HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCS000548_Tier I Mercury Exceedance Notification_20230123Chandler, Jeffrey A
From: Eplin, Jerry W
Sent: Monday, January 23, 2023 5:08 PM
To: Chandler, Jeffrey A
Subject: FW: [External] Duke Energy - Marshall Steam Station - NCS000548 - Tier I Mercury
Exceedance NC DEQ DEMLR MRO 2 Week Notification
For LaserFiche.
From: Eplin, Jerry W
Sent: Monday, January 23, 2023 5:08 PM
To: Safrit, Don <Don.Safrit@duke-energy.com>; Khan, Zahid <zahid.khan@ncdenr.gov>
Cc: La Sala, Joseph Scott <Joseph.LaSala@duke-energy.com>
Subject: RE: [External] Duke Energy - Marshall Steam Station - NCS000548 - Tier I Mercury Exceedance NC DEQ DEMLR
MRO 2 Week Notification
Mr. Safrit:
We have received your notification of Tier 1 benchmark exceedance for Mercury from Outfall SW003. Please let us
know if there is assistance that we can provide. We will look forward to seeing the results from the next sampling event.
Jerry W. Eplin, PE
Assistant Regional Engineer
North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality
Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources
Office: (704) 663-1699 x2147
Email: ierrv.eolin(o-)ncdenr.aov
Physical and Mailing Address:
610 E. Center Ave. Suite 301
Mooresville, NC 28115
— — -7
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From: Safrit, Don <Don.Safrit@duke-energy.com>
Sent: Monday, January 23, 2023 4:14 PM
To: Khan, Zahid <zahid.khan@ncdenr.gov>
Cc: Eplin, Jerry W <ierry.eplin@ncdenr.gov>; La Sala, Joseph Scott <Joseph.LaSala@duke-energy.com>
Subject: [External] Duke Energy - Marshall Steam Station - NCS000548 - Tier I Mercury Exceedance NC DEQ DEMLR MRO
2 Week Notification
Importance: High
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Please accept this email as the two week notification as required by Part D, Condition D-5, Table 8(ii) regarding the
industrial stormwater system serving the Marshall Steam Station.
On December 14, 2022, quarterly stormwater samples were collected and analyzed in accordance with
NCS000548. Analytical results for Outfall SWO03 (Table 1) were received by Duke Energy on January 10,
2023. Upon review of the results, it was observed that benchmark for Mercury (Hg) was exceeded. The
benchmark for Mercury is 12 ng/L and the analytical result was 20.3 ng/L. We will document this exceedance and
our response/actions within our SWPPP per Part D, Condition D-5. In accordance with Table 8, a stormwater
management inspection has been completed and a possible cause has been identified. Corrective actions will be
documented in a Tier 1 report and kept on file in the SWPPP. We will also document within our SWPPP the other
obligations addressed in Table 8.
If any questions or if further discussions are needed, please do not hesitate to contact either Scott LaSala, Marshall
Environmental Field Support Professional, (904-631-8042 Cell or Joseph.LaSala@duke-energy.com) or me via my
contact information below.
Thanks, Don
Donald (Don) Safrit, P.E.
Lead Environmental Specialist
Duke Energy I Permitting and Compliance, Carolinas
410 S. Wilmington Street I Raleigh, North Carolina 27601
Office: (919) 546-6146 1 Cell: (984) 209-0940