HomeMy WebLinkAbout20150030 Ver 1_More Info Requested_20150213�������
Nc�r�h Car�lina ��partrrr�nt �f Envirc�nm�r�t and N�atural Resources
f��f McCrary
]'vir. Jay 1nhr�sol�
N€arth ��rolir�a �epart�n�nt qf Transpr�rtatipn
F.O. Box 158T
Greenvalle, N� ??��5
annaltl Van der V�art
February 13, 2015
Su:bjeck, Pipe r�plaicem�nt a�d roacl widerrin�; an [.JS 2S8 in G�eene Couraty; Stat� Prcaject t�a. 46254.1.1; I�WR project number
2{? I 50030
Dear 1V�r, Johns�an;
The I�ivisian af W ater �es�urces has reviewed your s�ibtnittal for a 4� 1 Wateu� Quality ��rtif cation �or tl�e aforet��entinned prcrject.
�',ev�ew of your applicatian reveaded it lackirrg rrecessary ir�F�rm�fiion r�equir�d for r�a�kin� an infort��e� p�rtnit decisian. "�`he pe►•ini�
application was de�cient i�y the f�llawing �r�as:
Dit�c�es thra�ugh buffers. The ��pli�atifln i�dicates ihat stc��-mwate�� will be treated with �i•assed swales ari tt�c western side af �he
pr�aject and a ditc�ilswale cc��nbination on the eas�erra side. It is uncl�ar fr�rn the p�ri��it di�awsi��s wheth�r the new d'iiches will
continue thr°�ugh tl�e buffer. If i�ew d�tches are going tl�raugh the b�affer, 15A NC�hC 2� .0233{6) requires a storrmwatier
rrrana�;einent facility be installecC t�r cantrol for ��i�rogen anci attenuate flaw before the conveyance dasckaar�es thrau�h the buf�fer.
For lir�ear transpaartation pcojeets, t'�is can be aeco���plishee� w�th grass swales at a ratua �#° 1 OO linear feet afswale per acr� e,f
d'rai:na�c. 'Ch�e swales must have a ir�inimudn c�f 3i 1 slc�pes, n►• flatter, front ai7� b�ck.
Please clarify wk�etEi�r the di�ehes will cantinue xhrough �he baffer, and if so provide the �•e�quired swale IeN���h aa�d elrai��age
� Pipe crass sectia�ls. F'�pes and culv�a-ts ar� cequirer3 ta be b�eied belaw t11e �levati�n�� o�the strearrubed tca all�aw fai• lc+w flaw
passage of wat�r �nci aquaCac 1ife. �or pip�s with di�i��e�ee°s greater ti�an 48 inchcs, kh� taui°ia1 requiremea�t is 1 foot. Please prav�de
c►�oss sectcc�ns depicting tl�e appropriat� pipe bu�ei�l.
Tk�erefare, pursuant to 1 SA NC'AG 2H .�S!??(a)(5), we will have to place tt�e perer�it appli�catiam on l�Qld until we 1re s�ppiied the
necessary finfor�a��ati�an. You h�ve 21 cjays t�a resp�nd in rvri�in�; with tlte requested infc,rn�atian car iyatificatiail t� t}yis o�'fice tl�at the
i����'orl�nation is fa��#h�crmi�ltig. If, a� the e�nd af tlae 21 ci�ys, tl���is ofFice I�as not receiv��3 tk�is iYif�qr�rtiata�a�� in writing, we wi�l assou�a7e �you
are w�thdrawi��g yaur° apploeation ar�d it will be retaaa-ned. Furtheri��ni°e, unkil ttre inforin�toan is received by ¢he N� Division c�f V4'aker
Resc�urcesp we r�quest (by capy of tl�is letter) tk�at the US Ar�t�y Carps af Enginieers pl�ce the periro�%t application +�n hold.
T�ansporta#imn and Perm,dttwng U��1
1617 �+lail Servic� GenOer, Rale��, h�C 27699-18�7
Lor,�tiarr: 512 N. Salis�uay St. RaBea�h„ NC 276Q4
pn Equal OppmrlWnity 4 A�rmalive AcTion Empdoye�
Phane: 919W707-fi3�p 4 FAX: 9i�-733•�29�1
Internet: wv�w.ncwaier.�rq
Page 2 af 2
if you fiave any questians or require addition�al infc�rc7�atinn, �lease coi�t�ct G�rcy �`�r�l at {2S�) 948-3� 1'� Qr ��rcy,ward �r rrocden►•.gav.
5incerely, ,
;,.._. � t
�pC . .� �'L11171T1�1"I71� , .�4Ci111� �IC�Ci4i'
Cliw�sion oi W atea° FtesQUr�es
ce�: Torn �teft'�r�s, IJS Ari77y Corps af' Lngiire�r�s„ Washingtoi� Frcld C7t�ce (�c��c[rorri�c� r�c�py or71y)
Gar�cy W�rd, �DW�R, 1���sh�n���t��b Regac���al a1�ee
File Capy