --- Pass — -- Pass -- — Pass -- — NonComp:Single 1998 Pass -- -- Pass — -- Pass -- -- Pass -- — 1999 Pass -- — Pass — — Pass -- -- Pass -- -- 2000 Pass — -- Pass -- — Pass -- -- Pass -- -- 2001 Pass -- --- Pass — — Pass -- — Pass LEGEND: PERM = Permit Requirement LET = Administrative Letter - Target Frequency =Monitoring frequency: Q- Quarterly; M- Monthly; BM- Bimonthly; SA- Semiannually; A- Annually; OWD- Only when discharging; D- Discontinued monitoring requirement Begin = First month required 7QI O = Receiving stream low flow criterion (cfs) += quarterly monitoring increases to monthly upon failure or NR Months that testing must occur - ex. Jan, Apr, Jul, Oct NonComp = Current Compliance Requirement PF = Permitted flow (MGD) IWC% = Instream waste concentration P/F = Pass/Fail test AC = Acute CHR = Chronic Data Notation: f - Fathead Minnow; * - Ceriodaphnia sp.; my - Mysid shrimp; ChV - Chronic value; P - Mortality of stated percentage at highest concentration; at - Performed by D WQ Aquatic Tax Unit; bt - Bad test Reporting Notation: --- = Data not required; NR - Not reported Facility Activity Status: I - Inactive, N - Newly Issued(To construct); H - Active but not discharging; t-More data available for month in question; • = ORC signature needed 30 NPDES/Non-Discharge Permitting Unit Pretreatment Information Request Form NPDES OR NONDISCHARGE PERMITTING UNIT COMPLETES THIS PART: Date of Request p 1 Facility LI Permit # G `, o I :?- 3 Region AK o Requestor Cu ,- 10 o t^a4'1 Pretreatment AD Towns- Keyes McGee (ext. 580) Contact E-L Town Vacant R Towns- Da olle (ext. 523 `3` Ziowns Steve Amigone xTSMT PRETREATMENT UNIT COMPLETES THIS PART: Status of Pretreatment Program (circle all that apply) 1) the facility has no SIU's and does have a Division approved Pretreatment Program that is INACTIVE 2) the facility has no SIU's and dos not have a Division approved Pretreatment Program the facfi—ems ) a Pretreatment P 2a) is Full Program with LTMP or C 2b) is Modified Program with STMP 4) the facility MUST develop a Pretreatment Progra odified 5) additional conditions regarding Pretreatment attached or listed below Flow Permitted Actual STMP time frame: %Industrialr� most recent % Domestic 0 , 1 1 c l�°t , _7 next cycle Pollutant L Check List POC due to (S) NPDES/Non- STMP T Discharge Required Required by Frequency at Frequ ncy, at MP Permit Limit by EPA' 503 Sludge- POC due to SIU"' Site specific POC (Provide Explanation)'"'*' effluent eff BOD ✓ 4 Q M TSS ✓ 4 Q M NH3 4 Q M Arsenic 4 Q M I Cadmium 4 Q M Chromium 4 Q M Copper 4 Q M Cyanide 4 Q M Lead ✓ 4 Q1 M Mercury ate. 4 Q1 M Molybdenum 4 M Nickel ✓ 4 C1 M V. Silver 4 Q1 M Selenium 4 Q M Zinc V, 4 Q M t/ 4 M 4 M 4 LQ M 4 Q M 4 Q M 4 Q M 'Always in the LTMP "Only in the LTMP if the POTW land applies sludge Only in LTMP while the SIU is connected to the POTW Only in LTMP when the pollutant is a specific concern to the POTW (ex -Chlorides for a POTW who accepts Textile waste) Q= Quarterly M=Monthly Comment !! I A c.� , p ... s . -: �� .j ,n j TfJ 1-0 .�,5do vers ion 8123/00 NPDES_Pretreatment. requ est.form. 000823 Revised: August 4, 2000 Data Summary Sheets (LTMP. IDMR. etc) POTV Name => '-low s 11f- MV b a )a )] NPDES Permit # => . IVGoO.;-, 1733 Specific sample location ID # => ,, c' C- Sample Type (S.U.I.D.) => IM Collection Method (C.F.G.) =>C-1— If the specific location 1 Is not pan or yaw approved LIMP. [UP. DMR. NPDES. IUP please attach scberwtir, she plan, ! usap ats circles and =Tom and a pvapaph describing the situation u NH3 AS Cd COD I• Date •Sample e Time. • Sample • llecte • •Anussonla Value less than MDL sbouid be a , wia.'Iaa then alp (<O.OW), Elate r your laborwary's acbW repotted debeetloenluee aids the Iles elan sips Gcle any question" or atypical rahm duel should eat be inckaded in do "Adjusted' average roue and my explainadoess vAy they should be eschsde& nm w D.owYA" PW t HC Dante 0M IQ Rer. "Its Data Summary Sheets (LTNIP. IDMR, etc) POTW Name => NPDES Permit # => Specific sample location ID # => Sample Type (S.U.I.D.) => Collection Method (C.F.G.) => Lab Performing each analysis => Good Detection Limits => Total number of samples = Number of samples above MDL = Maximum data value (mg/l) _ Average data value (mg/l) _ "Adjusted average value (mg/1) _ Cu CN Phoir Zn vahms kss d= MDL. should be entered with a lets tun sign (< 0.0MR). a uef your e labomuxys stout ,eW debnWoo value w hh the lets tun agm Cale my questionable m or atypint values tut should not be behded is t e *Adjusted' wmne value and any e explabrtions why they shoud be a hbded. MC DEHHR DEN