HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQ0033770_Monitoring - 09-2022_20230131Monitoring Report Submittal Permit Number #* Name of Facility:* Month: * September Report Information Type * GW-59 WQ0033770 Carolina Plantation Confirmation Email Address:* Name of Submitter: * Signature: Date of submittal: Initial Review Year:* 2022 Upload Document* Groundwater Monitoring 327.92KB Report September 2022.pdf PDF Only Please upload one PDF containing all applicable monitoring reports (i.e., NDMR, NDAR-1, NDAR-2, NDMLR, GW-59). ecochran@onswc.com Erica Cochran Reviewer: Wanda.Gerald 1 /31 /2023 This will be filled in automatically Is the project number correct?* WQ0033770 Is the monitoring report accepted?* - Yes NO Regional Office* Wilmington Reviewer: _anonymous Review Date: 2/15/2023 rr 1nkm*r Keay nri vcl I niffi oaoto nu v GROUNDWATER QUALITY MONITORING: WMMENrOFEa tONMEW L,�r�on.CFWATMrdMO M COMPLIANCE REPORT FORM �TmP war feirll�vlc�rNrr.lw.l,Nca+rrs,r INFO O PhaaeF lntG7eadyer7ype PERMITlrEurt>�r: wW33770 Expiration Date: 12/31/20ZO Fad* Name: Carolina Plantation Nan-DisftW U10 Permit Name {Ifeftrant): NPDES Other Infiltration SySUM Fa y Ate; Carolina Plantation acad TYPE OF PERMITTED OPERATION BEING MONITORED sacksonville. Ner6eh 28540 county onslow Magoon [3 Rmmediation: InMration Gdery Karl 1501fr ❑ Spray FieW ❑ Remediation: Contact person: 7eff 7amn Telephone#: 910-330-0167 ❑ Rotary Disbibutar ❑ Land Apptdon of Sludge Well Locatlont8 to Name: Carol i na PI antati on wwrP No. of wells to be sampled: 6 rw� ❑ Water Source Fleet Pump Ej Oduer•. exrderdraias VIC NO NUMBER (frown Panto): Data sample collected: 9-14-22 FIELD ANALYSES: If WELL WAS ell Depth: 18. ft. Well Dlameter:1.25 In, pH am-. units Temp. ooma: gC DRY st Depth to Water Leval =46: SCR, below measuring point Screened Interval: Is IL to fl. Spec. Cond. wom: pMhos time of Measuring Polyd is 2 ft. above land surface Relative M.P. Elevation: Odor om.- �f check Volume ofwater pumpecilbalkd before sampling: _gallons Appearance herao Samples for metals were collected unfiltered: ■ YES ❑ NO and field acidified: EYES ❑ NO LABORATORY INFO TNON Date sample analyzed: Laboratory Name: Certification No. PARAMETERS NOTE: Values should refttt dissolved and eollotdat comentraoons. COD 00M not. Nitrite (NOO as N owls mglL Pb- Lead atom ug#L Coliform: MF Fecal 31e1e A00ml. Nitrate (NOj) as N oos2o mg1L 7.n -7Jnc o1o92 mg/L Conform: MF Total 31504 1100ml. Phosphorus: Total as P was mg/L Via& Ub WN manna ter hW* kftW @vP" Orthophosphate 70507 mg/L Other (Specify Compounds and Concentration Units): tsso{vedSolkfs:Total70300 mg1L AI-Aluminummlos mg1L PH (Lob) ao4o3 unb Be - Barium 01007 twL TOO oosaa mg/L Ca - Calclum oosle mg1L Chloride 0090 mg/L Od - Cadmium o10xr u91L Amenlo wom uWL Chromium: Total oiam UA Grease and Offs ooew m9/L Cu - Copper01042 mgfL ORGANICS: (by GC, GCIMS, HPLC) Phenol 327so ROL Fe - Iron o1045 ug/L (Specify tact and method #. ATTACH LAB REPORT.) Sulfate aoa4S mg11 Ng - Mercury 71000 ug/L Lab R9110ft Attached? ❑ Yea (1) ❑ No (0) Specific Conductance oom pMhos K - Potassium ooss7 mg VOC M3 metttml d Total Ammonia oosio mg/L Mg - Magnesium CM7 mglL , method d [ Nftp M N1has N: Aar-w N0OQM TQ"o Mn - Manganese oioess uW1 , method S TKN as N o ms 019& NI - NWml a1ae7 ug1L , method # ,VF "W11MU1■uvn ars.ems unry imZMn uo Kepar:sf: mnuem norm vous:`ma/L Effluent Total VOCs: mnfl. VOC Removal% G GW-W Rw OS07--2018 suemi ' mm m PAPER ONLY °R QUALITY MONITORING: REPORT FORM tyName: Carolina Plantation 4 Name of dlffsttimi). tyAddress: Carolina Plantation Road csomri l icty, tt�""°"„ 26S40 County Onsl aw let person: 3eff iaraan Telephoneo: 910-330-8167 WcadonfSite Name: Carol ins Plantation wwrP No. of wells to be sampled: 6 L W NUMB R (f urn pa": ,_%..G�3 Date sampb collected: 9-14-22 Depth: 18 R. �. Wen Dlameter:l�?5 in. to Water lave) awe 1,iR. below rrhestharirtg point Screened Interval: 1S IL to ft. wring Point is f. above land surface Relative M.P. Mevaton:It. roe of water puMpedlballed before sampling, ttalione 4p0033770 Eaphllon Date: irrunrcrrsrge UIC 'DES other infiltration Systea 'PE OF PERMi= OPERATION BENG NKWpOM ❑ Lagoon (] Rem edsti n: lnfltr Wn Gahry ❑ spray Fm © riaroa tion: ❑ Raw Distributor © Land Application of Sludge ❑ Water Smw Heat pump 1fl Other. U derdrafns RELD ANAL.YtiM: iwj pH o0400:_ units Temp. mcio. 9C DRY at Spsm Cond. 0oam. µMS time of Odor aaaw. �tplin .., - Appearance here: - ate Sample analyzed: Laboratory reflect Name: 1RANETERS NOTE: Values should rect dissolved and colloidal concamlona. Certification No.�, COD Dom MOIL Nitrite (NO2)os N Dom s mg1L Pb - Lead oiam USA. Coliform: MF Fecal 3isis 11 ODmL Nitrate (NO$) as N ooe2o mOILZn - Zinc 01002 Co4fonn: MF TOM 31eW —@mow 1100mL Phosphorus: Total as P aoees mOIL � Rift Lim MPh 10 0drorntonyUR Orthaphosphote ios07 MOIL Other S ( pecNy Corrgeorarda and Corrcentrsti0n Units): salved SotidxTohel 7o3oo Mg1L AI -Aluminum oisas Mg1L PH (Lab) oo403 units So - l3arium 0e007 ugS, TOC W= nV& CA - Calcium 000te MWL ChWkID 0DW0 ma/L Cd - Cadmium o=7 UA Arsenic oiom ugfL Chromium: Total o=4 ugf Crease end One am mg1L Cu - Copper 01042 mOIL ORGAWICS: MY GC. GC/AItS, HPLC) Phenol MM utlf L Fe - Iron aiO4e upR PlowN tea# and mothod ik Arm" W REPORT.) sulfate OW5 MWL Hg = Morcury ?low uglL Lab Rspoei Afhdrsd7 ❑ Yes (1) (3 No (il) scuff; Conductance moose µMhos K - Potassium ow mgfL VoC 7w Method d Total Ammorb omio t mwnr rasrop.n; hry,, w, am�onl. FOaji a, sale!) mg/L Mg - Magnesium 00027 MOIL "—rnstlrod d Mn - Manganese moss upll metlwd d TKN as N wen - nVfL Ni - Nickel ow udL. , method E For Ramedlafbn systems OWN Rev. W47 me Lab Rsporh): Influent Total Effluent Total VOCe: VOC RMrerivaS SIIBUIT FORM ON YEL PAPER ONLY "R QUALITY MONITORING. REPORT FORM :aCofty Name: carolitra, Plantation �ermlt Name Of different): 'adltyAddress: Carolina Plantation Road Jacksonville. Nt'°"" 28540 County onslow act Person: Jeff 3armn Telephone#: 910-330-8167 LocatioNBite