HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQ0034447_Building Permit_20200923RO. Box 905 PLANNING & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 1048: arriageO ��8��, Planning: 910,947.5010 Central Permitting, 910.9�47.2221. 9 n$� d� 44 , Fax910.9, 7.1303 koRTN G? tiwAv.moorecoti Itgmgov LRK=: 31.961 Property Address: 141 SOU`I`H LAKESHORE DRIVE Date Issued: 09/23/2020 Property Owner. ASCOT CORPORATION,. LLC Owner Phone: Applicant.THE ASCOT CORP/COLIN WEBSTER Applicant Phone: 910-639-1065 General Contractor. THE ASCOT CORP/COLIN WEBSTER Address: PO BOX 1872, Phone: 910-639-1.065 Project Description: MUNICIPAL SFD 2 STORY 3462 SF HTD, 500 SFGAR,.79S SF PORCHES,ABD/3.5BA PUBLIC WATER AND STATE SEPTIC. HOUSE IS IN'FL.00DZONE RESIDENTIAL ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit: EP- 50867 Fees:,575.00 Contractor Name: BUFORD ELECTRIC LLC TEMP CONSTRUCTION POLE Permit": EP-50868 Fees: $60.00. Contractor Name: BUFORD ELECTRIC LLC FLOODPLAIN DEVELOPMENT PERMIT Permit: FPD-50869 Fees: $50.00 Contractor Name: ASCO"I` COIR.POR,AIRON, LLC INSULATION PERMIT Permit-: I-50870 Fees: S7a.00 Contractor Name: INSULATION INC RESIDENTIAL MECHANICAL. PERMIT Permit: r:—MP-50871 Fees: $150.00 ContractorName: CERTIFIED HEATTNG & AIR RESIDENTIAL FUEL/GAS PIPING Permit..=: FG-50872. Fees: $50.00 Contractor Name: CERTIFIED I-IEATING &- AIR NC HOMEOWNERS RECOVERY FUND Permit: Fees: $10.00 Contractor Name: THE ASCOT CORP/COLIN WEBSTER RESIDENTIAL PLUMBING PERMIT Permit=: PP-50 73 Fees: $350.00 Contractor Name: TITANS PLUiVIBING LLC RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT Permit`: BP-50874 Fees: $68=4.00 Contractor Name: THE. ASCOT CORP/C LIN WEBSTER. Total Permitfees: $1504.00 1, the undersigned, :hereby make application for Permits, inspection of work described. and agree to comply withal] applicable laws regulating the work. I have also received a copy of this dbcUment and it is my responsibility to inform this office of any change of contractor by comple' o and sUbmittin�change of contractor form if necessary. I: further understand that all inspection regUests are to be a by i e or -my r nt Signature: __ License c Signature of Approving Official; Date:~t---!� ANY PERMIT ISSUED EXPIRES SIX (6) MONTHS AFTER ISSUANCE IF NO INSPECTIONS HAVE BEEN MADE. ANY PERIMIT ISSUED SHALL EXPIRE TWELVE (12) MONTHS AFTER ISSUANCE IF THE WORK IS DISCONTINUED. Whisperin�-Pines FloodptainDetermination ,,. i" initial determination has been made by MOM County Planning and Community Development that your structure may be located within a federally designated floodplain. In order for it Zoning Permit to be issued, sufficient detailed inrotniation. must be provided that confirms 1) C6 structure is not in a designated floodplain, or 2) the structure is in a designated floodplain and will meet all regulatory criteria of the %Vhispering. Pines Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance. Please submit a plot plan depicting the proposed structure and all associated utilities -and mechanical equipment. as well is building drawings to the address. below. In lieu of plot, plan, an Elevation Certificate may be pre -pared and submitted by a licensed surveyor. These materials will be evaluaied be Floodplain-Administrator for compliance with the. ordinance. Moore County Planning and Community Development Department, 1048 Carriage Oaks Drive P.O. Box 905 Carthage, NC 28327 (910)-N-T-5010 Property OwnenfApplicant Name: The Ascot Cojporati6n. LLC NlailinL Address: 30 Country Club BlVd Whispering Pines. NQ 2027 Property Location: 141 S Lakeshore Dr. Whispering Piiies. NC 28327 Phone:' 910-685-7361 —Rix: For Qjjwial Use Only ParID": 00031.961 1. Does the property contain regulatory floodplain? Eyes F1140 2. Is the structure proposed to be partially or totally within the regulatory floodplain" Eyes nN-6 Basis of deterruirtatioD: Flood Insurance Rate Map, by interpretation offloodpiain administrator County GIS map by interpretation of floodpinin administrator (second source) Plot plan sliowing.all uses on property and sealed by a surveyor or engincer. Elevation Certiflictite sealed by a surveyor or engineer 3. Is the use pennancrit or temporary') ZPcrmarent [jTemporai-,,, .1. If the structure is within a re.-ulatory. floodplain, is it located within a non-encroachnient zone or floodway,9 11yes 2"'o Basis of deterraination Floodway Depicted on FI.W%1l Puncl% 3710858500J ❑ Nori-encroachment zone calculated from Flood Insurance Study (Date: ❑ Non -encroachment zone has been calculated from the Moore County Geographic Information System (GIS) 5. Does the use of the property include mobile ]ionic-.- or RV's (such. use is prohibited, except by variance) Dyes & N-1 o 6. Does the use of the property include chemical storage facilities, hazardous waste facilities, salvage yards, or landfills? (all except landfills are -prohibited except by variance. nyes Zj\To DETERNUNATtON 0N'WHj5FL;KjNU,VJ1NU1 t LUUMMAIIN ALOMENIL31 n.a The following floodplain detertnination has been made. for the property identified by Par!W: ------ 90 033190 1 Recommended for approval subject to attached conditions ❑ Recommended:- fur denial subject to the following de term fit ation- E] Variance required I/loodplain"Adininistrator Date All requirements of the AIV.hispering Pines: Fidod Damage Prevention Ordinance must be met,. including but not limited,to the. followiht,:: Construction must follow site plab submitted. T-he surveyor shd[Linark- the base flood elevation on the site prior to establishment Of reference elevation. Elevation Certificate must be -submitted withi I n'seven (7) calendar days of establishment of the reference level elevation (foundation 1 slab),. Any work done within the seven (7) calendar day period and' prior to submission of the certificate of occupancy shall be at the permit holders risk. Elevation levation Certificate ficate must be submitted after construction.is complete and,before the Certificate of OccUpancy.is issued. All tanks (ex. propane,, heating fuel; septic) shall be anchored in accordance with FENMA guidelines. The Base Flood Elevation is 292.5 feet mean sea level (,MSL). A freeboird height of tw'o(2) feet is required. The regulatory flood protection elevation is 294.5 feet MSL. The lowest enclosure may only be used for parking of vehicles- building a - tcess.. or limited storage. The lowest floor and all attendant.utilities shall beat. or above 794.5 feet QVISL). Any enclosed, portions of the structure below the reference fl6or elevation must be vented on at least two (2).; sides Ilie bottom of the openings shall not be. greater than one (1) foot above the:.ground elevation it the perimeter of the enclosure Wall. Please note that the vent opening area requirement is calculated at I sq. in. per sq. fl, of structure footprint below regulatory C, . flood protection. elevation. Fill material shall not encroach into the floodway, or non -encroachment zone of the Little River watercourse. Upon completion of foundation construction or slab prep, Moore -County Code Enforcement office must be contacted for an