HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0028975_Permit Issuance_20080804 'z\Z0F W A T�nQ Michael F.Easley,Governor `0 77 (� William G.Ross Jr.,Secretary North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources O � Coleen H.Sullins,Director Division of Water Quality August 4, 2008 Mr.Erny Williams,City Manager City of Saluda 6 North Main Street Saluda,NC 28773 Subject: Issuance of NPDES Permit NCO028975 City of Saluda WWTP Polk County Dear Mr.Williams: Division personnel have reviewed and approved your application for renewal of the subject permit. Accordingly, we are forwarding the attached NPDES discharge permit. This permit is issued pursuant to the requirements of North Carolina General Statute 143-215.1 and the Memorandum of Agreement between North Carolina and the U.S.Environmental Protection Agency dated May 9, 1994 (or as subsequently amended). This final permit includes the following change from the terms found in the draft permit sent to you on May 21, 2008. • A footnote has been added that designates a 50 µg/L compliance quantitation level for reporting of total residual chlorine(TRC). If any parts,measurement frequencies or sampling requirements contained in this permit are unacceptable to you, you have the right to an adjudicatory hearing upon written request within thirty(30)days following receipt of this letter. This request must be in the form of a written petition,conforming to Chapter 150B of the North Carolina General Statutes, and filed with the Office of Administrative Hearings (6714 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,North Carolina 27699-6714). Unless such demand is made,this decision shall be final and binding. Please note that this permit is not transferable except after notice to the Division. The Division may require modification or revocation and reissuance of the permit. This permit does not affect the legal requirements to obtain other permits which may be required by the Division of Water Quality or permits required by the Division of Land Resources,the Coastal Area Management Act or any other Federal or Local governmental permit that may be required. If you have any questions concerning this permit,please contact Bob Sledge at telephone number(919)733- 5083,extension 547. Sincerely,6ik koleen H. Sullins cc: Central Files Asheville Regional Office/Surface Water Protection Section NorthCarolina NPDES Unit Naturally North Carolina Division of Water Quality 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh,NC 27699-1617 Phone(919)733-7015 Customer Service Internet: www.ncwaterouality.oro Location: 512 N.Salisbury St. Raleigh,NC 27604 Fax (919)733-2496 1-877-623-6748 An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer—50%Recyded/100%Post Consumer Paper Permit NCO028975 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY PERMIT TO DISCHARGE WASTEWATER UNDER THE NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM In compliance with the provisions of North Carolina General Statute 143-215.1, other lawful standards and regulations promulgated and-adopted by the North Carolina Environmental Management Commission, and the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, as amended,the City of Saluda is hereby authorized to discharge wastewater from a facility located at the City of Saluda WWTP. Pearson Falls Road Saluda : . Polk County to receiving waters designated as Joel's Creek in the.Broad River Basin in accordance with. effluent limitations, monitoring requirements, and other conditions set forth in Parts I,.II,III, and IV hereof. The permit shall become effective September 1, 2008. This permit and the authorization to discharge shall expire at midnight on July 31, 2013. Signed this day August 4,2008. . s Y(oleen H. Sullins,Director Division of Water Quality By Authority of the Environmental Management