HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCC230070_FRO Submitted_20230127FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITYIOWNERSHIP FORM EROSION & SEDIMENTATION CONTROL No person may initiate any land -disturbing activity on one or more acres, % acre or more inside a watershed. as covered by the Sedimentation Pollution Contmi Act and the I€edell County Land Development Code, before an acceptable erosion and sedimentation control plan has been submitted and approved by the Iredell County Planning & Development, Erosion Control Section. (Please type or print) Part A. 1. Project Name Lytton St Townhornes - Phase 2 2. Location of land -disturbing activity: County Tredell City or Township Troutman Highway/Street Lytton St Latitude �6 Longitude,' 14Y 00 3. Approximate date land-disturbing.activity will commence: Jan 1, 202 S h. Purpose of development (residential, commercial., industrial, institutional, etc.): Residential 5_ Total. acreage disturbed or uncovered (including off -site borrow and waste areas): 2.78 6. Amount of tee enclosed:: $ 2 An application fee of $175-00 per acre (rounded up to the next acre) is assessed without a ceiling amount. (Example: a 8.10-acre application fee JG $1.575). For projects > than U.5 acres but no greater than 0,99 acres in a water supply watershed, a flat fee of $100.00 is assessed. 7. Has an erosion and sediment control plan been filed? Yes x No Enclosed 8. Person to contact should erosion and sediment controi issues.arise during land -disturbing activity: Name K € MiA S (,0 1'�}iffY1 �,kl- E-mail Address J Telephone Ce## Ct$0--505-- aga P f=ax# 9. Landowner(s) of record (attach accompanied page to list additional owners). Name Current. Mailing Address city State Zip Telephone Fax Number S&me Q 5 YYI aJAn' a Current Street Address City state Zip 90. Deed Book No.�? -J-� Page NL. Provide a copy of the most current deed. Part B. 1. Person(s) or firms) who are financially responsible for the land -disturbing activity (Provide a comprehensive fist of all responsible parties on are attached, sheet): Name E-mail Address 15�L WV odery . -SU. P— Current Mailing Address 2 ajeSys lie Ky' I;z13V city �} State Zip Telephone i D- Sb 5— ;L I S ry Q qn rY1 "A q Current Street Address city State Zip Fax Number Page 1 of 2 2. (a) if the Financially Responsible Party is not a resident of North Carolina, give name and street address of the designated North Carolina Agent: � h� Cpi <--A Name E-mail Address Current Mailing Address City State City Fax Num State Zip (b) If the Financially Responsible Party is a Partnership or other person engaging in business under an assumed name, attach a copy of the Certificate of Assumed Name. If the Financially Responsible Party is a Corporation, give name and street address of the Registered Agent: Name of Registered Agent E-mail Address &� w �,� >ze��. Current Mailing Address 1C went Street Address r- /�J C___.) --? "' 77 City State Zip City State Zip Q 6 Telephone / E) "' �Q ` a f The above information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and was provided by me under oath (This form must be signed by the Financially Responsible Person if an individual or his attorney -in -fact, or if not an individual, by an officer, director, partner, or registered agent with the authority to execute instruments for the Financially Responsible Person). I agree to ovide corrected information shouldg�:;, ny change in the information provided herein. ! ez - 5.-�/ 6ALA T rint name Title or Authority �Nt ignature Date i, 12-Arty C . Mona a Notary Public of the County of k SC State of North Carolina, hereby certify that AE ��Yrn�f.,�r _appeared personally before me this day and being duly sworn acknowledged that the above form was executed by him. Witness my hand and notarial seal, this day of L _CvCYNV",V' 20 Q.. My commission expires Page 2 of 2 F 12114/2r722 a '.l arr� iter FaMlly,Uvrng,, tust;. u ; 2 W-lb Rd, � 5 emere Isle Statesville, NC 28677 E' E 98i;? 