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HomeMy WebLinkAbout780091_NOV-2021-DV-0459 Enforcement Packet w photos_20211115NOTICE OF VIOLATION AND/OR NOTICE OF INTENT suo4ona;sul aol asaanaa eaS a1aH )Iaew;sod L406-000-ZO-0£9L NSd S lOZ I!adV'008E waOd Sd iry ®17+ /_ `e/eis ' 1 d / / oN XU'► "1(' oN 01 ,O 46. S EE'L$ SOU PUB a6BIsod !e}ol e6elsod $ AieN100 peloulsau eanleu6IS llnpv $ paa!nbau aanleu6IS lunPv $ tianpep paloulsau view peililaao ❑ $ (oiuoaloeIe) ld!eoeu wnlau ❑ $ (Adoopaeq) ldieoau wnlau (aleudoadde se se/ ppe 'xoq>toago) seal Saovues ealx3 $ eed l!BLAJ pa!W!iaao •,,,•MMM ie a;lsgem Arlo jls!n'uogewao;ul Aaanllap and iflu0 Hen ansOWOQ Id13331:1 ®1Idw a31d111:13O W1eoiiueg IL1sod •S•n ;dpoeu wnlaid of;sewoa Cg06-000-ZO-OcgL NSd 5 LOZ AInf ' 1.1.9E WaoJ Sd ,Gan!lea palop}sau uo!;ewa!luoa aanTeu6!S ❑ H,luo!lewa!llaoa aan;eu6!S 0 es!pusyoaaW JoIldleoebi wmeu 0 Aaanuao PeloPlseEl yew pwals!688 0 wul1EW Palels!68a ❑ essaadx3 I!eW f4uoud 0 (oc - itlemea paloPiseElI! V !1eW fuenpa palo!als% /Gan!Iaa uo loapoa ❑ iGan!Iaa uo 1391100 0 AJeAllea pelo!alsad PIN pewiaaa 0 elPIN PeW1-190 fuemea paloplseu aan4eu6!S lingo eanleu6!S WInPV ❑ edi(1 °oinaag •c oN ❑ :Molaq ssaappe /Ganllep Jewua 'Sall �l saA ❑ L I. wall woa; luaaaJ4lp ssaappe /Gann' sl •a )zA'I()) o IGa !laa 10 alea •0 (eweN paluud) ifq panlaoe eessaappy ❑ lue6y ❑ eameu6lg 'y 122E 9022. 1000 0600 020. (/eqe/ eopues Jejsueal) Jag wnN eloi}ay ; Z i 83 81.3E 6030 98 69 30'176 0696 u 111 1 hill iIiiIi 111111111111 86E8Z DN MVS2IVM 9S8 XO I Od DTI I ICl/1O2IU-XHd2Il1YAI :ol pessaappy alollab' • G •s}iwaad coeds d! way. aqi. uo ao 'eoaidIiew ay1 to Noeq paeo sm. uoeTp ' • •noif p,leo ay4 uan}aa ueo aM Tan. os asaanaa aye uo ssaappe pue aweu anon( luud ■ •g pue 'Z '. swab! elaldwo3 ■ Ad3/11730 NO NOIIO3S SIHI 3137dW00 N0I103S SIHi 3137d14100 :>r13aN3S aN i /)) o iGa llea JO am 'a aassaippy ❑ lue6y ❑ suol;dnaisui ao). eSIanea ass IZQZ.01\11 eleH )IAewisod Lti06-000-ZO-0£9L NSd 91OZ IIAdV `008£ WAo3 Sd f1►,.v,i r ®ti+ `?le3S d / ! oN XU`� '/lff "ON of iueS seed pue a6elsod Ielo1 e6elsod $ luanlle0 pa;oia4sou eunieu6IS;lnpy ❑ $ paainbaa eanleu6IS 41npy ❑ $ Nanll00 palouTseu I!J PGWP90 ❑ $ (oluoiloele) ldlaoeu Wnlaa ❑ $ Odoopaey) Tdleoeu Wnlaa ❑ (eWeudoidde se ea} ppe xoq Noago) see seovues 84X3 $ ead HEN pagllaaO ",b,woo sdsn•MMM le alisgann Arlo ilsln `uolieWAo}ul AJenllap.od Idleoaa Wniaa ollsawoa /Gangaa papx4seH uoll8WAl}uo0 aanleu6ls ❑ H,luolleWAl}uo3 aanleu6ls ❑ eslpueyoie j Jo} ldpoe8 umied ❑ paloulseJ IreIN paiels16aa 0 vvuI1eIN Pale4S16aa ❑ essaadx3 II8W nlpoud 0 iflu0 IlenN o►Isacuop Id13331:1 ®1ldw a313i1a33 .Leov JeS Je1sod •S•n (oc i.1eA4oa pa}olalsa)j IIeV IIEW IGanllea palolalsaa klanllaa uo 1091100 0 fuonllea uo 1391100 ❑ keA4aa paloulsad II IN PeWP O 0 �IIEW pali!Pe IGanllea pelouisaH aJnleu6lS IInP eanleu6lS IInPH 0 edf(1 awns 'E 1-U D D D D D D D ru D Cr' W D R} L✓ E906-000-Z0-0E9L NSd 9I.OZ �Inf ' G 1.88 WJOJ Sd 0 oN ❑ :nnolaq sseApps iGangap Aalua `S9A ll saA ❑ G Wall WOA} Iua eilip ssaJppe /Gann sl '1J (eweN palwad) i(q penlaoe T2OE 902e. T000 0600 020e. (/eqe/ eo!/ues woaj iejsuaau) iegwnN alolpAv .Z 8Z 82ZE 60ZO 9E 1-9 Z0176 0696 ui 11111 11111 u 86E8Z DX MVS2IVM 9S8 XOS Od Xfl NMOS-AHdxnvAI :ol passaappy alO!PV G slluaaad coeds luoa,i eqi uo ao `eoe!dllew eI to ){oeq eq of paeo s!Ul uoelly • •no,( of paeo aul uanlaa ueo OM leul os esae a aul uo ssaappe pue ew u anon( lupd ■ •g pue `Z `(` sine}! alaiduaoo ■ A113A1730 NO N01103S SIHI 3137d14100 N0I103S SIHI 3137d1N00 : 130 N3S suollonalsul aol asaanab aaS w06-000-Zo-oe9L NSd SLOZ !lady `008E wand Sd ea9H )(JeW S d 4 1 '' Jy .. t"i r `ge1S ru S EL$ SQGJ pue ebelsod !e}ol e6e;sod $ iLenllaQ pelop;sea eanleu6lS IInPV $ pealnbaa eanleu6lS llnPV ❑ $ Menllea palolalSea !mini pewlaao ❑ $ (oluoaloele) ldleoea wnlea ❑ $ (Rdooprey) ldlaoea wnlaa ❑ (e eudoadde se ea) ppe xoq,pego) Seed vg seolnaeS ealx3 $ eed !!eW pe!)!laaO ESQ Lb"Q'.> •.woa•sdsn•MMM je ej sgann arm 1.!s!n `uoijewaolu! a(aanllap .lo3 'Iwo Hen ollsaWlo0 1dI3031:1 ®1I'dW a31311a3a W1eo!AJes le/sod •S•n i.diaoej wnnaa oilsawoa CI D —0 D O O O ru O W O ru LJ E906-000-e0-0E9L NSd 91.OZ'(Inr ` L 1.8£ wand Sd luan!lea paloulsab uollewnluo0 aanleu6!S ,,luo!Wwa juo0 eanle4g es!puegoaa!N .lo;;djeoej wnleb MeNlaa paloplsej IfeW paalsi6eU walfeW paaals16eH ®ssoidx3 !!e!n) Aluoud (oc fuan!lea paloulsab i!eW ❑ • luenllea paloulsea luen!Iaa uo loapoa ❑ fuen!Iaa uo }oal!o0 0 ❑ IJeA4ea papoulsab I!e!n) pa!