HomeMy WebLinkAbout20150414 Ver 1_Sandy Bridge_96920_MY06_2022_20230125ID#* 20150414 Select Reviewer: Ryan Hamilton Initial Review Completed Date 02/01/2023 Mitigation Project Submittal - 1/25/2023 Version* 1 Is this a Prospectus, Technical Proposal or a New Site?* Type of Mitigation Project:* Stream Wetlands Buffer Nutrient Offset (Select all that apply) Project Contact Information Contact Name:* Harry Tsomides Project Information ID#:* 20150414 Existing ID# Project Type: • DMS Mitigation Bank Project Name: Sandy Bridge Farm County: Rutherford Document Information O Yes O No Email Address:* harry.tsomides@ncdenr.gov Version:* 1 Existing Version Mitigation Document Type:* Mitigation Monitoring Report File Upload: Sandy Bridge_96920_MY06_2022.pdf 9.48MB Please upload only one PDF of the complete file that needs to be submitted... Signature Print Name:* Harry Tsomides Signature: * /y ta"m;� Monitoring ReportMY06 Sandy Bridge Restoration Site DMSContract 6400 DMSProject Number96920 DWR #:15-0414 USACE Action ID:201500827 RutherfordCounty, North Carolina Prepared for: NCDMS, 1652 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1652 Monitoring Data Collected:2022 Date Submitted:December2022 Monitoring and Design Firm Prepared by: KCI Associates of North Carolina, PC 4505Falls of Neuse Road Suite 400 Raleigh, NC 27609 (919) 783-9214 Project Contact: Adam Spiller Email: adam.spiller@kci.com Sandy Bridge Farm Restoration SiteKCI Associates of NC, PA DMS Project # 969202022-MY06 KCI Response: This change has been made. KCI Response: This change has been made. KCI Response: This sentence has been deleted. During the periods when the site is free of beaver dams, it has done a good job of processing the accumulated sediment, as demonstrated by the comparison of the cross-sections across monitoring years that is presented in the report. KCI Response: The November 17, 2022 visual assessment of the site found no change in the areas of aggradation and low stem density from those reported in the MY05 report. KCI will reevaluate these areas again during the 2023 visual assessment of the site and adjust accordingly. KCI Response: Additional details about the supplemental planting have been added to the report. KCI was not able to get a good gauge on the survivability after the 2022 growing season but will make a point of investigating this during the spring 2023 site visits. KCI Response: This will be done as necessary. KCI Response: The wetland shapefiles have been updated. KCI Response: These have been included in the digital deliverables. TABLE OF CONTENTS PROJECT SUMMARY................................................................................................................................1 MONITORING RESULTS..........................................................................................................................2 REFERENCES.............................................................................................................................................4 Figure 1. Project Site Vicinity Map..............................................................................................................5 Figure 2. Site Asset Map...............................................................................................................................6 Appendix A–Background Tables Table 1. Project Components and Mitigation Credits...................................................................................8 Table 2. Project Activity and Reporting History..........................................................................................9 Table 3. Project Contacts............................................................................................................................10 Table 4. Project Information.......................................................................................................................11 Appendix B–Visual Assessment Data CCPV..........................................................................................................................................................14 Table 5. Visual Stream Morphology Stability Assessment........................................................................15 Table 6. Vegetation Condition Assessment................................................................................................16 Photo Reference Points...............................................................................................................................17 Appendix C –Vegetation Data Vegetation Transect Data Sheets................................................................................................................21 Appendix D–Stream Measurement and Geomorphology Data Table 8.Baseline Stream Data Summary...................................................................................................24 Appendix E–Hydrologic Data 30-70Percentile Graph...............................................................................................................................27 Table 10.Verification of Bankfull Events..................................................................................................28 Precipitation and Water Level Plots............................................................................................................31 Table 11.Wetland Hydrology Criteria