HomeMy WebLinkAbout20230179 Ver 1_Alleghany 122 Sec 106 Information_20230202 Project Tracking No. 22-10-0007 N O ARCHAEOLOGICAL SURVEY REQUIRED FORM This form only pertains to ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESOURCES for this o V. project. It is not valid for Historic Architecture and Landscapes. You must 4.. s consult separately with the Historic Architecture and Landscapes Team. `Q PROJECT INFORMATION Project No: NA County: Alleghany WBSNo: I IB.200311 Document: State MCC Federal Aid No: na Funding: ® State ❑ Federal Federal Permit Required? ® Yes ❑ No Permit Type: USACE & NPS Project Description: The project calls for the replacement of Bridge No. 122 on SR 1479 (Evans Road) over Big Pine Creek in Alleghany County. The archaeological Area of Potential Effects (APE)for the project is defined as a 150- foot(45.72 m) long corridor running 75 feet(22.86 m) north and south along Evans Road from the center of Bridge No. 122. The corridor is approximately 40 feet (12.19 m) wide extending 20 feet (6.10 m) on either side of the road from its present center. In all, the APE encompasses approximately 0.14 acres. Although thisproject is state funded,federalpermits are anticipated. Therefore, this archaeological review was conducted pursuant to Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act and the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation's Regulations for Compliance(36 CFR Part 800). This project falls under NCDOT's Programmatic Agreement (PA) with Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), North Carolina State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO), and the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation(ACHP)that says NCDOT's Cultural Resource Group will handle the historic property review for transportation projects SUMMARY OF CULTURAL RESOURCES REVIEW Brief description of review activities, results of review, and conclusions: Bridge No. 122 is located east of Sparta and west of Mount Airy in Alleghany County,North Carolina, and plotted northern edge of the Roaring Gap USGS 7.5' topographic quadrangle (Figure 1). The project is situated on National Park Service property(NPS), and they are not participants to the PA. A site file search was conducted using data from the Office of State Archaeology (OSA) on November 9, 2022. No previously recorded archaeological sites are within or adjacent to the project area,and only one site (31AL107)is within a mile of the bridge. According to the North Carolina State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) online data base (HPOWEB 2022), there are no known historic architectural resources within the APE that may yield intact archaeological deposits. However,the determined eligible Blue Ridge Parkway— Highland District(NC0001)is just to the west of this bridge project. Regardless,contributing archaeological resources to the eligibility of the district are not likely to be encountered. Topographic maps, USDA soil survey maps, aerial photographs (NC One Map), and historic maps (North Carolina maps website) were further examined for information on environmental and cultural variables that may have contributed to precontact or historic settlement within the project limits and to assess the level of ground disturbance. In addition, a field reconnaissance by NCDOT archaeologist Matt Wilkerson was carried out on November 2, 2022. Bridge No. 122 crosses over Big Pine Creek roughly north to south,but Evans Road is primarily aligned east to west (Figure 2). The waterway flows south and then west into Bush Creek and is part of the New River 2020 PROGRAMMATIC AGREEMENT ARCHAEOLOGY TEAM"NO ARCHAEOLOGICAL SURVEYREQUIRED"FORM 1 of 9 Project Tracking No. 22-10-0007 drainage basin. The APE falls within the floodplain for the creek. This area is forested with the road slightly elevated on an earthen embankment (Figure 3). The bridge replacement will occur within the existing footprint for the road and bridge,which is disturbed from prior construction activities. The USDA soil survey map for Alleghany County reports that the Codorus complex(Cx) covers the project area(USDA NRCS 2022)(see Figure 2). This is a somewhat poorly drained soil that is nearly level. Evidence for early settlement activates are rare on this series due to wetness. A review of the site files identified no