}!pao ❑ ®I1PW PoWPQOAJ ❑ fuen!!aa paloplsab aanleu6!S llnp ❑ anleu6!g 4I PV ❑ ❑ adk eolnaaS •c Ilelnl oN ❑ :nnolaq ssaappa /JeA!Iep awa `S3A �I sod p I. wail WWI ssaappa Alan!' ap Si •a a A7 I ( kle llaa JO also '0 eassaappy ❑ lua6y ❑ j C (aweN paiuud) i(q pemeoe amneu61g y T2OE 902?.. T000 0600 020. (Iage) eoyues woaf.iejsuaal) aogwnN epgay :a 8z 8L2£ 60Z0 9£ L9 ZODb6 0696 I II u 11111 11111 111111 111 IIIII 86£8Z A VSIIVM 9S8 XOS Od DTI NMO2I8-1kHd2Ir11N :off passaappy olon-1V • I. •qlwaed coeds luoa} aye uo .lo `eoaldllew aUf to )1oeq auk oT paeo s!ql goellY • •no,( paeo aye uanlaa ueo em Tag os OSaanaa aye uo ssaappa pus aweu .!nog( lulad ■ •g pue `Z ` . swell eleidwo3 ■ ,lt13A1730 NO NOI103S SIHi 3137d141O0 NOI103S SIH.L 31.37dWO0 :d3CIN3S suo4ona;sul aol asaanaa eaS a1aH )Iaew;sod L406-000-ZO-0£9L NSd S lOZ I!adV'008E waOd Sd iry ®17+ /_ `e/eis ' 1 d / / oN XU'► "1(' oN 01 ,O 46. S EE'L$ SOU PUB a6BIsod !e}ol e6elsod $ AieN100 peloulsau eanleu6IS llnpv $ paa!nbau aanleu6IS lunPv $ tianpep paloulsau view peililaao ❑ $ (oiuoaloeIe) ld!eoeu wnlau ❑ $ (Adoopaeq) ldieoau wnlau (aleudoadde se se/ ppe 'xoq>toago) seal Saovues ealx3 $ eed l!BLAJ pa!W!iaao •,,,•MMM ie a;lsgem Arlo jls!n'uogewao;ul Aaanllap and iflu0 Hen ansOWOQ Id13331:1 ®1Idw a31d111:13O W1eoiiueg IL1sod •S•n ;dpoeu wnlaid of;sewoa Cg06-000-ZO-OcgL NSd 5 LOZ AInf ' 1.1.9E WaoJ Sd ,Gan!lea palop}sau uo!;ewa!luoa aanTeu6!S ❑ H,luo!lewa!llaoa aan;eu6!S 0 es!pusyoaaW JoIldleoebi wmeu 0 Aaanuao PeloPlseEl yew pwals!688 0 wul1EW Palels!68a ❑ essaadx3 I!eW f4uoud 0 (oc - itlemea paloPiseElI! V !1eW fuenpa palo!als% /Gan!Iaa uo loapoa ❑ iGan!Iaa uo 1391100 0 AJeAllea pelo!alsad PIN pewiaaa 0 elPIN PeW1-190 fuemea paloplseu aan4eu6!S lingo eanleu6!S WInPV ❑ edi(1 °oinaag •c oN ❑ :Molaq ssaappe /Ganllep Jewua 'Sall �l saA ❑ L I. wall woa; luaaaJ4lp ssaappe /Gann' sl •a )zA'I()) o IGa !laa 10 alea •0 (eweN paluud) ifq panlaoe eessaappy ❑ lue6y ❑ eameu6lg 'y 122E 9022. 1000 0600 020. (/eqe/ eopues Jejsueal) Jag wnN eloi}ay ; Z i 83 81.3E 6030 98 69 30'176 0696 u 111 1 hill iIiiIi 111111111111 86E8Z DN MVS2IVM 9S8 XO I Od DTI I ICl/1O2IU-XHd2Il1YAI :ol pessaappy alollab' • G •s}iwaad coeds d! way. aqi. uo ao 'eoaidIiew ay1 to Noeq paeo sm. uoeTp ' • •noif p,leo ay4 uan}aa ueo aM Tan. os asaanaa aye uo ssaappe pue aweu anon( luud ■ •g pue 'Z '. swab! elaldwo3 ■ Ad3/11730 NO NOIIO3S SIHI 3137dW00 N0I103S SIHi 3137d14100 :>r13aN3S aN i /)) o iGa llea JO am 'a aassaippy ❑ lue6y ❑ suol;dnaisui ao). eSIanea ass IZQZ.01\11 eleH )IAewisod Lti06-000-ZO-0£9L NSd 91OZ IIAdV `008£ WAo3 Sd f1►,.v,i r ®ti+ `?le3S d / ! oN XU`� '/lff "ON of iueS seed pue a6elsod Ielo1 e6elsod $ luanlle0 pa;oia4sou eunieu6IS;lnpy ❑ $ paainbaa eanleu6IS 41npy ❑ $ Nanll00 palouTseu I!J PGWP90 ❑ $ (oluoiloele) ldlaoeu Wnlaa ❑ $ Odoopaey) Tdleoeu Wnlaa ❑ (eWeudoidde se ea} ppe xoq Noago) see seovues 84X3 $ ead HEN pagllaaO ",b,woo sdsn•MMM le alisgann Arlo ilsln `uolieWAo}ul AJenllap.od Idleoaa Wniaa ollsawoa /Gangaa papx4seH uoll8WAl}uo0 aanleu6ls ❑ H,luolleWAl}uo3 aanleu6ls ❑ eslpueyoie j Jo} ldpoe8 umied ❑ paloulseJ IreIN paiels16aa 0 vvuI1eIN Pale4S16aa ❑ essaadx3 II8W nlpoud 0 iflu0 IlenN o►Isacuop Id13331:1 ®1ldw a313i1a33 .Leov JeS Je1sod •S•n (oc i.1eA4oa pa}olalsa)j IIeV IIEW IGanllea palolalsaa klanllaa uo 1091100 0 fuonllea uo 1391100 ❑ keA4aa paloulsad II IN PeWP O 0 �IIEW pali!Pe IGanllea pelouisaH aJnleu6lS IInP eanleu6lS IInPH 0 edf(1 awns 'E 1-U D D D D D D D ru D Cr' W D R} L✓ E906-000-Z0-0E9L NSd 9I.OZ �Inf ' G 1.88 WJOJ Sd 0 oN ❑ :nnolaq sseApps iGangap Aalua `S9A ll saA ❑ G Wall WOA} Iua eilip ssaJppe /Gann sl '1J (eweN palwad) i(q penlaoe T2OE 902e. T000 0600 020e. (/eqe/ eo!/ues woaj iejsuaau) iegwnN alolpAv .Z 8Z 82ZE 60ZO 9E 1-9 Z0176 0696 ui 11111 11111 u 86E8Z DX MVS2IVM 9S8 XOS Od Xfl NMOS-AHdxnvAI :ol passaappy alO!PV G slluaaad coeds luoa,i eqi uo ao `eoe!dllew eI to ){oeq eq of paeo s!Ul uoelly • •no,( of paeo aul uanlaa ueo OM leul os esae a aul uo ssaappe pue ew u anon( lupd ■ •g pue `Z `(` sine}! alaiduaoo ■ A113A1730 NO N01103S SIHI 3137d14100 N0I103S SIHI 3137d1N00 : 130 N3S suollonalsul aol asaanab aaS w06-000-Zo-oe9L NSd SLOZ !lady `008E wand Sd ea9H )(JeW S d 4 1 '' Jy .. t"i r `ge1S ru S EL$ SQGJ pue ebelsod !e}ol e6e;sod $ iLenllaQ pelop;sea eanleu6lS IInPV $ pealnbaa eanleu6lS llnPV ❑ $ Menllea palolalSea !mini pewlaao ❑ $ (oluoaloele) ldleoea wnlea ❑ $ (Rdooprey) ldlaoea wnlaa ❑ (e eudoadde se ea) ppe xoq,pego) Seed vg seolnaeS ealx3 $ eed !!eW pe!)!laaO ESQ Lb"Q'.> •.woa•sdsn•MMM je ej sgann arm 1.!s!n `uoijewaolu! a(aanllap .lo3 'Iwo Hen ollsaWlo0 1dI3031:1 ®1I'dW a31311a3a W1eo!AJes le/sod •S•n i.diaoej wnnaa oilsawoa CI D —0 D O O O ru O W O ru LJ E906-000-e0-0E9L NSd 91.OZ'(Inr ` L 1.8£ wand Sd luan!lea paloulsab uollewnluo0 aanleu6!S ,,luo!Wwa juo0 eanle4g es!puegoaa!N .lo;;djeoej wnleb MeNlaa paloplsej IfeW paalsi6eU walfeW paaals16eH ®ssoidx3 !!e!n) Aluoud (oc fuan!lea paloulsab i!eW ❑ • luenllea paloulsea luen!Iaa uo loapoa ❑ fuen!Iaa uo }oal!o0 0 ❑ IJeA4ea papoulsab I!e!n) pa!