Attainment.....................................................................................44 Soil Profile Descriptions.............................................................................................................................45 Sandy Bridge Farm Restoration SiteKCI Associates of NC, PA DMS Project # 969202022-MY06 PROJECTSUMMARY The Sandy Bridge Farm Restoration Site (SBFRS) was completed in March 2017and restored a total of 6.85 acres of riparian wetland(1.29 acres of wetland rehabilitation and 5.56 acres of wetland reestablishment)and 1,626 linear feet of stream. The SBFRSis a riparian system located in the Broad River Basin (03050105 8-digit cataloging unit) in RutherfordCounty, North Carolina that hadbeen substantially modified to maximize the use of the areafor grazing. The completed project will restore impacted agricultural lands to a functioning stream and wetland ecosystem with enhanced water quality, restored hydrology, and improved fish and wildlife habitat. The SBFRSis protected by a 9.5acre permanent conservation easement, held by the State of North Carolina. The site is located off of Rock Road, approximately 3 miles north of Rutherfordton, North Carolina.The project site is bounded by interspersed pastureland and forested land to theeast, agricultural land and Rock Road to the north-northwest, and Catheys Creek to the southwest. The North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program’s (NCEEP) publication in 2009 identified HUC 03050105070020 (Catheys Creek) as a Targeted Local Watershed (TLW). The goals and priorities for SBRFS are based on the information presented in the Broad River Basin Restoration Priorities: to restore wetland and stream functions,to maintain and enhance water quality, to restore hydrology, and to improve fish and wildlife habitat (NCEEP 2009). The project goals, which reflect those from the approved Mitigation Plan,are in line with the following basin priorities: -Reduce sources of sediment and nutrients by restoring riparian buffer vegetation, excluding livestock, and restoring natural geomorphology. -Prioritize project implementation in the Catheys Creek local watershed planning area. The goals for the project are to: -Restore a channelized stream to a meandering C-type channel with a floodplain. -Buffer and reduce sediment impacts to the project stream. -Restore a Piedmont Alluvial Forest Community. -Restore a wetland hydroperiod to drained and livestock-impacted land. The project goals will be addressed through the following objectives: -Relocate a channelized stream to its historic landscape position. -Install an appropriately-sized channel cross-section. -Install bedform diversity with pools, riffles, and habitat structures. -Demarcate the project easement boundaries and fence out livestock. -Plant the site with native trees and shrubs and anherbaceous seed mix that supports the development of a Piedmont Alluvial Forest. -Fill field ditches and redevelop wetland microtopography to slow the flow of surface and subsurface drainage. To restore the site, select ditches across the site were modified or filled and incoming surface inputs and seeps wereintegrated to create a stream/wetland complex. Additionally,Tributary 1 to Catheys Creek wasimproved with Priority 1 stream restoration to re-meander the stream and elevate the groundwater table. The entire site was planted as a Piedmont Alluvial Forest community (Schafale 2012).The site was constructed as designed with no modification from the design plan. Sandy Bridge Farm Restoration SiteKCI Associates of NC, PA DMS Project # 9692012022-MY06 The majority of monitoring components were installed in March 2017. Nine groundwater monitoring wells were installed to evaluate the attainment of jurisdictional wetland hydrology. A streamgauge wasinstalled on Tributary 1 to Catheys Creek to record the occurrence of bankfull events. To determine the success of the planted mitigation areas, eight10 m x 10 mpermanent vegetation monitoring plots were established. The location of the planted stems relative to the origin within these plots, as well as the species, was recorded and planted stems were grouped into size categories (0-10 cm, 10-50 cm, 50-100cm, >137 cm). Any volunteers found within the plots were also grouped into size categories by species, but separate from the planted stems. Six permanent photo reference points were established and will be taken annually. Four permanent cross-sections (two sets of coupled riffles and pools) were also established and a detailed longitudinal profile of the stream was taken. Wolman pebble counts were performed at both of the riffle cross-sections. The cross-section measurements will be repeated in future monitoring years,but the longitudinal profile will only be repeated if there are concerns about bed elevation adjustments. Reports will be submitted to DMS by the end of eachmonitoring year.During a site visit with the IRT on December 6, 2017, it was requested that KCI install three additional groundwater monitoring wells and two additional vegetation plots. On March 30,2018the three additional groundwater monitoring wellswere installedalong the area of the filled, pre- construction stream channel.On September 10, 2018, the two additional vegetation plots were installed near the southern end of the site. Vegetative success criteria for the site is320 woody stems/acre after three years, 260 woody stems/acre after