HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW8000120_Historical File_20221209Johnson, Kelly
From: Johnson, Kelly
Sent: Friday, December 9, 2022 2.42 PM
To: Mark Phillips; Hall, Christine
Cc: Brian Downs; London Oliverio; Smith, Ashley M
Subject: RE: [External] 643-22 1 Sheetz at Shipyard Blvd I Stormwater Permit
Mr. Phillips,
We had another request for a portion of that file to be scanned. It is currently offsite with the scanning company.
UVould YOU rnirzd checking in with All Ways Graphics to see when we can expect to have the plans returned?
Kelly Johnson
Environmental Engineer
NC Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources
Stormwater Permitting
127 Cardinal Drive
Wilmington, NC 28405-3845
Phone: 910.796.7335
VW's �
fl* As
From: Mark Phillips <mphillips@pabstdesign.com>
Sent: Thursday, December 8, 2022 4:48 PM
To: Hall, Christine <Christine. Hall @ncdenr.gov>; Johnson, Kelly <kelly.p.johnson@ncdenr.gov>
Cc: Brian Downs <bdowns@sheetz.com>; London Oliverio <Oliverio@pabstdesign.com>
Subject: RE: [External] 643-22 1 Sheetz at Shipyard Blvd I Stormwater Permit
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Touching base on the below email. Please advise when you can.
Mark Phi.1111ps, PLA, ASL A,
Project Manager
ISA Certified Arborist
107 Fayetteville Street, Suite 200
Raleigh, NC 27601
o: 919 848 4399
c: 919 810 3716
Engineering I Consulting
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intended recipient. If you have received this message in error, you are not authorized to read, copy, or manipulate any part of the correspondence
or attachments in any manner. Please notify the sender and delete all copies of this message and its attachments immediately.
From: Mark Phillips
Sent: Tuesday, November 15, 2022 5:25 PM
To: Hall, Christine <Christine.Hall @ncdenr.gov>; Johnson, Kelly <kelly.p.iohnson@ncdenr.gov>
Cc: Brian Downs <bdowns@sheetz.com>; London Oliverio <lolive rio pabstdesign.com>
Subject: RE: [External] 643-22 1 Sheetz at Shipyard Blvd I Stormwater Permit
just left you a voicemail and wanted to follow up by email. We'd like to get copies of the plans associated
with the current stormwater permit for our site under Permit No.: SW8000120 ( Project Name: Shipyard
Commons Business Park). Can you provide guidance on how to obtain copies?
Mark Phillips, PU4,4t ASSLA
Project Manager
iSA Certified Arborist
107 Fayetteville Street, Suite 200
Raleigh, NC 27601
o: 919 848 4399
c: 919 810 3716
Engineering I Consulting
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intended recipient. If you have received this message in error, you are not authorized to read, copy, or manipulate any part of the correspondence
or attachments in any manner. Please notify the sender and delete all copies of this message and its attachments immediately.
From: Hall, Christine <Christine.Hall@ncdenr.gov>
Sent: Tuesday, September 20, 2022 8:36 AM
To: Mark Phillips <mphillips@pabstdesign.com>; Johnson, Kelly <kelly.p.iohnson@ncdenr.gov>
Cc: Brian Downs <bdowns@sheetz.com>; London Oliverio <Iliverio@pabstdesign.com>
Subject: RE: [External] 643-22 1 Sheetz at Shipyard Blvd I Stormwater Permit
To answer your questions:
1. Again, the submittal requirements can be found in 15A NCAC 02H.1042. This development would likely be
requesting an offsite permit, which also requires the offsite supplement in addition to the standard application,
which is available on the following website: Archived Stormwater Design Manual Supplemental Forms I NC
DE .
2. If lots are being combined or reconfigured, then a minor modification will be required to document the new lot
layout and resulting built -upon area allocation.
Christine Hall, PE (she/her/hers)
Wilmington Regional Stormwater Program Supervisor
Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources —State Stormwater Program
North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality
Office: (910) 796-7339
Address: 127 Cardinal Drive Ext., Wilmington, NC 28405
Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the
North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties.
From: Mark Phillips <mphillipsc@pabstdesign.com>
Sent: Monday, September 19, 2022 5:54 PM
To: Hall, Christine <Christine.Hall @ncdenr.gov>; Johnson, Kelly <kelly.p.iohnson@ncdenr.gov>
Cc: Brian Downs <bdowns@sheetz.com>; London Oliverio <lliverio@pabstdesign.com>
Subject: RE: [External] 643-22 1 Sheetz at Shipyard Blvd I Stormwater Permit
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Thank you Christine and Kelly for your quick response. No need for a pre -application meeting. I just have a
couple questions below about the current permit.