}!pao ❑ ®I1PW PoWPQOAJ ❑ fuen!!aa paloplsab aanleu6!S llnp ❑ anleu6!g 4I PV ❑ ❑ adk eolnaaS •c Ilelnl oN ❑ :nnolaq ssaappa /JeA!Iep awa `S3A �I sod p I. wail WWI ssaappa Alan!' ap Si •a a A7 I ( kle llaa JO also '0 eassaappy ❑ lua6y ❑ j C (aweN paiuud) i(q pemeoe amneu61g y T2OE 902?.. T000 0600 020. (Iage) eoyues woaf.iejsuaal) aogwnN epgay :a 8z 8L2£ 60Z0 9£ L9 ZODb6 0696 I II u 11111 11111 111111 111 IIIII 86£8Z A VSIIVM 9S8 XOS Od DTI NMO2I8-1kHd2Ir11N :off passaappy olon-1V • I. •qlwaed coeds luoa} aye uo .lo `eoaldllew aUf to )1oeq auk oT paeo s!ql goellY • •no,( paeo aye uanlaa ueo em Tag os OSaanaa aye uo ssaappa pus aweu .!nog( lulad ■ •g pue `Z ` . swell eleidwo3 ■ ,lt13A1730 NO NOI103S SIHi 3137d141O0 NOI103S SIH.L 31.37dWO0 :d3CIN3S ROY COOPER Governor ELIZABETH S. BISER. Secretory S. DANIEL SMITH Director NORTH CAROLINA Environmental Quality November 15, 2021 CERTIFIED MAIL: RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED 7020 0090 0001 7206 3021 Murphy -Brown LLC PO Box 856 Warsaw, NC 28398 Subject: NOTICE OF VIOLATION/NOTICE OF INTENT Administrative Code 15A NCAC 2T .1304 NOV-2021-DV-0459 Farm 5075 & 5076 Facility No. 78-091, Permit No. AWS780091 Robeson County Dear Murphy -Brown, LLC.: On October 12, 2021, staff of the NC Division of Water Resources (DWR), Water Quality Regional Operations Section (WQROS), received a phone call with regard to a discharge at the farm listed above. On October 12 and 13, 2021, DWR staff inspected the site. Mike Cudd of Murphy -Brown and other staff were present. We wish to thank them for their cooperation and assistance. As a result of these inspections, you are hereby notified that, having been permitted to have a non - discharge permit for the subject animal waste disposal system pursuant to 15A NCAC 2T .1304, you have been found to be in violation of your permit as follows: Violation 1: Failure to prevent discharge of waste to surface waters or wetlands by using a manmade conveyance. N.C.G.S. 143-215.10C - (Permit No. AWG200000 Section Conditions I 1). On October 12, 2021 around 4:00 pm, Mike Cudd reported a discharge of waste from a leak in the irrigation line that crossed a ditch. DWR staff conducted a site visit around 6:30 pm and documented with pictures that waste had bypassed the secondary containment area through an open slam gate. The slam gate was left in the open position and allowed the release of rain water and waste that was spilled in the ditch. Farm staff did not realize that an irrigation line was broken and caused the waste to flow into the storm drainage system. Mr. Cudd calculated that approximately 10,000-15,000 gallons of waste did leave the property. North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Water Resources Fayetteville Regional Office !: 225 Green Street, Suite 714 i Fayetteville, North Carolina 28301 9l0.43:3,3300 Page 2 Murphy -Brown, LLC. November 15, 2021 Required Corrective Action for Violation 1: Mr. Cudd stated on October 18, 2021 that the irrigation line has been repaired. In a five-day response letter, it was stated that the farm employees will be retrained to close slam gates in critical points while performing irrigation events, and employees will also be inspecting other irrigation lines on the farm. After the spill was discovered, it was stated that LNM staff closed the slam gate and called in a contractor who used heavy equipment to block the ditch on the neighbor's land to contain the waste. LNM set up multiple pumps and pumped the ditch out through the week. The Division of Water Quality would like to thank Mr. Mike Cudd for providing the items listed below, received at the Fayetteville Regional Office on October 18, 2021. No additional information is needed at this time. 1. An explanation from the OIC for this farm regarding how this violation occurred. 2. A list from the OIC concerning the steps that will be taken to prevent these violations from occurring in the future. As a result of the violations in this Notice, this office is considering a recommendation for a civil penalty assessment to the Director of the Division. If you wish to present an explanation for the violations cited, or if you believe there are other factors, which should be considered please send such information to me in writing within ten (10) days following receipt of this letter. Your response will be reviewed,.and, if an enforcement action is still deemed appropriate, it will be forwarded to the Director and included for consideration. Failure to comply with conditions in a permit may result in a recommendation of enforcement action, to the Director of the Division of Water Resources who may issue a civil penalty assessment of not more that twenty-five thousand ($25,000) dollars against any "person" who violates or fails to act in accordance with the terms, conditions, or requirements of a permit under authority of G.S. 143-215.6A. If you have any questions concerning this Notice, please contact Katie Fontenot or me at (910) 433-3300 Sincerely, DocuSigned by: 51IntigiAllen Regional Supervisor Water Quality Regional Operations Section Division of Water Resources cc: FRO Compliance Animal Files-Laserfiche Smithfield Farms @rpart .. of Envimntuet.. 