HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCC230495_FRO Submitted_20230224recX rf rfua Pm0cc is ARPA-f+mdsd L FINANCIAL REBPONSIBILITY1OWNERSLIIP FORM SEDIMENTATION POLLUTION CONTROL ACT No person may iriiLmte arty Mrid'dWUfWQ acuay em Of* or more Acres as ffivVed by the Acl, imcludiag arty- aetivly under a camrnon plsn of daxralopnient of lhls size as Mvered by the NC0.Q1 pamult, bekwe thia corm and an scceptable efcifm and ac4rrentalkN9 owtrid plan hsw been compWad and approved by the Land Ouslltyr Sacbnm, N.C. Deparlrnent of EwNwmarrhel -Quelftyr. Subrnit tr* wmplated iwn W lhr$ epproprWla Renal CA". MeEme type Dr prlry and, rf the -queukm le not appllosbis or the e-mail addreas or phama rnrmt}eris unaxailable, plena NA in the blank.) Pan A. 1. Rrojeel N.r,ue atehou Terrace 'if hfe prl:ped ,pvaves Arneriesa FBewue Men Aar DARPA) AMM hM the PWaf Namir beroW u rwrYW-*YOU VFNddtlW fr,ridkrg=04h VM aViehDr3 er L+t W WMWL cry (DM). 2. Location of 19nc disturbing 9aivity: C0WWIVERT City arTown s*Winslon Salern Hi9imar t. uI tford Dr Lail ilwd%�ff Lon]i4udew•. d.c�.; 2�39 3. Appmximis*&vr. hsixJ•disrurhing titLwHyrwill ftwWr i6neJ + 1 f 02 d. PL"ae of devekon*nl. [residerdial, commercial, irrduslriBl. insliiuAior►al. edc.,! res I d e n t I a l S. Total acreage digWrbed or uncovared (including off -an borrow and weste areaak • 7 7 6. Anmnt Df fag enWosed: 91 101. The appllcehon toe of S100.00 per acre (rounded up to the maxi acnal * e&seae$d wrimout a oalling amount gExan0e: 0.1"ore appllsatron ke Is SO00). Cheeks should be addres&ed to NCDEO. 7. Hsi arc em aian and sedirnenLcafWrd plea been Red? Yes ® Enckrsad ❑ NO ❑ 0. Pew+ la crntaol should erosion and asdinrent -control issues arise dunng iand-dumurbi-rg adivitY; N,rnq B F!a n McWh Iftar E.mRil Ad ** txncwhirtarQ1nmAcirnesum.corm Rhcxir-: arrbe4V k0bile * 7045070 95 S. Lendowneflsl or Reeorsl feltach aocampanied page La lial sddHion.&I owrwmr : True Domes LLC 7042381229 Narne Phor-a: Office ip WNIa Ip 2649 Brekon ridge Cen" Dr Cun�1 Mailing 4.4dre5s � �urrgM S�eetJ�ddress Monroe NG 28110 city :51alc. Z%> cov Sb9e Zip 10. Dead Book No. 7 4 Page Na 5- Rro'rlde a copy- of the mxnl.currentdeed. Palm B. 40 1 Compaaylws) who are financially responsible for tnd land-dlshoblrig activity JProvido a cnmprationsive list of all responsible parbee on accompanied page.I if rrw cnnWarry os a esteprgpft* +sew ar J the 4n�ahM�+rra1 a an vrhlvxFwWz1, mR itww(s) d me tww wfs) may ate l4afw a+ the hAancaatly rosparr mWe Psrry(ief � True Homes LLC Company Name E-mail Amwess 2649 Brekonridge Center Or Cunnnt Mailing Aitlrlrnss Cur►anf Steal Address. Monroe NC 28110 City slate ZV C#y Slate zip Puna: 01rce a MWIS N 7042381229 Nole tl the Frrancielly Rasponsipre Party 4, not the owner d the lard to be disturbed, ncsuda with this loom the landowner's signed and dated rtrlhon consent lot the a ipflc$nl to subm+l a droll erosion and sedime►Halion Contra pion and W conducl the anucipaled land dralurbng aclrvlty, 2 le) 11 the I'manciafy Reminnsihle Party ea a damask oormmny registmed on the NC SCUMMY rri Stale business r"lry, gird narna arx! sticinl address of the Regtslmod Ayent Nwl* of RegisWed AgorA E-mail Address Current Mailing Adttress Currenl Street Address. City Slate ZIP Coy Plxx+e Office N Mobile M Pieria or trWtvadual ro COMM {rr P%glslerad Agern n a campanyl State Zip lby If the Flnanelaty Respons6e Party is not a resident of Nonh Carolina give nine and elreet address of the des+gnated Norm Carona agent wrto w regastereo on the NC Ser.retary a1 Slate buwass t"iry Name of Regislered Agnnl Currem Mailing Address M Phone Orrice N E • mall Address Curram Street Address, Z4 cay Mobile N Name of Wivadusl to Contact IN Reglsliered AgerA is a company] Ste. zip The above information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and was provided by me under oath (This form musl be signed by the Financsally Responsible Person d an individual or his attorney-irWact. ox M oat an lndWid W. by an officer, &actor, partner, or ragbWfed agent with the authority to execute am* ments for the Financlaky Reaporloepible Person) l ogree to provide corrected information should lltefe be any change in ltte information provided henlrl. Orions McWhorter Type or grin! name Merkel Partner F*W Title or Authority a 11A.IZ-7 Date it — a NoUvy Pubbc of the County of �7 _ Slate of North Carolina, hereby cortif y that 'Bf t a 0 M( j h I f -W appeared personalty Wore me this day and being duty sworn ackn wtedged teal ft abava fp" was executed by him ���14t111r+1 I Witness. my ha -•� gyp'•. ?� p _ .10 N "it,lit lW�1 tiny of . 20.11 My commission expires_!'