sites or previous investigations within the APE, but site 31AL107 is recorded half a mile away to the west. Overall,previous archaeological investigations are few in this section of the Alleghany County resulting in the low site density. Site 31AL107 was identified during the survey for Big Pine Creek Bridge #3 in 2018 (Silliman 2019). The site consists of an earthen berm next to Big Pine Creek. No cultural material was collected during subsurface testing. It is thought that the feature is associated with construction of the bridge during the 1930s and is not considered eligible for the National Register. No similar features at Bridge No. 122 were reported during the recent field reconnaissance. A historic map review was also carried out. Most early maps provide only general details concerning the region illustrating just major roads and settlements. An examination of the 1891 USGS Yadkinville topographic map identifies no roads or cultural features in the vicinity(Figure 4). No significant features are depicted on the early 20th century Alleghany soil map as well (Burke et al. 1915) (Figure 5). It is not until the 1938 North Carolina Highway Map for Alleghany County that Evans Road along with the Blue Ridge Parkway and the crossing over Big Pine Creek are shown(NCSHPWC 1938)(Figure 6). In general, it seems is very unlikely that significant historic deposits will be encountered. Brief Explanation of why the available information provides a reliable basis for reasonably predicting that there are no unidentified historic properties in the APE: The defined archaeological APE for the proposed replacement of Bridge No. 122 on Evans Road in Alleghany County is not likely to contain significant archaeological resources. The proposed construction footprint falls along the current road and bridge alignment and extends only slightly onto minimally disturbed soils. These soils in the floodplain are somewhat poorly drained,which is not typically suitable for evidence of early occupations. In addition,the historic maps suggest that no significant former historic structures and/or features are in the area and no above ground features were observed during the field reconnaissance. As long as impacts to the subsurface occur within the defined APE, no further archaeological work is recommended for the replacement of Bridge No. 122 in Alleghany County. If construction should affect subsurface areas beyond the defined APE,additional archaeological consultation might be necessary. It should be noted that the project area is on Blue Ridge Parkway property. The project is subject for cultural review by the NPS,which is not a participate in the Programmatic Agreement. Although this PA investigation determined it is unlikely for the federal properties to contain significant archaeological resources, the NPS may request further investigations such as subsurface testing. Any excavations on federal property will required a federal ARPA permit. This project falls within a North Carolina County in which the Catawba Indian Nation,the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians,the Cherokee Nation, the United Keetoowah Band of Cherokee Indians, and Muscogee (Creek) Nation have expressed an interest. We recommend that you ensure that this documentation is forwarded to the tribe using the process described in the current NCDOT Tribal Protocol and PA Procedures Manual. 2020 PROGRAMMATIC AGREEMENT ARCHAEOLOGY TEAM"NO ARCHAEOLOGICAL SUR VEYREQUMED"FORM 2 of 9 Project Tracking No. 22-10-0007 SUPPORT DOCUMENTATION See attached: ® Map(s) ❑ Previous Survey Info ❑ Photos ❑Correspondence Other: FINDING BY NCDOT ARCHAEOLOGIST: NO ARCHAEOLOGY SURVEY REOUIRED November 18, 2022 C. amon Jones Date NCDOT ARCHAEOLOGIST II 2020 PROGRAMMATIC AGREEMENT ARCHAEOLOGY TEAM"NO ARCHAEOLOGICAL SUR VEYREQUMED"FORM 3 of 9 Project Tracking No. 22-10-0007 REFERENCES CITED Burke,R.T. Avon,W. Edward Hearn, and Henry Lambert 1915 Soil Map for Alleghany County, North Carolina. U.S. Bureau of Soils and North Carolina Department of Agriculture. U.S. Government Printing Office,Washington D.C. On file at North Carolina Collections,University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. HPOWEB 2022 North Carolina State Historic Preservation Office GIS Web Service. https://nc.maps.arcais.