Commission Permit NCO028975 SUPPLEMENT TO PERMIT COVER SHEET All previous NPDES Permits issued to this facility,whether for operation or discharge are hereby revoked. As of this permit issuance, any previously issued permit bearing this number is no longer effective. Therefore,the exclusive authority to operate and discharge from this facility arises'under the permit conditions,requirements, terms, and provisions included herein. The City of Saluda- is hereby authorized to: 1. Continue to operate an existing 0.100'MGD wastewater treatment plant consisting of: • Bar screen • Grit chamber • -Parallel aeration basins Tube settlers ® Chlorine disinfection • Dechlorination e Aerated sludge holding • Sludge drying beds This facility is located at the City of Saluda WWTP, off of NCSR 1104 (Pearson Falls Road), in Saluda,Polk County, and 2. Discharge from said treatment works at the location specified on the attached map into Joel's Creek which are classified Class C waters in the Broad River Basin. N g V�h. 0 10 /Y"y M/ i):)J % • \ —41" EV jal; ,.7�,FT x �& RO N 14. Af,Di n//"�1r X�,'�" .':^� ( -'� �'`,^ '� S�l� ill rj � 4 �%�a \ v ,-a'?/ � �.-� l■-- �51��! 1, AII iq t X\'z 6'. N V -1.,•V A�11 "A III 0 41 0." v— rir v ip—4 f, i A)� Prjj I Ul X Irn Y. —w N� U'A Vz Latitude:35o13'50" NCO028975 Facility Longitude:8MO'37 Quad# G9NE(Saluda) Location Stream Class:C city of Saluda WWTP Subbasin:03-08-06 Receiving Stream:Joel's Creek N011h SCALE 1 :24000 Permit NCO028975 A. (1.) EFFLUENT LIMITATIONS AND MONITORING REQUIREMENTS During the period beginning on the effective date of this permit and lasting until expiration, the permittee is authorized to discharge from outfall 001. Such discharges shall be limited and monitored by the Permittee as specified below: 1�� =t LIMITS MONITORING REQUIREMENTS k. CHARACTERISTICS .; > " a� s s���a�x° -� ... .u. .., - 'j n� Monthly a s Weekly 4 s}„Daily Measurement` Sample M Sams a L`ocatIt ioni ? .Y T .•� Y ry (� Owe, a Maximum rFre' uenc _ ... . 17 Flow 0.10 MGD Continuous- Recording I or E BOD,5-day,202 C2 30.0 mg/L 45.0 mg/L Weekly Composite E,I Total Suspended Solids2 30.0 mg/L 45.0 mg/L Weekly Composite E j. NH3 as N(A 2.4 mg/L 7.2`.mg/L Weekly Composite. E • . (April 1 —October 31 - NH3 as N 5.4 mg/L 16.2 mg/L Weekly Composite E.... November 1 —March 31. Dissolved Oxygen Weekly Grab, E,U,D Fecal Coliform(geometric mean) 200/100 ml 400/100ml Weekly Grab E Total Residual Chlorine3 28/ig/L 2/Week Grab' E :. Temperature(°C)• Daily Grab E: Temperature(PC). Weekly Grab U,D- Total Nitrogen(NO2+NO3+TKN) Semi- Composite E annually _ Total Phosphorus 'Semi- Composite• E annually pH4 Weekly Grab E Footnotes: 1. Sample locations: E-Effluent,I-Influent,U-50 feet upstream of discharge,D-350 feet downstream of discharge. 2. The monthly average effluent BOD5 and Total Suspended Solids concentrations shall not exceed 15 percent of the respective monthly average influent value (85% removal). 3. The Division shall consider all effluent TRC values reported below 50 ug/l to be in compliance with the permit. However,the Permittee shall continue to record and submit all values reported by a North Carolina certified laboratory(including field certified), even if these values fall below 50 ug/l. 4. The pH shall not be less than 6.0 standard units nor greater than 9.0 standard units. There shall be no discharge.of floating solids or visible foam in other than trace amounts ASFM'k T F CITIZEN T MES VOICE OF THE MOUNTAINS•CTrIZEN-TRAES com Cory Kordupel Billing Clerk AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION BUNCOMBE COUNTY SS. NORTH CAROLINA S -.PUBLIC'.NOTICE;` � Before the undersigned, a Notary Public of said � STATE OF:NORTH CAROLING li!"s ` +�' f Fr County and State, duly commissioned, qualified and 5 x ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION/NPDES UNIT 1617:MAIL''SERVICE.CENTER� N� ur authorized b law to administer oaths,personally �, -RALEIGH.NC 276991617 d by tit r 1 pOTIFICATION OF INTENT TO ISSUE A t appeared Cory Kordupel,who,being first duly "� 5 i i NPDES WASTEWATER PERMIT4 !Y'� s 44 � •. +';£�37:.h���,21.