51 y Mall 00� Jonathan Williams, Erosion iContr of insif'ector: II Iredel Count Plan and I EU E �g 4' ,, 3 `s�°- I .. - - -�di - PO Box. 7881,30UCenter St t�. E:r i FE i$ RY4K'h t ht 9.'.w•--•... States ille,.,NC 28587 Dear Mr. Jonathan Williams, I am writing this letter to accompany a Financial Responsibility Form Erosion and Settlement Control form being submitted by Ronald Scott Properties, Inc. a company that I am also a Principal and President. The Parmiter Family Living Trust owns an adjacent piece of property, Iredell County Parcel Identification #4731774270 (see attached Deed). The Parmiter Family Living Trust hereby gives Ronald Scott Properties, Inc permission to conduct land disturbing activities on this parcel. Sincerely, Ronald Scott Parmiter Trustee of Parmiter Family Living Trust Type: CONSOLIDATED REAL PROPERTY Recorded: 10A U2010 3.53:12 PM Fes Amt MOO Page 1 of 3 Revenue Tam $60.00 tredell County, NC Ronald N. Wyatt Register of Deeds BK 2450 PG 1876 -1878 MNERAL WARRANTY DEED Excise Tax: $W-01) Tax Parcel ID No.. 4731::V-4228 _. Verified by: IredQ11 County on the ,_ ._.., day of, _ 2Q_ MaillBox by Grantee This instwmentwas prepared by: Jay Nevin White, AttameyaLM-O€Pounsel Jones Childers Donaklson & Vlfet3tiPi LC.120 Banister Bay Lane, MooresAritle North Carolina 28117. Brief description forthe index 0.8$ off Lvtion Streef Tmulman. North Carorma -- -.. -- Tti1S CiEED, made this W4 - day of 0-0 b "—, 20 � � by and between G "l ANTOR: DAVID K. WRIGHT end wife CARD INE P:.YYRI whose mailing address is 141 Sohn Cart Drive. Troutman, North Carolina 28168 (herein referred to colkKbMya�s Gnlntar) and . GRANTEE: RONALD §=PROMMES, IMC-,lr&CatrollmC tilon wtme mail V address -is 152 Windemere We Road" 'M ' L42EW farutirta 28M (herein referred to coifectively as Grant") WIT'NESSETi-I: Forvaluable consideration from Grantee to Cranbor, ilie.nx*pt and sutf eency of which is hereby ackwarledged, Grantor hereby gives, grants, bargak6, sails and comteys vn>to Gtar;W6 in fee simple, subject B), Om Exceptions and Reservations hereinafter provided, if.any, the following described prnpedy_k"W in the Comfy of fredell. 5tafe of North Carolina, more particuiady described as follows: Sty. ATTACHED SCHEDULE A Said property having been pieviouslir conveyed to GMrrtarby =flu wntts) recorded M Book2029, rage 1672. and being reflected on plal(s) recorded in IMapfftt Book _ > Pam All or a portion of the property herein conveyed includes or _]K does not include the primary residence of a Grantor. 3 Book.2450 Pare: 1875 PaW 1 ar3 TO HAVE AND TO HOLD unto GmntM together with att priviieges and appurtenances thereunto belonging, in fee simple, subject to the Exceptions and Reservations hereinafter and hereinahove provided, if any. And Grantor hereby warrants that Grantor is seized of the premises in too and has the right to convey same in fee simple, that title is marketable and is free. aA oar of encumbrances miter than as set forth herein, and that Grantor will forever warrant and defend the title against the lawfW cdaitm of all persons or entities. whomsoever. This conveyance is made subject to the foilowing Exceptions and Reservations: 1. ANY AND ALL EASEMENTS, R* M OF WAY AND RESiRf M NIS OF RECOM Z. ANY AND ALL ZONING AND PLANHWG ORDwANCES. All references to Grarrlor and Grantee as used herein shall inclWe the parties as well as tfneir halts, successors and assigns, and "I include the singular, plural, Pi1anw ine, feminine or neuter as required by context IN WITNESS vVHERWF, fhf; Grantor has duty executed the foregoing as of the day and year first above written. (SEAL) DAVID tC WR (SEAL) CAROLINE P. WRIGHr----3 (cnficlaitNotanal sear) state