inspection (947-M 1.). Failure to comply with the Whispering Pines Flood Damage Prevention.0rdinance including any modifications andlor performance reservations as identified above could: result, in assessment of S 100,00 per day civic penalties or initiation of civil or criminal court actions. lssuedthis;jday of September Floodplain Administrator wn�r / Own' ARepresentative PLANNING & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT too P.OBox 995` 1048 Carriage Oaks r1 ve' Cartrags; NC 28327 Planning 91T947.501G Central, Pei fling 9rlU4r 2221. ra c. 9tfl:94713fl3; VAT4, M00recodn"c.'g6 Permit Expiration Statement Thepermit(s) is(are) valid upon signature of the property iiwner or authorized representative on the. approved buildin; permit application. Any building permits issued on or after January 1, 2011 will be valid for`(G) months initially. Froin'the.date of each. inspecti6n, the permits: extend -out a ygar; from that date. VotunteerAgricultural District Signed Registration F certify Chaff I have reviewed the most -current Nt"oore County l rictiltural ilistriet Map found. _the - Planning office, which is available upon request. l have noted the proximity of the agriculttsi al district boundaries to my property: i understand.that the activities such as pesticiel spraying, ►naniire- spre<adin& machine operation, livestock operations, and other common farming activitiesmay-occur a any timp'in these"areas. • (( Manufactured Hbme5kirting:Requirement A 4 All manufactured homes; must have either ,a solid foundation or skirting; that fully encloses the :underside of.the manufiaCtured` home, Materials for skirting shall be those generally used for shirting purposes.:Skirdng dr the.construction of.a solid foundation shall be coxlpleted before <a Certificate of.. Occupancy can be issued. Swimming Pool Fencing [Barrier All swimming pools as defiiled-by the North. Ca'roliha Building Come shalll ave the required fenczng harrier installed and'approued by the building.inspectioais,departanent prior to any water: being placed in the.ppol i Inspections Review An informalinternal review process is available for -inspections decisions. `ro find out more please con tact.Chuck. Hill', Building Inspections Supervisor at 9 t_p,947-2221 or chill@moorecoutltyaac.gov. Restrictive Cbvenants Itis the respcinsibiiity of the owner or owners representative to -check for any -deed restrictions or restrictive Covenants that may prevent.or limit the- permit(s) being issued. Zoning/Setback: Requirements. Issuance of a zoning permit shall in no case be.ciinstrued`as waiving any provisions of the UDO, approved plans,; specific use standards, and the intended use of such building and land.ddi in all respects, conform to -the provisions of the UUO. This property falls. within: the ('�P .Zoning District; Primary/Accessory setbacks are as follows- Front: C47`J Rear: t-11*1 .Sides: c.tx4j 'The Planning and inspections department must approve all changes to the.approved site plan.** ,y LRK# ate Owner2R resentaativ N nted Name Owner/Representa Signature I 812mon Appointment of Lien Agent: Details - LiensNC Lien Service DO NOT REMOVE! .Details:, Ap-po,intment of Lien Agent Entry 1301,267 Filed on, 08/216/2020 Initially filed: by; Cbflir DesjgnatedLiih Agept . ...... . ..... .. ............ Project Prope'rty . .......... Print & Post Fidelity Uztfona) Title Cornpany, LLC 1415 Ukeshoi#e�. Drive NorthCarolina 'Countyr, Addresm 19 Vk Hargett SL. Stafte 5071 WefghXt 17601 Phone. 688-53C-73Z4, Propertg Type Contractors; Pfeas]e post is notice on thelob Sit Supplien and Subcontractors. EmBil, z! Sufft.his irnageNith you"sinart . . ........... ohoni :0 Aew this iiiing; You can*then .. .. .. . .... de 9 Natice to Uen Agent.far F �& this o ect Owner Information Date of First Furnishing . ..... .... .......... . ....... .'0 Sot 1872: 0911SP-0 20 Southern Pines, Nr-' 28368 United Statev Phone! 910, EBS-7351 View Comments of Technical Support HoWnei (888, 690-139, tittps:liapps.lienanc.comls.criappoinl,mentldetalls.htmi?er-tryNumber-',30126'&printable=Y OUR COPY PLEASE SIGN & DATE T HE FOLLOWING DOCUMENTS AND THEN LEAVE THEM I N. THE TOP DRAWER LABELED DROP OFF ONLY PERMITTING &, U.S. bEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND -SECURITY aPv1F3 No.:1860 0008 Federal Emergency Management Agency Expiratian:Dafe Navember 30 2022 National;Flood Insurarce Program ELEVATION C'ERTIFICATE. Impdrtant: Follow the instructions on pages 14, Copy aii pages of this Elevation Certificate andall attachments for (l) community official; (2). insurance agentfcompany,.and (3) building owner, SECTION A —PROPERTY INFORMATION FOR INSURANCE.'COMPANY USE At, Building Owner's Name Policy Number:., THE ASCOT CORPORATION, LLC A2. Building SiieetAddress (including Apt„ Unit; Suite, and'or Bldg. No) or P.O. Raiate:and Company y NA1C.Nurnber:. Box No: 141 SOUTKLAKESHORE DRIVE : , city State ZIP`Code VIJ14ISPERING; PINES North Carolina 23327 A3 PropertyDescriptfon (Lot and Block Numbers, Tax Parcel Number, Legal Description,'etc.) 1.82 ACRES, PARCEL ID:00031961, DEED BOOK:3859 PAGE:1 A41. Building Use (e.g_ Residential, Nan-Residenflal :Addition, -Accessory, etc) RESIDENTIAL Aa Latitude/Longifude Lat.35°`16'00.10" Long: 79`22'45 24" Horizontal Datum: [] NAD 1927,[X] NAD-1983.. A6. Atttach at least2 photographs o€the building,if the: Certificate:is being used to obtaimfiPod insurance. A7, Building D agram Number IA AS. For a Wldirig with a crawlspace.or enclosure($); a} Square footage of crawlspace or enclosure(s) NIA sq' ft b) Number. of permanent flbod.openings in4he crawlspaceor enciosure(s) vtithin:l 0 foot above ad acent grade. NIA c) Total net area of hood openings iri;AB.b NIA :q in d) Engineered flood openings? FlYes. Q' No A9.. For a building;with an attached garage: a)'. Square footage of attached garage 51&00. sq it: b) .Number cif' permanent..flocd' openings in.the.attached garage within-1.0 foot above adjacent grade 0 c) Total net -area of flood openings in A9.b, 0.00 sq in d) Engineered. flood.openings?. ,Yes ©c .No SECTION B - FLOOD INSURANCE' RATE MAP (FIRM) INFORMATION 81, NFIP Community Name &Community Number B2. County Name B3. State VILLAGE OF WHISPERING PINES MOORE North Carolina l 34: MaplPanel B5. Suffix, 136. FIRM Index B7.-FIRM 'Panet. B8, flood B9. Base Flood.Elevaticn(s)• Number Date Effective/. Zone(s) (Zone -AO, use Base Flood _.Depth), Revised Date 85885 J 11'_11-20 r7' 10AI-2006 AE 292,5 810. Indicate the source of the Base Flood Elevation (BFE) data br base flood depth entered in (tern 69: 1. FIS Profile 0 FIRM Q Community Determined XX OtherlSource`. NC FRIS SYSTEM - ©111. Indicate elevation datum used: for BFE in Item 89 ❑ NGVD 1929 [X2. NAVD 1988 ❑ OtherlSource: 812. Is the: building located in.a Coastal Barrier Resources System (CBRS).area or Otherwise Protected,Area:(OPA)? Cj Yes X-1 No Designation' Dater [D. CBRS ❑ OPA FEMA Form 08e-0-33 (12I19) Replaces aft previous editions. Form. Page 1. of 6 ELEVATION CERTIFICATE ON19. No. IM0-000$--: Expiration Date, Noverhber 30, 2022, IMPORTANT: In these. spaces, copy the correspohdin%information-from Section A. FOR JNSURANCE. COMPANY USE Buildiiig:ttreet Address (includingApt--Unit, Suite, an& . or Bldg. I g. No.) or P.O. Rout - 6 and, Box No 144 SOUTH. LAKESHORE DRIVE. CityState ZIP Ccde Company NAIL Number .-WHISPERING PINES North Carolina 28327` SECTION C - BUILDING ELEVATION; INFORMATION. (SURVEY REQUIRED}, -1; Building: Ur Construction ions tions are basedlon: Z.Consti.uction_Drawings�' r Order Construction! Finished C1. Building elevat *A new Elevation Cerlificate:vVill be required when construction of the building is C'Ornplete. C2, Elevations ,�Z.ones-Al-A30,,AE,AA -H, (with BFE),,VE,.V1-V30.'V (With BFE), AR, AWAIARJAE, AR/Al-A.30; AR/AH.AR/AQ. Complete Item's C2.a-h.below according to the building diagram.specified, in -I terp AT In Puerto Rico only, enter meters. Benchmark Utilized, NC REALTINIE NETWORK Ve.ftical Datum, NAVD'88 Indicate elevation datum used for the elevations in items.a) through h) below 17 NGVD1-1929: nX NAVD 1988 n otffierlSource: Datum used for,builcllng elevations must be'the same as that used forthe BFE. Chedk the measurement used. a) Top of bottom floor (including basement,, crawlspece, or enclosure floor) _294.5 FI feet 1-1 meters, b) Top of th&next higher floor, 294.5,feet 1-1 rineters C) B06M.. of the . e lowe . st horizontal structural member (V Zones pnlyy feet []:,meters cl)Attached garage -(top of slat) ab) 294.5, 174 feet r meters 9) Lowest -elevation of machinery or equipment servicing the,building {Describe type of equipment and,location in Comments) 294,5. nX feet; meters Lowest adjacent (fihished) grade next to building (LAG) 294.15 feet meters g) Highest adjacent (finishqb) grade nextto building {HAG} 2943 [X] feet meters, h) Lowest adjacent grdde.at lowest elevation of deck or'stairs-including structural, 294.5 feet: meters support SECTION D - SURVEYOR, ENGINEER, OR ARCHITECT CERTIFICATION - This certification is to be signed, and sealed by a' land. surveyor, engineer, or architect authorized bylaw to certify elevation information, 1, cerfify that.the 1)7fdrmation on this Ceftificate reptesents any best efforts to interpret the data available. 1,understand that. any false statement may, be panishabte"by fine orimprisonment under f &U.S. Code, Section 1001,,- -1 Yes No and, longitude in,Section A provided.by a,licensed land surveyor?R Check here if attachments: Certifier's Name License,Number JOHN G, IVIATTHEWS L-:5020. CAR 0 Title PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR AA :n* L4� 'Company Name, MATTHEWS LAND SURVEYING -AND MAPPING, PLLC Address 103 MONROE ST SUITE 1b4 city. State ZIP Code CARTHAGE North Carolina 28327 w 7 Sign e. Date Telephone Ext. 09-23-262b (619) 947-215 71 CbpkQl pages 6;fhis_ Elevation Certificate and all attachments -for (1) community official, (2) insurance agentic6mpany, arid,(3). building owner. yp c rriments: (including t* a ofecluipment and location, per C2(e), if applicable) NO STRUCTURE PRESENT AT THIS TIME, ALL BUILDING AND EQUIPMENT ELEVATIONS AREAS -PLANNED. FEMA Form. 086Y0-33 (12/19) Replaces alt,previous editions. Form: Page. 2 of 8 ELEVATION CERTIFICATE. OMB No: 166D-0068' Expiration E}ate: November 34, 2022- IMPORTANT: In these spaces; copy the corresponding information from Sectjori A. FOR iNSUFtANCE.CfJMPANY USE Building Street Address (including Apt.,. Unit, Suite; and/or Bldg. No.) or P.O. Route and Box No. Policy Number. 141 St}UTH L4ifESHORE DRIVE city State ZIP Code Company NAIC Nbrriber WHISPERING PINES. North Carolina 28327 SECTION E — BUILDING ELEVATION INFORMATION (SURVEY NOT REQUIRED), FOR ZONE AO AND ZONE A (WITHOUT.BFE) :For Zones AO and.A (without BFE), complete items E1—ES. If the C&tificate is intended to support a LOMA or LOMR-F? request; complete. Sections A, Band C. For Items E1—E4, use natural grade, da4lable. Check the measuremen€eised.' In Puerto. Rico only, .entw meters. El Provide elevation informationJorthe following and check the: appropriate boxes to show whether the elevation is above or below the highest adjacent grade (HAG j and the lowest adjacent grade: (LAG): a) Top of bottom. floor (including basement, crawlspace;, or enclosure) is, I'lleet Q meters 0 above or [j below the HAG, b) Top of from floor. (including basement, crawispace, cr enclosure) is' n feet D meters ❑ above or ® below the LAG, E2; For Building Diagrams 6-9 with permanent flood openings provided in Section A Items 8 andlor9 (see ages 1-2 of Instructions), the next higher floor (elevation C2.b in the diagrams) of the building is E3feet .0 meters 0 above or [Dbelow the HAG'. E3. Attached garage::(topof slab} is 'feet ❑meters 'Dabove or 0 below. the HAG. E4. Top .of platform: of machinery and/or equipment servicing tare. building is feet: ®: meters n above or below the FLAG. E6, Zone AO on3y:'If no flood depth number is available, is the top of the bottom floor elevated in accordance with the cornmunity's floodplain management ardinance? lj Yes []No Q Unknown. The local. official mustcertify this. information in' Section G. SECTION`F— PROPERTY -OWNER (OR.OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE) CERTIFICATION The property owner or owner's authorized representative who completes Sections A, ; and E for Zone•A (,M'thout a.FEMA-issued or community -issued BFE) or Zone; AO must sign here: The statements In Sections•A, B,, and E are correct to the bast of ±lay knowledge. Property Owner or Owner's Authorized Representative's Name Address city state ZIP Code Signature, Date Telephone Comments F Check here if attachments: FEMA Form 086-0-33 (12MID) Replaces all previous editions` Form Page 3 or 6 ELEVATION CERTIFICAM OMB No. 1660-6008. Expiration bate: N 6vember 30, 2022 IMPORTANT, In-these,sppices, copy the :corresponding information from Section A. FOR INSURANCE COMPANY USE Building Street. Address-(includinj Apt., Unit, Suite, andlorBld ,g. No.). or P.O. Route and Box No. Policy. Number. Poll ' 141'90UTH LAKESHORE-DRIVE City State ZIP Code Company NAIC.NUmb& WHISPERING PINES North.Carolina 28327 SECTION G.— COMMUNITY, INFORMATION {OPTIONAL)' The local official Who is authorized by law or ordinance to administer the community's floodplain managementordinanc�.Oan complete neasurement Sections A, B, C (or:E), and G of this Elevation Certificate. Complete the applicable item(sland sign below. Check the measurement ;used,in Items G87-G10. In Puerto Rico only, enter meters, Ej The information in Section C was taken from: other documentation that has been signed and sealed bY!,a licerksed. surveyor, engineer, or architect who is authorized by law,to certify -elevation information.,(Indi6ate the source and date 'f the elevation data in'the. Comments area below.) '02, Acommunity official completed Section E: for a building: located in Zone A (Without a FEMA-issued or community -issued BFEY or Zone AO. G1 ❑ The following information (items 134—GI0)Js provided for -community floodplain management purposes. G4. Permit Number G5. Date Permit Issued G6: Date'Certificite.of Compliance/Occupdricy Issued G7. This permit has been issued for., ❑ New Constiucticn F-1 Substantial Improvement G8, Elevation of as -built lowest floor (including.basenrient) of the building: D feet D meters- Datdin G9, BFE or (in Zone AOI depth. of flooding, at the building site: 1-1 fe4t EI'meters, Datu rn G�10. Community's ' -design flood elevation: ❑ feet n meters Datum Local Official's Name Title Community Name. Telephone Signature Date Comments (Including. type -of equipment and location, per C2(e), if applicable) i.❑J'Check here if -attachments. FEMA Form 086-0-33 (12119) Replaces all previous editions. Form Page 4 of 6' BUILDING PHOTOGRAPHS: OMB No. ELEVATION CERTIFICATE See Instructions for Item A& Expiration Date: -November 30; 2022 IMPORTANT: In these spaces, copy the corresponding, Information fforh Section A. FOR INSURANCE COMPANY USE, Building Street,Addtess (including Apt., Unit. Suite; and/or Bldg. No.) or RO. Route and,Box- No. P61icy Number 141* SOUTH LAKESHORE DRIVE ,City- state, ZIP. Code Company NAIC NUrTiber WHISPERING PINES North Carolina 28327 If using the. Elevation Certificate to obtain NRP flood insurance, affix at least 2 building photographs below according to the instructions for Item A5. ldent4 all photographs with date taken; Front View.' and "Rear View": and, if required�'Right ght Side View" and "Left Side -View." When applicable, photographs must show the foundation with representative examples of the flood openings or vents, as indicated'in Secton.A8. If submitting more photograpfis.than will fit on this page, use the Continuation Page, Photo One PmrtaOrs Photo One Caption Photo Two Frcto Iwo Photo Two Caption FEMA Fonn 086-0-33 (12/19) Replaces all previous editions. Form Page 8-of 6 BUILDING PHOTOGRAPHS ELEVATION CERTIFICATE. Continuauon•Page i OMB No. 1660 0008 Explratim Date- November 30, 2022, IMPORTANT: In these spaces, copy the corresponding information from Section X, FOR INSURANCE COMPANY USE Building Street Address (including Apt., Unit. Suite, and/or Bldg. No.) or P.O. Route. and Box No. Poiicy.Number: 141 SOUTH LAKESHORE DRIVES s City State ZIP Coda Company NAIC, Number WHISPERING -PINES North Carolina 203 7 i If submitting more: photographs than; will fit on the preceding.. page, affix the additimalphotographs below, Identify all photographs Wit h: date taken; "Front, View" and "Rear View"; and, if required, "Right Side View" and "Left Side View." When applicable: photographs mustshow the foundation with representative examples of the flood openings or vents, as indicated in Section A8. i Y f Photo Three Pncto Three Photo; Three Caption ;Gear 4 to Three'; H Photb Four i l P=0 t qw Photo -Four Caption Gtear•pt oto Fqur FEMA Form 086=0-33 (12/19) Replaces all previous editions. Form Page 6 of 6 County of Moore Planning and Transportation Ptwining- (91,0) 947-5010 Trall'sPortition- e�10) 947-3389 RIA=_ Fax: (91011947-1303 Residential Buildixia- Permit Application (Site Built'l-lomes, Modular Homes, Additions, Renovations and Accessory, Buildings) Application Date-- 8-26-20 Locatlonhkddres� of Property- 141 S L!a keshore Drive, Whispering Pines, NC 28394 I)Lscription ot"Proposed Work: New Residential Construction -Applicant (Your Name): The -Ascot Corp, LLC 910-688-7361 'Property Owney.l.,--The Ascot. Corp, LLC -Phonev. 910-68&7361 Pkonertv Owner Address: P.0 Box 1872 TCity southern Pines Fst - NC .Lip: 28368 roject- Site Built Home Z) Modular Horne 0,Additions LlIZenovations El Accessory Building Type of Project: Bldg Height (ft), 31' 2o(Stories: 2 =of.Bedrooms: 4. 777FiII.:PIoiect CotL,$,, 220,000.00 Area4sqft). Total, 4,766. Finished Heated: 3,463 Unfinished: 8 Garage: 500 Pr rch(es): 795 Deck(s) Utilities- El Private Well CIPublic Water AND' 0 Private, Septic System A,Public Sewer Electric: ".of Amps: 200 (Temporary Pole U Generator Q Additional Wiring HVAC Mechanical. 4 of Systems Type of Systems Size 4 TQn Q Fucl.Gas Piping of Baths Plumbing- of 1/2 Baths 9 Water Heaters 4' Clothes Washers 4 Additional. Sinks,—Q— = of Spas 0' Dishwashers Irrigation System 1 General Contractor: The Ascot Corp, LLC Phone: 910-688-7361 7049 ( Address: P.0 Box 1872 City Southern Pines St NC Zip 28388 Plumbing Contractor: Titan Plumbing, LLC Phone: 519-002-0990 License. 34800 Address-, 1.634 Brook City Raleigh St 'NC Zip 27609 IN-fecharnicat Contractor: Certified Heat& Air Phone: 910-858-0000 License: 20012 H3-1 Address,. PO Box 1071 C4 Hope -Mills St NC Lip 28348 Electrical Contractor: Buford Electric Phone: 910-818-0994 License: 31424-U Address: �: 948 Pan Dr Hope Mills St NO dip 28348 Fuel Gas Contractor: Certified Heat & Air Phone: 910-858-0000 License: 20012 H3-1 Addm5s: PO Box 1071� CiLY, Hope Mills St NC, [Zip 28348 nsulation Contractor: Insulating Inc. Phone. 919-776-4138 License: - Address: 5902. Fayetteville Rd. City Raleigh St NC ZIP 27603 I hereby certify that all information in this application is correct and all work will comply with the State BuildinS, Code and other applicable State and [oral laws, ordinances and regulatiows, The Irvpection Department will be notified of any changes in the .approved. plans, and specifications for the project permitted herCV, f understand if this application is; incomplete, no inspections will be performed on the project. By A I tv I at "eat tha/t,phaye obpined all subcontractors permission toobtain-thesepermits. Owner/Agent Signature:_ Date: 8-26-20 Revised 6111 �20 19 *NOTF. The General Contractor must fill out and si-It page 3 of this application. County of Moore Planning and Transportation lnqpedions/pamfttit�gp (910) 947=2221 Planning: (910) 947-50[0 Transpoaation; (.910) 947-3389 Fax: (qI0)!J47-13G3 AFFJDAVIT FOR WORKER'S COMPENSATION N.C.G.S. 87-14 The undersigned applicant being the: —General Contractor _Owner X officer/Agent of the Contractor roctor or Owner Do hereby confirm under penalties of perjury that the person(s), firm(s), or torporation(s) performing the work set forth in the permit X Has three (3) or more employees and has obtained workers compensation insurance to cover them. —141as one (I.) or more subcontractor (s) and has obtained workers compensation insurance to cover them. X Has one JI) or more subcontractor(s) who have their own policy of workers compensatl6nInsurance to cover themselves. —Has no more than two (2)-employees and no subcontractors. While working on the project for which this permit is sought it is understood that the Central Perrhiffing Depart- ment issuing the permit may require certificates of coverage of workers compensation insurance prior to issu- ance of the permit and at any time during the permitted work from, any person, firm or corporation carrying out the work. The Ascot. Corporation, LLC Comodn�/ or Owners N 8-26-20 A94ifflignature. Date Revised 6111 i2o 19 1 80612021) Appointment of Lien Agent Details - Uef sNC Lien Service DO NOT RSMOVE! Details,. Appointment of Lien, Agelt Entry; 13012.67 Filed on: 08/,26/2020 Initialig filed by: -C 611ft Designated Lien Agent.' Project Property Print & Post Fidelfcy National Title Company, LLC 14' 5 Lakesho, Drive ..... North.Car0na Countv', AddraIM Rargett St. SiAe 5071 Property, TypeI, Contractors: Pleasep—t a,this notice an the fw Fix: 912;4S9-SM q2E("§LP-ILn r , 0 Suppliers and Subcontractors., —M'. 1.2 Fan,0y:0weJIInj Scan this irnag'e with your smar -to, phone view tE"'s riling. You can then fle,a Notice' to lien Agent for this proJect. Owner Inforin ation Date,of First Furnfshlng. Ascot Corporation, Li-C PC Boy 1872 southem,p"nes, 11C 26383 Ernail. c,"adey;� Scctgrpxofn Phone! 910-63S-7361 View col"I'ments (0): Technical Support Hotline: ?8881690-7384 https*li'p.pps.l;ensnc.com,',icr.'appointi*nent/detaits,h' lml?en' WyN umber-- 201267-&prIntabla=Y . . . . ..................... , i4NJNi PR G:.E49pPz(a8.'43:FAG„t • �� " � - RF4'k'S+fCGUdf:14iE 7' hY , • r ;ma�ssc rrm sAS..sCrr mroG vr=CA tX.- �O;T✓=s b1.aT-Y PJY4.1: �kAY^�14a4 p,�C;itCQ AS.-E.Y".6LhC a"SJl L4Y'.ESb OTf R.1Si l�t'iJft3"; , 'tip .. — _, e . va gTi6'Rb ADN5TWI S�ss'1[+4Rr'%Xi3'c.!�3: S� MI74£3 Pt Pa e . SStS I.tTi,�SkW. UAf'f. da71a EX,S�itY.uiFL'•E.IA'.gtdti33T.. N'W W3XAM, el=lINZ WAS *A $i'�:'g tom.. EX.fi L°dC'. Det!iAi - "WAYFia tS:rrc,. 5e. i 4G Ad R4"n, Sar Gipla {. 5 } e9f3 hr'a„^*•L.3hElLSwGPJ+4E R' caf-azetrtG:..� 99 i '•V:iAXSAc.'. J ..AR=LV14ARYPLA 1 NO sORRECORDATION, _.k. CONVEYANCES, OR SALES" r , i. - : .. .J ��sa-'�_ • .. gib y, �r4 � it S - L e" r' L L" - _ t t° 1LILe yatt3 ' size ?' e 8 Cad. s3 r'. I „ "mat % Ga '�- �� ,� f _ 10-meta rum 5 Galt t I v } �1 8!�CiY SBeecr@ �i $li € - f . gea-En^arg. �i}3„#s ±' LL..✓✓" g umaaaSad 3tM15t td � . 1 o n ra; �. /t PRELIMINARYSITE FLAN FOR,.. - l TYLER STAR` s lfors HE" �Mxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx wxs:.vEmmcsass /- j x1[.a*1"etEL TQVIVUSHIlpe MCORE f3Ou,47- ' 4txe SpFRi:xta 2 dES Nx'a AlE 1 A_av - ^t3 - r #t#LY SS,iii'�,1 SGAtE i sa ' V.- DAvm,b,0YL.rz,. 920 NAMRS PoSt DMVE. EVANSi G80kGIA30909 Dear W and Mt. Doyle: July 5, 2017 R.OYCOOPER INAICHAEL S. REGAN S. TAY ZlIMMIMMAN Subject: Permit No. W00034447 141 S. Lakijftoie Df. 81R Wastewater Irrigation %,stem,' Moo'Mcounty In. accordance with. Your permit renewal mquest received June 12, 2017,: we are f6nvarding herewidi:Perrnit No. WQ003447 dated July 5, 2017 to David Doyle, Jr. and Audrey W. Doyle for the construction and operation of the suject single-family residence kkrastewater treatment and irrigation Thig permit shall be effective lfYom the date ofissuaftce (Intil-June 30, 20,272ishall void rmit No. WQ06M4471 issued December 5. 2011, and. shall be subject tb theconditions and'limitations M specified therein; _.-AlLn e'uension-shall be reqttesred at !east sip -months prior to the expiation of thj.permit. Upon receipt of the requests the Commission {-All revicw"the adequacy, of the facility described th6re'in and; if Nvaitanted, will extend the permit fbrsuch: period of -time and under such conditions and li , initationsas it may deed appropriate, Please pay particular attention to -the opt4ation and maintenance requirements listed -in Section HI forfheynnky differ from the previous permit issuance. Failure to estabiish an adequat6 system. for collecting and mathtainingghe required.operationl iniforniation.shall result in.fiaure compliance problems. Also mte that Condition VI.6. requires th-- Perinittie to retain asset of Division -approved plan.s and specifications for the life' .of the tacilitie's permnitted herein. Please note, the Mlowing piarmit condifica is nt w since the last permit ismLince' dated Ln Dcc�mber 5, 204 1 > Condition 1111. 14. — Owner respofisibi tit, fbr operation and maintenance. If any parts, requirements or li mitations contained in this permit are. unacce table, the, Permittee has ihie righn to reqae*l art adj udicatory h.mri!ig upwi written reque-st- within 3 0 - days following receipt of this.ptxmit. This request Shall be inthe forin of a writteiqetition, conforming to. Chapter 150B of the North Cardlina. General Statutes, and filed -.1th fife Office of Administrative Hearin gs. at 6714 Mail . Service Certer, -.Raleiah, NC 26699-6714. Unless such dernands at)e made, this permit sqh&-be final and binding. State of Norlth Camlina. I Enviror==tal Qiai ity Wkw R_,3wixes? w3rar Quality Non-Dm-harge hrmi-aing j617 Mail Suvice C ttcs i alei lt..tioah C11clim,27699-161? ti 1940*_ is3z v S 1 < t _ Y . a a f ? xf yjJ eZo �''a:°; i -• "} a ter.. M •.�. .. . -. ... �� �' Z• �. -� � i :� �� �\,k � �� �:� ! � 1 ,! i a�n Va . �a4aMk K Ma.K� ;� 50 , 1 N..m, .d s ; � �}"F�f iHa(t ti. •d . t .. . t �- l t �...1 t t gg j x All 17 , . , u_- .. .-_ T—. .. . =,.. :t 13 3Ir"Nn4 .... . .. k' .. =wr )# P'1 m�df'u.\\Itlll\( t�tf ti4okrcl hl Cv4[�%ftt� Lc' S m L'Itl O INC*Ixr. 44iil6rliftl'AC I tNI?<, :`•Gilt }Cp, Gf1C;�M lit. Sr ' 4iFt4�t3 t.<r1r - f/ � : 1 l�j�J� ���1•�',!r 4� tr. ts'a:<:�q ... �t � ' - i t >n'.ecs.3yen axs cr 11 i 't � h:yY `�° haF.l P✓Y[ �r,�. � � Kj� y � �� � _ >, .,.��._, \ �fs'3 `y�,• .. •,. t - ;c{R� .. .. r 1 � ,,� f r>n •� 1. qr \i �\. six I r S, l' ,S JfA? f •>„ e t \ � L3T� r #f I jjl I I T J Cet �s'�?�'.a!4';�:;I(?? U .+.i�; �'. •�� � r°� .�,.,;,. � �x :�'rs t,, �� ..,,« �.oa�r / t ;� � f j. I �R7 � j. = r MA i 1 Y(. iit T i32MF ma IM S,.y:,:! t £,• Yd i "p t1 ` ;f '°% 7 ! T yV i i L rcu�,rw ar � in. um i ra [� e, 5 �"ir � � '• f ( ' r t + �, ui<ww4�. tt�.eq; �^iwr ttr.,m t ' •'ri '� � xax C� �. + .t �` • � >� rc 'IS w: a.a. r.n npurrii;4 'A i .. fr Ip ^� ;, i ' i 3 Khrxt t 4 Ae ti ru i (1 tN'/3Ai J� st n art uu s uAs u:: \ � •s a bEt��tr `f ; [iY t '�s `>j s Y ci uc .nay j eaty rt r r. r .fi ai rrxr?>t n � t tf f rk s n„r w, � � C � / •a> ' i r� F ati} +3A7+0Gt,erAFtttT WXi Mt'I.S0. 1' ',r+ i{ ' Sri`(Xwvai hi WMR KB+ � •. J „x� _ � � a"`� ' eC �a'. a- 1 ...... r, s� _.... x. ............. .� •�" Irr l„iYu€ r t'.I£ �t•,rratur urs iu � r `: Ii17 tr t rt 1 � *vt a • x a » F� + i tt• i ti Tt5 olt I] I hth Af d ur ", r ,Id` t ...... rS?�s(4iv4ct. F3i rn f9f4K,t•MN 67fiYI`!hi £ r,Y_£ i7.2ua.a .. Richard Detconte From: Josh Lambert ,Sent- Thursday,.September 17, 2020 457 PM To: Richard Delconte;--Briari Patnode, Darrel Hilliard Subject: RE.: Water VeriflCatioris Please• 198 Erfie Dr- Yes, P.in.ebluff 434 Ballater Ln- Yes 141 S Lakeshore Dr- Yes, Whispering Pines FOoriv Richard Delc6rite <rclelconte@moorecountync.gov> Sent: Thursday;. September 17, 2020,4:44 PM To: Josh Lambert,<jlambert@moorecountync.gov>; Brian Patnode <cpatn!ode@moorecountync.gov>,,- Dar -re[ Hilliard'. <dhiIliard@mocrecountync.gov> Subject- Water'Verificlations.Please 198 Erfie Dr 434-Bailaster Ln —4141 S Lakeshore, Dn' Thankyog,- Richard Del Conte -Senior Permitting Tech, CFM Mcore County Planning &'Inspections 1048 Carriage Oaks Drive / PO Box 905 Carthage, NC 28327 Ph: (910) 9472221 x4 Fx,. (910) 947-1303 rdekonteQ moorecouritync.gov r� V —I t .11LAGE, OF WHISPERING PINES RESIDENTIAL, APPLICATION I PERMIT For Viilag&.0,- only , onK 10 Pine Ridge Drive Whispering Pines., NC 283P7 910-949-3141 ens. 10 /Approved, APPROVED Zoriing,Adrniniktralor Date 8`26-20 Proposed CODSVUCtiOn (Check one) X Sinale Family Residential. Multi -Family Residential- Prooertiv Address: 141 S Lakeshore Dr, Whisperi ng Pines, NC; 28327 Par 11) 00031961 Proper' Owner: ThaAscot Corporation,, on,,i-LC Phone: 910=688-7361 conir The Ascot Corp, LLC Phone:. 910-688-7361 Contractor Address: P.0 Box-1 872, Southern Pines, NC 28388 Fax:- Ccntractor Email: Lisette@ascbtgrp.com Tom'! Scquare Footage 4766 Heaied Space (sq. ft.) 3463 Bedrooms 4, ----------- Baths 3 1/2 *A Soil ind Erosion Control, Grading Permit and. Landscape Plans are r'eqUired with all Res;dentiall appilicatilons. *Ea,-'a1'h4Bred' S0CCie evaluation report from USFWS *A Trei Survey and Tree Protection pla-as must accompany plans for lots less: than one acre_ Ail approved trees and landscaping mL-s-, be maintained for, five (5) years. Agreement is. noted )y Additional, infon.11ation.: Owner TO -THE OWNERAND CONTRACTOR. PLEASE NOTE. THIS APPLICA-50-N:AND PERMIT IS ISSUED SUBJECT TO THE: CONDITIONS AND TERfvl---.SET FORTH ON PAGES ONE & TWO Contractor T 4 VILLAGE ESP WHISP81RING PINES DRIVEWAY APPLICATION ! PERMIT %Pine R1dge.Drive "ilheiisperincg Pik e's,. tr"C 28327. E for Village use only � d� ? tU �. pproved 2G� Perrr+it�`D Zoning:.Administrator i 'gig Date 8-26-20 Property Address: 141 S Lakeshore Dr, Whispering. Pines, NC 28327, LRK: 858500628181 Property owner: The Ascot Cor orb titian, Lt.0 Phone:, 6-�88-736 ! . Contractor The Ascot Corporation; LLC Phone: 91.M88�7361.` P'.b Box 1872, Southern Pines., NC 28388 Contractor Address: .. Entail Address: Lisette@ascotgrp.com New X' or Repair Repiacement Surface Material* Concrete Apron material if different from driveway COricrEte (a 1.5 fora solid surface apron is required from, street onto the lot) Driveway�width in feet: Nominal* (I Oft rain, 18ft max) . 12 Flare (3ft max each. side) 2" 'Distance from adjacent property (aft min) 3' Drainage grate and t or culvert, minimum of 12 inches,. required except where angle inverts all water flow . away from street. Grate and / or culvert required: Yes X No Siie 12 The requirement for and the placement of a drainage grate and / or culvert will be determined by the, Public V, orks Director, Bob Kissinger 010-237-1997 PW Director comments:. Crive+yays connecting to a State maintained road. are required to obtain a permit from NC' Department of Transportation. Submission. of an approvedpermit from NCDOT is required.' Application must include a drawing showing dimensions, materials, and locations. �I 1 .Own r: r rContractorr.. Page 1 THE,.VILLAQE OF WHISPER- ING 'iNE - S GRADING APPL.IcAT16N 1 PERMIT 10 Pine Rldge.Drive, Whispering Pines, NC 28327 Village use only Date: L^Ja1# 20.2L ZAPD"r6ved--Exempt Permit# 6CtQ6'7 CC> k. &V-ILQ�LL lot i'kf ZoningAdministrator rat starrtp *Exemption: projects with no critical areas, -less than -3:1- slope; and less than one acre of disturbance may be exempt from erosion control measures., DATE8126/20, LRK:858500628181 ,- PROPERTY OWNER:. The Ascot Corporation, LLC PHONE: 910-688-7361 PROPERTY ADDRESS: 141 S Lakeshore Dt, Whispering Pines,, NC 28327 The Ascot Corporation, LLC CONT�APT.Ok PHONE: 910-688-73 61 CONTRACTOR ADDRESS: P.0 Box 1872, Southern Pines, NC. 28388 Projected time!i ne for completion. Begin: SaPt'294 End, Mar 2021. Purpose for land disturbance - mark all that'apply 2 new or reconstruction 0 stockpiling' , 2 jandscaping eroslon/sedimentation controls, 17-1 pool stormw'ater controls! P-1 Septic PJ'tres- and brush cleEiring AREA TO BE GRADED 101-890 sf (in acres or sq - uare f"t)" SLOPE less greater or less titan ,31)* MAP (identify'any critical areas)*V Non-ette'.Mpt. projects must also submita CompliancO Form and 6 erosion Control Plan. For projects larger than one acre Pre -Application Conference is required. If it is determined that: a significant risk of accelerated erosion exists, off -site sedimentation may occur asa result of the land disturbing activity, and/or other conditions exist that require the preparation and approval of an Erosion Control. Plan,, -the compliance form or exemption from measures is not valid. A copy,'of this approved form must be displayed on the job site at all times, This permit expires. after six months of, inactivity beginning on date, of approval.. Financilal responsJbility -arid ovvnership: The undersigned does hereby accept any and: all fir.ancial. responsibility and ownership for all land disturbing, activities, erosion. control failures and Test-cration following a failu,re. (Section 110,7.7 B of the.LDO) Owner: Contractor: DR. J.H. CARTER III & ASSOCIATES, INC. Environmental Consultants: 515-F Midland Road • Southern Fires. N.C. 28387 (910)695-1043 Fax (910)695-3317 28 Atigpst,2_020 Colin Webster The AscpfCo'rporat*'ion, LLC P.Q. Box 1-872 Southern Pines... NC 28388 Dear %4r.' Webster: On 29 Ati-List 2020,a biolo6st from Dr. J. H. Carter M &.Associates;, Inc.-(JC A): conducted tired -cockaded woodpec kei­(Diyol atev boi-eafis=Pi,coicles borecdiv) (RCW) survey Of A 1.8-iacre residential lot. (LRK 93 196 1) on South Lakeshore;'Drive in Whis pering Pines, Moore County, North Carolina (NC). The property: had a dense overstory or bo,blolly pines (Pinus tctedq), a dense 5-15 foot (11) tall midstory dominated by sweetguin (Liquielainbcn- slyracijltw), red maple (Ae&)-ubruin), sand' post oak (Querctt.5r maigamltae)-and wax -myrtle (Afyi-icet cei-ifera), and a moderately dense a round.cover of muscadine -rape 011fliscaclinia i--otunclifolici), cross -vine (Bignonici ccij�i- oicit e a and Carol ifia jessamine (Gels eini.iiin' seinjiw-vi . rens). No RCW cavity trees were found on the lot and.the'lot is not within a RCW foraging habitat partition. The nearest known RCW cavity tree (tree #4,585) contains a relic enlarged cavity arid, is located approximately..O'.85 mile. south of the parcel in abandoned MOORClustdr 39. The RCW Recovery Plan (USFWS 2003) defines a cluster as the aggregation of cavity ,trees used, and defended by a group of RCWs plus a 200-,ft. buffer or contiguous forest.. The Recovery Plan also outlines the minimum. acreage. pine age and pine stocking level's of foraging, habitat required to conserve a family group ofRCWs. Foraging habitat is defined as stands of pine or pine -hardwood more than 30 years old,, located within one-half mile -of and contiguous to, an active or manage d RCW cluster. Landowners within RCW habitat have a responsibility to minimize -the removal of RCW foraging habitat (pine trees >1*0 inches in diameter at breast height (dbh)) and must notify the local USFWS field. office rior to such removals.. C� p Endjnaered Species Surveys * Environmental Assessments * Lancilklanagernent 9 Wetlands Mapping and Permitting , ,J I 11111�11 Property development withina cluster and associated foraging habitat, if if not carefully conducted, is potentially harmftiI to RCWs and may violate the Endangered, Species Act.if-no*t. specifically -au authorized, by the USFWS. Removing -nine trees, within1he -cluster contributes to habitat,fragi-nentation, making, RCWS more vulnerable to predation and more suseeptible'to having other species take over their cavities. Based: oh the results of this survey, there -are no RCW-related restrictions on developing this re.sidential'lot. Please note that the I I recommending minimizing the local USFWS, office is fecomi removal of pinetrees> 8 inches in d6h to the extent practicable'. The RCW survey results are valid for a. -period of one year from the date -of this letter. A copy of this letter along with a letter from the'USP-WSwill -be required when' ,ou request a building permit from your local Planning, and. Zoning I 'ta: .office.. I RCW constructs a eavity in a pine -tree on the- aforementioned lot within the one-year time frame. this letter do6 not allow distutbake (',within 50 ft.) or removal of'the cavity tree. You must get additional approval from the USFWS for removal or disturbance of a RCW cavity tree. Please feel- free to call if you have any questions or comments. Sincerely, Jeanette M. Sabo State and Federally -Permitted RCW Biologist U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Attn. Susan INAiller P.O.- Box 119 Southern Pines, NC 28388 Endangered Species S6rveyi - Environmental Assessments * Land I'vianngament * Wetlands Mapping and Permitting BOOKS404 - PAGE.82 For Registration Register ol Deeds Judy D. Martine. Moore Count/,'NC' Electronically Recorded August 26, 2020- 11: 56:55 AM Book: 5404 Page: 82 - 85 #Pages- 4 Fee: $26.00 NC Rev Stamp., $310,00 Instrument# 2020015819 GENERAL WARRANTY DEED THIS INSTRUIN1ENT PREPARED BY: Richard Lee Yelverron III, Esq. Ywi Camp, Meicham & Newman. PLLC Re - Regional Circle (18374) P.O. Box 1389 Pinelturst, Nbrth Carolina 28370 N 0 TITLE WORK COMPLETED BY PREPARLN G ATTORNEY TO BE RECORDED IN. THE Excise Tax: $310-00 DEED RECORDS OF Parcel LD.: 00031961 MOORE COUNTY. NC - THIS DEED made this day of li - .2020, by and between: DAVID DOYLE,, TR. AND'W-1FU,, AUDREY W. DOYLE Address: 5 AngelCircle Asheville, NC)8803 THE ASCOT CORPORATION, LLC, a North Carolina Lfini ted Liability Company Mailing Address: 30 Country Club Boulevard Whispering Pines. k 283227 WUNESSET11: The designation Grantor and Grantee as used herein shall include said parties, their heirs, succemors, and assi-tis, and shall include sing plural, masculine, feminine Or neuter as required by context. WITNESSETH, the Grantor, for valuable consideration paid by the Grantee, the receipt of which is flerebY grant; acknowicd-ed, has and by these presents does bargain, sell, and convey unto the Grantee, in fee 0 0 .simple, all that certain lot or parcel- Of land (referred to in the singular. whether one or more) situated in the Village of Whispering Pines, McNeill Township, Moore County, North Carolina. and more particularly described as follows: See attached Exhibit "A" submitted electronically by "Sandhills Law Group" in -compliance With North Carolina statutes governing recordable documents and the terms of the submitter agreement Wi-th'the moore County Register of Deeds. BOOK540.4 - PAGE 83 This property herei - described _ is, oy)-(is not the primary residence ©f the Grant&. And being the same property, conveyed by instrument recorded in Hook 38A Page 1. in the Moore County, North. Carolina, Register of Deeds. This conveyance is made subjecuto (i) the lien of the County of Moore', for taxes and other assessments for the current year, which taxes or other assessmetits.shalf be pro -rated as of the date of closing and which Grantee by acceptance of this deed "expressly agrees to. pay; (ii) utility easements of record; and' (ili) unviolated restrictive covenants of record that do not materially affect, the value of the property. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the aforesaid lot or parcel of land and 41 privileges and appurtenances thereto belonging to the Grantee in fee simple - And Grantor covenants with the Grantee; that Grantor is seized of the premises in fee simple,.has the right to. convey the same in fee simple. that title is marketable and free and clear of all encumbrances and that Grantor Kill warrant and'defend the title against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever except for the exceptions noted:herein. IN WITNESS: WHEREOF, the said Grantor' has hereunto set their hand and sealthe day and year first above written: [SIGNATURES AND NOTARY ACKNOWLEDGMENT ON FOLLOWING PAGE] 2 BOOK6404 - PAGE.84 \(SEAL) Dav"s"d Do r. Date (SEAL) I� Z Audrey W. Do, Date STATE OF A COUNTY OF �;tiL1 I, ,t k: y ad], Ki i, +'► a notary public f r the County of _ 7&4 and -the State Of C. s certify that David Doyle, Jr. and`Audrey W: Doyle, personally appeared before me this day, and a) ( ) I have personal, knowledge of the identity of the principal(s) b) ((} I gave seen satisfactory evidence of the principal's identity, by a current state or-fegeral identification with the principle's*73 �a h in the, forth of a: !! <� c) ( ) A. credible. witness gas sworn. to"eintity pnncipa t s each acknowledging to me that he or she voluntarily signed the foregoing document for the purpose stated therein and in the capacity indicated. WITNESS my hand and seal this '{ 4dray of Ala, 2020. fr Signature of Notary Public: ,.. f,-- �� ' �*'--• ,ivy Commission Expires: a E HAK YONG KIM1 t NOTARY PUBLIC HENDERSON COUNTY, NC �! Canniss4an a 12-t-202t F , i1N,x 1ry "L,aIi B'OOK5404 =PAGE 85' Exhibit "A" A certain -tract or parcel of land fronting on the west side of South Lake View Drive and Lake View. Drive in the Village of Whispering Tines, describedas follows: BEGITWNG ,at a corner in the west line. of'South Lake View Drive (50 feet. wide); said corner located as being S. 67. deg. 37 mim W. 122.9 feet from the'southwest corner: of Lot No, 82-A, Section Three, Whispering Pines, recorded in Map Book 7, at Page $4, Moore County Registry; running thence from_ the beginning as the west line of South Lake View Drive S. 27 deg: 23 min. W. 406.00 feet to a corner in the wrest fine, of South Lake View Drive; theme as the highwater tine of Thaggard i;ake the foQawing_ chords, N. Z. deg ' 59 min. W. 75.66 feet; thence N. 33 deg. 54 min. W 161.59 feet; thence-N. 25 deg. 20 min. IV. 191.77 feet; thence N 24 deg. 36 min. E. 121.45 feet; thence S. 81 deg. 58 min. E.30.7 Feet; thence S. 57 deg. 50 min. E. Z6339 feet; thence N. 83 deg. 39 min. E. 56.54 feet to, the BEGINNING, containing 1.84>acres, more .or less.. 4 r Moore County County of Moore Planning and Transportation 'V 3 9 2021 � �" `"° Inspectbjns/Permi4fe-I o" Planning: (910) 947-5010 z Transportation: (910).947-3389 t 1 n Fax: (910) 947-1.303 o<paat� °4 Information Regtiest Form Dame: Jim Barber Date 19 May 2021 Email Address: jim.barber@ncdenr.gov Contact Number: 910-433-3340 Street Address 225 Green Street; Suite 714 City Fayetteville state NC Zip 28301 Please list the information yoti are requesting: Scanned copy of building permit for 141 S. Lakeshore Drive, Whispering Pines NC 28327 issued to Ascot Corporation, LLC - Colin Webster; Manager. Needing to verify the number of bedrooms permitted for this project relative to permit issued from DWR. Are you requesting copies of the documents? ❑ YES ❑ NO Please Note: 1. Copies of public documents are available at a fee as shown in the Moore County fee schedule. 2. The information requested will be furnished for review in the presence of department staff, as staff time permits, during normal working hours. 3. Public access to file storage is prohibited. 4. Documents provided for review may not be removed, altered or destroyed. (Does notapply to copies provided to customer) 5. Documents provided for review shall'be returned in the same condition and order as they were originally provided. (Does not apply to copies provided to customer) Jim Barber 1-9 May 2021 Signature of Person: Requesting Information Date FOR DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Information Request: ❑/Approved ❑ Disapproved Reason for disapproval: ao� /v Processed By: / Date Information Provided: 2-0-Al Date: J /! OFM+� County of Moore North Carolina EVENT UPDATES (2019-novel-coronavirus-information) IPDATES (2019-novel-cor'onavirus-information) C( Mission Providing exceptional services that make Moore County a premiere community in which to live, work, and raise a family. Hours of Operation Monday -Friday: 8:00am-5,:00pm Contact Us �• 1(910) 947-5010 - Planning & Community Development 91 10)_ 947=2Centrat Perrnittmg &-BQrtdinglnspecions �• 1(910) 947-3389 - Moore County Transportation Services u 1048 Carriage Oaks Drive, Carthage, NC 28327 Physical Address F(t-F- (9 DCc-D 1Z sAC6 or-) 3z) ApRzc, 20Z7 (9 G, D Y P rv4) L- 0 The Planning Board holds regular meetings on the first Thursday of each month at 6:00 p.m in the 2nd Floor of the Historic Courthouse in Carthage, NC. The following procedures must be followed by individuals wishing to speak at the meeting: • Planning Bloard Meeting Public Comment Period Procedures (images/departments/planning- transportation/Public_ Comment_ Period_ Procedures.pdf) • Planning Board Meeting Public Hearing -Comment Procedures (images/departments/planning- transportation/Planning%20Board/Public%20Hearing%20Public%20Comment%20Procedures%205.5.11.pdf) A copy of these procedures will also be available at the meeting. Staff Administrative Debra Ensminger I Planning G: Transportation Director Joel Strickland I Assistant Planning Director Stephanie Cormack I Administrative Officer I Planning Betty Lynd I Senior Planner Community Development Carlis Sweat I Housing Rehab Program Coordinator ijk �P�� I ns p e ct�_a_n s e e r m:i tt.i.n g c Iq p� Charles_HiII 11?e—mt:�i5g..a tt,�pectior, s Supervisory Aaron Hudson I Building InspectorllPlanning Ct Transportation /� John Varner I Building Inspector I Luke Waldschmidt I Building Inspector II Dena Barner I Permtting Technician Veronica Sosa ( Permitting Technician M CTS Sonia Biggs I Transportation Manager Barbara Mosley I Transportation Office Coordinator Susan Lowder I Transportation Fleet & Route Coordinator Robert'Barrett I Driver Karry Cagle I Driver Denise Goins I Driver Tonya Johnson I Driver James Jones I Driver Gene Lewis I Driver Terri Paul I Driver Lawrence Shamberger I Driver Ed.Zerbe I Driver °F" County of Moore Government u PO Box 905 V 1 Courthouse Square Carthage, NC 28327 0 Select Language Powered by Google Translate (https://translate.gougle.com) About (about) Calendar (calendar) Planning & Transportation General Information To register for Permits & Inspections Self Service please contact 910-947-2221 for questions or complete the Contractor Online Scheduling Access Application (https://moorecounty.seamiessdocs.com/f/ContractorOnlineAccessRequest) request. Quick Links Schedule Inspections Request Self Serivice (https://selfservice.moorecountync.gov/MSSProd/citizens/default.aspx) Pay Perm it/lnsp/Token s 101 Online Online Payment (https://msbpay.com/MooreCountyP[anning/?r=Planning) Departmental Performance LE n RaasurDeps a Ipn images/departments/administrationP/performaPceNsnooarff 2r0�Dt2D2`1 for Website.pdf#nameddest=Plannin Need To Know Upcoming. Board a Committee Meetings Reports Ct Resources Unified Development Ordinance (http://www.moorecountync.gov/planning-and- transportation/ordinances) 2013 Land Use Plan (images/departments/planning-transportation/Overview%20Page/2013-11- 19 % 20Adopted%2OLand%2OUse%20 PIan.pdf) 'DRAFT 2020 Land Use Plan (images/departments/planning-transportation/projects/2020-01- 17%20Draft%2OLand%2OUse%20PIan.pdf) DRAFT Highway Corridor Overlay District (images/departments/planning- transportation/Overview%2OPage/MapOverall_updated.pdf) Small Area A Plan (images/departments/planning- transportation/Overview%2OPage/Small%2OArea%20A%20PIan.pdf) April 2021 Permits Issued Report (images/departments/planning= transportation/Overview%2OPage/Building%2OPermits%2OReports/2021/April%202021%2ORes... Planning Board Planning Ei Transportation Planning Board Overview 2021 Meeting Agenda Packets and Minutes 2020 Meeting Agenda Packets and Minutes 2019 Meeting Agenda Packets and. Minutes 2018 Meeting Agenda Packets and Minutes 2017 Meeting Agenda Packets and Minutes 2016 Meeting Agenda Packets and Minutes 2015 Meeting Agenda Packets and Minutes Overview The Planning Board acts as a review and advisory board to the Board of Commissioners on text amendments, rezonings, and planned development review. The Planning Board has final approval authority on conditional use review. The Planning Board works with the Planning staff to ensure the orderly growth and development of land in the County in the proper.administration of land use regulations. Membership The Planning Board consists of nine (9) members appointed by the Board of County Commissioners. Each member serves a -three (3) year term. Name Term Expiration Amy Lynn September 2023 Joseph Garrison (Chair) May 2022 Vacant Jeffrey Gilbert July 2023 Vacant John Matthews June 2021 . John Cook January 2022 j Bobby Hyman i August 2023 Harry Huberth (Vice Chair) June 2023 Meetings PlanningSt Transportation •: Careers (human-resources/careers). Directory (directory) Employee (2015-07-11-02-56-59) News (news) Public Notice (public -notice) Copyright © 2015 - 2021 County of Moore. All Rights Reserved n County of Moore Planning and Transportation Inspections/Permitting: (910) 947-2221 t I n•. Planning. (910) 947-5010 Transportation: (910) 947-3389 �� •'• na= Fax: (910) 947-1303 Information Request Form Name: BAR B CR Date Email Address: R AR gr a @ Al CDE UP,_ 0✓ Contact Number: 2/0 — 0-/33— 33YD Street Address Q,-> 5 6:RF EN -Sr. SU)TE 7/ q City E64 GTT EV I L. C E, State /y . C , Zip 2,8361 Please list the information you are requesting: SO 1 L.DiAv (-, PE.R.MIT pv Are you requesting copies of the documents? fH' � fp YES ❑ NO l Please Note: i 1. Copies of public documents are available at a fee as shown in the Moore County fee schedule. 2. The information requested will be furnished for review in the presence :of department staff, as staff time permits, during normal working hours. 3. Public access tofile storage is prohibited. 4. Documents provided for review may not be removed, altered or destroyed. (Does not apply to copies provided to customer) 5. Documents provided for review shall be returned in the same condition and order as they were originally provided. (Does not apply to copies provided to customer) of Person Requesting Information FOR DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Information Request: 0 Approved U. Disapproved Reason for disapproval: Processed By: Date Information Provided: Date: Date