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=79ea67l ebdcc45639fO860257d5f 5ed7. Accessed November 7,2022. North Carolina State Highway and Public Works Commission(NCSHPWC) 1938 North Carolina State Highway Map for Alleghany County, North Carolina. On file at North Carolina Collections,University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. Silliman, Garrett 2019 Phase I Archaeological Survey for the Blue Ridge Parkway Bridge Projects,Ash and Alleghany Counties, North Carolina. Johnson,Mirmiran, and Thompson(JMT),Raleigh,North Carolina. Submitted to National Park Services,Asheville,North Carolina, and Federal Highway Administration, Sterling,Virgina. United States Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Services (USDA NRCS) 2022 Alleghany County Soil Survey. Available online at http://webosilsurvey.nres.usda.gov/app/. Accessed November 7,2022. United States Geological Survey(USGS) 1891 Yadkinville,North Carolina 30 minute quadrangle map. 1997 Roaring Gap,North Carolina 7.5 minute quadrangle map. 2020 PROGRAMMATIC AGREEMENT ARCHAEOLOGY TEAM"NO ARCHAEOLOGICAL SUR VEYREQUMED"FORM 4 of 9 Project Tracking No. 22-10-0007 One Mile Radius(Shaded) \ f Around Project Area � � � . ®'~- �, •� r / i — 1�i1� •� ,` be '4, i '' r Bridge 122 �—� ( tv✓!� APE(Red) �IJ V / 1 J r a. �. parr •,i 0 1 �J Mile=. 1 Soo W F Alleghany County Meters S Figure 1. Topographic Setting of the Project Area, Roaring Gap (1997), NC USGS 7'5 Topographic Quadrangle. 2020 PROGRAMMATIC AGREEMENT ARCHAEOLOGY TEAM"NO ARCHAEOLOGICAL SURVEYREQUIRED"FORM 5 of 9 1 111 \ \ v \\ \ Ws F At 1 so- _ a • •Contour at 4 feet <. :r 90 1 150 Feet )� � 0 50 • 1 111 IN r Wkl tI�p;}61 mo AtW Ts Ti 1 1 t 1 F r i — o, Project Tracking No. 22-10-0007 Project Area Figure 4. The 1891 USGS Yadkinville topographic map showing the location of the project area. �a CI Alf a Project Area 1 y40 4¢ Al � Figure 5. The 1915 Soil Map for Alleghany County showing the location of the project area. 2020 PROGRAMMATIC AGREEMENT ARCHAEOLOGY TEAM"NO ARCHAEOLOGICAL SURVEYREQUIRED"FORM 8 of 9 Project Tracking No. 22-10-0007 . •' 40 1 , Project Area ♦ LE �l MO UN TA /N O � o � Figure 6. The 1938 North Carolina State Highway Map for Alleghany County showing the location of the project area. 2020 PROGRAMMATIC AGREEMENT ARCHAEOLOGY TEAM"NO ARCHAEOLOGICAL SUR VEY REQ UIRED"FORM 9 of 9 Project Tracking No.(Internal Use) 22-10-0007 * HISTORIC ARCHICTECTURE AND LANDSCAPES "EFFECTS REQUIRED FORM" This form only pertains to Historic Architecture and Landscapes for this project. It is not valid for Archaeological Resources. You must consult separately with the Archaeology Group. PROJECT INFORMATION Project No: County: Alleghany WBS No.: 1113.200311 Document MCC Type: Fed. Aid No: Funding: ® State ❑ Federal Federal ® Yes ❑ No Permit USACE,NPS Permit(s): T e(s): Proiect Description: Replacement of Bridge 122 on SR 1479 (Evans Rd) over Big Pine Creek. The historic architecture Area of Potential Effects (APE) for the project is defined as a 150- foot corridor running 75 feet north and south along SR 1479 from the center of the bridge. The corridor is approximately 40 feet, extending 20 feet on either side of the centerline. The project is state funded and federal permits are anticipated. The bridge partially sits on land owned by the Blue Ridge Parkway. SUMMARY OF HISTORIC ARCHICTECTURE AND LANDSCAPES REVIEW Description of review activities, results, and conclusions: NCDOT architectural historian consulted HPOWeb in October 2021, visited the project site and reviewed the 2011 historic architecture compliance this bridge PA# 11-08-0122. Due to the comprehensive survey conducted for this project, there is no need for additional survey to identify unknown historic structures or landscapes. In 2011 the NCDOT architectural historian met with HPO to discuss the project's effects on the NC 0001 Blue Ridge Parkway (DE,NHL pending). Since this project has a different APE than the one reviewed in 2011, the NCDOT architectural historian recommends a new effects assessment. Please provide design plans that show the proposed alignment(s) along with the boundaries of the four historic properties to the NCDOT architectural historian so that an effects assessment meeting can be scheduled It should be noted that the project area is partially on Blue Ridge Parkway property. The project is subject for cultural review by the NPS, which is not a participant in the Programmatic Agreement, but will be included in the effects consultation with HPO and USACE. SUPPORT DOCUMENTATION ®Map(s) ®Previous Survey Info. ®Photos ❑Correspondence ❑Design Plans Historic Architecture and Landscapes EFFECTS REQUIRED form as Qualified in the 2020 Programmatic Agreement. Page 1 of 4 1 �I J Rd B�r d g e 122 ALLEGHANY Iv North HPOWeb November 2022 Historic Architecture and Landscapes EFFECTS REQUIRED form as Qualified in the 2020 Programmatic Agreement. Page 2 of 4 '•� `` v v� � s wa �},.