of Y) 0- County of I certify that the following pers©ntO personally appeared before me this day, { , each acknowledging to me that he or she signed the forgoing document DAVID K. WRIGHT and CAROUNE F. WRIGHT. � \ypYAl lY Yri� slate: � 10 V0 ti Notary Public Notary's P ' ted or Typed Nance O �ii covt� MyCommission. Expires: Book: 245p Page; 1875 Page 2 on 3 SCHEDULE A BEGINNING at an iron pin in the West margin of Lytton Street in the Town of Troutman, North Carolina, at the NortheW corner of the prop" of Frances S. Cavin desc6hed in a deed recorded in Deed Book 471, at page 4K in the Iredell County Registry, aed running thence with the West margin of Lytton Street North 32 deg. 30 min. West 90.75 feet to an iron gins thence. South 73 deg. West 431.08 feet to an iron pin, a corner of Wesley Zion Church; thence with the line of said Church South 5 deg. 30 min.. East 89225 feet to an iron Stake, a corner of Frances Cavin's said tract; thence with the lane, offrarlees Cavinfs said tract North 73 deg. I I mini. East 471.05 feet to the BEGINNWG, and being the identical property conveyed to Richard S. Cavin and We, Brenda H. Cavin, by deed from. Frances S. Cavin, dated March 18,1991, and recorded in Book 820, page 759, 4redeH County Registry. See also Book 2029, page 1572, Ir^edeil County Registry. Initials: Book 2450 Page: 1876 Pago 3 of 3 Type: CONSOLIDATM REAL PROPERTY Etvwnk d: 121=021 2.08.36 PM Fee Amt $26.00 Page 1 of 4 Revenue Tax: $0.00 ireda County. NC tmumen P. Purcell Repisteraf Deeds BK 2877 PG 2282 - 2285 NO OPINION OF TFF E: IS F:XPE SSED OR IMPLIED NORTH CAROLMA GENERAL WARRANTY DEED Exf*eT Y• 'lei! DO -- - Ptt'iz Sew ernaf Mail after recording to-. This inslaurnentwas prepared by. Brief Description for fltle index F t�fs THIS DED made this _jL day of bw-e. eV . 20n by and he tw-w GRANTOR GRANn Ronaid'.Scoit Parmiter, and spouse. Ronald Scott Parmiter and Caroline. Parnllter. Caroline A Paimitef . Trusters of the. Parmiter Family Living Trust datrsd October 28, 2021, and any amendments Address:1S2 Wiindernere Isle Rd thereto. Statesville, NC28677 Address: 152 Windemere We Rd Statesville, IBC 28677 The designation Grantor and Grantee as used herein stoati include said parties, their heirs, successars, and assigns, and shalt include sbxjula , pkM, naascubne, farrdnine or neuter as required by contract. WITNESSi"TH, thatthe Grantors, for a valuable consideration psid by the Grantees, the receipt of which is hereby admwWged, have and by these p wer is do gmnt..bargain, sell and convey unto the Grantees in fee skfoe, W interest of at that'cortain k* or pamel of tarld Wuafmd in iti -DELI_ sty. Naith Carolina and tin paerGcrrlanij. described as kA ws; BooW M77 Ppgvc 2282 Page I or 4 SEEMACHEDEMSITA Ait Or a portion of the property herein omroeyed does include the primary residenee of GmrdDm TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the aforesaid tot or pKcd of lend wO atl priviicgr�s arnl � thereto belor 10V to the Granbaes its fee sinVie. And the, Granters cDvenard with the Granleex. that Grotors are seed of the premises in too sinvie, have the right tocnm" the sarne in tine sirup, thatiffia is marketable aM free and clear of all erxarnbrances, and that Gmntom will warrant and defend the Me against fhe latirtirl.clairns of all persons whorrmever, other than theiolld►vfcrg exceptions: 1. Easements and rights oiway of record. 