five years, and 210 woody stems/acre after seven years. The baseline monitoring counted an average of 647woody stems/acre. To meet the hydrologic success criteria, the upper 12 inches of the soil profile must have continuously saturated or inundated conditions for at least 10% of the growing season during normal weather conditions. The soil survey for Rutherford County estimates the growing season begins April 4 and ends November 6 (217 days), meaning the water table must be within 12 inches of the surface for at least 22 consecutive days during the growing season. A minimum of two bankfull events must also be recorded during themonitoring period. Bank height ratios should not exceed 1.2 and the entrenchment ratios should be 2.2 or greater. Visual assessments will also be used to identify problem areas. MONITORINGRESULTS The site was planted in March 2017 with tree tube protection installed around many of the planted stems. Over the years, beaver have been present at the site and have impacted site vegetation. Although there is still a good quantity of woody stems, beaver activity has taken out some stems that had grown larger. Even with the beaver impacts, in general, the site is well vegetated, with widespread herbaceous coverage and many healthy planted stems. A supplemental planting of the site occurred in March 2020.524 one-gallon size trees were planted in the wetland rehabilitation area and 1,875 bare root trees were planted in the central portion of the site and around the stream. The planting in the wetland rehabilitation area was done as a means of addressinga small area of low growth and vigor caused by dense herbaceous vegetation. The planting in the central portion of the site was done to mitigate damage done by the beavers. An additionalsupplemental planting of approximately 300 live stakes was completed in April2022. This planting consisted of live stakes cut from black willow, elderberry, silky dogwood, sycamore, and cottonwood trees on sitein approximately equal quantities of each.This planting focused on the areas most heavily impacted by the beaversand covered an area of approximately 2.5 acres (120 stems/acre). Monitoring of the vegetation plots did not take place during the sixth monitoring year, as stipulated in the mitigation plan,but four vegetation transects were sampled during Monitoring Year 6. These transects were each 100 feet long and were sampled using the point intercept method. Sampling points were located every 5 feet and only woody stems were recorded. Two of Sandy Bridge Farm Restoration SiteKCI Associates of NC, PA DMS Project # 9692022022-MY06 the transects (Transects 1 and 2) were located in the beaver affected areas, while the other two transects were located outside of the beaver affected areas. Transects 1 and 2 had percent covers of 20% and 45%, respectively, while Transects 3 and 4 had percent covers of 90% and 85%. Across all four transects, 47 stems and 15 species were recorded,withan average height of 24 feet. Please see Appendix C –Vegetation Data for additional information about the sampled transects. Daily rainfall data were obtained from theNC State Climate Office for a local weather station in Rutherfordton, NC. In 2022the monthof Septemberexperienced above average rainfall, while the monthsof January, March, April, May, July, and Novemberexperienced average rainfall. The monthsof February, June, August, and Octoberexperienced below average rainfall for the site. Overall, the area experienced slightlybelowaverage rainfall during the 2022growing season. During the site’s sixthgrowing season, 11 of the12groundwater monitoring wells had continuous saturation within 12 inches of the ground surface for 10% (22 days) or more of the 217 day growing season (April 4 to November 6).The gauge that did not meet (Gauge 10) has only met in 1 of the 4 years that it has recorded data. Due to this low level of success, KCI has begun investigating the area around the gauge to flesh out the extent of the low performing area. The next two closest gauges to Gauge 10 have each met the success criteria in every year except one (Gauge 2 has met 5/6 years and Gauge 11 has met 3/4 years). Soils around these three gauges were investigated and described,and an initial analysis shows that the low performing area is less than 0.5 acres in size. During MY07, a more thorough investigation of this area will be performed to determine the exact size. Please see Appendix E –Hydrologic Data for complete descriptions of the soils in this area. The stream gauge has recorded multiple bankfull events in each year since construction, including 3bankfull events in 2022.In June 2018, several large beaver dams were discovered towards the lower half of the stream. These dams were removed in early August 2018.KCI has been continuouslymonitoring for further signs of beaver activity, trapping beavers on-site and removing dams when they are found.In August 2020 KCI contracted with USDA APHIS-WS to provide ongoing beaver management.Additional dams were removedinNovember 2018, June 2019, August 2019, and October 2019,June 2020, September 2020, December 2020, and November2021.New dams were not built on the site until August 2022. These dams will be removed once the beavers on-site have been trapped and removed from the site.See Appendix B and Appendix D for more information. Due to the history of beaver dams on-site, there has been more