HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2022-10820_Well Construction - GW1_20221209 i WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD(GW-1) For Intemal Use only ' - I L Well Contractor Information: Cameron Bazin Ia:wAZERzoNss'.. :: :;:r ":' ••.: ,. :. ...:,,...: FROM TO DESCRIPTION I Well ContraotorNarrc & ft i 4518-A % NC Well ContractorCertifiwtionNumber is;OUTER. rormniti-cased- ORLUMrifa tic+tile°_ .• Aqua Drill,Inc. FROM To Dr, mR Tm MAT>rtrtL p ft 4].O ft to L,. �- CompanyNarne v A 16.INNER'CASING'ORTIIBING' eothermnitWed-!d'o 2 . O • �r l _9'a FROM TO DIAMETER TMCHMS MATERIAL 2.Well Construction Permit#: ft ft to. List all applicable ita constructionpermits fr•e VIC,County.Stare,Variance eta,) g, 1n. 3.Well Use(checkwell use): Ms REEK':' Water Supply Well: Mom To alAltrsl in sI orslzs THIcxATFss 1tAT1iR1AL Agricultural 10unicipal/Public & fh ra Geothermal(Hesting/Cooling Supply) dentlal Water Supply(single) R ft. 1rr lndustrial!Cornmercial dential Water Supply(shared) M GROUT- FROM TO. MATERLit,.l� 6hIPirtCBM>:t�•�MbTHOD&AMOiJN'r' __Irri ation ft. Non-Water Supply Well: Monitoring ORecovery IL Injection Welft ft ft Aquifer Recharge DGroundwaterRemediation 11SAND/GI2AVELPAGK da liable .. Aquifer Storage andRecovery 08alinityBarrier FROM To nanTSRrA Eaol�etcEalENrMernoD Aquifer Test I)StomnvatcrDrainage Experimental Technology DSubsidence Control % R Geothermal(Closed Loop) ®lTmcer 20.DPILTTwGLOG attarhadditionalsbeetsifnc FROM TO DESCRn'T10N color bmdueM soiUmek e. irr sat.cle, lecotilarmal(Heating(Cooling Rd=) 0ther(explaiaunder#21Remarks) O ft. p 4.Date'Well(s)Completed: ((LV Well M 2 So.Well Location: ft ft Farnity/Owner Name �u FacilitylM fepplicable) 00 ft. 1t' G l.�itfa.�'G -114. .— M tL ft Physical Address,Ctity,and Zip i l 2L REMARKS County Parcel Identification No.(PIN) c Sv saErfie3s^. in rtJ?. Sb.Latitude and longitude in degreeelminuteslseconds or decimal degrees: ` (ifwell field,one ladlono is sufficient) Ck 22.Certification: W Signature afCe edwellcontractor Date 6.Is(are)the Ivel)(s) ermanent or 1OTemporary (were)constructed in accordance signing this'fomr,l herek'certify thal.the 1ve11(s)was 7.Is this a repair to an existing well: QYcs or ffNo ivWL 15A NCAC 02C.0100 or 15.4 MAC 02C.0200 i7eII Consurruloa Standards aid that a Ifthis is a repaa•;fdl oat imonn=11 construction infonnatipfi and explain die nature ofthe eoM ofthis record has been pravtded to the well miner. I repair under n21 remads section oron the backofdiFsfmm. 23.Site diagram or additionalwell detalls: You may use the back of this page to provide additional well site details or well S.For Geoprobe/DPT or Closed-Loop Geothermal Wells having the same construction details.You may also attach additionalpages if necessary. construction,only 1 GW-1 is needed. Indicate TOTALNUMBER ofwells I. drilled: SUBMITTAL INSTRUCTIONS 9.Total well depth below land surface: 2&7e (ft-) 24a.For All Wells: Submit this ftdn within 30 days of completion of well Farmuddple wells Ilst a71 depths ifdifferort(example 3Cg200'oad2Q10D) construction to the following 10.Static water level below top of casing: lid (ft.) Division of Water Resources,Information Processing Unit, Tivaterlevel is abave casing use +" 1617 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27091617 1 11.Borehole diameter.,�_Ca) 24b.For Infection Wells: In addition to striding the form to the address in 24a above,also submit one copy of this foaa within 30 days of completion of well 12.Well construction method: ro VAconsttuctionto the following: (i.e.auger.rorniN cable,diractpush,etc.) Division of Water Resources,Underground Injection Control Program, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: ff 1636 Mall Service Center,Raleigh,NC 276994636 13a.Yield(gpm) 10Method of toss: 7>} 24c.For Water Supply-Al Iniecti�n Wells: In addition to sending the form to the address(es) above, also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of 13b.Disinfection type: Amount: Ud completion of well construction toithe county health department of the county where eonsttucted_ Form GW-1 North Carolina Department ofEavironmental Quality-Division of WatarResoutces j Revised 2-22 2016 i GUILFORD COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH Division of Environmental Health,Water Quality Unit 400 W.Market St., Suite 300, Greensboro,NC 274011 Record of Construction, Repair® ®r AbandonMent of a Well Address of Well: 79 l� t^r� ti G InfAve, L TUDE Well Permit Number: 2 "O 0.2mic LONGITUDE ?t-T.(90- Well Contractor Company: Ao_&A oral Completion Date: Total Well Depth: 21s ft. Well Yield: to gpm Static Water Level: Yo ft. Outer Casing Material: (?YG Formation Log Casing Diameter: �_in. Casing Depth: f2w ft. Depth ! Description From: O ft.To: hnaeir Coming Material: From:-IL-P ft.To:915 _ft. g=& Casing Diameter: in. Casing Depth: ft. From: ft.To: ft. From: ft.To: ft. Grout From: ft. To: ft. Depth Material Method From: ft.To: ft. From: fL To: ft. From: ft.To: ft. From: ft.To: ft. From: ft.To: ft. From: ft.To: ft. From: ft.To: ft. i Water Production Zones Depth: ft. ft. ft ft. ft. fe. ft Yield: to gpm gpm gpm gpm gpm 1' gPm -,gpm Method of Repair: Method of Abandonment: I hereby certify that this well was constructed, repaired,or abandoned according to the Guilford County Well Rules in effect on this date and that a copy of this record has been provided to the well owner. Well Contractor: Y Certification#: y11e%6 Date:�%2�/-�Z.- Record of Pump Installation Pump Installation Company: Pv Completion Date: I Pump Depth: ft. Static Water Level: `4 D ft. PumpVQWK.5e- `�'61'�-SQ�-J�QS� � / Brand: � � Pump Size and Rating: � 1l� hp C) gpm I I hereby certify that this pump was installed and wellhead completed according to the Guilford County Well Rules in effect on tb' tea d that a copy of is record has been provided to the well owner. Well Contractor: Certification " Date: ZZ Revised:January 1,2009