� ��V�_./•�tv�,I�a'A+*� �4�!a y,�'i a )2 s!t _rti� �,�' ��s' d . `� a �q � an y� � r.� w`tp�r.�q G.'$� f t•,x ����Na ,a ����y+a r A/� Er* ,,�y g_yQ�j4� 4^ "t i I I r I 1 1 i• FINDING BY NCDOT ARCHITECTURAL HISTORIAN Historic Architecture and Landscapes -- "EFFECTS REQUIRED" Mary Pope Furr 12/1/2022 NCDOT Architectural Historian Date Historic Architecture and Landscapes EFFECTS REQUIRED form as Qualified in the 2020 Programmatic Agreement. Page 4 of 4 Project Tracking No.(Internal Use) 3 11-08-0122 L � EFFECTS DETERMINATION FORM PROJECT INFORMATION Project No: Str.#020122 County: Alleghany WBS No: 17BP.11.R.42 Document: PCE/CE F.A. No: Funding: ® State ❑ Federal Federal(USACE)Permit Required? ® Yes ❑ No Permit Type: NWP 3 or 14 Project Description: Replace Bridge No 122 on SR 1479 over Crab Creek. Brief description of review activities, results of review, and conclusions: Review of HPO quad maps, archaeological site files,relevant background reports,historic designations roster, and indexes was undertaken on September 16,2011. Based on this review,there were no existing SL, LD, DE,or SS properties in the Area of Potential Effects. However Bridge No 122 sits very close to the Blue Ridge Parkway (NR),therefore a site survey was recommended. An on-site reconnaissance survey of the project area was conducted on October 25, 2011. There are no resources over fifty years of age within the APE with the exception of the Blue Ridge Parkway, which was determined eligible for the National Register in 1990. Bridge No. 122 is located on a short, unpaved section of Evans Road(SR 1479)between the Blue Ridge Parkway and Mountain Lake Road(SR 1481) to the east. A modern one-story front-gable frame dwelling(2114 Mountain Lake Road)located to the east of the intersection Evans Road and Mountain Lake Road is the only other built resource within the project area. EFFECTS DETERMINATION Property/Site: Blue Ridge Parkway Status: NR Effects Finding: ® No Effect No Adverse Effect ❑ Adverse Effect Explanation of Effects Determination: The road is approximately 675 feet in length, with the bridge situated near its midpoint. The project APE extends 300 feet from the A sharp curve in the road shields the roadway of the Blue Ridge Parkway from the bridge site, which is densely wooded all around. The distance between the bridge combined with the topography and vegetation shield the Blue Ridge Parkway from any effect which may result from this bridge project. List Environmental Commitments (f any): � �� UJ C1GVV_\YV\,t "Effects Determination"form for Minor Transportation Projects as Oualifred in the 2007 Programmatic Agreement. NCDOT Archaeology&Historic Architecture Groups 11-08-0122 SUPPORT DOCUMENTATION See attached: Maps and photos. 12> 20 Cultural Resources qecialij NCDOT Date mu", — ,o� Representative,HPO/OSA Date HPO/OSA Comments: "bffects Determination"form,for Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the 2007 Programmatic Agreement. NCDO'/'Archaeology d Historic Architecture Groups HPOGIS Alleghany County FriendlyL,, n V/eW Ra Drift L., a r o F a s� �F v G i tij�� ro�ounf MT 4 1 S�aryl 'rid Q m 1481 AL0"Blue Ridge POt iti+e Bapbd Church o ; fl N CL s i ge No 122 - 14Y2 ion=y" Whl�c Owl Dr M���r.Hi1V�Sil 1479 - OCatlin In 0-+! 0 v Brushy IIN ,*ftaAeL.Hart Duos ' Gn lfit Copyright 2010 Esri.All rights reserved. Fri Sep 16 2011 02:56:44 PM. l, I ofIL o " •o CD 0000 / `err ,.�•,• � - •� _t= x coo l r 1 y • - 001 l l ■ w C ry r '+ `-INA, l 6�ue 9e pkwY •' �o� AAo r .n .� 't • S ( w•r �� L• �' _ e r w- n P. � let�. 14 ik- y„ 3 i- .. ate.-_ - E • , 1 i Rr • ' • I • • • •. • _ s MUNN- .f yt yy a�.ti, � �� 3•.,. '�. r . ✓ e z It ' � ' j" -r-'f •�� -y�,�c ,.1.„_ ,,x ..� ' Lop WOMM M W, r, Project Tracking No.