HomeMy WebLinkAbout20220392 Ver 2_20220392 Ver 2__20220817_20220816Baker, Caroline D From: Cohn, Colleen M Sent: Friday, May 20, 2022 1:02 PM To: Lisa Long; Phillips, George L CIV USARMY CESAW (USA) Cc: Ward Marotti; Alex Hornaday Subject: RE: [External] RE: Retreat at Friendship / Heelan / Apex / Wake County / SAW-2020-01098 / Request for Additional Information Good morning, I am beginning my review of the above referenced project, and some additional information is required: 1) According to the response below (May 12, 2022) to the USACE's April 12t" request for additional information, rip -rap dissipator pads at Impacts A, D, and H, should have been updated as permanent no -loss impacts in both the impact maps and the impact table included. However, Impacts A and D still shows the rip rap dissipator pads as part of the "Temporary Stream 'No Loss' Impact" on both the maps and the impact table. Impact H maps still labels the rip rap as "Temporary Stream 'No Loss' Impact" but the impact map appears to have been updated to include the rip rap as a permanent -no loss impact. Please revise the plans and impact table to show the embedded rip rap as permanent impacts. [15A NCAC 02H .0502(c)] 2) For Item 2 of the below response, your response states " (note: this feature was determined by NCDWR to NOT have at least intermittent hydrology and, as a result, it is NOT subject to the Jordan Lake Buffer Rules)". The Town of Apex completed the Buffer Determination for this project, not NCDWR. Did you mean the Town of Apex? If NCDWR determined that the feature did not have at least intermittent hydrology, please provide additional details. [15A NCAC 02H .0502(c)] 3) As addressed by the USACE, it is unclear if the impacts at W13 (and the stream feature shown with W15 on the maps included with the JD, and the two wetlands crossings for Horton Ridge Blvd south of SCM#6) were previously permitted. Could you please indicate these features, the amount of impact, and what SAW & DWR numbers/project IDs the impacts are permitted under on the site maps for clarity and ease of reference? [15A NCAC 02H .0502(c)] 4) Please provide additional details on the "Proposed Mitigation Area" labeled on the site map near Impact Area B. [15A NCAC 02H .0502(c)] Thanks, Colleen Cohn Environmental Specialist II North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Division of Water Resources Raleigh Regional Office 3800 Barrett Drive Raleigh, NC 276og Office: 919-791-4258 E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Lisa Long <lisa@spanglerenvironmental.com> Sent: Wednesday, May 11, 2022 3:45 PM To: Phillips, George L CIV USARMY CESAW (USA) <George.L.PhiIli ps@usace.army.miI> Cc: Cohn, Colleen M <colleen.cohn@ncdenr.gov>; Ward Marotti <ward@spanglerenvironmental.com>; Alex Hornaday <aIex@spanglerenvironmentaI.com> Subject: [External] RE: Retreat at Friendship / HeeIan/ Apex / Wake County / SAW-2020-01098 / Request for Additional Information CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to Report Spam. Hi Lyle, Please see attached updated PCN, and below response to comments. 1) Based on the application the project proposes to discharge fill material at Impact Area C. The need residential development is not disputed; however, you have not demonstrated avoidance and minimization to the maximum extent practicable as required by NWP General Conditions 23(a) and (b). For example, given the scale of the site (455 residential lots), it appears that impacts at Impact Area C for lot fill could be avoided or minimized while still achieving the project purpose. Please redesign to avoid or minimize to the maximum extent practicable or provide additional information to justify the proposed fill. Alternatives to the proposed design in this area were considered (i.e. elimination of the adjacent lots that resulted in total resource loss and "stubbing" of the road(s) at the crossing). Continuity of the road at this location is necessary for both traffic connectivity and public safety. As a result, this alternative was removed from consideration. It was determined that elimination of some or all of the lots north of the required crossing would negatively impact this feature's hydrology, which would result in significant functional loss, if not complete impact. To document/quantify this, SEI completed two iterations of the North Carolina Wetland Assessment Method (WAM; attached). The wetland feature rated medium, based on its existing condition. By revising the design (conceptually) to avoid fill of this feature, except as necessary for the road, the quality of the wetland changed from medium to low, due to anticipated changes to hydrologic connectivity, a drastically reduced/eliminated buffer area, and significant adjacent land use changes. Based on the proposed design, the loss of the feature's upslope function is accounted for (i.e. included as an impact) and, as a result, a 2:1 mitigation:impact ratio is proposed to offset it (i.e. purchase of mitigation credits within a highly functioning mitigation site protected in perpetuity under a conservation easement). Please see the attached WAM forms referenced above: one representing existing conditions (medium rating) and the other considering avoidance of direct impacts to it (i.e. fill: low rating). 