WQ Rar. M 93 ID Data Summary Sheets (LTMMP. IDN IR. etc) POTW Name => NPDES Permit # => Specific sample location ID # => Sample Type (S.U.LD.) => , Collection Method (C.F.G.) => Lab Performing each analysis => Good Detection' Limits => o, 0 u 5 O t o Qther Other Other Other Other Other Other Other 1 (a� 2- q(D p� v5 D, DLD 3 o .o o i� •o 4 s 6 7 E 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 1s 19 20 21 22 23 r Total number of samples => Number of samples above MDL => Maximum data value (mg/1) => Average data value (mg/l) => "Adjusted" average value (mg/l) => Vahmt k a than AIDL shwld be7be -.d with aim dtaa tiara (< 0.0"*) Enter yolr. �•t �� lepattnd value w id1 do loss &= tip. CVck -y yttesuoauble ` ,Y v" and an G Of Y�hlt/ dur thWinchlded V de.�A'�Iiied' aYQaaO y e eaplehmtials why they should hided n.,..0....r7.ns r.M I NC ovim OM.V RR. It" Data Stunmary Sheets (LTMP, IDMR, etc) POTW Name ---> Tb Wn of 6a If! NPDF.S Permit # => Specific sample location ID # => - ems.. Sample Type (S.U.I.D.) => LJ t- r nllertirrrr M�thrvrl fC'_F C'e_1 U the specific location 0 Is not part of yew approved LTMP. HIP. D&M NPDM IUP please attach schanstic, site plan, A. map with circles and arrows and a paragraph describing the situation. Lab Performing each analysis => Good Detection Limits => 1.00 mg/l BOD MgA 1.00 mg/l TSS m .010 mg/1 Al Alurrdntaa MgA .500 mg/l NH3 Arrtlnaubt MAA .010 mg/l AS Arsenic m .002 mg/l Cd cadmhal MRA .005 mg/l Cr CbrQmh.n m 300 mg l COD., MgA s.Dple m count Date Sample Collected Time Sample Collected Person Collecting Sample Q = Flow Flow in an d tomw In gaVday 1 or"s 0,cc,,(a 2 /c)--'► 0c,5 0.0-3 c,o 3 31 171 C.oO d.t�-g 6,0ZS 4 D,0)(0 6,007, C0.00,e 6 Io .� jC�;3�1��`7 Z✓ Z� S 0, 5' <t�. c�05 b <D.00s 7 -/-0-CJ05 2 U 0, 00 s Z l(e J - .5 6.6G5 0, 03-% s..o) 0 S <d 5" <0-0CS 0,01 1b,00. 10 l(S 0�11 �0.'fY5 ('--1 L" 3 S ' , <C �F <0,00 5 e, 0 O ,ous , 11 l Jo 4-2 ),15Ar-N /n� 3 - 0 <d,Oki o,0L6 0,Gas 12 11 '7 11i3E /r)1, 2, ( /,. tDES -C(2)„7v5 O.oc-2 <c7,v(i )� y r r O. nos 0, Oc �Q. co513 14 rJ �� i :�� .^► �ti� L .21 3 0, 540, on5 p, a-o 5' �J, o�.� 15 :Z, I 4,S" 0, 5 <o, cc,.-5 0, vc='Z <o,aoS 16 ►y) L Z Z, o(:5S b t 0 0 Z 40,005, 17 /6)5?i :U0--L /Y'ML- �Z,p <p, �,�,0p_j 1 0,0�.3 1o)cQ5 1g 11 ), -2;O�P�- �''� S� 3 5, <e,5 �o.C)C5 0,uG5 lU,a1).5 19 L) Z UQ�5 0.v)5 0,010 20 )/ W i z:g5'P,— /r>>— S, 41 ta,S �O, 0 05 06009 0.162 21 1 7 23 K ooi✓ rn l,, Z2 {C, <O,DO d.a0& D, 0'O 22 22I 2,1 2 ,3 <G,S 1o,OG5 0-0U7 23 Total number of samples => Number of samples above MDL => - Maximum data value (mg/1) => Average data value (mg/l) => "Adjusted" average value (mg/1) => V ahm less than MDL should be entered with a less than sign (< 0.0#"). Enter your laboratory's acuW reported detection vane vfM the less than sign Cucle my questionable or atyptnl value that should not be included In the •Adjusted- avenge vahe atd any esplaimdo t w4ty they should be eschlded Fle ease: Deoeary.ln.t Fete 1 MC DEHNR DEM aQ as. VNII 0 Data Summary Sheets (L.TMP, IDMR, etc) POTW Name => NPDES Permit # => Specific sample location ID # Sample Type (S.U.I.D.) => Collection Method (C.F.G.) => Lab Performing each analysis => Good Detection Limits => Total number of samples Number of samples above MDL = Maximum data value (mg/1) _ Average data value (mg/l) _ "Adjusted" average value (mg/1) _ > .002 mg/l Cu Copper MgA I .010 mg/l CN Cyanide MgA .010 mg/l Pb Imbd m .0002 mg/l Hg Mtasuly m .010 mg/l Ni Nkkd - MgA I .005 mg/l Phos MM .005 mg/l Ag Saver MgA .010 mg/l Zn Zlne m 0 L0,00 L.C-S 46,C,G 40,is) 0 0, Feu 6,? O 6, j 3 {o,o-s (! •B/C) �d .ocG ZO, o(L 0, C)2Q) D,07 <C,OCS VO.br,3 0.bt a O 6,DoZ ,C ,-,0,0Oc' <a,Go3 O,DGO Grtil za . 00 6,. 1 0•,135 la.o.�5 ©, t�D D, 0003 0,6l'D 0, 0ks Z- 6, 03 <6-,.000Z /0,0/0 C.,00 1 1PZ O, 1 —j 0,003 0 •a0.$ 0, a ao3 0.01 C. 1— 0, 2.1' 6uD Co.bl� 6,03R, <c,o <0.C?a3 6,oe. / CO.cs Go, t;o �0,0,D3 0, oDL lo.a 0 e. oC,( B, c2l v. o.dvs 07.(;03 <0,-C)opZ <u,ala uv 0,c�c'-v Q.tjb <0,Co3 6,00 b �0� CJ O- a0 6' � O,o? �fJ,ouS �o,Do.3 <L,0V0 00 2. <c,OUs 0,an3 (D,ocaZ <o,u/0 0,o07- 07 ")(3 p. o- " z.v,00S �o,co.3 lLoo(:Z /-2,0) C) o74 D.if(0 /c,tu" 6,o15 ,o0'3V D, o 3tc -,/C,cc-S 1L,o63 0..0C)\1 - ZO.0) a Lu, 0,3 0.r;l <Q,oc,S u,cr , 0,(,tiL3, c'D.c/O u,CSV) .O.cucl5 O, 0I(p' -0, 0a5 i%, cc+ 40-000 Z <0.0/0 0, b 09, C?i 175 O.l12 Ce.