HomeMy WebLinkAbout20150031 Ver 1_More Info Requested_20150213�•�s"��� �� ���� N�r�h Car�lin� �D��ar�r�ent �a� �nvar�n�nent a�nd �I�tural R�sc�urc�s Pat N9cCrary Gavernar C�,1�1'I�"I�ll MACL - RE"TUR� 17EC�CP'T REQUEST�C� 74133{120040076320345 �+1r. Jay Ja}anson. �ortfl� Cai�olina 1]ep�rtr�lent af �'�•ai�sporCatiQa�. P.(�. Bax �587 Greenville, N� 27$35 Donald Van �er Vaart Se�retary February 13, 2�i 15 Swb�ect: Fipe replacerYae��ks an NC 41 aver lslancl I3ranch Swamp in :�ones Co�anty; State P�•aject �I�. S(i N 38. I.F�S; UWR project nuinbec 2C} 1 S4t}31 Dear Mr. Jc�hnso��: The T3ia�sa�ar7 cat' Water Resca�rrces ha�s reviewed your subrniti�rl fo�° a��71 Water Quality Certificatiai� far the aiarementio�ed project. R�view a�yaur ap�licataan revealed it lackin� necessaiy inf�i°n�ltian reqa�ired f'�r° n�a�az�g ar� ira�`aa°rrred pecmit decisian. "The per���it applica�io�� w�s de�cicnt in the fpllowing aa•eas; �itches through bufi'ea�s. 7'he prQpased plans shc�w 2:1 ditcl7es be�i�g cut on tl�e sauth side nfthe crossing anr� a g�°ass swale on t�h� mar�th side �i�h� cro�ssic�g. If is uncl�ar fr��t� t��e pertnit deavair�gs r�vheth�et• t}�� tr�w diYcl�es wall c�+t�tinue thr•ou�h the� buffer. If new ditehes are �;oin� khraug� the b�sffer, 15.�A T+�CAC 2F� .f}233(6) reguir•es a st�rrmwat�r xnan�g��n�r�r facia�tiy be ins�alled to cantr�rl fc�r n�tragen arrd atCenuat� filcaw befare tl►e conveyanee deschacges tl7raiugh t�ie bufC'er. For linear transportati�n �rojects, this ca� be �ccqmp�isl�ed with �r�ss swales �t a r�tio af 1t1fl 9i�lear ffee� of`swale per acre ofdrainage. Tl�e swal�s r�au�st 17av� a minin�u�n of �: l slbpes, or flatter, fi•oitt and b�ck. �lease cl�rify w��eth�r t17e ditches w�il �nr�tinue khraugh the buffer, and dfso pi°ovide the r�qui�ed d�°ai��age ealculatis�rls. • Pipe cross sections. Fipes �re required Co be �wried b�law tFu� elevat�o�t a�'tlte sta•e�nlbed tn al]ow fo'- low fV�aw passa�e ofwater and a�u��ic lif�. 'F�r p�ip�s with diam�te�rs eq�al ta or less tl�an 4� i��ches, the bu:ri�l reqr��r�e�rrent �s 2�� percent af ti�e c�iasa7et�r c�f the pipe. Pl�ase provide crqss sections depicti�7�; the appi•opriate p��e tau�°ial. Therefi�ore, pucsua�jk t� 1SA NCAC 2H .0507�a){5), we v;ri�l have tc� place thc �errrrit appl�eatio�a rara I�old �ial�iC we �re supplied the nec�ssary info�-��natian� Y��t ha�ae 21 c�ays tcr respond `ui v�rr•atin� with t�he re�qu�es�te�d i�nf��7taatio�� or rnotificatiai� �o tl�ES offc� t}��at tlle infarmatioa� is fo��tl�can�ir��, If, at thc ea�d af akie 21 days, ¢h�s �ffice l�as siot received t�7is ir�f�rrnation in writi�a�, we wil�' assu���e you �a-e �w�thd�ra�wing yaur applac�tian and it will be ret���ned. Fu��ti7�e�mor�„ until t9�� infarr�akia�r� is received by t��� 1�IC IIuvisicr�� of 1��t��. I�esaurces, we ���quest �by cnpy c�f tihis letter} that th� 1.15 Ariny Corps of" �n�ineers pl�ce the p�ri�it ap�lic�siinn nn hald. Trarrspr7rta9ian and Permitdir� Unit 16� 7 Mail Se�vi� Center, Raleig,h�, P�C �789�-1617 Laca�ion: 512 N', Sa��sbury St. Rai�gh, NG 2i�fl4 Arr EquaE Jppnriunity 1 Alrirmakive Actdnn Empinyer pnor��: s�s.�a�-s�oo y F�x: �ts•���-�2sa Irrkemet: ww+vr.ncw�ter.or� I'ag� 2 of 2 �f you hawe any �trestiot�s �r require additipna1 inf�arn�atian, }alease coo�tact �arcy '4Vard at �252) 948-�417 ar garcy.ward rr ��cdenr.�ov, Sincerely, . �� � far S. 3� Zin�rnerrn n, ,4cting F3ir��ct+�r �ivision of 1�ater ft�so�rrc�s c�: Tcarri Stet�ens, L95 �1rn7y G�rps raP�:ngineers, Washin�;�on Focld C�fkrct (electronic capy criilYl fr�rcy Ward, 1�W4'R, Washitrgt�n �Rc��i�at�l {�ffiae FiCc Gc�PY