- f ay+ FI�ryM1jrL 4. xxlh `c )n the"b�sis of thorough staff review and application of NC General Statut Sworn, deposes and says: that she is the Legal 143 215 7-and 15A''NCAC i02H 0`!V and other lawful standards and regulp ions the NorthT`Carohna' Environmental Managementycommiesion,pr Billing Clerk of The Asheville Citizen-Times, poseselto`Sissuexlai:`Nationali�Pollutant Discharge Ell mmatlon Syste NPDES) wastewater°discharge permit to the person(s)fisted below effec engaged in publication of a newspaper known as ive 45 dais front the publish date of this notice r e fw '_ Nritten''comments regarding the rop posed permit will_be accepted until;3 The Asheville Citizen-Times,published, issued, fayst•after the publish aotetaf'this notice All.cojnments recei. Pri hati re;ddte a •considered4nsthe filial,determinations rearding the propose and entered as First class mail in the City of permit a The�Director of.the NC Division of Water Quality,may decide:t cold a public meeting for the Proposed permit should the Division receive: Asheville, In Said County and State; that she 1S ignificantdegrei public interest } z # : ti r+ '• `, +,y 4 zY r�{qi,y i:.'• '� opies•:of the draft PerrriiYiand otheE;supporting mformatwn on file u bi.."ti authorized to make this affidavit and sworn fet&rhIne conditions presentim the'-draft permit are available upon reques and pdYfient of.the,costs:inf reproduction Mail comments and/or,request statement; that the notice or other legal or informatfon to`-the NC Dlvision;of':Water'Quality atthe above address.o au,.Diha Sprin�ile (919)733 5083,'extension 363'.qt the Point Source Branch advertisement a true copy of which is attached Please2indude the NPDES,Permif.number (below) in:any communication m Interested persons ay also visit the Division of Water Quality of 512 N Sa hereto,was published In The Asheville C1t1Zen- IisburY�Street t Raleigh';NG 276041148 betweenFihe hours of 8 00 am an S 00 p m to review inforinatian on file. t, a� I rd 7( Y k Nimes on the following date: May 23 , 2008. Tuckaseigee Ylipter and Sewer Authority'(124G%West Main Street SYlva}N 28779)t'has kapplied t4for ;d major'modification to its'NPDES' permit And the said news a er in which said notice, NC0039578 for'Plnnt#1 In;Jacksoh;CouhW,-The town wishes to,ekpand.th 1� p permit:To 3S MGD with a continued•dischardb,of treated wastewater to'Jh - Tuckaseigee RiVer�in}fhetLittle Tennessee River Basle Currently BOD paper;document or legal advertisement was TSS,,6mmoniai;and fotcl;residual chlorine are water goaijty limited rThi published was, at the time of each and every dlschdede+may affect future•allocations in this,portion of the Little Tenfib see River Basin ' a+„ :M publication a newspaper meeting all of the The City$of Saludazhas applied4for repdWdrof•NPDES permit NC0028975 fo the City of Saluda WWTP,in Polk,COunN in Nbrth Carolina;:u�This permitt' facilitf;,discharggs treated-wastewater to,Joel's Creek intithe Broad Rive requirements and qualifications of Section 1-597 0 Basiht4; Currently ammonia nitrogen`''and"total* isidual.'chlorine-are Ovate quality;hmrted Tnis discharge may affect future auoCa#ions m this partia the General Statues Of North Carolina and Was 3,.,, of The Watershed s 1_ ' ' �' r� - Ml -ems `� fi t qualified newspaper within the meaning of Section The Lynnbrook Estates Homeowners Associa'Tion (43 �ynnbrook`:Way C, _ lumbus NC 287z2) has aPPhed`for renewal of NPDES Permit�numbe 1-597 of the General Statues of North Carolina. N00071005 for ds�WWTP:1:This perniitted facil!W,.discharges treated wait WaterYP