�o 0•U1 �U,oao] 10,0/0 MDG 19,07 \ values last dun MDL should be entered w kh ■ less than sign (< 0.0#"). trier your b 4borakxys acwW reported dewWon value with the lets thus siWL Circle any questionable n or atypicvalues sl vaes dw should not be included In The "Adjusted' •veage value anti any e explaitntkna why they should be exclude& ►ak .ow- Da JMS tW 7 NC DEHM Del, aq P.M. sd97 .a Data Summary Sheets (LIMP, IDMR, etc) POTW Name => NPDES Permit # _> Specific sample location ID # _> Sample Type (S.U.I.D.) _> Collection Method (C.F.G.) _> Lab Performing each analysis => Good Detection Limits => Total number of samples Number of samples above MDL Maximum data value (mg/1) Average data value (mg/l) "Adjusted" average value (mg/1) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Values less than MDL sbould be entered with a less d= sign (< O.OACA). Enter your ` laboratory's scuhel rCPOFW detectim value with the lea toast sign. Circle any questionable a or stypical values that should not be included In Cue •AdjtatoC avcrage value and any e exphsihsticns why tCry should be exclude& ry. nor DUMNI A rhhr ) NC DEKM DW a'C xir. Ir"3 . ' do V Regional Office Comments 9M rL �a 0� J `- j''J2C•-r�l��`C- ('82•',���-�'--�=�G�-?.4�-ram ��P�' C�- r 0-be .� NAME`? 2 , . �� � � ��2 � DATE• 4 L7 5 2002 J �79 REGIONAL SUPERVISOR: DATE: �--W- / / NPDES SUPERVISOR: DATE: Fact Sheet Renoxal -- NPDES NC0021 7<55i Page 6 Re: Review of Draft Permit for Marshall WWTP -- NC0021733 Subject: Re: Review of Draft Permit for Marshall WWTP -- NCO021733 �te�'hn 24 Jan 2002 14:46:10 -0500 rom: Linda Wigg.�<Linda.Wiggs@ncmail.net> Organization: NC DENR - Asheville Regional Office To: Joe Corporon <joe.corporon@ncmail.net>, Wanda Frazier <Wanda.Frazier@ncmail.net> Hi CJoe,,Wanon vaca all week. Yeah I realize the IWC for this permit, and most of the others that will be changing due to this reclass, is low. Justification is twofold in my mind. First we could have, BUT DIDN'T require these facilities to install backup power (reliability stds), so any added cost to the facility for U,D fecal monitoring will still be negligible compared to the cost of backup power. Secondly, we want all of these facilities regardless of size to monitor instream for more bacteria data. They need to be accountable and contribute to the communittee's recreational well being and knowledge through data. This added data of fecal on the FrB by these facilities will not only cover the facilities butt in assuring it's citizens that they aren't adversely affecting their recreational waters, but it also is a huge benefit to our agency. This data is done by a certified lab and when all these facilities are monitoring for fecal in the river we will have MANY data points within each month to rely upon for accurate information. As it is now we only have one data point a month for fecal by DWQ, and I think 4 data points by MSD. You need to bring this up at your staff meeting because your coworkers that do the other permits affected by this l,� have this same question. Keep me posted, Linda' Joe Corporon wrote > Ms. Wanda, you little chi ucker! How's life? >"T ou�I'd better check in. I miss ya'll (too much muddy water down > here in the flatlands). > I have attached a draft permit for your review (see attached files). > Have included fecal limits and notes on disinfection considering reclass > of the French Broad from C to B (per Linda Wiggs memo of OIAug00), but > considering the IWC at 0.120, (dilution 864:1) have some concern about > justifying "instream monitoring." Any thoughts? > Also I have cut back on their previous permit's monitoring frequencies > appropriate to Grade II, not III, considering flow at 0.400 MGD and no N > and P limits, per DWQ internal guidance. (There average flow is also > -0.125 MGD or about 30s permitted capacity.) > Feel free to call if you have questions. > Thanks, > --Crazy Joe 1 > ------------------------------------------------------------------------ > Name: Marshall -- DRAFT EFF.doc > Marshall -- DRAFT EFF.doc Type: Winword File (application/msword) > Encoding: base64 > Download Status: Not downloaded with message 1 of 2 1/30/2002 9:47 AM NPDES Permit No. NCO021733 SUPPLEMENT TO PERMIT COVER SHEET Town of Marshall v is hereby authorized: 1. to continue discharging 0.400, MGD of treated domestic and industrial wastewater from an activated -sludge wastewat treatment facility consisting of: • an influent bar screen, • an oxidation ditch with rot aerators, • clarifier with sludge return • chlorine contact chamber wi tablet -type chlorination, -Gee e -i� e- • totalizing flow meter, • aerated sludge -digestion tan • sludge belt press (polymer ad ed), • sludge holding tank, • sludge drying equipment (wed wire screen). located at the Town of Marshall WWTP, P.O. Box 548, Marshall, Madison County; and L_- 2. to discharge from said wastewater treatment works through Outfall 001 to the French Broad River (see attached map), a stream classified as B waters within the French Broad ✓ River Basin. DENR / DWQ / NPDES Unit FACT SHEET FOR NPDES PERMIT DEVELOPMENT NPDES Permit NC0021733 L.