(Internal Use) 22-10-0007 * HISTORIC ARCHITECTURE AND LANDSCAPES o ASSESSMENT OF EFFECTS FORM This form only pertains to Historic Architecture and Landscapes for this project. It is not valid for Archaeological Resources. You must consult separately with the Archaeology Group. PROJECT INFORMATION Project No: County: Alleghany WBSNo.: IIB.20031I Document MCC Type: Fed.Aid No: Funding: ® State ❑ Federal Federal ® Yes ❑ No Permit USACE,NPS Permit(s): T e(s): Proiect Description: Replacement of Bridge 122 on SR 1479 (Evans Rd) over Big Pine Creek. The historic architecture Area of Potential Effects (APE) for the project is defined as a 150- foot corridor running 75 feet north and south along SR 1479 from the center of the bridge. The corridor is approximately 40 feet, extending 20 feet on either side of the centerline. The project is state funded and federal permits are anticipated. The bridge partially sits on land owned by the Blue Ridge Parkway. SUMMARY OF HISTORIC ARCHITECTURE AND LANDSCAPES REVIEW Description of review activities, results, and conclusions: NCDOT architectural historian consulted HPOWeb in October 2021, visited the project site and reviewed the 2011 historic architecture compliance this bridge PA# 11-08-0122. Due to the comprehensive survey conducted for this project, there is no need for additional survey to identify unknown historic structures or landscapes. In 2011 the NCDOT architectural historian met with HPO to discuss the project's effects on the NC 0001 Blue Ridge Parkway (DE,NHL pending). Since this project has a different APE than the one reviewed in 2011, the NCDOT architectural historian recommends a new effects assessment. It should be noted that the project area is partially on Blue Ridge Parkway property and is subject for cultural review by the National Park Service who has been invited to the effects assessment meeting. ASSESSMENT OF EFFECTS Property Name: Blue Ridge Parkway Status: DE,NHL pending Survey Site No.: NC 0001 PIN.- N/A Effects ❑ No Effect ®No Adverse Effect ❑ Adverse Effect Historic Architecture and Landscapes EFFECTS ASSESSMENT form far Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the 2007 Programmatic Agreement. Page 1 of 4 Explanation of Effects Determination: Bridge to be replaced in place with a road closure and within the existing footprint of the current bridge and roadway, so no new grading/clearing/tree cutting required. Visible portions of the new structure will resemble existing bridge, with wooden deck, wooden handrails, and ABC/gravel driving surface. The two differences between the existing bridge and the new bridge will be the replacement of the wooden abutments with concrete abutments, and the new bridge will be 10' longer(same width as existing bridge). Current bridge not visible from roadbed of Blue Ridge Parkway. List ofEnvironmental Commitments: NONE SUPPORT DOCUMENTATION ®Map(s) ❑Previous Survey Info. ®Photos ❑Correspondence ®Design Plans FINDING BY NCDOT AND STATE HISTORIC PRESERVATION OFFICE Historic Architecture and Landscapes—ASSESSMENT OF EFFECTS DocuSigned by: ho� p6pL Fw 01/26/2023 Eoaiioaaaasoaas NCDOT Architectural Historian Date EDocuSigned by: Ee,� ,�Qed i22-� 01/27/2023 C26A1556A275464... State Historic Preservation Office Representative Date DocuSigned by: 1.i 61'"& 01/27/2023 l BE7189E4BA384E3... Federal Agency Representative Date Historic Architecture and Landscapes EFFECTS ASSESSMENT form far Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the 2007 Programmatic Agreement. Page 2 of 4 I Rd Bridge 2 ALL Y c lV n North' Source: HPOWeb November 2022 IMIT f 15 TDI1S� z rrio�` a. aim 1 a4" Alleghany Bridge#122,November 2022 Historic Architecture and Landscapes EFFECTS ASSESSMENT form far Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the 2007 Programmatic Agreement. Page 3 of 4 E ` Y f 1 yy�jF fj. r Alle hany Bridge#122,November 2022 i 9 AI 7. Alleghany Bridge#122,November 2022 Historic Architecture and Landscapes EFFECTS ASSESSMENT form far Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the 2007 Programmatic Agreement. Page 4 of 4 NOTES ASSUMED LIVE LOAD=HS-20 OR ALTERNATE LOADING. MAXIMUM BEARING-TO-BEARING LENGTH=19'-2". -/ ALL BEAMS AND BEARING PLATES SHALL BE AASHTO M270 GRADE 50 STEEL OR APPROVED EQUAL. ALL FIELD CONNECTIONS TO BE 7A" DIA. HIGH STRENGTH BOLTS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. NO SHOP CAMBER