01.11\ North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of water Resources Fayetteville Regional Office 225 Green Street. Suite 714 Fayetteville. North Carolina 28301 910.433.33O0 INSPECTION REPORT / NOTES Facility Number ?S Division of Water Resources Division of Soil and Water Conservation 0 Other Agency Type of Visit: 0 Compliance Inspection 0 Operation Review 0 Structure Evaluation 0 Technical Assistance Reason for Visit: 0 Routine 0 Complaint 0 Follow-up 0 Referral 0 Emergency 0 Other 0 Denied Access Date of Visit: Farm Name: Arrival Time: Departure Time: Owner Email: Owner Name: Mailing Address: Physical Address: Facility Contact: Phone: County: Region: Onsite Representative: Certified Operator: Back-up Operator: Location of Farm: Title: Latitude: Integrator: Phone: Certification Number: Certification Number: Longitude: Swine Design Current Capacity Pop. Wean to Finish Wean to Feeder Feeder to Finish Farrow to Wean Farrow to Feeder Farrow to Finish Gilts Boars Other Design Current Wet Poultry Capacity Pop. Layer Non -Layer Design Current Dry Poultry Capacity Pop. Layers Non -Layers Pullets Turkeys Turkey Poults Other Cattle Design Current Capacity Pop. Dairy Cow Dairy Calf Dairy Heifer Dry Cow Non -Dairy Beef Stocker Beef Feeder Beef Brood Cow Discharges and Stream Impacts 1. Is any discharge observed from any part of the operation? Discharge originated at: ❑ Structure ❑ Application Field ❑ Other: a. Was the conveyance man-made? b. Did the discharge reach waters of the State? (If yes, notify DWR) c. What is the estimated volume that reached waters of the State (gallons)? d. Does the discharge bypass the waste management system? (If yes, notify DWR) 2. Is there evidence of a past discharge from any part of the operation? 3. Were there any observable adverse impacts or potential adverse impacts to the waters of the State other than from a discharge? Yes ❑ No 0 NA ❑ NE ❑ Yes'ici No 0 NA ❑ NE ❑ Yes lallo ❑ NA ❑ NE 'Yes ❑ No n NA ❑ NE ❑ Yes No ❑ NA ❑ NE ❑ Yes 'No [l NA ❑ NE Page 1 of 3 5/12/2020 Continued Facility Number: Date of Inspection: Waste Collection & Treatment 4. Is storage capacity (structural plus storm storage plus heavy rainfall) less than adequate? a. If yes, is waste level into the structural freeboard? Identifier: Spillway?: Designed Freeboard (in): Observed Freeboard (in): Structure 1 Structure 2 Structure 3 Structure 4 5. Are there any immediate threats to the integrity of any of the structures observed'? (i.e., large trees, severe erosion, seepage, etc.) 6. Are there structures on -site which are not properly addressed and/or managed through a waste management or closure plan? If any of questions 4-6 were answered yes, and the situation poses an immediate public health or environmental threat, notify DWR n Yes ❑ No ❑ NA NE ❑ Y• es ❑ No ❑ NA NE Structure 5 Structure 6 7. Do any of the structures need maintenance or improvement? 8. Do any of the structures lack adequate markers as required by the permit? (not applicable to roofed pits, dry stacks, and/or wet stacks) 9. Does any part of the waste management system other than the waste structures require maintenance or improvement'? Waste Application 10. Are there any required buffers, setbacks, or compliance alternatives that need maintenance or improvement? 11. Is there evidence of incorrect land application'? If yes, check the appropriate box below. ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ NA `� NE El Yes ❑No ❑NA iRNE ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ NA ` INE n Y• es ❑ No ❑ NA RNE n Y• es ❑ No ❑ NA NE n Y• es ❑ No ❑ NA NE ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ NA \1\ NE n Excessive Ponding n Hydraulic Overload n Frozen Ground ❑ Heavy Metals (Cu, Zn, etc.) ❑ PAN ❑ PAN > 10% or 10 lbs. n Total Phosphorus ❑ Failure to Incorporate Manure/Sludge into Bare Soil ❑ Outside of Acceptable Crop Window ❑ Evidence of Wind Drift n Application Outside of Approved Area 12. Crop Type(s): 13. Soil Type(s): i 14. Do the receiving crops differ from those designated in the CAWMP? 15. Does the receiving crop and/or land application site need improvement? 16. Did the facility fail to secure and/or operate per the irrigation design or wettable acres determination? 17. Does the facility lack adequate acreage for land application? 18. Is there a lack of properly operating waste application equipment? Required Records & Documents 19. Did the facility fail to have the Certificate of Coverage & Permit readily available? 20. Does the facility fail to have all components of the CAWMP readily available? If yes, check the appropriate box. nWUP nChecklists nDesign n Maps n Lease Agreements 21. Does record keeping need improvement? if yes, check the appropriate box below. n Waste Application n Weekly Freeboard n Waste Analysis n Soil Analysis n Yes ❑ No ❑ NA ENE n Yes ❑ No ❑ NA NNE n Yes No nNA nNE ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ NA ( NE n Yes ❑ No ❑ NA ❑`NE ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ NA ` NE n Yes ❑ No ❑ NA R NE n Other: n Yes ❑ No ❑ NA - NE n Waste Transfers ❑ Weather Code ❑ Rainfall n Stocking n Crop Yield 17120 Minute Inspections n Monthly and 1" Rainfall inspections 22. Did the facility fail to install and maintain a rain gauge? 