2. Restrictions as o0ecord_ 3. Yoar 2M Ad Valorem Taxes which the Grantee(s) assumes) avid ag nwKs) to pay_ IN WITNESS WHEREOF. the Grantors have duly exiled the foregoing as of the day and year first above (seal) Sc R ald ott Parmiter _CPW = ,,. „ ,..,, (seal) Caroline A» Parmiter StRi3 of WATti. CARDLINA, Cowly of certify that Ronald watt Parmlterand irOWOe A- Rarmiter pwwnaliy appeared be*" methis.day, and I have saw 526911actoty. eviderm of the priw4al(e)' Identity,. by a currant!date nr tkt:detal identification with the principal(sY ptto6vymph in the * m of'sM --- Drivers tieerre , the:prinroWs) each act nowtedging to rite that he or sire voluntaiiy s%nadthe lbregairiy document for the Iurpose stated therein and in the capacilyr indicated. Vst+tness my hand and oMciai sWrrlr or seal, tans j day of cr /0 .2021, Notary Public ( RC)BERT N, CRosswHffE C• NOTARY PUBLIC My Cop'R irsian Expires: rrsdall County North Carolina MYCMTA*Ld0AEXphW nogust 10,' Book: 2677 P.O.% 2282 P qv 9e or i EXHIBIT A . Parcel 1 BEING known and designated as Lot 19as shown on the Plat of:Wndemere, recorded in Plat Sook 23, Pages 138, 138A and 139A in the Office of the Register of Deeds for fre"f County, Nash Carolina to which reierer>oe is hereby made for a more particular description. The property hereinabove deser-bed was acquired by Cxan ors by inskorrrErrrt recorded in Book 4M Page 2M in the IREDELL County Reqk#y F PIN: 47104M- 426 Also known as: 152 Vt ndemere isle Road, Statawlie, NC 28677 ; f PAt+ce1 2 SMNG a certain property iocaied In F;WbAown Tawnstrip, kedell Courtly, North Garollrt4 and being more Particularly descried as b9o*s. All Uiat certain tract or parcel of land known as Tax Parcel No. 4710-84-2556 as presently shown on the Iredell County Tax Maps; rekgwce to which Is hereby made for more certainty of description. The property hereinabove described was acquired by Grantors by instrument recorded in Book243QPage 1637 in the tREDELLCounty Registry' PIN: 4710-84-2566 Also known as: 0.57 Acres on Heronwood..Road,.Statesville, NC 28677 Parcel 3 BEING ail of Lot Number 10 in Block 1 of the WOOOLAW4 ADDITION, as the same is Platted, planned and recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 185. (mcieli County Registry. The properly hereinz6oxe described was acquired by Granlom by instrument recorded In � B*ok 2566 Page= in the IREDELI_ County Rogisby PIN: 4734-14-1745 Also known as: 536:0oodlawn Dante, Statesville, NC 28677 Parcel BEING all of Lot Number 11 in Block 1 of the YVOODLAVM ADDITION, as the sarne is glartted, planned and recorded in Plat Bix* ;I, Page .185, tn3dell, County Registry. The property hareinabove described was acquired by Owtors by ingmunent Cascaded in Buak20S Page;§52 in'the 1REDELL.Ca" Reptry PIN: 4734-14-IMO Also known am 0.18Uft Acres on 1lltaodla m Drive, Statesville, NC 28677 SO*-2M Page: = FawUf4 Parcel 5 r BEGINNING at an-kon pin on tho vilest tnaryin of Lytton Street, in the Town of Troutman, North Carolina: sold BEGINNING Pt71NT also being the. Northeast corner of H.S. Cakhoell. and running. thence with the lines of Caldwell and Wesley Zion Church, South 73 deg. 14 min. 15 sec. West r 614.25 feet to aniron 'pin. thence continuing with the line of said Church, North 5 deg. 24 min, 40 sec. West 89.06 feet to an iron pin. a corner of Frances S. Cavin, thence with the line of Frances S. Cavin, North 73 deg.14 rnht..15 me. East 672,26 Rio to an iron pin in the West margin of Lytton SL, s thence with the West margin of Lytton Street, South 32 deg, 24 min. 40 sec. East 90.68 feet to the BEGINNING, containing 1.189 acres, more. of Jess, and being the identical property conveyed to Richard S. Cavin and wb, Brenda H. Cavin, by deed from Frances S. Cavin, dated October 21, s 1982.. and recorded in Book 679, Page M. Iredell County Registry. See Estate File 08 E 1010 of Richard S. Cavin in the ice of the Clerk of Courtof IredeR County, NC: i E Together win improvements located thm"n; said property tieing located at 403 Lytton Street, Troutman, North C',arolinm The property heminabove deswbed was acquired by Grantors by instturnent recorded in Book 2W Page I280 In the IREDELL County Registry PIN: 4731-77-4270 Als0 known as: 4113 Lytton Sfraet, Trautman, NC 28166 f, i. Balk: 2877 Pogo: 2282 Page 4 or 4