HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0089915_Modification_20230106 (2) DocuSign Envelope ID:F7A81316-77F6-4EC2-B44B-07B3BAE9022E rM sTAT,;�� ROY COOPER `,. . Governor - it n `ELIZABETH S.BISER v s',�a et0. , Secretary 4rauwv°A ' RICHARD E.ROGERS,JR. NORTH CAROLINA Director Environmental Quality January 6,2022 Ms Davn Hughes, Plant Manager The Chemours Company Fayetteville Works 22828 NC Highway 87 W Fayetteville, North Caolina28306 SJbjea: NPDESMinor Modificaion Permit N C0089915 Fayetteville Works Blades County Facility Physic-Chemic Grade I I Dear Ms Hughes The Division staff has reviewed your request for modificion of the subject permit. Your request has been granted. Therefore, the Division made amendments to the list of the equipment employed by the wastewater treatment system. I n addition, the Division added a requirement to develop an Operation aid Maintenance Plat for the intake settlement pond. Please insert the enclosed corrected and amended sheets and discard the old sheets. This permit modification becomes effective on the effective date of the permit. No other changes have been made. This permit modification is issued pursuant to the requirements of North Carolina GenaJ Statute 143 215.1 and the Memorandum of Agreement between North Caolina and the U.S Environmental Protection Agency. Please take notice that this permit is not transferable. Part I I, E.4. addresses the requirements to be followed in case of change in ownership or control of this dischage. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact Saga Chernikov at the following e-mail addr • 9Srgei.chernikov( ncdenr.gov, or telephone number: 919-707-3606. S ncerely, DocuSigned by: VbiAl(.A.S (i V ow4,t t. deE'.ARbgers, Jr., Director Division of Water Resouro cc: Central File: NPDESFila Fayetteville Regional Office'Water Quality WSS'Aquetit;Tuxiwluyy UI lit (e-wpy) EPA Region IV (e-copy) D E _- North Cao net Dery ar ent of EnvironnrntA o uality I Division d Wata Resources 512NorthSalistwrySlreet 1611MaIServiceCerder I R�eigh,NorthCarolina27699-1611 919.707.9000 Chemours 002 NC0089915 SUPPLEMENT TO PERMIT COVER SHEET The exclusive authority to operate and discharge from this facility arises under the permit conditions, requirements,terms, and provisions included herein. The Chemours Company FC,LLC is hereby authorized to: 1. Operate a 1.58 MGD wastewater treatment facilities consisting of: • dual lift station pumps to WWTP(Oxidation Tanks)or to the settling pond • intake settling pond(used as required for solids settlement) • two influent oxidation tanks,coagulation, and pH adjustment tank; • three booster pumps; • three ultrafiltration units; • OF filtrate tank and conical settling tank • two trains of three granular activated carbon(GAC)adsorption units; • polymer make down/injection system; • in-line mixer and thickener unit; • centrifuge skid; • return filtrate pump; 2. Discharge treated surface water, treated filter backwash, stormwater, and groundwater, including groundwater from the existing Black Creek Aquifer monitoring wells, through Outfall 003 at the location specified on the attached map into the Cape Fear River,a class WS-IV water in the Cape Fear River Basin; Permit NC0089915 is no longer technically feasible. However, notwithstanding any such revision, Chemours shall continue to operate the Treatment System at optimal efficiency. 5. Chronic Toxicity (Ceriodaphnia) P/F @ 12.5%; quarterly during February, May, August, November; see condition A.(2.)of this permit. 6. Sufficiently sensitive test methods shall be used to analyze for Silver.The Division shall consider all effluent Silver values reported below the PQL to be in compliance with the Monthly Average Silver limit.As of the effective date of this permit,DWR recommends a target PQL of 1.0 µg/L for Silver. 7. After 12 months of sampling the facility can apply for a reduction in sampling if all the sampling results demonstrate concentrations below detection levels. The facility shall be employing the sufficiently sensitive test methods. 8. The permittee shall sample instream hardness upstream of the facility's discharge. The sample shall be representative of the hardness in the stream.If the permittee is a member of the Monitoring Coalition Program, sampling for instream hardness may be waived as long as the Monitoring Coalition agrees to sample hardness at the nearest upstream location,at a minimum frequency of quarterly,and the permittee has obtained approval from DWR-NPDES Permitting Unit that the upstream station being monitored by the coalition is representative of the receiving stream for this discharge. The permittee is responsible for submitting instream hardness test results with its DMRs as results are received from the coalition. If coalition membership is cancelled or the Monitoring Coalition terminates instream hardness sampling at the approved station, the permittee will immediately notify the Division and resume sampling for instream hardness, upstream of its discharge, as required in Section A. (1.). THERE SHALL BE NO DISCHARGE OF FLOATING SOLIDS OR VISIBLE FOAM IN OTHER THAN TRACE AMOUNTS. The facility shall develop a Dam (collection system) Operation and Maintenance Plan (Plan) to ensure maximum dry weather flow(—610 gpm)in the channel is consistently captured and treated. Similar efforts shall be applied at the sumps/dams or other devices that will be used to capture water from the seeps. The Plan shall be provided to the DEQ no later than October 18, 2020 for review and approval. Upon approval,the Plan becomes an integral part of the permit. The facility shall also develop an intake settling pond Operation and Maintenance Plan (Plan) to ensure efficient operation of the treatment system and disposal of solids. The Plan shall be provided to the DEQ no later than July 1,2023 for review and approval. Upon approval, the Plan becomes an integral part of the permit. The facility shall complete and submit EPA Form 2C for this Outfall no later than March 30,2021. From time-to-time the Middle Cape Fear River has experienced flooding conditions which are documented to cause a significant increase in water levels below Lock and Dam #3, consistent with the location of proposed Outfall 003. During these events a backwater condition propagates upstream in the"Old Outfall 002 Stream". Historical observation indicates that the Old Outfall 002 Stream levels can rise significantly(consistent with the flooded Cape Fear River levels)and would be expected, at times,to be equal to or significantly greater than the invert elevation of the treatment system intake dam and associated pumping system. During these flooded backwater conditions elevated sediment load and reduced flow velocity gradients are expected to cause significant sediment deposition within the collection dam and pumping structure. The sediment load may cause failure of the pumping and treatment system during the flooded backwater condition. Requirement for treatment shall be suspended during these force majeure flooding events and be allowed 48 hours after the backwater stream level falls below the invert of the intake collection dam to safely maintain the influent collection structure and re-initiate collection and treatment. The triggering Cape Fear River flood elevations; event documentation and notification requirements; and procedure for treatment cessation and safe restart shall be included in the approved Dam Operation and Maintenance Plan.Whenever treatment is suspended under this condition,the permittee shall document the flooding in the DMR for that month including the time of flooding above the intake,when the water recedes below the intake invert,and time that treatment resumes. Page 5 of 12