aggradation in the stream channel than has been anticipated. KCI has been removing the beavers and dams routinely, but when the dams are built sediment has deposited in the channel. The fifth-year cross-section survey showed bed aggradation in all four cross-sectionsas well as aggradation on the banks of Cross-sections1 and 2.When the beaver dams are removed for an extended period of time, there is evidence of the accumulated sediment washing out of the stream. An example of this can be seen when comparing the MY02 and MY03 surveys of XS2. During MY02, a mid-channel bar had formed within this cross-section but after the removal of the beaver dams and a period of several months without them being rebuilt, this bar was completely absentfrom the MY03 survey. Comparing the MY04 and MY05 surveys of XS4 also shows this pattern. Starting in MY03, a large beaver dam was located at the head of the riffle just downstream of XS4. This dam was removed multiple times during 2019 and 2020. After being removed in September 2020, this dam was not rebuilt,but a new damwas constructed upstream of XS4. Comparing the MY04 survey to the MY05 survey shows that fine sediment has washed out of the system and the thalweg elevation in this cross-sectionhas dropped approximately half a foot. KCI believes that if given enough time without backwater conditions, this trend will hold true for the entire site. It is also important to Sandy Bridge Farm Restoration SiteKCI Associates of NC, PA DMS Project # 9692032022-MY06 note that even with the rebuilding of the dams, the stream flow has stayed within the restored channel and no evidence of other channels forming in this system has been noted. The monitored cross-section data have been calculated by adjusting the bankfull elevation to maintain the baseline bankfull area for each cross-section. A total cross-sectional metric has been added to the cross-section data to indicate the cross-sectional area below the baseline bankfull elevation. In instances where there has been some lateral aggradation and narrowing,the data show the cross-section having a significantly higher bankfull width and higher width/depth ratio as compared to previous years. The comparison of cross-section plots between monitoring events illustrates that these adjustments donot indicate a problematic change in cross-section condition but are part of the processing of sediment through the site as described above. KCI will continue to monitor and treat the beavers to ensure that sediment continues to move through the site. The right bank of the stream flowingadjacent to the project’ssouthern boundary had been experiencing significant erosion due to several areas of obstruction in the center of this channel that werediverting water into the banks. Although this stream is not part of the project, and is located outside of the easement bounds, the erosion on the right bank hadencroached into the easement. In November 2019, KCI repaired and stabilizedthis area. This work involved removing the mid-channel obstructions and sloping back the eroding bank. 150 live stakes were plantedalong this bank in March 2020. During this work, several farm gates that had become buried in theprojectstream bank were removed and a small swale was dug to direct water into the site from fields adjacent to the eastern boundary of the site. This swalewas designed to drain ponded conditions in these fields and dissipate the water throughout the wetlands on-site. See Appendix B for more information. Sandy Bridge Farm Restoration SiteKCI Associates of NC, PA DMS Project # 9692042022-MY06 REFERENCES NCDENR, Ecosystem Enhancement Program. 2009. BroadRiver Basin Restoration Priorities 2009.Raleigh, NC. Last accessed 1/2016at: http://portal.ncdenr.org/c/document_library/get_file?uuid=705d1b58-cb91-451e- aa58-4ef128b1e5ab&groupId=60329 NCDENR, Ecosystem Enhancement Program. 2014. NCDENR, Ecosystem Enhancement Program. 2014. Stream and Wetland Mitigation Monitoring Guidelines. Last accessed1/2016 at: http://portal.ncdenr.org/c/document_library/get_file?p_l_id=60409&folderId=18 877169&name=DLFE-86604.pdf NCDENR, Ecosystem Enhancement Program. 2014. Stream and Wetland Mitigation Monitoring Guidelines. Lastaccessed 6/2015 at: http://portal.ncdenr.org/c/document_library/get_file?p_l_id=60409&folderId=18 877169&name=DLFE-86606.pdf NC Wetland Functional Assessment Team. 2010. NC Wetland Assessment Method (NC WAM) User Manual, version 4.1. Last accessed 11/2012 at: http://portal.ncdenr.org/c/document_library/get_file?uuid=76f3c58b-dab8-4960- ba43-45b7faf06f4c&groupId=38364 Schafale, M.P. and A.S.Weakley. 