23. If selected, did the facility fail to install and maintain rainbreakers on irrigation equipment? Page 2 of 3 n Sludge Survey fYes E No nNA ❑.ENE n Y• es ❑ No pi NA K N E 5/12/2020 Continued Facility Number: I ) - q I Date of Inspection: j O ., I2.2 / 24. Did the facility fail to calibrate waste application equipment as required by the permit? 25. Is the facility out of compliance with permit conditions related to sludge? If yes, check the appropriate box(es) below. ❑ Failure to complete annual sludge survey ❑ Failure to develop a POA for sludge levels ❑ Non -compliant sludge levels in any lagoon List structure(s) and date of first survey indicating non-compliance: 26. Did the facility fail to provide documentation of an actively certified operator in charge? 27. Did the facility fail to secure a phosphorus loss assessments (PLAT) certification? Other Issues 28. Did the facility fail to properly dispose of dead animals with 24 hours and/or document and report mortality rates that were higher than normal? 29. At the time of the inspection did the facility pose an odor or air quality concern? If yes, contact a regional Air Quality representative immediately. 30. Did the facility fail to notify the Regional Office of emergency situations as required by the permit? (i.e., discharge, freeboard problems, over -application) 31. Do subsurface tile drains exist at the facility? If yes, check the appropriate box below. Application Field ❑ Lagoon/Storage Pond ❑ Other: ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ NA NE ❑ Yes ❑No ❑NA NE ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ NA ❑ NE ❑Yes ❑No ❑NA NINE ❑Yes No ❑NA [siNE ❑ Yes ❑No ❑NA tiNE ❑ YesN:1No ❑ NA ❑ NE tiYes No ❑NA ❑NE 32. Were any additional problems noted which cause non-compliance of the permit or CAWMP? 33. Did the Reviewer/Inspector fail to discuss review/inspection with an on -site representative? 34. Does the facility require a follow-up visit by the same agency? ❑ Yes ❑ Yes Yes No NI No ❑ No ❑ NA ❑ NA ❑ NA ❑ NE ❑ NE ❑ NE Comments (refer to question #): Explain any YES answers and/or any additional recommendations or any other comments. Use drawings of facility to better explain situations (use additional pages as necessary). -T"hey w�l-e trancf-€V-Ong wgSfie h-orn one, iggoon to the other to use (7-30(1sh rah, +he irngatiort it e does across (Nth broK2. enfiorect The di1tfl 3 flowed own Gteam, d,e\vnStrecA,m of 11,42, cirLh is a, panca. srn►�-nfr2iq bui t- a, dam befolre thiz Pohd to Coni-oln ih,Qcuaste. �rnithfreic) drci r-eporb t't�Q �aiSU'�G�Y�. Tf�ey bivugrit IN/ frgSn pU(17p rbvitlple reels Pvr? wASr-e out* of bQ Oh -fhz 5FtcayEre4qcSteve tiutU rc't-Ut-r1 on 10.13•21 to taKe SamPrec ghi r'io%2 phot-pc, Reviewer/Inspector Name: Phone: Reviewer/Inspector Signature: Page 3 of 3 Date: 5/12/2020 VIOLATORS RESPONSE AND NOTES Notification of Wastewater Spill in Robeson County On October 12, 2021, Farm 5075 & 5076, located at 7368 Fairley Rd, Maxton, NC, experienced a discharge of swine wastewater. As soon as the discharge was discovered, farm personnel took immediate steps to both stop the flow and contain and return the wastewater to the farm's permitted system. NCDENR was also notified. The discharge resulted from a break in a transfer line on the farm. The volume of the discharge was estimated to be between 10,000 and 15,000 gallons. The wastewater entered a ditch that leads to an unnamed tributary that leads to Shoe Heel Creek. Remediation efforts have been successful in capturing and land applying the majority of the discharged material. This notice was required by North Carolina General Statutes, Article 21, Chapter 143.215.10C(h)(1). For more information contact Kraig Westerbeek, Smithfield Hog Production at (910) 293-5330. NCDA&CS Agronomic Division Phone: (919) 733-2655 Website: Report No. FY22-W001108 4"`'`�°x` Predictive Client Mike Cudd .��'ar.� "'�;,.,. ._ Murphy Brown LLC Laurinburg 1 325 McKay St E d �` A Waste Report E ., Laurinburg,NC28353 Robeson County Sampled: 08/16/2021 `�x�•M.,,,�• Links to Helpful Information Advisor: PALS #: Received: 08/19/2021 Farm: 50753, 50763 Completed: 08/30/2021 PALS #: 402956 Sample Information Nutrient Measurements are given in units of parts per million (ppm), unless otherwise specified. Nitrogen (N) P K Ca Mg S Fe Mn Zn Cu Other Results B Mo C Al Na CI 0.83 - - 0.56 229 - C:N DM (Unitless) (%) - - ID: 50753A Code: ALS Description: Swine Lagoon Liq. Grower Comments: Not Provided JUL - i 2021 Total N: 44.5 807 57.0 26.4 29.5 1.97 0.32 0.55 0.42 Total Kjeldahl N: 370 Inorganic: SS EC pH BD CCE ALE NH4-N (1Os Slav) (mS/cm) (Unitless) (Ib/ycP) (%) (1000 gal) NO3-N - - - - 7.63 Estimate of Nutrients Available for First Year (Ib/1000 gal) Application Method: N P205 K20 Ca Mg S Fe Mn Zn Cu Irrigation 1.55 0.85 8.08 