— INTRODUCTION T wn of Marshall Wastewater Treatment Plant (herein referred to as Marshall WWTP or the p rmittee) requires a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit for its Hoyle —de C eek Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) to dispose treated wastewater to the surface waters of th state. The permittee's 5-year NPDES permit has expired and they have requested renewal from the ivision of Water Quality (the Division). This Fact Sheet summarizes background information and rationale used by the Division's NPDES Unit to determine permit limits and conditions. This document also contains references to information sources relevant to this permit renewal (superscripted numbers in order of appearance, See References). FACILITY RECORDS REVIEW Facility Description. Marshall WWTP (Table 1) is a 0.400 MGD Publicly Owned Treatment Works (POTW) utilizing an influent bar screen, an oxidation ditch with rotary aerators, clarifier with sludge return, totalizing flow meter, aerated sl dge-digestion tank, sludge belt press (polymer added), sludge holding tank, sludge drying equipmewedgewire screen). 1 Table 1. Lincoln County / 40yle Creek WWTP — d e- Ief e Facility Information Applicant/Facility Name Town of Marshall WWTP Applicant Address P.O. Box, 548, Marshall, North Carolina 28753 ✓ Facility Address Bennerhassett Island, Marshall 8 Permitted Flow (MGD) 0.400 MGD (75 % domestic; 5% industria 'n ot r ea / Type of Waste ' ' Domes ic and industrial wastewater. Primary SIC Code 4952; WY4Code Prim. 0; ; 2nd 57; Treatment Unit Code 10001 Facility Grade/Permit Status 1,4 1 Gra e II, Minor/ Len is -now a .-dew),. Drainage Basin / County ' a wba /Lincoln jCounty 1 , , 7' d lMad,san Cc, M iscellan$ous Receiving Stream ' ' French Broad River Regional Office Asheville +� Stream Classification '' B State Grid / D 8 SW / L-1 USGS Topo Quad Marshall 303(d) Listed? Not listed v Permit Writer Joe R. Corporon Subbasin ' 04-03-04 ✓ Date. 21JanO2 Drainage Area (sq. mi.)' 1338 ✓ Summer 7Q10 (cfs) 535 ✓ Winter 7Q10 (cfs) 682 +/ 30Q2 (cfs) 1030 Average Flow (cfs) 2488 ( Q • 1 !: Lat. 3 5' 47' 51 " Long. 82° 41' 24" F�-Vt Sheet Renewal -- N11DES Permit NC002175; Page. 1 Current Division records for the Marshall WWTP date from 1977. The most recent permit became effective on December 1, 1996 and expired at midnight on October 31, 2001. The Division received prompt documentation to renew (Short Form A) on May 1, 2000.1'' Waste Load Allocation (WLA). The Division prepared the last WLA in August 1996 and effluent limits and monitoring considering an in -stream waste concentration (IWC) of 2%. e Division judges these limits and monitoring requirements to be appropriate for this renewa 1th the exception of the additions and deletions listed below (see PERMITTING APPROACH SUMMARY). Verifying Existing Stream Conditions. This facility discharges to the French Broad River, newly re-classified B 1,9 within the French Broad River Basin. This portion of the French Broad River is not listed as an "impaired" waterbody [not 303(d) listed].6 CORRESPONDENCE Staff Report. The Basinwide Water Quality Plan (April 2000) recommended re-classifying the French Broad River from Class C to Class B. The Division has subsequently listed permittees affected by this re-classification including the Town of Marshall (Memo to Dave Goodrich, August 2000). �rs�ia Wanda Frazier of the Asheville Regional Office (ARO) inspected t facility and prepared a Staff Report and letter (05Mar01) to John Dodson, the Mayor of Marshal. ARO found this facility "...in good operational condition...." In keeping with the re-classification to Class B, Wanda recommended that the permit renewal include the addition of effluent disinfection and fecal coliform monitoring with limits. Should this facility chose to disinfect using chlorine, de-chjorination may also be required to mitigate acute and chronic impacts to the local environment. ro r- , ,� & - ._ C©�gOd�r`fn� dilu`fipn� COMPLIANCE REVIEW Pretreatment Compliance. The pretreatment program or Long Term Monitoring Plan for Marshal AnO r5Aa // WWTP has been approved and the effluent monitoring data was considered during the Division's v Reasonable Potential Analysis.Z Notices of Violation (NOVs). Between 1997 and 2001, this facility received no NOVs v Whole Effluent Toxicity (WET) Test. Toxicity