2012. Guide to the Natural Communities ofNorth Carolina: Fourth Approximation. Natural Heritage Program, Division of Parks and Recreation, N.C. Department of Environment andNatural Resources. Raleigh, NC. Sandy Bridge Farm Restoration SiteKCI Associates of NC, PA DMS Project # 9692052022-MY06 Sandy Bridge Farm Restoration SiteKCI Associates of NC, PA DMS Project # 9692062022-MY06 Conservation Easement Wetland Rehabilitation-filled ditches (0.70 ac / 0.70 credits) Wetland Re-establishment (5.56 ac / 5.56 credits) Wetland Rehabilitation (0.59 ac / 0.39 credits) T1 - Priority 1 Restoration (1626 lf / 1,626 credits) Other Streams NCCGIA SITE ASSET MAP 0100200 Source: NC Statewide SANDY BRIDGE FARM RESTORATION SITE Orthoimagery, 2015. Feet RUTHERFORD COUNTY, NC ± APPENDIX A Background Tables Sandy Bridge Farm Restoration SiteKCI Associates of NC, PA DMS Project # 9692082022-MY06 Table 1. Project Components and Mitigation Credits Sandy Bridge Farm Restoration Site, DMS Project #96920 Mitigation Credits NitrogenPhosphorous RiparianNon-riparian StreamBufferNutrientNutrient WetlandWetland OffsetOffset TypeRRERRERRE 1,6266.653 Credits Project Components Project ExistingApproachRestoration -or-Restoration ComponentStationing/Mitigation Footage/(PI, PII Restoration Footage/Credits -or-LocationRatio Acreageetc.)EquivalentAcreage Reach ID 10+00 to Tributary 11,470 lfPIRestoration1,626 lf1:11,626 26+26 Wetland Restoration5.560ac1:15.560 Reestablishment Wetland 0.79 acRestoration0.697ac1:10.697 Rehabilitation* Wetland 0.59 acRestoration0.594ac1.5:10.396 Rehabilitation Component Summation Stream Riparian Wetlands Non-Riparian Buffer Restoration Level(linear Upland (Acres) (Acres)Wetlands (Acres)(square feet) feet) Non- Riverine Riverine Restoration1,626 lf Reestablishment5.560ac Rehabilitation1.291ac Enhancement Creation Preservation High Quality Preservation R= Restoration RE= Restoration Equivalent of Creation or Enhancement *=wetland rehabilitation associated with filled ditches Sandy Bridge Farm Restoration SiteKCI Associates of NC, PA DMS Project # 9692092022-MY06 Table 2. Project Activity & Reporting History Sandy Bridge Farm Restoration Sites, DMS Project #96920 Actual Completion or Activity or ReportData Collection Complete Delivery Mitigation PlanJune 2016 Final Design - Construction PlansJune 2016 Construction Grading CompletedAug 29, 2016 Planting CompletedMarch 11, 2017 Baseline Monitoring/ReportMarch 2017April 2017 Vegetation MonitoringMarch 21, 2017 Stream SurveyMarch 20, 2017 Year 1 Monitoring November 2017December 2017 Vegetation MonitoringOctober 26, 2017 Stream SurveyNovember 6, 2017 Additional Groundwater Gauges InstalledMarch 30, 2018 Beaver Dam RemovalAugust 20, 2018 Additional Vegetation Plots InstalledSeptember 10, 2018 Beaver Dam RemovalNovember 6, 2018 Year 2 MonitoringNovember 2018December 2018 Vegetation MonitoringSeptember 10, 2018 XS1 and 2: June 28, 2018 Stream Survey XS3 and 4: September 11, 2018 Beaver Dam RemovalJune 14, 2019 Beaver Dam RemovalAugust 8, 2019 Beaver Dam RemovalOctober 17, 2019 Non-project Reach RepairNovember 21, 2019 Year 3 MonitoringNovember 2019December 2019 Vegetation MonitoringJuly 11, 2019 Stream SurveyJune 19, 2019 Supplemental PlantingMarch 27, 2020 Beaver Dam RemovalJune 12, 2020 Beaver Dam RemovalSeptember 15, 2020 Beaver Dam RemovalDecember 18, 2020 Year 4 MonitoringNovember 2020December 2020 Stream SurveyNovember 4, 2020 Beaver Dam RemovalNovember 17, 2021 Year 5 MonitoringNovember 2021December 2021 Vegetation MonitoringJuly 6, 2021 July 6, 2022 Stream Survey Supplemental Live Stake PlantingApril 12, 2022 Year 6 MonitoringNovember 2022December 2022 Vegetation TransectsOctober 17, 2022 Sandy Bridge Farm Restoration SiteKCI Associates of NC, PA DMS Project # 96920102022-MY06 Table 3. Project Contacts Sandy Bridge FarmRestoration Sites, DMS Project #96920 KCI Associates of North Carolina, PC Design Firm 4505 Falls of Neuse Road Suite 400 Raleigh, NC 27609 Contact: Mr. Adam Spiller Phone: (919) 783-9214 Fax: (919) 783-9266 Construction ContractorKCI Environmental Technologies and Construction 4505 Falls of Neuse Road, Suite 400 Raleigh, NC 27609 Contact: Mr. Adam Spiller Phone: (919) 783-9214 Planting ContractorConservation Services Inc. 1620 N. Delphine Ave. Waynesboro, VA22980 Contact: Mr. David Coleman Phone: (540) 941-0067 Monitoring PerformersKCI Associates of North Carolina, PC 4505 Falls of Neuse Road Suite 400 Raleigh, NC 27609 Contact: Mr. Adam Spiller Phone: (919) 278-2514 Fax: (919) 783-9266 Sandy Bridge Farm Restoration SiteKCI Associates of NC, PA DMS Project # 96920112022-MY06 Table 4. Project Information Sandy Bridge Farm Restoration Site, DMS Project #96920 Sandy Bridge Farm Restoration Site Project Name Rutherford County County Project Area (acres) 9.45 acres 35.407997° N, -81.937000° W Project Coordinates (lat. and long.) Project Watershed Summary Information Piedmont Physiographic Province Broad River Basin USGS Hydrologic Unit 8-digit 03050105USGS Hydrologic Unit 14-digit03050105070020 9-41-13-(0.5) DWQ Sub-basin 837 acres Project Drainage Area (acres) Project Drainage Area Percentage 8% of Impervious Area Mixed Hardwoods/Conifers 42% (350.0 ac), Managed Herbaceous Cover 39% CGIA Land Use Classification(329.3 ac), Mountain Conifers 12% (99.5 ac), Mixed Shrubland 5% (43.5 ac), Low Intensity Developed 1% (11.0 ac) Existing Reach Summary Information Parameters T1 Length of reach (linear feet)1,470 lf Valley classificationValley Type VIII Drainage area (acres)837 acres NCDWQ Water Quality ClassificationWS-V (Water Supply –upstream) Morphological Description (stream type)Ditched channel Evolutionary trendChannelized Mapped SoilSeriesWehadkee-Chewacla Association Drainage classPoorly drained; Somewhat poorly drained Soil Hydric statusDrained hydric Slope0-1% FEMA classificationZone AE Existing vegetation communityN/A (Pasture) Percent composition of exotic invasive vegetation5% Existing Wetland Summary Information Parameters Size of Wetland (acres) 0.59 acres (Wetland Rehabilitation Area) Wetland TypeHeadwater Seep Mapped Soil Series Wehadkee-Chewacla Association Drainage class Poorly drained; Somewhat poorly drained Soil Hydric Status Drained Hydric Source of Hydrology Seepage/ Precipitation