0.48 0.22 0.25 0.02 0.00 0.01 0.00 Other Results (lb/1000 gal) B Mo Al Na CI 0.01 - 0.01 1.91 - North Carolina Tobacco Trust Fund Commission Reprogramming of the laboratory -information -management system that makes this report possible is being funded through a grant from the North Carolina Tobacco Trust Fund Commission. Thank you, for using agronomic services to manage nutrients and.safeguard environmental qualite. - Steve Trozler, Commissioner of Agriculture. NCDA&CS Agronomic Division Phone: (919) 733.2655 Website: www.ncagr.govlagronomil Report No. FY22-W001108 Mike Cudd Sampled: 08/16/2021 (..Received: 08/19/2021 I Completed: 08/30/2021 - Page 2 of 5 r,Sample Information Nutrient Nitrogen (Ni ' Measurements are given in units of parts per million (ppm), unless otherwise specified. P K Ca Mg S Fe Mn Zn Cu B Mo 39.9 760 54.3 27.7 31.0 1.83 0.28 0.65 0.40 0.79 - SS EC pH BD CCE ALE C:N (10 S/cm) (mS/cm) (Unitless) (lb/yd3) (%) (1000 gal) (Unitless) - - 7.51 - - - - Other Results C Al Na CI - 0.49 216 - DM (%) - ID: 50753B Code: ALS Description: Swine Lagoon Liq. Grower Comments: Not Provided JUL -12021 Total N: Total Kjeldahl N: 338 Inorganic: NH4-N N0 N Application Method: Irrigation N 1.41 Estimate of Nutrients Available for First Year (Ib/1000 gal) P20s K20 Ca Mg 5 Fe Mn Zn Cu 0.76 7.60 0.45 0.23 0.26 0.02 0.00 0.01 0.00 B Mo 0.01 - Other Results (Ib/1000 gal) Al Na CI 0.00 1.80 - NCDA&CS Agronomic Division Phone: (919) 733-2655 Website: Report No. FY22-W001108 Mike Cudd Sampled: 08/16/2021 I Received: 08/19/2021 I Completed: 08/30/2021 Page 3 of 5 Sample Information. Nutrient Measurements are given in units of parts per million (ppm), unless otherwise specified. Other Results ID: 50763A Nitrogen (N) P K Ca Mg S Fe Mn Zn Cu B Mo C Al Na CI Code: ALS Description: Swine Total N: Total Kjeldahl N: 348 37.3 746 47.1 26.3 29.5 1.25 0.19 0.31 0.24 i 0.76 - - 0.33 209 - Lagoon Liq. Inorganic: Grower Comments: NH4-N SSS EC pH BD CCE ALE C:N DM Not Provided NO3-N (10 S/cm) (mS/cm) (Unitless) (Ib/yd3) (%) (1000 gal) (Unitless) (%) - - 7.56 - - - - - JUL - 1 2021 Estimate of Nutrients Available for First Year (Ib/1000 gal) Other Results (lb/1000 gal) Application Method: N P2Os K2O Ca Mg S Fe Mn Zn Cu B Mo Al Na CI Irrigation 1.45 0.71 7.46 0.39 0.22 0.25 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 - 0.00 1.74 - NCDA&CS Agronomic Division Phone: (919) 733-2655 Website: www.ncagr.govlagronomi/ Report No. FY22-W001108 Mike Cudd Sampled: 08/16/20211Received: 08/19/2021 I Completed: 08/30/2021 Page 4 of 5 Vi. Sample Information Nutrient Measurements are given in units of parts per million (ppm), unless otherwjse specified. Other Results ID: 50763E Nitrogen (N) [ P K Ca Mg S Fe Mn Zn Cu B Mo C Al Na CI Code: ALS Total N: i 37.7 735 50.2 26.7 28.5 1.38 0.21 0.35 0.24 0.75 - - 0.35 208 - Description: Swine Total Kjeldahl N: 323 Lagoon Liq. Inorganic: Grower Comments: NHa-N SS EC pH BD CCE ALE C:N DM Not Provided NOyN (10 S/cm) (mS/cm) (Unitless) (Ib/yd3) (%) (1000 gal) (Unitless) (%) - - 7.53 - - - - - JUL - 1 2021 Estimate of Nutrients Available for First Year pbt1000 gal) Other Results (lb/1000 gal) Application Method: N P2O5 K2O Ca Mg S Fe Mn Zn Cu B Mo Al Na CI Irrigation 1.35 0.72 7.35 0.42 0.22 0.24 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 - 0.00 1.74 - SmithfieldM 600A took -Reapoitaibl,8! October 18, 2021 Steve Guyton; Katie Fontenot NCDENR — Division of Water Resources 225 Green Street- Suite 714 Fayetteville, NC 28301-5094 RE: Farm 50753, 50763 Tree Farm Facility # 78-091 Accidental Discharge 10-12-21 PO Box 856 Warsaw, NC 28398 This letter is the follow up to the accidental discharge at Farm 50753, 50763 that was reported to the Division on October 12, 2021. Sequence of Events: 1) LNM staff were leaving the farm about 4:00 pm, Tuesday 10-12-21, as they turned out of farm driveway, they saw wastewater in the ditch at the road. They immediately began calling to get response team activated. When I was notified, I asked if the water had crossed the road? They said yes, I then in turn notified DEQ. a. Spill was later determined to have been caused by a leak in an irrigation line that crossed the ditch. 2) LNM Staff closed the slam gate at the road. We also called in a Contractor, who used his heavy equipment to block the ditch on the neighbor's property right before their pond. 3) We set up an irrigation pump in the ditch across the road and started land applying the water in the ditch to the field with a reel. We also set up trash pumps at point of spill and pumped this water on to our field. It is important to note that the water being applied was primarily stormwater that was already in the ditch but was mixed with the spilled effluent. The field across the road is in the farm's NUP as an amendment. Crop applied was cover crop behind corn. These remediation efforts continued thru the night. 