Skyukq CrselC in the Broad Rrveri Basle CurrentW-total resid chorine isjwafer quality limited This discharge may affec�tfpture al�loca, Vq Lions in this portion of SkYuka Creek s , _ � _> r ;_ - "- Signed this 28�h, day of May 2008. The BcowFAsSociahon In . RutheHordton'North Carolina has applied fb l renewal of its pernitt NCGO585817,jor,4ts w6ter treatment fadlity,at Whit Oaks,Mountain Condominiums in`Polk County-',',This:permitted fcdlity dis /� charges treated,'vwastewaterixi orse Creek,,`m the;Broad River Basin Currently^,'a m moniai nitrogen and total residual chlorine are water quoit limlteds This discharge may,affect tfuture allocations in this portion nf�ih jj May 93h 2008(1) h {..•,Y ' ky' r ..;z =._ {' . ` 4" k^i'I (Signature of rson making affidavft) Sworn to and subscribed before me the 28th, day of May 2008. (Notary Pub"c) rd `,,�i���...J y My Co ssion expires the 3. ,.day of Sept NpTARY "PUBLIC c)j (828)232-5840 DIRECT (828)253-5092 FAX 14 O.HENRY AVE. I P.O.BOX 2090 1 ASHEVILLE,NC 28802 j (800)800-4204 y GAMIER' Engineering,P.A. i March 27,2008 APO 2 2008 _ Mr. Charles Weaver i NCDENR/DWQ Attn:NPDES Unit IY i 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh,NC 27699-1617 RE:City of Saluda NPDES Renewal Dear Charles, Please find enclosed one original and two copies of the executed EPA Form 2A for NPDES renewal for the City of Saluda. This wastewater treatment system is comprised of headworks/screening, primary and secondary treatment processes and final chlorination/dechlorination. The permitted capacity of this system is 0.1 mgd (100,000 gallons per day). To date,no modifications have been made to the facility since the last NPDES pemrit renewal. However,as can be noticed by the average and maximum flow numbers, the City has been actively seeking out and eliminating points of high inflow and infiltration(I&I)in their collection system in order to reduce overall flow to the plant. At present, the Town is preparing to begin significant upgrades to the wastewater treatment facility, and has already acquired a permit from Construction Grants and Loans. These modifications will not increase the capacity of the plant,but repair damage sustained during the 2004 hurricane season. Lastly, the City has had, and continues to have, a sludge handling program. Please notice on page 4 of 7 of the permit application the name, address and phone number for Mike's Septic Tank Service. They pump and haul sludge from the Saluda WWTP to the Brevard WW`I'P (Brevard WWTP details are included on the same page). Should you have any questions or comments about the enclosed information,please do not hesitate to give me a can. Sincerely, (; qtlez�' Jonathan F.Hollifield,P.E. Watermark Engineering,P.A. 170 Timberlake Drive 0 Bostic,NC 28018• (828) 245-9674•(828)245-9513 (fax) FACILITY NAME AND PERMIT NUMBER: PERMIT ACTION REQUESTED: RIVER BASIN: City of Saluda WWTP NCO028975 Renewal Broad FORM 2A NPDES FORM 2A APPLICATION OVERVIEW NPDES APPLICATION OVERVIEW Form 2A has been developed in a modular format and consists of a "Basic Application Information" packet and a "Supplemental Application Information" packet. The Basic Application Information packet is divided into two parts. All applicants must complete Parts A and C. Applicants with a design flow greater than or equal to 0.1 mgd must also complete Part B. Some applicants must also complete the Supplemental Application Information packet. The following items explain which parts of Form 2A you must complete. BASIC APPLICATION INFORMATION: A. Basic Application Information for all Applicants. All applicants must complete questions A.1 through A.8. A treatment works that discharges effluent to surface waters of the United States must also answer questions A.9 through A.12. ,,lJ 1S B. Additional Application Information for Applicants with a Design