REQUIRED,TURN NATURAL MILL CAMBER UP. ALL SURFACES OF BEARING PLATES SHALL BE SMOOTH AND STRAIGHT. SOLE PLATES,MASONRY PLATES,BOLTS,NUTS,AND WASHERS SHALL BE GALVANIZED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS. PROVIDE A MINIMUM OF 9" FROM THE EDGE OR CORNER OF THE + BEARING PLATE TO THE END OF THE END BENT BEARING SEAT. 9'-0.. v 9,-0.. V 2"X 6" RAIL (TYP.) -ROADWAY- 4"X 6" POST 2"X 6" RAIL (TYP.) (TYP.) o ^ � d 'All 0 X 16" BOLT J 'A"0 X 12" BOLT (TYL6"X 6"PRAILv 2° ABC COVER "(TYP.) YP.) v 2"ASPI'AiLWEARING54+:RRAtEE v/ 3"X 6"BLOCK 4"X 8" (MAX.) 4"X 8" NAILER r (TYP.) FLOORING (TYP.) V M."0 X 24" BOLT (TYP.) 6"X 6"X P-6" BLOCK W14 X 34 (TYP.) (TYP.) 1'-6" 2'-0" 2'_0" 2'-0" 2'-0" 2'_0" 2'-0" 2'-0" 2'-0" 1'-6" PROJECT N0. DIVISION 11 ALLEGHANY COUNTY + TYPICAL SECTION BRIDGE NO. 020122 `' (PROPOSAL) STATE Of NORTH COMNA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION R4EIGH TYPICAL SECTION REVISIONS SHEET NO. DTf DATEf Itl STf DATEf DRAWN BY f F-CARMUL DATE f 9/2022131 E CHECKED BY f R-SAHA DATE f 9I2022 ssssssSTSTI4Esssss suusssssssssusussssODNassssssssssssssssusus sssfwSERNA1Essss STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ROY COOPER J.ERIC BOYETTE GOVERNOR SECRETARY November 28, 2022 Dr. Wenonah Haire Catawba Indian Nation Tribal Historic Preservation Office 1536 Tom Steven Road Rock Hill, SC 29730 Dear Dr. Haire, The North Carolina Department of Transportation is starting the project development, environmental, and engineering studies for the replacement of Bridge No. 122 over Big Pine Creek on SR 1479 (Evans Road) in Alleghany County as project 11B.200311. The US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) is the lead federal agency for compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act(NEPA) and Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act(NHPA) and a Permit is anticipated under the Section 404 Process with the USACE. A project vicinity map and NCDOT Archaeology Review is attached. The coordinates of this project are approximately 36.497433, -80.955152 We would appreciate any information you might have that would be helpful in evaluating potential environmental impacts of the project including recommendation of alternates to be studied. Your comments may be used in the preparation of a NEPA/State Environmental Policy Act(SEPA) Environmental Document. In accordance with Section 106 of the NHPA, we also request that you inform us of any historic properties of traditional religious or cultural importance that you are aware of that may be affected by the proposed project. Be assured that, in accordance with confidentiality and disclosure stipulations in Section 304 of the NHPA, we will maintain strict confidentiality about certain types of information regarding historic properties. Please respond by January 1, 2023 so that your comments can be used in the scoping of this project. If you have any questions concerning this project, or would like any additional information, please contact me at kjhining@ncdot.gov or(828-386-7202. Thank you, Al Q Kevin Hining (/ Division Environmental Officer NCDOT Division of Highways—Division 11 Mailing Address: Telephone:###-###-#### Location: NC DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Fax:###-###-#### ADDRESS 2 BUSINESS UNIT NAME Customer Service: 1-877-368-4968 CITY,NC ZIP ADDRESS CITY,NC ZIP Website:ncdot.gov STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ROY COOPER J.ERIC BOYETTE GOVERNOR SECRETARY November 28, 2022 Elizabeth Toombs Cherokee Nation Tribal Historic Preservation Officer PO Box 948 Tahlequah, OK, 74465 Dear Elizabeth Toombs, The North Carolina Department of Transportation is starting the project development, environmental, and engineering studies for the replacement of Bridge No. 122 over Big Pine Creek on SR 1479 (Evans Road) in Alleghany County as project 11B.200311. The US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) is the lead federal agency for compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act(NEPA) and Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act(NHPA) and a Permit is anticipated under the Section 404 Process with the USACE. A project vicinity map and NCDOT Archaeology Review is attached. The coordinates of this project are approximately 36.497433, -80.955152 We would appreciate any information you might have that