Name: Carol i na P1 antation No. of wells to be sampled: 6 L ID NUMBER (trotps 1t): - Z _ Date sample corded: 9 ,1.4-22 _ Depth: 38 R. Weli Diameter.1.25 in. . h to Water Level a254s��,R. below measuring point screened Interval:1-R. to R. raring Point is 2 h. above land surface Relathro M.P. Elevation: R. Ile of water pumpedfballed before sampling: gallons for and rte sample analyzed: Laboratory Name: UtAMETERS NOTE: Valuers should rertRct ftsolved and colloidal eoncwltratlona. COD oar mg/L Nitrite (NO2) as N owls mWL Conform: MF Fecal state 1100ml. Nitrate (NO3) as N aaeso mgfl. Coftform: MF Total m5o4 /100ml. Phosphorus: Total as P poses mart trroac un WN Orthophosphate msar molt solved Solids:Tatal 7osoo MOIL Al -Aluminum arias mgfL pH (Lab) w4m units as - Bodum moor rrplL TOC omw mOA- Ca - Calcium oaste mafL Chloride cos4o mgA- Cd - Cadmium mw t4ol. Arsenle orotrt uglL Chromium. Total mom WL Grease and Ous om MWL Phenol 3= u91L Sulfate oom nall. fic Conductance oaoes Whos Total Ammonia wia mall N MWA NbDPrx NHsr N: AM MY NtpnM T004 TKN a8 N oom mglL Cu - Copper oio42 mgfL Fe - Iron moo tWL Hg - Merom 7i2oa ug1L K - Potashmn cow IRA Mg - Magnesium MW MOIL Mn - Manganese Dross uglL Ni - Nickel moor upft Nunnber. wW33"0 Expiration m-L"cnarge UIC 'DEB Other Infiltration systea 'PE OF PERMITTED OPER: /Ci x BEING MONITORED d Lagoon [j Remediallon: InWhation Gallery ❑ spray Field ❑ Remediation: ❑ Rotary Distributor ❑ Land Application of sludge ❑ Water Source Hest Pwnp 13 Other: tkxkrdrai ns FIELD ANALYSES: WAS PH oosao w is Temp. aooto: OC DRY at spec. Cord 00004: pMhos time of Odor ooaea: samplir check here:F Certification No. Pb - Lead mom USL Zn -Zinc cnoax .. . Other (Specify Compounds and Concentration Urfa): ORGAWS: (by GC, GCIMS, HPLC) (SPgdfy tog and M911hod K ATTACH LAB REPORT.) Lab Report Aftchap ❑ Yes (1) ❑ No q VOC TOM , method # method # method # method 0 For Remisd1lation Systems Only (Attach Lab Remits): Influent Total VOCs: mg& EMuent Total VOC& mart VOC Rsmaval% GW-W Rev 06-07-2010 SUBMIT FORM ON YELLOW PAPER ONLY eR QUALM MONITORING: REPORT FORM Nems: Carolina Plantation Name Of different): Address: Carolina Plantation land Saville. NL `:' 28540 County onslow 3d Perm: Jeff Jarman Telephone#: 910-330-8167 Location/Site Name: Carolina Plantation wrlwrP No. of wells to be sampled: 6 L ID NUMBER, (from pemfi): -PZ Date sample collected: 9-14-22 Depth: 13 ft. Well Dtameterl•25 In. h to Weber level e2546:11 8 g, below measuring point Screened Interval:15 & to ft. W" Point is =1t. above land surface Relative M.P. Elevation: fL ne of water pumpedlbailed before sampling: gallons 'to sample analyzed: Laboratory Name: IRAYAETERS NOTE: Virtues should rolled dissolved and colloidal gone trstlons. COD o= mg1L Nitrite (NO3) as N ooeie mg1L Coliform: MF Fecal maie 1100mL Nitrate (NO3) as N oono mglL Coliform: MF Total 3iso4 1100ml. Phosphorus: Total as P oases mglL (No* u. MFNmwwa rot hWhM UW=V "p Orthophosphate 7m mg1L ,solved Sollds:Total nm