Flow 20.1 mgd. All treat m�h wo that-have design.flows greater than or equal to 0.1 million gallons per day must complete questions B.1 through B.6. l C. Certification. All applicants must complete Part C(Certification). J APR 2 2008 J1 SUPPLEMENTAL APPLICATION INFORMATION: n,r1 I D. Expanded Effluent Testing Data. A treatment works that discharges effluent to surface waters of the United States and meets one or more of the following criteria must complete Part D(Expanded Effluent Testing Data): 1. Has a design flow rate greater than or equal to 1 mgd, 2. Is required to have a pretreatment program(or has one in place),or 3. Is otherwise required by the permitting authority to provide the information. E. Toxicity Testing Data. A treatment works that meets one or more of the following criteria must complete Part E(Toxicity Testing Data): 1. Has a design flow rate greater than or equal to 1 mgd, 2. Is required to have a pretreatment program(or has one in place),or 3. Is otherwise required by the permitting authority to submit results of toxicity testing. F. Industrial User Discharges and RCRA/CERCLA Wastes. A treatment works that accepts process wastewater from any significant industrial users(SIUs)or receives RCRA or CERCLA wastes must complete Part F(Industrial User Discharges and RCRA/CERCLA Wastes). SIUs are defined as: 1. All industrial users subject to Categorical Pretreatment Standards under 40 Code of Federal Regulations(CFR)403.6 and 40 CFR Chapter I,Subchapter N(see instructions);and 2. Any other industrial user that: a. Discharges an average of 25,000 gallons per day or more of process wastewater to the treatment works(with certain exclusions);or b. Contributes a process wastestream that makes up 5 percent or more of the average dry weather hydraulic or organic capacity of the treatment plant;or C. Is designated as an SIU by the control authority. G. Combined Sewer Systems. A treatment works that has a combined sewer system must complete Part G(Combined Sewer Systems). ALL APPLICANTS MUST COMPLETE PART C (CERTIFICATION) EPA Form 3510-2A(Rev.1-99). Replaces EPA forms 7550-6&7550-22. Page 1 of 22 FACILITY NAME AND PERMIT NUMBER: PERMIT ACTION REQUESTED: RIVER BASIN: City of Saluda WWTP , NCO028975 Renewal Broad BASIC APPLICATION INFORMATION PART A.BASIC APPLICATION INFORMATION FOR ALL APPLICANTS: All treatment works must complete questions A.1 through A.8 of this Basic Application Information Packet. A.1. Facility Information. Facility Name City of Saluda Wastewater Treatment Facility Mailing Address 6 North Main Street Saluda,NC 28773 Contact Person Mr.Emy Williams Title City Manager Telephone Number 828-859-6655 Facility Address 619 Pearson Falls Road (not P.O.Box) Saluda,NC 28773 A.2. Applicant Information. If the applicant is different from the above,provide the following: Applicant Name Same As Above Mailing Address Contact Person Title Telephone Number Is the applicant the owner or operator(or both)of the treatment works? IN owner ❑ operator Indicate whether correspondence regarding this permit should be directed to the facility or the applicant. ❑ facility R applicant A.3. Existing Environmental Permits. Provide the permit number of any existing environmental permits that have been issued to the treatment works (include state-issued permits). NPDES PSD UIC Other RCRA Other A.4. Collection System Information. Provide information on municipalities and areas served by the facility. Provide the name and population of each entity and,if known,provide information on the type of collection system(combined vs.separate)and its ownership(municipal,private,etc.). Name Population Served Type of Collection System Ownership City of Saluda 650 Separate Municipal Total population served 650 EPA Form 3510-2A(Rev.1-99). Replaces EPA forms 7550-6&7550-22. Page 2 of 22 FACILITY NAME AND PERMIT