HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2023-00897_Well Construction - GW1_20230120 WELL U-md,�n ri-tilliPs TROM I re-1 jjj7 A-0le Well and Punlp Company NkV P, ISOUTER T, e1M)I';I I V,1 11 E -IN hlfIL t tt err C0;v,truc1j<,q permit I,. IN IAMIK CA,%Mt-,OH It 10 AL-1-1- N 1:11 U., Camel,.SW', e.,I rL ft. D1 M rR M1 V 1AL Wen V" n.scuer.N. FROM TO 1AMrjV;H 5I.prstzK i'�Cri�:hrrta1('NclinFtcvlirr`cSts's�ly) R• R. tn. idmlial Wnlcr Supply(single) N, ohnz;r6ml CIR-idcruial lN'alcr Supply(shred) R. in.I-q.GROIrr on-NN's ter Supph,JVII: 13"'ells>100.000 GPD FRONI I'D Oka MMOMI"-inr R.ORCCON-cry InjiertiOn Well: ft. GAquijcx jZ,_hsrg, OGrOundwater RcInWintion M (L ZlAquif-SieraE__wd Rt- ,O,wv OSalinity Banicr 19.."NDIGR,%VEL PACK CAquiticr T= OStOlTn%%-Jtrr Drainage FROM It. TO It. F�%I IF 1.%IF 5—IFv--r%,M. 10 0- OExP--imc,1121 Technology 13SUbsidencc Control fL If. (Clased(--P) OTraCcr 21 DRILLING LOG attachdditionalsh,,,birnectttary) L[EMLQi-_--dcr92I Remarks) PROM R. TOR. DESCHIPSION S042 h-H-1 l W­k 4.Date Well(s)Completed:] IZI, Well IDN R. It. 5-%Well L ft.ocation: �1 _ icy ft. I N 116- ILI P Facility IDA(irapplimble) ft• h. ft. ft. :�I Adams f ci�,.Ad Zip ft• ft. e) flit 7 'M�,A 21.REMA C--;y Parcel IdWiFc-tim NO.(PIN) Used hardened steel drive shoe. 5b.latitude and longitude in degreegminutegseconds or decimal degrees: In 22.Ccrli at,* N �3 �W I r,;5� 6.1s(nrc)the uell(sy Opermanent 2 ".,I Co.. or []Temporary c,., Date -elf: ❑13Ycs or Is this a repair to an existing% By jignIng thisfornt,I he 0"i'air,fill wdl kwxn m dl mmimVion Info mationandeTplaintlenairoffieq(ths m,a,d hm becti rj,1j t,jj,,,jj rrlwir lmtder v21 remarks jenrion or an Me back ofildsform. 23.Site diagram or additional well details: 8.For GeoprobelDlIT or Closed-Loup Geothermal Wells having the safric You may use the back-of this page to provide additional%%vll construction info construction,only I GW-1 is ncWcd. indicate TOTAL NUMBrR of%%,clis (add see Over'in Remarks Box).You may also attach additional pages if necessary. drill-A:, 24.MINIMAL INSTRUMONS 9.Total well depth below land surface: r-,mulfpl,teeth 13t atidepila 1fd!fferent(exvmpk-3@200'aitd2@100-) (R*) Submit this GW-I ivilhin 30 days Orwell completion per the following: 10.Static water level below top orcusing: oZO 24a. For All Wells: original In. to Division "4 UL) I of W rccs Water Rcsou (DWR.% "rorrWallor,Processing Unit,1617 NISC,Raleigh,NC 27699-1617 I I.Burcholedlaracter: 6 (in.) 24b.For IE[Eq!RLIM:COPY to MR,Underground Injcclion Control(111C) 12.Well coubtruction method: Rotary Program,1636 MSC,Raleigh,NC 27699-1636 0-Ave,-1,rows,cabfc,ditect push.c1cj 24c.For Water S I 1 110 ien-Lao I Gcolh Re urn Weliv:Copy to the -0 county environmental lea where Install FOR NVATEIR SUPPJY Wl;lj.S ONIy: 2.1111. L).Cop),to DMIR,CCVCUA 13a.Yield(gpsn) .r1ir11jud of lest: program,Penn it ogrum,1011 MSC,Raleigh,NC 27699-1611 13b.M3111rcction IYS,C: HTH Amount: I 1b. F.".Gw-1 North Carolina Deponent oflimi...mow'd Q-li(y-Division offtcr Resources