mg1L Al - Aluminum alias mott pH (Lab) oodos unit Be - Sarum oioo7 UWL TOC ooseo mg/L. Ca - Celdum oasle MW Chloride oos4o mglL Cd - Cadmium moo? ug1L Arsenic oioo2 ugAL Chromium: Total ato34 u jWL Grease and Oils oo= mg1L Cu - Copper oto42 atoll. Phenol 3273o uWL Fe - iron oloas UWL Sulfat ooeas MG& Hg - Mercury 71soo uglL ecilic Conductance oom pMhos K - Potassium oo937 mg1L Total Ammonia oasio mgli Mg - Magnesium oos27 mgtL f i&NftPrc NHtaN: An WnW NidoDen 'Tan Mn - Manganese moss •• U911, TKN as N ams mglL NI - Nickel oiae7 use 1 Uetify 1ht�j Ica "'le rest of my k,10?N1 lge and bBhaf, the infcrmatT„: j submi.:eq M,s reRorl is true, acc CVu'R--:rliGatl rL�o�r,4u�y lam a�.ae that Lhele are sign! icaq, p�nafues ter :ubmittfng'fa159 jniorrr3atioa CNE"WoYY iE MQUAUTY-Ctll.QFIVAIM INF0NM7i0lt PRIG tiler iVlYKA . C0lff t;RIA.E1KWCzNMj 1T Nurnb : irg 33r fl iwxpiradon pate: 12/31/ haw2- 2Z- UIC IDES Otter infiltration system VE OF POMITTED OPERATION BEING MDHITORED ❑ Lapoon ❑ Remediation: trdiUredon Gallery 0 Spray Field ❑ Remedlat on: ❑ Rotary Distributor ❑ Lend Application of Sludge ❑ Water Source Heat Pump 0 Other underdrai ns FIELD ANALYSES: pH ooaoo urdta Spec. Cond. oom4: Odor coca& Temp. 000mo` ve JURY at pMhos time of Certification No._••�� Pb - Lead oiosi LKOL Zn - Zinc aio92 M91L Other (Specify Compounds and Concentration Units): ORGANICS: (by GC, GC1MS, HPLC) (SPecity test end niethgd A ATTACH LAB REPORT.) Lab Report Attached? ❑ Yes(l) ❑ No (0) VOC 7U3 , method g method 0 method # method d Effluent Total VOC Removal% FORM ON YELLOW PAPER ONLY -:t QUALITY IYtDWMFING: REPORT FORM :OdNy Nww. carol i na Pl anUtion rerrrdt Nwo (II dam: -ae*Ad*e= Carolina Plantation Road 3acksorMlle. pwft`m` 28310 CbLay Onslow ,,. isnr. ,,.,, .o ded Parrar: 3eff Ursan Telephonel: EMO-330-6167 YOU Watforlgipl NamcCamlint Plantation Kw3P 140. otvoollsto be ssmpkld: 6 )»Osdlarpa UIC )DES Owar ft"Itration systm IPE OF PERWIrTED OPE ATIOM SENG tagm © R I I Ir1lorr OaMry © Spray Fhld Ci t' owadaiom 13 Rotary Dlaledw 0 Lww Appicaiion d Stndpe ❑ wow Sounn ties! Pmv fl omor: vdwdr irs L ID NUMBER pm Prtnntt): � Wte amo ooliedod: 9- 3 4-2 2 FWW Atli VM: Depft is IL Vl d Dlameterl•25 in. pH Won—urlts To*. Wma: � b h to wabr Level erxa - R bNow measu:hM point Screened Irftr al:15 ^& to —IL Spsc. Conti aoow: pllSvda saf Point Is ? _h. above land WAfW a POINT a M.P. Ekwdon: tL Odorooeex ne of wabr PmVeftailed before aamptkrM; gWbro Appa now ►lea brnaatah were ooHectod urMElored: M YES ❑_NO and Bald nckWled_ 0 vm r l Nn ds sanVW orratizad: Laboratory Name: U7Aa UM NOTE: VSkM should r+ td 0=01vsd and cololdal mwwoow r, CoWbadon No.