testing records indicate one failure. Quarterly monitoring results for Whole Effluent Toxicity (WET) testing indicates "pass" for quarters beginning January 1997 through July 1999. Marshall failed its TOX test in November 1999; submitted a bad test in December; did not test in January; then passed finally in February 2000. Records indicate pass for the subsequent seven (7) quarters through September 2001.9'10 Fact Sheet Renee al -- NPDES NCO021753 Page 2 DMR Instream and Effluent Data Review. The Division reviewed 46 months (January 1998 through October 2001) of effluent monitoring reported in monthly Discharge Monitoring Reports (DMRs). DMRs appeared regular, thorough, and complete. Total flow for this time period averaged about 0.120 MGD or about 30 % of permitted capacity.10 Considering that Marshall is a Grade II WWTP, the Division has corrected its discharge monitoring frequencies from 3/week to weekly for many parameters according to DWQ guidelines. The following sections discuss specific effluent parameters. Fecal Coliform Limits and Effluent Chlorine. Considering the recent re-classification of the French Broad River to Class B, the Division has added fecal coliform limits to the permit and will impose a TRC limit in keeping with current renewal guidance. Marshall WWTP currently does not monitor V chlorine.4 Instream Monitoring. This facility does not currently conduct instream monitoring in keeping with /� 1 dilution factor of 864:1 at 100% permitted flow. Although the Regional Office has requested instream (lfha_cL � monitoring for this facility in response to reclassification as Class B, this is not in keeping with c7 i internal guidance for this level of dilution. Therefore, insteam monitoring was not added to the permit (see Effluent Limits and Monitoring Requirements). L) real Reasonable Potential Analysis (RPA). The Division conducted EPA -mandated RPA analyses on 46 months of DMR data10 to determine the "reasonable potential" for identified toxicants and metals to exceed instream Water Quality Standards. Pretreatment parameters were also considered. The Division compiled four (4) parameters of concern listed in the previous permit.8 Table 2 summarizes changes from the previous permit based on Reasonable Potential. Table 2. Permit Renewal Action -- Reasonable Potential (RP) Analysis Parameter Previously Maximum Maximum RP? Renewal Action Monitored? Predicted Allowable Cadmium Yes 335.6 g/L 2.0 g/L Yes Increased monitoring from Quarterly to Monthly. Added permit limit of 2.0 g/L — Silver Yes 87.35 g/L 0.06 g/L Yes Increased monitoring from Quarterly to Monthly. Added permit limit of 0.06 g/L Copper Yes 253.8 g/L 7.0 g/L Yes Increased monitoring from Quarterly to Monthly. Zinc Yes 233.4 g/L 50.0 g/L Yes Increased monitoring from Quarterly to Monthly. Results indicate "reasonable potential' for all four parameters of concern. Because Cu and Zn have North Carolina State Action Levels only, they are to be monitored only and not limited. However, / cadmium and silver will be added to the permit with limits, based on reasonable potential. 1/ Fact Sheet Renewal -- NPUFS N00021 T53 Page 5 PERMITTING APPROACH SUMMARY Instream Monitoring Changes Previous Requirements: Recommended Changes: None.4 V", No change recommended. d 0�' J0 e Toxicity Testing Previous Requirement: Quarterly A ut Toxicity (Fathead minnow) P/F @ effluent conc. of 90 0_ �- w C Recommended Changes: No change -recommended. Effluent Monitoring Reco ed Changes/Additions: e / Fecal Colifo_ rm _��Monit 3 eekly ith limits - ��a ly/nQ X abD/j-y/ , A Y2 'ADD Cadmium Monitor on y with limits (2.0 µg/L Daily Maxim ) v Silver Monitor nthly with limits (0.06 µg/L Daily Maximum) ✓" Copper Increase Q arterly to Monthly, no limits v Zinc Increase Quarterly to Monthly, no limits ✓ PROPOSED SCHEDULE OF ISSUANCE Draft Permit to Public Notice: February 6, 2002. Permit Scheduled to Issue: March 1, 2002 NPDES UNIT CONTACT If you have questions regarding any of the above information or on the attached permit, please contact Joe Corporon at (919) 733-5083 ext. 597. NAME: DATE: Ia(_� 5hee� Renc,�al -- \1 DFS \C0021 pa.;e 1.1 REFERENCES 1. 2001. NPDES Permit Application Short Form A. for the Town of Marshall WWTP, April 27. 2. 2001. NPDES Regional Staff Report and Recommendations for the Renewal, for the Town of Marshall WWTP, NPDES Permit No. NC0021733, Asheville Regional Office, Wanda Frazier, May 2. 3. 2000. Active NPDES Permits List, North Carolina Division of Water Quality, NPDES Unit, on the web at http:/h2o.enr.state.nc.us/NPDES/NPDESweb.html. 4. 