NUMBER: PERMIT ACTION REQUESTED: RIVER BASIN: City of Saluda WWTP NCO028975 Renewal Broad A.S. Indian Country. a. Is the treatment works located in Indian Country? ❑ Yes ® No b. Does the treatment works discharge to a receiving water that is either in Indian Country or that is upstream from(and eventually flows through)Indian Country? ❑ Yes ® No A.6. Flow. Indicate the design flow rate of the treatment plant(i.e.,the wastewater flow rate that the plant was built to handle). Also provide the average daily flow rate and maximum daily flow rate for each of the last three years. Each year's data must be based on a 12-month time period with the 121°month of"this year"occurring no more than three months prior to this application submittal. 0.1 a. Design flow rate mgd Two Years Ago Last Year This Year b. Annual average daily flow rate 0.049 mgd 0.049 mgd 0.044 mgd C. Maximum daily flow rate 0.125 mgd 0.129 mgd 0.062 mgd A.T. Collection System. Indicate the type(s)of collection system(s)used by the treatment plant. Check all that apply. Also estimate the percent contribution(by miles)of each. ® Separate sanitary sewer 100 ❑ Combined storm and sanitary sewer % A.B. Discharges and Other Disposal Methods. a. Does the treatment works discharge effluent to waters of the U.S.? ® Yes ❑ No If yes,list how many of each of the following types of discharge points the treatment works uses: i. Discharges of treated effluent 100% ii. Discharges of untreated or partially treated effluent ill. Combined sewer overflow points iv. Constructed emergency overflows(prior to the headworks) V. Other b. Does the treatment works discharge effluent to basins,ponds,or other surface impoundments that do not have outlets for discharge to waters of the U.S.? ❑ Yes ® No If yes,provide the following for each surface impoundment: Location: Annual average daily volume discharge to surface impoundment(s) mgd Is discharge ❑ continuous or ❑ intermittent? C. Does the treatment works land-apply treated wastewater? ❑ Yes ® No If yes,provide the following for each land application site: Location: Number of acres: Annual average daily volume applied to site: mgd Is land application ❑ continuous or ❑ intermittent? d. Does the treatment works discharge or transport treated or untreated wastewater to another treatment works? Yes ❑ No EPA Form 3510-2A(Rev.1-99). Replaces EPA forms 7550-6&7550-22. Page 3 of 22 FACILITY NAME AND PERMIT NUMBER: PERMIT ACTION REQUESTED: RIVER BASIN: City of Saluda WWTP , NCO028975 Renewal Broad If yes,describe the mean(s)by which the wastewater from the treatment works is discharged or transported to the other treatment works (e.g.,tank truck,pipe). Tanker Truck If transport is by a party other than the applicant,provide: Transporter Name Mike's Septic Tank Service,Inc. Mailing Address P.O.Box 968 Leicster,NC 28748 Mike Lusk Contact Person Owner Title 828-775-1658 Telephone Number For each treatment works that receives this discharge,provide the following: Name City of Brevard WWTP Mailing Address 95 West Main Brevard,NC 28712 Contact Person Emory Owen Title ORC 828-883-8461 Telephone Number If known,provide the NPDES permit number of the treatment works that receives this discharge NCO060534 Provide the average daily flow rate from the treatment works into the receiving facility. mgd e. Does the treatment works discharge or dispose of its wastewater in a manner not included in A.8.through A.8.d above(e.g.,underground percolation,well injection): ❑ Yes No If yes,provide the following for each disposal method: Description of method(including location and size of site(s)if applicable): Annual daily volume disposed by this method: Is disposal through this method ❑ continuous or ❑ intermittent? EPA Form 3510-2A(Rev.1-99). Replaces EPA forms 7550-6&7550-22. Page 4 of 22 FACILITY NAME AND PERMIT NUMBER: PERMIT ACTION REQUESTED: RIVER BASIN: City of Saluda W WTP , NCO028975 Renewal Broad WASTEWATER DISCHARGES: If you answered"Yes"to question A.8.a,complete questions A.9 through A.12 once for each outfall(including bypass points)through which effluent is discharged. Do not include Information on combined sewer overflows in this section. If you answered"No"to question A�go to Part B."Additional Application Information for Applicants with a Design Flow Greater than or Equal to 0.1 mgd." A.9. Description of Outfall. 