2) Based on the application the project proposes to discharge fill material at Impact Area F. The need residential development is not disputed; however, you have not demonstrated avoidance and minimization to the maximum extent practicable as required by NWP General Conditions 23(a) and (b). For example, given the scale of the site (455 residential lots), it appears that impacts at Impact Area F for lot fill could be avoided or minimized while still achieving the project purpose. Please redesign to avoid or minimize to the maximum extent practicable or provide additional information to justify the proposed fill. Avoidance of direct impacts (i.e. fill) within this area were considered. In order to determine the resultant impacts to stream function, if any, SEI completed a North Carolina Stream Assessment Method (SAM) evaluation for this feature, for both existing and anticipated post -construction conditions. The results documented that, under existing conditions, the stream is of medium functional quality. By avoiding impacts to this feature but proceeding with development of the adjacent areas (note: this feature was determined by NCDWR to NOT have at least intermittent hydrology and, as a result, it is NOT subject to the Jordan Lake Buffer Rules) the feature's quality is rated as low, due to anticipated streamside impacts such as conversion to maintained lawn, drastically reduced buffer area, and anticipated increases of water quality stressors. Under the proposed design, the loss of function of the feature's upstream portions are accounted for and offset, using a 2:1 mitigation:impact ratio (i.e. purchase of mitigation credits within a highly functioning mitigation site protected in perpetuity under a conservation easement). Please see the attached SAM forms referenced above: one representing existing conditions (medium rating) and the other considering avoidance of direct impacts to it (i.e. fill: low rating). 3) Generally speaking, elevated boardwalk pilings are evaluated as structures and not a discharge of fill material. Based on the spacing of the pilings it appears that the proposed activities at Impact Area G does not result in a permanent discharge of fill material. However, typically boardwalks within forested wetlands are viewed as permanent conversion impacts because of a partial loss of function through conversion of forested wetlands to herbaceous wetlands. Conversion impacts would consists of areas that forested wetlands are converted and maintained as herbaceous wetlands through maintenance in perpetuity. Please update the PCN impact table, plans and compensatory mitigation plan to account for permanent wetland convers. Typically a 1:1 ratio compensatory mitigation ratio is required to ensure minimal adverse effects. Please see updated site plans included in the attached, updated PCN. 4) Based on the application the proposed activities will result in a loss of 0.026 acre of streambed and 0.4201 acres of wetlands. Per General Condition 23 and Regional Condition 7 a compensatory mitigation plan is required. Typically, compensatory mitigation is required at a 2:1 credit to impact ratio unless otherwise justified based on evaluation of aquatic function (NCSAM and NCWAM). Please provide a compensatory mitigation plan to include a proposed mitigation ratio and ILF letter and/or SOA. Please see SOAs included in the attached, updated PCN. 5) Note: the proposed activities that consists of installation of riprap within streambed is viewed as a permanent impact because fille will be permanently placed within the streambed. As proposed (embedded to match preexisting elevations/contours) are typically viewed as permanent impacts that do not result in a total loss of feature and therefore typically mitigation is not required. It appears that riprap will be installed downstream at Impact Areas A, D and H. Please see updated site plans included in the attached, updated PCN. 6) Based on review of the proposed plans (Retreat at Friendship) and review of the previously authorized impacts for the construction of Horton Ridge Blvd. it is unclear if additional wetland impacts are proposed at wetland "W13" depicted on the "Wetlands/Stream Map". It appears that impacts to a portion of W13 was authorized, however, it is unclear if additional impacts are occurring for lot construction. Based on the JD "W13" was approximately 0.13 acres in size and only 0.09 acres of fill was authorized. If fill is proposed within "W13" for proposed lot fill then a redesign to avoid and minimize to the maximum extent practicable or additional information is required to justify the proposed fill (see comment 1 and 2 above). The acreage calculations within the JD were based on preliminary GPS data, while the quantities in the plans are based on formal survey data. The latter is more accurate. The Horton Ridge Blvd. application covered 3,996 SF, which is the entire area of feature W13. Therefore, impacts to the areas depicted currently under lot development have already been permitted. The feature is shown as an existing condition because the Horton Ridge impact has not yet been completed. Best, Lisa Long Environmental Scientist Raleigh • Charlotte • Charleston • Tampa 866-772-6453 919-689-5283 spanglerenvironmental.com lisa(a�spanglerenvironmental.com 4338 Bland Rd., Raleigh, NC 27609 in I G f Any email message sent by any employee of Spangler Environmental is intended only for the identified recipient. It (and any attachment) is strictly confidential and may contain attorney -privileged work product. If you have obtained an email by error or you are not the identified recipient, please notify the sender by calling toll free 1-866-772-6453, then delete the email (and any attachment) from your system. Use of the email (or any attachment) by any person other than the identified recipient is strictly prohibited. From: Phillips, George L CIV USARMY CESAW (USA) <George.L.Phillips@usace.army.mil> Sent: Tuesday, April 12, 2022 4:04 PM To: Lisa Long<lisa@spanglerenvironmental.com> Cc: Cohn, Colleen M <colleen.cohn@ncdenr.gov> Subject: Retreat at Friendship / Heelan / Apex / Wake County / SAW-2020-01098 / Request for Additional Information Ms. Long, I have reviewed the above referenced project and need the following comments/questions addressed to evaluate the proposed activities. 1) Based on the application the project proposes to discharge fill material at Impact Area C. The need residential development is not disputed; however, you have not demonstrated avoidance and minimization to the maximum extent practicable as required by NWP General Conditions 23(a) and (b). For example, given the scale of the site (455 residential lots), it appears that impacts at Impact Area C for lot fill could be avoided or minimized while still achieving the project purpose. Please redesign to avoid or minimize to the maximum extent practicable or provide additional information to justify the proposed fill. 2) Based on the application the project proposes to discharge fill material at Impact Area F. The need residential development is not disputed; however, you have not demonstrated avoidance and minimization to the maximum extent practicable as required by NWP General Conditions 23(a) and (b). For example, given the scale of the site (455 residential lots), it appears that impacts at Impact Area F for lot fill could be avoided or minimized while still achieving the project purpose. Please redesign to avoid or minimize to the maximum extent practicable or provide additional information to justify the proposed fill. 3) Generally speaking, elevated boardwalk pilings are evaluated as structures and not a discharge of fill material. Based on the spacing of the pilings it appears that the proposed activities at Impact Area G does not result in a permanent discharge of fill material. However, typically boardwalks within forested wetlands are viewed as permanent conversion impacts because of a partial loss of function through conversion of forested wetlands to herbaceous wetlands. Conversion impacts would consists of areas that forested wetlands are converted and maintained as herbaceous wetlands through maintenance in perpetuity. Please update the PCN impact table, plans and compensatory mitigation plan to account for permanent wetland convers. Typically a 1:1 ratio compensatory mitigation ratio is required to ensure minimal adverse effects. 4) Based on the application the proposed activities will result in a loss of 0.026 acre of streambed and 0.4201 acres of wetlands. Per General Condition 23 and Regional Condition 7 a compensatory mitigation plan is required. Typically, compensatory mitigation is required at a 2:1 credit to impact ratio unless otherwise justified based on evaluation of aquatic function (NCSAM and NCWAM). Please provide a compensatory mitigation plan to include a proposed mitigation ratio and ILF letter and/or SOA. 5) Note: the proposed activities that consists of installation of riprap within streambed is viewed as a permanent impacts because fille will be permanently placed within the streambed. As proposed (embedded to match preexisting elevations/contours) are typically viewed as permanent impacts that do not result in a total loss of feature and therefore typically mitigation is not required. It appears that riprap will be installed downstream at Impact Areas A, D and H. 6) Based on review of the proposed plans (Retreat at Friendship) and review of the previously authorized impacts for the construction of Horton Ridge Blvd. it is unclear if additional wetland impacts are proposed at wetland "W13" depicted on the "Wetlands/Stream Map". It appears that impacts to a portion of W13 was authorized, however, it is unclear if additional impacts are occurring for lot construction. Based on the JD "W13" was approximately 0.13 acres in size and only 0.09 acres of fill was authorized. If fill is proposed within "W13" for proposed lot fill then a redesign to avoid and minimize to the maximum extent practicable or additional information is required to justify the proposed fill (see comment 1 and 2 above). Please submit the above information within 30 days of receipt of this Notification or we may consider your application withdrawn and close the file. Please email (George.L.Phillips@usace.army.mil) me if you have any questions. Lyle Phillips Regulatory Specialist US Army Corps of Engineers CE-SAW-RG-R 3331 Heritage Trade Drive, Suite 105 Wake Forest, North Carolina 27587 Phone: (919) 554-4884, Ext. 25. Fax: (919) 562-0421 Email: George. L.Phil lips@usace.army.miI We would appreciate your feedback on how we are performing our duties. Our automated Customer Service Survey is located at https://regulatory.ops.usace.army.mil/customer-service-survey/ . Thank you for taking the time to visit this site and complete the survey.