1. Knowing that this was permitted prior to Wilmington becoming the authority for stormwater review,
what items will we need to submit to the state for our proposed improvements if we plan to stay
below the approved maximum built -upon area and no new SCMs?
2. Will we need to submit a permit modification if our proposed impervious area is below the maximum
built -upon area indicated on the permit?
Mark Phillips, Pam, ASLA
Project Manager
ISA Certified Arborist
107 Fayetteville Street, Suite 200
Raleigh, NC 27601
o: 919 848 4399
c: 919 810 3716
4ak, PAIST' D� S1(_\i (11V... )[_1), Ply
Engineering I Consulting
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intended recipient. If you have received this message in error, you are not authorized to read, copy, or manipulate any part of the correspondence
or attachments in any manner. Please notify the sender and delete all copies of this message and its attachments immediately.
From: Hall, Christine <Christine.Hall@ncdenr.gov>
Sent: Monday, September 19, 2022 9:11 AM
To: Johnson, Kelly <kellv.p.iohnson@ncdenr.gov>; Mark Phillips <mphillips pabstdesign.com>
Cc: Brian Downs <bdowns@sheetz.com>; London Oliverio <loliverio pabstdesign.com>
Subject: RE: [External] 643-22 1 Sheetz at Shipyard Blvd I Stormwater Permit
To expand on Kelly's email. The submittal requirements can be found in 15A NCAC 02H.1042. This development would
likely be requesting an offsite permit, which also requires the offsite supplement in addition to the standard application,
which is available on the following website: Archived Stormwater Design Manual Supplemental Forms I NC DEQ
More information about the submittal options can be found on this website: New Permits & Permit Modifications I NC
(Please note that this project would not be eligible for the fast track program.)
Christine Hall, PE (she/her/hers)
Wilmington Regional Stormwater Program Supervisor
Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources — State Stormwater Program
North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality
Office: (910) 796-7339
Address: 127 Cardinal Drive Ext., Wilmington, NC 28405
Email correspondence to and from this address is _ Ubject to the
Nonh Carolina Public Records Law a0 may be u sclosed to third parties.
From: Johnson, Kelly <kelly.p.iohnson@ncdenr.Rov>
Sent: Monday, September 19, 2022 9:03 AM
To: Mark Phillips <mphiIlips@pabstdesign.com>; Hall, Christine <Christine.Hal I@ncdenr.gov>
Cc: Brian Downs <bdowns@sheetz.com>; London Oliverio <loliverio pabstdesign.com>
Subject: RE: [External] 643-22 1 Sheetz at Shipyard Blvd I Stormwater Permit
Hi Mark.
Unfortunately we do not hold pre -application meetings because we have so many projects. If you have specific
questions please let me know and I will do my best to assist over email.
Kelly Johnson
Environmental Engineer
NC Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources
Stormwater Permitting
127 Cardinal Drive
Wilmington, NC 28405-3845
Phone: 910.796.7335
From: Mark Phillips <mphillips@pabstdesien.com>
Sent: Monday, September 19, 2022 8:54 AM
To: Johnson, Kelly <kelly.p.iohnson@ncdenr.eov>; Hall, Christine <Christine.Hal I@ncdenr.eov>
Cc: Brian Downs <bdowns@sheetz.com>; London Oliverio <Oliverio@pabstdesien.com>
Subject: [External] 643-22 1 Sheetz at Shipyard Blvd I Stormwater Permit
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Kelly & Christine,
We're working with Sheetz on a new development located at 2715 Shipyard Boulevard, Wilmington, NC
28403. Specific lots that we're looking to develop are 15A and 15B within the Shipyard Commons Business
Park. At your convenience, I'd like to schedule a time to meet and discuss the stormwater permit attached
and what our submittal requirements would be for our development. Please let me know your availability and
I will set up a meeting invitation.
Mark Pw.'t}ips,e PLAr ASLA
Project Manager
ISA Certified Arborist
107 Fayetteville Street, Suite 200
Raleigh, NC 27601
o: 919 848 4399
c: 919 810 3716
P AIS-r D--NGN CA" OLP, I)1k
Engineering 1 Consulting
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or attachments in any manner. Please notify the sender and delete all copies of this message and its attachments immediately.