001 a. Outfall number 619 Pearson Falls Road 28773 b. Location (City or town,If applicable) (Zip Code) Saluda NC (County) (State) (Latitude) (Longitude) C. Distance from shore(if applicable) ft. d. Depth below surface(if applicable) ft. 0.046 e. Average daily flow rate mgd f. Does this outfall have either an intermittent or a periodic discharge? ❑ Yes N No (go to A.9.g.) If yes,provide the following information: Number f times per year discharge occurs: Average duration of each discharge: Average flow per discharge: mgd Months in which discharge occurs: g. Is outfall equipped with a diffuser? ❑ Yes 0 No A.10. Description of Receiving Waters. Joel's Creek a. Name of receiving water Broad River b. Name of watershed(if known) United States Soil Conservation Service 14-digit watershed code(if known): C. Name of State Management/River Basin(if known): United States Geological Survey 8-digit hydrologic cataloging unit code(if known): d. Critical low flow of receiving stream(if applicable) acute Cfs chronic cfs e. Total hardness of receiving stream at critical low flow(if applicable): mgfl of CaCO3 EPA Form 3510-2A(Rev.1-99). Replaces EPA forms 7550-6&7550-22. Page 5 of 22 FACILITY NAME AND PERMIT NUMBER: PERMIT ACTION REQUESTED: RIVER BASIN: City of Saluda WWTP , NCO028975 Renewal Broad A.11. Description of Treatment a. What level of treatment are provided? Check all that apply. 9 Primary E Secondary ❑ Advanced ❑ Other. Describe: b. Indicate the following removal rates(as applicable): Design BOD5 removal or Design C130135 removal % Design SS removal % Design P removal % Design N removal % Other % C. What type of disinfection is used for the effluent from this outfall? If disinfection varies by season,please describe: Chlorination/Dechlorination If disinfection is by chlorination is dechlorination used for this outfall? 0 Yes ❑ No Does the treatment plant have post aeration? 0 Yes ❑ No A.12. Effluent Testing Information. All Applicants that discharge to waters of the US must provide effluent testing data for the following parameters. Provide the Indicated effluent testing required by the permitting authority for each outfall through which effluent Is discharged. Do not include Information on combined sewer overflows In this section. All Information reported must be based on data collected through analysis conducted using 40 CFR Part 136 methods. In addition,this data must comply with QAIQC requirements of 40 CFR Part 136 and other appropriate QA/QC requirements for standard methods for analytes not addressed by 40 CFR Part 136. At a minimum,effluent testing data must be based on at least three samples and must be no more than four and one-half years apart. 001 Outfall number: MAXIMUM DAILY VALUE "' AVERAGE DAILY VALUEI PARAMETER • Value.h��.t ,Untts ,�,� '�' :Value t Untts '' Numlerof�Samples ' pH(Minimum) 6 S.U. +, pH(Maximum) 9 S.U. ' Flow Rate 0.1 mgd Temperature(Winter) no limit Temperature(Summer) no limit 'For pH please report a minimum and a maximum daily value ' MAXIMUM DAILY Y r AVERAGE DAILY DISCHARGE DISCHARGE r ANALYTICAL' f{' POLI UTANT v ML/MDL { ° 'COrrC. t' sUnttS COflC 'Unmts. $flirtp CONVENTIONAL AND NON CONVENTIONAL COMPOUNDS BIOCHEMICAL OXYGEN BOD5 30/45 mg/I DEMAND(Report one) CBODS FECAL COLIFORM 200/400 TOTAL SUSPENDED SOLIDS(TSS) 30/45 mg/I ,i �j ;END OF PARTA ' k r