HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2022-10807_Well Construction - GW1_20221209 ••: ••l?riat�F WELL CONSTRUCTIONNRECORDVV-1) For Internal Use Ottly.' 1.Well Contractor Information: ll d i Russell Taylor 1 14.WAT&BZONES I ! FROM I To i I I, DESCRI 011 Well contracm Nome i fL ` 1105- f7O 2187-A 1 ft. l fj KC Well Coatnctor Cardlic etion Number I If.OUTER CASMG or multi sued wd b ORLUM ar to Hedden Brothers Well Drilling, Inc FR0*M ITL! 1 h DIAMETER TMCK.YE55 NATMIAL Company Name 116.LVNER CA51NG OR TUBING canal dosed-loo 2.Well Construction Permit#:glb 17- g048-9- laa61 FROM TO 1 1 DrA..mm TMCCMS atATBAtAL Un dll apptleable aril tonSo%Mdon permits(t.r-UIC,Cermty,State;variance,etc) ft. 6 I ft W In, . , -re e-L 3.Wa Use(cheek well rise): �17. I ; ft. 'n' r Water Su Wells FROM ' I Supply FROM To I ' DiAhtE1ER SLOTStZE Tfi1CKi1'ESS hiATERLIL Apiculturdl �MtuticipaUPtsbtic ft, n- Gtaathwmal(Heating/Cooling Supply) oResidential Water Supply(single) fc. i ft im IndustriallCommercial � es(deatiai Water Supply(shared) M GROUT Irri lion FROM To i SPATE L E,1iFL1CF1tE\TsmmoD&A tOG,r Tlon-Water Supply Well, ft. 201 fL I o s pumped Monitoring Recovery ft. Et. afectiom well: ft I ft AquifcrRccIwgc E2GtouadvratcrRcmediation 19•SluYD/C,_RAVELPACK i[a Geable) Storage and Recovery cisaiiniry Barrier FRCI:f TO I arATERLLL VNIPWCh1l:\T]tETHOD Aquifer Test MStotawaterDrainage ft. l ( fG FaaperimeataI Technolory Subsidence Control fr. I 1 n t Geothermal(Closed Loop) C-Tracer 20.I)RILLLIGLOG attacbaddittand sheets if Geothermal catia Coolie Return) Other(explain under t=21 Retaatis) FRoat To I neseRtntta�teeton toedo ntrec6 suss eoei I lag) e 19� ;�, GaySsand 4.Date Wells)Completed:�T 'Ala ID Sa.Well Location: ... -t! m . Ih e - Fadl cr'Natae Facility M9(ifapplicable) fr.I R• sul Racxdwe. R . physical Addtess.MW.and Zip n 1 f[. 1 ( ft. In`^c- ?1^� i�Ei•r'x tF's�(![t! S caum '7l01l' r7—511 ! �21.REMARISS t pCuSoe� t i County Parcel Ideatificatian No.(PIN) I I. 5b.Latitude and Iongitude in degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees: [if Waa @eld.one 140gag is sutficicat) 22.Certification: 35 o aa-ik9 N 0S30 17.8)9 W JO Sigtratutc afCecnfi Weil Caetrruor Dow 6.is(are)the wells) Pertnaaent or Temporary ! ay sigrriag tf:is fo�!hereby certify drat . +.rll(s/+ros(iverr)eaarrnrued rR aaoardar 7.Is this a repair to an existing welt: Dyes orP-112P No HTdr!Sd A, 02G.0100 or ISd YG4C oleo200 ii'rl1 Caastractloa StarldardS dad du !f this it a rapair,fdl out kaoxtr.vrlf epastruuloa iaformatiaelair.nce aatur ojrite copy of this record liar been provided to the tall ottaer repairrmdiril!prmanir"W on open the backofrlusfaM- — 23.Site diagra.9 or additional well details: 8. iron may use the back of this page to provide additional Well site details or N For Geoprabel33PT or Closed-Loop Geotbet maI Wells having the same construction deiatls.'You may also atach additional gages if necessary. nv consetion,only I GW-1 is needed. Indi=0 TOTAL NTMIBER ofnells I drilled: I SUBMI MAIAVSTRUCTIOi\S 9.Total well depth below land surface: 50O A) 24a. For All t4eIIs: Submit this form within 3D days of completion Of v Forawiliplrttrlislistalldeptlalfd{fjrtetrl(aamplr-3QI00'aad2Ql00') construction to the following �nt I ! 10.Static water laver below top of casing: V (ft) Divbsian of Nt ater Resources,Information Processing Unit, Ifivaier/owlir above easbrg,use`-' Ib17 Slag Service Center,Raleigh,NC 1769 9-1 61 7 11.Borehole diameter- (ta) 24b.For In action R' W- In addition to sending the form to the address in. till 1p ,.gam above,also n sultFa t one copy of this form Within 30 days of completion of c Weil constraetiod method:_ j(e constructio to the follo 12. wing: a-—gar,rotary,cable.Qvct push,etc) I t Division o terResources,Underground Injection Control Program FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS MgLY: 1 36' 11 Service Center,Raleigh.NC 2 7699-1 63 6 13a.Yield(gpm) `J Nlathed of test: 34c For 1Vate�S looh•&Iaiection Welts: 1n addition m sending the fort r the address(cs)i above, also submit one copy of this form within 30 day., I3b.Disinfection type: 3maunt canpledon of we&construction to the county health department of%be cot tdeere eisnsnvet:d lI I Fotin Gllr-1 North Carolina Depam ent of Emronm:n l Q:19ry-Div,A of%Vatcr Rcsoa=s Rued 2"1=-: i _ i _