4) Wednesday 10-13-21, we continued land applying with the one reel and we also added a second reel and pump at the slam gate. The DEQ representative returned, reviewed our remediation efforts, and took several water samples at various stages. The 2nd pump at slam gate ran out of water about 6 pm and we shut it off. The 1st pump and reel we continued to run again all night. It ran out of water about 6:30 am the next morning. 5) Thursday 10-14-21, we continued the remediation efforts. We moved the 1st pump to the dam at the pond and continued pumping with a splash pan on the field until about 3pm. To ensure the cleanup was to the standards of our EMS program, we set up 2nd pump in the freshwater pond, and laid flat hose to a point above where wastewater had entered the ditch. This allowed us to flush the ditch with fresh water and to continue pumping back out. These remediation efforts continued until about 9 pm, which we shut the slam gate. 6) Friday 10-15-21, we resumed flushing the ditch with fresh water and as it flowed to the dam at the pond, we pumped this on the field. We continued the remediation efforts until 7 pm with the splash pan. 7) Saturday 10-16-21, we resumed pumping the water out of the ditch. We continued the remediation efforts until all the water we could pump was out, which was about 1 pm. • Page 2 October 20, 2021 8) We will continue to check the ditch and when we are satisfied, we will remove the dam to the pond sometime this week. Estimate of discharge: A) With the run time of the transfer event, 12:30 pm to 4 pm, and the amount recovered from the ditch on the property and across the road, we are estimating 10,000 gallons to 15,000 gallons left the property. Plan for corrective actions from this accidental discharge: 1) Retrain staff on closing slam gates that are put in critical points, while doing irrigation events. 2) Inspect other irrigation lines on the farm that cross ditches. 3) Contractor to repair broken irrigation line and case line where crosses ditch. Attachments: A) Included with this letter is a copy of the most current waste analysis as required by the permit along with a copy of the estimate of discharge press release as required by NC Statutes, Article 21, Chapter 143.2215C. I have outlined all currently available information about this incident. Smithfield staff has responded in an appropriate and responsible manner in accordance with our Environmental Management System emergency response plan and in keeping with our responsibilities under the state permit. Our Environmental Management System (EMS) proved its' effectiveness by providing the structure and protocol that all parties involved in the response and ensuring, that they did so in a timely and effective manner. If I can be of any further assistance, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, Mike Cudd Environmental Systems Manager Murphy -Brown LLC (910) 217-2836 SAMPLE RESULTS/DATA ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMISTS, INC P.O. BOX 1037 WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH, NC 28480 Voice: 910-392-0223 Fax: 910-392-4424 E-Mail: Bill To: NCDENR - DWQ - FAYETTEVILLE 225 GREEN STREET SUITE 714 FAYETTEVILLE, NC 28301 PLEASE USE THE P.O. BOX FOR ALL REMITTANCES. THANK YOU. INVOICE NUMBER 188244 Invoice Date: Oct 19, 2021 Page: 1 Customer ID Customer PO Payment Terms 19020022 78-91 5075-5076 Net 30 Days ENVIROCHEM'S FEDERAL ID # Ship Date Due Date 56-1894379 10/13/21 11/18/21 Quantity Description Unit Price Amount REPORT #2021-18167 WATER: 78-91-5075-5076 DATE SAMPLED: 10/13/2021 CONTACT - TRENT ALLEN, STEVE GUYTON, KATIE FONTENOT 4.00 FECAL COLIFORM 35.00 140.00 1.00 PICKUP FEE EMAIL INVOICE REPORT HAS BEEN EMAILED. 50.00 50.00 PLEASE REFERENCE INVOICE NUMBER ON ALL REMITTANCES IN ORDER TO PROPERLY APPLY TO YOUR ACCOUNT. CALL TERESA WOLFE OR FRAN GODLEY @ 910-392-0223 FOR QUESTIONS. Subtotal Payment/Credit Applied 190.00 Total Amount Due $ 190.00 envirochem ANALYTICAL & CONSULTING CHEMISTS Environmental Chemists, Inc. 6602 Windmill Way, Wilmington, NC 28405 • 910.392.0223 Lab • 910.392.4424 Fax 710 Bowsertown Road, Manteo, NC 27954 • 252.473.5702 Lab/Fax 255-A Wilmington Highway, Jacksonville, NC 28540 • 910.347.5843 Lab/Fax NCDEQ/DWR-Fayetteville 225 Green Street Fayetteville NC Attention: Trent Allen Date of Report: Oct 18, 2021 Customer PO #: 28301 Customer ID: 19020022 Report #: 2021-18167 Project ID: 78-91 5075-5076 Lab ID 21-45516 Test Sample ID: Site: Source Method Collect Date/Time Matrix Sampled by 10/13/2021 11:10 AM Water Steve Guyton Results Date Analyzed Fecal Coliform SM 9222 D-2015 MF 26000 Colonies/100mL 10/13/2021 Lab ID 21-45517 Test Sample ID: Site: Containment Dam Site Method Collect Date/Time Matrix Sampled by 10/13/2021 11:20 AM Water Steve Guyton Results Date Analyzed Fecal Coliform SM 9222 D-2015 MF 10 Colonies/100mL 10/13/2021 Lab ID 21-45518 Test Sample ID: Site: Downstream of Dam Method Collect Date/Time Matrix Sampled by 10/13/2021 11:35 AM Water Steve Guyton