1996. NPDES Permit No.NC0021733. Issued to Town of Marshall WWTP expires October 31, 2001. Copies obtained through The Division of Water Quality, Central Files, Archdale Building, 512 N. Salisbury St., Raleigh, North Carolina. 5. 2000. French Broad Basinwide Water Quality Plan. North Carolina Division of Water Quality, Water Quality Section, May. 6. 2000. 303(d) List of North Carolina Impaired Waters - Draft. North Carolina Division of Water Quality, Water Quality Section. Copies obtained through Planning Branch, Archdale Building, 512 N. Salisbury St., Raleigh, North Carolina. 7. 1996. NPDES Waste Load Allocation Work Sheet, NPDES Permit No. NC0021733, for Town of Marshall WWTP (modeled by Susan Wilson), June 14. S. 2001. NPDES Reg Pretreatment 9. 2001. NPDES Wh DENR, Env 10. 1999-2001. Disch County / Hm 11. 1994 Short Ter A for LTMP Data, Joe Corporon (NPDES Unit) to Dana Folley nit), May 4. Effluent Toxicity Test Results, January 1997 through February 001, amental Services Branch, Aquatic Toxicology Unit, March. Monitoring Reports (DMR) for Effluent (DEM Form MR-1 Li coin —de e2L2 Creek WWTP, January 1999 through March 2001. nitoring Plan, Pre-treatment, Town of Marshall WWTP. Fact Sheet ReneNxal -- NI'DES NCO021155 Page 5 Act q� et{- \dis NPDES Permit No. NC0021733A. (L) EFFLUENT LIMITATIONS AND MONITORING REQ �?`eclr. �orBeginning on the effective date of the permit and lasting unti ex ra Io a erm ttee is authorized to harge through Outfall 001. Such discharjZes shall be limited and monitored by the Permittee as specs ied below: PARAMETERS EFFLUENT LIMITS MONITORING REQUI ENTS Monthly Average Weekly Average ai yMeasurement Maximum Frequency Sample Type Sample Location' FlowContinuous ecor mg I or BOD, 5 day, 20°C 2 30.0 mg, m ee y Composite E, Total Suspended Residue (TSR) mg mg/L Weekly/'Composite E, 3 as2/Mont y Composite Fecal o f orm geometric mean 200 100 m ml Weekly ,+F--------Grab E Total Residual Chlorine (TRC) 3 28 µgWee y Grab Temperature e y ra pH4 Wetly ra Total Nitrogen 2 + NO3 + TKN) Quafterly omposite Total Phosphorus Quarterly Composite Acute Toxicity5 Quarterly Composite Copper Monthly Composite inc Monthly Composite a lum 2.0 µg -Monthly----Composite Silver 0.06 µ Monthly I composite Table Footnotes: h 1. Sample Locations: E - Effluent; I - Influent ✓ (� 2. Monthly average effluent concentrations for Bioche ' al Oxygen Demand (BODg) and TSR shall not exceed 15% of the respective influent values (i.e. 85% removal). 3. Total Residual Chlorine (TRC) -- the permittee all monitor for TRC only if chlorine is used to disinfect. ✓ 4. pH shall not fall below 6.0 nor exceed 9.0 d units. 5. Acute Toxicity (Fathead Minnow) P/F a 90°/ uarterly during February, May, August, and November (See Special Condition A. (2.) ✓ 6. Variable: sample upstream and downstre week during summer months of June, July August, and September, weekly during the rest of the year,- Vfe. Units: mg/L = milligrams per liter ml = milliliter NH3 as N = ammonia as nitrogen ✓ µg/L = micrograms per liter BOD = biochemical oxygen demand �[ � yea r � 7 Effluent shall contain no floatingsolids or foam visible in other than trace amounts. 2 �o S4 T TOWN OF MARSHALL MAYOR: JOHN A. DODSON ALDERMEN: DAVID ALLEN, R.B. McDEVITT, EDWARDA. MORTON, JOE PENLAND, JR., MARYJANE WALLIN �o 27 April 2001 o H n C, m _U � Mr. Charles H. Weaver, Jr. a o o _ ; NC DENR/DWQ/NPDES Unit I Mail Service Center 1617 Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 Dear Mr. Weaver: P.O. BOX 548 MARSHALL, NC 28753 (828) 649-3031 FAX (828) 649-3413 I am requesting renewal for the Town of Marshall's Waste Water Treatment Plant. All biosolids generated by this facility are handled by either belt press or drying beds and disposed of in the Madison County Solid Waste Landfill (lined). If additional information is required please contact me at (828) 649-3031 or Mr. Mike Ladd at (828) 649-9250. Sincerely, qC1An Q. /JLCx/J� John A. Dodson Mayor APPLICATION FOR PERAUT'STO DISCHARGE - SHORT FORMA' For municipal.discharges. <•1 _MGD (or ,similar privately owned. discharges, <1MGD) N. C. Department of.Environment.,and. Natural Resources Division of Water Quality / NPDES Unit 1617 Mail ^Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 NPDES Permit NCOO Who ease print or type \J D Name of applicant/permittee h n Dodson Address, location, and telephone number of facility producing discharge: A. Facility Name l owAl O � / ' / arz5 % 1 a l l - W ' TP B. Mailing address of applicant / permittee: Address P. 0, B 0 k 54 8 City • 7Ct-r,5 h a l / County � Q df 501) T% State / / • 6 • ZIP oR S 15 3 Telephone #802 4 9 - 3031 Fax# S �i S - & L% 9 - 31113 e-Mail address: C. Physical Location of facility to be permitted:: Street address 73lanno—da55 e- 1-71 �T5land City Marshal/ County-MCLd150n State . CJ • Zip Code vi�75.3 Telephone #SAS9A50 Fax# 3,99-&49"9-Q-50 Type of wastewater treatment: ❑ None ❑ Primary ❑ Intermediate Q Secondary ❑ Advanced Design flow of facility ,g00 Percent BOD removal (actual): ❑ 0-29.9 ❑ 30-64.9 MGD. Average monthly flow 625 MGD ❑ 65-84.9 ❑ 85-94.9 ® 95 or more Population served: ❑ 1-199 ❑ 200-499 ❑ 500-999 ❑✓ 1,000-4,999 ❑ 5,000-9,999 ❑ 10,000 or more Number of separate discharge points: 0 1 ❑ 2 ❑ 3 ❑ 4 or more (give number) Description of wastewater volume discharged to receiving stream. Discharge per �erating Flow, MGD (million gallons per operating day) Volume treated before oday discharging (percent) Average l .'�5' GYRO 100,70 Maximum 300, ®00 /v0"70 - 1 of 2 01/30/01 APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO DISCHARGE.-` SHORT: A For municipal discharges <1 MGD (or similar privately ovvhe&discharges"<1MG1D) If any wastewater, treated or untreated, is discharged to places other thansurface waters, check below as applicable. = Wastewater is discharged to Flow, MGD (million gallons per operating da ) 0-0.0099 0.01=0.049 0.05-0.009 0.1=0.49 0.5-0.99 Deep well Evaporation lagoon Subsurface percolation system Other, specify: Is any sludge ultimately returned to a waterway? Yes ® No Do you receive industrial waste? Q Yes No If yes, enter approximate number of industrial dischargers into system / Type of collection sewer system: A. ❑ Separate sanitary B. ❑ Combined sanitary and storm C. Q Both separate and combined sewer systems Name of receiving stream(s) /-rent h Brood Pig Yer- Does your discharge contain (or is it possible for your discharge to contain) any of the following substances (circle all that apply): Ammonia? cyanide aluminum beryllium cadmium; chromium Lead mercury nickel co er selenium zinc phenols I certify that I am familiar with the information contained in the application and that to the best of my knowledge and belief such information is true, complete, and accurate. Uohn A Drd5on Vo r Printed name of Person Signing Title d 1/- A 7-o/ ture of Applicant Date Application Signed North Carolina General Statute 143-215.6B (i) states: Any person who knowingly makes any false statement representation, or certification in any application, record, report, plan, or other document files or required to be maintained under Article 21 or regulations of the Environmental Management Commission implementing that Article, or who falsifies, tampers with, or knowingly renders inaccurate any recording or monitoring device or method required to be operated or maintained under Article 21 or regulations of the Environmental Management Commission implementing that Article, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed $10,000, or by imprisonment not to exceed six months, or by both. (18 U.S.C. Section 1001 provides a punishment by a fine of not more than $10.000 or imprisonment not more than 5 years, or both, for a similar offense.) 2 of 2 01 /30/01 To: Joe Coporon Point Source Branch NPDES Unit From: Wanda Frazier Asheville Regional Office Re: Permit renewals Date: March 28, 2001 The following facility appears on the permit renewal list as having a permit that expires 10-31-01 and having been assigned to you for renewal. I have attached the latest inspection letter which contains comments regarding renewal. However, in that letter, I misinformed them of the renewal deadline. For some reason, I was misinformed or miscalculated and thought that the deadline was March 31 st, instead of May 4th. SORRY! !! That was the reason the Town called and requested a renewal form, twice! I called Darlene (Town) and told her that the deadline was May 4, 2001. As you probably know, disinfection will be required for the Town of Marshall during this next permit cycle. We would like to stagger in the fecal limits after they have had time to budget, get an A to C, install, operate and test the effectiveness of the new system. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Marshall Town of NPDES NCO021733 10-31-01 Cm o i N cr_ w w ca 30 � � N CL CY Q State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Asheville Regional Office Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross, Jr., Secretary Kerr T. Stevens, Director Division of Water Quality WATER QUALITY SECTION March 5, 2001 The Honorable John Dodson, Mayor Town of Marshall Post Office Box 548 Marshall, North Carolina 28753 �f NCDENR NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND .NATURAL RESOURCES Subject: Compliance Evaluation Inspection. Status: Compliant. Town of Marshall �Wastewater Treatment Plant NPDES Permit NCO02173.3 Aadison-County Dear Mayor Dodson: ' On March 2, 2001, I met'with Mr. Michael Ladd and conducted an inspection of the Town of Marshall's wastewater treatment facilities. A copy of the inspection report is enclosed for your information. The appearance of the wastewater treatment plant's effluent and -a review of the last year'-s monitoring reports indicate that the .facility is operating in compliance with permit limits and has not has any permit violations. The staff of Earth Environmental Services does an outstanding job of keeping the plant working well, looking good and keeping the paper- work in order. They are to be highly commended for all their efforts and hard work. I know that you and the Town are extremely concerned about maintaining the treatment plant in compliance at all times. The two following recommendations are offered in an effort to encourage continued compliance. {1} One of the two Kruger aeration brushes has been out of service for several months and is in need of repair. I understand that the parts have been ordered from Switzerland. It is important that this repair be finished and the brush. reinstalled as soon as the parts become available. {2}` The effluent composite sampler is very old, practically worn out and is in need of replacement. Estimated costs would be around $2,000 to $3, 000 . ' This replacement is needed as soon as _the .budget will_ allow - since composite samples are required by the permit. 59 Woodfin Place, Asheville North Carolina 28801 Telephone 828-251-6208 FAX 828=251-6452 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/10% post -consumer paper March 2, 2001 page 2 of 2 The permit expires October 31, 2001. Please be sure to send in the renewal application 180 days prior to expiration (by March 31, 2001). As mentioned in a previous letter,.parts of the French Broad River have been reclassified (upgraded from class C to class B) and will require the Town of Marshall to install chlorination and dechlorination chemical feed equipment and tankage, as well as, test for and meet fecal coliform limits. The new permit should allow time for the engineering, construction and installation prior to implementing fecal coliform limits. This will be a large expenditure and needs to be budgeted. The Town°s engineering firm and contract operator should be able to assist you in estimating these costs. Please feel free to -contact me at 828 - 251-6208 (voice mail extension 218) if you or any of the Alderman should ever have any questions about these matters. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Sincerely, Wanda P. Frazier Environmental Specialist Enclosure xc: Michael & Wanda Ladd, EES , J S NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES Division of Water Quality - Water Compliance Inspection Report (EPA Form 3560-3) transaction NPDES # yr/mo/day inspection type inspector facility type days facility self -monitoring evaluation rating r new NCO021733 01/03/02 compliance eval. state 1 (m/i/a/f) 1 3 (1v.unreliabie/3 satisfactory/5v.reliable) ................... $ <Fac�t� .<Data.........................;>>;>z:::::<::::::>:::;::::»::>: »>;:;. >•::>::>::. Name and Location of Facility Inspected: Entry Time: Permit Effective: 1:00 PM 12-1-96 Town of Marshall Wastewater Treatment Plant Blennerhassett Island Exit Time: Permit Expiration: Marshall, NC 28753 3:45 PM 10-31-01 Name(s) of On -Site Representative(s) ( Title(s) Phone number(s): Fax number(s): . Michael Ladd & EES, Contract Operations Firm 828-649-9250 828-649-9250 *51 Wanda Ladd & ORC Name, Title, Address of Responsible Official: Phone number(s): 828-649-3031 John Dodson, Mayor Fax number(s): 828-649-3413 Town of Marshall PO Box 548; Marshall, NC 28753 Contacted? No S Permit S Records/Reports S Facility Site Review S Effluent/Receiving Waters S Flow Measurement S Self -monitoring Program N Compliance Schedules N Laboratory S Operations & Maintenance S Sludge Handling/Disposal N Pretreatment N Storm Water N Sewer Overflow N Pollution Prevention N Multimedia N Other. Compliance Status: U Compliance Marginal Compliance/Deficiency Non -Compliance Name(s).and Signature(s) off lnspector(s)/Telephone: Wanda P. Frazier Agency/Office: Date: 3-2-01 828-251-6208 Water Quality Section. Asheville Region U Na a and a.ure �r/ Forrest R. Westall fax: 828-251-6452 Date: 3-2-01 Signature of Management QA Reviewer: I Agency: I Date: