HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2023-00957_Well Construction - GW1_20230118 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD Fur TricnialUs_c.DNLY:. 11ils form can be us it ror.single or multiple n'elis- 1.�wtl,Cdntraaoe Inforurattotc -MAVATL'R'LONFS Chris Ru£fer 6'taOM R1 DESCRIPTION W01 Coritrador Kane ft. ft. 4223-A � �.'Ei�� NC Rrcl]CommciorCcniftcalion Nun,bcr :..OUTER CASING(rur`erultl ci d'rccpsl'OR LINER rifts• Cuahkl TO I THICKNF SAEDACCO Inc JAN 8 2023 0 O`r fL 40 fL 2 11 ta�TF r[?n hL SCH-0� PVC ncaL ('onrp;ury Now,' r�.•t r7fi C' '1�url1 6 INNER CASING OR Tt]B➢NG IggKiihLimil cku M4 ip G[[O\i 'TO DGvnteTEx TMCti.\F.SS 3tA7'EnGI. 2.Well construction Pmulit Ri R, ft. 1L L41 rillr.mikilble urllpenr+its rr:r,.Cnurttv.:S:u:r,.tradarxe,fil'a-dm en-.1' �--® 3.W t list{cbccl,rtiell use)..; -M SCREEN Water Supply Well; FROM. F TO o1A%tF.TLR I sr.oTSM. TritcKYtss I mArrrrm, iiAgricultural Cl Nit ilticipaU'Pubiic 40 ft, 50 'R, 21, in 010 SCH-40 ( PVC ®Gcoihernral(Beatingtooiiog Supply) ©Residential Water Supply(single) rL ft;. ©ludustraUConintercial ©Residential NVatcr-Snpply(shared) .�oGRvUTM. ;To. ��ATER.INL cote[nc>h1EM AistTtaD s tivtourT OhTi [tiara 0 ft. 36 f4 Portland Pour Noti-W.0ter5upply�F'elf: 6dINignitcjring pRc¢ovrt}' InJecllon Well: «. M 11A,411MrRccliarge CI1lrillr4maictRc6rcdiatiotl L9:S1ND1GILIVHL`PACK'tif rsl'sanbte►;' -F•ROM. TO btarFt[rat. t srNr artvrF:�rvrtrerttn O Atluifcr.Sloragc aW Rccevery ❑Salinity Barricr 38 A. 50 R. sand 2 ❑AgnifcrTcst ❑Sivttnriatcr i3r;iinagc rL. rt. OEgiciinicntal Tccbn6to_q' ❑Subsid-cricc 6nirol 29.DRILLI GIVOG faltach additional sheets if ricecssant E]Geothentiul(ClasedLyap) 0Trdcer FROM To Pr3SCRW110S(c»bnhardric+4 u,+l4nckrt "uAm,ctrl ❑(eothennal MeatinglCaoling Return? OOdter(explain under,421 Rematles) ry r4 IL rL 4.Date Well(s)Catulskied: 12-15-22 WdI lj)#Gw-23 f4 r4 54 Weil b[catian. fL See GEM' 3 Notes Republic Services f4 Ft, facility,Ut vacrNnnrc Facility tbM(1Cappi=:blc). 500 Landfill Rd., Mt. Gilead, NC, 27306 f4 rf. Pit)sicalAddTss.City'_qhd Zill 3L RENIARKS Montgomery Bentonite seal from 36-381; groundwater monitoring (;getuly Nrcel Ideii ifioatiou Nu,(PW) 5b,Na itude'anif 1,ongitude In dc-p 1minutesfscconds or dccitual dcgrm: 22:CerTirication: (lfirell I vid,ow bl101:is gldNk:rd) >, W __Chris Ruffer 12/15/2022 Siolur,ofCcniGcd Well Contractor Daic 6.iS(are)lhC lvell(x): SIPI'rtllanenE or EiTemporan' f1,.idpfbtr.lirh farm..I hereby eerdife 0 of lltr lrePfxl Vvs(tsrre)evr�lmcde4"frrzrronhwce ri'A 1511 NC1C•02C.r11-v or.l.fA+VCIC tie C,0200 Welf Cotrarr.;at'vn SruMards mkt fi.tw o 7.LS this a repair to an,existing well: 1=ves air ENu [tli r9f rlifr!rruirf bras been nrz+r'iifrd r?ih r at 1!rntrirr, ll+hrs:lt a?}ur�r.fide r,rr frriirvr ri'rll,vrumrcrlard htfUrrl4;dtt�+r,rr+rlrtltlobt rltt'ngr+ue ofrfrc ielirir raulcr 8?L iernrcrks sticrrm+oi•ran 1hrGru t of this fnrnr. -23.Site di.-rainror.additia nal vvetl details: You play use d►e back of this page to ptov'ide-additional well site&uih�.or nett S.Nusuberof well s constructed• 1 Construction deiaiis. You iffly i1S6 attach.additiouaf pasts ifatcc[ssary. For+itarhleslujcMmte'ralm:11'cirersrrppfpireHs ONLY i0rhrhe.strvecosmijurritur,yea atr+ slGmfrww form. SUBMITTAL iNSTLTC-TiONS ?.Total sett depth below land surfae� 50 (fT.) -24m For Atl Wells: Snbmil this £anti tvitlrin 30 days of eomptetioti of well For mathlplc icelf.fUsr rill depths if dtffewii(exvarpk'-.i @2M',vd.:Cn KV) construction to tierc foiloW ng: f0.Statie.wuter level below tali of casiul:, ((t,) Divis'[un of Water ResouFC8.Information Processing Unit,. if aster kcrd!v ithove easing,rase 1617 MaR.Ser vice Center,Rrlcigk,NC 276994617 11.Borehole diameter:6" OL) 24b.Fnr Rolectian LkRth ONLY. In addition to sending the four to the address in 2;aaLNoi'e, also sit mit a copy'ef this Earth wiffihi :tt1 day;s'of.completion of twit 12.Well oonstructiou rdethod: Sonic construction to the following!: (i.e.aifix imary.cnbl'.direct pasts ctcJ Diviiiait of Water[tesourom,Un&rgruund Ittjection Control Program, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLYf 1636 Mail Scmice Center,Raleigh,ETC 27699-1636 134r,Vicki(gtni) rdrad of test 2�For Water Sugtply&inicetioa WeRs: Also submit one cop)' of this farm within 10.44y'sofcotn()letionof 13b.Disinfection type:. amount %cell construction to the cannily health dcpartinent of the county«•here constructed, }?pmr GW-t N..onh Cooling D.pagmcru.of Eoeimruucrn attd Natural Resources-Divii lon of tValcr R--attcess ke,,Ucd hugLu 2011