would be helpful in evaluating potential environmental impacts of the project including recommendation of alternates to be studied. Your comments may be used in the preparation of a NEPA/State Environmental Policy Act(SEPA) Environmental Document. In accordance with Section 106 of the NHPA, we also request that you inform us of any historic properties of traditional religious or cultural importance that you are aware of that may be affected by the proposed project. Be assured that, in accordance with confidentiality and disclosure stipulations in Section 304 of the NHPA, we will maintain strict confidentiality about certain types of information regarding historic properties. Please respond by January 1, 2023 so that your comments can be used in the scoping of this project. If you have any questions concerning this project, or would like any additional information, please contact me at kjhining@ncdot.gov or(828-386-7202. Thank you, Kevin Hining Division Environmental Officer NCDOT Division of Highways—Division 11 Mailing Address: Telephone:###-###-#### Location: NC DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Fax:###-###-#### ADDRESS 2 BUSINESS UNIT NAME Customer Service: 1-877-368-4968 CITY,NC ZIP ADDRESS CITY,NC ZIP Website:ncdot.gov STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ROY COOPER J.ERIC BOYETTE GOVERNOR SECRETARY November 28, 2022 Russell Townsend Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians Tribal Historic Preservation Officer 2077 Governors Island Road, Bryson City,NC 28713 Dear Russell Townsend, The North Carolina Department of Transportation is starting the project development, environmental, and engineering studies for the replacement of Bridge No. 122 over Big Pine Creek on SR 1479 (Evans Road) in Alleghany County as project I IB.200311. The US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) is the lead federal agency for compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act(NEPA) and Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act(NHPA) and a Permit is anticipated under the Section 404 Process with the USACE. A project vicinity map and NCDOT Archaeology Review is attached. The coordinates of this project are approximately 36.497433, -80.955152 We would appreciate any information you might have that would be helpful in evaluating potential environmental impacts of the project including recommendation of alternates to be studied. Your comments may be used in the preparation of a NEPA/State Environmental Policy Act(SEPA) Environmental Document. In accordance with Section 106 of the NHPA, we also request that you inform us of any historic properties of traditional religious or cultural importance that you are aware of that may be affected by the proposed project. Be assured that, in accordance with confidentiality and disclosure stipulations in Section 304 of the NHPA, we will maintain strict confidentiality about certain types of information regarding historic properties. Please respond by January 1, 2023 so that your comments can be used in the scoping of this project. If you have any questions concerning this project, or would like any additional information, please contact me at kjhining@ncdot.gov or(828-386-7202. Thank you, Kevin Hining Division Environmental Officer NCDOT Division of Highways—Division I I Mailing Address: Telephone:###-###-#### Location: NC DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Fax:###-###-#### ADDRESS 2 BUSINESS UNIT NAME Customer Service: 1-877-368-4968 CITY,NC ZIP ADDRESS CITY,NC ZIP Website:ncdot.gov STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ROY COOPER J.ERIC BOYETTE GOVERNOR SECRETARY November 28, 2022 Acee Watt United Keetoowah Band of Cherokee Indians Section 106 Coordinator PO Box 746, Tahlequah, OK 74465 Dear Acee Watt, The North Carolina Department of Transportation is starting the project development, environmental, and engineering studies for the replacement of Bridge No. 122 over Big Pine Creek on SR 1479 (Evans Road) in Alleghany County as project I IB.200311. The US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) is the lead federal agency for compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act(NEPA) and Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act(NHPA) and a Permit is anticipated under the Section 404 Process with the USACE. A project vicinity map and NCDOT Archaeology Review is attached. The coordinates of this project are approximately 36.497433, -80.955152 We would appreciate any information you might have that would be helpful in evaluating potential environmental impacts of the project including recommendation of alternates to be studied. Your comments may be used in the preparation of a NEPA/State Environmental Policy Act(SEPA) Environmental Document. In accordance with Section 106 of the NHPA, we also request that you inform us of any historic properties of traditional religious or cultural importance that you are aware of that may be affected by the proposed project. Be assured that, in accordance with confidentiality and disclosure stipulations in Section 304 of the NHPA, we will maintain strict confidentiality about certain types of information regarding historic properties. Please respond by January 1, 2023 so that your comments can be used in the scoping of this project. If you have any questions concerning this project, or would like any additional information, please contact me at kjhining@ncdot.gov or(828-386-7202. Thank you, /l Kevin Hining Division Environmental Officer NCDOT Division of Highways—Division 11 Mailing Address: Telephone:###-###-#### Location: NC DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Fax:###-###-#### ADDRESS 2 BUSINESS UNIT NAME Customer Service: 1-877-368-4968 CITY,NC ZIP ADDRESS CITY,NC ZIP Website:ncdot.gov �EROhFF Chuck Hoskin Jr. G ti Principal Chief G W Y.B D3 P GP+4PP&Jl* z CHEROKEE NATION° aE0GJ3 P.O.Box 9 38•Tahlequah.OK 7.465-0948 Bryan Warner 91 R-453-5000•www.chcrokee.org Deputy Principal Chief SFPT. 1839 R.f3PV.FJ WPJl DLdJI aEOGA December 28, 2022 Kevin Hining Cherokee Nation Response North Carolina Department of Transportation Highway Division 11 801 Statesville Road North Wilkesboro,NC 28659 Re: 1113.200311 Bridge Replacement No. 122 Over Big Pine Creek on SR 1479 (Evans Road) Alleghany County,NC Mr. Kevin Hining: The Cherokee Nation (Nation) is in receipt of your correspondence about 1113.200311, and appreciates the opportunity to provide comment upon this project. The Nation maintains databases and records of cultural,historic, and pre-historic resources in this area. Our Historic Preservation Office(Office)reviewed this project,cross referenced the project's legal description against our information, and found no instances where this project intersects or adjoins such resources. Thus, the Nation does not foresee this project imparting impacts to Cherokee cultural resources at this time. However, the Nation requests that the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) halt all project activities immediately and re-contact our Offices for further consultation if items of cultural significance are discovered during the course of this project. Additionally, the Nation requests that the NCDOT conduct appropriate inquiries with other pertinent Tribal and Historic Preservation Office regarding historic and prehistoric resources not included in the Nation's databases or records. If you require additional information or have any questions,please contact me at your convenience. Thank you for your time and attention to this matter. Wado, Elizabeth Toombs, Tribal Historic Preservation Officer Cherokee Nation Tribal Historic Preservation Office elizabeth-toombs@cherokee.org 918.453.5389 Catawba Indian Nation Tribal Historic Preservation Office 1536 Tom Steven Road Rock Hill,South Carolina 29730 Office 803-328-2427 ------------------------------------------------------- January 3, 2023 Catawba Nation Response Attention: Kevin Hining NC Department of Transportation Re. THPO# TCNS# Project Description Replacement of Bridge No. 122 over Big Pine Creek on SR 1479 in Alleghany Co.as 2023-193-35 project 11 B.200311 Dear Mr. Hining, The Catawba have no immediate concerns with regard to traditional cultural properties, sacred sites or Native American archaeological sites within the boundaries of the proposed project areas. However, the Catawba are to be notified if Native American artifacts and / or human remains are located during the ground disturbance phase of this project. If you have questions please contact Caitlin Rogers at 803-328-2427 ext. 226, or e-mail Caitlin.Rogers@catawba.com. Sincerely, Wenonah G. Haire l Tribal Historic Preservation Officer