Hydrologic Impairment Ditching and Grazing Existing vegetation community Emergent Wetland Percent composition of exotic invasive vegetation 5% Sandy Bridge Farm Restoration SiteKCI Associates of NC, PA DMS Project # 96920122022-MY06 Regulatory Considerations Supporting Regulation Applicable?Resolved? Documentation Waters of the United States –Section DWR#15-0414Jurisdictional Yes 404USACE Action ID# 201500827Determination Waters of the United States –Section DWR#15-0414Jurisdictional Yes 401USACE Action ID# 201500827Determination Endangered Species ActNoN/AN/A Historic Preservation ActNoN/AN/A Coastal Zone Management Act (CZMA)/ Coastal Area Management NoN/AN/A Act (CAMA) FEMA Floodplain ComplianceNoN/AN/A Essential Fisheries HabitatNoN/AN/A Sandy Bridge Farm Restoration SiteKCI Associates of NC, PA DMS Project # 96920132022-MY06 APPENDIX B Visual Assessment Data Sandy Bridge Farm Restoration SiteKCI Associates of NC, PA DMS Project # 96920142022-MY06 MY06 - 2022 KCI Associates of NC, PA 16 96920 Sandy Bridge Farm Restoration SiteDMS Project # MY06 - 2022 KCI Associates of NC, PA 17 96920 Sandy Bridge Farm Restoration SiteDMS Project # Photo Reference Photos PP1 –MY-00 –3/21/17PP1 –MY-06–11/18/22 PP2 –MY-00 –3/21/17PP2 –MY-06–11/18/22 PP3 –MY-00 –3/21/17PP3 –MY-06–11/18/22 Sandy Bridge Farm Restoration SiteKCI Associates of NC, PA DMS Project # 96920182022-MY06 PP4 –MY-00 –3/21/17PP4 –MY-06–11/18/22 PP5–MY-00–3/21/17PP5–MY-06–11/18/22 PP6–MY-00–3/21/17PP6–MY-06–11/18/22 Sandy Bridge Farm Restoration SiteKCI Associates of NC, PA DMS Project # 96920192022-MY06 APPENDIX C Vegetation Data Sandy Bridge Farm Restoration SiteKCI Associates of NC, PA DMS Project # 96920202022-MY06 APPENDIX D Stream Measurement and Geomorphology Data Sandy Bridge Farm Restoration SiteKCI Associates of NC, PA DMS Project # 96920232022-MY06 n2222222222222 20202019 60505639 160 >70 18.913.827.010.7 Max 0.014102.2 MY06 - 2022 built - C4 1.2 1.31 1,626 0.0027 As4022 >68 17.213.522.178.3 0.006 Mean KCI Associates of NC, PA 0.062/0.5/17.5/25.5/40/90 66%/2%/22%/10%/1%/0% 35302311 134 >60 Min 15.413.217.325.9 0.000 60503.31600.0085590 10.7 ------- - C4 >38 15.012.717.71.31 >2.5 1,626 35301755 0.0038 Design2.0 1348.9 Proposed 0.002 n2222222211111222 8733 191105 >55 18.625.113.8 Max>2.5 0.035 Med C4 1.3 1.49 0.0050 >47 25.111.3 16.7 >2.5 Mean 24 Reference Reach(es) Data 6016661450 >40 Min 14.825.0 >2.5 0.013 n444444442 Max 0.010 G4 - ***** 1.0 1.31 1,470 E4 0.0043 330 69.371.214.9 Med Existing Condition - Pre 0.076/1.2/3.3/5.2/9.4/18 32.972.973.214.8 18%/39%/43%/1%/0%/0% Mean , DMS Project #96920 ** Min 31.560.966.613.5 0.000 ) 2 Summary Be% Data Sinuosity Slope (ft/ft) Stream Restoration Site 96920 Pool Length (ft) Pool Spacing (ft) Riffle Length (ft) Riffle Bank Height Ratio Channel length (ft) Width/Depth Ratio Bankfull Width (ft)Sectional Area (ft Entrenchment Ratio - Drainage Area (SM) Meander Width Ratio Rosgen Classification Floodprone Width (ft) Channel Beltwidth (ft) Riffle Project # Radius of Curvature (ft) - Bankfull Max Depth (ft) Rc:Bankfull width (ft/ft) Meander Wavelength (ft) Bankfull Mean Depth (ft) Water Surface Slope (ft/ft) . Baseline Stream *No data shown due to channelization/lack of bed diversity Sandy Bridge Farm Restoration SiteDMS 8 d16 / d35 / d50 / d84 / d95 (mm) Bankfull Cross SC% / Sa% / G% / C% / B% / Table Sandy Bridge FarmParameterDimension PatternSubstrate and Transport Parameters MY06 - 2022 KCI Associates of NC, PA Sectional Area represents - and the resulting bankfull elevation. Total Cross 25 established during the baseline survey, are based on a fixed bankfull area 96920 sectional area measured from the baseline bankfull elevation. - Project # Calculationsthe cross Sandy Bridge Farm Restoration SiteDMS APPENDIX D Hydrologic Data Sandy Bridge Farm Restoration SiteKCI Associates of NC, PA DMS Project # 96920262022-MY06 Table 10.Verification of Bankfull Events Sandy Bridge Farm Restoration Site, DMS Project #96920 Photo Date of OccurrenceMethod Number April 6, 2017Onsite stream gauge April 24, 2017Onsite stream gauge May 29, 2017Onsite stream gauge August 3, 2017Onsite stream gauge August 14, 2017Onsite stream gauge August 15, 2017Onsite stream gauge September 5, 2017Onsite stream gauge October 23, 2017Onsite stream gauge, photos taken on site1 February 7, 2018Onsite stream gauge, photos taken on site2 February 11, 2018Onsite stream gauge April 15, 2018Onsite stream gauge April 24, 2018Onsite stream gauge May 19, 2018Onsite stream gauge May 30, 2018Onsite stream gauge September 16, 2018Onsite stream gauge October 11, 2018Onsite stream gauge3 January 4, 2019Onsite stream gauge January 20, 2019Onsite stream gauge January 24, 2019Onsite stream gauge February 18, 2019Onsite stream gauge February 21, 2019Onsite stream gauge February 22, 2019Onsite stream gauge April 8, 2019Onsite stream gauge May 11, 2019Onsite stream gauge June 18, 2019Onsite stream gauge October31, 2019Onsite stream gauge January 12, 2020Onsite stream gauge January 24, 2020Onsite stream gauge February 6, 2020Onsite stream gauge February 13, 2020Onsite stream gauge March 25, 2020Onsite stream gauge April 13, 2020Onsite stream gauge January 1, 2021Onsite stream gauge February 15, 2021Onsite stream gauge March 18, 2021Onsite stream gauge March 26, 2021Onsite stream gauge March 31, 2021Onsite stream gauge April 10, 2021Onsite stream gauge August 17, 2021Onsitestream gauge4 March 