REFER'TO THE APPLICATION10VERVIEW(PAGE,1)TO DETERMINE<WHICHtOTHER PARTS `' •� ''' . ;` 'OF F'�RM+2A YOU MUST COMPLETE ` �`' �` EPA Form 3510-2A(Rev.1-99). Replaces EPA forms 7550.6&7550-22. Page 6 of 22 FACILITY NAME AND PERMIT NUMBER: PERMIT ACTION REQUESTED: RIVER BASIN: City of Saluda WWTP , NCO028975 Renewal Broad BASIC APPLICATION INFORMATION:: PART�C -CERTIFICATION ;�,.' i, All applicants must complete the Certification Section. Refer to Instructions to determine who is an officer for the purposes of this certification. All applicants must complete all applicable sections of Form 2A,as explained in the Application Overview. Indicate below which parts of Form 2A you have completed and are submitting. By signing this certification statement,applicants confirm that they have reviewed Form 2A and have completed all sections that apply to the facility for which this application is submitted. Indicate which parts of Form 2A you have completed and are submitting: 8 Basic Application Information packet Supplemental Application Information packet: ❑ Part D(Expanded Effluent Testing Data) ❑ Part E(Toxicity Testing: Biomonitoring Data) ❑ Part F(Industrial User Discharges and RCRA/CERCLA Wastes) ❑ Part G(Combined Sewer Systems) ALL APPLICANTS MUSYCOMPLETE THE FOLLOWING CERTIFICATION ' I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information,the information is,to the best of my knowledge and belief,true, accurate,and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information,including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations. Name and official title Emy Williams,City Manager Signature ` Telephone number f 749-2581 1 Date signed March 27,2008 Upon request of the permitting authority,you must submit any other information necessary to assure wastewater treatment practices at the treatment works or identify appropriate permitting requirements. SEND COMPLETED FORMS TO: NCDENR/DWQ Attn: NPDES Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 EPA Form 3510-2A(Rev.1-99). Replaces EPA forms 7550-6&7550-22. Page 9 of 22 FACT SHEET FOR EXPEDITED PERMIT RENEWALS Basic Information to determine potential for expedited permit renewal Reviewer/Date 601) S, y y a V Permit Number M coo 2'�9? S Facility Name C;k f S J t.d Q W W T P Basin Name/Sub-basin number �JrQad Receiving Stream J Q el s C r�QO� Stream Classification in Permit G Does permit need NH3 limits? NG Does permit need TRC limits? 6J� Does permit have toxicity testing? 00 Does permit have Special Conditions? 0. Does permit have instream monitoring?_ e s Is the stream impaired(on 303(d)list)? o Any obvious compliance concerns? �Jo Any permit mods since lastpermit? Existing expiration date -7 -j 0 New expiration date aALN6� New permit effective date Miscellaneous Comments Mac idl 1 LIP- ofp �N e ` i, fe u►l� !aR �ni,���� a�e5cri �Io/� _ � 3 2.`I o t M ' h 1 YES This is a SIMPLE EXPEDITED permit renewal (administrative renewal with no changes, or only minor changes such as TRC,NH3, name/ownership changes): Include conventional WTPs in this group. YES_ This is a MORE COMPLEX EXPEDITED permit renewal (includes Special Conditions (such as EAA,Wastewater Management Plan), 303(d) listed, toxicity testing, instream monitoring, compliance concerns,phased limits). Basin Coordinator to make case-by-case decision. YES_ This permit CANNOT BE EXPEDITED for one of the following reasons: • Major Facility(municipal/industrial) • Minor Municipals with pretreatment program • Minor Industrials subject to Fed Effluent Guidelines (lb/day limits for BOD, TSS, etc) • Limits based on reasonable potential analysis (metals, GW remediation organics) • Permitted flow>0.5 MGD (requires full Fact Sheet) • Pen-nits determined by Basin Coordinator to be outside expedited process TB Version 8/18/2006 (NPDES Server/Current Versions/Expedited Fact Sheet) r