�� COD Oosas CoUbm. MF Faalaiem IMPS. t100ML MUM tm%w as N ooare Wiftle (NOd as N ooesO mWL Pb - Load Otool -- " tF T W wrnw - nOpmL Phoaphorua: Toms as P mm n+MPI. IyL Zrr - anc aoaa �- Pwk Unwo4woareri�%ft%fftwiwR; Wal" d SooftTdw lmoO O�7=7 � Other � COMP°wids and Corambatlon tfi8s): _ mMPL Al • Ahanlrsrm or roa PH (Lab) m m units 80 - 8adUM 01e07 ca - Cak�um ome MOIL CtriTOCWw oO44o—�- owl Cd - Cadmium otw LVL Arwido rom uplL ClaOmkaa: ToW c=4 uQtL Otssaa rdwomw Phenol MW �' Cu - O1O4 mg(L ORGAN=: (by GC. GCIMS. H � swab oC04'J - MM Fae - Iron 01015 LVL MP$dty het S W mWhod i t ATt;ACH ILAB REPORT.) �edBa cw4cw oa own rt�„ pMh°a Flq * AAaiC1ry 71oa K- POtanlum ooes Lab ANadradT © Yes EI) ©HO (lf) _ TOW fMaot�f fm — AM-Mwvw MW L � VOC 7873 method i - M%soitAWNWA lrop�TaYp Kiln ' Menganaa Oi06a (nos? � m� E ` TKN as N own _mw NI - ?a" ovoer �L UWUIVL ... • malhad d FOr RamadFallon a. OW49 Rw.O6•o *Ma . msttrod / Lob �P ): MRusnt Tatat VOCa: —a*& EfAuent Total VOCa: ._.._.MWL I/OC RanwwMJi //- //�-3 Of TY MONITORING: FORM lafrwuULatSR =CMffi RNLD t,NcVOW4alr FacltityName: Carolina Plantation Perml Nub Of dlfferaptj: FaapftyAd*eea; [rrolina Plantation Road 7acksmAlla. Ne'e(tr 28540 Cotlnly Onslorr wct Parson: 7ef'F 2aman Telephoned: 910-130-6167 LoatloNSfia Name:carolina Plantation WWTP No. of wells to be sampled: 6_ L I I NUMBER ([mom poll Depth 18 h. h to Water UrM cmr,. 1 3_ IL New meaw"point Polyd is 2 iL sbova lend surface ma of water pumpedlbaited before umpft- Date sampleodleeted: 9=1-22 .. —� Weft DWmeleri•25' in. Screened Interval: ss A. to A. Relative M.P. Elevation: ft. Mons rte sample analyzed: Laboratory Name: 1RAMETERS NOM Yslums should Wed dtsaolved and cauWal cwmntrathmL COD omo5 M911, NWb (NOj) as N oosie Vt. Co1llorm: MF Feat sleie 1100mL Nitrate (NN as N DMO , myL Coltfamr: MF Total 3=4 1100ML Phosphom ToW ss P oaaft mylL prat uu mpw er-I - fW W0►y..M Opp te7e607 mwL wind 6ollftTctal 7oaoo mg1L AI - Alumlm m (nic5 mpll pH (Lab) com urrlta Ba - Bodum oioo7 UWL TOCooeeo nv& Ca - Calcium oosie mall. Chlorkle mW m011 Cd - Cadmium Dim? upiL Areenio mom LWL Chromium: Total Dim upR Grease and ON$ cm m01L Cu - Copper m042 m9fl. Phenol =M u0►L Fe - Iran mots u0►L Sulfate 0" MA Hg - Mercury 7iaco varL edtie Comli chwes o0ow5 PMha K - Potassium oeoa7 MWL Twal Ammonia coeic "gilt Mg - Moareslum =7 MOIL Pmo*WNW M-4aarkAN=WN WMTOO Mn-Manpnevemoss UWL TKN as N wo mp1L M - Wool 010e7 UWL E..—q;7'-'T.•Ir't;,7ii•[' Tif ls�ll_s •^il9l•1; �i �frl:i�-Tie[• �i' I certify that to the test o' any i nc-hedge and bel,e' the alfarrat cn submaled 11 to s re;�art s Ir. e, acc a'Y yR•cer, feed latcratory I am mare :t at there are s ,ji'irant gene b£s for Subm;ttirng false M',Qrmauci a V,�i ar- W 0033770 B*V* n Date:, Ule Odmi Ion, PE OF PERWT[ED OPERATION WM 1110WIFORED © Lapoon © Remy: Infiltration C " © $pray Flald © Ran odatlon:_�,�� © RoWy okwbidor 0 Land AX Wlom of Shrdpe 13 Water swce we Pump 13 cow undsrdraias SELO ANAL"ES' IN" pH oae>Q wits Temp. oamat '+C DRY st Spec. Cond, com- time of Odor000eeccheck Apparanoa loner C*dVk2 ion No, Pb - Lead moert zn - zinc moat Other (Specify Compoumts and Cron units): ORGAl IM: pry GC, GCA IIBf HPLC) (SPaetN tat and ><ne bW AL ATTACH L AO REPORT.) Lab ReW A t dwn 0 Yes (1) (3 No (0) VOC 7era , method d Method f f••�•��k.}wy�r w f •••wu0 Emuent Total VOC Removal% W