23, 2022Onsite stream gauge April 18, 2022Onsite stream gauge May 27, 2022Onsite stream gauge Sandy Bridge Farm Restoration SiteKCI Associates of NC, PA DMS Project # 96920282022-MY06 Wrack lines Photo 1. Sediment on plants and wracklines above bankfull, 10/26/2017 Photo2. Bankfull event on site, 2/7/2018 Sandy Bridge Farm Restoration SiteKCI Associates of NC, PA DMS Project # 96920292022-MY06 Wrack lines Photo 3.Wracklines above bankfull, 11/7/2018 Wrack lines Photo 4.Wracklines above bankfull, 9/13/2021 Sandy Bridge Farm Restoration SiteKCI Associates of NC, PA DMS Project # 96920302022-MY06 Rainfall (in) 27-Dec-22 18-Dec-22 9-Dec-22 30-Nov-22 21-Nov-22 12-Nov-22 3-Nov-22 25-Oct-22 Bankful Elevation 16-Oct-22 7-Oct-22 28-Sep-22 19-Sep-22 10-Sep-22 1-Sep-22 23-Aug-22 14-Aug-22 5-Aug-22 Stream Bed Elevation 27-Jul-22 18-Jul-22 9-Jul-22 30-Jun-22 Date Hydrograph Stream Gauge 21-Jun-22 12-Jun-22 Surface Water 3-Jun-22 25-May-22 Sandy Bridge Farm Restoration Site 16-May-22 7-May-22 28-Apr-22 19-Apr-22 10-Apr-22 1-Apr-22 Sensor Elevation 23-Mar-22 14-Mar-22 5-Mar-22 24-Feb-22 15-Feb-22 Rainfall 6-Feb-22 28-Jan-22 19-Jan-22 10-Jan-22 1-Jan-22 868867866865864863862 Stream Stage Elevation (ft) Rainfall (in) 27-Dec-22 18-Dec-22 9-Dec-22 30-Nov-22 21-Nov-22 12-Nov-22 Sensor Depth 3-Nov-22 25-Oct-22 16-Oct-22 November 6 7-Oct-22 Growing Season 28-Sep-22 End 19-Sep-22 10-Sep-22 1-Sep-22 23-Aug-22 14-Aug-22 5-Aug-22 27-Jul-22 12 Inches Below Ground Surface 18-Jul-22 9-Jul-22 217 Days 30-Jun-22 21-Jun-22 Hydrograph Date Wetland Gauge 1 12-Jun-22 3-Jun-22 25-May-22 Ground Surface 16-May-22 Sandy Bridge Farm Restoration Site 7-May-22 28-Apr-22 Growing Season 19-Apr-22 BeginApril 4 10-Apr-22 1-Apr-22 23-Mar-22 14-Mar-22 Groundwater Depth 5-Mar-22 24-Feb-22 15-Feb-22 6-Feb-22 28-Jan-22 Rainfall 19-Jan-22 10-Jan-22 1-Jan-22 43210 -1-2-3-4 Relative Groundwater Elevation (ft) Rainfall (in) 27-Dec-22 18-Dec-22 9-Dec-22 30-Nov-22 21-Nov-22 Sensor Depth 12-Nov-22 3-Nov-22 25-Oct-22 16-Oct-22 November 6 7-Oct-22 75 Days Growing Season 28-Sep-22 End 19-Sep-22 10-Sep-22 1-Sep-22 23-Aug-22 14-Aug-22 5-Aug-22 12 Inches Below Ground Surface 27-Jul-22 18-Jul-22 9-Jul-22 30-Jun-22 Hydrograph Date Wetland Gauge 2 21-Jun-22 12-Jun-22 3-Jun-22 Ground Surface 25-May-22 Sandy Bridge Farm Restoration Site 16-May-22 7-May-22 28-Apr-22 Growing Season 19-Apr-22 BeginApril 4 10-Apr-22 1-Apr-22 23-Mar-22 14-Mar-22 Groundwater Depth 5-Mar-22 24-Feb-22 15-Feb-22 6-Feb-22 28-Jan-22 Rainfall 19-Jan-22 10-Jan-22 1-Jan-22 43210 -1-2-3-4 Relative Groundwater Elevation (ft) Rainfall (in) 27-Dec-22 18-Dec-22 9-Dec-22 30-Nov-22 21-Nov-22 Sensor Depth 12-Nov-22 3-Nov-22 25-Oct-22 16-Oct-22 38 Days November 6 7-Oct-22 Growing Season 28-Sep-22 End 19-Sep-22 24 Days 10-Sep-22 1-Sep-22 23-Aug-22 14-Aug-22 5-Aug-22 12 Inches Below Ground Surface 27-Jul-22 18-Jul-22 9-Jul-22 30-Jun-22 Hydrograph Date 21-Jun-22 Wetland Gauge 3 12-Jun-22 3-Jun-22 Ground Surface 25-May-22 Sandy Bridge Farm Restoration Site 16-May-22 7-May-22 28-Apr-22 Growing Season 39 Days 19-Apr-22 BeginApril 4 10-Apr-22 1-Apr-22 23-Mar-22 14-Mar-22 Groundwater Depth 5-Mar-22 24-Feb-22 15-Feb-22 6-Feb-22 28-Jan-22 Rainfall 19-Jan-22 10-Jan-22 1-Jan-22 43210 -1-2-3-4 Groundwater Elevation (ft)Relative Rainfall (in) 27-Dec-22 18-Dec-22 9-Dec-22 30-Nov-22 21-Nov-22 12-Nov-22 3-Nov-22 25-Oct-22 16-Oct-22 37 Days November 6 7-Oct-22 Growing Season 12 Inches Below Ground Surface 28-Sep-22 End 19-Sep-22 10-Sep-22 1-Sep-22 23-Aug-22 14-Aug-22 5-Aug-22 27-Jul-22 Ground Surface 18-Jul-22 9-Jul-22 30-Jun-22 Hydrograph Date 21-Jun-22 Wetland Gauge 4 12-Jun-22 3-Jun-22 25-May-22 Sandy Bridge Farm Restoration Site 16-May-22 Groundwater Depth 7-May-22 28-Apr-22 Growing Season 38 Days 19-Apr-22 BeginApril 4 10-Apr-22 1-Apr-22 23-Mar-22 14-Mar-22 Sensor Depth 5-Mar-22 24-Feb-22 15-Feb-22 6-Feb-22 28-Jan-22 Rainfall 19-Jan-22 10-Jan-22 1-Jan-22 43210 -1-2-3-4 Groundwater Elevation (ft)Relative Rainfall (in) 27-Dec-22 18-Dec-22 9-Dec-22 30-Nov-22 21-Nov-22 Sensor Depth 12-Nov-22 3-Nov-22 25-Oct-22 16-Oct-22 November 6 83 Days 7-Oct-22 Growing Season 28-Sep-22 End 19-Sep-22 10-Sep-22 1-Sep-22 23-Aug-22 14-Aug-22 5-Aug-22 12 Inches Below Ground Surface 27-Jul-22 18-Jul-22 9-Jul-22 30-Jun-22 Hydrograph Date 21-Jun-22 Wetland Gauge 5 12-Jun-22 3-Jun-22 Ground Surface 25-May-22 Sandy Bridge Farm Restoration Site 16-May-22 7-May-22 28-Apr-22 Growing Season 19-Apr-22 BeginApril 4 10-Apr-22 1-Apr-22 23-Mar-22 14-Mar-22 Groundwater Depth 5-Mar-22 24-Feb-22 15-Feb-22 6-Feb-22 28-Jan-22 Rainfall 19-Jan-22 10-Jan-22 1-Jan-22 43210 -1-2-3-4 Groundwater Elevation (ft)Relative Rainfall (in) 27-Dec-22 18-Dec-22 9-Dec-22 30-Nov-22 21-Nov-22 12-Nov-22 3-Nov-22 25-Oct-22 16-Oct-22 November 6 7-Oct-22 103 Days Growing Season 12 Inches Below Ground Surface 28-Sep-22 End 19-Sep-22 10-Sep-22 1-Sep-22 23-Aug-22 14-Aug-22 5-Aug-22 27-Jul-22 Ground Surface 18-Jul-22 9-Jul-22 30-Jun-22 Date Hydrograph 21-Jun-22 Wetland Gauge 6 12-Jun-22 3-Jun-22 25-May-22 Sandy Bridge Farm Restoration Site 16-May-22 Groundwater Depth 7-May-22 28-Apr-22 Growing Season 19-Apr-22 26 Days BeginApril 4 10-Apr-22 1-Apr-22 23-Mar-22 14-Mar-22 Sensor Depth 5-Mar-22 24-Feb-22 15-Feb-22 6-Feb-22 28-Jan-22 Rainfall 19-Jan-22 10-Jan-22 1-Jan-22 43210 -1-2-3-4 Groundwater Elevation (ft)Relative Rainfall (in) 27-Dec-22 18-Dec-22 9-Dec-22 30-Nov-22 21-Nov-22 Sensor Depth 12-Nov-22 3-Nov-22 25-Oct-22 16-Oct-22 