Results Date Analyzed Fecal Coliform SM 9222 D-2015 MF 154 Colonies/100mL 10/13/2021 Lab ID 21-45519 Test Sample ID: Site: Pond Dam Method Collect Date/Time Matrix 10/13/2021 11:48 AM Water Results Sampled by Steve Guyton Date Analyzed Fecal Coliform SM 9222 D-2015 MF <1 Colonies/100mL 10/13/2021 Comment: Reviewed by: ` Report #:: 2021-18167 Page 1 of 1 Environmental Chemist, Inc., Wilmington, NC Lab #94 Client: NC DEQ Sample Receipt Checklist 6602 Windmill Way Wilmington, NC 28405 910.392.0223 Datet O /3 ou Report Number: 02 / — / o / C 7 Receipt of sample: ECHEM Pickup • Client Delivery] UPS • FedEx ■ Other ■ • YES • NO XI N/A 1. Were custody seals present on the cooler? • YES • NO A N/A 2. If custody seals were present, were they intact/unbroken? Original temperature upon receipt (1 °C Corrected temperature upon receipt °C How temperature taken: • Temperature Blank k Against Bottles IR Gun ID: Thomas Traceable S/N 192511657 IR Gun Correction Factor °C: 0.0 • YES • NO 3. If temperature of cooler exceeded 6°C, was Project Mgr./QA notified? R. YES • NO 4. Were proper custody procedures (relinquished/received) followed? YES • NO 5. Were sample ID's listed on the COC? 4 YES • NO 6. Were samples ID's listed on sample containers? 11 YES • NO 7. Were collection date and time listed on the COC? YES • NO 8. Were tests to be performed listed on the COC? YES • NO 9. Did samples arrive in proper containers for each test? YES • NO 10. Did samples arrive in good condition for each test? Ilif YES • NO 11. Was adequate sample volume available?' )I YES • NO 12. Were samples received within proper holding time for requested tests? • YES • NO 13. Were acid preserved samples received at a pH of <2? * • YES • NO 14. Were cyanide samples received at a pH >12? • YES • NO 15. Were sulfide samples received at a pH >9? • YES • NO 16. Were NH3/TKN/Phenol received at a chlorine residual of <0.5 m/L? ** • YES • NO 17. Were Sulfide/Cyanide received at a chlorine residual of <0.5 m/L? • YES • NO 18. Were orthophosphate samples filtered in the field within 15 miniitac? * TOC/Volatiles are pH checked at time of analysis and recorded on the benchsheet. ** Bacteria samples are checked for Chlorine at time of analysis and recorded on the benchsheet. Sample Preservation: (Must be completed for any sample(s) incorrectly preserved or with headspace) Sample(s) were received incorrectly preserved and were adjusted accordingly by adding (circle one): H2504 HNO3 HCI NaOH Time of preservation: If more than one preservative is needed, notate in comments below Note: Notify customer service immediately for incorrectly preserved samples. Obtain a new sample or notify the state lab if directed to analyzed by the customer. Who was notified, date and time: Volatiles Sample(s) were received with headspace COMMENTS: DOC. QA.002 Rev 1 Analytical & Consulting Chemists ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMISTS, INC NCDENR: DWQ CERTIFICATION # 94 NCDHHS: DLS CERTIFICATION # 37729 COLLECTION AND CHAIN OF CUSTODY 6602 Windmill Way Wilmington, NC 28405 OFFICE: 910-392-0223 FAX 910-392-4424 Client: ) C -0 F PROJECT NAME: 78-9-/ 57,75 =�76. REPORT NO: 1 /-- /p (P 7 ADDRESS: j— t �,577- -17;c1`-1-- 7/ ( CONTACT NAME: /%'Z- d M-(i-v-- PO NO: 10-413-3 — 53310 ,,,, z% lerirrr 13 G. REPORT TO: T/'7- )(-t - PHONE/FAX' Pr-,'i. I) Lys _COPY TO: email: SAMPLE TYPE: I = Influent, E = Effluent, W = Well, ST = Stream, SO = Soil, SL = Sludge, Other: Collection CD E> coZ Composite or Grab Container (P or G) CD r E LAB ID NUMBER PRESERVATION ANALYSIS REQUESTED Sample Identification Date Time Temp Z = _ o _ o _ = o SBu-CG /i-i3 ! /l: / Oift ( C CP__ G - j �� / I ct y r ��°zA cp e.vt s; �r r( i C (--) 1 lGC ftcet-C G 12pd,�.jFrm — D• 404.T.Kr►� P-• l 54 C y 1 " - -- ,e, /� G ,�d-� '{'o•14 e r''`- (v-f3� 1 /(.' i/R VD( C (g j Ck -)Ce- 2-"C (% G C P G G C P G G C P G G C P G G Transfer Relinquished By: Date/Time R ived By: 1. P-'---Date/Time °. ► J� (0,12-0— lU/ �312( FL' Wan( 2. 6���r _ i9� -- Ilc-'''.- r. Temperature when Received: Delivered By: Comments: Accepted: Received By: Rejected: Resample Re u ted: Date: Time: Time: /4 5d T RNAROUND: SITE PHOTOS .74 r �L� -- - ‘... :r11; .7"%-.- r-3"• .1.-,- .$.t ‘ *:0-r"i-to'•itrti" :.1. ..i4 :13"1 , f - ' ' ' • ij J 4' '41- ' " ....7.1/41 ''. ''''`,'1.'.."1•C'it',7e...2:ITg-jr154.44'...*:•7'.*14 ."40 4 1 ' .‘-.4 '7V 5 ;O.+ kt, .. '‘,4*'•:, . 4', ,.;kr, .,.. .. , ...,...: 10,4 ... ') l'' 4, or...-1 I , ,,, . 5 . 0, 4.,; A • '''7'.;',.rq,'.it';:ir; .. • .,,,..4,.. ;,.. - , -7- , • el. * . • , . • 7-k-' • ( • • - rit47.11%; „r„.„..„4.1 * , „ • • 1� d.r/, • iw Jr, 1.7 �, � _ - • `e ati •'•:i `;,-• •� ate 4 i.A • iF .3 lei*' 3'i r �+ k r' Alikt • - ...i"- I '' "'I ..,4, •," tr.4k-171 ' ' , --k ''', - - ''X',,4X,,N%'4•• 4 ''' - • -* 44`,:it;i9 .3 '','" -q' 'IrZt-4...6 3..4, -0.4-• I' .._ - .74 1. A t N. r• '...- -'. i , /..7- , 'f. - _ _ . . 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