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HomeMy WebLinkAboutRE Individual Water Quality Certification Approval and Catawba Buffer Authorization, North Bend Public Fishing Area, Burke County (DWR Project #20221688; USACE Action ID. SAW-2022-02614)1
Winston, Joey
From:Ferguson, Jeff C
Sent:Thursday, January 26, 2023 9:51 AM
To:Winston, Joey; Leslie, Andrea J; Bowers, Todd; Sullivan, James A; Gardner, Gary
Subject:RE: Individual Water Quality Certification Approval and Catawba Buffer Authorization, North Bend
Public Fishing Area, Burke County (DWR Project #20221688; USACE Action ID. SAW-2022-02614)
Attachments:North Bend Public Fishing Area DMS receipt.pdf; North Bend Public Fishing Area DMS Acceptance
I received and am forwarding the receipt from DMS for in lieu fee purchase of mitigation credits for the Catawba riparian
buffer impacts at the North Bend PFA site. I have also attached the initial acceptance letter showing the breakdown of
the credits by zone.
We are hoping to begin cutting and removal of select trees that are potential bat roosting and foraging habitat before
their active season begins. With this, are we approved to begin felling those trees within the riparian buffer?
Jeff C. Ferguson, PE
Civil Design Engineer – Mountain Region
NC Wildlife Resources Commission
Engineering Division
mailing address: 171 Southern Cross Rd.
Weaverville, NC 28787
mobile: 828-231-3517 // fax: 919-707-0162
From: Winston, Joey <>
Sent: Friday, January 13, 2023 3:18 PM
To: Ferguson, Jeff C <>
Cc:; Leslie, Andrea J <>; Bowers, Todd
Subject: Individual Water Quality Certification Approval and Catawba Buffer Authorization, North Bend Public Fishing
Area, Burke County (DWR Project #20221688; USACE Action ID. SAW‐2022‐02614)
Please find the subject approvals attached.
PLEASE NOTE: as part of the Division’s conversion to paperless communication, no hard copy will be mailed.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Joey Winston
Environmental Specialist I, Division of Water Resources
North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality
Office: (828) 296‐4685 | Cell: (828) 785‐9171
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