November 6 7-Oct-22 121 Days Growing Season 28-Sep-22 End 19-Sep-22 10-Sep-22 1-Sep-22 23-Aug-22 14-Aug-22 5-Aug-22 12 Inches Below Ground Surface 27-Jul-22 18-Jul-22 9-Jul-22 30-Jun-22 Hydrograph Date 21-Jun-22 Wetland Gauge 7 12-Jun-22 3-Jun-22 Ground Surface 25-May-22 Sandy Bridge Farm Restoration Site 16-May-22 7-May-22 91 Days 28-Apr-22 Growing Season 19-Apr-22 BeginApril 4 10-Apr-22 1-Apr-22 23-Mar-22 14-Mar-22 Groundwater Depth 5-Mar-22 24-Feb-22 15-Feb-22 6-Feb-22 28-Jan-22 Rainfall 19-Jan-22 10-Jan-22 1-Jan-22 43210 -1-2-3-4 Groundwater Elevation (ft)Relative Rainfall (in) 27-Dec-22 18-Dec-22 9-Dec-22 30-Nov-22 21-Nov-22 12-Nov-22 3-Nov-22 25-Oct-22 16-Oct-22 November 6 7-Oct-22 121 Days Growing Season 12 Inches Below Ground Surface 28-Sep-22 End 19-Sep-22 10-Sep-22 1-Sep-22 23-Aug-22 14-Aug-22 5-Aug-22 27-Jul-22 Ground Surface 18-Jul-22 9-Jul-22 30-Jun-22 Date Hydrograph 21-Jun-22 Wetland Gauge 8 12-Jun-22 3-Jun-22 38 Days 25-May-22 Sandy Bridge Farm Restoration Site 16-May-22 Groundwater Depth 7-May-22 28-Apr-22 Growing Season 19-Apr-22 28 Days 10-Apr-22 BeginApril 4 1-Apr-22 23-Mar-22 14-Mar-22 Sensor Depth 5-Mar-22 24-Feb-22 15-Feb-22 6-Feb-22 28-Jan-22 Rainfall 19-Jan-22 10-Jan-22 1-Jan-22 43210 -1-2-3-4 Groundwater Elevation (ft)Relative Rainfall (in) 27-Dec-22 18-Dec-22 9-Dec-22 30-Nov-22 21-Nov-22 Sensor Depth 12-Nov-22 3-Nov-22 25-Oct-22 16-Oct-22 November 6 113 Days 7-Oct-22 Growing Season 28-Sep-22 End 19-Sep-22 10-Sep-22 1-Sep-22 23-Aug-22 14-Aug-22 5-Aug-22 12 Inches Below Ground Surface 27-Jul-22 18-Jul-22 9-Jul-22 30-Jun-22 Hydrograph Date 21-Jun-22 Wetland Gauge 9 12-Jun-22 3-Jun-22 Ground Surface 25-May-22 Sandy Bridge Farm Restoration Site 16-May-22 7-May-22 28-Apr-22 Growing Season 19-Apr-22 10-Apr-22 BeginApril 4 1-Apr-22 23-Mar-22 14-Mar-22 Groundwater Depth 5-Mar-22 24-Feb-22 15-Feb-22 6-Feb-22 28-Jan-22 Rainfall 19-Jan-22 10-Jan-22 1-Jan-22 43210 -1-2-3-4 Groundwater Elevation (ft)Relative Rainfall (in) 27-Dec-22 18-Dec-22 9-Dec-22 30-Nov-22 21-Nov-22 12-Nov-22 3-Nov-22 25-Oct-22 16-Oct-22 November 6 7-Oct-22 Growing Season 12 Inches Below Ground Surface 28-Sep-22 End 19-Sep-22 10-Sep-22 1-Sep-22 23-Aug-22 14-Aug-22 11 Days 5-Aug-22 27-Jul-22 Ground Surface 18-Jul-22 9-Jul-22 30-Jun-22 Date Hydrograph 21-Jun-22 Wetland Gauge 10 12-Jun-22 3-Jun-22 25-May-22 Sandy Bridge Farm Restoration Site 16-May-22 Groundwater Depth 7-May-22 28-Apr-22 Growing Season 19-Apr-22 BeginApril 4 10-Apr-22 1-Apr-22 23-Mar-22 14-Mar-22 Sensor Depth 5-Mar-22 24-Feb-22 15-Feb-22 6-Feb-22 28-Jan-22 Rainfall 19-Jan-22 10-Jan-22 1-Jan-22 43210 -1-2-3-4 Groundwater Elevation (ft)Relative Rainfall (in) 27-Dec-22 18-Dec-22 9-Dec-22 30-Nov-22 21-Nov-22 Sensor Depth 12-Nov-22 3-Nov-22 25-Oct-22 16-Oct-22 38 Days November 6 7-Oct-22 Growing Season 28-Sep-22 End 19-Sep-22 10-Sep-22 1-Sep-22 23-Aug-22 14-Aug-22 5-Aug-22 12 Inches Below Ground Surface 27-Jul-22 18-Jul-22 9-Jul-22 30-Jun-22 Date 21-Jun-22 12-Jun-22 Hydrograph 3-Jun-22 Wetland Gauge 11 Ground Surface 25-May-22 16-May-22 7-May-22 Sandy Bridge Farm Restoration Site 28-Apr-22 Growing Season 19-Apr-22 24 Days 10-Apr-22 BeginApril 4 1-Apr-22 23-Mar-22 14-Mar-22 Groundwater Depth 5-Mar-22 24-Feb-22 15-Feb-22 6-Feb-22 28-Jan-22 Rainfall 19-Jan-22 10-Jan-22 1-Jan-22 43210 -1-2-3-4 Groundwater Elevation (ft)Relative Rainfall (in) 27-Dec-22 18-Dec-22 9-Dec-22 30-Nov-22 21-Nov-22 12-Nov-22 3-Nov-22 25-Oct-22 16-Oct-22 38 Days November 6 7-Oct-22 Growing Season 12 Inches Below Ground Surface 28-Sep-22 End 19-Sep-22 10-Sep-22 1-Sep-22 23-Aug-22 14-Aug-22 5-Aug-22 27-Jul-22 Ground Surface 18-Jul-22 9-Jul-22 30-Jun-22 Date 21-Jun-22 Hydrograph 12-Jun-22 Wetland Gauge 12 3-Jun-22 25-May-22 16-May-22 Groundwater Depth 7-May-22 Sandy Bridge Farm Restoration Site 28-Apr-22 Growing Season 19-Apr-22 BeginApril 4 10-Apr-22 1-Apr-22 23-Mar-22 14-Mar-22 Sensor Depth 5-Mar-22 24-Feb-22 15-Feb-22 6-Feb-22 28-Jan-22 Rainfall 19-Jan-22 10-Jan-22 1-Jan-22 43210 -1-2-3-4 Groundwater Elevation (ft)Relative Table11. Wetland Hydrology Criteria Attainment Sandy Bridge Farm Restoration Site, DMS Project #96920 Greater than 10% Continuous Saturation/Max Consecutive Days During Growing Season (Percentage) MY-01MY-02MY-03MY-04MY-05MY-06MY-07 Gauge # 2017201820192020202120222023 Yes/30Yes/40Yes/46Yes/215Yes/217Yes/217 Gauge 1 (13.8%)(18.4%)(21.2%)(99.1%)(100.0%)(100.0%) No/11Yes/35Yes/32Yes/126Yes/60Yes/75 Gauge 2 (5.1%)(16.1%)(14.7%)(58.1%)(27.6%)(34.6%) Yes/110Yes/78Yes/162Yes/158Yes/55Yes/39 Gauge 3 (50.7%)(35.9%)(74.7%)(72.8%)(25.3%)(18.0%) Yes/47Yes/105Yes/156Yes/158Yes/82Yes/38 Gauge 4 (21.7%)(48.4%)(71.9%)(72.8%)(37.8%)(17.5%) No/11Gauge Yes/44 Yes/158Yes/84Yes/83 Gauge 5 (5.1%)malfunction(20.3%)(72.8%)(38.7%)(38.2%) Yes/30Yes/63Yes/49Yes/209Yes/96Yes/103 Gauge 6 (13.8%)(29.0%)(22.6%)(96.3%)(44.2%)(47.5%) Yes/22Yes/105Yes/162Yes/214Yes/217Yes/121 Gauge 7 (10.1%)(48.4%)(74.7%)(98.6%)(100.0%)(55.8%) Yes/29Yes/43Yes/39Yes/209Yes/96Yes/121 Gauge 8 (13.4%)(19.8%)(18.0%)(96.3%)(44.2%)(55.8%) No/15Yes/87Yes/40Yes/197Yes/95Yes/113 Gauge 9 (6.9%)(40.1%)(18.4%)(90.8%)(43.8%)(52.1%) No/8Yes/22Gauge No/14No/11 Gauge 10* (3.7%)(10.1%)malfunction(6.5%)(5.1%) No/8Yes/25Gauge Yes/52Yes/38 Gauge 11* (3.7%)(11.5%)malfunction(24.0%)(17.5%) Yes/38Yes/24Yes/217Yes/34Yes/38 Gauge12* (17.5%)(11.1%)(100%)(15.7%)(17.5%) *=Gauge installed March 30, 2018 Sandy Bridge Farm Restoration SiteKCI Associates of NC, PA DMS Project # 96920442022-MY06