HomeMy WebLinkAbout20160299_Modified CP2A Concurrence Form_20150309�eeteon �04fNEP�Pi Mer�er �'r�aject Team 1VV[eeiin� A�reerr�enf �orn�urrenee Point �I�, �,1-� 1VIoc���caiion TIF Praiect i�Io.: R-2536 FA Prnf ect I4To.: NHF-64(19} `4�+'�� �o.: 34�50.1 _ 1 Praject 1�T�me/Desci•ivtion: U5 b4 Bypass fi-om west Df tl�e intersection af US f4 and Stutts R�ad ta just east of il�e intersectidn of US 64 and Dewey Road {SR 2256} on iiew localion. �`he �ra�osed by�ass wi�l be a fourfieen r�ile ]ong, %u�•- lane, divided facility wit�i no clri�eway access pet-�n'rfted. A new two-lane Zoo Conr�ectoa- will also be constr��cted frarri the �ro�c�sed bypass to the N�rtl� Carolina 7_00 A concurrence �neetin.� vwas helci with memb�i-s of the Merger Team nn �'ebruary 1 �3, 2015 to discuss tio discuss tlxe znixaor �noc�ificatian to ihe Bridges on US 64 $ypass over Liitle Rivex and Vestal Creek, the i�iia�or re-alignmeni oftl�e Zoo Cannectar (Seciion D). Also, to disc�iss the crassing on l�ie Zoo Cotinecfiar over tEie NQt�tk1 P►-on� of Richland Cz�c�l<. � Little River and VestaE Creelc "I'he bridges qtt the US 54 Bypass aver Lif�1e River an� Vestal Creek shall be ofsufficieni lenglh and spaz� aa'a�angeme�it to span #he watez-way and pro�ide a 1��inionum 60-foot c�ear span on ihe west sicEe of bat�i waterways fram tlle to� of the hank to the f:ae c�f iill siop� and provicle a miniznum 30-foot cle�r span o�i #he east side of botl� waiez-ways fi�om tl�c top of the bank to tlfe toe o�fill slope. On each side af bath watetways, a 30-foot clear span slaal] be provided for wildlife passage. The addi#iozxal 30-foot clear span on the west side of both waterways shall pi•o�vide � I S-foat buf'fer betweei� the wildlife passage and a future l5-faat g�•eenway. The minimi�nn vertical clea►•at�ce foe- bc�th hrid�,es shall be �[} feet above the existing s�atural ground surface. � �1o�-�h Prong aiRichlanc� C�•eek The proposed bridg� �n the Zao Cannectnr (new alignment) ave� the North Prong of RichIand Gi•eek has bee�� eli:minated and replaced vvitl� double 14'x 10' RCBC's eqL�a! si7e to ihe dc�wnstrealn culverts ui�der NC 159. —DocuSigned by: �DocuSigned by: 5��, E1��..6�, �aK �. . rniy orps of Engineers —DocuSigned by: ,� �, (� �,�, .S. is �4and 'Wildlife Se��vice �� ,�L�� Fedea•al �-Ii�hway At�tni�aistr�ation DocuSigned by: ���� Vv���YllA.l - - — // .�?'��9�39�§hent af Envii•�nrne��t aa�d Natur•al Resaurces, Divisio�i of Water R�soua-ces Concu�rence Point 2A Modificatians Feb�•ua��y 18, 20 � 5 � ��-�^� nent of Cult�u-al Resoui°ces Histoi•ic Clffice e�����w�� U.S. Enviz�onmental I'rotectian Ag�e�lcy —DocuSigned by: Travis W��,.son N.C. Wildlife Resources Coinmission of Tr-ansportation, �DLA R-2536